WFRP Night's Dark Masters Lost Bloodlines

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The passage provides an overview of the Jade-Blooded vampire lineage, including their traits, abilities, origins, and potential weaknesses.

The Jade-Blooded vampires gain traits like Frightening, Keen Senses, and Night Vision. Their abilities allow them to enthral large crowds, hover above the ground, and command vast armies of minions.

Harakhte was the Chief Justice of Lahmia who took some of his servants to Cathay after drinking from the Elixir of Life. However, his servants betrayed him and went on to rule Cathay through war and schemes, becoming the first of the Jade-Blooded.

Lost Bloodlines: An Apocryphal Supplement for Night’s Dark Masters

Written by Steve Darlington
Lost Bloodlines: An Apocryphal Supplement for Night’s Dark Masters
dead, perhaps they slept, or perhaps they were
T HE JADE- BLOODED simply very good at hiding their presence. War
had proved an inefficient way to deal with their
“To invite mortals to the battlefield is to cast enemies, so each began instead to scheme and
pearls before swine. But what else can we do plot.
but hope to enlighten the lesser creatures of this
world?” To this day, Cathay is riven with internal strife
as each remaining Vampire has thousand-year
-- Master Thousand-Hands-Cutting long schemes planned against his enemies. As
age has wearied them, the diseases and
addictions they inherited from their master has
 Amongst the Deathless Court of Lahmia, there ravaged their bodies, and they require more and
was none so opposite to the sensualist more drugs with each passing decade. Their
Maatmeses as the narrow-eyed eunuch eyes cloud over, their skin grows translucent
Harakhte, Chief Justice and High Executioner. and their blood has become an ooze of bright
 Almost seven feet tall and extremely thin, he green ichor. Thus it is that the few holy people
would shift through the palace not unlike a who are permitted to look upon these ancient
gigantic spider, hunting out any betrayal or monarchs know them as the Jade-Blooded.
slightest whisper of sedition. His men did
likewise in the streets, providing his Queen with Society and Outlook
all the knowledge of the streets below and The Jade-Blooded believe in law. Harakte
hallways within so that she might rule from himself crafted a very strict set of laws – with
above. nine hundred strictures – for the city of Lahmia,
and he brought it with him to Cathay. These
To the simpering Harakhte, the Elixir of Life was
laws are not just about criminal acts, but the
 just another tincture, just another drug, for he
proper position and working of every aspect of
took so many to preserve his long life and stave
society. All of his students adhere to it strictly
off the many depredations of his incredible age.
and without deviation for without law, there is
Not even the Queen knew how old he was, and
nothing. The art comes therefore, in knowing
the emasculated, emaciated inquisitor would
the 900 Strictures so well that one may use
never speak of it. Some said he had already
them the most to ones advantage, against
learnt the secret of immortality on his trips to
others. As such, the monarchs often spend
Cathay and the mystics he met there. Nor does
decades at a time contemplating the strictures
anyone know why he left the city - whether it
and their meanings.
was just a happy coincidence that he was on a
diplomatic mission to the east or whether he Law and scholarship are the twin pinnacles of
had known about the army of Alcadizaar well in the Jade-Blooded life. Yes, there is pleasure in
advance. Whatever the truth, he did drink of the stimulants, and nobility in tradition, and even
Elixir, he was spared the terrible fall and even glory in victory, but these are momentary
now continues to live out his life in far Cathay, distractions, and are worthless if they are
where the spices are richer and the stimulants achieved at the expense of the primary
more exquisite. concerns. Everything has a proper time, place
and way, and such things must be observed,
He took with him on this journey a dozen of his
even though the rules were designed three
most skilled courtiers, scribes, investigators,
millennia ago, and are now often nonsensical or
guards and torturers, to whom he also passed
half forgotten. Tradition and history are
the Blood Kiss so they might never leave his
sacrosanct to the Jade-Blooded, and to ignore
service. When they reached Cathay, he sent
anything of the past is to trample on the great
each to one of its thirteen provinces, to
history of both Cathay and the Lahmian
investigate the ruling powers and determine
paradise. Of course, for the monarchs there is
where best to place his strength. However,
no sense in trying to re-claim or re-build that city
each of his attendants betrayed him in turn,
of the past; the spirit of Lahmia is within them,
setting themselves up quickly as the powers
and they build it anew in their minds each day.
behind each provinces’ throne. Great wars
raged across Cathay, and Harakhte struck Each of the monarchs however believes that he
down four of his upstart servants himself before and only he remembers the true ways of
the nations fell into anarchy. Eventually, new Lahmia, and has the greatest mastery of the
powers emerged, some ruled openly by the 900 Strictures. So it is that they must make war
sons of Harkhte, some manipulated from the against their brethren to eradicate their sloppy,
shadows, and some showing no sign of a foolish ways, until only the perfect law remains.
vampire’s hand: perhaps because they were It may take a thousand years, or ten thousand,
Lost Bloodlines: An Apocryphal Supplement for Night’s Dark Masters
but building a tower to heaven is never quick or fever and atrophy, as the flesh dies from the
easy work. outside in. Considered by the cult to be most
blessed indeed, such sufferers are not prevented
 Although as fast and deadly as most of their
from stumbling back to their homes to die in
Vampire cousins, they rarely enter combat
agony and terror, unable to speak of the
themselves – such things are, according to the
monstrous creature who suckled to them like a
Strictures, best done by others. If attacked, they
hungry baby.
prefer to turn into deadly snakes and slither away
with little more than a parting bite. When they do Designs and Stratagems
fight, they prefer to strike from the darkness with
Besides contemplating the Strictures and
poisoned blades or their own, equally poisonous
destroying their rivals, the Jade-Blooded have no
claws. This poison they draw from their own
long-term goals. Rather, destroying their rivals is
flesh, for their own blood is toxic. Any who strikes
an all-consuming goal, and every decision they
them finds their blade covered in foetid green
make is part of a plan to do just that. To the
fluid, and any whom they feed on are struck down
humans watching, it may seem like a terrible war
by a wasting plague. To even be in their
has begun again, and thousands slaughtered, but
presence is to gag on the foul aroma of thick
to the monarchs in their mountain strongholds, it
drugs and rotted flesh, and those who live
is but one small move on a chessboard the size
through the experience remember little more than
of the world, in a game as long as eternity.
a clouded, narcotic haze.
Betrayal and deception feed off each other like a
This allows the Jade-Blooded to preserve their dragon eating its own tail, and the play goes on
mysterious, god-like status among their followers, forever. For a mortal to be part of such a game is
and their ever-loyal servants form a cult around an honour; for them to know more than a few
their immortal lives. Each servant would die for moves and gain a glimpse of their meaning is a
his monarch, and will fight fanatically to stop any rare privilege that may give their pathetic life a
who would harm him, or act against his wishes. glimmer of meaning. Or perhaps not. The ways
These massive armies of zealous warriors are of mortals are of little concern to the Jade-
fleshed out with huge ranks of zombies and Blooded. There is only law, there is only
wights, giving each Jade-Blooded his own scholarship, and there is only the game.
gigantic personal army. And the art of war is their
Feeding and Br eeding
Table 1: Characteristic Generation
It is forbidden for the Jade-Blooded to create new
vampires, and considered unwise and unhealthy. Characteristic Jade-Blooded
Who, after all, needs a fresh enemy when there Weapon Skill (WS)  2d10+40
are so many already? However, like everything Ballistic Skill (BS) 2d10+30
that is forbidden, it does happen. Over the
Strength (S)  2d10+50
millennia, their numbers have very slowly but
steadily increased. Still, they are the least Toughness (T)  2d10+50
numerous of all the Bloodlines, ensuring always  Ag il it y (Ag )  2d10+50
that their power remains completely within their
conclave of perhaps but a score of extremely Intelligence (Int)  2d10+50
powerful beings. Those who do not quickly learn Will Pow er (WP)  2d10+60
to master the Strictures and to watch their backs
Fellowship (Fel)  2d10+30
will be obliterated by their rivals within a few
years. A thrall who is not a count after a decade  At tacks (A) 2
or two is not long for this world.  —Roll 1d10 and consult
Wounds (W)
The Jade-Blooded are typically fed by their Table 2: Starting Wounds —
faithful cultists, who bring fresh victims as often Strength Bonus (SB) —Equal to the first digit of
as possible. Some of the Jade-Blooded have Strength—
entirely forgotten how to kill, and have their
Toughness Bonus (TB) —Equal to the first digit
followers hold naked throats up to their mewling
of Toughness—
mouths, or slit throats with claws rather than
fangs and drain the blood directly into their Movement (M) 6
hookahs to mix with their opium and spices. Most Magic (Mag) 1
victims are drained dry. Those who survive carry
what is called by the peasants The Wasting Insanity Points (IP) 0
Death, a terrible malady that causes madness, Fate Points (FP) 0
Lost Bloodlines: An Apocryphal Supplement for Night’s Dark Masters
Table 2: Starting Wounds Jade-Blooded Blood Gifts
Roll Jade-Blooded Table 3: Blood Gifts
1–3 18 Roll Jade-Blooded
4–6 20 1 Bend Mortal Minds
7–9 22 2 Blood Burst
10 24 3 Carrier
4 Dark Majesty

Skills 5 Familiar Form

 All Vampires gain the following skills: 6 Mastery Over Flesh

7 Psychic Drain
Command, Common Knowledge (any one),
Dodge Blow, Magical Sense, Perception, Search, 8 Unhallowed Soul
Speak Language (any two), Torture. 9 Walk as the Wind
In addition, Vampires of the Jade-Blooded 10 Waterwalker
bloodline gain the following extra skills:
 Academic Knowledge (History, Necromancy, any New Bloo d Gifts:
other), Common Knowledge (any three),
Bend Mortal Minds
Channelling, Charm, Command, Concealment,
Disguise, Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Intimidate,  Although they can command with just a whisper,
Perception +10%, Prepare Poison, Shadowing, the Jade-Blooded also have a preternatural
Silent Move, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), power to enthral enormous crowds. The number
Speak Language (any three) of people they can influence with a Charm test is
multiplied by ten. This stacks with Public
Speaking and Master Orator, so that a Jade
Talents Blooded with Master Orator and Bend Mortal
Minds can inspire thousands of individuals at
Jade-Blooded Vampires gain the following once.
Walk as the Wind
Dealmaker, Dark Magic, Petty Magic (Arcane),
Schemer, Strike to Stun You may hover above the ground a distance of
up to six feet. You gain the Hoverer Trait. Your
movement while hovering is equal to your
Traits Movement Characteristic (you may not Run).
While Hovering, barriers, water or other
Traits are talents that cannot be acquired through deterrents on the ground beneath you have no
careers. Instead, they function as an expression effect.
of a particular type of creature or race. Talents
from WFRP that qualify as traits include Flier,
Frightening, Hoverer, Keen Senses, Natural
Thrall Career
Weapons, Night Vision, Resistance to Chaos,
Resistance to Magic, Unsettling, and Undead. All If using the Customization Method, the Jade-
of the new talents described in Old World Blooded Thrall career provides the following Skills
Bestiary count as traits. and Talents:
Jade-Blooded Traits Jade-Blooded Skills : Academic Knowledge
(History, Necromancy, one other), Common
Jade-Blooded gain the following traits: Blood Gift Knowledge (any three), Channelling, Charm,
(Blood Drain, Natural Necromancer, Pass For Command, Concealment, Disguise, Evaluate,
Human, Vampires’ Curse, plus any one Jade- Gossip, Haggle, Intimidate, Perception, Prepare
Blooded), Frightening, Keen Senses, Natural Poison, Shadowing, Silent Move, Speak Arcane
Weapons (Fangs, Claws), Night Vision and Language (Magick)
Undead. New traits are described in Night’s Dark
Masters. If you are applying the Vampire Jade-Blooded Talents:  Dealmaker, Dark Magic,
template to a pre-rolled character, the Jade- Petty Magic (Arcane), Schemer, Strike to Stun
Blooded bloodline provides the Pass For Human
 Also, because the Jade Blooded need vast
Blood Gift as well as the base Talents and Traits.
armies to remain in power, the minion
Lost Bloodlines: An Apocryphal Supplement for Night’s Dark Masters
Mahtmasi Weaknesses
Table 4: Vampir e’s Curse
Roll Weakness
01–10 Barriers
11–20 Cats
21–30 Counting
31–40 Fire
41–50 Ithilmar
51–60 Maidens
61–70 No Reflection
71–80 Religious Symbols
81–90 Silver
91–00 Sunlight

New Weaknesses
Cats: Maatmeses the First was the Grand Vizier
and Chancellor to Queen Neferata, and was
always terrified that she would one day discover
his endless desire to take her money for himself.
He became so paranoid he would jump any time
he saw a cat, for it could be Bastet, his Queen’s
loyal pet. His brood have inherited his fear, and
must make a Terror Test if they catch sight of
such a creature.
Maidens: Maatmeses worshipped the many
ladies in his harem, and could never harm them.
In Arabyan culture, maidens are similarly
worshipped. As such, some Mahtmasi consider it
anathema to harm or even inconvenience a
young woman. They must make a Hard (-20%)
Will Power Test to attack any (pre-menopausal)
female, even one attacking them, and an Average
(+0%) Will Power test to even conspire against
them. Their husbands and beaus are fair game
however, and no amount of Disguise will fool a
Vampire about a person’s gender. Note also that
this only applies to human women.

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