W&P Manual 2016 PDF
W&P Manual 2016 PDF
W&P Manual 2016 PDF
JULY - 2016
(This document is meant for the exclusive tendering purpose and shall not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for
purposes other than that for which it is specifically issued)
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2) To keep pace with the changed scenario under the dynamic market conditions, liberalized
economy, new technology/process/product for procurement.
4) To bring out economy and efficiency in implementation of the purchase/ project/works contract
within given time schedule.
6) To prepare vendors/agency profile as well as updating of vendor/agency list depending upon the
performance of the vendor and explore new entries in the requisite field.
9) All contracts for purchase of goods, execution of works and services entered into by DVC are
governed by the Sale of Goods Act, Indian Contract Act, Negotiable Instrument Act,
Information Technology Act, Common Goods Carrier Act, Excise Tax Act, Sales Tax Act,
Service Tax stipulations, Income Tax Act, Insurance Act etc.
10) The Purchase Order/Contract shall in all respect be deemed to be and shall be constructed
and shall operate as an Indian Contract as defined in the Indian Contract Act 1872 and all
payments there under shall be made in Rupees, unless otherwise specified.
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1) The procedures laid down in this manual are required to be followed. In case of additional need
for modification/ addition/ deletion of any of the clauses mentioned in this manual, matter
should be referred to Standing Committee on W&P manual. C&M Department (HQ) will
obtain approval of Chairman with regard to minor modification/minor addition/ minor deletion
as recommended by standing committee after vetting of Finance. However approval of Board
will be obtained before any major changes in W&P manual. The standing committee will meet
every three months to review the clauses of W& P manual to update it and a report is to be
submitted by C&M Department (HQ) to Board once in a year.
3) Further in case there is a deviation to CVC guidelines, the same is required to be approved by
the Chairman under intimation to Board in due course and information to CVC & MOP.
Any executive seeking clarification/interpretation of the Works and Procurement Manual will
send mail furnishing, clause ref, page ref and the point on which clarification is sought to Chief
Materials Manager (CMM), DVC Head Quarters. CMM should reply within 15 days of the
receipt of the mail after obtaining approval from Member (Technical) with vetting of
Member (Finance) wherever required.
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1) The last purchase price (LPP) / last work order value will be the price paid in the latest
contract of a similar work/magnitude, which is not more than three years old from the date of
tender estimate. When said similar item /work is not available, alternative methodologies may be
resorted to.
2) Where the firm holding the LPP / last work order value contract has defaulted, the fact should be
highlighted in the contract proposal/indent and the price paid against the latest contract placed
prior to the defaulting LPP / last work order value, where supplies / works have been completed,
should be indicated but not more than 03 (three) years old from the date of estimate.
3) Where the price indicated in the LPP / last work order value is subject to variation, besides
indicating the original price of the LPP / last work order value, the updated price as computed in
terms of the price variation clause, should also be indicated.
4) Where the supply/work order against the LPP / last work order value is yet to commence, i.e.,
delivery / completion schedule is not yet due, it should be indicated in the contract proposal,
whether the contract holder is a past supplier/registered vendor/new vendor.
In case of a new vendor, the price paid against the previous contract as in the case of (2)
above should be indicated.
5) In the case of wholly imported stores, the comparison of the LPP should be made with the net
C.I.F. value in foreign currency only.
6) Indication of the percentage of increase over LPP/ last work order value should invariably be
given in the contract proposals/indents. For this purpose, a LPP / last work order value register will
be maintained by all contract handling departments as well as share information among all the
plants and HQ by sending copies of PO/WO for items/ works common to them.
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2) For civil works, latest published schedule rate of CPWD, DSR along with cost index (published by
CPWD) thereon will be automatically adopted. Cut-off Date for latest DSR will be the date as
adopted by CPWD. Items related to civil works of power plant/system reference of similar items of
other organization like NTPC, PGCIL, BHEL & Govt. PSU may be referred if such items are not
available in DSR. However, Technical Sanction accorded/ Estimated Cost Approved based on
previous DSR prior to cut-off date will remain unchanged for further course of tendering.
3) Budgetary offers (when other above said option such as LPP/Schedule rate is not available) from
the reputed manufacturers/agency for procurement/work/services may also be considered as a
basis of estimate. Multiple budgetary quotations is preferable to be obtained (except
PAC/OEM/OES/Single Source Items) and 90% of lowest budgetary offer should be considered.
4 Civil Works:
5 Detailed BOQ with rate for the entire scope under the Package.
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I For the purpose of indenting materials planning is to be done on the basis of following group:-
The indent as per prescribed format should be completed in all respect with the following information.
1) Description of item should contain the detailed specifications which should include the relevant
IS/BS standard or any other acceptable standard drawing details etc. so that calling of sample may
be avoided as far as possible.
2) Quantities to be indented item wise shall depend on past consumption, anticipated consumption in
future, nature of the item including shelf life & classification of items as above. Moreover the lead
time is a major factor for deciding the quantity. Indent should be raised at least one lead time in
advance of the expected date of use and depending on the market condition. In case of set, the
definition of set to be furnished.
Further, the requirements should be clubbed as far as possible by Maintenance Planning Cell (MPC)
and in no case indent for the same item can be raised more than thrice in a year.
3) Estimated value of the indent should be as far as practicable. Basis of estimates should be in line
with Section II.
4) In case of works / service, proposal with scope of work/services to be placed to respective C &
M backed by estimated cost along with basis as well as all information wherever available like
last work order issued and its mode of tender, no. of techno-commercial acceptable offers,
accepted rate etc.
5) Indents for spares, consumables, capital plant & machinery and other assets should be placed
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7) Indent should be forwarded through system (EBA)//Format by the Plant Chief/Chief Engineers to
the Chief Materials Manager, C&M Deptt. Kolkata, where it is required to be processed by the
C&M Department (HQ).
10) Indent should be placed well in advance considering the average lead-time for finalization of
contract so that material/ works/ service is available when it is required.
11) Justification of procurement along with the quantity to be procured should be given based on back
up sheet for last 3 years. If it is more than the moving average, the reason for the same should be
recorded along with utilization programme and to be approved by one step superior of Tender
accepting authority (TAA) before floating of enquiry. If TAA is CE and above, no such approval of
superior is required.
12) In case of item to be procured as new or for new project, Utilization programme should be clearly
13) Back-up sheet furnished by store officers should be enclosed with the indent. The back-up
sheet should contain the details of consumption during the last three financial years, consumption
during the current financial year, moving average & present stock, pending indent, pending
ordered quantity, quantity to be ordered, rate as per last Purchase/Work Order, Reference No. and
the name of the last supplier. If the last P.O/WO had been issued from Indenters end, copy of the
same to be enclosed with the indent while forwarding the same to HQ for initiating purchase
14) Wherever applicable, PAC/OEM or source standardization certificate for procurement issued by the
competent authority (CE/Sr. CE/HOD) in the prescribed format as given in this manual (Annexure-
G) should be enclosed with the indent in original.
For works and services, approval of not below the rank of CE/Project Head shall be obtained with
proper justification duly recorded.
15) First time procurement for replacement of any item, already in use should not be termed as “New
Item”. It should only be stated as “First Time Procurement” and justification for the same
should be recorded.
16) Those items, which have never been used, will be termed as “New Items”. Justification for such
procurement should be elaborately recorded. The same is also to be approved by one step
superior of Tender accepting authority (TAA) before floating of enquiry. If TAA is CE and
above, no approval of superior is required.
W&P Manual – 2016
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17) Indent for items requiring import should be raised separately. (ii) Importation will only be resorted
to when there is no effective Indigenous substitute. However, this clause is not applicable for
import under Contract finalised through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) route.
18) Proposal for procurement of improved or new version over the existing one should be properly
justified along with cost benefit analysis or obsolesce certificate as applicable from concerned
Executive Director/PCE/CE&HOP to be obtained prior to enquiry. For items related to computer
and associate accessories certification from IT department shall be obtained.
1) All Indents for procurement of materials including medicine (above Rs. Two lakh) and proposal for
works/services should be sent to respective Contract & Material department or Technical Section for
processing and placement of order, after obtaining the approval of the competent authority as per
concerned DFP. No other Department will issue/place order to any Party. Final NIT/Tender Document
should be sent to user section for comment, if any, before floating of enquiry/NIT by Contract &
Material department or Technical Section. All post tendering correspondence with the Vendors/
Contractors will be made by the respective Contract & Material (C&M) department only till execution of
the contract agreement. During contract execution/ implementation stage, correspondence with the
Vendors/ Contractors will be made by the respective indenter (user section)/C&M officials as the case
may be.
2) Before registration of indent, purchase section shall scrutinize the indents with regard to various points
e.g. completeness of specification, realistic delivery period, proprietary article/standardisation certificate,
approval of competent authority or any other deficiencies in the drawing etc. requiring clarification in
the absence of which procurement action cannot be initiated by the purchase section. Quality plan should
be enclosed with the indent by FQA wherever pre-despatch inspection is required.
3) However, if indent is complete in all respect, respective C &M Department/Technical cell will
constitute QR committee.
4) For all meetings of QR Committee & Tender Committee, convener of the committee will be from the
respective C&M department. The file & documents shall be placed at the time of meeting and circulation
of file shall be avoided.
5) However, user section/indenter may continue with the tendering for procurement/work/services with the
approval of Member Concerned till the same is taken over by the C&M Department/Technical cell and
in this situation said user section/indenter will act as C & M department.
6) However, the Direct Demanding Officers (DDO) as mentioned in Rate Contract (RC) shall issue supply
order directly to the vendor as per terms & conditions of RC after ensuring fund provision and keeping
supply order quantity within his demand placed before RC Issuing Authority i.e. HQ(C&M).
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E- Procurement/E-Tendering:-
1) E-procurement/ e-tendering is carrying out the traditional tendering process in an electronic form
using the internet. DVC has implemented the procurement/works/service activities through e-
tendering in line with Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) guidelines.
2) DVC has engaged a Service Provider for implementation as well as to carry on day to day activities
of e-tendering in respect of all sorts of tendering i.e., OTE, & LTE whose estimated value will be
equal to or greater than Rs. Two (02) lakhs for all cases. However, threshold value may be relaxed
up to Rs. Five (05) lacs considering the nature of work/supply/services at the discretion of TAA
with proper justification.
5) Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is required to be provided for all officers concerned for the
tenders to be floated for e-procurement. Number and name of executives for DSCs shall be
finalized by the head at concerned project.
6) Service Provider shall provide Class-III DSC having signing or signing & encryption certificate as
per requirement of DVC on chargeable basis. DVC may obtain Digital Signature from any other
sources also.
7) To log in the website of service Provider, the authorised persons shall be given user ID and
Password by the System Administrator of Service Provider.
8) System audit is to be done as per statutory requirement.
9) Fo r getting login ID and Password, name of authorised executive shall be given by DVC
coordinator of the respective locations to Service Provider on their e-mail ID who shall provide
the ID and system generated password.
1) Registration Procedure:
a) To participate in the tender, the vendors have to register with the Service Provider/DVC.
b) Registration fee as applicable along with Service Tax will be paid by Vendor/Contractor/Agency to
c) Service Provider Fee as applicable will be borne by the bidder/tenderer.
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d) The contact details of C&M and service provider shall be clearly mentioned in the NIT documents.
e) The Registration shall be completed within four (4) days otherwise the matter shall be brought to
the notice of CMM/ ED(C&M)
2) Digital Signature Certificate
a) To participate in the tender, vendors should have a Digital Signature certificate (DSC) having
both signing & encryption certificate as it shall be required during uploading the bids.
b) The fees for obtaining DSC are to be borne by vendors/contractors.
c) In case the bidder loses his DSC because of any problem (virus attack, misplacement etc.),DVC
shall not be held responsible. The bidders shall take necessary initiatives for issue of new DSC and
further registration etc. otherwise the bidder may not be able to submit his bid online.
3) The Tender can be downloaded by any prospective bidder from the website free of cost and
cost of tender documents to be submitted at the time of bid submission/uploading.
4) In order to submit the Bid, the bidders have to get themselves registered with the portal and
should possess valid Digital Signature Certificate. The Registration of the Bidders on the portal
will be on-line and one time activity. The system will assign a unique user ID for each Bidder
which will be valid for 01 (one) year.
5) The bidder will have to accept the Commercial and General Terms & Conditions of the NIT/
Tender Document except which are spelt out in deviation sheet and cost thereof along with on-line
undertaking in support of the authenticity of the declarations regarding the facts, figures,
information and documents furnished by the Bidder on-line. No conditional bid shall be accepted
except as stipulated somewhere in this Manual with regard to discount in Price offered by bidder.
6) In the undertaking given by the bidder on-line, there will be provision for forfeiture of EMD and/or
banning for participating in future tenders in DVC wherever applicable, if any information given
by the bidder on-line is found to be false at any stage which changes the eligibility status of the
7) The bidder may seek clarification on-line within the specified period. His identity will not be
disclosed by the system. The department will clarify as far as possible the relevant queries of
bidders. The clarifications given by department will be visible to all the bidders intending to
participate in that tender. The clarifications may be asked from the next day of e-publication of
tender. The last date for seeking clarification will be up to be 7 (seven) days before the last date of
submission of bid and the last date of giving clarification on-line will be up to 5 (five) days before
the last date of bid submission. This clarification clause may be adopted where no pre-bid meeting
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is stipulated in NIT/IFB/ Tender Document. The Creator/Service Provider of Tender will apprise
the Publisher regarding the sought clarifications on a regular basis and will submit a report to the
Publisher on the end date of seeking clarification regarding unanswered sought clarifications of the
bidders. This will be mandatory for the Creator/ Service Provider and the final compliance
report will be placed in file. The Tender Inviting Authority will be responsible for giving the
clarifications on-line within the prescribed time frame.
8) Corrigendum should be issued only in exceptional cases with the due approval of TIA. However,
corrigendum to NIT will be possible on-line with respect to extension of date (start & submission
date). However, the extension of date for an event will be possible only before the expiry of
earlier specified date and time for that particular event. Preponement of date for any event is not
permitted unless otherwise specified elsewhere. The scanned copy of corrigendum notice is to be
uploaded on the e-Procurement Portal. The corrigendum notice should be hosted on the
websites where the original NIT has been hosted.
9) The bidder will submit Techno commercial Bid and Price bid online. However, the bidder will
have an option for submitting/depositing cost of tender document and EMD in off-line mode
other than electronic mode in the specified form/format as mentioned in NIT/Tender Document
either in person or by post which must be received in the office of tender inviting authority on any
working day after e-publication of NIT and upto last date & time of submission of bid.
10) DVC shall not be responsible for any postal delay in receipt of cost of tender document and
EMD. In case the cost of tender document, EMD and other document as specified in NIT/Bid
Document are not received within the aforesaid period, the bid will not be opened or outrightly
rejected. The bidder will furnish all the information as sought on-line regarding cost of tender
document and EMD besides submission of Hard Copy as stipulated above will be mandatory in all
OTE cases. In case of exemption of EMD applicable for any bidder, the scanned copy of document
in support of exemption will have to be uploaded by the bidder besides submission of Hard Copy
before opening the tender as stipulated above. (Documentary evidence means document like valid
registration certificate from appropriate government authority giving details such as quantum of
exemption, bid threshold value, validity, stores etc.). After opening of Part I (cost of tender
document, Integrity Certificate as applicable & EMD), the Tender Opening Committee will validate
the receipt of said documents based on the information furnished by the bidders online and their
submitted instruments and the scanned copy of document in support of exemption of EMD, if any.
If the information furnished by bidder online are in agreement with the submitted instruments then
the bidder will be evaluated as eligible for next step. The qualification in Techno commercial bid
will be subject to the receipt and acceptance of the above stipulated documents.
11) The bidder/s will also submit an affidavit (original) on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10
regarding genuineness of the information furnished by him/them online and authenticity of the
documents being produced by him/them. Bidders will not be required to upload scanned copy of any
document or to submit hard copy of any document for the techno-commercial evaluation process
except the scanned copy of Letter of Bid, affidavit as mentioned above, cost of tender document,
EMD, document in support of exemption of EMD (if applicable), Integrity Pact Certificate
(wherever applicable), excel sheet for technical / techno-commercial evaluation besides submission
of Hard Copy of cost of document, Integrity Pact Certificate (wherever applicable) and EMD before
opening the tender. The information furnished by the bidders on-line along with on-line undertaking
with Digital Signature Certificate in support of the authenticity of the facts, figures, information and
documents furnished by them online will be accepted for the Techno- commercial evaluation of the
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12) The bidder will download the Letter of Bid, Techno- commercial Evaluation Sheet and the Price
bid from the e-Procurement portal and upload these subsequently during uploading/submission of
bid as stipulated in bid document.
13) It will be the bidder’s responsibility to check the status of their Bid online at least once daily, after
the opening of Techno-commercial bid till opening of the Price-bid. No separate communication
will be made to the bidder in this regard and this will be specifically mentioned in the NIT.
14) The system will preserve the details of Techno Commercial bid and Price bid in the archives for
auditing purposes and the same can be accessed with special authorization.
15) Any tender hosted on the e-Procurement site must be logically concluded i.e. either Award of work
is issued or the tender is cancelled.
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ii. EOI to be invited through press advertisement and may be issued covering of following areas:-
iii. The methodology of finalising QR/Evaluation Criteria or Process will remain same as applicable
for tendering purpose stipulated in this Manual. Interested applicants should offer their views on
methodology with available latest technical data for execution of such work along with the
following documents:
1) Experience and performance certificate within the last 7 yrs. for similar work. In case, subject work
falls within an area of rapid changes in technology, experience and performance certificate of
similar works within the 2 yrs., if decided by QR approving authority.
2) Available manpower/machineries/materials with the Agency to execute such work.
3) Last 3 yrs. Audited Annual Accounts.
iv. EOI will be issued to prepare a panel of Agency who are capable to accomplish the desired work.
In such cases, two stage tendering process is to be done. During the first stage of tendering,
acceptable technical solutions can be evaluated after calling for the EOI from the leading
experienced and knowledgeable manufacturers /suppliers in the field of the proposed procurement.
The broad objectives, constraints etc. could be published while calling for EOI. On receipt of the
EOI, technical discussion/ presentations may be held with the short listed manufacturers/suppliers,
who are prima facie considered technically and financial capable of supplying the material or
executing the proposed work. Proper record of discussions/ presentations and the process of
decision making should be kept. Once the technical specification and applicants are finalised, the
second stage of tendering could consist for techno commercial bids among the short listed
applicants of first stage per the usual tendering system. The second stage shall be considered as open
tender so far as DFP is concerned.
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v. Final selection at this stage would depend upon the quoted financial bids and the evaluation matrix
decided upon.
vi. Based on the technical discussion/ presentation with the expected bidders individually or jointly, the
scope and specification of work, level of deployment of resources to be finalized and qualified
bidders to be short listed based on the evaluation criteria/process already notified in EOI and based
on the available financial documents by an appropriate QR committee based on the expected
investment decision as per stipulation of QR committee. However, considering the technical
complexity of work, TAA may include any outside expert on the subject area in the QR committee.
vii. Also for participation against EOI, the bidder shall not be required to furnish EMD/Bid security, but
EMD/Bid security in appropriate form to be asked at the time of issuance of NIT/Tender
Documents (Second stage).
1) The bidder(s) shall bear all cost associated with the preparation and submission of its EOI and DVC,
will in no case be responsible or liable for reimbursement of any cost to conclude the process.
2) At any time before the submission of EOI, The DVC may for any reason what so ever carry out
amendments to this EOI documents at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by
the bidder(s). The amendment will be made available in our website and will be binding on them.
The DVC may at its discretion extend the dead line for the submission of proposals.
3) The bidder(s) will come up with the best suggestions on application of latest technologies in the
related fields and will offer solutions in integrating such technologies for reliable, efficient and
smooth completion of the work.
4) The bidder(s) will provide all necessary support and assistance in firming up of
specifications/requirements as per DVC requirement.
5) DVC will process to short list the qualified applicants during the process of EOI on the basis of QR.
The bidder found prima facie QR qualified only will be called for Technical Presentation. Minimum
aspects of Technical presentation is to be specified in EOI bid document and bidder failing to
present said minimum Technical presentation will be considered nonresponsive by DVC and will
not be considered for shortlisting.
6) During course of evaluation of bid(s), bidder(s) will be invited to make a presentation as stated
above at a date, time notified by DVC. The purpose of such presentation would be to allow the
applicant to present their technical competency/solution, approach and methodology & quality of
professional proposed and other key points for reliable, efficient and smooth completion of the
work. All these presentations are to be done without any financial implication to DVC. Scope of
work will be freezed by DVC based on the presentation by different bidder(s) and accordingly the
technical specification will be finalized which will be basis for Bid document for
Technical/Financial bids among shortlisted EOI Applicants. There might be some variation in
estimated cost (expected investment) out of the above exercise and same would be included in final
bid document. Only eligible shortlisted applicants would be called for Technical/Financial bids.
7) The bidder(s) that are incomplete in any respect or those that are not consistent with the
requirements as specified in this document or those that do not adhere to formats, wherever
specified may be considered non responsive and may be liable for rejection and no further
correspondence will be entertained from such bidder(s).
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9) Any additional instructions/information may be added. The EOI bid shall be valid for six months
from the date of opening of the bid. The above mentioned period of six months may however be
extended with the consent of the bidder(s).
b) Post-qualification methodology:
i. In case of Post Qualification Methodology, as detailed in previous paras, the QR for bidders for a
specific package shall be brought out explicitly in the bidding documents and may also be spelt out
clearly in the NIT/Tender Document published on Website.
ii. The intending bidders must furnish the information in support of fulfilment of qualifying
requirement, as fixed for the tender along with their offer, failing which their offer will not be
considered. This is also to be clearly spelt out in NIT/Tender Documents.
Pre-enquiry/tendering activities would only start after the receipt of indent / proposal of work,
complete in all respects. The following steps are to be taken or settled before tendering:-
i. On receipt of the approved indent/ proposal, the Dealing officer will scrutinize the details of
the indent and if it is found that there is any deficiency, in the proposal, he will send back to
the indenter to set right of any deficiency .
ii. Creation of a file with the Indent/proposal documents.
iii. Approval for selecting the mode of tendering, in case of departure from normal procedure, by
TAA. In case of TAA is Board/ Chairman, approval of concerned member shall be obtained.
iv. Finalizing the qualifying requirement for the indent if required by the appropriate QR
v. The cost of tender documents & Earnest Money will be firmed up based on the estimated cost.
vii. Finalising the enquiry/ tender details for limited tender, single tender etc. as well as for
advertisement in Newspaper and Website in case of open tendering as per stipulation of W&P
Manual and put up to TIA for approval.
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The tender document consisting of separate four (4) sealed envelopes is to be submitted/ uploaded
as per the detail indicated below.
Envelope A(offline): Earnest money, Integrity Pact (if applicable) and cost of tender paper (if down
loaded from Website).
Envelope B: The bidder(s) will furnish their values against each information as required in QR
Parameter Sheet (excel sheet), Power of Attorney or other document(s) evidencing authorisation to
sign the document digitally, and will submit/ upload the same Excel sheet/ file during submission of
bid with regard to Qualifying Requirement.
Envelope C: Tender Document (Technical Part) and Techno-commercial Terms & Conditions as
per Format (excel sheet) given in Technical Part of Tender Document along with necessary
deviation schedule.
Envelope D: Price Bid (Price Part of Tender Document) along with cost of withdrawal prices for
declared deviation.
For Single Stage, 3 - envelope tendering, the main envelope containing the offer should contain
three envelopes - A, B & C with proper superscripting.
Envelope ‘A’: Earnest money, Integrity Pact (if applicable) and cost of tender paper (if downloaded
from Website)
Envelope ‘B’: Information on QR, technical part /techno-Commercial part filled up in Excel Sheet
along with necessary deviation schedule and Power of Attorney or other document(s) evidencing
authorisation to sign the document digitally.
Envelope ‘C’: Price part as per format enclosed in the Bid Document along with the cost of
withdrawal prices for declared deviations.
For any procurement / works / services, bidding process may be adopted at the discretion of
For cases of single stage, with 2 envelopes tendering, the main tender offering envelope would
contain two envelopes– A and B with proper superscripting therein as:–
Envelope ‘A’: Earnest money (if applicable), and cost of tender paper if downloaded from
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Envelope ‘B’: Information on credentials and techno-Commercial part filled up in Excel Sheet
along with necessary deviation schedule, Power of Attorney or other document(s) evidencing
authorisation to sign the document digitally and Price part as per format enclosed in the Bid
Document along with the cost of withdrawal.
This can be resorted for LTEs also where EMD are not asked for and for procurement on single
tender basis and any other tender, as decided by TIA.
A. Before floating any enquiry (Capital / Spares / consumables / other assets / works / Turnkey
Projects), it shall be ensured that prior approval/sanction of the appropriate authority as per
relevant DFP is obtained.
B. The mode of Tendering should be assessed on the basis of proper technical justification and not
on the value of the indent alone.
C. However, the mode of tendering will be selected considering the following in general
D. Depending on the above, followings are the mode of tendering which can be adopted for the
purpose of procurement / works / service contract:
Open Tendering with Reverse Auction: Details enclosed as Annexure-ZA
1) Open Tendering:-
Through abridged press advertisement and hosting in DVC website.
a) The open tendering through press advertisement, in general, is to be resorted to for high value
purchases/Works/Services, having estimated value in excess of Rs. 25 lakhs. However, open
tendering may also be resorted to for critical items/works having estimated cost of procurement less
than Rs.25 lakhs for which no source of procurement/vendor base is available. However, overall
economy in press advertisement should also be taken care of and generally to be restricted to 5%
of estimated cost. Prior approval of Tender Inviting Authority in this regard is to be obtained.
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DELHI / KOLKATA / MUMBAI etc. For purpose of open tendering, apart from publishing the
NIT in short form in ITJ, Newspapers, detailed NIT including the bid documents (at least
commercial condition and Condition of Contract) are to be published in DVC’s website
(www.dvc.gov.in) so that the same can be downloaded by the intending tenderer/bidder.
However, hoisting of engineering documents, as part of bid documents in Website should also be
considered, if technically possible and downloading should be allowed after deposit of cost of
Tender Documents.
c) Qualifying requirements should be specified in the web advertisement in details so that only
genuine and reliable parties are able to quote.
d) The copies of the advertisements published in the available Newspapers should be kept in the
relevant file along with recording the dates and names of other publication selected for Tender
e) If less than three quotations are received, process should normally be cancelled and retendered.
However, in case concerned ED/HOP is satisfied that re-invitation is not likely to yield any better
result and it is not reasonably feasible to work with existing contract/urgent requirement of the
materials/jobs, the offers received (even if less than three) may be accepted provided the rates are
reasonable and to be assessed by TC. However, for response below three bidders, the approval for
acceptance of tender should be obtained from the next higher level authority prescribed in the
f) For Works / services having estimated value below Rs.25 Lacs, the following may also be
reckoned as Open Tendering.
Tendering has been made amongst all the approved list of vendors (at least four vendors in
Approved List), who are considered capable by TIA to undertake tendered works/services subject
to condition that the said approved list of vendors has been prepared in most transparent manner by
press advertisement/on line vendor registration. The methodology described under ‘vendor
registration’ of this manual may also be used for such purpose. Such vendors’ list will be
considered valid maximum for a period of t hree ( 3) years from the date of enlistment. Working
vendors’ performance/ rating should also be carried out on yearly basis.
2) Limited Tendering: -
i) Limited tenders shall be issued having estimated value of Rs. 25 lakhs and below, from not less
than ordinarily from four (4) parties from amongst the list of approved vendors / vendor with
proven credential / Manufacturer / authorised agents, dealer or distributor / owner / proprietor
of the firms having proven performance in the past through online method having value Rs.2
lacs & above and for off-line tender shall be issued under Certificate of Posting / Speed Post /
Regd. Post / Courier for purchase/works/services Name of approved venders/parties for LTE is to
be approved by Tender Inviting Authority before floating NIT from amongst the list of approved
vendors / vendor with proven credential / Manufacturer / authorised agents, dealer or distributor
/ owner / proprietor of the firms having proven performance in the past.
ii) All the parties to whom LTE are floated should categorically send their regret in case of non-
participation in the tender otherwise they may not be considered in future for similar item and same
is to be clearly mentioned in the enquiry.
iii) Where there is no approved vendor list / poor vendor list, the following stipulations may be
followed as per discretion of TIA:
a) For small works/procurements/contracts having estimated value up to Rs.2 Lacs, tender/enquiry
may be circulated in internal notice board and by displaying in various DVC establishments.
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b) Tender / enquiry having estimated cost above Rs.2 Lacs and up to Rs.25 Lacs shall be hoisted
in DVC Website with QR apart from circulation and display in various DVC establishments
including direct mailing of NIT to the proven vendors of past and this will be considered as LTE
for the purpose of delegation.
iv) However, for the items of special nature with technical intricacies or for any other reason the
Plant Chief/CE/HOD may decide on the number of parties/venders/agencies to whom LTE will
be issued and in such cases enquiry sent to more than one vendor will qualify as LTE.
v) Limited tender can also be resorted to for estimated values exceeding Rs. 25 Lacs when the
requirement is of special nature with technical intricacies and can be performed by selected vendors
only, or when time does not permit for open tendering. In both the cases reasons for such action
should be recorded in writing and prior approval from TAA is to be obtained. In case of Tender
Accepting Authority ( TAA) is Board/ Chairman, approval of concerned member shall be obtained.
The cases of acceptance of single response to the limited tenders will be treated as per DFP in
this regard.
g) Single response against limited tender to be in general retendered with modified QR (in case of
limited tender hoisted at web site with QR) except urgencies certified by the indenter not below the
rank of HOD/HOP/CE and to be treated as single tender against Limited Tender as per delegation of
financial power provided the rates are reasonable and to be assessed by TC. However, for response
below three bidders, the approval for acceptance of tender should be obtained from the next higher
level authority prescribed in the delegation if not otherwise specified.
3) Single Tendering:-
i. Single Tendering shall be done by inviting offers from single source/vendor, which may be the
OES/OEM/PSU, or on the basis of proprietary article certificate or on the basis of source
standardisation or on the ground of urgency/ emergency. In case of proprietary
items/OEM/OES/Standard Source Basis, certificate to that effect will have to be issued by the
indenter at the appropriate levels in each case. Source standardisation will normally be for a
limited period not exceeding three years and have to be approved by Station Chief/Sr. C.E. /
HOD. The proposal for single tender enquiry on the ground of urgency /emergency should be
approved by tender accepting authority as per DFP in this regard. All projects shall send their
source standardisation list to other projects for their reference documents and a copy of the
same shall also be forwarded to C&M Department (HQ).
ii. In case of multi- source standardisation based on open advertisement/on-line process, the same
will be treated at par with open tender. If the multi-source standardisation is done on the basis of
vendor list/ALS, the same will be treated at par with limited tender.
iii. The materials which are to be procured on single tender propriety basis, the vendor must submit a
Proprietary Article Certificate (PAC) and Price Reasonability Certificate (PRC) stating that the
prices charged are reasonable and the same as being charged to all the Govt. /semi Govt.
Organizations/ PSUs including D.G.S. & D. wherever applicable and shall be submitted along
with the offer with documentary evidence. Where agency commission is involved, the same in
percentage invariably be indicated and in such cases appropriate document/agreement required to
be furnished.
4) Spot/ Committee Purchase:-
In order to meet the immediate requirement, items costing more than 5000/- upto Rs. 2,00,000/-
may be procured by a committee, consisting of indenter/user, finance and Purchase Deptt.. This
can be done only with approval of Project Head/ HOD, and the committee should record the price
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a) The award of contract on single tender basis to the following cases as per DFP shall not come within
the meaning of award of contract on nomination basis:
b) Award of contract on single tender basis on any ground other than above as per DFP shall come
within the meaning of "award of contract on nomination basis"
c) The work / procurement which are of routine type, repetitive or frequent or foreseeable in nature,
shall generally be attended through Annual/Periodic Maintenance Contract (AMC or PMC) or
Annual/Periodic Rate Contract (ARC or PMC) to be kept in hand for such type of work by the
process of open tender / limited tender system as per delegation in DFP.
d) Where there is no AMC / ARC or such periodic contract under which a particular work can be taken
up and is required to be taken up on single tender basis on ground of urgency, the concerned
executive (to whom power has been delegated) below the rank of Plant Chief / Chief Engineer shall
obtain prior administrative approval of the work (to be taken up on urgency on single tender basis)
from the Plant Chief / Chief Engineer. In case of Plant Chief / Chief Engineer and above, the prior
administrative approval of the work shall be obtained from next higher authority. If approving
authority is out of station, he should be contacted over telephone / cell phone and verbal
concurrence thereof to be taken which should be followed by confirmation of approval in writing at
the earliest opportunity.
e) The proposal for obtaining administrative approval is to be moved with relevant information in the
prescribed format (as per Annexure – A & B, as applicable). Urgency of the work shall be clearly
spelt out in the proposal
f) The work order/ LOI / LOA are to be issued immediately preferably before commencement of
work. If for any cogent reason, it is not possible to issue the LOA before commencement of work,
the LOI must be issued. Confirmatory LOA must be placed within 15 days of LOI issued. The
work having value less than Rs. 15,000/-, may be taken up on urgency on single tender basis as
usual and is being kept out of the purview of the above policy. Such small valued work shall not
come within the meaning of award of contract on nomination basis. However, efforts shall be made
to minimize such cases by well-planned AMC / ARC.
g) Award of all contracts on nomination basis (falling within the meaning as per above policy)
shall be posted on the Web- site ex post-facto.
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h) Single tender on ground of urgency wherever has appeared in the Delegation of Financial
Power shall be exercised in terms of above paras.
i) Prior concurrence of Finance in all cases to be obtained. However, in case of award of work in
extreme urgency without finance consultation, post facto concurrence to be obtained within a week.
j) The summary of all works awarded on nomination basis as well as awarded on single tender basis
on the ground of emergency shall be placed before the Member (T)/ (secretary) quarterly. , All Plant
Chiefs/Chief Engineers are required to send the summary of all works awarded on nomination basis
as well as on single tender basis on ground of emergency by 10th of every quarter to the Additional
Secretary, DVC positively for onward information to Board. This is incompliance with CVO
(award of work on single tender basis without calling Tender in case of urgency)
1. Description of work -
2. Nature of work -
3. Justification of selection of Vendor -
4. Urgency justification -
5. If work is not executed, the impact Thereof -
6. Justification for execution of work through outside agency -
7. Frequency of this work (Monthly/Half yearly/yearly basis) -
8. Expected time of completion -
9. Financial involvement as per Requirement of manpower
(Skilled/Semi-skilled/Unskilled) with associated tools, tackles & consumables etc.) -
10. Basis of rate reasonability/ cost Justification -
11. Observation of Finance -
(Procurement of materials on single tender basis without calling tender in case of urgency)
1. Name of materials with specification, Make, etc.
2. Nature of material (Consumable/Normal/Stand by spares)
3. Justification for technical suitability of particular make or specification.
4. Present stock position (including site/floor store)
5. Position of pending order under execution, if any
6. Requirement of materials & expected period of use
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i) For the efficient operation and maintenance of power plant, timely availability of quality
materials at reasonable price is very important. Failure of small items of MRO (Maintenance,
Repair and Operating) Supplies may prove very costly and result in spoiling our very high value
equipment, increasing cost of maintenance and sometime even effecting power generation. For
example, in the area of plant consumable, for almost every item quite a number of cheap products
have been developed and being marketed by various suppliers. Many of them have failed to
provide reliable and consistently good services. We being in power sector cannot afford pre-mature
failures. It is therefore imperative for us to look for quality materials amongst available brands/
manufacturers. Standardization helps us to select reasonably and consistently good quality
materials from the various alternatives available in the market.
ii) As and when user departments feel the necessity of standardizing sources/ makes of certain items
due to difficulties in getting requisite quality materials, they shall initiate proposal for
standardization of source (s) of supply of those items. The proposal shall indicate in details as to
why source/ make standardization of proposed items is necessary. Such proposal needs to be
approved by Chief Engineer/ Head of Unit/Station Chief.
iii) After approval of competent authority to consider source standardization of certain proposed items,
the first step in this direction would be constitution of committee comprising member from User
Department, C&M, Finance, Quality Assurance (If available) who shall be at Minimum level of
M-6. Nomination shall be made by Head of respective department and approved by Chief
Engineer/ Head of Unit /Station Chief. Member from Contract & Materials Department shall be the
coordinator. In case of M-6 level officers is not posted/deployed, M-5 level officers may be
nominated in the committee.
iv) Standardization of different categories of items shall be done on the basis of past experience/ data
available with regard to performance of products of different reputed manufacturers. If felt
necessary committee may consult other power station and allied organisations to obtain feedback in
this regard. Data may also be collected from other reputed power organizations like NTPC, NHPC,
PGCIL, BHEL, GAIL, ONGC etc. The data available from the past open tender (NIT) may also be
v) If necessary sources under consideration, who are renowned manufacturers, may be asked to
provide samples or extend the facilities of deputing their Application Engineer alongwith samples
for trial/ discussions with committee members.
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vi) In the process of standardization of sources, if required, committee may recommend for
assessment of suppliers works for technical capabilities, process of quality assurance and
availability of testing facilities, managerial competence, financial strength, turn over etc. In order
to carry out this assessment committee may visit the supplier’s works.
vii) As far as possible, committee shall look for multi- source standardization. However, for some
critical equipment/machinery/spare items and in some exceptional cases, single source
standardization may also be recommended. After assessment of potential sources for
standardization, committee shall prepare the final recommendations which shall be approved by
Chief Engineer/ Head of unit/Station Chief.
viii) Standardization of sources shall be valid for a maximum period of THREE YEARS and be
reviewed/renewed in such a manner that by the time its validity expires, new standardization, based
upon the experience ranging three years period, is duly approved and in place, so as to ensure
smooth procurement.
ix) Issue of tender enquiry to all the sources, in case of multi-source standardization, it shall be treated
at par with open tender for all the purpose.
x) A copy of approval of source standardization for various items must be sent to other power
stations of DVC for their reference or similar action.
xi) Similarly, when details of standardization of items are received from other power station, those
shall be brought to the notice of user department and may consider similar standardization at the
station. This shall provide support to the efforts for source standardization for maximum items.
xii) Some items at power station which can be considered for source standardization : Welding
Electrodes, Packing (both Metallic and Non-Metallic), Fastens, Hand Tools, Cutting Tools and
Abrasives, Surface Coating Materials (Paints etc), Bearings &Accessories, V Belts, Lab.
Chemicals, Stationery items, Office Furniture, Guest House Furniture, Switches, Plug Tops and
Misc. similar materials, lamps, florescent Tubes, Fuses etc. This list is only illustrative and not
exhaustive and many more items can be considered for source standardization (Such as Source
standardization for items like Conveyor Belts, Personal Computers, Reinforcement steel and
structural Steel etc may also be done).
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b) While splitting the requisitioned quantity between two or more vendors, the original evaluated L1
vendor shall always be in advantageous position i.e. quantity between L1and L2 vendors may be
divided in ratio of minimum 60:40 and so depending on capacity of the firm in the industries, time
frame of volume requirement etc. However, if, the two or more bidder (s) quote the same rate and
become L1 also, the whole tendered scope of work/quantity will be equally divided among two or
more such L1 bidder(s) and in that case there is no need to go to L -2 bidder. If such quoting of
equal rates happen at the level of L2, the tendered scope of work/quantity for L 2 bidder as per
provision of NIT/Tender Document will be equally divided among two or more such L 2
bidder(s)/next level bidder (s) as per the procedure established below under serial (c).
c) At first, the evaluated L2 vendor is to be approached or called for negotiation to match their
rates with L1 evaluated price, which may sometimes warrant the matching terms and conditions
also. After obtaining the favourable consent from evaluated L2 vendor, order may be split in
ratio as per NIT.
d) In the event of L2 bidders not agreeing to match L1 rates, possibilities shall be explored with L3, L4
and so on as the case may be in seriatim in an attempt to finalise the tender.
e) In case of no bidder agrees to match the L1 offer rate, placement of total order on L1 or retender for
balance quantity to be decided by TAA on case to case basis.
f) The option of retendering as per discretion of TAA may also be resorted in case of higher rate/cartel
formation. Wherever the scope of work/procurement or bill of quantity is not equally divisible,
minimum indivisible quantity would be taken out for retendering or merging the same with next lot
of tendering. However the said clause shall be clearly mentioned in NIT.
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b) The enquiry should contain the full specification of the materials, other terms and conditions in
details to avoid confusion/litigation afterwards.
c) The offer basis shall be FOB/FCA/FAS/C&F/CIF port of shipment or as per other INCOTERMS.
d) The prices shall be in any freely convertible currency such as dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen,
Swedish Kroner, Swiss Frank, Pound Sterling, Singapore Dollar etc.
e) The price should be quoted in rupee if the offer is submitted by the Indian Agent of the foreign
f) The prices shall be firm and free from all corrections. The price list of OEM of foreign origin
may be downloaded from the net, if it is available. Otherwise Indian agent may be requested to
provide the same, duly signed and stamped.
g) The offer shall be valid for 180 days or as decided by TIA from the date of bid opening.
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i) Delivery period shall be firm and clearly indicated in the quotation and there must not be any
ambiguity to facilitate opening of LC for a definite period, which is required under the rule. In case
of urgency early deliveries may be requested.
j) Packing shall be transport worthy to ensure safe delivery considering the nature of goods.
k) Name of foreign advising banker, country of origin, port of shipment/ customs airport/Land
Customs Station (as the case may be) should be indicated in the quotation.
l) It is advised that the importations should preferably be made directly from the overseas
manufacturers. Either the Indian agent on behalf of foreign principal or the foreign principal
himself may take part in the bidding process but not both.
m) The Indian Agent will be accepted if and only if they are registered in DGS&D and /or
supplied/worked with Government Department/PSU/Reputed Companies. Indian Agency
Commission, if any, payable by DVC shall invariably be included in the FOB/FCA/FAS/ other
INCOTERMS based Price. Percentage of commission shall be clearly mentioned along with the
name and address of Indian Agent. A copy of agreement with the Indian Agent along with the
DGS&D enlistment certificate and/or certificate indicating that they have supplied/worked with
Government Department/PSU/Reputed Companies to be furnished along with the quotation and, if,
Indian Agent commission is not involved; foreign supplier should furnish “No Indian Agent
Commission” Certificate.
n) In case Indian agent of the OEM supplier, insist on placing PO on another subagent for
execution of the order, it has to be ensured that the said subagent is authorized by OEM.
o) Party shall have to furnish ‘proprietary certificate’ in line with existing PAC & PRC format.
p) The Purchase Order should clearly mention about the requirement of documents incorporating the
updated requirements therein such as, BG/Pre-despatch Inspection Certificate/ country of origin
etc. to be furnished by the Exporter to the Foreign Bank for releasing payment.
q) It should be clearly mentioned as to who will bear the cost of opening and maintenance of LC in
Indian Bank as well as in the concerned foreign bank to avoid confusion.
The full Indian Agency Commission, if any in INR, shall be released to the Indian Agent, within
30 days of receipt and acceptance of materials at the consignees end.
r) The letter of credit shall not allow partial shipments or transhipment normally.
s) The computation of the total value of the sample offer may be made as per the following.
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(iv) Services charges, if any : In dollar or in any foreign currency to canalising agency
(v) Insurance Charges : In dollar or in any foreign currency/or in Indian currency
~ Rupees (converting in Rupee in the rate of exchange as notified by GOI as per Section 14(3)(a)(1)
of Customs Act. Exchange Rate as on the bid opening date (price part in case of two part tendering)
is to be considered and to be mentioned in the NIT.
(x) Counter Veiling Duty (CVD), if any, in appropriate % on{ (viii) + (ix)}
(xiii) Clearing & Forwarding Charges @ as applicable on CIF prices indicating Inland transportation
charge up to consignee site. :
a) If any of the item detailed at (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) or (vi) is to be paid in rupees that should be computed
b) Landing Charges rate is 1% of CIF value at present or as applicable at the time of clearance.
c) If insurance cost is not known, it should be taken as 1.125% of FOB price for the purpose of
assessment of customs value.
d) CVD (Counter Veiling Duty) will be equal to the excise duty payable if such goods are produced/
manufactured in India.
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a) Periodic/Annual maintenance work should be planned well in advance (Six month) for different
areas. If such works cannot be undertaken through departmental employees then a proper
assessment should be made, estimates made, possibility of giving work front etc. checked and then
with the administrative approval of tender inviting authority, NIT may be issued through
Newspapers/websites or limited tenders may be invited depending on departmental estimates among
companies/vendors/contractors having requisite technical, financial, personnel resources etc.
c) Maintenance Contract for any works/service contracts to OEM/OES may be up to five years at a
time with PV, if any, subject to approval of concerned TAA. In case TAA is Board/ Chairman,
approval of concerned Member shall be obtained. However, Administrative approval from one step
superior authority is to be obtained for TAA below Chief Engineer/ Plant Chief.
d) However in case of hiring of vehicle, period of contract with suitable PV clause may be considered
for initially 1 or 2 years and subsequently fresh tendering action should be taken well in advance. In
the event, fresh contract cannot be concluded in time and contract is considered essential then
approval of extension may be obtained from original approving authority or otherwise specified in
DFP for/upto one more year.
e) If the contractor has submitted BG for Security Deposit cum performance guarantee, the same is
required to get extended accordingly. Alternatively the contractor may submit a new BG and the
earlier BG may be released.
f) Site/Office Maintenance contracts may be entered into rate contract after finalising the detailed Job
a) Items whose requirements are continuous throughout the year and holding of high inventory level
for a long period may not be feasible to optimize inventory cost, shall be covered under Rate
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b) Items like Reinforcement Steel, Cement, Office stationeries, Chemicals, Lubricants, Petrol &
Diesel, G.I. Pipes, Medicines, Transportation Welding Electrodes, Packing (both Metallic and Non-
Metallic), Fastens, Hand Tools, Cutting Tools and Abrasives, Surface Coating Materials (Paints
etc), Bearings &Accessories, V Belts, Lab. Chemicals, Office Furniture, Guest House Furniture,
Switches, Plug Tops, Lightening Arresters, Conductors and Misc. similar materials, lamps,
florescent Tubes, Fuses etc etc. may be brought under Rate Contract. This list is only exemplary and
not exhaustive and many more items can be considered for rate contract like Conveyor Belts,
Personal Computers, and structural Steel and other Electrical/Mechanical/ Civil/C&I items/items
used in office/guest house etc.
c) Indents complete in all respect of item from the requisitioning/user department shall reach the
procurement section 180 days before expiry of Contract.
After deciding the items for which RC to be made, sources of procurement may be standardized
using methodology described earlier.
a) The items which are borne on DGS&D Rate or Running Contract may be purchased through the
DGS&D Stores of standard type, other than those required in small quantities only, which are in
common and regular demand and the prices of which are not subject to appreciable market
fluctuations. The ED(C&M) shall arrange to obtain the latest copies of all the Rate/Running
Contract from the DGS&D from time to time.
b) The ED(C&M) or M-7 level official from C&M Department/Field Formation may be declared as
Direct Demanding Officers for various rate contracts finalised by the DGS&D keeping in view the
requirement, budget availability.
c) On receipt of the consolidated requirements from the various Indenting Officers the ED(C&M) shall
examine if the materials in question are borne on DGS&D Rate Contract.
d) In case of items on Rate Contract, ED(C&M) shall take necessary action for placing the supply
orders through ONLINE system of DGS&D (DGS&D E-portal) directly to the Vendor. 100%
payment shall be made directly by the Order placing authority to the vendor through their concerned
Pay & Accounts Offices within 10 days of issuance of CRAC (Consignee report cum acceptance
certificate) by the consignee & submission of bill by the vendor. Departmental charge of DGS&D is
e) In case of single source rate contract, offer may be asked from the party and based on the offer, the
rate contract may be finalised after negotiations, if felt necessary, on the prices and terms and
conditions with the approval as per DFP and laid down procedure of negotiation as discussed
f) Before finalisation of rate contract, other projects shall also be contacted / consulted to share
information regarding prices etc. and performance of the vendors.
g) Rate contract may be finalized generally for a fixed period (period up to three years but not less than
a year) and the same may be extended for another year with the approval as per DFP with
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justification of such extension to be recorded in writing. While making such rate contract for three
years adequate measures like variable price etc. may be adopted to take care of the fluctuation in
market price. The rate contract should clearly specify the monetary limit as well.
h) Copies of rate contracts shall be sent to other projects for their information and finalisation of rate
contracts, if any. One more copy of the rate contract shall also be sent to Corporate Materials
Management and published in DVC website.
i) Approval and other guidelines for finalisation of rate contracts will be as per procedure of W&P
Manual or Corporation Order. The Direct Demanding Officers (DDO) as mentioned in RC shall
issue supply order directly to the vendor as per terms & conditions of RC after ensuring fund
provision and keeping supply order quantity within his demand placed before RC Issuing Authority.
j) The supplier thus qualified and L1 may or may not be able to meet the quantity requirement of other
bigger projects.
k) To have reliable and assured supply, the TIA may decide the splitting of the total quantity between
two or three parties provided they match L1 price but the same may be clearly spelt out in NIT. The
further related provision of splitting are covered under serial SPLITTING OF ORDER BETWRRN
TWO OR MORE VENDORS of this Manual.
l) The contractor shall furnish the following certificate to the Paying Authority along with each
invoice/bill against payment for supplies made against the rate contract/any supply order with longer
completion period (more than a year), if the same is placed on firm price basis.
‘I/We certify that there has been no reduction in sale price of the stores of description identical to
the stores supplied to the Govt. under the contract herein and such stores have not been
offered/sold by me/us to any person/organization including the purchaser or any Deptt. of the
Central or State Govt. or any statutory undertaking of the Central or State Govt. or as the case
may be upto the date of bill / the date of completion of supplies against all supply order placed
during the currency of the rate contract at a price lower than the price charged to the DVC under
the contract.’
The concerned dealing Officer/Paying Authority at the same time will check the market price for the
subject item from Newspapers/Journals/Website etc. as to whether there has been any fall in price
during the period of contract and an appropriate action to be initiated accordingly to safeguard the
interest of the Corporation. Necessary price fall clause should be part of special/additional condition
of contract.
m) In case, the TIA apprehends poor response from the prospective vendors for Rate Contract on firm
price basis because of volatile market condition, then the offer may be asked on variable price basis
but not with both i.e. not with firm price and variable price basis simultaneously. “The price basis”
as decided by TIA is to be clearly mentioned in the NIT document itself.
n) In case variable price basis is preferred by TIA in order to get adequate response as per prevailing
market conditions, the NIT/Tender document should specify the applicable PV formula, base date
and with/without ceiling limit. In that case, bids are to be evaluated without loading the ceiling limit,
if any. However, any ceiling limit, if TIA specifically spells out in the bid document, will be used
for the purpose of payment only. The payment of variable component as calculated on the basis of
PV formula will be made on actuals but limited to ceiling limit, if any. If the bids are received with
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“price basis” not as per NIT, the same should be treated as “deviation” in commercials terms and to
be dealt accordingly. Offer may be rejected for non- compliance of above provided necessary
stipulations in this regard has been made in the NIT/Tender Document.
o) The following may also be noted while dealing with procurement of critical items/spares:
i) Certain critical items/spares as decided by plant chief /CE/ PCE may be procured from OEM/OES
ii) Certain other critical items/spares may be procured from reputed/standard vendors after declaring
them as ‘standard source of procurement’ as per source standardization certificate issued by station
iii) If a firm does not produce letter from authorized signatory of OEM stating that they are the sole
authorized dealer/distributor/agency, STE on behalf of OEM cannot be given to them.
iv) All endeavours shall be made to obtain the sources with the rates for bought out items from
Turnkey/EPC Contractors before finalization of the order so that sourcing of spares etc. may be
facilitated during post order stage.
b) It is desirable that during placement of contract, contractual period should be firmed up like one
year or two years etc. & subsequently fresh tendering action is to be taken well in advance so that
no further extension is required.
a) Quantum of QR, cost of tender document & earnest money deposit (EMD) may be considered based
on the average estimated cost of one year of PMC/PRC for more than one year. However, Security
Deposit cum performance guarantee has to be taken on ordered value for total period.
c) TAA will be decided based on estimated cost and offered cost for total period in respect of QR and
tender acceptance respectively.
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i) Vendors whose offers were techno-commercially approved/NIT complaint for supply of the
specified item(s) / spares against open tendering in DVC during last three years or satisfactory
execution of any order.
ii) Suppliers to power utilities in PSUs, other power plant and transmission system equipment
manufacturers in PSUs for similar items(s)/spares.
b) For Works Contract:-
h) Vendors whose offers were techno-commercially approved/NIT compliant for the specified
work(s) against open tendering in DVC during last three years or satisfactory execution of any
ii) Contractors who have successfully completed works in power utilities in PSUs, other power
plant and transmission system for similar work(s).
c) For ARC:-
In order to widen the base of the supplier /contractor for determining qualifying requirement, the
average quarterly projected quantity requirement of all the projects (instead of the total quantity of
all the projects) may be considered by TIA.
4) QR for procurement / works packages / service / ARC on recommendation of QR committee is to
be approved by competent authority.
5) To maintain equity, consistency and better transparency in the tendering process for the services /
works / procurement / AMC / ARC which are common for individual projects, a QR committee
at HQ level to be formed.
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Average annual financial turnover during last 03 financial years should be at least 30% of the estimated
cost as financial QR for tenders for work/procurement/service having estimated value upto 05 (five)
crore except EPC/corporate package.
However, the following points may be considered for assessing the financial capacity of a bidder
based on their audited accounts in QR for tenders for work/procurement/service having estimated
value above Rs. Five (5) cores/EPC/ Corporate package.
1) Net Working Capital position or Access to credit facilities:
Net Working capital should be considered for the last financial year. Net working capital or access
to credit facilities (unutilised portion) on the date of NIT to be considered is to be arrived by the
= 3 x Cost Estimate
Completion period in months (completion period less than 01 month to be considered as 01 month)
Net working capital means the difference of sum of current assets and sum of current liabilities.
Current assets means a sum of cash and cash equivalent, current investment, inventories, trade
receivable, short term loan and advances and other current assets. Current liabilities means a sum of
short term borrowings, trade payables, short term provision and other current liabilities.
a) Average annual turnover is to be determined taking into consideration turnover of best 3 financial
years out of last 5 financial years. Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual
b) Average annual turnover (AAT) for the best 3 years out of last 5 financial years for other than EPC
& Corporate packages
= 12 x Cost Estimate
Completion period in month (completion period less than 01 month to be considered as 01 month)
c) Average annual turnover (AAT) for the best 3 years out of last 5 financial years for EPC &
Corporate packages
3) Net worth.
Net worth of the bidder as on the last day of the preceding financial year shall not be less than 100 % of
the paid up share capital.
Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free reserves. Free reserve means all
reserves credited out of the profits and share premium account but does not include reserves credited out
of the revaluation of the assets, write back of depreciation provision and amalgamation. Further any
W&P Manual – 2016
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debit balance of Profit and Loss account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted or
written off, if any, shall be reduced from reserves and surplus.
5) For work/procurement/service proposal/tender having estimated value less than or equal to Rs.
One (1) crore will have AAT and for the said proposal/tender having estimated value more than
Rs. One (1) crore and less than Rs. Five (5) crore will have AAT and Net Working Capital
position or Access to credit facilities.
Note: In case where audited results for the preceding financial year are not available,
certification of financial statements from a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be
considered acceptable.
Experience of having completed similar works during last 7 years ending last day of month
previous to the one in which offers are invited should be either of the following:
(a) Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the
estimated cost.
(b) Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the
estimated cost.
(c) One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost.
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Any explanation /elaboration added to qualify similar nature of work shall not be supplant but
supplement the same.
As set by QR committee based on orders executed in past and experience along with past
performance on similar contract for a minimum period of 2 (Two) years thereof. One year
performance may be considered for new technology.
1) QR as mentioned above is an illustrative one and may not be suitable for all Periodic Maintenance
Contract/AMC/Works/Services/procurement. QR approving authority is authorised/empowered to
approve the QR to meet the requirements for case-to-case basis so that adequate bidding response
is achieved.
2) QR should be carefully formulated so that capable contractors/agencies are not restricted from
participation in the tender.
a) INITIATION: Dealing officer (Not below the Rank of M3) based on the schedule for
preparation of Tender document and NIT for a particular package shall initiate the ‘QR
i) Earlier approved QR of similar package.
ii) Experience List of Reputed Suppliers in the field of subject package
i) Proposed QR shall be drafted by dealing officer considering the following:
ii) Earlier approved QR for similar package as the base QR, Scope of subject pack age and
technological changes envisaged, if any, in the subject technical specification.
iii) Dealing officer shall check adequacy of response in last 3-4 tenders for similar package
with the base QR. If participation is adequate dealing officer shall formulate the QR on the
basis of the selected base QR. However, the qualification parameters will be revised based
on package specific requirements.
Dealing officer shall tabulate and enclose with proposed QR the actual participation in
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i) If the dealing officer finds that general representation, if any, by bidding community,
needs attention the same shall be considered while finalizing the QR/ QR parameters.
ii) Considering the response in last 3-4 tenders, if the dealing officer finds that there is a
need for reviewing the QR, following shall be examined:
iii) A comparison of base QR and proposed QR along with changed proposed, reasons for the
same along with the agencies getting qualified shall be annexed to the proposal being put
up for approval of the competent authority.
iv) In case of drafting a QR for a new package for which no base QR can be identified, the
dealing officer may obtain data of qualification from similar tenders of other
organisations and based on the collected data draft a QR considering the following:
2) Adequate number of agencies have the required minimum experience on their own t o
meet the basic requirement of qualification for the package.
v) Financial criteria shall be framed by the dealing officer in line with the guidelines
provided elsewhere. The inputs that should be available before framing the financial
parameters are
In order to bring uniformity among the Stations, Projects, Head Quarters, a standing three member
QR Committee has to be formed at each place depending on the estimated cost (without taxes,
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duties and freight for procurement and with taxes for work wherever separation is not in
practice or pragmatic) in order to follow a uniform approach for framing of QR and towards
establishing the capability of the Vendor/Contractor, apart from financial criteria for which tender
are invited for.
The members of QR Committee at appropriate level shall consist of one representative each from
User/Engineering/Indenting, C&M Department/Contract cell and Finance Department.
Head Quarters:-
A) For estimated value upto Rs.3crore for HQ tender:
At the level of Dy. Chief Engineer or Equivalent (M-6) to be
nominated and approved by the concerned Chief Engineer or
Equivalent (M-7) for Purchase/Contracts/ Services estimated value
upto Rs. 3 crore.
B) For O&M & other cases( except EPC &Corporate Package) having
estimated value above Rs.3 crore :-
At the level of Chief Engineer or Equivalent (M-7) to be nominated
and approved by the concerned Executive Director for
Purchase/Contracts/Services estimated value above Rs.3 crore.
In the non-availability of M-7 level official, M-6 level official can be
nominated specific approval of above mentioned authority.
Qualifying requirements shall be approved by Committee headed by
concerned Executive Director (Chairman of the QR Committee)
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2. Modification In the event of modification of QR, after publication of Tender Notice, the
of QR. modified QR shall be approved as under.
(i) For estimated value upto Rs.3crore for Project: The QR which was
originally approved by HOP the modified (revised) QR, subsequent to
release of NIT shall be approved by concern ED.
(ii) For estimated value upto Rs.3 crore for HQ: The QR which was
originally approved by M-7 level official, the modified (revised) QR,
subsequent to release of NIT shall be approved by concern ED.
(iii) For O&M & other cases (except EPC/Corporate Package) -
estimated value above Rs.3 crore: For modified (revised) QR,
subsequent to release of NIT, a QR Committee will be formed at the
level of Chief Engineer or Equivalent (M-7) with inclusion of one
additional Executive Director to be nominated and approved by the
concerned Executive Director.
In the non-availability of M-7 level official, M-6 level official can be
nominated specific approval of above mentioned authority.
iv) For EPC /Corporate Package: For modified (revised) QR, subsequent
to release of NIT, a QR Committee will be formed at the level of
Executive Director (M8/M9/M10) with inclusion of one additional
Member to be approved by the concerned Member.
In the non-availability of Executive Director, one step below level
official can be nominated with specific approval of concern Member.
In case of DFP (OE), QR Committee will represented by M-6 and M-3 level officials from the constituent
department as per the mechanism given above where approving authority is HOD and HOO respectively.
In the non-availability of M-6 & M-3 level official as stated above, one step below i.e. M-5 and M-2/M-1
level official can be nominated with specific approval of above mentioned authority respectively.
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The Committee will consider various other factors, like Indenting/Dealing Officer’s comments on QR in
respect of the particular Indent, Guidelines issued by Corporation/CVC from time to time. Availability
of testing facilities and availability of statutory documents like company/society registration
certificate, Service Tax/STRC/VAT Registration Certificate, financial documents as stated above.
The QR should be decided before the NIT is issued for advertisement. Once the QR is fixed and
advertised, it cannot be altered / relaxed. However, in case of poor response, against stipulated QR,
the same may be reviewed and revised by the QR committee as stipulated elsewhere for the purpose of
re-tendering with the objective of getting better response and to maintain transparency
Check list for dealing engineer for ensuring compliance to procedure at the time of formulation of QR:
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Tender Documents shall contain the following:
iii. Qualifying requirement carefully designed to permit entry only to tenderers who possess the
technical, financial & managerial capability to meet the requirement.
iv. General Condition of Contract (GCC) as applicable to the work/ procurement/services under
scope of particular tender/bid.
vii. Quantity & Delivery schedule/scope of work/BOQ/Price Schedule with completion schedule.
1) All the Commercial terms and conditions of contract like Delivery Schedule, Payment Terms,
Price Fall/Variation Clause, Liquidated Damage Clause, Basis of Pricing (FOR/FOB Terms or other
INCOTERMS in respect of Export/Import Contracts), Risk Purchase Clause, Guarantee/Warranty
Conditions, Performance Guarantee Clause and Inspection Clause etc. will be specifically
mentioned in the NIT/Bid (tender) document. The bidder has to accept those terms and conditions
unconditionally in order to participate in the tender which are to be stipulated as mandatory
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The Indenting department will furnish the technical specification/material specification for each
specification parameter of each item to be procured, in an objective format with the required
evaluation criteria to the Contract & Material department. The format will contain the
specification parameters of the items in a very specific and objective manner which will
facilitate automatic Technical evaluation of the Bids. Based on the above information received
from the indenting department, the Technical (Techno-Commercial) Parameter Sheet in Excel
format (password protected) will be prepared by the official of C&M department (Creator of
Tender) and the same will be uploaded during tender creation.
The Price bid containing the bill of quantity/Price Schedule will be in Excel format (password
protected) and will be uploaded during tender creation. This will be downloaded by the bidder
and he will quote the rates, taxes & duties etc. for his offered items on this Excel file as per
instruction contained in NIT/bid (tender) document. Thereafter, the bidder will upload the same
Excel file during bid submission in Part-II. The Price Bid which is incomplete and / or not
submitted as per instruction given above will be considered unresponsive bid and will be rejected
out rightly. This stipulation is to be mentioned clearly in NIT/Tender Document.
Modification of the submitted bid shall be allowed on-line only before the deadline of submission
of tender and the bidder may modify and resubmit the bid on-line as many times as he may wish.
The bidder may withdraw his bid on-line at any time before the last date and time of submission of bid at
his discretion without losing his EMD. No bidder will be allowed to withdraw or modify the bid after
deadline of submission. The actions which shall be taken in case of withdrawal of bids at different
stages of tender/bid participation are as indicated below:
i. If the withdrawal is on-line within the deadline of bid submission, the EMD will be refunded.
ii. If the request of withdrawal is received after deadline of bid submission and before opening of
Techno Commercial bid, the bidder will be disqualified and his EMD will be forfeited and the
techno commercial bids of remaining bidders will be opened.
iii. If the L-1 bidder withdraws his bid after issue of Purchase/Work Order/LOA/LOI/LOI-cum-
Work Order/Letter of Award, then his EMD will be forfeited and penal action may be taken, and
re-tender shall be done for the items awarded to him. In this re-tender such defaulting Bidder will
not be allowed to participate.
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In order to ensure transparency, equity and competitiveness in its procurement and works, DVC
has decided to adopt Integrity Pact. The Integrity Pact (IP) envisages an agreement between the
prospective vendors/bidders and the buyer committing the persons/officials of both the parties,
not to exercise any corrupt influence on any aspect of the contract.
The Integrity Pact shall be applicable for tenders having estimated value of Rs.15 crores and above.
Further, in case of tenders having estimated value of Rs.50 crores and above, the Independent
External Monitors (IEMs) shall be responsible to oversee the implementation of Integrity Pact
objectively and maintaining absolute neutrality as per CVC available guideline in this regard.
1. Integrity Pact (IP) will be applicable for Tenders/Contracts value of Rs.15 crores and above:
2. Following Integrity Pact Clause has been incorporated in the tenders of value Rs.15 crores and
a) “DVC shall be entering into an Integrity Pact with the bidders as per format enclosed vide
Annexure (Y). The proforma has to be returned by the bidder (along with the techno-commercial
bid) duly signed by the same signatory who signed the bid, i.e., who is duly authorised to sign the
bid. Any bid not accompanied by Integrity Pact proforma duly signed by the bidders’ shall be
rejected straightway. All pages of IP to be signed by the bidders’’ authorised signatory who signs
the bid”. In other words, entering into this Pact would be a preliminary qualification.
The format of Integrity Pact is as Annexure (Y) which should form a part of the tender document
of estimated value more than Rs.15 crores.
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2) Earnest Money is not to be insisted in case of single tender enquiry of any value and limited
tender enquiry for packages of estimated value upto Rs.25.00 lakhs. In case of limited tender
enquiry for packages of estimated value above Rs.25.00 lakhs, Earnest Money may be imposed at
above rate at the discretion of TIA.
3) Small scale Industries registered with NSIC shall be exempted from payment of EMD. SSI Units
seeking such exemption must enclose valid registration certificate from appropriate Govt. authority
giving details such as validity, stores, exemption limit, bid threshold value etc.
4) The Earnest Money should be deposited along with the tender, if applicable, as per direction
given in the NIT/Tender Document, and shall be furnished in any of the following forms:
a) E-payment mode has been enabled. The bidders can pay the cost of bid document
and the EMD through electronic mode i.e. credit card/ debit card/ net banking. Provision
for NEFT/ RTGS has also been enabled, moreover in case the bidder who do not
have any credit card/ debit card or net banking facilities, they can use NEFT/ RTGS
facilities for payment by downloading the challan from the web site and submit the same
to nearest bank.
b) Earnest Money for an amount exceeding Rs. 50000 can be submitted in the form of Bank
Guarantee from an Indian Nationalized Bank / Schedule Bank / Foreign Bank (in the
scheduled list of Reserve Bank India), irrevocable and operative till the validity of the
offer as per standard Proforma.
Overseas bidder, in case of participation, is permitted to submit the Bank Guarantee
from Foreign Bank which are included in the scheduled list of Reserve Bank India,
copy of which is annexed in Annexure-F. However, any Foreign Bank not mentioned
here but subsequently included in the scheduled list of RBI in the course of bidding shall
be accepted. Such inclusion of Bank’s name is to be obtained from the website of RBI.
The Bank Guarantee currency shall be same as currency of Price Bid. In case the
bidder arranges to submit BG in INR from Nationalized or Schedule Bank of India
through their trade relation and quote the bid in USD/EURO, the same shall also be
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e) Post Office National Savings Certificate, having face value equal to the EMD value and
duly endorsed by issuing authority in favour of DVC.
5) The offer accompanied by B.G. against EMD will only be considered valid on acceptance of the
Bank Guarantee. The offer not accompanied by specified EMD in proper form as defined in the
Bid Document shall not be considered as valid tender for opening provided necessary stipulations
are made in the NIT.
6) In case it is observed that there is a shortfall in earnest money deposit to the extent of Rs.100/- the
same may be condoned by TIA.
7) The earnest money would be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers within 15 days of finalisation
of the tender. Earnest Money will be returned to the successful tenderer after receipt of SDBG as
per terms mentioned in the purchase/work order. No interest would be paid against the EM
8) Earnest Money deposited is liable to be forfeited without any notice or proof of damage to the
DVC, etc.in the following circumstances:-
a) For failure of tenderers to accept the order / LOI / LOA/NOA placed within the
validity period of their offer,
b) Any bidder withdraws/varies his offer within the bid validity period before finalisation
of the tender.
c) If the bidder does not accept the arithmetical correction of its bid price.
d) For failure to submit security cum performance BG within 30 days from the last day
of the specified time limit as stipulated in the PO/LOI/LOA.
e) If the acceptance of order is not received within the stipulated period.
f) If the Bidder does not withdraw any deviation listed in Statement of Deviations at the
cost of withdrawal indicated by him,
g) If the Bidder refuse to withdraw, without any cost to the DVC, any deviation not
listed in Statement of Deviations but found elsewhere in the Bid,
h) On providing false or incorrect information in respect of qualifying requirement etc.
i) In case the L1 bidder for any item fails to produce the documents within the specified
period as stipulated in W&P manual, or if any of the information furnished by L1
bidder on-line is found to be false by the Tender Committee during verification of
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and purpose, as well as other important parameters such as name of work, value and validity etc.
Accordingly, such cases need to be dealt with as described below.
The Bank Guarantee shall not be accepted and bid shall be rejected, if:
a) The name of the NIT mentioned in the BG is different from the NIT for which bids have been
b) The firm/proprietor, on whose behalf the bank guarantee has been furnished, is different from the
c) The Bank Guarantee is not of the prescribed value.
d) The validity of the Bank Guarantee is less than the stipulated period. However, the shortfall, if
any, up to a period of 7 (seven) days, shall be acceptable. Further, an additional shortfall only in
the following cases shall be acceptable:
i. If the dead line of submission of bids and the date of bid opening has been extended, a
shortfall up to the period of extension shall be acceptable.
ii. If the dead line for submission of bids and the date of bid opening has been extended more
than once, a shortfall up to the period of total extension shall be acceptable.
Note :- The Bank Guarantee to be prepared on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value
which vary from state to state and time to time. As such no rate has been prescribed. It has to be
verified from the bank.
If the text of the BG furnished by a bidder is at variance from the given in the bidding documents,
the BG shall not be rejected merely on that ground. It shall be examined by the concerned
Purchase Officer/Dealing Officer to ascertain whether it meets the required intent and purpose of
EMD / bid security or Security Deposit -cum-Performance Guarantee. If the BG is not found
acceptable, the bid shall be treated as non-responsive. If the BG is found to meet the intent and
purpose of bid security, despite the variance in text, the concerned Purchase Officer/Dealing
Officer shall obtain the vetting of the same by the legal cell. Thereafter, Tender Inviting Authority
shall approve it for acceptance.
The checklist for acceptance of BG and The formats for BG against EMD/SD/Advance and
extension are given at the end of this manual.
For procurement of vehicle, exclusion of Security Deposit cum Performance Guarantee Clause in
NIT may be considered with the approval of TIA. The custody of the BG. should be with the
concerned Finance (Accounts) Deptt, who in turn will monitor the same and lodge a conditional
claim with the Banker one month in advance before the expiry of the Bank Guarantee. The Finance
Deptt should also send a copy to Engineer in charge and C&M Deptt for extension /disposal of the
BG. If no response is received for extension within the time Schedule, Finance Deptt. should
lodge formal claim against the BG for recovery of the money.
a) The Tenderer may deposit with the Corporation, permanent EMD of rupees three lakhs only
(Rs.3,00,000) in the form DD/Pay order/banker cheque in favour of Damodar Valley Corporation
payable at Kolkata in INR or BG for a period of three years constituting the same sum as
security for the compliance with the obligation undertaken in the tenders involving estimated
cost upto Rs.1 crore irrespective of no. of tenders. No interest shall be payable on such deposit
amount. Tenderer shall be entitled to submit offers and to have them considered without
payment of EMD with each tender separately. An exemption certificate shall be issued to such
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vendors and they need to furnish reference of this certificate alongwith tender document and also
superscribe the reference on the envelope so that offers are accepted for opening.
b) Permanent EMD deposited by vendors/suppliers shall be forfeited in case they
i) Revoke the tender or increase the rates after opening the tender but during the validity period of
their offers
Refuse to accept the order/contract issued as per their offer or subsequent mutual agreements.
ii) Do not execute the orders.
c) Permanent EMD can be refunded if so desired by vendors, in which case they shall be required to
deposit requisite EMD with each tender.
a) At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the DVC may, for any reason, whether at
its own initiative, or in response to the clarifications requested by the prospective Bidders,
amend the bidding documents except QR after due approval of Tender Inviting Authority.
b) The amendment will be notified in writing/web site or by telephone/fax/e-mail to all prospective
Bidders that have received the bidding documents and will be binding on them. Bidders are
required to immediately acknowledge receipt of any such amendment, and it will be assumed that
the information contained therein have been taken into account by the Bidder in his bid.
c) In order to give reasonable time to prospective bidders to take the amendment into account in
preparing their bid, the DVC may, at his discretion, extend the deadline for the d o w n
l o a d i n g / s e l l i n g / submission/uploading of bids.
d) Any addendum/corrigendum/extension, if required, pertaining to Open NIT published through
press advertisement will be hoisted in DVC website only and will not be published in Newspaper
again. Bidders may be requested to visit DVC website regularly for any
addendum/corrigendum/extension till opening of said NITs. This stipulation is to be incorporated
in the original press advertisement for the NIT.
e) In case of change in technical parameter/ specification/ scope of work, selling/downloading and
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2) Provision of part payment against part supply of consignment at consignee’s end may be
incorporated in Purchase order on the merit of the case (only if the part consignment can be used
independently), provided necessary stipulation is made in the NIT/Tender document.
The payment terms for works/service contract (other than EPC/Turnkey) may be regulated as
90% of contract price for works/service contract against RA bills. This also includes initial
advance, if any and remaining 10% after completion of the contract.
b) Payment for EPC/Turnkey contracts:-
The payment terms for supply and erection & commissioning for any Turnkey contracts may be
regulated as follows:
1) Supply portion only:
i) 70% of the Ex-works price /ordered value of supply (of bough out items) with full
taxes and duties as applicable after adjustment of advance, if any, will be paid against
proof of despatch (viz. R/R, L/R) , detailed invoice / packing list, warranty certificate,
test certificate, insurance policy / certificate, dispatch clearance. 20%of the Ex-works price
/ order value of supply (in case of bought out items) after receipt of the materials and
inspection and acceptance at site. However, for spares, balance 30% shall be paid after
receipt of materials and inspection & acceptance at site.
ii) Remaining 10% after complete erection and commissioning & testing and handing over.
ii) Remaining 10% after complete erection and commissioning & testing and handing over.
iii) In case of EPC or Turnkey Contract, the payment as per approved Billing Schedule (Billing
Breakup - BBU) against the above two cases in terms of stipulation of Contract may be
done. However, the payment made under this condition will be notional only to facilitate
the cash flow for smooth progress and may not reflect the value of actual work
done/material supplied.
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Commission in Rs, if any, shall be paid against presentation of shipping documents as called for
in the purchase order through irrevocable LC.
d) Advance Payment:
i) Mobilization advance:
1) Advance payment is normally discouraged. In exceptional circumstances, interest-bearing
advance to the extent of 10% of contract price may be given against submission of BG taken
towards security of the advance should be at least 110% of advance so as to recovery of not only
principal amount but also interest portion if so required.
2) The BG wherever applicable should be valid upto the date of completion of works/supply or
extended period completion of works/supply with claim period as per format and acceptance
3) Advance should not be paid in less than two equal instalments except in special circumstances
for that reasons to be recorded.
4) A clause in the tender enquiry to be incorporated that the interest free advance would be
deemed as interest bearing advance at a Bsae rate of SBI plus 3.5% if the contract is terminated
due to default of the contractor. However rate of interest should be applied for calculation of
interest on the advance amount in reset basis (i.e. not fixed rate of interest, it may go on
changing during the period of advance remain unadjusted) based on the change of base rate time
to time.
5) Advance should be recovered within the original completion /extended completion time as per
the provision of contract.
ii) Other advance:
Provision for 100% advance (interest free) without submission of BG may also be allowed in
dealing with procurement on single tender basis from CPSU/Govt. controlled autonomous
Organisation / Universities / Laboratories/ Reputed Private Manufacturer as OEM etc.
Specific examples are:
1) Procurement of LDO/FO/HSD/Motor Spirit/Lubricants & Greases from CPSUs like
2) Procurement of Steel from CPSUs like SAIL, IISCO, RINL etc.
3) Procurement of Vehicles from Tata Motors, Hindustan Motors, Maruti Udyog, Hero Hondo,
Bajaj, Enfield etc.
4) Testing/consultancy & other services from CPSUs like CMERI, CMRI, CPRI CFRI, NTPC,
5) OEM’s who do not sell their product without advance.
1) Where a claim of Sales Tax/VAT is preferred and admitted, the supplier must satisfy that he is a
registered dealer under the Sales Tax Act and possesses a Certificate of Registration in the firms
name in which the supply is made and shall in proof thereof, while submitting bills for payment,
furnish the, number, date and other particulars of such certificate.
2) For materials which are ordered on weights/ volume, the payment should be as per measurement
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at DVC’s stores / sites irrespective of the quantity mentioned in the challans / documents, unless
there is explicit provision in the Purchase Order/contracts. If there is 3rd party inspection, in the
above cases, 3rd party inspection charges would be as per Weight/ Volume received at DVC end.
The statutory charges and duties, however, have to be paid on actuals as per documents received
from the vendor.
3) The contractor/vendor shall furnish the following certificate to the Order issuing authority
/ Paying Authority along with each invoice/bill against payment for supplies made against any
supply order/RC with longer completion period (more than a year), if the same is placed on firm
price basis.
“I / we certify that there has been no reduction in the sale price of the stores of description
identical to this item, supplied to any person/organization and such stores have not been
offered/sold by me/us to any person/organization at a price lower than the price charged under
this contract up to the date of this bill.”
Note: Only relevant payment term applicable as per type of package / tender should be included in the
tender/bid document by the TIA.
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payment without waiting for formal delivery period / time extension order, withholding (not
deduction) the extent of L.D. amount as applicable and inform the order issuing authority and
indenting officer to resolve/settle the applicability of L.D. clause within a reasonable period
enclosing the Vendor/Contractor’s appeal if any, thereafter the withheld L.D. amount to be
regularized accordingly.
6) Normally the concerned Vendor/Contractor should make an appeal before expiry of scheduled
contractual delivery/completion period to consignee and/or order issuing authority mentioning the
reasons for delay.
7) If the delay is attributable to the vendor/contractor (can be ascertained as per calculation shown in
the forthcoming para) as assessed be the order executing authority, LD Clause shall be
imposed on the vendor/contractor even if the Corporation has not suffered any demonstrable
actual loss for such delay, as it is a pre-estimated compensation only.
8) Equipment and materials will be deemed to have been delivered only when all its components,
parts are delivered. If certain components are not delivered in time, the equipment & materials
will be considered as delayed until such time all their parts/ components are delivered.
9) While finalizing final time extension, if Liquidated Damage is levied in each and every contract
undergoing delay in completion/delivery period, without examining the merit of the case and the
taking relevant aspects into account, such a decision will not only be against the spirit of the
contract but may not ultimately be in the interest of DVC also. At the same time, cases involving
loss/damages to DVC due to delays by vendor/contractor should not be dealt with leniently.
Hence, in order to safeguard the long term and larger interest of DVC, the cases for imposition
of Liquidated Damage need to be dealt with logically and rationally, maintaining consistency in
approach by order executing authority. Accordingly, in the normal course, the cases of time
extension/Liquidated Damage will be dealt with as per guidelines given hereunder.
10) Every delay has a cost. LD is basically pre-estimated loss to DVC in case of delayed
delivery/delayed completion period of work. Damages, with reference to a contract, in the context
of Liquidated Damage, can be defined as the amount adjudged to be paid by vendor/contractor to
the owner (DVC) as compensation for the loss sustained by the owner in consequence of the
breach of contractual obligations pertaining to time schedule. The fundamental principle underlying
the theory of damages is not punishment but compensation.
11) In contract / Purchase Order awarded by DVC delay in performance of the contract / Purchase
Order may be on account of one or more of the following:
(i) Reasons attributable to the owner viz. delay in giving approval of submitted drawings, in
sending Inspector to carry out inspection at vendor’s works, in issuing despatch clearance, in
issuance of road permit etc.
(ii) Reasons attributable to “Force Majeure” conditions as defined in the contract / Purchase
(iii) Reasons attributable to the Vendor/Contractor viz., delay in the submission of drawings for
approval, in getting the materials from vendor/vendor’s principal/manufacturer in abroad, in getting
the raw materials etc.
12) The proposal for time extension and decision on LD shall, accordingly, contain a detailed analysis
by the executing authority indicating reasons & period of delay on each account, as detailed
above, along with documentary evidence thereof to the extent feasible and relevant. Based on the
analysis, the period of delay due to ‘Force Majeure’ and for reasons attributable to DVC shall be
identified. The idea of the exercise is to find out the net delay, which is attributable to the
vendor/contractor. Experience of LD cases dealt with in the past reveals that the all the three types
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of delay mentioned above are so much mixed up/intermingled, with one running concurrently with
another, at intermittent stages that it becomes extremely difficult to directly identify the delay
attributable to the vendor. As such, a practicable approach for working out the net delay attributable
to the vendor/contractor, as described below, shall be adopted.
i. Total delay that has occurred in a Contract =A
ii Cumulative period of delay on account of “Force Majeure” = B
iii. Cumulative period of delay on account of DVC =C
iv. Concurrent cumulative period in (ii) & (iii) =X
v. Cumulative period of delay on account of “Force Majeure” and DVC= B + C – X
vi. Net period of delay attributable to the contractor, Z = A-(B+C-X)
In case the period Z, arrived at as per Para above, is ngative/zero, the time extension, till the actual
completion of the supplies, shall be allowed without any LD.
In case the period Z, arrived at as per Para above is positive, LD will be imposed as per rate
indicated in the Purchase Order.
p) Alternatively, the Purchaser may short close the Order stating the reason for not resorting to risk
purchase clause in case of exigency with approval of TAA. However in case TAA is Board or
Chairman, approval of concerned member shall be obtained.
In the event of recourse to alternatives as mentioned above, the Purchaser/DVC will have the
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right to re-purchase the stores or complete the work, to meet urgency in requirement caused by
Contractor/Vendor’s failure to comply with the schedule of delivery or completion of the work or
services irrespective of the fact whether the materials /equipment/ work/ service are similar or not
Item/Work :
Mode of Tendering :
Sl. Description Compliance Remark
1 Description of Work/Item is correctly defined
2 Time Frame is as per W&P Manual
3 Pre bid date provided
4 Cost of Bid Document & EMD Provided
5 Approval for procurement/work obtained as per relevant clause of DFP
6 Evaluation Criteria defined
7 Approval for Deviation from W&P Manual obtained
8 Approval for Estimate & QR available
9 Budget provision exist
10 PAC/OEM/OES or Standardisation Certificate provided
11 Relevant Drawing/ Specification enclosed
12 The quantity & Unit of item mentioned
13 Pre despatch Inspection details provided
14 Delivery period/ Completion time provided
15 Quality Assurance plan is correctly indicated
16 LD clause defined
17 Payment terms defined
18 Value and Period of Performance guarantee provided
19 The Guarantee/Warranty Clause defined properly
20 Price Basis Firm/Variable defined
21 Taxes & Duties defined
22 The details of Contact person provided
23 The TIA contact details along with address provided
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Bids shall generally be invited for open tender through publication of the NITs in newspapers /
website, detailing QR along with techno-commercial specification. In case of LT, QR is required
only if there is no approved vendor list/ poor vendor list. In other cases of LT, QR is not required.
A pre-bid conference, for clarifying the queries that prospective bidders may like to seek in
regard to the provisions of bidding documents and other details shall normally be held within
7(seven) days from last date of downloading/sale closing of tender documents. The firms who
have purchased the bidding documents or intend to participate in the bidding process may attend the
conference. Queries raised by various firms shall be discussed in the Pre-Bid
Conference/Clarification Meeting attended by the representatives of the firms and the TC
Committee. On conclusion of the meeting, Tender Committee shall draw a minute immediately
thereafter, in line with the discussions held during the meeting, clarifications to the written queries
received from bidders, either prior to or during the conference, shall be prepared, along with the
amendments, if any, to the bidding documents, by the TC and same to be placed before TIA for
approval. The same may be incorporated in the bidding documents within three days(within 7 days
for EPC contract) of Pre-bid conference after approval of Tender Inviting Authority and same will
be hosted on Website. The clarification to the bidders along with amendment, if any, on
conclusion of pre-bid conference may also to be issued to all the participating bidders.
All the queries shall be answered clearly and reply in the form of “as per NIT document”
shall be avoided. In case the query is properly defined in the NIT documents then clause no
of NIT document shall be referred.
However, TIA approval of pre-bid conference report is not required where the same is
recommended by higher level Tender Committee i.e. above the level of TIA or TIA is one of the
member of recommending authority. But TIA may take initiative for further action i.e. with regard
to hosting of clarification of pre-bid conference along with the amendments, if any, to the bidding
documents, opening of price bid etc.
To obviate the possibility of cartel formation, It is also suggested for those NIT/Tender
Documents where the numbers of participating bidders are three or less, pre-bid discussion may be
held with bidders individually
The Bidder or his authorised representative to be invited to attend pre-bid conference before
submitting the offer as per time line stipulated elsewhere in W&P Manual at the following address:
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Pre-bid conference for LTE (with QR only) may also be allowed at the discretion of Tender
Inviting Authority. If approved, the detailed programme on pre-bid conference should be clearly
mentioned in NIT/ Tender documents.
Any modification of basic technical specification/commercial terms and conditions of the Bidding
Documents as a result of Pre-bid conference in case of Limited Tender Enquiry (with QR) will be
circulated amongst the bidders through the record note of Pre-bid conference by sending letter,
Fax, e -mail.
The three members Tender opening Committee shall be constituted prior to opening of bids.
When tenders are intended to be submitted to the authorised representative of Tender Inviting
Authority in person, tenders sent by courier/Speed Post will be accepted and acknowledged by the
authorised representative of the Tender Inviting Authority (the names & designation of at least
two officers assigned for this purpose are to be mentioned in the bid document). Delayed tenders
shall, however, not be acknowledged and accepted.
b) Off-line/Online mode
However in case of poor response (less than three tenders/bids) the bid opening date may be
extended up to 14 days for one time with approval of TIA. In such circumstances all the bidders
will be suitably communicated through web site only about the extension of down
loading/selling period. However, no further extension will be considered beyond this period in
case of poor response. This clause will be incorporated in tender/bid document.. However, TIA
may allow the opening of the bid in view of urgency or immediate requirement (to be given by user
section/indenter) with proper justification recorded in the file.
Tender submitted/uploaded after extension will be opened and finalisation thereof will be done
on its merit
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Opening of e-tender mode has already been discussed under e-procurement/tendering. Off-line
procedures are discussed below:-
i. The Contracts and Materials Deptt. of the Corporation in DVC Towers, Plant /Field Formations
shall form a tender opening committee, comprising of three officers. The representation of Finance
Deptt. will be compulsory in such tender opening committee
ii. Tender will be opened on the due date and time indicated in the NIT/Tender Document. The
authorized representatives of the bidders may remain present during tender opening.
iii. A tender opening register shall be maintained in the respective departments in a printed format
containing information mentioned above including the date of opening, extension of date, if any,
names, designation and signatures of all the persons present during opening. The bidder’s
representatives who are present shall also sign endorsing their attendance.
iv. Each tender to be numbered serially, initialled and the prices along with the important terms and
conditions like earnest money deposit, performance bank guarantee, integrity pact (if applicable)
discount, if any etc. should be encircled and initialled.
v. Alterations in tenders, if any, made by the bidders shall be initialled legibly to make it perfectly
clear that such alterations were present on the tenders at the time of opening.
vi. Wherever any erasing or cutting is notified in the tenders, the substituted words should be encircled
and initialled and the fact that such erasing/cutting of the original entry was present on the tender
at the time of opening be also recorded.
vii. After opening of the tender, the tender opening officer/committee should prepare an “On the
Spot, Statement” giving details of the quotations received and other particulars like prices, taxes,
duties and EMD etc. as read out during the opening of the tenders. In case the tenderers / bidders
fail to quote the rates in words or in figures, the omission should be recorded by the Officers
opening the tender and in case the tenderers / bidders failed to write the rates/price in words, the
rate in words must be written and authenticated by the members of the Tender Opening Committee.
viii. In ‘Two part bid’ where price bids are supposed to be submitted in a separate sealed envelope by
the tenderer, if any price component in full or in part is exposed and found with its techno-
commercial offers, these bid are to be out rightly rejected and will not be considered as the
submitted tender is not as per the terms of NIT. Price component means “Basic Price”.
ix. In case of “Two Part Bid” system, the price bid part of the tender should be kept separately and
all the envelopes containing the price bids must be signed not only by the members of the tender
opening committee but also by the tenderers’ representatives, present during the opening.
Thereafter, all the envelopes containing the price bids should be put in a bigger envelope and the
same should be sealed, and duly signed by the officers of the tender opening committee and
tenderers’/bidders’ representatives, with name, designation and date.
The Bid opening date, as notified to the bidders through enquiry should be strictly adhered to.
However, in case of unforeseen circumstances or due to administrative reasons, the bids are not
opened on the due date, the same shall be opened on the next working day at the same time
without any further approval.
Tenders will not be opened on due date if the response is less than three, and in that occasion the
matter will normally be put up to Tender Inviting Authority for further decision regarding
a) In the single Stage Bidding, the bidders shall be required to submit/upload their techno-commercial
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proposals with prices and EMD/Bid Security/Bid Guarantee, along with QR data and other information
as stipulated in NIT//Tender Documents. Bids so received shall be opened on the bid opening date
in presence of the representatives of the bidders who choose to attend the bid opening. Any late
bid shall not be entertained by the system.
b) Normally extension of time for submission of bids shall not be granted. In the absence of adequate
response (minimum three) within the time limit, TIA may extend for downloading/submission of
bids up to 14 days. However, no further extension with regard to downloading/submission of bids
will be given.
c) There shall be no scope for submission of supplementary price bid after bid opening date.
However revised price bid/ Original price bid/ discount if any, as submitted before the bid
opening date (techno-commercial part) will be considered. In case of submission of more than
one bid by any bidder before opening the bid the last submitted bid will be considered for
d) On the tender opening day, the tender opening committee would open the ‘A’ envelope to check
the contents. If ‘A’ envelope (EMD, Cost of bid document & Integrity Pact) is as per requirement,
then the Techno-commercial part envelope ‘B’ would be opened.
e) Offers failing to comply the conditions of Envelope (A) will be rejected out rightly except for
single stage bidding with 1 (one) envelope.
f) Bidders should submit an undertaking that they have not taken any deviation other than deviation
taken in prescribed form of deviation sheet and cost of withdrawal has been recorded in price bid
and also undertake that any deviation elsewhere except above will be withdrawn unconditionally
without any price implication.
g) Bidders who have not complied all the terms & conditions of NIT/Tender Document and taken
deviation elsewhere than deviation sheet ,will be asked to withdraw unconditionally the deviation
without any price implication within the specific time frame failing which their offers will not be
considered for opening of price bids. This is to be mentioned in NIT/Tender Documents.
h) Price Bids to be opened after acceptance/approval of Techno-commercial part by Tender Inviting
Authority based on the recommendation of Tender Committee, wherever applicable, without further
reference to Finance.
i) The date & time for opening the price part has to be intimated to the techno commercially qualified
bidders over web site. The price part of the bids would be opened at the notified date & time by the
tender opening committee. Authorised representative of concerned bidder may attend the price bid
j) The price-part, i.e, Envelope ‘C’ or Envelope ‘D’ as the case may be would be opened for the
techno-commercially accepted bidders only based on their submitted information.
k) NIT/Bid Document can stipulate that a bidder can quote on firm price basis or variable price basis
(but not on both), to be mentioned specifically in NIT/Bid Document and each such offer will be
considered accordingly. As far as possible, contract should be entered on “firm price basis”,
while contract on variable prices can be considered as per prevailing practice or on the merit of
such tender to be decided by TIA. As a general principle, no offer involving any uncertain or
indefinite liability or any condition of unusual character should be considered.
l) Whenever offer on variable price is asked, the standard price variation formula along with the
base date should be clearly spelt out in the NIT documents by TIA.
a) Any tender/enquiries related to purchase / works/ project package /turnkey project/ services/ AMC/
transportation/R&M etc, having estimated cost in excess of Rs. One lakh (1,00,000/-) to be
concluded through a Tender Committee. However, while exercising power utilizing DFP (OE), the
same to be exercised through Tender Committee if the estimated cost exceeds Rs. 50,000/-.
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b) All such cases having estimated value less than or equal to the cut off value as indicated above need
not be finalised through TC even if the quoted/offered price of L-1/acceptable bid exceeds the above
said limits. However, reasonability of price is to be recorded as per procedure of W&P Manual and
acceptance is to be done as per DFP.
c) Estimated cost means basic price/rate without taxes, duties and freight for procurement/services and
with taxes for work wherever separation is not in practice or pragmatic.
d) Constitution of QR & TC to be linked with estimated cost without taxes, duties, freight etc or with
tax as the case may be as stated above.
e) Any post award modification, in contract clause having financial implication in excess of Rs. 100
lacs to be processed through TC. Excess quantity, extra item and variation shall be dealt as per DFP
and processing through TC is not required.
f) If the post contract modification involves financial implication less than Rs. 100 lacs, the case to be
processed by the dealing officer and secure approval of award authority as per DFP after obtaining
finance concurrence.
The dealing officer/tender inviting authority in HQ, plant/field formations shall take initiation to
form the 3-member tender committee after floating of NIT and approved by respective approving
authority on case to case basis. The tender Committee will be formed and approved by the
respective Approving Authority prior to opening of the tender/ bid.
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1) The members of Tender Committee at appropriate level shall consist of one representative each
from Indenting, C&M department and Finance/Accounts Department. No separate finance
concurrence is required for such proposal which has been processed through TC except proposal
which requires to be approved at the level of Chairman/Board.
3) All proposals for approval required at a level of Chairman/ Board shall be recommended by
Member concern with the concurrence of Member (Finance).
4) Where requisite level of officers is not posted/deployed, in that case one step below level officers
will be nominated in the committee.
5) Where requisite level of officers is not available for nomination of name in TC committee, TIA may
nominate the same.
6) In case of DFP (OE), TC will represented by as per table above depending upon the designation of
HOD/HOO. Where approving authority is M-1/ M-2 level officers as HOO, TC can be represented
by M-1 with the approval of M-2.
7) If the offer value of L-1 bidder changes the status of TAA to higher level than that of originally
contemplated based on Estimated Value, the level of TC will be changed and approval for
constitution of TC may please be obtained accordingly as per the table given above. However, in
case of changes TAA to lower level, same Tender Committee will continue.
However, this will not be applicable where, tender evaluation by TC is exempted in terms of W&P
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the required specification, date on which they are registered and if unregistered or not
supplied/worked with as stated above their capacity/capability based on the report furnished by
technical authority, financial status, etc., as per the departmental rules and regulations.
2) Price reasonability to be analyzed for acceptance of the offer by comparing it as per the
guideline stipulated in REASONABILITY OF PRICES.
3) Give due consideration to the delivery period/ completion schedule offered vis-à-vis the
requirement of the indenter/ proposer.
4) Analyses the past performance of the firm, if they have executed any orders or if they are in the
process of executing any contract(s).
5) While proposing a second order on a firm who has not started supplies/ works against their
earlier order, the total load on the firm should be kept in mind together with their financial
capability as well as the capacity of the firm.
6) Leads to placement of order on firm(s) who have agreed to abide by the Conditions of Contract and
Clauses of Tender Enquiry and that they have not stipulated any abnormal conditions in their
offer (s).
7) Results in placement of order for the imported stores on F.O.B/F.A.S basis or other basis as
stipulated in NIT/Bid Document; for any departure, the proposal is to be condoned by the
concerned Executive Director.
8) Leads to placement of import order on Indian Agents enlisted with DGS&D under Compulsory
Enlistment of Indian Agents Scheme of Finance (as per GOI) and that the amount of agent’s
commission, if any, agreed to between the foreign principals and the Indian Agent is specifically
disclosed and the Agency Commission is paid in Indian rupees only.
9) Considers the possibility to secure supplies and after sales service, etc., on reasonable terms,
directly without the involvement of an agent.
a) Function of TC will commence from pre-bid meeting and after opening of tender if no pre-bid
meeting is there. The scope of work of TC should be to scrutinize/evaluate the tenders received to
find out whether these are complete in all respects and binding on the tenderers. The committee will
also check all the information related to credentials & techno-commercial parameters as submitted
by the bidders as per stipulation of NIT/Tender Document. TC also record on the technical/techno-
commercial acceptability of the offers and commercial terms to be frozen before opening of the
price bid. The Tender Committee should check and scrutinize the techno-commercial parameter
sheet/Comparative Statement and put their recommendation clearly on the purchase proposal/ final
proposal for works & procurement/services after assessing the price reasonableness of the offer.
Thereafter, the above proposal is to be placed before the TAA for approval. The purchase
order/work order will be placed (issued) after getting the approval of Tender Accepting authority.
b) All the members of TC should furnish the certificate in the tender evaluation report that none of
them as any personal interest in any of the tenderers who have participated.
c) Tender Inviting Authority will monitor the time schedules of different activities for finalization of
d) The following details/points are generally to be covered / taken care of while preparing Final T.C.
Recommendation for OTE/LTE /STE cases.
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6) Final Recommendation
The recommendation for acceptance/rejection shall be clearly spelt in the final report of TC
before placement to TAA for acceptance. The TC shall not place the report to TAA for part
acceptance. In case of recommendation for rejection the TC shall record the reasons for
1) The evaluation criteria shall be clearly defined in the tender documents and each of the bids shall be
examined by the T ender committee as per the defined evaluation criteria only The following aspects
shall be taken care of at the time of evaluation:
a) Qualifying Requirements,
b) Capacity and Capability,
c) Compliance to technical requirements,
d) Bill of Quantities/Price Schedule,
e) Assignment of Contract and
f) Other Technical and Commercial aspects/deviations.
2) On the pre-scheduled date and time of tender opening, the received Techno Commercial bids
(Cover-I) will be decrypted on-line and will be opened by the 3 member Tender opening committee
constituted with one member from indenting department, C&M Department & Finance department
with their Digital Signature Certificates. All the members of the said committee should have both
signing and encryption certificate. This clause may change as per the requirement of statutory or
Service Provider Guideline. The Techno Commercial bid may be opened on the date and time of
submission of bid on the pre-scheduled date or otherwise.
3) In case the cost of tender document, EMD and other document as specified in NIT/Bid Document
are not received within the aforesaid period, the bid will not be opened or out rightly rejected.
4) The bidder will furnish all the information as sought on-line regarding cost of tender document and
EMD besides submission of Hard Copy as stipulated above will be mandatory in all OTE cases. In
case of exemption of EMD applicable for any bidder, the scanned copy of document in support of
exemption will have to be uploaded by the bidder besides submission of Hard Copy before opening
the tender as stipulated above. (Documentary evidence means document like valid registration
certificate from appropriate government authority giving details such as quantum of exemption, bid
threshold value, validity, stores etc.).
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5) After opening of the techno-commercial bid, the acceptance of cost of tender document and
EMD by Tender Opening Committee will be entered on-line as required by the system. Evaluation
sheets generated by the system on-line shall be downloaded during opening of Part-I and shall be
placed before the Tender Committee for authentication.
6) After opening of Part I (cost of tender document, Integrity Certificate as applicable & EMD), the
Tender Opening Committee will validate the receipt of said documents based on the information
furnished by the bidders online and their submitted instruments and the scanned copy of document
in support of exemption of EMD, if any. If the information furnished by bidder online are in
agreement with the submitted instruments then the bidder will be evaluated as eligible for next step.
The qualification in Techno commercial bid will be subject to the receipt and acceptance of the
above stipulated documents.
7) The e-Procurement System will evaluate the Techno Commercial bids automatically with least
human intervention. For this purpose all the required parameters/information will be obtained from
the Bidders in an objective and structured manner.
8) The bidder/s will also submit an affidavit (original) on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10
regarding genuineness of the information furnished by him/them online and authenticity of the
documents being produced by him/them.
9) Bidders will not be required to upload scanned copy of any document or to submit hard copy of any
document for the techno-commercial evaluation process except the scanned copy of Letter of Bid,
affidavit as mentioned above, cost of tender document, EMD, document in support of exemption of
EMD (if applicable), Integrity Pact Certificate (wherever applicable), excel sheet for
technical/techno-commercial evaluation besides submission of Hard Copy of cost of document,
Integrity Pact Certificate (wherever applicable) and EMD before opening the tender. The
information furnished by the bidders on-line along with on-line undertaking with Digital Signature
Certificate in support of the authenticity of the facts, figures, information and documents furnished
by them online will be accepted for the Techno- commercial evaluation of the bids.
10) All the Commercial terms and conditions of contract like Delivery Schedule, Payment Terms,
Price Fall/Variation Clause, Liquidated Damage Clause, Basis of Pricing (FOR/FOB Terms or other
INCOTERMS in respect of Export/Import Contracts), Risk Purchase Clause, Guarantee/Warranty
Conditions, Performance Guarantee Clause and Inspection Clause etc. will be specifically
mentioned in the NIT/Bid (tender) document. The bidder has to accept those terms and conditions
unconditionally in order to participate in the tender which are to be stipulated as mandatory
condition of NIT/ Bid (tender) document.
11) The bidders will download this Technical Parameter Sheet and will furnish their values against
each specification parameter and will upload the same Excel file during submission of bid. Based
on the evaluation criteria indicated in the Technical Parameter Excel Sheet, the technical (techno-
commercial) evaluation of the bid will be done by the system with least human intervention and the
compliance report will be displayed to the bidders on-line. Any item may have any number of
specification parameters and any indent may have any number of items but the technical
specification parameters have to be brought out essentially in the above format. The technical
specification parameters to be mentioned in the Technical Parameter sheet shall contain only those
specification parameters, compliance of which are mandatory in nature for the purpose of
procurement and non-compliance of which are not acceptable. Non-compliance of any one
specification parameter of any item will disqualify the bidder in that item.
12) The Technical evaluation of Tenders will be done on-line by the software as per respective
Evaluation Criteria specified in the Technical (Techno-Commercial) Evaluation Excel File specially
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designed for obtaining specific information from the bidders and evaluating the same in a
transparent manner so that Bidders will be able to know, whether they comply to the Technical
specification parameters of the NIT/ Bid (tender) document.
13) The participating bidders may view the opening of the Techno Commercial bids remotely on-line.
1) Each of the bids shall be examined by the tender committee at appropriate level for following
aspects such as:
(a) Qualifying Requirements,
(b) Bill of Quantities/Price Schedule,
(c) Capacity and Capability,
(d) Assignment of Contract,
(e) Compliance to technical requirements and
(f) other Technical and Commercial aspects/deviations.
2) On the pre-scheduled date and time of tender opening, the received Techno Commercial bids
will be opened by the Tender opening committee.
3) For evaluation of Techno Commercial bids, all the required parameters will be obtained from the
Bidders in an objective and structured manner. Bidders will not be required to submit hard
copy of any document for the evaluation process except the EMD, cost of tender documents,
Letter of Bid, Affidavit by bidder(s), document in support of exemption Technical/Techno-
Commercial Evaluation. The information furnished by the bidders off-line in support of the
authenticity of the facts, figures, information and documents furnished by them will be accepted for
the evaluation of the bids.
4) All the Commercial terms and conditions of contract like Delivery Schedule, Payment Terms,
Price Fall/Variation Clause (wherever applicable), Liquidated Damage Clause, Basis of Pricing
(FOR/FOB Terms other INCOTERMS in respect of Export/Import Contracts), Risk Purchase
Clause, Guarantee/Warranty Conditions, Performance Guarantee Clause, Inspection Clause etc.
will be specifically mentioned in the NIT. The bidder has to accept those terms and conditions
unconditionally in order to participate in the tender otherwise cost of deviation to be mention in
specified Form except essential clauses as stipulated in NIT.
5) The bidders will furnish their values against each specification in QR/Technical Parameter Sheet
and will submit during submission of bid. Based on the evaluation criteria indicated in the
QR/Technical Parameter Excel Sheet, the Technical /Techno-Commercial evaluation of the bid
will be done by dealing officer and will prepare the summary sheet based on the excel sheet
submitted by the bidder and same to be placed before TC for evaluation.
6) The Tender Committee will validate offline evaluation based on the information furnished by
bidder off-line.
7) The off-line evaluation sheet shall be authenticated by Tender Committee and shall be kept in the
1) The first step in examination of bids shall be to ascertain whether the bidders, who have submitted a
substantially responsive bid, generally meet the Qualifying Requirements. The Tender Committee
shall examine all the relevant information in respect of QR of all the bidders and identify the
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clarifications or additional data, if any, which may be required from a bidder(s) so as to ascertain
the bidder(s) QR compliance status. Approval of TIA (wherever required) is required for seeking
techno-commercial clarifications and additional data from participating bidders in respect of QR
and bringing out the following details:
3) Further clarification and additional data shall be sought from the bidders identified under (ii)
above and shall be allowed specific time period as deemed reasonable by the Tender Committee
to submit the same with the approval of TIA, wherever required. If a bidder fails to furnish the
required details within the aforesaid period, it shall be deemed that he has nothing more to
supplement the data already furnished in his bid and its bid should be evaluated with the
data/information already submitted/uploaded.
4) Based on the clarifications and additional data furnished by the bidders, the QR/NIT compliance
status of the bidders shall be further examined and the Tender Committee shall put up a note
identifying the following:
(i) Bidders who are observed to generally meet the qualifying requirements and techno-
commercial specifications.
(ii) Bidders who are not found to meet QR.
5) Bids of those bidders who are not found to meet the QR shall not be considered further.
6) If some basic/statutory information are missing from an offer, for example, list of plant and
machinery, details of NSIC registration, copies of statutory license from competent authority / EPF
Code etc., the Dealing Officer may make a reference to the firm seeking further information
provided soliciting of such information does not amount to revision of the offer. Such references
and clarifications must be made quickly with a target date for reply so that finalisation of the tender
is not delayed. For making such references or accepting a clarification from the firms for such
details, the Dealing Officer does not require approval from any superior authority or any
recommendation of TC.
a) Tenders received after the due date and time of tender opening (late tenders);
b) An unsolicited offer, i.e, offers from tenderer other than those asked to quote against
c) Offers received subsequently after original offer through open tendering / LTI / STI.
d) It is in the form of Fax/Telex/Telegram/e-mail. However scan copy of offer (non-
editable) through e-mail in case of OEM/OES/PAC/Single Source approved may be
accepted in case of urgency/immediate requirement, to be certified by indenter/user
section. In this case scan copy of NIT/Enquiry (non-editable) should be sent by DVC
through e-mail clearly stating the e-mail address on which the scan copy of offer is to be
sent and the e-mail used by bidder for sending the scan copy of offer should be official
mail of bidder. However, original offer should be obtained at the time of execution of an
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e) It is from stockist (s) or agent(s) without indicating details of the manufacturer whose
products are offered or without price list of the manufacturer with date and signature.
However, Tender Enquiry redirected by the manufacturer to his authorized
distributor/dealer may be given cognizance provided necessary supporting documents
(like up-to-date pricelist published by the manufacturer, manufacturer’s guarantee for
quality, delivery time etc.) is enclosed with the offer.
f) It is from agents without proper authorization from the manufacturer.
g) It is from agents quoting for imported stores but they are not enlisted with DGS&D;
h) It is not accompanied with Earnest Money in case the firm responding is not registered
with valid NSIC;
i) It is ambiguous with regard to any of the essentials, i.e., the items being offered, prices
quoted, and the period of delivery;
j) Tender samples as required in the enquiry conditions have not been submitted by the due
k) In case of the price (Basic Price) component is exposed other than in the price part
8) The Tender Committee recommendation based on evaluation will be made for opening of Price bid
of eligible bidders. The said recommendation will require approval of the TIA, wherever required.
The summary of technical/techno-commercial evaluation with the names of eligible bidders and the
brief reasons for disqualification of unsuccessful bidders (if any) along with the date of Price- bid
opening will be uploaded/ communicated to bidder(s).
9) The TIA approval for seeking clarification/additional data as mentioned in this clause,
technical/techno-commercial acceptance of bid is not required where the same is recommended by
higher level Tender Committee i.e. above the level of TIA or TIA is one of the member of
recommending authority. But TIA may take initiative for further action towards hosting of pre-bid
conference report/clarification/amendments and opening of price bid.
10) Date of Price-bid opening shall be kept at least one day after the date of uploading/ communicated
of the summary of technical/techno-commercial evaluation.
11) The Price bid of the successful bidders (qualified in Techno commercial bid) will be opened on the
scheduled date and after the pre-scheduled time by the Tender opening committee. The Bidders may
view the price bid opening online remotely or in case of off-line, bidders will be allowed to present
at the time of opening of price bid.
12) After opening of Price-bid the Comparative Statement of Prices indicating the rates quoted by all the
bidders and selection of L-1(depending on evaluation procedure as stipulated in NIT/Tender (bid)
document)) rank will be generated by the system which will be visible to all the participating
bidders on-line. If such selection of L-1 bidder is not possible/feasible by the system in case of
complex/EPC Contract or other contract, the selection/identification of L-1 bidder in such case is to
be prepared by C&M Department/Technical/Contract cell as per evaluation procedure stipulated in
NIT/Tender (bid) document and the TIA is to record such reasons in writing in the file.
13) Accordingly, the Comparative statement manually prepared by the dealing officer or downloaded
system generated Comparative Statement will be vetted and signed by the Tender Committee.
14) The Comparative statement manually prepared by the dealing officer (Off-line) or downloaded
system generated Comparative Statement will be vetted and signed by the Tender Committee.
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1) L1 Bidder/s for each item will have to produce the documents (original/self-authenticated and
attested by Public Notary), as specified in the NIT, in support of the information furnished by
him/them on-line, for verification by Tender Committee on any working day within stipulated time
line as mentioned i n Section IX from the date as communicated by DVC. However, the process of
finalisation of L1 Bidder is to be within stipulated time line from the date of opening of price bid.
No additional time will be allowed to the bidder for producing the required documents.
2) In case the L1 bidder for any item fails to produce the documents within the specified period or if
any of the information furnished by L1 bidder on-line is found to be false by the Tender
Committee during verification of documents, which changes the eligibility status of the bidder, the
following action is to be taken.
“The defaulting such L1 bidder will be liable with forfeiture of EMD with caution letter to refrain
in future and in event of 2nd instances EMD will be forfeited and banning of L1 bidder for one year
from participating in future tenders.”
3) The Tender Committee will recommend for acceptance of tender (offer)/ placement ( issue) of
Purchase/Work Order to the successful bidder/s after evaluating their technical eligibility based
on the computer generated evaluation sheets / manual comparative statement followed by
verification of the documents as per the procedure mentioned above and after evaluation of the
reasonableness of L-1 rates so determined. The reasonableness of rates will be evaluated as per the
provisions of Works & Purchase Manual of DVC and other guidelines issued from time to time.
The approval for acceptance of Offer/issue of Purchase/Work Order to L-1 bidder/s will be
accorded by the competent authority as per Delegation of Power based on the TC recommendation
wherever applicable.
4) After obtaining the approval of competent authority on tender committee recommendation, the
Work Order/LOA/NOA/Letter of Award/LOI-cum- Work Order/Purchase order to the successful
bidder(s) will be issued and the scanned copy of the Purchase Order will be uploaded on the e-
Procurement portal and/or the original copy will be sent to the bidder(s) through registered/speed
5) The EMD of unsuccessful bidder(s) will be refunded through e-Payment or other mode after
finalization of tender.
6) The system will preserve the details of Techno Commercial bid and Price bid in the archives for
auditing purposes and the same can be accessed with special authorization. In case of off-line, file
will be kept with the dealing officer for any future reference.
7) Power is delegated by the Corporation to condone / waive LD & SD Clauses to the Tender
Accepting Authority as per Delegation of Financial Power and to the Chairman, in case Board is
the Tender Accepting Authority, in respect of the following contracts to be awarded –
i) Against Single Tender Enquiry on OEM / OES / PAC basis/Single source
ii) For Consultancy /Survey/ Investigation / Study / Testing review etc. against Single
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Tender Enquiry / Nomination basis on Govt. agencies including PSUs and Education /
Research Institution.
iii) For procurement of oil (LDO, FO & HSD).
8) TAA (Below CE)/CEs/PCE are hereby delegated the Power for approval of deviation from NIT
Clauses (other than SD/LD Clauses) like Warranty / Guarantee, Terms of Payment etc. for above
mentioned cases after recording justification for the same.
(2) Packing & forwarding charges, if any : ……% on basic price only
(3) Excise Duty : ……% on (Basic Price + P & F)
(In case the bidder fails to quote any value, ____the bid evaluation will be done on the basis of
highest quoted freight charges by the other bidders.)
(7) Insurance : ……..% on (Basic Price + P & F + E.D. + Cess + S.T.) or any other value against
documentary evidence or actual premium in case of DVC’s Open Policy (presently it is 0.0112% of
basic price).
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(9) Highest quoted price of other bidders, in case the Bidder fails to quote the Mandatory items
alongwith taxes & duties or description of item not as per our specification *
(10) Type test charge/3rd Party Inspection Charge as per our QAP with applicable taxes and duties, if
any *
(12) Any Other taxes and duties, such as TOT, Entry Tax, Municipal Tax etc. as applicable **
b) In case of independent items, evaluation is to be made item-wise and to be clearly spelt out in
NIT under the evaluation process.
c) The liability of DVC shall be as per actual ED and E-Cess as applicable at the time of despatch,
subject to production of documentary evidence by the manufacturer (bidder). Further the rate of
ED shall be restricted to as applicable within the contractual delivery period only. Increase in ED
rate, if any due to delay in supply beyond the contractual delivery period shall not be payable by
DVC if the reasons for delay is attributable to the vendor only. However, the benefit of any
decreases in ED shall be passed on to DVC.
d) The Tenders with any condition shall normally be rejected. However, Tenders with conditional
rebates/discounts may be considered, but evaluation will done without taking into account the
conditional rebate/discount for the purpose of evaluation of the bid price. Tender Committee
should specifically draw the attention of TAA to such conditional rebate/discount and to the fact
that the evaluated cost of the Tenders is without considering such rebates/discounts.. If such bidder
remains L1 even without considering the conditions put by them, the conditional rebate/discount can be
accepted only after acceptance/approval of such conditions by TAA. In case TAA is Board/ Chairman,
approval of concerned member will be obtained.
f) For tenders with lot of components/items, if any bidder fails to quote against a particular
component/item or when the quoted item description is not as per NIT, the respective bid will be
evaluated by loading the highest quoted price of that particular component/item of other eligible
bidders. However order to be placed on rate negotiation of the subject item with L-1 bidder.
g) If any bidder offers lesser quantity than the BOQ as stipulated in NIT against a particular
component / item, the respective bid will be evaluated by loading on pro-rata basis.
h) However their capacity to perform the Order/Ensuing Contract by the bidder(s) in above two cases
would have to be evaluated for satisfactory performance.
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j) ** = {Rate as on date of bid opening to be taken}.However, any subsequent extra liability over the
quoted amount will be borne by agency. The same shall be suitably incorporated in NIT.
k) For manufactured items/goods, bidder may be asked to quote their rates in an explicit way i.e.
break up of prices in the form of Ex-works, applicable taxes and duties, F&I Charges, applicable
taxes and duties etc. F&I Charges are to be paid against documentary evidence only. However, for
bought-out items, bidder may be asked to quote all-inclusive FOR Destination Price only.
l) If a tenderer is exempted from payment of excise duty ED upto any value of supplies, or is
entitled to concessional rate/quantum of ED, and has not stated that no ED will be charged by him
upto the limit of exemption and has not indicated the concessional rate/quantum of ED leviable in
respect of the tendered supplies but has made stipulation like, excise duty presently not applicable,
but the same will be charged, if it becomes liveable later on, the quoted price should be loaded
with the quantum of excise duty with education cess which is applicable on the item as on the date
of bid opening for the purpose of bid ranking.
m) In respect of imported stores, when foreign bids are received in different currencies, conversion
of foreign currency into rupees is to be done taking into account T.T selling rate of State Bank of
India on the date of opening of price bid.
n) In respect of Works/services contract, applicable service Tax with Education Cess (if any),
Building and other Construction Worker Welfare Cess (BOCW) Cess etc. to be loaded for
evaluation of bids, if not specifically mentioned the same in the offer.
ii) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price, which is obtained by
multiplying the unit price and quantity of any item, or between sub-total and the total price,
the unit or sub-total price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected. In such
circumstances the corrected price will prevail irrespective of whatever is written in words.
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ii) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures only, the amount in words will
prevail. If there is a mistake in summation, the corrected sum will be considered for all
iii) If there is a discrepancy between the quantity specified by DVC in the bidding document
and that indicated by the bidder in his bid, the former shall be taken to arrive at the
computed price.
iv) In case the unit rate of an item is not quoted but the total price is indicated, the same
shall be taken to arrive at the computed price . The computed price arrived at, as
above, shall be considered for the purpose of award also. If the bidder does not accept the
correction of errors, its bid will be rejected.
v) In case there is a mismatch in the quantity & unit between EXCEL sheet (Price part) and
scope of work/ Technical specifications then the details of EXCEL sheet will prevail and
evaluation shall be done on the basis of EXCEL sheet.
2) Total amount quoted by valid Tenderer should be compared with the estimated cost put to
Tender duly enhanced by latest cost index, if available, and in absence of related cost indices or
cost indices for the period under consideration, inflation @ 6% p.a. or part there off may be
considered during the period of preparation of estimate to opening of the price bid.
3) There is no need for preparing justification statement, in case the offered price of lowest
bidder is less than the enhanced estimated cost under sl.No.1 plus (+) 10 % thereof. However, for
the acceptance of Tender, remaining provision of Works & Purchase Manual shall apply.
Reasonability of the rate of Tenders is to be seen and commented upon by the TC. The
market/justified rate has to be arrived by TC for this purpose taking into consideration the
prevailing market rate based on RBI/ Govt./PSU data. While assessing the reasonability of offered
price/rates, Tender of similar nature of Works placed within about last 3 months may also be
referred to assess the prevailing market rate. Similar works shall mean similar in nature, quantum,
specification and location in the near vicinity. Variation over market/justified rate upto +5% in
total amount can be ignored. However, in case of urgency, if certified by the user/indenting section,
variation upto 10% of revised market cost as above may be allowed for recorded reason.
4) Tenders above the limit of 10% of revised market cost under Sl.No.2 & 3 above, rate should be
approved as per provision of DFP.
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5) Negotiated prices also may be examined in a similar way. Justifications while making
recommendation to accept higher prices shall be recorded.
Lack of competition exists if the following factors intervene:
2) Ring prices have been quoted by all the tenderers (cartel formation);
3) The product of only one manufacturer has been offered by all the tenderers irrespective of the
number of quotations even if the NIT/Enquiry has been floated with an option of multiple
In case it is observed that there is lack of competition for a particular tender enquiry, the
action may be taken for re-tendering for poor response, and if required may revisit the qualifying
requirement and/or repackage the proposed work/procurement. However TIA may permit opening
of the price bid in case of urgency/immediate requirement (to be given by user section/indenter)
and same to be recorded in file.
2) Negotiations, after opening of tenders, should normally be discouraged. Negotiations vitiate the
sanctity of the tendering system and reduce the credibility of the organisation. Quality becomes
the casualty. Unless some definite evidence is forthcoming to show that the prices/rates received
are unreasonably high, negotiations should not be resorted to at all.
3) In general, there should not be any price negotiations. Price negotiations if at all shall be an
exception and only in the case of proprietary items or in the case of items with limited source of
supply or in cases where TC so recommends. Counter offers tantamount to negotiations and should
be treated at par with negotiation.
5) In case of inability to obtain the desired results by way of reduction in rates and negotiations prove
infructuous; satisfactory explanations are required to be recorded by the committee who
recommended the negotiations.
6) The tender committee shall be responsible for lack of application of mind in case its negotiations
have only unnecessarily delayed the award of works/contract. In case of L1 backing out, there
should be retendering.
7) In the above backdrop, price negotiation with L1 bidder can be taken up with the approval of one
step superior than the Tender Inviting Authority. If the tender inviting authority is CMM/Plant
Chief /Sr. CE/CE/HOD approval for price negotiation with L1 bidder may be obtained from
them without going to one step superior. However, said approval for holding negotiation is not
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required where the same is decided by higher level Tender Committee (consisting of CE level and
above). But TIA may take further action for arranging and facilitating Negotiation meeting.
2) In cases where seeking extension of the offers becomes inevitable, action should be taken up 8
to10 days in advance of the expiry of offers and the letter asking for extension should be issued
to all the firms at least one week in advance with approval of TIA.
3) Tenderers whose quotations cannot be considered otherwise for obvious reasons such as
unsatisfactory capacity report, late / delayed tender / technically/techno-commercially rejected,
should not be requested for extension of their offers.
4) However, after opening of Price Bid and identification of L-1 bidder by TC, the extension is to be
sought from L-1 bidder only.
5) The letter seeking extension of offer should be issued under Postal Certificate/Speed Post in
order to avoid any complaints from the firms that they have not received such letters. For this
purpose, the acknowledgement of letters sent under Postal Certificate/Speed Post should be
placed in the relevant case file. Fax/E-mail can also be used for this purpose and relevant
documents be placed in the file.
6) While submitting the purchase proposals / works proposal, it is essential that the date upto which
the offers are open/have been extended should be indicated clearly in the purchase proposals /
works proposal so that the final decision on the purchase proposals/ works proposal is taken at the
appropriate level within the validity period. In cases, where the offers have been extended due to
inescapable reasons, the fact must clearly be stated in the purchase proposal/works proposal as
“Original validity period of tender expired on………….Tenderers requested to extend the offers
upto……………This is first extension, second extension, third extension etc.”
7) When purchase proposals / works proposal are submitted after extension of offers, it should be
mentioned therein that such and such firms have not agreed to extend the offers and have not been
taken into consideration, such and such firms have agreed to the extension proposed and
confirmations from such and such firms are yet to be received.
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b) When considering the offers from authorized agents, care must be taken to examine the agency
agreement, particularly with regard to:
c) In case where the manufacturing firm happens to have been banned / suspended by DVC/ PSU/
Government Body/ Department/ Nodal Ministry of DVC, the offer of the authorised
agent/distributor/dealer shall not be considered.
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Indent for spares & consumables has approval of competent authority as Yes/No/NA
1. per relevant DFP provision/MANUAL
Indent for Capital item accompanied by a copy of updated sanction order. Yes/No/NA
Indent is placed in prescribed Form with all columns duly filled in.
3. Yes/No/NA
Budget provision indicating specific head of expenditure in the year of
4. effecting delivery is confirmed. Yes/No/NA
P.A.C./O.E.S or O.E.M/source standardisation certificate is furnished by
5. competent indenting authority for single tender procurement.
B.U.S. concurrent with the indent containing information on last 3 years
6. consumption, stock position, pending indent & P.O. and rate & source of last
purchase with P.O. reference, is furnished.
Initial or first time procurement against replacement of spares & capital item
7. should not be stated as ‘New Item’ unless it was never put to use.
Ordering quantity fixed in excess of average annual consumption with due
8. weight age on stock position, indent and P.O. in live and procurement lead
time is as per justification furnished by I.O.
Indent for new item is properly justified by I.O. along with the Utilisation
9. Certificate. Yes/No/NA
Whether indigenous source development is explored in respect of import of
10. spares or capital goods. Yes/No/NA
Last purchase rate of overseas P.O. is given in foreign currency for a
11. meaningful price comparison along with source of last supply.
Expected residual life of the item proposed for purchase and presently under
12. operation vis-à-vis prescribed life of the new one reasonably assessed and
recorded. Yes/No/NA
High value purchase proposal contain it’s Utilisation programme, preferably
13. within warranty period. Views of concerned Director on this score obtained. Yes/No/NA
Proposal for procurement of improved version over the existing one is
14. properly justified with reference to its optimum utilisation and cost benefit Yes/No/NA
aspect and availability of trained man-power with obsolency certificate as
per authority delegated in Manual.
Exact technical specification matched with requirement of user section for
15. computers and other product where technology is fast changing is settled
before issuance of NIT and recommended, offer strictly in conformity with
NIT is confirmed. Yes/No/NA
Recommendation as to technical acceptance of offer obtained from I.O. / his
16. representative in TC. Yes/No/NA
17. Price reasonability of analysed and commented upon.
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3. Sanction Order :
a) B.E. ……………..
b) R.E. ……………..
c) Remarks, if any :
5. Tendering :
(a) Reasons for Single Tendering :
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(a) NIT Details :
i) Press publication Date :
ii) Hosting Date in the Web :
iii) Date of Opening :
iv) TIA :
v) DFP Serial :
vi) Remarks, if any :
(b) Type of Tenders :
i) Two Stage :
ii) Single Stage with 4/3/2/1 Envelope :
iii) Approving Authority :
(Only the relevant tendering methodology shall be kept in the format)
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(e) Tender Committee’s Recommendation with details of deviation , if any and authority of condo
(i) Opening Date : (ii) No. of bidders : (iii) Ranking statement:
DP/Completion period
Advance Payment, if any
Validity of offer
Terms of Payment
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(Post – Qualification Methodology i.e. through EOI or two stage bidding Process)
03. Date of Submission of bid 7 days for domestic bid (DCB) & 15 days for
international bid (ICB) from last date of
submission. 03 days from last date of
submission (DCB only), if no pre-bid meeting
is there
Techno-commercial part open,
04. Acceptance of Techno-commercial part 15 days
of bid by TIA or TC as the case may be
based on the information submitted by
bidders. TC to finalise its report within
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Total – 56 Days
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Total – 70 Days
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Total 30 – 49 Days
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The Purchase Order/NOA / LOA / LOI / WO/LOI-cum- Work Order is to be issued under the
signature of concerned Purchase Officer/Chief Purchase Officer/Chief Materials Manager or the
designated authorities .
The Purchase Order / LOA / LOI / WO/LOI-cum- Work Order to be despatched by registered
post/courier/speed post. However, a copy of the original order may be delivered by hand to the
concerned vendor on request, after the original is despatched.
All Dealing Sections which are to implement the decision regarding purchase / works /
services should make sure that the decision regarding purchase / works / services as recorded by
the competent authority is clear for taking further action. If there is any doubt, the file should be
put up immediately to the competent authority for clarification
On receipt of a LOA / LOI / WO/LOI-cum- Work Order AMC for any project / works /
services/PMC/AMC/ARC etc of contract value in excess of Rs. 200,000/- ( Two lakhs only), the
concerned vendor must submit contract agreement (Format to be supplied by DVC) in non-
judicial stamp paper of appropriate value duly filled in all respect to the order issuing
authority/C&M Section for acceptance before commencement of works/Services as applicable and
claiming mobilisation advance/advance amount if any, as per provisions of the contract.
The said agreement will be duly signed by both authorised representative of DVC (Signing
authority as per DFP) and authorised representative of vender/contractor/consultant. One such
copy of agreement, on acceptance should be invariably be given to respective head of
Accounts/Finance department of plant/field /Corporate offices.
In case of exigencies in respect of AMC/Service Contract, Executive Director/HOP/Plant Chief /
CE may grant relaxation regarding time frame for execution of contract agreement.
1) The concerned Contract Cell Executive/Dealing Officer/Consignee concerned shall be
responsible for effective and timely follow up and expediting with the vendor/supplier till all the
materials are received and accepted as per Purchase Order and payment is released to the Vendor
within fifteen (15) working days from the date of receipt of materials/invoice in regard to
procurement of materials (excluding Works or Project Contract). Similarly, Concerned Contract
Cell Executive/Dealing Officer /Engineer-in-charge shall be responsible for effective and timely
follow up and expediting with the vendor/contractor till the entire work/services is completed/
delivered as per terms of W.O. and payment is released to the Vendor/Contractor within fifteen
(15) days from the date of submission of bill in regard to works/services.
2) The award of Purchase Order / LOA / LOI / WO/LOI-cum- Work Order is not the end of any
contract process, rather it is the beginning of a long and complex set of operation in an effective
and time bound manner. It calls for sharing the responsibilities by more than one department in all
stages of contract execution. The Dealing Officer/ Contract Cell Executive / consignee / Engineer-
in-Charge concerned shall be responsible for effective and timely follow up and expediting with
the vendor till the contract is executed in full and accepted by Indenter/Proposer/User Section and
JULY 2016
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full payment is released to the vendor/contractor. Concerned contract cell executive / Engineer-in-
Charge/Consignee/Dealing Officer shall also be responsible for settlement of all discrepancies and
disputes that may arise in course of execution and up to the stage of final payment against each
3) The contract shall be treated as finally closed after receipt and acceptance of goods/services /
completion of work schedule by the Indenter/Proposer/User Section as per terms of contract and
payment made to the vendor/Contractor in full and final settlement of all other issues, including
release of Security Deposit against Performance Guarantee as per terms of the contract.
4) In order to monitor the post contract management and to release payment to vendors/suppliers
within fifteen (15) working days from the date of receipt of materials/invoice etc. in regard to
procurement of materials (excluding Project or Works Contract) the following guidelines may
please be considered:
b) Indenter / Inspecting Officer is requested to send a copy of inspection report as carried out as per
terms of contract to the order issuing authority/C&M department as the case may be along with a
copy of despatch clearance for the same.
c) Purchase Order should stipulate that bill/invoice to be submitted by the supplier/vendor to the
concerned Paying Authority (Finance) directly along with all necessary documents (e.g. Test
Certificate/Guarantee Certificate / Copy of ED Invoice, if applicable/copy of Despatch Clearance /
copy of acceptance of SDBG, if any/copy of receipted challan for materials / documents against F&I
Charge etc.) and should submit photocopy of the bill/invoice to the consignee at the time of delivery
of requisite materials.
d) Immediately on receipt of materials the consignee shall inform the indenter/user for necessary
inspection. The date of inspection (At Site or Outside) would be treated as zero date.
e) After due inspection the indenter/user shall ensure that inspection report reaches to the consignee
within 4 working days from zero day.
f) On receipt of inspection report the consignee shall prepare the stores document (SRIN / SRB etc.)
and ensure that the same along with inspection report and a photocopy of the invoice reaches to
Finance Office within 4 (four) working days for taking payment action by Finance Department.
g) Finance Department thereafter shall release payment to the vendor/supplier as per Purchase Order
within seven (7) working days from the date of receipt of documents from Store Department.
h) Similarly in case of Advance Payment/ against procurement of materials, the supplier shall submit
the original Bills/Invoices to the concerned Paying Authority (Finance) with all relevant documents
as per purchase order and photocopy of invoices to be submitted to the Consignee concerned. The
consignee in turn shall issue necessary payment clearance to Finance in consultation with indenter
within 3 (three) working days. Thereafter Finance will release the advance payment within 2 (two)
working days of receipt of payment clearance from the consignee.
i) Similarly in case of Payment through Bank (against dispatch documents) against procurement of
materials, the supplier shall submit the Bills/Invoices to the concerned Paying Authority (Finance)
with all relevant documents as per purchase order for necessary payments.
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j) Finance should prepare a monthly report on the overdue Bills / Invoices at the end of each month
due to non-receipt of corresponding SRIN / SRB or any other document required indicating details
thereof and to be submitted to ED (C&M), DVC HQ with copies thereof to
Member(Finance/Secretary/Technical) for their information.
2) If a PO/LOI/LOA incorporates PDI, Inspection Engineer will carry out the relevant tests/inspection
as per relevant standard/ Quality assurance Plan (QAP) at vendor’s works. After successful
testing/inspection, despatch clearance is to be issued by the dealing Engineer as per format
incorporated in this manual.
3) After receipt of the materials at stores, consignee will arrange for site inspection by calling the
Indenting Officer by sending an arrival report.
4) Consignee would send all the relevant documents to the concerned Accounts Office for checking,
verifying and passing of the bills for payments to the vendor. The Accounts Office would see all
the relevant documents and in case of discrepancy found as per Purchase Order/work order shall
seek clarification before releasing the payment. Consignee/ Indenter would also send the copies
of site inspection reports/PDI reports to the purchase order issuing authority.
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Page 101
1) In case of delayed execution of work, payment against running bill (both supply and erection)
will not be withheld for want of Provisional/formal extension order.
2) EPF compliance certificate will normally be furnished in the succeeding month(s) and shall not
be delayed beyond 6 (six) months.
3) For minor discrepancies, entire payment will not be withheld.
In order to release payment to contractor/vender within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of
submission of bill in regard to work relating to Transmission & Distribution/ Project Contract
on EPC/Turnkey basis with Billing Break Up (BBU)/ stage wise payment terms or Item Rate
Contract, the following procedure and time frame shall be followed:
1) Bill for payment to be submitted by the contractor in quadruplicate with all relevant document
to Engineer –in-Charge directly.
2) Engineer-in-Charge on receipt of the bill will forward the same to the concerned site engineer
for necessary verification and certification in respect of completion of the stages of the work or
work done for which the bill has been preferred and also sent one copy to EPF cell for verifications
and certification of EPF declaration submitted by the Contractor (zero date).
3) EPF compliance certificate will normally be furnished in the succeeding month. However, in no
JULY 2016
Page 102
case, the compliance shall be delayed beyond 6(six) months. EPF cell with check and certify the
EPF declaration within 5(five) working days from the zero date and return the same to Engineer-
4) The concerned site Engineer will check and certify on the bill within 7(seven) working days
from the zero date.
5) On receipt of the verified bill, Engineer-in-Charge shall ensure that the pass order along with the
bill and other relevant documents reaches to Finance (Accounts) Office within 3(three) working
days for taking payment action by Finance Department.
6) Finance Department shall release payment to the contractor as per terms and conditions of
Work Order/Contract within 5(five) working days.
7) In case of advance payment, the contractor shall submit the bill to the Engineer-in-Charge with
all relevant documents as per work order including SDBG and BG of equivalent amount of
advance as stipulated above. The Engineer-in-Charge in turn shall issue necessary payment
clearance to Finance Department after acceptance of SDBG and BG against advance within 3(three)
working days. Thereafter, Finance will release the advance payment within 2(two) working days of
receipt of payment clearance from the Engineer-in-Charge.
8) In case of delayed execution of work, Finance Office should pass the bill withholding admissible
Liquidated Damage (LD) amount as per the Work Order/Contract without waiting for formal
time extension order except where the extension of time has already been granted for non-
imposition of LD by the Competent Authority. Thereafter, Finance Officer should immediately
intimate the Engineer-in-Charge for issuance of format extension of time with/without imposition
of LD Clause.
9) Finance Department should prepare a monthly report of the overdue bills at the end of each
month due to non-receipt of documents, clarification require indicating details thereof and to be
submitted to concerned Project Head with copies thereof to Member (Finance).
2) A summary of deviations and reasons thereof from the timeliness be submitted to the concern
Member by respective order issuing authority/ department. DVC will submit a brief on deviations,
if any and actions taken on the same in their QPR in the ministry.
3) After the award of contract, the name of successful bidders be uploaded in the DVC Website
within a week.
4) All concerned official /authorities are required to ensure hosting of the Summary of awards of all
Contracts and Purchase orders placed through LTE/OTE having threshold value of Rs. F i v e
( 5) lakhs and above.
5) The summary has to be prepared in the prescribed format and should be sent before 7th of following
month to IT cell, DVC Towers to host the same in DVC Portal.
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The parties who have met our NIT requirement against our open tender advertisement for procurement
of specified items or for execution of works & services will be registered as vendor subject to
submission of the registration form along with their credential. No processing fee will be required to be
submitted by NSIC & SSI vendors.
JULY 2016
Page 105
b. Registration Certificate (format enclosed) will be sent through e-mail and will be issued to the
concerned vendor by post.
c. Renewal of registration may be done for a further period of three years based on the performance
of the vendor during the last three years and submission of fresh application forms duly filled
in. If application is not received, the system will delete the name from the list of registered vendors
at the expiry of 3 years.
e. All application received for registration will be reviewed by the registration committee at the
end of each quarter and put up their recommendation for approval.
2. The registration of vendors will be done by the Chief Materials Manager, DVC, C & M
Department, DVC Towers, 3rd floor, Kolkata-700 054 / Plant Chief/CE of respective
3. It is advised to read carefully the instructions available in DVC website before filling
application form.
4. The duly filled in vendor registration application form along with supporting documents
as per the checklist has to be submitted to :
The Chief Materials Manager,
Contract & Materials Department,
DVC, DVC Towers, Kolkata-700 054.
Plant Chief/ CE(other than plant/HQ).
5. The vendor can register his form for more than one item category by submitting single
application form and with necessary documents.
7. Wherever necessary factory/shop inspection will also be carried out in order to ascertain
capability, capacity & quality assurance.
8. After registration, a vendor code will be assigned to the firm/vendor and the firm/vendor
will be intimated issuing registration certificate through post.
9. Once a firm is registered with DVC, they will continue to remain in the list of approved
vendors for 3 years and the approval letter will be sent to all Station/Functional heads of
JULY 2016
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DVC Plants.
10. The firms who had met qualifying requirements against earlier Open Tender
Advertisement (NIT) for procurement of materials/works/services tendered by any
establishment of DVC for which vendor registration is seeking will be considered for
registration. A formal application and requisite documents alongwith Registration Fee of
Rs. 1000/ shall have to be submitted to Chief Materials Manager Plant Chief/CE (other
than plant/HQ).
11. Registration of vendor will be terminated prematurely, if the vendor is non responsive on
account of its performance or disabilities.
12. Banning of vendors will be done in case of unethical business practice is established or
furnishing wrong information, false/manipulated documents or the vendor is charged by
CBI/CVC/any other Govt. investigating/enforcement agency and subsequently
prosecuted in the Courts of Law. Banning of business will be done as per provisions of
W&P Manual.
For renewal of registration, the registered vendors have to submit the fresh application 90
days before the date of expiry. If the firm does not revalidate width stipulated period, the
13. vendor’s name will be removed from the list of approved vendors. Registration procedure
is same for new/old vendor.
14 All columns are to be filled up properly in the space provided for. Wherever it is not
applicable, please mention "Not Applicable". The form is to be signed by the authorised
16 Please ensure that all required enclosures are attached with the filled up Supplier.
Registration Form and all enclosures are numbered & list of enclosures is given as
17 As multiple copies of the application forms are required for processing at our end, please
do not spiral bound the application forms or its enclosures and instead send them in two
whole clip flat file.
20 Please note that if you are registered and participate in Tender process and qualify to get
order from DVC, your performance based on Quality of your product, delivery
JULY 2016
Page 107
21 Please fill up the check- list given on next page and send along with the Supplier
Registration Forms to DVC
22 If you are attaching a document in a language other than Hindi / English, a self-attested
Hindi/ English translated document may please be also attached.
25 If all Relevant Information and statutory documents like Ownership, Pan No., Sales Tax
No., Excise Duty No. etc. not submitted, the vendors are not eligible for registration
26 If The agency has been referred to BIFR / DRT/ CDR/ Other Similar Govt Agency, the
vendors are not eligible for registration.
27 If The agency has been blacklisted/debarred from any Govt/ Quasi Govt. Agency/ any
Public Sector Undertaking, the vendors are not eligible for registration.
JULY 2016
Page 108
All columns should be properly filled in the space provided for, wherever it is not applicable, please
write "Not Applicable". Incomplete or incorrect forms may not be considered. Please attach separate
sheet, if space available is inadequate.
All the pages of the form are to be signed along with seal by the Authorised Signatory
JULY 2016
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2.1 Names of the Works/ Division (Products Manufactured at each Works to be mentioned):
Telephone I) Landline
II) Mobile
Telephone: I) Landline
II) Mobile
JULY 2016
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Organisational Information
3.0 Ownership Information: Documents to be
3.1 Govt. of India Undertaking:
State Govt. Undertaking Or Memorandum and Articles of
Association, Certificate of
Limited Company, Or Incorporation etc
Private Company
Co-Operative Society, Society Rules And
Bye Laws
Partnership Firm, Partnership Deed
JULY 2016
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Organisational Information
Manufacturing Quality
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Organisational Information
6.0 Other Particulars:
(Furnish details and enclose documentary evidence/ Copy of Certificate for the following)
(Foreign Or Indigenous)
JULY 2016
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Staff No.
JULY 2016
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Staff No.
2.Name of Bank
5. Account Number
6.Account Type
JULY 2016
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7.2 If In-House Mfg Facilities Not Available, Inform Source of Mfg. Details Alongwith Their Facilities
& Experience
JULY 2016
Page 117
Sl. No. Description of NABL / Any other Make & Year of Last date of Calibration
Facility/Equipment Accreditation, if any Manufacturing
& Capacity
8.2 If In-house Testing Facilities not available, indicate Source of Testing alongwith their Facilities &
JULY 2016
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Organisational Information
9.3 Sales/Service
JULY 2016
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2. Performance Certificates:
JULY 2016
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(Tick if exists & provide RECORDS
SI. evidences if ticked in (Tick if
No. written procedure)
Written Practice evidences)
1 Incoming Material Control Furnish a copy of system
System and organization.
Furnish at least one
2 In process control work instruction & record
of process control
4 Record of Personnel
Personnel qualification for qualification (PQR) to
3 above. be submitted
5 Calibration system Submit list of instrument
& their calibration status
System of Storage,
7 Preservation, Copy of procedure to
Painting & be submitted
JULY 2016
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(IX) Experience List and Performance Certificate /Completion Certificate : Yes /No
(X) Balance Sheet For The Last Four Years Along With Audit Report : Yes /No
(XI) Principal's Authorization In Case Of Dealers/ Agents : Yes/No
(XII) EFT Bank's Certificate : Yes/No
(XIII) Status of Tax assessments done under various laws (Income Tax, : Yes/No
VAT/Sales Tax, Excise & Service Tax, Custom)
(XIV) Details of disputes pending, if any, with these authorities to be : Yes/No
(XV) Copy of system of control incoming materials and organization chart : Yes/No
(XVI) Copy of at least one process control work instruction : Yes/No
(XXIV)List of customer complaints & status for the last three years : Yes/No
I /We Give The Undertaking That DVC Drawings & Specifications Shall Not Be Used In Any
Way Detrimental To The Interest Of DVC And/ Or For Supply Of Any Material, Product Or
Services Directly Or Indirectly To Any Other Customer.
JULY 2016
Page 123
Maxm. Marks
Sl. No. Parameter Criteria Marks
Marks Awarded
More Than 3 Years 5
Year Of Commencement Of supply/ work/ services 1-3 Years 4 5
1. Less Than 1 Year 0
Yes 1
2. Power Backup ( for Manufacturer only) No 0 1
(Same Item) 8
If The Company executes any P.O. or W.O etc. in
3. any unit of DVC give details with documents Yes 8
(Another item) 2
No 0
Is The Company Approved or registered By Yes 6
DVC/any Govt. organisation/PSU/Semi Govt.
4. Organisation /private power utilities for intended 6
Material Category No 0
ISO 9001 Accreditation / ISO 14000 Accreditation/ Yes 1
OHSAS - 18000 Accreditation (for Manufacturer 1
5. only) No 0
JULY 2016
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Score Sheet-II
Financial Information
Financial Information:
Sl. Maximum Marks
Parameter Criteria Marks
No. Marks Awarded
positive for all 3 6
1. Positive Net worth for last three years positive for 2 years 4
positive for 1 year 2
Otherwise 0 6
positive for all 3 6
2. Positive Net Working Capital for last three years
years positive for 2 years 4
positive for 1 year 2
Otherwise 0 6
For 3rd years: 6
increased from 1st
3. Turnover (except other income) & 2nd year
For 2nd years: 4 6
increased from 1st
For 1st year: any 2
profit for all 3 years 6
profit for 2 years 4
4. Profit Before Tax for last three years profit for 1 year 2
Otherwise 0 6
Total 24
Note: If The Vendor is new in Business and does not have past data, then the evaluation will be done on
the basis of information provided by him and will be recommended by VRC.
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Score Sheet-III
2. Performance Certificates: 10 0
I. Attach Performance Certificates
Issued By DVC/Any Govt. Organisation/
PSU/Semi Govt. Organisation /private
power utilities For Successful Execution
Of The Contracts as follows: a)For
satisfactory performance of Two Years-
For supply of equipment or capital item,
b)For satisfactory performance of six
months- For supply of consumable spares
etc. ;
II. Also attach Satisfactory Completion
Certificate issued By DVC/Any Govt.
Organisation/ PSU/Semi Govt.
Organisation /private power utilities in
case of services/ consumables/
consultancy. (enclose documentary
JULY 2016
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System of Adequate 2 2
Identification &
Traceability of
materials, tools, jigs, Procedure Inadequate 1
6. fixtures & processed available: Not
components, etc. available 0
Adequate 2 2
System of Storage/ Procedure
7. preservation/ painting available: Inadequate 1
& packing Not
available 0
System of NCR Two copies Available 2 2
disposition & of NCR & Not
8. corrective preventive CAPA available 0
System Yes 1 1
available: No 0
Complaints registered &
resolved 2 2
Customer complaints Complaints registered &
9. handling system partially resolved 1
Complaints or not resolved
not registered 0
System Yes 1 1
available: No 0
10. Safety measures Record Yes 1 1
available: No 0
JULY 2016
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a) ………………………..
b) ………………………..
c) ………………………..
Note: This check list is to be attached with the filled up Vendor Registration Form.
JULY 2016
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Phone No …………………………….. Fax …………………………….. E-mail
Vendor Code …………………………………….
Registration No …………………………………….
Dear Sir,
With reference to your application dated ……………… we are pleased to inform you that you have
been enlisted as registered vendor for participation in the purchase process/works tender conducted by D
V C as and when required for the following items/stores/works/services.
JULY 2016
Page 130
This registration is valid for a period of THREE YEARS from the date of issue of the registration
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
for & on behalf of DVC
Note :
1. On expiry of the validity of the required statutory documents like factory license/NSIC
registration certificate/STCC/DGS&D Registration Certificate etc., please ensure to get them
renewed and furnish a copy of each from time to time.
2. Please submit your renewal application along with relevant documents before three months of the
expiry of this registration certificate.
JULY 2016
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2 Follow health and safety plan whatever layout by safety deptt. time 02
to time
JULY 2016
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Total (A to E) 100
F Bonus Points : 10 Marks
G Total Marks obtained in the Month
Cumulative Marks
Cumulative Marks obtained
Up to date Average Marks = ----------------------------------- No of
NOTE: In case of Up to date Average marks obtained above is 70 or below, the Contractor shall
not be Recommended for issue of tender enquiry for similar nature of work.
JULY 2016
Page 136
Max Marks
Sl. NoDescription
Marks Obtained
JULY 2016
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2 Follow health and safety plan whatever layout by safety deptt time 02
to time
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JULY 2016
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3 Participation in e-Tendering 02
Cumulative Marks
Cumulative Marks obtained
Up to date Average Marks = ---------------------------------------- No
of months
NOTE: In case of Up to date Average marks obtained above is 70 or below, the Contractor shall not
be Recommended for issue of tender enquiry for similar nature of work.
JULY 2016
Page 140
Engineer In charge:
Signature Name Designation
Head of Deptt:
1. In case of Up to date Performance Rating obtained above is ‘Unsatisfactory’, the Contractor shall not
be recommended for issue of tender enquiry for a period as deemed fit not more than 2 years.
2. Enclose all the monthly filled up and Jointly Signed Performance Evaluation Form.
3. The Above Performance Rating shall, generally, be given at the completion of contract period
including its extension if any. However, if required, in C&M, the same
shall be given during the execution of work.
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E-mail :
Phone :
Tender No.
Dated :
JULY 2016
Page 149
1) Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) invites bids on e-Tendering basis {Four envelopes, i.e.
Envelope1 (Documents in support of Cost of Bidding, Documents in support of Bid Security and
Integrity Pact) Envelope2 (Supporting documents for QR), Envelope3 (Techno-commercial Bid) &
Envelope4 (Price Bid)} from eligible bidders for (Name of Work) for (Name of Station) at (Place,
District, State) state in the Eastern region of India as per the Scope of Work mentioned hereinafter.
NIT Schedule
JULY 2016
Page 150
3) Detailed specification, scope of work and conditions are given in the bidding documents, which are
available for examination and sale at the address given below and as per the schedule mentioned in
4) All bids must be accompanied by Bid Security for an amount of Indian Rs. (Amount) If the bid
price is quoted fully or partially in foreign currency, the Bid security shall be in US Dollars.
The requirement should be mentioned here as per QR set by QR committee and verification of
document clause as per W&P Manual.
7) DVC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the Invitation for bids without
assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim
arising out of such action.
8) In order to submit the Bid, the bidders have to get themselves registered with the portal and
should possess valid Digital Signature Certificate. The Registration of the Bidders on the portal
will be on-line and one time activity. The system will assign a unique user ID for each Bidder
which will be valid till for 1 or 2 year as the case may be. Service Provider Fee as applicable will
be borne by the bidder/tenderer and same may be included with cost of Tender/Bid Document. . In
case where cost of tender document is nil (Industries registered with NSIC/ Limited Tender etc.),
Service Provider Fee is to be taken from such participating bidder.
9) A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded by any registered Bidder. Downloading
of Bidding Documents by any Bidder shall not construe that such Bidder is considered to be
qualified. Transfer of Bidding Documents downloaded by one intending bidder to another is not
permissible. For participating this e-tender, Bidder have to pay the cost of the documents (non–
refundable) as mentioned above either in the form of a Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque drawn in
favour of Damodar valley Corporation payable at Kolkata / Head of the Accounts of respective
projects, to the (address of the Tender Inviting Authority). or “through electronic mode, i.e. through
e-payment gateway” and the Same (“Crossed Account Payee Demand Draft” or, “the authorisation
letter of the Bidder mentioning transaction ID for e-payment”) in Envelope-1 should be received by
DVC at the address given below during office hours, on or before the last date & time of Bid
Submission/Uploading period. Bids (“Envelope-1 offline” & “Envelope2 , Envelope3 & all related
supporting documents and Envelope4 online” ) received by DVC after last date & time of Bid
Submission/Uploading period will not be considered at all and DVC authorities will not take any
responsibility to accept the same. If the day is declared a holiday by DVC, then these activities will
be taken up on the next working day at the same time schedule
JULY 2016
Page 151
The names and designation along with e-mail address of two officers specially assigned for
receiving the hard copy of Envelope1 and for online receiving of Pre-bid quires as well as for
future correspondence are mentioned below:-
No other person in the Office of the Chief Engineer (Project) other than those mentioned above
is authorised to receive the “hard copy of Envelope-1 or to grant receipts for the same delivered
by hand” and “for online receiving of Pre-bid quires as well as for future correspondence”.
10) DVC shall not be responsible in any way for any delay/ difficulties/ inaccessibility of the
downloading or uploading facility from the website for any reason whatsoever. In case of any
discrepancies found between the downloaded tender documents from the website and the master
copy available in the website www.tenderwizard.com/DVC, the latter shall prevail and will be
binding on the tenderer(s). No claim/appeal on this account will be entertained or given
JULY 2016
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1) All tenderers would be bound by the terms and conditions as detailed in tender specifications by the
DVC and enclosed GCC.
2) Once a set of tender specification is purchased/downloaded by a prospective tenderer the price
thereof will not be refunded on any circumstances. Tender documents issued in the name of a
party is not transferable.
3) If any tenderer submits tender without purchasing a copy of the tender specification of the
DVC, their tender will be treated as irregular and will be rejected.
4) Orders placed by the Corporation will be guided by enclosed GCC and are also subject to the
following Terms & Conditions:-
a) Unless agreed otherwise, the rates quoted by manufacturers must be (specify price basis,
firm/variable price) on FOR destination basis and in Indian Rupees and exclusive of Customs,
Import Duty (if applicable), sales tax, ED, F&I charges etc. These are to be quoted in an explicit
way. If the price quoted is the variable one, then it should be guided as per terms mentioned in
Optional Terms & Condition Clause No. 03. Rates quoted for bought out items should be all
inclusive price on F.O.R. Destination basis. However, specific quantum of F&I charges, if any, to
be spelt out clearly.
b) LD Clause and Risk Purchase Clause: It will be applicable as per Clause No. 13 of GCC.
c) Supplies must be strictly in accordance with specifications and/or drawings, samples etc. furnished
or approved by the DVC. For any deviation in respect of technical specifications and commercial
terms and conditions whatsoever, suppliers will be responsible. Bidders are requested to go
through the Clause No. 06 of GCC before submitting their offer.
d) Goods supplied will be subject to our inspection and approval before despatch and also on
arrival at the destination in case of payment against dispatch document through bank or where
stage inspection is required. Inspection before despatch will not however, relieve the supplier of
their responsibility to supply strictly in conformity with the specification and or drawing samples
etc. At least 15(fifteen) days clear notice should be given to the Indenting Officer, for arranging
inspection before despatch.
e) The supplier will be held responsible for the stores not being sufficiently and properly packed at
his expenses for transport by rail, road and sea or air; so as to ensure them being free from loss
or injury at their destination. This will apply to Ex-Go Down offer also.
f) Each bale or package delivered under our order shall at the expense of the supplier be distinctly
marked with description and quantity of contents with the consignee’s name and address with
gross weight, with the name of supplier and with a distinctive number or mark which is also to be
shown for the purpose of identification of suppliers packing account.
g) Each bale or package shall contain a packing note quoting the number and date of our order
showing its contains in detail. If any part or parts fails to deliver the desired result or proved
defective within the guarantee period i.e. within 12 months from the date of commissioning or
18(eighteen) months from the date of supply, whichever is earlier owing to defects in design or
materials or workmanship, suppliers will have to replace them free of cost.
JULY 2016
Page 153
h) In accepting the order suppliers are understood to accept to all responsibilities for any infringement
in registered design, trade mark, patent rights etc.
i) Arrangements for Transit insurance, where necessary, normally be made by DVC and the
name of the Insurance Co. will be communicated to supplier If insurance be arranged by Supplier
without DVC’s prior written approval expenses will not be met by DVC. When insurance is
arranged by DVC goods are not be despatched until the name of the Insurance Co. is communicated
to the supplier.
j) Except where the Purchase Order specifies ‘Free delivery’, goods are to be delivered at consignee’s
store on ‘freight paid’ basis and in case of “freight to Pay” basis, freight charges to be claimed
against documentary evidence. Whenever freight to be paid for each truckload, the same should be
on full truck basis.
k) The advance payment, in exceptional cases, may be given to the extent of 10% of total order value
which will be interest bearing at prevailing SBI base rate plus 3.5% against submission of a Bank
Guarantee of 110% amount (on amount of advance) and not less than 2 instalments and Bank
Guarantee should have sufficient validity covering the full delivery period of the consignment and
final payment thereof. However rate of interest should be applied for calculation of interest on the
advance amount in reset basis (i.e. not fixed rate of interest, it may go on changing during the
period of advance remain unadjusted) based on the change of base rate time to time.
l) Where a claim of Sales Tax/VAT is preferred and admitted, the supplier must satisfy that he is a
registered dealer under the Sales Tax Act and Possesses a Certificate of Registration in the firms
name in which the supply is made and shall in proof thereof, while submitting bills for payment,
furnish the number date and other particulars of such Certificate.
m) Earnest Money: Tender must accompany an “Earnest Money” of Rs. …………. Earnest money
should be deposited in the mode as described in NIT. Tender without Earnest Money in desired
form will not be considered valid and therefore, be rejected.
n) Conditions of Forfeiture of EMD: As per Clause 4.0 of GCC will be applicable.
Applicable as per Clause No. 14 of GCC.
SSI Units registered with NSIC, under its single point registration scheme, are exempted from
depositing Security Deposit for ordering value upto the monetary limit for which the unit is
registered. Small-scale industries seeking such exemption must enclose valid registration certificate
from appropriate Govt. Authority giving details such as validity, stores, monetary limit etc. failing
which exemption will not be granted.
However, these SSI units will have to submit Performance Guarantee for the materials to be
supplied as per DVC norms and to be submitted before the despatch of materials and no payment
will be affected till the acceptance of the same.
a) Materials to be delivered to consignee:
i) Within days of issuance of Purchase Order.
*ii) within days of date of drawing approval.
*Delete if it is not applicable for the tendered item. If the tendered item is to be supplied on the
W&P Manual – 2016
JULY 2016
Page 154
basis of approved drawing only, clause No. (a) to be linked with Serial (ii) only.
The following needs to be inserted under this clause of NIT in filled up condition (to be furnished
by Indenting Officer along with the indent) in order to firm up the delivery schedule and to
identify the agency (DVC/Vendor) responsible for delay in delivery, if any, on execution of the
b) Drawing to be submitted to indenter for acceptance within days from date of issuance of
Purchase Order.
(‘Drawing’ means ‘Final Drawing’ which needs no further correction/alteration. Date of submission
of final drawing to be reckoned as the date of submission of drawing by the vendor.)
c) Approval of final drawing to be given by the indenting officer to the vendor within days from the
date of submission of the same by the vendor.
d) Inspection call (email/Fax/Post) to be given by the vendor to the consignee/indenting officer
before fifteen (15) days of readiness of material for inspection/testing at their works.
e) Inspector to be sent by the Consignee/Indenting Officer within 3(three) days of inspection date as
mentioned in the inspection call letter or within 7(seven days of date of receipt of inspection call
letter whichever is later.
f) Dispatch clearance to the vendor to be given by the Indenting Officer through email/Fax/Post
within 5(five) days of date of inspection with a copy to consignee if not issued by the
Inspection Engineer after inspection.
Guarantee/Warranty Period as asked in indent.
8) Payment Terms:
(Details shall be provided here)
9) Evaluation Process:
(Details shall be provided here)
12) Submit your tender in the following manner : Specify the number of envelopes (A, B, C)
alongwith the contents of the same in detail as per Tender Requirement (for one part/two part).
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Employer will respond either in the Pre-bid discussion or as Pre-bid replies through website to any
request for clarification of the bidding documents. The Pre-bid conference will take place at the
communication address as given in the IFB. It will be assumed that the information contained in the
pre-bid replies will have been taken into account by the Bidder in its bid.
Further, any modifications of the Bidding Documents which may become necessary as a result of
the pre-bid conference shall be made by the Employer exclusively through an amendment to the
bidding documents in the website only.
Non-attendance at the pre-bid conference will not be a case for disqualification of a bidder.
b) The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the site where the facilities are to be installed and its
surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for
preparing the bid and entering into a contract for supply and installation of the facilities. The costs
of visiting the site shall be borne by the bidder fully.
c) The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Employer to enter
upon its premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection, but only upon the express condition
that the Bidder, its personnel and agents will release and indemnify the Employer and its personnel
and agents from and against all liability in respect thereof and will be responsible for death or
personal injury, loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses
incurred as a result of the inspection.
The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents related to the bid exchanged
between the Bidder and the Employer shall be written in English language, provided that any
printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another language, as long as such
literature is accompanied by a translation of its pertinent passages in English language in which
case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid, the translation shall govern.
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16) Before filling the offers, bidders are requested to go through the general conditions of Contract,
DVC in order to familiarize with DVC’s commercial terms & conditions, Cost Compensations for
deviations and bid evaluation procedure.
17) The Bidder is also advised to visit and examine the site where the facilities are to be installed and
its surroundings and will obtain on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for
preparing the bid and entering into a contract for supply and installation of the facilities. The costs
of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.
18) DVC reserves the right not to accept the lowest rate quoted by a Tenderer and reject any or all
the tenders and to split up and award the P.O. to more than one tenderer without assigning any
reason thereof and may also increase the number of tendered quantities to be procured, as stipulated
in NIT.
19) On receipt of formal Purchase Order in duplicate, one copy shall be returned to the purchase order
issuing authority duly acknowledged with signature, seal of the firm with date as a mark of
acceptance of the contract.
20) Unsigned offer submitted by any bidder will not be considered valid.
21) If anyone is not in a position to quote for any reason, please send ‘regret’ letter positively.
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25) DVC shall not be responsible in any way for any delay/difficulties/ inaccessibility of the
downloading facility from the website for any reason whatsoever.
26) The tenderers who are found to be indulging in changing /adding or deleting the contents of the
downloaded tender documents will be liable to face necessary action as deemed fit including
banning, suspension of business dealings etc.
27) In case of any discrepancies found between the downloaded tender documents from the website
and the copy available online (website) the latter shall prevail and will be binding on the
tenderer(s). No claim/appeal on this account will be entertained or given cognizance.
28) Tenderers will be solely responsible for the correctness/genuineness of the downloaded tender
documents from the website. If the offer submitted through the downloaded tender documents
which are incomplete, or with changed contents, the offer will summarily rejected.
29) Offer submitted by the tenderers through fax/telegrams/e-mail will not be considered valid.
30) A notarise power of attorney, indicating that the persons using the digital signature/ the
persons signing the bid has/ have the authority to sign the bid and that the bid is binding upon the
bidder during the full periods of validity.
31) Settlement of disputes and Arbitration: It will be guided as per Clause No. 33 of enclosed GCC.
32) All suits arising out of the enquiry and subsequent Purchase Order if any, are subject to the
jurisdiction in the City of Kolkata only.
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The following terms and expressions used herein shall have the meaning as indicated therein:-
Purchase Order/The Contract: Shall mean the documents forming the tenders and acceptance
thereof together with the documents referred to therein including the conditions,
specifications/Scope of Work, designs, drawings and instructions issued from time to time by the
Purchaser/ Owner and all these documents taken together shall be deemed to form one contract.
Applicable Law : This contract including all matters connected with this Contract shall be
governed and construed in accordance with the Indian Law both substantive and procedural and
shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Indian courts at Kolkata {South 24- Parganas, New
Alipore Court(India)}.
Contract Price: It means the total price to be paid for the supply of materials/goods/services to
the consignee.
Supplier/Vendor/Contractor: Shall mean the registered individual firm, Company or Corporation
whether incorporated or otherwise to whom the Purchase Order/Work Order/LOA/LOI is addressed
and shall include its permitted assigns and successors.
Purchaser/Owner: Shall mean Damodar Valley Corporation, a statutory body established under
Act No. XIV of 1948 of GOI having its Corporate Office at DVC Towers, VIP Road, Kolkata –
700 054.
Party: It means the owner or the bidder, as the case may be, and ‘Parties’ means both of them.
Sub-Vendor/Sub Contractor : Shall mean the person/organization/firm named in the Purchase
Order/Contract for any part of the material/works to whom that part of the Purchase Order/Contract
has been sublet by the vendor with the consent in writing of the ‘Owner’ and will include the legal
representatives, successors and permitted assigns of such person.
Equipment/Stores/Materials: Shall mean and include equipment, stores & materials to be supplied
by the vendor under the contract.
Specification/Scope of Work : Shall mean the Specifications and Bidding documents forming a
part of the contract and also such other schedules and drawings furnished by purchaser/owner and
or as may be mutually agreed upon.
Guarantee/Warranty Period: Shall mean the period during which the vendor shall remain liable
to repair or replacement of any defective part of the Stores/Equipment/Materials supplied/works
executed under the contract.
Any other definition of any term/item etc. can be added under the head definition as per
suitability of package and the same is to be decided by TIA.
The number of the concerned Purchase Order/Work Order/LOA/LOI/LOI-cum-Work Order must
appear on all correspondence, drawings, invoices, packing and shipping documents and on all
documents or papers connected with the Contract.
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1 For failure of tenderers to accept the order / LOI / LOA placed within the validity period of their offer,
2. Any bidder withdraws/varies his offer within the bid validity period before finalisation of the tender.
3. If the bidder does not accept the arithmetical correction of its bid price.
4. For failure to submit security cum performance BG within 30 days from the last day of the specified
time limit as stipulated in the PO/LOI/LOA/LOI-cum-Work Order.
6. If the Bidder does not withdraw any deviation listed in Statement of Deviations at the cost of
withdrawal indicated by him,
7. If the Bidder refuse to withdraw, without any cost to the Owner, any deviation not listed in Statement
of Deviations but found elsewhere in the Bid,
9. In case the L1 bidder for any item fails to produce the documents within the specified period of 10
days in case of domestic tenders and 15 days in case of global tenders, or if any of the information
furnished by L1 bidder on-line is found to be false by the Tender Committee during verification of
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• If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail.
• If there is a discrepancy between the quantity specified by DVC in the bidding document and
that indicated by the bidder in his bid, the former shall be taken to arrive at the computed price on
pro-rata basis.
• In case the unit rate of an item is not quoted but the total price is indicated, the same shall be
taken to arrive at the computed price. The computed price arrived at, as above, shall be
considered for the purpose of award also.
• If the bidder does not accept the correction of errors as worked out by above methodology, its
bid will be rejected and the earnest money will be forfeited.
(iii) Manufacturers are requested to offer their pricing as per Annexure - B attached herewith.
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Inspection by Purchaser and / or his authorized representative or failure by the Purchaser and/or
his authorized representative to inspect the material / equipment shall neither relieve the Vendor
of any responsibility or liability under this Purchase Order / contract in respect of such material /
equipment nor be interpreted in any way to imply acceptance thereof by the Owner.
Whenever specifically asked for by the Owner/Purchaser and/or his authorized representative, the
Vendor shall arrange for inspection/testing by the Owner or third party authorised agencies as
stipulated in the Purchase Order / contract. In such cases Vendor shall adhere to the inspection /
testing procedure laid down by such agencies. All expenses including inspection fees shall be to
the Purchaser account unless agreed to the contrary and specified in the Purchase Order/contract.
In Turnkey Project Contracts, the bidders have to supply materials / equipment from the vendors
approved by DVC (which may also include the bidder as manufacturer of the product), which is
normally firmed up after placement of order. The quoted freight & insurance charges for this
purpose are, therefore, irrespective of the vendors and geographical locations of their works. The
bidder is, therefore, entitled to the fixed freight & insurance charges and no documentary evidence
in support of the claim may be insisted upon and hence Mega Risk Policy would not be applicable
for them.
9.1 If upon delivery to consignee’s go-down, whether inspected and approved earlier or otherwise, the
material / equipment is not found in conformity with the specifications, the same shall be
rejected by the Purchaser or his duly authorized representative and notification to this effect
will be issued to the Vendor normally within 30 days from the date of Receipt of the
material at the Works / Site / consignee’s end.
The Vendor on receipt of notification shall arrange removal of the rejected items within 15 days
from the date of notification at his own cost. In the event the Vendor fails to lift the materials
within the said 15 days, the consignee or his authorised representatives without any further notice
or information to the vendor, shall be at liberty to dispose of such rejected items in any manner
as he may think fit. All expenses shall be recoverable from the Vendor.
9.2 In the event, the equipment and materials or any portion thereof are damaged or lost during transit,
the consignee or his authorised representatives shall give notice to the Supplier/vendor detailing the
particulars of such equipment & materials damaged or lost during transit. The replacement of such
equipment and materials to be effected by the supplier / vendor free of costs including handling and
transportation charges upto site, within a reasonable time.
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10. TERMS OF PAYMENT (Only relevant payment term applicable as per type of
package/tender should be included in the tender/bid document)
For purchase order involving supply only, payment terms will be as below:
100% payment alongwith full taxes & duties will normally be made by the purchaser/Owner to
the Vendor through A/C Payee Cheque /RTGS within 15 working days from the date of receipt of
material at site and after inspection & acceptance thereof or from date of receipt of invoice
whichever is later. The consignee would arrange for inspection of the supplied items. All documents
relating to payment would be checked and verified and to be passed by the concerned Accounts
Office before effecting payment, with reference to the P.O./ LOI /LOA.
However, payment terms for POs placed directly on manufacturer /authorised dealer may also be
done as below:
90% of the ordered value to be paid against despatch documents through bank subject to prior
acceptance of SDBG, if applicable. Balance 10% of the ordered value to be paid after receipt of
materials at site and acceptance thereof.
Provision of part payment against part supply of consignment at consignee’s end may be
incorporated in Purchase order on the merit of the case (only if the part consignment can be used
independently), provided necessary stipulation is made in the bid document.
The payment terms for any works/service contract may be regulated as below:
90% of contract price for works/service contract against RA bills. This also includes initial
advance, if any. Remaining 10% after completion of the contract.
The payment terms for supply and erection & commissioning for any Turnkey
contracts/packages may be regulated as follows:
1) Supply portion only:
70% of the Ex-works price /ordered value of supply (of bought out items also) with full taxes and
duties as applicable after adjustment of advance, if any, will be paid against proof of despatch
(viz. R/R, L/R) , detailed invoice / packing list, warranty certificate, test certificate ,insurance
policy / certificate, dispatch clearance .
20%of the Ex-works price / ordered value of supply (in case of bought out items also) after
receipt of the materials and inspection and acceptance at site. Remaining 10% after complete
erection and commissioning & testing and handing over.
However, for spares, balance 30% shall be paid after receipt of materials and inspection &
acceptance at site.
2) Erection & Commissioning :
90% of contract price for Erection & commissioning against RA bills. This also includes initial
advance, if any. Remaining 10% after complete erection and commissioning & testing and handing
3) Payment terms in respect of imports will be regulated as below :
100% FOB price less Indian Agency Commission in Rs, if any, shall be paid against presentation
of shipping documents as called for in the purchase order through irrevocable LC. The Indian
Agency Commission in Rs, if any, shall be paid within 30 days of receipt of material at the
consignee end.
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In case of direct import without involvement of Indian agency, 90% of FOB price will be paid
against presentation of shipping documents as called for in the purchase order through irrevocable
LC. Remaining 10% after receipt of materials by consignee in good condition.
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No payment, whatsoever will be made till the acceptance of SDBG/deposit of initial SD as the
case may be as per the terms of the contract.
In case banks refuse to issue BGs having Claim Period separately, the validity period of those
BGs may be taken as warranty period plus six months.
However, for ordered value above RS. 100 lakhs, Security Deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee
shall only be acceptable.
SSI Units registered with NSIC, under its single point registration scheme, are exempted from
depositing Security Deposit for ordering value upto the monetary limit for which the unit is
registered. Small-scale industries seeking such exemption must enclose valid registration certificate
from appropriate Govt. Authority giving details such as validity, stores, monetary limit etc. failing
which exemption will not be granted.
However, these SSI units will have to submit Performance Guarantee for the materials to be
as per DVC norms and to be submitted before the despatch of materials and no payment will be
effected till the acceptance of the same.
In case of acceptance of SD in the form of Demand Draft or pro-rata reduction from running
bills/submitted invoices, the amount so accepted/deducted as SD may be refunded to the vendors
after submission of acceptable BG of equivalent amount valid till expiry of warranty/guarantee
period plus six months claim period or valid covering warranty/guarantee period plus six months.
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DVC reserves the right not to issue tender documents to any intending bidders with whom
DVC has stopped entering into business by virtue of policy decision.
For civil item the recovery of excess consumption of material may be adopted as per prevalent
CPWD Specification/Norms.
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All laws, rules and regulations required to be followed in execution of the order / contract, must
be complied with. The Vendor should execute and deliver such documents as may be needed by
the Purchaser/ owner in evidence of compliance. Any liability arising out of contravention of any
of the laws on executing this order shall be the sole responsibility of the Vendor and the Owner
shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever.
The Vendor shall not sub-let or assign any part of this Purchase Order/ contract to any other
vendor/agency without the prior written consent of the Purchaser / owner. Such assignments or
sub-letting or transfer shall not relieve the Vendor from any obligation, duty and responsibility
under this Purchase Order / contract. Any assignment, transfer or sub-letting without the prior
written approval of the Owner shall be void. The Purchaser / owner shall have the right to cancel
the order/contract and to purchase the goods/services from elsewhere and the supplier/vendor
shall be liable to the Purchaser / owner for any loss or damage which the Purchaser / owner may
sustain in consequence or arising out of such purchase and the Vendor shall indemnify such loss
or damage to the Owner.
All Drawings, data and documentation in respect of the ordered items are an integral part of the
Purchase Order / contract. The Vendor will furnish all such drawings, data and documentation to
the Purchaser / owner. Purchaser / owner will specify the schedule for submission of these
documents by the Vendor and the required number of copies. The vendor shall ensure strict
compliance to this schedule.
All Drawings, data and documentation that are given to the vendor by the Purchaser / owner for
the execution of the Order / contract shall be the property of the Purchaser / owner and shall be
returned by the Vendor on demand by the Purchaser / owner. The Vendor shall not make use of
any of the above documents for any purpose at any time except for the purpose of executing the
Order / contract of the Purchaser / owner. The Vendor shall not disclose any of the information
given by the Purchaser / owner to any person, firm, corporate body or authority and shall make all
endeavours to ensure that
the above information is kept confidential. All such information shall also remain the absolute
property of the Purchaser/owner.
This order constitutes an entire agreement between the parties hereto. Any modifications to this
Order shall become binding only upon the same being confirmed in writing duly signed by both
the parties.
27.1 The Vendor shall warrant that all material / equipment / services supplied under this Order /
contract shall be new, unused and conform to the Purchasers / owners requirements and
specifications. The Vendor shall guarantee the material / equipment / services under this Order for
a period of 18 months from the date of delivery or 12 months from the date of commissioning
whichever is earlier.
For turnkey contracts, Guarantee / Warranty period is to be considered as 12 months from the
date of commissioning of the same irrespective of date of delivery. The date of delivery to be
reckoned as the date of receipt of the material by the consignee. The Vendor shall agree to replace
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any material, which has been proved defective or fails to conform to the desired specifications
free of cost to the Purchaser within the Guarantee/Warranty Period. The guarantee period for such
replaced part shall be the same as that of equipment / materials specified earlier.
27.2 Checking / approval of vendors drawings, inspection and acceptance of material / spares /
equipment / furnishing to effect shipment and / or work done for erection, installation and
commissioning of the equipment by the Purchaser/owner or any other agency on behalf of the
Purchaser / owner shall not in any way relieve the Vendor from the responsibility for proper
performance during the guarantee period.
27.3 Service contracts like hiring of vehicle / Insurance / consultancy / Clearing & Forwarding services
etc and other consumable items like stationeries, printing of matter etc. are beyond the purview of
Warranty Clause.
However, before floating of enquiry, Indentor / TIA at his discretion and depending on the
technical intricacies of the procurement of goods and services may decide on the period of
warranty / guarantee.
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2.0 Additionally, the contractor shall comply with all the Rules framed by DVC relating
to Safety of all working in the work place, and ensure compliance with all types of
permit to work. He shall also comply with all directions given by the Engineer In-
charge or Head of DVC Project Safety Deptt. or their nominated representative with
specific regard to Safety and Health of the workers.
The Contractor/ Agency shall frame and implement it’s Safety and Health Policy
which shall contain all the provisions relating to compliance of DVC Safety/ Health
and Safety Policy.
The Contractor shall appoint a full time Engineer with either Degree in Engg. With
not less than 1 years of experience or Diploma in Engg. With not less than 2 years of
experience to supervise the work for each 50 workers/ staff or a part thereof. Where
the work is of hazardous in nature the supervisor shall be appointed for first
20 workers also.
2.3 If at any time the contractor employs more than 150 workers including staff, he shall
appoint from the start of work itself a Safety Officer, with the qualification as
mentioned in the Factories Act/ State Factories Rules applicable to the state, in
which the work is carried out. The Safety Officer of the Contractor shall discharge
only those responsibilities as mentioned in statutory rules for the Safety Officers.
Before Start of work by the Contractor, The Contractor shall sign an MOU with
Head of DVC Project Safety Deptt. and Engineer In charge of the contract, wherein
he shall submit following documents also:
a) Safety Plan of the Contractor for his own as well as his sub- contractors;
d) Before Start of work by the Contractor, the Contractor shall present his
Personal Protective equipment to Head of DVC Safety Deptt, and Engineer
In charge, for inspection, who will inspect these equipment for necessary
legal compliance. Only after this inspection and clearance in writing, above
referred items shall be used or issued by the Contractor.
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e) Before using the lifting equipment and other safety related items, the
contractor shall present these to Head of DVC Safety Deptt, and Engineer
In charge, for inspection, who will inspect these equipment for its safety.
Only after their clearance in writing, these items shall be used by the
Contractor. However, all liabilities for statutory violations for these
equipment shall be of the Contractor.
f) Before Start of the contract, the Contractor shall provide appropriate Safety
Training to all his workers of at least one full day duration, through an
external agency, with faculty having the qualification as mentioned in the
Factories Act/ State Rules for the Safety Officer, and having minimum 5
years of power plant site exposure, with regard to implementing safety
provisions.. Only those who are trained, as above, shall be allowed for issue
of Gate Pass.
g) Before Start of work by the Contractor, the Contractor shall get
occupational health examination of his workers, working/ to work in
hazardous activities through a Medical Practitioner, approved by the State
Government, and subsequently as mentioned in the state factories rules.
h) In case any accident occurs and DVC Officials investigate it, the
Contractor shall provide full cooperation in conduct of inquiry, conducted
by the DVC officials, in case of any accident at his workplace or to his
i) Wherever there is probability of fall of worker/ material from more than 8 Ft,
to prevent his fall, the contractor shall provide Safety Harness to all his
workers and ensure its use. He shall also provide safety net below such work
place. He shall ensure compliance of all provisions of Permit for
working at height devised by DVC. If the fall arrester is provided by
DVC, the Contractor shall ensure its right use.
2.5 The contractor shall use only double insulated power tools shall be used at the
construction place. He shall only use 3 Core cable for Single phase Supply and 4
Core Cable for 3 Phase supply. For all electrical connections appropriate ELCB
shall be used by the Contractor.
a)In no case any electric supply shall be taken through loose wire like supply
without Plug Top.
b) No electrical repair work shall be carried out on any live equipment. It shall
be done only by the Electrician having either ITI qualification or Wireman’s
certificate issued by the State Government.
3.0 In case any accident occurs during the construction or erection work or other
associated activities undertaken by the Contractor In-charge, it shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor to promptly inform the same to the Engineer In-
charge, DVC Head of Safety Deptt. in the prescribed form (Which can be collected
by the Contractor/ Agency from the Project Safety Deptt.), and also to all the
statutory authorities envisaged under the applicable laws.
The Engineer In-charge as well as DVC Head of Safety Deptt. or their nominated
representative shall have the right at his sole discretion to stop the work, if in his
opinion the work is being carried out in such a way that it may cause accidents and
endanger the safety of the persons and / or property, and / or equipment. In such
cases, the contractor shall be informed in writing, and the contractor shall
immediately stop the work, and comply to remove shortcomings promptly.
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4.0 If the Contractor does not provide safety equipment to his workers or fails to
discharge of his other responsibilities, statutory or otherwise, as mentioned above,
DVC may provide the same and recover the expenditure along with overhead cost
etc. However, this does not absolve the contractor from his responsibility as
mentioned in the contract..
If the Contractor fails complying with the provisions as mentioned above, the
Contractor shall pay to DVC at the rate of Rs. 2,000/- per day or part thereof for
contract value exceeding Rs Twenty Lakhs, and, at the rate of Rs 500/- per day for
the contract value less than Rs 20 Lakhs till the instructions are complied with and
so certified by the Engineer In-charge and DVC Head of Project Safety Deptt.. If it
is not paid by the Contractor, it shall be deducted from his next bill.
In case of injury, the compensation as calculated/ directed by the State Government
Authorities shall be paid by the Contractor to the Victim/ his heir, in accordance
with the statutory provisions.
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(d) The Contractor shall at its own expense provide the means of repatriation to all of its and its
Subcontractor’s personnel employed on the Contract at the Site to their various home Countries.
It shall also provide suitable temporary maintenance of all such persons from the cessation of
their employment on the Contract to the date programmed for their departure. In the event that
the Contractor defaults in providing such means of transportation and temporary maintenance, the
Employer may provide the same to such personnel and recover the cost of doing so from the
(e) The Contractor shall at all times during the progress of the Contract use its best endeavours to
prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct or behaviour by or amongst its employees and
the labour of its Subcontractors.
(f) The Contractor shall, in all dealings with its labour and the labour of its Subcontractors currently
employed on or connected with the Contract, pay due regard to all recognized festivals, official
holidays, religious or other customs and all local laws and regulations pertaining to the employment
of labour.
32.2.1 All Contractors’ Equipment brought by the Contractor onto the Site shall be deemed to be
intended to be used exclusively for the execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall not
remove the same from the Site without the Project Manager’s consent that such Contractor’s
Equipment is no longer required for the execution of the Contract.
32.2.2 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, upon completion of the Facilities, the Contractor shall
remove from the Site all Equipment brought by the Contractor onto the Site and any surplus
materials remaining thereon.
32.2.3 The Employer will, if requested, use its best endeavours to assist the Contractor in obtaining
any local, state or national government permission required by the Contractor for the export of the
Contractor’s Equipment imported by the Contractor for use in the execution of the Contract that is
no longer required for the execution of the Contract.
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32.4.3 The Contractor shall also so arrange to perform its work as to minimize, to the extent possible,
interference with the work of other contractors. The Project Manager shall determine the
resolution of any difference or conflict that may arise between the Contractor and other
contractors and the workers of the Employer in regard to their work.
32.4.4 The Contractor shall notify the Project Manager promptly of any defects in the other Contractors’
work that come to its notice, and that could affect the Contractor’s work. The Project
Manager shall determine the corrective measures, if any, required to rectify the situation after
inspection of the Facilities. Decisions made by the Project Manager shall be binding on the
If, by reason of an emergency arising in connection with and during the execution of the Contract,
any protective or remedial work is necessary as a matter of urgency to prevent damage to the
Facilities, the Contractor shall immediately carry out such work.
If the Contractor is unable or unwilling to do such work immediately, the Employer may do or
cause such work to be done as the Employer may determine is necessary in order to prevent
damage to the Facilities. In such event the Employer shall, as soon as practicable after the
occurrence of any such emergency, notify the Contractor in writing of such emergency, the work
done and the reasons therefore. If the work done or caused to be done by the Employer is work
that the Contractor was liable to do at its own expense under the Contract, the reasonable costs
incurred by the Employer in connection therewith shall be paid by the Contractor to the
Employer. Otherwise, the cost of such remedial work shall be borne by the Employer.
32.6.1 Site Clearance in Course of Performance: In the course of carrying out the Contract, the
Contractor shall keep the Site reasonably free from all unnecessary obstruction, store or remove
any surplus materials, clear away any wreckage, rubbish or temporary works from the Site, and
remove any Contractor’s Equipment no longer required for execution of the Contract.
32.6.2 Clearance of Site after Completion: After Completion of all parts of the Facilities, the Contractor
shall clear away and remove all wreckage, rubbish and debris of any kind from the Site, and
shall leave the Site and Facilities clean and safe.
32.6.3 Disposal of Scrap
The Contractor shall in consultation with the Project Manager promptly remove from the site any
'Scrap’ generated during performance of any activities at site in pursuance of the Contract. The
term 'Scrap' shall refer to scrap / waste / remnants arising out of the fabrication of structural steel
work and piping work at the project site in the course of execution of the contract and shall also
include any wastage of cables during the termination process while installing the cables.
The ownership of such Scrap shall vest with the Contractor except in cases where the items have
been issued by the Employer from its stores for their installation only without any adjustment to
the Contract Price. The removal of scrap shall be subject to the Contractor producing the necessary
clearance from the relevant authorities (Custom, Excise etc.), if required by the law, in respect of
disposal of the scrap. The liability for the payment of the applicable taxes/duties shall be that of
the Contractor.
The Contractor shall also indemnify to keep the Employer harmless from any act of omission or
negligence on the part of the Contractor in following the statutory requirements with regard to
removal/disposal of scrap. The Indemnity Bond shall be furnished by Contractor as per proforma
enclosed with NIT/Tender Document. Further, in case the laws require the Employer to take prior
W&P Manual – 2016
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permission of the relevant Authorities before handing over the scrap to the Contractor, the same
shall be obtained by the Contractor on behalf of the Employer.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain at its own expense all lighting, fencing, and watching
when and where necessary for the proper execution and the protection of the Facilities, or for the
safety of the employers and occupiers of adjacent property and for the safety of the public.
32.8.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, no work shall be carried out during the night and on
public holidays of the country where the Site is located without prior written consent of the
Employer, except where work is necessary or required to ensure safety of the Facilities or for the
protection of life, or to prevent loss or damage to property, when the Contractor shall immediately
advise the Project Manager, provided that provisions of this GCC Sub-Clause 56.8.1 shall not
apply to any work which is customarily carried out by rotary or double-shifts.
32.8.2 Notwithstanding GCC Sub-Clauses 32.8.1 or 32.1.3, if and when the Contractor considers it
necessary to carry out work at night or on public holidays so as to meet the Time for Completion
and requests the Employer’s consent thereto, the Employer shall not unreasonably withhold such
Any dispute(s) or difference(s) arising out of or in connection with the contract shall, to the extent
possible, be settled amicably between the owner and supplier.
In the event of any dispute or difference whatsoever arising under the contract or in connection
therewith including any question relating to existence, meaning and interpretation of the contract or
any alleged breach thereof, the same shall be referred to the Chairman of Damodar Valley
Corporation, Kolkata-54 or to a person nominated by him for arbitration. The Arbitration shall be
conducted in accordance with the provisions of arbitration and conciliation law 1996 or latest and
the decision/ judgment of Arbitrator/Arbitrators shall be final and binding on both the parties.
However, in case the contractor is a Central Public Sector Enterprise/ Govt. Department, the dispute
arising between the ‘Owner’ and the ‘Contractor’ shall be settled through Permanent Arbitration
Machinery (PAM) of the Department of Public Enterprise, Govt. of India as per prevailing rules.
All suits arising out of this enquiry and subsequent purchase order/contract, If any, are subject
jurisdiction of Court in the City of Kolkata {South 24- Parganas, New Aliproe Court (India)} only
and no other Court, when resolution/settlement through mutual discussion and arbitration fails.
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h) No Bank Guarantee shall be accepted for EMD amount upto Rs. 50,000/-However, EMD exceeding
Rs.50000/- may be accepted in any of the above forms.
The offer accompanied by B.G. against EMD will only be considered valid on acceptance of the
Bank Guarantee. The offer not accompanied by EMD or specified EMD in proper form as defined
above shall not be considered as valid tender for opening provided necessary stipulations are made
in the NIT.
i) Earnest Money will be refunded only to the unsuccessful Tenderer within 15 days after
finalisation of Tender and no interest will be paid for the same.
ii) The amount of Earnest Money will be refunded to the successful tenderer, after
acceptance of their Security Deposit-cum-Performance B.G. / successful completion of
the order.
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iii) Small Scale Industries registered with NSIC shall be exempted from the payment of
Earnest Money. Small Scale Industries seeking such exemption must enclose valid
registration certificate from the appropriate Govt. authority giving details such as validity,
stores etc., failing which exemption will not be granted.
Quotation must be kept valid for at least 90/180 days or as decided by Tender Inviting Authority
from the date of opening of the Enquiry / Tender and to be indicated in the NIT. If any bidder
offers bid having validity shorter than that asked in the NIT, bid should not be rejected out rightly.
Bidder should be persuaded to accept NIT stipulation.
Price mentioned in the Purchase Order/Work Order/Turnkey Project Contracts shall be firm till
execution of the contract unless stated otherwise.
The bids may be invited either on ‘firm price basis’ or on ‘variable price basis’, but not on both.
Tender Inviting Authority may invite any or all the items / components in supply / works /
turnkey project tenders on ’variable price basis’ i.e. few items / components of a NIT may be on
‘Variable price’ basis and remaining items / components of the same NIT may be on ‘firm price
The bids may be invited on variable price basis. In such cases Standard Price Variation Formula,
based on PV formula published by IEEMA / CACMAI or similar recognised sources or adopted
by power utilities like NTPC / PGCIL etc. shall be indicated in the bid document. Bid document
shall also indicate the standard source of different indices (for labour / material / exchange rate
etc.) used in the PV formula for purpose of calculation of variable component. The base date for
different indices for the purpose of calculating price variation will normally be considered 30
days prior to the last date of submission of price bid or as indicated in the bid document.
The cut-off date for different indices in the PV formula for the purpose of calculating price
variation may be considered as 2 to 4 months ahead of scheduled delivery period or as decided by
TIA to be indicated component-wise in the bid document. The PV formula shall be stipulated by
DVC in the bid document with or without any ceiling limit as decided by Tender Inviting
Authority. In case of non-publication of applicable indices on a particular date, which happens to
be applicable date for price adjustment purposes, the published indices prevailing immediately
prior to the particular date will be applicable.
Such bids shall be evaluated on the basis of offered price without any loading on account of price
variation. In case a specific ceiling limit is mentioned in the bid document, payment shall, however,
be restricted to the actual extent of variation that would take place limited to the ceiling limit. For
bids on variable price basis without any ceiling limit, payment will also be effected on actuals as
per PV formula without any ceiling limit.
No price variation beyond scheduled contractual delivery/completion period will be allowed.
Where it has been there shall also be no price variation on the advance payment component, if
In case of any bidder offering firm price against NIT stipulation of variable price basis or variable
price against NIT stipulation of firm price basis, it will be considered as deviation and bidder
shall declare the cost of withdrawal of the same along with the price bid, failing which the offer
will be considered unresponsive and to be rejected.
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documentary evidence restricted to the amount of taxes and duties as originally payable to the
bidder/contractors in terms of the contract.
Bidder may seek clarifications on the bidding documents (GCC + SCC, if any + Technical
Specification Booklet + NIT {Tender Notice} along with annexure + Proforma & Check List of
BG against EMD), if required, upto 7 days before the scheduled bid opening date. Any clarification
sought by the bidders must be sent in writing to the Tender Inviting Authority.
Besides this, a Pre-bid Conference may also be held at the Tender Inviting Office at the discretion
of Tender Inviting Authority. If agreed by Tender Inviting Authority, date, time and place for
holding the Pre-bid Conference to be mentioned in the bidding document (NIT).
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the owner may, for any reason, whether
at its own initiative, or in response to the clarifications requested by the prospective Bidders,
amend the bidding documents except QR after due approval of Tender Inviting Authority.
The amendment will be notified in writing or by telephone/fax/e-mail to all prospective Bidders
that have received the bidding documents and will be binding on them. Bidders are required to
immediately acknowledge receipt of any such amendment, and it will be assumed that the
information contained therein have been taken into account by the Bidder in his bid.
In order to give reasonable time to prospective bidders to take the amendment into account in
preparing their bid, the owner may, at his discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of
Any addendum/corrigendum/extension, if required, pertaining to Open NIT published through
press advertisement will be hoisted in DVC website only and will not be published in Newspaper
again. Bidders may be requested to visit DVC website regularly for any
addendum/corrigendum/extension till opening of said NITs. This stipulation to be incorporated in
the original press advertisement for the NIT.
In case of change in technical parameter/ specification/ scope of work, selling and submission
date to be extended.
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the advance amount in reset basis (i.e. not fixed rate of interest, it may go on changing during the
period of advance remain unadjusted) based on the change of base rate time to time.
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to give separate on demand bank guarantee for an amount equal to 1% of the total contract price
in addition to the contract performance guarantee of 10% of contract value to be furnished by the
bidder. NO JVC partner shall be allowed to bid independently or as a member in a consortium for
this bid.
ii) Bidders may take part in the bidding process with associates, provided he associates with a
single firm for covering the any deficiency of QR part of individual bidder specified at NIT. In
such a case the bidder shall furnish undertaking jointly executed by him and his associate for
successful performance of the relevant system along with the bid. In case of award, associate shall
be required to furnish bank guarantee for 5.0% (five percent) of contract price of the work value
in addition to the contract performance guarantee of 10% (ten percent) of contract value to be
furnished by the bidder.
iii) In case, bidder is a JVC and does not meet financial requirements stated at NIT, the financial
capability of at least one of the JVC partners on whose experience the qualification is sought,
shall meet the financial QR.
The lead partner shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instruction for and/or on
behalf of partners of Joint Venture and the entire execution of the contract including receipt of
payment shall be done exclusively through lead partners. The authorization shall be authenticated
by submitting power of attorney signed by the legally authorized signatories of all the partners as
per approved proforma of DVC.
iv) All the partners of the Joint Venture Companies shall be liable jointly and severally for the
execution of the contract, if awarded, in accordance with the settled terms & conditions and a
copy of agreement entered into by the Joint Venture partners having such provision shall be
submitted with the bid. A statement to this effect shall be included in the authorisation mentioned
under (IV) above.
v) The Joint Venture of the firms shall furnish all the required information as asked for in the NIT
/ GCC / Specification in respect of each of their partners in their bid. In case of successful bid, the
form of agreement shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all the partners. The format of
the power of attorney and other documents to be submitted by Joint Venture Partners as indicated
in (iii), (iv) & (v) may be suitably structured by our Legal Department.
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on the part of bidder to furnish the details / documents in support of their claim which would be
reviewed and appropriate decision taken. In the event of further assessment of credential of Sub
Vendor being felt necessary beyond the document furnished by the bidders, it shall be dealt with
during post award stage.
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The Vendor shall also forward original and copies of dispatch documents to the concerned
authorities as required in the Purchase Order within two days from the date of despatch, failing
which the Vendor shall be responsible for any delay in payments of consignment for want of
documents and consequent demurrage, detention charges, etc.
The Vendor shall return the duplicate copy of the Purchase Order / contract / Work Order and the
other enclosed documents duly signed with seal and date as a mark of acceptance, within 15 days
from the date of issuance of the order to the Order Issuing Authority.
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20.2.2 Any dispute in respect of which a notice of intention to commence arbitration has been given in
accordance with GCC Sub-Clause 20.2.1 shall be finally settled by arbitration. Arbitration may be
commenced prior to or after completion of the Facilities.
20.2.3 Any dispute submitted by a party to arbitration shall be heard by an arbitration panel composed of
three arbitrators, in accordance with the provisions set forth below.
20.2.4 The Employer and the Contractor shall each appoint one arbitrator, and these two arbitrators shall
jointly appoint a third arbitrator, who shall chair the arbitration panel. If the two arbitrators do not
succeed in appointing a third arbitrator within twenty-eight (28) days after the latter of the two
arbitrators has been appointed, the third arbitrator shall, at the request of either party, be appointed
by the Appointing Authority for arbitrator designated in the SCC.
20.2.5 If one party fails to appoint its arbitrator within forty-two (42) days after the other party has
named its arbitrator, the party which has named an arbitrator may request the Appointing Authority
to appoint the second arbitrator.
20.2.6 If for any reason an arbitrator is unable to perform its function, the mandate of the Arbitrator shall
terminate in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws as mentioned in GCC Clause 30
(Governing Law) and a substitute shall be appointed in the same manner as the original arbitrator.
20.2.7 Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted as follows:-
(i) Appointing Authority for Adjudicator: Chairman of DVC.
Appointing Authority for third Arbitrator:
a) President, Institution of Engineers in case of an Indian Contractor. b) President, International
Chambers of Commerce, Paris in case of a Foreign Contractor.
(ii) Rules of procedure for arbitration proceedings:
a) In case of a foreign contractor the arbitration proceeding shall be conducted in accordance with the
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Arbitration Rules of
b) In case of an Indian Contractor, the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with
Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. In case the Indian Contractor is an Indian Public
Sector Enterprise /Government Department (but not a state Govt. Undertaking of Joint Sector
Undertaking which is not a subsidiary of Central Govt. Undertaking), the dispute arising between
the Employer and the Contractor shall be referred for resolution to a Permanent Arbitration
machinery (PAM) of the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India.
(iii) The Place for Arbitration shall be : Kolkata, India
20.2.8 The decision of a majority of the arbitrators (or of the third arbitrator chairing the arbitration panel, if
there is no such majority) shall be final and binding and shall be enforceable in any court of
competent jurisdiction as decree of the court. The parties thereby waive any objections to or claims
of immunity from such enforcement.
20.2.9 The arbitrator(s) shall give reasoned award.
20.3. Notwithstanding any reference to the Adjudicator or arbitration herein,
(a) the parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract unless they
otherwise agree
(b) the Employer shall pay the Contractor any monies due to the Contractor.
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Within twenty-eight (28) days after the date of Notification of Award of Contract, the Contractor
shall prepare and submit to the Project Manager a detailed program of performance of the Contract,
made in the form of PERT network and showing the sequence in which it proposes to design,
manufacture/procure, transport, work at site as well as the date(s) by which the Contractor
reasonably requires that the Employer shall have fulfilled its obligations under the Contract so as
to enable the Contractor to execute the Contract in accordance with the program and to achieve
Completion of the Facilities in accordance with the Contract. The program so submitted by the
Contractor shall accord with the Time Schedule to the Contract Agreement and any other dates
and periods specified in the Contract. The Contractor shall update and revise the program as and
when appropriate or when required by the Project Manager, but without modification in the
Times for Completion given in the SCC and any extension granted in accordance with GCC
Clause 23, and shall submit all such revisions to the Project Manager.
21.3 Progress Report
The Contractor shall monitor progress of all the activities specified in the program referred to in
GCC Sub-Clause 21.2 (Program of Performance) above, and supply a progress report to the
Project Manager every month.
The progress report shall be in a form acceptable to the Project Manager and shall also indicate: (a)
percentage completion achieved compared with the planned percentage completion for each
activity; and (b) where any activity is behind the program, giving comments and likely
consequences and stating the corrective action being taken.
If at any time the Contractor’s actual progress falls behind the program referred to in GCC Sub-
Clause 21.2 (Program of Performance), or it becomes apparent that it will so fall behind, the
Contractor shall, at the request of the Employer or the Project Manager, prepare and submit to the
Project Manager a revised program, taking into account the prevailing circumstances, and shall
notify the Project Manager of the steps being taken to expedite progress so as to attain Completion
of the Facilities within the Time for Completion under GCC Clause 13 (Time for Commencement
and Completion), or any extended period as may otherwise be agreed upon between the Employer
and the Contractor.
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The liability for the payment of the applicable taxes/duties, if any, on the surplus material so re-
exported and / or disposed locally shall be that of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall also indemnify to keep the Employer harmless from any act of omission or
negligence on the part of the Contractor in following the statutory requirements with regard to
removal/disposal of surplus material. The Indemnity Bond shall be furnished by Contractor as
per proforma. Further, in case the laws require the Employer to take prior permission of the
relevant Authorities before handing over the surplus material to the Contractor, the same shall be
obtained by the Contractor on behalf of the Employer.
22.3 Notwithstanding the transfer of ownership of the goods/materials, the responsibility for care
and custody thereof together with the risk of loss or damage thereto shall remain with the
Contractor hereof until Completion of the Facilities or the part thereof in which such
goods/materials are incorporated.
22.4 In case of where the Employer hands over his goods/materials/Equipment to the Contractor for
executing the Contract, then the Contractor shall, at the time of taking delivery of the
goods/materials/Equipment through Bill of Lading or other despatch documents, furnish Trust
Receipt for goods/materials/Equipment and also execute an Indemnity Bond in favour of the
Employer for keeping the equipment in safe custody and to utilise the same exclusively for the
purpose of the said Contract.
23.1.1 The Employer shall have the right to propose, and subsequently require, that the Project Manager
order the Contractor from time to time during the performance of the Contract to make any
change, modification, addition or deletion to, in or from the Facilities (hereinafter called
“Change”), provided that such Change falls within the general scope of the Facilities and does not
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constitute unrelated work and that it is technically practicable, taking into account both the state
of advancement of the Facilities and the technical compatibility of the Change envisaged with the
nature of the Facilities as specified in the Contract .
23.1.2 The Contractor may from time to time during its performance of the Contract propose to the
Employer (with a copy to the Project Manager) any Change that the Contractor considers
necessary or desirable to improve the quality, efficiency or safety of the Facilities. The Employer
may at its discretion approve or reject any Change proposed by the Contractor.
23.1.3 Notwithstanding GCC Sub-Clauses 23.1.1 and 23.1.2, no change made necessary because of any
default of the Contractor in the performance of its obligations under the Contract shall be
deemed to be a Change, and such change shall not result in any adjustment of the Contract Price
or the Time for Completion.
23.1.4 The procedure on how to proceed with and execute Changes is specified in GCC Sub
Clauses 23.2 and 23.3.
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If the parties cannot reach agreement within sixty (60) days from the date of issue of the Pending
Agreement Change Order, then the matter may be referred to the Adjudicator in accordance with
the provisions of GCC Sub-Clause 20.1 (Adjudicator).
23.3.1 If the Contractor proposes a Change pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 23.1.2, the Contractor shall
submit to the Project Manager a written “Application for Change Proposal,” giving reasons for
the proposed Change and including the information specified in GCC Sub-Clause 23.2.1.
Upon receipt of the Application for Change Proposal, the parties shall follow the procedures
outlined in GCC Sub-Clauses 23.2.4 and 23.2.5
24.1.1 The Employer may at any time terminate the Contract for any reason by giving the
Contractor a notice of termination that refers to this GCC Sub-Clause 24.1.
24.1.2 Upon receipt of the notice of termination under GCC Sub-Clause 24.1.1, the Contractor shall
either immediately or upon the date specified in the notice of termination
(a) cease all further work, except for such work as the Employer may specify in the notice of
termination for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the Facilities already executed, or any
work required to leave the Site in a clean and safe condition
(b) Terminate all subcontracts, except those to be assigned to the Employer pursuant to paragraph
(d)(ii) below
(c) Remove all Contractor’s Equipment from the Site, repatriate the Contractor’s and its
Subcontractors’ personnel from the Site, remove from the Site any wreckage, rubbish and
debris of any kind, and leave the whole of the Site in a clean and safe condition
(d) In addition, the Contractor, subject to the payment specified in GCC Sub-Clause 24.1.3, shall
(i) Deliver to the Employer the parts of the Facilities executed by the Contractor up to the
date of termination
(ii) To the extent legally possible, assign to the Employer all right, title and benefit of the
Contractor to the Facilities and to the Plant and Equipment as at the date of
termination, and, as may be required by the Employer, in any subcontracts concluded
between the Contractor and its Subcontractors
(iii) Deliver to the Employer all non-proprietary drawings, specifications and other documents
prepared by the Contractor or its Subcontractors as at the date of termination in
connection with the Facilities.
24.1.3 In the event of termination of the Contract under GCC Sub-Clause 24.1.1, the Employer shall
pay to the Contractor the following amounts:
(a) the Contract Price, properly attributable to the parts of the Facilities executed by the
Contractor as of the date of termination
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(b) the costs reasonably incurred by the Contractor in the removal of the Contractor’s Equipment
from the Site and in the repatriation of the Contractor’s and its Subcontractors’ personnel
(c) any amounts to be paid by the Contractor to its Subcontractors in connection with the termination
of any subcontracts, including any cancellation charges
(d) costs incurred by the Contractor in protecting the Facilities and leaving the Site in a clean and
safe condition pursuant to paragraph (a) of GCC Sub-Clause 24.1.2
(e) the cost of satisfying all other obligations, commitments and claims that the Contractor may
in good faith have undertaken with third parties in connection with the Contract and that are not
covered by paragraphs (a) through (d) above.
24.2.1 The Employer, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may possess, may terminate the
Contract forthwith in the following circumstances by giving a notice of termination and its reasons
therefore to the Contractor, referring to this GCC Sub-Clause 24.2:
(a) if the Contractor becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving order issued against it, compounds
with its creditors, or, if the Contractor is a corporation, a resolution is passed or order is made for
its winding up (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of amalgamation or
reconstruction), a receiver is appointed over any part of its undertaking or assets, or if the
Contractor takes or suffers any other analogous action in consequence of debt
(b) if the Contractor assigns or transfers the Contract or any right or interest therein in violation of the
provision of GCC Clause 23 (Assignment).
(c) if the Contractor, in the judgement of the Employer has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in
competing for or in executing the Contract.
For the purpose of this Sub-Clause:
"corrupt practice" means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to
influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution.
"fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement
process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Employer and includes collusive
practice among Bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at
artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Employer of the benefits of free and open
24.2.2 If the Contractor
(a) has abandoned or repudiated the Contract
(b) has without valid reason failed to commence work on the Facilities promptly or has suspended
(other than pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 24.2) the progress of Contract performance for more than
twenty-eight (28) days after receiving a written instruction from the Employer to proceed
(c) persistently fails to execute the Contract in accordance with the Contract or persistently neglects to
carry out its obligations under the Contract without just cause
(d) refuses or is unable to provide sufficient materials, services or labour to execute and complete the
Facilities in the manner specified in the program furnished under GCC Clause 21.2 (Program of
Performance) at rates of progress that give reasonable assurance to the Employer that the
Contractor can attain Completion of the Facilities by the Time for Completion as extended then
the Employer may, without prejudice to any other rights it may possess under the Contract, give
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a notice to the Contractor stating the nature of the default and requiring the Contractor to remedy
the same. If the Contractor fails to remedy or to take steps to remedy the same within fourteen (14)
days of its receipt of such notice, then the Employer may terminate the Contract forthwith by
giving a notice of termination to the Contractor that refers to this GCC Sub-Clause 24.2.
24.2.3 Upon receipt of the notice of termination under GCC Sub-Clauses 24.2.1 or 24.2.2, the
Contractor shall, either immediately or upon such date as is specified in the notice of
(a) cease all further work, except for such work as the Employer may specify in the notice of
termination for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the Facilities already executed, or
any work required to leave the Site in a clean and safe condition
(b) terminate all subcontracts, except those to be assigned to the Employer pursuant to paragraph
(d) below
(c) deliver to the Employer the parts of the Facilities executed by the Contractor up to the date
of termination
(d) to the extent legally possible, assign to the Employer all right, title and benefit of the
Contractor to the Works and to the Plant and Equipment as at the date of termination, and,
as may be required by the Employer, in any subcontracts concluded between the Contractor
and its Subcontractors
(e) deliver to the Employer all drawings, specifications and other documents prepared by the
Contractor or its Subcontractors as at the date of termination in connection with the
24.2.4 The Employer may enter upon the Site, expel the Contractor, and complete the Facilities itself
or by employing any third party. The Employer may, to the exclusion of any right of the
Contractor over the same, take over and use with the payment of a fair rental rate to the
Contractor, with all the maintenance costs to the account of the Employer and with an
indemnification by the Employer for all liability including damage or injury to persons arising
out of the Employer’s use of such equipment, any Contractor’s Equipment owned by the
Contractor and on the Site in connection with the Facilities for such reasonable period as the
Employer considers expedient for the supply and work of the Facilities.
Upon completion of the Facilities or at such earlier date as the Employer thinks appropriate, the
Employer shall give notice to the Contractor that such Contractor’s Equipment will be returned
to the Contractor at or near the Site and shall return such Contractor’s Equipment to the
Contractor in accordance with such notice. The Contractor shall thereafter without delay
and at its cost remove or arrange removal of the same from the Site.
24.2.5 Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 24.2.6, the Contractor shall be entitled to be paid the Contract
Price attributable to the Facilities executed as at the date of termination, the value of any
unused or partially used Plant and Equipment on the Site, and the costs, if any, incurred
in protecting the Facilities and in leaving the Site in a clean and safe condition pursuant to
paragraph (a) of GCC Sub-Clause 24.2.3. Any sums due to the Employer from the
Contractor accruing prior to the date of termination shall be deducted from the amount to be
paid to the Contractor under this Contract.
24.2.6 If the Employer completes the Facilities, the cost of completing the Facilities by the
Employer shall be determined.
If the sum that the Contractor is entitled to be paid, pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 24.2.5, plus the
reasonable costs incurred by the Employer in completing the Facilities, exceeds the Contract
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24.3.1 If
(a) the Employer has failed to pay the Contractor any sum due under the Contract within the specified
period, has failed to approve any invoice or supporting documents without just cause pursuant to
Terms and Procedures of Payment of the Contract Agreement, or commits a substantial breach of
the Contract, the Contractor may give a notice to the Employer that requires payment of such sum,
requires approval of such invoice or supporting documents, or specifies the breach and requires
the Employer to remedy the same, as the case may be. If the Employer fails to pay such sum,
fails to approve such invoice or supporting documents or give its reasons for withholding such
approval, fails to remedy the breach or take steps to remedy the breach within fourteen (14) days
after receipt of the Contractor’s notice, or
(b) the Contractor is unable to carry out any of its obligations under the Contract for any reason
attributable to the Employer, including but not limited to the Employer’s failure to provide
possession of or access to the Site or other areas or failure to obtain any governmental permit
necessary for the execution and/or completion of the Facilities which the Employer is required to
obtain as per provision of the Contract or as per relevant applicable laws of the country, then the
Contractor may give a notice to the Employer thereof, and if the Employer has failed to pay the
outstanding sum, to approve the invoice or supporting documents, to give its reasons for
withholding such approval, or to remedy the breach within twenty-eight (28) days of such notice,
or if the Contractor is still unable to carry out any of its obligations under the Contract for any
reason attributable to the Employer within twenty-eight (28) days of the said notice, the Contractor
may by a further notice to the Employer referring to this GCC Sub-Clause 24.3.1, forthwith
terminate the Contract.
24.3.2 The Contractor may terminate the Contract forthwith by giving a notice to the Employer to that
effect, referring to this GCC Sub-Clause 24.3.2, if the Employer becomes bankrupt or insolvent,
has a receiving order issued against it, compounds with its creditors, or, being a corporation, if a
resolution is passed or order is made for its winding up (other than a voluntary liquidation for the
purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction), a receiver is appointed over any part of its
undertaking or assets, or if the Employer takes or suffers any other analogous action in
consequence of debt.
24.3.3 If the Contract is terminated under GCC Sub-Clauses 24.3.1 or 24.3.2, then the Contractor shall
(a) cease all further work, except for such work as may be necessary for the purpose of
protecting that part of the Facilities already executed, or any work required leaving the Site
in a clean and safe condition
(b) terminate all subcontracts, except those to be assigned to the Employer pursuant to paragraph
(c) remove all Contractor’s Equipment from the Site and repatriate the Contractor’s and its
Subcontractor’s personnel from the Site
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(d) In addition, the Contractor, subject to the payment specified in GCC Sub-Clause 24.3.4,
(i) deliver to the Employer the parts of the Facilities executed by the Contractor
up to the date of termination
(ii) to the extent legally possible, assign to the Employer all right, title and benefit of
the Contractor to the Facilities and to the Plant and Equipment as of the date of
termination, and, as may be required by the Employer, in any subcontracts
concluded between the Contractor and its Subcontractors
(iii) deliver to the Employer all drawings, specifications and other documents
prepared by the Contractor or its Subcontractors as of the date of termination in
connection with the Facilities.
24.3.4 If the Contract is terminated under GCC Sub-Clauses 24.3.1 or 24.3.2, the Employer shall pay
to the Contractor all payments specified in GCC Sub-Clause 24.1.3, and reasonable compensation
for all loss or damage sustained by the Contractor arising out of, in connection with or in
consequence of such termination.
24.3.5 Termination by the Contractor pursuant to this GCC Sub-Clause 24.3 is without prejudice to any
other rights or remedies of the Contractor that may be exercised in lieu of or in addition to rights
conferred by GCC Sub-Clause 24.3.
24.4 In this GCC Clause 24, the expression “Facilities executed” shall include all work executed,
Installation Services provided, any or all Plant and Equipment acquired (or subject to a legally
binding obligation to purchase) by the Contractor and used or intended to be used for the
purpose of the Facilities, up to and including the date of termination.
24.5 In this GCC Clause 24, in calculating any monies due from the Employer to the Contractor,
account shall be taken of any sum previously paid by the Employer to the Contractor under the
Contract, including any advance payment paid pursuant to Terms and Procedures of Payment to
the Contract Agreement.
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Page 193
(b) can be proven to have been possessed by that party at the time of disclosure and which was
not previously obtained, directly or indirectly, from the other party hereto
(c) otherwise lawfully becomes available to that party from a third party that has no obligation of
25.4 The above provisions of this GCC Clause 25 shall not in any way modify any undertaking of
confidentiality given by either of the parties hereto prior to the date of the Contract in respect
of the Facilities or any part thereof.
25.5 T h e provisions of this GCC Clause 25 shall survive termination, for whatever reason, of the
If the Project Manager is not named in the Contract, then within fourteen (14) days of the Effective
Date, the Employer shall appoint and notify the Contractor in writing of the name of the Project
Manager. The Employer may from time to time appoint some other person as the Project Manager
in place of the person previously so appointed, and shall give a notice of the name of such other
person to the Contractor without delay. The Employer shall take reasonable care to see that no
such appointment is made at such a time or in such a manner as to impede the progress of work.
The Project Manager shall represent and act for the Employer at all times during the currency of
the Contract. All notices, instructions, orders, certificates, approvals and all other communications
under the Contract shall be given by the Project Manager, except as herein otherwise provided.
All notices, instructions, information and other communications given by the Contractor to the
Employer under the Contract shall be given to the Project Manager, except as herein otherwise
26.2.3 The Contractor’s Representative may, subject to the approval of the Employer (which shall
W&P Manual – 2016
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not be unreasonably withheld), at any time delegate to any person any of the powers,
functions and authorities vested in him or her. Any such delegation may be revoked at any time.
Any such delegation or revocation shall be subject to a prior notice signed by the Contractor’s
Representative, and shall specify the powers, functions and authorities thereby delegated or
revoked. No such delegation or revocation shall take effect unless and until a copy thereof
has been delivered to the Employer and the Project Manager.
Any act or exercise by any person of powers, functions and authorities so delegated to him or
her in accordance with this GCC Sub-Clause 26.2.3 shall be deemed to be an act or exercise by
the Contractor’s Representative. Notwithstanding anything stated in GCC Sub-clause 26.1 and 26.2.1 above, for the purpose of
execution of contract, the Employer and the Contractor shall finalise and agree to a Contract Co-
ordination Procedure and all the communication under the Contract shall be in accordance
with such Contract Co-ordination Procedure.
26.2.4 From the commencement of work at the Site until completion, the Contractor’s Representative
shall appoint a suitable person as the construction manager (hereinafter referred to as “the
Construction Manager”). The Construction Manager shall supervise all work done at the Site by
the Contractor and shall be present at the Site throughout normal working hours except when
on leave, sick or absent for reasons connected with the proper performance of the Contract.
Whenever the Construction Manager is absent from the Site, a suitable person shall be
appointed to act as his or her deputy.
26.2.5 The Employer may by notice to the Contractor object to any representative or person
employed by the Contractor in the execution of the Contract who, in the reasonable opinion of
the Employer, may behave inappropriately, may be incompetent or negligent, or may commit
a serious breach of the Site regulations provided under GCC Sub-Clause 32.3. The Employer
shall provide evidence of the same, whereupon the Contractor shall remove such person
from the Facilities/Site.
26.2.6 If any representative or person employed by the Contractor is removed in accordance with
GCC Sub-Clause 26.2.5, the Contractor shall, where required, promptly appoint a replacement.
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3. Address of the firm : (a) Head Office : (b) Registered Office : (c) Local/ Branch Office : (d)
Works :
(e) Auth. Distributor/ Autho. Agent, if any :
4. Registered with :…………………………………………………
5. Manufacturer/Make of the item(s) : M/s. ……………………………………………………… (In case
of Distributor or Agent, relevant document shall be attached)
7. To be furnished
(a)Relevant Drawing within ……………………..days of date of the P.O. (b)Sample to be furnished
within……………….days of date of the P.O.
8. Delivery : i) Delivery period ………………days from the date of PO
ii) Delivery period….days from the date of drawing approval.
9. Guarantee/Warranty Period : ………………months from the date of despatch /
…………… months from the date of commissioning whichever is earlier.
10. Agreed to accept DVC’s Security Deposit-cum-Performance : YES
Guarantee Clause, GCC cl. No. 23
11. Agreed to accept DVC’s LD Clause GCC cl No.22 : YES
JULY 2016
Page 197
(b) If the price is variable, mention : ……………..………relevant PV Formula, base date & ceiling
limit for payment purpose, if any, as mentioned in the bid document
13. Price Based on : E X-WORKS ……………………
14. Packing & Forwarding (if any) : ……....% on quoted EX-WORKS price/NA.
15. Basis of Freight Charge : Freight Charge based on By
16. Quantum of Freight Charge : … ….…% of Ex-works of price
or (lump sum) on actuals against doc. evidence or free delivery at consignee store.
17. Payment Terms : DVC’s payment term / any other
18. Insurance : By DVC’s Open Policy/by the firm.
19. a) Excise Duty : Extra @ as on the date of bid b) Education Cess opening/not
20. a) Customs duty on imports : Extra as applicable on the date of bid opening/NA.
b) CVD if applicable
21. Sales Tax/ vat : Concessional Sales Tax/vat as on the date of bid opening extra / Not
22. Whether type test/inspection charge by 3rd party attracts any statutory taxes and duties (like
ED/Cess/ST/Service Charge etc.) ? : ….……….
Actual quantum as on the date of bid opening to be specified / NA
23. Any other Statutory Taxes or Duties : Extra as applicable at the time of delivery, if any / not
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ADDRESS : …………….…………………………………………………
Date : ……………………………………
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Deviation Schedule
Bidder should agree to all the techno-commercial terms and conditions of the bid documents. However,
deviation, if any, should be stated as per the following schedule and to be submitted along with the
techno-commercial bid failing which it will be presumed that all terms and conditions are acceptable to
them. Deviations taken elsewhere and not brought out in the following deviation schedule, the same
will not be accepted. The owner reserves the right to reject the offer on account of such deviations if
the bidder, on advice of owner, does not withdraw the deviations.
Name of the Project : …………………………………………….. Your NIT No.
:…………………………………………………….. (Bidder’s Name & Address)
:……………………………………… To
…………………………………………. (Purchaser’s Name & Address)
Dear Sir(s),
Following are the deviations proposed by us relating to techno-commercial terms and conditions. We
confirm that we shall withdraw the deviations proposed by us at the cost of withdrawal
indicated in the price bid falling which our bid may be rejected and Bid Security forfeited.
NOTE : If there are no deviation, this deviation schedule shall be submitted along with the techno-
commercial bid duly signed and stamped after stating “NIL DEVIATIONS”.
JULY 2016
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Cost of withdrawal of deviations
Name of the Project : …………………………… Your NIT No. ……………………………………..
(Bidder’s Name & Address) :…………….………………………………………… To
……………………………………………….. (Purchaser’s Name & Address)
Dear Sir(s),
Following are the deviations as proposed by us relating to techno-commercial terms and conditions. We
are also furnishing below the cost of withdrawal for the deviations proposed by us. We confirm that
we shall withdraw the deviations proposed by us at the cost of withdrawal
indicated in this attachment falling which our bid may be rejected and Bid Security forfeited.
NOTE : Bidders may note that bids containing deviations without the cost of withdrawal price
shall be considered as unresponsive offer and will be out rightly rejected. This schedule indicating the
cost of withdrawal price for such deviations should be submitted along with the price bid only and will
be taken into consideration for the purpose of bid evaluations. Where the bidder quote lumpsum amount
as cost of withdrawal of all the listed deviations without furnishing item wise break ups, the entire
amount will be added for the purpose of evaluation.
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1. Name of the Company/ Beneficiary:
2. Address:
3. Phone/ FAX Number :
4. Bank Particulars :
a) Bank Name:
b) Branch Name:
c) Branch Address:
d) Branch Telephone No.& FAX No:
e) Branch Code:
f) 9 Digit MICR No. of Branch (Enclose a cancelled Cheque):
g) 11 Digit IFSC Code of Bank Branch:
h) Bank Account No.:
i) Bank Account Type: Current / CC etc.:
We hereby declare that the particulars given are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or
credit is not affected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, we would not hold
DVC responsible.
Date: (Authorised Signatory)
Place: (Printed Name) (Designation) …………………… (Name) ……………………
(Company Seal)
Bank Certification:
It is certified that above mentioned beneficiary holds a Bank Account No.---------- with our branch and
the Bank particulars mentioned above are correct.
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Sub: Supply of
Ref :
i) Tender Enquiry No :
ii) Your Quotation No : Dated
iii) ur Letter No :
iv) Your letter No :
Dear Sirs,
With reference to above, DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION is pleased to place order on you to
deliver the following item(s) subject to the terms and conditions specified herein and as contained in our
General Conditions of contract (GCC) supplied with the bid document or
download from site. Item-wise detailed specifications are also enclosed.
Sl. No. Description of Qty Unit Unit Ex- Unit F&I Unit FOR- Total FOR-
item works (to be Charge destination destination
mentioned (Rs.) or price (Rs.) Price (Rs.)
as per Unit
quotation) Freight
price (Rs) Charge*
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Enclosure :-
4. special condition of contract
Yours faithfully,
** This format is for items procured from manufacturer only. FOR non-manufacturer vendor, all-
inclusive FOR-D price to be indicated in PO.
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(b) OES as indicated by the Indenting Authority should certify that the tendered items are manufactured
under their direct technical supervision and necessary measures have been taken by them for
ensuring quality assurance.
6. This is to certify that the items covered in the above indent have been originally manufactured
/ supplied by the vendor mentioned above.
Please note the following in general with respect to OEM & OES :
OEM - In case of complete equipment such as, Pump, Motor, Panel etc., manufacturer of the complete
equipment as a whole or component parts manufactured by the OEM only, may be considered as
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
OES – In case of supply of a package consisting of number of equipments/components, the
supplier of the total package may be considered as the original equipment supplier (OES) and
the same is a bought out item.
PAC - T h e article/component is manufactured by the vendor only and there is no other known
vendor who manufacture the same article.
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NB. In case of E-procurement, tender opening committee members will open the bid through their
individual key and fill in the auto generated form.
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SUB : Release of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) against Tender Enquiry No.
dated .
As the ordering action against the above tender has already been finalised, you are requested to
release the EMD of the following unsuccessful bidders with intimation to us.
Sl. No. Name of the Party EMD details (Rs. ) in the form of
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(on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value to be purchased in the name of the Bank).
The following methods for BG confirmation system which is swift & secured in addition to the exiting
paper based confirmation system may be considered:
a) Getting confirmation through digitally signed secured e-mails from issuing Bank
b) On line verification of company portal with user ID and password followed by second stage
authentication system generated one time password (OTP) on portal for reconfirmation.
c) E-mail confirmation followed by second stage authentication by system generated SMS
through registered mobile and reconfirmation through SMS to the verifying officer.
Note: DVC may evolve their own procedure adopting any one or more of the above methods for
ensuring genuineness of BGs, which is compatible with the guidelines of Banks/Reserved Bank of
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*Damodar Valley Corporation,
Sub : Extension of Bank Guarantee No. Dated for
Rs. favouring yourselves, expiring on on account of
M/s. in respect of P.O. No.
Dated .
(Hereinafter called original Bank Guarantee)
Dear Sirs,
At the request of M/s.………………………… We…………………… Bank Branch Office at
………………………and having its head office at ………………………do hereby extend the
validity of the above mentioned Bank Guarantee No……………………… dated ………… by
another ……………….. months/years and will now expire on ………………… with claim period upto
Except as provided above, all other terms and conditions of the original Bank Guarantee
No……………Dated…………………shall remain unaltered and binding.
Please treat this as an integral part of the original guarantee to which it would be attached.
Yours faithfully,
Note : * Please mention the full address of project/office where the Bank Guarantee is to be
The non – judicial stamp paper should be in the name of issuing Bank.
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The owner shall give the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under
the Guarantee from time to time to vary the advance or to extend the time for performance of the
Contract by the Contractor. The owner shall have the fullest liberty without affecting this Guarantee, to
postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or of any right which they
might have against the contractor, and to exercise the same at any time in any manner, and either to
enforce or to forebear to enforce any covenants contained or implied in the Contract between the Owner
and the Contractor or any other course or remedy or security available to the Owner. The Bank shall not
be released of its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the Owner of its liberty with
reference to matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason of any other act or forbearance or other acts
of omission or commission on the part of the law would but for this provision have the effect of
relieving the Bank.
W&P Manual – 2016
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The Bank also agrees that on certification of the Owner the amount of the Bank Guarantee shall stand
reduced to the extent so notified by the Owner semi-annual. It is further agreed that the reduction so
notified by the Owner shall be conclusive and binding on the bank without any reservation.
The Bank also agrees that the Owner at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee
against Bank as a Principal debtor in first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and
notwithstanding any security or other Guarantee that the Owner may have in relation to the
Contractor’s liabilities.
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this guarantee is limited to
and it shall remain in force upto and including
@ and shall be extended from time to time for such period (not exceeding one year) as
may be desired by M/s.
on whose behalf this Guarantee has been given. Dated this day of 200 at .
Witness :
(Signature) Signature
Witness :
Official Address
JULY 2016
Page 219
Dear Sir.
In accordance with your Notice Inviting Tender for ……………………………
………………………...………………………………………under your specification
No………………………dated…………………M/s. ……(Name& full address of the firm)
(Hereinafter called the Tenderer) hereby submit the Bank Guarantee:
Whereas to participate in the said tender for the following:
3. ……………………………………………………
It is a condition in the tender documents that the tenderer has to deposit Earnest Money amounting to
Rs. …………… in respect to the tender, with Damodar Valley Corporation(*) (hereinafter referred
to as “Corporation”) by a Bank Guarantee from a Nationalised Bank/ Schedule Bank/Foreign Bank
irrevocable and operative till the validity of the offer(i.e.
…………days from the date of opening of tender) for the like amount which amount is likely to be
forfeited on the happening of contingencies mentioned in the tender documents.
And whereas the tenderer desires to secure exemption from deposit of Earnest Money and has offered to
furnish a Bank Guarantee for a sum of Rs……………… to the Corporation as Earnest Money.
Now, therefore, we the ………………………(Bank), a body corporate constituted under the Banking
Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertaking) Act. 1969 (delete, if not applicable) and branch
Office at…………. (Hereinafter referred to as the Guarantor) do hereby undertake and agree to pay
forthwith on demand in writing by the Corporation of the said guaranteed amount without any demur,
reservation or recourse.
We, the aforesaid bank, further agree that the Corporation shall be the sole judge of and as to whether
the tenderer has committed any breach or breaches of any of the terms costs, charges and expenses
caused to or suffered by or that may be caused to or suffered by the Corporation on account thereof to
the extent of the Earnest Money required to be deposited by the Tenderer in respect of the said Tender
Document and the decision of the Corporation that the Tender has committed such breach or breaches
and as to the amount or amounts of loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered
by or that may be caused to or suffered by the Corporation shall be final and binding on us.
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We, the said Bank further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect
until it is released by the Corporation and it is further declared that it shall not be necessary for the
Corporation to proceed against the Tenderer before proceeding against the Bank and the Guarantee
herein contained shall be invoked against the Bank, notwithstanding any security which the
Corporation may have obtained or shall be obtained from the Tenderer at any time when
proceedings are taken against the Bank for whatever amount that may be outstanding or unrealised
under the Guarantee.
The right of the Corporation to recover the said amount of Rs. …………..……
(Rupees………………….) from us in manner aforesaid will not be precluded/affected, even if, disputes
have been raised by the said M/S………………(Tenderer) and/or dispute or disputes are pending
before any authority, officer, tribunal, arbitrator(s) etc.
Notwithstanding anything stated above, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to Rs.
…………….. (Rupees …………………………………………) only and our guarantee shall
remain in force upto ………………….. ………..and unless a demand or claim under the guarantee is
made on us in writing within three months after the aforesaid date i.e. on or before the
…………………. all your rights under the guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and
discharged from all liability there under.
WTTNESS (with full name, designation, address & official seal, if any)
Please indicate the name and address of the projects / stations / offices where the B.G. is to be executed.
(on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value to be purchased in the name of executing Bank)
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(1) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that in consideration of Damodar Valley Corporation,
a Corporation constituted and established under the Damodar Valley Corporation Act being Act No.
XIV of 1948 and having its Headquarters at D.V.C. Towers, V I P Road, Kolkata-700
054 (hereinafter called “The Corporation”) having agreed to accept from
(hereinafter called “The Contractor”), a Bank Guarantee for
Rs. in lieu of Cash Security Deposit for the due fulfillment by the Contractor of the terms &
conditions of the *Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/ work
Guarantor”) do hereby undertake to indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation to the extent
of Rs. (Rupees
) only against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by the Corporation by reason of any
breach by the Contractor of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said * Purchase
Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/ work order of which breach the opinion of the Corporation
shall be final and conclusive.
forthwith on demand to the Corporation such sum not exceeding the said sum of
JULY 2016
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such demand, in the event of the Contractor failing or neglecting to execute fully efficiently and
satisfactorily the order for PLACED WITH IT (the work tendered for by it) within the period
stipulated in the said *Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/work order in accordance
with terms and conditions contained or referred to in the said *Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter
of Acceptance/work order in the event of the Contractor refusing or neglecting to maintain satisfactory
operation of the equipment or work or to make good any defect therein or otherwise to comply
with and conform to the design, specification, terms and conditions contained or referred to in the said
Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/ work order.
contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance
of the said order as laid down in the said *Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/work
order including the warranty obligations and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the
Corporation under or by virtue of the said * Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/work
order have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the Corporation or its
authorized representative certified that the terms and conditions of the said * Purchase Order/Letter
of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/ work order have been fully and properly carried out by the said
contractor and accordingly discharged the Guarantee.
(4) WE , the Guarantor undertake to extend the validity of Bank Guarantee at the request of the
Contractor for further period or periods from time to time beyond its present validity period failing
which we shall pay the Corporation the amount of
(6) The Guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or effected by liquidation or winding up or
insolvency or closure of the Contractor.
(7) The executants has the power to issue this guarantee on behalf of the Guarantor and holds full and
valid power of Attorney granted in his favour by the Guarantor authorizing him to execute the
JULY 2016
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(8) Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, our liability under this guarantee is restricted to
Rs. (Rupees only and our guarantee
shall remain in force upto and unless a demand or claim under the
guarantee is made on us in writing on or before all your rights under the guarantee shall be
forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities there under.
WE, Bank lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during the currency except with the
previous consent of the Corporation in writing. In witness whereof we have set and subscribed our
hand on this _______________ day of _______________.
(Name & address in full with Rubber Stamp)
*Mention the relevant along with reference number.
Delete the terms which are not applicable. Each page of B.G. to be signed by the executant with
common Bank stamp and date.
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Now the conditions of this bond is that if the vendor / contractor shall duly and punctually comply with
the terms and conditions of this bond till the receipt and acceptance of the material / equipment, then
the above bond shall be void, but otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue.
In witness whereof the vendor/contractor has here-unto set the hand through its authorized
representative under the common seal of the company, the day, month and year first above
Witness - I
1. Signature For and on behalf of M/s……………
2. Name
3. Address with seal Signature Designation with seal Common seal of Company
JULY 2016
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Witness - II
2. Name
Note : * Indemnity Bonds are to be executed by the authorised persons and (i) In case of contracting
Company under common seal of the Company or (ii) having the power of attorney issued under
common seal of the company withy authority to execute Indemnity Bonds, (iii) In case, (ii) the
original Power of Attorney if it is specifically for our contract or a Photostat copy of the Power of
Attorney if it is a General Power of Attorney and such documents should be attached to
Indemnity Bond.
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AN AGREEMENT made and entered into this…………. day of ............ 20…. by and between M/s
DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION (DVC),(Name of the Power Station/ Hydel Station/Field
Formations) of the FIRST PART (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context be deemed
to include its successors or assigns) and M/s………………. of the SECOND PART (which expression
shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its successors or
WHEREAS the aforesaid Party of the First Part invited tenders for the work of
(Name of the work).
WHEREAS the tender of the Party of the Second Part was accepted and the work was awarded to the
Party of the Second Part by letter no.
AND WHEREAS the Party of the Second Part has accepted the work order aforesaid in their
letter No.
Now the Agreement, witnessed and it is hereby agreed by and between the parties as follows:
I.This Agreement is a contract for service, consisting of Clauses 1 to 21, inclusive of Annexure hereto and
NIT/LOA/LOI/Work Order/DVC’s GCC/DVC’s T1/T3 Forms shall form an inseparable part of this
II. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Party of the First Part to the Party of the Second
Part, the Party of the Second Part hereby covenants to carry out the work of (Name of the work). The
Party of the First Part hereby covenants to pay to the Party of the Second Part in consideration of the
aforesaid work, as provided in the Agreement.
a. “Commencement date” shall mean the date on which this Agreement shall come into force.
b. “Payment” shall mean the amount payable as specified in Clause 10.
c. “Premises” shall mean the premises described in Schedule I .
d. “Notice” shall mean Notice complied with the terms of Clause 16.
e. “Services” shall mean the detailed scope of work as described in Schedule II .
f. “Terms & Conditions” shall mean the terms and conditions which is in the works and
procedural manual 2006 and the terms and conditions mentioned herein after and is binding on
the parties.
JULY 2016
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a) The Party of the Second Part shall provide services as agreed upon and set out in Schedule II for
the term of the Agreement or until it is terminated in accordance with the clauses of this Agreement.
b) The Party of the Second Part shall obtain at his own cost necessary permits or licenses etc as required
under the various laws whether Central, State or Local from time to time for performing and
rendering services and the Party of the First Part shall not take any liability whatsoever in this regard.
(i) The Party of the Second Part has to obtain licenses/permits etc as applicable as
mentioned above within a time period of fourteen days of signing this Agreement, failing
which this Agreement shall stand unilaterally terminated.
(ii) If the licenses/permits etc obtained by the Party of the Second Part are revoked and/or
suspended and/or cancelled by the authority concerned and/or become invalid, the
Agreement shall stand unilaterally terminated.
c) The Party of the Second Part shall at its own cost comply with the provisions of all laws, rules, orders
and regulations and notifications whether Central or State or Local as applicable to him or to this
Agreement from time to time. These Acts/Rules include, without limitations the following:
(i) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 & Rules and Orders and Notifications issued there under
from time to time;
(ii) The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 with Rules, Orders and Notification
made there under;
(iii), The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 with Rules, Orders and Notifications issued there under
from time to time;
(iv) The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 with Rules, Orders and Notifications there under
issued from time to time;
(v) The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 with Rules, Orders and Notifications issued there under
from time to time;
(vi) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 with Rules, Orders and Notifications issued there under
from time to time;
(vii) The Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 with Rules, Orders
and Notifications issued there under from time to time;
(viii) The Factories Act, 1948 with Rules, Orders and Notifications issued there under from time
to time;
(ix) The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 with Rules, Orders and Notifications issued there
under from time to time.
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(x) All other Acts/Rules/Regulations, Bye-laws, Order, Notifications etc. already in vogue or may
be enacted in future by the legislation or present or future Applicable to the Party of the
Second Part from time to time for performing the aforesaid services.
The Party of the Second Part shall produce the requisite Compliance Report to the Party of the
first Part from time to time or as prescribed in the abovementioned laws.
d) The Party of the Second Part shall undertake the services as per details given in Schedule II attached
to this Agreement. The Party of the Second Part shall also comply with other instructions, if any,
given in writing by the authorized representative of the Party of the First Part to the Party of the
Second Part or to his authorized representative for performing the aforesaid services.
e) The performance of service by the Party of the Second Part shall be of highest order/standing and
competence and as described in Schedule II.
f) The Party of the First Part may terminate this Agreement if the performance of services by the Party
of the Second Part is not up to specified standard and if the Party of the Second Part fails to comply
with the laws mentioned hereinbefore. The decision of the Party of the First part in this respect shall
be absolute and final.
a) The Party of the Second Part as and when required shall deploy his own employees for rendering
satisfactory services.
b) There shall not subsist in any manner whatsoever any employer-employee relationship between the
Party of the First Part and the workmen/employees employed and as and when deployed by the
Party of the Second Part or the Party of the Second Part himself. The Party of the Second Part shall
be responsible for appointments, payment of wages, compliances with all statutory formalities
relating to the workmen/employees employed and deployed by it.
c) The Party of the Second Part shall conduct the work in the manner prescribed by the Party of the
First Part and in the event of any deviation there from, the Party of the Second Part shall be
responsible to make good the same within (need based to be incorporated) from being intimated by
the Party of the First Part. The Party of the Second Part shall supervise and control the manner and
mode of working and also the working of the workmen as and when deployed and there shall not be
any supervision and control by the Party of the First Part over the employees/workmen employed by
the Party of the Second Part.
d) The workmen/employees engaged and deployed by the Party of the Second Part shall observe
discipline at all times and maintain decency and decorum during the course of their employment
and the Party of the Second Part shall be fully responsible for the said workmen/employees.
e) The payment of wages, ESI, PF, bonuses and other benefits to the employees of the Party of the
Second Part shall be the exclusive responsibility of the Party of the Second Part and the employees
shall have no claim whatsoever on the Party of the First Part.
f) The Party of the Second part as an when deploy workmen Party of the Second part shall maintain
a Register of persons employed under him and issue Employment Photo Identity Cards to each
worker within three days of employment and a copy of the same to be submitted with the Party
of the First Part within seven days there from.
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g) The Party of the Second part as and when employed workman shall also maintain all statutory
register viz register of wages, muster roll register of deductions, register of overtime register of
fines, register of advances, wage slip and any other registers required to be maintained under the
statute and shall give inspection of the same to the Party of the First Part on demand.
h) The Party of the Second part as and when employed workman shall make the Payment of
wages and other conditions of employment in respect of workmen employed and deployed by the
Party of the Second Part in conformity with statutory requirements and the Party of the First Part
shall be fully protected in all respect in this regard.
i) The Party of the Second part as and when employed workman shall send half-yearly returns to the
Licensing Officer not later than thirty days from the closing of the Half Year.
j) The Party of the Second part as and when employed workman shall be solely and wholly responsible
for the safety & security of the employees employed by the Party of the Second Part. The Party of
the Second Part shall also make adequate provision of insurance for the said employees at their own
cost to cover them against the risk of accident and /or death in harness. In the event of any accident
and/or death in harness, the Party of the Second Part shall pay proper compensation to the
employees as per The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923. The Party of the First Part will have no
responsibility whatsoever, and will be kept fully indemnified and harmless.
k) The Party of the Second Part shall also be responsible for the property of the Party of the First part
and in case of any damage whatsoever, shall immediately repair/replace the damaged property at
their own cost and arrangement failing which Party of the First Part shall have right to recover the
cost from the Party of the Second Part.
l) The Party of the Second part as and when employed workman in case of any act of indiscipline on
the part of workmen/employees engaged by the Party of the Second Part, the Party of the
Second Part shall take suitable action against the delinquent employees with proper intimation to
the appropriate authority of the Party of the First Part.
m) The workmen/employees of the Party of the Second Part as and when employed by the Party of
the Second Part including himself shall have no right and/or any right to access whatsoever to claim
as an employment with the company of the Party of the First Part.
n) In case the workmen/employees engaged by the Party of the Second Part have any grievance they
shall take it up with the Party of the Second Part without causing any disturbance in the premises of
the Party of the First Part in any manner. Under no circumstances, shall the workmen engaged by
the Party of the Second Part initiate or take part in any agitation or demonstration against the Party
of the First Part.
o) If the process forming part of this Agreement is abolished by any provision of law or under Sec.
10 of the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 the workmen/employees of the Party of the
Second Part shall not become the employees of the Principal Employer i.e. Party of the first Part.
p) During the terms of this Agreement the Party of the Second Part shall be an independent employer
and not in any manner has any employer - employee relationship with the Party of the First Part
and that of Principal to Principal.
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a) The Party of the First Part shall permit the duly authorized workmen of the Party of the Second
Part at all convenient times to enter into and upon the premises only on presentation of the
approved gate passes as mentioned below, for the purpose of carrying out their work.
b) The Party of the First Part shall make to the Party of the Second Part all payments, as per
Clause 10, throughout the term of this Agreement or so long the Agreement subsists or the Party
of the Second Part performs its obligation under this Agreement.
The Work shall be deemed to have been completed on expiry of period of this Agreement and release of
final payment to the Party of the Second Part by the Party of the First Part.
Party of the Second Part covenants and agrees to fully protect and hold the Party of the First Part, its
employees and agents harmless against any claim, demand, actions, suits, proceedings, judgment,
liabilities, costs, expenses, damages or losses.
The Party of the First Part reserves the right to require the Party of the Second Part to submit
documentary evidence in support of the bills, including details of the work done, duly supported by
the Certificate from the representative of the Party of the First Part in the first week of the following
month. Party of the First Part also reserves the right to make at the earliest opportunity any adjustment
which may be pending from the previous months.
As per the relevant clauses of work order
a) This Agreement shall be effective from the date of commencement of the work as per the
Work Order.
b) The Agreement shall be deemed to expire on completion of the work and on compliance of all the
statutory obligations by the Party of the Second Part as provided in for in the agreement, unless
extended by both the parties in writing.
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a) In the event of this Agreement being determined whether by efflux of time or notice or breach or
otherwise, the Party of the Second Part shall forthwith return to the Party of the First Part all the
papers, books or other articles belonging to the Party of the First Part.
b) In the event of termination of this Agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties thereto shall be
settled by mutual discussion. The financial settlement shall take into consideration not only the
expenditure incurred but also the expenditure committed by the Party of the First Part.
c) In the event of termination of this Agreement, the Party of the Second Part shall be liable to refund
the amount, if any, paid in advance to it by the Party of the First Part.
d) Either Party shall be entitled to exercise any one or more of the rights and remedies given to it under
the terms of this Agreement and the determination of this Agreement shall not affect or prejudice
such rights and remedies and each party shall remain liable to perform all outstanding liabilities
under this Agreement notwithstanding that the other may have exercised any one or more of the
During the tenure of the Agreement and 7 years thereafter the Party of the Second Part undertake on
their behalf and on the behalf of their subcontractors / employees / representatives / associates etc to
maintain strict confidentiality and prevent disclosure thereof, of all the information and data exchanged /
generated pertaining to the work under this Agreement for any purpose other than in accordance with
the Agreement.
Any notice to be served by either party on the other shall be sent by Registered Post and shall be
deemed to have been received by the addressee within 07 days of posting.
a) Any dispute(s) or difference(s) arising out, of or in connection with the contract shall, to the extent
possible, be settled amicably between the Party of the First Part & Party of the Second Part.
b) In the event of any dispute or difference whatsoever arising under this Agreement or in connection
therewith including any question relating to existence, meaning and interpretation of the terms of
the Agreement or any alleged breach thereof, the same shall be referred to the Secretary, CEO
of Damodar Valley Corporation, Kolkata-54 or to a person nominated by him for arbitration. The
Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation
Act, 1996 or any other latest enactment and the decision/judgment of Arbitrator/Arbitrators shall be
final and binding on both the parties. The venue of the arbitration shall be at Kolkata.
However, in case the Party of the Second Part is a Central Public Sector Enterprise/ Govt.
Department, the dispute arising between the Party of the First Part & Party of the Second part
shall be settled through Permanent Arbitration Machinery (PAM) of the Department of Public
Enterprise, Govt. of India as per prevailing rules.
c) All suits arising out of NIT, subsequent work order and agreement, if any, are subject to
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jurisdiction of Court in the City of Kolkata only and no other Court, when resolution/ settlement
through mutual discussion and arbitration fails.
No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same is made in
writing by both parties or their authorized representative and specifically stating the same to be an
amendment of this Agreement. The modifications / changes shall be effective from the date on which
they are made/ executed, unless otherwise agreed to.
a) The Party of the Second Part as and when required shall deploy as many in number -expert personnel
and/or skilled/semi-skilled/unskilled workmen with adequate qualification and experience having
appropriate level of acumen to carry out the job with entire satisfaction of the Party of the First Part.
b) No child labour shall be engaged by the contractor as per statutory rules of the Govt. of India.
c) The Party of the Second Part as and when employed their employees engaged in the job shall follow
all safety rules at the time of execution of work. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor
to supply all safety equipment necessary to their O&M personnel without any extra cost to DVC.
All statutory rules & regulations shall have to be followed by the contractor during
employment/retrenchment of his workers/employees.
d) As the plant site is a protected area, necessary gate passes with photograph of every worker/employee
of the Party of the Second Part shall be arranged by the Party of the Second Part with proper
intimation to the Party of the First Part. The expenditure of issuing the gate passes to the workmen
shall be borne by the Party of the Second Part. The gate passes shall be duly signed by the Party of
the Second Part with official seal in addition to the signature of the holder (employee of the
Party of the Second Part) and the authorised officer of the Party of the First Part.
e) In case of sub-letting the contract, the sub-contractor shall be engaged with prior approval of the
Party of the First Part and at full risk of the Party of the Second Part.
f) The Party of the Second Part shall not pay less than the prescribed minimum wages to the workmen
engaged by him under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the Govt. Rules made there under and
subject to revision from time to time. The monthly payment is to be made on the 7th day of the
successive month. The Party of the Second Part shall intimate the disbursement of payment to the
authorized representative of Personnel Dept. of the Party of the First Part on 7th -10th day of the
successive month.
g) Legal suits arising out of the Agreement, if any, are subject to the jurisdiction in the Court of the
city of Kolkata and no other Court elsewhere.
h) The workers/employees engaged by the Party of the Second Part should not be under the influence or
addiction of drug/liquor while on duty. It should be obligatory on the part of the Party of the
Second Part to remove any such person from the job whose action or conduct in the opinion of
management of the Party of the First Part is detrimental to its interest.
i) If the Party of the Second Part desires to execute a part of scope of maintenance contract which are
very specialized in nature by engaging a specialized competent group they will have to obtain
approval from the Party of the First Part, furnishing all credentials and requirement of the manpower
strength before their engagement. However, the Party of the First Part reserves the right to
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j) The Party of the Second Part shall fully cooperate with other contractors employed by the Party of
the First Part for associated plant and subsidiary as well as other similar activities and shall carry
out all reasonable directions of the designated Chief Engineer (O&M) of the Party of the
First Part or his authorized representative as the case may be.
k) For contracts above value…………… , both the parties have to sign an Integrity Pact.
Each Party shall give notice to the other of any change or acquisition of any address or telephone
number or FAX or similar number at the earliest possible opportunity but in any event within 48 hours
of such change or acquisition.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto put their signatures on the date as written above.
1. 1.
2. 2.
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List of Commercial Banks as per RBI (Source RBI Website dt. 08-06-2012)
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52 Sonali Bank
53 Standard Chartered Bank
54 State Bank of Mauritius Ltd.
55 SBI Commercial and International Bank Ltd.
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(1)KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that in consideration of Damodar Valley Corporation, a
Corporation constituted and established under the Damodar Valley Corporation Act being Act No.
XIV of 1948 and having its Headquarters at D.V.C. Towers, V I P Road, Kolkata-700054 (hereinafter
called “The Corporation”) having agreed to accept from
(hereinafter called “The Contractor”), a Bank Guarantee for
Rs. in lieu of additional contract performance guarantee for the due
fulfilment by the Contractor of JV of the *Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/
work order No. issued by the Corporation for
(Name & Description of the work/material)
(hereinafter called “the said *Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of
Acceptance/ work order”) we (hereinafter called “the
Guarantor”) do hereby undertake to indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation to the extent
of Rs. (Rupees
) only against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by the Corporation by reason of any
breach by any of the JV Contractor of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said * Purchase
Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/ work order of which breach the opinion of the Corporation
shall be final and conclusive.
(2)AND WE, DO HEREBY Guarantee and undertake to pay forthwith on demand to the
Corporation such sum not exceeding the said sum of (Rupees ) only as may be specified in
such demand, in the event of the Contractor failing or neglecting to execute fully efficiently and
satisfactorily the order for placed with it (the work tendered for by it) within the period
stipulated in the said *Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/work order in accordance
with terms and conditions contained or referred to in the said *Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of
Acceptance/work order in the event of the JV Contractors refusing or neglecting to maintain
satisfactory operation of the equipment or work or to make good any defect therein or otherwise to
comply with and conform to the design, specification, terms and conditions contained or referred to
in the said *Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/ work order.
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(3)WE further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during
the period that would be taken for the performance of the said order as laid down in the said *Purchase
Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/work order including the warranty obligations and that it
shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Corporation under or by virtue of the said *
Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/work order have been fully paid and its claims
satisfied or discharged or till the Corporation or its authorized representative certified that the terms
and conditions of the said * Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Letter of Acceptance/ work order have
been fully and properly carried out by the said contractor and accordingly discharged the Guarantee.
(4)WE , the Guarantor undertake to extend the validity of Bank Guarantee at the request of the
Contractor for further period or periods from time to time beyond its present validity period failing
which we shall pay the Corporation the amount of Guarantee.
(5)The liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs.__________Rupees
only and will expire on and unless a claim in writing is presented to us or an action or suit
to enforce the claim is filed against us within 6 months from all your rights will be forfeited and we
shall be relieved of and discharged from all our liabilities (thereinafter).
(6)The Guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or effected by liquidation or winding up or
insolvency or closure of the Contractor.
(7)The executants has the power to issue this guarantee on behalf of the Guarantor and holds full and valid
power of Attorney granted in his favour by the Guarantor authorizing him to execute the Guarantee.
(8)Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs.
(Rupees only and our guarantee
shall remain in force upto
an unless a demand or claim under the
guarantee is made on us in writing on or before all your rights under the guarantee shall be
forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities there under.
WE, Bank lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during the currency except with the
previous consent of the Corporation in writing. In witness whereof we have set and subscribed
our hand on this day of .
(Stamp of the executants)
(Name & address in full with Rubber Stamp)
*Mention the relevant along with reference number.
Delete the terms which are not applicable. Each page of B.G. to be signed by the executant with
common Bank stamp and date.
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On this day of 2012 at Kolkata, in the presence of the following two witnesses, this Integrity
Pact is being executed between:
hereinafter referred to as “The Bidder/Contractor” (which expression shall include all its
partners/directors, agents, legal or other representatives, servants, subcontractors (wherever permitted or
permissible) and successor in interest and all persons claiming through it).
Whereas it has been directed by the Damodar Valley Corporation, Principal and the Central
Vigilance Commission, New Delhi that all undertakings and/or other concerns of the Principal shall
execute an Integrity Pact with contracting parties/bidders in all forthcoming contracts/tender processes
above the prescribed value of Rs. 15 Crore, it is necessary to execute an Integrity Pact between such
parties. Pursuant thereto, the present Integrity Pact is being executed.
Whereas the DVC intends to award, under laid down organisation procedures, contract(s) for
………………………………………………………………………….. DVC values full compliance with
all relevant laws and regulations, and the principles of economic use of resources, and of fairness and
transparency in its relations with its bidder(s) and contractor(s).
Whereas in order to achieve these goals, the DVC cooperates with the renowned international Non
Governmental Organisation “Transparency International” (TII). Following TII’s national and
international experience, the DVC will appoint External Independent Monitor(s) who will monitor the
tendering process and the execution of the contract for compliance with the principles mentioned above.
DVC commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and unethical practices and
bring transparency in all processes through the following commitments:
1. No employee and/or Official of DVC shall, whether personally or through their family members
and/or their agents or legal representatives, and in connection with the tender or in execution of
the contract, demand any gratification and/or enter into any agreement, promise or any other
arrangement for deriving any benefits, whether monetary or otherwise which he is not legally
entitled to.
2. DVC shall, during the tender process treat all bidders/contractors at par and provide them with equal
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The bidder/contractor commits himself to take all necessary measures to prevent any form of
during the tender process and also during the execution of the contract including the following:
1. The Bidder/Contractor shall not, directly or through any other person of firm, offer, promise and/or
give to any of DVC’s employees involved in the tender process and/or in the execution of the
contract, or to any third person any benefit, whether monetary or otherwise, which he/she is not
legally entitled to receive, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever
during the tendering process or during the execution of the contract.
Also, the Bidder/Contractor shall not enter into any agreement and/or arrangement with any
employee and/or official of DVC for any of the aforesaid purposes.
2. The Bidder/Contractor shall not enter into any undisclosed agreement, undertaking and/or
arrangement with any other bidder(s)/contractor(s), whether formally or informally, in respect of
matter pertaining to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-
submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce cartelization in
the bidding process.
3. The Bidder/Contractor .shall not commit any offence punishable under the Indian Penal
code/Prevention of Corruption Act or any other relevant Anti-corruption laws in force in India.
3. Further the Bidder/Contractor shall not use improperly or pass on to others, any information or
document provided by DVC as part of their, business relationship, regarding any plans, technical
proposals and business details, including information contained and/or transmitted electronically,
for purposes of competition or personal gain.
5. The Bidder/Contractor shall, while presenting his bid disclose any and all payment made by him,
or to which proposes or intends to make to his agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in
connection with the award of the contract. He shall also disclose any agreement and/or arrangements
entered into by him for the aforesaid purposes.
6. If the Bidder/Contractor is of foreign origin, he shall disclose the name and address of his
Agents/Representatives in India. If the Bidder/Contractor is of Indian Nationality, he will furnish
the name and address of his foreign principals, if any. The Bidder/Contractor shall comply with
the disclosure requirements specified in the General Guidelines on the Indian Agents of Foreign
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7. Payment made by the Bidder/Contractor to any Indian agents/representatives shall be in Indian
Rupees only.
8. If payments are made by the Bidder/Contractor to any foreign agent/supplier in any foreign country
out of ECB or FCCB proceeds, they are to be disclosed by him.
9. The Bidder/Contractor shall not instigate any third persons(s) to commit any offences in relation to
any of the matters mentioned above or be an accessory to any such offence.
10. Company code of Conduct – The Bidder/Contractor is advised to have a company code of conduct
which clearly rejects the use of bribes and other unethical means whether monetary or otherwise,
and adopts a compliance programme for implementation of the code of conduct throughout the
11. The Bidder/Contractor shall immediately inform DVC if at any point of time such bidder/contractor
is asked to pay any illegal gratification or bribe in violation of this Integrity Pact by any person
employed by DVC or such illegal offer comes to the knowledge of the Bidder/Contractor.
12. The Bidder/Contractor shall not do any act, by way of commission or omission, which may defeat
the spirit behind the present Integrity Pact.
a. The imposition and duration of the exclusion shall be determined by the severity of the
b. The severity shall be determined by the circumstances of the case, in particular the number
of transgressions, the position of the transgressor within the company, hierarchy of the
bidder/contractor and the amount of the damage.
c. The exclusion will be imposed for a minimum of ...….. months and maximum of ………
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4. The Bidder/Contractor accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold DVC’s absolute right to resort
to and impose such exclusion and further accepts and undertakes not to challenge or question such
exclusion on any ground including the absence of an opportunity of being heard before the decision
to resort to such exclusion is taken. This undertaking is given freely and after obtaining independent
legal advice.
1. If DVC disqualifies the Bidder/Contactor from the tendering process prior to award of contract in
accordance with section 3 mentioned above, DVC shall be entitled to demand and/or recover from
the Bidder/Contractor, liquidated damages equivalent to the amount or Earnest Money Deposit/Bid
2. If DVC terminates the contract, or becomes entitled to terminate the same in accordance with section-
III, then DVC shall be entitled to demand and recover from the Contractor liquidated damages
equivalent to the security deposit/performance Bank Guarantee, and if the amount of damage
exceeds the amount of Security Deposit and Performance Bank Guarantee, then DVC shall be
entitled to recover the balance amount of damage from the Bidder/Contractor either in cash or
from the amount payable and due from such Bidder/Contractor in other contracts being executed by
him with DVC.
1. The Bidder/Contractor declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years with
any other company in any country conforming with the TI approach or with any other Public Sector
Enterprise in India that could justify his exclusion from the tender process.
2. If the Bidder/Contractor makes any incorrect statement on the subject mentioned in the subsection (1)
above, then he shall be liable for disqualification from the tendering process or the contract, if already
awarded, can be terminated for such reason and compensation for damages caused shall be paid by the
contractor/bidder as per section 4 above.
1. DVC or any other person authorized by DVC may/shall appoint Independent External Monitor(s) for
the “pact”, who should be suitably qualified and experienced and of impeccable integrity.
2. The decision taken by DVC or any person authorised by DVC in the matter of appointment of the
Independent External Monitor as above shall be, final and conclusive and shall be agreeable to
both parties. Such a decision shall not be amenable to any challenge on any ground whatsoever.
3. The Independent External Monitor(s) (IEM) appointed as above shall oversee the implementation of
the Integrity Pact independently and objectively maintaining absolute neutrality.
4. The IEM(s) shall not have any administrative or enforcing powers. He shall only be entitled to
submit his non-binding suggestions and/or recommendations to the management of DVC to
discontinue, or to take corrective action, or to take any other relevant action, whenever any
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violation of and/or deviation from any of the conditions of the Integrity Pact is observed/noted by
5. The Bidder/Contractor accepts that the IEM(s) shall have the right to access without restriction all
project documentation of DVC as well as of the Contractor/Bidder. The Bidder/Contractor will also
grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and
unconditional access to the project documentation. The Monitor is to be under a contractual
obligation to treat the information and documents of the Bidder/Contractor with confidentiality.
6. If the Monitor reports to DVC a substantiated suspicion of an offence under relevant IPC/PC Act
and anti-corruption laws of India and DVC does not, within a reasonable time takes visible action to
proceed against such offence or reported it to Chief Vigilance Officer, the IEM may also transmit
this information directly to the Central Vigilance Commissioner, Government of India.
7. DVC shall provide to the IEM(s) sufficient Information about all the meetings among the
parties related to the project provided such meeting would have an impact on the contractual relations
between DVC and the Contractor, to enable him to participate in those meetings.
1. The Bidder/Contractor undertakes to demand from all sub-contractors a commitment that they shall
conform to this Integrity pact, and they shall submit such undertaking to DVC before signing of
the contract.
2. DVC shall enter into agreements with identical conditions as this one with all bidders, contractors and
3. DVC shall disqualify from the tender process all bidders/contractors who do not sign this pact or
violate its provisions.
1. This agreement is subject to Indian law. Place of performance and jurisdiction is the Registered
Office of DVC, i.e. Kolkata. The arbitration clause provided in the main tender document/contract
shall not be applicable for any issue/dispute arising under integrity pact.
2. Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing. Side agreements
have not been made.
3. If the contractor is a partnership or consortium, this agreement must be signed by all partners or
consortium members.
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4. Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this
agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their
original intentions.
5. The Agreement shall come into force from the moment DVC and the Bidder/Contractor sign it and it
shall be in force for a period of 12 (twelve) months after the last payment is made, and for all other
bidders 6 (six) months after award of the contract. If any claim is lodged during this time the same
shall be binding and continued to be valid despite the lapse of the pact as specified above.
6. DVC shall periodically appraise the effectiveness of the Integrity Pact by conducting an overall
review with the concerned executives and the Bidder/Contractor.
Witness 1:
Witness 2:
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The objective of this Procedure is to prescribe uniform guidelines for closing of Contracts.
This Procedure covers closing of Contracts awarded by Project / Station /HQ for (1) Site Packages for
Project, as per approved Package List (2), Site Packages for R&M of the Station, as per approved Package
List and (3) Other Capital Works of Station, (4) Transmission Line projects
3.1.1 The Contracts mentioned in para 2 above, placed by Project/Station/HQ shall require closing after
obligations of both parties, viz. DVC and Contractor (as given hereunder for specific category of
Contracts) are completed.
a) In case of Supply-cum-Erection/Services Contracts, the closing of the Contract shall be done
after the Warranty period/ Defect Liability Period is successfully completed.
b) For Civil Packages, the closing of the Contract shall be done after completion of the Defect
Liability Period.
3.2.1 All Contracts pertaining to the Works for the Project/Power Station (Site Packages of the Project,
Site Packages for R&M, Other Capital Works Contracts etc.) placed by Project/Power Station, shall
be closed by Project/Station. All packages awarded by HQ should be closed by concerned HQ in
consultation with concern Project.
3.3 CERTIFICATES REQUIRED FOR CLOSING For Site Packages of Projects and R&M of
The following thirteen (13) certificates, as per the proforma enclosed at Annexure-I (1 to 13),
shall be issued by the concerned Departments and submitted to the concerned Authority designated in
para 3.2.1 above, for closing of Contracts for Site Packages of Project/ R&M of Station / Capital
Works of the Project / Station:
JULY 2016
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JULY 2016
Page 255
ii) List of Certificates (mentioned in para 3.3 above) not required and the reasons of non- applicability of
the particular Certificate duly approved by Competent Authority (refer para 4 b).
iii)Any other related Document
JULY 2016
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JULY 2016
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This is to certify that amendments have been issued to the aforesaid Contract as per the details
mentioned below:
Date :
JULY 2016
Page 258
This is to certify that we have received all the drawings which were to be submitted by the Contractor,
in requisite number along with the reproducible (or electronic form – as applicable), as detailed in
Annexure enclosed herewith, as per provisions stipulated in the above mentioned LOA/ Contract.
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 259
This is to certify that the QA Documents as per the list enclosed (Annexure-I), in respect of the
above mentioned LOA/ Contract has been received in line with the provisions of the Contract.
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 260
This is to certify that we have received from the Contractor all the necessary O&M Manuals in requisite
number, including the list of spare parts alongwith the names of vendors, in respect of the above
LOA/Contract. The consolidated list of such Manuals received is enclosed at Annexure-I alongwith the
distribution as marked in the list.
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 261
1. This is to certify that the scope of the above Contract has been completed in line with the
Contract read in conjunction with the following documents:
4. Measurement Book
2. It is further certified that the following have been supplied, as per the details given in the
Contract Documents and the same have been taken over by DVC.
1. Mandatory Spares
2. Recommended Spares
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 262
This is to certify that the issue regarding liquidated damages for delay as per the provisions of
clause of the above Contract/ LOA has been resolved with the approval of the Competent authority
vide reference (copy enclosed).
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 263
This is to certify that the following shortfall in equipment performance as compared to the guaranteed
parameters have been assessed and agreed to with the Contractor in respect of the
above mentioned LOA/ Contract.
Further, it is also confirmed that liquidated damages for shortfall in equipment performance in respect of
above Items, have been recovered fully from the Contractor and no other dues are outstanding for
shortfall in equipment performance.
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 264
This is to certify that the materials issued to the Contractor in respect of the above mentioned
LOA/Contract have been reconciled with the stipulations under the Contract Documents and no other
recovery of material is pending with the Contractor.
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 265
This is to certify that all the payments released to the Contractor in respect of the abovementioned
LOA/Contract have been reconciled with the provisions of the Contract Documents and statement of
Accounts and or other Certificates of Contractor. It is observed that there are no recoveries pending
under any of the items noticed and listed below:
List of Items:
1. ……………
2. …………….
3. …………….
4. …………….
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 266
Enclosure to CC-09
The list of recoveries and claims as advised by Site Erection should include all recoveries and claims
on any account whatsoever, including the following:
1. Liquidated damages for delay.
2. Liquidated damages for shortfall in Performance as observed during shop-testing (by inspection
3. Liquidated damages for shortfall in performance as observed during performance guarantee tests
conducted at site and other site tests.
4. All recoveries /claims on account of variations/deviations to scope of contract permitted or
otherwise taken place during execution of the contract as listed as certificate No. CC-05 for
contract closing (Certificate by site Erection for contract closing).
5. Recoveries on account of reconciliation of payments made under the contract.
6. All the claims against the contractor regarding clearance of materials from site and vacation of
the premises allotted for site office, stores.
7. All claims in respect of Training/Transportation/Accommodation/Services provided by site in
respect of above LOA/Contract.
8. Recoveries on account of settlement of insurance claims
9. Recoveries on account of reconciliation of materials issued to the Contractor.
10. All recoveries on account of demurrage, transportation, insurance premiums etc. and other
recoveries as informed by T&CC group on account of port clearance, transportation etc.
11. All recoveries on account of wastage and scrap.
12. All recoveries/claims (if any) on account of maintenance of equipments.
13. All recoveries/claims (if any) on account of price variation.
14. All recoveries/claims (if any) on account of statutory dues paid on behalf of the Contractor by
15. Royalty charges.
16. All recoveries/ claims (if any) on account of hiring out of DVC’s plant and equipment.
17. All recoveries/claims (if any) on account of water and electricity charges (if applicable)
18. Any other recoveries/claims against specific instructions.
JULY 2016
Page 267
This is to certify that we have made all labour payments including PF Liabilities in respect of the
above mentioned LOA/ Contract and no other payments in this regard is pending from us.
Further, we confirm that all Statutory requirements have been complied with by us and in case any
default is reported against us, we shall be solely responsible for the same.
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 268
We, M/s.............................................................................. (Contractor) do hereby acknowledge and
confirm that we have received the full and final payment due and payable to us from DVC in respect of
our aforesaid LOA/Contract No...................................... dated.................................including
amendments, if any, issued by DVC to our entire satisfaction and we further confirm that we have no
claim whatsoever pending with DVC , under the said Contract
Notwithstanding any protest recorded by us in any correspondence, document, measurement books,
and/or final bills etc., we waive all our right to lodge any claim or protest in future under this contract.
We are issuing this “NO DEMAND CERTIFICATE” in favour of DVC with full acknowledge and
with our free consent without any undue influence, misrepresentation, coercion etc.
----------------------------------------- Signature
------------------------------------------ NAME
------------------------------------ DESIGNATION
JULY 2016
Page 269
This is to certify that the Warranty period for the above mentioned LOA/Contract has been
completed in line with the provisions of the Contract.
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 270
This is to certify that all the *Bank Guarantee/Indemnity bonds / Insurance policies / Collaborator's or
Associate's Guarantee, received for the abovementioned LOA/Contract, have been returned in
original to the Contractor.
Date :
Signature………………. Place: Name…………………..
JULY 2016
Page 271
Letter of Bid
Ref: 1. NIT No: ‘………………………………………………………………………………...’
2. Tender Id No: ‘……………………..…………..’
Dear Sirs,
We offer to supply the materials as per our offered bill of quantity in accordance with the conditions
of the NIT document as available in the website. The details of the application fee/cost of Tender
document and EMD being submitted by us has been furnished on-line.
I/We are a Micro/ Small Enterprise covered under the provision of Micro Small and Medium
Enterprises Act’2006 and registered with the authority of the State Government.
I/We are not covered under the provision of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Act, 2006
This Bid and our written acceptance of it shall constitute a binding contract between us. We
understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you receive.
We hereby confirm our acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the NIT document
Yours faithfully,
JULY 2016
Page 272
(for genuineness of the information furnished on-line and authenticity of the documents
produced before Tender Committee for verification in support of his eligibility)
2. All information furnished by me/us on-line in respect of fulfillment of eligibility criteria and
qualification information of this Tender is complete, correct and true.
3. I/We have never been banned or delisted by any Govt. or Quasi Govt. Agency or any Public
Sector Undertaking.
5. I/We are a Micro/ Small Enterprise covered under the provision of Micro Small and Medium
Enterprises Act’2006 and registered with the authority of the State Government.
I/We are not covered under the provision of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Act, 2006
JULY 2016
Page 273
Signature and Seal of Notary
JULY 2016
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Page 277
Know all men by these presents that we…………………………………………………., all carrying on business at present
in Joint Venture under the name and style of having its office at…………………………....……………………., do hereby
nominate, constitute and appoint Shri…………………………………….S/0…………………………………….by
Caste………………………………… by Occupation…………………………………at present residing at……………………………..as
the Constituted Attorney for and on behalf of our said Jo9nt Venture firm to do inter alia the following acts,
deeds and things:-
Whereas, the members of the Joint Venture…………………………..(herein after name of JV) having its office
at………………………………………….are interested in bidding for the Project and implementing the Project in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bid Document and other connected documents in respect of
_________________the Project, and
Whereas, it is necessary for the members of the Joint Venture to designate someone with all necessary power
and authority to do for and on behalf of the Joint Venture all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in
connection with the Joint Venture’s bid for the Project or in the alternative to appoint someone, who would
have all necessary power and authority to do all acts, deeds and things on behalf of the Joint Venture, as may
be necessary in connection with Joint Venture’s Bid for the Project.
Whereas DVC________________________ has invited Bid for the Work “EVACUATION AND NUISANCE FREE
ABANDONED OPEN CASE MINES OF ECL” against Tender Notice No. _____________________________
1) To do on behalf of the Joint Venture, all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or incidental to the
Joint Venture’s Bid for the Projects, including signing and submission of Bid participating in conferences,
responding to queries, submission of information/documents and generally to represent the Joint
Venture in all its dealing with DVC, ________________________, any other Government Agency or any
person, in connection with the Project until completion of the process of bidding and thereafter till the
agreement is entered into with DVC, ___________________
And we the undersigned do hereby and at all times hereinafter shall ratify and confirm all and whatsoever
other act or acts our said Attorney shall lawfully and bonafide do or acts to be done by virtue of these
In witness where of we have here unto set and subscribe our respective hands and seal this
____________________________________Day of ____________________________2013.
JULY 2016
Page 278
Witness: ___________________
Signed for and behalf of
1) Name:
2) ___________________
Signed for and on behalf of
Signature of Power of Attorney Holder
Signature of person signing this Power
Of Attorney for Joint Venture above
JULY 2016
Page 279
This is to certify that <Name of DSC Holder>of M/s <Name of participating Firm / Company> has the
authority to sign the bids using his digital signature and any document (s) in hardcopy pertaining to DVC
Tender No. …………….. dated ………….. using his official usual signature and the bid shall be binding upon us
during the full period of its validity.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Notarized by
JULY 2016
Page 280
(Complete In all respect)
Sl. Description of the activities Yes/No Remarks, if
No. Nature of item (Capital/Spare) any
1. Administrative Approval by:
2. Detailed authenticated Specification, drawing, scope of work, estimated
value with basis, delivery and completion schedule etc. (Enclosed/not
Nature of Tender (Open/Limited/Source standardised basis
3. Allocation of Budget to be ensured/indicated.
4. In case of TAA is Board/Chairman. administrative approval to be obtained
Note from concerned Member.
5. Indents for spares, consumables, capital, Plant & Machinery and other
Note assets be placed separately.
6. Wherever possible relevant IS/BIS or any acceptable standard to be
7. Justification of procurement along with the quantity.
a) Based on BUS for last 3 years.
b) If it is more than moving average, justified the quantity, and
approved by one step superior of TAA
Note c) If TAA is CE and above, no approval of superior is required.
8. In case of new items/works, utilisation programme is to be indicated.
9. Wherever applicable, PAC/OEM/OES or source standardisation certificate
issued by the (CE/Sr.CE/HOD) in the prescribed format.
10. Indents for which approval of Board/Chairman is required before
Note placement of P.O. should have recommendation for process of concerned
11. First time procurement - for replacement of any item , already in use will
not be termed as NEW ITE M
12. Proposal for procurement of improved version over the existing one should
properly justifies along with cost benefit analysis an d obsolesce certificate
from concerned ED/Sr.CE to be obtained prior to enquiry.
JULY 2016
Page 281
3. Indenter :
6. Estimated Cost :
Member Level :
8. TAA :
Indenting Department
JULY 2016
Page 282
(Not below SE)
JULY 2016
Page 283
Sub: Supply of
Ref: 1.
We are pleased to confirm our acceptance of your offer/and subsequent correspondence referred to above.,
kindly arrange to execute the supplies strictly as per specifications and quantities as indicated in subject to the
conditions specified herein. Our General Conditions of Contract (GCC), is available in our web page
Kindly arrange to return duplicate copy of this order duly signed and stamped within 10 days in token of
having received and accepted the order.
JULY 2016
Page 284
_________________________________Station/Corporate Office
JULY 2016
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JULY 2016
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Ref : Date
In view of poor response and also to ensure response from more bidders, thereby obtaining competitive rates,
it is proposed to extend bid receiving date by ___ days from the date of approval.
As per clause______________of Delegation of Powers, the proposal needs kimd approval of _________
Dealing Engineer
JULY 2016
Page 289
a) Indenting Department
b) Indenting items
Schedule of Rates
BASIS Budgetary
3. Order of other Power
NIT details
JULY 2016
Page 290
d) Urgency
e) Single against
a) Approving
SOURCE OF VENDOR b) No. of vendors
c) From approved
vendors (Nos.)
d) From known
vendors (Nos.)
e) From
f) From authorised
s (Nos.)
g) From others
h) No. of rejected
bids with reasons
Date of NIT Authority DFP Serial Remarks
JULY 2016
Page 291
c) Pre-Bid discussion
No. of participants
Amendments, if any
Delivery Period
Revised date of
Submission & Opening of
bid, if any
a) Opening date
Single Stage Two Part, One
Envelop/Two Envelopes/Three b) No. of bidders participated
Envelopes/Four Envelopes c) No. and names of the NIT
compliant bidders
Strike out which is not applicable d) Rejected bids with reasons
Deviations of clauses , if any Details of deviations Authority for condonation
Opening date
Price quoted
Evaluated Price
Percentage with
respect to DE
Discussion on
reasonability of price
JULY 2016
Page 292
Accepting Authority
JULY 2016
Page 293
Open Tender Enquiry and On-Line Reverse Auction (RA)
Conducted by
JULY 2016
Page 294
An important perspective is that electronic- Reverse Auctions are not appropriate for every tendering
process. In fact, reverse auction may be inappropriate for many commodities or services.
Recommended practice..
When establishing new procurement arrangements that may use reverse auctions, the terms and
conditions of offer must clearly state that reverse auctions are to be used.
When there is panel arrangements in place , period or common use contract reverse auctions are
used to select the successful supplier based on price :
JULY 2016
Page 295
primary building products ( e.g. iron ore, road, building materials, copper tubing)
standard information technology equipment (e.g. specified desktop computers, shrink-
wrapped software, modems, toner cartridge)
photocopy paper
energy, electricity, coal or gas
chemicals and possibly pharmaceutical products.
clothing and uniforms in set sizes, colours and volumes
Nature of procurement
Some other factors that could affect the suitability of using reverse auctions include :
Similarly for agencies, the potential saving which a procurement of this value MIGHTRALISE may
not justify its use. Generally, the higher the value of the procurement, the greater the potential
for realising savings
JULY 2016
Page 296
RFQ No : Dated:……20…
Reverse Auction: Reverse Auction is used to procure items/services, where the requirement for
one/more Markets of an item is stated and the participants are required to bid down the price to be
selected to supply the requirement.
On-line Reverse Auctions: On-line Reverse Auctions refer to those Reverse Auctions conducted
through the Internet with simultaneous bidding by the bidders (from one or more locations). In other
words, the venue for the auction is on an Internet website/ platform. The Nextenders website
(http://auction.nextenders.com) or any other URL assigned by Nextenders would constitute the venue
for the purpose of the on-line auction.
Award at the Reverse Auction: The bidder quoting the lowest price is normally allotted the item
unless otherwise specified by the Client. Price obtained at any stage in the event is valid and legally
binding on the bidder.
Client: Client is DVC who has contracted Nextenders to conduct such Reverse Auction. In case of
Reverse Auction, the purpose would be to meet their requirement for item/s from among the sellers
desiring to sell the items to the Client.
Bidder / Tenderer: Bidder is the individual/business entity participating in the Reverse Auction,
intending to supply the item/s to the Client. To be become a Bidder in the auction, a business entity has
to secure client approval for participation and also provide written assent to the General Rules and
Auction Engine: Auction Engine refers to the software that encapsulates the entire auction process,
processing logic and information flows. Nextenders is the sole owner of the auction engine and retains
exclusive right over the utilization of the same.
Preview Time: Preview Time refers to the period of time that is provided prior to the commencement of
bidding. This is to facilitate approved participants to view the auction details such as item specifications,
bidding details and bidding rules. The purpose is also to familiarize participants with the functionalities and
screens of the auction mechanism. It is not mandatory for nextenders to provide Preview Time.
Start Time: Start time refers to the time of commencement of the conduct of the On-line auction. It
signals the commencement of the Price Discovery process through competitive bidding.
Duration of the Reverse Auction: It refers to the length of time the price discovery process is
allowed to continue by accepting bids from competing bidders. The duration of the auction would
normally be for a pre-specified period of time. However, the bidding rules may state the conditions
when the pre-specified duration may be extended/ curtailed. The conditions include:
* Automatic extension in the event of bids being entered towards the end of the scheduled duration to
facilitate the other bidders to view and react to the bid.
Auto Extension of the Auction Timings: In the event of bids in the last few minutes of the
scheduled bid time, the Bid Timings are automatically extended for a specified period from each such
bid. Such Auto Extension shall continue until no bids are placed for the specified period (Engine
remains inactive for the specified period). The Inactivity Time for Auto Extension purpose is normally 3
minutes. nextenders however retains the right to change the same. The Inactivity Time applicable for
the particular On-line Bid shall be communicated to the bidder if it will be set to a value less than 3
W&P Manual – 2016
JULY 2016
Page 297
End of the Reverse Auction: End of the Auction refers to the termination of the bidding event
signalling an end to the price discovery process.
Auction Report: nextenders would provide an Auction Report to the Client containing a summary of the
auction proceedings (to replace by bidding event) and outcome. The Auction Report would constitute the
official communication from nextenders to the client about the outcome of the Reverse Auction.
ID and Pass Word: Pass Word and ID shall be given to all the eligible by the Service Provider for
enabling the bidder to participate in the Reverse Auction.
Start –Bid Price: “This is the price at which the bidding will start after sealed bids are obtained from
the eligible vendors. This is the maximum price which the system will accept. Prices above the start bid
price will be rejected by the system. The bidders will have to bid equal to or below the start bid price."
Minimum Decrement: Minimum decrement is the minimum amount a supplier has to reduce in
order to beat a higher bid. For example, if a bidder bids Rs 10,00,000/ - for a Market, others, in order to
beat this bid, have to quote a lower price with a minimum decrement say of Rs 20,000/- i.e. in order to
be eligible they have to quote Rs. 9,80,000/- (or lower) for the same Market. This minimum decrement
shall be pre-decided by Steel Authority of India Limited and will be in-built in the auction engine.
nextenders retains the right to extend or cancel or reschedule the reverse auction on any
of the following reasons:
Sl Circumstance Action
01 Auto Extension Of Bidding There would be an auto extension of bid time in case bids are
Time placed. Auto extension of bid time may vary from 5-30
minutes which will be intimated in the auction notice to be
sent to techno-commercial eligible bidders for participation in
02 Cancellation of event / bid 1. The number of confirmed bidders is deemed insufficient
to conduct the reverse auction.
2. On Advice of the Buyer.
3. NT on its own accord - in case of situations where it is felt
that continuance of the auction proceedings is prejudicial
to the smooth conduct and/or the integrity of the auction
4. Cancellation/ premature termination of the reverse
auction with/ without a subsequent rerun of the auction
on a mutually decided date between Client and MJ.
5. Cancellation of a wrong bid.
6. Locking a bidder’s account (suspension of operations in
the account).
03 Poor Participation 1. Manual extension carried out if less than 10 bids received.
2. Reserve / expected price not met.
3. It is determined that one or more bidders have submitted
bids which are clearly below Cost.
4. On the advice of the Buyer.
04 Unable to access the 1. Manual extension carried out till connectivity restored or
module due to NT will bid on behalf of bidder after obtaining suitable
infrastructural problems - authentication.
Internet Problems being 2. The number of extensions and the time involved in each
reported by bidders extension is on the judgment of the auction controller
JULY 2016
Page 298
05 NT server not able to To the extent possible, all auctions will be extended until the
connect to the Internet problem is resolved/ internet connectivity of NT machine
cloud improves.
Ability to extend depends upon time available, as also ability of
NT staff to connect to the NT
06 Power failure/ Planned NT will bid on behalf of bidder after obtaining suitable
power shutdown in his area authentication. (The party will inform his minimum price and
reported by an interested will also inform his user id and password).
supplier Manual extension may be involved if the call is received just
before closure, and NT staff does not have sufficient time
required to make a bid.
At the request of the Client, NEXTENDERS may permit bidding through a combination of online
and offline means (offline means including phone/fax/email). However in such event, nextenders
would not be responsible for any errors in transmission or entry of the information received in the
offline medium. It must be expressly understood that such facilities if and when extended are only
for the convenience of bidders and, while reasonable care and caution shall be taken by nextenders
the ultimate responsibility for the same shall rest with the bidder/s.
JULY 2016
Page 299
RFQ No : Dated:……20…
Appendix - II
The General Rules and Regulations provided herein govern the conduct of On-line Reverse Auctions
operated by Nextenders services limited. These rules cover the roles and responsibilities of the parties in
the On-line Reverse Auctions on the Nextenders platform. Acceptance in-toto of these General
Rules and Regulations is a pre-requisite for securing participation in the On-line Reverse
Auctions on the Nextenders platform.
Role of Nextenders
Nextenders is the agency (operator) primarily providing the forum and platform for conducting the
reverse auction. As the agency is providing the auction engine, the role of Nextenders would include:
Providing the Input of the details of the auction items and defining of the bidding rules as desired by the
Providing access to the approved bidders to participate in the auction
Enhancing bidder awareness and comfort with the auction mechanism and bidding rules.
Summarizing of the auction proceedings and communication of the outcome to the client.
The responsibility for fulfilment of the contract rests between the bidders and the client and
Nextenders shall have no liability on this account.
Role of the Bidder
Bidding Rules:
The Bidding Rules refer to the information and terms defined specifically for a particular Reverse
Auction. The purpose of the Bidding rules is to provide approved bidder with the information and terms
specific to the auction in which they are bidding. This would include:
Start Time and duration of the Reverse Auction.
Any extension of the duration of the auction in the event of bids being received towards the end of the
pre-specified duration.
Reserve Price (if any specified)
Minimum & Maximum Bidding Quantity (if any specified)
Price Decrements and any reduction in the price decrements in the auction in the event of
inactivity Other attributes (informational/non-negotiable in nature)
Participation in the auction process presumes complete awareness and understanding of the bidding
Conduct of the Reverse Auction:
JULY 2016
Page 300
M/s. Nextenders retains the right to cancel or reschedule the Reverse Auction on any of the followings
Some of the confirmed bidders are unable to access the module due to infrastructural problems such as
sustained power failure or telecommunication breakdown.
Bids are received but above the Start Bid Price
The duration of the Reverse auction may also vary from the pre-specified period of time on account of
termination of the auction by Nextenders :
On the advice of the client, or,
On its own accord in case of situations where it is felt that continuance of the auction proceedings
is prejudicial to the smooth conduct and / or integrity of the auction process.
Problems during the conduct of the Reverse Auction
In the event of any problems being faced in the smooth conduct of the auction, Nextenders shall have
the right to undertake one or more of the following steps:
Cancellation of a bid
In case of failure of net connection, bidder will give his best price to nextenders who will bid on behalf
of the bidder with the minimum decrement until the bid price reaches the best price offered by the
bidder by proxy bidding mechanism. The best price communicated by the bidder will have to be by
written confirmation or fax to Nextenders and will be kept confidential between nextenders and the
bidder. Bidder will be bound by the price offered.
Liability of Nextenders:
Nextenders shall not be liable to the client / bidders in the auction or any other person(s) for:
- any breach of contract by the party in the fulfilment of the underlying contract.
- Any delays in initiating the online auction or postponement / cancellation of the online auction
proceedings due to any problem with the hardware / software / infra structural facilities or any
other short comings.
Confidentiality Clause:
Nextenders undertakes to handle any sensitive information provided by the client or confirmed
bidders for the reverse auctions conducted on the nextenders platform with utmost trust and
Any disputes relating to the online reverse auction module shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of
Kolkata Courts only to the exclusion of any other court.
Right of the client
DVC reserves the right to fully / partly accept the bids or completely reject the same.
JULY 2016
Page 301
RFQ No : Dated:……20…
Appendix - III : Reverse Auction System and Processes of Nextenders
RFQ No : Dated:……20…
W&P Manual – 2016
JULY 2016
Page 302
1.7 Written Acceptance in-toto to all the Terms & Conditions mentioned in this document is a
pre-requisite for securing participation in the On-line Reverse Auction conducted by
nextenders on behalf of Damodar Valley Corporation for the products required as per this
RFQ. Hence, the bidder is requested to sign on all pages of this RFQ and submit
along with the Techno-Commercial bid.
2.0 Price evaluation and the emergence of L1 vendors in the Reverse Auction:
2.1 Price evaluation shall be done on Landed cost considering site price basis. The evaluation of
L1 shall be for complete lot on Landed Cost basis for delivery at consignees end, including
supply, installation, testing, commissioning and completion of total job.
Landed cost shall be arrived at by considering the Basic Price, Packing &
Forwarding charges, State Surcharge (if any), Excise Duty (ED), Education
Cess, full rate of Sales Tax (CST) / VAT, Transportation Charges, Insurance,
Installation & Commissioning charges, Service tax, and any other charges and
taxes & duties (if applicable) etc. i.e. FOR Site(consignee) Price basis.
The lowest total price offered for the complete Lot (Package I) would become the L1
tenderer. The rank of other tenderers i.e. L2, L3, L4 etc. will be decided based on prices
quoted by the tenderers during Reverse Auction.
2.3 Item wise prices will be required to be furnished by the L1 tenderer after completion of RA.
The L-1 Bidder shall submit their detailed Price Break-up with all taxes and
duties, within one day of the closure of the auction as per format provided in the
auction notice/RFQ to Nextenders (033 – ) with a copy to Chief Materials
Manager, DVC Tower, 3rd floor, Kolkata-54
2.4 For local taxes / levies the paying authority i.e. Plant / Supplier will be indicated in the back
up purchase order. However the bids should include all levies / taxes / duties in the
calculation of Landed Cost.
2.5 Bidder (s) who have bid at least once (where the bidder is allowed to participate), after being
logged in shall be treated as participant (s) in the bidding event.
In the event of a L-1 bidder refusing to give breakup of price and in case order cannot be placed
without price breakup the bidder shall be suspended for a period of six months from the date of
issue of suspension order. The suspension will apply prospectively and during suspension period,
enquiry shall not be issued to the firm and bid submitted in open tender shall be rejected.
In the event of a L-1 bidder backing out prior to placement of order, the bidder shall be suspended
for a period of six months from the date of issue of suspension order. The suspension will apply
prospectively and during suspension period, enquiry shall not be issued to the firm and bid
submitted in open tender shall be rejected. EMD will be forfeited.
JULY 2016
Page 303
RFQ No : Dated:……20…
(To be submitted on Supplier’s Letter Head)
Format for Acceptance of Commercial Terms, General Terms and Conditions and
all other Terms of the RFQ
We _____________________________________________________________
(Supplier Name)
having registered office at ___________________________________________
agree to all the Commercial, General & other Terms & Conditions listed in the
RFQ No._____________________________________________
We confirm that we are in a position to supply material and complete the job as per the
specifications given in RFQ. We have also understood the Reverse Auction Process and the
Reverse Auction rules and special instructions given in the RFQ. We agree to participate in the
Reverse Auction and abide by the rules.
We nominate an executive, whose details are given below, to put the bids on our behalf.
The details of the person authorized to bid on our behalf are as follows.
Address :
JULY 2016
Page 304
RFQ No : Dated:……20…
Format for Taxes and Duties
Please use this sheet to specify the Excise duty, Sales Taxes & other duties.
3. Tariff number
5. Taxes Applicable
JULY 2016
Page 305
RFQ No : Dated:……20…
RFQ Number:_________________________Date:______________
(i) Please use this worksheet to specify basic financial/ IR/ Contact information; an
authorized person should sign the document at relevant section.
(ii) Past Industrial Relations track record, please mention if there was closure/ cessation of
work at any of your plant(s) in the last 5 years.
(iii) Use this form as Proforma/ Format. Use additional sheets to provide relevant information.
(iv) Provide all the certified relevant documents w.r.t claims made in this Form.
1 Company’s Name
2 Ownership Details
3 Manufacturer/ Distributor/ Dealer
4 Mention, if PSU/ Joint venture with PSU/ SSI
5 In case of PSU – Central PSU or state Govt. PSU
6 In case of a Joint Venture, details of % wise equity
7 SSI Unit details, if applicable
8 ISO Status
9 Whether product is ISI Marked or as per ISI
10 Contact Person & Designation
11 Phone No./ Mobile No.
12 Fax No.
13 E-mail
14 Financial details of Turnover & profit for the last
3 years
15 Major Manufacturing Capabilities
Sr. Name Installed Capacity Present level Order booking
No. &Address Capacities Utilized FY 1 FY 2 FY 3
Name & Address of your bank, Bank Account No, Type of Account, Branch Code, Name of the
branch, Income Tax Permanent Account No (PAN) & Place of Issue.
I hereby certify that all information provided above is correct to the best of my knowledge.
JULY 2016
Page 306
Ph. No.:
e-mail Id:
Type & Rate of
Applicable Taxes Total Price
Basic Total
(indicate whether (FOR-
Unit Basic Freight &
Sl. No. Description Unit Quantity P&F applicable tax is ED / Full Destination
Price Price Insurance
rate of SCT / VAT / basis)
(in Rs.) (in Rs.)
Service Tax / any other (in Rs.)
Supply of
Material As
1 [ as per Indicated
Technical in TS
Specification ]
Installation &
Commissioning As
2 [ as per Indicated
Technical in TS
Specification ]
JULY 2016
Page 307
RFQ No : Dated:……20…
Dear Sir,
2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary we agree that your decision as to whether the Contractor
has committed a breach of any terms and conditions of the contract shall be final and binding on us and
we shall not be entitled to ask you to establish your claim or claims under this Guarantee but shall pay
the same forthwith without any objection or excuse.
3. We undertake to pay to you any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised
by the Contractor(s) / supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal or
arbitration relating thereto, our liability under these presents being absolute and unequivocal.
JULY 2016
Page 308
The payment so made by us under this Guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment
4. This guarantee shall come into force from the date of issue of this guarantee and shall remain
irrevocably valid and in force initially upto ______________ unless a demand or claim under this
guarantee is made on us in writing on or before _______________ we shall be discharged from all
liability under this guarantee.
5. We _______________ Bank Ltd. further agree with you that you shall have the fullest liberty
without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the
terms and conditions of the said Bidding Document and we shall not be relieved from our liability by
reason of any such variation.
6. It shall not be necessary for the Employer to proceed against the Bidder before proceeding against the
Bank and the Guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable against the Bank, notwithstanding any
security which Employer may have obtained from the Bidder at this time when proceedings are taken
against Bank hereunder be outstanding or unrealised.
7. We _______________ Bank Ltd. further undertake to unconditionally pay the amount claimed by
the Employer merely on demand and without protest or demur to the extent aforesaid.
8. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before our liability under this guarantee is restricted upto
a sum ............. (currency and amount) and shall expire on ............. unless a claim or demand is
made on us in writing within the three months of expiry date all your rights shall be forfeited and we
shall stand relieved and discharged from our liabilities hereunder.
9. We, the said Bank lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the
previous consent of the Employer in writing and agree that any change in the constitution of the
Employer or the Bidder or the said Bank shall not discharge our liability hereunder dated ________
day of ___________ 20…. _______ for __________________________ Bank Ltd.
Yours faithfully
For ..........................................
(Name of the Bank)
JULY 2016
Page 309
Address ..............................................................................................................................
Dear Sir,
We refer to the Contract Agreement (hereinafter called the “Contract”) Reference No.
..................... Dated ............. between you and M/s. (Name of the Contractor) (hereinafter called the
“Contractor”) for the design, civil, manufacture, supply of plant & equipment, refractories and
structures, storage, insurance & handling, erection, testing, commissioning and performance guarantee
tests of . (Name of the Facilities).
Whereas the Contractor has undertaken to produce a Bank guarantee under the Contract
including any amendment thereto, to secure its obligations to you for the performance of the Contract
including the guarantees and warranty of the Facilities & the equipment supplied.
2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary we agree that your decision as to whether the
Contractor has committed a breach of any terms and conditions of the contract shall be final and
binding on us and we shall not be entitled to ask you to establish your claim or claims under this
Guarantee but shall pay the same forthwith without any objection or excuse.
3. We undertake to pay to you any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes
raised by the Contractor(s) / supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or
JULY 2016
Page 310
Tribunal or arbitration relating thereto, our liability under these presents being absolute and
The payment so made by us under this Guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment thereunder.
4. This guarantee shall continue and hold good till beyond two months from final acceptance of
material and shall be released by you on the application by the Contractor and on submission of
a letter for release of this Guarantee provided always that unless extended this Guarantee shall
remain in force till …………. Should it be necessary to extend this Guarantee beyond the said date,
we undertake to extend forthwith the period of this Guarantee on your request till such time as
may be mutually agreed by you and the Contractor.
5. This guarantee shall not in any way be affected by you taking any securities from the Contractor
or by the winding up, dissolution, insolvency or death as the case may be of the Contractor. We
shall not be entitled to proceed against the assets of the Contractor at your site
6. In order to give full effect to the Guarantee herein contained, you shall be entitled to act as if we were
your principal debtors in respect of all your claims against the Contractor, hereby guaranteed by us as
aforesaid and we hereby expressly waive all our suretyship and other rights, if any, which are in any
way inconsistent with the above or any other provisions of this Guarantee.
7. This guarantee is in addition to any other guarantee or guarantees given to you by us.
8. This guarantee shall not be discharged by any change in the constitution of the Contractor or us,
nor shall it be affected by any change in your constitution or by any amalgamation or absorption
thereof or therewith but will ensure for and be available to and effaceable by the absorbing or
amalgamated company or concern.
9. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before our liability under this guarantee is restricted
upto a sum ............. (currency and amount) and shall expire on ............. unless a claim or
demand is made on us in writing within three months of the expiry date all your rights shall be
forfeited and we shall stand relieved and discharged from our liabilities hereunder.
10. We have full power to sign this guarantee under the delegations of powers and notification made
under general regulation and resolutions in this regard.
Your faithfully
Dated ......... day of ............... 200..
For .................................................
(Name of the Bank)
JULY 2016
Page 311
I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed
or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I would not hold the DVC
responsible. I have read the option invitation letter and agree to discharge responsibility expected of
me as a participant under the scheme.
Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records.
No. 26(1)/2014-MA
Page 312
l.- Government of lndia
L mandatoryforallCentralMinistries/Deptts,/PSU$::1L-
sc/sT Entrepreneurs has also become
fr.om MsEs including 4% from MSEs owned by
ree Years since J't AP{i411
L; possible enquiries/ questions
lr- The procurement data are required for replying and also in
Comlnittee on industry
t: asked b,y Department related Farliamentary $tanding
Farliament. The data is also an irnportantinput for
monitoring the Policy'
It is therefor€, requested that requisite infor'mation
in respect of your Ministry in
kindty be made available to this
f.- the enclosed prescribed p?oforma (Annexure'A) may
ofiice at an earlY date-
h.. wl/ieh may be useful in implementing the policy and enhancing
The stePe
t- procurernent from MSEs are given at Annexure-B'
E. ltitalsorequestedtokincjlyclesignateanofficerasNodalof{icerfordirectand
poii*y, antl details of ttre same may be provided'
t- speedy monitoring the progress of ihe
be instructeri for strict
t: CPSUs under control of your Ministry may kindly
E Encl:
email: Llme$h.@d$trrsrne'.Eav"io
L To the Secretaries
(All Ministries/DePartments)
Page 313
P6-ppseo Target €
foiat annual €
pio"uil*.nt (in value)
5i[fvffiof soods
,io-.utui""t Procured
from MSEs (inctu!t1o,
MSEs owned bY
ST entrePreneurs)
T6EiGiG-of soods rd
,io-services Procured ^i3
il;;U MsEs owned i€
7.age oieroclrement €
from MBE (inctuotng . -,= g
ilnliu o*nLa bY sc /
iiEntt*Preneurs) out *E
of total Procuremem f€
"/o aOe,of
pfooufemerI r=
ii"fi"^it'usEs *=
entrePren*urs out *=
total Procurernent --E=
il;;;;n*ts ror MSEs G
ra6e-314 ]ol
be given importance in enhancing
some of the steps as under.may
from MSEs:-
invited bY Procurement agencY'
meetings for MSE Vendois' ',
, entrepreneurs
Page 315