Chapter 5 Control Accounts

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Control accounts help detect errors in the accounts receivable and accounts payable ledgers by comparing totals from various journals and ledgers. Preparing a control account involves listing transaction totals from source documents and comparing the debit and credit totals.

Control accounts are reconciliation accounts used to check the accuracy of subsidiary ledgers like the accounts receivable ledger. They help detect errors by comparing totals from the sales journal, returns journal, cash receipts, discounts, and balances in the receivables ledger. If the debit and credit totals don't agree, an error has occurred.

To prepare an accounts receivable ledger control account, you list monthly totals from the sales journal, returns journal, cash receipts, discounts allowed, and ending balance in the receivables ledger. The debit and credit totals should be equal or an error exists.

Name : _________________

Chapter 5 Control accounts (統制帳戶) Serial No: _____

5.1 Introduction
A control accounts can help us detect errors in the accounting receivable ledger (debtors, sales ledger) and accounts payable
ledger (creditors, purchases ledger) (統制帳戶幫助檢測應收帳及應付帳中的錯誤).

5.2 Preparation of the accounts receivable ledger control account (編製應收帳統制帳戶)

A trading business commenced operations on 1 July 2010 and record the following transactions:
Jul 2 Sold goods on credit to J Chan for $4,000.
" 6 Sold goods on credit to H Mok for $3,000.
" 10 J Chan returned goods of $400.
" 18 H Mok returned goods of $600.
" 22 J Chan paid $3,200 by cheque after deducting a $400 discount.
" 24 Sold goods on credit to B Leung for $6,000.
" 28 H Mok paid $2,200 by cheque after deducting a $200 discount.
" 30 Sold goods on credit to H Mok for $2,000.

1 Record the transaction in the books of original entry (把交易記錄在原始分錄簿內)

Sales Journal
Date Details Amount
2010 $
Jul 2 J Chan 4,000
" 6 H Mok 3,000
" 24 B Leung 6,000
" 30 H Mok 2,000
" 31 Total credit sales for the month 15,000

Returns Inwards Journal

Date Details Amount
2010 $
Jul 10 J Chan 400
" 18 H Mok 600
" 31 Total returns inwsards for the month 1,000

Cash Book
Date Details Discount Bank Date Details Discount Bank
2010 $ $ 2009 $ $
Jul 22 J Chan 400 3,200
" 28 H Mok 200 2,200

2 Post the entries from the books of original entry to the debtors’ accounts (把原始分錄簿的記錄過帳到
Accounts Receivable Ledger (應收帳)
J Chan
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 2 Sales 4,000 Jul 10 Returns inwards 400
“ 22 Bank 3,200
“ 22 Discounts allowed 400
4,000 4,000

H Mok
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 6 Sales 3,000 Jul 18 Returns inwards 600
“ 30 Sales 2,000 “ 28 Bank 2,200
“ 28 Discounts allowed 200
“ 31 Balance c/d 2,000
5,000 5,000

B Leung
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 24 Sales 6,000 Jul 31 Balance c/d 6,000
3 List the debtor’s balances in the accounts receivable ledger (Sales ledger) (列示應收帳內所有債務人的
List of Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 July 2010
H Mok 2,000
B Leung 6,000
Total of debtors’ balances (debit) 8,000

4 Put (a) the monthly totals of transactions that are related to trade debtors from the books of original
entry (sales journal, returns inwards journal, cash book, etc) and (把該月各類關於債務人的交
(b) the debtors’ balances from the accounts receivable ledger into a control account (應收帳內債
The entries for accounts receivable ledger control (debtors control, sales ledger control) is the same as accounts receivable ledger

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Sales 15,000 Jul 31 Returns inwards 1,000
“ 31 Bank 5,400
“ 31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d 8,000
15,000 15,000

Sometime, we don’t need to put the date in the ledger control account (我們不需要在統制帳戶內記錄日期) in the examination
so the above accounts receivable ledger control will be shown as follow:

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

$ $
Sales 15,000 Returns inwards 1,000
Bank 5,400
Discounts allowed 600
Balance c/d 8,000
15,000 15,000

5 Check whether the debit and credit totals of the control accounts agree (檢查統制帳戶內的借方與貸
If the debit and credit totals of the control account do not agree (如果統制帳戶內的借方與貸方總和不相等), errors must have
been made in the books or ledgers (應收帳或原始分錄簿內必有錯誤).

Class work 1
Draw up an accounts receivable ledger control account from the following:
2009 $
Mar 1 Accounts receivable ledger balance (debit) 12,490
Totals for the month of March:
Sales jounral 24,610
Returns inwards journal 1,120
Cash book: Cheques and cash received from debtors 16,380
" 31 Accounts receivable ledger balances (debit) 19,600

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2009 $ 2009 $
Mar 1 Balance b/d 12,490 Mar 31 Returns inwards 1,120
“ 31 Sales 24,610 “ 31 Cash and bank 16,380
“ 31 Balance c/d 19,600
37,100 37,100
Information sources for the accounts receivable ledger control account (應收帳統制帳戶的資料來源)
Information required Source
A Opening balances (期初餘額總和) of total trade debtors List of balance in the accounts receivable ledger (應收帳)
B Total credit sales (賒購總額) Sales journal (銷貨簿)
C Total returns inwards (購貨退出總額) Returns inwards journal (銷貨退回簿)
D Total receipts (Bank) (收取銀行存款) from trade debtors Cash book (現金簿) (bank columns on the debit side)
E Total receipts (Cash) (收取現金) from trade debtors Cash book (現金簿) (cash columns on the debit side)
F Total discounts allowed (折讓折扣總額) Cash book (現金簿) (discount column on the debit side)
G Total bad debts (壞賬總額) written off General journal (or the journal) (普通日記簿)
H Closing balances (期末餘額總和) of total trade debtors List of balance in the accounts receivable ledger (應收帳)

How information is put into the accounts receivable ledger control account

Owing items Deducting items

The cash book may also have included receipts from non-trade debtors (包括非購貨債權人收入). When preparing the accounts
receivable ledger control account, non-trade debtors’ transactions should be excluded (非購貨債權人交易應該排除以外). In
other words, only the trade debtors’ transactions should be shown in the accounts receivable ledger control account (只有購貨

Note that the bad debts recovered (壞帳收回) should be shown on the debit side of the control account because it had been
deducted (credit) in the prior period (在前一期已經扣減). Hence we need to add it back (debit) (需要加回) to show the correct
amount in the control account.
Recall the entries required for the recovery of a bad debt written off in a prior period:
1 Reinstatement of the debit in the debtor’s account:
Dr Debtor’s account
Cr Bad debts recovered account

2 Receipt of payment from the debtor:

Dr Cash/Bank account
Cr Debtor’s account
Class work 2
1. Prepare an accounts receivable ledger control account from the following information: Deduce the unknown total of balances
as at 31 March 2009.

2009 $
Mar 1 Accounts receivable ledger balance (debit) 6,708
Totals for the month of March:
Discounts allowed 300
Cash and cheques received from debtors 8,970
Sales journal 11,500
Bad debts written off 115
Returns inwards journal 210
" 31 Accounts receivable ledger balances (debit) ?

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2009 $ 2009 $
Mar 1 Balance b/d 6,708 Mar 31 Returns inwards 210
“ 31 Sales 11,500 “ 31 Cash and Bank 8,970
“ 31 Discounts allowed 300
“ 31 Bad debts 115
“ 31 Balance c/d 8,613
18,208 18,208

Total balance of accounts receivable ledger at 31 March 2009 = 8,613

2. The following information was extracted from a firm for the year ended 31 January 2009:
Information extracted from the accounts receivable ledger:
Debtors’ balances as at 1 January 2009 (debit) 18,940
Debtors’ balances as at 31 January 2009 (debit) 25,190

Information extracted from the books of original entry for January 2009:
Credit sales 102,900
Cheques received from debtors (including the recovery of bad debt of $800 written off in a prior period and a
cheque of $2,300 received from the debtor arising from the sale of old furniture) 75,940
Cash received from debtors 12,360
Discounts allowed to debtors 6,830
Goods returned from debtors 2,960
Bad debts written off 1,660

Draw up an accounts receivable ledger control account:

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2009 $ 2009 $
Jan 1 Balance b/d 18,940 Jan 31 Returns inwards 2,960
“ 31 Sales 102,900 “ 31 Bank ($75,940  $2,300) 73,640
“ 31 Bad debts recovered 800 “ 31 Cash 12,360
“ 31 Discounts allowed 6,830
“ 31 Bad debts 1,660
“ 31 Balance c/d 25,190
122,640 122,640

5.3 Preparation of the accounts payable ledger control account (編製應付帳統制帳戶)
Information sources for the accounts payable ledger control account (應付帳統制帳戶的資料來源)
Information required Source
J Opening balances (期初餘額總和) of total trade creditors List of creditors’ balances in the accounts payable ledger
K Total credit purchases (賒購總額) Purchases journal (購貨簿)
L Total returns outwards (購貨退出總額) Returns outwards journal (購貨退出簿)
M Total payment (Bank) (銀行付款) to trade creditors Cash book (現金簿) (bank columns on the credit side)
N Total payment (Cash) (現金付款) to trade creditors Cash book (現金簿) (cash columns on the credit side)
O Total discounts received (收到折扣總額) Cash book (現金簿) (discount column on the credit side)
P Closing balances (期末餘額總和) of total trade creditors List of balance in the accounts payable ledger

deducting items paying items

The cash book may also have included payment to non-trade creditors. When preparing the accounts payable ledger control
account, non-trade creditors’ transactions should be excluded. In other words, only the trade creditors’ transactions should be
shown in the accounts payable ledger control account.

The entries for accounts payable ledger control (creditors control, purchases ledger control) is the same as accounts payable
ledger (統制帳戶的記帳與應付帳是相同的). Only the trade creditors’ transactions should be shown in the accounts payable
ledger control account.

Class work 3
1. The following information was extracted from a firm for the year ended 31 January 2009:
Information extracted from the accounts payable ledger:
Creditors’ balances as at 1 January 2009 (credit) 38,900
Creditors’ balances as at 31 January 2009 (credit) 47,850
Information extracted from the books of original entry for January 2009:
Credit purchases 49,360
Cheques paid to creditors 36,200
Discounts received from creditors 3,260
Goods returned to creditors 950

Draw up an accounts payable ledger control account:
Accounts Payable Ledger Control
2009 $ 2009 $
Jan 31 Bank 36,200 Jan 1 Balance b/d 38,900
“ 31 Discounts received 3,260 “ 31 Purchases 49,360
“ 31 Returns outwards 950
“ 31 Balance c/d 47,850
88,260 88,260

2. Draw up an accounts payable ledger control account from the following:

2009 $
May 1 Accounts payable ledger balances (credit) 19,320
Totals for the month of May:
Purchases journal 31,745
Returns outwards journal 1,220
Cheques paid to creditors 22,390
“ 31 Accounts payable ledger balances (credit) 27,455

Draw up an accounts receivable ledger control account:

Accounts Payable Ledger Control

2009 $ 2009 $
May 31 Returns outwards 1,220 May 1 Balance b/d 19,320
“ 31 Bank 22,390 “ 31 Purchases 31,745
“ 31 Balance c/d 27,455
51,065 51,065

3. Prepare an account payable ledger control account from the following information. As the total of balances as at 30 November
2009 is missing, you will have to deduce that figure.
2009 $
Nov 1 Accounts payable ledger balances (credit) 7,560
Totals for the month of November:
Discounts received 240
Returns outwards journal 355
Cash and cheques paid to creditors 9,850
Purchases journal 11,100
“ 30 Accounts payable ledger balances (credit) ?

Accounts Payable Ledger Control

2009 $ 2009 $
Nov 30 Discounts received 240 Nov 1 Balance b/d 7,560
“ 30 Returns outwards 355 “ 30 Purchases 11,100
“ 30 Cash and bank 9,850
“ 30 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 8,215
18,660 18,660

Total balance of accounts payable ledger at 30 November 2009 = 8,215

5.4 Contra items (對銷項目)
When a debtor of the firm is also a creditor (企業的某債務人同時是企業的債權人時), its balances in the accounts receivable
and accounts payable ledgers can be set off (互相抵銷) by means of a contra entry (對銷項目). For convenience, we don’t need
to make any entry in the sales and purchases journal (為了方便,我們不需要在銷貨簿及購貨簿內對銷) but we need to make
the adjustment in the debtor control and creditor control accounts (但我們需要在應收帳及應付帳統制帳戶內作出調整). This
means that contra items will affect accounts receivable, accounts payable, debtor control and creditor control accounts.

Example 1
The following transactions were made in May 2010:
1. We sold goods on credit to A Hung for $6,000 on 1 May 2010.
Accounts Receivable Ledger
A Hung
2010 $
May 1 Sales 6,000

2. We purchased goods on credit from A Hung for $8,800 on 12 May 2010.

Accounts Payable Ledger
A Hung
2010 $
May 12 Purchases 8,800

As A Hung is both a trade debtor and a trade creditor of the firm, the smaller balance ($6,000 owed by A Hung) can be set off
against the larger balance ($8,800 owed to A Hung) in the accounts receivable and accounts payable ledgers.

Suppose the contra entry was made at the end of May 2010:
Accounts Receivable Ledger
A Hung
2010 $ 2010 $
May 1 Sales 6,000 May 31 Set-off – Accounts payable ledger 6,000

Accounts Payable Ledger

A Hung
2010 $ 2010 $
May 31 Set-off – Accounts receivable ledger 6,000 May 12 Purchases 8,800
“ 31 Balance c/d 2,200
8,800 8,800

When contra entries were made in the accounts receivable and accounts payable ledgers during a period, the total amount should
be shown in the control accounts as follows:
1. The total of set-offs in the accounts receivable ledger is shown on the credit side of receivable ledger control account.
Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
May 1 Balance b/d 10,000 May 31 Returns inwards 2,000
“ 31 Sales 20,000 “ 31 Set-off – Accounts payable ledger 6,000
“ 31 Balance c/d 22,000
30,000 30,000

2. The total of set-offs in the accounts payable ledger is shown on the debit side of payable ledger control account.
Accounts Payable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
May 31 Returns outwards 1,000 May 1 Balance b/d 12,000
“ 31 Set-off – Accounts receivable ledger 6,000 “ 31 Purchases 22,000
“ 31 Balance c/d 27,000
34,000 34,000
Class work 4
1. Prepare an accounts receivable ledger control account from the following information. As the total of debit balances as at 31
May 2009 is missing, you will have to deduce that figure.
2009 $
May 1 Debit balances in the accounts receivable ledger 6,420
Totals for the month of May:
Sales journal 12,800
Cash and cheques received from debtors 10,370
Discounts allowed 395
Debit balances in the accounts receivable ledger set off against credit balances in the accounts
payable ledger 145
“ 31 Debit balances in the accounts receivable ledger ?
Credit balances in the accounts receivable ledger 50

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2009 $ 2009 $
May 1 Balance b/d 6,420 May 31 Cash and bank 10,370
“ 31 Sales 12,800 “ 31 Discounts allowed 395
“ 31 Balance c/d 50 “ 31 Set-off – Accounts payable ledger 145
“ 31 Balance c/d 8,360
19,270 19,270

2. The following information was extracted from the books of Turbo Ltd for the year ended 31 March 2009:
Debtors’ balances as at 1 April 2008 30,000
Creditors’ balances as at 1 April 2008 15,000
Totals for the year ended 31 March 2009:
Purchases 151,000
Discounts received 1,125
Sales 236,250
Payments to creditors 156,250
Receipts from debtors 212,875
Interest charged to debtors 225
Balances in the accounts receivable ledger set off against balances in the accounts payable ledger 2,500

(a) Write up the accounts payable ledger control account and show the balance as at 31 March 2009.

Accounts Payable Ledger Control

2009 $ 2008 $
Mar 31 Discounts received 1,125 Apr 1 Balance b/d 15,000
“ 31 Payments to creditors 156,250 2009
“ 31 Set-off – Accounts receivable ledger 2,500 Mar 31 Purchases 151,000
“ 31 Balance c/f 6,125
166,000 166,000

(b) Write up the accounts receivable ledger control account and show the balance as at 31 March 2009.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2008 $ 2009 $
Apr 1 Balance b/d 30,000 Mar 31 Receipts from debtors 212,875
2009 “ 31 Set-off – Accounts payable ledger 2,500
Mar 31 Sales 236,250 “ 31 Balance c/f 51,100
“ 31 Interest charged to debtors 225
266,475 266,475

5.5 Minority balances (少數差額)
The balances brought down in the accounts receivable ledger are usually debit balances (通常是借方餘額), while the balances
brought down in the accounts payable ledger are usually credit balances (通常是貸方餘額). However, this is not always the case.
There may be credit balances in the accounts receivable ledger or debit balances in the accounts payable ledger.

Example 2
The following transactions were made in July 2010:
1 We sold goods on credit to W Young for $5,000 on 6 July 2010.
2 W Young paid $5,000 by cheque on 20 July 2010.
3 W Young returned goods of $400 on 30 July 2010.

The above transactions were entered in W Young’s account as follows:

Accounts Receivable Ledger

W Young
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 6 Sales 5,000 Jul 20 Bank 5,000
“ 31 Balance c/d 400 “ 30 Returns inwards 400
5,400 5,400
Aug 1 Balance b/d 400

As a result, there was a credit balance brought down in W Young’s account. This balance would be settled once the refund was
made to W Young.

Example 3
The following transactions were made in August 2010:
1 We purchased goods on credit from S Tang for $8,000 on 8 August 2010.
2 We paid S Tang $9,000 by cheque on 26 August 2010.

The above transactions were entered in S Tang’s account as follows:

Accounts Payable Ledger

S Tang
2010 $ 2010 $
Aug 26 Bank 9,000 Aug 8 Purchases 8,000
“ 31 Balance c/d 1,000
9,000 9,000
Sept 1 Balance b/d 1,000

The over-payment to S Tang would give rise to a debit balance in S Tang’s account on 1 September 2010. This balance would be
settled once the refund was received from S Tang.

As a credit balance seldom appears in the accounts receivable ledger (很少出現在應收帳), or a debit balance seldom appears in
the accounts payable ledge (很少出現在應付帳), and such a balance only exists temporarily (只是暫時存在), we call it a minority
balance (少數差額).

The total of minority balances in the accounts receivable and accounts payable ledgers should be shown separately in the control
accounts (應該獨立列示在統制帳戶). They should not be netted off with the other normal balances in the ledgers (他們不應該

Example 4
Information extracted from the accounts receivable ledger as at 1 September 2010:
1. 點解有時
Debit cr. 同 dr. 兩邊都有 b/f ? 兩邊 o 既 balance 係咩意思?
balances 38,160
SLCA 同 PLCA 有時都會兩邊都有 bal b/d
Credit balances 370
SLCA 正常情況下系 debit bal.
PLCA 正常情況下 credit bal.
Information extracted
當 SLCA 有 debit from
bal 時,即是 the books
minority of original entry for September 2010:
同樣道理.PLCA 都會有 minority bal. $
一個最簡單分辨邊個系 minority bal 的方法是:bal 數小的就是 minority bal....ok?
Cash received from debtors 1,040
Cheques received refund from
to debtor debtorsdr. side? 乜唔係入落 cr.咩, 因為 debtors 爭公司 o 既錢少左
點解入落去 62,390
Credit sales
2..簡單方法---一見到我地比錢人地,就 credit:bank/cash 先.因為一定系出錢比人地啊...甘你就可以慢慢想究竟 debit 翻邊個帳戶啦. 70,900
Bad debts written off 3,060
Discounts allowed 2,980
3. trade discount 即係咩 discount?
Returns inwards discount 系買貨時人地比 ge 折扣,呢個通常唔使理. 1,640
cash discount 系鼓勵人地早點還錢給我.給的折扣.eg:你本來欠我 10 文,限期系後日還,但我等錢使,要你聽日就還比我先,甘我可以收你 8 370
refunded to a customer who had overpaid 文,當中果 2 文
就系 cash discount
Dishonoured 啦
cheques 290
做 SLCA 好多時會遇到呢幾個
Interest discountaccount
charged on an overdue 500
discount allowed .discount received .trade discount
received要入 SLCAsupplier
from credit side
Information extracted
discount received 入 PLCAfrom
side accounts receivable ledger as at 30 September 2010:
因為供應商退回部份自己公司所付的費用, 所以就會把退回的金額 Credit 在 Creditors Control Account.你可以分兩階段
理解 $
4.Allowances to customers 洗唔洗計落 sales ledger control?如果要, 入邊個 side?
Debit balances
4.Allowances 要入 SLCA.入 SLCA credit side 39,140
Credit balances
(a) 最初我們付款給 creditor $1,300 400
為咗唔好比人地退貨,我地會比個 dicount 區地.等區地比少 d 錢,要咗件貨....甘我地的應收賬款會減少,so 要 credit SLCA
Dr. Creditor... $1,300
5. Bank......
in sales ledger transferred to purchasesAccounts
ledger as perReceivable Ledger Control
contra 係點解?應該點做?
2010 set-off $ 2010 $
(b) 但後來發現因各種原因
Sept 1 Balance b/d Creditor 要退款, 例如我們在
ge 客人 上多付了$300,
38,160 (a)Sept 所以供應商退還多我們多付的
1 Balance b/d 就
entries 370
是“ 30
Sales 70,900 “ 30 Cash 1,040
Dr.“ Bank30
甘我地會系個帳戶度對銷,creditCash  RefundSLCA $80.debit PLCA $80
..... $300 370 “ 30 Bank 62,390
剩下的 Creditor
“ 2030 ..$300
文先會比錢...Bank – Dishonoured cheques 290 “ 30 Bad debts 3,060
“ 30 Interest received 500 “ 30 Discounts allowed 2,980
“ 30 Minority balance c/d 400 “ 30 Returns inwards 1,640
“ 30 Balance c/d 39,140
110,620 110,620

Cash – Refund (現金退款): When money is paid for Cash – Refund, the cash book should be credited and the relevant debtor
Reverse of receiving cash account should be debited.

Dishourned cheques (不兌現支票): The cash book (bank) should be credited and the trade debtor in the account receivable
Reverse of receiving cheque ledger should be debited.

Interest received (已收利息): interest received is one kind of revenue so the revenue account should be credited and the
relevant debtor account should be debited.
Additional sales

The minority balances ($370 opening and $400 closing) should not be netted off with the normal balances ($38,160 opening and
$39,140 closing).

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2010 The reason for refund in debit side of Debtors: $ 2010 $
Sept 1 Balance b/d ($38,160  $370) 37,790 Sept we
Firstly, we enter the returns inwards in the credit side because 30needCash
to deduct the returns 1,040
“ 30 Sales 70,900 “ 30 Bank 62,390
“ inwards
30 Cashin the debtors account. However, part of returns
 Refund 370 inwards
“ is refund
30 so we need to add
Bad debts 3,060
“ 30theBank
back – Dishonoured
amount chequesto settle the deducting
of returns inwards 290 amount.
“ 30Hence
we debitallowed
the refund in 2,980
“ 30 Interest received 500 “ 30 Returns inwards 1,640
debit side of Debtors. This is the oppose side of Cash account.“ 30 Balance c/d ($39,140  $400) 38,740
109,850 109,850

HKDSE (Sample, 2) (Control)
An inexperienced accounts clerk of Silver Moon Company has drafted the following sales ledger control account for December

$ $
Balance brought forward 46,980 Cash and cheques received 310,650
Credit sales 408,530 Discounts allowed 23,027
Cash sales 60,800 Allowance for doubtful debts 6,000
Set off with purchases ledger control 18,410 Allowance to customer for slightly damaged goods 19,100
Returns inwards 28,070 Balance carried forward 204,013
562,790 562,790

After investigation, the following errors were discovered.

(i) Bad debts of $30,130, written off in July 20X6, had been omitted in the control account.

(ii) A customer, who had fully settled his account in November 20X6, returned unsatisfactory goods amounting to $8,000 in
December 20X6. The amount was correctly recorded in the returns inwards account but not in the sales ledger.

(iii) Discounts allowed had been correctly entered in the customers’ accounts in the sales ledger but had been overcast by $900 in
the discount column of the cash book.

(a) Rewrite the sales ledger control account.
(b) Describe how credit balances in the sales ledger should be shown in the statement of financial position.

Sales ledger control
$ $
Balance brought forward 46,980 Set off with purchases ledger control 18,410
Credit sales 408,530 Returns inwards 28,070
Minority balance c/f (ii) 8,000 Cash and cheques received 310,650
Discounts allowed ($23,027  $900) (iii) 22,127
Allowance to customer 19,100
Bad debts written off (i) 30,130
Balance c/f 35,023
463,510 463,510

(b) The total of the credit balance in the sales ledger should be shown in the statement of financial position under
the category of ‘current liabilities’ as accounts payables.

Class work 5
The following information appeared in the books of Peking Co for the month of October 2010:
Balances as at 1 October 2010:
Dr Cr
$ $
Accounts receivable ledger 69,520 1,070
Accounts payable ledger 920 42,150

Totals for the month of October 2010:

Sales journal 155,800
Discounts received 3,200
Bad debts written off 4,510
Returns to suppliers 34,870
Carriage outwards 2,150
Cash and cheque received from trade debtors 146,500
Dishonoured cheques from trade debtors 18,600
Credit purchases 151,200
Cash sales 50,000
Trade discounts received 950
Cash and cheques paid to trade creditors 99,900
Debit balances in accounts receivable ledger set off against credit balances in the accounts payable ledger 6,500
Allowance for doubtful accounts 9,196
Discounts allowed 2,500
Cash refunds to trade debtors 4,720

Balances as at 31 October 2010:

Dr Cr
$ $
Accounts receivable ledger 91,960 4,470
Accounts payable ledger 7,690 55,650

Prepare the Accounts receivable ledger control account and Accounts payable ledger control account.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Oct 1 Balance b/d 69,520 Oct 1 Balance b/d 1,070
“ 31 Sales 155,800 “ 31 Bad debts 4,510
“ 31 Bank – Dishonoured cheques 18,600 “ 31 Cash and bank 146,500
“ 31 Cash - Refund 4,720 “ 31 Set-off – Accounts payable ledger 6,500
“ 31 Minority balance c/d 4,470 “ 31 Discounts allowed 2,500
“ 31 Balance c/d 91,960
253,040 253,040

Accounts Payable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Oct 1 Balance b/d 920 Oct 1 Balance b/d 42,150
“ 31 Discounts received 3,200 “ 31 Purchases 151,200
“ 31 Returns outwards 34,870 “ 31 Minority balance c/d 7,690
“ 31 Cash and bank 99,900
“ 31 Set-off – Accounts receivable ledger 6,500
“ 31 Balance c/d 55,650
201,040 201,040

5.6 Self-balancing control accounts (自行平衡統制帳戶)
Instead of extracting the balances from the ledger, we would simply let the control account balance itself (讓統制帳戶自行平衡)
and generate its own balances (得出本身的餘額). This type of control account is called the self-balancing control account (自行
平衡統制帳戶). This type of control account is more common in examinations. If the balance of a control account does not agree
with that of its corresponding ledger, errors must have been made in the books or ledgers (如果統制帳戶的餘額與相關分類帳

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Sales 15,000 Jul 31 Returns inwards 1,000
“ 31 Bank 5,400
“ 31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 8,000
15,000 15,000

Since the balance of control account is generated by itself but not extract from the balances of the account receivable/account
payable ledger, the errors affecting the accounts receivable/payable ledger only do not affect the balance in the control account.

Class work 6
Kelly Chow has presented the following information for the month ended 31 October 2010:
Accounts receivable ledger:
Oct 1 Debit balances $10,320 Credit balances $3,480
Oct 31 Debit balances $12,000 Credit balance $144
Totals for the month of October 2010:
Credit sales $14,052
Cash sales $6,828
Cash received from trade debtors $8,580
Allowance for doubtful accounts $372
Discounts allowed $1,452
Discounts received $876
Returns inwards $192
Bad debts written off $564
On 1 October 2010, the balances in the accounts receivable ledger control account agreed with the balances in the accounts
receivable ledger. On 31 October 2010, the credit balance in the accounts receivable ledger control account also agreed with the
credit balance in the accounts receivable ledger.

(a) Draw up an accounts receivable ledger control account.

(b) Did the debit balance in the accounts receivable ledger control account agree with the debit balance in the accounts
receivable ledger on 31 October 2010? If not, calculate the difference between the two balances.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Oct 1 Balance b/d 10,320 Oct 1 Balance b/d 3,480
“ 31 Sales 14,052 “ 31 Cash 8,580
“ 31 Minority balance c/d 144 “ 31 Discounts allowed 1,452
“ 31 Returns inwards 192
“ 31 Bad debts 564
“ 31 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 10,248
24,516 24,516

(b) No, the two debit balances did not agree. The difference between the two balance was $1,752 ($12,000 

5.7 Errors affecting the agreement of balances of a control account and its corresponding
ledger (導致統制帳戶與相關分類帳的餘額不相等的錯誤)
1 A casting error in a book of original entry (原始分錄簿加總出錯) (no error in the ledger)
Suppose the monthly total of the sales journal was overcast as follows (while the other entries were correctly made):
Sales Journal
Date Details Amount
2010 $
Jul 2 J Chan 4,000
" 6 H Mok 3,000
" 24 B Leung 6,000
" 30 H Mok 2,000
" 31 Total credit sales for the month 16,000

The debtors’ accounts in the accounts receivable ledger and the list of debtors’ balances in the accounts receivable ledger would
not be affected.
List of Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 July 2010
H Mok 2,000
B Leung 6,000
Total of debtors’ balances (debit) 8,000

However, the control account would be affected as follows:

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Sales 16,000 Jul 31 Returns inwards 1,000
“ 31 Banks 5,400
“ 31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 9,000
16,000 16,000

As a result, the balance of the control account would differ from the total of balances in the accounts receivable ledger. Since the
errors are mainly in sales journal and the control account, the corrections required is in the control account. No error in the
accounts receivable ledger so no adjustment is needed in the accounts receivable ledger.

Affected accounts: Sales Journal, Debtor control

2 A casting error in the control account (統制帳戶加總出錯) (no error in the ledger)
Suppose the balance of the control account as at 31 July 2010 was wrongly calculated as $7,000 instead of $8,000, the debit
balance in the control account were understated by $1,000 (while the other entries were correctly made).

The control account would be affected as follows:

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Sales 15,000 Jul 31 Returns inwards 1,000
“ 31 Banks 5,400
“ 31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d (wrongly calculated) 7,000
15,000 15,000

The debtors’ accounts in the accounts receivable ledger and the list of debtors’ balances in the accounts receivable ledger would
not be affected.
List of Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 July 2010
H Mok 2,000
B Leung 6,000
Total of debtors’ balances (debit) 8,000

As a result, the balance of the control account would differ from the total of balances in the accounts receivable ledger. Since the
errors are mainly in the control account, the corrections required are in the control account. No error in the accounts receivable
ledger so no adjustment is needed in the accounts receivable ledger.

Affected accounts: Debtor control

3 An entry omitted from a debtor’s account (漏記債務人帳戶) (no error in the control account)
Suppose the entry on 18 July 2010 was not posted from the returns inwards journal to the debtor ’s account (while the other
entries were correctly made).
H Mok
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 6 Sales 3,000 “ 28 Bank 2,200
“ 30 Sales 2,000 “ 28 Discounts allowed 200
“ 31 Balance c/d 2,600
5,000 5,000

The list of debtors’ balances in the accounts receivable ledger would be affected as follows:

List of Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 July 2010

H Mok 2,600
B Leung 6,000
Total of debtors’ balances (debit) 8,600

However, the control account would not be affected.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Sales 15,000 Jul 31 Returns inwards 1,000
“ 31 Banks 5,400
“ 31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 8,000
15,000 15,000

As a result, the balance of the control account would differ from the total of balances in the accounts receivable ledger. Since the
errors are mainly in the accounts receivable ledger, the corrections required are in the accounts receivable ledger. No error in the
control account so no adjustment is needed in the control account.

Affected accounts: A debtor, Debtors balances

4 A wrong entry in a debtor’s account (錯記債務人帳戶) (no error in the control account)
Suppose the entry on 18 July 2010 was posted from the returns inwards journal to the debtor’s account with a wrong amount.

H Mok
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 6 Sales 3,000 Jul 18 Returns inwards 60
“ 30 Sales 2,000 “ 28 Bank 2,200
“ 28 Discounts allowed 200
“ 31 Balance c/d 2,540
5,000 5,000

The list of debtors’ balances in the accounts receivable ledger would be affected as follows:

List of Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 July 2010

H Mok 2,540
B Leung 6,000
Total of debtors’ balances (debit) 8,540

However, the control account would not be affected.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Sales 15,000 Jul 31 Returns inwards 1,000
“ 31 Banks 5,400
“ 31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 8,000
15,000 15,000

As a result, the balance of the control account would differ from the total of balances in the accounts receivable ledger. Since the
errors are mainly in the accounts receivable ledger, the corrections required are in the accounts receivable ledger. No error in the
control account so no adjustment is needed in the control account.

Affected accounts: A debtor, Debtors balances

Suppose the entry on 18 July 2010 was posted from the returns inwards journal to the debit side of the debtor ’s account (while the
other entries were correctly made). The debtors’ accounts and the list of debtors’ balances would be affected as follows:

H Mok
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 6 Sales 3,000 Jul 28 Bank 2,200
“ 18 Returns inwards 600 “ 28 Discounts allowed 200
“ 30 Sales 2,000 “ 31 Balance c/d 3,200
5,600 5,600

The list of debtors’ balances in the accounts receivable ledger would be affected as follows:

List of Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 July 2010

H Mok 3,200
B Leung 6,000
Total of debtors’ balances (debit) 9,200

However, the control account would not be affected.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Sales 15,000 Jul 31 Returns inwards 1,000
“ 31 Banks 5,400
“ 31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 8,000
15,000 15,000

As a result, the balance of the control account would differ from the total of balances in the accounts receivable ledger. Since the
errors are mainly in the accounts receivable ledger, the corrections required are in the accounts receivable ledger. No error in the
control account so no adjustment is needed in the control account.

Affected accounts: A debtor, Debtors balances

You have come across some common types of errors that would or would not affect the agreement of balances of a control
account and its corresponding ledger. However, there are many other types of errors that have not been mentioned. You will see
more types of errors in the assessment part and you need to practice more questions in order to familiarize dealing with all kind of
errors in the examination.

Class work 7
Debtors Debtors
Errors Affected accounts
Control Balances
Sales of $1,250 had been entered on the wrong side of the A debtor, debtors
debtor’s account in the accounts receivable ledger. balances
Sales journal, Debtor
(ii) One page of the sales day book had been undercast by $110.
A credit balance of $428 had been netted off with the debit A debtor, debtors
balances in the list of debtors’ balances. balances
Bad debt of $680 had been omitted from the control
Debtor Control 
Returns inwards, Debtor
(v) Returns inwards had been undercast by $121
A debit balance of $5,200 was omitted from the list of
A debtor, debtors
(vi) debtors’ balances and wrongly shown as a credit balance of
$3,400 in the list of creditors’ balances.
There was a balance of $4,820 in the allowance for doubtful
Allowance for doubtful
(vii) debts account on 1 January 2009. An allowance for doubtful
accounts of 5% had not been made.

(viii) Motor expenses of $600 had been omitted from the books. Motor expenses

5.8 Errors not affecting the agreement of balances of a control account and its
corresponding ledger (不會導致統制帳戶與相關分類帳的餘額不相等的錯誤)
5 An entry omitted from a book of original entry (漏記原始分錄簿)
If the sales transaction made on 30 July 2010 was omitted from the sales journal (while the other entries were correctly made).
Sales Journal
Date Details Amount
2010 $
Jul 2 J Chan 4,000
" 6 H Mok 3,000
" 24 B Leung 6,000
" 31 Total credit sales for the month 13,000

The debtors’ accounts in the accounts receivable ledger, the list of debtors’ balances in the accounts receivable ledger and the
control account would then be affected as follow:
H Mok
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 6 Sales 3,000 Jul 18 Returns inwards 600
“ 28 Bank 2,200
“ 28 Discounts allowed 200
3,000 3,000

List of Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 July 2010

B Leung 6,000
Total of debtors’ balances (debit) 6,000

A wrong amount entered

Accounts and theLedger
Receivable castingControl
error in a book of original entry
2010 $ occurs
is difference. “A casting error” 2010 in the total sum of the sales journal $
Jul 31 Sales 13,000
so it does not affect the Jul receivable
accounts 31 Returns inwards
ledger but “a wrong amount 1,000
“ 31 Banks 5,400
entered” do affect the accounts receivable
“ ledger
31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 6,000
13,000 13,000

As a result, the balance of the control account would still equal the total of balances in the accounts receivable ledger. Since the
errors are in the accounts receivable ledger and the control account, the corrections required are both in the accounts
receivable ledger and the control account.

Affected accounts: Sales journal, A debtor, debtors balances and debtors control

6 A wrong amount entered in a book of original entry (原始分錄簿錯記金額)

If the sales transaction made on 6 July 2010 was wrongly entered in the sales journal as follows:
Sales Journal
Date Details Amount
2010 $
Jul 2 J Chan 4,000
" 6 H Mok 2,000
" 24 B Leung 6,000
" 30 H Mok 2,000
" 31 Total credit sales for the month 14,000

The debtors’ accounts in the accounts receivable ledger, the list of debtors’ balances in the accounts receivable ledger and the
control account would then be affected as follow:
H Mok
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 6 Sales 2,000 Jul 18 Returns inwards 600
“ 30 Sales 2,000 “ 28 Bank 2,200
“ 28 Discounts allowed 200
“ 31 Balance c/d 1,000
4,000 4,000

List of Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 July 2010

H Mok 1,000
B Leung 6,000
Total of debtors’ balances (debit) 7,000

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Sales 14,000 Jul 31 Returns inwards 1,000
“ 31 Banks 5,400
“ 31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 7,000
14,000 14,000

As a result, the balance of the control account would still equal the total of balances in the accounts receivable ledger. Since the
errors are in the accounts receivable ledger and the control account, the corrections required are both in the accounts
receivable ledger and the control account.

Affected accounts: Sales journal, A debtor, debtors balances and debtors control

7 An entry wrongly posted to another debtor’s account (錯誤過帳到另一債務人帳戶內)

Suppose the entry on 30 July 2010 was wrongly posted from the sales journal to J Chan’s account instead of H Mok’s account.
J Chan and H Mok’s account would be affected as follows:
J Chan
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 2 Sales 4,000 Jul 10 Returns inwards 400
“ 30 Sales 2,000 “ 22 Bank 3,200
“ 22 Discounts allowed 400
“ 31 Balance c/d 2,000
6,000 6,000
H Mok
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 6 Sales 3,000 Jul 18 Returns inwards 600
“ 28 Bank 2,200
“ 28 Discounts allowed 200
3,000 3,000

The list of debtors’ balances in the accounts receivable ledger would be affected as follows:
List of Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 July 2010
J Chan 2,000
B Leung 6,000
Total of debtors’ balances (debit) 8,000
However, the control account would not be affected.
Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Sales 15,000 Jul 31 Returns inwards 1,000
“ 31 Banks 5,400
“ 31 Discounts allowed 600
“ 31 Balance c/d (balancing figure) 8,000
15,000 15,000

As a result, the balance of the control account would still equal the total of balances in the accounts receivable ledger. Since no
errors are in the accounts receivable ledger balances and the control account, no correction is required in either the accounts
receivable ledger balances or the control account.

Affected accounts: A debtor

Class work 8
Debtor Debtor Creditor Creditor
Errors Affected Accounts
balances control balances control
The sales day book had been undercast by
(i) $4,000. Sales journal, debtor control 
The only credit balance of $3,600 in the list
(ii) of sales ledger balances should have been a Debtor balances 
debit balance.
No entries had been made in respect of
goods returned by a customer on 31 March
2007. These goods had a cost of $5,300 Returns inwards, debtor control,
(iii) and were listed at a mark-up of 40%. A debtor balances  
trade discount of 5% had been given to the
Net cash receipts of $7,200 from customers
had been posted to the debtors control debtor control, debtor balances, 
(iv) account as $7,800. No entries had been Discount allowed, debtor control 
made in respect of the cash discount of 
10% on the amount receivable.
A dishonoured cheque from a customer for Debtor balances, Bank, debtor
(v) $7,500 had not been recorded. control  
A contra entry of $1,000 had been
recorded in the sales ledger and purchases
(vi) ledger respectively. No entries had yet debtor control, creditor control  
been made in the control accounts.
No entries of bad debts of $2,400 were to Debtor balances, Bad debts, debtor
(vii) be written off on 31 March 2007. control  
The company had a balance of $20,000 in
(viii) the provision for doubtful debts account on Provision for doubtful account
1 April 2006. A provision of 10% on debtors
was to be made on 31 March 2007.
A sale invoice of $8,120 had been entered Sales journal, debtors control,
(ix) in the sales day book as $8,210. debtor balances  
A purchases invoice had been recorded Purchases journal, creditor control,
(x) inclusive of trade discounts of $120. creditor balances  
A cash discount of $230 allowed to a Discount allowed, Debtors control,
(xi) debtor had been omitted from the books. debtor balances  
A purchase invoice for $1,425 had been
entered twice in the purchases journal and Purchases journal, creditor control,
(xii) posted twice to the personal account of a creditor balances  
The owner took $1,000 worth of goods for Purchases journal, Sales journal,
private use, but the amount was recorded
(xiii) in the sales journal and the accounts debtor balances, debtor control,    
receivable ledger. creditor control

Office equipment costing $2,500 bought on Purchases journal, creditor control,

(xiv) credit had been recorded in the purchases creditor balances  
Sales journal, Debtor control,
(xv) A sales invoice had been undercast by $50. debtor balances  
Goods purchased from M Lee for $1,800 Purchases journal, Sales journal,
(xvi) had been recorded as a sale to M Leung in Debtor control, Creditor control,    
the sales day book. debtor balances, creditor balances
A sales invoice of $682 had been entered
in the sales journal as $628, but posted Sales journal, debtor control,
(xvii) twice to the personal account of the debtor balances  
A cheque for $14,000 drawn on 10 April Bank, creditor control, creditor
(xviii) 2009 to settle a creditor’s account had not balances  
yet been presented to the bank account.
Goods purchased with a list price of $1,500
had been returned to the supplier due to
defects. The supplier had given a trade Returns outwards, creditor control,
(xix) discount of 15% on these goods. The return creditor balances  
had not been recorded in the books of Sky
Target Co.
No entries had been made to record the
set off of an amount owed to H Chak of Debtor balances, creditor balances,
(xx) $3,600 against an equal amount owed by H debtor control, creditor control    
5.9 Reconciliation of the balances of control accounts with those of their corresponding
ledgers (調節統制帳戶與相關分類帳的餘額)
When the errors are found, we would make corrections in the relevant books or ledgers, and adjust the control account accordingly.
In public examinations, candidates are usually required to show the corrections (考生需要顯示更正) of the account receivable or
accounts payable ledger in a statement (在修訂表內) (Statement of Correction or Statement of revise, Statement of the revised
total of the sales/purchases ledger ), and then make adjusting entries in the control account (然後在統制帳戶內作出調整).

When we do the question, we need to find out which account will be affected by the error (我們需要找出哪些帳戶將受錯誤影
響). Then decide whether the account receivable, accounts payable or control account need adjustment (然後決定應收賬,應付
賬或統制帳戶需要調整). Finally, make adjusting entries in the account receivable, accounts payable and control account
according to the errors.

1 A casting error in a book of original entry (原始分錄簿加總出錯)

Suppose the monthly total of the sales journal was overcast by $1,000. The corrections required in the control account are to
reduce the balance by $1,000.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Balance b/d 9,000 Jul 31 Sales overcast 1,000
“ 31 Balance c/d 8,000
9,000 9,000

No adjustment is needed in the account receivable ledger.

Class work 9
The control account balance, $4,000 did not agree with the total of the accounts receivable ledger for the year ended 31 March
2010. Draw up the corrections in the accounts receivable ledger control account for the sales day book undercasting by $1,000.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Mar 31 Balance b/f 4,000 Mar 31 Balance c/d 5,000
“ 31 Sales undercast 1,000
5,000 5,000

2 A casting error in the control account (統制帳戶加總出錯)

Suppose the debit balance in the control account were understated by $1,000. The correction required in the control account is to
increase the balance by $1,000.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Balance b/d 7,000 Jul 31 Balance c/d 8,000
“ 31 Debit total understated 1,000
8,000 8,000

No adjustment is needed in the account receivable ledger.

Class work 10
Suppose the debit balance of the control account were overstated by $1,000. Draw up the corrections in the accounts receivable
ledger control account if the control account balance before correction is $6,000 as at 31 July 2010.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Balance b/f 6,000 Jul 31 Debit total overstated 1,000
“ 31 Balance c/d 5,000
6,000 6,000
3 An entry omitted from a debtor’s account (漏記債務人帳戶)
Suppose the entry on 18 July 2010 was not posted from the returns inwards journal to the debtor ’s account. The corrections
required are reducing the balances in the accounts receivable ledger by $600 and we need to prepare the “Statement of Revised
Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance” as follow:

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 July 2010

Original total of balance 8,600
Less Returns inward omitted (600)
Corrected total balances 8,000

No adjustment is needed in the control account.

Class work 11
No entry had been made in respect of goods returned by a customer on 31 March 2007. These goods had a cost of $5,300 and a
trade discount of 5% had been given to the customer. Prepare a statement to revise the total of account receivable ledger balances
if the total balance from the accounts receivable ledger before adjustments is $30,000

Statement of Corrected Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 March 2007

Original total of balance 30,000
Less Returns inward omitted ($5,300 x 95%) (5,035)
Corrected total balances 24,965

4 A wrong entry in a debtor’s account (錯記債務人帳戶)

(a) Suppose goods of $600 returned by a debtor, H Mok, had been posted to his account in the accounts receivable ledger at $60.
The corrections required are reducing the balances in the accounts receivable ledger by $540 ($600  $60) and we need to
prepare the “Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance” as follow:

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 July 2010

Original total of balance 8,540
Less Returns inward wrongly entry ($600  $60) (540)
Corrected total balances 8,000

No adjustment is needed in the control account.

(b) Suppose goods of $600 returned by a debtor, H Mok, had been posted to the debit side of his account in the accounts
receivable ledger. The corrections required are reducing the balances in the accounts receivable ledger by $1,200 ($600x2)
and we need to prepare the “Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance” as follow:

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 July 2010

Original total of balance 9,200
Less Returns inward wrongly entry ($600x2) (1,200)
Corrected total balances 8,000

No adjustment is needed in the control account.

Class work 12
The debit balance of $470 had been listed as a credit balance in the debtors’ schedule on 31 March 2007. Prepare a statement to
revise the total of account receivable ledger balances if the total balance from the accounts receivable ledger before adjustments
is $2,000

Statement of Corrected Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 March 2007

Original total of balance 2,000
Add balance wrongly entry ($470 x 2) 940
Corrected total balances 2,940

5 An entry omitted from a book of original entry (漏記原始分錄簿)
Suppose sales of $2,000 had been omitted from the sales journal. The corrections required are increasing the balances in the
control account and accounts receivable ledger by $2,000 and we need to adjust control account and prepare the “Statement of
Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance” as follow:
Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Balance b/d 6,000 Jul 31 Balance c/d 8,000
“ 31 Sales omitted 2,000
8,000 8,000

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 July 2010

Original total of balance 6,000
Add Sales omitted 2,000
Corrected total balances 8,000

Class work 13
A cash discount of $230 allowed to a debtor had been omitted from the books on 31 March 2007. Make adjustment in the control
account and accounts receivable ledger if the balances of both accounts before adjustments are $2,000.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2007 $ 2007 $
Mar 31 Balance b/f 2,000 Mar 31 Discount allowed omitted 230
“ 31 Balance c/d 1,770
2,000 2,000

Statement of Corrected Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 March 2007

Original total of balance 2,000
Less Discount allowed omitted (230)
Corrected total balances 1,770

6 A wrong amount entered in a book of original entry (原始分錄簿錯記金額)

Suppose sales of $3,000 had been recorded as $2,000 in the sales journal. The corrections required are increasing the balances in
the control account and accounts receivable ledger by $1,000 and we need to adjust control account and prepare the “Statement
of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance” as follow:

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Balance b/d 7,000 Jul 31 Balance c/d 8,000
“ 31 Sales understated 1,000
8,000 8,000

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 July 2010

Original total of balance 7,000
Add Sales understated 1,000
Corrected total balances 8,000

Class work 14
A sale invoice of $8,120 had been entered in the sales day book as $8,210 on 31 March 2007. Make adjustment in the control
account and accounts receivable ledger if the balances of both accounts before adjustments are $2,000.

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2007 $ 2007 $
Mar 31 Balance b/f 2,000 Mar 31 Sales overstated ($8,210 - $8,120) 100
“ 31 Balance c/d 1,900
2,000 2,000

Statement of Corrected Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 March 2007

Original total of balance 2,000
Less Sales overstated ($8,210 - $8,120) (100)
Corrected total balances 1,900

7 A entry wrongly posted to another debtor’s account (錯誤過帳到另一債務人帳戶內)
Suppose sales of $2,000 to a debtor, H Mok, had been posted to the account of another, J Chan, in the accounts receivable ledger.
No correction is needed in either the balances of the accounts receivable ledger or the control account.

A more complicated example

The balances of the accounts receivable ledger as at 31 December 2009, the year end date, amounted to $94,650 (debit). However,
the balances did not agree with the debit balance of accounts receivable ledger control account and the credit balance of the
control account is $428.
Upon investigation, the following errors were found:
(i) A sale invoice of $8,120 had been entered in the sales day book as $8,210.
(ii) Sales of $1,250 had been entered on the wrong side of the debtor’s account in the accounts receivable ledger.
(iii) A cash discount of $230 allowed to a debtor had been omitted from the books.
(iv) One page of the sales day book had been undercast by $110.
(v) No entries had been made to record a set-off of $4,500 between the accounts receivable and accounts payable ledgers.
(vi) A credit balance of $428 had been netted off with the debit balances in the list of debtors’ balances.
(vii) There was a balance of $4,820 in the allowance for doubtful debts account on 1 January 2009. An allowance for doubtful
accounts of 5% had not been made.
Make the adjustment on the control account and accounts receivable ledger balances.

Before you start solving the question, you need to decide whether each of the errors affected the accounts receivable ledger or the
accounts receivable ledger control account, or both:

Error The accounts receivable ledger The accounts receivable ledger control account
(i)  
(ii) 
(iii)  
(iv) 
(v)  
(vi) 

Statement of Revised Balances in the Accounts Receivable Ledger as at 31 December 2009
$ $
Debit balances before adjustments 94,650
Add Sales wrongly credited to debtor’s account ($1,250 x 2) (ii) 2,500
Debit balance netted off (vi) 428 2,928
Less Sales overcast ($8,210  $8,120) (i) 90
Discounts allowed omitted (iii) 230
Set-off with accounts payable ledger (v) 4,500 (4,820)
Debit balances after adjustments 92,758

Credit balances before adjustments 0

Add Credit balance netted off (vi) 428
Credit balances after adjustments 428

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2009 $ 2009 $
Dec 31 Balance b/f (balancing figure) 97,468 Dec 31 Balance b/f 428
“ 31 Sales undercast (iv) 110 “ 31 Sales overcast ($8,210  $8,120) (i) 90
“ 31 Balance c/f 428 “ 31 Discounts allowed omitted (iii) 230
“ 31 Set-off with accounts payable (v) 4,500
“ 31 Balance c/f 92,758
98,006 98,006

After correcting all the errors, the balances of the control account will equal to those in the accounts receivable ledger.
5.10 Need for control accounts (編製統制帳戶的需要)
Help test the arithmetical accuracy of ledgers (協助測試分類帳的記帳的運算準確性)
To provide an internal check on the accuracy of entries by comparing the total balances in the control accounts with the total of
individual account balances in the subsidiary ledgers. This will help to locate errors more quickly.

Help safeguard against fraud (有助防止個別簿記員舞弊)

Control accounts should be prepared by a group of people different from those who make entries in the books of original entry
and ledger. When there is a separation of bookkeeping duties, the control accounts provide an independent check and help
safeguard against fraud.

Facilitate the preparation of financial statements (有助企業編製財務報表)

To summarise the transactions of subsidiary ledger accounts and to provide a debtors’ balance and creditors’ balance more quickly.
This can facilitate the preparation of a trial balance and balance sheet.

Class work 15
1. M Cheung drew up the accounts receivable ledger control account for the year ended 31 December 2010. But the control
account balance, $4,560, did not agree with the total of the accounts receivable ledger balances, which amounted to $3,770.
Upon investigation, the following errors were discovered:
(i) The sales day book had been overcast by $640.
(ii) A sales invoice had been undercast by $50.
(iii) Goods of $200 returned by a debtor had been recorded in the debtor’s account as $20.
(iv) The debit balance of a debtor’s account, $330, had been omitted from the list of accounts receivable ledger balances.
(v) A cash sale amounting to $300 had been omitted from the books.

(a) Determine whether the accounts receivable ledger balances or the accounts receivable ledger control account, or both will be
(b) Draw up the accounts receivable ledger control account to determine the correct balance.
(c) Prepare a statement to ascertain the total of the accounts receivable ledger balances after corrections.

Error The accounts receivable ledger balances The accounts receivable ledger control account
(i) 
(ii)  
(iii) 
(iv) 

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Dec 31 Balance b/d 4,560 Dec 31 Sales overcast (i) 640
“ 31 Sales undercast (ii) 50 “ 31 Balance c/f 3,970
4,610 4,610

Statement of Corrected Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 December 2010
$ $
Debit balances before adjustments 3,770
Add Sales undercast (ii) 50
Balance omitted (iv) 330 380
Less Returns inward understated ($200  $20) (iii) (180)
Debit balances after adjustments 3,970
2. The total balance extracted from the accounts receivable ledger as at 31 December 2009 amounted to $38,253, which did not
agree with the balance in its control account $30,902. Subsequently, the following errors were found to have affected the
agreement of these two amounts.
(i) A sales invoice of $682 had been entered in the sales journal as $628, but posted twice to the personal account of the
Bad debt recovered is no effect on the balance of control and ledger
(ii) A cheque of $3,679 received from a debtor had been debited to his account as $3,697.
(iii) Returns inwards had been undercast by $121.
(iv) The debit side of a debtor’s account had been undercast by $200.
(v) Discounts allowed had been overcast by $600 in the discount column in the cash book.
(vi) A cheque of $1,280 had been received for a bad debt of $3,280 written off in the previous year. No entry had been made
in the books in respect of this.
(vii) A debit balance of $466 in a debtor’s account had been included in the list of accounts receivable ledger balances as a
credit balance.

(a) Determine whether the accounts receivable ledger balances or the accounts receivable ledger control account, or both will be
(b) Prepare a statement to show the revised total of the accounts receivable ledger balances.
(c) Draw up the accounts receivable ledger control account, showing the required adjustments and the balances before

Error The accounts receivable ledger balances The accounts receivable ledger control account
(i)  
(ii) 
(iii) 
(iv) 
(v) 
(vii) 

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balances as at 31 December 2009
$ $
Original total of balance 38,253
Add Debit total of a debtor’s account undercast (iv) 200
Debit balance included as a credit balance ($466 x 2) (vii) 932 1,132
Less Sales understated and entered twice ($628 x 2  $682) (i) (574)
Cheque received wrongly debited to debtor’s account ($3,697  $3,679) (ii) (7,376) (7,950)
Corrected total balances 31,435

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2009 $ 2009 $
Dec 31 Balance b/f 30,902 Dec 31 Returns inwards undercast (iii) 121
“ 31 Sales undercast ($682  $628) (i) 54 “ 31 Balance c/f 31,435
“ 31 Discounts allowed overcast (v) 600
31,556 31,556

3. The following balances were extracted from the books of Sediment Co as at 31 March 2010:
Accounts receivable ledger $23,147
Accounts receivable ledger control $38,934

Upon investigation, the following errors were discovered:

(i) Bad debts totalling $12,232 should have been written off.
(ii) A debt of $1,500 written off in 2008 was recovered on 31 March 2010, but no entry was made in the control account.
(iii) Goods amounting to $2,100 returned by Mandy Chow, a trade debtor, were wrongly recorded in the returns outwards
journal. The amount was then posted to the debit side of Mandy Chow’s account in the accounts receivable ledger.
(iv) The owner took $4,550 worth of goods for private use but this had been wrongly treated as credit sales. The amount was
recorded in the sales journal and the accounts receivable ledger.
(v) A contra entry of $3,500 in the control accounts was entered on the debit side of the accounts receivable ledger control
account and the credit side of the accounts payable ledger control account.
(vi) Discounts allowed of $327 had been correctly posted to the individual debtors’ accounts, but credited in the discounts
received column of the cash book.
(vii) The debit balance of a trade debtor’s account of $10,560 had been omitted from the list of accounts receivable ledger
balances and wrongly shown as a credit balance of $7,560 in the list of the accounts payable ledger balances.

(a) Write up the accounts receivable ledger control account and show the balance as at 31 March 2010.
(b) Prepare a statement to revise the total of accounts receivable ledger balances.

Bad debt recovered is no effect on the balance of control and ledger

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Mar 31 Balance b/d 38,934 Mar 31 Bad debts (i) 12,232
" 31 Bad debts recovered (ii) 1,500 " 31 Bank ─ Bad debts recovered (ii) 1,500
" 31 Returns inwards omitted (iii) 2,100
" 31 Sales overstated — Drawings (iv) 4,550
" 31 Accounts payable ledger control —
Contra entry error ($3,500 × 2) (v) 7,000
" 31 Discounts allowed omitted (vi) 327
" 31 Balance c/d 12,725
40,434 40,434

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balances as at 31 March 2010
$ $
Original total of balances 23,147
Add Debit balance omitted (vii) 10,560
Less Bad debts written off (i) 12,232
Returns inwards wrongly debited to Mandy Chow’s account ($2,100  2) (iii) 4,200
Sales overstated — Drawings (iv) 4,550 (20,982)
Revised total of balances 12,725

Accounts Payable
4. W Lau drew up the accounts payable ledger control account for the year ended 31 March 2010. But the control account
balance, $5,850, did not agree with the total of the accounts payable ledger balances. Upon investigation, the following errors
were found:
(i) The purchases day book had been undercast by $230.
(ii) Goods purchased from a creditor costing $870 had been debited to the personal account in the accounts payable
(iii) A purchases invoice had been recorded inclusive of trade discounts of $120.
(iv) The total of the accounts payable ledger balances had been overcast by $610.
(v) Motor expenses of $600 had been omitted from the books.

(a) Determine whether the accounts payable ledger balances or the accounts payable ledger control account, or both will be
(b) Draw up the accounts payable ledger control account to determine the correct balance.
(c) Prepare a statement to ascertain the total of the accounts payable ledger balances before corrections.

Error The accounts payable ledger balances The accounts payable ledger control account
(i) 
(ii) 
(iii)  
(iv) 

Accounts Payable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Mar 31 Purchases overstated (iii) 120 Mar 31 Balance b/f 5,850
“ 31 Balance c/f 5,960 “ 31 Purchases undercast (i) 230
6,080 6,080

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balances as at 31 March 2010
$ $
Original balance (balancing figure) 4,950
Add Purchases wrongly debited to creditor’s account ($870 x 2) (ii) 1,740
Less Purchases overstated (iii) 120
Total balances overcast (iv) 610 (730)
Corrected total balances 5,960

5. The total of balances extracted from the accounts payable ledger of Stone Co on 31 December 2010 amounted to $130,589,
which did not agree with the balance of $132,118 shown in the accounts payable ledger control account. The following errors
were subsequently discovered:
(i) Discounts received had been correctly posted to individual creditors’ accounts, but had been overcast by $1,200 in the
discount column in the cash book.
(ii) A credit balance of $2,137 in a creditor’s account had been shown in the list of accounts payable ledger balances as $213.
(iii) A purchase invoice for $1,425 had been entered twice in the purchases journal and posted twice to the personal account of a
(iv) A cheque for $14,000 drawn on 10 April 2009 to settle a creditor’s account had not yet been presented to the bank.
(v) A cheque for $3,678 paid to a creditor had been posted to his account as $3,687.
(vi) The purchases journal had been overcast by $596.
(vii) The debit side of a creditor’s account had been overcast by $200.

(a) Determine whether the accounts payable ledger balances or the accounts payable ledger control account, or both will be
(b) Draw up the accounts payable ledger control account to calculate the correct balance.
(c) Prepare a statement to show the revised total of the accounts payable ledger balances

Error The accounts payable ledger balances The accounts payable ledger control account
(i) 
(ii) 
(iii)  
(iv)  
(v) 
(vi) 
(vii) 

Accounts Payable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Dec 31 Purchases entered twice (iii) 1,425 Dec 31 Balance b/f 132,118
“ 31 Purchases overcast (vi) 596 “ 31 Discounts received overcast (i) 1,200
“ 31 Balance c/f 145,297 “ 31 Bank – Stale cheque (iv) 14,000
147,318 147,318

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Payable Ledger Balances as at 31 December 2010
$ $
Original balance 130,589
Add Creditor balance understated ($2,137  $213) (ii) 1,924
Bank – Stale cheque (iv) 14,000
Cheque payment posting error ($3,687  $3,678) (v) 9
Casting error (vii) 200 16,133
Less Purchases entered twice (iii) (1,425)
Revised total of balances 145,297

The wrong posing amount is greater than the

If the debit side of creditor’s account overcast, we cheque. This means we deduct more amount than
have deducted more amount of the balance in we owe the creditor so we need to add back the
28 extra deducting amount to adjust the error.
accounts payable so we need to add back the extra
deducting amount to adjust the error.
6. The following balances were extracted from the books of Sky Target Co on 31 July 2010:
Accounts payable ledger control account, 1 July 2010 163,252

Transactions during the month of July 2010:

Cash purchases 52,300
Credit purchases 72,550
Cash and cheque payments to trade creditors 83,567
Discounts received 3,900
Returns outwards on cash purchases 3,265
Returns outwards on credit purchases 4,650

(a) Draw up the accounts payable ledger control account for the month of July 2010.

Accounts Payable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Cash and Bank 83,567 Jul 1 Balance b/d 163,252
“ 31 Discounts received 3,900 “ 31 Purchases 72,550
“ 31 Returns outwards 4,650
“ 31 Balance c/d 143,685
235,802 235,802

The total of the accounts payable ledger balances showed a credit balance of $164,005 as at 31 July 2010 and differed from the
control account balance. Upon investigation, the following errors were discovered:
(i) The purchases journal had been undercast by $4,600.
(ii) Office equipment costing $2,500 bought on credit had been recorded in the purchases journal.
(iii) A cheque of $3,520 was issued to a trade creditor. The payment had been properly recorded in the cash book but had not
been posted to the creditor’s account.
(iv) Goods purchased with a list price of $1,500 had been returned to the supplier due to defects. The supplier had given a trade
discount of 15% on these goods. The return had not been recorded in the books of Sky Target Co.
(v) A cheque payment of $13,500 to a trade creditor had been correctly recorded in the cash book but debited to a debtor’s
account in the accounts receivable ledger.
(vi) A purchase invoice of $4,720 had been recorded in the purchases journal as $4,120.
(vii) A contra arrangement of $1,300 with a trade creditor had been recorded in the accounts receivable and accounts payable
ledgers but not in the control accounts.

(b) Determine whether the accounts payable ledger balances or the accounts payable ledger control account, or both will be
(c) Update the accounts payable ledger control account with the required adjustments. Start with the balance in part (a).
(d) Prepare a statement to reconcile the updated accounts payable ledger control account balance with the total of the accounts
payable ledger balances.

Error The accounts payable ledger balances The accounts payable ledger control account
(i) 
(ii)  
(iii) 
(iv)  
(v) 
(vi)  
(vii) 

Accounts Payable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Jul 31 Office equipment (ii) 2,500 Jul 31 Balance b/f 143,685
“ 31 Returns outwards “ 31 Purchases (i) 4,600
($1,500 x 85%) (iv) 1,275 “ 31 Purchases ($4,720 — $4,120) (vi) 600
“ 31 Set-off — Accounts receivable
ledger control (vii) 1,300
“ 31 Balance c/f 143,810
148,885 148,885

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Payable Ledger Balances as at 31 July 2010
$ $
Original balance 164,005
Add Purchases understated ($4,720 - $4,120) (vi) 600
Less Office equipment purchases recorded as goods purchase (ii) 2,500
Payment to a trade creditor omitted (iii) 3,520
Returns outwards omitted ($1,500 x 85%) (iv) 1,275
Payment to a trade creditor wrongly debited to accounts receivable ledger (v) 13,500 (20,795)
Revised total of balances 143,810

7. The following balances were extracted from the books of Lucky Co as at 31 March 2011, the financial year-end date:
Dr Cr
$ $
Accounts receivable ledger 17,822
Accounts receivable ledger control 34,890
Accounts payable ledger 24,182
Accounts payable ledger control 27,450 Correct posting

The reasons for the differences between the ledger and control accounts are as follows:
(i) The purchases journal had been undercast by $4,000.
(ii) A debt of $300 written off as bad in the last financial year was recovered on 31 March 2011, but no entry was made in the
control account.
(iii) Goods worth $500 returned by Miss Chan were wrongly recorded in the returns outwards journal and posted to the credit
side of Miss Ng’s account in the accounts receivable ledger.
(iv) The owner took $1,000 worth of goods for private use, but the amount was recorded in the sales journal and the accounts
receivable ledger.
(v) A contra entry of $5,500 in the control account was entered on the debit side of the accounts receivable ledger control
account and the credit side of the accounts payable ledger control account.
(vi) Discounts allowed of $368 were correctly posted to the individual debtor’s account, but credited to the discounts received
column of the cash book.
(vii) A debit balance of $5,200 was omitted from the list of debtors’ balances and wrongly shown as a credit balance of $3,400 in
the list of creditors’ balances.

(a) Determine whether the accounts payable ledger or the accounts payable ledger control account, or both will be affected.
(b) Draw up the accounts receivable ledger control account and the accounts payable ledger control account.
(c) Prepare a statement to revise the total of account receivable ledger balances.

The accounts receivable ledger The accounts receivable ledger The accounts payable ledger
balances control account control account
(i) 
(iii)  
(iv)   
(v)  
(vi)  
(vii) 

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control

2011 $ 2011 $
Mar 31 Balance b/f 34,890 Mar 31 Returns inwards (iii) 500
“ 31 Drawings (iv) 1,000
“ 31 Set-off — Accounts payable
Ledger (5,500 x 2) (v) 11,000
“ 31 Discounts allowed (vi) 368
“ 31 Balance c/f 22,022
34,890 34,890

Accounts Payable Ledger Control
2011 $ 2011 $
Mar 31 Drawings (iv) 1,000 Mar 31 Balance b/f 27,450
“ 31 Set-off — Accounts receivable “ 31 Purchases undercast (i) 4,000
Ledger (5,500 x 2) (v) 11,000 “ 31 Returns outwards (iii) 500
“ 31 Balance c/f 20,318 “ 31 Discounts received (vi) 368

32,318 32,318

The double entry for drawings of assets (goods) is:

Dr Drawings account (in the general ledger)
Cr Purchases account (in the general ledger)

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balances as at 31 March 2011

$ $
Total of accounts receivable ledger balances before adjustments 17,822
Add Debit balance omitted from the list of debtors’ balances (vii) 5,200
Less Drawings (iv) (1,000)
Revised total of balance of accounts receivable ledger balances 22,022

The following balances were extracted from the books of Sediment Co as at 31 March 2010:
Dr Cr
Accounts receivable ledger $23,147
Accounts receivable ledger control $38,934
Accounts payable ledger $32,513
Accounts payable ledger control $30,302

Upon investigation, the following errors were discovered:

(viii) The purchases journal had been undercast by $2,000.
(ix) Bad debts totalling $12,232 should have been written off.
(x) A debt of $1,500 written off in 2008 was recovered on 31 March 2010, but no entry was made in the control account.
(xi) Goods amounting to $2,100 returned by Mandy Chow, a trade debtor, were wrongly recorded in the returns outwards
journal. The amount was then posted to the debit side of Mandy Chow’s account in the accounts receivable ledger.
(xii) The owner took $4,550 worth of goods for private use but this had been wrongly treated as credit sales. The amount was
recorded in the sales journal and the accounts receivable ledger.
(xiii) A contra entry of $3,500 in the control accounts was entered on the debit side of the accounts receivable ledger control
account and the credit side of the accounts payable ledger control account.
(xiv) Discounts allowed of $327 had been correctly posted to the individual debtors’ accounts, but credited in the discounts
received column of the cash book.
(xv) The debit balance of a trade debtor’s account of $10,560 had been omitted from the list of accounts receivable ledger
balances and wrongly shown as a credit balance of $7,560 in the list of the accounts payable ledger balances.
(xvi) A cheque for $6,544 paid to a creditor had been posted to his account as $6,455.
(xvii) Goods amounting to $2,865 had been returned to a supplier and his account was debited for the return accordingly. However,
no record had been made in the return outwards journal.

(a) Determine whether the accounts payable ledger or the accounts payable ledger control account, or both will be affected.
(c) Write up the accounts receivable ledger control account and show the balance as at 31 March 2010.
(d) Write up the accounts payable ledger control account and show the balance as at 31 March 2010.
(e) Prepare a statement to revise the total of accounts receivable ledger balances.
(f) Prepare a statement to revise the total of accounts payable ledger balances. (12 marks)

The accounts receivable The accounts receivable The accounts payable The accounts payable
ledger balances ledger control account ledger balances ledger control account
(i) 
(ii)  
(iv)   
(v)  
(vi)  
(vii)  
(viii)  
(ix) 
(x) 

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2010 $ 2010 $
Mar 31 Balance b/f 38,934 Mar 31 Bad debits (ii) 12,232
“ 31 Returns inwards omitted (iv) 2,100
“ 31 Drawings (v) 4,550
“ 31 Set-off — Accounts payable
“ 31 ledger ($3,500 x 2) (vi) 7,000
“ 31 Discounts allowed omitted (vii) 327
“ 31 Balance c/f 12,725
38,934 38,934

Accounts Payable Ledger Control

2010 $ 2010 $
Mar 31 Set-off — Accounts receivable Mar 31 Balance b/f 30,302
Ledger ($3,500 x 2) (vi) 7,000 “ 31 Purchases journal undercast (i) 2,000
“ 31 Returns outwards omitted (x) 2,865 “ 31 Returns outwards overstated (iv) 2,100
“ 31 Balance c/f 24,864 “ 31 Discounts received overstated (vii) 327
34,729 34,729

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balances as at 31 March 2010

$ $
Original total of balances 23,147
Add Debit balance omitted (viii) 10,560
Less Bad debts written off (ii) 12,232
Returns inwards wrongly debited to Manday Chow’s account ($$2,100 x 2) (iv) 4,200
Sales overstated  Drawings (v) 4,550 (20,982)
Revised total of balances 12,725

Statement of Revised Total of Accounts Payable Ledger Balances as at 31 March 2010

$ $
Original total of balances 32,513
Less Debit balance in the accounts receivable ledger shown as a credit balance in accounts
payable ledger (viii) 7,560
Payment undercast ($6,544 6,455) (ix) 89 (7,649)
Revised total of balances 24,864

12X The following balances were extracted from the books of Lucky Co as at 31 March 2011, the financial year-end date:
Dr Cr
$ $
Accounts receivable ledger control account: 46,540 470
Accounts payable ledger control account: 230 38,220

The reasons for the differences between the ledger and control accounts are as follows:
(i) The purchases day book had been overcast by $290
(ii) A sales invoice of $7,650 had been entered in the sales day book as $7,560.
(iii) Goods purchased from M Lee for $1,800 had been recorded as a sale to M Leung in the sales day book.
(iv) Purchases of $850 had been entered on the wrong side of a creditor’s account in the accounts payable ledger.
(v) Bad debt of $680 had been omitted from the control account.
(vi) No entry had been made to record the set off of an amount owed to H Chak of $3,600 against an equal amount owed by H
(vii) The credit total of the accounts payable ledger control account had been overcast by $90.
(viii) The credit balance of $470 had been listed as a debit balance in the debtors’ schedule.

(a) Determine whether the receivable, payable, receivable control or payable control account will be affected.
(b) Draw up the accounts receivable ledger and accounts payable ledger control account to determine their correct balances.
(c) Prepare statements to ascertain the totals of the accounts receivable ledger and accounts payable ledger balances beore
correct. revise the total of account receivable ledger balances.

The accounts receivable The accounts receivable The accounts payable The accounts payable
ledger balances ledger control account ledger balances ledger control account
(i) 
(ii)  
(iii)    
(iv) 
(v) 
(vi)    
(vii) 
(viii) 

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
$ $
Balance b/f 46,540 Balance b/f 470
Sales ($7,650  $7,560) (ii) 90 Sales (iii) 1,800
Balance c/f 470 Bad debt (v) 680
Set-off – Accounts payable ledger (vi) 3,600
Balance c/f 40,550
47,100 47,100

Accounts Payable Ledger Control

$ $
Balance b/f 230 Balance b/f 38,220
Purchases overcast (i) 290 Purchases (iii) 1,800
Set-off – Accounts payable ledger (vi) 3,600 Balance c/f 230
Balance overcast (vii) 90
Balance c/f 36,040
40,250 40,250

Statement of Accounts Receivable Ledger Balances as at 31 March 2009 (before corrections)
$ $
Adjusted total of debit balances 40,550
Add Purchased wrongly recorded as sales (iii) 1,800
Set-off – Accounts payable ledger (vi) 3,600
Credit balance wrongly listed as a debit balance (viii) 470 5,870
Less Sales understated ($7,650  $7,560) (ii) (90)
Total of debit balances before corrections 46,330
Total of credit balances before corrections 0

Statement of Accounts Payable Ledger Balances as at 31 March 2009 (before corrections)

$ $
Adjusted total of credit balances 36,040
Add Set-off – Accounts receivable ledger (vi) 3,600
Less Purchased wrongly recorded as sales (iii) 1,800
Purchases wrongly debited ($850 x 2) (iv) 1,700 (3,500)
Total of credit balances before corrections 36,140
Total of debit balances before corrections 230

3. The following balances were extracted from the books of Lucky Co as at 31 March 2011, the financial year-end date:
Dr Cr
$ $
Accounts receivable ledger control account: 46,540 470

But the total of the accounts receivable ledger balances, which amounted to $46,330 did not agree with the balance of accounts
receivable ledger control account. The reasons for the differences between the ledger and control accounts are as follows:
(i) A sales invoice of $7,650 had been entered in the sales day book as $7,560.
(ii) Goods purchased from M Lee for $1,800 had been recorded as a sale to M Leung in the sales day book.
(iii) Bad debt of $680 had been omitted from the control account.
(iv) No entry had been made to record the set off of an amount owed to H Chak of $3,600 against an equal amount owed by H
(v) The credit balance of $470 had been listed as a debit balance in the debtors’ schedule.

(a) Determine whether the accounts receivable ledger balances or the accounts receivable ledger control account, or both will be
(b) Draw up the accounts receivable ledger control account.
(c) Prepare a statement to revise the total of account receivable ledger balances.


Error The accounts receivable ledger balances The accounts receivable ledger control account
(i)  
(ii)  
(iii) 
(iv)  
(v) 

Accounts Receivable Ledger Control
2011 $ 2011 $
Mar 31 Balance b/f 46,540 Mar 31 Balance b/f 470
“ 31 Sales ($7,650  $7,560) (i) 90 “ 31 Purchases wrong recorded (ii) 1,800
“ 31 Balance c/f 470 “ 31 Bad debts omitted (iii) 680
“ 31 Set-off — Accounts payable (iv) 3,600
“ 31 Balance c/f 40,550
47,100 47,100

Statement of Corrected Accounts Receivable Ledger Balance as at 31 December 2010
$ $
Debit balances before adjustments 46,330
Add Sales understated (i) 90
Less Purchases wrong recorded as sales (ii) 1,800
Set-off — Accounts payable ledger (iv) 3,600
Credit balance wrongly listed as a debit balance (v) 470 (5,870)
Debit balances after adjustments 40,550

The following balances were extracted from the books of Lucky Co as at 31 March 2011, the financial year-end date:
Dr Cr
$ $
Accounts receivable ledger 17,822
Accounts receivable ledger control 34,890

The reasons for the differences between the ledger and control accounts are as follows:
(ii) A debt of $300 written off as bad in the last financial year was recovered on 31 March 2011, but no entry was made in the
control account.
(iii) Goods worth $500 returned by Miss Chan were wrongly recorded in the returns outwards journal and posted to the credit
side of Miss Ng’s account in the accounts receivable ledger.
(iv) The owner took $1,000 worth of goods for private use, but the amount was recorded in the sales journal and the accounts
receivable ledger.
(v) A contra entry of $5,500 in the control account was entered on the debit side of the accounts receivable ledger control
account and the credit side of the accounts payable ledger control account.
(vi) Discounts allowed of $368 were correctly posted to the individual debtor’s account, but credited to the discounts received
column of the cash book.

(vii) A debit balance of $5,200 was omitted from the list of debtors’ balances and wrongly shown as a credit balance of $3,400 in
the list of creditors’ balances.

(a) Draw up the accounts receivable ledger control account.
(b) Prepare a statement to revise the total of account receivable ledger balances.

Error Type Affected Account Adjustment

(ii) Nil Nil because bad debt recovered will not affect the accounts receivable ledger
(iii) 4 Debtors Control account
(iv) 3 Debtors Account receivable
(v) Nil Cash Nil

A bank reconciliation statement is used to show the reasons for the difference between the bank balances of the cash book and
the bank statement. This statement will not be disclosed to external users; it is simply an internal control tool that helps to detect
errors. Note that it is not a statement to correct errors even though it may show that errors were made by the firm or the bank.

Instead of extracting the balances from the ledger, we would simply let the control account balance itself and generate its own


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