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Version 7 Release 3

Web GUI Administration and User's


Version 7 Release 3

Web GUI Administration and User's


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 313.

This edition applies to version 7, release 3, modification 1 of IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus (product number
5724-S44) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2011.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this publication . . . . . . . . vii No user role assigned . . . . . . . . . . 95
Intended audience . . . . . . . . . . .
. vii Troubleshooting connections to LDAP
What this publication contains . . . . . . .
. vii repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Slow network response . . . . . . . . . 99
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x AEL fails to start and displays message W0025 99
Tivoli technical training. . . . . . . . . . . x Event Dashboard unable to get data from server 99
Support information . . . . . . . . . . . . x Maps are slow to display severity colors . . . 100
Conventions used in this publication . . . . . . x Changing the height setting of a Map portlet
has no effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI . 1 The connection to the ObjectServer is lost or the
AEL issues a timeout . . . . . . . . . . 101
Administering the Web GUI server . . . . . . . 1
Applying fix packs for the Web GUI. . . . . 101
Stopping and starting the application server . . . 1
Performance tuning tips for the Web GUI . . . . 102
Restarting the server. . . . . . . . . . . 1
Increasing JVM memory on the Web GUI server 102
Viewing the application server profile . . . . . 2
Increasing memory on Web GUI client Java
Changing the timeout setting . . . . . . . . 3
Virtual Machines . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Adding ObjectServers as user registries . . . . 5
Performance tuning . . . . . . . . . . 103
Changing the password for the connection to the
CGI support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
ObjectServer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Administering timed tasks . . . . . . . . . 7
Querying the event database . . . . . . . . 8 Chapter 2. Administering a load
Copying data between Web GUI servers . . . . 9 balancing cluster . . . . . . . . . . 107
Backing up and restoring data . . . . . . . 21 The Web GUI in a load balancing environment . . 107
Adminstering the GUI framework . . . . . . . 24 Structure of a cluster . . . . . . . . . . 107
Tivoli Integrated Portal layout . . . . . . . 24 Configuration data . . . . . . . . . . 108
How to customize a Tivoli Integrated Portal Updating configuration data . . . . . . . 108
setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Conditions necessary for changing configuration
How to customize a Tivoli Integrated Portal data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Administering a load balancing cluster . . . . 110
Adminstering pages . . . . . . . . . . 28 Using a load-balanced cluster . . . . . . . 111
Administering views . . . . . . . . . . 36 Maintaining the list of files to monitor . . . . . 111
Administering portlets. . . . . . . . . . 39 Cluster administration tools . . . . . . . . 112
Adminstering console preference profiles . . . 43 Monitoring a load balancing cluster . . . . . 112
Exporting and importing Tivoli Integrated Portal Load balancing best practices . . . . . . . . 113
data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Resource types . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Resynchronizing a node with the cluster . . . 114
Manage Global Refresh . . . . . . . . . 61 Recovering from a database corruption . . . . 114
Adminstering users, roles, and groups . . . . . 62
Web GUI users, roles, and groups . . . . . . 62 Chapter 3. Setting portlet preferences 117
Changing passwords . . . . . . . . . . 66 Setting AEL portlet preferences . . . . . . . 117
Creating the Web GUI administrative user . . . 66 Setting Chart portlet preferences . . . . . . . 119
Modifying the preferences of a Web GUI user . . 67 Setting Event Dashboard portlet preferences and
Adminstering users. . . . . . . . . . . 69 defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Adminstering roles . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Setting gauge portlet preferences . . . . . . . 123
Adminstering groups . . . . . . . . . . 81 Changing the General settings for all gauges 124
Assigning roles to users and groups . . . . . 89 Selecting the data sources and ObjectServers 124
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Generating HTML for mobile devices . . . . 124
Checking system information . . . . . . . 90 Changing the properties of gauges . . . . . 125
Viewing TIPProfile logs for login errors . . . . 90 Adding gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Editing a properties file . . . . . . . . . 90 Removing gauges . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Setting the log level . . . . . . . . . . 91 Rearranging gauges . . . . . . . . . . 126
Generating performance logs . . . . . . . 92 Changing the bi-directional text settings . . . 127
Setting a trace . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Setting Inline Frame portlet preferences . . . . 127
Auditing the usage of objects . . . . . . . 93 Setting LEL portlet preferences . . . . . . . 128
Web GUI log files . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Setting preferences for the Map portlet . . . . . 129
Harmless authentication messages . . . . . . 95 Setting Table View portlet preferences . . . . . 130

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 iii

Setting Web widget portlet preferences . . . . . 131 Changing the sorting precedence . . . . . . 194
Changing the sort order in a column . . . . 195
Chapter 4. Customizing Active Event Copying global views . . . . . . . . . 195
Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Setting the appearance and behavior of the Active Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event
Event List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 information . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Changing the AEL refresh rate. . . . . . . 133 Visualizing event information on Event
Turning data row caching on or off . . . . . 134 Dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Changing event severity icons . . . . . . . 134 Event Dashboard overview . . . . . . . . 197
Restricting the number of rows displayed in the Adding monitor boxes to Event Dashboard
Active Event List . . . . . . . . . . . 135 portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Enabling notifications and setting notification Deleting monitor boxes from Event Dashboards 199
criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Customizing monitor box information . . . . 200
Enabling flashing and setting flash speed and Changing the event information displayed on
brightness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 monitor boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Modifying the AEL font and window settings 137 Customizing the monitor boxes on Event
Modifying the AEL date and time format . . . 138 Dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Changing how event severity is depicted in the Freezing and unfreezing Event Dashboards . . 202
AEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Customizing Active Event List actions on Event
Changing which areas of the AEL are displayed 141 Dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Changing the font color for an event after it has Creating a page with an Event Dashboard and
been acknowledged . . . . . . . . . . 142 Active Event List . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Adding sounds to use for notifications . . . . 142 Visualizing event information on maps . . . . . 205
Creating event management tools . . . . . . 142 About maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Event management tools overview . . . . . 143 Previewing maps . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Prompt types . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Creating maps . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Setting up CGI and URL tools . . . . . . . 147 Customizing maps . . . . . . . . . . 209
Creating SQL tools . . . . . . . . . . 153 Publishing maps . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Creating command-line tools . . . . . . . 155 Previewing map resources . . . . . . . . 229
Creating script tools . . . . . . . . . . 157 Deleting map resources . . . . . . . . . 229
Modifying tools . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Visualizing high-level event information on charts 229
Renaming tools. . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI charts . . . 229
Copying tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Creating a chart definition file . . . . . . . 235
Deleting tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Publishing charts . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Tool runtime parameters . . . . . . . . 166 Chart configuration reference . . . . . . . 237
Customizing AEL Menus . . . . . . . . . 168 Visualizing event information on gauges . . . . 252
The Alerts and Tools menus . . . . . . . 168 Gauges and metrics . . . . . . . . . . 252
Adding tools to a menu . . . . . . . . . 169 Using the gauge page . . . . . . . . . 255
Modifying existing tools . . . . . . . . . 169 Publishing Gauges pages to mobile devices . . 256
Creating submenus . . . . . . . . . . 170 Creating and managing metrics for gauges . . 257
Adding submenus to a menu . . . . . . . 171 Setting the thresholds for a gauge . . . . . 259
Deleting submenus . . . . . . . . . . 171
Removing items from a menu . . . . . . . 172 Chapter 7. Monitoring events in the
Changing the order of items in a menu. . . . 172 Web GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Renaming menu items . . . . . . . . . 172
Monitoring events in the AEL . . . . . . . . 263
Event management in Active Event Lists . . . 263
Chapter 5. Filtering event information 175 Accessing Active Event Lists . . . . . . . 264
Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Acknowledging and deacknowledging events 264
Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Assigning ownership to events . . . . . . 265
Setting up filters for event data . . . . . . . 178 Changing the event information displayed . . 265
Filter Builder overview . . . . . . . . . 178 Copying data from the event list . . . . . . 266
Creating and editing filters . . . . . . . . 179 Deleting events . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Copying a filter from another filter group . . . 188 Displaying event information in full . . . . . 266
Deleting filters . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Freezing the event data . . . . . . . . . 267
Setting up views for event lists . . . . . . . 190 Maintaining a journal for an event . . . . . 268
Creating views . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Prioritizing events . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Adding and removing columns . . . . . . 191 Refreshing the event data . . . . . . . . 269
Configuring column titles and width . . . . 192 Running predictive eventing tools in the Web
Changing the column order . . . . . . . 193 GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Locking columns . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Monitoring TADDM events in the Web GUI . . 271

iv IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Searching for event list data . . . . . . . 272 enable:Smartpage command . . . . . . . 294
Selecting and deselecting events . . . . . . 273 Validate command. . . . . . . . . . . 294
Sorting columns . . . . . . . . . . . 274 insert:AEL command . . . . . . . . . . 294
Using tools to manage events . . . . . . . 275 insert:AELMAPVIEW command . . . . . . 297
Monitoring events in the LEL . . . . . . . . 275 insert:MAPLET command . . . . . . . . 298
Viewing events in the Lightweight Event List 276 insert:FILTERPAGE command . . . . . . . 299
Displaying full event information in the insert:USERMAPLIST command . . . . . . 300
Lightweight Event List . . . . . . . . . 276 insert:TABLEVIEW command . . . . . . . 300
Monitoring events in the Table View . . . . . 277 insert:USERNAME command . . . . . . . 301
insert:USERSHOMEURL command . . . . . 301
Appendix A. Accessibility features for Template overview . . . . . . . . . . . 301
the Web GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Template example . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Guidelines for using SmartPage templates . . . 303
Creating SmartPage templates . . . . . . . . 303
Appendix B. Data source
configuration file data reference . . . 281 Appendix E. Web GUI database tables 305
XML overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.CONFIG_ITEMS table . . . 305
DTD reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.NODES. . . . . . . . 305
Element reference . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.NODES_CONFIG_ITEMS 306
Attribute reference . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Appendix F. URLs for opening Web
Appendix C. Invalid characters in
GUI pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
filters, views, and tools . . . . . . . 291
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Appendix D. SmartPage commands Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
and templates . . . . . . . . . . . 293
SmartPage commands overview . . . . . . . 293 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
SmartPage code example . . . . . . . . 293
SmartPage command reference . . . . . . . 294

Contents v
vi IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
About this publication
The IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI is a Web-based application that
processes network events from one or more data sources and presents the event
data to users in various graphical formats.

The IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI Administration and User's Guide describes
how to administer, customize, and use the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI.

For information on how to use the Web GUI Administration API (WAAPI) to
administer the Web GUI remotely, refer to the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web
GUI Administration API (WAAPI) User's Guide.

Intended audience
This publication is intended for administrators and operators who use the Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI. This publication provides information on how to
administer the Web GUI, how to create customized event displays, and how to
monitor and manage event data.

What this publication contains

This publication contains the following sections:
v Chapter 1, “Administering the Web GUI,” on page 1
Describes the administration tasks that need to be performed as part of system
maintenance and to ensure the correct operation of the Web GUI.
v Chapter 2, “Administering a load balancing cluster,” on page 107
Describes the administration tasks specific to a load balancing cluster.
v Chapter 3, “Setting portlet preferences,” on page 117
Describes how to customize the appearance and behavior of the Web GUI
v Chapter 4, “Customizing Active Event Lists,” on page 133
Describes how to change the appearance and behavior of the Active Event List
(AEL), how to create tools that operators can run against events in the AEL, and
how to add tools to AEL menus.
v Chapter 5, “Filtering event information,” on page 175
Describes how to use filters to apply SQL conditions to ObjectServer data, and
how to use views to control which columns are displayed in the AEL, and the
appearance of the columns.
v Chapter 6, “Visualizing high-level event information,” on page 197
Describes how to use the Event Dashboard portlet, maps, and charts to obtain
an overview of the events on your network.
v Chapter 7, “Monitoring events in the Web GUI,” on page 263
Describes how to use the event management functions of Active Event List,
Lightweight Event List and the Table View.
v Appendix A, “Accessibility features for the Web GUI,” on page 279
Lists the accessibility features of the Web GUI that help users with a disability,
restricted mobility, or limited vision.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 vii

v Appendix B, “Data source configuration file data reference,” on page 281
Describes the structure of the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml data source
definitions file.
v Appendix C, “Invalid characters in filters, views, and tools,” on page 291
Describes the characters that cannot be used in the name of filters, views, and
v Appendix D, “SmartPage commands and templates,” on page 293
Describes how to use SmartPage commands to populate Web pages that are
served by the Web GUI.
v Appendix E, “Web GUI database tables,” on page 305
Defines the structure of the Web GUI tables in the database of a load balancing
v Appendix F, “URLs for opening Web GUI pages,” on page 307
Describes how to build URLs that launch the Web GUI.

This section lists publications in the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus library and related
documents. The section also describes how to access Tivoli publications online and
how to order Tivoli publications.

Your Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus library

The following documents are available in the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus library:

v IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide, SC14-7604
Includes installation and upgrade procedures for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, and
describes how to configure security and component communications. The
publication also includes examples of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus architectures and
describes how to implement them.
v IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide, SC14-7605
Describes how to perform administrative tasks using the Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Administrator GUI, command-line tools, and process control.
The publication also contains descriptions and examples of ObjectServer SQL
syntax and automations.
v IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI Administration and User's Guide, SC14-7606
Describes how to perform administrative and event visualization tasks using the
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI.
v IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus User's Guide, SC14-7607
Provides an overview of the desktop tools and describes the operator tasks
related to event management using these tools.
v IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide, SC14-7608
Contains introductory and reference information about probes and gateways,
including probe rules file syntax and gateway commands.
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Agent User's Guide, SC14-7610
Describes how to install the health monitoring agent for Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus and contains reference information about the agent.
v IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Event Integration Facility Reference, SC14-7611
Describes how to develop event adapters that are tailored to your network
environment and the specific needs of your enterprise. This publication also
describes how to filter events at the source.

viii IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
v IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Error Messages Guide, SC14-7612
Describes system messages in Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and how to respond to
those messages.
v IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI Administration API (WAAPI) User's Guide,
Shows how to administer the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI using the XML
application programming interface named WAAPI.

Accessing terminology online

The Tivoli Software Glossary includes definitions for many of the technical terms
related to Tivoli software. The Tivoli Software Glossary is available at the following
Tivoli software library Web site:


The IBM Terminology Web site consolidates the terminology from IBM product
libraries in one convenient location. You can access the Terminology Web site at the
following Web address:


Accessing publications online

IBM posts publications for this and all other Tivoli products, as they become
available and whenever they are updated, to the Tivoli Information Center Web
site at:


Note: If you print PDF documents on other than letter-sized paper, set the option
in the File > Print window that allows Adobe Reader to print letter-sized pages on
your local paper.

Ordering publications

You can order many Tivoli publications online at the following Web site:


You can also order by telephone by calling one of these numbers:

v In the United States: 800-879-2755
v In Canada: 800-426-4968

In other countries, contact your software account representative to order Tivoli

publications. To locate the telephone number of your local representative, perform
the following steps:
1. Go to the following Web site:
2. Select your country from the list and click Go. The Welcome to the IBM
Publications Center page is displayed for your country.
3. On the left side of the page, click About this site to see an information page
that includes the telephone number of your local representative.

About this publication ix

Accessibility features help users with a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.

With this product, you can use assistive technologies to hear and navigate the
interface. You can also use the keyboard instead of the mouse to operate most
features of the graphical user interface.

For additional information, see the Accessibility Appendix in Appendix A,

“Accessibility features for the Web GUI,” on page 279.

Tivoli technical training

For Tivoli technical training information, refer to the following IBM Tivoli
Education Web site:


Support information
If you have a problem with your IBM software, you want to resolve it quickly. IBM
provides the following ways for you to obtain the support you need:
Go to the IBM Software Support site at http://www.ibm.com/software/
support/probsub.html and follow the instructions.
IBM Support Assistant
The IBM Support Assistant (ISA) is a free local software serviceability
workbench that helps you resolve questions and problems with IBM
software products. The ISA provides quick access to support-related
information and serviceability tools for problem determination. To install
the ISA software, go to http://www.ibm.com/software/support/isa

Conventions used in this publication

This publication uses several conventions for special terms and actions and
operating system-dependent commands and paths.

Typeface conventions

This publication uses the following typeface conventions:

v Lowercase commands and mixed case commands that are otherwise
difficult to distinguish from surrounding text
v Interface controls (check boxes, push buttons, radio buttons, spin
buttons, fields, folders, icons, list boxes, items inside list boxes,
multicolumn lists, containers, menu choices, menu names, tabs, property
sheets), labels (such as Tip: and Operating system considerations:)
v Keywords and parameters in text
v Citations (examples: titles of publications, diskettes, and CDs)

x IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

v Words defined in text (example: a nonswitched line is called a
point-to-point line)
v Emphasis of words and letters (words as words example: "Use the word
that to introduce a restrictive clause."; letters as letters example: "The
LUN address must start with the letter L.")
v New terms in text (except in a definition list): a view is a frame in a
workspace that contains data
v Variables and values you must provide: ... where myname represents....
v Examples and code examples
v File names, programming keywords, and other elements that are difficult
to distinguish from surrounding text
v Message text and prompts addressed to the user
v Text that the user must type
v Values for arguments or command options

Operating system-dependent variables and paths

This publication uses the UNIX convention for specifying environment variables
and for directory notation.

When using the Windows command line, replace $variable with %variable% for
environment variables, and replace each forward slash (/) with a backslash (\) in
directory paths. For example, on UNIX systems, the $NCHOME environment
variable specifies the path of the Netcool® home directory. On Windows systems,
the %NCHOME% environment variable specifies the path of the Netcool home
directory. The names of environment variables are not always the same in the
Windows and UNIX environments. For example, %TEMP% in Windows
environments is equivalent to $TMPDIR in UNIX environments.

If you are using the bash shell on a Windows system, you can use the UNIX

Home directories for the Web GUI and Tivoli Integrated Portal

The Web GUI and the Tivoli Integrated Portal use separate directory structures
within the main installation directory. References to those directories use the
following conventions:
Refers to the directory where the Web GUI and the Tivoli Integrated Portal
are installed.
/opt/IBM/tivoli on UNIX environments.
C:\IBM\tivoli\ on Windows systems.
Refers to the directory where the Web GUI is installed. This directory is
known as the Web GUI home directory.
/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus_webgui on UNIX environments.
C:\IBM\tivoli\netcool\omnibus_webgui on Windows systems.

About this publication xi

Refers to the directory where the Tivoli Integrated Portal is installed. This
directory is known as the Tivoli Integrated Portal home directory.
/opt/IBM/tivoli/tipv2 on UNIX environments.
C:\IBM\tivoli\tipv2 on Windows systems.

xii IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI
You need to perform administration tasks as part of system maintenance and to
ensure the correct operation of the Web GUI.

Administering the Web GUI server

Perform these tasks to administer the Web GUI server.

Stopping and starting the application server

The Tivoli Integrated Portal Server starts automatically after it has been installed
and whenever the computer is started. You can manually stop the server before
beginning certain configuration tasks or as needed.
1. In the tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin directory, depending on your
operating system, enter one of the following commands:
v Windows stopServer.bat server1
v UNIX Linux stopServer.sh server1

Note: On UNIX and Linux systems, you are prompted to provide an

administrator username and password.
2. In the tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin directory, depending on your
operating system, enter one of the following commands:
v Windows startServer.bat server1
v UNIX Linux startServer.sh server1
Related tasks
“Setting a trace” on page 92

Restarting the server

After customization and configuration activities you might need to restart the Web
GUI server.

Restart the server after or while carrying out any of the following actions on your
Web GUI server:
v Modifications to any of the following files:
– server.init
– ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml
– virtualhosts.xml
– deployment.xml
– security.xml
– winconfig.xml
– Any properties file in the tip_home_dir/tip/properties directory
v Setting up a load balancing cluster
v Adding a node to a load balancing cluster
v Adding or changing user registries
v Backing up and restoring the Web GUI

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 1

v Copying configurations from another Web GUI server
v Configuring encryption
v Configuring single sign-on
v Configuring LDAP or Active Directory and their connections

If you do not use the timed tasks facility in the server.init file, you also need to
restart the server after changing any files in the following directories in
v configstore
v cgi-bin
v charts
v charts/definitions
v templates and all the directories it holds

To restart the server:

1. On the command-line interface, change to the tip_home_dir/profiles/
2. Stop the server:
v Linux UNIX stopServer.sh server1
Attention: Linux and Unix systems prompt you to supply the user name
and password of the administrative user.
v Windows stopServer.bat server1
Wait a moment for the server to completely shut down.
3. Start the server:
v Linux UNIX startServer.sh server1
v Windows startServer.bat server1
Related tasks
“Administering timed tasks” on page 7

Viewing the application server profile

Open the application server profile to review the port number assignments and
other information.

The profile of the application server is available as a text file on the computer
where it is installed.
1. Locate the tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs directory.
2. Open AboutThisProfile.txt in a text editor.


This is the profile for an installation on in a Windows environment as it appears in

Application server environment to create: Application server
Location: C:\IBM\tivoli\tip\profiles\TIPProfile
Disk space required: 200 MB
Profile name: TIPProfile
Make this profile the default: True
Node name: TIPNode Host name: tivoliadmin.usca.ibm.com
Enable administrative security (recommended): True
Administrative consoleport: 16315

2 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Administrative console secure port: 16316
HTTP transport port: 16310
HTTPS transport port: 16311
Bootstrap port: 16312
SOAP connector port: 16313
Run application server as a service: False
Create a Web server definition: False

What to do next

If you want to see the complete list of defined ports on the application server, you
can open tip_home_dir/properties/TIPPortDef.properties in a text editor:
#Create the required WAS port properties for TIP
#Mon Oct 06 09:26:30 PDT 2008
Related tasks
“Viewing TIPProfile logs for login errors” on page 90

Port assignments
The application server requires a set of sequentially numbered ports.

The sequence of ports is supplied during installation in the response file. The
installer checks that the number of required ports (starting with the initial port
value) are available before assigning them. If one of the ports in the sequence is
already in use, the installer automatically terminates the installation process and
you must specify a different range of ports in the response file.

Changing the timeout setting

You can change the period of time after which users are automatically logged out
of the Web GUI.

The default timeout period is 30 minutes. After you have changed the timeout
setting, you must restart the server. In a load balancing cluster, carry out this task
on all nodes.

To change the timeout setting:

1. Open the following file: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/
2. In this file, locate the following section:
<tuningParams xmi:id="TuningParams_1226438889945"
maxInMemorySessionCount="1000" allowOverflow="true" schedule
Invalidation="false" writeFrequency="TIME_BASED_WRITE" writeInterval="10"
writeContents="ONLY_UPDATED_ATTRIBUTES" invalidationTimeout="30">
<invalidationSchedule xmi:id="InvalidationSchedule_1226438889946"
firstHour="14" secondHour="2"/>

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 3

3. Change the value of the invalidationTimeout attribute to the required timeout
period, in minutes. For example, to change the period to 15 minutes, set the
value as follows:
4. Save and close the file.
5. Open the following file: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/
6. In this file locate the following section:
<authMechanisms xmi:type="security:LTPA" xmi:id="LTPA_1"
WSSecurityContextLTPAImpl" authConfig="system.LTPA"
authValidationConfig="system.LTPA" timeout="1440"
7. Change the value of the timeout attribute to the required timeout period, in
8. Save and close the file.
9. Open the following file: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/
10. In this file, locate the following section:
<tuningParams xmi:id="TuningParams_1183077764084"
maxInMemorySessionCount="1000" allowOverflow="true"
writeFrequency="TIME_BASED_WRITE" writeInterval="10"
11. Change the value of the invalidationTimeout attribute to the required timeout
period, in minutes.
12. Save and close the file.
13. Restart the server.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Switching off the session timeout

You can set the session timeout to a large value to prevent sessions from timing
out. This is useful where you have facilities such as wall displays that need to be
available all the time.

You cannot switch off the timeout setting completely. Instead, you can set it to a
large value that effectively means it is switched off. However, take note of the
v There are security implications if unattended sessions do not timeout. Consider
these implications carefully before implementing this procedure.
v There may be a build up of resource usage should users close their browsers
without logging off beforehand. Restarting the server reclaims those resources.

In a load balancing cluster, carry out this task on all nodes.

To set the timeout so that sessions do not time out:

4 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Use the procedure in <xref href="#web_adm_settimeout"></xref > to set the
timeout values to the following values:
Table 1. Attribute values to switch off the session timeout
File Attribute Value
deployment.xml invalidationTimeout -1
security.xml timeout 2147483647
server.xml invalidationTimeout -1

Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Adding ObjectServers as user registries

You can configure additional ObjectServers to be user registries for the Web GUI.

Note: Setting an ObjectServer as a user registry is different from setting an

ObjectServer as a data source for the event feed into the Web GUI. To set an
ObjectServer as a data source, you must edit the data source configuration file.

After you have set an additional ObjectServer user registry, you must restart the

To set additional ObjectServers as Web GUI user registries:

1. Change to the tip_home_dir/bin directory.
2. Run the following command for your operating system:
UNIX Linux confvmm4ncos.sh user password host port [failoverhost
Windows confvmm4ncos.bat user password host port [failoverhost
failoverport]Where the parameters are as follows:
A user with administrative rights on the required ObjectServer.
The password of the user specified in user.
The IP address of the ObjectServer host.
The port number that is used by the ObjectServer.
Optional: If a failover ObjectServer is required, the IP address of the
failover ObjectServer host.
Optional: If a failover ObjectServer is required, the port number that is
used by the failover ObjectServer host.
3. Restart the server.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 5

What to do next

Now add the ObjectServer to the federated repository.

For more information about adding an ObjectServer user registry to the federated
repository, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide.
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Changing the password for the connection to the

If the password of the user specified for the connection between the ObjectServer
and the Web GUI is changed, the new password must be set on the Web GUI

The password of the ObjectServer user must be maintained in the Web GUI for the
event data feed from the ObjectServer, and if the ObjectServer is configured as a
user registry through the Virtual Member Manager (VMM) adapter.

The ObjectServer connection details for VMM are stored in the following file:
wimconfig.xml. The connection details for the ObjectServer event data feed are
stored in the following file: ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml

After you have updated the password on the Web GUI server, you must restart the

To change the password:

1. To change the ObjectServer password for VMM, enter the following command:
tip_home_dir/bin/confvmm4ncos.sh user newpassword host port
Where the parameters are as follows:
The ObjectServer user that is used for the connection.
The new password for the ObjectServer user.
The fully-qualified host name on which the ObjectServer is installed.
The port on which the ObjectServer is installed.
2. To change the ObjectServer password for the event data feed:
a. Edit the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml file.
b. In the <ncwDataSourceCredentials> element, change the value of the
password attribute to the new password.
c. Save and close the file.
3. Restart the server.
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

6 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Administering timed tasks
Timed tasks are the key part to a Web GUI server automatically loading changes in
configuration data, without the need to restart the server. You manage timed tasks
through properties in the Web GUI initialization file (server.init).

To administer the timed tasks facility:

1. Open webgui_home_dir/etc/server.init in a text editor.
2. Carry out any combination of the following tasks, as required:
v Control the use of timed tasks
v Set the refresh properties
3. Save the file.
4. If you enabled timed tasks in step 2, restart the Tivoli Integrated Portal server.
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1
Related reference
“Load balancing best practices” on page 113

Controlling the use of timed tasks

1. Locate the timedtasks.enabled property.
2. Set the value of the property as required:

Value Meaning
false Switches off the timed tasks facility.
true Enables the timed tasks facility. This is the setting required for automatic
processing of changes to configuration data.

Setting the refresh properties

In most cases, the supplied values are adequate, however you can use this
procedure to change them if necessary.
1. Decide on values (in seconds) for:
v The start delay
v The run period
2. Locate the timedtasks.default.startdelay property and change its value to
the start delay you require.
3. Locate the timedtasks.default.runperiod property and change its value to the
run period you require.

Overview of timed tasks

Timed tasks simplify the administration of a Web GUI server or of a cluster of Web
GUI servers.

Timed tasks enable a Web GUI server to detect and load changes in the
configuration data. The tasks implement changes in the configuration without
having to restart the server. This is especially important in a load-balancing cluster
where maintenance of service to users must continue uninterrupted.

What are timed tasks?

Timed tasks are a set of batch processes that periodically look for changes in the
configuration files. If any of those files has changed since the previous run, the
Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 7
processes load the new configuration data into the Web GUI server.

Characteristics of a timed task

A timed task has the following characteristics:

v A start delay
The start delay determines how long (in seconds) after the server starts that the
task first looks for changes in the associated configuration data.
v A run period
The run period determines the length of time (in seconds) between each
subsequent run of the task.

The start delay and run period together make up the timed task's schedule. In a
load-balanced cluster, you are recommended to use the same schedule on all
cluster members.

The definition of timed tasks

The Web GUI's configuration file holds the definition of timed tasks. This path of
this file is webgui_home_dir/etc/server.init.

The definition of the timed tasks looks like this:

timedtasks.default.startdelay: 120
timedtasks.default.runperiod: 120

This defines a start delay of two minutes and a run period, also of two minutes.

Querying the event database

You can run the full range of ObjectServer SQL commands and perform queries
against ObjectServer data.

Before you begin

To perform this task, the following prerequisites must be met:
v The ncw_admin role must be assigned to your Web GUI user profile.
v You need to be a user in the ObjectServer; your user must be a member of the
following groups: ISQL and ISQLWrite.

Note: If LDAP is used for authentication, and the users.credentials.sync

property of the server.init file is enabled, LDAP users are automatically
synchronized with the ObjectServer. If not, a user must be created in the
ObjectServer and assigned to the groups.
v In the ObjectServer, the webtop_compatibility automation, which is a temporal
trigger, and must have run. By default, this trigger is enabled

Tip: You can reduce the frequency with which the trigger runs from the default
of 60 minutes. For more information about configuring temporal triggers, see the
IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide.
v The Web GUI configuration cache must be synchronized with the ObjectServer.
The cache can be synchronized by running the webgui_home_dir/bin/
webtop_osresync script.

8 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

The Web GUI event database query is analogous in behavior to the Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus SQL Interactive Interface, and can be used to perform tasks
such as creating a new database table or stopping the ObjectServer. You can
connect to ObjectServers and use SQL commands to interact with and control the

Attention: Use the Event Database Query with care. Any command entered is
run against the ObjectServer. Incorrect use of SQL commands can result in the
irreparable corruption of your database.

To send SQL instructions to the ObjectServer:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools > Event Database Query.
2. From the Select data source list, select a data source against which you want to
run the command.
3. Type an SQL query in the text editor provided and click Submit.
The result of the SQL query is displayed in the Results displayed below area.

Sample SQL query

The following example result shows an excerpt of the data returned after
submitting the following query:
select Node, Summary from alerts.status where Severity=4;
select Node, Summary from alerts.status where Severity=4
>Executed ’select Node, Summary from alerts.status where Severity=4;’
Tokyo Diskspace alert
sl-server2.ibm.com A process running on sl-server2.ibm.com has connected as
username bertha
sl-server2.ibm.com A process running on sl-server2.ibm.com has connected as
username bertha
London Machine has gone offline
sl-server2.ibm.com A process running on sl-server2.ibm.com has connected as
username herbert
sl-server2.ibm.com A process running on sl-server2.ibm.com has connected as
username bertha
sl-server2.ibm.com A process running on sl-server2.ibm.com has connected as
username filter
sl-server2.ibm.com A process running on sl-server2.ibm.com has connected as
username root
Shanghai Link Down on port
sl-server2.ibm.com A process running on sl-server2.ibm.com has connected as
username bertha

See the information about ObjectServer SQL syntax in the chapter that explains
ObjectServer SQL in the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide.

Copying data between Web GUI servers

The Web GUI has a utility to copy selected data from one server to another.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 9

Occasionally you need to copy data from one Web GUI V7.3.1 server to another.
One example is when copying data from a test server to a production server. The
Web GUI contains a utility for such situations.

The server you are copying data from is the source server; the server you are
copying data to is the target server. Either server can be a stand-alone system or
part of a load balancing cluster.

The copying process

The process for copying data between servers is:

1. Define the data to export from the source server.
2. Export the data from the source server.
The utility writes the selected data to a .zip file.
3. Copy the file to the target server.
4. Set up the utility to import data from the .zip file.
In this step you can define whether to import all the data from the file or
selected items.
5. Import the data from the .zip file.
6. Restart the target server, if necessary.

Tip: In many cases, you do not need to restart the server if your system uses
timed tasks.

Items that you can copy between servers

The items that you can copy between servers are:

v Filters
v Maps
v Menus
v Prompts
v Tools
v Views
v Any file or directory in webgui_home_dir or in tip_home_dir/profiles/

You can also specify files and directories not to copy between servers. For example
the Web GUI configuration file (server.init).

Some items, such as maps, often have dependent items that define their behavior.
When exporting such an item the utility includes all the dependent items. This
makes it easier to move complex items from one Web GUI server to another.

Cloning data between servers

On occasions you may need to copy all Web GUI and Tivoli Integrated Portal data
from one server to another. This process is known as cloning and is useful when
transferring a set up from a test to a production environment. The process for
cloning is similar to the main copying procedure except that you do not have to
define the items to export and import. Instead, the utility provides a file that

10 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

defines all the items required. You specify this file when exporting and importing
data. This simplifies the process of cloning and reduces the possibility of any key
data not being copied.

Note: The cloning process excludes the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml file.

Exporting data from a Web GUI server

First export the required data from the source server.

Defining the items to export:

Define the items to export and the location for the .zip file.
1. Make sure you are logged in as an administrative user.
2. Navigate to the directory containing the utility's properties file:
cd webgui_home_dir/integration/importexport_tool/etc
3. Edit the file OMNIbusWebGUI_settings.properties to define the items you want
to export from the source server:
Many of the property definitions are a list of items. In these lists, put a comma
between each item. In addition for properties that define file paths, use two
backslash characters as the path separator on Windows systems; for example:
Set the following properties as required. To set the property, remove the
comment marker at the beginning of its line and the modify the value as
required. To omit a particular item from the export, leave the property
commented out. In some cases the utility uses a default value for omitted
Table 2. Setting properties to define the data to export
Property Value
product.home The installation directory of the Web GUI. Set this
property if did not install the product into the default
location. The default installation location is one of the
UNIX Linux ibm/tivoli/netcool/
Windows C:\IBM\tivoli\netcool\
output.dir The full path of the directory to receive the exported

The default value is tip_home_dir/profiles/

ExportWebGUIPlugin.input To export data from the OMNIbusWebGUI.war file
remove the comment marker from the beginning of
the definition of the ExportWebGUIPlugin.input
property and add a comment marker to the element
for the Web GUI folder.

Add any further files and directories to export to the

definition of the remaining property. Specify each
directory and file path as relative to webgui_home_dir.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 11

Table 2. Setting properties to define the data to export (continued)
Property Value
ExportWebGUIPlugin.ignore Specify the files and directories to exclude from the
exported data. Put a comma between each file or
directory path. Specify each directory and file path as
relative to webgui_home_dir.
ExportPromptPlugin.input A list of the names for prompts (without their
extensions) to export.
ExportToolPlugin.input A list of names for tools (without their extensions) to
ExportMenuPlugin.input A list of names for menus (without their extensions)
to export.
ExportMenuConfigPlugin.input A list of names for menu configurations (without
their extensions) to export.
ExportViewPlugin.global A list of names for global views (without their
extensions) to export. To export all global views use
the forward slash (/) character as the value for this
ExportViewPlugin.system A list of names for system views (without their
extensions to export. To export all system views use
the forward slash character (/) as the value for this
ExportViewPlugin.user A list of names for user-defined views (without their
extensions) to export. For each view, specify the user
ID and view name separated by a comma.

For example, to specify View1 and View2 for user ID

User1 and View3 for User ID User 2, use a definition
like this:

ExportViewPlugin.user=User1,View1, User1,View2,

To export all user views, use the forward slash

character (/) as the value for this property.
ExportFilterPlugin.global A list of names for global filters (without their
extensions) to export. To export all global filters, use
the forward slash character (/) as the value for this
ExportFilterPlugin.system A list of names for system filters (without their
extensions) to export. To export all system filters, use
the forward slash character (/) as the value for this
ExportFilterPlugin.user A list of names for user-defined filters (without their
extensions) to export. For each filter, specify the User
ID and filter name separated by a comma.

For example, to specify Filter1 and Filter2 for user ID

User1 and filter3 for User ID User 2, use a definition
like this:

User1,Filter2, User2,Filter3

To export all user filters, use the forward slash

character (/) as the value for this property.

12 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Table 2. Setting properties to define the data to export (continued)
Property Value
ExportFilterCollection A list of names for filter collections (without their
Plugin.input extensions) to export. The utility includes all the
related objects for each collection such as: filters,
dependency filters, and views.
ExportMapPlugin.input A list of names for maps (without their extensions) to
export. The utility includes all the related objects for
each map such as: map resources, filters, dependency
filters, and views.

Exporting the data:

Export the defined data to a .zip file on the source server.

1. Make sure you are logged in to the source server as an administrative user and
that the Tivoli Integrated Portal is running.
2. As supplied, the utility writes information, warning, and error messages to the
log file. Change the level of logging, if required.
3. Navigate to the directory containing the utility, tip_home_dir/profiles/
4. Enter one of the following commands to export the data:
UNIX ./tipcli.sh Export --username tipadmin --password
tippass --excludePlugins ExportPagePlugin,ChartExportPlugin
--settingFile webgui_home_dir/integration/importexport_tool/etc/
Windows tipcli.bat Export --username tipadmin --password tippass
--excludePlugins ExportPagePlugin,ChartExportPlugin --settingFile
with the name of the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrative user.
with the password for the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrative user.
To exclude any plug-ins from the export operation, add their names to the
--excludePlugins qualifier, putting a comma between each plug in name. For
example, to exclude the prompt plug-in, use:
--excludePlugins ExportPagePlugin,ChartExportPlugin,ExportPromptPlugin
Always include ExportPagePlugin and ChartExportPlugin in the list.


The utility creates:

v The file of data in data.zip within the directory specified by the output.dir
property of OMNIbusWebGUI_settings.properties. If that property is not set, the
file is in tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/output.
v A log file in tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/tipcli.log.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 13

Related tasks
“Setting the logging level for the utility” on page 20

Verifying the export is complete:

Before copying the .zip file to the target server, make sure that it contains all
required directories, files, and Web GUI objects.
1. Open the log file in tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/tipcli.log and
check that all stages of the export operation completed successfully.
Resolve any errors and repeat the export activity before continuing. For
example, correct any misspelled names and paths in the
OMNIbusWebGUI_settings.properties file, repeat the export operation, and then
verify that the errors are resolved.
2. Navigate to the output directory and open the data.zip file using a suitable file
compression tool.
3. Check that the file contains all the files, directories, and Web GUI objects that
you wanted to export.
If any items are missing, edit OMNIbusWebGUI_settings.properties and add the
missing items. Then repeat the export operation and verify that the items are
now present.
4. Close the data.zip file.

Importing data to a Web GUI server

Secondly import the data to the target server.

Defining the items to import:

Copy the exported file to the target server, install the utility (if necessary), and
define the items to import from the file.
1. Copy the data.zip file from the source server to a suitable directory on the
target server.
2. Make sure you are logged in to the target server as an administrative user and
that the Tivoli Integrated Portal server is running.
3. Navigate to the directory containing the utility's properties file:
cd webgui_home_dir/integration/importexport_tool/etc
4. Edit the file OMNIbusWebGUI_settings.properties to define the items you want
to import from thedata.zip file.
Many of the property definitions are a list of items. In these lists, put a comma
between each item. In addition for properties that define file paths, use two
backslash characters as the path separator on Windows systems; for example:
Set the following properties as required. To set a property, remove the leading
comment marker and then provide a suitable value.

14 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Table 3. Setting properties to define the data to import
Property Value
product.home The installation directory of the Web GUI. Set this
property if did not install the product into the default
location. The default installation location is one of the
UNIX Linux ibm/tivoli/netcool/
Windows C:\IBM\tivoli\netcool\
output.dir The full path of the directory where you placed

If you do not define this property, the utility expects

to find the file in tip_home_dir/profiles/
import.backupDir The full path of the directory the utility uses to store
backup copies of files it imports. Specify a directory
other than output.dir, although you can specify a
subdirectory in output.dir.

If you do not define this property, the utility uses


Related tasks
“Administering timed tasks” on page 7

Importing the data:

Import the data from the .zip file to the target server.
1. As supplied, the utility writes information, warning, and error messages to the
log file. Change the level of logging, if required.
2. Navigate to the directory containing the utility, tip_home_dir/profiles/
3. Enter one of the following commands to import the data:
UNIX ./tipcli.sh Import --username tipadmin --password
tippass --excludePlugins ImportPagePlugin,ChartImportPlugin
--settingFile webgui_home_dir/integration/importexport_tool/etc/
Windows tipcli.bat Import --username tipadmin --password tippass
--excludePlugins ImportPagePlugin,ChartImportPlugin --settingFile
with the name of the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrative user.
with the password for the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrative user.
To exclude any plug-ins from the import operation, add their names to the
--excludePlugins qualifier, putting a comma between each plug in name. For
example, to exclude the prompt plug-in, use:

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 15

--excludePlugins ImportPagePlugin,ChartImportPlugin,ImportPromptPlugin
Always include the ImportPagePlugin and ChartImportPlugin in the list.
4. Restart the Tivoli Integrated Portal server, if necessary.
You need to restart the server if your site does not use timed tasks or you have
imported a key system file such as server.init or
Related tasks
“Setting the logging level for the utility” on page 20
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Verifying the import is complete:

Check the log file to make sure the import completed successfully, that all the
required files and directories are present, and that the imported facilities are
available in the Web GUI.
1. Open the log file in tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/tipcli.log and
check that all stages of the import operation completed successfully.
Resolve any errors and repeat the import activity before continuing. For
example, correct any misspelled names and paths in the
OMNIbusWebGUI_settings.properties file, repeat the import operation, and then
verify that the errors are resolved.
2. Verify that the all required files, directories, and Web GUI objects are present
on the target server.
3. Verify that all the facilities are available in the Web GUI.
For example, verify that all the imported filters are available.
4. In a load balancing cluster, verify that all the files, directories, and Web GUI
objects have propagated to all nodes in the cluster.
5. If the system is not part of a cluster and does not use timed tasks, restart the

Cloning data between servers

Use this procedure to copy all Web GUI with or withoutTivoli Integrated Portal
data, except ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml, between servers running Web GUI

Exporting the data:

Export all the Web GUI with or withoutTivoli Integrated Portal data to a .zip file
on the source server.
Related tasks
“Setting the logging level for the utility” on page 20

16 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Export Web GUI and Tivoli Integrated Portal data:
1. Make sure you are logged in to the source server as an administrative user and
that the Tivoli Integrated Portal server is running.
2. As supplied, the utility writes information, warning, and error messages to the
log file. Change the logging level, if required.
3. If your installation of the Web GUI does not use the default location:
a. Navigate to the directory webgui_home_dir/integration/plugins.
b. Edit the file OMNIbusWebGUI_clone_settings.properties.
c. Locate the following line
d. Immediately after this line, add the following line:
Replace webgui_home_dir with the actual installation directory of the Web

Note: The default installation directory of the Web GUI is one of the following:
UNIX Linux ibm/tivoli/netcool/omnibus_webgui
4. Navigate to the directory containing the utility, tip_home_dir/profiles/
5. Enter one of the following commands to export the data:
UNIX Linux ./tipcli.sh Export --username tipadmin --password
tippass --settingFile webgui_home_dir/integration/plugins/
Windows tipcli.bat Export --username tipadmin --password tippass
--settingFile webgui_home_dir\integration\plugins\
Replace tipadmin and tippass with the user name and password of the Tivoli
Integrated Portal administrative user.


The utility creates the following files:

v The file of data in data.zip within the directory tip_home_dir/profiles/
v A log file in tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/tipcli.log.

Exporting Web GUI data only:

1. Make sure you are logged in to the source server as an administrative user and
that the Tivoli Integrated Portal server is running.
2. As supplied, the utility writes information, warning, and error messages to the
log file. Change the logging level, if required.
3. If your installation of the Web GUI does not use the default location:
a. Navigate to the directory webgui_home_dir/integration/plugins.
b. Edit the file OMNIbusWebGUI_clone_settings.properties.
c. Locate the following line
d. Immediately after this line, add the following line:

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 17

Replace webgui_home_dir with the actual installation directory of the Web

Note: The default installation directory of the Web GUI is one of the following:
UNIX Linux ibm/tivoli/netcool/omnibus_webgui
4. Navigate to the directory containing the utility, tip_home_dir/profiles/
5. Enter one of the following commands to export the data:
UNIX ./tipcli.sh Export --username tipadmin --password
tippass --excludePlugins ExportPagePlugin,ChartExportPlugin
--settingFile webgui_home_dir/integration/plugins/
Windows tipcli.bat Export --username tipadmin --password tippass
--excludePlugins ExportpagePlugin,ChartExportPlugin --settingFile
Replace tipadmin and tippass with the user name and password of the Tivoli
Integrated Portal administrative user.


The utility creates the following files:

v The file of data in data.zip within the directory tip_home_dir/profiles/
v A log file in tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/tipcli.log.

Importing the data:

Import the data from the .zip file to the target server.
Related tasks
“Setting the logging level for the utility” on page 20
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Import Web GUI and Tivoli Integrated Portal data:

1. Copy data.zip from the source server to the directory tip_home_dir/profiles/
TIPProfile/output on the target server.
2. On the target server make sure that you are logged in as an administrative user
and that the Tivoli Integrated Portal server is running.
3. As supplied, the utility writes information, warning, and error messages to the
log file. Change the level of logging, if required.
4. If your installation of the Web GUI does not use the default location:
a. Navigate to the directory webgui_home_dir/integration/plugins.
b. Edit the file OMNIbusWebGUI_clone_settings.properties.
c. Locate the following line
d. Immediately after this line, add the following line:

18 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Replace webgui_home_dir with the actual installation directory of the Web

Note: The default installation directory of the Web GUI is one of the following:
UNIX Linux ibm/tivoli/netcool/omnibus_webgui
Windows C:\IBM\tivoli\netcool\omnibus_webgui
5. Navigate to the directory containing the utility, tip_home_dir/profiles/
6. Enter one of the following commands to import the data:
UNIX Linux ./tipcli.sh Import --username tipadmin --password
tippass --settingFile webgui_home_dir/integration/plugins/
Windows tipcli.bat Import --username tipadmin --password tippass
--settingFile webgui_home_dir\integration\plugins\
Replace tipadmin and tippass with the user name and password of the Tivoli
Integrated Portal administrative user.
7. Verify that the utility has added or updated files as required:
a. Check the log file, tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/tipcli.log,
and ensure there were no errors.
b. Verify that backup copies of the original files on the target server are in a
.zip file in tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/backups.
8. Optional: Edit the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml file and apply any settings
you want to copy over from the existing source server.
9. Restart the Tivoli Integrated Portal server.

Note: If target server is part of a load balancing cluster, wait until the next
timed task schedule completes before restarting the server. This ensures that the
imported data is replicated to other nodes in the cluster and the data base.

Import Web GUI data only:

1. Copy data.zip from the source server to the directory tip_home_dir/profiles/
TIPProfile/output on the target server.
2. On the target server make sure that you are logged in as an administrative user
and that the Tivoli Integrated Portal server is running.
3. As supplied, the utility writes information, warning, and error messages to the
log file. Change the level of logging, if required.
4. If your installation of the Web GUI does not use the default location:
a. Navigate to the directory webgui_home_dir/integration/plugins.
b. Edit the file OMNIbusWebGUI_clone_settings.properties.
c. Locate the following line
d. Immediately after this line, add the following line:
Replace webgui_home_dir with the actual installation directory of the Web

Note: The default installation directory of the Web GUI is one of the following:
UNIX Linux ibm/tivoli/netcool/omnibus_webgui

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 19

5. Navigate to the directory containing the utility, tip_home_dir/profiles/
6. Enter one of the following commands to import the data:
UNIX ./tipcli.sh Import --username tipadmin --password
tippass --settingFile webgui_home_dir/integration/plugins/
Windows tipcli.bat Import --username tipadmin --password tippass
--settingFile webgui_home_dir\integration\plugins\
Replace tipadmin and tippass with the user name and password of the Tivoli
Integrated Portal administrative user.
7. Verify that the utility has added or updated files as required:
a. Check the log file, tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/tipcli.log,
and ensure there were no errors.
b. Verify that backup copies of the original files on the target server are in a
.zip file in tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/backups.
8. Optional: Edit the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml file and apply any settings
you want to copy over from the existing source server.
9. Restart the Tivoli Integrated Portal server.

Note: If target server is part of a load balancing cluster, wait until the next
timed task schedule completes before restarting the server. This ensures that the
imported data is replicated to other nodes in the cluster and the data base.

Setting the logging level for the utility

As supplied, the export/import utility writes information messages to the log file
in addition to warnings and errors. Use this procedure to customize the level of
logging during export and import operations.
1. Navigate to the directory containing the logging properties file:
cd tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/
2. Open the file logging.properties in a text editor.
3. Locate the property java.util.logging.FileHandler.level and set its value to
the required level. Commonly used values, in increasing severity, are:
Other available values are FINE, FINER, and FINEST. Each of these produces
increasing numbers of messages. They can be helpful when diagnosing a
problem in an import or export utility. After using one of these values,
however, be sure to return to the original value before recommencing normal
operations on the server.
For example, setting the property to WARNING, excludes INFO messages from
the log file.
4. Save the file and exit from the text editor.

20 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Backing up and restoring data
To prevent the loss of information in the event of a disaster, and for disaster
recovery, back up your installation of the Web GUI and the Tivoli Integrated
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Backing up and restoring the Web GUI

Use the Web GUI export/import utility to back up and restore Web GUI
configuration data.
v To back up the Web GUI configuration data, use the export facility of the Web
GUI export/import utility. This creates a .zip file that you can copy to a secure
v To restore previously backed up Web GUI data, use the import facility of the
Web GUI export/import utility. Edit the properties file to specify the files you
want to restore and then import the data.
Related tasks
“Copying data between Web GUI servers” on page 9

Backing up and restoring the Tivoli Integrated Portal

Use the Tivoli Integrated Portal export/import facilities to back up and restore the
Tivoli Integrated Portal configuration data.
v To back up the Tivoli Integrated Portal configuration data, use the Tivoli
Integrated Portal export facility. This creates a .zip file that you can copy to a
secure place.
v To restore previously backed up Tivoli Integrated Portal data, use the Tivoli
Integrated Portal import facility.
Related concepts
“Exporting and importing Tivoli Integrated Portal data” on page 45

Restore data from previous releases of the Web GUI and the
Tivoli Integrated Portal
Use the System Cloning Solution (SCS) to restore data from a previous version of
the Web GUI or Tivoli Integrated Portal.

Previous releases of the Web GUI and the Tivoli Integrated Portal used the System
Cloning Solution (SCS) to back up and restore configuration data. So, use SCS to
restore data from a backup of a previous version.

Running SCS to export data:

Use the System Cloning Solution (SCS) to export instances of the Tivoli Integrated
Portal Server. Exported settings can be later applied to another server instance at
the same version level with the same products deployed.

To export settings for a Tivoli Integrated Portal Server instance:

1. On the command-line interface, change to the tip_home_dir/profiles/
TIPProfile/bin directory. The tip_home_dir directory defaults to
C:\IBM\tivoli\tipv2 on Windows and /opt/IBM/tivoli/tipv2 on UNIX/Linux
2. Run the following command:
ws_ant.bat|sh -f tipExportImport.xml export -DarchiveDir=dir
-DtipAdmin=tipadmin -DtipPassword=tippass

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 21

The export argument results in the script copying all required data from the
TIPProfile profile into the directory specified by dir in the archiveDir option.

Note: To avoid the accidental loss of existing user data, the export script fails if
the specified archive directory exists. Please specify a nonexistent directory for
the archiveDir option.
Replace tipadmin with the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator ID and
tippass with the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator password.
Run the command with the export argument on the source Tivoli Integrated
Portal Server server.

Running SCS to import data:

Use the System Cloning Solution (SCS) to import settings to a target Tivoli
Integrated Portal Server instance. The target server instance must have the same
configuration as the server instance from which the settings were sourced.

Before you begin

The Tivoli Integrated Portal cloning procedure does not automatically perform a
backup of the target system in a cloning import operation. It is recommended that
you export the target system as a backup operation.

This is accomplished by running the System Cloning Solution export option on the
target server before running the import of the data exported from the source
system. If the import fails, the backup archive can be imported to restore the
system to its original state.

Important: The target server instance should not be configured for load balancing.
The cloning process imports data for a local server instance only.

To import settings for a Tivoli Integrated Portal Server instance:

1. On the command-line interface, change to the tip_home_dir/profiles/
TIPProfile/bin directory. The tip_home_dir directory defaults to
C:\IBM\tivoli\tipv2 on Windows and /opt/IBM/tivoli/tipv2 on UNIX/Linux
2. Run the following command:
ws_ant.bat|sh -f tipExportImport.xml import -DarchiveDir=dir
-DtipAdmin=tipadmin -DtipPassword=tippass
The import argument is used to import data from an existing archive directory,
specified by replacing dir in the archiveDir option, which overwrites the Tivoli
Integrated Portal Server instance to complete the cloning. Run the command
with the import argument on the target Tivoli Integrated Portal Server instance.
Replace tipadmin with the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator ID and
tippass with the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator password. They must
have the same values as the source Tivoli Integrated Portal Server instance.

22 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Backing up and restoring the Deployment Engine
Use the Deployment Engine (DE) backup script before installing additional
components or other products that are based on the Tivoli Integrated Portal
platform. If you need to recover the original configuration after a failure, you can
then run the Deployment Engine restore script.

The Deployment Engine performs the installation of new and upgraded products.
It keeps track of the installed components and skips installing a given component
if it is already present on the system. Perform the following steps to back up or
restore the DE database.
1. From the command line, change to the acsi directory:
v Windows cd C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi
v Linux UNIX For Linux and UNIX-based systems, the path to the acsi
directory varies depending on whether you are installing as root or as a
non-root user, as follows:
– Installing as a non-root user, the path is relative to the user's home
<non-root user home directory>/.asci_<user_name>
– Installing as root, the path is as follows:
2. Initialize the Deployment Engine environment from the command line:
v Windows setenv.bat
v Linux UNIX . setenv.sh
3. Change to the bin directory:
v Windows Change to the bin child directory, that is:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\bin
v Linux UNIX For Linux and UNIX-based systems, the path to the bin
directory varies depending on whether you are installing as root or as a
non-root user, as follows:
– For a non-root user, change to the bin child directory, that is:
<non-root user home directory>/.asci_<user_name>/bin
– For root, the path is as follows:
4. Run the backup script to back up the Deployment Engine database, as follows:
v Windows de_backupdb.cmd
v Linux UNIX de_backupdb
5. If you need to restore the Deployment Engine database, from the bin directory
run the restore script:
v Windows de_restoredb.cmd
v Linux UNIX de_restoredb

What to do next

If you backed up the Deployment Engine database, you can run the installer now
to add additional components or products. If you restored the Deployment Engine
database, you can resume using the original installed environment.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 23

Adminstering the GUI framework
You can use the functions of Tivoli Integrated Portal to administer the setup of
your Web GUI installation.

Tip: If you do not find the information that you require in this publication, see the
IBM Websphere Application Server information center at the following Web address:


Tivoli Integrated Portal layout

The layout of the console user interface has these major elements.

Figure 1. Console layout

1 Banner
Displays a common image across all console installations. The banner
includes a greeting to the user as well as links to log out of the console
and to open console help. The View selection list in the banner controls
which nodes are displayed in the navigation as well as pages that are
opened when the view is selected.
2 Page bar
Displays tabs to select between open pages. The page bar allows you to

24 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

work on different pages without closing the page or losing unsaved data.
For example, if you are working on an application on Page A, you can
open an application on another page to gather information about a
resource that you need to finish the form on Page A without losing any
unsaved data you have already entered. Multiple pages can be opened at
one time, but only one of the open pages is in focus (current page). The
page bar also contains a Select Action drop-down list for performing
actions on the current page.
3 Navigation pane
Displays a set of navigation nodes used for accessing content. The nodes
shown in the navigation pane are only those to which you have access.
4 Work area
Displays the current page that you are working on. The page contains one
or more Web applications or portlets, each in its own portlet window with
a title bar.

How to customize a Tivoli Integrated Portal setup

Use this information to learn about the resources provided in Tivoli Integrated
Portal, so that you can adminster your installation in line with your requirements.

To get started setting up the console, you should already be familiar with the
concepts and characteristics of the console layout. You should take time navigating
through the console to become familiar with the portlets, pages, views, roles, and
preference profiles that are provided. As you work with the console, you will
create some of these resources to suit your organization's needs.

Understanding the structure of the console

Access to each level in the console organization is assigned based on the users'
roles. Keep each role in mind when planning how to structure the console.

Content in the console is composed of portlets. The following figure shows how
portlets are arranged on a page using a row and column layout. Access to each
page, and to each portlet on each page, is assigned to users based on their defined

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 25

Each page is accessed from the console navigation, either from the console root or
they can be grouped into folders. The hierarchical structure of the navigation
affects how quickly users can find a page and work with the portlets on that page.

Folders and pages can be assembled into views that the user can select from the
View drop-down list in the banner. Each view can include pages that are initially
launched when the view is selected.

26 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Finally, you can define a set of preferences, called a preference profile, that
determines what views are available to each role, and whether the navigation
should be displayed.
Related information
“Adminstering roles” on page 77
“Adminstering pages” on page 28
“Administering views” on page 36
“Administering portlets” on page 39
“Adminstering console preference profiles” on page 43

How to customize a Tivoli Integrated Portal setup

Use this information to learn about the resources provided in Tivoli Integrated
Portal, so that you can adminster your installation in line with your requirements.
1. Define your console users and what tasks they perform. Console users are
assigned to roles, which are used to determine what tasks they can perform in
the console. As you assess the users' tasks, think about how these roles will be
defined. Consider how the community of console users will be assigned to
different roles and whether there are any existing roles that you can use, or if
you need to create new roles.
Roles can be created without assigning access to any resources. This step can be
performed later.
2. Review the content. Users' tasks are performed using portlets on console pages.
You need to understand what portlets are available and how they will be used
to perform these tasks. For each portlet, determine which roles should have
access and which roles should be restricted.
3. Create a navigation structure of pages and folders. Determine which pages are
currently used to access the portlets. Are these pages sufficient for the roles that
you have defined, or do you need to create new pages? For existing pages, do

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 27

you need to add or remove any portlets or change the way they are arranged
on the page? Consider that multiple roles can access a page with different
access to the portlets on that page.
Review the folders in the navigation and the pages that are contained in these
folders. Do these folders help the users find their content? Do you need to edit
existing folders or create new folders? Should you move any pages between
folders? What folders or pages should be hidden for each role?
4. Organize the content and navigation into views. Determine which navigation
folders and pages have a related purpose for each role. You can define one or
more views for each role, and even make a single view appear differently
between roles based on access control. Each view can also include one or more
pages that are launched when the view is selected. Each of these options is
provided to help remove other content and pages that can distract users.
5. Define the presentation for each role Determine which views should be
available to users in a role. For some roles, you can remove the navigation bar
and just provide a set of startup pages. You can assign exactly one preference
profile per role.
6. Test the console for each role. Create a test user for each role. Log into the
console as each user and verify the use cases.
v The navigation is shown or not, depending on the setting in the console
preference profile.
v The view selection list shows only the views to which the role has access and
as defined by the preference profile.
v Each view shows only the navigation nodes and startup pages allowed for
that role.
v Each folder shows only the pages allowed for that role.
v Each page launched in the navigation shows only the portlets allowed for
that role.
v If the role has Editor access to a page, the Edit Page option is available in the
Page Actions selection list. This option is not showing if the user's role does
not have Editor access.
v Each page shows only the portlets allowed for that role.
v The portlet title bar provides an Edit Options icon that provides access to
two options, a Personalize option, and an Edit Shared Settings option. The
Personalize option is available, if the user's role has Privileged User access.
The Edit Shared Settings option is available if the user's role has Editor
access. Otherwise, neither of these options are available.
Go back and make corrections as indicated by the results of your testing.
7. Move the console to production use. Assign roles to actual users and notify the
user community that the console server is ready for use.

Adminstering pages
Console content is composed of pages, folders, and external URLs. Each of these
resources is represented in the navigation pane as a node. Click Settings > Page
Management to create, edit, and delete pages and folders for the console
navigation. You can also edit external URLs that are launched from the navigation
pane. You cannot create URLs in the console. Instead, URLs are created when an
application is deployed to the console that includes the URL node in its

28 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Related tasks
“Creating startup pages” on page 34
Related information
“Administering portlets” on page 39
“Adminstering roles” on page 77

Creating pages
To create a page, you must first select content for the page and specify the layout
of the portlet window. You must then set the properties of the page, including the
page name and its location in the navigation pane. All pages that are created in the
console have a resource type of “Custom”.

To create a page for testing purposes:

1. To display the Create New Work Page portlet:
v In the taskbar, click the Create page tab.
v In the navigation pane, click Settings > Page Management and in the Page
Management portlet, click New Page.
A Page Settings page is displayed.
2. In the Page name field, provide a descriptive name for the page and in the
Page location field indicate where you want the page to be displayed in the
navigation pane. Consider the content on the page and how users will find that
content by looking for the page name in the navigation pane.
3. Optional: Click the Optional Setting label and associate one or more roles with
the new page and set the level of access for each role.
4. Click Save. The taskbar tab is updated with the name of the new page and a
Choose a Portlet window is displayed.
5. To add a portlet, scroll through the list and select a portlet or use the Filter
field to find the portlet you want to add.
6. Optional: Use the the Horizontal split icon or the the Vertical split icon to add
more portlet containers to the page and select a portlet for each section.
7. Click OK in the Choose a Portlet window. The selected portlet is displayed.
8. Click Save to commit your changes.


The new page is displayed. Users with “editor” access to the page can add more
content, arrange the content using horizontal and vertical layouts, and replace and
remove content.

What to do next

Make sure that the roles with access to this page also have access to the portlets
that are on the page. You can also edit the new page to customize its page
persistence settings and text direction settings.
Related tasks
“Publishing charts” on page 236
“Creating startup pages” on page 34

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 29

Editing page content and layout
Pages are an arrangement of one or more portlets in the work area and contain the
portlets needed to complete tasks. Users whose roles have “Editor” access to a
page can edit a page's layout and content using the Edit Page option in the page
action list. After saving changes to the layout and content, you can change a page's
properties, including it's name and location in the navigation.

Note: User's with “Privileged User” access can change the size of portlet windows
on the page.
1. Locate the page you want to edit in the navigation pane and open it.
2. In the page bar, select Edit Page from the page actions selection list. The page
is changed to show buttons at the top. Each portlet title bar displays new
icons for creating horizontal and vertical layouts and replacing and removing
portlet content.
3. Optional: To add more portlets to the page, follow these steps.
a. Create a window for the new portlet by splitting one of the windows
v Use the Horizontal split icon to create a window below an existing
v Use the Vertical split icon to create a window to the right of an existing
The Portlet Picker is displayed within the new portlet window for
selecting the portlet content.
b. Scroll through the list or use the Filter field to find the portlet you want to
c. Click OK. The portlet is added to the window.
4. Optional: To replace a portlet in a window, follow these steps.
a. Click the Replace content icon in the title bar where you want to replace
the portlet content. The Portlet Picker is displayed within the new window.
b. Scroll through the list or use the Filter field to find the portlet you want to
c. Click Add Portlet. The portlet is added to the window.
5. Optional: To remove a portlet and its window, click the Delete icon in the title
bar. The content is removed immediately without a warning prompt.
6. Optional: To create wires between portlets so they can share information and
updates, click Show Wires. Before working with wires, make sure that you
have enough information about the events that a portlet supports.
7. Click Page settings. The page settings are displayed.
8. Optional: Make changes to the page's settings as required.
a. Click the General tab.
b. In the Page name field, provide a descriptive name for the page and in the
Page location field indicate where you want the page to be displayed in
the navigation pane. Consider the content on the page and how users will
find that content by looking for the page name in the navigation pane.
c. Use the Navigation visibility list to indicate whether or not you want the
page to be listed in the navigation pane.
d. From the Page persistence list, make one of the following selections:
v Client side (default setting) - This setting preserves any changes that the
user makes on the page when the user navigates away from the page.
Changes include not only form data, but any state changes to portlets,

30 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

for example, opening edit mode, switching to another panel in the
portlet, or minimizing a portlet. Page data and page state are
maintained on the client side until the user closes the page or logs out
of the console.
v None
v Server side - This setting maintains unsubmitted or unsaved form data
from a page when the user navigates away from the page. The data is
saved on the server and fetched when the user returns to the page.
Unsaved data is saved until the user closes the page or logs out of the

Note: The Server side setting only applies to forms on a page. Any user
interaction outside of a form is not maintained.
e. Use the Page tasking radio buttons to indicate whether multiple instances
of the page can be launched.
f. In the Component direction drop-down list, you can accept the Default
setting to allow the component direction to be governed at console level or
select one of the other settings to indicate whether you want to display
page components from left-to-right or from right-to-left. If you select a
setting other than Default, it will override any component direction setting
that may be set at console or browser level.
g. In the Text direction drop-down list, you can accept the Default setting to
allow the text direction to be governed at console level or select
Left-to-Right or from Right-to-Left to indicate the direction that you want
the page text to display. You can also select Contextual Input so that for
pages that include text entry fields, the direction of text is dependent on
the language used to enter data. If you select a setting other than Default,
it will override any text direction setting that may be set at console or
browser level.
9. Optional: Click the Roles tab to update the list of roles with permissions to
the page and their access level. A list of all roles with access to the page is

Option Description
To remove access for a role Select a role and click Remove. The role is
removed immediately from the access list
without a warning prompt.
To add access for a role Click Add. Select one or more of the roles
displayed and click OK. The roles you
added are included to the list.
To change the access level for a role Select one of the options under Access Level
for the role.

Attention: Make sure that the roles with access to a page also have access to
the portlets that are on the page.
10. Optional: Click the View Membership tab to update the list of views that
include this page.

Option Description
To add this page to a view Click Add and select one or more views.
To remove this page from a view Select one or more views in the list and click

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 31

11. If you accessed the Page settings window and made changes, click Save to
commit your changes and return to the main edit page window.
12. When you are satisfied with your updates, click Save to commite your


You are returned to the page with your changes displayed.

Arranging portlets using the drag-and-drop feature:

When editing a page, you can drag portlets to any window on the page. The
portlet must already be placed in a window on the page, and the target window
must already exist.

The target window can be an empty window or it can already contain a portlet.
v If you drag a portlet into an empty window, the original window becomes
empty after the portlet has been moved.
v If you drag a portlet into a window that already contains another portlet, the
two portlets exchange windows.
1. Locate the mouse over the portlet title in the title bar. You cannot drop a portlet
into another window by dragging from any other location in the portlet
window or title bar. The portlet must be dragged using the title.
2. Drop the portlet in the target window when the target window displays a blue,
dotted outline around the frame. The outline is the only indication that the
portlet can be dropped into this location.

Creating folders
Folders are used to group nodes in the console navigation. All folders that are
created in the console have a resource type of “Custom”.
1. Click Settings > Page Management in the navigation pane. A Page Settings
page is displayed.
2. Click New Folder. The properties panel for the new folder is displayed.
3. Complete the fields in the properties panel.
4. Click Save to save your changes and return to Page Management.


The new folder is displayed in the summary table. The folder is also displayed in
the navigation pane once you have added page content to it. Add other nodes to
the folder by editing their location properties.

Editing the properties of a page, folder, or external URL

You can edit the properties of custom and system navigation nodes, which include
pages, folders, and external URLs. Properties of a node include its display name
and its location in the navigation. You can also indicate whether multiple or only
single instances of a page node can be launched in the console.

When changes are made to a system node, the updated system node is saved as
System - Customized. You cannot delete a system node. Instead, you can restore
the system node, which deletes the custom copy of it.

You can perform the following tasks when you edit a node's properties.
v Define who can access a page or external URL and the level of access

32 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

v Determine which view should include the node. When the view is selected, the
page, folder, or URL is included in the navigation pane for that view.
v Change the name that is displayed in the navigation pane for a node.
v Change the location of a node in the navigation pane. For example, you can
group pages into folders.

Attention: You cannot create URLs in the console. Instead, URLs are created
when an application is deployed to the console that includes the URL node in its
1. Click Settings > Page Management in the navigation pane. Page Management
is opened displaying console navigation nodes in a summary table.
2. Locate the node that you want to edit in the table provided. Use the filter in
the table to type in the node name and quickly display it.
3. Click the link for the node provided in the Name column. The properties panel
for the node is displayed.
4. Make your changes to the node's Page, Folder, and External URL properties.
5. Click Save when you have finished.


The changes you made are reflected in the navigation pane.

Deleting custom pages and folders

You can delete only pages with the resource type of Custom. These are nodes
created using the console.

System nodes that have been customized can be restored.

Attention: Before deleting a page or folder, consider whether any users are
actively using the resource and any impacts this might have on services. If
necessary, notify users in advance of any plans for changes that could affect their
1. Click Settings > Page Management in the console navigation. Page
Management is opened displaying console navigation nodes in a summary
2. Locate the node that you want to delete in the table provided. Use the filter in
the table to type in the node name and quickly display it.
3. Check the box in the Select column for the node. You can select more than one
custom page or folder for deletion.
4. Click Delete. A message is displayed at the top prompting you to confirm the
5. Click OK.


The page or folder is deleted and removed from the navigation pane.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 33

Restoring system pages, folders, and external URLs
System nodes are always preserved with their original settings. After making
changes to a system node, the changes are saved in a customized copy of the page,
folder, or URL. When you restore a system node, the customized copy is deleted
and the original system node is restored in its place.

To delete the customized copy and restore the system node, follow these steps.
1. Click Settings > Page Management in the console navigation. Page
Management is opened displaying console navigation nodes in a summary
2. Locate the node that you want to edit in the table provided. Use the filter in
the table to type in the node name and quickly display it.
3. Click the link for the node provided in the Name column. The properties panel
for the node is displayed.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the panel and click Restore.
5. Click OK to save your changes.


You are returned to the main panel of Page Management. The resource type of the
node is displayed as System.

Creating startup pages

You can create startup pages, which are displayed after a user logs in, and assign
them to users or user groups based on their role. You can also hide the links to
other portlets and pages from the navigation.

Before you begin

Make sure that the user account you want to use has the iscadmins role assigned.

To create startup pages:

1. Optional: To create a new role, click Users and Groups > Role Management
and follows the steps under “Creating roles” on page 80.
2. Optional: To create a new page:
a. Click Settings > Page Management
b. Follow the steps under “Creating pages” on page 29.
Add the necessary content to the page. For example, you can add AEL
portlets to an IFrame portlet along with other content for the intended
c. To specify the role or roles required to access the page, click Roles with
access to this page. Click Add and select the required roles.
3. Add the startup page to a view:
a. Click Settings > View Management and click New.
b. In the View name field, type a name for the view.
c. Select Hide any open pages in the work area that are not part of this view.
d. Click Roles with Access to This View.
e. On the Available Roles page, select the required roles and click Add.

Tip: To give Web GUI administrators access to the view, select the
ncw_admin role.

34 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

f. Select the level of access for each assigned role.

Tip: Set editor-level access for the ncw_admin role.

g. Click Pages in This View and click Add.
h. On the Available Pages page, select the required pages and click Add.
i. Select Select and Set all pages in this view to launch.
j. Click Save.
4. Link the view and the role by creating a console preference profile:
a. Click Settings > Console Preference Profiles and click New.
b. In the Preference profile name field, type a name for the profile.
c. Select Show navigation tree.
d. To restrict the navigation options to only the pages specified in the view,
click Required view and clear All tasks .
e. Clear Core views.
f. Click Roles using this preference profile and click Add.
g. On the Available Roles page, select the required roles and click Add.
h. Under Default console view select the view that you created in step 3 on
page 34.
i. Click Save.
5. To assign roles to users:
a. Click Users & Groups > User Roles.
b. Complete any combination of the search fields to help locate the users.
c. Select how many users to display and click Search. A list of matching users
appears in the grid.
d. Click the user ID of the user you want to assign roles to.
e. From the Role(s) list, select the roles to assign the user.
f. Click Save.
6. To assign roles to user groups:
a. Click Users & Groups > Group Roles.
b. Complete any combination of the search fields to help locate the groups.
c. Select how many groups to display and click Search. A list of groups
appears in the grid.
d. Click the name of the group you want to assign roles to.
e. From the Role(s) list, select the roles to assign the user group.
f. Click Save.


When a user belonging to a group that has the assigned role logs in, the selected
startup page is automatically loaded. In the View list above the navigation, the
user can switch between navigation displays: All tasks displays all the navigation
options assigned to the role, and viewname displays all the options assigned to the
view. If a user is assigned to multiple roles that have startup pages, all pages are
automatically loaded after login.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 35

Related tasks
“Adminstering users” on page 69
“Adminstering groups” on page 81
“Creating roles” on page 80
“Creating pages” on page 29
“Creating views”
“Creating preference profiles” on page 43
“Creating users” on page 72
“Creating groups” on page 84
Related information
“Adminstering pages” on page 28
“Adminstering console preference profiles” on page 43
“Administering views”

Administering views
Views are a defined set of tasks that are displayed in the console navigation pane.
Views also can include one or more pages that are launched when the view is

For example, if you find a set of tasks related to obtaining sales and cost reports
from retail stores throughout a region, you could create a view called “Reports”
that includes all of the pages associated with those tasks in the navigation. Each
page, along with the folders that include them, would be added to the view. You
could then set some of the most important pages to launch when the view is
selected. In this way, views can make your experience with the console more
productive than sorting through all of the navigation tasks that are displayed by

If you have sufficient access, you can create your own custom views. You can only
edit system views.

To access View Management in the console, click Settings > View Management in
the navigation.
Related tasks
“Creating startup pages” on page 34
Related information
“Adminstering roles” on page 77

Creating views
Views determine what pages are listed in the navigation pane as well as which
pages are launched when the view is selected. All views that are created in the
console have a resource type of Custom. This procedure walks you through the task
of creating a view for testing purposes. After completing these steps, you can
remove or edit this view for production use.

Before you begin

You should understand the Console layout before starting this task.
1. Click Settings > View Management in the navigation pane. The View
Management page is displayed with the list of system and custom views in
the console.

36 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

2. Click New. The properties panel for the new view is displayed.
3. Enter a descriptive name for the view. This name is displayed in the View
selection list in the banner.
4. Expand the Roles with Access to This View section and click Add. The Add
Roles panel is displayed with a list of available roles. For this task, add a role
that can be used to test the view before adding access for other roles.
Attention: Granting access to the view does not grant access to the pages
within the view.
5. Select your role in the table. You can use the filter to quickly find your role if
the list of roles is very large.
6. Click Add after making your selection. You are returned to the view
properties. The next step is to determine the pages that make up the view.
7. Expand the Pages in This View section and click Add. The Add Pages panel
is displayed with a list of available pages.
8. Select several folders or pages in the list. Selecting a folder also selects all of
the pages contained in that folder. You can individually deselect pages in a
folder if necessary.
9. Click Add after making your selections. You are returned to the view
10. Select the Launch option for two or three of the pages and select one of the
launch pages as the default.
11. Click Save to save the new view and return to View Management.


Select the new view from the View drop down list located above the navigation
pane. Verify that all pages and folder that you selected are displayed in the
navigation, that the pages selected to launch are available is the page bar, and that
the default selection has focus in the work area.

Editing views
Views provide a limited set of nodes in the console navigation and optional set of
startup pages to help users focus on their tasks. If you have sufficient
authorization in the console, you can change the view name, navigation content,
and access permissions for system and custom views. You can delete only custom
views. Changes you make to a system view are saved as System Customized.
1. In the navigation pane, click Settings > Views. The View Management page is
displayed with the list of system and custom views in the console.
2. Click the view name in the list displayed in View Management. This displays
the view's properties.
3. Optional: Expand Roles with Access to This View to update the list of roles
with permissions to the view and their access level. A list of all roles with
access to the view is displayed.

Option Description
To remove access for a role Select a role and click Remove. The role is
removed immediately from the access list
without a warning prompt.
To add access for a role Click Add. Select one or more of the roles
displayed and click OK. The roles you
added are included to the list.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 37

Option Description
To change the access level for a role Select one of the options under Access Level
for the role.

Note: Granting access to the view does not grant access to the pages within the
4. Optional: Expand Pages in This View to change which pages are displayed in
the navigation when the view is selected.

Option Description
Add a page to the view Click Add to add a page to the view.
Remove a page from the view Select the page in the Select column and
click Remove. You can select multiple pages
to remove.
Change the launch options for a page Select Launch for each page that should be
opened when the view is selected. Only one
page can be in focus (current) when the
view is selected. When multiple pages are
set to launch, set the current page in the
Default column.

5. Click Save to save your changes and return to the main view panel.


For customized versions of a system view, you can retrieve the system view
settings by editing the system customized view and clicking Restore. The “system
customized” version of the view is removed and replace by the original system

Deleting custom views

You can delete only views with the resource type of Custom. These are views
created using the console.

Customized versions of system views can be restored. Restoring a System

Customized view deletes the custom copy and replaces it with the original system

Attention: Before deleting a view, consider whether any users are actively using
the view and any impacts this might have on services. If necessary, notify users in
advance of any plans for changes that could affect their work.

Follow these steps to delete a custom view.

1. Click Settings > View Management in the console navigation. The View
Management page is displayed with the list of system and custom views in the
2. Select the custom view that you want to delete. You can select more than one
custom view.
3. Click Delete. A message is displayed at the top prompting you to confirm the
4. Click OK.

38 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide


The custom view is removed from the view list.

Administering portlets
Portlets are web applications that display information or provide a service in a
console page. You can only work with portlets that have been deployed to the
console. Use Portlet Management to create, edit, and delete portlet from a page.

To access Portlet Management in the console, click Settings > Portlet Management
in the navigation. The main panel displays a list of all of the portlets in the
console. Within the list, the portlets are grouped into the pages and folders as they
are located in the console navigation. The group Uncategorized portlets indicates
portlets that are not placed on a page within the navigation. To place a portlet on a
page, you have to edit the page.

A delete icon to the right of a portlet indicates that it is a copy.

Related information
“Adminstering pages” on page 28
“Adminstering roles” on page 77

Creating portlets
You can create a new copy of an existing portlet. You can create many different
portlet copies, or portlet entities, of a single portlet, each entity with a different
name. The portlet must already be installed to the console for you to create a copy
of it.

Note: If you are creating a new copy of a portlet, add your own role to the portlet
access list so that you can view the portlet when it is placed on a page.

Follow these steps to create a copy of a single portlet.

1. Click Settings > Portlet Management in the navigation pane. A list of all of the
console portlets is displayed in a scrollable table.
2. Browse through the list or use the Filter field to locate the portlet you want to
copy. To use the filter field, start typing the portlet name. The list is reduced to
portlets whose names match the characters you enter.
3. Check the box next to the portlet and click Copy. The portlet properties panel
is opened. The Portlet Entity Title field displays the original portlet's title
prefixed with Copy of.
4. Click the new portlet name.
5. Enter a new, descriptive name for Portlet Entity Title. In most circumstances,
the entity title becomes the display name.
6. Click Roles with Access to This Portlet. The list of roles with access is based
on the access list of the original portlet.
7. Use the Add and Remove buttons to update the list. For each role, verify their
access level is set correctly.
Attention: You must add your own role to this list to access the portlet copy
on any page it is placed.
8. Click Save to save your changes and return to Portlet Management.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 39


Now that you have finished creating your portlet copy, use Page Management to
place the portlet on a page.

To create copies of multiple portlets, follow these steps, but select multiple portlets
from the list before you click Copy. This adds each new portlet copy to the list
under Uncategorized portlets. Click each portlet in the list to change the title.

Editing portlets
Portlets provide content on a console page, for example, viewing system
information or submitting reports. If you have sufficient authorization in the
console, you can change access permissions to a portlet. For copies of portlets that
have been created, you can also change the display name of the portlet. If you
want to place a portlet on a page, you have to edit the page and select the portlet
from the displayed list.
1. Click Settings > Portlet Management in the console navigation. A list of all of
the console portlets is displayed in a scrollable table.
2. Browse through the list or use the Filter field to locate the portlet you want to
edit. To use the Filter field, start typing the portlet name. The list is reduced to
portlets whose names match the characters you enter.
3. Click the name of the portlet that you want to edit. The portlet properties are
4. Optional: Enter a descriptive name for the portlet. The portlet name can be
changed only if this is a copy of a portlet.
5. Optional: Expand Roles with Access to This Portlet to update the list of roles
with permissions to the portlet and their access level. A list of all roles with
access to the portlet is displayed.

Option Description
To remove access for a role Select a role and click Remove. The role is
removed immediately from the access list
without a warning prompt.
To add access for a role Click Add. Select one or more of the roles
displayed and click OK. The roles you
added are included to the list.
To change the access level for a role Select one of the options under Access Level
for the role.

6. Optional: Use the Component direction and Text direction fields to set the
direction to display portlet content and text. For both portlet content and text,
the Default option allows the portlet to inherit the display direction that is set
at page level. You can set the text and content direction at portlet level to either
left-to-right or right-to-left. Additionally, in the Text direction list, you can also
select Contextual Input so that for portlets that include text entry fields, the
direction of text is dependent on the language used to enter data.
7. Click Save to save your changes and return to the main portlet panel.

40 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Editing portlet shared settings
Some portlets include an Edit Shared Settings mode that allows users with “Editor”
access level to configure common settings for other users of the portlet. Once
shared settings are configured, users with “Privileged User” level of access can
change these values for their own personal use of the portlet. Default settings
cannot be changed by users with “User” level of access. Follow these steps to set
the shared settings for a portlet.

Before you begin

You must have “Editor” access to the portlet to perform this task.
1. Navigate to the page where the portlet is located.
2. Click the Edit options icon in the portlet title bar. Two options are displayed:
Personalize and Edit Shared Settings.
Attention: If this icon is not available in the portlet title bar, then either the
portlet does not support Edit Shared Settings mode, or you do not have “Editor”
access for the portlet.
3. Select Edit Shared Settings. The portlet displays shared settings that can be
4. Make any changes to the settings and submit them when you are finished. The
portlet might provide a Save, OK, or Submit button. Once you have submitted
your changes, you should be returned to the main panel for the portlet. If not,
click the Back icon in the title bar.


The shared settings for using this portlet are saved. If the portlet is located on
more than one page, the updated settings will be observed on the other pages as

What to do next

The updated settings configuration only affect settings that have not been
personalized by users. To verify that the a user's preferences have been preserved,
log in with a test user name and verify that the shared settings are set as intended.

Deleting portlets
You can use the console to delete only a copy of a portlet. To remove the original
portlet, the console administrator must undeploy the console module application to
which the portlet belongs.
1. Click Settings > Portlets in the console navigation. A list of all of the console
portlets is displayed in a scrollable table.
2. Browse through the list or use the Filter field to locate the portlet you want to
remove. To use the filter field, start typing the portlet name. The list is reduced
to portlets whose names match the characters you entered.
3. Click the Delete icon.


The portlet is removed immediately without a warning prompt.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 41

Creating and configuring a Web widget
Administrators can configure the Tivoli® Integrated PortalIntegrated Solutions
Console web widget portlet to display a discrete Web page.

To create a Web widget portlet to display a discrete Web page:

1. Create a new page and in the Choose a Portlet panel, select Web widget and
click OK to display the Web widget page.
2. To apply general settings for the Web widget, click the the Edit options icon. A
Web widget settings page is displayed.
3. In the Widget Title field provide a brief descriptive name. When selecting a
title, consider the purpose of the Web widget, its home page, and that the title
is used in the navigation pane to access the Web widget.
4. In the Home URL field provide a valid Web address. This the Web address of
the page that displays by default when a user accesses the Web widget from
the navigation pane.
5. Optional: In the Help URL field, provide a relative or absolute URL to a
custom help page HTML topic to replace the default help topic that ships with
the Web widget.
6. Optional: In the HTML iFrame name field, provide a unique HTML iFrame
name. The entry in this field serves to uniquely identify the Web widget to
allow its content to be dynamically updated.
7. Check the Show a browser control toolbar to provide users with a Web
navigation toolbar, that is, standard Web navigation buttons and a Web address
entry field.
8. To allow users to personalize their Web widget settings , check the relevant
check box. By default, the following check boxes are cleared:
v Widget title
v Home page
v Help page
v Browser control bar
9. Click Save to commit your changes, or Restore Default Settings to reset the

Editing shared settings for a Web widget:

Administrators can set shared settings to provide a common experience for users
of a Web widget.

If you have not configured any shared settings for a Web widget, users can by
default enter a complete Web address in the field provided and browse Web pages.
To edit shared settings:
1. In the title bar of the Web widget, click the Edit options icon to display an edit
shared settings page.
2. Optional: In the Widget Title field provide a brief descriptive name. When
selecting a title, consider the purpose of the Web widget, its home page, and
that the title is used in the navigation pane to access the Web widget.
3. Optional: In the Home URL field provide a valid Web address. This the Web
address of the page that displays by default when a user accesses the Web
widget from the navigation pane.
4. Optional: In the Help URL field, provide a relative or absolute URL to a
custom help page HTML topic to replace the help topic that is currently
associated with the Web widget.

42 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

5. Optional: In the HTML iFrame name field, provide a unique HTML iFrame
name. The entry in this field serves to uniquely identify the Web widget to
allow its content to be dynamically updated.
6. Check the Show a browser control toolbar to provide users with a Web
navigation toolbar, that is, standard Web navigation buttons and a Web address
entry field.
7. To allow users to personalize their Web widget settings , check the relevant
check box. By default, the following check boxes are cleared:
v Widget title
v Home page
v Help page
v Browser control bar
8. Click Save to commit your changes, or Restore Default Settings to reset the

Adminstering console preference profiles

Preference profiles are a collection of console behavior preferences for using the
console that are created by the console administrator. These preferences include the
visibility of the navigation tree, contents of the view selection list, and the default
view. Assign preference profiles to roles to manage how the navigation area and
view selections are displayed to the users in the role.

Attention: Each role is limited to one preference profile.

Related tasks
“Creating startup pages” on page 34

Creating preference profiles

Preference profiles are a collection of console behavior preferences for using the
console that are created by the console administrator. Follow these steps to create a
preference profile and assign it to a role.
1. Click Settings > Console Preference Profiles in the console navigation. The
Console Preference Profiles page is displayed with the list of preference
profiles that have already been created in the console.
2. Click New. The properties panel for the new preference profile is displayed.
3. Enter a descriptive name for the preference profile. Consider how the name
reflects the roles that have been assigned to it or the console settings that are
4. Indicate whether the navigation tree should be hidden. This might be
preferable when the user has few pages to access and display space in the
console is better reserved for page content.
5. Optional: Use the Console Bidirection Options to set the direction to display
console content and text. The default option lets the browser dictate the text
and content direction, for example, for Arabic and Hebrew, the text is
displayed right-to-left, whereas for other languages it is displayed left-to-right.
Alternatively, you can decide to set the text and content direction to either
left-to-right or right-to-left. In the Text direction list, you can also select
Contextual Input so that for portlets that include text entry fields, the
direction of text is dependent on the language used to enter data.
6. Select which view options should be available for users in the role.
7. Expand the section Roles Using this Preference Profile.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 43

8. Click Add and select one or more roles to use this preference profile. When
assigning roles, you might notice some roles missing from the list. This means
they are assigned to another preference profile. The role must be removed
from the other profile before it can be assigned to this one.
9. Select the default console view for this preference profile. The default view is
the one that is selected when users in this role log in to the console. This field
is enabled when at least one role has been added for this preference profile.
10. Click Save to save your changes and return to Console Preference Profiles.


The new preference profile is created and listed on the main panel for Console
Preference Profiles.

Editing console preference profiles

Preference profiles are a collection of console behavior preferences for using the
console that are created by the console administrator. Follow these steps to change
the properties or roles assigned to a preference profile.
1. in the navigation pane, click Settings > Console Preference Profiles. The
Console Preference Profiles page is displayed with the list of preference profiles
that have already been created in the console.
2. Click the name of the preference profile that you want to edit. The properties
panel for the preference profile is displayed.
3. Optional: Enter a descriptive name for the preference profile. Consider how the
name reflects the roles that have been assigned to it or the console settings that
are defined.
4. Optional: Indicate whether the navigation tree should be hidden. This might be
preferable when the user has few pages to access and display space in the
console is better reserved for page content.
5. Optional: Use the Console Bidirection Options to set the direction to display
console content and text. The default option lets the browser dictate the text
and content direction, for example, for Arabic and Hebrew, the text is displayed
right-to-left, whereas for other languages it is displayed left-to-right.
Alternatively, you can decide to set the text and content direction to either
left-to-right or right-to-left. In the Text direction list, you can also select
Contextual Input so that for portlets that include text entry fields, the direction
of text is dependent on the language used to enter data.
6. Optional: Select which view options should be available for users in the role.
7. Expand the section Roles Using this Preference Profile.

Option Description
To add roles Click Add and select one or more roles to
add to the list. Click OK when you have
made all of your selections.
Note: If a role is not listed, it likely means
that it has been assigned to another
preference profile.
To remove roles Select one of more roles in the list and click
Remove. Be certain of your selections. When
you delete, there is no warning prompt and
the action cannot be undone.
To assign a default view Select from the Default console view section
to the side of the role list.

44 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

8. Click Save to save your changes.


The preference profile is updated and you are returned to the main panel for
Console Preference Profiles.

Deleting console preference profiles

Preference profiles are a collection of console behavior preferences for using the
console that are created by the console administrator. Follow these steps to delete a
preference profile.
1. Click Settings > Console Preference Profiles in the navigation pane. The
Console Preference Profiles page is displayed with the list of preference profiles
that have already been created in the console.
2. Locate the preference profile that you want to delete in the table provided. You
can use the filter in the table to type in the preference profile name and quickly
display it.
3. In the Select column select one or more preference profiles.
4. Click Delete. A message is displayed at the top prompting you to confirm the
5. Click OK.


The preference profile is removed.

Exporting and importing Tivoli Integrated Portal data

You can export customized configuration data from an existing Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI installation to another by exporting the data and
subsequently importing the exported data.

Exporting and importing customized settings can be done at the command line
through the tipcli.bat|.sh Export and tipcli.bat|sh Import commands.

Note: The tipcli.bat|.sh Export and tipcli.bat|sh Import commands are case
sensitive. Also, if you make a typing error, that is, if you type a parameter
incorrectly, or use the incorrect case, then the commands runs as if no parameters
were specified and no warning message is displayed.

You can export and import the following elements:

v Custom pages and customized system page elements, with the exception of core
and system pages, including:
– Page name and layout.
– Portlet entities.

Note: Copies of a portlet entity are not exported; either through the console
Export Wizard or through the tipcli.bat|.sh Export command.
– View profiles.
– Events and wires.
– Access permissions.
– Navigation structure.
v Custom views (or customized system views).

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 45

Note: You can also export pages associated with a view if the exportpageinview
parameter is set to true.
v Custom roles, including:
– Role name, creation date, and update date.
– Role mapping information in relation to users and groups.
– Associated role preference, that is, the relevant console preference profile.
v Console properties and customization properties, including:
– Transformations.
– Themes and images.
– Bundles.

In a load balanced environment the import operation migrates imported elements

across all the computers in the pool, with following conditions:
v All the required applications (WAR files) must be deployed on all computers in
the pool.
v The load balanced pool configuration must be locked during the import
v The import operation must be ran on one of the nodes in the pool.
v You must provide the load balancing manager an updated file list to update the
load balancing scope. The migration tool plugin provides the file list.
v The load balanced pool configuration, can then be unlocked.
v The import of transformations in a load balanced environment is not supported.
Transformations must be imported to each node independently.
The haSupport command controls this aspect of the import operation:
– If it is set to True, then only load balancing information is imported, that is,
no transformation data.
– If it is set to False, then only transformation data is imported, that is, no load
balancing data.
– If it is set to Both, then transformation data and load balancing data is

Basic export commands

You can export pages, views and profile preferences using the basic export

Exporting pages in simplified mode:

By using the ExportPage command you can export specific pages without having
to provide additional qualifying parameters.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is running.

To export specific pages in simplified mode for an instance of Tivoli Integrated

1. At the command line change to: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin.
2. To return a list of customized pages that can be exported, run the following
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat ListPages
--customizePages true

46 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
ListPages --customizePages true

Note: The page ID is the last element of the returned records, for example, the
page ID for the following record is BIXRjLkKYngNsRavnu0fYpx1279539744250:
3. Review the list of returned page records and take note of the page IDs for the
pages that you want to export.
4. To export specific pages, run the following command:
v Windowstip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat ExportPage
--uniqueName pageID_1,pageID_2,pageID_3
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
ExportPage --uniqueName pageID_1,pageID_2,pageID_3

Note: The file portletEntities.xml is always exported, even if you specify

NONE as an argument to the uniqueName parameter.


When the command completes, a Data.zip file is created in tip_home_dir/


What to do next

Locate tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/output/Data.zip and copy it to the

computer where you intend to apply the exported customization data.

Exporting views in simplified mode:

By using the ExportView command you can export specific views without having
to provide additional qualifying parameters.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is running.

To export specific views in simplified mode for an instance of Tivoli Integrated

1. At the command line change to: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin.
2. Optional: To return a list of customized views that can be exported, run the
following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat ListViews
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
3. Review the list of returned view records and take note of the view IDs for the
views that you want to export.
4. To export specific views, run the following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat ExportView
--uniqueName viewID_1, viewID_2, viewID_3

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 47

v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
ExportView --uniqueName viewID_1, viewID_2, viewID_3

Note: The file portletEntities.xml is always exported, even if you specify

NONE as an argument to the uniqueName parameter.


When the command completes, a Data.zip file is created in tip_home_dir/


What to do next

Locate tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/output/Data.zip and copy it to the

computer where you intend to apply the exported customization data.

Exporting console preference profiles in simplified mode:

By using the ExportProfile command you can export console preference profiles
without having to provide additional qualifying parameters.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is running.

To export console preference profiles in simplified mode:

1. At the command line change to: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin.
2. Optional: To return a list of console preference profiles that can be exported:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
3. Review the list of returned records and take note of the unique names for the
console preference profiles that you want to export.
4. To export specific console preference profiles, run the following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat
ExportProfile --uniqueName profile_ID1,profile_ID2,profile_ID3
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
ExportProfile --uniqueName profile_ID1,profile_ID2,profile_ID3

Note: The file portletEntities.xml is always exported, even if you specify

NONE as an argument to the uniqueName parameter.


When the command completes, a Data.zip file is created in tip_home_dir/


What to do next

Locate tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/output/Data.zip and copy it to the

computer where you intend to apply the exported customization data.

48 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Advanced export commands
You can use the more advanced tipcli Export commands and apply a number of
parameters to define which items you want to include and exclude in relation to
the export operation.

Exporting all customization data:

You can export all customization data for an instance of Tivoli Integrated Portal in
one command.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is running.

To export all customization data for an instance of Tivoli Integrated Portal:

1. At the command line change to: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin.
2. Optional: To return a list of plugins that will be run during the export
operation, run the following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.bat
3. To export all customization data, run the following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat Export
--username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
Export --username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password


When the Export command completes, a Data.zip file is created in



Refer to the links at the end of the page to view details of customs parameters that
can be applied to the Export command.

What to do next

Locate tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/output/Data.zip and copy it to the

computer where you intend to apply the exported customization data.
Related reference
“Export tipcli commands” on page 56

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 49

Exporting using a properties file:

You can specify your export requirements in properties file instead of specifying
your requirements using separate parameters at the command line.

Before you begin

By default, the tipcli command uses the tip_home_dir/TIPProfile/etc/

tipcli.properties file unless this behavior is overridden by the specifying a
discrete settings file using the settingFile parameter.

Ensure that the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is running.

To export customization data using a properties file:

1. Create a properties file that specifies the data that you want to export and save
it as export-settings.properties in a known location.
Below is example content for an export properties file:

Note: Some parameters are import or export specific. Import specific

parameters should be prefixed by import. and export specific parameters
should be prefixed by export.. For example, import.backupDir=c:/tmp/bkups.
2. At the command line change to: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin.
3. To export customization data based on the contents of a specific properties file,
run the following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat Export
--username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password
--settingFile export_properties_file
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
Export --username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password
--settingFile export_properties_file
An argument to the settingFile parameter that provides the location
and name of the export properties file, for example,

Note: Windows On systems running Windows you must use double

backslashes characters (\\) when specifying the path to your settings


If there is a conflict between settings specified in the properties file and

parameters provided at the command line, then the command line parameters
take precedence.

50 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide


When the Export command completes, a extest.zip file is created in the root
temporary directory, for example on Windows systems the file is saved in c:\tmp.

What to do next

Locate extest.zip and copy it to the computer where you intend to apply the
exported customization data.

Exporting specific pages:

When exporting Tivoli Integrated Portal data, you can specify that you want to
export particular pages.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is running.

To export specific pages for an instance of Tivoli Integrated Portal:

1. At the command line change to: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin.
2. To return a list of customized pages that can be exported, run the following
v Windowstip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat ListPages
--customizePages true
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
ListPages --customizePages true

Note: The page ID is the last element of the returned records, for example, the
page ID for the following record is BIXRjLkKYngNsRavnu0fYpx1279539744250:
3. Review the list of returned page records and take note of the page IDs for the
pages that you want to export.
4. To export specified pages, run the following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat Export
--username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password --pages
pageID_1, pageID_2, pageID_3
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
Export --username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password
--pages pageID_1, pageID_2, pageID_3


When the command completes, a Data.zip file is created in tip_home_dir/


What to do next

Locate tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/output/Data.zip and copy it to the

computer where you intend to apply the exported customization data.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 51

Exporting specific views:

When exporting Tivoli Integrated Portal data, you can specify that you want to
export particular views.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is running.

To export specific views for an instance of Tivoli Integrated Portal:

1. At the command line change to: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin.
2. Optional: To return a list of customized views that can be exported, run the
following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat ListViews
v UNIX Linuxtip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
3. Review the list of returned view records and take note of the view IDs for the
views that you want to export.
4. To export specific views, run the following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat Export
--username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password --views
viewID_1,viewID_2,viewID_3 --exportpageinviews [true|false]
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
Export --username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password
--views viewID_1,viewID_2,viewID_3 --exportpageinviews [true|false]
An optional parameter, when set to true ensures that you also export
pages associated with the views that you have specified.

Note: Whether the optional parameter exportpageinviews is set to true or

false, if a view has a default node in the navigation pane associated with it,
then the page associated with the node is always exported. This is also true,
even if you specify NONE as the argument to the --pages parameter.


When the command completes, a Data.zip file is created in tip_home_dir/


What to do next

Locate tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/output/Data.zip and copy it to the

computer where you intend to apply the exported customization data.

52 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Rules for exporting:

When exporting customized configuration data, it is important to know the rules

governing the export function and the options available to you.

The following rules apply when exporting customized configuration data from a
Tivoli Integrated Portal environment:
Rules and options for pages
1. You can export a particular page by page ID or choose to export all
2. You can export pages associated with a particular view.
3. You can export pages that are associated with a particular portlet from
a particular WAR.
4. If a page contains multiple portlets, but only some from a specified
WAR, then all elements of the page are exported.
5. Pages that are targets of a wire for a specified page are exported.
6. The default export scope is All if you do not define pages to be
exported under rule 2 and rule 3.
7. The default export scope is NONE if you define pages to be exported
under rule 2 and rule 3.
Rules and options for views
1. You can export a particular view by view ID or choose to export all
2. You can optionally export all views that contains a specified page.
3. The default export scope is All.
4. You can optionally export all pages associated with the views that you
want to export.
5. If an view has a default node in the navigation pane associated with it,
then that page is automatically exported with the view.
Rules and options for custom roles and role preferences (console preference
1. You can export a particular role by role ID or choose to export all roles.
2. You can export a custom role and role preference that is associated with
a specified page or view.
3. The default export scope is set to All, unless the
includeEntitiesFromApps parameter has been specified for a page or
view, whereby it is then set to REQUIRED.
4. If a console preference profile has a custom view as its default view,
then that view is automatically exported. If the exported view has a
default node in the navigation pane, then the associated page is
automatically exported with the view.
Rules and options for user preferences
1. You can export user preferences by user ID or choose to export
preferences for all users.
2. The default export scope is set to All, unless the
includeEntitiesFromApps parameter has been specified for a page or
view, whereby it is then set to REQUIRED.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 53

Rules and options for console properties and customization properties
All of console properties and customization properties are exported.
Rules and options for transformations
All transformations are exported.

Import commands
You can use the tipcli Import commands and apply a number of parameters to
define which items you want to include and exclude in relation to the import

Importing previously exported data:

You can import data that was exported from another instance of Tivoli Integrated

Before you begin

Ensure that the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is running.

Ensure that you have run the export operation on an originating instance of the
Tivoli Integrated Portal Server and that you have copy the output file (data.zip) to
the following directory on the other instance:

To import data from a data.zip that was exported from another instance Tivoli
Integrated Portal Server:
1. At the command line change to: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin.
2. Optional: To return a list of plugins that will be run during the import
operation, run the following command:
v Windowstip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.bat
3. To import the customization data, run the following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat Import
--username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password
v UNIX Linuxtip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
Import --username tipadmin_user_name --password tipadmin_password


When the Import command completes, the imported data is merged with the
existing Tivoli Integrated Portal environment.
Related reference
“Import tipcli commands” on page 59

54 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Rolling back imports:

After you import data you can rollback your configuration to the pre-import state
provided you have made no changes to the environment.

Before you begin

If you have performed multiple imports, you can also consecutively rollback
individual imports. In all cases, you must have not had made changes to the

Ensure that the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is running.

To roll back imports for a Tivoli Integrated Portal environment:

1. At the command line change to: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin.
2. To rollback an import, run the following command:
v Windows tip_home_dir\profiles\TIPProfile\bin\tipcli.bat Import
--rollback ALL
v UNIX Linux tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/tipcli.sh
Import --rollback ALL
Once the command completes successfully, the Tivoli Integrated Portal
environment is restored to the state that prevailed before the latest import
operation was performed.
3. Optional: If you performed multiple imports and you want to roll back more
than the most recent import operation, you can re-run the tipcli.bat Import
--rollback ALL command. You can re-run the rollback command multiple
times to consecutively roll back a number of import operations.
When you re-run the rollback command a second or subsequent time, the Tivoli
Integrated Portal environment is restored to the state that prevailed prior the
settings for that particular import operation being applied.

Rules for importing:

When importing customized configuration data, it is important to know the rules

governing the import function and the options available to you.

The following rules apply when importing customized configuration data for a
Tivoli Integrated Portal environment:
Rules and options for pages
1. You can import all pages included in an exported package.
2. You can exclude system customized pages that do not exist in the new
3. You can exclude pages associated with a WAR that is not deployed in
the new environment and thereby avoid introducing empty pages.
4. If a page contains multiple portlets and some of portlets are associated
with a WAR that is not deployed in the new environment, the page is
not imported.
Rules and options for views
All views included in an exported package are imported.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 55

Rules and options for custom roles and role preferences (console preference
All roles included in an exported package are imported.
Rules and options for user preferences
All user preferences included in an exported package are imported.
Rules and options for console properties and customization properties
All console properties and customization properties included in an
exported package are imported.
Rules and options for transformations
All transformations included in an exported package are imported, if the
haSupport parameter is set to Both or False.

Table 1 provides details how various elements are processed during import:
Table 4. Rules for overwriting and merging during import
Element Action Comments
Pages Overwritten In relation to pages, roles are
merged, view memberships
remain unchanged, and
positions are modified.
Views Overwritten In relation to views, existing
page memberships are
merged with imported pages
Roles Skipped In relation to roles, user and
group mappings are merged.
Console preference profiles Skipped
Credential data Merged
Property files Merged
Transformations Skipped
Charts Overwritten

tipcli command reference

Export tipcli commands:

tipcli commands for exporting Tivoli Integrated Portal data.

Note: If you specify additional parameters for the tipcli.bat|.sh Export and
make a typing error, that is, if you type a parameter incorrectly, or use the
incorrect case, then the commands runs as if no parameters were specified and no
warning message is displayed.
Use the ListExportPlugins command to list all plugins that can be
Export [--includePlugins|--excludePlugins plugin1,plugin2] [--settingFile
setting_file] --username tip_username --password tip_user_password
Use the Export command to export customization data for an instance of
Tivoli Integrated Portal. If you provide no parameters to the Export
command, all custom data is exported by default.

56 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Table 5. Export command arguments
Parameter and arguments Description
[--includePlugins|--excludePlugins Optional parameter. You can choose to
plugin1,plugin2] include or exclude a list of plugins when
you run the Export command.
[--settingFile setting_file] Optional parameter. You can specify your
export requirements in properties file instead
of specifying your requirements using
separate parameters at the command line.
Provide a path to the settings file as the
argument to the settingFile parameter. On
systems running Windows you must use
double backslashes characters (\\) when
specifying the path to your settings file, for
example, C:\\tmp\\export.properties.
Command line parameters take precedence
over entries in the settings file.
--username tip_username Mandatory parameter. The user name for a
user with the iscadmin role.
--password tip_user_password Mandatory parameter. The password for the
specified user name.

Export [--exportFile export_file] [--pages ALL|NONE|page1,page2] [--views

ALL|NONE|view1,view2] [--roles ALL|NONE|REQUIRED|role1,role2]
[--exportPagesInViews true|false] [--userPreferences
ALL|NONE|REQUIRED|user_ID1,user_ID2] [--consolePreferenceProfiles
ALL|NONE|pref_ID1,pref_ID2] [--includeEntitiesFromApp war1,war2]
[--includeCustomData true|false] [--includeCredentialData true|false]
[--includeMytasks true|false] [--includeMyStartupPages true|false]
[--includeTransformations true|false] --username tip_username --password
Table 6. ExportPagePlugin command arguments
Parameter and arguments Description
[--exportFile export_file] Optional parameter. Specifies the path and
file name for the exported data, for example,
[--pages ALL|NONE|page1,page2] Optional parameter. If you do not use the
pages parameter, the default setting is ALL
unless either exportPagesInViews or
includeEntitiesFromApp is defined, then the
default setting is NONE. You can also provide
a list of pages that you want to export.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 57

Table 6. ExportPagePlugin command arguments (continued)
Parameter and arguments Description
[--views ALL|NONE|view1,view2] Optional parameter. If you do not use the
--exportpageinviews [true|false] views parameter, the default setting is ALL.
You can also provide a list of views that you
want to export and optionally specify that
you want to export all pages associated with
the specified views.
Note: Whether the optional parameter
exportpageinviews is set to true or false, if
a view has a default node in the navigation
pane associated with it, then the page
associated with the node is always exported.
This is also true, even if you specify NONE as
the argument to the --pages parameter.
[--roles ALL|NONE|REQUIRED|role1,role2] Optional parameter. You can export no roles,
all roles, or a specific list of roles. The
default setting is ALL unless the pages
parameter or the includeEntitiesFromApp
parameter is specified. Then, the default
setting is set to REQUIRED.
[--exportPagesInViews true|false] Optional parameter. Use this parameter, set
to true, to export the pages associated with
an exported view. The default value is
[--userPreferences Optional parameter. You can export
ALL|NONE|REQUIRED|user_ID1,user_ID2] preferences for all users, no users, or for a
specified list of users by user ID. The default
setting is ALL. This parameter overrides the
includeMytasks and includeMyStartupPages
[--consolePreferenceProfiles Optional parameter. You can export no
ALL|NONE|pref_ID1,pref_ID2] preference profile data, all preference profile
data, or data for a specific list of preference
profiles. The default setting is ALL.
Note: If a console preference profile has a
custom view as its default view, then that
view is automatically exported. If the
exported view has a default node in the
navigation pane, then the associated page is
automatically exported with the view.
[--includeEntitiesFromApp war1,war2] Optional parameter. You can provide a list
of WARs to export pages that contain
portlets associated with the listed WARs.
[--includeCustomData true|false] Optional parameter. The default value is
true. If is set to false, no customization
data is exported.
[--includeCredentialData true|false] Optional parameter. The default value is
true. If is set to false, no credential data is
[--includeMytasks true|false] Optional parameter. The default setting is
true. This parameter only applies when the
includeEntitiesFromApp parameter is also

58 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Table 6. ExportPagePlugin command arguments (continued)
Parameter and arguments Description
[--includeMyStartupPages true|false] Optional parameter. The default setting is
true. This parameter only applies when the
includeEntitiesFromApp parameter is also
[--includeTransformations true|false] Optional parameter. The default setting is
--username tip_username Mandatory parameter. The user name for a
user with the iscadmins role.
--password tip_user_password Mandatory parameter. The password for the
specified user name.

Export [--includeCharts ALL|NONE|page_ID1,page_ID2] --username tip_username

--password tip_user_password
Table 7. ChartExportPlugin commands
Parameter and arguments Description
[--includeCharts Optional parameter. You can export all
ALL|NONE|page_ID1,page_ID2] charts, no charts, or specify a list of charts to
be exported. The default setting is ALL.
Note: If you run the Export command using
the --includeCharts parameter, it must be
run by the same user that started the Tivoli
Integrated Portal Server.
--username tip_username Mandatory parameter. The user name for a
user with the chartAdministrator role.
--password tip_user_password Mandatory parameter. The password for the
specified user name.

Import tipcli commands:

tipcli commands for importing Tivoli Integrated Portal data.

Note: If you specify additional parameters for the tipcli.bat|.sh Import and
make a typing error, that is, if you type a parameter incorrectly, or use the
incorrect case, then the commands runs as if no parameters were specified and no
warning message is displayed.
Use the ListImportPlugins command to list all plugins that are available
to be imported.
Import [--includePlugins|--excludePlugins plugin1,plugin2] [--settingFile
setting_file] [--backupDir backup_dir] --username tip_username --password
Use the Import command to import customization data into a Tivoli
Integrated Portal environment. If you provide no parameters to the Import
command, all custom data is imported by default.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 59

Table 8. Import command arguments
Parameter and arguments Description
[--includePlugins|--excludePlugins Optional parameter. You can choose to
plugin1,plugin2] include or exclude a list of plugins when
you run the Import command.
[--settingFile setting_file] Optional parameter. You can specify your
import requirements in properties file
instead of specifying your requirements
using separate parameters at the command
line. Provide a path to the settings file as the
argument to the settingFile parameter. On
systems running Windows you must use
double backslashes characters (\\) when
specifying the path to your settings file, for
example, C:\\tmp\\import.properties.
Command line parameters take precedence
over entries in the settings file.
[--backupDir backup_dir] You can specify a directory to save the
backup data during an import operation so
that if it is required you can subsequently
restore settings.
--username tip_username Mandatory parameter. The user name for a
user with the iscadmin role.
--password tip_user_password Mandatory parameter. The password for the
specified user name.

Import [--importFile import_file] [--rollback ALL] [--haSupport

both|true|false] --username tip_username --password tip_user_password
Table 9. ImportPagePlugin command arguments
Parameter and arguments Description
[--importFile import_file] Optional parameter. Specifies the path and
file name for the data to be imported, for
example, c:/tmp/extest.zip.
[--rollback ALL] Optional parameter. Use the rollback
parameter if you want to restore a Tivoli
Integrated Portal environment to its
pre-import state. You can only roll back an
import if you have made no changes to the
environment since you performed the
[--haSupport both|true|false] Optional parameter. You can set this
parameter to both, true, or false. The
setting indicates whether to include load
balancing data, the default value is both. If
you set it to false, only non-load balancing
data is imported, that is, transformations. If
is set to true, only load balancing base data
is imported. When it is set to both, both
types of data are imported. This parameter
can also be used in non-load balanced
environments. If is set to true, only base
data is imported. If you set it to false, only
non-base data is imported, that is,

60 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Resource types
You can use the console to create pages, roles, and views. All of these resources
that you create using the console are assigned a resource type of Custom. With
other resource types, a more limited set of actions are available.

The type of resource is determine by how it was created.

Core This resource type is central to the operation of the console. Core resources
cannot be created or deleted in the console, and you cannot edit its
properties. However, you can make other changes that do not alter the
nature of the resource, for example, including a core page in a custom
This resource type is created by products and applications that deploy the
resource to the console. For example, when an application is installed to
the console environment, it can define certain pages, roles, and views
needed to administer the application through the console. All of these have
a resource type of System. Like core resources, system resources cannot be
created or deleted. However, for views, pages, and folders, you can create
copies of system resources, which are explained under System Customized.
And like core resources, you can perform actions on a system resource, like
changing access to the resource, without modifying its properties.
System Customized
This is a copy of a system resource with properties, such as the name of
the resource, that have been changed in the console. The original system
resource is always maintained, but the system customized version of the
resource is used until the original is restored. When the system resource is
restored, the system customized copy is deleted.
You can create system customized pages, folders, and views, but not roles,
wires, or external URLs.
These are resources that you create using the console. Custom resources
can be created, edited, and deleted by any user whose role has access to
the Page Management, View Management, Portlet Management, and
Role Management portlets under the Settings folder in the navigation.

Manage Global Refresh

Console administrators use Manage Global Refresh to configure portlet refresh
settings for all users of the console. Portlet refresh is used to refresh the content of
a single console module without reloading the entire console page. As a result,
your experience with the console interface is quicker and more interactive. Use
these settings to fine tune how each portlet refreshes its content individually on the

Using Manage Global Refresh

Use this module for the following tasks:

v Giving permission to console users to edit their own portlet refresh options.
v Configuring default refresh settings for console modules. Administrators can set
values for refresh mode, refresh interval, and show timer settings. These settings
become the default values for Configure Portlet Refresh.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 61

v Setting the minimum refresh interval for each console module. Use this setting
to prevent the performance impacts of too many calls to the server to refresh

Adminstering users, roles, and groups

You can create different kinds of Web GUI users, assign them roles and add them
to groups to determine their ability to perform tasks. You can also modify the
preferences of a Web GUI user.

Web GUI users, roles, and groups

The users of all products that are installed into the Tivoli Integrated Portal
framework, including the Web GUI, are centrally administered. Users are
associated with roles and groups.

Groups and roles can be administered only by a Tivoli Integrated Portal

administrator, that is, a user with the iscadmins role.

Web GUI users

Web GUI users can be classified in different ways. Users can be classified
according to the roles that are assigned to them. This determines their ability to
access features and administer content. Within the Web GUI, administrators and
users are defined by the roles they are assigned.

The following table describes the different types of Web GUI users that can be
defined using roles.
Table 10. Web GUI user types
Type of user Roles necessary Description
Administrator Web GUI administrator role The administrator can access the
(ncw_admin) administrative functions and all
event management functions of the
Web GUI user role (ncw_user) Web GUI.
Read-write user Web GUI user role (ncw_user) A read-write user can access event
management functions, run AEL
Web GUI read-write role tools, and change the filter or view
(netcool_rw) applied to an AEL or monitor box.
Read-write users who are also
Optional: Web GUI editor role ObjectServer users can modify
for the portlet preferences of ObjectServer data.
the Event Dashboard
(ncw_dashboard_editor) Read-write users who are also
assigned the ncw_dashboard_editor
role can modify the portlet
preferences of the event dashboard;
these preferences control the layout
of the monitor boxes, and the
actions that can be executed from
the monitor boxes.
Read-only user Web GUI user role (ncw_user) A read-only user can access event
management functions, but cannot
Web GUI read-only role run AEL tools or modify
(netcool_ro) ObjectServer data.

62 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Related tasks
“Creating the Web GUI administrative user” on page 66
“Adminstering users” on page 69

Web GUI roles

Roles must be assigned to users so that the users can view data and execute

The user roles for the Web GUI are as follows:

This role gives a user access to the event management functions of the Web
GUI. In addition to this role, the user must also have the ncw_admin role,
netcool_rw role or the netcool_ro role; these roles control whether the user
has administrative access, read-write access or read-only access to these
This role gives a user access to the administrative functions of the Web
GUI. A user with this role also requires the ncw_user role.
This role gives a user read-write access to Web GUI event management
functions. Users with this role have access to AEL tools and can change
event data. A user with this role also requires the ncw_user role.
This role gives a user read-only access to Web GUI event management
functions. Users with this role can access the AEL and view events, but
cannot run AEL tools or change event data. A user with this role also
requires the ncw_user role.
This role gives a user access to the portlet preferences of the Event
Dashboard portlet. Read-only users can also have this role.
This role gives a user access to the Gauges page. Users without the
ncw_user role require this role to view the Gauges page in a Web browser,
or to view an HTML page generated from the Gauges page on a supported
mobile device. Use this role in preference to ncw_user when you want to
restict a user to viewing gauges only and not other parts of the Web GUI,
for example the Active Event List. Users with the ncw_admin role also
require this role to view and edit a Gauges page.
This role gives a user access to the portlet preferences of the Gauges page.
Users with this role also require the ncw_gauges_viewer role. Users with
the netcool_ro role can edit the portlet preferences of the Gauges page if
they are assigned the ncw_gauges_editor and ncw_gauges_viewer roles.
Related information
“Adminstering roles” on page 77

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 63

User groups in the Web GUI
Groups can be used to logically categorize users into units with common
functional goals.
Related tasks
“Adminstering groups” on page 81

Supplied users and groups

As supplied, the Web GUI has two users and two groups. These enable you to
begin using the product as soon as installation is complete.

The Web GUI is supplied with two users (named ncouser and ncoadmin) and two
groups (named Netcool_OMNIbus_User and Netcool_OMNIbus_Admin). Each
user is a member of at least one of these groups, as follows:
Table 11. Group membership for the supplied users
User ID Groups
ncouser Netcool_OMNIbus_User
ncoadmin Netcool_OMNIbus_Admin


Group roles

The groups have the following roles:

Table 12. Roles assigned to the supplied groups
Group name Roles assigned
Netcool_OMNIbus_Admin ncw_admin




Netcool_OMNIbus_User ncw_user


These assigned roles mean that ncouser is a read-only user and ncoadmin is an

Using the users and groups

The supplied users enable you to access the product as soon as the product is
ready for use. They also provide a convenient means of accessing the product for
temporary or demonstration purposes.

The groups provide a convenient way of allocating user or administrative

privileges to any user you create. For example, as you create each read-only user
you assign them to the Netcool_OMNIbus_User group.

64 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Web GUI user administration
User administration in the Web GUI is divided between the Tivoli Integrated Portal
administrators and the Web GUI administrators.

By default, the authorization for performing user administration tasks is as follows:

v Generic user administration tasks, such as creating users and assigning roles and
groups, are performed by the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrators, that is,
users with the iscadmins role.
v Modifying the preferences of a Web GUI user is performed by the Web GUI
administrators, that is, users with the ncw_admin role.

Note: The Web GUI does not close sessions that are incorrectly logged-out and
counts these as active sessions.

The following table lists the different user administration tasks, and shows what
kind of user can perform them.
Table 13. User administration tasks
Task Performed by
Creating users Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator
Deleting users Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator
Changing another user's password Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator
Assigning roles to a user Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator
Assigning groups to a user Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator
Changing a user's display name Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator
Changing your own password Any user
Setting ObjectServer SQL filters for a user Web GUI administrator
Setting the Web GUI home page for a user Web GUI administrator
Setting event list preferences for a user Web GUI administrator

Related tasks
“Creating the Web GUI administrative user” on page 66
“Adminstering users” on page 69
“Creating users” on page 72
“Deleting users” on page 76
“Changing information about a user” on page 74
“Changing passwords” on page 66
“Modifying the preferences of a Web GUI user” on page 67
“Assigning roles to users and groups” on page 89

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 65

Changing passwords
You can use the Change Your Password portlet to change your password from the
default provided by the administrator.

When you log in to the portal, you can change your own password using the
Change Your Password portlet. Administrators can change passwords for other
users using the Manage Users portlet.

Attention: If you are an administrator and you want to change the password for
the tipadmin administrator and the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer root
user, you must use the Settings > Change Your Password portlet to change their
password. Do not use the Users and Groups > Manage Users portlet.

Tip: For security reasons, change the password of the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
ObjectServer root user after installation.

To change passwords:
v To change your own password, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the portal using the user ID whose password you would like to
2. In the navigation pane, click Settings > Change Your Password.
3. Enter your new password in the relevant fields and click Set Password.
v As an administrator, to change the password for a user, follow these steps:
1. In the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Manage Users and click
the user's name from the User ID column. A User Properties page is
2. In the General tab, enter the new password in the relevant fields and click

If you authenticate to a Microsoft Active Directory server, it must be

configured for SSL before you can use the Change Your Password portlet. If
SSL is not enabled, you will receive an error when attempting to change the
password for any user who is registered on the Active Directory Server.
TIPCP0005E Could not set the password via the underlying security system.
This could be because a password rule was not met, you do not have
access to change the password, or another reason.
Related concepts
“Web GUI user administration” on page 65

Creating the Web GUI administrative user

The Web GUI is supplied with one administrative user, ncoadmin. It is good
practice for the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator to create one or more
additional Web GUI administrative users to have permissions to modify Web GUI

The administrator does not have to be an ObjectServer superuser.

If your configuration uses an ObjectServer as the user authentication source, note

that user names cannot exceed 30 characters.

To create a Web GUI administrative user:

66 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

1. Log in as the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator, that is a user with the
iscadmins role.
2. Optional: Create a new user.
3. Click Users and Groups > User Roles.
4. Complete any combination of the search fields to help find the user.
5. Select the number of users to display and click Search.
6. Click the user ID of the user in the grid.
7. Set the check boxes for the following roles:
v ncw_admin (Web GUI administrator)
v ncw_user (Web GUI user)
8. Click Save.
9. Log in as the Web GUI administrative user and check that you have access to
administrative pages.
The Web GUI can view the Administration entry in the navigation.
Related concepts
“Web GUI users” on page 62
“Web GUI user administration” on page 65
Related tasks
“Adminstering users” on page 69

Modifying the preferences of a Web GUI user

Edit the user profile settings and event list options for Web GUI users.

Administrator You can modify preferences for Web GUI users. All other user account
administration tasks are handled by the Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator.

To modify the preferences and the event list options of a Web GUI user:
1. Click Settings > User Preferences for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI.
2. Select a user and click Modify. The preferences and event list configuration
settings are displayed for the selected user.
3. To modify the user profile and set the event list options for the user, set the
following parameters:
User filter
Type ObjectServer SQL commands to filter alert data from the
ObjectServer for the individual user. This filter is optional, and is the
highest level of data filtering applied to a user session. The following
example shows alerts only if they occur more than 100 times and have
a severity of 4 or higher:
Tally > 100 AND Severity >=4

Note: If a user is ObjectServer-authenticated, the Restriction Filters

defined in the ObjectServer override any user filters.
For more information about ObjectServer SQL syntax, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide.
User's home-page
Type a default page for the user. This page is displayed when the user
logs in to the Web GUI using the following URL:

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 67

To define the home page, you add the full URL or type a path to the
page, for example: /ibm/console/webtop/mypage.html. The mypage.html
file needs to be defined in the tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/
installedApps/TIPCell/isc.ear/OMNIbusWebGUI.war directory. You can
also save the files for user home pages to separate directories within
the OMNIbusWebGUI.war location. In this case, remember to set the
correct path. For example, if the mypage.html file is saved to the
.../OMNIbusWebGUI.war/pages directory, then the path must be set to
Allow filter and view selection
Select this check box if you want the user to be able to select
predefined filter and view settings from the drop-down menus for
filters and views in the AEL toolbar.
Allow filter builder access
Select this check box if you want the user to be able to use the Filter
Builder component of the AEL.
Allow view builder access
Select this check box if you want the user to be able to use the View
Builder component of the AEL.
Allow preference configuration
Select this check box if you want the user to be able to change user
preferences in the AEL. If you do not select this check box the
Preferences option is not displayed to the user in the Edit menu of the
Allow refresh rate configuration
Select this check box if you want the user to be able to set the refresh
rate of the AEL. The user must also have access to the Preferences
window to be able to do this.
Refresh rate (seconds)
Type the value in seconds to set the default refresh rate for the AEL.
Minimum refresh rate (seconds)
Type the value in seconds to set the minimum refresh rate for the AEL
Allow event selection
Select this check box if you want the user to be able to select alerts in
the AEL.
Show basic event information
Select this check box if you want the user to have access to the
Information window in the Alerts menu of the AEL. If selected, the
user can view the Fields tab in the Information window. You can
provide full access to the Information window, or limit what the user
can see in this window by selecting or clearing the following check
Show event details
Select this check box if you want the user to be able to view the
Details tab in the Information window.
Show journals
Select this check box if you want the user to be able to view the
Journal tab in the Information window. To view the Journal
tab, the user must also exist in the ObjectServer that the event
is associated with.

68 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Edit journals (read write role)
Select this check box if you want the user to be able to add journal

Restriction: Only users who are also ObjectServer users and have the
Web GUI read-write user role (netcool_rw) assigned can add journal
Calendar Type
Choose the type of calendar to use for dates and times in the Web GUI.
You can choose any of the following calendars:
Hijri Civilian
Enable Bidi support
Select this check box if you want to enable support for bi-directional
text in Web GUI portlets. When you set this you can specify further
characteristics of the system's behavior:
Plain text alignment in editable fields and cursor position in empty
editable fields
You can set either of two behaviors for fields on Web GUI
pages that you can edit:
The text direction matches that set for the Web GUI itself.
The text direction follows the text direction set the portlet.
Text alignment in complex expression fields
You can set either of two behaviors for pages that contain
complex expressions such as a SQL query, a file path, or a URL:
The text direction matches that set for the Web GUI itself.
The text direction is always left to right.
4. Click Save to save and activate the settings.
Related concepts
“Web GUI user administration” on page 65
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
“Filters” on page 175
“Views” on page 177

Adminstering users
Use the Web console to create users and manage user profiles.

What to do next

From the left navigation pane, click Manage Users. Before you can perform some
tasks for users, you must first search for existing users that match the search
criteria that you specify. After the search completes, a table displays the users that
match your search criteria. To manage users, you can perform these tasks:

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 69

Related concepts
“Web GUI users” on page 62
Related tasks
“Creating startup pages” on page 34

Searching for users

You can search for existing users that match the search criteria that you specify.
1. From the navigation pane, click Manage Users.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more users. For example, select User ID.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of users, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all users.
Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the user
registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, a table displays the users that match
your search criteria.

What to do next
Creating users
Deleting users
Duplicating group assignments for a user
Customizing search filters for users
Changing the display options for the list of users

Customizing search filters for users:

You can create a filtered list of users by specifying the type of filter and the text to
be used as part of the search criteria. The filtered list of users is limited to
displaying only the users that meet the filter requirements. You can filter users by
the letters that the user ID contains or by the letters that the user ID starts or ends
1. From the navigation pane, click Manage Users.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more users. For example, select User ID.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of users, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all users.
Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the user
registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, a table displays the users that match
your search criteria.

6. Click the filter icon.

7. Do one of the following:
v To create a new filter for an attribute if none exists, click the [No Filter]
v To select an existing filter, click on the filter name.

70 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

8. If you are creating a new filter, select a filter type from the list. The types of
filters are Contains, Starts with, or Ends with.
9. Type the letters that you want to search for in the Text field. The wildcard
character is not permitted in this field.
10. Click Apply.

What to do next

After you click Apply, the name of the filter is listed in the column under the
attribute. The filter name matches the letters that were typed in the Text field. If no
filter has been used for an attribute, the text [No Filter] displays.

The list of users is refreshed, and a filtered list of user IDs is displayed. The filter
name and the total number of filtered user IDs are also shown.

Click the hide filter icon, or click Close, when you have finished working
with filters.
Searching for users
Changing the display options for the list of users

Changing the display options for the list of users:

You can change how the search results are displayed when viewing the list of
users. For example, you can change the number of users to be viewed per page or
you can display additional details about the users.
1. From the navigation pane, click Manage Users.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more users. For example, select User ID.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of users, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all users.
Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the user
registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, a table displays the users that match
your search criteria.

6. Click the options icon.

7. If you want to view more or fewer entries on a page, change the number in
the Entries Per Page field.
8. If you want to show more details about a user, select one or more check boxes
next to the attributes that you want to display additional columns for.
9. If you want to see the user IDs on a different page, type the page number in
the field at the bottom of the list, and click Go to jump to that page.
10. Click Apply.

11. Click the hide options icon, or click Close, after changing the display
options for the list of users.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 71

What to do next
Searching for users
Customizing search filters for users

Creating users
You can create one or more users. The users are added to the registry and a login
account for each new user is automatically created. When creating the new user,
you can also add the user as a member of one or more groups.

If your configuration uses an ObjectServer as the user authentication source, note

that user names cannot exceed 30 characters.
1. Click Manage Users on the navigation pane.
2. Click Create to create a new user.
3. In the User ID field, type a unique name to identify the user. This user ID
will be added to the user registry and also will be used as the login account
name. For example, you might type dlucas
4. Optional: Click Group Membership and then follow the steps in “Changing
group membership for a user” on page 73 to add the user as a member of one
or more groups.
5. In the First name field, type the given or first name of the user. For example,
you might type Diana
6. In the Last name field, type the family or last name of the user. For example,
you might type Lucas
7. Optional: In the E-mail field, type an e-mail address for the user. For example,
you might type [email protected]
8. In the Password field, type a unique password. For example, you might type
9. In the Confirm password field, type the same password again.
10. Click Create. If successful, a message will display that indicates that the user
has been created. Also, the user ID and other user information will be added
to the user registry, and a new login account will be created for the user.
11. To create another user, click Create Like.
12. Repeat the procedure until all the new users have been created.

What to do next
Related concepts
“Web GUI user administration” on page 65
Related tasks
“Assigning roles to users and groups” on page 89
Deleting users
Duplicating group assignments for a user

72 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Changing group membership for a user
You can search for and list the existing groups that match the search criteria. When
creating a new user, you can choose the groups from the search results list in
which you want the user to be a member.
1. During the process of “Creating users” on page 72, click Group Membership.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more users. For example, select Group name.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of groups, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all
groups. Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the
user registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, the results are displayed in two lists:
one list is for groups that matched the search criteria and one list, named
Current Groups, is for groups that the user is already a member.
6. To add the user to one or more groups, highlight the groups from the matching
groups list to select them. For example, you might highlight ibmaustin01 and
ibmaustin02 and then click < Add.
7. Optional: To undo or remove the user as a member, highlight the groups from
the Current Groups list and then click Remove >.
8. Return to the process of “Creating users” on page 72 to complete the steps.

What to do next
Adding a user to other groups
Changing information about a user
Removing a user from other groups
Viewing information about a user
Viewing the groups the group is a member of

Viewing information about a user

You can view information about a specific user.
1. From the navigation pane, click Manage Users.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more users. For example, select User ID.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of users, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all users.
Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the user
registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, the users that match your search
criteria are displayed as hypertext links.
6. Click on one of the user links to view information about the selected user. You
can only view the information, you cannot change it.
7. Click Cancel after viewing to return to the previous window.

What to do next
Changing information about a user
Changing group membership for a user

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 73

Changing information about a user
You can change information about a specific user, such as the e-mail address. You
can update the e-mail address, change the first or last name information, or set a
new password.
1. From the navigation pane, click Manage Users.
2. Complete the steps in “Searching for users” on page 70 to find the user.
3. Click on one of the user links to change information about the user, as needed.
4. In the First name and Last name fields, enter the new information, if needed.
5. Optional: In the E-mail field, enter the new information, if needed.
6. Optional: In the Password and Confirm password fields , enter the new
password, if needed, and confirm the new password.
7. To save the changes, either click OK to save and return to the previous
window, or click Apply to save but remain on the same window.

What to do next
Related concepts
“Web GUI user administration” on page 65
Changing group membership for a user
Viewing information about a user
Viewing the groups the user is a member of

Viewing the groups the user is a member of

You can view a list of existing groups that the specified user is currently a member
1. From the navigation pane, click Manage Users.
2. Complete the steps in “Searching for users” on page 70 to find the user.
3. Click the user name link to see the user properties.
4. Click the Groups tab to see the list of groups, in ascending order, that the user
is currently a member of.

What to do next
Adding a user to other groups
Changing group membership for a user
Changing information about a user
Removing a user from other groups
Viewing information about a user

Adding a user to groups

You can add a user as a member to selected groups.
1. Complete the steps in “Viewing the groups the user is a member of”
2. Confirm that the user in the User ID field is the user that you want to add to
more groups.
3. Click Add.
4. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more groups. For example, select Group name.
5. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of users, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all users.
Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the user
registry that you are using.

74 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

6. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
7. Click Search. After the search completes, a list is displayed of the groups that
match your search criteria.
8. Highlight one or more groups to select them, and click Add.
9. Repeat steps 3 to 7 for any other groups you want to add the user to.
10. Click Close.

What to do next
Removing a user from other groups
Changing group membership for a user
Changing information about a user
Viewing information about a user
Viewing the groups the user is a member of

Removing a user from groups

After searching for the groups in which the user is currently a member, you can
remove the user from membership in groups that you select.
1. Complete the steps in “Viewing the groups the user is a member of” on page
2. Confirm that the user in the User ID field is the user that you want to remove
from other groups.
3. Select the check boxes next to one or more groups, and then click Remove.
4. Click Remove when asked to confirm the removal.

What to do next
Adding a user to other groups
Changing group membership for a user
Changing information about a user
Viewing information about a user
Viewing the groups the group is a member of

Adding users as members of a group

You can add more users as members of a group.
1. After completing the steps in “Viewing a list of members of a group” on page
86, click Add Users.
2. Confirm that the Group name field displays the name of the group to which
you want to add more users as members.
3. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search by. For example, select User ID.
4. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of users or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all users.
5. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
6. Click Search. After the search is complete, a list displays of the users that
matched your search criteria.
7. Highlight one or more users in the list to select them, and then click Add.
8. Click Close.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 75

What to do next

The users are immediately added to the list of members.

Adding more groups as members of a group
Removing members from a group

Duplicating group assignments for a user

You can search for users that match your search criteria. After selecting one or
more users, these users can be added as members of the same groups that another
existing user is already a member of. For example, if all the members of a
department need to belong to the same groups as the department manager, you
can duplicate the groups that the manager belongs to for all the other users that
you choose.
1. Complete the steps in “Searching for users” on page 70.
2. Select the check boxes next to one or more users that you want to assign the
same membership as another group.
3. Choose the Duplicate Group Assignments action.
4. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more users. For example, select User ID.
5. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of users, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all users.
Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the user
registry that you are using.
6. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
7. Click Search. After the search has been completed, a table displays the users
that match your search criteria.
8. Highlight the name of the user whose group membership you want to
duplicate for the previously selected users, and click OK. The group
membership of the user is duplicated for the previously selected users.

What to do next
Creating users
Deleting users

Deleting users
You can search for and list the existing users that match your search criteria. After
selecting one or more users, you can delete them and remove their user IDs from
the user registry.
1. From the navigation pane, click Manage Users.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more users. For example, select User ID.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of users, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all users.
Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the user
registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, a table displays the users that match
your search criteria.
6. Select the check boxes next to the users that you want to delete.

76 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

7. Click Delete.
8. Click Delete again when asked to confirm the deletion. The users are
immediately deleted and removed from the user registry. The table that lists
the users is refreshed, and the selected users are no longer displayed in the list.

What to do next
Related concepts
“Web GUI user administration” on page 65
Creating users
Duplicating group assignments for a user

Adminstering roles
Console users are granted access to resources based on the role to which they have
been assigned. In the console navigation, click Users and Groups > Role
Management to add and remove roles and to assign access to portlets, pages, and

To manage users and groups and assign them to roles, click Users and Groups.

After the console is installed, there are some roles already defined to the server.

Attention: The “suppressmonitor” role is used to hide the tasks associated with
the application server, including the tasks in the Security, Troubleshooting, and
Users and Groups folders.

Access levels

The access level that a role has to a resource determines the actions that users
within that role can perform on the resource.
Table 14. Access rights to console resources based on access level
Access Level
Resource “User” “Privileged User” “Editor”
Portlet View and interact View and interact View and interact
with the portlet and with the portlet, edit with the portlet, edit
access portlet help personal settings, and personal settings, edit
access portlet help global settings, and
access portlet help
Page Launch the node from the navigation Launch the node
from the navigation
and edit the content
and layout
Folder Note: Folders are always available in the navigation if the user has
access to at least one of its pages.
External URL Launch the node from the navigation
View Select the view

For a given resource, if a role does not have one of these access level settings, then
the role has no access to the resource.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 77

Only users with “adminsecuritymanager” and “Administrator” role can create,
delete or change the properties of a role. If you assign access for any other role to
the Role Management portlet, users in that role will only be able to view roles and
change access to views and pages.

Note: The access control settings are not observed when using the administrative
portlets under the Settings node. Users with access to these pages and portlets will
be able to create, edit, and delete all custom pages, portlets, and views. For
example, if a user has no access to “Page Two”, but has access to Page
Management, that user can edit all of the properties of “Page Two” and change
access control settings. Keep this in mind when granting access to the Settings
portlets for a role.

If a user is assigned to multiple roles, the user acquires the highest access level
between these roles for a resource. For example, if a user belongs to the manager
role with “Privileged User” access to a portlet and also belongs to the
communications role with no access to the portlet, then the user has “Privileged
User” access to the portlet.


You can grant access for multiple roles while creating or editing a resource, such as
a page or a portlet. You can also grant access to multiple pages or views while
creating or editing a role.
Related concepts
“Web GUI roles” on page 63
Related information
“Administering views” on page 36
“Administering portlets” on page 39
“Adminstering pages” on page 28

Managing roles for users

Administrators can search for users and manage their roles in the User Roles page.

To search for users and manage their roles:

1. In the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > User Roles. The User Roles
page is displayed.
2. In the search fields provided, you can enter search criteria by given name,
surname, user ID, and e-mail address. If you do not have exact details for a
particular item, all of the search fields support using an asterisk (*) as a
wildcard character. For example, to return all user records with a given name
that starts with “Mich”, enter mich* in the First name field.

Tip: You can leave the search fields blank to return all user records.
3. From the Number of results to display list, select the number of records that
you want returned and click Search.

Restriction: Returned records are displayed one page only. If more records are
available than the setting you chose from the list, only a partial list is returned.
To display all records you need to search again after selecting a larger number
from the Number of results to display list.
A list of records that match your search criteria are listed in the grid below the
search fields.

78 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

4. Select a user from the Unique Name column. A list of available roles for the
selected user is displayed on a new page. Those roles that are currently
associated with the selected user are checked.
5. Modify the roles associated with the user as required, that is, check the roles
that you want associated with the user and clear those that you do not.
6. Click Save to commit your changes, or Reset to reset the form to its initial
state. Once you click Save, the User Roles page is displayed. The entry for the
user in the Roles column is updated to reflect your changes.

What to do next

You can select another user from the search results and update their role settings,
enter new search criteria to manage other user records, or close the User Roles

Managing roles for groups

Administrators can search for groups and manage their roles in the Group Roles

To search for user groups and manage their roles:

1. In the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Group Roles. The Group
Roles page is displayed.
2. In the search fields provided, you can enter search criteria by group ID and
description. If you do not have exact details for a particular item, both search
fields support using an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, to
return all group records with a group ID that starts with “tes”, enter tes* in
the Group ID field.

Tip: You can leave the search fields blank to return all records.
3. From the Number of results to display list, select the number of records that
you want returned and click Search.

Restriction: Returned records are displayed one page only. If more records are
available than the setting you chose from the list, only a partial list is returned.
To display all records you need to search again after selecting a larger number
from the Number of results to display list.
A list of records that match your search criteria are listed in the grid below the
search fields.
4. Select a group from the Unique Name column. A list of available roles for the
selected group is displayed on a new page. Those roles that are currently
associated with the selected group are checked.
5. Modify the roles associated with the group as required, that is, check the roles
that you want associated with the group and clear those that you do not.
6. Click Save to commit your changes, or Reset to reset the form to its initial
state. Once you click Save, the Group Roles page is displayed. The entry for
the group in the Roles column is updated to reflect your changes.

What to do next

You can select another group from the search results and update its role settings,
enter new search criteria to manage other group records, or close the Group Roles

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 79

Creating roles
Console users are granted access to resources based on the role to which they have
been assigned. All roles that are created in the console have a resource type of
Custom. This procedure walks you through the task of creating a role for testing
purposes. After completing these steps, you can remove or edit this role for
production use.
1. Click Users and Groups > Role Management in the navigation. A list of all
roles in the console is displayed.
2. Click New. The properties panel for the new role is displayed.
3. Enter a descriptive name for the role.
4. Expand the Access to Views section. Use this section to grant access to one or
more custom views for users who are assigned to the new role. If you have
already created a custom view, follow these steps.
a. Click Add. A list of available views is displayed.
b. Select one or more views and click OK.
c. To make sure the role has access to all of the pages within the view, click
Grant to All.
5. Expand the Access to Pages section. A list of pages that the role can access is
displayed. However, this list is empty if you did not add a view and grant
access to all of the pages within the view.
6. Optional: Click Add to grant access to additional pages.
7. For each page that is listed, verify that the Access Level is set correctly.
8. Click Save to save your changes and return to Role Management.


The new role is created with access to the views and pages that you indicated. To
grant access to the portlets on those pages you must edit the portlets.
Related concepts
“Web GUI roles” on page 63
Related tasks
“Assigning roles to users and groups” on page 89

Editing roles
Console users are granted access to resources based on the role to which they have
been assigned. If you have sufficient authorization in the console, you can change
the name of custom roles. For all roles, you can change access to views and pages
and set the access level to pages.
1. In the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Role Management. A list of
all roles in the console is displayed.
2. Click the name of the role that you want to edit. The properties panel for the
role is displayed. If this is a custom role, the only field you can edit is Role
Name. For all other resource types, you cannot edit any of the role properties.
3. Expand the Access to Views section. Use this section to grant access to one or
more custom views for users who are assigned to the new role. If you have
already created a custom view, follow these steps.
a. Click Add. A list of available views is displayed.
b. Select one or more views and click OK.
c. To make sure the role has access to all of the pages within the view, click
Grant to All.

80 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

4. Expand the Access to Pages section. A list of pages that the role can access is
displayed. However, this list is empty if you did not add a view and grant
access to all of the pages within the view.
5. Optional: Click Add to grant access to additional pages.
6. For each page that is listed, verify that the Access Level is set correctly.
7. Click OK.


Your changes are saved and you are returned to the Role Management page.

What to do next

For any pages that you added for the role, you should ensure that the role also has
access to the portlets on the page..
Related concepts
“Web GUI roles” on page 63
Related tasks
“Assigning roles to users and groups” on page 89

Deleting custom roles

You can delete only roles with the resource type of Custom. These are roles created
using the console.

Attention: Before deleting a role, consider whether any users are actively using
the role and any impacts this might have on services. If necessary, notify users in
advance of any plans for changes that could affect their work.

Follow these steps to delete a custom role.

1. Click Users and Groups > Role Management in the navigation pane. The Role
Management page is displayed with the list of roles in the console.
2. Select the custom role that you want to delete. You can select more than one
custom role.
3. Click Delete. A message is displayed at the top prompting you to confirm the
4. Click OK.


The custom role is removed from the list.

Adminstering groups
You can perform tasks that help you manage groups.

What to do next

From the left navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Manage Groups. Before
you can perform some tasks for groups, you must first search for existing groups
that match the search criteria that you specify. After the search completes, a table
displays the groups that match your search criteria. To manage groups, you can
perform these tasks:

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 81

Related concepts
“User groups in the Web GUI” on page 64
Related tasks
“Creating startup pages” on page 34
Creating groups
Deleting groups
Duplicating group assignments for a group
Customized search filters for groups
Changing the display options for the list of groups

Searching for groups

You can search for existing groups that match the search criteria that you specify.
1. From the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Manage Groups.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more groups. For example, select Group name.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of groups, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all
groups. Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the
user registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, a table is displayed that lists the
group names that match your search criteria. Descriptions, if any, are also

What to do next
Creating groups
Deleting groups
Duplicating group assignments for a group
Customized search filters for groups
Changing the display options for the list of groups

Customizing search filters for groups:

You can create a filtered list of groups by specifying the type of filter and the text
to be used as part of the search criteria. The list of groups will be limited because
only the groups that meet the extended search criteria will be displayed.
1. From the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Manage Groups.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more groups. For example, select Group name.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of groups, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all
groups. Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the
user registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, a table displays the groups that
match your search criteria.

6. Click the filter icon.

82 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

7. Do one of the following:
v To create a new filter for an attribute if none exists, click the [No Filter]
v To select an existing filter for an attribute, click on the filter name link.
8. If you are creating a new filter, select a filter type from the list. The types of
filters are Contains, Starts with, or Ends with.
9. Type the letters that you want to search for in the Text field. The wildcard
character is not permitted in this field.
10. Click Apply. The list of groups is refreshed and a filtered list of group names
displays. The filter name and the total number of filtered group names are
also shown.

11. Click the hide filter icon, or click Close, when you have finished working
with filters.

What to do next

If no filter has been applied for an attribute, the text [No Filter] displays. If you
click Apply, the name of the filter is listed in the column under the attribute. The
filter name matches the letters that were typed in the Text field.
Searching for groups
Changing the display options for the list of groups

Changing the display options for the list of groups:

You can change how the search results are displayed when viewing the list of
groups. For example, you can change the number of groups to be viewed per page.
1. From the navigation pane, click Manage Groups.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more groups. For example, select Group name.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of groups, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all
groups. Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the
user registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes a table displays the groups that match
your search criteria.

6. Click the options icon.

7. If you want to view more or fewer entries on a page, change the number in the
Entries per page field, and click Apply.
8. If you want to see the group names on a different page, type the page number
in the field at the bottom of the list, and click Go to jump to that page.

9. Click the hide options icon, or click Close, after changing the display
options for the list of groups.

What to do next
Searching for groups
Customizing search filters for groups

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 83

Creating groups
You can create one or more groups. The group names and descriptions are added
to the user registry.
1. From the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Manage Groups.
2. Click Create to create a new group.
3. In the Group name field, type a name to be used to identify the group. This
group name will be added to the user registry. For example, you might type
4. Optional: In the Description field, type a brief description for the group to
distinguish this group from other groups. This description will be added to the
user registry. The description must be an alphanumeric string with characters
that are part of the local code set. For example, Users and groups, CNC Company
Dept 047
5. Click Create to add the group name and the description, if entered, to the user
registry. If successful, a message displays indicating that the group has been
6. To create another group, click Create like.
7. Repeat the procedure until all the new groups have been created.
Related tasks
“Assigning roles to users and groups” on page 89
Deleting groups
Duplicating group assignments for a group

Viewing information about a group

You can view information about a specific group.
1. Complete the steps in “Searching for groups” on page 82.
2. Click on one of the group name links to view the information about the
selected group. You can only view the information, you cannot change it.
3. Click Cancel after viewing to return to the previous window.

What to do next
Adding a group to other groups
Changing information about a group
Viewing the groups the group is a member of

Changing information about a group

You can change the information about a specific group. You can change the name
of the group, add a new description for the group if none exits, or change the
existing description.
1. From the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Manage Groups.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more groups. For example, select Group name.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of groups, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all
groups. Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the
user registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, the groups that match your search
criteria are displayed in the column as hypertext links.

84 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

6. Click on one of the group links to change information about the group, as
7. Optional: In the Group name field, enter a different name for the group, if
8. Optional: In the Description field, enter a different description that the existing
description, or enter a new description if none currently exists, if needed.
9. To save the changes, either click OK to save and return to the previous
window, or click Apply to save but remain on the same window.

What to do next
Viewing information about a group
Viewing the groups the group is a member of

Viewing the groups the group is a member of

You can view a list of existing groups that the specified group is currently a
member of.
1. From the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Manage Groups.
2. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more groups. For example, select Group name.
3. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit theset of groups, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all groups.
Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the user
registry that you are using.
4. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
5. Click Search. After the search completes, a table displays a list of groups, as
hypertext links, that match your search criteria.
6. Click the group name link to see the group properties.
7. Click the Groups tab to see the list of groups, in ascending order, that the
group is currently a member of.

What to do next
Adding a group to other groups
Changing information about a group
Viewing information about a group
Viewing the members of a group

Adding a group to other groups

Before you can add a group to other groups, you must first search for the groups
in which yo want the group to be a member. Note that when an ObjectServer
registry is used to manage users and groups you cannot add groups to other

Restriction: If the ObjectServer acts as the user repository for your system, a group
cannot contain other groups.
1. Complete the steps in “Viewing the groups the group is a member of.”
2. Confirm that the group in the Group name field is the group that you want to
add to other groups.
3. Click Add.
4. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more groups. For example, select Group name.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 85

5. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search if for to
limit the set of groups, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all
groups. Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the
user registry that you are using.
6. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
7. Click Search . After the search completes, a list is displayed of the groups that
match your search criteria.
8. Highlight one or more groups to select them, and click Add.
9. Click Close.
Viewing the members of a group

Viewing a list of members of a group

You can search for a list of users and groups that are existing members of a
specific group.
1. From the navigation pane, click Users and Groups > Manage Groups.
2. Complete the steps in “Searching for groups” on page 82.
3. Click the name of a group.
4. Click the Members tab to view the users and groups that are existing members

of the specified group. Icons are used to help distinguish a user from a

group member.

What to do next
Adding more groups as members of a group
Adding more users as members of a group
Removing members from a group

Removing a user from groups

After searching for the groups in which the user is currently a member, you can
remove the user from membership in groups that you select.
1. Complete the steps in “Viewing the groups the user is a member of” on page
2. Confirm that the user in the User ID field is the user that you want to remove
from other groups.
3. Select the check boxes next to one or more groups, and then click Remove.
4. Click Remove when asked to confirm the removal.

What to do next
Adding a user to other groups
Changing group membership for a user
Changing information about a user
Viewing information about a user
Viewing the groups the group is a member of

86 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Adding groups as members of a group
After viewing the list of members in a group that you specify, you can add more
groups. Note that when an ObjectServer registry is used to manage users and
groups you cannot add groups as members of a group.

Restriction: If the ObjectServer acts as the user repository for your system, a group
cannot contain other groups.
1. After completing the steps in “Viewing a list of members of a group” on page
86, click Add Groups.
2. Confirm that the Group name field displays the name of the group to which
you want to add more groups as members.
3. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search by. For example, select Group name.
4. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of groups, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all
5. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
6. Click Search. After the search is complete, a list of the groups that matched
your search criteria is displayed.
7. Highlight one or more groups in the list to select them, and then click Add.
8. Click Close.

What to do next

The groups are immediately added to the list of members.

Adding more groups as members of a group
Removing members from a group

Removing members from a group

After searching for the list of members in a group that you specify, you can
remove users and groups as members from the group.
1. Complete the steps in “Viewing a list of members of a group” on page 86.
2. Confirm that the Group name field displays the name of the group from which
you want to remove members.
3. Select the check boxes next to one or more group members.
4. Click Remove.
5. Click Remove again when queried to confirm the removal of the selected
members from the group. The members are immediately removed and are no
longer displayed in the table.

What to do next
Adding more users as members of a group
Adding more groups as members of a group

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 87

Duplicating group assignments for a group
You can search for groups that match the search criteria that you specify. After
selecting one or more groups, these groups can be members of the same groups as
another existing group. For example, if all groups at the Austin site should belong
to the same groups as an existing group, you can duplicate the groups that the one
group belongs to for all the other groups that you choose.
1. Complete the steps in “Searching for groups” on page 82.
2. Select the check boxes next to one or more groups that you want to assign the
same membership as another group.
3. Choose the Duplicate Group Assignments action.
4. In the Search by field, select the attribute from the list that you want to use to
search for one or more groups. For example, select Group name.
5. In the Search for field, either type the string that you want to search for to
limit the set of groups, or use the wildcard character (*) to search for all
groups. Whether the search is case sensitive or case insensitive depends on the
user registry that you are using.
6. In the Maximum results field, specify the maximum number of search results
that you want to display.
7. Click Search. After the search has been completed, a table displays the groups
that match your search criteria.
8. Highlight the name of the group whose group whose group assignment is to be
duplicated for the previously selected groups, and click OK. The group
membership of the group is duplicated for the previously selected groups

What to do next
Creating groups
Deleting groups

Deleting groups
You can search for and list the existing group names that match the search criteria
that you specify. After selecting one or more groups, you can delete them and
remove the group names from the user registry.
1. Complete the steps in “Searching for groups” on page 82.
2. Select the check boxes next to the groups that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click Delete again when asked to confirm the deletion. The groups are
immediately deleted and removed from the user registry. The table that lists the
groups is refreshed, and the selected groups are no longer displayed in the list.

What to do next
Creating groups
Duplicating group assignments for a group

88 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Assigning roles to users and groups
After you have created the required users, groups, and roles, or after the users
have been imported from the selected user registry, assign the roles to the users
and groups.

To assign roles to users and groups:

1. To assign roles to users:
a. Click Users & Groups > User Roles.
b. Complete any combination of the search fields to help locate the users.
c. Select how many users to display and click Search. A list of matching users
appears in the grid.
d. Click the user ID of the user you want to assign roles to.
e. From the Role(s) list, select the roles to assign the user.
f. Click Save.
2. To assign roles to user groups:
a. Click Users & Groups > Group Roles.
b. Complete any combination of the search fields to help locate the groups.
c. Select how many groups to display and click Search. A list of groups
appears in the grid.
d. Click the name of the group you want to assign roles to.
e. From the Role(s) list, select the roles to assign the user group.
f. Click Save.


The changes take effect immediately. Users must log out and back in before the can
access the functions specified by the new roles.
Related concepts
“Web GUI user administration” on page 65
Related tasks
“Creating roles” on page 80
“Editing roles” on page 80
“Creating groups” on page 84
“Creating users” on page 72

Consult these troubleshooting notes to help determine the cause of the problem
and what to do about it.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 89

Checking system information
To determine the status of the server and client, and to help you with
troubleshooting, access the system information for the Web GUI.

To access the system information, in the navigation pane, click Troubleshooting

and Support > System Information for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI.


The following information is displayed:

v Web GUI server version
v Java Runtime Environment
v Memory usage
v Operating system information
v Web GUI server properties
v ObjectServer properties
v System properties

Viewing TIPProfile logs for login errors

In the event of a login error, review the system outage and system error logs to
help determine the cause.

Follow these steps to open the system outage and system error logs:
1. At the command line, change to the tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/
server1 directory.
2. Open SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log in a text editor. On Windows, for
example, the command notepad systemout.log opens the log in Windows
3. Review the errors.
4. If the cause and solution to your login error is not apparent, send the
SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log from this directory and the
server1_exception.log (and any other files that were modified within a few
minutes of this one) from the sibling ffdc directory to your security
administrator for further examination.
Related tasks
“Viewing the application server profile” on page 2

Editing a properties file

Properties files describe the environment and their settings are usually predefined
or added during installation. You do not need to change these files unless
instructed by IBM® Software Support.

The properties files are on the computer where the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server
is installed.
1. Locate the tip_home_dir/properties directory. For example,
C:\IBM\tivoli\tipv2\properties is the default installation path on Windows;
/opt/IBM/tivoli/tipv2/ is the default installation path on Linux or UNIX.
2. Open the desired properties file in a text editor.
3. Edit the file as needed, and then save and close it.
4. Stop the application server, and then restart it.

90 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Setting the log level
The log level determines the amount of detail that the Web GUI writes to the log
files. As supplied, the product logs all events of the Information severity and
above. Use these procedures to change the level if required.

You can change the log in either of the following ways:

v Setting the log level in the server initialization file
v Using the WebSphere administration console
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Editing the server initialization file

To change the logging level in the server initialization file:
1. Log in to the machine running the Web GUI using a command line interface.
2. Open webgui_home_dir/etc/server.init in a text editor.
3. Locate the log.level property.
4. Change its value to the required minimum severity level to write to the log
The available log levels, in ascending order of ascending severity, are:
5. Save the file.
6. Restart the Tivoli Integrated Portal server.

Using the WebSphere administration console

You can also use the WebSphere administration console. Use this method when
diagnosing an issue with the help of IBM Technical Support. To set the logging
level using the WebSphere administration console:
1. Log in to the Web GUI as an administrative user.
2. Click Settings > WebSphere Admin Console.
3. On the Web Sphere Admin Console page, click Launch WebSphere Admin
The console opens in a new browser window.
4. Click Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace.
5. In the Logging and Tracing page, click the name of the Tivoli Integrated Portal
(for example, server1).
6. Click Change Log Detail Levels and click the Runtime tab.
7. Expand the tree of components under All Components, expand the tree under
com.ibm.tivoli.* and then the tree under com.ibm.tivoli.ncw.*.
8. For each of the elements that technical support have advised you to change the
log level:

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 91

a. Click the name of the element.
b. Click Message and Trace Levels and choose the required minimum severity
level to write to the log files.
9. Click OK and close the WebSphere administration console window.

Generating performance logs

A performance log can help to identify bottlenecks in your system configuration.
Use these procedures to create a performance log if required.

You can generate a performance log in either of the following ways:

v Setting the trace level in the server initialization file
v Using the WebSphere administration console
Related tasks
“Setting the log level” on page 91

Editing the server initialization file

Follow the instructions in “Editing the server initialization file” on page 91 in
“Setting the log level” on page 91 to set trace.level to PROFILE.

Using the WebSphere administration console

Follow the instructions in “Using the WebSphere administration console” on page
91 in “Setting the log level” on page 91 to set the log level to FINER.

Setting a trace
Enable a trace of the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server when you want to keep a
record of activity.

Before you begin

The portal has a Troubleshooting Logs and Trace option for enabling a trace.

Follow these steps to set a trace that will record the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server
actions in a log file: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/server/trace.log.
1. In the portal, click Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace.
2. Select the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server name (such as server1) in the Logging
and Tracing portlet.
3. In the Configuration tab, click Change Log Detail Levels.
4. In the Groups list, expand com.ibm.tivoli.* and click com.ibm.tivoli.tip.*.
5. Select a log level (such as All Messages and Traces) and click OK or Apply.
6. When prompted to save the configuration, click Save.
7. Stop and restart the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server:
a. In the tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin directory, depending on your
operating system, enter one of the following commands:
v Windows stopServer.bat server1
v UNIX Linux stopServer.sh server1

Note: On UNIX and Linux systems, you are prompted to provide an

administrator username and password.

92 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

b. In the tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin directory, depending on your
operating system, enter one of the following commands:
v Windows startServer.bat server1
v UNIX Linux startServer.sh server1


After the server has been stopped and restarted, trace entries are saved to the
tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/server1/trace.log file.
Related tasks
“Stopping and starting the application server” on page 1

Auditing the usage of objects

How to set up auditing of objects such as maps, filters, and views to determine
which are being used.

To enable auditing of objects in the Web GUI:

1. Navigate to the following directory:
2. Edit server1.xml
3. Locate the <services> element with an xmi:type attribute of
loggingservice.http:HTTPAccessLoggingService. For example:
<services xmi:type="loggingservice.http:HTTPAccessLoggingService"
enable="false" enableErrorLogging="true"
<errorLog xmi:id="LogFile_1183077764084"
<accessLog xmi:id="LogFile_1183077764085"
4. Change the value of the enable attribute of the <services> element to true.
5. Add the following attributes to the <services> element:
errorLogLevel="DEBUG" accessLogFormat="COMBINED"
6. Locate the 4 <transportChannels> elements that have an xmi:type attribute
with a value channelservice.channels:HTTPInboundChannel.
7. In each of these elements, set the value of the enableLogging attribute to true.
8. Save the file.
9. Restart the server.


After restarting the server, page navigation is recorded in the following log files:

Both files are in tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/server1.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 93

Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Web GUI log files

The Web GUI has several log files providing information on various aspects of its
operation, as described here.

The following table describes the Web GUI log files.

Table 15. Log files
Log file Description
webgui_home_dir/integration/ The migration log. Contains information relating to
migration_tool/log/migration.log the migration process, if you have migrated to the
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI V7.3.1 from a
previous version. If any errors caused the migration to
fail at any point, these are listed in the migration log
file. Any files, directories, or properties that could not
be migrated are also listed in the migration log file.

You can set the level of detail in this log in

logging.properties file.
tip_home_dir/profiles/ Several Tivoli Integrated Portal log files are contained
TIPProfile/logs and in this directory.
tip_home_dir/profiles/ Contains event and user monitoring information. You
TIPProfile/logs/ncw/ncw.n.log can set the level of detail in this log in the
initialization file.
In the file name a number replaces
tip_home_dir/profiles/ Contains performance metrics. You can set the level of
TIPProfile/logs/ncw/ detail in this log in the initialization file.

In the file name a number replaces

tip_home_dir/profiles/ Contains trace information. You can set the level of
TIPProfile/logs/ncw/ncw.n.trace detail in this log in the initialization file.

In the file name a number replaces

tip_home_dir/profiles/ For more information about server logs, go to the IBM
TIPProfile/logs and WebSphere® Application Server Information Center at
subdirectories the following Web address and search for server logs.

tip_home_dir/profiles/ DCI Security component log file. You can set the level
TIPProfile/logs/dci-common/ of detail in this log in webgui_home_dir/etc/dci-
OMNIbusWebGUI/dci-security.log common/security/dci-security.properties

94 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Harmless authentication messages
Certain sign-on messages are routine and might not indicate that a problem has

For installations that have been configured to use the Tivoli Integrated Portal
authentication service, it is possible that an authentication client receives
CTGES1504E and CTGES1505E messages. These messages are generated when an
unused single sign-on LTPA token is discarded, and might be insignificant.

An authentication client attempts to use all single sign-on tokens provided to it

when authenticating to an authentication service. Some of these tokens might not
apply to the configured authentication service, causing CTGES1504E and
CTGES1505E messages to be generated on the client and CTGES1089E on the
server. When not accompanied by other CTGES0008E authentication client errors,
these messages indicate only that a particular single sign-on token was discarded.

No user role assigned

Users cannot log in to the console if they do not have user roles assigned.

If you have a valid user ID and password but get a message that the login failed
and to try again (even after successive retries), ask your administrator to review
your role assignments.

Every user ID must be assigned the minimum roles necessary to log in to the
application server: Monitor, Configurator, Operator, Deployer, or Administrator.
Users should also have the minimum required product level roles or they might
not see the contents of their default product pages after logging in.

Troubleshooting connections to LDAP repositories

If you have configured the Web GUI to use a Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) server by adding an LDAP repository to the federated repository,
this information lists some common problems and likely solutions.

If multiple repositories are configured in the federated repository, if one of the

resources becomes unavailable, it affects all the other resources. Even if your user
account does not exist in the unavailable resource, you cannot log into the Web
GUI. If this problem occurs, run WebSphere Application Server commands to allow
access when all repositories are available, or the federated repositories will not
function properly. For more information, see
v http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PK78677
v http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v7r0/index.jsp?topic=/

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 95

Unable to log in
After you have configured the Web GUI to use an LDAP server, you are unable to
log in to the Web GUI with your user credentials.

The reason for this problem might be that the Distinguished name of a base entry
in this repository field was left blank when the LDAP connection was configured.
To correct the problem, add a value to the nameInRepository attribute in the LDAP
configuration data file, wimconfig.xml.

To verify and resolve this problem:

1. Open the $TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/TIPCell/wim/config/
wimconfig.xml file.
2. In this file, search for the nameInRepository attribute and check whether the
value of the attribute is missing, as in the following example:
<config:baseEntries name="o=example" nameInRepository=""/>
3. Add a value to the nameInRepository attribute. For example, for a domain
called “example.com” where the search base is the root domain, change the
attribute to look like the following example:
config:repositories xsi:type="config:LdapRepositoryType"
id="example" isExtIdUnique="true" supportAsyncMode="false"
supportExternalName="false" supportPaging="false" supportSorting="false"
supportTransactions="false" certificateFilter="" certificateMapMode="exactdn"
ldapServerType="AD2003" translateRDN="false">
<config:baseEntries name="o=example" nameInRepository="DC=example,DC=com"/>
4. Save the file and restart the server.

If the stopServer command fails, terminate the underlying process and reissue the

Unable to log in
Users are unable to log in to the Web GUI. This problem affects only certain users,
not all users.

Affected users receive the following error message:

Login failed. Check the user ID and password and try again

This problem occurs because the LDAP user needs sufficient privileges to look up
all the groups in the LDAP server. To verify this problem, check the
server1_exception.log log file. If this problem has occurred, the log file contains
the following entries:
com.ibm.websphere.security. CustomRegistryException
com.ibm.ws.security.auth.ContextManagerImpl. runAs 4161
java.security.PrivilegedActionException com.ibm.ws.security.web.
FormLoginServlet.formLogin 308

com.ibm.ws.security.registry.UserRegistryImpl.createCredential 818

com.ibm.ws.security.server.lm. wsMapDefaultInboundLoginModule.login 556

com.ibm.ws.security.server.lm.ltpaLoginModule.login 452

com.ibm.ws.security.auth.ContextManagerImpl.login 3560

96 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

com.ibm.ws.security.ltpa.LTPAServerObject.authenticate 798

com.ibm.ws.security.auth.JaasLoginHelper.jaas_login 487

com.ibm.websphere.security.CustomRegistryException 190

Ensure that the LDAP users has sufficient privileges to look up all the users in the
LDAP server.

LDAP accounts unavailable in the Web GUI

After configuring a second Web GUI sever with the identical LDAP information to
a already-working LDAP connection, you cannot find any LDAP accounts on the
Manage Users window. It is still possible to log in as the tipadmin user, or any
other LDAP user.

To resolve this problem, restart the server.

No permissions to run AEL tools

When you attempt run SQL tools from the Active Event List (AEL) a n error is
displayed, stating that you do not have permission. The user You have a user
account in the ObjectServer (through the sychnronization of user accounts between
the LDAP server and the ObjectServer) and the correct permissions are configured
in Tivoli Integrated Portal.

This problem occurs because the Web GUI verifies users based on the cn property,
while users are synchronized to the ObjectServer from the LDAP server based on
the uid property. Consequently, two login properties might be defined for logging
into the WebSphere Application Server. If this is the case, the first property needs
to be uid.

To resolve this problem, in the Websphere Application Server administrative

console, configure the login properties, ensuring that the first property is uid, as
ui;cn. Then, restart the server.

Failed to execute tool error in AEL

When you attempt to acknowledge events, add journal entries, assign an event to
another user, or delete an event, an error message is displayed Failed to execute

The webtop.log log file might contain an error message, stating that the user
concerned does not exist, even though you have verified the existence of the user
in the ObjectServer and the Web GUI.

Below properties were added to the following file. After that TIP server was
restarted for these changes to take effect. $TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/dci-
common/security/dci-security.properties login.property:uid group.property:cn

Check the following 1) Object Server user exists with name in the same case as in
TIP. The username is case sensitive. If TIP is authenticated to LDAP, the username
should match the DN of the user. 2) Ensure the Object Server user is a member of
the Normal group. This will assign the roles CatalogUser, AlertsUser and
ChannelUser which are needed to modify events. 3) Ensure the user is enabled. If
the user will not be used to login to the Object Server, no password authentication
needs to be configured for the user, as running SQL tools from WebGUI does not

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 97

authenticate the user, it only checks the user roles assigned.

No LDAP groups available in Web GUI

After you have configured the Web GUI to use an LDAP server, no groups are
available in the Manager Users window (under Users and Groups > Manager

This problem occurs because the maximum number of search results, as defined in
the $TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/TIPCell/wim/config/
wimconfig.xml: configuration file, is too small (the default value for this attribute
is 4,500).

To solve this problem:

1. Edit the wimconfig.xml file, by changing the maxSearchResults attribute to a
value greater than 50,000, as shown in the following example:
<config:configurationProvider maxPagingResults="500" maxSearchResults="500000"
maxTotalPagingResults="1000" pagedCacheTimeOut="900" pagingEntityObject="true"
2. Restart the server.

No users or groups available for setting preferences

When you attempt to set user preferences, no user accounts are available for

This problem occurs because the default search base, which the Web GUI uses to
search the LDAP server for users and user groups, is empty. Consequently, when
the Web GUI searches the LDAP server, too many LDAP objects are returned.

To resolve this problem, narrow the search base:

1. Edit the federated repository, selecting the LDAP server.
2. In the Configuration window, click LDAP entity types, at the bottom of the
3. Under Entity types, click Group.
4. In the Search base field, type a search base that narrows the range of objects
searched. See the samples below.
5. Repeat these steps for the PersonAccount entity type.

Sample search bases

The following example shows a search base that narrows the objects searched to
users in the organizational unit (OU) “webtopuser”, in the “example.com” domain

The following example shows a search base that narrows the objects searched to
users in two OUs in the “example.com” domain : “webtopuser” and
“webtopadmin”. Note that, in the Search base field, you need to use a semicolon
(;) to separate the OUs.

98 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Slow network response
Performance issues can cause an unresponsive script message to display after

If, immediately after logging in, you get a message about an unresponsive script
and you are asked whether to continue or cancel opening the Web page, click
Continue. After a short time, the welcome page for the console is displayed.

Such messages can indicate a slow network link between your computer and the
application server. Ping the server computer to see the round trip response time.
Use response times of 40 ms or better.

Try using a remote desktop connection to a computer that has a better response
time with the application server and logging in from there.

Consider using a caching HTTP proxy to improve speed and reduce network

AEL fails to start and displays message W0025

Checks to make should the Active Event List (AEL) fails to start and the message
identified as W0025 appears.

If there is a problem with the connection to the ObjectServer or an incorrect JVM

or browser installed, the AEL may fail to start and the following message is

W0025 The event list is unavailable. Contact your administrator.

Should that message appear on a user's web browser, carry out the following
1. Make sure that the ObjectServer is running.
If not, start it and ask the user to try again.
2. Make sure that user's machine can connect to the ObjectServer.
3. Make sure that the user's machine has one of the supported web browsers,
4. Make sure that the latest support version of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is
installed on the user's machine and that it is appropriate for the web browser
in use.

Event Dashboard unable to get data from server

For certain monitor boxes the Event Dashboard displays the error message: Unable
to get data from the server. In addition, the Event Dashboard fails to display some
filters correctly.

The Event Dashboard displays the following error message for certain monitor

Unable to get data from the server

Clicking on one of those monitor boxes causes the following error message to

The event list is unavailable

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 99

However, the default Active Event List (AEL) can successfully display events.

This problem arises because the Event Dashbaord fails to display some filters
correctly. This is due to a mismatch between the data source name provided for
these filters and the data source names defined in ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml.
1. Carry out on of the following actions to correct this mismatch
v Use the Filter Builder to correct the name in the relevant filters.
v Edit ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml to use the correct data source name.
2. Restart the server.
Related tasks
“Setting up filters for event data” on page 178
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Maps are slow to display severity colors

Filters in maps are slow to show severity colors. This may be accompanied by high
CPU usage on the Web GUI server.

If the performance of the Web GUI is otherwise satisfactory, there are three likely
causes of this condition:
v “Frequency of map refresh”
v “Result caching”
v “Map complexity”

Frequency of map refresh

The frequency that a map refreshes is defined in two ways:

v The maplet.refresh property in the server.init file. This sets a global refresh
rate for the system.
v The portlet preferences for individual maps.

In either case, make sure that the refresh frequency is no lower than 10 seconds.
For complex maps, use a higher value.

Result caching

Use the <result-cache> element in the data source configuration file for data
sources that provide the map with data. This can help to reduce the load on the
data sources.

Map complexity

The complexity of a map is the most likely cause of this condition. Rather than use
a small number of maps that contain many filters, limit the number of filters on a
map to no more than 30 to 40. Then drill down from these filters to further maps.
Related tasks
“Setting preferences for the Map portlet” on page 129
Related reference
Appendix B, “Data source configuration file data reference,” on page 281

100 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Changing the height setting of a Map portlet has no effect
Changing the height of a map portlet using the Height box or the Use Customizer
check box in the portlet preferences has no effect. The map always renders to the
same size.

The Height and Use Customizer do not override the height of the Map portlet.
That is controlled by the height settings available in the Map Editor. To set the
height of a map, set the Use Customizer portlet preference, and configure the
height of the map in the Map Editor.
Related tasks
“Setting preferences for the Map portlet” on page 129
“Customizing maps” on page 209

The connection to the ObjectServer is lost or the AEL issues a

If the connection to the ObjectServer persistently is lost or the AEL issues a
timeout, adjust the query timeout setting for the datasource associated with the
1. Edit ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml.
2. Locate the <ncwConnectionParameters> element for the appropriate data
source, and within that element, locate the <ncwQueryTimeout> element.
3. Increase the value of the baseTime attribute to increase the period of the
4. Restart the server.
5. If the problem persists, repeat this procedure to increase the timeout further.
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1
Related reference
Appendix B, “Data source configuration file data reference,” on page 281

Applying fix packs for the Web GUI

Considerations to make when applying a fix pack for the Web GUI. In particular
there are special considerations when applying a fix pack in a load balancing

Each fix pack for the Web GUI includes a Readme file that contains detailed
installation instructions. The following information, however, provides a general
overview of the installation process.

Important: Always use the instructions in the Readme file to apply a fix pack. There
may be additional steps required in addition to the general advice given here.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 101

Stand-alone system
On a stand-alone installation of the Web GUI, the general procedure for applying a
fix pack is:
1. Stop the Tivoli Integrated Portal and its associated services.
2. Extract the installation files from the archive.
3. Install the fix pack in silent mode.
4. Restart the Tivoli Integrated Portal.

Load balancing environment

In a load balancing environment a number of co-operating instances of the Web
GUI form a cluster. In such and environment, the general procedure for applying a
fix pack is:
1. Remove each node from the cluster and restart them as stand-alone systems.
2. On each node in turn, follow the procedure for a stand-alone system to apply
the fix pack.
3. Recreate the cluster and each node in turn.
When doing this you do not need to recreate or edit any of the configuration
files or the database. Instead:
a. On one node run the commands to set up the cluster.
b. On all other nodes run the commands to join the cluster.
c. Prepare the HTTP server for load balancing.
d. Start Web GUI load balancing operations on each node.

Performance tuning tips for the Web GUI

Use this information to troubleshoot performance in the Web GUI.

Increasing JVM memory on the Web GUI server

To improve Web GUI performance, you can increase the amount of memory on the

To increase the amount of memory available to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM),
carry out the following steps:
1. Manually stop the application server.
2. Change to the tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/bin directory.
3. Use the wsadmin command to increase the heap size for the JVM, as follows:
wsadmin.sh -lang jython -conntype NONE
4. At the wsadmin> prompt, issue the following commands, where xxx is the new
heap size value, in megabytes.

AdminConfig.modify(jvm, ’[[initialHeapSize xxx]]’)

AdminConfig.modify(jvm, ’[[maximumHeapSize xxx]]’)

5. Clean the server1 and tnm logs and restart the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server.
The changes take effect when the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server is restarted.

102 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Attention: If you attempt to start the Tivoli Integrated Portal Server with a
maximum heap size that is too large, error messages that are similar to the
following are generated in the tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/
server1/native_stderr.log file:
JVMJ9GC019E -Xms too large for -Xmx
JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9gc23(2): Failed to initialize
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Increasing memory on Web GUI client Java Virtual Machines

To increase event volumes in the Active Event List (AEL), or if a
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error occurs on the AEL, modify the heap sizes of the
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the Web GUI client.

A java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error might occur during failover from the primary

ObjectServer to the backup ObjectServer. This error might also occur if, depending
on the configuration of your views, an AEL is running more than 20,000 events. If
this error occurs, the following message is displayed in the AEL:
Entity Unavailable

By increasing the initial and maximum heap sizes, you can solve this error.

To increase heap sizes:

1. On the Web GUI client, open the Control Panel for the Java Plug-In.
2. Click Advanced.
3. In the field under Java Runtime Parameters, modify the heap sizes. For
-Xms64m -Xmx128m
4. Click Apply and close the Control Panel.
5. Log out of the Web GUI and log back in.

What to do next

Verify that the error no longer occurs. If the error persists then increase the heap
size further, for example to -Xms256m -Xmx512m

Performance tuning
To improve the throughput of events from a data source to the Web GUI, or to
distribute the load between the ObjectServer and the Web GUI server, you can
adjust several configuration settings.

Important: Several factors, such as the availability of system memory, event load
and the number of products running in your network, influence performance.
Consider these factors when changing the configuration settings of the Web GUI
because they might negate any performance benefits achieved by changing the
Web GUI configuration.

The following parameters in the webgui_home_dir/etc/server.init file can be

modified to tune performance:
This property limits the number of events to be displayed in any given Active
Event List (AEL). Limiting this value, for example to 3000, might improve the
time required to load or refresh an AEL.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 103

This property enables the creation of transient AEL views, but it also increases
the load on the Web GUI. If you do not use this functionality, disable this
This property ontrols the frequency with which Web GUI maps are refreshed.
If you lower the value of this property, for example to 10, event throughput
might be increased. If you increase the value of this property, for example to
30, the load on the Web GUI server might be reduced. Consider this property
alongside results caching in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml file.

The following elements in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml file can be modified

to tune performance. These elements are child elements of the <results-cache>
This property controls caching for Web GUI charts. If you set the enabled
attribute to true, the Web GUI server caches the results of SQL queries for a
configurable period of time. This reduces the load on the ObjectServer, but
may increase the memory requirements of the Web GUI server, in order to
store the cached data.
This property controls caching for event list results, that is, for the AEL,
Lightweight Event List (LEL) and Table View. If you set the enabled attribute
to true, the Web GUI server caches the results of SQL queries for a
configurable period of time. This reduces the load on the ObjectServer, but
may increase the memory requirements of the Web GUI server, in order to
store the cached data.
This property controls caching for event summary results, that is, for the Event
Dashboard and map pages. If you set the enabled attribute to true, the Web
GUI server caches the results of SQL queries for a configurable period of time.
This reduces the load on the ObjectServer, but may increase the memory
requirements of the Web GUI server, in order to store the cached data.
This property has two attributes that control the pool of JDBC connections to
the data source: minPoolSize and maxPoolSize. By default, minPoolSize has a
value of 5 and maxPoolSize a value of 10. To improve throughput, you can
increase the values of these attributes. This increases the number of parallel
requests to the data source and reduces the occurrence of requests being
blocked through lack of an available connection.
This property controls caching for the event metrics that provide information
for the gauges on Gauges pages. If you set the enabled attribute to true, the
Web GUI server caches the results of SQL queries for a configurable period of
time. This reduces the load on the ObjectServer, but may increase the memory
requirements of the Web GUI server, in order to store the cached data.

The following parameter in the webgui_home_dir/etc/system/userdefaults.props

file can be modified to tune performance:
This property controls the default AEL refresh frequency for new users. To

104 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
improve event throughput, set the value of this property as low as possible.
The lowest configurable value is 30. Individual users can override this value
by setting their AEL user preferences.
Related tasks
“Restricting the number of rows displayed in the Active Event List” on page 135

CGI support
Use the initialization parameters to control the behavior of CGIServlet.


CGI scripts run on a Web server and use the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) to
perform tasks. The support for CGI in Tivoli Integrated Portal is provided by
CGIServlet, extracted from Apache Tomcat. The Tomcat CGI support is largely
compatible with the Apache HTTP Server but there are some limitations (such as
only one cgi-bin directory). To change the configuration, edit web.xml in the
directory where the CGI application is installed.

Servlet initialization parameters

Several initialization parameters are available for configuring the behavior of the
The CGI search path will start at the Web application root directory +
File.separator + this prefix. Default setting: cgiPathPrefix is Web-INF/cgi.
debug Determines the level of debugging detail for messages that are logged by
the servlet. Default setting: 0.
This is type of the program to be used to run the script. Default setting:
Names the parameter encoding to be used with the CGI servlet. Default
setting: System.getProperty("file.encoding","UTF-8").
Determines whether shell environment variables, if there are any, shall be
passed to the CGI script. Default setting: false.

Chapter 1. Administering the Web GUI 105

106 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Chapter 2. Administering a load balancing cluster
Tasks for administering the Web GUI in a load balancing environment.

For instructions on how to set up a load balancing cluster, add nodes to a cluster,
and remove nodes from a cluster, refer to the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
Installation and Deployment Guide.

The Web GUI in a load balancing environment

Information on how the Web GUI can operate in a load balancing environment and
the implications for administering and using the product.

A load balancing environment consists of a group of Web GUI servers that are
linked together and operate as a single server. The name for the group of servers is
a cluster and each of the servers is known as a node.

The primary benefits of a cluster are as follows:

v Load balancing – where the workload of servicing user requests is spread
among the nodes. This improves the overall performance of the system.
v Availability – to maintain the availability of network monitoring even if some
cluster nodes are unavailable for any reason (for example, they are shut down
for maintenance).

The following sections contain more information on clusters, on administering

them, and on using them:
v “Structure of a cluster”
v “Configuration data” on page 108
v “Updating configuration data” on page 108
v “Conditions necessary for changing configuration data” on page 110
v “Administering a load balancing cluster” on page 110
v “Using a load-balanced cluster” on page 111

Structure of a cluster
A cluster consists of a group of Web GUI servers, an HTTP server, and a DB2
v The servers carry out service requests from users. In addition, each server is
configured to trust the other servers in the cluster and is able to communicate
with all the other cluster members. This enables them to cooperate as a single
v The HTTP server distributes user HTTP sessions among the servers. It allocates
requests among the servers either randomly or in a round robin fashion. The
method that the HTTP server uses depends on how it was set up when
v The DB2 database holds the configuration data for the cluster.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 107

Configuration data
Configuration data defines how a Web GUI server operates. It is held differently in
a cluster than it is in a standalone server.

A standalone Web GUI server holds its configuration data in the local file system.
In a cluster, the DB2 database holds the configuration data for the entire cluster.
This is the master copy of the data that is shared by all the cluster nodes. A single
set of configuration data means that each node is configured identically. There is
no configuration data that is specific to a cluster node.

Although the database holds the master copy, each node also has a copy in its local
file system. This is for fault tolerance reasons and allows the cluster to continue
operation should the configuration database become unavailable during operation.
When a node starts it reads a complete set of configuration data from the database
into the local file system and loads it into memory to improve performance.

The configuration data that the database holds includes:

v Data sources
v Users, groups, and roles
v Page layouts, customized page information, and portlet descriptors
v Deployment descriptors
v Filters and views
v All items in the configstore:
– AEL menus and menu configuration data
– Metrics for gauges
– Prompts
– Tools
– User preferences
v AEL preferences such as the refresh time and the number of rows to display
v Web GUI properties such as the default time zone and the timeout period
v Maps and resources, together with their properties
v Gauges and their properties
v Charts and their properties
v Predictive eventing information
v TADDM events
v Access information for the Inline frame portlet

Updating configuration data

Changes to the configuration data need to be coordinated across the entire cluster
irrespective of which node initiated the changes.

The configuration data can change in any of three ways:

v The facilities of the Web GUI itself (for example, setting a set of preferences for a
v By editing the configuration files directly (for example, setting the metrics for a
v By using WAAPI commands (for example, enabling predictive eventing)

108 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
A change could originate on any cluster node. However, this change needs to be
propagated to the entire cluster to maintain the commonality of the cluster's

Updating the database

The process for changing configuration data is as follows:

1. A user on a node changes an item in the configuration and requests that the
node saves the change.
2. The node writes the new information (for example a configuration file) to the
3. The node notifies all the other cluster nodes that there is revised configuration
4. The node updates its local copy of the configuration data to reflect the change.
5. The other cluster nodes read the new information from the database and
update the copies in their local file systems.
6. The cluster continues to operate with the new configuration settings.

Detecting changes to the configuration files

It is not always necessary to restart the cluster or any of its nodes to pick up the
new configuration information. Instead, revised configuration data is automatically
applied when it occurs. This is achieved through:
v The Web GUItimed tasks facility
v A file that lists the files to be monitored and an associated set of monitor

Timed tasks determine when each node loads changed files from the database.

The file is named webgui_home_dir/etc/system/stores.lst and contains a list of

all the configuration files that are kept in the database. When a node starts or joins
the cluster it creates a set of processes that monitor each of the files listed in
stores.list. Whenever a change occurs to one of those files, the corresponding
process propagates the changed file to the DB2 database and notifies other nodes
of the change.

This file monitoring capability means that an individual component of the Web
GUI (such as a portlet) does not need to know whether configuration information
is maintained in a database or in the local file system. Instead, the component
always writes changes to its configuration directly to the local file system. The
monitoring processes take care of updating the database.

There are some exceptions where a restart of a node, and usually the cluster, is
necessary. Changing any of the following files requires a restart of the server:
v server.init
v ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml

Chapter 2. Administering a load balancing cluster 109

Conditions necessary for changing configuration data
To be able to operate correctly, certain conditions need to be met before the cluster
can allow changes to its configuration data.

For the cluster to operate successfully, the DB2 database must be available. The
database is the key coordination point of the cluster because it contains the
configuration data.

If the database becomes unavailable after the cluster has started, operations
continue, with each node using their local copy of the configuration data.
However, each node prevents any changes occurring to the configuration data.
This state continues until the DB2 database becomes available again. At this point,
the cluster nodes refresh their locally stored configuration from the database and
allow changes to configuration data to take place once more. The policy of
allowing changes to occur only when the database is available helps to ensure that
the cluster remains synchronized and that common behavior is maintained across
the cluster.

When a node starts and joins the cluster, it reads the configuration data from the
database, even though it may have data in its local file system. Nodes do this to
ensure that they always have the latest set of configuration data. If the database is
unavailable when a node starts, it cannot continue because it cannot be sure that
the local copy of the configuration data is up to date.

In addition to the configuration data, each cluster node must be run the same
version of the Web GUI, with the same set of features, and set up in the same way.
As with the data, this is the only way to provide a common service to the users of
the Web GUI.

Administering a load balancing cluster

Administration of a load balancing cluster has two aspects that you need to be
aware of:
v “Day-to-day administration”
v “Cluster administration” on page 111

Day-to-day administration

In day-to-day administration, bear in mind that any change you make always
applies to the entire cluster not just the node where you make the change. For
instance, adding a user to one node adds that user to all nodes. There may be a
short time delay before a change is applied to all the nodes. This depends on how
often the timed tasks interval is set, and how long it is until the next execution of
the timed tasks facility.

An advantage of this propagation of configuration data is that it simplifies your

administration job. You need only to make each change once, and the cluster
ensures that all nodes receive it. If the database is unavailable, you cannot make
any change to the configuration data. When using the Web GUI itself, the system
prevents you from saving any changes to the data. When editing files or using
WAAPI, the node you are using will not propagate the changed information until
the database becomes available once more.

110 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Cluster administration

After set up, a cluster requires little administration over and above the day-to-day
administration that any Web GUI installation requires. However, the Web GUI
provides a comprehensive set of tools for you to administer the cluster. These tools
enable you to do the following:
v Enable load balancing after installation
v Administer the timed tasks facility
v Add and remove nodes
v Resynchronize a cluster node
v Export configuration information from a test environment into production
v Maintain the list of files to be monitored and propagated to the database when
ever they change
Related tasks
“Administering timed tasks” on page 7

Using a load-balanced cluster

To users, the Web GUI behaves almost identically in a clustered environment as a
standalone server. All that many users might notice, after a move to a clustered
environment, is an increased responsiveness of the product. This is due to the
overall increases in performance that the cluster provides.

Maintaining the list of files to monitor

On each cluster member has a copy of a file named stores.lst that holds a list of
files to monitor for changes. When any of these files changes, the monitoring
process copies it to the database.

You can add further files to the list for monitoring and saving to the database.
Carry out the following procedure on each member of the cluster.

Important: You can add further files to store in the database only. Do not modify
or remove any of the supplied entries in the file. Doing so adversely affects the
operation of the cluster.
1. In a text editor, open the file webgui_home_dir/etc/system/stores.lst.
2. Add entries for any other directories that you want to include in the database.
Specify all directories relative to the path: webgui_home_dir/etc/configstore.
3. Save the file and exit from the text editor.
The revised content of the file is copied to the database and propagated to all
nodes in the cluster.
Related reference
“Load balancing best practices” on page 113

Chapter 2. Administering a load balancing cluster 111

Cluster administration tools
Use the cluster tools to administer the members of the cluster.

Monitoring a load balancing cluster

If synchronized data fails to be committed to a node in the cluster, that node
should be removed from the cluster for corrective action. Use the diagnosis tool to
identify any unsynchronized nodes in the load balancing cluster.

To determine if changes to global data are not committed to any of the nodes, use
the HATool command script to check the synchronization of modules and
repositories on the nodes in a cluster. For the HATool, you must provide the DB2
administrator's credentials.
Query synchronization of modules
Use this command to determine if all nodes have identical sets of modules
HATool.bat/sh modules username password -byNodes -showAll

The following parameters are optional.

v -byNodes
Specifies that the results of the command are ordered by the node in the
cluster. This parameter is optional. The default is to list the results by
v -showAll
Specifies that all modules and nodes in the cluster should be returned.
This parameter is optional. The default is to return only modules for
unsynchronized nodes.
Query the synchronization of global repositories
Use this command to determine if all repositories are synchronized on all
HATool.bat/sh repositories username password -byNodes -showAll

The following parameters are optional.

v -byNodes
Specifies that the results of the command are ordered by the node in the
cluster. This parameter is optional. The default is to list the results by
v -showAll
Specifies that all modules and nodes in the cluster should be returned.
This parameter is optional. The default is to return only repositories for
unsynchronized nodes.
Release the global lock
Use this command to manually release the global lock placed on all of the
console nodes when the cluster is in maintenance mode. This command is
used when a node cannot commit a change during synchronization and
has to be taken offline.
HATool.bat/sh release-lock username password

112 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Load balancing best practices
When administering the Web GUI in a load balancing environment, there are a
number of practices you can use to avoid problems occurring in the cluster.


Administrative items that need special attention in a load balancing environment

v “Timed tasks”
v “The configuration database”
v “The list of files to maintain in the database”
v “Custom web content” on page 114

Timed tasks

Timed tasks are an essential element in the smooth running of a load balancing
cluster. They ensure that all changes to files in webgui_home_dir/etc/configstore/
and its subdirectories are detected and loaded into the server, without the need to
restart the Web GUI server.

As a minimum, ensure that the timedtasks.enabled property in theserver.init file

is set to true.

In most cases the schedules supplied for filters and views and for other
components are adequate. However, you can change the schedules to suit your
specific needs. If you do this in a load balancing environment, you are
recommended to create identical schedules for the same set of components on all
nodes in the load balancing cluster.

The configuration database

A load balancing cluster uses a database to hold the configuration data. Individual
nodes in the cluster hold only a copy of this data, primarily for performance
reasons. The master copy of the configuration data is always the one in the

Always make sure that the database is available before making any changes to the
Web GUI configuration. This is especially important if you are modifying the
configuration files directly, such as defining the metrics for the gauge page.
Without the database, the node where you make the change is unable to put the
change into the database and then propagate that to all other nodes. The result is
an inconsistent configuration in the cluster. In extreme cases this could affect the
performance of the cluster.

Where ever possible, use the Web GUI itself to change the configuration. The Web
GUI always checks that the database is available before allowing you to save any
changes to the configuration. This avoids many of the potential data
inconsistencies that could arise were you to edit the files directly.

The list of files to maintain in the database

A cluster includes a file named stores.lst that holds a list of directories whose
content is to be stored in the configuration database. As supplied, the file specifies

Chapter 2. Administering a load balancing cluster 113

all the directories that contain information which must be synchronized across a
cluster. You can further directories to this list for other files that you want
synchronized on all nodes.

Periodically check the stores.lst to ensure it is fully up to date. The file itself is
one of those synchronized across all nodes. So any changes you make to it are
automatically propagated to the other nodes.

Take care when editing stores.lst to change only those entries you have added.
Do not remove any of the supplied entries, as this can adversely affect the
operation of the cluster.

Custom web content

Place any custom web content, such as HTML file, in subdirectories of
OMNIbusWebGUI.war. In addition, add these directories to the list of files to maintain
in the database.
Related concepts
“Overview of timed tasks” on page 7
Related tasks
“Administering timed tasks” on page 7
“Maintaining the list of files to monitor” on page 111

Use the troubleshooting notes to help correct problems with a load balancing

Resynchronizing a node with the cluster

In rare circumstances a fault may cause the configuration data of a node to become
corrupted. Use this procedure to bring the data of a node back in synchronization
with the cluster.

To resynchronize a node with the cluster restart the node.

Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Recovering from a database corruption

An event such as a power failure may corrupt the content of the load-balancing
database. If at least one node in the cluster still has valid configuration data, use
this procedure to recover the database and the remaining nodes.

To recover the database and any nodes with corrupt configuration data, carry out
the following on a node with valid configuration data:
1. Stop all nodes on the cluster.
2. Using a suitable SQL tool, access the load-balancing database, and issue the
following commands:
3. Start a node that has valid configuration data. The node populates the database
with its configuration data.
114 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
4. Start each of the other nodes in the cluster. Each node reads the configuration
data from the database.
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Chapter 2. Administering a load balancing cluster 115

116 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Chapter 3. Setting portlet preferences
You can change the settings of the portlets to customize their appearance and
setup to your requirements.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

Setting AEL portlet preferences

To customize the appearance and setup of the AEL portlet, edit the preferences of
the portlet.

To set AEL portlet preferences:

1. Open an AEL portlet.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. In the General Settings and the Appearance of the AEL area, set the following
portlet properties:
Filter Select a predefined filter from this list.
Filter SQL
Type the SQL syntax that is used to create a transient filter. When the
filter string is applied to an AEL, only the rows that meet the criteria
set by the filter are displayed. If any value is typed in this field, the
Filter list is disabled.
View Select the view that is applied to the AEL. When a view is applied to
an AEL, only the columns that are specified by the view are displayed.
The view selected from the list overrides the default view that is
assigned to a filter selected from the Filter list.
Transient filter name
Type the name to assign to the transient filter generated by the SQL
expression in the Filter SQL field. This name is displayed as the title
for the associated AEL. If any value is typed in this field, the Filter list
is disabled.
Event list single-click action
Select the action to perform when you click an event in the AEL once.
You can select default actions, such as opening the information window
for the selected event, or you can select tools to be run on event data.
You can create tools in the Tool Creation editor.
Event list double-click action
Select the action to perform when you double-click an event in the
AEL. You can select default actions, such as opening the information
window for the selected event, or you can select tools to be run on
event data. You can create tools in the Tool Creation editor.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 117

Data Sources
Select one or more data sources from which the event data is retrieved.
Portlet Title
Type the label to be displayed at the top of the AEL portlet.
Use Customizer
Select this check box to use drag and drop to control the height of the
AEL applet on a page that contains multiple portlets. If you clear this
check box, use the Height field to specify an alternative height, in
Set the height of the portlet frame in pixels.
Title Bar
Select this check box to display the title bar.
Menu Bar
Select this check box to display the menu bar.
Tool Bar
Select this check box to display the tool bar.
Filters and Views
Select this check box to display the Edit Filters button and the list of
available filters, and the Edit Views button and the list of available
views on the tool bar.
Summary Bar
Select this check box to display the summary bar.
Status Bar
Select this check box to display the status bar.
4. In the Appearance of the AEL area, select the check box for the bars you want
to be displayed in the AEL portlet, and clear the check box for the bars you do
not want to be displayed.
5. In the Bidi Settings area, specify the settings for the display of bi-directional
Component direction
Select the arrangement of items in the portlet, left-to-right or
right-to-left. The default setting uses the value defined for the page or
the console. If the page and console both use the default setting, the
locale of your browser determines the layout.
Text direction
Select the direction of text on the portlet. The default settings uses the
value defined for the page or the console. If the page and console both
use the default setting, the locale of your browser determines the text
direction. The Contextual Input setting displays text you enter in the
appropriate direction for your globalization settings.
Any change you make to these settings is effective only if you have enabled
bi-directional support in your user preferences. Changes come into effect the
next time you use the portlet.
6. Click OK to save and apply your settings to the portlet.
Related tasks
“Editing portlet shared settings” on page 41

118 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Setting Chart portlet preferences
To customize the appearance and setup of the Chart portlet, edit the preferences of
the portlet.

To set Chart portlet preferences:

1. Open a Chart portlet.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. In the General Settings area, set the following portlet properties:
Chart Template
Select the chart template you want to use to generate the chart image.
The list contains all available Web GUI chart templates.
Type the description that is used as the alternative text in the HTML
image tag.
Width Set the width of the rendered chart image in pixels.
Set the height of the rendered chart image in pixels.
4. In the Bidi Settings area, specify the settings for the display of bi-directional
Component direction
Select the arrangement of items in the portlet, left-to-right or
right-to-left. The default setting uses the value defined for the page or
the console. If the page and console both use the default setting, the
locale of your browser determines the layout.
Text direction
Select the direction of text on the portlet. The default settings uses the
value defined for the page or the console. If the page and console both
use the default setting, the locale of your browser determines the text
direction. The Contextual Input setting displays text you enter in the
appropriate direction for your globalization settings.
Any change you make to these settings is effective only if you have enabled
bi-directional support in your user preferences. Changes come into effect the
next time you use the portlet.
5. Click OK to save and apply your settings to the portlet.
Related tasks
“Editing portlet shared settings” on page 41

Chapter 3. Setting portlet preferences 119

Setting Event Dashboard portlet preferences and defaults
To customize the appearance and setup of the Event Dashboard portlet, and the
actions that can be executed from the monitor boxes, edit the preferences of the

Before you begin

To edit the portlet preferences of the Event Dashboard, either the

ncw_dashboard_editor role must be assigned to your user, or the ncw_user role
and the ncw_admin roles must be assigned to your user.

Administrator In addition to setting portlet preferences, you can set the default
preferences for all users (including your own).

To set portlet preferences and defaults for the Event Dashboard:

1. Open an Event Dashboard portlet.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. To restore the default portlet settings, click Reset to Defaults.
4. To change the title of the portlet, type a new name in the Title field.
5. From the Data Sources list, select the data sources against which to run the
filters associated with the monitor boxes.
You must make sure that the data sources specified in the filter and the data
sources selected in the Event Dashboard contain identical fields; if this is not
the case, an error message is displayed in the affected monitor boxes instead
of event data.
6. To add or remove existing filters, and therefore monitor boxes, proceed as
v To remove all monitor boxes from the portlet, click Remove All Monitor

Boxes .
v To show all global filters and any user filters that you have defined on the
Event Dashboard, click Show All Filters.

v To remove a single monitor box, click Remove Monitor Box next to

the required monitor box.
v To restore a previously-removed monitor box, or add a new monitor box,

click Add Monitor Box and select the monitor boxes you require from
the Add Monitor Boxes window. You can select from both global filters and
any user filters that you have defined.
You can also add system filters.

7. To specify the number of columns in which the monitor boxes are arranged,
type a number in the Columns field.
8. To add a new filter, and therefore a new monitor box to the Event Dashboard,

click Edit Filters .

120 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
The Filter Builder opens, in which you can specify the filter data and SQL
9. To specify the type of information displayed in the monitor boxes, and the
format of that information:

a. Click Edit Preferences .

b. In the Preferences window, on the Monitor Boxes tab, complete the
following fields:
Show Number of Alerts
Displays the number of alerts that match the filter.
Show Highest Severity
Displays the highest severity of the alerts that match the filter.
Show Lowest Severity
Displays the lowest severity of the alerts that match the filter.
Show Highest Severity Border
Displays a border around the monitor box in the color of the
highest-severity alert that matches the filter.
Show Metric
Displays the selected filter metric value.
Show Highest Color
Applicable only if you selected the Show Highest Severity option:
Displays the highest-severity alert indicator in the color of the
alert, for example, in red if the highest-severity alert is critical.
Show Lowest Color
Applicable only if you selected the Show Lowest Severity option:
Displays the lowest-severity alert indicator in the color of the alert.
Font Select the font and the font size for the text on the monitor boxes.
Distribution meter
Specify the format for the distribution meter:
v Show Lava Lamp: Displays the distribution meter as a series of
horizontal bars.
v Show Histogram: Displays the distribution meter as a bar
v Show None: Switches off the distribution meter.
c. Optional: To specify preferences for Active Event Lists (AELs), complete
the information on the other tabs.
d. Click Close.
10. In the Dashboard Layout display area, drag the monitor boxes into the
required layout.

11. To edit the filter associated with a monitor box, click Edit Filters next to
the filter name of a monitor box.
The Filter Builder opens, and the data and SQL query associated with the
filter are loaded.
12. In the Single Click field, select the required action from the list in response to
a single click on the distribution indicator of a monitor box:
v Update AEL on Same Page: Sets the filter and view for any AEL applet that
is displayed on the same page as an Event Dashboard.

Chapter 3. Setting portlet preferences 121

v Open AEL in New Window: Opens a new AEL applet with the filter and
default view associated with the clicked monitor box. If you select this
option, you can specify what actions are executed when you click or
double-click a row in the AEL.
v Script: Executes a custom JavaScript when you click the monitor box.
13. Optional: If you selected the Show New AEL Window option, specify options for
the behavior of the AEL:
Event list single-click action
Select the action to perform when you click an event in the AEL once.
You can select default actions, such as opening the information
window for the selected event, or you can select tools to be run on
event data. You can create tools in the Tool Creation editor.
Event list double-click action
Select the action to perform when you double-click an event in the
AEL. You can select default actions, such as opening the information
window for the selected event, or you can select tools to be run on
event data. You can create tools in the Tool Creation editor.
14. Optional: If you select the Script option, type the script, using JavaScript, in
the Script field. You can use the following tokens in the script:
The name of the filter associated with the monitor box that is clicked.
The data source of the monitor box that is clicked.
The portlet namespace of the Event Dashboard portlet.

For sample scripts, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and
Deployment Guide.
15. Optional: If you selected the Update AEL on Same Page option or the Show New
AEL Window option in step 12 on page 121, under AEL Appearance, specify the
areas of the AEL that you want to be displayed when the AEL is opened after
you click the distribution indicator of a monitor box.
16. In the Bidi Settings area, specify the settings for the display of bi-directional
Component direction
Select the arrangement of items in the portlet, left-to-right or
right-to-left. The default setting uses the value defined for the page or
the console. If the page and console both use the default setting, the
locale of your browser determines the layout.
Text direction
Select the direction of text on the portlet. The default settings uses the
value defined for the page or the console. If the page and console both
use the default setting, the locale of your browser determines the text
direction. The Contextual Input setting displays text you enter in the
appropriate direction for your globalization settings.
Any change you make to these settings is effective only if you have enabled
bi-directional support in your user preferences. Changes come into effect the
next time you use the portlet.
17. To save and apply your settings to the portlet, click OK.

122 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Related concepts
“Filter Builder overview” on page 178
“Event management tools overview” on page 143
“Event Dashboard overview” on page 197
Related tasks
“Creating and editing filters in basic mode” on page 179
“Creating and editing filters in advanced mode” on page 182
Chapter 4, “Customizing Active Event Lists,” on page 133
“Customizing the monitor boxes on Event Dashboards” on page 201

Setting gauge portlet preferences

Change the properties of the individual gauges displayed on a Gauges page; add,
remove and rearrange gauges; and customize the page itself.

Before you begin

To be able to customize gauges, your user must have the ncw_gauges_viewer and
the ncw_gauges_editor roles.

Administrator You must have the ncw_gauges_viewer role.

To customize gauges:
1. Open a Gauge portlet.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. Change the content and appearance of the page as required:
v “Changing the General settings for all gauges” on page 124.
v “Selecting the data sources and ObjectServers” on page 124
v “Generating HTML for mobile devices” on page 124.
v “Changing the properties of gauges” on page 125.
v “Adding gauges” on page 126.
v “Removing gauges” on page 126.
v “Rearranging gauges” on page 126.
v “Changing the bi-directional text settings” on page 127.
4. Click OK to save the changes to the gauge properties. The page returns to view
mode with the changes are applied.
Click Cancel to abandon all of the changes you have made to the page.

Note: To return the page to its initial settings, as supplied, click Reset to

Chapter 3. Setting portlet preferences 123

Related concepts
“Gauges and metrics” on page 252
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Setting the thresholds for a gauge” on page 259
“Publishing Gauges pages to mobile devices” on page 256

Changing the General settings for all gauges

Set the title of the gauge page and the refresh rate for its gauges.

Change any combination of the preferences in the General Settings area:

Title Type a title for the Gauges page. The title is displayed on the title bar of
the portlet page, not on the tab or in the navigation pane.
Refresh rate
Type the time (in seconds) between each automatic refresh of the values on
the gauges. Use a number between 10 and 99000. The default value is 10.

Selecting the data sources and ObjectServers

Define the data sources and ObjectServers that provide data for the gauges on the

Select the data sources and ObjectServers that supply data for the gauges in the
Data Sources area:
v To select an entire data source, set its check box.
v To select individual ObjectServers in a data source:
– Clear the check box for the data source.
– Set the check boxes for the ObjectServers you want to use.
v You can choose any combination of data sources and ObjectServers.
v Initially a page receives data from the default data source only.
v The value that each gauge shows is the total for that metric for all the selected
data sources and ObjectServers.

Generating HTML for mobile devices

Producing an HTML representation of the gauge page that you can send to mobile
devices using e-mail or SMS.
1. Set the HTML for mobile devices check box.
The system generates an HTML representation of the Gauges page whenever
you click OK to save changes to the preferences or defaults.
The URL for the HTML page appears in URL for mobile devices.
2. To preview the HTML page, click the URL.
You can now copy the URL into an e-mail or SMS for sending to mobile

124 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Changing the properties of gauges
Modifying the properties of any gauge such as its name, appearance, and metric.
1. Click the gauge that you want to modify.
2. Change the fields in the properties box as required:
Type Select type of display for the gauge. For example, a speedometer or
traffic lights.
The Preview area shows the selected gauge.
Metric Select a predefined metric from the list.

Note: If you change the metric for an existing gauge, always change
the Unit label, Unit label, and Description to match the new metric.
Label Type a label for the gauge. This identifies the gauge on the page.
Unit label
Type a label to describe the units for the values that the gauge displays.
Type a description for the gauge. When the Gauges page is viewed in
the Web GUI, or the published URL is viewed in a Web browser or a
mobile device, the text in this field is used as hover help.

Tip: you can include the current value of the gauge in the hover help.
Add the string {0} where you want the value to appear. For example:
The number of client conections. Current value: {0}
Click action
Select the action that is performed when a user clicks the gauge:
script Execute a script.
url Open a URL.
Type the fully-qualified URL that you want to be opened when you
click a gauge, or the JavaScript code that you want to run.

Tip: You can use the URL of a Web GUI application page. For example,
you can specify a Lightweight Event List (LEL) or a map page.

You can use a script to launch Web GUI applications and applications
from other parts of Tivoli that are based on Tivoli Integrated Portal. For
example, you can write a script to launch the IBM Tivoli Network
Manager IP Edition.
3. Click Apply Changes.

Chapter 3. Setting portlet preferences 125

Adding gauges
Adding a new gauge to the page and choosing its properties such as name and

Before you begin

Decide on the properties of the gauge:

v The type of the gauge.
Example: thermometer
v The name of the metric the gauge displays.
Example: connections
v The label for the gauge that appears on the Gauges page.
Example: Connections
v The units that the gauge displays.
Example: clients
v A more detailed description of the gauge.
Example: The number of current client connections.
v The action that the portlet takes, if any, when the user clicks on the gauge.
For URL actions, determine the fully-qualified URL that the Web GUI is to
For script actions, obtain or write the corresponding JavaScript.

To add the gauge to the page:

1. Set the properties of the gauge from the information you gathered. See
“Changing the properties of gauges” on page 125.
2. Click Add Gauge.

Removing gauges
Removing one or more gauges that you no longer require on the page.

To remove a gauge from the page, click .

Rearranging gauges
Rearrange the position of the gauges on the page to suit your needs.

Do either of the following actions:

1. Use the arrows on either side of each gauge to change the order of them on the

v Use the left arrow to move the gauge up the list (to the left and up).
v Use the right arrow to move the gauge down the list (to the right and
2. Position the mouse pointer over a gauge and hold down the left mouse button.
Then drag the gauge to its now position and release the mouse button.

126 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Changing the bi-directional text settings
Customize the settings for displaying bi-directional text.

In the Bidi Settings area, specify the settings for the display of bi-directional text:
Component direction
Select the arrangement of items in the portlet, left-to-right or right-to-left.
The default setting uses the value defined for the page or the console. If
the page and console both use the default setting, the locale of your
browser determines the layout.
Text direction
Select the direction of text on the portlet. The default settings uses the
value defined for the page or the console. If the page and console both use
the default setting, the locale of your browser determines the text direction.
The Contextual Input setting displays text you enter in the appropriate
direction for your globalization settings.

Any change you make to these settings is effective only if you have enabled
bi-directional support in your user preferences. Changes come into effect the next
time you use the portlet.

Setting Inline Frame portlet preferences

To customize the appearance and setup of the Inline Frame portlet, edit the
preferences of the portlet.

Note: The Inline Frame portlet is deprecated in the Web GUI from V7.3.1. Use the
Web widget portlet instead.

To set Inline Frame portlet preferences:

1. Open an Inline Frame portlet.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. In the General Settings area, set the following portlet properties:
URL Type the URL of the content to be included in the portal page.
Title Type the title to be displayed for the portlet.
Set the height of the portlet frame in pixels.
iFrame Name
Type a custom name to be used to identify the frame when the content
of the frame is loaded on demand, for example using JavaScript.
4. In the Bidi Settings area, specify the settings for the display of bi-directional
Component direction
Select the arrangement of items in the portlet, left-to-right or
right-to-left. The default setting uses the value defined for the page or

Chapter 3. Setting portlet preferences 127

the console. If the page and console both use the default setting, the
locale of your browser determines the layout.
Text direction
Select the direction of text on the portlet. The default settings uses the
value defined for the page or the console. If the page and console both
use the default setting, the locale of your browser determines the text
direction. The Contextual Input setting displays text you enter in the
appropriate direction for your globalization settings.
Any change you make to these settings is effective only if you have enabled
bi-directional support in your user preferences. Changes come into effect the
next time you use the portlet.
5. Click OK to save and apply your settings to the portlet.
Related tasks
“Editing portlet shared settings” on page 41

Setting LEL portlet preferences

To customize the appearance and setup of the LEL portlet, edit the preferences of
the portlet.

To set LEL portlet preferences:

1. Open an LEL portlet.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. In the General Settings area, set the following portlet properties:
Filter Select the filter you want to apply to the event list. The default view
associated with the filter is automatically applied.
Use Customizer
Automatically determines the required height of the portlet frame. You
can override the height by clearing this check box and typing a value
in the Height field.
Set the height of the portlet frame in pixels.
4. In the Bidi Settings area, specify the settings for the display of bi-directional
Component direction
Select the arrangement of items in the portlet, left-to-right or
right-to-left. The default setting uses the value defined for the page or
the console. If the page and console both use the default setting, the
locale of your browser determines the layout.
Text direction
Select the direction of text on the portlet. The default settings uses the
value defined for the page or the console. If the page and console both
use the default setting, the locale of your browser determines the text
direction. The Contextual Input setting displays text you enter in the
appropriate direction for your globalization settings.

128 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Any change you make to these settings is effective only if you have enabled
bi-directional support in your user preferences. Changes come into effect the
next time you use the portlet.
5. Click OK to save and apply your settings to the portlet.
Related tasks
“Editing portlet shared settings” on page 41

Setting preferences for the Map portlet

To customize the appearance and setup of the Map portlet, edit the preferences of
the portlet.

To set Map portlet preferences:

1. Open a Map portlet.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. In the General Settings area, set the following portlet properties:
Map Name
From the list of available maps, select the map that you want to display
as an applet in the portlet.
Sound URL
Type the URL to the sound file that specifies the sound to play when
the status of the map is updated during a refresh. The URL must be
specified in the following format:
Refresh Rate
Type a time value in seconds that specifies the interval between refresh
operations for the map.
Enable hover help for active objects
Select this check box to display hover help for active map objects that
are associated with a filter. The hover help displays information from
the filter.
Show status bar
Select this check box to display the status bar, which displays a
countdown of the time, in seconds until the map is next refreshed.
Use Customizer
Uses the height setting specified in the map on the map page. If you
clear this check box, you can explicitly specify the height in the Height
If you clear the Use Customizer field, type an alternative height value
in pixels.
4. In the Bidi Settings area, specify the settings for the display of bi-directional

Chapter 3. Setting portlet preferences 129

Component direction
Select the arrangement of items in the portlet, left-to-right or
right-to-left. The default setting uses the value defined for the page or
the console. If the page and console both use the default setting, the
locale of your browser determines the layout.
Text direction
Select the direction of text on the portlet. The default settings uses the
value defined for the page or the console. If the page and console both
use the default setting, the locale of your browser determines the text
direction. The Contextual Input setting displays text you enter in the
appropriate direction for your globalization settings.
Any change you make to these settings is effective only if you have enabled
bi-directional support in your user preferences. Changes come into effect the
next time you use the portlet.
5. Click OK to save and apply your settings to the portlet.
Related tasks
“Editing portlet shared settings” on page 41

Setting Table View portlet preferences

To customize the appearance and setup of the Table View portlet, edit the
preferences of the portlet.

To set Table View portlet preferences:

1. Open a Table View portlet.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. In the General Settings area, set the following portlet properties:
Filter Select the filter you want to apply to the event list. The default view
associated with the filter is automatically applied.
Maximum rows
Set the number of event rows you want to display. If the number you
enter is smaller than the actual event count, you are notified at the
bottom of the table. To display all events, set this value to -1.
Use Customizer
Automatically determines the required height of the portlet frame. You
can override the height by clearing this check box and typing a value
in the Height field.
Set the height of the portlet frame in pixels.
4. In the Bidi Settings area, specify the settings for the display of bi-directional
Component direction
Select the arrangement of items in the portlet, left-to-right or
right-to-left. The default setting uses the value defined for the page or

130 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
the console. If the page and console both use the default setting, the
locale of your browser determines the layout.
Text direction
Select the direction of text on the portlet. The default settings uses the
value defined for the page or the console. If the page and console both
use the default setting, the locale of your browser determines the text
direction. The Contextual Input setting displays text you enter in the
appropriate direction for your globalization settings.
Any change you make to these settings is effective only if you have enabled
bi-directional support in your user preferences. Changes come into effect the
next time you use the portlet.
5. Click OK to save and apply your settings to the portlet.
Related tasks
“Editing portlet shared settings” on page 41

Setting Web widget portlet preferences

To customize the appearance and set up of the Web widget portlet, edit the
preferences of the portlet.

To set Web widget portlet preferences:

1. Open a Web widget portlet.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. Set the properties of the Web widget:
Widget title
Type a brief descriptive name for the portlet. The title appears in the
navigation pane of the Tivoli Integrated Portal console.
Home URL
Type the Web address of the page to display in the portlet. For Web
GUI items such as maps, use a URL relative to the context root. For
example, for a map named MyMap use webtop/Map/MyMap. You can also
display Web pages. In this case specify the fully qualified name of the
page. For example, http://www.mycompany.com/welcome.html.
Help page
Type the URL of a custom HTML help topic to replace the default help
topic for the Web widget.
HTML iFrame name
Type a unique iFrame name for this Web widget. This name uniquely
identifies the Web widget and allows its content to be updated
dynamically. Ensure that each Web widget has a unique value for this
Show a browser control toolbar
set this check box to provide users of the portlet with a Web navigation
toolbar. That is a standard set of Web navigation buttons and a Web
address entry field.

Chapter 3. Setting portlet preferences 131

Users without administrative privileges may see only a subset of these
properties, depending on the how the administrator configured the portlet.
4. To allow users to personalize their Web widget settings, set the
relevant check boxes:
v Widget title
v Home page
v Help page
v Browser control bar
Initially, all check boxes are clear.
5. Click Save to save and apply your settings to the portlet.

132 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Chapter 4. Customizing Active Event Lists
You can customize the appearance and behavior of the Active Event List (AEL).
You can also create tools for managing events and customize what functions are in
the AEL menus.

Setting the appearance and behavior of the Active Event List

You can configure the appearance and behavior of the AEL window and any
monitor boxes associated with it. For example, you can specify the manner in
which you are notified of changes in alert status, list refresh time, window layout,
and so on.

Before you begin

An administrator must set the Allow preference configuration permission in

your user profile in so that you can edit your user preferences.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Modifying the preferences of a Web GUI user” on page 67

Changing the AEL refresh rate

You can change the time period in seconds after which the AEL is automatically
refreshed on a regular basis by the Web GUI server.

Before you begin

A user can view the Refresh tab and change the refresh rate only if the permission
for Allow refresh rate configuration has been selected in their user profile.

Setting a timed refresh forces the event list to reload data pertaining to changed
events. Do not set the refresh to a low value (for example, less than 60 seconds)
because this has an impact on ObjectServer performance and network traffic.

To change the refresh rate:

1. Click Settings > User Preferences for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI.
2. From the Available users list, select the required user and click Modify.
3. Select Allow refresh rate configuration and type a time in the Refresh rate
(seconds): field.
4. Click Save.
Related tasks
“Refreshing the event data” on page 269

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 133

Turning data row caching on or off
When the AEL is refreshed, event data in its rows is loaded from the cache if the
refresh interval is less than 60 seconds. To have the event list refreshed from the
database, turn data row caching off.

To turn off data row caching:

1. Open the following file:
2. Set the enabled attribute of the <eventList> element to false. For example:
<eventList maxAge="60" enabled="false" cleantime="120" />
3. Save and close the file.
4. Restart the server.


When the AEL is refreshed, data is drawn directly from the ObjectServer instead of
the data cache.
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Changing event severity icons

To make the icons that denote event severity more recognizable to users, replace
the default icons with images of your choice.

The replacement images must be in PNG format. The file names must correspond
to the integers that denote event severity in the ObjectServer. The following table
describes the default file names for the images.
Table 16. Default file names for event severity icons
File name Corresponding event severity
5.png Critical
4.png Major
3.png Minor
2.png Warning
1.png Indeterminate
0.png Clear

To change the icons for event severity:

1. Rename the files for the replacement icons so that they correspond to the
required event severity.
2. Change to the following directory:
3. Overwrite the existing PNG files with the replacements.


After users have logged out, and logged back into the Web console, the icons in
the Active Event List are changed.

134 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Restricting the number of rows displayed in the Active Event
You can impose a limit on the number of rows returned to the Active Event List
(AEL). When operators open the AEL, they see only the specified number of rows.

To restrict the number of rows, edit the ael.top-n.value property in the

webgui_home_dir/etc/server.init file. If you set this property to a value greater
than 0, the AEL queries are modified to include a TOP keyword that restricts the
number of rows returned to the AEL to the first n query results that match the
selection criteria specified by the filter.

For example, if an AEL filter matches 8000 rows in the ObjectServer, and the
ael.top-n.value value is set to 4000, only the top 4000 alerts are displayed. If an
AEL displays events from multiple data sources, the top n rows per data source are
displayed. For example, if the ael.top-n.value value is set to 50, and the AEL is
configured to display events from three data sources, a maximum of 150 rows are

After you have edited the server.init file, restart the Tivoli Integrated Portal

To restrict the number of events displayed:

1. In the command-line interface, open the webgui_home_dir/etc/server.init file.
2. Uncomment the section Active Event List properties.
3. In this section, set the value of the ael.top-n.value property to a value greater
than 0.
4. Leave the values of the other properties in the Active Event List properties
section at their default values.
For more information about these properties, see the information in the
server.init file.
5. Save and close the file.
6. Restart the server.


When operators view an AEL, the number of rows that match the filter criteria is
restricted to the value of the ael.top-n.value property. If the AEL displays events
from multiple data sources, the number is restricted to the value of
ael.top-n.value per data source. A Top Set to message is also displayed above
the distribution status bar in the AEL indicating that a TOP condition is being
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1
Related reference
“Performance tuning” on page 103

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 135

Enabling notifications and setting notification criteria
You can set the AEL to inform you about changes in alert status. You can also
specify the conditions which must be met before you receive a notification.
1. Press Shift+P to open the Preferences window.
2. Click Notifications and complete the fields as follows:
Select this check box to receive notification of new, changed, or deleted
alerts when the event list is minimized.
When Iconized
Select this check box to receive notification of new, changed, or deleted
alerts on iconized desktop environments. An iconized desktop
environment displays an icon when the event list is minimized.
Use the When and How options to set the notification method.
Select this check box to always receive notification of new, changed, or
deleted alerts.
When Select each check box to receive notification as follows:
New You receive a notification when a new alert is added to the
event list.
You receive a notification when an existing alert changes in the
event list.
Delete You receive a notification when an existing alert is deleted from
the event list.
How Select each option to indicate how a notification should occur:
Alert Icon
Flashes the minimized event list.
Open Window
Opens the event list on the screen.
Play Sound
Plays a sound on the workstation. In the text box, specify the
sound file to play in the following format:
Replace soundfile with the name of the sound file. For example:
Open URL
Opens a URL
URL Target
If you selected Open URL, type the URL that you want to be

Note: When the AEL runs as an applet in a separate browser window,

only the Play Sound and Open URL notifications are effective.
3. Save the settings for use in the current session, or for future sessions:
v To use these preferences in the current session only, click Apply.
v To use these preferences in future sessions, click Save.

136 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
4. Click one of the other tabs to make more changes or, to exit the Preferences
window, click Close.

Enabling flashing and setting flash speed and brightness

You can specify flashing in the AEL for alerts where the Flash field in the
alerts.status table has been set to 1, or converted to Yes. Also, you can adjust the
interval between each flash and the brightness of the flash in the window.

To enable flashing and adjust the speed and brightness of the flashing:
1. Press Shift+P to open the Preferences window.
2. Click Flashing and complete the fields as follows:
Enable Flashing
Select this check box to enable event list flashing.
Use the Speed slider to indicate how quickly the event list flashes.
Use the Brightness slider to indicate the degree of brightness of the
3. Save the settings for use in the current session, or for future sessions:
v To use these preferences in the current session only, click Apply.
v To use these preferences in future sessions, click Save.
4. Click one of the other tabs to make more changes or, to exit the Preferences
window, click Close.

Modifying the AEL font and window settings

You can set the AEL font type, and specify the color and toolbar preferences for

To set the preferences for the font type, color and toolbar:
1. Press Shift+P to open the Preferences window.
2. Click Event List and complete the fields under Event Window it as follows:
Show Colors
Displays each row of the event list with a background color that
corresponds to the severity of the event.
Show Distribution Summary Bar
Select this check box to display the distribution summary bar in the
event list. The distribution summary bar displays the number of alerts
that match each severity color.
Show Toolbar
Select this check box to make the toolbar available on the event list.
Font Name
Select a font for your event list from the list.
Font Size
Select a font size for your event list from the list.
3. Save the settings for use in the current session, or for future sessions:
v To use these preferences in the current session only, click Apply.
v To use these preferences in future sessions, click Save.
4. Click one of the other tabs to make more changes or, to exit the Preferences
window, click Close.

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 137

Modifying the AEL date and time format
You can specify the date and time format used on the AEL.
1. Press Shift+P to open the Preferences window.
2. Click Event List.
3. Under Date Format, select a format for the date and time:

Option Description
Short This is the default setting, and is of the
format m/d/yy h:mm:ss a, for example:
12/11/00 2:15:55 PM.
Long This is of the format MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss
a, for example December 11, 2000 2:15:55
Customize Create your own format based on available
date and time formats. See “Permitted date
and time formats” for more information.

4. Specify the operator timezone by selecting an entry from the menu. You can
select the location of the operator, the timezone, or the number of hours before
or after Greenwich Mean Time.

Tip: Choose the name of a locale-based timezone (for example

America/Chicago) rather than one relative to GMT (for example, etc/GMT-6).
5. Save the settings for use in the current session, or for future sessions:
v To use these preferences in the current session only, click Apply.
v To use these preferences in future sessions, click Save.
6. Click one of the other tabs to make more changes or, to exit the Preferences
window, click Close.

Permitted date and time formats

The following table describes the date and times formats that you can use for a
customized date and time display in step 3.
Table 17. Date and time formats
Symbol Description Presentation Example
G era designator Textual AD
y year Numeric 1996
M month in the year Text and Numeric July and 07
d day in the month Numeric 10
h hour in am/pm (1 - 12) Numeric 12
H hour in the day (0 - 23) Numeric 0
m minute in hour Numeric 30
s second in minute Numeric 55
S millisecond Numeric 978
E day in week Textual Tuesday
D day in year Numeric 189
F day of week in month Numeric 2 (2nd Wed in July)
w week in year Numeric 27

138 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 17. Date and time formats (continued)
Symbol Description Presentation Example
W week in month Numeric 2
a am or pm marker Textual PM
k hour in day (1 - 24) Numeric 24
K hour in am or pm (0 - Numeric 0
z time zone Textual Pacific Standard Time

Date and time formats in the AEL

Read about the format of the date and time presentation types, including
additional information on specific data formats.

When using the customized date format in the AEL, the display presentation is
determined by the total letters or numbers.


In a textual presentation with four or more pattern symbols, the full form is used.
In a textual presentation with fewer than four symbols, the short or abbreviated
form is used (if one exists).

For example, if you want the date to start with the day of the week, you use the
symbol E (Day in week). If you enter E fewer than four times, the day is
abbreviated. If you enter E four or more times, the day is presented in the full
v EEE is displayed as Mon
v EEEE is displayed as Monday


In a numeric presentation, the minimum number of digits is used. Shorter numbers

are zero-padded to this amount.

The Y (year) symbol is a special case. If the count of y is two, the value for the year
is truncated to two digits. If the count of y is four, the year is shown in four digits.
For example:
v yy is displayed as 03
v yyyy is displayed as 2003

Textual and numeric

In a textual and numeric presentation, where three or more pattern letters are used,
the textual form is used. Otherwise, a numeric form is used.

For example, if you use the symbol M (month in year) the presentation of month is
determined by how many times you enter M. For example, for the month of
v M is displayed as 2
v MM is displayed as 02
v MMM is displayed as Feb

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 139

v MMMM is displayed as February

Additional information

Other points to note about letters and numbers in date formats:

v You can use non-alphabetic characters in date formats, such as colons (:),
commas (,), periods (.), the number sign (#) and the at sign (@), without having
to contain them in quotes.
v If you include a colon to separate hours and minutes, then the colon is
displayed. For example, HH:mm a is displayed as 5:48 PM.
v A pattern containing any invalid symbol results in an error during formatting or

Locale date and time

Each country has its own locale date and time format. The following table shows
examples of date and time in the US Locale format.
Table 18. US locale date format
Format Pattern Result
EEE, MMM d, 'yy Wed, July 10, '96
h:mm a 12:08 PM
hh a,zzzz 12 PM, Pacific Daylight Time
K:mm a, z 0:00 PM, PST
yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aa 1996.July.10 AD 12:08 PM

Changing how event severity is depicted in the AEL

You can specify how the severity of events is displayed in the AEL: as icons, as
text, or as a combination of both icons and text.

Default icons for event severity are provided. These icons are as follows.

Administrator If required, you can change these icons.

v : Denotes critical severity (severity 5)

v : Denotes major severity (severity 4)

v : Denotes minor severity (severity 3)

v : Denotes warning severity (severity 2)

v : Denotes indeterminate severity (severity 1)

v : Denotes clear severity (severity 0)

To change the depiction of event severity:

1. Press Shift+P to open the Preferences window.
2. Click Event List.
3. Under Event List Icons, select one of the following options:
v Show: Displays an icon to denote event severity.
v Show With Text: Displays an icon and text to denote event severity.

140 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
v Don't Show: Displays text to denote event severity.
4. Save the settings for use in the current session, or for future sessions:
v To use these preferences in the current session only, click Apply.
v To use these preferences in future sessions, click Save.
5. Click one of the other tabs to make more changes or, to exit the Preferences
window, click Close.

Changing which areas of the AEL are displayed

Depending on your preferences, you can set up the AEL so that only the areas that
you want to work with are displayed, for example, the menu and title bars. As an
administrator, you can control which areas are displayed for all users.

You can control whether the following areas are displayed or hidden:
v Title bar
v Menu bar
v Tool bar
v Filters and view section of the tool bar
v Summary bar
v Status bar

Tip: To provide the maximum space for displaying alert data, by default, the title
bar and the menu bar are hidden.

To change which areas of the AEL are displayed:

1. Open an AEL.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. To change the areas of the AEL that are displayed, use the following fields:
Title Bar
Select this check box to display the title bar.
Menu Bar
Select this check box to display the menu bar.
Tool Bar
Select this check box to display the tool bar.
Filters and Views
Select this check box to display the Edit Filters button and the list of
available filters, and the Edit Views button and the list of available
views on the tool bar.
Summary Bar
Select this check box to display the summary bar.
Status Bar
Select this check box to display the status bar.
4. Click OK.

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 141

Changing the font color for an event after it has been
You can set the color of the event font to change to after the event has been

To set the color of the font for an event that has been acknowledged for all new
1. Do one of the following actions:
v To change the font color for all new users, edit the file
v To change the font color for an existing user, edit the file
Replace username with the user ID of the user.
2. Locate the property ael_user_properties_acknowledge_font_color and change
its value to the name of the required color.
3. Save the file.
4. If you have changed the userdefaults.props file, restart the server.
If you changed the font color for an existing user, the change takes effect next
time they log in.
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Adding sounds to use for notifications

You can add sound files to the Web GUI to use in AEL notifications.

Prepare the sound file and place it in the following directory.:


Creating event management tools

You can create and administer CGI, SQL, command line and script tools to be used
in the AEL. You can also configure prompts that are displayed to users in the
Active Event List (AEL) when performing actions with tools.

Before you begin

If you want to create tools that will be run against more than one data source, note
the following criteria:
v The tool must be valid against the ObjectServer from which the events originate.
If you select events from multiple ObjectServers, the tool must be valid against
all the ObjectServers. For example, if the tool is configured to run against fields
that are not contained in one ObjectServer, the tool cannot be run against the
entire selection of events.
v You must have write permission against all the ObjectServers from which the
selected events originate. If you select events from multiple ObjectServers, and
you do not have write permission in all the ObjectServers, the tool runs against
only the ObjectServers that you are permitted to modify.

Important: For each tool, you must select at least one data source. From this data
source, the Tool Editor obtains the fields against which the tool can be configured.

142 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
If you select multiple data sources, the Tool Editor displays only the fields
common to all the selected data sources. The data sources selected in the Tool
Editor are not used in the AEL, Map Editor, or Event Dashboard to retrieve event
data. You select the data source or data sources from which event data is retrieved
in the portlet preferences for the AEL, Map Editor, and Event Dashboard.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

Event management tools overview

From the Tool Creation page, you can create and configure the tools used by
clients connected to the AEL. Tools can be either Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
tools, SQL tools, command-line tools or script tools. All of these tools are run from
configurable menus in the AEL and some of them can include a prompt window
or a pop-up menu for users to enter or select information.

CGI tools
CGI tools are typically used by clients to process ObjectServer field information
and return useful information about the data to the client browser.

For example, the CGI script nco_ping provided with Web GUI sends specially
marked packets from the local computer to a remote device to determine whether
the remote computer is currently available. The script uses the IP address
contained in the Node field of the selected alert (or alerts) as its target. The source
file for nco_ping is located in the following directory:

Query string for nco_ping

The following example shows the URL for the nco_ping CGI script run on an event
generated from a device with the node name zen1 and data source NCOMS. The
GET query string is as follows.

This data is passed to the CGI script.


CGI tools do not have to run CGI scripts. CGI tools can also be used to open a
local or remote Web page. Be aware that a remote script or page that contains
SmartPage commands cannot be presented correctly within Web GUI. Pages that
contain SmartPage commands must be hosted on the local Web GUI server.

CGI scripts can use different kinds of variables, including HTTP variables,
ObjectServer fields, and browser cookie values.

Note: If any required resources, for example, Perl, are installed in nonstandard
locations, ensure that the paths to the resources in any CGI scripts are correct.
Related tasks
“Setting up CGI and URL tools” on page 147

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 143

SQL tools
SQL tools are a predefined way to run ObjectServer SQL commands on the
alerts.status table and the alerts.journal data table from the Active Event List

To run an SQL tool, you must be a read-write user authenticated with the
ObjectServer against which the tool is run.

The Web GUI provides several default SQL tools. To view the tools, open the
Alerts menu in the AEL.

In a Dual-Server Desktopenvironment, SQL tools run simultaneously against the

master ObjectServer and the display server from which the AEL data is displayed.
The same is true of journal actions.

An example of an SQL tool is acknowledge, which contains the following data.

update alerts.status set Acknowledged=1 where Serial in ($selected_rows.Serial);
Alert acknowledged by %username

These instructions acknowledge any selected alert in the name of the user who ran
the tool. The first line applies to the data held in the alerts.status table, the second
line to the alerts.journal table.

For more information about ObjectServer SQL syntax, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide.
Related tasks
“Creating SQL tools” on page 153

Command-line tools
Command-line tools are predefined command strings that run a command-line
action on a client system. When invoked from the Active Event List (AEL) , the
instruction typically instructs the client system to open a command prompt and
pass field data to an application.

Attention: IBM cannot guarantee that command-line tools will not adversely
affect your system. IBM does not accept responsibility for the consequences of any
actions performed through the execution of a command-line tool.

A command-line tool is useful when all members of a particular user group are
known to have specific (usually generic) applications on their systems. Because
command-line tools are started client-side rather than server-side, the load on the
Web GUI server is reduced.

When a command-line tool is started by a client, the client operating system type
is automatically determined, and the appropriate command-line instruction is sent,
if one is available for that operating system.

The following example shows a command-line tool instruction:

start cmd /k %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\PING.EXE {@Node}

In this example, if the client is a Windows operating system the instruction opens a
command-line and starts the Windows ping utility against the Node field of the
selected alert. The data is then returned to the command-line window on the client

144 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Related tasks
“Creating command-line tools” on page 155

Script tools
Script tools are a predefined way of passing contextual data from selected events
in the Active Event List (AEL) to JavaScript methods. A script tool can be run from
within the AEL.


Use script tools for inter-portlet activity through the Tivoli Integrated Portal
Actions framework, and to customize dynamic content using JavaScript.

Script tool syntax follows JavaScript rules. The command text might also contain
variables that are evaluated when the script tool is executed.

You can create, copy, modify, and delete script tools in the Tool Creation editor.
Script tools can be added to menus using the Menu Configuration editor.

When an AEL is opened, all script tools that are referred to by the AEL tools are
retrieved from the server.

Access criteria for tools

You can define access criteria for any SQL, CGI, URL, script or command-line tool
based on the groups that a user belongs to and the class of an event. If the access
criteria are satisfied for a given tool, user, and event, the tool is displayed.

By default, no access criteria are defined for any tools. Tools that do not have
access criteria defined are displayed for all users for all events. Changes in access
criteria take effect when the Active Event List (AEL) is reloaded, without the need
to restart the Web GUI server.

If the access criteria for a tool, user, and event are not satisfied, the tool is not
displayed. If both group and class access criteria are defined, then both must be
satisfied for the tool to be displayed for a given event and user. If multiple events
are selected in the AEL, all access criteria must be satisfied for all selected events
in order for a tool to be displayed.

Prompt types
When you create or edit a tool, you can include a prompt to which a user must
respond, for example by typing in information or selecting a value from a list.

Each prompt has a user-configurable label that is displayed above the prompt
window. It informs the user of the expected input, such as the name of the server
to be pinged. You can refer to prompts in tools using the $prompt.promptname
parameter or the {$prompt.promptname} parameter for CGI and Script tools.

The following example shows a dynamic choice prompt type:

<methodCall xmlns:prompt="http://www.ibm.com/tivoli/netcool/webtop/
<method methodName="command">
<prompt:prompt type="DynamicChoice" name="prompt name">
<prompt:parameters label="prompt label" order="prompt order"
errorMessage="error message" localized="true|false">
<prompt:param name="sqlCommand" value="sql string"/>

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 145


Prompt parameters can be modified using the WAAPI client. View the
webgui_home_dir/waapi/etc/samples/samplerequest_prompt.xml file for samples.

You can create the following types of prompts:

String This creates a prompt window that accepts one or more characters. If more
than one prompt has been defined for a tool, all prompts will be displayed
on a single panel. The order attribute is responsible for determining in
what order prompts are displayed on this panel, from higher values to
lower values in a page orientation. To ensure a prompt is always displayed
last, set the value of the order attribute to 0.
This creates a prompt window that accepts an integer value.
Float This creates a prompt window that accepts a floating point number, which
can contain a decimal point.
Time This creates a prompt window that accepts a time.
Fixed Choice
This creates a menu that is populated with options that you specify.
This creates a menu or list that is populated by the values in a specified
file .The file attribute contains an absolute path to a file in the server,
where each line of text is displayed as an item in a list.
This creates a prompt window that accepts one or more characters as a
Dynamic Choice
This creates a pop-up menu or drop-down list that is populated by the
results of an ObjectServer query. The sqlCommand attribute contains an
ObjectServer SQL SELECT statement for two columns from a table. Each
row that is returned by the ObjectServer is displayed on the client as an
item in a submenu or list. If a Dynamic Choice tool is run against multiple
ObjectServers that have different column definitions, you can select only
from the columns or column values that are common to all ObjectServers.
Multiline String
This creates a multiline prompt window that accepts one or more

Tip: You can user the order attribute to enforce a mandatory journal entry
as the last prompt to be completed by a user. (This is similar to the forced
journal entry functionality in the event list). To do so, create a multiline
string prompt, enter a name of Journal entry and an order of 0.
Formatted String
This creates a prompt window that accepts one or more characters,
provided they are in the predefined format.
The format attribute contains a regular expression that the user must
match in order for the value to be accepted.

146 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Real-Time Dynamic Choice
This creates a scrollable list populated by the results of an ObjectServer
query in real-time, which means during tool execution. This prompt is
meant to be used to display data from an ObjectServer table that is
frequently changeable. As this prompt type is executed in real time, it
should be used sparingly to reduce the load on the Web GUI server.
The sqlCommand attribute contains an ObjectServer SQL SELECT statement
for two columns from a table. Each row that is returned by the
ObjectServer is displayed on the client as an item in a submenu or list. If a
Real-Time Dynamic Choice tool is run against multiple ObjectServers that
have different column definitions, you can select only from the columns or
column values that are common to all ObjectServers.
Related tasks
“Acknowledging and deacknowledging events” on page 264

Setting up CGI and URL tools

A CGI is a server-resident program that provides a standard way of adding
dynamic content to a Web site by allowing external gateway programs to interface
with information servers such as Web servers.
Related concepts
“CGI tools” on page 143

Creating a CGI script

Create the CGI script you want to make available as a tool for your users.
1. Create your CGI script. You can create a CGI script using any programming
Attention: Ensure the script is executable.
2. Save your CGI script on the Web GUI server in the webgui_home_dir/etc/cgi-
bin directory.

Environment variables in CGI script:

The following table is a list of all HTTP variables that can be passed from the Web
GUI server to CGI scripts.
Table 19. HTTP server variables
Variable Description
AUTH_TYPE The name of the authentication scheme used to protect
the servlet. For example, BASIC, SSL, or null if the servlet
was not protected.
CONTENT_LENGTH The length of the request body in bytes made available by
the input stream or -1 if the length is not known. For
HTTP servlets, the value returned is the same as the
value of the CGI variable CONTENT_LENGTH.
CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type of the body of the request, or null if the
type is not known. For HTTP servlets, the value returned
is the same as the value of the CGI variable CONTENT_TYPE.
GATEWAY_INTERFACE The revision of the CGI specification being used by the
server to communicate with the script. It is "CGI/1.1".

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 147

Table 19. HTTP server variables (continued)
Variable Description
HTTP_ACCEPT Variables with names beginning with "HTTP_" contain
values from the request header, if the scheme used is
HTTP. HTTP_ACCEPT specifies the content types your
browser supports. For example, text/xml.
HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET Character preference information. Used to indicate the
client's prefered character set if any. For example,
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING Defines the type of encoding that may be carried out on
content returned to the client. For example,
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE Used to define which languages you would prefer to
receive content in. For example, en;q=0.5. If nothing is
returned, no language preference is indicated.
HTTP_FORWARDED If the request was forwarded, shows the address and port
through of the proxy server.
HTTP_HOST Specifies the Internet host and port number of the
resource being requested. Required for all HTTP/1.1
HTTP_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION Used by a client to identify itself (or its user) to a proxy
which requires authentication.
HTTP_USER_AGENT The type and version of the browser the client is using to
send the request. For example, Mozilla/1.5.
PATH_INFO Optionally contains extra path information from the
HTTP request that invoked the script, specifying a path to
be interpreted by the CGI script. PATH_INFO identifies
the resource or sub-resource to be returned by the CGI
script, and it is derived from the portion of the URI path
following the script name but preceding any query data.
PATH_TRANSLATED Maps the script's virtual path to the physical path used to
call the script. This is done by taking any PATH_INFO
component of the request URI and performing any
virtual-to-physical translation appropriate.
QUERY_STRING The query string that is contained in the request URL
after the path.
REMOTE_ADDR Returns the IP address of the client that sent the request.
For HTTP servlets, the value returned is the same as the
value of the CGI variable REMOTE_ADDR.
REMOTE_HOST The fully-qualified name of the client that sent the
request, or the IP address of the client if the name cannot
be determined. For HTTP servlets, the value returned is
the same as the value of the CGI variable REMOTE_HOST.
REMOTE_USER Returns the login of the user making this request if the
user has been authenticated, or null if the user has not
been authenticated.
REQUEST_METHOD Returns the name of the HTTP method with which this
request was made. For example, GET, POST, or PUT.
SCRIPT_NAME Returns the part of the URL from the protocol name up to
the query string in the first line of the HTTP request.

148 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 19. HTTP server variables (continued)
Variable Description
SERVER_NAME Returns the host name of the server that received the
request. For HTTP servlets, it is the same as the value of
the CGI variable SERVER_NAME.
SERVER_PORT Returns the port number on which this request was
received. For HTTP servlets, the value returned is the
same as the value of the CGI variable SERVER_PORT.
SERVER_PROTOCOL Returns the name and version of the protocol the request
uses in the following form: protocol/
majorVersion.minorVersion. For example, HTTP/1.1. For
HTTP servlets, the value returned is the same as the
value of the CGI variable SERVER_PROTOCOL.
SERVER_SOFTWARE Returns the name and version of the servlet container on
which the servlet is running.
WEBTOP_USER The user name of the user who is logged in.
NCHOME The NCHOME environment variable.

Registering CGI scripts

After you have installed a CGI script on the server, for security purposes, the script
must be registered. CGI scripts cannot be used as tools until they are registered.

Before you begin

UNIX Linux Ensure that the CGI script has the appropriate file

The registration process authorizes execution, ensures that any SmartPage tags
present in the source are processed correctly, and attaches a group to the script in
order to minimize the possibility of misuse.

To register a CGI script:

1. Save the CGI script (for example, nco_ping) in the webgui_home_dir/etc/cgi-
bin directory.
2. Click Administration > Event Management Tools > CGI Registry.
3. Click Register.
4. In the Register CGI window, use the following fields and buttons to register the
CGI script:
Name Type a name for the CGI script. This does not have to be the same as
the file name of the CGI script.
By default, the following characters may not be used in names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
By default, the following characters may not be used as the initial
character of names:
/ \ \ * ? " < > | & .
These invalid characters are defined in the following file:

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 149

Use Smartpage commands
Select this check box if the output of the CGI script is HTML data that
contains SmartPage commands.
File name
Type the file name of the script in the text field. It is not necessary to
include the path.
Groups for this CGI
If you want to restrict access to the CGI script, click Groups and select
the groups to which you want to allow access. The default group is *,
where all users have access.
5. Click Save.


The CGI script is now registered for use in the Web GUI, and is displayed as an
entry in the Available CGIs registration list of the CGI Registry.

What to do next

To change an entry in the list, select the entry and click Modify. To remove an
entry, select the name and click Unregister.

Creating CGI tools

Create a CGI tool that runs a CGI script from the AEL to process and return
ObjectServer field information.

Before you begin

Before creating a CGI tool, you must create a CGI script and register the script for
use in the Web GUI.

You can use an existing CGI tool as a template.

1. In the navigation, click Administration > Event Management Tool > Tool
2. In the Tool Creation, click Create Tool.
3. Select CGI/URL from the Type list.
4. Optional: To copy an existing tool, select it from the list of tools displayed and
click Copy Tool.
5. Type a name for the tool in the Name field. Do not use spaces or special
characters in the name.
By default, the following characters cannot be used in tool names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
By default, the following characters cannot be used as the initial character of
tool names:
/ \ \ * ? " < > | & .
These invalid characters are defined in the following file:
6. Click Show Data Sources to display a list of available data sources and select
the data sources that you require.
7. Complete the following tool configuration fields:
URL Type the location of the CGI script. By default this field contains the
correct path for the cgi-bin directory on the local Web GUI server.

150 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
The $(SERVER) keyword is resolved at runtime to
protocol://host:port/ibm/console/webtop. Append the path with the
file name of the script that you want to associate with the tool.
To pass field data to a script on a remote server, replace $(SERVER)
with an external URL address. For example http://www.ibm.com.
The $(NGFSERVER) keyword resolves at runtime to
Fields Click Show and select the ObjectServer columns that you want to pass
as arguments to the tool from the Available column. If you select
more than one data source from the Data Sources list, the Fields list
contains only columns that are common to all data sources.
To pass a full list of all selected rows to a tool, select Serial, select the
Execute for each selected row check box, and clear the Window for
each selected row check box. At runtime, the Serial field resolves to
the $selected_rows.Serial parameter. If you select more than one
data source from the Data Sources list, add the
$selected_rows.datasource parameter to distinguish between
identical serial numbers that originate in different data sources.
Specify the method for submitting field data to the CGI script:
v GET: Appends the name-value pairs to the URL, and is therefore
useful if you want to bookmark the page containing the output.
v POST: Encodes the name-value pairs inside the body of the HTTP
request. Note that firewalls can be configured to intercept and
destroy this data stream, causing the form to be interpreted as
The CGI script receives the data via a QUERY_STRING environment
variable regardless of the method chosen. This differs from the CGI
convention where, if a method of POST is used, the script receives
data via stdin.
Open in
Select either the New window or Specific window radio button. If
you select Specific window, type a name for the window in the
adjacent text field.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL. Clear the check box if you want the
tool to run against only the first row in the selection.
Window for each selected row
Select this check box to open a separate window for each selected row
in the AEL.
8. Define access for tools based on the groups that a user belongs to and the
class of an event against which the tool is deployed:
Group Select the group that you want to access the tool and click >. To give
all groups access to the selected tool, click >>. Users must be members
of a selected group to use the tool. If you selected multiple data
sources, this list displays all groups from all selected data sources.
Class Select the class that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
classes access to the selected tool, click >>.

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 151

Tip: Each event in the ObjectServer has an associated Class field. The
value of this field is set by the event source. The Class field typically
describes what kind of device an event comes from. If the class of an
event matches any of the classes you select, the tool is available when
the user selects the event in the AEL.
If you selected multiple data sources, this list displays classes from all
selected data sources.
9. Click Save.
The tool appears as an entry in the list of available tools and is now available
for use in the Active Event List (AEL).
10. Select either the Open in: New window or Open in: Specific window radio

Option Description
New Window Displays the output of the tool in a new
browser window.
Specific Window Opens the tool output in a window of your
choice. Enter a name for the window in the
text field.


Example 1: Using values from cookies

CGI scripts can also use values from cookies that originate from the same domain
as the Web GUI server.

Attention: Using browser cookie values in CGI scripts is an advanced task. You
are responsible for setting browser cookies and using cookie values correctly.

To reference a value from a cookie, use the following syntax:


In this syntax, cookiename is the name of the cookie. For example, the full syntax of
referencing a value from a cookie is:

Example 2: Referencing a value from an ObjectServer field

To reference a value from an ObjectServer field in a query string, use the following


In this syntax, fieldname is the name of the ObjectServer field.

Example 3: Showing a query string

The following example shows a query string using the Node and Summary fields
from the ObjectServer:


152 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
What to do next

For users to have access to a new tool in the AEL, you must create a menu entry
for it.
Related tasks
“Adding tools to a menu” on page 169
“Modifying tools” on page 159
Related reference
“Tool runtime parameters” on page 166
Appendix F, “URLs for opening Web GUI pages,” on page 307

Creating SQL tools

Create SQL tools that contain SQL instructions for modifying the event data stored
in the ObjectServer alerts.status and alerts.journal data tables. The SQL tools can be
run from within the Active Event List (AEL).

Any SQL tool that modifies ObjectServer data must be run by a Web GUI user that
also exists in the ObjectServer as a write user.

To create an SQL tool:

1. In the navigation, click Administration > Event Management Tool > Tool
2. On the Tool Creation page, click Create Tool.
3. Select SQL from the Type list.
4. Optional: To use an existing tool as a template, select it from the list of tools
displayed and click Copy Tool.
5. Click Data Source to select the data sources against which you want to run
the SQL instructions. The data source selection also specifies the user groups
or classes that are used to define the access criteria.
6. Enter a name for the tool in the Name field. Do not use spaces or special
characters in the name.
By default, the following characters cannot be used in tool names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
By default, the following characters cannot be used as the initial character of
tool names:
/ \ \ * ? " < > | & .
These invalid characters are defined in the following file:
7. On the SQL table, complete the following fields:
SQL Commands
Type the SQL commands that you want to use to update the
alerts.status table in the ObjectServer.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL.
Clear the check box if you want the tool to run against only the first
row in the selection.

Important: Do not select this checkbox if the SQL instructions

explicitly state that the command must run against all rows.

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 153

8. Optional: To update the alerts.journal table of the selected data source or data
sources, click SQL and complete the following fields:
Journal Entry
Type the SQL commands that you want to use to update the
alerts.journal table in the ObjectServer.
If you leave the Journal Entry field empty, no journal entry is
recorded when the tool is run. If you want a blank journal entry to be
recorded when the tool is run, enter a space or type another character
in the field.

Tip: You can use a Multiline String prompt for forced journal entry.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL, and modify all corresponding
journal entries. Clear the check box if you want the tool to run against
only the first row in the selection, and modify the corresponding
journal entry.
9. Define access for tools based on the groups that a user belongs to and the
class of an event against which the tool is deployed:
Group Select the group that you want to access the tool and click >. To give
all groups access to the selected tool, click >>. Users must be members
of a selected group to use the tool. If you selected multiple data
sources, this list displays all groups from all selected data sources.
Class Select the class that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
classes access to the selected tool, click >>.

Tip: Each event in the ObjectServer has an associated Class field. The
value of this field is set by the event source. The Class field typically
describes what kind of device an event comes from. If the class of an
event matches any of the classes you select, the tool is available when
the user selects the event in the AEL.
If you selected multiple data sources, this list displays classes from all
selected data sources.

If no group or class is selected, users of any group can execute the tool, and
the tool can be executed against events of any class.
10. Click Save.


The tool appears as an entry in the list of available tools and is now available for
use in the Active Event List (AEL).


The following SQL command updates the alerts.status table in the ObjectServer by
setting the OwnerGID of the selected rows to the value that is chosen from the
$prompt menu. The $prompt menu is a system-managed sub-menu of the
groupassign tool that contains all the user groups.
update alerts.status set OwnerGID=$prompt.groupassign
where Serial in ($selected_rows.Serial);

The following SQL command updates the alerts.journal table in the ObjectServer:

154 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Alert assigned to group CONVERSION($prompt.groupassign) by %username.

What to do next

For users to have access to a new tool in the AEL, you must create a menu entry
for it.
Related concepts
“SQL tools” on page 144
Related tasks
“Creating command-line tools”
“Adding tools to a menu” on page 169
“Modifying tools” on page 159

Creating command-line tools

Create command strings that run a command-line action on a client system. With
the command string available as a tool, users can instruct a client system to open a
command prompt and pass field data to an application.

To create a command-line tool:

1. In the navigation, click Administration > Event Management Tool > Tool
2. On the Tool Creation, click Create Tool.
3. Select Command from the Type list.
4. Optional: To use an existing tool as a template, select it from the list of tools
displayed and click Copy Tool.
5. Click Data Source to select the data sources against which you want to run the
SQL instructions. The data source selection also specifies the user groups or
classes that are used to define the access criteria.
6. Type a name for the tool in the Name field above the Tool Configuration
dialog. Do not use spaces or special characters in the name.
By default, the following characters cannot be used in tool names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
By default, the following characters cannot be used as the initial character of
tool names:
/ \ \ * ? " < > | & .
These invalid characters are defined in the following file:
7. Complete the following tool configuration fields:
Select this checkbox to specify which client operating system types can
access this tool from the AEL.
For each selected client operating system, modify the default entry and
type the command to launch the target application. Include the full
path to the command.

Tip: On the Windows operating system use the following construct to

ensure the DOS console closes when the tool completes:

start /b cmd /k

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 155

In addition you can launch multiple applications from one tool by
inserting && between each command. For example, to launch two
Internet Explorer windows use the following comman: start /b cmd /k
cmd iexplore.exe && start / cmd /k iexplore.exe
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL. Clear the check box if you want the
tool to run against only the first row in the selection.
8. Define access for tools based on the groups that a user belongs to and the class
of an event against which the tool is deployed:
Group Select the group that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
groups access to the selected tool, click >>. Users must be members of
a selected group to use the tool. If you selected multiple data sources,
this list displays all groups from all selected data sources.
Class Select the class that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
classes access to the selected tool, click >>.

Tip: Each event in the ObjectServer has an associated Class field. The
value of this field is set by the event source. The Class field typically
describes what kind of device an event comes from. If the class of an
event matches any of the classes you select, the tool is available when
the user selects the event in the AEL.
If you selected multiple data sources, this list displays classes from all
selected data sources.

If no group or class is selected, users of any group can execute the tool, and the
tool can be executed against events of any class.
9. Click Save.


The tool appears as an entry in the list of available tools and is now available for
use in the Active Event List (AEL).

What to do next

For users to have access to a new tool in the AEL, you must create a menu entry
for it.
Related concepts
“Command-line tools” on page 144
Related tasks
“Creating command-line tools” on page 155
“Creating SQL tools” on page 153
“Creating script tools” on page 157
“Modifying tools” on page 159
“Adding tools to a menu” on page 169
Related reference
“Script tool examples” on page 158

156 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Creating script tools
Create script tools to pass contextual data from selected events in the Active Event
List (AEL) to separate portlet instances or to dynamically customized page content.

Before you begin

Script tool syntax follows JavaScript rules. The command text might also contain
variables that are evaluated when the script tool is executed.

To create a script tool:

1. In the navigation, click Administration > Event Management Tool > Tool
2. In the Tool Creation page, click Create Tool.
3. Select Script from the Type list.
4. Optional: To use an existing tool as a template, select it from the list of tools
displayed and click Copy Tool.
5. Click Data Source to select the data sources against which you want to run the
SQL instructions. The data source selection also specifies the user groups or
classes that are used to define the access criteria.
6. Type a name for the tool in the Name field above the Tool Configuration
dialog. Do not use spaces or special characters in the name.
By default, the following characters cannot be used in tool names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
By default, the following characters cannot be used as the initial character of
tool names:
/ \ \ * ? " < > | & .
These invalid characters are defined in the following file:
7. Complete the following tool configuration fields:
Script Commands
Type the script that you want to use to configure the new tool.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL. Clear the check box if you want the
tool to run against only the first row in the selection.
8. Define access for the tool based on the groups that a user belongs to and the
class of an event against which the tool is deployed:
Group Select the group that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
groups access to the selected tool, click >>. Users must be members of
a selected group to use the tool. If you selected multiple data sources,
this list displays all groups from all selected data sources.
Class Select the class that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
classes access to the selected tool, click >>.

Tip: Each event in the ObjectServer has an associated Class field. The
value of this field is set by the event source. The Class field typically
describes what kind of device an event comes from. If the class of an
event matches any of the classes you select, the tool is available when
the user selects the event in the AEL.
If you selected multiple data sources, this list displays classes from all
selected data sources.

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 157

If no group or class is selected, users of any group can execute the tool, and the
tool can be executed against events of any class.
9. Click Save.


The tool appears as an entry in the list of available tools and is now available for
use in the Active Event List (AEL).

What to do next

For users to have access to a new tool in the AEL, you must create a menu entry
for it first.
Related tasks
“Creating command-line tools” on page 155

Script tool examples

Script tool syntax follows JavaScript rules, and you can create many different script
tools to extract data from events, as illustrated by these examples.

Sample: itnmBroadcast Event

This script tool invokes a JavaScript method from the AEL portlet page and is
included in Network Manager IP Edition as default functionality to enable
intra-portlet communication.

The script commands are as follows:


The method invoked is uniquely signatured by the use of the iscPortletNamespace

applet parameter, which is a unique signature for each instance of the AEL portlet.
The sendPortletEvent() method takes a itnmBroadcastEvent as a parameter.

In the following example, the itnmBroadcastEvent has been configured with the
following attributes:
v name: http://ibm.com/TIP#BroadcastEvent
v client: NW
v entityId: {@NmosEntityId}
At runtime, {@NmosEntityId} is resolved into the NmosEntityId field value of the
selected event.

Sample: Event “scratchpad”

This JavaScript code sample creates a simple “scratchpad” tool and illustrates the
potential of script tools.

After you execute the scratchpad tool against a selected event, below the AEL a
new area is displayed containing event data, such as a summary of the event, the
time of occurrence, the node where the event occurred, and its severity. The event
data is added to the page using the Document Object Model (DOM).

The script commands are as follows:

158 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
var str = ’Event \’{@Serial}\’ at Node \’{@Node}\’ has Summary \’{@Summary}\’,
Severity \’{@Severity}\’ and last occurred on ’ + new Date({@LastOccurrence}*1000);

var scratchpad = document.getElementById("scratchpad_{$appletparam.EntityName}");

if (scratchpad == null)
scratchpad = document.createElement("div");
scratchpad.setAttribute( "id", "scratchpad_{$appletparam.EntityName}" );
scratchpad.setAttribute( "style", "overflow:auto;height:200px;border-width:1px;
border-style: solid;margin:5px;padding:5px;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,
sans-serif;font-size:0.7em;" );

var header= document.createElement("h2");

header.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Scratch Pad for entity
{$appletparam.EntityName}" ) ); scratchpad.appendChild( header );

var div = document.createElement("div");

var dl = document.createElement("dl");

var dt = document.createElement("dt");
dt.appendChild( document.createTextNode( new Date() ) );

var dd = document.createElement("dd");
dd.appendChild( document.createTextNode( str ) );


Related tasks
“Creating command-line tools” on page 155

Modifying tools
You can modify the settings of existing CGI, SQL, command-line or script tools.

To modify a tool:
1. In the navigation, click Administration > Event Management Tool > Tool
2. In the Tool Creation page, select the tool you want to modify from the list of
tools displayed.
3. Select a tool type from the Type list.
4. For SQL tool types: To modify the tool, use the following fields:
SQL Commands
Type the SQL commands that you want to use to update the
alerts.status table in the ObjectServer.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL.
Clear the check box if you want the tool to run against only the first
row in the selection.

Important: Do not select this checkbox if the SQL instructions explicitly

state that the command must run against all rows.

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 159

Journal Entry
Type the SQL commands that you want to use to update the
alerts.journal table in the ObjectServer.
If you leave the Journal Entry field empty, no journal entry is recorded
when the tool is run. If you want a blank journal entry to be recorded
when the tool is run, enter a space or type another character in the

Tip: You can use a Multiline String prompt for forced journal entry.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL, and modify all corresponding
journal entries. Clear the check box if you want the tool to run against
only the first row in the selection, and modify the corresponding
journal entry.
5. For CGI tool types: To modify the tool, use the following fields:
URL Type the location of the CGI script. By default this field contains the
correct path for the cgi-bin directory on the local Web GUI server. The
$(SERVER) keyword is resolved at runtime to protocol://host:port/
ibm/console/webtop. Append the path with the file name of the script
that you want to associate with the tool.
To pass field data to a script on a remote server, replace $(SERVER)
with an external URL address. For example http://www.ibm.com.
The $(NGFSERVER) keyword resolves at runtime to
Fields Click Show and select the ObjectServer columns that you want to pass
as arguments to the tool from the Available column. If you select more
than one data source from the Data Sources list, the Fields list contains
only columns that are common to all data sources.
To pass a full list of all selected rows to a tool, select Serial, select the
Execute for each selected row check box, and clear the Window for
each selected row check box. At runtime, the Serial field resolves to
the $selected_rows.Serial parameter. If you select more than one data
source from the Data Sources list, add the $selected_rows.datasource
parameter to distinguish between identical serial numbers that originate
in different data sources.
Specify the method for submitting field data to the CGI script:
v GET: Appends the name-value pairs to the URL, and is therefore
useful if you want to bookmark the page containing the output.
v POST: Encodes the name-value pairs inside the body of the HTTP
request. Note that firewalls can be configured to intercept and
destroy this data stream, causing the form to be interpreted as empty.
The CGI script receives the data via a QUERY_STRING environment
variable regardless of the method chosen. This differs from the CGI
convention where, if a method of POST is used, the script receives data
via stdin.

160 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Open in
Select either the New window or Specific window radio button. If you
select Specific window, type a name for the window in the adjacent
text field.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL. Clear the check box if you want the
tool to run against only the first row in the selection.
Window for each selected row
Select this check box to open a separate window for each selected row
in the AEL.
6. For command-line tool types: To modify the tool, use the following fields:
Select this checkbox to specify which client operating system types can
access this tool from the AEL.
For each selected client operating system, modify the default entry and
type the command to launch the target application. Include the full
path to the command.

Tip: On the Windows operating system use the following construct to

ensure the DOS console closes when the tool completes:

start /b cmd /k

In addition you can launch multiple applications from one tool by

inserting && between each command. For example, to launch two
Internet Explorer windows use the following comman: start /b cmd /k
cmd iexplore.exe && start / cmd /k iexplore.exe
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL. Clear the check box if you want the
tool to run against only the first row in the selection.
7. For script tool types: To modify the tool, use the following fields:
Script Commands
Type the script that you want to use to configure the new tool.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL. Clear the check box if you want the
tool to run against only the first row in the selection.
8. Define access for tools based on the groups that a user belongs to and the class
of an event against which the tool is deployed:
Group Select the group that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
groups access to the selected tool, click >>. Users must be members of
a selected group to use the tool. If you selected multiple data sources,
this list displays all groups from all selected data sources.
Class Select the class that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
classes access to the selected tool, click >>.

Tip: Each event in the ObjectServer has an associated Class field. The
value of this field is set by the event source. The Class field typically

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 161

describes what kind of device an event comes from. If the class of an
event matches any of the classes you select, the tool is available when
the user selects the event in the AEL.
If you selected multiple data sources, this list displays classes from all
selected data sources.
9. Click Save.


The tool appears as an entry in the list of available tools and is now available for
use in the AEL.
Related tasks
“Creating command-line tools” on page 155
“Creating CGI tools” on page 150
“Creating SQL tools” on page 153
“Copying tools” on page 163

Renaming tools
You can change the name of any of the existing CGI, SQL, script or command-line

If you rename a tool, the names of menu items that link to the tool might also be
renamed. If a menu item has the same name as the tool, when you rename the tool
the menu item is renamed automatically. If a menu item has a different name than
the tool, when you rename the tool the menu item label does not change. In both
cases, the link from the menu item to the tool is retained.

To rename a tool
1. In the navigation, click Administration > Event Management Tool > Tool
2. In the Tool Creation page, select the tool you want to rename.
3. Enter a new name for the tool in the Name field. Do not use spaces or special
characters in the name.
By default, the following characters cannot be used in tool names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
By default, the following characters cannot be used as the initial character of
tool names:
/ \ \ * ? " < > | & .
These invalid characters are defined in the following file:
4. Click Save.
The tool appears as an entry in the list of available tools and is now available
for use in the Active Event List (AEL).
Related tasks
“Renaming menu items” on page 172

162 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Copying tools
You can copy any of the existing CGI, SQL, script or command-line tools to have a
copy of the tool, or to modify the configuration of the tool and save it as a new
tool. This helps in using an existing tool configuration as a template for new tools.

To copy a tool:
1. Click Administration > Event Management > Tool > Tool Creation.
2. In the Tool Creation page, select the tool you want to copy from the list of tools
displayed, and click Copy Tool.
3. In the Name field, type a new name for the tool. The tool name cannot contain
By default, the following characters cannot be used in tool names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
By default, the following characters cannot be used as the initial characters of
tool names:
/ \ \ * ? " < > | & .
These invalid characters are defined in the following file:
4. For SQL tool types: To modify the tool, use the following fields:
SQL Commands
Type the SQL commands that you want to use to update the
alerts.status table in the ObjectServer.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL.
Clear the check box if you want the tool to run against only the first
row in the selection.

Important: Do not select this checkbox if the SQL instructions explicitly

state that the command must run against all rows.
Journal Entry
Type the SQL commands that you want to use to update the
alerts.journal table in the ObjectServer.
If you leave the Journal Entry field empty, no journal entry is recorded
when the tool is run. If you want a blank journal entry to be recorded
when the tool is run, enter a space or type another character in the

Tip: You can use a Multiline String prompt for forced journal entry.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL, and modify all corresponding
journal entries. Clear the check box if you want the tool to run against
only the first row in the selection, and modify the corresponding
journal entry.
5. For CGI tool types: To modify the tool, use the following fields:
URL Type the location of the CGI script. By default this field contains the
correct path for the cgi-bin directory on the local Web GUI server. The
$(SERVER) keyword is resolved at runtime to protocol://host:port/

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 163

ibm/console/webtop. Append the path with the file name of the script
that you want to associate with the tool.
To pass field data to a script on a remote server, replace $(SERVER)
with an external URL address. For example http://www.ibm.com.
The $(NGFSERVER) keyword resolves at runtime to
Fields Click Show and select the ObjectServer columns that you want to pass
as arguments to the tool from the Available column. If you select more
than one data source from the Data Sources list, the Fields list contains
only columns that are common to all data sources.
To pass a full list of all selected rows to a tool, select Serial, select the
Execute for each selected row check box, and clear the Window for
each selected row check box. At runtime, the Serial field resolves to
the $selected_rows.Serial parameter. If you select more than one data
source from the Data Sources list, add the $selected_rows.datasource
parameter to distinguish between identical serial numbers that originate
in different data sources.
Specify the method for submitting field data to the CGI script:
v GET: Appends the name-value pairs to the URL, and is therefore
useful if you want to bookmark the page containing the output.
v POST: Encodes the name-value pairs inside the body of the HTTP
request. Note that firewalls can be configured to intercept and
destroy this data stream, causing the form to be interpreted as empty.
The CGI script receives the data via a QUERY_STRING environment
variable regardless of the method chosen. This differs from the CGI
convention where, if a method of POST is used, the script receives data
via stdin.
Open in
Select either the New window or Specific window radio button. If you
select Specific window, type a name for the window in the adjacent
text field.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL. Clear the check box if you want the
tool to run against only the first row in the selection.
Window for each selected row
Select this check box to open a separate window for each selected row
in the AEL.
6. For command-line tool types: To modify the tool, use the following fields:
Select this checkbox to specify which client operating system types can
access this tool from the AEL.
For each selected client operating system, modify the default entry and
type the command to launch the target application. Include the full
path to the command.

Tip: On the Windows operating system use the following construct to

ensure the DOS console closes when the tool completes:

164 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
start /b cmd /k

In addition you can launch multiple applications from one tool by

inserting && between each command. For example, to launch two
Internet Explorer windows use the following comman: start /b cmd /k
cmd iexplore.exe && start / cmd /k iexplore.exe
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL. Clear the check box if you want the
tool to run against only the first row in the selection.
7. For script tool types: To modify the tool, use the following fields:
Script Commands
Type the script that you want to use to configure the new tool.
Execute for each selected row
Select this checkbox if you want the tool to run against all selected
rows individually within the AEL. Clear the check box if you want the
tool to run against only the first row in the selection.
8. Define access for the tool based on the groups that a user belongs to and the
class of an event against which the tool is deployed:
Group Select the group that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
groups access to the selected tool, click >>. Users must be members of
a selected group to use the tool. If you selected multiple data sources,
this list displays all groups from all selected data sources.
Class Select the class that you want to access the tool and click >. To give all
classes access to the selected tool, click >>.

Tip: Each event in the ObjectServer has an associated Class field. The
value of this field is set by the event source. The Class field typically
describes what kind of device an event comes from. If the class of an
event matches any of the classes you select, the tool is available when
the user selects the event in the AEL.
If you selected multiple data sources, this list displays classes from all
selected data sources.
9. Click Save.


The tool appears as an entry in the list of available tools and is now available for
use in the AEL.

What to do next

For users to have access to a new tool in the AEL, you must create a menu entry
for it first.
Related tasks
“Modifying tools” on page 159

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 165

Deleting tools
You can delete any of the existing CGI, SQL, script or command-line tools to
remove it from the available tools in the AEL.
1. Click Administration > Event Management Tool > Tool Creation. The Tool
Creation page is displayed.
2. Select the specific tool you want to delete from the list of tools displayed, and
click Delete Tool.
3. Click OK when prompted for confirmation. A message is displayed confirming
that the tool has been deleted, and the tool is removed from the list of tools.

Tool runtime parameters

Tools can contain one or more runtime parameters; the values of these parameters
are determined when the tool is executed.

Runtime parameters
fieldname is the name of a field in the alerts.status table in an ObjectServer.
When the tool is executed, this variable is resolved to the value of the
fieldname of the selected row.
fieldname is the name of a field in the alerts.status table in an ObjectServer.
When the tool is executed, this variable is resolved to a comma-separated
string of the field values of all the selected rows.
If your environment uses multiple data sources, use the
$selected_rows.serial parameter in combination with the
$selected_rows.datasource parameter. This combination ensures that no
duplicate serials are returned by tools because a unique combination of
serial and data source is returned.
promptname is the name of a defined Web GUI prompt. When the tool is
executed, this variable is resolved to the prompt value. This might be a
comma-separated list in the case where a prompt contains multiple values.
%uid uid is resolved to the user ID of the ObjectServer user. This might be an
empty string if not available.
username is resolved to the user name of the user. If the user is not an
ObjectServer user, the string #unknownUser is substituted.
%gid gid is resolved to the group ID of the ObjectServer user. This might be an
empty string if not available.
datasource is resolved to the name of the data source for which the AEL is
displaying events.
cookiename is resolved to the value of the cookie named cookiename. This
might be an empty string if not available.
parametername is the name of an applet parameter. When the tool is
executed, this variable is resolved to the value of the applet parameter.
This might be an empty string if not available.

166 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Identifies the data source in which the row originates. Note that this
parameter does not resolve to a field in an ObjectServer. Use this
parameter for tools that are to be run against events from multiple data
sources, to distinguish between identical data from different data sources.
fieldname is the name of a field in the alerts.conversion table in an
ObjectServer. When the tool is executed, this variable is resolved to the
conversion value of the field value for the selected row.
Example: Alert prioritized from CONVERSION(@Severity)
fieldname is the name of a field in the alerts.status table in an ObjectServer.
When the tool is executed, this variable is resolved to a comma-separated
string of the conversion values of the field values for all selected rows.
promptname is the name of a prompt. When the tool is executed, this
variable is resolved to the prompt label (as opposed to the prompt value).
Example: Alert assigned to CONVERSION($prompt.userassign)

Important: If $selected_rows.fieldname is used (with or without CONVERSION),

clear the tool's Execute for each selected row check box. Setting this check box can
result in ObjectServer performance degradation.

Specifying parameters

For CGI/URL, Command and Script tools, enclose these parameters (where
supported) in braces. For example:

start cmd /k %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\PING.EXE {$prompt.hostname}

For conversions the CONVERSION keyword is enclosed in the braces.

Braces are not necessary for parameters in SQL tools (including in the Journal

Parameters supported by each type of tool

The following table shows the parameters that each type of tool supports. Refer to
the notes at the end of the table for more specific information on the support for
certain parameters.
Table 20. Parameters supported by each type of tool
Parameter Journal) CGI/URL Command Script
@fieldname Y Y Y Y
$selected_rows.fieldname Y Y Y Y
$prompt.promptname Y Y Y Y
%uid Y Y Y Y
%username Y Y Y Y
%gid Y Y Y Y

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 167

Table 20. Parameters supported by each type of tool (continued)
Parameter Journal) CGI/URL Command Script
%datasource Y Y Y Y
%cookie.cookiename N Y Y Y
$appletparam.parametername N N N Y
$selected_rows.datasource Y Y Y Y
CONVERSION(@fieldname) Y Y Y Y
CONVERSION($selected_rows.fieldname) Y Y Y Y
CONVERSION($prompt.promptname) Y Y Y Y
1. This parameter can also be implicitly inserted through the selection of fields during
CGI/URL tool creation. At runtime the field resolves to the $selected_rows.fieldname
2. At runtime the CGI/URL tool inserts the datasource parameter even if this parameter is
not explicitly set during tool creation.
3. This parameter can also be implicitly inserted through the selection of fields during
CGI/URL tool creation. At runtime the field resolves to the
CONVERSION.$selected_rows.fieldname parameter.

Customizing AEL Menus

You can change the content of the menus of the Active Event List (AEL). You can
add tool entries to the menus, create new sub-menus, and modify or delete menu
items. A tool can include a prompt window or pop-up menu for the user to enter
information, and you can edit these prompts or create new prompts.

The Alerts and Tools menus

The Alerts and Tools menus are configurable menus that can be accessed from the
AEL. The Alerts menu contains a number of SQL tools you can use to interact
with alert data and manipulate the data. By default, the Tools menu contains CGI
tools and local (command-line) tools.

The Alerts menu can be accessed both from the AEL toolbar and by right-clicking
an event in the AEL. The Tools menu can be accessed from the AEL toolbar.

You can add your own tools and sub-menus to either the Alerts menu or the Tools
menu. To do this you must use the Tools Editor to create the tool you want to add,
and then add the tools to the menus using the Menus Editor.

Tools in the Tools menu can be configured with access criteria that apply to users
and events. Tools are visible only if the access criteria applied to them are met, or
when no criteria are set because no groups or classes have been defined.

If multiple events are selected in the AEL, all access criteria must be satisfied for
all selected events for a tool to be displayed.

168 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
By default, no access criteria are defined for any tools. Tools that have no access
criteria defined are displayed for all users for all events. Changes in access criteria
take effect when the AEL is reloaded, without the need to restart the Web GUI

The default content of the AEL menu bar cannot be changed. You cannot create
new top-level menus.
Related tasks
“Creating event management tools” on page 142

Adding tools to a menu

If you have created a new tool, you need to add the tool as an entry to an AEL
menu in order to use the tool. You can also add other existing tools to menus.

To add tools to a menu:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools, and click Menu
2. From the Available menus list, select a menu to which you want to add a tool
and click Modify. The Menus Editor window is displayed.
3. Select tool from the Available items list to view a list of available tools.
4. Add an existing tool to the selected menu or create a new tool and then add
the tool to the selected menu:
a. Select a tool from the list and click Add selected item. The tool is added to
the list in the Current items pane on the left side of the page.
b. Select <new tool> from the list and click Add selected item. The Tool
Configuration window opens. Define the new tool using the Tool
Configuration and Access Criteria dialogs and click Save. Close the Save
Confirmation window to return to the Menus Editor window. The tool is
added to the Current items list and Available items lists.

Tip: If you have several tools in one menu, you can make the menu easier to
read by adding a separator. Select <separator> from the Available items list
and click Add selected item.
5. Click Save. The menu is now updated in the AEL, and is added as an entry in
Available menus.
Related tasks
“Creating event management tools” on page 142

Modifying existing tools

You can edit the tools available in the menus.

To edit a tool menu entry:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools, and click Menu
2. Select the menu that contains the tool you want to modify and click Modify.
The Menus Editor window is displayed.
3. Select the tool you want to edit from the Current items list and click the Edit
button. The Tool Configuration window is displayed.
4. Edit the tool using the Tool Configuration and Access Criteria dialogs.
5. Click Save and close the Save Confirmation window to return to the Menus
Editor window. The tool is saved with the changed settings.

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 169

Related tasks
“Modifying tools” on page 159

Creating submenus
You can create submenus of the Alerts and Tools AEL menus. Each submenu can
contain tool entries, separator bars, and other submenus. A submenu can be used
in different menus.

To create a new submenu:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools, and click Menu
2. Click New. The Menu Editor window is displayed, with the Name and Label
fields and Current items list blank.
3. Enter the properties for the new submenu using the following fields and
Name Type a name for the new submenu. Do not use spaces or special
characters in the name.
Label Type a label for the submenu. This is the text that is displayed in the
Select a key entry if you want users to be able to display this menu in
the AEL using the keyboard shortcut of Alt and selected character.
Available items
Select tool to list all available tools you can then add to the menu, or
select menu to list all available menus you can add to the menu. Also,
you can select <separator> to add a line between menus and tools. For
example, if you have several tools in one menu, you can make the
menu easier to read by adding a separator.
Select the tool or menu you want to make available in the menu and
click Add selected item.
Current items
Lists all the tools and menus added to the menu. Select the tool or
menu you want to remove from the menu and click Remove selected
item. Use the arrow buttons to the right of this list to change the
display order of the tools and menus within the menu.
Select a tool in the Current items list and click this button to change
the name of the tool as it appears in the AEL.
Label Type a label for the tool. This is the text that appears in the
Select a key entry if you want users to be able to display this
menu in the AEL using the keyboard shortcut of Alt and
selected character.
Type a shortcut character if you want users to be able to
display this menu in the AEL using the keyboard shortcut of
Ctrl and the character provided here.

170 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Restriction: The rename options are available only for tools.
Edit Select a tool or menu in the Current items list and click Edit to modify
the tool or menu settings. If you have a tool selected, the Tool
Configuration window opens. If you have a menu selected, you are
asked to save changes and then redirected to the Menus Editor where
you can modify the setup of the menu.
4. Click Save and Ok. The new submenu is displayed in the list of available
Related tasks
“Adding submenus to a menu”

Adding submenus to a menu

You can customize what submenus are available in the Alerts and Tools AEL

To add a submenu to a menu:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools, and click Menu
2. Select the menu to which you want to add the sub-menu and click Modify.
3. In the Available items list, select menu. A list of available menus is displayed.
4. You can add an existing menu as a sub-menu or create a new menu and add
the menu as a sub-menu:
a. Select the menu you want to add and click Add selected item. The menu is
added to the list in the Current items list. Optionally, configure the
sub-menu using the Edit button.
b. Select <new menu> from the list and click Add selected item. You are
asked whether you want to save the changes to the menu that you are
modifying. Click Cancel if you do not want to add a new menu, click Yes
to save changes, or No to continue without saving changes. The Menu
Editor window is displayed for the new menu that you are adding. Define
the new menu.

Note: Only menu entries that are logically permitted by the nesting rules are
displayed in the list. If the entry you are modifying is a sub-menu itself, the
menu or menus above it are not shown.
5. Click Save and Ok. The new menu is added as a sub-menu to the menu that
you chose. The new menu is visible in the list of available menus.
Related tasks
“Creating submenus” on page 170

Deleting submenus
You can remove any submenu created by users. You cannot delete the Alerts or
Tools menus.

To delete a menu:
1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools, and click Menu
2. Select the menu that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete and confirm the deletion.

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 171

Removing items from a menu
You can remove submenus, tools, and separators from an existing menu. Removing
a tool or submenu from a menu does not delete the tool or submenu.

To remove items from a menu:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools, and click Menu
2. Select the menu from which you want to remove items.
3. Click Modify. The Menus Editor window is displayed.
4. Select the item that you want to remove from the Current items list and click
Remove selected item.

Tip: If you select an entry in the list, an icon displayed above the list to the
right indicates whether that item is a tool, a menu, or a separator.
5. Click Save to save your changes.
Related tasks
“Deleting tools” on page 166
“Deleting submenus” on page 171

Changing the order of items in a menu

You can move items up and down within a menu to create a customized order of
all items.

To change the order in which items are displayed in a menu:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools, and click Menu
2. Select the menu that you want to modify.
3. Click Modify. The Menus Editor window is displayed.
4. Select the item that you want to move from the Current items list.
v Click Top to move the item to the top of the menu.
v Click Bottom to move the item to the bottom of the menu.
v Click Up to move the item one place up in the menu.
v Click Down to move the item one place down in the menu.

Tip: If you select an entry in the list, an icon displayed above the list to the
right indicates whether that item is a tool, a menu, or a separator.
5. Click Save to save your changes.

Renaming menu items

You can change the label of a tool that is displayed in the AEL menu. To rename
the tool itself, edit the name of the tool in the Tools Editor.

To change the label for a tool menu item:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools, and click Menu
2. Select the menu that you want to modify.
3. Click Modify. The Menus Editor window opens.
4. Select the tool menu item you want to modify from the Current items list and
click Rename. A separate window is displayed.

172 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Tip: If you select a submenu or other item that you cannot rename in this way,
the Rename button is grayed out.
5. Edit the following fields:
Label Type a label for the tool. This is the text that appears in the AEL.
Select a key entry if you want users to be able to display this menu in
the AEL using the keyboard shortcut of Alt and selected character.
Type a shortcut character if you want users to be able to display this
menu in the AEL using the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl and the character
provided here.

Restriction: The rename options are available only for tools.

6. Click Save to save your changes.
Related tasks
“Renaming tools” on page 162

Chapter 4. Customizing AELs 173

174 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Chapter 5. Filtering event information
Network events typically create many alerts that are not of immediate importance
to the personnel monitoring the system. Use filters and views to control the event
information that is displayed to users.

Filters constrain the rows returned by a data source by applying SQL correlation
conditions to the field data in the data source. Filters can be applied to the
following event displays in the Web GUI: the Active Event List (AEL), Lightweight
Event List (LEL), Table View, and monitor boxes on an Event Dashboard. To create
and edit filters, you use an HTML utility called the Filter Builder.

Filters can be created by Web GUI administrators who have the ncw_admin role,
and by users who have the ncw_user role and the netcool_rw role.

Important: For each filter, you must select at least one data source. From this data
source, the Filter Builder obtains the fields that you can use in the SQL query. If
you select multiple data sources, the Filter Builder displays only the fields that are
common to all those data sources. The data sources selected in the Filter Builder
are not used in the AEL, Map Editor, or Event Dashboard to retrieve event data.
You select the data sources for event data retrieval in the portlet preferences for the
AEL, Map Editor, and Event Dashboard.

When a filter is applied to an event list, only the alerts that meet the criteria are
displayed. A view may be assigned to a filter. If you do not assign a view to a
filter, a default view is assigned. The following example shows a filter:
Node like ’^[a-zA-Z].*’ and Severity > 3

This statement matches all alerts where the node starts with an alphabetic
character and the severity of this data is greater than minor, that is, major or
critical events.

Filter categories

Filter categories control user access to filters, and are used for data migrated from
IBM Tivoli Netcool/Webtop.
Global filters
Global filters are accessible to all users. As a read-write user, or a read-only
user, you can copy global filters to your user profile, where you can
modify the filters.

You can modify global filters and copy them to the user profiles
of other users. You can also create new global filters.
User filters
User filters are stored in your user profile; only you and the administrator
can access these profiles. In the Filter Builder, user filters are contained in a
list called My Filters.

You can access the filters that all users have in their user
profiles, and create filters in the profiles of users. In the Available Filters

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 175

list, these filters are classified as username Filters. To assign filters to
multiple users, you can make copies of existing filters and assign them to a
user group. The filters remain associated with the users in the group, not
with the group itself.
System filters
In the Filter Builder, access to system filters, and the ability to create, edit,
and delete system filters is restricted to administrators. In the AEL, only
administrators can select system filters from the Filters list. If the AEL was
launched with a system filter already applied, non-administrators can view
and select this system filter from the Filters list. If your Web GUI
installation was upgraded or migrated from Netcool/Webtop, system
filters are present after upgrade or migration. The system filters contain
entity data migrated from Netcool/Webtop.

Filter collections

Filter collections are logical groupings of filters. They are also used for migrated
data from Netcool/Webtop. If your Web GUI installation was upgraded or
migrated from Netcool/Webtop, filter collections contain the data migrated from
entity groups.

Filter collections can contain only global filters or system filters. To edit a filter
collection, your user must have the ncw_admin role. You can create or delete filter
collections only by using the Web GUI Administration Application Program
Interface (WAAPI) client.

Dependent filters

Dependent filters concatenate the SQL statements from multiple filters by using by
SQL OR operator. Dependent filters do not have their own SQL filter statements;
they use only the statements from other filters.

Before you delete a filter, you must make sure that the filter is not used in any
dependent filters. Otherwise, the dependent filter might return incorrect event

Transient filters

Transient filters are filters that persist only for the duration of your current session.
Related concepts
“Filter Builder overview” on page 178
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Modifying the preferences of a Web GUI user” on page 67

176 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Views constrain the columns displayed in an Active Event List (AEL), Lightweight
Event List (LEL), or Table View. You can control the order in which columns are
displayed, lock columns in the display, and control the sorting of information in
the columns.

When you create a view, you must select at least one data source. The data source
is used to control the columns that can be included in the view (the columns
represent the fields in the data source). If you select multiple data sources, you can
select fields from all data sources.

View categories

Views are either accessible to all users, or are assigned to a user profile. Access to
views is controlled as follows:
Global views
These views are accessible to all users. As a read-write user, or a read-only
user, you can copy global views to your user profile, where you can
modify the views.
Administrator You can modify global views and copy them to the user profiles
of other users. You can also create new global views.
User views
These views are stored in your user profile; only you and the administrator
can access these profiles. User views are contained in a list called My

You can access the views that all users have in their user
profiles, and create views in the profiles of users. In the Available Views
list, these views are classified as username Views. To assign views to
multiple users, you can make copies of existing views and assign them to a
user group. The views remain associated with the users in the group, not
with the group itself.

System views

In the View Builder, access to system views, and the ability to create, edit, and
delete system views is restricted to administrators. In the AEL, only administrators
can select system views from the Views list. If the AEL was launched with a
system view already applied, non-administrators can view and select this system
view from the Views list. If your Web GUI installation was upgraded or migrated
from Netcool/Webtop, system views are present after upgrade or migration. The
system views contain entity view data migrated from Netcool/Webtop.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Modifying the preferences of a Web GUI user” on page 67

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 177

Setting up filters for event data
Use the Filter Builder to apply filters to an event list or Event Dashboard portlet.
Administrators and read-write users can create and edit filters.

To open the Filter Builder, go to one of the following locations:

AEL Click Edit > Filters.
To open the default AEL applet, click Availability > Events > Active Event
List (AEL).
Event Dashboard

In either the tool bar or a monitor box, click Edit Filters . If you open
the Filter Builder from a monitor box, the properties of the filter associated
with the monitor box are loaded.
To open the default Event Dashboard portlet, click Availability > Events >
Event Dashboard.
Administrator Click Administration > Event Management Tools > Filters.
Web page
Administrator Use the following URL to add a link to the Filter Builder from a
Web page:
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
“Event Dashboard overview” on page 197

Filter Builder overview

The Filter Builder is an HTML utility that you use to construct filters that are
dynamically applied to event data.

Important: For each filter, you must select at least one data source. From this data
source, the Filter Builder obtains the fields that you can use in the SQL query. If
you select multiple data sources, the Filter Builder displays only the fields that are
common to all those data sources. The data sources selected in the Filter Builder
are not used in the AEL, Map Editor, or Event Dashboard to retrieve event data.
You select the data sources for event data retrieval in the portlet preferences for the
AEL, Map Editor, and Event Dashboard.

You can use the following modes to create filters; the Filter Builder displays a tab
for each mode.
Basic Provides a set of lists and text fields that you use to specify the filter
conditions. To build the conditions, select a field from the specified data
source or data sources, select a comparator, and type a numeric data type
or string data type value. The data type value is used as the filtering
criteria used against the field. If you use basic mode to construct your
filter, you can view the resulting SQL in the text field on the Advanced
Provides a text field into which you can enter ObjectServer SQL syntax.

178 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
If you create a filter in advanced mode, it might not be possible to express
the SQL syntax in the fields on the Basic tab. After you have saved a filter
created in advanced mode, the Basic tab is removed for that filter.
For more information about ObjectServer SQL syntax, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide.
This tab is displayed only for dependent filters. On this tab, use the Search
fields to identify the filters that you want to use for the dependencies.
After you have identified the required filters, use the buttons to move the
filters from the Available filters list to the Selected dependencies list. In a
dependent filter, the SQL WHERE statements of each filter are
concatenated by using OR statements.

Filter Builder metrics

A metric is an aggregate statistic that can be derived from the alerts that match a
filter to display a useful figure, for example, an average, count, or sum of all field
values. If a filter is displayed using a monitor box linked to an AEL, the metric
information obtained from the set of alerts that match this filter is used for this
Related concepts
“Filters” on page 175
“Filter Builder overview” on page 178

Creating and editing filters

Use the Filter Builder to create and edit filters for event data.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

Creating and editing filters in basic mode

To create event filter conditions using lists that constrain your selection of values
from the data source and the available comparators, use the Filter Builder in basic

To create and edit filters in basic mode:

1. Open the Filter Builder.
2. To create a new filter, click New Filter.
3. To edit an existing filter.
a. Select the list that contains the required filter.
b. After the list has refreshed, click the filter.
If you are editing an existing filter, omit step 4.
4. Select the users you want to grant access to the filter and click OK.

v Public: To make the filter accessible by all users, select global. To add a
system filter, select system. All Web GUI users can select and copy global
v Users: Select the check boxes for the users who you want to grant access to
this filter. If the check box corresponding to a user is selected, the selected
filter is copied directly to the My Filters list for that user.
The list of users who can be granted access to the filter is based on the
value of the users.reload.mode property in the webgui_home_dir/etc/

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 179

server.init file. If this property is set to 0, all system users are available. If
set to 1, only users with either ncw_user or ncw_admin roles are available.
5. Specify the general properties for the filter:
Filter Name
Type a name for the filter. The filter name cannot contain spaces.
By default, the following characters cannot be used in filter names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
Administrator These invalid characters are defined in the following file:
Default View
Select the view with which you want to associate the filter, or select
the view that is associated with the filter. The default view is applied
when you launch an AEL with the filter but do not specify a view.
The default view is also applied when you launch an AEL from an
Event Dashboard by clicking the monitor box that is associated with
the filter.
For global filters and system filters only: Select the filter
collection or collections to which you want to add the filter.
Type a description that helps identify the purpose of the filter.
Data Source
Select the data source or data sources that contain the fields against
which you want to run queries. Click Show Data Sources to display a
list of available data sources.

Important: For each filter, you must select at least one data source.
From this data source, the Filter Builder obtains the fields that you can
use in the SQL query. If you select multiple data sources, the Filter
Builder displays only the fields that are common to all those data
sources. The data sources selected in the Filter Builder are not used in
the AEL, Map Editor, or Event Dashboard to retrieve event data. You
select the data sources for event data retrieval in the portlet
preferences for the AEL, Map Editor, and Event Dashboard.
If you want to add a data source to an existing filter, make sure that
the alerts.status table of the new data source contains all the fields
that the filter specifies. If you add a data source that does not contain
all the specified fields, the filter might return erroneous results.
Administrator The default data source corresponds to the default
ObjectServer specified in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml
configuration file.
6. Click the Basic tab and, in the first row, create a filter condition as follows:
a. From the Field list, select a field from the specified data source.
b. From the Comparator list, select a comparator.
c. In the Value field, type a numeric data type value, or a string data type
value. The data types must correspond to those in the ObjectServer field.
String data type entries in the Value field must be contained in single

180 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
d. Optional: Use the LIKE and NOT LIKE comparators for regular expression
pattern-matching metacharacters against the entry in the Value field.

Restriction: Do not use the getdate expression in the Value field. If you
want to apply the getdate expression, use advanced mode instead.
7. To add additional filter conditions, click New Condition. You can add as
many filter conditions as required.
8. Use the radio buttons under Match to specify how the filter conditions
combine in aggregate:
v Select And to trigger the filter only if all the conditions are met.
v Select Or to trigger the filter if any of the conditions are met.
See “Sample SQL statements” for sample SQL statements that are generated
based on the radio button selected.
9. Optional: To preview the literal SQL WHERE clause output, click Advanced.
10. Click Metric and use the following fields to set the metric value:
Label Type a title for the metric.
Select a function to perform on the field data. The functions that can
be performed on the field data are as follows:
v Average: Returns the average value of the selected field for all
records that match the filter.
v Count: Returns a count of all the records that match the filter. The
selected field is not used for this calculation.
v Sum: Returns the sum of the selected field for all records that
match the filter.
v Minimum: Returns the lowest value of the selected field in records
that match the filter.
v Maximum: Returns the highest value of the selected field in records
that match the filter.
Field Select a field on which to perform the chosen function. The list
contains all available fields in the alerts.status table of the data source.
11. Click Save to save the filter and continue working in the Filter Builder, or
click Save and Close to save the filter and close the Filter Builder.

Sample SQL statements

In step 8, when the And radio button is selected, the filter rows create the
following SQL statement:
SELECT * from alerts.status where Node = ’node1’ and Severity > 4 and
Summary like ’alert on .*’

When the Or radio button is selected, the filter rows create the following SQL
SELECT * from alerts.status where Node = ’node1’ or Severity > 4 or
Summary like ’alert on .*’

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 181

Related concepts
“Filter Builder overview” on page 178
Related reference
“Filter Builder comparison operators” on page 186
“Pattern-matching meta characters” on page 187

Creating and editing filters in advanced mode

Specify event data filtering conditions in ObjectServer SQL syntax.

For more information about ObjectServer SQL syntax, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide.

To create or edit a filter using advanced mode:

1. Open the Filter Builder.
2. To create a new filter, click New Filter.
3. To edit an existing filter.
a. Select the list that contains the required filter.
b. After the list has refreshed, click the filter.
If you are editing an existing filter, omit step 4.
4. Select the users you want to grant access to the filter and click OK.

v Public: To make the filter accessible by all users, select global. To add a
system filter, select system. All Web GUI users can select and copy global
v Users: Select the check boxes for the users who you want to grant access to
this filter. If the check box corresponding to a user is selected, the selected
filter is copied directly to the My Filters list for that user.
The list of users who can be granted access to the filter is based on the value
of the users.reload.mode property in the webgui_home_dir/etc/server.init
file. If this property is set to 0, all system users are available. If set to 1, only
users with either ncw_user or ncw_admin roles are available.
5. Use the following fields and buttons to set the general properties for the filter:
Filter Name
Type a name for the filter. The filter name cannot contain spaces.
By default, the following characters cannot be used in filter names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "

These invalid characters are defined in the following file:

Default View
Select the view with which you want to associate the filter, or select the
view that is associated with the filter. The default view is applied when
you launch an AEL with the filter but do not specify a view. The
default view is also applied when you launch an AEL from an Event
Dashboard by clicking the monitor box that is associated with the filter.
Administrator For global filters and system filters only: Select the filter
collection or collections to which you want to add the filter.
Type a description that helps identify the purpose of the filter.

182 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Data Source
Select the data source or data sources that contain the fields against
which you want to run queries. Click Show Data Sources to display a
list of available data sources.

Important: For each filter, you must select at least one data source.
From this data source, the Filter Builder obtains the fields that you can
use in the SQL query. If you select multiple data sources, the Filter
Builder displays only the fields that are common to all those data
sources. The data sources selected in the Filter Builder are not used in
the AEL, Map Editor, or Event Dashboard to retrieve event data. You
select the data sources for event data retrieval in the portlet preferences
for the AEL, Map Editor, and Event Dashboard.
If you want to add a data source to an existing filter, make sure that
the alerts.status table of the new data source contains all the fields that
the filter specifies. If you add a data source that does not contain all the
specified fields, the filter might return erroneous results.

The default data source corresponds to the default

ObjectServer specified in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml
configuration file.
6. Click Advanced.
7. In the SQL Where clause text field, enter any valid ObjectServer SQL WHERE
For brevity, the SELECT part of the statement is omitted and you supply only
the WHERE clause; the view associated with the filter determines the columns
in the alerts.status table that are selected..
8. Click Metric and use the following fields to set the metric value:
Label Type a title for the metric.
Select a function to perform on the field data. The functions that can be
performed on the field data are as follows:
v Average: Returns the average value of the selected field for all
records that match the filter.
v Count: Returns a count of all the records that match the filter. The
selected field is not used for this calculation.
v Sum: Returns the sum of the selected field for all records that match
the filter.
v Minimum: Returns the lowest value of the selected field in records
that match the filter.
v Maximum: Returns the highest value of the selected field in records
that match the filter.
Field Select a field on which to perform the chosen function. The list contains
all available fields in the alerts.status table of the data source.
9. Click Save to save the filter and continue working in the Filter Builder, or click
Save and Close to save the filter and close the Filter Builder.

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 183

Related concepts
“Filter Builder overview” on page 178
Related reference
“Filter Builder comparison operators” on page 186
“Pattern-matching meta characters” on page 187

Creating and editing dependent filters

To aggregate the SQL WHERE clauses of multiple filters by using the OR operator,
create a dependent filter.

Tip: All the filters that you use in a dependent filter must contains an SQL
WHERE statement.

To create or edit a dependent filter:

1. Open the Filter Builder.
2. Create or edit a filter:
v To create a new filter, click New Filter.
v To edit an existing filter select the list that contains the required filter, and
then select the filter from the refreshed list. You can omit step 3.
3. Select the users you want to grant access to the filter and click OK.

v Public: To make the filter accessible by all users, select global. To add a
system filter, select system. All Web GUI users can select and copy global
v Users: Select the check boxes for the users who you want to grant access to
this filter. If the check box corresponding to a user is selected, the selected
filter is copied directly to the My Filters list for that user.
The list of users who can be granted access to the filter is based on the value
of the users.reload.mode property in the webgui_home_dir/etc/server.init
file. If this property is set to 0, all system users are available. If set to 1, only
users with either ncw_user or ncw_admin roles are available.
4. Use the following fields to set the general properties for the filter:
Filter Name
Type a name for the filter. The filter name cannot contain spaces.
By default, the following characters cannot be used in filter names:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
Administrator These invalid characters are defined in the following file:
Default View
Select the view with which you want to associate the filter, or select the
view that is associated with the filter. The default view is applied when
you launch an AEL with the filter but do not specify a view. The
default view is also applied when you launch an AEL from an Event
Dashboard by clicking the monitor box that is associated with the filter.
Administrator For global filters and system filters only: Select the filter
collection or collections to which you want to add the filter.
Type a description that helps identify the purpose of the filter.

184 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Data Source
Select the data source or data sources that contain the fields against
which you want to run queries. Click Show Data Sources to display a
list of available data sources.

Important: For each filter, you must select at least one data source.
From this data source, the Filter Builder obtains the fields that you can
use in the SQL query. If you select multiple data sources, the Filter
Builder displays only the fields that are common to all those data
sources. The data sources selected in the Filter Builder are not used in
the AEL, Map Editor, or Event Dashboard to retrieve event data. You
select the data sources for event data retrieval in the portlet preferences
for the AEL, Map Editor, and Event Dashboard.
If you want to add a data source to an existing filter, make sure that
the alerts.status table of the new data source contains all the fields that
the filter specifies. If you add a data source that does not contain all the
specified fields, the filter might return erroneous results.

The default data source corresponds to the default

ObjectServer specified in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml
configuration file.
5. On the Dependent tab, use the Search fields to identify the filters that you
want to use for the dependencies.

Tip: To search through large numbers of filters, select the filter category, and
type the filter name in the Search field. If a matching filter is found in the
selected filter category, the filter is selected in the Available filters list.
6. Add filters from the Available filters list to the Selected dependencies list as
7. To set a metric for the filter, click Metric and use the following fields to specify
the metric value:
Label Type a title for the metric.
Select a function to perform on the field data. The functions that can be
performed on the field data are as follows:
v Average: Returns the average value of the selected field for all
records that match the filter.
v Count: Returns a count of all the records that match the filter. The
selected field is not used for this calculation.
v Sum: Returns the sum of the selected field for all records that match
the filter.
v Minimum: Returns the lowest value of the selected field in records
that match the filter.
v Maximum: Returns the highest value of the selected field in records
that match the filter.
Field Select a field on which to perform the chosen function. The list contains
all available fields in the alerts.status table of the data source.
8. Click Save to save the filter and continue working in the Filter Builder, or click
Save and Close to save the filter and close the Filter Builder.

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 185

Editing filter collections
You can add filters to filter collections and remove filters.

Before you begin

To edit filter collections, your user must have the ncw_admin role.

You can add only global and system filters to a filter collection.

You can use the Filter Builder only to add filters to collections or remove filters
from collections. To create or delete filters collections, or to modify collections (for
example by changing the name of a filter collection), you must use the WAAPI
client. For sample WAAPI commands for filter collections, see the following file:

To edit filter collections:

v To add a filter to a collection:
1. Open the Filter Builder.
2. From the Available Filters list, select Category.
3. Select the collection that contains the required filter, and then select the filter.
The properties of the selected filter are loaded.
4. In the Collections list, select the filter collection or collections to which you
want to add the filter.
5. Click Save and Close to save the assignment of the filter to the collection or
collections, and close the Filter Builder.
v To remove a filter from a collection:
1. Open the Filter Builder.
2. To identify which filters are assigned to a collection, select Collection from
the Available Filters list and then select the required collection. The list of
filters assigned to the collection is sorted into global filters and system filters.
3. Select the filter that you want to remove from the collection.
The properties of the selected filter are loaded. In the Collections list, the
collections to which the filter is assigned are highlighted.
4. Press CTRL and click the filter collection from which you want to remove the
5. Click Save and Close to save the assignment of the filter to the collection or
collections, and close the Filter Builder.

Filter Builder comparison operators

When you use the Filter Builder in basic mode, the Comparator field contains
these comparison operators.

The operators are described in the following table.

Table 21. Comparison operators in the basic mode of the Filter Builder
Operator Description
= Tests for equality.
<> Tests for inequality.


186 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 21. Comparison operators in the basic mode of the Filter Builder (continued)
Operator Description
< Tests for greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=) or less
than or equal to (<=). These operators perform case-sensitive string
> comparisons. In standard ASCII case-sensitive comparisons, upper case
letters precede lower case letters.

[not] like The like operator performs string comparisons. The string following the
like operator, which can be the result of a regular expression, is the
pattern to which the column expression is compared. A regular expression
can include regular expression pattern-matching metacharacters. The not
keyword inverts the result of the comparison.

Related tasks
“Creating and editing filters in basic mode” on page 179
“Creating and editing filters in advanced mode” on page 182

Pattern-matching meta characters

Regular expressions are made up of normal characters and metacharacters. Normal
characters include upper and lower case letters and numbers

Regular expression pattern-matching can be performed with either a single

character or a pattern of one or more characters in parentheses, called a character
pattern. Metacharacters have special meanings, as described in the following table.
Table 22. Pattern-matching metacharacters
metacharacter Description Example
* This metacharacter The pattern goo* matches my godness, my
matches zero or more goodness, and my gooodness, but not my
instances of the gdness.
preceding character or
character pattern.
+ This metacharacter The pattern goo+ matches my goodness and
matches one or more my gooodness, but not my godness.
instances of the
preceding character or
character pattern.
? This metacharacter The pattern goo? matches my godness and
matches zero or one my goodness, but not my gooodness or my
instance of the gdness.
preceding character or
character pattern.
$ This metacharacter The pattern end$ matches the end, but not
matches the end of the the ending.
^ This metacharacter The pattern ^severity matches severity
matches the beginning level 5, but not The severity is 5.
of the string.
. This metacharacter The pattern b.at matches baat, bBat, and
matches any single b4at, but not bat or bB4at.

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 187

Table 22. Pattern-matching metacharacters (continued)
metacharacter Description Example
[abcd] This metacharacter ^[A-Za-z]+$ matches any string that
matches any characters contains only upper or lower case letter
in the square brackets characters.
or in the range of
characters separated by
a hyphen (-), such as
[^abcd] Matches any character [^0-9] matches any string that does not
except those in the contain any numeric characters.
square brackets or in
the range of characters
separated by a hyphen
(-), such as [0-9].
() This metacharacter A(boo)+Z matches AbooZ, AboobooZ, and
indicates that the AbooboobooZ, but not AboZ or AboooZ.
characters in the
parenthesis should be
treated as a character
| This metacharacter A(B|C)D matches ABD and ACD, but not AD,
matches one of the ABCD, ABBD, or ACCD.
characters or character
patterns on either side
of the vertical bar.
\ The backslash escape To match an opening square bracket,
character indicates that followed by any digits or spaces, followed
the metacharacter by a closed bracket, use the following
following should be regular expression:
treated as a regular
character. The \[[0-9 ]*\].
metacharacters in this
table require a
backslash before them if
they appear in a regular

Copying a filter from another filter group

Read-write users can copy global filters and system filters to the My Filters group.
Administrators can copy filters from any location to any destination.

Administrator You can deploy filters directly to individual read-write users, or copy
filters to and from the public Global Filters group, or the My Filters group. In
addition, filters can be allocated to user groups.

To copy filters from the Global filter group to the My Filters group:
1. Open the Filter Builder.
2. Choose Global Filters from the Available Filters list.
3. From the filter list, select the filter you want to copy. The page updates with
the filter properties.
4. Click Copy Filter.

188 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
5. Administrator Select the following check boxes to set access for the new filter:
Public To make the filter accessible by all users, select global. To add a system
filter, select system. All Web GUI users can select and copy global
Users Select the check boxes for the users who you want to grant access to
this filter. If the check box corresponding to a user is selected, the
selected filter is copied directly to the My Filters list for that user.
The list of users who can be granted access to the filter is based on the
value of the users.reload.mode property in the webgui_home_dir/etc/
server.init file. If this property is set to 0, all system users are
available. If set to 1, only users with either ncw_user or ncw_admin
roles are available.
For copying filters only: Select the check boxes for the groups to which
want to grant access to this filter. If the check box corresponding to a
group is selected, the selected filter is assigned to the user profiles of all
users who are a member of that group. The users can access the filter
under My Filters.
6. Click OK. The page updates and you are presented with a copy of the chosen
7. Make any modifications necessary to the filter configuration, and click Save.
The filter is saved to the My Filters group, and is now available for use in the
Filters list of the AEL.


For example, to copy a filter from the administrator's personal filter group to the
public group:
1. Choose My Filters from the Available Filters list.
2. From the filter list, select the filter you want to copy. The page updates with
the filter properties.
3. Click Copy Filter. The next page contains a grouped list of the possible filter
4. Select the global check box and click OK. The page updates and you are
presented with a copy of the chosen filter.
5. Make any modifications necessary to the filter configuration, and click Save.
The filter is saved to the global group. Users can now copy the filter from this
group to their personal My Filters group.

Deleting filters
Delete filters that are no longer required.

Before you begin

Remove the filter that you want to delete from any dependent filters. If you delete
a filter that is still specified in a dependent filter, the dependent filter might return
incorrect or misleading event information.

As a read-write user, you can delete only filters in the My Filters list. These filters
are assigned to your user.

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 189

You can delete filters assigned to your user, filters that are assigned to
other users, and global and system filters.
1. Open the Filter Builder.
2. From the Available Filters list, select the group that contains the filter to be
3. Select the filter and click Delete Filters.

Setting up views for event lists

Use the View Builder, which is an HTML utility, to build views for applying to an
Active Event List (AEL). Administrators and read-write users can create and edit

Open the View Builder from the following locations:

AEL Click Edit > Views.
Administrator Click Administration > Event Management Tools > Views.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

Creating views
Create views that are dynamically applied to Active Event List data. The views
determine what information is displayed from the available event data.

To create a view:
1. Open the View Builder.
2. Click New View.
3. Administrator Select the users you want to grant access to the view being created
and click OK.
Public To make the view accessible by all users, select global. To add a system
view, select system. All Web GUI users can select and copy global
Users Select the users whom you want to grant access to this view. The view
is copied to the My Views categories of all selected users.
The list of users who can be granted access to the view is based on the
setting of the users.reload.mode property in the webgui_home_dir/etc/
server.init file. If set to 0, all users are available. If set to 1, only users
with either ncw_user or ncw_admin roles are available.
4. Use the following fields and buttons to set the general properties for the view:
Name Type a name for the view. The view name may contain no spaces.
By default, the following characters may not be used in view names: $
! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
By default, the following characters may not be used as the initial
character of view names: / \ \ * ? " < > | & .

These invalid characters are defined in the following file:


190 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Data Source
Select the data source or data sources that contain the fields that you
want to be displayed in the view. Click Show Data Sources to display
a list of available data sources.

Important: For each view you must select at least one data source.
From this data source, the View Builder obtains the fields that you can
use in the view. If you select multiple data sources, the View Builder
displays a union of all the fields contained in all data sources. The data
sources selected in the View Builder are not used in the AEL to retrieve
event data. You select the data source or data sources from which event
data is retrieved in the portlet preferences for the AEL. If a view
specifies fields that do not exist in a data source, when the view and
the data source are applied to an AEL, the columns that represent the
non-existent fields are blank.
If you want to add a data source to an existing view, make sure that
the alerts.status table of the new data source contains all the fields that
the views specifies.

The default data source corresponds to the default

ObjectServer specified in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml
configuration file.
5. Click Save.

What to do next

You can now configure the view properties, or click Save and Close to save the
view and close the View Builder.
Related tasks
“Adding and removing columns”
“Configuring column titles and width” on page 192
“Changing the column order” on page 193
“Changing the sorting precedence” on page 194
“Changing the sort order in a column” on page 195

Adding and removing columns

Set what event information is displayed from the available event data. The selected
event data is added in columns to the AEL.

To add new event data to, or remove event data from the view:
1. Open the View Builder.
2. Select a view from the Available Views list. The page updates with the view
3. Use the following fields and buttons to add or remove event data from the
Available fields
Lists all available event data fields. The fields available are derived
from the alerts.status table in the ObjectServer. If you selected multiple
ObjectServers from the Data Source list, all fields from all ObjectServers
are displayed. Select the field of the event data you want to appear as a
new column in the event list. Click Add selected field to add the

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 191

selected event data field to the event list as a column. Click Add all
fields to add all fields to the event list as columns.
Event list view
Lists all the fields selected and displayed as columns in the event list.
Select the fields you want to remove from the event list. Click Remove
selected fields to remove the selected event data field from the event
list columns. Click Remove all fields to remove all fields from the
event list columns. Use the arrow buttons to the right of this list to
change the display order of the columns in the event list.
Lock column
Locks the selected column at the far left of the event list in the
view, so that the column is always displayed when you scroll
horizontally. Use the arrow buttons to the right of the list to
change the display order of the locked columns in the event
list. You cannot change the display order to mix locked
columns and unlocked columns.
4. Click Save to save the view and continue customizing the view, or click Save
and Close to save the view and close the View Builder.
If you click Save wait for your changes to be applied to the AEL before
continuing the customize the view.

Configuring column titles and width

Customize the columns that display event data.

To configure a column used in the view:

1. Open the View Builder.
2. Select a view from the Available Views list.
3. In the Event list view list, select a field.
The Column title field updates with the corresponding column title for the
selected field.
4. In the Column title field, type a new title for the column or keep the default.
5. Select the position of the title text in the column heading. Select an entry from
the Justify title drop-down menu to the right of the Column title field.
6. Select the position of the event data in the columns. Select an entry from the
Justify data drop-down menu to the right of the Column width field.
7. To change the width of a column, type a numeric value for the column width
in the Column width field.
8. Click Save to save the view and continue customizing the view, or click Save
and Close to save the view and close the View Builder.
If you click Save wait for your changes to be applied to the AEL before
continuing the customize the view.


After a field is moved between the Available fields list and the Event list view
list, the field retains any configurations you apply.

192 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Changing the column order
Set the horizontal left-to-right order of the event data columns in the view.

To change the order of columns within the view:

1. Open the View Builder.
2. Select a view from the Available views list. The page updates with the view
3. In the Event list view list, select a field.
4. Use the arrow buttons to the right of the list to change the display order of the
columns in the view. The buttons are described in the following table.
Table 23. View editor column order buttons
Button Action
Click Top to move the field to the top of the list. In the view, the field is
displayed as the column furthest to the left.
Click Up to move the selected field up one position in the list. In the view, the
field is displayed as the column to the left of the one listed below it in the Event
List View list.
Click Down to move the selected field down one position in the list. In the view,
the field is displayed as the column to the right of the one listed above it in the
Event List View list.
Click Bottom to move the selected field to the bottom of the list. In the view, the
field is displayed as the column furthest to the right in the view.

Locked columns are displayed at the top of the Event list view list. Unlocked
columns are always displayed beneath locked columns. You cannot change the
display order to mix locked columns and unlocked columns.
5. Click Save to save the view and continue customizing the view, or click Save
and Close to save the view and close the View Builder.
If you click Save wait for your changes to be applied to the AEL before
continuing the customize the view.
Related tasks
“Locking columns”

Locking columns
Lock columns that are important to you, so that the columns are always displayed
when you scroll horizontally Active Event List (AEL) to which the view is applied.

Locked columns are displayed at the left side of the view.

To lock columns:
1. Open the View Builder.
2. Select a view from the Available views list. The page updates with the view
3. In the Event list view area, select the field that represents the required column
and select the Lock column check box. The field moves to the top of the list
and the name changes to field_name [locked].
4. Lock all of the required columns.

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 193

5. Optional: If you have more than one locked column, change the order in which
the columns are displayed in the AEL. The top locked column is displayed as
the leftmost column of the view, and the bottom locked column is displayed to
the left of the first unlocked column.

Button Action
Moves the selected column to the top of the
list of locked columns.
Moves the selected column up the list of
locked columns.
Moves the selected column down the list of
locked columns.
Moves the selected column to the bottom of
the list of locked columns.

6. Click Save to save the view and continue customizing the view, or click Save
and Close to save the view and close the View Builder.
If you click Save wait for your changes to be applied to the AEL before
continuing the customize the view.

Changing the sorting precedence

Set the precedence of sorting principles.

The field at the top of the Sorted By list has the highest precedence when sorting.
If you add a second field to the list, and the first field contains a number of
identical entries, the second field is used to sort within those entries. To change the
sort order of columns in the view:
1. Open the View Builder.
2. Select a view from the Available views list. The page updates with the view
3. Use the following fields and buttons to add or remove fields to be used in
setting the sorting precedence:
Available sort fields
Lists all available event data fields that can be used to arrange which
data has a priority when the events are displayed in the event list. The
fields available are derived from the alerts.status table in the
ObjectServer. Select the field of the event data you want to display first
in the event list. Click Add selected field to add the selected event data
field to the event list as a priority. Click Add all fields to add all fields
to the event list. Then you can set the sorting precedence in the Sorted
by list.
Sorted by
Lists all the fields selected to be part of the sorting hierarchy. The field
at the top of the list has the highest precedence when sorting. If you
add a second field to the list, and the first field contains a number of
identical entries, the second field is used to sort within those entries.
Click Remove selected fields to remove the selected event data field
from the sorting hierarchy. Click Remove all fields to remove all fields
from the sorting hierarchy. Use the arrow buttons to the right of this
list to change the sorting hierarchy. The fields at the top of the list have
a higher priority when event data is displayed in the event list.

194 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
With an entry in the Sorted by list highlighted, click one of the direction
buttons to the right of the list. The buttons are summarized in the following
Table 24. View editor sort order buttons
Button Action
Click Top to move the field to the top of the list.

Click Up to move the selected field up one position.

Click Down to move the selected field down one position.

Click Bottom to move the selected field to the bottom of the list.

4. Click Save to save the view and continue customizing the view, or click Save
and Close to save the view and close the View Builder.
If you click Save wait for your changes to be applied to the AEL before
continuing the customize the view.

Changing the sort order in a column

Set the sorting order of the event data within a column to ascending or

In the Sorted by list, a suffix is placed next to each entry to indicate the sort order
of data within that field. By default, this entry is [desc], so the field is sorted in
descending alphabetical or alphanumerical order. The suffix [asc] indicates that
the field is sorted in ascending alphabetical, or alphanumerical order.

To change the direction of sorting within a field:

1. Open the View Builder.
2. Select a view from the Available views list. The page updates with the view
3. Select a field in the Sorted by list within the Sort Columns area.
4. Set the sort direction by selecting Ascending or Descending from the Sort list.
5. Click Save to save the view and continue customizing the view, or click Save
and Close to save the view and close the View Builder.
If you click Save wait for your changes to be applied to the AEL before
continuing the customize the view.

Copying global views

As a read write user or an administrator, you can copy global views and system
views to the My Views group.

To copy views from the Global view list to the My Views group:
1. Open the View Builder.
2. From the Available Views list, select either Global Views or System Views.
3. From the view list, select the view you want to copy.
The page updates with the view properties.
4. Click Copy View.

Chapter 5. Filtering event information 195

5. Administrator From the Users list, select your user name.
6. Click OK.
The copy of the view is displayed. By default, the view name is set to
7. Edit the view as required.
8. Click Save to save the view and continue customizing the view, or click Save
and Close to save the view and close the View Builder.
If you click Save wait for your changes to be applied to the AEL before
continuing the customize the view.


The view is saved in your user profile. In the Active Event List (AEL), when you
select the view from the Views list, the view is applied to the AEL.

196 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information
In environments that deal with very high numbers of alerts, use the event
visualization components to give you an overview of the available data.

While the Active Event List, Lightweight Event List, and the Table View give
detailed and interactive representations of alert status within a network, use the
following event visualization components for a comparative and high-level view of
the alerts:
Charts Use charts to represent event information against scales that indicate the
values of the information.
Event Dashboards
Use Event Dashboards to represent multiple SQL queries against the alerts
tables of the ObjectSever.
Use gauges to display the values of metrics.
Maps Use maps to obtain an interactive representation of a network.

Visualizing event information on Event Dashboards

Use the Event Dashboard portlet to maintain a high-level overview of events that
match SQL queries. From the Event Dashboard dashboard, you can open an Active
Event List (AEL) to investigate events in depth.

To open the default Event Dashboard, click Availability > Events > Event

Event Dashboard overview

Use this window to view one or more categories of alert information. Each alert
category is depicted by a monitor box, which represents a filter.

About monitor boxes

A monitor box contains the following buttons and fields:

Filter name
Displays the name of the filter that is associated with this monitor box.

To edit the filter, click Edit Filters next to the filter name. The Filter
Builder is opened, and the data and SQL query associated with the filter
are loaded.
Total This value represents the total number of events that match the filter.
This value represents the highest severity among the alerts that match the
This value represents the lowest severity among the alerts that match the

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 197

Metric This value represents a calculation that is applied to the alerts that match
the filter. This derived value shows the average, sum, lowest, or highest
value of a selected column in the alerts database table that is being
queried by the filter.
Distribution meter
This area shows the severity distribution of the alerts that match the filter.
The colors used in the bars are preconfigured to identify the different
severity levels.
In the portlet preferences, you can configure the Event Dashboard to
perform actions when you click the distribution meter. In the Preferences
window, you can specify how the distribution meter is displayed: as a
histogram or in a lava lamp format. You can also switch off the
distribution meter.

You must make sure that the data sources specified in the filter and the data
sources selected in the Event Dashboard contain identical fields; if this is not the
case, an error message is displayed in the affected monitor boxes instead of event
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Setting up filters for event data” on page 178
“Setting Event Dashboard portlet preferences and defaults” on page 120
“Adding monitor boxes to Event Dashboard portlets”
“Deleting monitor boxes from Event Dashboards” on page 199
“Customizing monitor box information” on page 200
“Changing the event information displayed on monitor boxes” on page 200
“Customizing the monitor boxes on Event Dashboards” on page 201
“Freezing and unfreezing Event Dashboards” on page 202
“Monitoring events in the AEL” on page 263

Adding monitor boxes to Event Dashboard portlets

To add a new monitor box to an Event Dashboard portlet, use the Filter Builder to
add a new filter.

As a read-write user you can add filters to the My Filters list. The filters in this list
are assigned to your user profile.

You can add filters to the My Filters list, and to the user profiles of read-write
users. You can also add global filters.

To add monitor boxes to an Event Dashboard portlet:

1. Open an Event Dashboard portlet.

2. To open the Filter Builder, click Edit Filters .

3. From the Available Filters list, select My Filters.
4. Select the level of access for the filter:

v To make the filter available to all users, select Global Filters.

v To assign the filter to a specific user, select the required user name.
5. Click Add Filter.

198 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
6. Use the Filter Builder to create the required filter.
7. Click Save to save the filter, or click Save and Close to save the filter and close
the Filter Builder.


A new monitor box that displays the events matching the filter is added to the
Event Dashboard portlet.
Related concepts
“Event Dashboard overview” on page 197
“Filter Builder overview” on page 178
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Creating and editing filters in basic mode” on page 179
“Creating and editing filters in advanced mode” on page 182
“Creating and editing dependent filters” on page 184

Deleting monitor boxes from Event Dashboards

To delete a monitor box from an Event Dashboard portlet, delete the filter that
corresponds to the monitor box.

Before you begin

As a read-write user, you can delete filters that are assigned to your user. In the
Filter Builder, these filters are contained in the My Filters list.

Administrator You can delete filters assigned to your user, filters that are assigned to
other users, and global and system filters.

To delete monitor boxes from an Event Dashboard portlet:

1. Open an Event Dashboard portlet and note the name of the filter that you want
to delete.

2. To open the Filter Builder, on the tool bar, click Edit Filters .
3. In the Filter Builder, from the Available Filters list, select the list that contains
the required filter:
v To delete a filter associated with your user, select My Filters.
v Select Global Filters, System Filters, or the user name associated
with the required filter.
4. From the list, select the filter that you want to delete and click Delete.
5. Click OK.


The monitor box that corresponded to the deleted filter is no longer displayed on
the Event Dashboard portlet.

Administrator If you delete a global filter, the monitor box is immediately removed
from the Event Dashboard.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 199

Related concepts
“Event Dashboard overview” on page 197
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

Customizing monitor box information

To change the information that is displayed on a monitor box on an Event
Dashboard portlet, edit the filter that controls the monitor box.

As a read-write user, you can edit only filters that are assigned to your user. In the
Filter Builder, these filters are contained in the My Filters list.

You can delete filters assigned to your user, filters that are assigned to
other users, and global and system filters.
1. On an Event Dashboard portlet, next to the filter name of the required monitor

box, click Edit Filters .

The Filter Builder opens, and the selected filter is loaded.
2. Edit the general properties of the filter.
3. Edit the SQL query of the filter by using either Basic mode or Advanced mode.
4. If the filter is a dependent filter, edit the dependencies.
5. To save your changes, click Save and Close.
Related concepts
“Event Dashboard overview” on page 197
“Filter Builder overview” on page 178
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Creating and editing filters in basic mode” on page 179
“Creating and editing filters in advanced mode” on page 182
“Creating and editing dependent filters” on page 184

Changing the event information displayed on monitor boxes

To specify the type of information displayed in the monitor boxes, and the format
of that information, use the Event Dashboard preferences.

To change the information on the monitor boxes:

1. On an Event Dashboard portlet, click Edit Preferences .

2. On the Preferences window, click Monitor Boxes and complete the fields as
Show Number of Alerts
Displays the number of alerts that match the filter.
Show Highest Severity
Displays the highest severity of the alerts that match the filter.
Show Lowest Severity
Displays the lowest severity of the alerts that match the filter.
Show Highest Severity Border
Displays a border around the monitor box in the color of the
highest-severity alert that matches the filter.

200 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Show Metric
Displays the selected filter metric value.
Show Highest Color
Applicable only if you selected the Show Highest Severity option:
Displays the highest-severity alert indicator in the color of the alert, for
example, in red if the highest-severity alert is critical.
Show Lowest Color
Applicable only if you selected the Show Lowest Severity option:
Displays the lowest-severity alert indicator in the color of the alert.
Font Select the font and the font size for the text on the monitor boxes.
Distribution meter
Specify the format for the distribution meter:
v Show Lava Lamp: Displays the distribution meter as a series of
horizontal bars.
v Show Histogram: Displays the distribution meter as a bar graph.
v Show None: Switches off the distribution meter.
3. Save the settings for use in the current session, or for future sessions:
v To use these preferences in the current session only, click Apply.
v To use these preferences in future sessions, click Save.
4. Optional: If the Event Dashboard is configured to open an Active Event List
(AEL), click the other tabs and change the AEL settings.
5. To exit the Preferences window, click Close.
Related concepts
“Event Dashboard overview” on page 197
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Changing the AEL refresh rate” on page 133
“Enabling notifications and setting notification criteria” on page 136
“Enabling flashing and setting flash speed and brightness” on page 137
“Modifying the AEL font and window settings” on page 137
“Modifying the AEL date and time format” on page 138
“Changing how event severity is depicted in the AEL” on page 140
“Customizing the monitor boxes on Event Dashboards”

Customizing the monitor boxes on Event Dashboards

Use the portlet preferences of the Event Dashboard portlet to control how the
monitor boxes are arranged, and which monitor boxes are displayed.

Before you begin

To change the portlet preferences of an Event Dashboard portlet, your user must
be assigned the ncw_dashboard_editor role.

You control the layout of the monitor boxes in the Dashboard Layout area of the
Edit Event Dashboard Portlet Preferences window.
1. On an Event Dashboard portlet, click Edit .
2. To restore the default settings for the portlet, as specified by the administrator,
click Reset to Defaults.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 201

3. To remove monitor boxes from the layout, use the following options:
v To remove a single monitor box, on the monitor box, click Remove Monitor

Box .

v To remove all monitor boxes, click Remove All Monitor Boxes .

4. To add a new filter, and a new monitor box, click Edit Filters and use the
Filter Builder to specify the properties of the filter and the SQL query.

Tip: If you want all new filters to be automatically added as monitor boxes to
the Event Dashboard, select Show All Filters.
5. To restore a previously-removed monitor box, or add a new filter as a monitor

box, click Add Monitor Box and, from the list, select the required monitor
box. The monitor boxes are listed by filter name.
6. To show all filters on the layout (that is, all global filters and all filters assigned
to your user in the My Filters list) select Show All Filters.

Tip: To display only a subset of the available filters:

a. Select Show All Filters to display all the available filters.
b. Clear Show All Filters.
c. Remove the monitor boxes that you do not require.

7. To change the appearance of the Event Dashboard, click Edit Preferences

and change the settings under Monitor Boxes.
8. To change the arrangement of the monitor boxes on the Event Dashboard,
proceed as follows:
a. To change the number of columns in which the monitor boxes are arranged,
in the Columns list, select or type the required number.
b. Drag the monitor boxes into the required arrangement.
9. To save and apply your settings to the portlet, click OK.
Related concepts
“Event Dashboard overview” on page 197
“Filter Builder overview” on page 178
Related tasks
“Changing the event information displayed on monitor boxes” on page 200
“Creating and editing filters in basic mode” on page 179
“Creating and editing filters in advanced mode” on page 182

Freezing and unfreezing Event Dashboards

To take a snapshot of the alert information before it is changed by updates from
the ObjectServer, you can freeze all the monitor boxes on the Event Dashboard.

v To freeze the monitor boxes, click Freeze/Unfreeze .

The updates from the ObjectServer are suppressed. On the status bar of the
portlet, the Auto refresh in countdown is paused.
v To unfreeze the monitor boxes and obtain the updates from the ObjectServer,
click Freeze/Unfreeze
On the status bar of the portlet, the Auto refresh in countdown resumes.

202 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
v Optional: To force a refresh of the monitor boxes independently of the refresh

rate, click Refresh .

Related concepts
“Event Dashboard overview” on page 197

Customizing Active Event List actions on Event Dashboards

To customize the actions that you can execute from an Event Dashboard portlet,
and from an Active Event List (AEL) that is opened from the Event Dashboard, use
the portlet preferences.

Before you begin

To change the portlet preferences of an Event Dashboard portlet, your user must
be assigned the ncw_dashboard_editor role.
1. On an Event Dashboard portlet, click Edit .
2. In the Single-click list, select the action that you want to be performed when
you click the distribution meter.
v Update AEL on Same Page: Sets the filter and view for any AEL applet that
is displayed on the same page as an Event Dashboard.
v Open New AEL Window: Opens a new AEL applet with the filter and
default view associated with the clicked monitor box. If you select this
option, you can specify what actions are executed when you click or
double-click a row in the AEL.
v Script: Executes a custom JavaScript when you click the monitor box.
3. Optional: If you selected the Script option, type a Java script in the Script field.
You can use the following tokens in the script:
The name of the filter associated with the monitor box that is clicked.
The data source of the monitor box that is clicked.
The portlet namespace of the Event Dashboard portlet.

For sample scripts, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and
Deployment Guide.
4. Optional: If you selected the Open AEL in New Window option, select the
actions that you want to be performed when you click or double-click a row in
the AEL.
v Event list single-click action: Select the action to perform when you click an
event in the AEL once. You can select default actions, such as opening the
information window for the selected event, or you can select tools to be run
on event data. You can create tools in the Tool Creation editor.
v Event list double-click action: Select the action to perform when you
double-click an event in the AEL. You can select default actions, such as
opening the information window for the selected event, or you can select
tools to be run on event data. You can create tools in the Tool Creation editor.
5. Under AEL Appearance, specify the areas of the AEL that you want to be
displayed. Make these settings only if you selected Open AEL in New Window
from the Single-Click Action list.
6. To save and apply your settings to the portlet, click OK.
Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 203

The following example shows the script that is executed if the Update AEL option is
selected, and you click the distribution indicator of a monitor box.
var ev = { "name" : "http://ibm.com/TIP#itnmBroadcastEvent" ,
"item_entityName" : $(FILTER),
"item_dataSource" : $(DATASOURCE)

For more information about creating scripts that run from the Event Dashboard,
see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI Administration and User's Guide.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

Creating a page with an Event Dashboard and Active Event

To obtain a high-level overview of events and be able to jump to an in-depth view
of specific events, create a page that contains the Event Dashboard portlet and the
Active Event List (AEL) applet, and customize the Event Dashboard to refresh the
AEL when you click a monitor box.

Before you begin

To create pages in Tivoli Integrated Portal, your user requires the iscadmins role.
1. From the navigation, click Settings > Page Management.
2. On the Page Management page, click New Page.
3. Provide a descriptive name for the page and choose its location in the
navigation tree. Then Click Save.
4. On the Choose a Portlet page, select Event Dashboard and click OK.
5. Click Horizontal Split .
6. On the Choose a Portlet page that is displayed below the Event Dashboard
portlet, select Active Event List (AEL) and click OK.
7. Click Save.
8. To specify user access to the page:
a. Click Roles with Access to this Page and click Add.
b. From the Available Roles list, select the required roles and click Add.
9. Optional: If you have defined Tivoli Integrated Portal views, add the page to a
a. Click View Membership and click Add.
b. From the Available Views list, select the required views and click Add.
10. Click Save.
11. To customize the Event Dashboard to refresh the AEL:
a. On the Event Dashboard portlet toolbar, click Edit options > Edit

Tip: To set the portlet preferences for all users, click Edit options > Edit
b. From the Single-Click Action list, select Update AEL on Same Page.
c. Click OK.

204 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
12. To test the interaction between the Event Dashboard portlet and the AEL
applet, in the Event Dashboard, click the distribution indicator of one of the
monitor boxes.


On the page, the AEL is updated and now contains only the events that are
captured by the filter specified for the monitor box.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Setting Event Dashboard portlet preferences and defaults” on page 120

Visualizing event information on maps

You can use maps to graphically represent the status of a network.
Related concepts
“About maps”

About maps
Maps are Web applets that you use to create a view of a network, for example of a
network topology or a geographical overview. You can overlay a background
image with interactive widgets, called map objects, that can be configured to display
alert data, and to open event lists for a detailed view of the network.

Map resources

Map resources are the background graphic for the map or any icons that you want
to use as map objects. The background typically represents a network topology or
a geography, although you do not have to specify a background image. Default
graphics and icons are provided; alternatively, you can upload additional
background images and icons as map resources. Map resources can be .gif files,
.jpeg files, or .png files.

Map objects

Map objects are items that you can put on a map, to represent part of a network
topology, for example. Map objects include buttons, lines, or icons.

After you have put an object on a map, you can customize the appearance and
behavior of the map object, which are determined by the type of map object. The
types of map object are as follows:
Active objects
Map objects that can display alert severity information. You associate an
active object with a filter; when the map is displayed, the color of an active
object changes to show the highest severity status alert that is captured by
the filter. You can also turn on hover help for the object, which displays
information from the filter.
Inactive objects
Map objects that do not display alert severity information, and can be
associated only with the URL of another Web page, for example, a page
that contains another map.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 205

Monitor boxes
Use monitor boxes to display detailed alert severity information on a map.
You associate a monitor box with a filter; when the map is displayed, the
distribution meter of the monitor box displays the range of events captured
by the filter. You can customize the distribution meter to be a histogram or
lavalamp; you can also customize the appearance of the monitor box.
Text Use a text object to write text directly onto a map.

Active map objects, monitor boxes and text objects can be associated with the
following applets and pages:
v Active Event List (AEL)
v Lightweight Event List (LEL)
v Table View
v URL of a Web page, for example, a page that contains another map

Map preferences

Each map has a number of preferences, that determine its overall appearance. You
can adjust these preferences to suit your needs and the use that the map is put to.
Map name
The identity of the displayed map. You can choose from a number in a
drop-down list.
Sound URL
The URL of a sound file to play when the map is updated due to a refresh
Refresh rate
the time (in seconds) between refresh operation on the map.
Hover help for active objects
Determines whether to display hover help for active objects on the map
that are associated with filters. This can help users determine what action
is associated with an object.
Status bar
Determines whether to display a status bar with the map. The bar includes
a countdown timer until the next refresh operation.
Use Customiser
Determines whether to use the height specified in the map or the value
specified in the Height preference.
Specifies the height to use when displaying the map. This value works in
conjunction with the Use Customiser preference. When in use this value
overrides the height specified in the map definition.

Map editors

To add map objects to a map, and customize the map objects, use the Java Map
Editor, which provides a graphical interface for customizing maps, or the HTML
Map Editor, in which you customize the map by writing HTML code in a text

206 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Publishing maps

To make maps visible to other users, add the maps to the navigation in Tivoli
Integrated Portal.

First, you create a page in the Tivoli Integrated Portal. Then, you add either of the
following portlets to the page:
v Map
v Web widget

Finally, you reference the map by editing the portlet preferences.

Related tasks
Chapter 5, “Filtering event information,” on page 175
“Visualizing event information on maps” on page 205

Previewing maps
As an administrator, after Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus is installed, to familiarize
yourself with maps, you can view sample maps that are deployed within the Web

The Web GUI provides three default maps that communicate with a simnet probe.
The simnet probe sends simulated events to the ObjectServer; the probe is
provided with Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus. After you start the simnet probe, the
maps are populated with events.

To preview maps:
1. To run the simnet probe, from the command-line interface, enter the following
$NCHOME/omnibus/probes/nco_p_simnet -server NETCOOLPRI
2. In Tivoli Integrated Portal, click Administration > Event Management Tools >
Example Maps.
v To view a sample customer map that uses active buttons to open Active
Event Lists, click Customers
v To view a sample eCommerce map that uses active icons, represented by the
default graphics, click eCommerce
v To view a sample network on a geographical map that uses active buttons to
open monitor boxes, click Geographic

Creating maps
After you have added the resources that you want to use in your map, you can
create the map itself.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 207

Creating maps using the Java Map Editor
Use the Java Map Editor to create and edit maps.

To create a map using the Java Map Editor:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools > Maps > Map Creation.
2. To open the Java Map Editor, click Java > New.
3. In the Java Map Editor applet, type a name for your map in the Input field.
The map name must be alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces.
4. Click OK.

What to do next

You can now customize the map properties using the Java Map Editor.
Related tasks
“Customizing maps using the Java Map Editor” on page 209

Creating maps using the HTML Map Editor

Use the HTML Map Editor to create and edit maps.

To create a map by using the HTML Map Editor:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools > Maps > Map Creation.
2. Click HTML and then click New.
3. In the HTML Map Editor, use the following fields and buttons to provide the
map settings:
Map name
Type a name for the map. The map name must be alphanumeric and
cannot contain spaces.
Group name
Select the group for which you want to grant access to the map. The *
group grants access to all users including any new users you create.
Background image
Type the name of a background image, for example background.gif.
The image must be in either GIF or JPEG format and must be uploaded
as a map resource.
Background color
Type the color for the background.
Type the height of the page in pixels.
Width Type width of the page in pixels.
4. Click Submit.

What to do next

You can now specify the details of the new map by using HTML map editing
commands in a text editor.
Related tasks
“Customizing maps in HTML” on page 220

208 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Customizing maps
After you have created your map, you can customize it by added map objects to
the map, and editing the properties of the map objects.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

Customizing maps using the Java Map Editor

After you have created a map, use the Java Map Editor to add active or inactive
objects to the map, and configure the properties of the objects. Also customize the
properties of the map, such as the access permissions, size, and background image.

To customize a map using the Java Map Editor:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools > Maps > Map Creation.
2. Select the map that you want to customize.
3. Click Java and then click Modify.


The Java Map Editor is launched with the properties of the selected map loaded.

What to do next

Now use the Java Map Editor to customize the map properties and the map

Setting access to a map:

You can define which user group has access to a map.

To restrict access to a map to a specific user group:

1. Open the Java Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the Group Access select the user group that has access to the map.
To specify unrestricted access to a map, choose the entry *.

Note: Users with the mcw_admin role can edit any map on the system.
However, they can view only unrestricted maps or maps available to groups
that the users are members of.
3. Click File > Save to save the settings of the map.

Setting map size and background:

Use the Java Map Editor to set the background image for your map. Use the Color
Picker to set the background color for your map.

To set the size and background of the map:

1. Open the Java Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. Use the following fields and buttons to set the size and the background
properties of the map:
Map Size
Set the width and height of the map in pixels.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 209

Set the background color for the map using the Open a color picker
Select a background image for the map from the list. The image
overlays the background color. When you select a background image,
the size of the map in pixels is automatically resized to the size of the
background image.

Tip: Images that have been saved as resources for the current map
appear in this list, and a number of generic images are provided by
3. Select Server > Resync to update the available images for the map. After
adding a new resource, you must always update the Java Map Editor to
include the new resource in the list of available items to be used in maps.
4. Click File > Save to save the settings of the map.
Related concepts
“Color picker” on page 219
Related tasks
“Previewing map resources” on page 229

Setting the map grid for assistance:

Map items can be moved within the map by using either the mouse or the cursor
keys. Use the grid feature to assist you in positioning and aligning these items.

To turn on the grid feature:

1. Open the Java Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. Click View and select the Show Grid check box. Alternatively, you can use
Ctrl+G to switch on (and off) the map grid.
3. If it is not already selected, select the Snap to Grid check box in the View
menu. When this feature is turned on, it causes all items on the map to snap to
the nearest adjacent top and left-side grid lines.
If the Snap to Grid check box is not selected, you can also select the
Autolayout option from the View menu to initiate an automatic adjustment of
all objects on the map to the nearest adjacent top and left-side grid lines.
4. Resize the cell spacing of the map grid by selecting Grid Size from the View
menu, and entering the desired cell space (in pixels).


The placement of map items is now controlled by their proximity to the adjacent
top and left-side grid lines.

210 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Adding map objects and resources:

Use the Java Map Editor to add map resources, such as the background graphic for
the map and graphics that you want to use as map objects, and also to add the
map objects.

Map resources can be .gif files, .jpeg files, or .png files.

To add map resources and map objects:

1. Open the Java Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. To add map resources:
a. Click File > Import Image.
b. Select the required image and click Open.
c. Click OK.
d. Repeat until you have added all the required map resources.
3. To set the background for the map, select an option from the Background area:
v To add a background color, click the Color Picker, or type a color in the field.
v To use a map resource for the background image, for example, a
geographical map, select a resource from the list.
If you select a map resource, the size of the map snaps to the size of the
4. Add the required map objects:

v To add a active button, click Active rectangle button

Optionally, specify the shape of the button; Rectangle, rounded rectangle or

v To add an inactive button, click Rectangle button

Optionally, specify the shape of the button; Rectangle, rounded rectangle or

v To add an active icon, click New active icon

Icons are added with a default placeholder graphic; you specify the graphic
when you edit the properties of the map object.

v To add an inactive icon, click New icon

Icons are added with a default placeholder graphic; you specify the graphic
when you edit the properties of the map object.

v To add an active line, click New active line

v To add an inactive line, click New line

v To add a monitor box, click Lavalamp Monitor

Optionally, specify the format of the distribution indicator: Lavalamp or

v To add a text object, click New text

5. Position the mouse pointer where you want to add the object on the map and
click the map.
The new object is placed on the map.
6. To add all the required map objects, repeat steps 4 and 5.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 211

What to do next

You can now edit the properties of the map objects.

Setting map object properties:

The properties of a map object control the appearance of the object and the
information associated with it; the properties also include the name and the label.
Depending on the type of object, the properties that you can set are displayed

Before you begin

In the case of image objects, if you want to add a new image to an object, you
must have added the image as a map resource. After you have added a new
resource, you must refresh the Java Map Editor window.

In the case of monitor box objects, if you select extra information to be displayed
on an monitor box (step 9b on page 213), you must make sure that the dimensions
of the monitor box are large enough to accommodate the information. If the
dimensions are too small, none of these details can be displayed and the monitor
box might resemble a button on the map.

To configure the properties of a map object:

1. Open the Java Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. To open the Properties window, double-click the required object on the map.
3. Click Properties.
4. In the Name field, type the name of the object. Each object on a map must
have a unique name.
5. In the Label field, type the label that you want to be displayed in the status
bar of the Web browser when the mouse pointer is hovered over the object.
6. In the Translucency field, type a percentage value to control the level of
translucency. 100% means that the object is completely translucent.

Tip: For active map objects: To use the glowing background effect for event
severity, set a low translucency value.
7. To enable a shadow for the map object, select Show Shadow.
8. If the object is a button, set the following additional properties:
a. Under Type, select the shape of the button.

Tip: If you selected a rounded rectangle or elliptical button, to specify the

corner radius of the button, click Size & Position and type a value in the
Arc Diameter field.
b. From the Legend list, select the text or value that you want displayed on
the button.
None No text or value is displayed on the button.
Label Displays the text entered in the Label field.
Count For active buttons only: Displays the total number of alerts for the
Metric For active buttons only: Displays the metric measurement.
9. If the object is a monitor box, set the following additional properties

212 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
a. Under Type, specify how you want the distribution indicator to be
b. Specify which information about alert distribution you want to be
displayed on the monitor box:
Show Label
Displays the label of monitor box, as entered in the Label field
Show Total
Displays the total number of alerts in the distribution.
Show Highest
Displays the highest severity recorded for the alert distribution.
Show Lowest
Displays the lowest severity recorded for the alert distribution.
Show Metric
Displays the metric measurement.
Show Severity Border
Displays a color border around the monitor box border showing
the highest alert severity.

Tip: Select this option if the alert distribution is large and the total
number of alerts at the highest severity level is too small to appear
in the distribution indicator.
10. If the object is an icon, set the following additional properties:
a. Active icons only: Under Type, select the shape of the highlight bar that
displays the event severity color.

Tip: If you selected a rounded rectangle or elliptical button, to specify the

corner radius of the button, click Size & Position and type a value in the
Arc Diameter field.
b. Active icons only: From the Legend list, select the text or value that you
want to be displayed on the icon.
None No text or value is displayed on the icon.
Count Displays the total number of alerts for the filter.
Metric Displays the metric measurement.
c. From the Image list, select the image that you want to be displayed on the
11. To save the settings, click OK.
12. To resynchronize the Java Map Editor with the Web GUI server, click Server >

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 213

Linking map objects with URLs:

You can associate a map object with a URL. In the map, when the object is clicked,
the URL is opened. The URL can point to a SmartPage template or other resource,
such as a CGI script.

Before you begin

CGI scripts must be registered before you can link a map object to the script.

If you link an active map object with a URL, you do not have to assign a filter.

Restriction: You cannot associate inactive icons or inactive lines with a URL.

To link a active map object to a URL:

1. Open the Java Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. To open the Properties window, double-click the required object on the map.
3. Click Associations.
4. From the Action list, select Open URL.
5. To link the object with a resource on the Web GUI server, in the URL field,
type the URL of the resource.
To open an Active Event List (AEL), type a URL as shown in the following

Where the parameters are as follows:

Resolves to protocol://server:port/context-root/webtop. This enables
maps to be transported to other Web GUI servers. The value context-root
refers to the context root of the Web GUI. This can be configured during
installation and the default value is ibm/console.
A data source defined in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml data source
configuration file. If you do not specify this parameter, the default data
source is used. For more information about the default data source, see
the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide.

Tip: If you have defined multiple data sources, you can specify them in
the string by using a comma-separated list, as shown in the following

If you specify multiple data sources, make sure that the filter, either a
predefined filter or a transient filter, queries fields that are contained in all
data sources. If you select a data source that is not defined in the filter, an
error message is displayed in the AEL instead of event data.
The name of the filter that you want to apply. If you do not specify this
parameter, the default filter is used.
If you do not specify a filtertype parameter, all filter types are searched
to identify a matching filter.

214 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
The type of filter that you want to apply. Use this parameter together with
the filtername parameter. Possible values are as follows:
v global
v system
v user
v user_transient
A view that overrides the default view associated with the filter. If you do
not specify this parameter, the default view associated with the filter is
6. To link the object to a SmartPage template:

a. Click Open the Template builder dialog .

b. In the URL Build Tool window, select a SmartPage template type from the
c. Enter the value of any variables contained in the template SmartPage tag
source code.
For example, in the table.html template, you must provide a map name
that corresponds to the Map_Name variable, and an entity name that
corresponds to the Filter_Name and Filter_Type variable.
d. Click OK.
In the URL field, the template address and SmartPage tag variable details are
displayed as a query string, for example:
7. In the Target field, specify how you want the resource to be displayed:
v To display the resource in a named IFrame portlet, type the name of the
v To display the resource in same frame as the map, replacing the map, select
v To display the resource in new Web browser window, select _blank.
v To display the resource in the parent frame set containing the source link,
select _parent.
v To display the resource in the frame containing the source link, select _top.
8. From the Data Source list, select a data source.
The default is the default data source specified in the
ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml data source configuration file.
9. Active icons only: From the Feedback list, specify how event information is
displayed in the icon:
v Fill Background: The icon background changes color to denote event
severity. If you select this option, the icon must have transparent areas for
the feedback color to be visible in the map.
v Highlight Bar: A bar is displayed below the map object. The bar changes
color to denote event severity. To select the shape of the highlight bar,
change the Type setting on the Properties tab.
v Glow Background: The background of the icon changes color to denote
event severity. If you select this option, change the Translucency setting on
the Properties tab so that you can see the severity color behind the icon.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 215

10. To save the settings, click OK.
Related tasks
Chapter 5, “Filtering event information,” on page 175
“Registering CGI scripts” on page 149
Related reference
Appendix F, “URLs for opening Web GUI pages,” on page 307

Linking map objects with event lists:

You can associate an active map object with an Active Event List (AEL),
Lightweight Event List (LEL), or Table View. When you click the object, the
specified event list is opened.

To link an active map object with an event list, you must assign a filter to the
object. If you do not assign a filter to an active button or an active line, the button
or line is not displayed correctly on the published map. In the Java Map Editor,
active buttons or lines to which no filters are assigned are yellow.

Restriction: You can assign only global filters and system filters to an active map
object. You cannot assign user filters.

To link an active map object with an event list:

1. Open the Java Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. To open the Properties window, double-click the required object on the map.
3. Click Associations.
4. From the Actions list, select the event list that you want to be opened when
you click the map object:
v To open an AEL, click Active Event List (AEL)
v To open an LEL, click Lightweight Event List (LEL)
v To open a Table View, click Event Table
5. In the Target field, specify how the resource will be displayed:
v To display the event list in a named IFrame, type the name of the IFrame
v To display the event list in the full current browser window, replacing the
map, select _self
v To display the event list in a new browser window, select _blank
v To display the event list in the parent frame set containing the source link,
select _parent
v To display the event list in the frame containing the source link, select _top
6. From the Filters list, select the required filter.
7. From the Data Source list, select one or more data sources.
The default corresponds to the default data source specified in the
ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml data source configuration file.
If you select a data source that is not defined in the selected filter, or if the data
source contains fields that are not defined in the filter, an error message is
displayed. You must select a filter in which the required data source is defined.
8. Active icons only: From the Feedback list, specify how event information is
displayed in the icon:
v Fill Background: The icon background changes color to denote event
severity. If you select this option, the icon must have transparent areas for
the feedback color to be visible in the map.

216 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
v Highlight Bar: A bar is displayed below the map object. The bar changes
color to denote event severity. To select the shape of the highlight bar, change
the Type setting on the Properties tab.
v Glow Background: The background of the icon changes color to denote
event severity. If you select this option, change the Translucency setting on
the Properties tab so that you can see the severity color behind the icon.
9. To save the settings, click OK.

Setting the size and positions of map objects:

You can set the size of a map object, and you can specify the position of a map
object within your map.

To configure the size and position of a map object:

1. Open the Java Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. Open the map object Properties window using one of the following methods:
v Double-click the object on the map.
v Select the map object and click Edit > Properties.
v Right-click an object and selecting Properties from the context menu.
3. Click the Size & Position tab.
4. Enter the distance in pixels from the left of the object to the left of the page in
the X field. If the object is a line, enter a line-end coordinate in the X2 field.
5. Enter the distance in pixels from the top of the object to the top of the page in
the Y field. If the object is a line, enter a line-end coordinate in the Y2 field.
6. Enter the width of the object in pixels in the Width field (buttons, monitor
boxes, and active icons only).
7. Enter the height of the object in pixels in the Height field (buttons, monitor
boxes, and active icons only).
8. If the map object is a Rounded Rectangle button or icon, you can change the
arc of the corners by entering the diameter, in pixels, in the Arc Diameter

Tip: If Feedback is set to Fill Background in the Associations tab of an active

icon, and the shape setting on the Properties tab is set to Rounded rectangle,
you can modify the shape of the background color swatch by entering the
diameter in the Arc Diameter field.
9. If the map object is a line, enter the thickness of the line in pixels in the
Thickness field. The default thickness is 1.
10. Click OK to save the settings.

Setting the color and font of map objects:

You can set the color and font of active map objects.

To specify color, you have the following options:

v Click Color picker to select a color.
v Type a permitted color name. Permitted entries are as follows:
– black
– blue
– cyan
– darkGray

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 217

– green
– lightGray
– magenta
– orange
– pink
– red
– white
– yellow
v Type the RGB hexadecimal value of a color (for example #FFFFCC).

Restriction: You cannot set the color of the following objects:

v Active buttons
v Active icons
v Inactive icons
v Active lines
You cannot set fonts for the following objects:
v Inactive icons
v Active lines
v Inactive lines

To configure the color and font of a map object:

1. Open the Java Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. On the map, right-click the required object and click Properties.
3. Click Colors & Font.
4. For inactive buttons:
a. In the Color field, specify the required color.
b. To make the button translucent, select the Translucency check box. For
example, you might want to display only the text on the button, and no

Tip: If you create a translucent button that is the full size of the map and
then place objects on top of it, the background behind the objects becomes
clickable. You can make part of a .gif file clickable by drawing a
translucent rectangle button over the required part of the .gif file.
c. To change the appearance of the legend, select a font, a font size, and font
5. For active buttons: To change the appearance of the legend, select a font, a
font size, font color, and font style.
6. For monitor boxes:
a. In the Foreground field and Background field, specify the required color.
b. To change the appearance of the label, select a font, a font size, font color,
and font style.
7. For active icons: To change the appearance of the label, select a font, a font
size, font color, and font style.
8. For inactive lines: In the color field, specify the required color.
9. For text:
a. Select a font, a font size, font style, justification, and font color.

218 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
b. To rotate the text, in the Rotation field, type the required value in degrees.
The text rotates counter clockwise by the specified angle.
10. To save the settings, click OK.
11. To resynchronize the Java Map Editor with the Web GUI server, click Server >

Color picker:

The color picker is used to select the color of the map background, inactive
buttons, lines, and text.
v When used to change the map background color, the Color Picker button is
located to the right of the Background drop-down menu. The button displays
the current background color.
v When used to change the color of inactive buttons, lines, or text, the Color
Picker button is located on the Color & Font tab in the Properties window for
the selected map object. The button displays the current color of the button, line,
or text object.

When you click the Color Picker button, the Select a Color window is displayed.

The Select a Color window contains the following tabs:

v The Swatches tab shows a selection of predefined colors. Click a color to select
it. The selected color is displayed in the sample color box. Click OK to apply the
color to the background or to an item on the map.
v From the HSB tab you can choose the hue, saturation, and brightness of the
color. Select the color from the chart, or enter the numerical values for hue,
saturation, and brightness. The selected color appears in the sample color box.
Click OK to apply the color to the background or to an item on the map.
v From the RGB tab you can specify the red, green, and blue color scales either by
using the slider controls or by entering the numerical values. The selected color
appears in the sample color box. Click OK to apply the color to the background
or to an item on the map.
v The Severity tab shows the colors used for severity in the event list. The
available options are:
– Clear (green)
– Indeterminate (purple)
– Warning (light blue)
– Minor (yellow)
– Major (orange)
– Critical (red)
Click a color to select it. The selected color appears in the sample color box.
Click OK to apply the color to the background or to an item on the map.
v From the Gray Scale tab you can select any shade of gray between black and
white by moving the slider control. Click OK to apply the color to the
background or to an item on the map.
Related tasks
“Setting map size and background” on page 209

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 219

Customizing maps in HTML
As an alternative to the Java interface, you can use the HTML Map Editor to
customize maps. Enter the HTML map editing commands in the map display text
field to configure maps.

To configure a map using the HTML Map Editor:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools.
2. Click Maps > Map Creation.
3. Select HTML and click Modify.
4. To specify the general properties of the map, use the following fields:
Map name
Type a name for the map. The map name must be alphanumeric and
cannot contain spaces.
Group name
Select the group for which you want to grant access to the map. The *
group grants access to all users including any new users you create.
Background image
Type the name of a background image, for example background.gif.
The image must be in either GIF or JPEG format and must be uploaded
as a map resource.
Background color
Type the color for the background.
Type the height of the page in pixels.
Width Type width of the page in pixels.
5. In the text entry field, type the map properties in HTML code.

Tip: For orientation, open an existing map in the HTML Map Editor.
6. Click Save.

Adding and configuring buttons:

Use the map editing commands of the HTML Map Editor to add buttons to your

You can add two types of buttons to a map:

Inactive buttons
Inactive buttons can only be used to link to a URL.
Active buttons
Active buttons can also be used to show status color, and to open a Table

To add buttons to a map:

1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following button instruction:

220 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
In these instructions, button is the unique name of the button, example is the
label for the button, and the numeric values for x, y, w and h are in pixels. All
button instructions start using this format, and each button has the following
common properties:
v A name, which must be unique.
v A label, which appears in the status bar of the Web browser when the mouse
pointer is over it.
v A position, which is defined by the coordinates of the top left corner of the
button relative to the top left corner of the page.
v A button size, which is defined by the height and width.

Note: The variable BSI (Button Start Instruction) is used to represent this initial
part of the instruction.
3. Click Save.


Linking an inactive button to a URL:

Use the map editing commands of the HTML Map Editor to link an inactive
button on your map to a URL.

To link a button to a URL:

1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following button instruction:
In this instruction, BSI is the first part of the button instruction and newpage is
the destination HTML page.
The button appears gray.
3. Click Save.
Related tasks
“Specifying a target” on page 225

Linking an active button to a URL and displaying status:

Use the map editing commands of the HTML Map Editor to link an active button
on your map to a URL, and display the event status as the button color.

To link a button to a URL and display the status as the button color:
1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following button instruction:
BSI is the first part of the button instruction, example is the name of a filter, type
denotes the type of filter, which can be “system” or “global”, and newpage is
the destination HTML page. The color of the highest-severity event from the
alerts.status table, as captured by the filter, is used as the color of the button.
3. Click Save.
Related tasks
“Specifying a target” on page 225

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 221

Associating a Table View with an active button and displaying status:

Use the map editing commands of the HTML Map Editor to associate an active
button with a Table View.

To associate a Table View with a button and display the status as the button color
1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following button instruction:
BSI is the first part of the button instruction, example is the name of a filter, type
denotes the type of filter, which can be “system” or “global”, and table defines
that a Table View is opened when the button is clicked.
The color of the highest-severity event from the alerts.status table, as captured
by the filter, is used as the color of the button.
The default view associated with the filter defines the columns in the Table
View that are displayed.
3. Click Save.

Adding and configuring icons:

Use the map editing commands of the HTML Map Editor to add icons to your

You can add two types of icons to a map:

Inactive icons
Inactive icons have no function on the map.
Active icons
Active icons can link to a URL.

All icon instructions start using the format described in step two. Each icon has the
following common properties:
v A name, which must be unique.
v A label, which appears in the status bar of the Web browser when the mouse
pointer is over the icon.
v A position, which is defined by the coordinates of the top left corner of the icon
relative to the top left corner of the page.
v An icon size, which is defined by the height and width.
v All icons must be in either GIF or JPEG format, and must be entered as
resources on the map.

To add icons to a map:

1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following icon instruction:
In these instructions, icon is the unique name of the icon, example is the label for
the icon, the numeric values for x and y are in pixels, and image is the image
file name.

Note: The variable ISI (Icon Start Instruction) is used to represent this initial
part of the instruction.

222 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
3. To add an inactive icon, complete the instruction by adding a close parenthesis.
This instruction adds an inactive icon.
4. Click Save.

Linking an active icon to a URL:

Use the HTML Map Editor and the HTML map editing commands to link an
active icon on your map to a URL.

To link an icon to a URL:

1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following icon instruction:
ISI is the first part of the icon instruction, and newpage is the destination
HTML page.
3. Click Save.
Related tasks
“Specifying a target” on page 225

Adding and configuring lines:

Use the map editing commands of the HTML Map Editor to add lines to your

You can add two types of lines to a map:

Inactive lines
Inactive lines can only be used to link to a URL.
Active lines
Active lines can also be used to show status color, and to open a Table

All line instructions start using the format described in step two, and each line has
the following common properties:
v A name, which must be unique.
v A label, which appears in the status bar of the Web browser when the mouse
pointer is over the line.
v A position for each end of the line, which is defined by the coordinates relative
to the top left corner of the page.
v A thickness can also be applied to the line. The default line thickness is 1 pixel.

To add lines to a map:

1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following line instruction:
line is the unique name of the line, example is the label for the line, the
numeric values for x, y, x2, y2, and thickness are in pixels.

Note: The variable LSI (Line Start Instruction) is used to represent this initial
part of the instruction.
3. Click Save.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 223

Setting the color for an inactive line:

Use the map editing commands of the HTML Map Editor to set the color of an
inactive line.

To complete the line instruction for an inactive line and set the color of the line:
1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following line instruction:
LSI is the first part of the line instruction.
The value of color can be the name of a system color (for example, black) or its
hexadecimal equivalent (for example, #Ff1dC4).
3. Click Save.

Linking an inactive line to a URL:

Use the HTML Map Editor and the HTML map editing commands to link an
inactive line on your map to a URL.

To link a line to a URL:

1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following line instruction:
LSI is the first part of the line instruction and newpage is the destination
HTML page.
The line appears gray.
3. Click Save.
Related tasks
“Specifying a target” on page 225

Associating a Table View with an active line and displaying status:

Use the HTML Map Editor and the HTML map editing commands to associate an
active line with a Table View.

To associate a Table View with a line and display the status as the line color
1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following line instruction:
LSI is the first part of the line instruction, example is the name of a filter, type
denotes the type of filter, which can be “system” or “global”, and table defines
that a Table View is opened when the line is clicked.
The color of the highest-severity event from the alerts.status table, as captured
by the filter, is used as the color of the line.
The view associated with the filter defines the columns in the Table View that
are displayed.
3. Click Save.

224 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Adding text to a map:

Use the map editing commands of the HTML Map Editor to add text to the map
background image.

The text is unable to perform any special function, such as link to a URL.

All text instructions use the format described in step two, and have the following
common properties:
v A name, which must be unique.
v A label, which appears as the required text.
v A position, which is defined relative to the top left corner of the page.
v A font (default helvetica).
v A size (default 10 point).
v A style (default plain).

To add text to a map:

1. Open the HTML Map Editor with the map you want to modify.
2. In the text editor area, add the following text instruction:
text(name="text",label="example ",x=12,y=34,font="font",size=12,
style="style", color="color")
text is the unique name for the text, example is the text you want to enter, the
numeric values for x and y are in pixels, font is the new font, the numeric
value for size is in points, style can be plain, bold or italic, and the value of
color can be either the name of the color (such as black), or the RGB numeric
value of the color (for example #ffffcc).
3. Click Save.

Specifying a target:

For all map entries that have a link to a URL, you can also specify the target.
When the target is omitted, the URL replaces the map in the current Web browser

The target option is in the format:


In this example, string is the destination where the URL appears.

Where frames have been defined in the HTML page, you can specify the target as
the name of the frame. For example UpperFrame or LowerFrame.

Linking maps:

You can transfer maps from one Web GUI server to another.
v To link from one map page to another, use a URL, for example:

Where the parameters are as follows:

The name of the host on which the Web GUI server is located.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 225

The port number of the Web GUI server.
The destination HTML map page.
v To export map pages to a Web GUI server on another computer, construct the
URL as follows:

Where the parameters are as follows:

Resolves to protocol://server:port/webtop.
The destination HTML map page.

Changing the color of map elements that have no associated

To denote active elements on maps that have no associated events, assign a color
that is a applied to these elements. When users display a map, such active
elements are displayed in the specified color.

By default, the active elements that have no associated events are displayed in the
same color that is used for events with severity 0 (clear).

Tip: After you have edited the Web GUI server.init file, you must restart the
Tivoli Integrated Portal server.
1. Open the install_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/webtop/server.init file.
2. Uncomment the maplet.noeventcolor parameter.
3. Specify a hexadecimal color value. The maplet.noeventcolor has no default, so
you must specify a value. For example:
v To specify gray, type: 0xDDDDDD
v To specify white, type: 0xFFFFFF
4. Save and close the file.
5. Restart the server.
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Publishing maps
After your map is completed, you can publish it by adding it to the navigation in
Tivoli Integrated Portal. You have two ways to publish a map.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

226 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Publishing maps on a Map portlet
To make a map available to Web GUI users, create a new page in Tivoli Integrated
Portal, add the Map portlet to the page, and select the map that you want to
display on the portlet.

To add a map to a page:

1. Click Settings > Page Management.
2. On the Page Management page, click New Page.
3. On the Page Settings window, edit the general properties of the page:
a. Type a name for the page.
b. Specify the location of the page in the navigation, either by accepting the
default or by clicking Location and navigating to the required location.
4. To specify user access to the page:
a. Click Optional setting and click Add.
b. From the Available Roles list, select the required roles and click Add.
5. Click OK.
6. On the Choose a Portlet page, select Map and click OK.
The new page is displayed with the map portlet; currently the map portlet is
blank, except for a message telling you how to add a map to the page.
7. Add a map to the page:
a. On the title bar of the newly created page, click Edit Options > Edit
shared settings.
b. Select the map from the list and set its characteristics as required.
c. Click OK.
8. Click Save.
9. Optional: To add further portlets to the page, proceed as follows:
v To split the page vertically, click Vertical Split.
v To split the page horizontally, click Horizontal Split.
Then, select the portlet that you require for the new section of the page, and
customize the portlet as appropriate.
10. Optional: If you have defined Tivoli Integrated Portal views, to add the page
to a view:
a. Click View Membership and click Add.
b. From the Available Views list, select the required views and click Add.

Publishing maps on a Web widget portlet

To make a map available to Web GUI users, create a new page in Tivoli Integrated
Portal, add the Web widget portlet to the page, and specify the URL of the map
that you want to display on the portlet.

To add a map to a Web widget portlet:

1. Click Settings > Page Management.
2. On the Page Management page, click New Page.
3. On the Page Settings window, edit the general properties of the page:
a. Type a name for the page.
b. Specify the location of the page in the navigation, either by accepting the
default or by clicking Location and navigating to the required location.
4. To specify user access to the page:

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 227

a. Click Optional setting and click Add.
b. From the Available Roles list, select the required roles and click Add.
5. Click OK.
6. On the Choose a Portlet page, select Web Widget and click OK.
7. Add the map to the page:
a. On the title bar of the newly created page, click Edit Options > Edit
shared settings.
b. Set the properties of the Web widget:
Widget title
Type a title for the map page.
Home page
Type the location of the map relative to the root context of the Web
Replace the mapname with the name you supplied when creating
the map.
HTML iFrame name
Type a name for the iFrame that contains the map on the portlet.
Make sure that the name is unique among all other iFrame names
for all Web widgets.
c. Clear Show a browser control toolbar if you do not want the toolbar to
appear on the page.
d. Set the check boxes for the items that non-administrative users can
personalize. Use any combination of the following:
Widget title
Home page
Help page
Browser control toolbar
e. Click Save.
8. On the title bar of the page click Save.
9. Optional: To add further portlets to the page, proceed as follows:
v To split the page vertically, click Vertical Split.
v To split the page horizontally, click Horizontal Split.
Then, select the portlet that you require for the new section of the page, and
customize the portlet as appropriate.
10. Optional: If you have defined Tivoli Integrated Portal views, to add the page
to a view:
a. Click View Membership and click Add.
b. From the Available Views list, select the required views and click Add.

228 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Previewing map resources
Use the Map Resources portlet to preview images and icons for your maps.

To preview resources for a map:

1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools > Maps > Map Resources.
2. Select the map and click Preview. A list of all image resources available to the
selected map is displayed.
3. Click View next to the image you want to preview.
Images are listed by file name and file size, in bytes. The resource is opened in
the next page.
4. To return to the list of images, click Back on your browser.
5. To return to the Map Resources portlet, click Cancel.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Setting map size and background” on page 209

Deleting map resources

Use the Map Resources portlet to delete images and icons from the list of available

To remove a resource:
1. Click Administration > Event Management Tools > Maps > Map Resources.
2. In the Map Resources portlet, select the map that contains the image you want
to delete and click Delete.
3. From the Available resources list. select the image that you want to delete and
click Remove. The image is removed from the Web GUI server
4. To return to the Map Resources portlet, click Cancel.
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107

Visualizing high-level event information on charts

To help you visualize and compare large amounts of alert information, create
charts based on event data

Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI charts

Web GUI charts represent information graphically in different forms, and with
scales that are added to indicate the values of the displayed data.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 229

Chart types
The Web GUI supports several different types of chart.

The following types of chart are supported:

Bar charts
Consist of a set of elongated rectangles, the length of which indicate the
number or frequency of a measured variable.
Stacked-bar charts
The bar is subdivided so that you can see different subcategories within
each category of a measured variable.
Line graphs
Use connected lines to represent data, with each point on the line
representing a value in the data range for a measured variable.
Pie charts
Represent quantities in proportion to other quantities, for example, to show
percentages of a whole.

The data displayed by these charts is drawn directly from a single ObjectServer
table, and is unfiltered. To refine the appearance of the charts or constrain the
breadth of data returned, SQL aggregate functions and comparison operators can
be included in the data retrieval criteria.

How charts are generated

Chart configuration and layout instructions are contained within a properly
constructed XML-based definition file, and are processed by the Web GUI when a
page containing a chart image tag is accessed.

For performance purposes, the Web GUI reads the chart definition file and stores
configuration data in memory. During a page refresh, the server examines the chart
configuration file timestamp. If the definition file is newer than the information
stored in memory, the data is reloaded and the chart is re-rendered.

After the configuration data has been read, an image of the chart is rendered and
placed on the page.

The process by which a chart is generated is as follows:

1. A client connected to the Web GUI requests a page containing one or more
chart images.
2. The Web GUI server locates the requested chart page HTML file, and initiates
the processing instructions contained within the chart <img> element or
3. The <img> element contains a query string that provides details of the chart
configuration XML file, image output format, image size and so forth. This
information is sent to the chart renderer component.
4. The chart renderer component draws the data retrieval and presentation
instructions from the specified XML file, and obtains the appropriate field
information from the specified ObjectServer.
5. A chart image is rendered.
6. The chart image is returned to the Web GUI server for insertion into the Web
7. The chart page is processed.
8. The processed page is returned to the client.

230 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
The chart definition file
The chart definition file contains all the configuration instructions that control how
a chart obtains ObjectServer data, and how that data is presented in a graphical

A number of generic chart templates are provided with the Web GUI, and are
located in install_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/webtop/charts/definitions:
v BAR_eventsbylocation.xml for bar charts
v LINE_eventsbylocation.xml for line graphs
v PIE_eventsbyseverity.xml for pie charts
v SBAR_eventsbyseverity.xml for stacked bar charts

Each chart schema begins with an element called <chartdata> that holds one
child-element called <ncchart>. The <ncchart> element contains all the high-level
chart component elements.

High-level component elements are those that govern the display or ObjectServer
data-retrieval criteria for the chart. For example, the <header> element determines
the content of the header above the chart display area, the <background> element
controls the appearance of the chart background, and so forth.

The following syntax shows the structure of the chart definition file.

Chart definition file

<antialiastext value>
<antialias value>
<projectorreversed value>

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 231

Tip: The order of the high-level elements under <ncchart> is not strictly enforced.
If you want, you can reorder the element structure when configuring your chart

An element reference is available for each of the elements and their child-elements,
and an attribute reference is available for their associated attributes, and the
attributes of their child-elements.

<chartelement> syntax:

The <chartelement> element determines what ObjectServer field data is retrieved

when a chart is rendered, and the type of chart and legend to be displayed. It is
important to configure this element and associated child-elements correctly or your
chart may not display properly.

The following example shows a code fragment containing the default contents of
the <chartelement> element , with each line number displayed in brackets. The
example uses the SBAR_eventsbylocationseverity.xml as the basis for the example.

Chart Schema
1 <chartelement>
2 <charttype basetype="Cartesian">
3 <chartrenderer useAlertColors="true" type="BarChart"
4 mode="BarChartStacked">
5 </chartrenderer>
6 </charttype>
7 <dataconfig>
8 <query type="StackedSQL" datatype="ObjectServer">
9 <query_element action="select" fieldName="Location" fieldType="string"
10 tableName="alerts.status" where="" orderBy="Location Asc">
11 <constraint type="dataSetBeginCount" operator="equals" operand="5"
12 />
13 <constraint type="dataSetEndCount" operator="equals" operand="12"
14 />
15 </query_element>
16 <query_element action="select" fieldName="Severity"
17 fieldType="integer" tableName="alerts.status" where=""
18 />
19 <query_element action="count" fieldName="Severity"
20 fieldType="integer" tableName="alerts.status" where=""
21 />
22 </query>
23 <datasetlegend match="5" display="Critical" showValue="true"
24 showStart=" (total: " showEnd=")"
25 />
26 <datasetlegend match="4" display="Major" showValue="true" showStart="
27 (total: " showEnd=")"
28 />
29 <datasetlegend match="3" display="Minor" showValue="true" showStart="
30 (total: " showEnd=")"
31 />
32 <datasetlegend match="2" display="Warning" showValue="true" showStart="
33 (total: " showEnd=" )"
34 />
35 <datasetlegend match="1" display="Indeterminate" showValue="true"
36 showStart=" (total: " showEnd=")"
37 />
38 <datasetlegend match="0" display="Clear" showValue="true" showStart="
39 (total: " showEnd=")"
40 />
41 <datasetlegend match="’__*__’" display="Unspecified" showValue="true"
42 showStart=" ( total: " showEnd=")"

232 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
43 />
44 <datasource/>
45 </dataconfig>
46 </chartelement>

Note: The line numbers in the code fragment do not directly correspond to the
lines in the SBAR_eventsbyseverity.xml file.

The following subsections contain a line-by-line description of the element tags in

the example XML code fragment.

Lines 1-2

Line 1 opens the <chartelement> section of the chart configuration file. Line 2
contains the <charttype> element tag. The <charttype> element determines the
type of chart created by the chart renderer. It has the attribute basetype which can
be either “Pie” or “Cartesian”.

Note: Cartesian charts can have different data configuration requirements than pie
charts; where applicable these differences will be pointed out.

Lines 3-5

This line contains the <chartrenderer> element which establishes the image
rendering mechanism employed and the type of chart created. If the basetype
attribute in line 1 is set to “Cartesian”, then the type attribute for this element
must be either “LineChart” or “BarChart.” If the basetype attribute is set to “Pie”,
then the type attribute must be “PieChart. ”

The <chartrenderer> element has an additional attribute called mode. If you decide
to create a cartesian bar chart, you can specify whether you want it to contain
stacked data or not. Leave this attribute blank if you want to create an unstacked
chart. In this example the bar chart is stacked, and mode is set to

Line 6

This line closes the <charttype> element tag.

Line 7

This line contains the <dataconfig> element tag, which represents the start of the
XML statements that control how data is obtained from the ObjectServer.

Line 8

This line contains the <query> element tag. The type attribute for this element
must be either “StackedSQL” or “StackedSQLGrouped” for stacked cartesian
charts, or “BasicSQL” or “BasicSQLGrouped” for all other types of chart.

A <query> element containing the “BasicSQLGrouped” or “StackedSQLGrouped”

statement uses the ObjectServer SQL GROUP BY clause when selecting data. This
selection method enables Web GUI to instruct the ObjectServer to group into a
single row all rows that have identical values in a specified column or combination
of columns.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 233

Used with aggregate functions, Web GUI can find the aggregate value for each
group of column values. Because the data aggregation is taking place within the
ObjectServer, fewer queries are sent by Web GUI and performance is enhanced.

The datatype attribute contains the name of the ObjectServer data source, for
example NCOMS.

Lines 9-20

These lines contain <query_element> element tags, which are child-elements of

query. If your chart is an unstacked cartesian chart or a pie chart, you require two
<query_element> entries under <query>. If the chart is a stacked cartesian chart,
you require three (or more) entries.

The <query_element> tag contains a number of SQL compliant attributes that

perform data interrogation functions. The action attribute is used within the
<query_element> element to determine the ObjectServer SQL action exerted on a
specified dataset. For example, enter select to select the data located in the field
specified by the subsequent fieldName attribute.

In addition to the select attribute, the action attribute can contain ObjectServer
SQL aggregate functions such as count, max, min, avg, sum, and dist.

For more information about ObjectServer SQL syntax, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide.

The orderBy attribute determines how selected data is ordered on the chart axis.
The options are Asc (ascending) or Desc (descending), prefixed with a field name
against which the ordering index is established. The orderBy attribute applies only
to values on the x-axis.

The <query_element> tag positions and their corresponding behaviors as follows:

First The first <query_element> entry selects a field from the ObjectServer. In
this example, the selected field is Location. In cartesian charts this entry is
used to populate the x-axis. In pie charts, this entry represents the whole
dataset (or the pie itself). Lines 11-14 contain range constraint criteria.
The <constraint> child-element is optional, but allows you to control how
much data is returned from the selected field. This is useful as very large
selection results often cannot be displayed in the available width of the
chart. You can create a range of different chart configuration files where
the only difference is the data constraint range.
Last The last <query_element> entry measures the incidences of another
ObjectServer field for each value returned by the first <query_element>. In
this example, the field name is Severity and the severity value is counted
for each entry in the Location field.
In Cartesian charts this entry is used to populate the y-axis. In pie charts,
this entry represents subsets of the whole dataset (or slices of the pie).
Intervening <query_element> entries are only used by stacked cartesian
charts. Their purpose is to further break down the data obtained by the
first <query_element> into smaller groups, which are then displayed as
stacks within the major group.

234 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
In this example, the subset selected is the Severity field. The different
levels of alert severity present within the major group—in this case,
Location—are displayed as colored stacks within the chart.

Line 22

This line concludes the <query> element section of the <chartelement> element.

Lines 23-43

These lines contain the element tag <datasetlegend>. This element and its
associated attributes establish the legend label conversion criteria for information
received from a data source. For example, the if value 5 is matched in data
returned from the ObjectServer, in this example the display attribute specifies a
legend label conversion of Critical.

The showValue, showStart, and showEnd attributes provide the information that
accompanies the label in the legend. The showStart and showEnd attributes act as
a prefix ((total: ) and suffix ( )) to the value returned by showValue. In the
previous example, the literal output is:
Critical (total: number of critical alerts )

Lines 44-46

These lines contain the tags that close the <datasource>, <dataconfig>, and
<chartelement> elements.

Creating a chart definition file

Create an XML chart definition file to specify the layout and display of your chart,
and specify the event data on which to base your chart.

To help you create a valid chart, the following templates are located in the
webgui_home_dir/etc/charts/definitions directory.
v BAR_eventsbylocation.xml: Template for bar charts
v LINE_eventsbylocation.xml: Template for line graphs
v PIE_eventsbyseverity.xml: Template for pie charts
v PIE_eventsbyseverity.xml: Template for stacked bar charts

To create a chart definition file:

1. Create an XML chart schema file to create a chart that displays high-level event
data. To ensure that the charts you create are valid, use these template files as
the basis for creating new charts.

Tip: If you are creating a pie chart, you can omit the following elements from
the file: projectorreversed, chartarea, xaxis, yaxis, xscale, yscale, xgrid, and
ygrid. Because these elements relate to Cartesian chart layout, they are ignored.
2. Configure your chart schema file, and save the file with a unique name.
3. Upload the file to the following directory on the Web GUI server:

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 235

Publishing charts
After you have created the chart definition file, reference the file in HTML to add
your Web GUI charts to Web pages.

To display your charts on Web pages, use one of the following methods:
v After you have created the chart definition file, you create an HTML file to
display the chart. The HTML page must contain an <img> element that
possesses the appropriate chart rendering attributes.
For a sample HTML page that contains an <img> element, see “Example.”
v Create a page in Tivoli Integrated Portal and add the Chart View portlet.


The following example shows a chart <img> element within an HTML file.
<title>Demonstration Chart</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<img src="ChartView?template=PIE_eventsbyseverity&format=PNG
&request=image&width=800&height=400" border="0" height="400"
width="800" alt="Events by Severity" /

The attributes of the <img> element are as follows.

This attribute specifies which XML configuration file is used by the chart
renderer. In this example, the file is called barchart. Do not include the file
suffix (if any) when you set this attribute.
This attribute specifies the image type created by the chart renderer
component. In this, example, the image type is a .png file. Do not modify this
System attribute. Do not modify.
The first width attribute, which is within the double-quotes (" "), determines
the width of the image produced by the chart renderer component. The second
width attribute determines how the rendered image is resized. if at all, on the
page. Set both attributes to the same value
The first height attribute, which is within the double-quotes (" "), determines
the height of the image produced by the chart renderer component. The second
height attribute determines how the rendered image is resized (if at all) on the
page. Set both attributes to the same value.
Use this attribute to enter a text equivalent for a graph image. This text is
displayed when the cursor is placed above the image in the client browser.

236 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Creating pages” on page 29

Chart configuration reference

Read about the data contained within the Web GUI chart schema. It provides a
comprehensive reference for the elements, attributes, and attribute values defined
within the schema.

Element reference
Read about the elements defined within the chart schema.

Elements often have one or more associated attributes, for which a value may be

The following table describes each element defined within the chart schema.
Table 25. Chart element definitions
Element Description Attribute(s) Child Element(s)
annotation This element controls text None
the text displayed for value
annotation values on match
the x-axis or the y-axis.
If this element is not
defined, the axes
annotations are derived
from field data.

To specify a new
annotation you must
replace an existing field
data annotation. For
example, to replace
host1 with New York,
the annotation element
is defined as:
text="New York">

To select integer indices,

use the value attribute
instead of the match
annotations This element contains None labelrenderer
the elements that
control the text and annotation
display characteristics of
the labels on the x-axis
or the y-axis.
antialias This element smoothens value None
the line rendering
within the chart.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 237

Table 25. Chart element definitions (continued)
Element Description Attribute(s) Child Element(s)
antialiastext This element smoothens value None
the text rendering
within the chart.
background This element determines value None
the background color of
the whole chart area.
border This element contains None title
the child-elements that
control the appearance
of the border (if any)
around the legend area.
chartarea This element controls None plotareabackground
the color or color
gradient (if any), and margin
margin positions of the
area behind the chart
chartdata The chartdata element None ncchart
is the root element. The
root element is the datasetlegend
top-level element in the
XML document
hierarchy, and contains
all other elements in
your XML file. Each
document can have
only one root element,
and all other elements
must be nested within
chartelement The chartelement None charttype
element contains the all
elements that govern dataconfig
chart rendering (that is,
the type of chart
created) and data
presentation criteria
(using SQL selection
chartrenderer The chartrenderer useAlertColors style
element governs the
appearance and type
behavior of each type of
chart. It contains the mode
style element which
determines how colors
are associated with
chart data. In addition,
this element controls
which types of cartesian
chart are displayed (bar
or line) and whether
cartesian charts are

238 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 25. Chart element definitions (continued)
Element Description Attribute(s) Child Element(s)
charttype The charttype element basetype chartrenderer
determines the category
of chart produced by
the chart renderer. It
has the attribute
basetype that
establishes which type
of chart is created (Pie
or Cartesian).

In addition, this element

contains the
chartrenderer element
that can further refine
the appearance of the
color This element provides value None
the values used to
create a solid swatch of
color (one element
entry) or a color
gradient (more than one
element entry) behind
the chart.
constraint This element contains type None
attributes that can be
used to restrict the operator
range of data displayed
on the x-axis or the operand
y-axis. This element is
dataconfig This element contains a None query
cluster of child-elements
that are used to retrieve datasetlegend
ObjectServer field data,
and to create and datasource
populate the legend
area of the chart.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 239

Table 25. Chart element definitions (continued)
Element Description Attribute(s) Child Element(s)
datasetlegend This element is used to match None
associate an appropriate
legend label to matched display
information returned
from the ObjectServer. showValue

For example: showStart

<datasetlegend showEnd
showStart="(total: "

The previous element

tag matches returned
severity data with the
value 5 with the label
Critical in the legend
area of the chart.
font This element contains fontStyle None
the child-elements that
govern font size and fontName
Note: Specify a font fontSize
that supports all
characters in the
language you want to
use for the chart.
footer This element contains None text
the elements that
determine the content of foreground
the footer below the
chart display area. The background
footer typically displays
additional useful
information about the
foreground This element is used by value None
the header, footer, and
legend border chart
components to
determine the color of
text entries.
gridline This element determines type paint
whether major or minor
gridlines on the x-axis visible
or the y-axis of the
chart are visible. In
addition, gridline also
contains the elements
that determine line

240 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 25. Chart element definitions (continued)
Element Description Attribute(s) Child Element(s)
header This element contains None text
the elements that
determine the content of foreground
the header above the
chart display area. The background
header typically
displays the title of the
label This element governs color font
the appearance of the
label (if any) displayed offset
on the x-axis or y-axis
of a cartesian chart. rotation

labelrenderer This element governs color font
the appearance of the
text, background, and background
orientation of
annotations on the rotation
x-axis or y-axis of a
cartesian chart.
legend This element is used to visible border
determine the
appearance and position position symbol
of the legend area of a
chart. background font

The legend area foreground antialiastext

contains interpretative
information (for
example, a color key)
and quantitative
information (for
example, an event total)
that further explains the
contents of a pie chart
or bar chart.
margin This element is used to top None
determine the space (in
pixels) around the chart bottom
data area. This margin
area must be wide left
enough to accommodate
axis data labels in
cartesian charts.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 241

Table 25. Chart element definitions (continued)
Element Description Attribute(s) Child Element(s)
ncchart This is the second-level name header
element in the schema,
and encapsulates all of footer
the different component
areas of the chart. background

Each ncchart child antialiastext

element is described in
more detail elsewhere
within this table. legend









paint This element defines the type None
type of system used to
present gridlines.
plotareabackground This element is used to orientation color
create the background
color or color gradient
behind the chart data
projectorreversed This element determines value None
whether the chart data
projection is reversed.
When the associated
value attribute is set to
true, the datasets for the
x-axis and y-axis are
swapped. Note that the
background also rotates.
query This element contains type query_element
the attributes and
child-elements that datasource
determine what SQL
data is obtained from
which ObjectServer, and
the manner in which it
is retrieved.

242 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 25. Chart element definitions (continued)
Element Description Attribute(s) Child Element(s)
query_element The query_element tag action constraint
contains a number of
SQL-compliant fieldName
attributes that perform
data interrogation fieldType

style This element contains strokepaint None
the child elements that
define the border color fillpaint
and fill color of the pie
or bar segments on a match
symbol This element specifies height None
the size and position
(relative to adjacent width
text) of the color
symbols used in the textSpacing
legend area of the chart.
text This element is used by value None
many other elements to
determine the textual
content of headers,
footers, and so forth.
title This element is used to position text
control the position of
the title in the legend foreground
area of the chart. It also
contains the elements font
that control the text
content and color.
xaxis See xaxiselement. None xaxiselement
xaxiselement This element controls reversed None
how data is displayed
on the x-axis, and autoDataMin
covers presentation
aspects such as axis autoDataMax
orientation and data
range parameters.



xgrid This element contains None xgridelement
the xgridelement
element that controls
how gridlines appear
on the x-axis of the

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 243

Table 25. Chart element definitions (continued)
Element Description Attribute(s) Child Element(s)
xgridelement This element determines None gridline
the color of the
gridlines on the x-axis,
and contains the
xgridelement element
that controls what type
of gridlines appear on
the x-axis of the chart.
xscale See xscaleelement. None xscaleelement
xscaleelement This element allows you axisVisible annotations
to control how chart
components are crossingValue
arranged. This covers
such features as the foreground
color of the foreground,
the point at which the
x-axis intersects with majorTickSize
the y-axis, whether the
data is logarithmically minorTickSize
transformed, the axis
title position, and so title


yaxis See yaxiselement. None yaxiselement
yaxiselement This element controls reversed None
how data is displayed
on the y-axis, and autoDataMin
covers presentation
aspects such as axis autoDataMax
orientation and axis
data range parameters.



ygrid This element contains None ygridelement
the ygridelement
element that controls
how gridlines appear
on the y-axis of the
ygridelement This element determines None gridline
the color of the
gridlines on the y-axis,
and contains the
ygridelement element
that controls what type
of gridlines appear on
the y-axis of the chart.

244 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 25. Chart element definitions (continued)
Element Description Attribute(s) Child Element(s)
yscale See yscaleelement. None yscaleelement
yscaleelement This element allows you axisVisible annotations
to control how chart
components are crossingValue label
arranged. This covers
such features as the foreground
color of the foreground,
the point at which the
y-axis intersects with majorTickSize
the x-axis, whether the
data is logarithmically minorTickSize
transformed, the axis
title position, and so title



Attribute reference
Read about the attribute types and values used within the chart schema.

Some attributes are enumerated and the values of these attributes are constrained
to a list of predefined text strings. When enumerated attributes are used within the
XML command file, they must be set to one of the values shown in the list. Default
values (if any) are provided in the description.

The following table describes each attribute defined within the chart schema.
Table 26. Chart attribute definitions
Attribute Constrained Values Description
action select | count| min | max The attribute is used within the query_element element
to specify the ObjectServer SQL action performed on a
dataset. For example, select to select the data located
in the field specified by the subsequent fieldName

A value must be provided for this attribute.

autoDataMax true | false This attribute is used by the xaxiselement and
yaxiselement elements to specify whether you want
the highest value in a dataset displayed as the highest
value on the x-axis or y-axis of a graph.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is false.
autoDataMin true | false This attribute is used by the xaxiselement and
yaxiselement elements to specify whether you want to
the lowest value in a dataset displayed as the lowest
value on the x-axis or y-axis of a graph.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is false.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 245

Table 26. Chart attribute definitions (continued)
Attribute Constrained Values Description
autoDataRange true | false This attribute is used by the xaxis and yaxis elements,
and specifies whether or not the data ranges on the
axes are created automatically.

If you set autoDataRange to false you can specify your

own data ranges by populating the dataMin and
dataMax attributes.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is false.
axisVisible true | false This attribute is used by the xscaleelement element
and yscaleelement element to specify if the x-axis or
y-axis lines and labels are displayed.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is false.
background None This attribute is used to specify the color for the
background of a chart component. The attribute value
is a base 16 hexadecimal color code and must be
prefixed with a # symbol.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, a

system default is used.
basetype Cartesian | Pie This attribute specifies the basic type of chart style.
Note that bar charts, stacked-bar charts, and line
graphs are all Cartesian.

A value must be provided for this attribute.

bottom None This attribute is used within the margin element to
specify the margin space at the bottom of the chart.
The unit of measurement is in pixels.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, a

system default is used.
color None This attribute is used within the label and
labelrenderer elements to specify the color of label or
annotative text on a chart. The attribute value is a base
16 hexadecimal color code and must be prefixed with a
# symbol.

A value must be provided for this attribute.

crossingValue -9218868437227405311 This attribute is used by the xaxiselement and
+9218868437227405311 yaxiselement elements to determine where one chart
axis crosses the other.
IEE754 Standard for Double
Precision for Floating-Point If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the
Numbers. Values beyond these x-axis and y-axis intersect at 0.
ranges incur rounding.
dataMax -9218868437227405311 This attribute is used by the xaxiselement and
+9218868437227405311 yaxiselement elements to specify the highest value on
the x-axis or y-axis of a graph. This attribute is ignored
IEE754 Standard for Double when autoDataMax is set to true.
Precision for Floating-Point
Numbers. Values beyond these
ranges incur rounding.

246 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 26. Chart attribute definitions (continued)
Attribute Constrained Values Description
dataMin -9218868437227405311 This attribute is used by the xaxiselement and
+9218868437227405311 yaxiselement elements to specify the lowest value on
the x-axis or y-axis of a graph. This attribute is ignored
IEE754 Standard for Double when autoDataMin is set to true.
Precision for Floating-Point
Numbers. Values beyond these
ranges incur rounding.
datasource None This attribute is used by the query element and
specifies the ObjectServer data source used to create
the chart.
defaultGridColor None This attribute is used by the xgridelement and
ygridelement elements to specify the color of the chart
grid (if any). The attribute value is a base 16
hexadecimal color code and must be prefixed with a #
display None This attribute is used by the datasetlegend element to
specify the text in the legend panel that accompanies
the values returned by the match attribute. The
attribute entry is a string.
fieldName None This attribute is used by the datasetlegend element to
specify an ObjectServer field. For example, Severity.
fieldType string | integer This attribute is used by the datasetlegend element to
describe the ObjectServer field-data characteristics.
fillpaint #000000#FFFFFF This attribute defines the fill color of the pie or bar
segments on a chart. The attribute value is a base 16
hexadecimal color code and must be prefixed with a #

A value must be provided for this attribute.

fontName None This attribute is used by the font element and specifies
the name of the font used in a text entry. The attribute
entry is a string, and must correspond to a font located
on the Web GUI server.

A value must be provided for this attribute.

fontSize None This attribute is used by the font element and specifies
the size of the font used in a text entry. The attribute
entry is in points, rounded to the integer.

A value must be provided for this attribute.

fontStyle plain | bold This attribute is used by the font element and specifies
the style of the font used in a text entry. The attribute
entry is a string, and must be supported by the font
specified in the corresponding fontName attribute.

A value must be provided for this attribute.

foreground #000000 → #FFFFFF This attribute is used to specify the color for the
foreground of a chart component and often refers to
the text entry. The attribute value is a base 16
hexadecimal color code and must be prefixed with a #

A value must be provided for this attribute.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 247

Table 26. Chart attribute definitions (continued)
Attribute Constrained Values Description
height 0→2 -1 This attribute is used by the symbol component to
specify the height of the symbol or symbols used in the
legend panel. The attribute entry is in points, rounded
to the integer.

The default value corresponds to a system-calculated

best fit.
left 0→231-1 This attribute is used by the margin element to specify
the margin space at the left of the chart. The unit of
measurement is in pixels and is an integer.

The default value corresponds to a system-calculated

best fit.
logarithmic true | false This attribute is used by the xscaleelement and
yscaleelement elements and specifies whether the scale
data is logarithmically transformed.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is false.
majorTickSize None This attribute is used by the xscalelement and
yscaleelement elements and controls the size of the
large ticks on the x-axis or the y-axis. The unit of
measurement is in pixels and is an integer.
match (annotation) None This attribute is used by the annotation element to
establish the string election criteria for annotations
displayed on the x-axis or the y-axis. To select an
integer, use the value attribute instead.
match (datasetlegend) None This attribute is used by the datasetlegend element to
establish the selection criteria for the information
displayed in the legend panel. This attribute works in
combination with the display attribute.
minorTickSize 0→231-1 This attribute is used by the xscalelement and
yscaleelement and controls the size of the small ticks
on the x-axis or the y-axis. The unit of measurement is
in pixels and is an integer.

The default value corresponds to a system-calculated

best fit.
mode BarChartStacked This attribute is used by the chartrenderer element to
specify if a barchart is stacked. The corresponding type
attribute must be set to BarChart for this attribute to be

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, no

value is used and the renderer uses its default mode.
name Must exactly correspond to the This attribute provides a name for the chart.
chart file name.
For example, if the schema is called mychart.xml, the
Do not including the .xml file name attribute must be set to mychart.
operand This attribute is used by the constraint element to
provide an upper or lower limit (as determined by the
accompanying type attribute) on the x-axis data
returned by a query_element selection.

248 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 26. Chart attribute definitions (continued)
Attribute Constrained Values Description
operator System attribute—do not modify.
orderBy fieldname Asc | fieldname Desc This attribute determines how selected data is ordered
on the chart axis. The options are Asc (ascending) or
Desc (descending), prefixed with a fieldname against
which the ordering index is established. For example:
<query_element action="select"
orderBy="Location Asc">

In this example, the Location field data is arranged in

ascending order.
orientation xaxis | yaxis This attribute is used by the plotareabackground
element to specify the color gradient direction for the
chart background.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is xaxis.
position (legend) NorthBottom | NorthEast | This attribute is used by the legend element to specify
SouthTop where the chart legend area is displayed on the chart.
The anchor positions are defined relative to the chart.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is NorthBottom.
position (title) AboveBottom | AboveTop | This attribute is used by the title element to specify
BelowBottom | BelowTop | where the title is displayed in the legend. The anchor
Bottom | Center | Leading | positions are defined relative to the chart. If you do not
Left | Right | Trailing | Top provide a value for this attribute, the default is Top.
reversed true | false This attribute is used by the xaxiselement and
yaxiselement elements to specify the orientation order
of the axis. For example, when set to true for the
xaxiselement element, the x-axis appears to the
left-hand side of the origin of the y-axis.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is false.
right 0->231-1 This attribute is used by the margin element to specify
the margin space at the right of the chart. The unit of
measurement is in pixels and is an integer.

The default value corresponds to a system-calculated

best fit.
rotation 0->360 This attribute is used by the label and labelrenderer
elements to specify the clockwise rotation angle for
labels and annotations. The angle value is expressed in
degrees and is an integer.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is 0.
showEnd None This attribute is used by the datasetlegend element to
specify a suffix to any count data displayed in the

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 249

Table 26. Chart attribute definitions (continued)
Attribute Constrained Values Description
showStart None This attribute is used by the datasetlegend element to
specify a prefix to any count data displayed in the
showValue true | false This attribute is used by the datasetlegend element to
specify whether count data is displayed in the legend.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is false.
strokepaint #000000#FFFFFF This attribute defines the border color of the pie or bar
segments on a chart. The attribute value is a base 16
hexadecimal color code and must be prefixed with a #

A value must be provided for this attribute.

tableName None This attribute is used by query_element to specify
which ObjectServer data table is used. For example,
text None This attribute is typically used to provide textual
information within the chart configuration file.
textSpacing 0->231-1 This attribute is used by the symbol element to specify
the distance between symbols used in the legend area
and their associated text. The unit of measurement is in
pixels and is an integer.

The default value corresponds to a system-calculated

best fit.
title None This attribute is used by the xcscaleelement and
yscaleelement elements to specify the title (if any)
associated with the x-axis or y-axis.
titlePlacement 0->100 This attribute is used by the xcscaleelement and
yscaleelement elements to determine the placement of
an axis title. The measurement is a percentage of the
entire width of the chart. For example, a value of 50
centers the title under the x-axis.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is 50.
titleRotation 0->360 This attribute is used to specify the clockwise rotation
angle for the title (if any) displayed on the x-axis or the
y-axis. The angle value is expressed in degrees and is
an integer.

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is 0.
top 0->231-1 This attribute is used by the margin element to specify
the margin space at the top of the chart. The unit of
measurement is in pixels and is an integer.

The default value corresponds to a system-calculated

best fit.

250 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 26. Chart attribute definitions (continued)
Attribute Constrained Values Description
type (chartrenderer) LineChart | PieChart | This attribute is used by the chartrenderer element to
BarChart specify the type of chart to graphically render. Note
that if you enter LineChart or BarChart, the basetype
attribute of the charttype element must be set to
Cartesian. If you enter PieChart, the basetype attribute
of the charttype element must be set to Pie.
type (constraint) dataSetBeginCount | This attribute is used by the constraint element to
dataSetEndCount restrict the range of data returned from a selected field.
These attributes work in combination with the
operator and operand attributes to specify a data
startpoint and endpoint.

For the dataSetBeginCount the operand indicates the

start point. For the dataSetEndCount the operand
indicates the end point. Consider the following
example query_element:
<query_element action="select"
orderBy="Location Asc"

To return a range of locations starting at the 5th

returned and ending at the 12th, set constraint as
<constraint type="dataSetBeginCount"
operator="equals" operand="5"
/><constraint type="dataSetEndCount"
operator="equals" operand="12"

By default, returned data has no default constraints. To

return the first 8 locations, set constraint as follows:
<constraint type="dataSetEndCount"
operator="equalss" operand="8"
type (gridline) major | minor This attribute is used by the gridline element to
specify the type of chart gridline to configure. All
subsequent gridline attributes then perform actions on
this selection.
type (paint) color System attribute—do not modify.
type (query) BasicSQL | BasicSQLGrouped | This attribute is used by the query element to specify
StackedSQL | StackedSQLGrouped the type of SQL query to use. If you create a stacked
chart you must use StackedSQL or StackedSQLGrouped,
otherwise use BasicSQL or BasicSQLGrouped.
useAlertColors true | false This attribute allows you to use the alert status colors
provided by the alerts.colors table in the

If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the

default is false.
value Various This attribute is typically used to populate or define
text, color, or boolean information within the chart
configuration file.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 251

Table 26. Chart attribute definitions (continued)
Attribute Constrained Values Description
visible true | false This attribute is used to specify whether an associated
chart feature is displayed.

For example, the legend element uses visible to

specify whether a legend displaying information about
the drawn data is associated with a chart. When
enabled, all the graphical representations displayed
within the chart have a corresponding legend item.
visibleMax -9218868437227405311+ This attribute is used by the xaxis element and the
9218868437227405311 yaxis element to impose a visible constraint on the
data range presented in a chart. The visibleMax
IEE754 Standard for Double attribute specifies the highest number displayed.
Precision for Floating-Point
Numbers. Values beyond these If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the
ranges incur rounding. default is the highest data entry on the chart.
visibleMin -9218868437227405311+ This attribute is used by the xaxis element and the
9218868437227405311 yaxis element to impose a visible constraint on the
data range presented in a chart. The visibleMin
IEE754 Standard for Double attribute specifies the lowest figure displayed.
Precision for Floating-Point
Numbers. Values beyond these If you do not provide a value for this attribute, the
ranges incur rounding. default is the lowest data entry on the chart.
where None This attribute is used by the query_element query to
specify any SQL search constraints you want applied to
the selected data source.
width 0->231-1 This attribute is used by the symbol component to
specify the width of the symbol or symbols used in the
legend panel. The attribute entry is in points, rounded
to the integer.

Visualizing event information on gauges

You can graphically represent the values of various metrics on gauges.

To open the supplied pages of gauges click Availability > Events > Performance
or Availability > Events > Details and Journals.

Gauges and metrics

The Gauges page displays the values of selected metrics as a set of gauges. Each
gauge has a number of properties.
v The metric that the gauge displays
v The appearance of the gauge
v Text labels
v Thresholds
v The actions taken when you click a gauge

In addition, the Web GUI is supplied with two pages of gauges.

A metric is a type of measurement that is used to determine a quantifiable value
from tables or properties in the ObjectServer. Examples of metrics are:

252 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
v The current number of client connections to a server
v The number of unresolved network events
v The number of escalated network events

The Web GUI has a number of pre-defined metrics that cover many of the
commonly-used scenarios in network monitoring. However a site can define its
own collection of metrics in addition to the supplied ones.

Appearance of a gauge

Each gauge can have any of five appearances:

Table 27. Gauge icons
Name Examples


Traffic lights

Weather symbol


The dial and thermometer indicate the value of the metric through the pointer and
the height of the indicator. For example, on a dial, the needle moves up and down
the scale as the value of the metric changes. The remaining icons show whether the
value of the metric is low, medium, or high, as determined by the thresholds of the

Each gauge can use any of these appearances. This enables a site to choose the
type of gauge most suitable for each metric.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 253

Text labels

Each gauge has three text labels that identify it:

v Label: The name of the gauge that appears on the Gauges page.
v Unit label: Which indicates the units of the gauge's value. For example, the
number of connections, or the number of faults.
v Description: A more detailed description of the gauge and what it shows. The
Web GUI displays this text when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the


The set of values for each gauge is divided into three ranges: low, medium, and
high. There are two thresholds that determine the transition from one range to
another. Each threshold is expressed as a percentage of the gauges complete value
range. For example, the threshold between low and medium may be 50% and the
one between medium and high may be 90%.

The administrator can set the values of the thresholds for any gauge. This enables
the displays to be tailored to the importance of the metric.

Click actions

When the user clicks a gauge, the system can:

v Display a page associated with a fully-qualified URL, such as a map or a
Lightweight Event List (LEL).
v Run JavaScript code

A gauge can also have no click action.

The URL and JavaScript capabilities mean that a wide range of actions can occur
when a user clicks the gauge. For example, the system could display list of event
associated with the gauge's metric, or launch another Web GUI application, or even
applications from other parts of Tivoli that are based on Tivoli Integrated Portal.

Working with gauges

A user accesses the Gauges to monitor conditions on the network. They can use
the gauge values and the low, medium, and high ranges to identify conditions that
need immediate attention. If a gauge has an associated click action, the user can
get more detail of the gauge's metric.

A user with suitable user roles, such as the Web GUI administrator, can customize
the page and its gauges. The user can:
v Change the title of the page.
v Set the refresh rate for the gauges.
v Select the data sources and ObjectServers that supply the page with data.
v Modify the properties of any gauge.
v Add and remove gauges.
v Change the order of the gauges on a page.
v Set the thresholds for any gauge's low, medium, and high ranges.
v Create new metrics.

254 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
v Change the internationalization settings for the page, such as text direction.

Administrators can also set the default appearance and content of the page for all
users. So, the administrator can define the initial page for the site. Then an
individual can tailor their copy of the page to suit their needs, if they have the
necessary user roles.

Supplied gauges

As supplied the Web GUI includes two pages of gauges:

v Performance: which shows key performance metrics for the gateway and the
Web GUI such as the number of connections to the Web GUI.
v Details and Journals: which shows key event metrics such as the number of
unresolved events and the number of acknowledged events.

To open the supplied pages of gauges click Availability > Events > Performance
or Availability > Events > Details and Journals.
Related tasks
“Setting the thresholds for a gauge” on page 259
“Setting gauge portlet preferences” on page 123
Related reference
“Using the gauge page”

Using the gauge page

A Gauges page provides a high-level overview of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus data.

The page displays data retrieved from the ObjectServer using metrics. Examples of
metrics are the number of clients connected to a server, the total number of
escalated events, or the time taken to process a trigger.

The Web GUI presents the data on the page as a number of gauges, one for each
metric. The number of gauges on the page and the metrics they display are
site-specific. Your Web GUI administrator can customize the page to show only the
metrics that are relevant to you, and display each metric in the most appropriate
way. The administrator can also create additional Gauges pages for specific types
of user and/or specific functional purposes. If you have suitable user roles, you
v Customize your copy of a page still further.
v Create an HTML representation of a page that you can send to mobile devices.
This allows people to monitor the data from almost anywhere.

Using the Gauges page

When you open the Gauges page it displays the gauges and sets each to the
current value of its associated metric using data from the ObjectServer. The gauges
periodically update to show the latest information. The frequency of these updates
is 10 seconds, as supplied, but your administrator can specify any value between
10 and 99000 seconds.

Clicking a gauge may provide further information about the metric. For example,
the Web GUI may display a Lightweight Event List (LEL) for the events that the
metric measures.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 255

What happens when you click a gauge is site-specific. Your Web GUI administrator
can associate any URL or JavaScript program with a gauge. Typically, however,
actions launch other Web GUI or Tivoli applications.

User Roles

To use a Gauges page you need the following user roles:

v To use a page to monitor metrics you need to have either the
ncw_gauges_viewer or ncw_user roles.
v To customize gauges you need to have the ncw_gauges_editor role and either of
the ncw_gauges_viewer or ncw_user roles.
You must have the ncw_gauges_viewer role.

A user without administration rights can customize their own copy of the page
only. Administrators can customize their own copy of a page and customize the
default page, and its contents, for all users.
Related concepts
“Gauges and metrics” on page 252
Related tasks
“Setting gauge portlet preferences” on page 123
“Publishing Gauges pages to mobile devices”

Publishing Gauges pages to mobile devices

You can make the gauges displayed on a Gauges page available to Web GUI users
on mobile devices, or in a Web browser.

To publish a Gauges page to a mobile device, generate an HTML file of the page
and send its URL to a mobile device:
1. Open the gauge page that you want to publish.
2. Edit your portlet preferences, or, as an administrator, edit the portlet defaults:
v Click Personalize .
v Administrator To edit the portlet defaults of all users, click Edit Options >
Edit shared settings, or to edit your own preferences, click Edit Options
> Personalize.
3. Select the HTML for mobile devices check box if it is cleared.
4. Optional: Change any other properties of the page or the gauges as required.
5. Click OK.
The Web GUI generates the HTML page and displays its URL in URL for
mobile devices.
6. Open the portlet preferences or portlet defaults again.
7. Optional: To preview the page, click the URL.
8. Copy the URL and send it to users of mobile devices in an e-mail or SMS
message. you can also send the URL to any other user of a browser who needs
access to the page.
v Before they can view the page, each recipient needs to log in to the Web GUI
as a user with the ncw_gauges_viewer role.
v Ensure that each recipient bookmarks the URL so that they can return to the
page at any time.

256 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
v Repeat this step each time you change any properties of the Gauges page or
its gauges.
Related tasks
“Setting gauge portlet preferences” on page 123

Creating and managing metrics for gauges

Use the WAAPI capabilities to create and manage metrics for gauges.

WAAPI contains methods, elements and attributes that you use to manage metrics:
v Create a metric
v Replace a metric, or create it if it does not exist
v Modify a metric
v Delete a metric
v Obtain a list of the existing metrics

WAAPI methods, elements, and attributes

Use the following WAAPI methods to manage metrics for gauges:

Table 28. WAAPI elements for gauge metrics
Task WAAPI method name
Create a metric metric.createMetric
Replace or create a metric metric.createOrReplaceMetric
Modify a metric metric.modifyMetric
Delete a metric metric.deleteMetric
List the existing metrics metric.getList

For operations on metrics, the <method> element contains the <metric:metric>

element. This element contains attributes that identify the metric and its
characteristics. It also contains the <metric:command> element that defines the
query to obtain the required data from the ObjectServer. In addition, there are two
modes for creating, replacing, or modifying a metric: basic and advanced. Basic
mode ensures that any restriction filters placed on the referenced ObjectServer
tables are applied and so the user receives only the data that they are entitled to
see. Advanced mode does not apply any restriction filters and the user sees all the
data returned by the query. The examples show the use of these modes, attributes
and the child element.


The following examples show how to use WAAPI to manage metrics for gauges.
The samplerequest_metric.xml and samplerequest_metric_basic.xml files in
webgui_home_dir/waapi/etc/samples contains these examples.

Create a metric

The following WAAPI command creates a metric named metricsample1 that

displays the count of all critical events in the ObjectServer. It uses advanced mode,
the default mode, and so does not apply any restriction filters that may be defined.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 257

<methodCall xmlns:metric="http://www.ibm.com/tivoli/netcool/webtop/metrics/7.3.1">
<method methodName="metric.createMetric">
<metric:metric name="metricsample1"
description="Shows count of all Critical events. Created using WAAPI."
<metric:command type="sql">
<metric:text data="select sum(Tally) from alerts.status where Severity=5;"/>

The following example creates the same metric but uses basic mode that applies
any restriction filters defined for the user.
<methodCall xmlns:metric="http://www.ibm.com/tivoli/netcool/webtop/metrics/7.3.1">
<method methodName="metric.createMetric">
<metric:metric name="metricsample1"
description="Shows count of all Critical events. Created using WAAPI."
<metric:command type="sql" mode="basic">
<metric:text selectField="sum(Tally)" whereClause="Severity=5"
databaseName="alerts" tableName="status"/>

Replace or create a metric

The following WAAPI command creates or replaces a metric named metricsample2

that shows the count of all major events in the ObjectServer.
<methodCall xmlns:metric="http://www.ibm.com/tivoli/netcool/webtop/metrics/7.3.1">
<method methodName="metric.createOrReplaceMetric">
<metric:metric name="metricsample2"
description="Shows count of all Major events. Created using WAAPI."
<metric:command type="sql">
<metric:text data="select sum(Tally) from alerts.status where Severity=4;"/>

To ensure any restriction filters are applied, use the same form of the <metric:text>
element as shown in the basic mode example of creating a metric. The sample file
samplerequest_metric_basic.xml has an example of creating and replacing a
metric in basic mode.

258 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Modify a metric

The following WAAPI command makes three modifications to the metric named
v A new maximum value
v New thresholds for the transitions between the low, medium, and high ranges of
the metric
v A modified description
<methodCall xmlns:metric="http://www.ibm.com/tivoli/netcool/webtop/metrics/7.3.1">
<method methodName="metric.modifyMetric">
<metric:metric name="metricsample1"
description="Shows count of all Critical events. Modified using WAAPI."
<metric:command type="sql">
<metric:text data="select sum(Tally) from alerts.status where Severity=5;"/>

To ensure any restriction filters are applied, use the same form of the <metric:text>
element as shown in the basic mode example of creating a metric. The sample file
samplerequest_metric_basic.xml has an example of modifying a metric in basic

Delete a metric

The following WAAPI command deletes the metric named metricsample2.

<methodCall xmlns:metric="http://www.ibm.com/tivoli/netcool/webtop/metrics/7.3.1">
<method methodName="metric.deleteMetric">
<metric:metric name="metricsample2"/>

List the existing metrics

The following WAAPI command returns a list of the available metrics.

<methodCall xmlns:metric="http://www.ibm.com/tivoli/netcool/webtop/metrics/7.3.1">
<method methodName="metric.getList" />

Setting the thresholds for a gauge

A gauge has three display levels: low, medium, and high. This task shows how to
set the thresholds for each display level.

Before you begin

First note the following for each gauge you want to modify:
v The name of the gauge
The name appears beneath each gauge on the Gauges page.
v The value of the thresholds for transitions from low to medium and from
medium to high.

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 259

You express each threshold as a percentage of the gauge's range (maximum value
minus minimum value). Use the following method to determine the percentage
value of each threshold:
1. Decide on the actual values on the gauge that are to be the threshold points.
2. Calculate the percentage equivalent of each point as follows:
threshold(%) = (threshold - Gmin) / (Gmax - Gmin) * 100
is the threshold expressed as a percentage.
is the threshold point on the gauge.
Gmin is the minimum value of the gauge.
Gmax is the maximum value of the gauge.

To change the thresholds for one or more gauges:

1. Log in to the Web GUI server using a command-line interface.
2. Go to the directory: webgui_home_dir/etc/configstore/ncwMetrics.
3. Open the XML file for a gauge using a text editor. The name of the file is based
on the name of the gauge on the Web GUI.
4. Locate the <metric> element and:
a. Set the value of the threshold1 attribute to the percentage value for the low
to medium transition.
b. Set the value of the threshold2 attribute to the percentage value for the
medium to high transition.
5. Save the file.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the other gauges you want to change.
7. Exit from the text editor.
8. Depending on the configuration of your site, you might need to restart the


The characteristics and requirements for a gauge are:

v The gauge has a minimum value of 5 and a maximum of 55.
v The threshold points are 10 and 50.

The thresholds, expressed as percentages, are:

v Lower threshold:
(10 - 5)/(55 - 5) * 100 = 10%
v Upper threshold:
(50 - 5)/(55 - 5) * 100 = 90%

The <metric> element for this gauge is:

<metric name="adminconnections"
description="Number of Administration client connections"

260 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Related concepts
“The Web GUI in a load balancing environment” on page 107
Related tasks
“Restarting the server” on page 1

Chapter 6. Visualizing high-level event information 261

262 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Chapter 7. Monitoring events in the Web GUI
You can monitor and manage Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus by using the Web GUI.

Monitoring events in the AEL

Use the Active Event List (AEL) to interactively monitor and manage events.
Related concepts
“Event Dashboard overview” on page 197

Event management in Active Event Lists

The Active Event List (AEL) is an interactive table that displays network alert data
from an ObjectServer. Use the AEL to monitor alert data and manage information
relating to faults in your network.

Interactive alert management is characterized by two-way communication with the

ObjectServer. Alerts are viewed by operators, and are then addressed. When
connected to the Web GUI, all interactive alert management activities take place
from within the AEL window. From here you can monitor, prioritize, and address
network alerts.

To use SQL tools in an AEL, you must be ObjectServer-validated with appropriate

privileges on the corresponding ObjectServer.

An alert is created when the ObjectServer receives an event, alarm, message, or

data item. Each alert is made up of several fields from a particular row in the
ObjectServer alerts.status table.

The manner in which alert data is displayed in the AEL is controlled by predefined
filters and views. You can use filters to choose which rows from the ObjectServer
alerts.status table to display, and you can use views to choose which fields within
a row to display.

Read-write users have access to Filter Builder and View Builder components. These
tools can be used to apply defined filters and views to the AEL, either other
predefined filters and views, or user-defined filters and views. Administrators can
provide all read-write clients with publicly-accessible filters and views for them to
use if they require.

After alert information is presented within the AEL display area, you can conduct
various administrative actions on the table entries. Network event information can
be examined, and alerts acknowledged and assigned to the appropriate network
management personnel. In addition, journals attached to alerts can be modified to
record these actions, and administrative tools within the AEL can be run based on
alert data.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 263

Accessing Active Event Lists
You can access AELs in several ways to monitor and manage event data.

To access an AEL:
v Open the AEL in the navigation. To open the default AEL portlet, click
Availability > Events > Active Event List.
v Open the AEL from an Event Dashboard portlet by clicking the distribution
indicator of a monitor box. To open the default Event Dashboard portlet, click
Availability > Events > Event Dashboard. AEL opening must be specified as a
single-click action in the Event Dashboard portlet preferences.
v Open the AEL from a linked active object in a map.
v Click a hyperlink containing a correctly-constructed AEL query string.
Related tasks
“Visualizing event information on maps” on page 205
“Setting Event Dashboard portlet preferences and defaults” on page 120
Related reference
Appendix F, “URLs for opening Web GUI pages,” on page 307
“insert:AEL command” on page 294

Acknowledging and deacknowledging events

You can acknowledge and deacknowledge events in the event list.

Note: You can acknowledge and deacknowledge only the events that are assigned
to you, your group, or the nobody user.

To acknowledge an alert:
1. Open an AEL and select the events you want to acknowledge.
2. Select Alerts > Acknowledge or use Ctrl+A.

Note: If configured by your administrator, you are required to enter a journal

entry whenever you acknowledge an event.


You can also deacknowledge a previously acknowledged event:

1. Open an AEL and select an event that has already been acknowledged.
2. Select Alerts > Deacknowledge or use Ctrl+D.
Related concepts
“Prompt types” on page 145

264 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Assigning ownership to events
When an event arrives from a probe, the event is owned by the nobody user unless
ownership of the event has been assigned to a specific user. Web GUI users with
appropriate privileges can take ownership of events throughout the problem
lifecycle, or assign events to a specific user or group.

The OwnerUID and OwnerGID columns provide this capability to work as an

individual or as a member of a team. The OwnerUID column holds the user ID of
the owner of the event, and the OwnerGID column holds the group ID.

As soon as an event is owned by a user, only that user or a user with higher
privileges can modify the event. If an event is assigned to a group, the OwnerUID
is reassigned to the nobody user. After an event is assigned to a group, only a
member of that group or a user with higher privileges can modify the event.

Note: The users or groups to which you can assign events depends on your
security permissions. If you are a normal user, you can assign only the events
assigned to you, your group, or the nobody user.

To assign ownership of events:

1. From the event list, select one or more events.
2. Assign the events to another user, another group, or yourself, as follows:
v To assign selected events to a particular user, click Alerts > User Assign, and
then select a user from the submenu.

Note: If there are a large number of names to choose from, the menu
structure may include submenus that contain names within alphabetical
ranges (for example, A to G, H to M, and so on). If the name you want is
grouped in a submenu (for example, A to G), open the submenu, then select
the user's name.
v To assign selected events to another group, click Alerts > Group Assign, and
then select a group from the submenu (for example, Network Support).

Note: When an event is assigned to a group, the OwnerUID does not

change, meaning that it is not reassigned to the nobody user.
v To assign selected events to yourself, click Alerts > Take ownership. You
take ownership of an event when it has been assigned to you for action, or if
you are in a position to resolve it.

Changing the event information displayed

You can set what event information is displayed from the available event data by
editing the event list view, or by selecting and applying a different view. You can
also edit the filter criteria used by the current event list, or select a different filter
to apply to the event list.

From the event list, perform any of the following actions:

v To edit the current view within the current event list and change the columns
displayed from the available data , click Edit > Views. The View Builder opens,
which you can use to edit the view.
v To select a different view to apply to the event list, click the drop-down list of
views on the toolbar and select an item from the list. After being selected, the
event list columns update according to the view settings.

Chapter 7. Monitoring events in the Web GUI 265

v To edit the current filter, click Edit > Filters. The Filter Builder opens, which you
can use to edit the filter.
v To select a different filter to apply to the event list, select a filter from the Filter
list. After being selected, the event list rows update with the filter settings.
Related tasks
“Setting up filters for event data” on page 178
“Setting up views for event lists” on page 190

Copying data from the event list

You can copy event data from the event list to the clipboard for use in other

To copy event data:

1. From the event list, select an event field.
2. Click Edit > Copy or press Ctrl+C.
3. Paste this information into another application as required.


Tip: You can also copy alert information from the Event Information window.
Related tasks
“Displaying event information in full”

Deleting events
You can remove events from the event list.

To delete one or more events in the event list, select the events, and click Alerts >

Note: Any user with access to SQL tools can access the Delete tool. However, your
administrator can restrict the use of the Delete function by assigning you to a
group that has no access.
Related concepts
“Access criteria for tools” on page 145

Displaying event information in full

From the event list, you can view full details of any selected events. Event
information that is stored in the alerts.status, alerts.details, and alerts.journal
database tables is shown.

Access to the information in the tabs is determined on an individual user basis. For
a non-administrative user to be able to access the information in the Fields tab, the
permissions for Show basic event information must be selected in their user

For a non-administrative user to be able to view the Detail tab, the permissions for
both the Show basic event information and Show event details must be selected
in their user profile.

For a non-administrative user to be able to view the Journal tab, the permissions
for both the Show basic event information and Show journals must be selected in
their user profile.

266 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
1. From the event list, perform one of the following actions:
v To view information for a single event, double-click the event, or select the
event and then click Alerts > Information.
v To view information for multiple events, select the events and then click
Alerts > Information.
The Event Information window opens.
2. Use this window as follows:
Fields Click this tab to view a list of all the columns and their corresponding
values for a selected event. This information is stored in the
ObjectServer alerts.status table. You can click any column in the list to
see the complete text for its value in the field below the list of columns.
Click this tab to view alert details that are stored in the ObjectServer
alerts.details table.
Click this tab to view the journal entries for the event, as stored in the
ObjectServer alerts.journal table.
You can enter additional journal entries by clicking Add To Journal to
open the full Journal window for the event. On completion, close this
window to return to the Event Information window.
If you selected multiple events from the event list, click this button to
display detailed information for the previous event in your selection.
This action can fail if events have been deleted elsewhere in the system.
Next If you selected multiple events from the event list, click this button to
display detailed information for the next event in your selection. This
action can fail if events have been deleted elsewhere in the system.
Close Click this button to close this window.

Related tasks
“Modifying the preferences of a Web GUI user” on page 67
“Maintaining a journal for an event” on page 268

Freezing the event data

You can freeze any open event list so that updates from the ObjectServer are not

Freezing the alerts enables you to take a snapshot of the alert status before it is
changed by further updates from the ObjectServer. Although alert freezing does
not prevent you from making changes using the tools in the Alerts menu, the
updates conferred are not displayed until the display is unfrozen.

To freeze the contents of an AEL, click View > Freeze or press Ctrl-Z,. A check is
displayed against the Freeze menu item to indicate that the option has been

To restart automatic updates from the ObjectServer, click View > Freeze or press

Chapter 7. Monitoring events in the Web GUI 267

You can also freeze all open event lists and take snapshots of any AELs you have
open on your browser.

To freeze the contents of all AELs open in your browser, click View > Freeze All or
press Ctrl+Shift+Z. A check is displayed against the Freeze All menu item to
indicate that the option has been selected.

To restart automatic updates from the ObjectServer, click View > Freeze All or
press Ctrl+Shift+Z.

Maintaining a journal for an event

You can add and save your own event history information. You can maintain a
journal for any event in the event list.
1. From the event list, select the event, and then click Alerts > Journal. The
Journal window opens.

Tip: You can also access the Journal window while within the Event
Information window for a selected event. From the Journal tab, click the Add
to Journal button.
2. Complete this window as follows:
Journal information list boxes
The upper list box is read-only and displays the existing journal history
text. For each entry, the name of the user who entered the information,
and the date and time when they entered this information, are shown.
You can use the Alerts menu while within this window by
right-clicking within this list box.
Use the lower list box to add a text entry to the journal. There is a limit
of 4096 characters for each journal entry. When you have completed the
text entry, click Apply to save the text within the upper list box. The
new text is saved as the last entry, and your user name, and the date
and time, are automatically added.

Note: To be able to add text entries to the journal, you must be an

ObjectServer user, you must have the Web GUI read-write user role
(netcool_rw) assigned, and you must have the Edit journals (read write
role) check box selected on the User Preferences for Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI page.
Apply to All Selected
Select this check box if you want to add the newly-entered text to all
events that are selected in the event list, and not just to the event
whose serial number is displayed at the top of the window. To save the
text entry to the journal for each selected event, click Apply.
OK Click this button to save the newly-entered text and close the window.
If you selected multiple events in the event list, click this button to
move to the journal entry for the previous event in your selection.
Next If you selected multiple events in the event list, click this button to
move to the journal entry for the next event in your selection.
Apply Click this button to save newly-entered text to the journal. The Journal

268 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
window remains open for further entries. This button is useful if you
have selected multiple events and want to add different journal entries
for them.
Close Click this button to close this window. You are prompted to save any
unsaved changes before the window closes.

Prioritizing events
You can prioritize events in the AEL by changing the event severity. Each event in
the event list has an associated severity, which is indicated by the color of the
severity in the display.

The following severity states are used to categorize events:

v Critical
v Major
v Minor
v Warning
v Intermediate
v Clear

You can change the severity of events only if you have permission to do so, and
you can change only the severity of events assigned to you, your group, or the
nobody user.

To change the priority of an event:

1. Open an AEL.
2. Select the events for which you want to change priority.
3. Click Alerts > Prioritize and select a priority setting from the submenu.
The status line displays the number of events that have had their severity set,
and the number of events whose severity could not be set because they are not
assigned to you.

Refreshing the event data

The event list refreshes automatically at regular intervals to show all incoming
alerts from the ObjectServer. You can choose to refresh the event list manually
between the configured intervals to view all the latest alerts at the current point in

To refresh the AEL manually between automatic refresh updates, click View >
Refresh, or use Ctrl-R.

Note: In order to enable manual refreshing of the AEL, you must turn off row data
Related tasks
“Changing the AEL refresh rate” on page 133
“Turning data row caching on or off” on page 134

Chapter 7. Monitoring events in the Web GUI 269

Running predictive eventing tools in the Web GUI
You can use the Active Event List (AEL) to monitor predictive events generated
within IBM Tivoli Monitoring if your installation has been set up to support
predictive eventing.

Before you begin

Before you can run predictive eventing tools, the following prerequisites must be
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.2 must be installed and configured for predictive
v Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus must be configured for predictive eventing.
v The Web GUI setup for predictive eventing must be configured.
v If you want to launch from the AEL directly into Tivoli Enterprise Portal without
having to log in, single sign-on must be configured.

For more information about configuring single sign-on and configuring the setup
for predictive eventing, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and
Deployment Guide.

A default filter and view are provided for use with predictive events:
v The default filter contains the following SQL WHERE clause: where Class =
v The default view contains the following fields, which are displayed in the
following order, from left to right: Node, TrendDirection, Summary,
FirstOccurrence, LastOccurrence, Count, PredictionTime. The sorting order of the
view is as follows:
– The Severity column is sorted in descending order
– The LastOccurrence column is sorted in ascending order
– The PredictionTime column is sorted in ascending order

In an AEL, you can restrict the events displayed to predictive events by selecting
PredictiveEvents from the Filters list. To display the predictive eventing fields,
select PredictiveEventsView from the Views list. Alternatively, you can sort the
AEL by using either the Summary column or the Class column. The summary text
for predictive events is always prefixed with Prediction from. The default entry in
the Class column for a predictive event is always Predictive Event, although this
value can be changed by an administrator.

Restriction: You can run predictive eventing tools against only one event at a time.

To run the predictive eventing tools in the AEL:

v For all events: To display predictive events that meet a certain level of
1. Right click any event and click Alerts > Show Prediction Confidence.
2. In the Internal Command Parameters window, select an operator and type a
value between 0 and 100. The confidence level is expressed as a percentage.
The default operator and confidence level are >80.
A new AEL window opens displaying predictive events that match the specified
confidence threshold.
v For predictive events only: To display critical threshold events, right-click a
predictive event and click Alerts > Show Predictive Events Threshold.

270 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
A new AEL window opens displaying all critical threshold events.
v For predictive events only: To display extended predictive attributes, right-click
a predictive event and click Alerts > Show Extended Attributes.
A new window opens displaying the following extended attributes of the
predictive event in table form, for example:
– Confidence
– Number of samples
– Strength
v For predictive events only: To show the details of a predictive event in the
default workspace of Tivoli Enterprise Portal:
1. Right click a predictive event and click Alerts > Show Details in TEP
2. Optional: If single sign-on has not be configured, log into Tivoli Enterprise

Monitoring TADDM events in the Web GUI

TADDM events are generated within IBM Tivoli Application Dependency
Discovery Manager when a configuration change is detected in your IT
environment. You can monitor TADDM events from the Web GUI if your system is
configured to support this feature.

A TADDM filter is available in your Active Event List for filtering TADDM events;
to use this filter, select TADDM from the Filters list. You can also identify TADDM
events in the Active Event List by sorting on the Class column, if this column is
available in your current view. By default, the entry is Tivoli Application
Dependency Discovery Manager, although this can be changed by your system

TADDM events have an Indeterminate severity level by default.

From the Active Event List, you can launch across to the TADDM Java console or
Web client to view further details about the configuration items for which alerts
have been raised:
v To view all the attribute details for a configuration item from within the
TADDM Java console, right-click a TADDM event in the Active Event List, and
then click TADDM > Config Item Details (console) from the pop-up menu.
v To view all the attribute details for a configuration item from within the
TADDM Web client, right-click a TADDM event in the Active Event List, and
then click TADDM > Config Item Details (web) from the pop-up menu.
v To view a change history report for a configuration item from within the
TADDM Java console, right-click a TADDM event in the Active Event List, and
then click TADDM > Change History (console) from the pop-up menu.
v To view a change history report for a configuration item from within the
TADDM Web client, right-click a TADDM event in the Active Event List, and
then click TADDM > Change History (web) from the pop-up menu.
You can double-click an event to view its complete set of details in the Event
Information window.

Chapter 7. Monitoring events in the Web GUI 271

Searching for event list data
You can search for event list data in a number of ways. You can enter specific text
to search for, use a filtering facility to quickly find matching occurrences of data,
and filter event list data by severity.

Filtering events by severity

You can filter the event list data to display only those events that match a
particular severity.

To filter by a particular severity, click the required severity color on the event list
distribution status bar.

For example, to see only those events with a severity level of minor, click the
yellow button on the distribution status bar. The event list refreshes to display only
alerts with a severity level of minor.

To remove severity filtering and restore the event list to its original view of all
events, click the All Events button on the distribution status bar.

Quickly filtering events

You can use the quick filtering facility as a fast way of displaying events in the
event list that match a selected criteria. You can filter for event data and display
events that correspond to the value of a specific cell. For example, you can quickly
display only those events that occurred at the same time as the selected event, or
before the selected event.

To use the quick filter:

1. From the event list, select a cell that contains a value on which to base the
quick filter.
2. Click Alerts > Quick Filter, and then select one of the following options from
the submenu:
v Equals shows all rows with the same field value as the selected cell.
v Not Equals shows all rows with a different field value from the selected cell.
v Greater Than shows all rows with a greater field value than selected cell.
v Greater Than or Equals shows all rows with a field value greater than or
equal to the selected cell.
v Less Than shows all rows with a lesser field value than selected cell.
v Less Than or Equals shows all rows with a field value less than or equal to
the selected cell.
v Like shows all rows that contain the same string as the selected cell.
v Not Like shows all rows that do not contain the same string as the selected
The event list refreshes to display only those alerts that match the specified
filter criteria.
3. To remove quick filtering and restore the event list to its original view of all
events, click Alerts > Quick Filter > Off. Alternatively, click the All Events
button on the distribution status bar.

272 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Searching for text in the event list
You can search the event list for event data that matches a specific value that you
enter. You can search for data within a specific column and specify options to
narrow down the search.
1. From the event list, click View > Find. The Find window opens.
2. Complete this window as follows:
Select the column to search.
Value Type the search value that you want to match. You can enter an exact
value to search for or a regular expression.
Specify the type of match required by selecting one of the following:
v Exact Match to find rows where the data in the selected column
exactly matches the specified search value.
v Regular Expression to find rows where the data in the selected
column matches the specified regular expression.
v Sub String to find rows where the data in the selected column
contains the specified value somewhere within it.
Find Click this button to find the first matching occurrence. If a matching
row is found in the event list, any currently-selected rows are
deselected, and the matching row is selected. The Find window
remains open so that you can view any additional matching
Next Click this button to show the next match, and subsequent matches, in
the event list.
Close Click this button to close this window.

Selecting and deselecting events

To work with one or more event in the AEL, you must first select the events. You
can then use the options in the Alerts menu to manipulate the events. You can also
deselect one or more events from a list of selected events.

Note: You can right-click an event to access an Alerts pop-up menu. The Alerts
menu is configured by your system administrator.

To select one or more events:

1. Open an AEL.
2. Select single or multiple events in the following ways:
v To select one event and deselect all other events, click the event row.
v To select multiple, nonsequential events, hold down the Ctrl key and click
each event.
v To select multiple, sequential events, click an event row to be the first
selected. Then hold down the Shift key and then click the last event row to
select all in between on the list.
v To select all events, click Edit > Select all or use Ctrl+S.
v To select all events that match the value in a particular field (smart
matching) hold down the Shift key (Ctrl+Alt on Windows) and click the right
mouse button over the field you want to match.

Chapter 7. Monitoring events in the Web GUI 273


You can also deselect one or more events:

1. Open an AEL.
2. Deselect single or multiple events in the following ways:
v To deselect all events in the event list, click Edit > Deselect all or use Ctrl+E.
v To deselect an event in a selection of multiple rows, hold down the Ctrl key
and click the event.

Sorting columns
To organize the data displayed in the Active Event List (AEL), use the sorting

Sorted columns are denoted by an upwards-pointing arrow or

downwards-pointing arrow in the column header, depending on whether the
column is sorted in ascending or descending order.

The data is sorted only by the fields contained in the alerts.status table;
conversions are not sorted.

To sort columns:
1. Open an AEL. If you open the AEL with a view in which a sorting order is
specified, the sorting order is applied, but not indicated on the column headers.
2. Sort single columns as follows:
a. To sort a column, click the column header once. The rows are sorted in
ascending order.
b. To sort in descending order, click the column header again.
c. To unsort the column, click the column header a third time.
3. Sort multiple columns as follows:
a. To sort multiple columns, press Crtl and click the required column headers.
The sorting importance of the columns in indicated in square brackets ([]) in
the column header.
b. To alternate the sorting of individual columns within the selection between
ascending and descending order, keep Ctrl pressed and click the column
c. To unsort the columns, release Crtl and click any header from among the
sorted columns. The previously-sorted columns are unsorted; the column
that you clicked is sorted in ascending order.
d. To unsort the column that you clicked in step 3c, click the column another
two times.

What to do next

If you opened the AEL with a view, after all columns are unsorted, the sorting
order specified in the view is reapplied.
Related tasks
“Creating views” on page 190
“Changing the sort order in a column” on page 195

274 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Using tools to manage events
Use the tools in the event list to run SQL commands against events from one or
more data sources, or to run external commands, for example, a local application
batch file or script. Default tools include the Ping tool, Telnet tool, and Tracepath

Before you begin

If you want to run a tool against events from more than one data source, note the
following criteria:
v The tool must be valid against the ObjectServer from which the events originate.
If you select events from multiple ObjectServers, the tool must be valid against
all the ObjectServers. For example, if the tool is configured to run against fields
that are not contained in one ObjectServer, the tool cannot be run against the
entire selection of events.
v You must have write permission against all the ObjectServers from which the
selected events originate. If you select events from multiple ObjectServers, and
you do not have write permission in all the ObjectServers, the tool runs against
only the ObjectServers that you are permitted to modify.
v If you run a tool containing a prompt against events from multiple
ObjectServers, the prompt permits you to select only fields or field values that
are common to all ObjectServers.

To run a tool:
1. Select one or more events in the AEL and right-click the selection.
2. Run a tool against the selected event or events by selecting the appropriate tool
in the Tools menu.

Monitoring events in the LEL

You can use the Lightweight Event List (LEL) to monitor and manage alerts.

The JavaScript LEL provides users with a similar list of events as the AEL.
However, the LEL does not possess a SmartPage tag and therefore cannot be
embedded into a Web page. While you can access all the event information stored
in the alerts.status, alerts.details, and alerts.journal database tables, the LEL does
not provide you with the additional AEL functionality accessed through the AEL
menus. In addition, the LEL displays alerts from the default data source only.

You can use any of the following methods to access an LEL:

v Open the LEL from the navigation. To open the default LEL, click Availability >
Events > Lightweight Event List (LEL)
v Launch an LEL from a linked active object in a map.
v Click a hyperlink containing a correctly-constructed LEL query-string.

Chapter 7. Monitoring events in the Web GUI 275

Viewing events in the Lightweight Event List
Use the functions of the Lightweight Event List (LEL) to control what events are
displayed and how the event information is displayed.

Administrator The number of alert rows in each page is determined by the

lel.pagesize.default property in the server.init file. The default is 500.

To view event data in the LEL:

1. Open an LEL.
2. Use the Lightweight Event List (LEL) window as follows:
Refresh event data
Manually refreshes the LEL display area.
The LEL is refreshed automatically at predefined intervals to show all
incoming alerts from the ObjectServer.
Freeze updates to this window
Freezes the contents of the LEL display area so no further updates take
Select/deselect all rows
Selects or deselects all rows in the LEL display area.
Page Slider Buttons
Use the page slider to step backwards or forwards through the alert
table pages, skip to the first or last alerts, and move to a specific page
displaying a block of alerts (the screen page range is constrained to
blocks of five).

Displaying full event information in the Lightweight Event List

From the Lightweight Event List (LEL) list, you can view full details of any
selected event. All information stored in the following database tables is shown:
alerts.status, alerts.details, and alerts.journal.

To display full information about one or more events:

1. From the LEL, double-click an event row. The Event Information window
opens and the Fields tab is displayed by default.
2. Use this window as follows:
Fields Click this tab to view a list of all the columns and their corresponding
values for a selected event. This information is stored in the
ObjectServer alerts.status table.
Click this tab to view alert details that are stored in the ObjectServer
alerts.details table.
Click this tab to view the journal entries for the event, as stored in the
ObjectServer alerts.journal table.
If you selected multiple events from the event list, click this button to
display detailed information for the previous event in your selection.
This action can fail if events have been deleted elsewhere in the system.
Next If you selected multiple events from the event list, click this button to

276 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
display detailed information for the next event in your selection. This
action can fail if events have been deleted elsewhere in the system.
Close Click this button to close this window.

Monitoring events in the Table View

You can view alert data in a tabular format in the Table View. The tables are static,
and they present all available events from the default data source. The Table View
can be embedded in a Web page using a SmartPage tag.

You can use any of the following methods to view events in a static table format:
v Open a page containing a Table View. To open the default Table View, click
Availability > Events > Table View.
v Open the Table View from a linked active object in a map.
v Click a hyperlink that contains a Table View query string

Chapter 7. Monitoring events in the Web GUI 277

278 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Appendix A. Accessibility features for the Web GUI
Accessibility features help users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility
or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully.

The following list includes the major accessibility features in the Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI:
v The Active Event List (AEL) supports keyboard-only operation.
v The Web GUI administrative screens are readable by screen readers.

Keyboard navigation

The navigation functions of the Web GUI can be accessed using the keyboard.

This product uses standard Microsoft Windows navigation keys.

The AEL and the Java Map Editor menu functions can also be accessed using
accelerator keys. Accelerator keys or mnemonics refer to the underlined characters
in menus and dialogs such as F for File.

Alternative text

All non-text content used in the Web GUI has associated alternative text.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 279

280 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Appendix B. Data source configuration file data reference
Web GUI communication configuration files must conform in structure to the
content described by a Document Type Definition (DTD).

XML overview
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a standard, self-describing set of rules
for structuring data so that it can be processed and exchanged across a variety of
hardware types, operating systems, and applications.

A reasonable degree of XML knowledge on the part of the Web GUI administrator
is assumed.

To write your own data source configuration files you must understand:
v The rules, logic, and components used by XML
v The concepts of elements, attributes, and markup
v How to create documents that are well-formed, and valid against an XML
Document Type Definition (DTD)

DTD reference
XML is hierarchical in structure and the DTD specifies whether each element
permits child elements, that is, whether other elements can be used under an
element within the hierarchy.

Attention: XML is case-sensitive. Elements, attributes, and attribute values used

within an XML command file must be used exactly as they are shown in the DTD.

Data types and legends

The data types and legends that accompany the Web GUI DTD elements and
attributes are as follows:
NM Indicates that the attribute types are names consisting of XML NMTOKEN
character (letters, periods, numbers, underscores, dashes, and colons). NM
often also indicates that the attribute contains a list of predefined choices.
Indicates that the attribute contains unparsed character data.
IMP Indicates that the presence of the attribute is implied (optional).
REQ Indicates that the presence of the attribute is required.

Attributes and elements of the DTD

The XML elements and attributes defined in the Web GUI configuration DTD as
This element has the following attributes:
v maxAge (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
v enabled (type: NM, presence: IMP)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 281

v cleantime (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
This element has no child elements.
This element has the following attributes:
v maxAge (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
This element has no child elements.
This element has the following attributes:
v maxAge (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
v enabled (type: NM, presence: IMP)
v cleantime (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
This element has no child elements.
This element has the following attributes:
v maxAge (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
v enabled (type: NM, presence: IMP)
v cleantime (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
This element has no child elements.
This element has the following attributes:
v maxAge (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
v enabled (type: NM, presence: IMP)
v cleantime (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
This element has no child elements.
This element has no attributes. This element has the following child
v <ncwOSConnection>
This element has no attributes. This element has the following child
v <ncwstatementParameters> There are zero or one occurrences of this
This element has the following attributes:
v userName (type: CCDATA, presence: IMP)
v password (type: CCDATA, presence: IMP)
v encrypted (type: NM, presence: IMP)
v algorithm (type: NM, presence: IMP)
This element has no child elements.
This element has the following attributes:
v type (type: NM, presence: IMP)
v name (type: CDATA, presence: REQ)

282 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
This element has the following child elements:
v <results-cache>
v <ncwDataSourcePollingParameters>
v <ncwConnectionParameters> There are zero or one occurrences of this
v <ncwDataSourceCredentials>
v <ncwFailOverPairDefinition>
v <ncwReadCloudDefinition> There are zero or one occurrences of this
This is the root element and has no attributes. This element has the
following child elements:
v <ncwDefaultDataSourceList>
v <ncwDataSourceDefinition> There is at least one occurrence of this
This element has the following attributes:
v name (type: CDATA, presence: REQ)
This element has no child elements.
This element has no attributes. This element has the following child
v <ncwFailOverPollingParameters>
v <ncwHeartBeatParameters>
This element has no attributes. This element has the following child
v <ncwDataSourceEntry> There is at least one occurrence of this element.
This element has no attributes. This element has the following child
v <ncwPrimaryServer>
v < ncwBackUpServer> There are zero or one occurrences of this element.
This element has the following attributes:
v backOffMultiplier (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
v basePollingTime (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
This element has no child elements.
This element has the following attributes:
v basePollingTime (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
This element has no child elements.
This element has the following attributes:
v host (type: CDATA, presence: REQ)
v port (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)

Appendix B. Data source configuration file data reference 283

v ssl (type: NM, presence: IMP)
v minPoolSize (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
v maxPoolSize (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
This element has no attributes. This element has the following child
v <ncwOSConnection>
This element has the following attributes:
v baseTime (type: CDATA, presence: IMP)
This element has no child elements.
This element has no attributes. This element has the following child
v <ncwOSConnection> There is at least one occurrence of this element.
This element has no attributes. This element has the following child
v <ncwQueryTimeout> There are zero or one occurrences of this element.
This element has no attributes. This element has the following child
v <chart>
v <config>
v <eventList>
v <eventSummary>
v <metric>

Element reference
The elements used in the Web GUI configuration DTD often have one or more
associated attributes, for which a value can be required.

The elements defined within the configuration DTD are as follows.

This element is a child element of the <results-cache> element. This element
specifies caching options for chart results. If caching is enabled, the maxAge
attribute specifies the expiry time, in seconds, for the cache. The cleantime
attribute specifies the time interval, in seconds, at which cache entries are
checked and removed. Cache data that exceeds the time imposed by the
maxAge attribute is removed.
This element is a child element of the <results-cache> element. This element
specifies whether data caching is enabled. If caching is enabled, the maxAge
attribute specifies the expiry time, in seconds, for the cache. For example:
<config maxAge="60" enabled="true">
This element is a child element of the <results-cache> element. This element

284 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
specifies caching for results in the event lists. If caching is enabled, the
maxAge attribute specifies the expiry time, in seconds, for the cache. The
cleantime attribute specifies the time interval, in seconds, at which cache
entries are checked and removed. Cache data that exceeds the time imposed by
the maxAge attribute is removed.
This element is a child element of the <results-cache> element. This element
specifies caching for event summary results, such as maps and Event
Dashboards. If caching is enabled, the maxAge attribute specifies the expiry
time, in seconds, for the cache. The cleantime attribute specifies the time
interval, in seconds, at which cache entries are checked and removed. Cache
data that exceeds the time imposed by the maxAge attribute is removed.
This element is a child element of the <results-cache> element. This element
specifies caching for results in Gauges pages. If caching is enabled, the maxAge
attribute specifies the expiry time, in seconds, for the cache. The cleantime
attribute specifies the time interval, in seconds, at which cache entries are
checked and removed. Cache data that exceeds the time imposed by the
maxAge attribute is removed.
This element is a child element of <ncwDefaultDataSourceList> and contains
the ncwOSConnection element specifying host and port of the failover
ObjectServer. For example:
This element is a child element of <ncwDataSourceDefinition> and contains
elements that control the connection to a data source.
This element is a child element of <ncwDataSourceDefinition> and holds the
login information required by the Web GUI to access the data source. If the
encrypted attribute is set to true, a password encrypted using the Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus nco_g_crypt encryption utility can be used. For example:
This element is a child element of the <ncwDataSourceDefinitions> element
and contains the tags that define configuration and communication parameters
for an individual data source.
This is the root element of the DTD.
This element is a child element of <ncwDefaultDataSourceList> and contains
the names of the default data sources that communicate with the Web GUI.
These entries are subsequently defined in the configuration file by
corresponding <ncwDataSourceDefinition> tags. The first entry in the list is the

Appendix B. Data source configuration file data reference 285

default data source used by the Web GUI for client authentication. If this data
source is not present, the next entry in the list is used as a default. For
<ncwDataSourceEntry name="NCOMS"/>
<ncwDataSourceEntry name="NILKA"/>
This element is a child element of <ncwDataSourceDefinition> and contains the
elements that control failover and data source heartbeat polling.
See <ncwDataSourceEntry>.
This element is a child element of <ncwDataSourceDefinition> and contains the
tags that specify the primary and backup ObjectServers. The inclusion of a
backup ObjectServer is optional, but only one is permitted per data source. For
This element specifies the time interval at which the data source is polled in
the event of a failover. This element is used only when there is a failover
server available, as defined by the <ncwBackUpServer> element. For example:
<ncwFailOverPollingParameters backOffMultiplier="2" basePollingTime="10"/>
This element is a child element of <ncwDataSourcePollingParameters> and
specifies the time interval, in seconds, for the Web GUI to poll an active data
source. For example:
<ncwHeartBeatParameters basePollingTime="15"/>
This element is a child element of both <ncwPrimaryServer> and
<ncwBackUpServer> and specifies the communication criteria for a primary or
failover data source. For example:
<ncwOSConnection host="" port="4141"/>
This element is a child element of <ncwDefaultDataSourceList> and contains
the ncwOSConnection element specifying host and port of the primary
ObjectServer. For example:

286 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
This element is a child element of <ncwStatementParameters> and defines the
time out period, in seconds, for SQL statements sent to a data source. For
<ncwQueryTimeout baseTime="60" />
This element is a child element of <ncwDataSourceDefinition> and holds the
addresses of all the display servers you want to use with this master
ObjectServer. One <ncwReadCloudDefinition> element permitted per data
source. You cannot have multiple display server clouds communicating with a
single master ObjectServer. For example:
This element is a child element of <ncwConnectionParameters> and contains
elements that control the exchange of SQL statements with a data source.
The <results-cache> element is a child element of the
<ncwDataSourceDefinition> element. It contains the child elements <chart>,
<config>, <eventList>, <eventSummary>, and <metric>.

Attribute reference
Use this information to understand the attributes used in the Web GUI
configuration DTD. Some attributes are enumerated and the values of these
attributes are constrained to a list of predefined text strings. When enumerated
attributes are used within the XML command file, they must use one of the values
shown in the list.

The following table describes each attribute defined within the configuration DTD.
Default values (if any) are provided in the description.
Table 29. Configuration DTD attribute definitions
Attribute Constrained values Description
algorithm DES | AES Specifies whether a DES or an AES
algorithm is used.

Appendix B. Data source configuration file data reference 287

Table 29. Configuration DTD attribute definitions (continued)
Attribute Constrained values Description
backOffMultiplier None The multiplier for the backoff
algorithm used to calculate the polling
backoff time during a failover.

The default value is 1.

basePollingTime None The seed time, in seconds, for the
algorithm used to calculate the polling
backoff time during a failover.

The default value is 20 seconds for the

element or 15 seconds for the
<ncwHeartbeatParameters> element.
baseTime None The timeout period, in seconds, for a
query statement sent to the data
source. If the Web GUI receives no
response within this time, it attempts
to reconnect to the data source.

The default value is 30 seconds.

cleantime None The time interval, in seconds, the Web
GUI server waits before checking for
how long each user session has been

When this check takes place, cache data

that exceeds the time imposed by the
maxAge attribute is removed.

The default value is 120 seconds for the

<chart> and <eventList> elements or 20
seconds for the <eventSummary> and
<metric> elements.
enabled true | false Specifies if page caching is turned on
or off.

The default value is true for the

<eventSummary>, and <metric>
elements or false for the <chart> and
<eventList> elements.
encrypted true | false Specifies whether the user password is

The default value is false.

host None The host name or IP address of a
specified data source.
maxAge None The cache expiry time limit in seconds.

The default value is 10 seconds for the

<eventSummary> and <metric>
elements, 60 seconds for the <chart>
and <eventList> elements, or 3600
seconds for the <config> element.

288 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Table 29. Configuration DTD attribute definitions (continued)
Attribute Constrained values Description
maxPoolSize Maximum value: 1024 The maximum number of pooled
connections to an ObjectServer data
source that can exist at any one time.

The default value is 10.

minPoolSize None The minimum number of pooled
connections to an ObjectServer data
source to maintain.

The default value is 5.

name None The name given to an ObjectServer
data source displayed within the Web
GUI during administrative activities.

This value also links each data source

definition that is listed at the start of
the configuration file to its subsequent
password None The password used to log in to the

The default is a blank password.

port None The port number of a specified data

The default value is 8080.

ssl true | false Specifies whether to use a SSL
connection to an ObjectServer.

The default value is false.

type singleServerOS The type of data source configuration
DataSource | required for the specified data source.
multipleServerOS The required types are as follows:
Use this type for a single
primary data source
configuration, or for a backup
data source configuration.
Use this type for a dual-server
desktop configuration.

The default value is

userName None The user name of the user connecting
to the ObjectServer. The user must
have root privileges on the

The default value is root.

Appendix B. Data source configuration file data reference 289

290 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Appendix C. Invalid characters in filters, views, and tools
You cannot use certain characters in the names of any Web GUI objects, such as
filters, views, or tools. You also cannot create filters, views, or tools with spaces in
the name.

The invalid characters are defined in the following file.


Attention: Only change the invalid characters as directed in the documentation or

by IBM Support.

This file contains the following properties:

This property defines characters that are not permitted in any user-defined
names. The default characters listed in this property are as follows:
$ ! £ % ^ & * ( ) + = ¬ ` ~ # @ ' : ; < > { } [ ] ? / \ \ | , "
This property defines characters that are not permitted as the initial character
of any user-defined names. The default characters listed in this property are as
/ \ \ * ? " < > | & .

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 291

292 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Appendix D. SmartPage commands and templates
You can use SmartPage commands to populate Web pages that are served by the
Web GUI. You can also use variables in SmartPage commands to dynamically
populate predefined template files.

SmartPage commands overview

SmartPage commands are single-line HTML instructions that can be used to
validate user access, and to allow Web GUI components such as applets to be
added to a Web page.

You can use SmartPage commands in your Web pages to perform the following
v Enable a Web page for SmartPage command processing.
v Validate user access to a Web page against a group.
v Insert an AEL applet.
v Insert an AEL applet for each filter in a map.
v Insert a map applet.
v Insert a map applet containing a grid of filters that are associated with a user.
v Insert a hyperlinked list of accessible maps that are associated with a user.
v Insert a Table View.
v Insert the name of the user who is currently logged in.
v Insert the home URL that is associated with a user.

SmartPage code example

This example shows the source code for a Web page that contains SmartPage
<!-- enable:SMARTPAGE -->
<!-- Validate: [*,redirect.html] -->
<title>SmartPage FilterPage Command</title>
<table border =1>
<!-- insert:FILTERPAGE[bgcolor="gray"] -->

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 293

SmartPage command reference
When you create a Web page, you can include SmartPage commands to
dynamically provide a page with the data display components that are generated
by the Web GUI.

Take note of the following conventions when using SmartPage commands:

v Do not add any spaces within SmartPage commands.
v To insert an object into a page, you must place the insert command on its own
in a line with no other commands or characters on that line.

enable:Smartpage command
The enable:Smartpage command instructs the Web GUI server to use SmartPage

You must enter this command as the first line in the HTML source file of any page
that uses other SmartPage commands.

The following example shows the enable:Smartpage command.

<!-- enable:Smartpage -->

Validate command
The Validate command opens a login window before displaying the requested
page. The user name is checked against groups associated with the page.

You must enter this command as the second line in the HTML source file.

The following example shows the Validate command.

<!-- Validate: [group,where.html] -->

In this line, group is the name of the group to check against, and where.html is the
alternative page to display if the user does not have permission to open the
current page.

insert:AEL command
The insert:AEL command inserts an AEL applet into a Web page.
v “Examples”
v “Parameters” on page 295
v “Compatibility of parameters” on page 296


The following example shows a sample insert:AEL command in which the AEL is
launched with a predefined filter.
transientname=name,debuglevel] -->

The following example shows a sample insert:AEL command in which the AEL is
launched with a transient filter.
width=width,height=height,debuglevel] -->

294 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

The parameters are as follows. If you use a deprecated parameter, an entry is

recorded in the following location: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/.
The number of columns. The default value is 4.
A data source defined in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml data source
configuration file. If you do not specify this parameter, the default data source
is used. For more information about the default data source, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide.

Tip: If you have defined multiple data sources, you can specify them in the
string by using a comma-separated list, as shown in the following example:
Shows debug information in the Java plug-in console. The level can be set from
0 to 9.
entity | entities
Deprecated: Specifies the name of the entity that is associated with the AEL. A
single AEL applet is created for this entity. No special layout is provided. The
entities property specifies an entity list. An applet is created for each entity
and presented in a table. Omit either property if you are using the filter and
view properties.
Deprecated: The name of the view that you want to apply to the AEL. This
view is defined within the View Builder.
Deprecated: The SQL syntax that is used to create a filter. When the filter string
is applied to an AEL, only the rows that meet the criteria set by the filter are
displayed. Omit this property if you are using the entity property.
The name of the filter that you want to apply to the AEL. This filter is defined
in the Filter Builder. If you do not specify the filtertype parameter, the
command searches the filter types to find a filter with a matching name.
The type the filter that you want to apply to the AEL. Possible values are as
v user
v global
v system
v user_transient
The height of the applets. The default value is 165.
The metric value for a transient filter. This can be any of Average, Count, Sum,
Minimum or Maximum.
The metric value for a transient filter. This is a field type; for example Tally.

Appendix D. SmartPage commands and templates 295

If true, a monitor box is displayed and the AEL window opens. If false, the
AEL applet is embedded in a Web page. The default is true.
The SQL syntax that is used to create a transient filter. Do not use this
parameter in combination with the deprecated entity or filter parameters. If
you do not specify the transientname parameter, the text entered in the sql is
also used as the filter name in the AEL.
The transient filter name. Requires the filter parameter, which is deprecated,
or the sql parameter. This is the name of the transient filter and is used as the
title for the associated AEL monitor box.
The view that is applied to the AEL, as defined in the View Builder. When a
view is applied to an AEL, only the columns that are contained within the
view are displayed. Omit this property if you are using the deprecated entity
or entities properties.
The width of the applets. The default value is 130.

Compatibility of parameters

The following list shows the compatibility of the parameters, indicating whether a
parameter can be used in combination with another parameter. If a parameter is
listed for a parameter, then they can be used in combination.
cols data source; entities; height; monitortitle; showinframe; width
cols; entities; entity; filter; filtername; height; metric; metricof; monitortitle;
showinframe; view; viewname; width
Deprecated: cols; data; source; height; monitortitle; showinframe; width
entity Deprecated: data source; height; monitortitle; showinframe; width
data source; filter; filtername; height; monitortitle; showinframe; width
filter data source; height; metric; metricof; monitortitle; showinframe; view;
viewname; width
data source; filtertype height; monitortitle; showinframe; view; viewname;
data source; filtername height; monitortitle; showinframe; view; viewname;
height cols; data source; entities; entity; filter; filtername; metric; metricof;
monitortitle; showinframe; view; viewname; width
metric data source; filter; height; metricof; monitortitle; showinframe; view;
viewname; width

296 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
data source; filter; height; metric; monitortitle; showinframe; view;
viewname; width
cols; data source; entities; entity; filter; filtername; height; metric; metricof;
showinframe; view; viewname; width
cols; data source; entities; entity; filter; filtername; height; metric; metricof;
monitortitle; view; viewname; width
sql data source; transientname; height; monitortitle; showinframe; view;
viewname; width
data source; sql; height; monitortitle; showinframe; view; viewname; width
view data source; filter; filtername; height; monitortitle; showinframe; width
width cols; data source; entities; entity; filter; filtername; height; metric; metricof;
monitortitle; showinframe; view; viewname; width

insert:AELMAPVIEW command
The insert:AELMAPVIEW command inserts an AEL applet for each filter in a map,
into a Web page.
<!-- insert:AELMAPVIEW[map=map,showinframe=showinframe,cols=cols,width=width,
height=height,debuglevel=debuglevel] -->

The properties used in this command are as follows:

The number of columns to use in the table when displaying multiple applets.
The default value is 4.
Shows debug information in the plug-in console. The level can be set from 0 -
The height of the applets. The default value is 165.
The map name.
If true, a monitor box is displayed and the Active Event List (AEL) window
opens. If false, the AEL is embedded in a Web page. The default is true.
The width of the applets.The default value is 130.

Appendix D. SmartPage commands and templates 297

insert:MAPLET command
The insert:MAPLET command inserts a map into a Web page.

The following command can be entered in the HTML source file:

<!-- insert:MAPLET[map=map,soundurl=soundurl,refresh=n, enabletooltips=true] -->

The parameters of this command are as follows:

Required: Specifies the name of the map to be displayed.
Optional: Specifies the URL of an audio .au file. This file is played when the
maximum severity of any of the filters on a map increases. The URL must be
specified in the following format:
Optional: Specifies the refresh rate, in seconds, for the map.
Optional: Enables hover help for active map objects that are associated with a
filter. The hover help displays information from the filter.

Map SmartPage administration

SmartPage commands are special extensions to the HTML language that control
user validation, and allow the placement of generated components in Tivoli
Integrated Portal pages. SmartPage commands are expressed in HTML as comment

To display a map you must create or edit an existing HTML file, add an
insert:MAPLET SmartPage tag to the content, and upload the HTML file to the Web
GUI server.

Map SmartPage

The following example shows the contents of a simple HTML file.

[1] <!-- enable:smartpage -->
[2] <html>
[3] <head>
[4] <title>Demonstration Map</title>
[5] <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
[6] charset=iso-8859-1">
[7] </head>
[8] <body>
[9] <!-- insert:MAPLET[mapname] -->
[10] </body>
[11] </html>

An explanation of the lines in this example is as follows:

Line 1 This must be the first line of text in any HTML page that contains a
SmartPage tag. This line instructs the Web GUI server that this page is
enabled for SmartPage commands.
Lines 2 to 8
Contain generic HTML heading information and the body tag that indicates
the start of the body of the Web page.
Line 9 Contains the insert:MAPLET SmartPage tag that instructs the Web GUI to

298 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
place a map applet on the Web page. The name of the map you want to
display—mapname in this example—is enclosed within the square brackets
in the tag. The insert:MAPLET tag is valid anywhere within the body of an
HTML document.
Lines 10 to 11
Contain the tags which close the <body> and <html> elements and
conclude the file.

insert:FILTERPAGE command
The insert:FILTERPAGE command inserts a map applet into a Web page that
displays either all filters that are associated with a read-write user, or specific
filters for a read-write user.

Parameters are optional. All user filters are displayed by default. The map arranges
rows of monitor boxes, using user preferences where appropriate. The following
command can be entered in the HTML source file:
<!-- insert:FILTERPAGE[filters="filter1,filter2...",bgcolor="color",bgimage="image",
target="target",soundurl="soundurl",datasource="name"] -->

The properties used in this command are as follows.

Specifies the hyperlink action that takes place when a monitor box is clicked.
Use any of the following statements to define the action:
v go to link to a URL.
v ael to link to an embedded AEL in a Web page.
v lel to link to an embedded LEL in a Web page.
v table to link to a Table View.
Sets the background color of the map.
Sets the background image of the map. The background image is uploaded
using the Resource Manager and is stored as a resource in:
Highlights the ObjectServer used.
Constrains the map to a set of predefined filters that are specified using a
comma-separated list. If you omit this property, all filters that are associated
with the read-write user are displayed.
Sets the height of the monitor box applets on the map.
Sets the width of the monitor box applets on the map.
Specifies the URL of an audio .au file that is played when the maximum
severity of the filters in a filter page increases. The URL must be specified in
the following format:

Appendix D. SmartPage commands and templates 299

Specifies where in the browser window a linked target page is displayed when
a monitor box is clicked. For example:
v _self indicates the same frame as the map, so that the target page replaces
the map.
v _blank indicates a new Web browser window.
v _parent indicates the parent frame set containing the source link.
v _top indicates the frame containing the source link.
The destination URL if you specified go as the value for the action property.

insert:USERMAPLIST command
The insert:USERMAPLIST command inserts a list of hyperlinked maps, for a specific
user, into a Web page. The list displays all the maps on the server that the
presently logged-in user can access.

You can insert the name of each map as a hypertext link, which can be clicked to
show the map. The list of maps is validated against the ACLs to which the user
belongs. The following command can be entered in the HTML source file:
<!-- insert:USERMAPLIST[type=type,target=target] -->

Where the parameters are as follows:

Specifies the type of list, which can be unordered or displayed in a table.
Specifies the target frame.

insert:TABLEVIEW command
The insert:TABLEVIEW command inserts a Table View into a Web page.
<!-- insert:TABLEVIEW[filtername/filtertype/datasource/maxrows=n] -->

The parameters are as follows. If you use a deprecated parameter, an entry is

recorded in the following location: tip_home_dir/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/.
A data source defined in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml data source
configuration file. If you do not specify this parameter, the default data source
is used. For more information about the default data source, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide.

Tip: If you have defined multiple data sources, you can specify them in the
string by using a comma-separated list, as shown in the following example:

If you specify multiple data sources, make sure that the filter, either a
predefined filter or a transient filter, queries fields that are contained in all data
sources. If you select a data source that is not defined in the filter, an error
message is displayed in the AEL instead of event data.
Deprecated: The name of an entity. Use the filtername and filtertype
parameters instead.

300 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
The name of a filter. The default view that is associated with the filter is
applied to the Table View.
If you do not specify a filter type, the system searches the filter types for a
filter with a name that matches the filtername parameter.
The type of filter. Possible values are as follows:
v user
v global
v system
v user_transient
Optional: The number of rows returned in the view.

insert:USERNAME command
The insert:USERNAME command inserts the name of the user who is logged in to
the Web GUI, into a Web page:
<!-- insert:USERNAME[example] -->

In this line, example is the name of the user who is logged in.

insert:USERSHOMEURL command
The insert:USERSHOMEURL command inserts the Web GUI home page URL for the
user who is currently logged in, into a Web page.

You can use this command to create a link to the home page of the user.

The following example shows the insert:USERSHOMEURL command.

<!-- insert:USERSHOMEURL -->

Template overview
The Web GUI supports dynamically-processed generic Web pages called templates.
Templates contain SmartPage tag instances that are composed of attribute variables
rather than hard-coded attribute data entries.

When a template page is displayed, information in the query string of the URL is
passed to a corresponding variable placeholder that dynamically populates the
SmartPage attribute.

By using templates, you can avoid creating new Web pages or source code entries
to accommodate functionally similar page components. Instead, you can create
generic pages where the SmartPage component attributes are governed by
information that is stored in a hyperlink to the page URL.

Basic templates are supplied with the Web GUI , which you can customize for
your own use. The default templates are located in the following directory:


Appendix D. SmartPage commands and templates 301

Template example
This example shows one of the default templates, table.html, that is supplied with
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.

Each line number is displayed in square brackets:

<!-- Validate: [all,redirect.html] -->
<!-- INSERT:TABLEVIEW[<NCO_V type="str" default="">Map_Name</NCO_V>
/<NCO_V type="str" default="">
System_Filter</NCO_V>] -->

The insert:TABLEVIEW command cannot include carriage returns.

In this example, the template file contains a SmartPage command for displaying a
Table View. The insert:TABLEVIEW command has two attributes: Map_Name and
System_Filter . Instead of a static data entry for each attribute value, the source
contains an <NCO_V> element, the attributes of which are as follows.
This entry specifies the type of variable data that the <NCO_V> tag can
receive from the URL. The data types are as follows:
str A text string that can include any text except quotation marks.
Used for attribute entries such as showinframe in the insert:AEL
SmartPage tag. Permitted values are “true” or “false”.
Any whole integer. Used for attribute entries such as monitorwidth
in the insert:FILTERPAGE tag.
This entry specifies the default variable value that is used if one is not
provided by the URL.

In the case of the insert:TABLEVIEW command, the attributes are names, and
therefore strings. The expected variable data for both <NCO_V> instances is set to
“str”. No default attributes are provided, so both default entries are empty.

The text between the opening and closing <NCO_V> tags establishes the variable
name that the URL uses to establish a name-value pair. When you specify a
variable name, the text must be alphanumeric and multiple words must be
separated by an underscore. For example, Map_Name. Variable entries must be
separated by a comma.

The URL of template pages containing variable data must be in the following

302 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Where path is the path to the template location, filename is the name of the template
Web page, variable is the variable enclosed within the <NCO_V> element, and
variabledata is the string, Boolean, or numeric entry that you want to populate the
variable. For example:

Guidelines for using SmartPage templates

When you create a new Web page that is to be used as a template, you must
consider a number of guidelines.

These guidelines are as follows:

v You must include a <!-- ENABLE:SMARTPAGE --> tag at the top of the template
v You must ensure that the template page is valid and opens correctly in a Web
v Choose sections of the page that you want to make variable and use <NCO_V>
and </NCO_V> container elements to specify the required variable.

Creating SmartPage templates

You can create your own template that is either based on a template in the default
directory, or that is based on a Web page.

To create a template that is based on a default template:

1. Navigate to the directory that holds the default templates:
2. Copy and paste one of the templates in this directory. For example, table.html.
3. Rename the copy, ensuring that you retain the .html file extension.
4. Customize the HTML template heading as required.
5. Define the variables that you require by inserting them between the <NCO_V>
and </NCO_V> tag containers.
6. Save the changes.

To create your own template that is based on a Web page:

1. Create a Web page as normal, by using smart tags.
2. Check that the Web page displays correctly without errors.
3. Replace the smart tags with <NCO_V> and </NCO_V> tags as appropriate.

Appendix D. SmartPage commands and templates 303

304 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Appendix E. Web GUI database tables
When operating in a load balancing cluster, a database holds the configuration
information for propagating to all nodes in the cluster.

Attention: Do not modify the contents of these tables manually as this can
adversely affect the operation of the cluster.

The OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.CONFIG_ITEMS table contains the items of Web GUI
configuration data to be replicated across a load balancing cluster.
Table 30. Columns in the OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.CONFIG_ITEMS table
Column name Data type Description
CONFIG_ITEM_ID bigint A unique identifier for this entry in the table.
This column is the primary key for the table.
CHECKSUM char(20) A checksum for the entry.
KEY varchar(128) A key for the entry.
LAST_UPDATED timestamp The date and time when this item of data was
last updated.
NAMESPACE varchar(64) The namespace for this item of data.
PATH varchar(256) The path name for this item of data in the Web
GUI directory tree.
TYPE varchar(12) The type of this data item.
VALUE blob(10485760) The content of the data item.

The OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.NODES table contains details of the nodes that make up
the load balancing cluster. There is one entry for each of the nodes in the cluster.
Table 31. Columns in the OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.NODES table
Column name Data type Description
NODE_ID bigint A unique identifier for this entry in the table.
URI varchar(512) The URI of a node in the cluster.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 305

The OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.NODES_CONFIG_ITEMS table contains information on
when each node in the cluster last updated each item of configuration data defined
in the OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.CONFIG_ITEMS table. There is one entry in the table
for each combination of an item of configuration data and cluster node.
Table 32. Columns in the OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.NODE_CONFIG_ITEMS table
Column name Data type Description
CONFIG_ITEM_ID bigint The identifier for an item of configuration data
held in the OMNIBUS_WEB_GUI.
NODE_ID bigint The identifier of a node in the
LAST_UPDATED timestamp The date and time when the data item was last
updated on the node.

306 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Appendix F. URLs for opening Web GUI pages
Use the URL to open Web GUI portlets and applets from a map, from a link on an
HTML page, or through a link generated by script tool or a CGI tool.

You can use URLs to open the following Web GUI pages:
v “Active Event List”
v “Filter Builder” on page 309
v “Lightweight Event List” on page 309
v “Map pages” on page 310
v “Table View” on page 310

The parameters are as follows. In each URL, context-root refers to the context root
of the Web GUI. This can be configured during installation of the product and its
default value is ibm/console.

If you use a deprecated parameter, an entry is recorded in the following location:


Active Event List

To open the Active Event List (AEL), use a URL of the following format:

To use a transient filter, use a URL of the following format:


The possible parameters are as follows:

A data source defined in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml data source
configuration file. If you do not specify this parameter, the default data source
is used. For more information about the default data source, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide.

Tip: If you have defined multiple data sources, you can specify them in the
string by using a comma-separated list, as shown in the following example:

If you specify multiple data sources, make sure that the filter, either a
predefined filter or a transient filter, queries fields that are contained in all data
sources. If you select a data source that is not defined in the filter, an error
message is displayed in the AEL instead of event data.
Deprecated: Use the filtertype and filtername parameters instead.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 307

Tip: If your installation of the Web GUI was migrated or upgraded from IBM
Tivoli Netcool/Webtop, and you have custom pages that open with the entity
parameter, the Web GUI interprets the parameter as follows:

Where filtername is the entity; entities are migrated to system filters.

The name of the filter that you want to apply. If you do not specify this
parameter, the default filter is used.
If you do not specify a filtertype parameter, all filter types are searched to
identify a matching filter.
The type of filter that you want to apply. Use this parameter together with the
filtername parameter. Possible values are as follows:
v global
v system
v user
v user_transient
Optional: Use this parameter to control whether the displayed AEL contains a
menu bar. Possible values are:
v true
v false
Optional: Use this parameter to control whether the displayed AEL contains a
title bar. Possible values are:
v true
v false
Optional: An SQL filter string. This filter is transient, and does not persist
beyond your current session.
Optional: Use this parameter to specify a filter name if you specify a filter
string by using the sql parameter. The value of this parameter is used to
populate the Filters list of the AEL.
A view that overrides the default view associated with the filter. If you do not
specify this parameter, the default view associated with the filter is used.
The type of view that you want to apply. Use this parameter together this the
viewname parameter. Possible values are as follows:
v global
v system
v user

308 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Filter Builder

To open the Filter Builder, use a URL of the following format:


Lightweight Event List

To open the Lightweight Event List (LEL), use a URL of the following format:

The parameters are as follows:

A data source defined in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml data source
configuration file. If you do not specify this parameter, the default data source
is used. For more information about the default data source, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide.
Deprecated: Use the filtertype and filtername parameters instead.

Tip: If your installation of the Web GUI was migrated or upgraded from IBM
Tivoli Netcool/Webtop, and you have custom pages that open with the entity
parameter, the Web GUI interprets the parameter as follows:

Where filtername is the entity; entities are migrated to system filters.

The name of the filter that you want to apply. If you do not specify this
parameter, the default filter is used.
If you do not specify a filtertype parameter, all filter types are searched to
identify a matching filter.
The type of filter that you want to apply. Use this parameter together with the
filtername parameter. Possible values are as follows:
v global
v system
v user
v user_transient
A view that overrides the default view associated with the filter. If you do not
specify this parameter, the default view associated with the filter is used.
The type of view that you want to apply. Use this parameter together this the
viewname parameter. Possible values are as follows:
v global
v system
v user

Appendix F. URLs for opening Web GUI pages 309

Map pages

To open a map page, use a URL of the following format:


The parameters are as follows:

Required: The name of a map.

Table View
To open the Table View, use a URL of the following format:

The parameters are as follows:

A data source defined in the ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml data source
configuration file. If you do not specify this parameter, the default data source
is used. For more information about the default data source, see the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide.
Deprecated: Use the filtertype and filtername parameters instead.

Tip: If your installation of the Web GUI was migrated or upgraded from IBM
Tivoli Netcool/Webtop, and you have custom pages that open with the entity
parameter, the Web GUI interprets the parameter as follows:

Where filtername is the entity; entities are migrated to system filters.

The name of the filter that you want to apply. If you do not specify this
parameter, the default filter is used.
If you do not specify a filtertype parameter, all filter types are searched to
identify a matching filter.
The type of filter that you want to apply. Use this parameter together with the
filtername parameter. Possible values are as follows:
v global
v system
v user
v user_transient
Optional: Specifies the number of rows returned in the Table View.
A view that overrides the default view associated with the filter. If you do not
specify this parameter, the default view associated with the filter is used.

310 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
The type of view that you want to apply. Use this parameter together this the
viewname parameter. Possible values are as follows:
v global
v system
v user

Appendix F. URLs for opening Web GUI pages 311

312 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
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Notices 315
316 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
Special characters advanced commands 49
commands (continued)
SmartPage (continued)
<img> tag attributes event management overview 263 insert:TABLEVIEW 300
charts 236 Alert menu 168 insert:USERMAPLIST 300
application server insert:USERNAME 301
ports 3 insert:USERSHOMEURL 301
A profile 2 templates 301, 302
about this profile 2 attributes Validate 294
accessibility x, 279 charts 245 configuration files
Active Event List configuration files 287 attributes 287
accessing 264 audience vii DTD 281
acknowledging events 264 authentication elements 284
adding sound files 142 client messages 95 structure 281
appearance and behavior 133 XML 281
assigning ownership to events 265 conventions, typeface x
brightness 137 B copying data between servers 9
cloning all data 16
changing the displayed event back up 21
data 265 defining the data to export 11
server settings 21, 102
colors 137, 142 defining the data to import 14
basic commands 46
copying data to the clipboard 266 exporting data from the source
data row caching 134 server 11
date and time formats 138, 139 exporting the data 13
deacknowledging events 264 C importing data to the target
defaults 117 CGI scripts server 14
deleting events 266 environment variables 147 importing the data 15
deselecting events 273 CGI support 105 overview 10
displaying full event information 266 changing display options for a group 83 setting the log level 20
event severity changing display options for a user 72 verifying the exported data 14
icons 140 changing user information 74, 85 verifying the imported data 16
event severity icons 134 Chart portlet creating filters 71, 83
filtering 272 defaults 119 creating users 72
filtering by severity 272 charts CTGES1504E and CTGES1505E 95
flashing 137 <chartelement> syntax 232 customizing
fonts 137, 142 <img> tag attributes 236 adding tools to menu 169
freezing event data 267 attribute reference 245
linking with map object 216 definition file 231
maintaining an event journal 268 definition file, creating 235
element reference 237
monitoring TADDM events 271 data row caching 134
notifications 136 generation 230
database schema 305, 306
prioritizing events 269 overview 229
database tables 305, 306
refresh rate 133 presenting 236
date and time formats 138, 139
refreshing event data 269 schema 232
restricting rows 135 types 230
running predictive eventing cloning
Active Event List 117
tools 270 server settings 21, 22, 102
Chart portlet 119
searching for text 273 cloning data between servers 16
Event Dashboard 120
selecting events 273 exporting data 16
Inline Frame portlet 127
sorting columns 274 importing data 18
Lightweight Event List 128
toolbars 137 overview 10
Map portlet 129
tools 275 command-line 144
Table View portlet 130
adding a user to groups 73 command-line tools
Web widget portlet 131
adding more groups as members of a creating 155
definition file
group 87 commands 294
chart, creating 235
adding more users as members of a confvmm4ncos 5, 6
charts 231
group 76 nco_p_simnet 207
syntax 231
adding tools to menu 169 SmartPage
deleting groups 88
adding users to a group 75 conventions 294
deleting users 77
administration enable:Smartpage 294
dependent filters 175
Tivoli Integrated Portal 65 insert:AELMAPVIEW 297
creating 184
user tasks 65 insert:FILTERPAGE 299
Deployment Engine
Web GUI 65 insert:MAPLET 298
managing 23

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2011 317

for configuration files 281
exporting (continued)
export all 49
duplicating group assignments for export pages 51 HTML Map Editor 220
groups 88 export views 52 buttons 220
duplicating group assignments for rules 53, 55 creating maps 208
users 76 settings file 50 icons 222
lines 223
Table View 222
HTML Map Editortext 225
editing files
properties files 90
deployment.xml 3
ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml 6
see Tivoli technical training x server.init 135, 226 icons
elements Filter Builder Active Event List 140
charts 237 accessing 178 import 9
configuration files 284 comparators 186 defining the data to import 14
environment variables overview 178 importing data to a server 14
CGI scripts 147 filter collections 175 importing the data 15
environment variables, notation x editing 186 overview 10
Event Dashboard 197 filtering a list of groups 83 setting the log level 20
Event Dashboarddefaults 120 filtering a list of users 71 verifying the imported data 16
Event Dashboards filters importing 45, 54
freezing 202 categories 175 import data 54
interaction with Active Event collections 175 rollback 55
List 203, 204 editing 186 server settings 22
monitor boxes copying 188 Inline Frame portlet
adding 198 creating defaults 127
arranging 201 advanced mode 182 invalid characters
customizing 200 basic mode 179 when defining filters, views, and
removing 199 dependent 184 tools 291
preferences 200 deleting 189 iscadmin role 34
troubleshooting 99 dependent 175 iscadmins role 66
event severity icons 134 Event Dashboards 200
events invalid characters 291
filtering 272 regular expressions 187 J
managing transient 175 Java Map Editor 209, 219
tools 275 flashing access control to maps 209
managing in the AEL 263 AEL 137 adding objects 211
maps fonts colors 217
changing color 226 Active Event List 137, 142 creating maps 208
monitoring event lists 216
Active Event List 263 fonts 217
Lightweight Event List 275
querying 8
G setting background 209
gauges setting grid 210
searching for text 273 setting object position 217
changing 123
severity setting object size 217
metrics 257
icons 140 setting object URLs 214
publishing 256
severity icons 134 setting size 209
setting thresholds 259
top n 135 Java Map Editorsetting object
global filters 175
visualizing properties 212
global views 177
charts 229 Java Runtime Environment 90
groups 64
Event Dashboards 197 JavaScript
adding more as members of a
gauges 252 tools 145
group 87
maps 205
changing information about 85
export 9
changing viewing options 83
defining the data to export 11
exporting data from a server 11
creating filters 83 L
deleting 88 Lightweight Event List
exporting the data 13
duplicating group assignments 88 accessing 275
overview 10
filtering a list of 83 defaults 128
server settings 21
managing 81 displaying full information 276
setting the log level 20
removing members from 87 linking with map object 216
verifying the exported data 14
searching for 82, 85, 88 viewing events 276
exporting 45, 46, 49
supplied 64 load balancing 305, 306
basic export console preference
viewing group information 85 best practices 113
profiles 48
viewing membership of 86 maintain list of files to replicate 111
basic export pages 46
basic export views 47

318 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide
load balancing (continued) menus (continued) properties
recovering from database changing the order of items 172 editing files 90
corruption 114 removing items 172 publications viii
resynchronize a node with the renaming items 172
cluster 114 submenus 171
troubleshooting 114
load balancing cluster
creating 170
Tools 168
refresh rate 133
administering 107
regular expressions
log files
filters 187
creating a performance log 92
location 94
N removing members of a group 87
navigation pane removing users from a group 75, 86
setting the log level 91
changing access 34 roles 62, 63
ncw_admin role 63 iscadmins 34, 66
must have roles 95
assigning to user 66 ncw_admin 66
slow response 99
ncw_dashboard_editor role 63 of supplied groups 64
troubleshooting 90
ncw_gauges_editor 63 runtime parameters
users 95
ncw_gauges_viewer role 63 script tools 166
ncw_user role 63
netcool_ro role 63
M netcool_rw role 63 S
managing groups 81 notifications 136
managing users 69 adding sound files 142
maps 207
manuals viii
ObjectServer query 8
Map portlet
script tools 158
defaults 129
preferences 129
O script tools
ObjectServer creating 157
publishing maps 227
adding as user registry 5 scripts
password CGI
colors picker 219
changing 6 creating 147
configuring in HTML 220
querying 8 registering 149
configuring with the Java Map
ObjectServer properties 90 searching for groups 82, 85, 88
Editor 209
online publications viii searching for users 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77,
operating system information 90 84, 86
HTML Map Editor 208
ordering publications viii server 21
Java Map Editor 208
back up 21
ObjectServer connection 6
access control 209
adding objects 211 P set a trace 92
stopping or starting 1
background 209 password
server settings
buttons 220 change 66
back up 21
event lists 216 SSL 66
clone 21
grid 210 performance tuning 103
cloning 22, 102
icons 222 restricting rows in the Active Event
export 21
lines 223 List 135
importing 22
map object URLs 214 Web GUI 102
server version and properties 90
object position 217 port
object properties 212 numbers 2
code sample 293
object size 217 port assignments 3
size 209 predictive events 270
enable:Smartpage 294
text 225 preferences
insert:AEL 294
customizingcolors 217 Active Event List 117
insert:AELMAPVIEW 297
customizingfonts 217 Chart portlet 119
insert:FILTERPAGE 299
customizingTable View 222 Event Dashboard 120
insert:MAPLET 298
deleting resource 229 Inline Frame portlet 127
insert:TABLEVIEW 300
linking 225 Lightweight Event List 128
insert:USERMAPLIST 300
overview 205 modifying 67
insert:USERNAME 301
previewing 207 setting
previewing resources 229 Active Event List 117
Validate 294
publishing Web widget portlet 227 Chart portlet 119
commands overview 293
publishingMap portlet 227 Event Dashboard 120
conventions 294
samples 207 Inline Frame portlet 127
creating templates 303
specifying a URL target 225 Lightweight Event List 128
insert:AEL 294
Table View 224 Map portlet 129
troubleshooting 100 Table View portlet 130
example 302
memory usage 90 Web widget portlet 131
guidelines 301, 303
menus Web widget portlet 131
location on server 301
Alert 168 prompts 145

Index 319
SmartPage commands troubleshooting (continued) views (continued)
insert:MAPLET 298 load balancing cluster 114 column order 193
SQL login errors 90 column sort order 195
filters 179, 182 maps 100 column titles 192
query query timeout 101 column width 192
sample 8 recovering from database copying 195
startup pages 34 corruption 114 creating 190
stopping the application server 1 resynchronize a node with the invalid characters 291
submenus cluster 114 locking columns 193
adding to menu 171 setting the log level 91 removing columns 191
creating 170 typeface conventions x sorting precedence 194
deleting 171 View Builder 190
support information x
system filters 175 U
system information
checking 90
user filters 175 W
user registry Web widget portlet
system views 177
ObjectServer defaults 131
adding 5 publishing maps 227
user timeout
T changing 3
Table View
linking with map object 216
user views 177
maps 222, 224 adding a user to groups 75
for configuration files 281
viewing events 277 adding more as members of a
Table View portlet group 76
defaults 130 adding to groups 73
preferences 130 administration 65
TADDM events changing display options 72
monitoring 271 changing information about 74
tipcli command creating 72
export 56, 59 creating filters 71
Tivoli software information center viii creating Web GUI administrator
Tivoli technical training x user 66
tools 144 deleting 77
access criteria 145 duplicating group assignments 76
adding to menu 169 filtering a list of 71
CGI 143, 147 groups 64
creating 150 removing from groups 73
examples 150 managing 69
registering 149 modifying preferences 67
scripting 147 removing a group from groups 73
copying 163 removing from a group 75, 86
deleting 166 roles 62, 63
environment variables 147 searching for 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77,
invalid characters 291 84, 86
managing events 275 supplied 64
modifying 159, 169 viewing group information 74
multiple data sources 142 viewing information about 73, 84
overview 143 utilities
prerequisites 142 acknowledge 144
prompts 145 nco_ping 143
renaming 162 ping 144
script 145
runtime parameters 166
samples 158
SQL 144
variables, notation for x
creating 153
View Builder
Tools menu 168
accessing 190
trace 92
viewing group information for a
training, Tivoli technical x
group 85
transient filters 175
viewing group information for a user 74
viewing the members of a group 86
log files 94
viewing user information 73, 84
troubleshooting 89
auditing the usage of objects 93
adding columns 191
creating a performance log 92
categories 177
Event Dashboard 99

320 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus: Web GUI Administration and User's Guide

Printed in the Republic of Ireland


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