Physical Therapy For Patients With Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Supervised, Active Treatment Is Current Best Practice
Physical Therapy For Patients With Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Supervised, Active Treatment Is Current Best Practice
Physical Therapy For Patients With Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Supervised, Active Treatment Is Current Best Practice
Research Unit for Musculoskeletal ABSTRACT fect a person’s joint health (5, 6). This
Function and Physiotherapy, Department Most patients with knee and hip osteo- viewpoint highlights the key role of
of Sports Science and Clinical arthritis (OA) should be treated in pri- active, non-surgical treatments in the
Biomechanics, University of Southern
mary care by non-surgical treatments. management of OA.
Denmark, Odense, Denmark;
Department of Physiotherapy and Building on substantial evidence from In many, but not all, health care sys-
Occupational Therapy, Næstved-Slagelse- randomised trials, exercise therapy tems, exercise therapy is typically de-
Ringsted Hospitals, Region Zealand, and education, typically delivered by livered by physical therapists. In this
Slagelse, Denmark. physical therapists, are core first line article, we focus on knee and hip OA,
Søren T. Skou, PT, PhD treatments universally recommended in as evidence concerning treatment of
Ewa M. Roos, PT, PhD treatment guidelines for OA alongside OA in other peripheral joints remains
Please address correspondence weight loss, if needed. Exercise therapy limited. It is likely that the physical
and reprint requests to: provides at least as effective pain relief therapy treatment paradigm for OA in
Dr Søren Thorgaard Skou, as pharmacological pain medications, those joints will shift as new evidence
Research Unit for Musculoskeletal without serious adverse effects; fur- emerges. We use the phrase “knee and
Function and Physiotherapy,
Department of Sports Science
thermore, the treatment effect from ex- hip OA” throughout this manuscript to
and Clinical Biomechanics, ercise therapy is similar, irrespective of refer to patients suffering from OA of
University of Southern Denmark, baseline pain intensity and radiograph- the knee, of the hip, or of both the knee
55 Campusvej, ic OA severity. Exercise therapy should and hip.
DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark. be individualised to the preferences and
E-mail: [email protected] needs of the individual patient, but at Physical therapy as treatment
Received and accepted on September 6, least 12 supervised sessions, 2 sessions of knee and hip OA
2019. per week, are required initially to ob- Exercise, patient education and weight
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2019; 37 (Suppl. 120): tain sufficient clinical benefit. Struc- loss [at a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25
S112-S117. tured patient education concerning OA or higher] comprise first-line treatment
© Copyright Clinical and and its treatment options, including recommended in treatment guidelines
Experimental Rheumatology 2019. self-management, is important to retain for knee and hip OA. If patient educa-
motivation and adherence to an exer- tion and exercise therapy are unsuc-
Key words: osteoarthritis, knee, hip, cise programme and thereby maintain cessful to improve pain and function,
physical therapy, exercise the effects over the long-term. If treat- the physical therapist may offer sup-
ment effects from exercise therapy and plementary treatments such as knee
patient education are insufficient, the orthoses and manual treatment (7-10).
physical therapist can deliver supple- Also, a supplementary pain-relieving
mentary interventions that include knee treatment such as acupuncture some-
orthoses and manual treatment. times is included initially as an addi-
tional alternative to oral pharmacologi-
Introduction cal pain relievers, to facilitate starting
Joint pain and functional disability are an exercise programme, although evi-
cardinal symptoms of knee and hip dence remains inconclusive concern-
osteoarthritis (OA) (1, 2). It is often ing its effectiveness (Fig. 1) (11, 12).
implied that these symptoms are due Weight loss is rarely offered by the
to structural damage, which must be physical therapist and therefore will
Funding: S.T. Skou is currently funded ‘fixed’ and not treated with non-sur- not be described in detail in this arti-
by a grant from the European Research gical approaches (3, 4). By contrast, cle. However, it should be noted that
Council (ERC) under the European
contemporary evidence demonstrates even modest weight loss of 5% appears
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme (grant agreement that OA is a ‘whole person condition’ in to have a significant impact on symp-
no. 801790). The funders did not have any which different biopsychosocial factors toms (13); therefore, weight loss is an
role in this study other than to provide that modulate inflammatory processes important part of the treatment plan
funding. as well as behavioural responses which for overweight, and especially obese
Competing interests: see page 115. trigger pain and disability interact to af- patients.
A study performed in hip OA patients treatments are described in more de- effect of acupuncture compared with
found that the combination of exercise tail below. In agreement with clinical placebo acupuncture on knee OA symp-
therapy and patient education could guidelines, supplementary treatments toms (12), while the additional effects
reduce total hip replacement by 44% should never be offered as a stand- from acupuncture beyond exercise are
as compared to those patients who re- alone treatments, but always combined questionable (12). There remains insuf-
ceived patient education alone (51). with exercise therapy, patient education ficient evidence to conclude whether or
Based on the presented evidence, exer- and weight loss (if relevant). not acupuncture is an effective treat-
cise combined with other non-surgical Manual treatment in the form of joint ment for OA.
treatments is effective and can postpone mobilisation and manipulation appears Other passive treatment approaches
surgery for a large number of OA pa- to provide moderate benefit for pain such as massage, neuromuscular elec-
tients. If a patient ultimately decides to and function in knee OA patients (7), trical stimulation, transcutaneous
request a total knee or hip replacement, and can be considered in the treatment electrical nerve stimulation (TENS),
having participated in a preceding exer- of hip OA based on previous studies ultrasound and laser cannot be recom-
cise programme will help lead to faster (8, 9). However, the quality of existing mended as part of the treatment plan,
postoperative recovery (52). studies on knee and hip OA is poor, and based on the absence of high-quality
the added effect of manual treatment in supportive evidence (25, 47, 57).
Patient education addition to exercise therapy is uncertain
The effect measured immediately af- (56, 57), Therefore, firm conclusions Acknowledgement
ter a supervised exercise programme concerning this type of treatment re- The authors would like to thank Mette
is favorable, but diminishes over time main a subject for further clinical re- Dideriksen, MSc, for her support pre-
(14, 15), most likely explained by low search. paring the manuscript.
adherence to the exercise regime and Unloader braces for knee OA that shift
lifestyle changes (16, 53). Patient edu- load from the medial compartment ap- Competing interests
cation alone may have only a small pear to result in small-to-moderate E.M. Roos is deputy editor of Osteoarthri-
effect on pain and function (25); how- improvements in pain and function tis and Cartilage, the developer of the Knee
ever, patient education that is combined in patients with medial knee OA (10). injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score
with follow-up sessions after the com- However, the effect size was small (KOOS) and several other freely available
pletion of the programme (54), may compared to a control group that used patient-reported outcome measures, and co-
be key to increasing self-efficacy and a neutral knee brace, neoprene knee founder of Good Life with Osteoarthritis in
Denmark (GLA:D®), a not-for profit initia-
retaining motivation and adherence to sleeve, or shoe insert (10). Importantly,
tive hosted at University of Southern Den-
an exercise programme and thus main- compliance ranged from 45% to 100%,
mark aimed at implementing clinical guide-
taining benefit in OA patients (16, 55). and up to 25% of patients reported lines for osteoarthritis in clinical practice.
Patient education should include infor- complications with brace use, includ- S.T. Skou is associate editor of the Journal
mation about causes, risk factors and ing poor fit, swelling and skin irrita- of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy,
disease mechanisms, the importance tion (10), highlighting the importance has received grants from The Lundbeck
of physical activity and consequences of individual adaptation of the fit of the Foundation, personal fees from Munks-
of inactivity, effective and ineffective brace if needed and supervision of us- gaard, all of which are outside the submit-
treatments and coping strategies and a age, in order to optimise the potential ted work. He is co-founder of GLA:D®.
self-help guide to help patients success- for clinical effects. The authors affirm that they have no finan-
fully manage their disease (16). This Another study has investigated the effi- cial affiliation (including research funding)
information will support the patient in cacy of lateral wedge insoles as a treat- or involvement with any commercial or-
understanding how to manage pain and ment for pain in medial knee OA and ganisation that has a direct financial interest
exercise-induced pain flares and moti- found no significant effect compared in any matter included in this manuscript,
except as disclosed in an attachment and
vate him or her to life-long exercise and with a neutral insole (58), probably be-
cited in the manuscript.
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