My Teaching Philosophy Statement

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Teaching Philosophy Statement

My aspirations I have as a future teacher, is to always be honest and caring to my

students. I believe, it is my job as a teacher to not only be seen as a teacher in their eyes, but to

be seen as their friend. Trust is a key attribute that I will possess for my students. By having a

good relationship with my students and implementing trust in my classroom, I can create a

learning environment that is engaging, fun, and exciting.

I believe that teaching should not only be about the memorization of facts and

information. Instead, I believe teaching should be about helping students obtain skills in order to

promote deeper level thinking and helping them connect their findings to their outside world. I

will promote engaging, outside the box thinking, and learning in my classroom. This will help

students to think critically and it also encourages life-long learning.

My classroom will be student centered. I believe every student can learn and has the will

to learn. It is my job, as a teacher, to encourage this learning and I will create an environment

that is fully focused on this purpose. My classroom will be a strong foundation that my students

can rest upon and feel confident in their schooling. I grew up as a minority, and I know how

important diversity is within a classroom, and I will make sure that every student that enters my

classroom feels welcomed, valued, respected, and worthy of learning.

In my classroom, I will promote cooperative learning. Through this method, I believe

students allow themselves to become more creative and engaging in their work and classroom

setting. Cooperative learning helps students socialize and ask questions that evoke deeper level

thinking. Cooperative learning promotes communication in a classroom, and I believe by having

this communication, students will feel more comfortable and be more willing to engage in


I honestly believe that students are our future and they have the ability to change our

world for the better. I also believe how a student views education can change how they view the

world. I was a student who came from a poor family who didn’t value education, I was bullied in

school, and I didn’t believe I was worthy of a good education because I had teachers who made

me feel unwelcome. That all changed when one of my teachers believed in me. They inspired me

and showed me that I was worthy of school and I could do whatever I put my mind to. I won’t be

a teacher who makes their students feel unworthy. I won’t give up on my students, and I won’t

turn them away because of their circumstances. Instead, I will be the teacher who makes a

difference in their lives, I will inspire, encourage, and believe in all of my students, because they

deserve a great education.

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