Criterion Repetition Maximum Testing

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Criterion Repetition
Maximum Testing
Avery D. Faigenbaum, EdD, CSCS1 and James E. McFarland, EdM, CSCS2
Department of Health and Exercise Science, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey; and 2Department of
Physical Education, Hillsborough High School, Hillsborough, New Jersey

ABSTRACT power in younger populations remain Resistance exercises, such as the back
contentious. Although 1 repetition squat, bench press, and power clean,
maximum (RM) testing can be used are commonly used to assess strength
to assess muscular fitness in school- and power. Although the safety, effi-
aged youth (2,6), some observers are cacy, and reliability of 1RM strength
STRENGTH THAT FOCUSES ON concerned about the impact of high- and power testing in children and ado-
THE TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE intensity loading on the developing lescents have been established (3,4),
OF A MAXIMAL OR NEAR-MAXIMAL musculoskeletal system (1). The pur- it is important to underscore the
LIFT. ACCEPTED COMMONALITIES pose of this article is to present a new importance of properly administer-
OF RESISTANCE EXERCISE PER- paradigm for safely instituting maxi- ing RM testing procedures when as-
FORMANCE ARE USED AS PRI- mal strength testing in children and sessing strength and power in
MARY CRITERIA FOR SAFELY AND adolescents through criterion compe- younger populations. Unlike most
EFFICACIOUSLY EVALUATING tency assessments. adults, children and adolescents typ-
MUSCULAR STRENGTH. ically have limited experience per-
RM testing is used in school- and
community-based programs to track forming maximal strength and
INTRODUCTION progress, develop personalized pro- power tests. Moreover, without
grams, provide motivation, and assess qualified instruction and supervision,
lobal recommendations on

G physical activity and health of

youth now support regular
participation in muscle strengthening
the effectiveness of a fitness program
(8). However, proper administration
of maximal strength and power test-
youth may be at increased risk of
injury because of accidents and
unsafe behavior (7).
activities (10). Despite outdated con- ing requires qualified instruction and To assess muscular fitness in a safe and
cerns that resistance training was consistent feedback on the technical efficacious manner with a focus on
unsafe or potentially injurious to the performance of every repetition dur- correct exercise technique, we use an
developing musculoskeletal system of ing the testing session. Although field approach called criterion repetition
school-aged youth, available evidence tests, such as the standing long jump maximum (CRM) testing. Although
indicates that resistance training can be or vertical jump, may provide a gen- all RM testing require proper exercise
a safe, effective, and worthwhile activity eral index of lower body power, RM technique and qualified supervision,
for children and adolescents provided testing can provide valuable informa- CRM testing is a method of assessing
that age-related training guidelines are tion regarding absolute and relative strength and power that focuses on the
followed and qualified instruction is changes in strength and power perfor- technical performance of a maximal or
available (2,6). However, methods mance and the effectiveness of a train- near-maximal lift using accepted com-
for evaluating muscular strength and ing cycle. monalities of resistance exercise

88 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 1 | FEBRUARY 2014 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
Criterion RM testing procedures for the bench press exercise

Skill Desired action Common breakdown Levela

Element 1: Lifter selects appropriate starting weight, performs adequate warm-up, and maintains proper body position; spotter in
proper position
A. Check point 1. Correct starting weight Incorrect weight selection
2. Appropriate warm-up Inadequate warm-up
3. Proper technique Improper movement pattern
B. Ready 1. Eyes below racked bar Eyes not directly below bar
2. Maintain 5-point body contact position Head, shoulders, hips, or feet move from
starting position
3. Chest tilted toward chin Chest tilt is not maintained
C. Grip 1. Grasp bar with closed grip wider than shoulder width Improper grip placement or open grip
2. Maintain stiff wrists Wrists relaxed and extended
3. Squeeze bar to promote stability Relaxed grip
D. Spotter 1. Stand close to lifter Improper spotter position
2. Check lifters grip position Fails to check proper grip
3. Remain focused on lifter Inattentive behavior
Element 2: Lifter uses proper exercise technique to safely perform the exercise and complete the lift; spotter assists when needed
A. Downward 1. Full inhalation before lift Inadequate inhalation
2. Lower bar from upper chest to lower chest Improper bar path from upper to lower chest
3. Maintain bar control Lack of bar control
4. Elbows under bar Elbows do not stay under bar
5. Forearms perpendicular to the floor and parallel to Improper forearm position
each other
B. Touch phase 1. Bar briefly remains motionless at the chest Bar “bounces” off chest or bar does not touch
C. Upward 1. Exhale as bar rises Inadequate exhalation
2. Push bar upward until elbows are fully extended Incomplete movement or improper bar path
3. Maintain 5-point body contact position Improper body contact or excessive back arch
4. Maintain grip until bar is racked Grip is not maintained until bar is safely
D. Spotter assist 1. Guide bar to start position Inadequate assistance
2. Follow path of bar with alternated grip position Improper hand position during lift
during movement
3. At finish, guide bar to rack then into rack cups Bar is returned to rack cups before contact
with rack
4. Rack call by spotter (or lifter) when appropriate Spotter fails to identify improper technique
during lift


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Special Populations

(continued )
Element 3: Lifter models exemplary behavior, demonstrates an appreciation of the skill, and follows safety procedures
A. Demeanor 1. Models positive behavior and follows safety rules Uncooperative and does not follow safety rules
2. Accepts constructive feedback Does not listen to feedback
3. Gives good effort and is respectful of others Needs reminders to stay on task or interferes
with others
B. Appreciation 1. Lifter understands the technical aspects of the skill Displays poor understanding of the skill
2. Lifter enjoys demonstrating movement pattern Inadequate effort and unappreciative attitude
The levels are advanced (A), basic (B), capable (C), and developing (D). See text for description of each level.

performance as criterion measures. appreciate the physical and psychosocial this information to plan meaningful
The perception of a CRM as opposed uniqueness of younger populations. All learning experiences that are consistent
to an RM helps to reinforce the impor- 1RM testing require a systematic pro- with individual needs and abilities. When
tance of maintaining proper exercise gression in test load until the maximum used appropriately, a grading rubric for
technique and better illustrates the sig- resistance that can be lifted properly for CRM testing can provide participants
nificance of movement pattern effi- one repetition is determined, whereas with the knowledge, skills, and under-
ciency as the criterion measure. This predictive methods require load-specific standing to demonstrate what they can
concept is particularly important for achievements of predetermined repeti- do now that they could not do before.
young lifters who may approach RM tions. CRM testing differs by focusing Before attempting a CRM, subjects
testing with a pass/fail mentality. Con- on the quality of the movement and should perform a progressive series of
sequently, it is important that young the physical effort required for perform- submaximal sets of 1–5 repetitions with
lifters understand that the amount of ing the lift, which requires testers to moderate to heavy loads (;50 to 90%
weight lifted is not as important as how carefully assess the technical perfor- of the estimated CRM). Weights pre-
well the weight is lifted. As such, CRM mance of every repetition and closely scribed for warm-up sets and testing
testing procedures can serve as a peda- monitor the response of each individual can be based on a subject’s previous
gogical tool for reinforcing proper tech- to the testing protocol. lifting experience or previous CRM test
nique and resistance training methods. Based on the specific testing criteria results. For example, if an untrained
Of note, before CRM testing, partici- for each exercise, youth are given spe- 12-year-old boy had a 1 CRM of
pants of any age should have the tech- cific feedback related to their technical 40 kg (88 lb) on the bench press exer-
nical competency to perform the test performance and behavior. The 4 levels cise at the start of a fitness program, his
exercise properly. Selected strength used to assess performance are develop- estimated 1 CRM after 2–3 months of
tests should be consistent with each ing (D), capable (C), basic (B), and resistance training would be about
participant’s training status because advanced (A). It is expected that partic- 50 kg (110 lb). This assumes that a qual-
a less-skilled individual may have tech- ipants will be able to perform at the “C” ified professional properly instructed
nical difficulties performing an exercise, level, which reflects average performance and sensibly progressed his training
which could limit performance and or minimal competency. The “B” level loads based on the technical compe-
increase the risk of injury. Familiariza- reflects a higher level of confidence tency and skill development. There-
tion and practice are particularly impor- and understanding of resistance exercise, fore, during the CRM testing session,
tant for untrained youth who need to whereas the “A” level is indicative of his warm-up sets should begin with
develop basic movement competencies exemplary lifting performance, a remark- 25 kg and progress to 30, 35, 40, and
and receive instruction on safety con- able understanding of skills, and a genu- 45 kg. If the weight is lifted with proper
cerns before strength testing (2). ine commitment to improving personal form, he can attempt a 1 CRM with
fitness. The “D” level indicates that the 47.5 kg. Pending approval from the
CRM TESTING PROCEDURES individual performed a skill improperly coach or teacher, the weight can be
Qualified professionals who have an or did not follow safety rules. Because increased by approximately 2.5 kg for
understanding of youth resistance this type of analytic rubric identifies the another 1 CRM trial with 50 kg after an
training guidelines should administer technical and the qualitative character- adequate rest interval (about 2 minutes).
CRM test procedures. Furthermore, istics of resistance exercise performance, The increments in weight should be
professionals should have experience participants are able to reflect on their dependent on the effort required for
in testing youth and should genuinely own performance, and coaches can use the lift and should become progressively


smaller as the subject approaches the should administer testing procedures REFERENCES
1 CRM. Each subject’s 1 CRM should and properly assess performance (e.g., 1. American Academy of Pediatrics. Strength
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appropriate physical effort. ities. When appropriate, CRM testing S60–S79, 2009.

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outlined in the Table. Although the
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