Personal Account Application: (Applicable To Natural Persons)
Personal Account Application: (Applicable To Natural Persons)
Personal Account Application: (Applicable To Natural Persons)
Email Address:
Have you or any member of your family ever: (1) held a position as a public official; (2) acted as an important political figure, or; (3)
worked at any publicly traded company within the past 6 months? If Yes, briefly explain. If No, please write "No".
Have you ever been charged with a financial crime, or a crime involving fraud or dishonesty? If Yes, explain. If No, please write "No".
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The Bank Accepts Deposits in All Major Currencies
Source of Wealth: Savings Inheritance Salary Investments Other:
Declaration of Wealth (describe in detail):
Initial Deposit Amount: Annual Deposits Less than $200,000 Greater than $200,000, amount:
Do You Wish to Apply for a Private Banking Account?* Yes No *Requires a minimum deposit of US$1 million or equivalent.
APPROXIMATE NET WORTH (in US Dollars or equivalent)
Liquid Net Worth (cash and liquid assets): Illiquid Net Worth (real estate, businesses etc):
By my signature(s) here below, I/we the (“Account Holder(s)” and “Authorized Signer(s)”) named in this Personal Account Application Form
hereby certify and attest that I/we am/are the natural person(s) who is/are applying to open this Account with Nevis International Bank &
Trust Ltd. (“NIBT”), and that I/we hereby represent and attest that: (i) I/we will not use the services of NIBT for any unlawful activity or
purpose; (ii) I/we have read, understand and signed the Nevis International Bank & Trust Ltd. Customer Account Agreement, and have
agreed to the terms of that agreement; (iii) all information that I/we have provided to NIBT is true, accurate and complete; (iv) I/we will
notify NIBT immediately of any material changes to the information contained in this application, and; (v) I/we authorize NIBT to be an
information processor and make initial and ongoing credit and other inquiries with third-parties in connection with my/our Account for
purposes of compliance with applicable law and the provision of financial services:
A. Required Documents. The documents listed in this checklist are required to complete this application
and shall be in digital format only. Original or additional documentation may be
requested if deemed necessary by Nevis International Bank & Trust Ltd. (NIB&T);
B. Document Quality. All digital documents provided must be legible, in high resolution, and in color
C. Document Language. Documents must be presented in the English language. Any document presented
in a language other than English must first be translated by a professional translator accredited by a
court of law, a government agency, or a recognized international organization;
D. Date of Documentation. All documents must be dated within 6 months of the date of submission of the
account application;
E. Required Certifications. All documents in this list must be certified as a true copy of the original by a law
firm, accounting firm, notary, regulated financial adviser, or senior government official prior to
F. Authorized Signatories. For each proposed authorized signer to the account, the Account Holder must
also provide Documents 1- 3. If any authorized signer is a legal entity exercising control of the account,
whether through a power-of- attorney or other legal arrangement, the Account Holder must also
complete the BUSINESS ACCOUNT APPLICATION for that legal entity or arrangement:
4 A signed copy of the Nevis International Bank & Trust Ltd. Customer
Account Agreement.
Submit completed Personal Account Application along with the required documents by email to
[email protected], or through your bank-issued secured log-in.