Paper About Adaptive Virtual Reality
Paper About Adaptive Virtual Reality
Paper About Adaptive Virtual Reality
Alexiei Dingli Luca Bondin
Department of Artificial Intelligence Department of Artificial Intelligence
University of Malta University of Malta
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract— Recent years have seen digital game mediums and provide a personalized experience that goes beyond
taking conventional amusement, entertainment and leisure anything available to the public up until today.
industries by storm. They have revolutionized the system to the The upcoming sections present research critical to the
extent that the industry cannot now even dream to do without study and the methodology to reach the desired final
this overwhelming reality. The same game mediums that have objectives.
capitalized on intrinsic leisure aspects have simultaneously
focused with equal vigor on other equally, if not more, II. LITERATURE REVIEW
important collateral objectives. This paper builds on this
A. Related Work
concept and discusses a work in progress currently being
carried out at the University of Malta. It proposes the use of It is widely acknowledged that by stimulating the visual,
games as a means of distraction therapy for individuals auditory, and proprioception senses, VR acts as a distraction to
undergoing painful clinical treatment procedures. The creation of limit the user’s processing of nociceptive stimuli [3]. The idea
an adaptive Virtual Reality (VR) game within an Artificial of using VR as a distraction tool during patient
Intelligence framework will without doubt be of a significantly rehabilitation and treatment procedures is not entirely new.
greater benefit to the community than mere entertainment VR coupled with medication, was found to be effective
applications. in reducing the pain symptoms of patients during bandage
changes for severe burns [4,5]. In other cases, VR has been
Keywords—Artificial Intelligence, Affective Computing, used as a tool to distract young children during vaccination.
Adaptive Games, Serious Games, Virtual Reality, Deep Ogilvy Brasil designed a game whereby a child about to be
Learning vaccinated is transported into a virtual world. The patient
assumes the role of a hero who is about to receive a powerful
I. INTRODUCTION shield to beat the villain in the virtual environment. The
There is an ever-growing realization that the power games experience that the child goes through is matched step by step
have to engage and motivate individuals to accomplish by the nurse that vaccinates the child. In this case, the VR
specific tasks is by far more attractive and challenging than game was found to significantly reduce the elements of fear
that of any other medium previously explored. This ability to and anxiety that the child usually goes through during such
engage individuals provides a platform to gain experiences procedures.
that go far beyond the expectation of what one had come to The work done by Kind VR [6] whose work is
expect from games for decades. In light of this, research has documented by Birnie et al. and Agrawal et al. is one of
started looking at concepts such as ‘Serious Games’ and particular interest. In the work by Agrawal et. al. for example,
‘Gamification’. This realization is further corroborated by the the patient is immersed in an underwater scenario and can
increasing number of games with a purpose that are being navigate around and interact with the environment during the
released in a wide range of application areas. Perhaps one of therapy procedure which is similar to what is being proposed
the most popular examples of the use of games for a specific by this study. More importantly, however was that both
purpose is Microsoft’s Flight Simulator which gave players a documented studies showed positive results in terms of
unique and realistic experience into how to fly aircraft, and acceptability and effectiveness.
inspired many of the pilots of tomorrow. Similarly, gamified
experiences have been used in healthcare [6,19], helping B. Affective Computing
patients in both physical and mental health, and in the field of When going through present literature one trend becomes
classroom education. glaringly apparent. While studies show positive results in
The motivation behind using VR as a tool to help patients terms of effectiveness in what they want to achieve, they all
is a very strong one mainly because VR offers a safe way with seem to adopt a one size fits all approach. The direct result of
which to help individuals without the side effects that other this could be that while some patients might be positively
medication might have on the patient. Distraction therapy affected by the VR experience, other individuals may be
through the use of VR games has recently been given an completely unaffected, or worse, incur a negative experience
increased degree of importance. Companies and researchers that would cause more distress and make treatment more
have started looking at this field more thoroughly [1, 2]. In our dreadful. For this reason, we are proposing the notion of an
study, however, we want to take what has been done already adaptive game driven by Affective Computing (AC).
to the next level by means of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AC is the study of trying to assign computers the human-
Through the addition of AI concepts such as Affective like capabilities of observation, interpretation and generation
Computing, we envisage the creation of a game that is able to of affect features [7], and is currently one of the most active
adapt itself according to the affective state of the individual, research topics. It is an important topic for the harmonious