An Exclusive Project Report On United Nations Organization

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An exclusive project report on United Nations

Organization (UNO). This report will help you to learn

about:- 1. Origin of UNO 2. Objects and Principles of UNO
3. Membership 4. Organs 5. Works and Achievements 6.
1. Project Report on the Origin of UNO
2. Project Report on the Objects and Principles of UNO
3. Project Report on the Membership of UNO
4. Project Report on the Organs of UNO
5. Project Report on the Works and Achievements of UNO
6. Project Report on the Shortcomings of UNO

Project Report # 1. Origin of the United Nations

Organisation (UNO):
It was the Atlantic Charter of 1941 which guaranteed the principle of
equality of states and their freedom to choose any form of
government that can be considered the origin of the UNO.

In 1942 the representatives of twenty-six countries put their

signatures to the United Nations Declaration drawn on the lines of
Atlantic Charter.


The United Nations Charter was drawn up by the representatives of

fifty countries at san Francisco in June 1945 on the basis of the
proposals worked out by England, the USA, Russia and China at
Dumbarton Oaks in 1944. The UNO was formally brought into
existence on 24 October 1945.
Project Report # 2. Objects and Principles of the
The UNO aims at four objectives.

These are:
(i) to maintain peace and security all over the world;


(ii) to develop friendly relations among the nations of the world;

(iii) to promote the social and economic progress of the world;

(iv) to offer a common centre for mobilisation of world opinion and


The UNO is based on the following seven principles:


1. It is based on the sovereign equality of all its members;

2. All member states are required to have good faith in discharging

the obligations enjoined on them;

3. All disputes of the world are to be settled peacefully;

4. All member states will eschew violence or force in settling

international problems;


5. No non-member state will be allowed to be a danger or threat to

international peace and security;
6. The UNO will not interfere in the domestic affair of any state and

7. All member-states will be under an obligation to assist the UNO

in any action taken by it according to its.

The UNO came to replace the League of Nations, which fell through
with the outbreak of the Second World War. It was set up to
maintain world peace and punish the aggressor and promote
economic, social and cultural cooperation among the states through
the specific machinery and for the settlement of international
disputes. It was destined to be an improvement over the League of


So, Dr S. Radhkrishnan rightly said:

“After the First World War we set up the League of Nations, but it
failed on account of our nationalist obsessions. After the Second
World War we set up the United Nations Organisation with the
objective of maintaining peace by removing the causes of
international tension and creating an internal order based on justice
and tolerance.”

Project Report # 3. Membership of the UNO:

The UNO’s membership is thrown open to all countries which
believe in peace in the world and accept the principles ingrained in
the Charter of the UNO. It is for the UNO to certify that such willing
countries are sincere in carrying out the obligations. There are two
kinds of members.
Those states which signed the on 26 June 1946 are called the
original members. Other members who are desirous of entering the
club can become members by a resolution adopted by the General
Assembly and on the recommendations of the Security Council.

It is the Security Council that can recommend for the suspension or

removal of a state; and the General Assembly can carry it out by a
resolution. The Security Council can restore a suspended or an
expelled member. At present there are 159 members in the UNO.

Project Report # 4. Organs of the United Nations

Organisation (UNO):
The UNO has six organs, namely (i) The general assembly; (ii) The
security council; (iii) The economic and social council; (iv) The
trusteeship council; (v) The international court of justice and (vi)
The secretariat.

1. The General Assembly:

All member states of the UNO are members of the General
Assembly. It meets once a year.

There is also a provision for a special session of the Assembly if

circumstances so require. It discusses, reviews, supervises and
criticises the works of the UNO as a whole.

It recommends measures for the observance of the international

peace and security.

It looks after the economic and social cooperation in the globe and
adopts international conventions. It studies and recommends
progressive international law. It admits new members and expels
the erring ones. It appoints a number of members in various organs
of the UNO.
2. The Security Council:
The Security Council is more dominant than the General Assembly
since this is the executive organ of the UNO. Its sessions are more
frequent than those of the Assembly. It has five permanent
members, namely England, France, the USA, the former USSR and


The non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly

for a term of two years by a system of rotation. Each member has
one vote. Every permanent member of the Council has the power of

The Security Council has wide powers. It can recommend the

admission of any member in the UNO. It can recommend expulsion
or suspension of any member. It elects in consonance with the
General Assembly the judges in the International Court of Justice
and on its recommendation the General Assembly appoints the

For the regulation of armaments it seconds its reports to the

General Assembly. It supervises the Trust Territories. Whenever
there is a spark that may set the earth on blaze, the Council
immediately holds discussion to extinguish the fire. It calls upon the
warring parties to settle the dispute through negotiations.

3. The Economic and Social Council:


This organ has eighteen members elected by the General Assembly.

One-third of the members retire after every three years. All
decisions of the Council are taken by majority votes of the members
present and voting.

It endeavours to promote:
(i) Higher standards of living, full employment and conditions of
economic and social progress and development;

(ii) International, cultural and educational cooperation;

(iii) Solution of international economic, social, health and related


(iv) Universal respect for and observance of human rights,

fundamental freedom, etc.

4. The Trusteeship Council:

It is an organ to deal with the territories held in trust by the UNO
and is an improvement over the mandate system of the League of
Nations. The Council has three types of members, namely the
countries that administer the Trust Territories, the permanent
members of the Security Council and some other members elected
by the General Assembly for a period of three years. It looks after
the matters relating to the trust territories.

The Council has a supervising control over the administration by

the administering states. It is entrusted with the duty to promote
the welfare and advancement of the dependent people and their
progressive development towards self-government.

It has to ensure their just treatment and protection against any

abuse or maladministration. It studies the reports submitted by the
administering states on the economic, social and educational
conditions in the trust territories and then sends recommendations
to the General Assembly.

5. The International Court of Justice:

This organ is a successor to the Permanent Court of International
Justice under the League of Nations. Like the League’s Court, this
court also sits permanently at the Hague in Holland. It consists of
fifteen judges elected by the General Assembly and the Security
Council separately.

Its function is to settle legally the disputes referred to it by the

General Assembly or the Security Council. The judges are those who
are eminent Jurists in their own countries. So they represent
different legal systems of the world. The decisions of the court are
enforced by the Security Council.

6. The Secretariat:
The Secretariat is the administrative department of the UNO. There
the most important person is the Secretary-General who is the
mouthpiece of the UNO. He is elected for a term of five years. He
maintains liasion between different agencies of the UNO. He
prepares the agenda of the General Assembly and the Security

He has to send an annual report to the General Assembly. Below the

Secretary-General there are wide-ranging staff. The seat of the
Secretariat is in New York. The member states are required to
contribute towards the maintenance of the Secretariat.

Project Report # 5. Works and Achievements of the

In diffusing the international tension and in the maintenance of the
peace and security of the world, the UNO did some marvellous jobs.
In the first place, the UNO promptly came to diffuse the tension
that mounted between Indonesia and the Netherlands. It is through
the mediation of the UNO that Indonesia could attain her
independence from the Netherlands. Thus the Republic of
Indonesia came as a new nation in the map of the world. This was
no mean achievement for the UNO.

In the second place, a war-like situation prevailed in Iran, Syria and

Lebanon, because foreign troops had taken control of these
countries and the self-government of these nations were
jeopardized. The situation was saved, by the timely intervention of
the UNO, which secured the independence of these states. This was
another glorious record of the UNO.

In the third place, the performance of the UNO in Palestine in 1948

was definitely commendable. It set up a Truce Commission in April
1948 and this Commission intervened when the war broke out.
Finally, in 1949 an agreement for armistice was reached through the
mediation of the Commission. Moreover, the United Nations Relief
and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees did a lot of good service in
the Middle East.

In the fourth place, the UNO played a vigorous role in the civil war
in Greece which was engineered by the foreign powers in that
country. The UNO’s efforts were crowned with success by removing
the foreign dangers from Greece and resolving the civil war there.
The same efforts succeeded in freeing Morocco and Tunisia from
the domination of France.
In the fifth place, when the Indo-Pak crisis reached the point of war
over the Pakistani raids in Kashmir in October 1947, the UNO
intervened and ordered for a ceasefire and did a very useful job. The
same good zeal was exhibited by it when Pakistan attacked India in
1965 and 1971. In all the three occasions the UNO came as the
impartial umpire to restore peace over Kashmir. It did what could
be the best under the circumstances.

In the sixth place, the UNO did a formidable task in tackling the
Korean War which began in 1950. North Korea, that had attacked
South Korea, was pulled out by the UNO army under the command
of General Douglas MacArthur. The ceasefire was followed by
permanent peace in the region.

In the seventh place, it was a testing time for the UNO when Israel
invaded the United Arab Republic in 1956 to be followed by an
Anglo-French aggression on the Suez Canal. The war cloud began to
lurk when the USSR, in protest against the Anglo-French
aggression, threatened to join the issue. It is through the tireless
mediation of the UNO that a real war was averted and the
aggressors had to vacate the Suez Canal.

The Arab-Israel conflict again came to the surface in 1967 and 1973
and in these two occasions also the UNO did not allow the friction
to get into a conflagration.

In the eighth place, the UNO played a useful role in condemning the
Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia and the American tutelage over
Vietnam. It has also adopted numerous resolutions condemning the
vexed apartheid issue in South Africa.
On 2 August 1990 Iraq forcibly occupied Kuwait. By a series of
resolutions passed in August 1990, the UNO Security Council called
upon the member states to impose economic sanctions against Iraq
and on 30 November 1990 the Security Council sent ultimatum to
Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait by 15 January 1991. When Iraq
ignored the ultimatum, on 16 January 1991 the USA and England on
behalf of the UNO bombarded Iraq. Finally, Iraq saw reason and
decided to pull out from Kuwait in April 1992.

When Libya refused to hand over two Libyans suspected of blowing

up an American airliner in Scotland in 1988, the UNO in April 1992
imposed economic sanctions against Libya and brought pressure on
her to hand over the two air-blowers.

Lastly, the UNO perhaps has been playing a greater role in the
upliftment of the social, economic and educational standard of the
world through its specialised agencies like the UNESCO, WHO,
ILO, IMF, etc. to make the world safe for prosperity. This is
something unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Unlike the League of Nations which failed to prevent a world war,

the UNO has succeeded in keeping the world distant from another
world war. This is the biggest achievement of the UNO. Although
the UNO might not be successful to satisfy all countries of the world
in obtaining collective security of the world, it is still doing a lot of
good things for mankind.

The UNO is the last hope of the existing world since it provides a
forum, at which all the nations of the world can assemble and iron
out their differences. Had there been no UNO, the world would have
been politically, economically and intellectually poorer today. It is
the best thing that the world can have under the circumstances.

It is the ultimate pole-star of mankind to guide through the troubled

waters of international politics. It is for the benefit of mankind to
hope that the UNO will go from strength to strength in the days
ahead of the twentieth century.

Project Report # 6. Shortcomings of the UNO:

The UNO is handicapped by some inherent shortcomings. Its
improvement over the League of Nations is more technical than
real. First, the UNO believes in the theory of sovereign equality of
all states, big or small.

This being the case, a vast country like India is equated with
Grenada which is a tiny state with very negligible population. This
over-simplification of the concept of equality is not always
justifiable or acceptable. An elephant and an ant cannot have the
same position or status.

Secondly, the UNO instead of being a forum for international peace

and security has been degenerated into an international debating
club. There the members talk more than work. The resolutions and
recommendations of the different bodies of the UNO are more
academic than practical.

Thirdly, the veto power given to the big five permanent members is
a serious snag in the mechanism of the UNO. All effective steps
towards the preservation of world peace can be brought to a naught
by a single negative dose of the veto. If one of the big powers is an
aggressor or supporter of such aggression, no good will come out
from the deliberations of the Security Council. The result will be a
deadlock or stalemate in the functioning of the world body.

Fourthly, the UNO is not a universal body but an instrument of two

principal blocs of power, namely the American bloc and the
Communist bloc. The peace of the world is secondary, the power
games between these two camps are of pre-eminent position. It is,
therefore, small wonder that the interest of the Asian and African
countries or the developing world take a back seat in the world
organisation. These countries are compelled to swallow the bitter
pill because their protests are not heard of. They have to accept the
measures of the UNO against their own will and have to very often
sacrifice their principles.

Fifthly, the UNO has made a departure from its avowed task of
peaceful settlement of all disputes with its own force where
necessary. With the onset of the cold war it has become rather a
collective military instrument for use against the aggressor nation.

The result is that it has deviated from its role of mediation and
peaceful settlement and has taken to the method of collective
security. This too has not been adhered to all along. The collective
security was the anxiety of the UNO in Korea, but it was not applied
in Guatemala. So the UNO is very often devoid of any principle of its

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