The Calibration and Use of Torque Meters Used in Packaging Applications
The Calibration and Use of Torque Meters Used in Packaging Applications
The Calibration and Use of Torque Meters Used in Packaging Applications
1. Scope 6. Apparatus
1.1 This practice covers the calibration and use of torque 6.1 Adapter—A circular plate that can be mounted concen-
meters of the type normally used in packaging applications. trically on the platform of the tester. If the platform itself is
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the suitable, an adapter is not necessary. The adapter should be of
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the such diameter that its radius multiplied by appropriate weights
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- will give torque values equal to 1⁄4, 1⁄2, and full-scale meter
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- readings. (Typical devices for packaging applications have
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. ranges from: 0 to 10, 0 to 25, 0 to 50, and 0 to 100 lbf-in. (0
to 1.13, 0 to 2.8, 0 to 5.7, and 0 to 11.3 N/m, respectively).
2. Referenced Documents 6.2 Connecting Means— A very flexible, thin filament, such
2.1 ASTM Standards: as a wire or fishing line that transmits the force of hanging
D 3198 Test Method for Application and Removal Torque weights to the circumference of the adapter.
of Threaded or Lug-Style Closures2 6.3 Pulley, low friction, used to change the direction of the
connecting means from horizontal to vertical.
3. Terminology 6.4 Appropriate Dead Weights, for example: 2, 4, and 7-lb
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of application torque and (0.9, 1.8, and 3.2-kg) for a torque meter with a 7 in. (178 mm)
removal torque, see Test Method D 3198. diameter plate or platform and a range of 0 to 25 in-lbs (0 to 2.8
3.2 stripping torque— a force or system of forces acting in N-m).
a tightening direction that causes overrunning of the threads or
rotation of an overshell with respect to its supporting member. 7. Conditioning
7.1 Prior to calibration, the torque meter and weights shall
4. Summary of Practice be allowed to come to ambient room conditions.
4.1 Calibration— Reference torque values are obtained by
means of vertically suspended dead weights acting at specific 8. Calibration Procedures (see Fig. 1)
distances from the axis of the mounting platform of the tester. 8.1 Spring-Loaded Type Testers :
4.2 Use—Torque values to apply or remove closures are 8.1.1 Verify that the meter needle moves freely throughout
obtained by mounting containers on the platform and either its entire range and rests on zero when not loaded. Adjust if
applying or removing the closures. In some applications, the necessary.
closure is mounted on the platform and the container is rotated. 8.1.2 If an adapter is used, fasten it securely and concentri-
cally to the tester platform or spindle.
5. Significance and Use 8.1.3 Secure the torque meter to a table or work surface.
5.1 This practice can be used to check devices used to 8.1.4 Secure one end of the connecting means to a point on
measure the application and removal torques of continuous or the circumference of the adapter or rotating platform and wrap
intermittent thread and lug closures. it at least halfway around the circumference.
5.2 This practice can be used to determine the amount of 8.1.5 Run the connecting means over a low friction pulley
torque to either apply or remove a closure. located near the edge of a bench or table, and let it hang
vertically for the attachment of weights.
8.1.6 Sequentially, attach dead weights appropriately to give
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D10 on Packaging
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.31 on Child Resistant
torque values equal to 1⁄4, 1⁄2, and full-scale meter readings.
Packaging. Make certain that the weights are hanging freely. Record the
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 1990. Published March 1990. Originally
published as D 3474 – 76. Last previous edition D 3474 – 80e1.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 3474 – 90 (2002)
weight, radius and the meter reading at each test point, making Position the container or closure in the restraining
certain that the needle returns to zero when the weights are grippers of the torque tester or holding jig so that the center of
removed. the neck is over the center line of the torque tester.
8.1.7 If the difference between the measured and indicated NOTE 1—It is important that the spacing between the posts be such that
readings differ from the manufacturers’ specification (usually the container or closure is securely held but not deformed. Containers with
64 % of full scale), the user will need to generate a calibration offset necks must be offset.
chart or have the instrument repaired.
8.1.8 For torque meters that measure both clockwise and Torque the movable component by rotating
counterclockwise, repeat 8.1.6, but with the platform rotation smoothly at a constant rate in a tightening direction to a
in the opposite direction. predetermined level and then releasing the component gripping
8.2 Automatic Type Testers: device immediately upon reaching the predetermined torque.
8.2.1 Attach a small flexible string at least halfway around Record the torque applied to each of the closures.
the circumference of the platform and over a low friction 9.1.3 Removal Torque:
pulley so that calibration weights can be attached. Removal torque is determined by removing the
8.2.2 Run the calibration program on the computer. closures from the test specimens.
8.2.3 Hang dead weights from the string and enter the Position each test specimen in the restraining grip-
values when prompted by the computer program. pers of the torque tester or holding jig. Remove the closures by
8.2.4 Repeat 8.2.1 to 8.2.3 for the opposite direction. increasing the removal torque gradually and smoothly until the
8.2.5 If the tester has downward force measurement capa- maximum reading is attained.
bility, stack weights on the platform and enter their values as Record the maximum torque required to loosen the
prompted by the computer program. closure for each of the test specimens and the elapsed time
8.2.6 The program will automatically recalibrate and indi- between application and removal torque.
cate errors if they occur. NOTE 2—If removal torque is used for quality control purposes, the best
reproducibility and correlation torque is obtained if the specimens are
9. Torque Measurement tested within 5 min of the time the closure is applied.
9.1 Spring-Loaded Type Testers: 9.2 Automatic Type Testing:
9.1.1 Remove the calibration adapter and install the posts in 9.2.1 Run the program, select the desired test, and place the
the movable cross members. It is important that the spacing bottles in the machine as directed.
between the posts shall be such that the container or closure is 9.2.2 Results will be automatically displayed and may be
held securely but not deformed. saved or printed out as desired.
9.1.2 Application Torque: 9.3 Stripping Torque:
D 3474 – 90 (2002)
9.3.1 Position the bottle in the restraining grippers of the 11.1.2 Date of test.
torque tester or holding jig. 11.1.3 A statement that testing was done in accordance with
9.3.2 Torque the closure by increasing the torque gradually Practice D 3474.
and smoothly until stripping occurs.
11.2 Application, Removal, or Stripping Torque:
9.3.3 Record the stripping torque level obtained on each of
the test specimens. 11.2.1 Report the following information: Identification of containers and closures tested
10. Calculation including size, style, material(s), and any other pertinent
10.1 Calculate calibration torque, T, as follows: information. Bottle finish and closure dimensions should also
10.1.1 SI units: be reported if applicable.
T 5 Mgr All readings of application, removal, and stripping
torque, if applicable.
T = torque, N-m, Number of specimens tested.
M = mass of dead weight, kg, Date of test.
g = acceleration of gravity, 9.8 m/s2, and Average, range, and standard deviation of values
r = radius of adapter, m. for application removal and stripping torques.
10.1.2 Inch·pound units: A statement that testing was performed in accor-
T 5 Wg/gc XR dance with Practice D 3474.
where: Difference(s) from actual procedure.
T = torque, lbf-in.,
W = weight of dead weight, lbm, 12. Precision and Bias
R = radius of adapter, in.,
g = local acceleration of gravity, and 12.1 Precision—It is not practicable to specify the precision
gc = standard acceleration of gravity (32.174 ft-lbm/lbf-s2). in this practice because torque values can only be defined in
terms of a test method.
NOTE 3—Except for extreme altitude and large differences in latitude, 12.2 Bias—The bias of this practice includes quantitative
the values of g and gc can be considered to be nominally equal. estimates of the uncertainties of the dimensional measuring
devices, the calibration of test equipment and the skill of the
11. Report operator. At this time, statements on bias should be limited to
11.1 Torque Meters: the developmental performance of particular laboratories.
11.1.1 Report the following information:
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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