Varonis Data Risk Assessment: Sample Report: Acme
Varonis Data Risk Assessment: Sample Report: Acme
Varonis Data Risk Assessment: Sample Report: Acme
• NS_FS_1
• EXCH_1
• SP_1
A sample of ACME’s data was assessed for risks in the following areas:
No. Of Folders With Open Access No. Of Sensitive Files With Open Access
74% 35%
66,502,975 Folders With Open Access 339,213,456 Sensitive Files With Open Access
No. Of Folders With Stale Data Files That Contain Sensitive Data
94% 59%
85,377,723 Folders with Stale Data 950,534,645 Files Contain Sensitive Data
No. Of Folders With Inconsistent Permissions User Accounts with Non-Expiring Passwords
58,419 1,182
58,419 folders have Inconsistent Permissions User Accounts with Non-Expiring Passwords
66.5 million
Global groups allow everyone in an organization to
access these folders. Global groups are groups such folders with global group access
as Everyone, Domain Users, and Authenticated Users.
professionals estimate it takes about 6-8 hours per
folder to locate and manually remove global access
groups. They must identify users that need access,
create and apply new groups, and populate them 66,502,975
with the right users. of 90,348,156
• CIFS_FS_3 7% • CIFS_FS_3 1%
• Remove global access group permissions to identify • EXCH_FS_1 18% • EXCH_FS_1 13%
folders open to global groups.
950+ million
Many files contain critical information about
employees, customers, projects, clients, or other files contain sensitive data
business-sensitive content. This data is often subject to
industry regulation, such as SOX, HIPAA, PCI, EU GDPR,
339+ million
GLBA, and more.
• SP_FS_1 54%
• EXCH_FS_1 13%
• Scan, classify, and monitor sensitive data (where it
lives, who has access to it, and who is accessing it). 1,116,554
• Implement and maintain a least privilege model.
253,168 GB
Stale data - data kept beyond a pre-determined
retention period or that has not been used in a while - of stale data
85+ million
can be expensive to store and manage, and poses an
increased (and unnecessary) security risk.
folders contain stale data
• CIFS_FS_4 8% • CIFS_FS_4 9%
type for Kerberos
Admin Accounts with SPN • Accounts with SPN should have long, complex
passwords that are changed frequently. RC4 can be
Attackers can request tickets or accounts with Service
disabled if not required.
Principal Names (SPN). Tickets encrypted with RC4 are
highly susceptible to password cracking. • Accounts should never have a SID history entry from
the same domain.
Accounts with a SID History Entry from the • Kerberos delegation should only be used by valid
Current Domain
service accounts that require impersonation.
Attackers can compromise an account that is trusted • Monitor Active Directory events for signs of
for Kerberos delegation and use it to impersonate exploitation.
other user accounts.
malicious sites
Varonis monitors and analyzes user and entity • Connections from disabled users or to malicious IPs
behavior across cloud and on-prem data stores, often signal a cyberattack in progress - attackers
Active Directory, and perimeter devices to provide trying to compromise an account or system, or
insight into potential suspicious activity. exfiltrate data.
• Windows • Active Directory • Actionable next steps for each risk area
• Exchange • NetApp
• Azure AD • Nasuni
• UNIX/Linux
In its work with thousands of organizations, Varonis has developed a proven, efficient methodology for organizations
to monitor, protect, and manage their data. Our data-centric approach reduces risk, increases efficiency and helps
achieve compliance with regulations like PCI, HIPAA and GDPR.
• Quarantine/archive/delete stale
Set up Varonis in your own Get a customized risk Have more questions?
environment. Fast and assessment, reduce your risk Let us know.
hassle free. profile, and fix security issues. 1.877.292.8767