M&E Unit 2018 Annual Performance Report
M&E Unit 2018 Annual Performance Report
M&E Unit 2018 Annual Performance Report
3. Program outputs for which the department is responsible and its related
Intermediate Results:
a. Project Intermediate Results: % of grievances received which are resolved
The Unit is responsible to design and implement the Grievance Handling Mechanism
at community level and ensure that the grievance is registered and resolved according
to the set mechanism.
4. Program outputs for which the department is contributing and its related
Intermediate Results:
a. Project Development Objective: Urban communities meeting all minimum service
The Unit is responsible to implement the Minimum Service Standards Scorecard at
facility level and identify those communities which are meeting MSS through the
b. Project Intermediate Results: Number of rural and urban CDCs reporting semi-
annually on service standard targets
The Unit is responsible to implement the Minimum Service Standards Scorecard at
facility level in CCNPP urban area, identify the urban communities which do meet or
do not meet MSS and report relevant line ministries on both scenarios.
5. Department’s core managerial function and core technical functions and major
activities supporting the achievement of the department IRS:
Supporting the management in review and feedback of any revisions in the Results
Framework during the CCAP life time due to program expansions, the program new
adhered sub-programs, additional financing etc.
Ensuring that each indicator in the Results Framework has a corresponding tool for
data collection internally or is included as part of one of the planned external studies
and evaluations.
Ensuring that the monitoring tools are prepared to adequately capture all requirements
of the Results Framework for internal data, and also reviews policy adherence,
program implementation quality, etc on a regular basis.
Ensuring that the monitoring tools are finalized and approved and implemented in a
timely manner.
Ensuring that all monitoring data is systematically captured and recorded in a
database module that links to the main database module by community and/or
subproject as required.
Compiling, reviewing data and preparing all regular qualitative reports of the IDLG
Compiling, reviewing data and preparing all monitoring (regular, CPM, IMI, score
cards etc) related reports of the IDLG CC.
Supporting management in preparing annual reports, CC Conference reports, and any
special reports on the urban CC for the President, CEO, Cabinet, Parliament, special
donor missions, embassies etc as requested.
Ensuring liaison with the ARTF TPM and the various units within the PIU to respond
to observations and reports in a timely manner.
Supporting preparation of training materials and trainings of all field level monitoring
Supporting PMUs in performance evaluations of the field monitors based on their
reporting inputs to the Unit.
Supporting the PIU HQ Units on selection of samples and sample direct monitoring of
their own technical areas.
Working with the MRRD GH team in designing a functional grievance handling
mechanism, forms and tools and MIS database unit for the CCAP.
Ensuring that there are sufficient numbers and functional update mechanisms for
grievances at all levels of the urban CC
Supporting the M/D/PCCMCs in grievance handling at their respective levels.
Investigating and responding to all grievances raised to the HQ level. Reviewing
grievances addressed at lower levels on a small sample basis.
Reporting on all IDLG CC grievance related issues to the management and donors as
Close cooperation and coordination with the PIU HQ units while they are performing
field level monitoring activities and sharing experiences, findings, recommendations
and reports.
Collecting achievement reports of all CCAP HQ units and PMUs and circulating
among the donors, relevant governmental institutions and stakeholders while required.
Department’s set annual performance targets and activity plan for past year:
Monitoring and Evaluation
Develop and revise 17 CCAP data collections forms based on urban requirements
Develop two monitoring tools for monitoring of community mobilization and
subproject implementation called Monitoring Form I and II.
Monitor 20% of the CDC according developed forms
Field monitoring visits by Kabul M&E team
Revise and finalize Score Card for minimum service standards
Regularly prepare and update the monitoring plan, sub-committees’ establishment
plan and CDCs’ Social Audit, CPM, Scorecard and Linkages plan.
Follow-up with the related units regarding deviations found by TPM
Grievance Handling
Revise the Grievance Handling Mechanism
Develop and revise the grievance handling mechanism and grievance registration
form based on feedbacks and comments received from the fields.
Design complaint boxes and install in the CDCs for collecting the complaints
(grievances) from CDCs.
Establish Central Grievance Handling Committee comprised of eight members
including the DLG Director General, DLG Grievance Unit Head, Minister of MRRD,
MRRD Grievance Unit Head, Minister of MoE, Minister of MAIL, Minister of
MoPH, and FP Program Manager.
Receive grievances and resolve the grievances through an assigned committee
Draft mechanism for a helpline center to receive the citizens’ complaints through
telephone, and activate the helpline center with a telephone code (3330)
Analysis and Reporting
Revise PIU Internal Monthly Progress Report
Prepare four times the program quarterly report in World Bank format
Prepare four times the program quarterly report in MoEC format.
Prepare four times the program quarterly report in IDLG/M&E Department format.
Prepare 12 times the PIU internal monthly progress report
Develop a software using ODK for data collection and processing of monitoring form
1, form 2 and scorecards
Close work with the CCAP HQ units for updating of ISM action points on regular
Close work with MIS units for updating of RF.
Prepare presentation regarding grievance handling activities for the Implementation
Support Mission (ISM) of World Bank and circulated among the PMUs, FPs and
CDCs for using along with grievance handling mechanism.
Prepare two analysis analytical reports of Monitoring Visits findings
Prepare an analytical report on scorecard result
Other Activities
Recruit 12 M&E staff for PMUs
Training of PIU and PMUs M&E staff on the subject of M&E, Reporting and
Train the provincial and PIU colleagues regarding grievance handling mechanism.
7. Deviation between planned and achieved performance targets and the reasons why
department could not achieve its planned targets:
Recruitment of Staff: during the year we were supposed to recruit 12 M&E field staff, we
succeeded to recruit 10 staff and the reason for not recruiting two staff (Nangarhar and
Kandahar Sr. M&E Officers) are due busy schedule of HR and M&E Units, the second
reason not finding a qualified staff for Nangarhar provinces and Sr. M&E Officer for
Kandahar is schedule to be recruited in December-2018.
Capacity Building: The Unit had plan to deliver M&E training at Kabul level and PMUs
level. At Kabul we couldn’t deliver the training because all the M&E staff were not
onboard, but the Unit could deliver training to PMUs for two times. In addition, the Unit
had delivered on-the-job training to all staff through different ways (in person, phone,
email, skype and field visits)
Developing/Revision of M&E Tools: Some of the M&E Tools such as Monitoring Forms
and Reporting forms have been developed, but yet analytical forms and feedback
mechanisms should be developed, for establishing a complete M&E system there is a
need from M&E Framework, so far, the program does not have M&E Framework yet; this
document is one of the crucial documents for the CCNPP which will fully equip the
program with M&E functions. For year 2019, the Unit has plan to develop this document
for a clear M&E System in CCNPP. This document should have been developed prior
program rollout but due to late recruitment of M&E staff, this document is missing.
Data Collection: The M&E Unit has to do a lot of analysis of the data which are collected
in the program but the MIS does not give all the information to M&E to do the analysis,
for example the MIS does not have monitoring forms, scorecard, IMI, CPM, Grievance,
training and some other information that the M&E do the analysis. Lack of information in
MIS was due to three major issues such as the MIS were not under control of IDLG, the
CCAP forms revised several times which affected the MIS and there was not enough staff
within the MIS to carry their full responsibilities.
Reporting and Analysis: The Unit had collected number of reports from the units and
produced number of reports for PIU, MoF, World Bank and other counterparts. But due to
lack of skilled staff in reporting section the Unit were not able to do enough analysis, the
unit had only one reporting specialist the two M&E staff who was recruited were not
experienced staff so we could take advantage of them in analysis.
9. Specify the causes of not achieving the planned target, and recommendations for
their improvements using the PARC model and impacting element of staff and
organizational productivity and stakeholder satisfactions.
There were several major challenges which slow down the achievements and progress:
The CC does not have Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (a narrative document)
which is a key document describing different units’ responsibilities for a smooth
implementation of M&E functions and the way results of M&E is distributed. The Unit
has plan to develop this document by recruitment of new M&E staff in Kabul.
All the M&E staff has newly recruited, they had come from different backgrounds so it
was time taking aligning them toward CC M&E objectives. The CCAP management has
to consider this issue as serious mater and arrange several monitoring, reporting, data
analysis and grievance handling capacity building workshops inside and outside the
Lack of M&E experts who independently could to do the M&E functions caused delay in
M&E activities. Recruitment of one M&E specialist to assist and support the M&E Head
for reviewing critically the units plan, reports and do critical data analysis.
Scattered unit staff in different places, small and uncomfortable workspace compared
with density of staff in the office, noisy environment, lack of official privacy due to no
private meeting rooms has caused the small meetings to be unprofessional and with no
privacy of staff. The unit recommends an arrangement of a new office building with
enough office facilities to accommodate all staff and provide friendly working
environment with a privacy environment for unit heads.
Lack of regular electricity in the office was a major issue which affected the smooth work
progress. Arrangement of a high-quality generator with enough voltage capacity is a
solution during no city-electricity time.
Lack of transportation facilities at field level have caused delay in conducting monitoring
visits in the field. The Unit recommends that dedicated cars to be contracted to provide
transport facility for field staff for a proper and on-time monitoring. Renting a taxi will be
another disaster for the program in the future.
Lack of internal communication means (telephone system within the units) was another
time-consuming factor which causes waste of time due unnecessary walk between floors.
The Unit recommends installment of InterCom between units.
Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG)
#b Activities ment or
nt outputs
Number of of 10% of
PDO Level CDCs in urban CDC that
Results areas able to the
Indicators plan and communitie
M&E Unit 10% the Elected CDCs
1 1- Project manage their s are able in
beneficiaries own planning
2- Female development and
beneficiaries projects managing
their own
t projects
Number of GAs Verify M&E Unit 20% the Elected GAs
of 20% of
in urban areas GA that the
able to plan Gozars are
and manage able in
their own planning
development and
projects managing
their own
t projects
Number of
rural and
and identify M&E Unit 700 CDCs 850 CDCs
meeting all
s meeting
Intermediate Level Results Indicators
Component Urban areas -
1: Service Number/type
Standards of urban
Grants subprojects
of 10% of M&E Unit 10% the CDCs completed subprojects
streets, street
lighting, parks)
Urban areas - Verify M&E Unit 10% the CDCs' residents benefiting from subprojects
Number of through
urban monitoring
residents of 10% of
(male/female) CDCs that
from each type residents
of subproject benefiting
(drainage, from
streets, street subprojects
lighting, parks)
% of CDCs
activities to
and vulnerable
monitoring M&E Unit 10% the CDCs
groups such as
of 10% of
(in addition to
% of CDC
Component members in
2: Institution rural and
monitoring M&E Unit 10% the CDCs
Building urban areas
of 10% of
who are
% of sampled
CDCs/commun Verify
ities whose through
CDPs include monitoring M&E Unit 10% the CDCs
at least one of 10% of
women’s CDCs
priority activity
# of Verify
districts/cities through
M&E Unit 10% the CDCs
where monitoring
Citizens’ of 10% of
meetings are
held between
government CDCs
authorities and
Number of
provincial and
whose abilities Reflect the
are figures in Q Q Q
M&E Unit Q3
strengthened Result 1 2 4
in engineering, Framework
FM and
Number of with MRRD
evaluations on
M&E Unit
Component and studies evaluations
3: completed and studies
Monitoring conducted
and % of rural and
2 Follow-up
Knowledge urban CDC
with PMU
Learning cross-visits Q Q Q
and FPs on M&E Unit Q3
that include 1 2 4
CDCs cross
women CDC
Component % of Register
M&E Unit
4: Project grievances grievances
and address
received which through
are resolved proper
Two times
Implementat Number of with PMU
ion and rural and and FPs on
Managemen urban CDCs CDCs
t reporting Scorecard second
M&E Unit first round
semi-annually implementat round
on service ion and
standard analyze the
targets data
from MIS
3 ToRs related Revise Monitoring Forms (1 and 2) M&E Unit
core Training of M&E Staff (Kabul and
functions PMU) on M&E tools and Grievance M&E Unit
(M&E Unit) Handling
Develop M&E Plan (Framework) M&E Unit
Prepare four times Quarterly
M&E Unit
Report for World Bank
Prepare 12-time Internal Monthly 1 1
M&E Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12
Report 0 1
Follow-up of IMI with FPs and PMUs
and analyze the data extracted
from MIS
Follow-up of CPM with FPs and first round second round
PMUs and analyze the data
extracted from MIS
Follow-up of Social Audit with FPs
and PMUs and analyze the data first round second round
extracted from MIS
At least 12 field mission to four
citizens by Kabul M&E Team 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12
(monitoring and grievance 0 1
Two times analyze Monitoring second
first round
Form 1 and Form 1 data collected round