Case Study14
Case Study14
Case Study14
reviewing HR requirements to ensure that the required number of employees with the
required skills is available when they are needed. HRP is the process by which an
organization ensures that it has the right number and kind of people, at the right place, at the
right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the
PP Ltd. is a profit-making firm. To retain its status in the market the management stressed
and monitored quality and productivity from the initial stage itself. An individual incentive
scheme has been in place for 20 years. During the last decade, the company had to launch
new products thanks to the proliferation of electronic systems. The new product entailed
additional investments in machineries and on additional manpower. The new comers were
manpower. 2.The new comers were raw hands requiring training at extra cost.
3.During the year, due to heavy investment on the new project, the interest charges and
depreciation completely wiped out the profit.
4. This means only the statutory minimum bonus of 8.33% of surplus was to be offered as
against the usual 20% that the workers are used to receive in the last several years.
6. There was a dispute that bonus payment is finance oriented and it does not necessarily
reflect the productivity of the employees
To meet organizational goals, human resource planning seeks to ensure that the
organization’s demand for individuals at any particular time will be just met by available
human resources.
First, human resources are costly and it may be difficult to justify the expense of excess
personnel. There are sounder and more cost-effective options available to personnel planners
in business firms.
Second, excess people are not engaged in productive work, and are likely to be bored and
supply, taking productive workers out of the economy’s labour pool may be considered
socially unacceptable.
YES, it will surely see demotivate the employees because the company was not in a
position to give proper salary to the employees so that management has to explain the
situation to the employees as there is no profits hence profits are low. If there are no
profits to be distributed and the workers have been expecting them after having
received them for a period of years in cash, morale is certain to be lowered. profit
sharing can deliver significant benefits to employees, through higher earnings and
bonus completely effect to the workers who are working under the settlement of
this issue the management give the favourable reasons to the we know that
profit sharing means that some portion of amount giving to organizational employees. Profit
sharing can lead to higher productivity and thus to higher firm profitability and employee
wages. It may also enhance employment stability by enabling firms to adjust wages during
downturns rather than lay off workers. To improve the product or service quality, to increase
the productivity and performance of the organization. Workers cannot be motivated solely by
economic rewards and more important motivators are job security, recognition, right to
According to this case, the main thing is profit sharing may result in some workers benefiting
from the effort of others without themselves exerting greater effort and Profit sharing may
increase compensation risks for employees by making earnings more variable. Profit sharing
is thought to affect firm productivity in three main ways: by making wages more flexible in
response to the financial conditions of the firm by substituting profit sharing payments for
fixed wages; by attracting, developing, and retaining higher quality employees; and by
serving as an incentive mechanism for aligning the interests of workers with those of the
With regards
B k mahalakshmi (lecturer in management)