What Is The Relationship Between Pressure Drop and Flow Rate in A Pipeline?
What Is The Relationship Between Pressure Drop and Flow Rate in A Pipeline?
What Is The Relationship Between Pressure Drop and Flow Rate in A Pipeline?
1 = upstream location
2 = downstream location
HL = head loss between the upstream and downstream locations (feet of fluid)
The Bernoulli Equation can now be re-arranged to show that the change in static pressure (dP
= P1 - P2) is due to three components: a change in elevation, a change in velocity, and the
energy lost to heat, noise, and vibration:
The positive value of dP indicates that the inlet pressure is greater than the outlet pressure, so
pressure will decrease by 21.7 psi solely due to the change in elevation of the fluid as it flows
uphill. Conversely, if the fluid is flowing down hill from an elevation of 75 ft to 25 ft, the
result would be negative and there will be a 21.7 psi gain in pressure and the outlet pressure
will be greater than the inlet pressure.
The negative value of dP indicates that the outlet pressure will be greater than the inlet
pressure. In other words, pressure has increased by almost 0.5 psi from inlet to outlet solely
due to the conversion of velocity head to pressure head.
The Darcy friction factor, f, takes into account the pipe roughness, diameter, fluid viscosity,
density, and velocity by first calculating the Reynolds Number and Relative Roughness. Once
calculated, the head loss can then be converted to a change in pressure using:
There are other forms of the Darcy equation in the Crane TP-410 that use variables with
different units and a numerical constant that combines all the unit conversions together. For
To determine the total change in the static pressure of a fluid as it flows along a pipeline, all
three components of the Bernoulli Equation must be considered individually and added
together. A change in elevation may cause the pressure to decrease, a change in velocity may
cause it to increase, and the head loss may cause it to decrease. The net effect will depend on
the relative magnitudes of each change.
It is possible that the static pressure of the fluid actually increases from inlet to outlet if the
change in elevation or velocity results in an increase of pressure greater than the decrease that
results due to head loss.
The old saying that "fluid always flows from high pressure to low pressure" is not quite
accurate. The more accurate way to state this is that "fluid always flows from a region of
higher total energy to a region of lower total energy".