Ders Transfer Formu

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SEMESTER: ________________________ TRANSFER TO: GAU/SEU

NAME: _______________________________________ STUDENT NO: _______________

TRANSFERRED FROM (Name of the Institution) :


I recommend the acceptance of the following courses:

Transferred Course Code Grade GAU/SEU Course Code

1- _________________ ________ ____________________
2- _________________ ________ ____________________
3- _________________ ________ ____________________
4- _________________ ________ ____________________
5- _________________ ________ ____________________
6- _________________ ________ ____________________
7- _________________ ________ ____________________
8- _________________ ________ ____________________
9- _________________ ________ ____________________
10- _________________ ________ ____________________
11- _________________ ________ ____________________
12- _________________ ________ ____________________
13- _________________ ________ ____________________
14- _________________ ________ ____________________
15- _________________ ________ ____________________
16- _________________ ________ ____________________
17- _________________ ________ ____________________
18- _________________ ________ ____________________
19- _________________ ________ ____________________
20- _________________ ________ ____________________

Head of Department: ________________________ Sign: _____________ Date: __________

Dean of Faculty: ___________________________ Sign: _____________ Date: __________

Accepted and Confirmed;

Registrar: _________________________________ Sign: _____________ Date: ___________

Recorded: ____________________ Registrar’s Office:______________ Date: ___________

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