Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are that the lesson focuses on teaching phonics for SH and uses group work, posters, and a game on Starfall.com for instruction.

The central focus of the lesson is to ensure students understand the phonics for SH.

The bulk of the lesson utilizes cooperative learning through group work where students match words and create posters.

Finished lesson by Heidi Hardenbrook

edTPA-Style Technology & Literacy Lesson Plan (Modified for EDU 276)
Name: Heidi Hardenbrook Date:1-22-20
Lesson Title: Learning Phonic Blends Subject: ELA
Age or Grade Level: Grade 1 Number of Students: 20 Length of Lesson: an hour
Central Focus -The focus is on introducing the phonics for SH.
Essential Strategy [Essential Strategy: Analyzing text structures. The students will observe

then match words with the corresponding groups.

Prior Academic Prior to this lesson, there would be 3 lessons teaching the students the
Knowledge Phonics for CH WH TH. The prior lesson would be similar to the first have of
What knowledge, skills, and this lesson. That being introduced to the Phonic blends using
concepts must students already
know to be successful with this
Common Core State Phonics and Word recognition- 3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and
Standards or New York word analysis skills in decoding words. a. Know the spelling-sound
State Standards correspondences for common consonant digraphs. b. Decode regularly
Include # and text spelled one-syllable

Learning Objectives Students will correctly distribute 24 words into 4 different groups depending on
the phonic that the word contains in a group of 4 setting.
Instructional Materials The students will need poster paper, art supplies like glue and pencils. The
What do you need in order to students will need their tablets and packs of 24 cards. On the tablet, the
teach this lesson? Be sure to teacher will need to access starfall.com
provide citations to anything that
you did not create.
Assessments Most of the assessments in this lesson will be formative. The only formal
Describe how you plan to monitor assessment will be if the students can present the poster at the end of the
student learning (formally and/or lesson.
Technology The tablet will be a focal point for the direct instruction part of the lesson.
Describe how technology is used The website that the children will have access to will continue to operate. So
on both teaching and learning. at any point the students can refer back to the same games and use them as
Introduction to Lesson

Description of What Teacher and Students Do:

Write short descriptions To introduce the lesson the teacher will first go over the previous phonics CH TH
here WH. Before this lesson, they will have already done the game for the CH WH
[Example: and the TH Phonic. Then the teacher will then give a short description of the new
phone for SH. Then the teacher will guide them on their tablets to the website
Introduction to Key Starfall where they will be introduced to the SH phonic. There they will play the
Vocabulary Words] game associated with SH. The game will have been nothing new to them but
rather the content will be new.

Instructional Activity

Description of What Teacher and Students Do:

Finished lesson by Heidi Hardenbrook

Write short The students will be on their tablets for the beginning of the lesson. Each student
descriptions here will be at there spot in the classroom that the teacher has already designated as
the tablet zone. While the students play the game for the SH phonic, the teacher
will be wondering around the classroom taking a formative assessment of how
the students are progressing in the game. The game is short so the game should
not take the students more than 15 min at the most. After the students have
completed the game, the next part of the lesson will begin. The students will get
into groups of 4. The teacher will need to decide on the groups before the
lesson. The teacher will guide the students into their groups and their
tables/desks where they will complete the activity. Each group will be given one
deck of 24 small cards. Each card has a word. The words in the deck will include
ones that have a form of CH SH WH TH. There will be 11 cards for each phonic.
The teacher will then describe to the students that the task will be to match each
card in a group that has either CH SH WH TH. The part of the task should take
about 25 min at the most. During the work time, the teacher should be scanning
from group to group who need assistance and who is excelling.

Extension/Closure Activity
Description of What Teacher and Students Do:
Write short descriptions After a few of the groups have completed the task the teacher will then tell the
here class of the next part of the lesson. The students will then get 4 blank poster paper
and glue the groups of cards on the 4 posters. Each poster will have its own
group. To help ensure the students remember the phonic, the students will work
together to draw pictures next to the glued on cards. The teacher will then set a
place for the posters on the wall so that the student can refer back to them when
they need to. Before the students post the poster on the wall. Each student will
have a poster to present to the class with their phonic and their pictures. This will
be the assessment that the teacher will use to determine if the student has
understood the content within the lesson.


- No handouts needed.

Finished lesson by Heidi Hardenbrook

EDU 276 Lesson Plan Commentary

Heidi Hardenbrook
EDU 276
Instructor: Carrie Davenport
Due date: 2-25-2020

Central Focus
The main focus of this lesson is to ensure that the student understand the 4 phonics listed in the
lesson. Also, the student will be creating their own support by making posters will the content.

Essential Strategy
There are a few strategies that I am using when I created this lesson. The student will be
using group work as a form of scaffolding. By drawing poster the students will be using
visualization as a form of remembering. Before the students draw on the posters, the
students will need to analyze the word structure to determine the similarities in the words.

Instructional Methods
The bulk of the lesson utilizes cooperative learning. There are little bits of direct instruction being
used but the main assessment is based on group learning. The teacher will provide some
instruction with the use of the game from Starfall as an introduction to grab the student’s attention.

Technology Incorporation
In the lesson, there will have been 3 previous lessons that instruct the students on the other 3
phonics. The previous lessons will have incorporated the Starfall website to help introduce the
phonics to the students. The tablet and the game will serve as a way to engage the students,
even those who might have a speech of listening impairment. Also, the website does go away
when the students go home, so if the students have difficulties with the phonic after the lesson
they can go back to website and play the game as practice.

Supporting Student Learning

Like I said with the tablet it will play a big role as a form of support for the students. Whether they
have an exceptionality or if they are just behind in the lesson the tablet and website can help
support more practice. Also, the poster in the room will provide in-class support. The group work will
help those struggling with the content with peer scaffolding.

Most of the assessment will be formative, and up to the teacher’s observations. The main
assessment is the ability to categorize the words by the phonics used in them. Lastly, the students
will need to present their posters so the teacher can see where the student is in the speech
portion of the phonic.

Finished lesson by Heidi Hardenbrook


“Learning the SH Sound.” Starfall,www.starfall.com/h/ltr-sv-o/sh-skill/?t=287603483.


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