Quenched and Tempered Vacuum-Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings For Pressure Vessels
Quenched and Tempered Vacuum-Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings For Pressure Vessels
Quenched and Tempered Vacuum-Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings For Pressure Vessels
A 508/A 508M – 05b
locates the areas of significant loading in the forging (when 4.2 Heat Treatment:
required), the method of selecting test locations (see 6.1.5 and 4.2.1 Preliminary Heat Treatment—After forging and be-
6.1.6), and purchase options (see 4.2.2, 6.2, and 10.1) and any fore reheating, the forgings shall be cooled to provide substan-
supplementary requirements desired. tially complete transformation of austenite. Preliminary heat
3.2 Forging Drawing—Each forging shall be manufactured treatment may be applied to improve machinability and to
in accordance with a purchaser-approved drawing showing the enhance subsequent heat treatments.
prequenched dimensions, the finished dimensions, the surfaces 4.2.2 Heat Treatment for Mechanical Properties—The forg-
that will be subjected to significant loading, and the locations ings shall be heated to a temperature which produces an
of mechanical test specimens. austenitic structure and then quenched in a suitable liquid
3.3 Material supplied to this specification shall conform to medium by spraying or immersion. For Grade 4N, Classes 1
the requirements of Specification A 788/A 788M, which out- and 3, the austenitizing temperature shall be 1540°F [840°C]
lines additional ordering information, manufacturing require- min to 1640°F [895°C] max. Quenching shall be followed by
ments, testing and retesting methods and procedures, marking, tempering at a subcritical temperature and holding at this
certification, product analysis variations, and additional supple- temperature for a minimum time of one-half hour per inch of
mentary requirements. maximum section thickness. Except when Supplementary Re-
3.3.1 When specified by the purchaser, it is permissible to quirement S 13 is specified for Grades 2 and 3, the minimum
perform Magnetic particle examination using the AC yoke in tempering temperatures shall be as follows:
accordance with Test Method A 966/A 966M instead of using Grades 1, 1A, 2 Class 2, and 3 Class 2 1150°F [620°C]
Test Method A 275/A 275M (see 8.2.1). Grades 2 Class 1 and 3 Class 1 1200°F [650°C]
Grades 4N Classes 1 and 2, and 5 1100°F [595°C]
3.4 The optional minimum silicon content as expressed in Classes 1 and 2
Footnote B to Table 1, if required. Grade 4N Class 3 1125°F [605°C]
3.5 If the requirements of this specification are in conflict Grades 3V and 3VCb 1250°F [675°C]
Grade 22, Class 3 1200°F [650°C]
with the requirements of Specification A 788/A 788M, the Grade 22, Classes 4, 5, 6, and 7 1100°F [593°C]
requirements of this specification shall prevail.
Specific cooling rates from the tempering temperature shall
4. Materials and Manufacture be applied if Supplementary Requirement S14 is specified.
4.1 Melting Process: 4.3 For Grades 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 3, or 3A, a multiple stage
4.1.1 The steel shall be made by the basic electric-furnace austenitizing procedure may be used whereby the forging is
process except when secondary ladle refining or the remelting first fully austenitized and liquid quenched, followed by
process is employed, in which case the melting processes of reheating within the intercritical temperature range to partially
Specification A 788/A 788M are permitted. reaustenitize and again liquid quenched. On completion of the
4.1.2 The molten steel shall be vacuum treated in accor- austenitizing/quenching cycles, the forgings shall be tempered
dance with the methods described in Specification A 788/ at a subcritical temperature as described in 4.2.2.
A 788M, prior to or during the pouring of the ingot, in order to
remove objectionable gases, particularly hydrogen. 5. Chemical Composition
Grade 22 Classes 4, 5, 6, and 7 liquid steel shall be produced 5.1 Heat Analysis—The heat analysis obtained from sam-
to a fine grain melting practice which has been shown to result pling in accordance with Specification A 788/A 788M shall
in a prior austenitic grain size of five or finer. comply with Table 1 except that the additional features of
4.1.3 Discard—Sufficient discard shall be made from each Supplementary Requirements S7, S8, S9, and S11 shall also
ingot to secure freedom from piping and excessive segregation. apply as individually specified in the ordering information.
A 508/A 508M – 05b
5.2 Product Analysis—The manufacturer shall use the prod- NOTE 3—Multiple forgings in through are those which
uct analysis provision of Specification A 788/A 788M to obtain will be separated after the quench and temper treatment.
a product analysis from a forging representing each heat or NOTE 4—A test prolongation is defined as that integral test metal
multiple heat. The permissible variations provided in the table located at an end of the forging or forging multiples.
on Permissible Variations in Product Analysis for Killed Steel 6.1.3 Samples for mechanical test specimen shall be re-
in Specification A 788/A 788M apply for manganese, nickel, moved from forgings after the quenching and tempering heat
chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium only. Boron is not treatment. The sample material shall be subjected to a simu-
subject to product analysis. The purchaser may also make this lated post weld heat treatment if Supplementary Requirement
determination in accordance with Specification A 788/ S1 is specified.
A 788M. 6.1.4 For upset disk forgings, the longitudinal axis of the
6. Mechanical Properties test specimens shall be in the tangential direction. For all other
parts, the longitudinal axis of the specimens shall be parallel to
6.1 Tension Test: the direction of major working of the forging.
6.1.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements of Table 2. 6.1.5 Each forging shall be manufactured in accordance
6.1.2 The location and number of tension test specimens for with a purchaser-approved drawing, showing the prequenched
each forging or multiple forging shall be as follows: dimensions, the finished dimensions, the surfaces that will be Multiple Forgings Separated into Identical Indi- subjected to critical stresses, and the location of mechanical
vidual Forgings with Rough Machined Weights not Exceeding test specimens.
1000 lb [455 kg] Prior to Quenching and Tempering 6.1.6 The tension test specimens shall be positioned so that
Treatment—At least one individual forging from each multiple the longitudinal axis and mid-length is in accordance with one
forging in each heat-treating lot shall be tested using the test of the following methods:
specimen locations of 6.1.5 or 6.1.6 as specified on the Method 1—t by 2t, where t is the distance from the
purchase orders, except that test specimens located at
area of significant loading (see 3.1) to the nearest quenched
midlength may be closer to the ends of the production forging
surface. However, they shall not be nearer to one quenched
than the specified distance to the second surfaces. All forgings
surface than 3⁄4 in. [20 mm] and to the second quenched surface
shall be quenched and tempered in the same furnace charge. All
than 11⁄2 in. [40 mm].
forgings from the multiple shall be Brinell hardness tested after Method 2—1⁄4 T by T, where T is the maximum
heat treatment and forgings not tested for mechanical proper-
thickness of the forging as heat treated. Where this method of
ties shall have a Brinell Hardness within 20 points of the
testing is employed, the following limitations for as-treated
Brinell Hardness of the forging that has been tested for
thickness shall generally apply:
mechanical properties.
Grades 1 and 1a 3 in. [75 mm], max Forgings or Multiple Forgings (Note 3) with Rough Grades 2 Class 2 and 3 Class 2 6 in. [150 mm], max
Machined Weights Less than 10 000 lb [4540 kg] and Having Grades 2 Class 1 and 3 Class 1 8 in. [205 mm], max
a Heat-Treated Length (Exclusive of Test Prolongation) of 80 Grade 4N Class 2 and 5 Class 2 16 in. [405 mm], max
Grade 4N Class 1 and 5 Class 1 30 in. [760 mm], max
in. [2032 mm] or Less—A test prolongation (Note 4) shall be Grade 4N Class 3 40 in. [1015 mm], max
located at one end. One tension test specimen shall be taken Grades 3V and 3VCb 20 in. [510 mm], max
from the test prolongation. Grade 22 Class 3 20 in. [510 mm], max
Grade 22 Classes 4, 5, 6, and 7 12 in. [305 mm], max Forgings or Multiple Forgings with Rough Ma-
chined Weights Less than 10 000 lb [4540 kg] and Having a Method 3—Test specimens shall be taken from a
Heat-Treated Length (Exclusive of Test Prolongations) Exceed- representative separate test forging made from the same heat of
ing 80 in. [2032 mm]—A test prolongation shall be located at steel and shall receive substantially the same reduction and
each end. One tension test specimen shall be taken from each type of hot working as the production forgings that it represents
test prolongation. An orientation of 180° shall be established and shall be of the same nominal thickness as the as-quenched
between the two tension test specimens. production forgings. The separate test forging shall be heat Forgings or Multiple Forgings with Rough Ma- treated in the same furnace charge and under the same
chined Weights Over 10 000 lb [4540 kg] and Having a conditions as the production forgings. Test specimens shall be
Heat-Treated Length (Exclusive of Test Prolongation) of 80 in. removed from the region midway between the mid-thickness
[2032 mm] or Less—A test prolongation shall be located at one and the surface, and not closer than T to a second heat treated
end. Two tension test specimens shall be taken from the test surface with the same limitation on forging thickness as in
prolongation and shall be oriented 180° apart. This method shall be limited to forgings with a rough Forgings or Multiple Forgings with Rough Ma- machined weight of not more than 1000 lb [455 kg].
chined Weights Over 10 000 lb [4540 kg] and Having a Method 4—A thermal buffer ring, at least T by T in
Heat-Treated Length (Exclusive of Test Prolongations) Exceed- cross section, or segments of such a ring at least 3T in length,
ing 80 in. [2032 mm]—A test prolongation shall be located at shall be welded to the test end of a forging prior to heat
each end. The tension test specimens oriented 180° apart from treatment for mechanical properties. The buffer material may
each other shall be taken from each test prolongation. The two be any weldable carbon or low-alloy steel and shall be joined
tension specimens located in one test prolongation shall be to the forging with a partial-penetration type weld which
oriented 90° in relation to the two tension specimens located in completely seals the buffered surface. The test coupons shall be
the other test prolongation. removed from the forging in the region buffered by the ring or
TABLE 2 Tensile Requirements
Grades Grades Grades 4N
2 2 4N Class
Class 1 Class 2 Class 1 2 and Grade Grade Grades Grade
Grades and and and 5 4N 22 3V Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 22
1 3 Class 3 Class 5 Class Class Class Class and 6 6 6 Grade 6 22 22 Class
and 1a 1 2 1 2 3 3 3VCb Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 4 Class 5 6 Class 7
Tensile strength, 70–95 80–105 90–115 105–130 115–140 90–115 85–110 85–110 85–110 95–120 100–125 105–130 85–110 95–120 100–125 105–130
ksi [MPa] [485–655] [550–725] [620–795] [725–895] [795–965] [620–795] [585–760] [585–760] [585–760] [655–825] [690–860] [725–895] [585–760] [655–825] [690–860] [725–895]
Yield strength, min 36 50 65 85 100 70 55 60 60 75 80 85 60 [415] 75 [515] 80 85 [585]
[0.2 % offset], [250] [345] [450] [585] [690] [485] [380] [415] [415] [515] [550] [585] [550]
ksi [MPa]
Elongation in 2 in. 20 18 16 18 16 20 18 18 20 18 18 18 20 18 18 18
or 50 mm, min, %
Reduction of area, 38 38 35 45 45 48 45 45 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
min, %
A 508/A 508M – 05b
A 508/A 508M – 05b
ring segments. If ring segments are used, the test coupons shall in. [150 mm]. The area shall be taken in the most unfavorable
be removed from the forging in the area under the buffer ring location relative to the indications being evaluated.
segment at a minimum distance of T from each end of that 8.3 Ultrasonic Inspection—Forgings shall be ultrasonically
segment. In either case, the test specimens shall be located at inspected in accordance with the procedures of Practice A 388/
a minimum distance of 1⁄2 in. [13 mm] from the buffered A 388M.
surface of the forging, and at least 1⁄4 T from a quenched 8.3.1 Longitudinal Wave Inspection:
surface of the forging. Unless otherwise specified by Supplementary Re-
NOTE 5—For forgings with a maximum thickness of 2 in. [50 mm], the quirement S2, the back reflection method of tuning shall be
specimens shall be taken at midthickness and at least 2 in. from a second used in accordance with of Practice A 388/A 388M. In
surface. This provision is applicable to all four methods in 6.1.6. addition to the reportable conditions in Section 7 of Practice
6.1.7 Tension specimens shall be the standard 0.5 in. [12.5 A 388/A 388M, indications exceeding the resultant back re-
mm] round by 2 in. [50 mm] gauge length, as shown in Test flection shall be recorded. The following conditions are con-
Methods and Definitions A 370. sidered rejectable:
6.2 Impact Test—The steel shall conform to the require- Complete loss of back reflection not associated with
ments of Table 3, or Supplementary Requirement S10 may be forging configuration or surface and accompanied by an
specified instead of these requirements. indication of a discontinuity. For this purpose, a back reflection
6.2.1 Number, Location, and Orientation of Specimens: less than 5 % of full screen height shall be considered complete One set of three Charpy V-notch specimens shall be loss of back reflection.
taken from each tensile specimen location required in 6.1.2. Indications whose amplitude equals or exceeds that
Orientation shall be the same as in 6.1.4. When S10 is of the back reflection established in an indication-free area of
specified, the required number of tests shall be governed by the forging.
NB, NC, ND, NE, NF, or NG 2300, as applicable.
8.3.2 Angle Beam Inspection: The requirements of 6.1.3 also apply to impact
specimens. Calibration notches shall be cut into the inside- and The longitudinal axis and mid-length of the impact outside-diameter surfaces with a depth equal to 3 % of the
specimen shall be located similarly to the longitudinal axis of nominal section thickness (or 3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm], max), a length of
the tension test specimens as defined in 6.1.6. The axis of the approximately 1 in. [25 mm], and a width not greater than
notch shall be normal to the nearest heat-treated surface of the twice its depth. Adjust instrument controls to obtain an
forging. When S10 is specified the orientation shall be gov- indication from the inside-diameter notch approximately 75 %
erned by NB, NC, ND, NE, NF, or NG 2300. of full screen height. Measure the amplitude of indication from
6.2.2 Impact specimens shall be Charpy V-notch as shown the outside-diameter notch. Draw a straight line on the shield in
in Test Methods and Definitions A 370. front of the cathode ray tube from this peak to that of the
inside-diameter notch and continue it as a horizontal line to the
7. Workmanship and Quality Level Requirements initial pulse. This line constitutes the angle beam reference
7.1 See requirements in 8.1, 8.2.2,, and A forging containing a discontinuity which results in
8. Nondestructive Inspection Requirements an indication exceeding the amplitude of the reference line is
subject to rejection.
8.1 General Requirements—Dimensional and visual inspec-
tions, and magnetic particle and ultrasonic inspection shall be NOTE 6—Signals from discontinuities within approximately 1⁄4 in. [6.4
conducted by the manufacturer. Forgings shall be free of mm] of inside and outside surfaces are reinforced by wave trapping during
cracks, thermal ruptures, or other injurious indications. angle beam inspection; they are therefore amplified in respect to internal
8.2 Magnetic Particle Inspection: discontinuities.
8.2.1 Following final machining by the manufacturer all 8.3.3 The report of the ultrasonic inspection shall be in
accessible surfaces of each forging shall be examined by the compliance with Section 8 of Practice A 388/A 388M.
continuous current magnetic particle method. This examination 8.3.4 Additional nondestructive inspection or trepanning
shall be in accordance with Test Method A 275/A 275M unless may be employed to resolve questions of interpretation of
the purchaser has required the use of the AC yoke in accor- ultrasonic indications. The manufacturer shall accept respon-
dance with Test Method A 966/A 966M instead (see 3.3.1). sibility for injurious indications which will not be removed in
8.2.2 The following conditions are subject to rejection or final machining.
removal: Indications with major dimension exceeding 3⁄16 in.
[4.8 mm]. 9. Repair Welding Four or more indications exceeding 1⁄16 in. [1.6 mm]
in major dimensions that are aligned and separated by 1⁄16 in. 9.1 Repair welding of forgings may be permitted, but only
[1.6 mm] or less end to end. at the option of the purchaser. Ten or more indications exceeding 1⁄16 in. [1.6 mm] 9.2 If repair welding is performed, welders and weld pro-
in major dimensions contained in any 6 in.2 [39 cm2] of cedures shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX of the
surface, with the major dimension of this area not to exceed 6 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
TABLE 3 Charpy Impact Requirements
Grade 22,
Grades 4N Class 3, Grade 6 Grade 22
Grades 2 Class 1 Grades 2 Class 2 (all classes) and Grades 3V Classes 1, 2, 3, Classes 4, 5, 6,
Grades 1 and 1a and 3 Class 1 and 3 Class 2 and 5 (all classes) and 3VCb and 4 and 7
at +40°F at +40°F at +70°F at −20°F at 0°F at –75°F at –75°F
[4.4°C] [4.4°C] [21°C] [−29°C] [−18°C] [−59°C] [−60°C]
Minimum average value of set of three specimens, ft·lbf (J)A 15 [20] 30 [41] 35 [48] 35 [48] 40 [54] 20 [27] 40 [55]
Minimum value of one specimen, ft lbf (J) 10 [14] 25 [34] 30 [41] 30 [41] 35 [50] 15 [20] 35 [50]
Not more than one specimen from a set may be below this value.
A 508/A 508M – 05b
A 508/A 508M – 05b
10. Certification and Reports 11. Product Marking
10.1 In addition to items to be reported by Specification 11.1 The purchaser may specify additional identification
A 788/A 788M, the following items shall also be reported: marking and the location of the stamping. The type of stamps
10.1.1 Product chemical analysis, to be used when impression stamping is performed shall be
round-nosed or “interrupted-dot” die stamps having a mini-
10.1.2 The method used for locating test specimens, and
mum radius of 1⁄32 in. [0.8 mm].
10.1.3 Sketches showing the locations of all recordable
indications in the report of all nondestructive examinations. 12. Keywords If Test Method A 966/A 966M has been used, this 12.1 chromium-molybdenum steel; nickel-chromium-
also shall be recorded in the certification. molybdenum alloy steels; pressure vessel service; quenched
10.1.4 Details of the heat treatment cycle, as listed in and tempered steels; steel forgings—alloy; steel forgings—
Specification A 788/A 788M. carbon; vacuum-treated steels
One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the
purchaser in the inquiry or order. Details of these supplementary requirements shall be agreed upon
between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
S1. Simulated Post-Weld Heat Treatment of Mechanical the upper and lower shelf foot-pound energies, with sufficient
Test Samples testing at intermediate temperatures to permit plotting a rea-
S1.1 All test coupons shall be subjected to single or multiple sonably smooth curve.
heat treatments at subcritical temperatures prior to testing. S4. Additional Charpy Data
Such treatments are intended to simulate post-weld or other
S4.1 The percent shear fracture and mils of lateral expan-
treatments to which the forgings will be subjected during
sion, defined in Test Methods and Definitions A 370, shall be
subsequent fabrication. The purchaser shall furnish the manu-
reported for each Charpy specimen tested.
facturer with details of the desired heat treatment for the test
S4.2 Acceptance values for percent shear fracture and/or
coupons, including temperatures, timers, and cooling rates.
lateral expansion values shall be as specified by the purchaser.
S2. Ultrasonic Testing-Reference Block Calibration (for
S5. Alternative Impact Test
examining sections 24-in. [610 mm] thick or less)
S5.1 Charpy impact tests shall be made in accordance with
S2.1 Reference blocks of acoustically similar metal shall be
the provisions of 6.2 of the specification except that the test
used for calibration. Blocks shall meet one of the following
temperature shall be lower than specified in Table 3. This test
shall be instead of that specified in 6.2.
S2.1.1 A comparison of the back reflections between
equivalent thicknesses of the reference block material and the S6. Drop-Weight Test
actual forging to be tested, without change in instrument S6.1 Drop-weight tests shall be conducted in accordance
setting shall not show a variation in excess of 25 %. with the requirements of Test Method E 208. The fracture plane
S2.1.2 The reference blocks shall be manufactured from of the specimens shall coincide with the location required for
steel that is similar in chemistry and processing history to the other mechanical test specimens as specified by the purchaser
production forging being tested. The reference blocks shall be in accordance with 6.1.6. However, since the drop weight
fabricated in accordance with the procedures of Practice E 428. specimen can be taken in any orientation, the fracture plane of
S2.2 For test sections up to 12 in. [305 mm] thick, the the specimen when tested to Method 1 ( shall be a
reference blocks shall contain a 1⁄4-in. [6.4-mm] diameter minimum distance of 7⁄16 in. [11 mm] from the nearest
flat-bottom hole; for over 12 to 18 in. [305 to 457 mm], the quenched surface, and 11⁄2 in. [38 mm] from any second
hole diameter shall be 3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm]; and for over 18 to 24 in. surface. The purchaser may specify either duplicate no-break
[457 to 610 mm], it shall be 1⁄2 in. [13 mm]. performance when tested 10°F [6°C] warmer than a specified
S2.3 A distance-amplitude correction curve shall be estab- temperature or request a determination of the NDT tempera-
lished for the proper grade of steel and specified hole size. ture.
S2.4 A forging containing one or more indications equal in
amplitude to that of the applicable reference hole, when S7. Restrictive Chemistry for Grades 4N and 5
properly corrected for distance, is subject to rejection. S7.1 Phosphorus and sulfur limits for Grades 4N and 5 shall
be 0.015 % maximum heat and 0.018 % maximum product.
S3. Charpy V-Notch Impact Transition Curve
S3.1 Sufficient impact tests shall be made from the forging S8. Additional Vanadium
test material to establish a temperature-absorbed energy curve. S8.1 The vanadium content for Grade 5 forgings shall be
The test-temperature range shall be wide enough to establish 0.05 to 0.15 %.
A 508/A 508M – 05b
S9. Restrictive Chemistry for Grades 2, 3, or 4N S12. Vacuum-Treated Basic Oxygen Furnace Steels
S9.1 Grades 2, 3, or 4N shall be specified with restricted S12.1 For Grades 1, 1a, 2, or 3 material, vacuum-treated
phosphorus and copper limits, as follows: basic oxygen furnace steel shall be used.
S9.1.1 P 0.012 maximum heat and 0.015 maximum product; S13. Minimum Tempering Temperature
Cu 0.10 maximum heat and product, or
S13.1 For Grades 2 Class 1 and 3 Class 1 the minimum
S9.1.2 P 0.015 maximum heat and 0.018 maximum product;
tempering temperature shall be 1175°F [635°C] and the simu-
Cu 0.15 maximum heat and product.
lated post weld heat treatment temperature shall not exceed
S9.2 Grades 2, 3, 4N shall be specified with restricted sulfur 1150°F [620°C] when S1 is required.
of 0.015 heat and 0.018 product.
S14. Cooling from the Tempering Temperature
S10. Alternative Fracture Toughness Requirements S14.1 The purchaser shall provide specific cooling rates
S10.1 The fracture toughness requirements (drop weight from the tempering temperature.
and Charpy impact tests) for materials of the ASME Boiler and S15. Product Analysis
Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Articles NB 2300, NC 2300,
ND 2300, NE 2300, NF 2300, or NG 2300, as specified, shall S15.1 More than one forging per heat shall be subject to
be used instead of the Charpy impact test requirements of this product analysis by either the manufacturer or purchaser. The
specification. purchaser shall indicate in the ordering information the number
of forgings to be tested, and whether the manufacturer,
purchaser, or both shall perform the additional analyses.
S11. Vacuum Carbon-Deoxidized Steels
S11.1 Material made to Grades 1, 1a, 2, 3, 4N, or 5 shall be S16. Silicon Content
vacuum carbon-deoxidized, in which case the silicon content S16.1 The silicon content shall be 0.05 to 0.15 % as a result
shall be 0.10 % max. The test report shall indicate that the steel of ladle refining with aluminum as the deoxidizer. Use of
was vacuum carbon-deoxidized. Vacuum Ladle Degassing is optional.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue,
A 508/A 508M – 05a, that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Oct. 1, 2005.)
(1) Test Method A 966/A 966M was added to 2.1. (3) Section 8.2.1 was revised.
(2) Section 3.3.1 was added.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (A 508/A 508M-05) that
may impact its use. (Approved Jan. 1, 2005.)
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (A 508/A 508M-04b) that
may impact its use. (Approved Oct. 1, 2004.)
(1) S4 revised.
(2) Revised Table 1 and Previous Footnotes C and D were
A 508/A 508M – 05b
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (A 508/A 508M-04a) that
may impact its use. (Approved July 1, 2004.)
(1) Revised Al and Si content in Table 1 for Grade 6 material. (3) Added S16.
(2) Added footnote D to Table 1.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (A 508/A 508M-04) that
may impact its use. (Approved April 1, 2004.)
(1) References to new steel grade were placed throughout. (3) Revised aluminum content for Grade 22 from 0.04 % max
(2) Revised silicon content for Grade 22 from 0.50 % max to to 0.025 % max.
0.35 % max.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website