Connecting To A Modbus Ethernet Device Guide
Connecting To A Modbus Ethernet Device Guide
Connecting To A Modbus Ethernet Device Guide
Connecting to a Modbus
Ethernet Device
February 2015
Version 1.000
© Kepware, Inc.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Connecting to a Modbus Ethernet
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 3
2. Testing the Connection to the Target Device .................................................. 3
3. Connecting to the Modbus Ethernet Device .................................................... 4
3.1 Adding a New Channel ...................................................................... 4
3.2 Adding a New Device ........................................................................ 6
3.3 Adding Tags .................................................................................... 8
4. Verifying the Connection ............................................................................. 9
5. Summary ................................................................................................ 10
________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Connecting to a Modbus Ethernet
1. Introduction
This document describes how to connect to a Modbus Ethernet device through
the KEPServerEX® communications platform.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Connecting to a Modbus Ethernet
8. In Communication Serialization, leave Virtual Network at None and
then click Next.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Connecting to a Modbus Ethernet
Note: In this example, the local area connection is chosen.
10. Continue through the New Channel wizard, selecting the default setting in
each of the remaining dialogs by clicking Next. In Summary, click
Note: At this point, the new channel will be displayed in the project.
2. In Name, either rename the new device or leave it at “Device1” and then
click Next.
3. In Model, select Modbus from the drop-down list. Then, click Next.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Connecting to a Modbus Ethernet
4. In Device ID, set the device’s IP address and then click Next. For
example, “”. For a live device on the network, enter the IP
address for that device.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Connecting to a Modbus Ethernet
5. Continue through the New Device wizard, selecting the default setting in
each of the remaining dialogs by clicking Next. In Summary, click
Note: At this point, the new device will be displayed in the new project.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Connecting to a Modbus Ethernet
Note: Both five-digit addressing and six-digit addressing are supported.
In Modbus addressing, the first digit of the address specifies the primary
table. The remaining digits represent the device's data item. The
maximum value is a two-byte unsigned integer (65,535). Six digits are
required to represent the entire address table and item. As such,
addresses that are specified in the device’s manual as 0xxxx, 1xxxx,
3xxxx, or 4xxxx are “padded” with a pre-pended extra zero once applied.
3. Verify that the data type changes to the expected default setting for the
address (Word). Then, leave the rest of the settings as they are and click
________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Connecting to a Modbus Ethernet
2. In the left-hand pane, locate the group list and select “Channel1.Device1”.
3. In the right-hand pane, verify that the Value, Quality, and Timestamp
columns are populated for the “Channel1.Device1.Test1” tag.
Note: Having a value (which may be a zero) and “Good” in the Quality
column confirms a successful connection to the device as well as the ability
to read that tag from the designated memory register.
4. After confirming the values, close the Quick Client.
5. Summary
At this point, users should understand how to create a new project and connect
to a Modbus Ethernet device.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Connecting to a Modbus Ethernet