Group Project: E Commerce Strategies Help Company Building Their Brand
Group Project: E Commerce Strategies Help Company Building Their Brand
Group Project: E Commerce Strategies Help Company Building Their Brand
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Mehr-u-nisa (FA17-BBA-026)
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Executive summary
E-commerce businesses are becoming a reliable method to purchase items online. Marking
assumes a direct role in improving chances of e-commerce business success. An increasing
number of worldwide customers are changing to e-commerce sites to purchase everything
from groceries to apparel, and electronics to lifestyle items. The e-commerce industry has
completely transformed the manner by which consumers around the globe access items and
services. It has suddenly carried a universe of choices to the fingertips of end users. The future
seems brilliant for the e-commerce industry, with significant players spreading out into newer
item categories frequently (along these lines setting the benchmarks for smaller brands). For e-
commerce businesses, things are going well enough, yet the competition is likewise fierce. New
e-commerce brands are propelling every day and persistently attempting to get an a
dependable balance online. When it comes to marking, e-commerce companies are leaving no
stone unturned.
This examination explores the e-commerce building and correspondence strategies of
companies, incorporating a few with significant international brand profiles. It contributes by
giving rare empiricalbits of knowledge into the e-marking phenomenon, which complement the
extant, for the most part anecdotal, best practice literature. e-commerce building strategies,
including co-marking and affiliating with established online and offline brands, conveyance
partnerships, content alliances and personalized e-mail contacts. The examined internet
companies additionally seem to have employed a variety of customary, offline methods and
leading-edge online apparatuses in imparting their key e-brand values and advancing their
online stages and offerings. These correspondence vehicles included newspapers, radio,
magazines, television, advertising, trade events and advancements, personalized e-mail
notifications, affiliate programs with other websites and banner advertisements.
Ecommerce is an ideal way you can take your image from a customary physical store to an
innovative, well loved brand. By offering great items 24 hours every day alongside online
customer service, websites and web based life, never again is your business one particular
store, with an online presence your business can be the home of your items and the general
home of your business, permitting you to completely expand your item ranges without
stressing over moving areas or agonizing over not being able to expand your business.
Due to the internet's accessibility, a huge number of people over the world can view your
website whenever, meaning that for those hoping to expand their businesses and reach out
to a larger audience, you have a lot more opportunities to do as such. Compare the
measure of people you can reach through a website to the sum you can reach through a
high street store or nearby advertising, there's no reason you shouldn't take a gander at
taking your business online in case you're hoping to improve your reach.
Social media platforms provide you with free access to a broad audience and a way to showcase
your ecommerce brand. When it comes to establishing your brand on social media, focus on
consistency between platforms, I.E. using the same logo, language and colors. This is where
your brand guide comes in handy. However, you need to decide where you’ll spend your time
and energy—there are many social media websites, and knowing which are best for your
business can be challenging.
Research questions
What are the e commerce strategies that help the businesses build brand ?
An online store is available throughout the day, every day meaning your customers can visit
your store consistently, regardless of what their schedule may be. These days people don't
generally have the time to truly go out on the town to shop, instead more and more people are
deciding to shop online to discover the items they need or need and if your business can offer
this for your customers there's no you shouldn't appeal to a wider range of customers all
searching for a convenient and flexible experience.
Your website is one of the best marketing instruments your business has, not exclusively can
the use of SEO when fabricating your site lead to more chances of your business getting found
in search engines, however a huge number of marketing techniques can likewise work
alongside your website, including pay per click advertising, your internet based life marketing
and your email marketing, all of which can include connects back to your website.
3. Scalable
As your business develops it's very likely you'll need to develop your item range and your target
audience, just as develop your business for customer requirements and consumer demand. An
ecommerce site let's you scale your business as needs be, permitting you to include more lines,
include more payment alternatives and even develop when you choose to transport to, without
stressing over changing your area or moving to a larger premises like you may with a physical
Literature review
Marking has been characterized as theprocess of creating value through theprovision of a
compelling and consistent offer and customer experiencethat will fulfill customers and
keepthem returning. As customers develop trust in the brand through fulfillment of use and
experience. Companies have the chance to begin building relationships with them,
strengthening the brand further and making it more difficult for competitors to imitate.Brand
leaders for the most part have the financial strength to fend off competitors, and potential
competitors are typically reluctant to enter the market if existing brands fulfill customers.
Brands, there-fore, enable an organization to establish a unique identity and to increase the
chance of pulling in a large measure of repeat business. Companies with a past filled with solid
brands are likely to keep up greater authority over the balance of power between them and
customers, and order a higher market share and premium price against generic, unbranded,
equivalents. Solid, successful brands, in this way, move the competitive framework in the
organization's kindness, giving it intangible, difficult to replicate, values with which to augment
its more essential item, price and appropriation benefits.They additionally provide an economy
of scale to the organization and provide it with a springboard. Despite the fact that marking has
attracted considerable research attention, Its role and commitment to business performance
have remained contentious. The latter point additionally reflects the circumstance with e-
branding.Despite the tremendous entireties of money invested in online advertising and e-
brand constructing (some internet new companies reportedly spent several times their yearly
sales revenue at the height of the frenzy trying to establish a predominant presence in
the internet's crowded marketplace).
Marketplace Hosting
Many e-businesses succeed by hosting a site for auctions and online stores on which member can
place items for sale. In this model, the website owner takes a flat fee or a percentage of sales in
exchange for promoting the online marketplace and assisting in processing the transaction. Some
businesses combine this option with their own warehouse, offering both their own goods and
advertising members' listings for the same items. Additional revenue for the website owner can
come from members paying additional fees to spotlight their offerings on the main website.
To get the best out of customers, marketplace hosting should satisfy online customers convenient
and dependable Marketplace hosts are most significant factor.
(Jarvenpaa and Todd 1996)
Web Information Quality (IQ), customers’ perception on the quality of information presented on
a website and Web system quality, the Marketplace hosting perception of website’s performance
on the delivery have positive effect on the customer’s. (Hsuehen, 2006)
Marketplace hosting should improve their online shoppings depends on E-store image, time
required for product delivery, quality of service offered by the vendor to consumers and
transaction cost.
(Canavan et al. 2007)
In Tiwan variefy the experience of users on E-sites and concluded customer satisfaction directly
and positively impact on marketplace host E-shopping sites. Acceptance of technological factors
will directly and positively affect satisfaction of customers towards the the hosting of E-shopping
sites. (Lin and Sun, 2009)
Customer Satisfaction
When products and services according to the customers expectation then we called it customer
satisfaction. If we provide product and service through online shopping sites than customer
should be loyal towards shopping site, and E-Commerce company generate more profit when
customer purchase product repetitively. In this research satisfaction is related to the outcome of
the customer purchase and the performance perceived in order to measure the attitude of
respondents towards product.
So customer satisfaction related to Technology factor, shopping factor, Product factor which
relates to Price, Quality, delivery and security.
Shopping experience and the product quality increase customer satisfaction towards online
shopping sites. (Md. Aminul Islam 2011)
Factors that user interface and information quality, perceived quality and perceived privacy that
effects the design of website factor increase customer satisfaction towards online shopping sites.
(Mustafa 2011)
Eight factors that determined the customer’s satisfaction towards online shopping sites are
Website design, Security, Information Quality, Payment Method, E-Service Quality, Product
Quality, Products Variety and Delivery Services.
Research conducted by the Digital Media and Marketing Association (DMMA) and Echo
Consultancy estimates the total internet population in South Africa in 2013 to be almost 14
million users. This represents 39% of the (Cinman, 2013)
Ad-Supported Content
Some websites develop into effective e-businesses by promoting the Ads related to brand
without directly selling anything at all. With enough worthwhile content and frequent updates,
blogs and similar informative sites can succeed in promoting ads. The profitability depends on
the motivation and talent of the people producing the ads. A combination of entertaining the
reader and drawing in references to appropriate consumer products can potentially generate
enough advertisements and revenue sharing to support the site as a business.
Surprisingly As compare to others security at last choice. So assumption made was ads perceived
as standard attribute in and online shopping site. Others ads of consumers take priority in the
chosen online shopping site so other ads take priority once customers have to choose the site to
shop from. (Christian & France 2005)
Warehouse Sales
For an existing company, a new company starting with a surplus of product or a company
liquidating merchandise from retail industry, an e-business website can function as a sales point
for a warehouse of inventory. For companies with physical stores, the website can offer
overstocked items, popular items selling at high volume or obscure items unlikely to sell at
single locations. An online store can also serve to liquidate leftover merchandise bought at
closeout from various suppliers.
Building a website seller should focuses on the warehouse sales related to product and shopping
convenience. Product perception is most important factor among the students with high skills to
use technology to greatly influence price and Quality. (Jarvenpaa & Todd 1996-97)
In height experienced customers system quality and service quality critical factor leading
increased sales. (Rodgers et al. 2005).
Increase in the satisfaction of customer towards store as a result to increase in the level of
warehouse sales. Furthermore, this phenomenon is great in know store rather than unknown
store. There is a strong connection between satisfaction of the customer and Warehouse sales
level. It emphasized the positive relationship between the satisfaction on the brand and the sales
to the store with the increase. (Binninger, 2007)
Study included 867 consumers of E-magazines through a website, it confirmed the results
customer experience on the brand effecting the trust satisfaction and the loyalty. Depending on
the relationship between customer and brand. As well as satisfaction and trust are the levels of E-
sites which refers to the loyalty of E-sites.Trust and satisfaction impact positively on loyally of
(Horppu et al., 2008)
Quality impact positively in the customer satisfaction and the Sales on E-sites.
(Selnes, 1993) Satisfaction and the loyalty are two important constructs effect on warehouse
sales. Loyal customer are necessary to growth and performance of the company. Company
concentrate and utilize this strategy for future. (Vilares and
Coelho, 2003)
Turnkey Businesses
A turnkey business functions with a pre-existing template for its given industry. These websites
may offer anything from diet pills to a dating network for a particular city. The turnkey model
requires less work than others but also faces stiff competition. The operator must do some
legwork to produce the site's content and sell ad space to generate more income. Marketing
mostly relies on the optimizing the website to appear on as many search engine result pages as
Online shopping, enables customers to make use of an online store to search for products and
services, order the selected products and services, choose a delivery method, indicate an address
and date, and pay for them. All the products and services of these online stores are described
through text with photographs and multimedia files. On receipt of an order the online store sends
an electronic confirmation to the customer. In recent research done by MasterCard the products
mostly purchased online by South African shoppers are products such as air tickets, travel, and
accommodations. (Goldstuck, 2013)
The storefront, the shopping cart, the payment process, and the order fulfillment are four main
categories of online templates of shopping sites. (E-marketing
dictionary, 2014)
When it comes to marking, customer trust is heavily influenced by the testimonials and
referrals your business receives. Influencer marketing is one of the best approaches to affect
trust. This strategy involves enlisting niche influencers (that is, online life users with a great
many followers in your industry) to spread the word about your image.
Success with this marketing strategy relies on how targeted your influencers are. It's a smart
thought to begin little and reach out to influencers who have little audiences of less than 10,000
—such influencers cost less and have a profoundly targeted audience. Measure the effect of
such a crusade and use the lessons to deploy larger battles. While partnering with large
influencers out and out might seem like a smart thought to scale quick, these influencers appeal
to multiple demographics and are in this way not as targeted. The conversion rate from such
battles tends to be lower. The reason influencer marketing works is because prospective buyers
tend to associate the credibility of the influencer with the brand they endorse. This makes it an
a lot quicker approach to establish a brand presence than developing your followers naturally.
An ordinary customer goes through several stages of research before they land in your store for
a purchase. Your store could miss on some real marking opportunities by not investing in
content that the prospective buyer uses for research. All in all, for what reason is this
significant? In the first place, it helps establish your image as an expert in the business.
Customers trust authority sites which they return to for future product research. A
comprehensive directory of articles might make your website their "go-to" source. It
additionally provides your image the chance to shape readers' feelings and nudge them
towards products in your store. Moreover, a comprehensive content directory helps your
business rank better in Google searches, which reinforces your image authority. One of the best
approaches to do this is called the pair-up strategy. Essentially, marketers are advised to create
a comprehensive content page that is mapped to each of their product pages. Prospective
buyers land on this central page during their research phase and are nudged toward the
product pages through the content.
Few would dispute the view that the internet has had differing degrees of transformational away
on businesses, from customary companies to online new businesses. New opportunities of
efficiency and coordination are emerging, competition is intensifying and barriers to entry are
eroding. New technologies and emerging market trends are converging to move power from
companies to customers. Associations are having to redefine their business strategies with
regard to marketing and marking due to the unique characteristics of the internet and its ability
to overturn the old rules of the game. Generally, a brand is thought to evoke, in
the customer's psyche, a certain personality, presence and product or service performance.
Notwithstanding giving added values, a brand can represent a substitute for data—a route for
consumers to improve the time-devouring process of search and correlation before deciding
what to purchase. The advent of the internet technology, especially its suggestions for real-time
interaction and marketplace swarming, has, however,made marking more complex and
dynamic. Numerous online businesses are,thus, searching for new e-brand building strategies
that may help them in creating some distinctiveness and engaging their customers.
Previous research has identified a number of differences between online and offline marking.
These relate to speed of execution (todays e-marking projects get off the ground inside six
weeks, whereas customary marking engagements normally require a half year interactivity
(online marking can't faster than offline marking yet in addition more interactive);
marketing and sales convergence (the internet is both a marketing medium and a sales channel);
the importance of trust and relationships (trust seems even more significant in the virtual world,
because the parties to an e-exchange are not in the same place, and therefore can't depend on
things like national laws, physical vicinity, handshakes and body signs); and customer
faithfulness challenges (e-marking extends beyond the conventional focal point of situating,
advertising, advancements, snappy logos and mottos, to creating internet businesses that can
deliver complete, and completely fulfilling, experience)
Social Media
While allowing users to register accounts and contribute their own information and content, a
social media site can create revenue from ads on the site as well as selling the members'
information as marketing data. The website can have either a broad scope or a very specific one
with a geographical, cultural, or interest-based theme. The site entertains and informs its users,
who can receive targeted ads based on what information they've entered on the site.
There is also the time saving benefit which online shopping offers to customers. Shoppers do not
have to take the time to travel to a store drive through heavy traffic stand in long rows. They
also don't have to restrict their shopping to business hours since online shops are open 24 hours a
day as Compared to physical shopping. It allows customers to quickly compare similar products
and price through visit. (Koble, 2014)
Different advantages of online shopping that benefits to both consumer and the online business
is that of convenience. Customers do not have to go to a store if the store offers e-shopping. They
can simply make use of a computer or mobile phone to do their shopping in the convenience of
their home or workplace. In research conducted by Jana on more than 600 consumers, it was
found the biggest factor in online shopping. .
(, 2013)
The percentage of internet users shopping online grew to 58% in 2012, compared to 53% in 2010
and 44% in 2009. Research by the (WWWI) that R3.6 billion was spent on online retail in 2012.
The expected rise in 2013 is 25% more. Duncan (2013)
42% of online shoppers buy online at least once a month. Research indicates that the category of
people who earn R20,000 per month has less online shoppers than those who earn more. The
highest percentage of online shoppers earn more than R50,000 per month and 38,000 income
people are medium online purchaser. (Kloppers, 2013).
(Mustafa 2011)
(Cinman, 2013)
(Binninger, 2007)
(Selnes, 1993)
(Goldstuck, 2013)
(Koble, 2014)
Duncan (2013)
(Kloppers, 2013)