Experiment 3 Thyristor Speed Controllers With Regulation

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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.

EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation

Experiment No. 3
Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation


1. You will be introduced to thyristor speed controllers operating in the closed-loop mode of
2. You will learn how the closed-loop mode of control regulates the motor speed by
detecting the armature voltage and current;
3. You will learn how to control the acceleration of the DC motor; and
4. You will also learn how to limit the current and the torque of the DC motor.


You have noticed in the previous experiment that although the open-loop control of the DC
motor offered a wide speed range, it had poor speed stability with varying loads. The non-
feedback speed controller consisted of a fixed field supply and a manually adjustable armature
power supply. Speed regulation was not improved by the controller, when the load changed.
However, you saw that by maintaining the armature voltage of the motor constant, it is possible
to obtain a motor speed fairly constant even when the load varies.

In this experiment, you will observe the effects of feedback on motor speed stability. You will
learn how feedback, or closed-loop, control systems automatically maintain the armature
voltage constant when the current increases.

All feedback systems, where a quantity such as speed, torque, or temperature, is to be kept at a
predetermined value, must have a reference level against which the quantity can be compared.
Using Figure 3.1 as guide, the voltage reference level on the Thyristor Speed Controller, is set
using the VOLTAGE RFERENCE potentiometer. It determines the armature voltage which calls
for a specific motor speed. The lower limit of the voltage reference can be set using the
VOLTAGE MINIMUM potentiometer.

The voltage reference signal is sent to an integrator when the time taken by the control signal to
be fully applied to the motor can be set using the REFERENCE INTEGRATOR potentiometer.
This allows smooth acceleration and deceleration of the motor. The acceleration time of the
Thyristor Speed Controller can be set between 0.5 second and 8 seconds, and the deceleration
time can be set between 0.06 and 0.8 second. The voltage reference is then sent to the ERROR
DETECTOR to be compared with the feedback signals.

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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation

Figure 3.1

In the closed-loop mode of control, the Thyristor Speed Controller senses the armature voltage
(voltage feedback) and armature current (current feedback). The controller uses these feedback
signals to regulate the motor speed when the load varies.

The voltage feedback signal is sent to the ERROR DETECTOR to be compared with the voltage
reference. The difference, or error signal, between the voltage feedback and the voltage
reference can then be used to ‘tell’ the FIRING CIRCUIT whether it should increase the
armature voltage, or reduce it. Before it is sent to the ERROR DETECTOR, the voltage

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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation

feedback amplitude is set using the VOLTAGE FEEDBACK potentiometer. The voltage
feedback amplifier allows the use of motors having different supply voltages by matching the
voltage feedback and the voltage reference. Setting the upper limit of the armature voltage by
controlling the gain of this amplifier is also possible.

The current feedback signal is sent to the CURRENT FEEDBACK potentiometer and to the
COMPARATOR. The CURRENT FEEDBACK potentiometer allows the setting of the IR
(armature voltage drop) compensation. The current feedback is then sent to the ERROR
DETECTOR as a voltage corresponding to the armature current multiplied by the armature

The COMPARATOR compares the current feedback to a current limit set by the user with the
CURRENT LIMIT potentiometer. The purpose of the current limiter and COMPARATOR is to set
an armature current limit to prevent damage to the motor and the control circuitry, and to limit
the torque developed by the motor to prevent damage to the component driven by the motor.

The output signals of the COMPARATOR and ERROR DETECTOR are sent to the ERROR
INTEGRATOR before they are sent to the FIRING CIRCUIT.


1 unit 8110: Mobile Workstation

1 unit 9017: Thyristor Speed Controller

1 unit 8211: DC Motor/Generator

1 unit 8911: Electrodynamometer Module (used as load for the DC motor)

1 unit Hand digital tachometer

1 unit 8412: DC Voltmeter/Ammeter

1 unit 8942: Timing Belt

1 unit 8821: Power Supply

25 pcs Connection Leads

1 unit Electronic VOM


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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation


High voltage is present in this experiment!

Do not make any connections with the power on!
Make sure that the set is unplugged and the main switch of the
Power Supply is in the 0 position and its variable supply knob is set

Connecting Wires
1. Check each wire for continuity

DC Motor/Generator Module
2. Perform continuity test for the Armature circuit (terminal pair 1-2) of the DC Generator
3. Perform continuity test for the Shunt circuit (terminal pair 5-6) of the DC Generator
4. Open the fibreglass panel. Press once the black reset/fuse button located at the lower
right portion to ensure that the fuse is not tripped.
5. Check smooth rotation of roller bearing assembly mounted at the right side of the
module. Close the fibreglass panel.

Analog Meter Modules (DC Voltmeter/Ammeter)

6. Set all meter needles to zero. Carefully adjust the plastic screw on the front panel below
the meter view screen for each meter instrument using a screw driver if necessary.

Electrodynamometer Module
7. Open the fiberglass cover and check brush and its good contact against the rheostat
8. Check smooth rotation of roller bearing assembly mounted at the right side of the
9. Check if the pulley aligns with the pulley of the DC Motor/Generator Module by putting
the belt and rotating the shaft clockwise and counter clockwise. The belt should not
become loose. If it does, try to interchange the positions of the machines and repeat this
10. Remove the belt and close the fiberglass panel.

Power Supply Module

11. Set the control knob to zero (minimum)
12. Plug and turn on the Power Supply module. Observe uniformity of all three pilot lamps. If
not, inform the instructor.
13. Set meter selector switch to 4-N. Rotate control knob to 100 (maximum) and observe the
meter if it will indicate a value of 120V AC thereabouts. Repeat for 5-N and 6-N. If you
cannot attain the 120V ac, inform the instructor.
14. Return the control knob to zero (minimum)
15. Turn off the Power Supply Module and unplug the station.


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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation


High voltages are present in this Experiment. Do not make any connections with the
power on. The power should be turned off after completing the measurements.

1. Install the DC Motor, DC Voltmeter/Ammeter, Power Supply, Electrodynamometer, and

Thyristor Speed Controller modules in the EMS Workstation. Connect the circuit shown in
Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2

Maximum Speed Setting

2. On the dynamometer, set the control knob at its full counterclockwise position for minimum

3. Set the Thyristor Speed Controller controls as follows:


VOLTAGE MINIMUM potentiometer: MAX.
RUN selector switch: I
CLOSED LOOP selector: I
CURRENT FEEDBACK potentiometer: MIN.
CURRENT LIMIT potentiometer: MAX.

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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation

4. Plug in the Power Supply Module and turn it on. Set the meter selector switch to 4-N and
rotate the voltage control knob to make the voltage reading across 4-N equal to 120 V AC.

5. On the Thyristor Speed Controller, set the VOLTAGE FEEDBACK potentiometer to obtain a
motor speed of 1100 rpm.

Minimum Speed Setting

6. On the Thyristor Speed Controller Module, set the VOLTAGE REFERENCE potentiometer
at MIN.

7. Rotate slowly the VOLTAGE MINIMUM potentiometer counterclockwise until the motor
Note: The lower speed limit is now set at 0 rpm.

8. Vary the VOLTAGE REFERENCE from MIN. TO MAX. Measure the motor speed at each of
these positions.

Minimum motor speed: ____0____ rpm (1 point)

Maximum motor speed: ____1130____ rpm (1 point)

Note: It may be necessary to adjust the maximum speed setting using The VOLTAGE
FEEDBACK potentiometer once the minimum speed setting is completed.

Motor Speed versus Load in Closed Loop, without IR Compensation

9. On the Thyristor Speed Controller, set the VOLTAGE REFERENCE potentiometer to obtain
a motor speed of 1000 rpm for a 120 V AC input to the Thyristor Speed Controller.

10. Record the armature voltage EA, armature current IA, field current IF, and motor speed in the
Without IR COMP. columns of Table 3.1 for each torque load setting indicated therein. (8

11. Use your data to plot the graph of the motor speed as a function of load without IR
compensation. (5 points)

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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation

Load Armature Voltage, Armature Current, Field Current, If Motor Speed, N

Torque, EA (Volts) IA (Ampere) (milliampere) (rpm)
TL Without With IR Without With IR Without With IR Without With IR
0 85 75 1.1 1 380 330 1026 971
1 85 75 1.2 1.1 360 330 1012 967
2 85 75 1.35 1.3 360 330 1000 960
3 85 75 1.45 1.35 360 330 990 953
4 85 75 1.6 1.5 360 330 990 943
5 85 80 1.7 1.65 360 320 976 940
6 85 80 1.85 1.8 360 320 960 933
7 85 80 2 1.95 360 320 649 925
8 85 80 2.15 2.1 360 320 934 920
9 85 80 2.3 2.3 360 320 920 915
10 85 80 2.5 2.5 360 320 900 910

Table 3.1

940 w/o IR comp
920 w/ IR comp
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 00 0


0 10

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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation

12. Compare the motor speed versus load curves plotted in Experiment 2. Do the curves
confirm that the closed loop control mode helps in maintaining the motor speed constant as
the load varies? ____YES____ (1 point)

Motor Speed versus Load in Closed Loop, with IR Compensation

IR Compensation Setting

13. On the Thyristor Speed Controller, set the CURRENT FEEDBACK potentiometer to obtain a
motor speed of 1000 rpm.

14. Set the dynamometer control knob at its full counter clockwise position for minimum loading.

15. a. If the motor speed with and without load is different, readjust the current feedback level
using the CURRENT FEEDBACK potentiometer to obtain the same speed “with and without”
Note: The IR compensation is now set to compensate for the
voltage loss caused by the armature resistance.

b. Once the current feedback level is correctly set, adjust the VOLTAGE REFERENCE
potentiometer to obtain a motor speed of 1000 rpm.

Motor Speed versus Load Characteristics

16. For each torque load setting listed in Table 3.1, measure and record the armature voltage
EA, armature current IA, field current IF, and motor speed in the With IR COMP. columns of
Table 3.1.

17. Plot the graph of the motor speed as a function of torque load with IR compensation in same
plot used for the Without IR COMP.

18. Compare the speed versus load curves plotted with and without IR compensation. Do the
curves confirm that the IR compensation does not affect the speed regulation of the motor?
____YES___ (1 point)

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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation


19. Set the dynamometer control knob at its full counterclockwise position for minimum loading.

20. On the Thyristor Speed Controller, set the VOLTAGE REFERENCE potentiometer at MAX.,
and position the RUN selector switch at O.

Ensure that the REFERENCE INTEGRATOR potentiometer is at MIN.

Position the RUN selector switch at I while observing the time the DC motor takes to run at
maximum speed.

Note: The breaker on the Power Supply and/or the Thyristor Speed
Controller may trip when performing this manipulation. If this happens,
turn off the Power Supply, reset the breaker(s). Turn the REFERENCE
INTEGRATOR potentiometer clockwise to 1/8 of a turn. Turn on the
Power Supply and continue the manipulation.

21. Does the DC motor start to run and attain maximum speed very rapidly? _YES__ (1 point)

22. Repeat your observation when the REFERENCE INTEGRATOR potentiometer is set at
MAX. To do so, position the RUN selector switch at O and set the REFERENCE
INTEGRATOR potentiometer to MAX.

Position the RUN selector switch at I while observing the time the DC motor takes to run at
maximum speed.

23. Is the acceleration of the motor smooth? ___ YES___ (1 point)

24. Do your observations confirm that the REFERNCE INTEGRATOR potentiometer allows the
control of motor acceleration? __YES____ (1 point)

Current Limit

25. Set the Thyristor Speed Controller as follows:

RUN selector switch: I

CURRENT LIMIT potentiometer: MIN.

26. Set the VOLTAGE REFERENCE potentiometer to obtain a motor speed of 1000 rpm.

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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation

27. Measure and record the armature voltage EA, armature current IA, field current IF, and motor
speed in Table 3.2. (8 points)

After each load setting, wait 10 seconds then record your data.

Load Torque, Armature Armature Current, IA Field Current, If Motor Speed, N

TL (lbf-in) Voltage, EA (Ampere) (milliampere) (rpm)
0 75 1 320 971
1 75 1.1 320 963
2 75 1.2 320 951
3 75 1.35 320 935
4 75 1.5 320 922
5 75 1.6 320 904
6 75 1.8 320 902
7 75 1.9 320 876
8 75 2.05 320 859
9 75 2.2 320 841
10 75 2.3 320 777

Table 3.2

28. Where you able to increase the load up to10 lbf-in? __YES___ (1 point)

29. Does this confirm that the torque developed by the DC motor can be limited using the
current limiter function of the Thyristor Speed Controller? ___YES___ (1 point)


1. What is the purpose of the VOLTAGE REFERENCE potentiometer on the Thryristor Speed
Controller? (3 points)

It sets the maximum speed.

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Instrumenation and Measurement Laboratory Experiment No.3
EGYINSTRUL Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation

2. What is the purpose of the REFERENCE INTEGRATOR of the Thyristor Speed Controller?
(3 points)

Reference integrator controls the acceleration of the motor through delay.

3. What is the purpose of the CURRENT LIMIT potentiometer on the Thyristor Speed
Controller? (3 points)

To limit the current flowing to the motor.

4. What relationship does the armature current has with the motor developed torque? (1 point)

The armature current has directly proportional relationship w/ the torque developed.


1. Compare the armature voltage and speed values with those obtained in the open-loop
mode of control when you maintained the armature voltage constant manually in
Experiment 2. What can you conclude from your comparison? (6 points)

- The closed loop mode control is more stable than open loop.

2. Compare the speed regulation with and without IR Compensation. (6 points)

- The speed regulation for w/ IR compensation is smaller in value than w/o IR


3. How is acceleration time controlled in the Thyristor Speed Controller? (6 points)

- The acceleration time is controlled through the reference integrator.

4. Why would the power supply potentially trip when the REFERENCE INTEGRATOR
potentiometer is set to MINIMUM? (6 points)

- Instant flow of current trips the controller when reference integrator is set to

5. How is maximum torque limited by the Thyristor Speed Controller? (6 points)

- Maximum torque is limited through the current limit potentiometer.

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