Notes On Shreechakra by Maitreya 001
Notes On Shreechakra by Maitreya 001
Notes On Shreechakra by Maitreya 001
After the Thrikona , there are 8 triangle unit surrounds . They are known together as VASUKONA.
( Vasu's are eight - so when the term using Vasu - we understand here the number 8)
The first raw 10 triangle unit is known as DASHA KONA - 1 ( In Sanskrit - Dasha means 10 )
The second raw 10 triangle unit is known as DASHA KONA- 2
Next raw of triangle units are of 14 triangles. In Sanskrit - 14 is Chathur Dasha ( 4 + 10 = 14 )
01. Bindu
02. Thrikona
03. Vasukona
In the ritualistic part of Shreechakra, the time representing Vrtha Thraya is not counting as an
enclosure, when doing Pooja. So we are considering only 9 enclosures( Avaranas ). Everybody in our
group may heard about Nava Avarana Pooja. Nava Avarana Pooja is the pooja on 9 enclosures of
Shreechaka after understanding each and every goddess of Shreechakra in detail , where they resides
or in triangles, dalas , corners and doors with their Mantra, Mantra, Guanas( quality ) , Swabhava(
Nature) and Tantra.
Namaste to all