Fitzgerald 2008 South Australian Health Department. MCS Survey.
Fitzgerald 2008 South Australian Health Department. MCS Survey.
Fitzgerald 2008 South Australian Health Department. MCS Survey.
in South Australia
D. James Fitzgerald
Outcomes Studies Unit 2002); however, of MCS, that is, fibromyalgia. Otherwise,
in brief, all households in South Australia, the two questions are the same. In both
with a number listed in the Electronic phases, the incidence of adult asthma
White Pages were eligible for selection was similar (11.5% and 11.7%), and
in the sample. Telephone numbers were corresponded to the known incidence
selected randomly and approximately of asthma in the community (Wilson et al.
2000 interviews were conducted on 2006), indicating that the sampled cohorts
people aged 18 years and over (n=2007 were representative of the population
in September 2002 [Phase 1] and n=2002 at large.
in June 2004 [Phase 2]). A letter was sent The MCS prevalence data from these
to each selected household introducing initial questions are shown in Table 1.
the survey. Within each household, the These reveal an MCS prevalence of 0.7 to
person who had their birthday last was 1.0% in the adult population. The slightly
selected for interview. There was no lower rate in Phase II could reflect the
replacement for non-respondents. Data use of the present tense in the question,
were weighted by probability of selection and which, though the number of cases is
in the household and by age, sex and small, might suggest a degree of recovery
area of residence to the most recent
from the condition.
Australian Bureau of Statistics Estimated
Resident Population for South Australia Table 1: MCS prevalence and gender data
for 30 June 2001 (Phase I) or for 30 June from Phase I and Phase II
2002 (Phase II). Phase1 Male Female Total % of total
Results and Discussion I 4 17 21 1.0%
II 4 10 14 0.7%
Prevalence, age and gender
distribution Total 8 27 35 0.87%
Phase I and Phase II each included
1 See text for specific questions
one key question to determine MCS 2 Based on 2007 people interviewed in Phase I, and 2002 in
prevalence: Phase II
diagnosed with a chemical sensitivity?”, the These data indicate a greater proportion
prevalence was 2.9% (NSW Public Health of female MCS cases, being 4.25-fold in
2003). It must be borne in mind that the Phase I and 2.5-fold in Phase II (average
survey data depend on the question that 3.4-fold overall; total / = 1.05). This
is asked, on how the medical profession could be explained if more females than
view and diagnose chemical sensitivity, males with the condition visited doctors;
and on how patients interpret and relate a nevertheless this predilection toward
medical diagnosis. female cases is in accordance with other
Regarding age distribution, the MCS surveys (Caress & Steinemann 2003;
cases from both phases were summed, Joffres et al. 2001; Kreutzer et al. 1999;
were age-stratified and the prevalence NSW Public Health 2003). If this is a real
calculated per population size in seven phenomenon, it suggests an underlying
age groupings. Figure 1 shows no cases gender-specific mechanism.
in the 18-24 year group, then a Gaussian-
type distribution with peak prevalences of City versus country
1.5%, 1.12% and 1.53% in the 45-54 year It has been suggested that compared to
group, 55-64 year group, and the 65-74 city environments, country environments
year group, respectively. These data may are less polluted and would, therefore,
suggest a late onset of MCS, though this be less likely to impact on chemically-
survey did not include adolescents or sensitive individuals. In reality, many
children. This contrasts with the significant country environments are subject to regular
number of hypersensitive cases in these agricultural spraying. Notwithstanding,
early age groups (data not shown; Caress the present survey examined this issue,
& Steinemann 2003). revealing an MCS prevalence of 0.8%
Figure 1: Age distribution of combined MCS prevalence data. Total number of cases in each
age group was divided by the total number of individuals in the corresponding age group
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D. James Fitzgerald
36 e n v i r o n m e n ta l h e a lt h Vo l . 8 N o . 3 2 0 0 8
Studies on Self-Reported Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in South Australia
is a valid health condition with valid indicate that about 16% of the adult
symptoms.” An overwhelming 86% agreed population identifies as having some
or strongly agreed with this statement. chemical hypersensitivity. Since there are
This may augur well for achieving no diagnostic or clinical guidelines for
success when those with MCS or chemical MCS in Australia, it is possible that the
hypersensitivity seek understanding from
1% MCS prevalence is an under-reporting,
the wider community and when plans are
and that some chemically hypersensitive
implemented to reduce specific chemical
exposures in the community. individuals have symptomology more
aligned with that of MCS cases. The
Conclusion prevalence of hypersensitivity and the
These two population-based surveys severity of symptoms suggest an adverse
reveal a self-reported MCS prevalence effect of common environmental chemicals
in South Australia of about 1% and also in a significant portion of the population.
The author acknowledges Sam Mangas for technical assistance; Peter Evans and Cathie
Powell who assisted with question design in Phase II; and staff of the Department of
Health’s Population Research & Outcome Studies Unit who aided study execution and
statistical analysis.
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Correspondence to:
Jim Fitzgerald
Scientific Services
Department of Health
PO Box 6, Rundle Mall
Adelaide, South Australia, 5000
Email [email protected]
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