Important Sample Viva Questions
Important Sample Viva Questions
Important Sample Viva Questions
2. What are the applications of hydraulics and fluid mechanics in Civil Engineering?
5. Explain gauge pressure, atm pressure and vacuum pressure. Show the chart.
11. How do you verify Bernoulli’s principle in the Laboratory? Write the profile (graph)of variation of
12. What do you mean by Collecting tank Calibration? How do calibrate a tank using the Gravimetric
13. What is the diff b/w Gravimetric flow and Volumetric flow?
14. How do you calibrate a Pressure gauge in the lab using the Deadweight method?
16. What are the different types of fluid flows? What is Reynold’s Number (Re). Give Fluid
1. What are notches. Where they are used? Give their Classification
5. What is Calibration of notch/weir? Explain what Coeff of discharge and its use is.
7. Explain how a notch can be used in an irrigation Naala (canal) to measure the flow rate.
11. Define hydraulic coefficients of the orifice. Explain them with relevant formulae
13.Explain the principle involved in the flow rate measurement using venturimeter
14.How venurimeter is used to measure discharge in an industrial water supply pipe, explain.
15.What happens to pressure of water when it passes through the throat of venturi meter
a. Venturimeter b. Stream of water through orifice. c. Ogee weir d. Broad crested weir
17. What is Vena Contract? What are diff hydraulic coeff of vertical orifices?
18.Mention a few practical cases where a civil engineer needs a flow measurement?
20.Explain different sources of errors in the Notch, Weir, Pump, Flume, Turbine, orifice,
Venturimeter experiments?
Losses in Pipes
1. What are minor losses? Explain them. What is the practical significance?
2. Name different pipe fittings where minor losses occur. Explain with formulae
3. What are the major losses in pipes? What is the practical significance in municipality water supply
Turbines / Pumps / Impact of jet
2. Differentiate b/w impulse turbine and reaction turbine. Explain with examples. Also explain- Axial,
d. Guide vanes e. Water pressure inside the turbine. f. Runaway speed g. Unit speed and specific speed
5. Name some imp hydel power stations of India /Karnataka. What types of turbines are used there?
8. What is the centrifugal pump. What are the different parts? Explain its working principle.
a. Pump efficiency, overall efficiency b. Priming of pump c. Multistage pump (pumps in parallel
e. Impeller Chamber f. High head and low head pump. Suction head and delivery head
10. Explain the significance of the experiment's Impact of jet on vanes. What are the different types of
11. What is the difference b/w Constant Speed operation of Turbine and Constant Head operation of
12. Explain the behavior/performance of a Hydraulic machine (pump or turbine) in analogy with
Human behavior.