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Preparing for the Certified

LabVIEW Associate Developer

(CLAD) Exam Last Updated: November 10, 2013

What Level Should You Pursue?
Foundation Experience Mastery

Technician/ Basic Software Engineer: Software Architect:

Developer: • Using LabVIEW on • Designing the architecture
• Infrequent LabVIEW regular basis to develop for a large LabVIEW
Developer or “Casual applications application (500 + Vis)
coder” • Designing and from high-level design
• Spending fewer than 10 developing medium to requirements
hours a week developing large applications in the • Project managing a team
applications in LabVIEW LabVIEW (50 to 500 VIs) of more than one
• Only planning one • Significantly modifying or LabVIEW developer
LabVIEW project upgrading previously • Working in a regulated
• Developing or supporting developed code industry (Mil/Aero,
small to medium • Developing an Automotive, Medical)
measurement and application to be used, • Designing a ‘mission
control applications in supported, or maintained critical’ application
LabVIEW (<50 VIs) by others
How to Navigate the LabVIEW Learning Curve Tutorial
LabVIEW Training & Certification Path
LabVIEW LabVIEW Advanced Architectures
Core 1 & 2 Core 3 & Connectivity for LabVIEW

• LabVIEW fundamentals • Modular application • Large application design

• Basic application development • Advanced development
creation using LabVIEW • Structured design and techniques
• Basics of data development practices • Implementing multi-
acquisition & instrument • Inter-application developer projects
control communication and
connectivity techniques

• Demonstrates knowledge • Demonstrates experience • Demonstrates mastery in

of core features and in developing scalable, architecting applications
functions readable and maintainable for multi-developer teams
• Develops, debugs and applications • Develops requirements
maintains small LabVIEW • Develops, debugs, and architectures, tools,
modules deploys medium to large components and best
scale applications practices for team
LabVIEW Certification Exams and Process
Certified LabVIEW Certified LabVIEW Certified LabVIEW
Associate Developer Developer Architect
• Objective style exam
• Practical development • Short answer and
(multiple choice)
exam practical development
• 1 hour long
• 4 hours long exam
• Scheduled (online) via
• Scheduled by Training & • Same as CLD
Pearson Vue’s web page
• Administered and Certification or NI branch
proctored by Pearson • Administered by Training
Vue & Certification, proctored
• Evaluated automatically by NI representative
• Results available to • Evaluated and concurred
candidate upon exam by two engineers
completion • 4 week process
• Certificate is mailed or • Certificate is mailed by
emailed by Training & Training & Certification
CLAD Prep Topics
Most Commonly Missed Additional Concepts
• Coercion Dots • Enumeration
• Loop Components
• Conditional Disable Structure
• Shift Registers and Feedback Nodes
• VI Timing
• Notify and Filter Events
• Property Nodes • Multiple Loop Design Pattern
• Charts and Graphs • Notifiers
• Arrays
• Semaphores
• Array Functions
• Mechanical Action of Booleans
• File Formats
• Data Representation • Modularity and SubVIs
• Sequence Structures • Icon and Connector Pane
• Case Structures
• Errors and Warnings
• Data Flow
• Variables
• Breaking Data Flow
• String Functions • Race Conditions from Shared
• Clusters Resources
• Type Definitions • VI Server Organization
• References • Create references programmatically
Most Commonly Missed Topics
on the CLAD
Red Coercion
Coercion Dots dots on input

•Coercion Dots indicate that

LabVIEW has converted a
value to a different numeric Blue Coercion
dots on output
representation terminals

•LabVIEW coerces values to

the data type with the largest
number of bits, except for For Convert to Double
Loops (always 32-bit signed Data Type

•Avoid coercion dots for best

programming efficiency
Coercion Dots

When does the coercion dot appear?

A. The data types are consistent

B. A polymorphic operation is performed on the data

C. The data conversion is forced due to the mismatched numeric

representation between terminals

D. Data values are being coerced because they are out of range
Coercion Dots

When does the coercion dot appear?

A. The data types are consistent

B. A polymorphic operation is performed on the data

C. The data conversion is forced due to the mismatched numeric

representation between terminals

D. Data values are being coerced because they are out of range
Coercion Dots

Which of the following statements is true regarding the

use of Coercion Dots?

a. Coercion Dots improve program performance.

b. Coercion Dots represent a conversion from one data type to another.

c. Coercion Dots increases memory usage

d. Both A. and B.

e. Both B. and C.
Coercion Dots

Which of the following statements is true regarding the

use of Coercion Dots?

a. Coercion Dots improve program performance.

b. Coercion Dots represent a conversion from one data type to another.

c. Coercion Dots increases memory usage

d. Both A. and B. Coercion dots indicate that a certain data type is being
wired to terminal that accepts a different but
e. Both B. and C. compatible data type. When this happens, LabVIEW
converts the data to the larger of the two data types.
This requires the creation of a memory buffer to store
the coerced data.
Coercion Dots
What will “Result” be after running the VI?
A. 2

B. 2.7

C. 3

D. NaN
Coercion Dots
What will ‘Result’ be after running the VI?
A. 2

B. 2.7

C. 3

D. NaN

The block diagram places the coercion dot on

the border of the terminal where the conversion
takes place. The data is not coerced until after
the addition, at which point it rounds to the
nearest integer.

1.2 + 1.5 = 3 (2.7 rounded to 3)

For Loops and While Loops have an

Iteration Terminal to display how many
times the loop has executed

•While Loops must execute at least once

•For Loops can execute zero times

•The Iteration Terminal is zero indexed; this

means the output of the terminal is zero for
the first iteration of the loop.
What will be shown on the “For Loop Sum”, “While
Loop Sum”, and “Iteration” indicators when the
program below is run?
A. For Loop Sum= 1, Iteration=0, While Loop Sum= 1

B. For Loop Sum=2, Iteration=1, While Loop Sum=2

C. For Loop Sum=1, Iteration=0, While Loop Sum=2

N Stop Addition “For Loop “Iteration”

Condition operation Sum” value value
1 no 0+1=1 1 0
2 yes Does not 1 (no 0 (no
execute change) change)

Iteration Addition “While Stop

operation Loop condition
Sum” value met
value (i=1)?
1 0+1=1 1 0 no
2 1+1=2 2 1 yes
What will be shown on the “For Loop Sum”, “While
Loop Sum”, and “Iteration” indicators when the
program below is run?
A. For Loop Sum= 1, Iteration=0, While Loop Sum= 1

B. For Loop Sum=2, Iteration=1, While Loop Sum=2

C. For Loop Sum=1, Iteration=0, While Loop Sum=2
Shift Registers – Multiple Previous Values
• Shift registers can be resized to save multiple previous
• Retains a certain number of previous values, oldest ones get
removed as needed

Iteration: 0 1 2 3 4
Numeric: 2 5 3 9 1
A: 2 5 3 9 1
B: ? 2 5 3 9
C: ? ? 2 5 3
D: ? ? ? 2 5
Shift Registers
After 3 iterations, what will be the value at indicator D?

a. 0 Iteration: 0 1 2
b. 10 Numeric: 2 5 3
c. 3
d. Unknown
Shift Registers
After 3 iterations, what will be the value at indicator D?

a. 0 Iteration: 0 1 2
b. 10 Numeric: 2 5 3
c. 3
d. Unknown

Justification: Since this shift register is

uninitialized, after three iterations the shift
register attached to indicator D will not have
a value. If this VI was run previously, it would
contain the last value stored in the shift register.
Shift Registers
After 4 iterations, what will be the value at indicator D?

a. 0 Iteration: 0 1 2 3
b. 7 Numeric: 2 5 3 7
c. 3
d. Unknown
Shift Registers
After 4 iterations, what will be the value at indicator D?

a. 0 Iteration: 0 1 2 3
b. 2 Numeric: 2 5 3 7
c. 7
d. Unknown

Justification: After 4 iterations, the oldest value

of the Numeric control will be in the shift register
attached to indicator D.
Feedback Node
• A feedback node functions like a shift register.
• Can set an initial value by wiring data into the terminal on the left
side of the loop.
Feedback Node
What number will be added to the random number
on the first iteration of this loop?

a. 0
b. Unknown
c. 5
d. 2
Feedback Node
What number will be added to the random number
on the first iteration of this loop?

a. 0
b. Unknown
c. 5
d. 2

Justification: A feedback node acts exactly like a shift

register. The terminal on the left side sets an initial value
for the feedback node, which is used during the first iteration
of the loop.
Timing Functions

• Control or measure the frequency at which a loop executes

• Provide the processor with time to complete other tasks, such as
processing the user interface
• Uses the operating system millisecond clock
Wait (ms)
Waits for specified input number of
o Performs function asynchronously
o Returns only after the specified wait time

o Does not interrupt parallel code

o Loops will not iterate until function returns
Wait (ms)

The Wait (ms) function will

begin its count when the loop
begins executing. The
CODE will execute in 5 ms,

CODE 5 ms and the loop will not continue

until an additional 5 ms

CODE Loop Iterates
0 5 10
Wait Until Next ms Multiple
Waits for a multiple tick of the
millisecond timer
• Performs function asynchronously

• First loop iteration may be shorter than

the specified ms multiple input
Wait Until Next ms Multiple
The Wait Until Next ms Multiple function
will allow loop iteration on a millisecond
multiple of the millisecond timer. The
first loop iteration may be shorter than
the specified ms input.

In this case, when the loop starts, the

millisecond timer has a value of 47.
When the millisecond timer reaches a
value of 60, the loop is allowed to iterate
• 60 is a multiple of 20
• The CODE has completed

CODE Loop Iterates

47 52 60
Wait Until Next ms Multiple
In this case, when the loop starts, the
millisecond timer has a value of 0. When
the millisecond timer reaches a value of
20, the loop is not allowed to iterate
because the CODE has not completed.
Instead, the loop iterates at the next ms
multiple, which is 40.

CODE Loop Iterates

0 20 40
Tick Count (ms)
Tick Count (ms) returns the value of the
Windows millisecond timer.

• Timer rolls over at 232-1

• Cannot be used to extract real-world date or
• Useful for finding the duration of executing
Get Date/Time In Seconds
Get Date/Time In Seconds returns a timestamp
of the current time.

• Timestamp value is calculated using number

of seconds elapsed since 12:00 AM, Jan 1,
1904, Universal Time.
• Do not use to calculate code execution
VI Timing Types
• Execution Timing
• Provides the design pattern with a function that specifically allows the
processor time to complete other tasks
• In some cases, a Wait function is not necessary
• Use of Timeout inputs can provide execution timing

• Software Control Timing

• Timing (pauses, waits, time checks) you put in place to make the code
execute after a certain amount of time.

• Example: If you must acquire data for 5 minutes, you could remain in
the acquisition state until the 5 minutes elapses. However, during that
time you cannot process any user interface actions such as stopping the
VI. To process user interface actions, you must implement timing
(checking if 5 min has passed since the start of acquisition) so that the VI
continually executes for the specified time.
VI Timing
Execution Timing

Software Control Timing
Timing Functions
Which timing function is the best choice for timing control logic in
applications that run for extended periods of time?




Timing Functions
Which timing function is the best choice for timing control logic in
applications that run for extended periods of time?

A. Tick Count rolls over, so it is best for very short periods of time

B. Wait should be used for execution timing, not control timing.

Getting and storing the system time is the best way to

C. measure elapsed time in applications that run for
extended periods of time.

D. This function formats a time stamp; it is not used for VI timing.
Timing Functions
The Wait function can be added to While Loops:

a. To free up available memory.

b. To allocate memory used by the CPU.

c. To allow the processor time to complete other tasks.

d. To reserve which processor the code is running on.
Timing Functions
The Wait function can be added to While Loops:

a. To free up available memory.

b. To allocate memory used by the CPU.

c. To allow the processor time to complete other tasks.

d. To reserve which processor the code is running on.

By default, LabVIEW executes loops and block diagrams as quickly as

possible, and it immediately begins running the next. You can use a
Wait function in the loop to specify the amount of time in milliseconds
before the loop re-executes. Timing a loop also allows the processor
time to complete other tasks such as updating and responding to the
user interface.
Property Nodes

• Access the properties of an object

• Enable you to modify the appearance of front panel
objects programmatically in response to certain inputs.
For example:
• If a user enters an invalid password, you might want a red LED to start
• If a data point is above a certain value, you might want to show a red
trace instead of a green one
• Execute from top to bottom
• By default, if an error occurs on 3rd of 5 terminals, last two do
not execute and error is output
Property Nodes
•A property node can be implicit or explicit.
•A property node executes top-down

1. Plot 0 is set active

Implicit Property 2. Active plot (0)
changed to red
3. Plot 1 is set active
4. Active plot (1) is
changed to blue
5. Plot 2 is set active
Explicit Property 6. Active plot (2)
Node changes name to
(use when subVIs
are involved)
Invoke Nodes
• Use the Invoke Node to perform actions, or methods, on
referenced items (VI, Control)
• Most methods have parameters
• Examples of VI Methods:
• Front Panel: Center
• Default Values: Reinitialize all to Default
• Print: VI to HTML

Method Name
Property and Invoke Nodes: Use Cases
• Property Nodes can be used to programmatically read
from an indicator or write to a control

• Invoke Nodes can be used to programmatically control

the state of a VI
Implicitly and Explicitly Linking Invoke/Property Nodes
Explicitly Linked Implicitly Linked
(requires control reference) (color/ label for data type/label)

Property Nodes
Which combination of words correctly completes the
following statement? Unlike _____ Property Nodes,
_____ Property Nodes require _____ as inputs in order
to function correctly.
a. Explicit; Implicit; Data Value References
b. Implicit; Explicit; Data Value References
c. Explicit; Implicit; Control References
d. Implicit; Explicit; Control References
Property Nodes
Which combination of words correctly completes the
following statement? Unlike _____ Property Nodes,
_____ Property Nodes require _____ as inputs in order
to function correctly.
a. Explicit; Implicit; Data Value References
b. Implicit; Explicit; Data Value References
c. Explicit; Implicit; Control References
d. Implicit; Explicit; Control References
Implicit Property Nodes are explicitly linked to their owning
control or indicator. No reference wires are needed. Explicit Property
Nodes require a reference wire to determine which control the Property
Node is manipulating. Data Value References have nothing to do with
Property Nodes
Which plot will change color first?

a. Plot 1 because properties are executed

b. Plot 0 because properties are
implemented in numeric order starting at
c. Both plots will be updated
simultaneously due to the multithreading
of properties
d. It cannot be determined because
LabVIEW performs operations in dataflow
Property Nodes
Which plot will change color first?

a. Plot 1 because properties are executed

b. Plot 0 because properties are
implemented in numeric order starting at
c. Both plots will be updated
simultaneously due to the multithreading
of properties
d. It cannot be determined because
LabVIEW performs operations in dataflow
Property Nodes
Which of the following apply to Property Nodes? (More
than one answer may apply.)

a. Property Nodes allow attributes of front panel objects to

be programmatically manipulated.
b. Property Nodes can be used to update the values
contained in a front panel object.
c. More than one Property Node can be used for a single
front panel object.
d. Property Nodes can be used to programmatically
generate a Value Change event.
Property Nodes
Which of the following apply to Property Nodes? (More
than one answer may apply.)

a. Property Nodes allow attributes of front panel objects to

be programmatically manipulated.
b. Property Nodes can be used to update the values
contained in a front panel object.
c. More than one Property Node can be used for a single
front panel object.
d. Property Nodes can be used to programmatically
generate a Value Change event.
Property Nodes
What type of property node can you use to update
a property from inside a subVI?
a. Implicit Property Node
b. Local Property Node
c. Explicit Property Node
d. Value Property Node
Property Nodes
What type of property node can you use to update
a property from inside a subVI?
a. Implicit Property Node
b. Local Property Node
c. Explicit Property Node
d. Value Property Node
Charts and Graphs
Graphs Both
•Do not accept single point •Accept various data types:
values •Waveform
•All points are plotted at once •Dynamic
•Accept single point values •Waveform Data types contain:
•Values are stored in a buffer, •An array of points
then overwritten with new •t0
values •dt
•Points are plotted as data
becomes available
Charts and Graphs
• A graph displays an entire waveform at once.
• A chart displays single points as they are received.
• An XY Graph displays individual (X,Y) pairs.
• The graphs and chart below all display the same sine
wave data.
Charts and Graphs

• Chart:
• Remembers history – new point added to end of plot

• Good for inside a loop

• Graph:
• New plot of all new data
• Good for outside the loop
• Use the Context Help window
to determine how to wire multi-
plot data to Waveform Graphs
and XY Graphs
Charts vs. Graphs – Single-Plot
Graph is outside the loop and
only updates once: after the
loop finishes

Chart is inside the loop and

updates for each iteration.
Charts vs. Graphs – Multi-plot and XY Graph
Chart Update Modes
• Right-click the chart and select Advanced»Update
Mode from the shortcut menu
• Strip chart is the default update mode
• Scope chart and Sweep chart modes display plots
significantly faster than the strip chart mode
Charts and Graphs
You need to add a graphical indicator to the location
shown below. Which of the following is the best
graphical indicator to use in this program?

A. Waveform Graph
B. Waveform Chart
C. Intensity Chart
D. XY Graph
Charts and Graphs
You need to add a graphical indicator to the location
shown below. Which of the following is the best
graphical indicator to use in this program?

A. Waveform Graph
B. Waveform Chart
C. Intensity Chart
D. XY Graph
Multiple Samples =
Graph, not chart
Charts and Graphs
You need to add a graphical indicator to the location
shown below. Which of the following is the best
graphical indicator to use in this program?

A. Waveform Graph
B. Waveform Chart
C. Intensity Chart
D. XY Graph
Data collected at
constant rate
(dt) = Waveform

Dynamic data
Charts and Graphs
You need to add a graphical indicator to the location
shown below. Which of the following is the best
graphical indicator to use in this program?

A. Waveform Graph
B. Waveform Chart
C. Intensity Chart
D. XY Graph

Waveform Graph is the only choice that displays multiple points at once, and
can display waveforms.
Charts and Graphs
Which of the following allows you to plot any set of points,
evenly distributed or not?

a. Waveform Graph
b. Waveform Chart
c. XY Graph
d. Both A. and C.
Charts and Graphs
Which of the following allows you to plot any set of points,
evenly distributed or not?

Waveform Graph plots only single-valued functions with

a. Waveform Graph points evenly distributed along the x-axis

b. Waveform Chart Waveform Chart displays one or more plots of data typically
acquired at a constant rate.
c. XY Graph
d. Both A. and C.
Charts and Graphs
Which of the following allows you to plot any set of points,
evenly distributed or not?

Waveform Graph plots only single-valued functions with

a. Waveform Graph points evenly distributed along the x-axis

b. Waveform Chart Waveform Chart displays one or more plots of data typically
acquired at a constant rate.
c. XY Graph
d. Both A. and C.
The XY graph is a general-purpose, Cartesian graphing object that plots
multivalued functions, such as circular shapes or waveforms with a
varying time base. The XY graph displays any set of points, evenly
sampled or not.
Charts and Graphs
Which of the following will allow you to have multiple plots
on a Waveform Graph?
a. Bundle two 1D arrays of X and Y data together for each
plot. Then build an array of these clusters and wire it to
the Waveform Graph indicator.
b. Build an n-dimensional array of data with each plot in a
separate row (or column) in the array, then wire the
array to the Waveform Graph indicator.
c. Bundle the elements of each waveform into a cluster
and build an array of these clusters, then wire the array
to the Waveform Graph indicator.
d. Both B. and C.
Charts and Graphs
Which of the following will allow you to have multiple plots
on a Waveform Graph?
a. Bundle two 1D arrays of X and Y data together for each
plot. Then build an array of these clusters and wire it to
the Waveform Graph indicator.
b. Build an n-dimensional array of data with each plot in a
separate row (or column) in the array, then wire the
array to the Waveform Graph indicator.
c. Bundle the elements of each waveform into a cluster
and build an array of these clusters, then wire the array
to the Waveform Graph indicator.
d. Both B. and C.
Arrays: the index
The index (zero-based) tells you :
• the dimension of the array (1D, 2D, 3D, etc.)
• the index of the element displayed in the upper left corner
o - the 1D array below is displaying index 1 to contain a value of 3.00; we do
not know the value of index 0 from this image because the value at index 0
is hidden from view

2D Array (uninitialized)
1D Array (initialized)

TIP: drag the edge of the index to add another dimension to an array
Arrays : Auto-indexing
• If you wire an array to or from a For Loop or While Loop, you
can link each iteration of the loop to an element in that array
by enabling auto-indexing on tunnel
• The tunnel changes from a solid square to the image shown
below to indicate auto-indexing
• You can disable auto-indexing by right clicking on the tunnel
and choosing the Disable Indexing option.

Auto-indexing tunnel
Array Functions

•1 type of data per array- cannot

have an array of arrays.
•Up to (2³¹-1) elements per
•Auto-indexing For Loops link each
iteration with an element of the
•For Data Acquisition:
•Rows: Channels
•Columns: Data
Array Functions
Describe the array that results from running this code.

A. A 1D Array with 10 rows

B. A 2D Array with 4 rows and 6
C. A 2D Array with 6 rows and 4
D. A 1D Array with 10 columns
Array Functions
Describe the array that results from running this code.

Scalar 1D 2D

A. A 1D Array with 10 rows Eliminate these choices

B. A 2D Array with 4 rows and 6 because:
C. A 2D Array with 6 rows and 4 Two loops means a 2D
columns array.
D. A 1D Array with 10 columns
Array Functions
Describe the array that results from running this code.

A. A 1D Array with 10 rows

When building arrays in
B. A 2D Array with 4 rows and 6
nested For loops, the
outside loop will always
C. A 2D Array with 6 rows and 4
correspond to the rows of
the array.
D. A 1D Array with 10 columns
Array Functions
What is the result of the following Array addition?

A. A 1- D array of {6, 8, 10}

B. A 1-D array of {6, 8, 10, 4, 5}
C. A 2-D array of {{5, 6, 7}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}
D. A 2-D array of {{6, 8, 10}, {4, 5}}
Array Functions
What is the result of the following Array addition?

A. A 1- D array of {6, 8, 10}

B. A 1-D array of {6, 8, 10, 4, 5}
These are not valid C. A 2-D array of {{5, 6, 7}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}
arrays- the row D. A 2-D array of {{6, 8, 10}, {4, 5}}
sizes are not the
Array Functions
What is the result of the following Array addition?

When performing A. A 1- D array of {6, 8, 10}

array arithmetic, B. A 1-D array of {6, 8, 10, 4, 5}
the output array is C. A 2-D array of {{5, 6, 7}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}
the same size as D. A 2-D array of {{6, 8, 10}, {4, 5}}
the smaller input
Array Functions
What is the output of the Build Array function in the following
block diagram when the Concatenate Inputs is selected?

A. 1- D array of {1, -4, 3, 7, -2, 6}

B. 1-D array of {1, 7, -4, -2, 3, 6}
C. 2-D array of {{1, -4, 3, 0}, {7, -2, 6}}
D. 2-D array of {{1, -4, 3}, {7, -2, 6}}
Array Functions
What is the output of the Build Array function in the following
block diagram when the Concatenate Inputs is selected?

A. 1- D array of {1, -4, 3, 7, -2, 6}

B. 1-D array of {1, 7, -4, -2, 3, 6}
C. 2-D array of {{1, -4, 3, 0}, {7, -2, 6}}
D. 2-D array of {{1, -4, 3}, {7, -2, 6}}

Build Array function concatenates multiple arrays or appends elements to an

n-dimensional array. With Concatenate Inputs selected, it appends all
inputs in order, forming an output array of the same dimensionality as the
highest-dimension array input wired.
Array Functions
What is the output of the Initialize Array function after the
following code has executed?

A. 1- D array of {3, 3, 3, 3}
B. 1-D array of {4, 4, 4}
C. 2-D array of {3, 4}
D. 2-D array of {4, 3}
Array Functions
What is the output of the Initialize Array function after the
following code has executed?

A. 1- D array of {3, 3, 3, 3}
B. 1-D array of {4, 4, 4}
C. 2-D array of {3, 4}
D. 2-D array of {4, 3}

Inivitalze Array function creates an n-dimensional array (4) in which every

element is initialized to the value of element (3).
Mechanical Action of Booleans
• Behavior of Boolean 1 Place Boolean on Front Panel, Open the
controls is specified by Boolean Properties
the mechanical action.
• Use the Properties 2
dialog to investigate
the different
mechanical actions. Explanation and
How to Read the Diagram
•Button Position
Push the button
•“Voltage” at LED to see the
•Circuit Diagram Symbol
Mechanical Actions of Boolean Objects
• Switch when pressed (light switch)

• Switch when released (mouse)

• Switch until released (door buzzer)

• Latch when pressed (circuit breaker)

• Latch when released (dialog box)

• Latch until released
Mechanical Action of Booleans

Open NI Example Finder, select the Mechanical Action of

Browse by Task, Buiding User Interfaces» General» Mechanical Action

Mechanical Action

Which category of mechanical action is guaranteed to be

read at least once by LabVIEW?
A. Switch

B. Latch

C. Boolean

D. All mechanical actions are read at least once
Mechanical Action

Which category of mechanical action is guaranteed to be

read at least once by LabVIEW?
A. Switch
A switch can change value without being read, and
B. Latch “Boolean” is not a mechanical action.

C. Boolean

D. All mechanical actions are read at least once
Mechanical Action

A button is pressed once and immediately turns on the

light of a dark room. The light stays on after the button is
released. What is the mechanical action of the button?
A. Switch when pressed

B. Switch when released

C. Switched until released

D. Latch when pressed

E. Latch when released

F. Latch until released
Mechanical Action

A button is pressed once and immediately turns on the

light of a dark room. The light stays on after the button is
released. What is the mechanical action of the button?
A. Switch when pressed

B. Switch when released

C. Switched until released

The light stays on after the button is
D. Latch when pressed released, so this is not a latching action, or
switched until released, which would only
E. Latch when released turn the light on while the button is being
F. Latch until released
Mechanical Action

A button is pressed once and immediately turns on the

light of a dark room. The light stays on after the button is
released. What is the mechanical action of the button?
A. Switch when pressed
The key word is “immediately.” The light
comes on before the button is released.
B. Switch when released

C. Switched until released

D. Latch when pressed

E. Latch when released

F. Latch until released
Data Representation: Numeric Range
• Data representation affects how large or small of a number can be
• A few common data types are listed here—for more types, see the LabVIEW
Terminal Type Disk Number of Approximate Range
Storage Decimal Digits

Double 64 bits 15 -1.8 x 10308 to 1.8 x 10308

Signed 8-bit 8 bits 2 -128 to 127
Unsigned 8- 8 bits 2 0 to 255
bit Integer
Unsigned 32- 32 bits 9 0 to 4,294,967,295
bit Integer
Data Representation: Storage Space
• Data representation is important when disk space or
memory usage is a concern:
• Larger types require more space (U32 requires 4x the
memory of U8)
• Signed types require more space than unsigned (I32
uses more space than U32)
• Boolean types require one U8 of space each. Consider
using a single U8 to represent eight Boolean values if
several Booleans must be stored.
Data Representation: Storage Space
You need to store an integer which will only ever be
between 1 and 10. Which of these would be the best
A. U32
B. I8
D. U8
Data Representation: Storage Space
You need to store an integer which will only ever be
between 1 and 10. Which of these would be the best
A. U32
B. I8
The U8 representation can store numbers
D. U8
ranging from 0 to 2^8 -1, or 0-255
Data Representation: Storage Space
Which of these allows storing decimal numbers such as
1.3 or 2.55?
A. U32
B. I8
D. U8
Data Representation: Storage Space
Which of these allows storing decimal numbers such as
1.3 or 2.55?
A. U32
B. I8
DBL is the only data type listed that can
C. DBL store non-integer numbers.
D. U8
Waveform Data Type

• The Waveform data type is a cluster.

• Carries the data, start time, and dt of a waveform.
• Get Waveform Components function is very similar to Unbundle
By Name
Waveform Data Type

• Build Waveform function creates a waveform from its

• Similar to Bundle By Name
Waveform Data Type

• Some indicators can display waveform data directly.

• Waveform Graph
Waveform Data Type

1. Which of these is the Waveform data type most similar

A. String
B. Numeric Array
C. Cluster
D. Timestamp
Waveform Data Type

1. Which of these is the Waveform data type most similar

A. String
B. Numeric Array
C. Cluster
D. Timestamp

Although a waveform contains some of these other types, the

Waveform type as a whole is very similar to a cluster.
Flat Sequence Structure

 Executes each frame beginning with the left-most frame

and ending with the right-most frame
 The previous frame must complete before the next frame
 Data can be passed out of or between frames using
 Once the sequence begins, it cannot be stopped

1st 2nd 3rd
Stacked Sequence Structure

• Executes frame 0, then

frame 1, etc. until the last
frame executes
• Returns data only after the
last frame executes
• To transfer data from frame
to frame, a Sequence Local
must be created (right-click
» Add Sequence Local)
• Once the sequence
begins, it cannot be
Stacked Sequence Structure

What purpose do sequence locals have in a stacked sequence


A. Provide reentrancy for the sequence structure

B. Transfer data between frames
C. Set values of local variables in the calling VI
D. Transfer data out of the sequence between frames
Stacked Sequence Structure

What purpose do sequence locals have in a stacked sequence


A. Provide reentrancy for the sequence structure

B. Transfer data between frames
C. Set values of local variables in the calling VI
D. Transfer data out of the sequence between frames

Stacked sequence structures do not return their outputs until the final
frame has executed. Use sequence locals to transfer data between
subsequent frames.
Case Structures

Identify the components of a case structure

A. Case Selector Terminal

B. Case Selector Label

C. Subdiagram (Case)
Case Structures

Identify the components of a case structure

• Case Selector Label (1)

• Subdiagram (Case) (2)

• Case Selector Terminal (3)
Case Structures
Assuming the pictured Case Structure, which of the
following could result in a broken run arrow?
A. Numeric input has a value of 6 and there is no case for 6.

B. The empty string inside the case is deleted and the resulting broken wire
inside the case is removed.

C. The wire between numeric input and the case selector is removed

D. A new input is wired into the case selector, but is left unused in one of the
Case Structures
Assuming the pictured Case Structure, which of the
following could result in a broken run arrow?
A. Numeric input has a value of 6 and there is no case for 6.

B. The empty string inside the case is deleted and the resulting broken wire
inside the case is removed.

C. The wire between numeric input and the case selector is removed

D. A new input is wired into the case selector, but is left unused in one of the
Event Structures
An Event structure works like a Case structure with a built-in Wait on
Notification function.

Event Source Event

A case executes Code executes

every time the loop only when event
iterates. occurs.
Event Structure
• Event Structure — LabVIEW’s programmatic tool for
handling events.
• Specialized type of Case Structure
• Execution of code can be dependent on whether or not
an event has occurred
• Waits for an event to
occur indefinitely, unless
configured to timeout.
Event Structures
When the user clicks the Button control, how many times
is the Increment function called?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
Event Structures
When the user clicks the Button control, how many times
is the Increment function called?
Because a Mouse Down event
occurs on both the Button and
the Pane, 2 events are
a. 0 registered. The code executes
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
Data Flow

 Block diagram execution is

dependent on the flow of data
 Block diagram does NOT
execute left to right
 Node executes when data is
available to ALL input
 Nodes supply data to all
output terminals when done
 If the computer running this
code had multiple processors,
these two pieces of code
could run independently
without additional coding
Race Conditions: Sequencing
• What is the final value? Four possible outcomes:

• Value = (Value * 5) +2
• Value = (Value + 2) * 5
• Value = Value * 5
• Value = Value +2
Breaking Data Flow
Situation: Run 2 Loops simultaneously with 1 Stop Button

Wiring the Stop Button from one

Loop to the other will NOT work.

Solution: Use a Local Variable

Drawbacks: Introduces a Possible

Race Condition

Local Variable referencing the Stop Button
Breaking Data Flow
Name Appearance Function Drawbacks
Wire Connects data at Must follow Data
different terminals Flow
Local Variable Allows a value to be Introduces the
accessed anywhere possibility of a race
in a single VI condition

Global Variable Allows a value to be Introduces the

accessed in any VI possibility of a race
Functional Global •Non-reentrant VI
Variable •Allows a value to
be accessed in any
•Removes possibility
of a race condition
•Allows actions to
be performed on
Breaking Data Flow – Functional Global Variable

This Functional Global

Variable allows you to
get the elapsed time
since the last time you
called the subVI.
Breaking Data Flow - Queues

Queues ensure no
data is lost when it is
transferred between
loops running at
different rates.
Data Flow

Which of the following does not conform to the Dataflow

programming paradigm?

a. Shift Registers

b. Tunnels

c. SubVIs

d. Local variables
Data Flow

Which of the following does not conform to the Dataflow

programming paradigm?

a. Shift Registers Local variables do not conform to

the Dataflow paradigm because they
b. Tunnels communicate by reference, not by
value. The basic premise of local
c. SubVIs variables is to allow transfer of data
where it is impossible to use wires.
d. Local variables This circumvents the Dataflow
Data Flow
Which variable is commonly used to eliminate race
conditions by preventing simultaneous access to code or

a. Functional global variable

b. Local variable

c. Global variable

d. Shared variable
Data Flow
Which variable is commonly used to eliminate race
conditions by preventing simultaneous access to code or

a. Functional global variable You can place critical data or

sections of code in
functional global variables.
b. Local variable Since functional global
variables are non-reentrant
c. Global variable VIs, the possibility of race
conditions is eliminated.
d. Shared variable
Data Flow
Which data synchronization mechanism ensures that no
data is lost when an application temporarily provides data
faster than it is able to process it?

a. Notifier

b. Queue

c. Semaphore

d. Local Variable
Data Flow
Which data synchronization mechanism ensures that no
data is lost when an application temporarily provides data
faster than it is able to process it?
Notifiers pass data, but they can only pass one element
at a time. Data is overwritten and lost if the program
a. Notifier writes to the notifier twice before data is read.

b. Queue

c. Semaphore Semaphores cannot pass data.

Local variables have no mechanism for determining

d. Local Variable when data is updated, so there is no way to tell if
data is newly-acquired or not.
Data Flow
Which data synchronization mechanism ensures that no
data is lost when an application temporarily provides data
faster than it is able to process it?
Notifiers pass data, but they can only pass one element
at a time. Data is overwritten and lost if the program
a. Notifier writes to the notifier twice before data is read.

Queues support multiple elements and operate

b. Queue using a FIFO principle, guaranteeing that no data is
lost or overwritten.

c. Semaphore Semaphores cannot pass data.

Local variables have no mechanism for determining

d. Local Variable when data is updated, so there is no way to tell if
data is newly-acquired or not.
String Functions
String Controls and Format Into String
Constants • Formats an input into a string
• Uses generic format string to
• When possible, use the
specify output
constants included in the string
palette instead of typing in a • See detailed help for tips on the
string constant. Format String syntax.

Concatenate Strings
• Combines two or more strings
Format Date/Time String

• Formats a time stamp or numeric value into a string

• Uses the time format string to specify the date/time
string output
• Example:
For a January 15, 2020 time stamp input and %m-%d-
%Y time format string input, the function returns a
date/time string: 01-15-2020
Flatten To / Unflatten From String
These functions flatten or unflatten LabVIEW data to or from
binary strings which contain the flattened data.

Flatten to string: Unflatten from string:

• Takes any input data and • Interprets a binary string as
flattens it to a single string. the specified data type
• Useful for transferring data to • Requires a data type
external programs template such as a numeric
String Functions
What is displayed in “String Indicator” after running this code?

A. Loop0 Loop1 Loop2

B. Loop 1
Loop 2
Loop 3
C. Loop 0 Loop 1 Loop 2
D. Loop 0
Loop 1
Loop 2
String Functions
What is displayed in “String Indicator” after running this code?

A. Loop0 Loop1 Loop2

B. Loop 1
Loop 2
Loop 3
C. Loop 0 Loop 1 Loop 2
D. Loop 0
The iteration terminal is zero-indexed, and
Loop 1
each iteration generates a string with an EOL
Loop 2
constant, so the correct answer must have
three lines.
String Functions
You want to export data from LabVIEW into another environment, but
the other environment does not recognize LabVIEW data types.
You should:

A. Export the data using a property node.

B. Unflatten the data from a binary string and send it to the other
C. Create a LabVIEW user event to transport the data.
D. Flatten the data to a binary string and send it to the other
String Functions
You want to export data from LabVIEW into another environment, but
the other environment does not recognize LabVIEW data types.
You should:

A. Export the data using a property node.

B. Unflatten the data from a binary string and send it to the other
C. Create a LabVIEW user event to transport the data.
D. Flatten the data to a binary string and send it to the other

Strings are widely usable. Oftentimes you will be able to bring your data into
another programming environment as a string, parse the string, and
consume the data.

• Clusters group data elements of mixed types.

• Clusters are similar to a record or a struct in text-based
programming languages.
Why Use Clusters?
• Keep data organized.
o Logically group related data values together.
o Improve diagram readability by eliminating wire clutter.

• Reduce the number of connector pane terminals.
Clusters provide a user with which of the following

a. Clusters allow a logical grouping of related data elements.

b. Clusters increase the number of Connector Pane terminals of
c. Clusters help to reduce wire clutter on the Block Diagram.
d. Both A. and C.
Clusters provide a user with which of the following

a. Clusters allow a logical grouping of related data elements.

b. Clusters increase the number of Connector Pane terminals of
c. Clusters help to reduce wire clutter on the Block Diagram.
d. Both A. and C.
Clusters vs. Arrays
• Clusters are a fixed • Arrays vary in size.
size. • Arrays contain only
• Clusters can contain one data type.
mixed data types. • Arrays can be a
• Clusters can be a control, an indicator,
control, an indicator, or or a constant.
a constant.
o All
elements have to
be controls,
indicators, or
Custom Controls & Type Definitions
• Control • Type Def Strict Type Def
• No connection • Connection between •Connection between
between the one you the saved file and all saved file and all
saved and the instances instances
instance in the VI • Forces the data type of
• Update the file, but each instance to be •Forces everything about
the instances are not identical (clusters, an instance to be identical
updated enum) to the strict type
• Changes made to file definition, except:
will populate •label
throughout each •description
instance •default value

*.ctl *.ctl *.ctl
Controls and Type Definitions
You customize a control, select Control from theType Def.
Status pull-down menu, and save the control as a .ctl file.
You then use an instance of the custom control on your
front panel window. If you open the.ctl file and modify
the control, does the control on the front panel window

a. Yes
b. No
Controls and Type Definitions
You customize a control, select Control from theType Def.
Status pull-down menu, and save the control as a .ctl file.
You then use an instance of the custom control on your
front panel window. If you open the.ctl file and modify
the control, does the control on the front panel window
A custom control is used to create controls that behave
a. Yes like existing controls but look different. Instances are
not linked to a.ctl file.
b. No
A type definition control (type def) is used for changing all
instances of a linked control in a single edit.
Control References

• A control reference is
a reference to a front
panel object.
• Wire control
references to
generic Property
• Pass control
to subVIs.
Control References
Control references allow you to manipulate controls
located on the front panel of VIs loaded in memory.
• Strictly typed control refnums – accept only control
refnums of exactly the same data type
• Weakly typed control refnums - accept references to
any DigNum control
Control References

Control Reference

SubVI Front Panel SubVI Block Diagram

Ctl Refnum
Control References

Why would you want to use a weakly typed control refnum as a subVI
input when wiring your connector pane?

A. To ensure only controls of one data type can be used as the input.
B. You want to make your subVI capable of manipulating controls
with varying data types.
C. You want to be able to manipulate many controls at once.
D. It is best practice to avoid strictly typed control refnums in subVIs.
Control References

Why would you want to use a weakly typed control refnum as a subVI
input when wiring your connector pane?

A. To ensure only controls of one data type can be used as the input.
B. You want to make your subVI capable of manipulating controls
with varying data types.
C. You want to be able to manipulate many controls at once.
D. It is best practice to avoid strictly typed control refnums in subVIs.

Weakly typed refnums do not retain information about the data type
of the control they reference. This allows you to specify a particular
class of control as an input while allowing that control to have
multiple representations. Data values will become variant in weakly
typed refnums to account for this flexibility.
Supplemental Concepts
• An enum represents a pair of values, a string and a
numeric, where the enum’s value is one of a defined list
of value pairs

• Appears as a string to you, and a number to computer
Conditional Disable Structure
• Use to define conditions that indicate which code on the
block diagram executes
• Examples:
• If running as an executable, then programmatically close
LabVIEW when VI finishes
• If running on Windows, look for file here; if running on Mac OSX
then look here.
Notify and Filter Events in Config. Window

Notify Events (green arrow)

User action has already occurred

Filter Events (red arrow)

User performed action but event is not
processed. Allows you to customize event
Notify and Filter Events in Config. Window

Notify Events (green arrow)

User action has already occurred

Filter Events (red arrow)

User performed action but event is not
processed. Allows you to customize event
Multiple Loop Design Pattern
• Producer/Consumer
Multiple Loop Design Pattern
• Master/Slave: a type of Producer/Consumer

• uses notifiers
to allow loops
to run at
different rates
Producer/Consumer with Queues

Data type here

the data type
that can be
placed in the
Notifier vs. Queue

Tool Function When to use

Notifier - sends alert to helps control - have a parallel loops that are
timing of parallel loops running at different rates and 1+ loop
- can transfer data between is dependent on another
loops - want to transfer data from one loop
- data NOT buffered (lossy) to another

Queue - helps control timing of parallel - have a parallel loops that are
loops running at different rates and 1+ loop
- transfers data between loops is dependent on another
- buffers data to be transferred - want to transfer ALL data from one
(FIFO) loop to another

Run the top VI first

Run the bottom VI second
File Formats
ASCII TDMS Direct Binary
Numeric Good Best Best

Share data Best (Any program Better (NI Good (only with
easily) Programs easily) detailed metadata)

Efficiency Good Best Best

Ideal Use Share data with Share data with Store numeric
other programs programs when data compactly
when file space and storing simple with ability to
numeric precision array data and random access
are not important metadata
Modularity and SubVIs
Modularity and SubVIs
Icon and Connector Pane: Setting up the Connector
• Right-click the icon in the
upper right corner of the
front panel and select
Show Connector (before
LV 2011)
• Each rectangle on the
connector pane represents
a terminal
• Select a different pattern
by right-clicking the
connector pane and
selecting Patterns from
the shortcut menu
Errors vs. Warnings

• Error • Warning
• Status = TRUE • Status = FALSE
• Code is non-zero
Debugging Tools
• use highlight execution

• use probes to see the current value in the wire

• set breakpoints to pause execution at a specific point

in the code

• single-step through the code
Variables: Recap
Variable Type Scope Notes
Local variable A single VI • Tied to a front panel control/indicator
Global variable Multiple VIs on • Tied to a special global VI that has a front
same panel but no block diagram
Functional global Multiple VIs on • Implemented using a While Loop with an
same uninitialized shift register to store global
computer data
Single-process Multiple VIs on • Implemented using a project library in a
shared variable same project
computer • Can easily convert into a network-
published shared variable
Network- Across an • Implemented using a project library in a
published shared Ethernet project
variable network • Often used to communicate with Real-
Time targets
Race Conditions: Shared Resources
VI Server: Organization

Pets Control

Dogs Cats Boolean Array

Labrador Poodle Stop LED

Control References – Create SubVI
To create explicitly-linked Property Nodes in a subVI:
1. Create your VI
2. Select the portion of the block
diagram that will be in the subVI
3. Select Edit»Create SubVI;
LabVIEW automatically creates
the control references needed
for the subVI
4. Customize and save the subVI
Control References – Create SubVI

SubVI Front Panel SubVI Block Diagram

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