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 4, 5, 7, 11, 15
Fundamentals of  Only starred (*) parts!

Analytical Chemistry
 We will only discuss the following sections
Chapter 7 from Chapter 7
 D – Detection of Gross Errors
Statistical Data Treatment and
Evaluation  A – Confidence Intervals
 B – Statistical Aids to Hypothesis Testing

Detection of Gross Errors Q – test

 Only 100% guaranteed method for
xq − xn
rejecting a point because of gross error is  Qexp =
if you KNOW that you made a mistake!
 Q-test  xq = outlier
 Largest or smallest value
 Assumption that gross error leads to an
outlier’  xn = nearest value to outlier
 Largest or smallest point in a data set  w = range
 Largest – smallest
 Statistical test based on Gaussian distribution
of data  Qexp is then a value for comparison

Q – test Q – test
 Q – test is a null hypothesis test  Trends in Qcrit
 Assume point is valid unless shown otherwise  As number of observations increases, Qcrit
 To do the Q – test we must compare Qexp decreases
 More measurements – more reliable the data for
to Qcrit comparison
 Found in table of Qcrit values (Table 7-7-5)  As confidence level increases, Qcrit increases
 Value depends on number of measurements  Interval must contain more points to insure that
AND the confidence level we do not reject a ‘good’
good’ point (one for which
 If Qexp > Qcrit then reject the outlier there was not a gross error
 Treat data as if the point never existed  Use extreme caution when rejecting data with
 Do not use for mean, standard deviation, or any the Q – test
other calculation for the data set!

Q – test Limitations Confidence Intervals
 Statistical test  Goal for sample statistics is to determine
 90% confidence level for rejection still means population values
a 10% chance that a good point was rejected  We’
We’ve seen how σ can be approximated by s
 Mathematical limitation  More difficult to determine µ
 3 data points with 2 points the same value  Impossible would be a better term
 We can define a range of values which will
 Q – test will always predict rejection
probably’ include µ
 Probably in a statistical sense
 Based on Gaussian distribution of data
 Called the ‘confidence interval’
interval’ (ci)

CI when σ is known Limitations

 For a single measurement  We assume no bias (systematic error) in
 CI for µ = x ± zσ measurements
 z comes from area under Gaussian curve  Assume that s is a good approximation
 % confidence level is % area defined by ±z of σ
 Very unusual to use a single measurement  Symbolized by s –> σ
 For a series of measurements  Not usually true
 Possible from pooled data
zσ Not always!
 µ = x± 

CI when σ is not known CI when σ is not known

 Must have a greater interval  Note similarity to equation for when σ is
 Function of % confidence level (like z) and known
number of degrees of freedom (unlike z)  At a given probability level, t is always equal
 Equation for t in book to or larger than z
 We will use t-
t-table (Table 7-
7-3) to determine  t = z ONLY when the degrees of freedom = ∞
the appropriate value for t
 Confidence interval ts
µ = x±

Comparison of Means Comparison to a True Value
 Two possibilities  Only possibility of (significant) error is for
 True value is known the sample
 Comparison of measured values
 The question is if any difference in two  Calculate t exp = N
numbers is attributable to random error.
 Are the numbers ‘significantly’
significantly’ different?  If texp > ttable then there IS a demonstrated
difference at the XX% probability level
 XX depends on how you chose your t value

Comparison of Two Means Comparison of Standard Deviations

 When both values for comparison are  F – test
measured, then you must account for s22
 Calculate Fexp =
random error in both means! s12

x1 − x 2  For this test, s2 > s1

N1 N 2
 Calculate t exp =
s pooled N1 + N 2
 Fcrit from Table 7-
 Again, if texp > ttable there IS a significant  Note must use degrees of freedom for both
difference at the XX% confidence level. numerator and denominator

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