IET DAVV 2012 May
IET DAVV 2012 May
IET DAVV 2012 May
Ql(a) What is production system? What are the various classes of production systems? Explain their 10
(b) For each of the following types of problems, mention the problem characteristics and describe 10
a good heuristic function
(i) Blocks world (ii) Theorem proving
(iii) Missionaries and cannibals (iv) Monkey and bananas.
(c) Define AI Technique. Formulate the production rule and draw the state space for water-jug 10
problem. Given two jugs of 4 litres and 3 litres. Both the jugs are not having any measuring
marks on them. A pump can be used to fill up the jugs. How can you get two litres of water
into 4 litres jug.
Q2(a) Explain the different approaches of the knowledge representation. Distinguish between 10
inheritable knowledge and inferential knowledge.
(b) What is clause? What is Horn clause? 10
Convert the following in predicate notation:-
(1) There is unique capital of a country.
(2) All all-rounders are good batsmen.
(c) Explain with example Branch and bound technique to find the shortest path between source 10
and destination. Mention each step clearly.
Q3 (a) What are the steps for designing of a fuzzy control system? Suggest a design for a brake 10
system of a car on the inputs, outputs, fuzzy sets and rules.
(b) (1) Give the relative advantages and disadvantages of expert system based on decision tree 10
over an expert system based on production rule.
(2) Draw the block diagram of a fuzzy control system with each unit defined precisely.
(c) (1) Consider a statement "comfortable temperature." Assume the universe of discourse, in 10
degree Celsius, to be {-20,-10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50}. Give the fuzzy set to describe the
(i) From a polar bear's point of view
(ii) From a camel's point of view
(iii)From your point of view.
(2) Describe Modus ponens, chain and inference rules with suitable example.
Q4 (a) Express the following sentences as conceptual dependency structure,
(i) Bill is a programmer,
(ii) Sam gave Mary a box of candy,
(ii) John begged Mary for a pencil.
(b) Explain the alpha-beta pruning search procedure. In this procedure which nodes would not 10
need to be examined? Explain with example.
(c) Construct a script for going to a movie from the viewpoint of the movie goer. With four 10
scenes and sequences of events in the each scene.
Q5(a) What are the problems in natural language understanding? Give all steps involved in the 10
natural language processing.
(b) (1) Explain the terms-heuristics, nonalgorithm, symbolic computation, static evaluation 10
(2) What are the domains of Artificial intelligence? Explain.
(c) Write short note on neural network. Give a simple mathematical model for neuron. 10
IV B. E. Examination April - May' 2012
Computer Engineering
4CO203 Object Oriented Design
Duration: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 100
Minimum Pass Marks: 35
\: Every question has three parts (a),(b),(c). Attempt any two from the three parts for each
Q. 1 (a) What are the phases and disciplines of the Unified Process? Draw and 10
explain with help of a diagram.
(b) Define workflow, milestones, work products, artifacts and roles 10
(c) Define inheritance, abstraction. How is inheritance a type of abstraction? 10
Q. 2 (a) What is analysis? What are the different methods for performing object 10
oriented analysis?
(b) Differentiate between analysis and design? 10
(c) What are the shortcomings of use case diagram? 10
Q. 3 (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of a data centric approach? 10
(b) How does candidate architecture help in planning and working of a software 10
(c) What is meant by analysis mechanism for architecture? List different types 10
of analysis mechanisms?
Q. 5 (a) List the different kinds of relationship present in a use case diagram? 10
(b) Write a scenario for taking admission in a course. Draw the notations for a 10
class diagram, object diagram, mention multiplicities and links among the
(c) Define concurrency? Write an example to explain the concept? 10
Q.I (a) Compare the characteristics of wireless and fixed networks on: (10)
(a) Bandwidth availability (b) Security (c) Noise immunity and (d)
(b) What is spread spectrum? Draw FHSS signal for the frequency usage (10)
pattern in various time slots given as
(fl,i2,O,f4,tM6rf7,f8) -* (3,6,4,5,7,2,1,8)
(c) Describe MACA protocol with the help of finite automata and show (10)
how it eliminates hidden and exposed terminal problem?
Q2 (a) Define hidden and exposed terminal problem. How MACA protocol (10)
overcomes the problem of hidden and exposed terminal ?
(b) Describe the GSM system architecture and its TDMA and FDMA (10)
frame structure.
(c) What security issues addressed in GSM? Explain. (10)
Q.3 (a) What three inter frame spacing intervals defmed?Defme DFWMAC- (10)
DCF protocol with CTS/RTS extension .
(b) Explain the DSSS frame structure of IEEE 802.11 and provision for (10)
different data transfer speeds.
(c) Show the IEEE 802.11 MAC frame format explaining the provision of (10)
interpretation of MAC addresses, power management, security and
Q.4 (a) Explain the mobile IP architecture and one encapsulation technique to (10)
support mobility in IP protocol?
(b) Compare the merits and demerits of I- TCP and snooping TCP (10)
(c) Describe the following (10)
(i) M1DP
(ii) CLDC
(iii) CDC
(iv) Manifest file
Q.5 (a) How is location management done using HLR,VER and EIR? (10)
(b) How are mobile databases used in message flow of mobile originated (10)
call establishment process?
(c) How are different types of queries processed in mobile databases. (10)
\: 3 hrs. \x Marks: 100
Min Pass Marks: 35
Note: Every UNIT has one question having three parts (a), (b) and (c).
Attempt any two parts from every question. AH question carry equal marks.
1 a. Define Machine Learning? What are the applications of machine 10
b(i). What is market basket analysis? How is it used? 05
(ii). How can say man is better than machine? 05
(c). Write down the Candidate elimination-learning algorithm. Consider the 10
following sequence of positive and negative training examples
describing the concept "Japanese Economy Car." Each training example
describes an order of car, with each car described by their Country of
origin, Manufacturer (Honda Toyota, Chrysler), Color (Blue, Green ,Red
, White), Decade, and Type(Economy, Sports).
Note: Attempt all the questions. Attempt any two parts of each question. AH parts of
question must be solved at one place. Assume suitable data if necessary.
Ql (a) Explain the architecture of Data Warehouse with the help of diagram. 10
(b) Differentiate the following with an example. 10
( i } Snowllake schema, fact constellation, starnet query model.
(ii) OLTP & OLAP
(c) Differentiate the following with an. example. 10
(i) Supervised learning and unsupervised learning.
(ii) Classification and Clustering.
Q2 (a) Define the following: 10
i) Data Mart ii) Data cleaning techniques,
(h) Wha?: is the concept hierarchy? Explain the architecture of Data mining with 10
the hdp of diagram,
(c) Explain the various types of Data Mining Primitive? Write the syntax for 10
Task-Relevant Data Mining primitive.
Q3 (a) A database has four transactions. 10
T1D item brought
T100 K, A, D, B
T200 D, A, C, E, B
T300 C, A, B, E
T400 B, A, D
i ) Find all frequent item sets using FP-growth
ii) List ail the strong rule for minimum support and confidence is 20% and
(b) What is clustering? What are the different types of cluster? Give example. 10
(c) Explain Different type of association rule mining techniques. Explain any one 10
with example.
Q4 (a) Justiiy "Classification is a supervised way of learning". What are the popular 10
c 1 a ssi ficat i on techni que s?
(b) Explain rule based classification with example. 10
(c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Naive Bayes Algorithm as 10
compared to the C4.5 algorithm'.' Explain classification by backpropogation.
Q5 (a) What is Web mining? Explain the various categories of web mining. 10
(b) Explain the Process of Knowledge Discovery in Database. 10
(c) brief (Any Two) 10
i) Spatial mining
i i) S upport vector machine
iii) Support & Confidence
B.E. IV EXAMINATION April - May 2012
Computer Engineering
Duration: 3Hrs Max Marks: 100
\n Pass Marks: 35
;: Attempt any five questions. \I (a) What is a software process? List the sta
(b) Why is the software process called as software development life cycle? 5
(c) List the different domains of the software? How are requirements affected by 5
(d) What are the responsibilities of a software engineer? 5
Q. 2 (a) What are the qualities of the good software requirements? Explain two such 5
(b) What are the metrics for software performance? Explain two such software 5
(c) What are the sub-characteristics for dependability? Explain each in brief? 5
(d) What is a critical system? What are the properties that make up the critical 5
0-6 (a) What are the advantages of the object oriented approach for software design? 5
(b) Define and give example for each classes, objects, relationships 5
(c) Explain abstraction and polymorphism 5
(d) Define methods, attributes and access specifiers. 5
Q7. (a) Define fat client and fat servers, give example of each. '5
(b) How does abstraction play a role in designing layers for the layered model 5
(c) Give an example of re-engineering and explain when it is important. 5
(d) What are the reasons for posting certain applications on the client and certain 5
applications on the server? Give an example for each.
IV B. E. Examination April-May'2012
Computer Engineering
4CO252: Enterprise Resource Planning
Duration: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 100
Minimum Pass Marks: 35
Note: Every question is having three parts (a), (b) and (c). Attempt any two parts from every
question. All questions carry equal marks. Any assumptions made answering the
questions should be stated.
Q. 1 (a) Define ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in your own words. Also, explain 10
role of stakeholders of ERP system.
(b) Explain following in short in view of Material Requirement Planning: 10
Economic Order Quantity, Period Order Quantity & Part Order Quantity
(c) Draw and explain architecture of generic ERP System. 10
Q. 2 (a) What are the limitations of ERP systems? How latest technologies facilitate in 10
overcoming these limitations?
(b) Only list various phases of BPR (Business Process Reengineering). Also, 10
explain, how an organization can put efforts to get maximum benefit of BPR?
(c) How security is critical in an ERP system? Explain importance of data security 10
in context of ERP System.
Q. 5 (a) Explain the special features of SAP that helps organizations to achieve 10
operational excellence and give competitive advantage.
(b) Why ERP system by ORACLE, considered as most comprehensive ERP 10
solution? Explain.
(c) Explain the impact of technology and social system on the development 10
process of ERP system.
BE IV Year Examination April-May 2012
Computer Engineering
4CO253: Network & Information Security
Duration: 3 Mrs. Max. Marks: 100
Min. Pass Marks: 35
(i) There are total FIVE questions. Each question carries three parts.
Attempt any TWO parts in each question,
(ii) All parts of the question must be done at same place.
/•*- 6
Ql. a) Explain the structure of an XML document. Explain the different development goals of XML
b) Differentiate between validating and non-validating parser.
c) Why is an XML declaration needed? Is the use of binary data permitted in a CDATA section?
Q2. a) What is DTD? Why do we use it? Explain the different components of DTD. How many
elements should you have in a DTD?
b) Draw XML tree for "Big Bazar" and also convert the tree to its corresponding code.
c) Explain the need/use ofentities in XML document. Describe all three types ofentities with the
help of an example. How can you put unparsed (non-XML) text in an external entity?
<Emp ld> E-002 </Emp_ld>
<Emp_Name> Amit </Emp_Name>
<Emp_E-mail> </Emp_E-matl>
Write a program using SAX to extract employee details from the above .xml file.
c) Compare DOM and SAX parsers for XML. Give respective advantages and disadvantages.
Q.I A) Determine the overall transfer function using block diagram reduction method whose block 10
diagram is given below:
B) Calculate the transfer function of electrical network shown below and compare the close loop 10
control system with open loop syslem.
"I i
Draw signal How graph for a given system and explain various terminology of signal flow graph 10
and then find out the overall transfer function using Mason's gain formula.
Q.2 A) The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control syslem is Ljiven by 10
Calculate various transient time response specification peak time, rise time, m a x i m u m peak
overshoot, settling time and damped frequency.
Determine the stability of the system using Routh Hurwitz criterion whose overall transfer 10
function is given below:
C(s) 2s + 5
R(s) (s - l)(s + 2)(s + I) 2
Also calculate how many poles lies in right hand side of the s-plane.
C) For a given unity feedback system determine the type of system , all error coefficients and steady
state error for ramp input with magnitude 5.
r( ^ 2Q(5 + 2)
^~~ s + 5)
Q.3 A) Draw the bode plot for a unity feedback control system 10
G(s) = - 10)
Find the gain margin, phase margin, gain crossover frequency and phase crossover frequency
B) Using Nyquist criterion investigate the closed loop stability of the system whose open loop transfer
function is
C) Construct the polar plot for given open loop transfer function: 10
s(s + l)(s + 2)
Q.4 A) The open loop-transfer ftmetio-n ef eontrafsyslem is afven by - ••
+ 4 . 9 + 13)
Sketch the root locus and determine break away points, angle of departure from complex poles and
the stability condition.
C) Find the value of K using magnitude condition If S-- -0.85 lies on the root locus of a system 10
Q.5 A) Find out the state space representation for given electrical network 10
B) Find the controllability and observabality of state space representation of a system is represented 10
-2 l u
o -3
the initial state is
find the resolvent matrix, state transition matrix and the solution of the given equation.
i-hiraiion: .'•> hrs Max Marks: 100
Min I J ass.Marks: 35
Note: Aik-mpt any two parts of each question. Alt subparts of a question must be answered at
one place in continuation. Make and state suitable assumption wherever required.
O.! {;;) Explain the term multimedia. What are the different components of multimedia? 10
(':>) \Vhai are the basic tools required in creation of multimedia presentation? Explain 10
any one hi detail.
{*.:) E x p l a i n w i t h example bow Shannon-Fano algorithm is applied to text compression? 10
vvh<it is the compression ratio?
(.>.?.(a) What are (he various types of Hie format in multimedia? Explain any two types file 10
format in multimedia.
(hi What is image compression? Draw a block diagram for JPEG encoder and explain 10
its working.
(c) Li si; and explain different color models used in images and videos. H)
O Wa) What, is MIDS eomx'pi? Explain various MIDI messages in detail. 10
(h) Draw neat schematic diagram for predictive encoder and decoder and explain its 10
working in detail.
(LJ What is compression? What are the different video compression techniques? 10
Explain any one in detail.
Q.4(ai What aric die most salient differences between ordinary TV and EIDTV? What vvus 10
(he main impetus for development of HDTV?
(iij Draw neat schematic diagram for encoder and decoder for H.261 and explain its 10
working in detail.
(c) What are the advantages of Adaptive Huffman coding compared to the original 10
11liftman coding algorithm?
O.5(a) Whai is RTF packet header? Explain each field of RTF packet header. 10
(bj What is ATM Cell Structure? Explain each field ATM Cells format and services. 10
(c) What is Meclia-on-Demand? Describe the general architecture of STB. 10
Note; Altempi; ail the questions. Attempt' any two parts of each question. AS! parts of
question must be soivecl at one place. Take the suitable assumption if necessary.
O2 (a) What is the purpose of requirement? What are the main artifacts of 10
Requirements? What is a supplementary specification and what does it
(b) What are analysis classes? Explain control class, boundary class and .10
entity class with appropriate notations & example.
(c) What is Rational Unified Process? What arc the four basic principles of 10
object orientation?
- o.
object can be a direct member of at most one group. Geometrical objects
include circles, ellipses, rectangles, lines and squares.
Q-l (a) What are the key principles of security? Explain each one in detail? 10
(b) Explain Play fair cipher in detail? Encrypt the sentence "Gold is hiding in tree
stump" using play fair cipher. Key is "Example". 10
(c) What is Mono alphabetic cipher? How it is different from Caesar cipher? How it
Can be cracked? Explain. 10
Q-2 (a) Explain the process of encryption and decryption in Cipher Block Chaining
(CBC) mode in detail? 10
(b) Explain the working of Deffie-Hellman key exchange in detail? 10
(c) Explain the process of Expansion permutation and S-Box Substitution in Data
Encryption Standard (DBS) in detail? 10
Q-3 (a) Explain the working of RSA algorithm in detail? Generate keys using p = 7, q =
11 using RSA algorithm? 10
(b) Explain the working of Digital envelope in detail? Explain the best of both
worlds achieved by this scheme? 10
(c) Explain Digital Certificate Creation steps in detail? 10
Q-4 (a) Explain the working of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in detail? 10
(b) Explain the working of Pretty Enhanced Mail (PEM) in detail? Also explain the
concept of Base-64 encoding? 10
(c) Explain the working of Kerberos in detail? 10
§71 4 Sol—i>0(7fplH"
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(c) Consider a CDMA system in which users A and B have the codes (-1 1 -1 (7)
1 - 1 1 - 1 1) and (-1 - 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 1) respectively
(i) Show the output at the receiver if A transmits a data bit 1 and B transmits
data bit 0. Assume that the received power from both A and B are same,
(ii) Show the output at the receiver if A transmits a data bit 1 and B also
transmits bit 1, Assume the received power from B is twice the received
power from A.
How does spread spectrum technique work? Draw FHSS signal for frequency
usage pattern in various time slots given as:
(fl, £2, fl, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8) -* (3,6,7,8,2,1,4,5)
Q2 (a) A cellular system uses FDMA with a spectral allocation of 10.5 Mhz in (6)
uplink and 12.5 Mhz in down link directions, a guard band at the edge of
allocated spectrum of 10 Khz and a channel bandwidth of 30Khz. Find the
number of available uplink and down link channels in the system .
A cellular system of total bandwidth of 33 MHz and uses rwo 25KHz simplex
channels to provide full duplex voice and control channels. What is the
number of channels available per cell for a frequency reuse factor of (i) 4
cells and (ii) 12 cells.
(b) Describe the GSM system architecture and its TDMA and FDMA frame (7)
structure. Also find TDMA frame time interval.
Describe various control channels and security mechanisms adopted in GSM.
(C) Model MACA protocol as state machine. How can MACA still fail in case of (7)
hidden/exposed terminals?
Describe exchange of messages and conditions of intra MSC handover
process of GSM.
Q.3 (a) What is the use of following in IEEE 802.11 protocol? (6)
(i) D1FS,SIFS and PIFS (ii) NAV (iii) RTC/CTS
What are the steps involved in discovering that a mobile node has moved into
another network and its registration process into new network.?
(b) Answer the following questions for a receiver, which receives MAC frame (7)
with frame control field value as 20FD (Hex). (Also justify your answer)
i) For how much time medium is requested by sender?
ii) What source and destination addresses are valid?
iii) Whether frames to be processed strictly in the order?
iv) Whether data encryption is required?
v) Whether received frame is the last frame?
vi) Is fragmentation supported?
vii) Is power control supported?
Explain the power control mechanism of IEEE 802.11 protocol and role of
TIM DTTM frames in it.
(c) Why traditional IP protocol is not suitable for mobile networks?. Explain (7)
three methods of mobility support in IP.
What is triangular routing problem of mobile IP? What additional messages
are required to optimize mobile IP?
Min Marks: 35
Note: Attempt any 5 questions. All parts of a question must be solved in sequence. Make suitable
assumption wherever necessary.
Ql (a) What are the domains of Artificial intelligence? Explain. 10
(b) What are the important AI techniques? 1Q
What is production system? What are the different characteristics of a production system?
Q3(a) What is dynamic programming principle? How is it involved in tree search as an ijtifclligent technique? 10
(b) Discuss min-max algorithm with example. 10
Differentiate between static valuation function and heuristic function.
Q4(a) Discuss between rule based and model based Expert system. 10
(b) What are the different stages of NLP? 10
Q5 (a) Define rules in PROLOG. Explain conjunction and disjunction rules with examples. 10
(b ) What is list unification? Perform following operation on list 10
(l)Reverse a list.
(2)Find an element in a list.
Q6(a) Explain the different approaches of the knowledge representation. Distinguish between inheritable knowledge 10
and inferential knowledge.
(b) What is fuzzy set and fuzzy logic? Explain how fuzzy theory can be used to develop a fuzzy control system? ]0
Draw the block diagram of fuzzy controller.
Q7 Write short notes on (any four) 20
(A) Problem characteristics.
(B) Matching
(C) Strong methods
(D) Resolution in predicate logic and prepositional logic
(E) Problem Reduction method for search
Duration: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100
Min Pass Marks:35
Note: - Attempt any five questions. \l questions carry equal marks.
Q.4(a) Write the differences between Document object Model and Simple API for XML?
(b) Consider the XML file below:-
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<car type="Engine">
<color>Black</color> <weight>512 tons</weightxlength>60 feet</length>
<car type="Baggage">
<color>Green</colorxweight>80 tons</weightxlength>40 feet</length>
</car> '
Write a program using SAX to print the following:-
Running train reader
Start of the train
The color of the Engine car is Black
The color of the Baggage car is Green
End of the train.
Q.5(a) Explain the following-sibling axis with example? 10
(b) Why SOAP is important for application development? Write the syntax rule for SOA? 10
Q6 (a) What are entities? What are there primary types? Give an example of each primary type? 10
(b) Explain the concept of ID and IDREF with an example? 10