Paradigm Shift in Open Education and E-Learning Resources As Teaching and Learning in Mellissa Acosta

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Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun

The International Journal of Social Sciences

doi: 10.26811/peuradeun.v4i2.94

Copyright © 2016 SCAD Independent Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun

All Rights Reserved Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2016
Printed in the Indonesia



Mellissa Acosta
University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Email: [email protected]

Received: Sep 23, 2015 Accepted: Dec 2, 2015 Published: May 28, 2016
Article Url:

Education has over the years moved from one stage of development to the other
with its peculiarities and challenges. There have also been series of innovations,
strategies and policies based on the changes in the society. Some of these changes
require technological approach which usually poses challenges because the
country, like other developing countries, is ill-prepared and unable to
immediately address each educational challenge as it appears. The paradigm shift,
general acceptance of the new move or model in global technological education,
government policies and massive enrollment for e-education and e-learning by
the learners, the attitudes of all concerned in the design and full implementation
of ICT and e-learning policies in education should be sustained. Some of the
students and even the teachers or facilitators may still prefer the print materials
which may limit their knowledge, effectiveness and resourcefulness with time. As
a result, there is an increase in demand for a more flexible and cost effective
means of education through e-education, e-learning or open and distance
learning. This has brought a paradigm shift on how people generally view the
significance of e-learning for higher education in Philippines.

Keywords: Education, Teaching, effectiveness, e-learning, Philippines

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Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2016 e-ISSN: 2443-2067

A. Introduction
Education has over the years moved from one stage of development to
the other with its peculiarities and challenges. There have also been series of
innovations, strategies and policies based on the changes in the society. Some of
these changes require technological approach which usually poses challenges
because the country, like other developing countries, is ill-prepared and unable
to immediately address each educational challenge as it appears. Since it is
becoming increasingly difficult to obtain admission into higher education due to
population explosion, poverty, ignorance, and so on, the introduction of Open
and Distance Learning (ODL).
As the learning technologies are mushrooming and becoming
more and more inexpensive and widely accessible, the modes of teaching,
learning and education delivery are going through significant changes.
There are paradigm shifts in different dimensions of e-learning and the
environment around it.
E-Learning or e-Education has brought a paradigm shift from the
way learners view e-learning because some who have privately and
individually sought to obtain degrees awarded through correspondence
education by overseas institutions in the past, can now use the
opportunities provided through e-learning education in Philippines.
In the early days it received a bad press, as many people thought
bringing computers into the classroom would remove that human element that
some learners need, but as time has progressed technology has developed, and
now we embrace smartphones and tablets in the classroom and office, as well
as using a wealth of interactive designs that makes distance learning not only
engaging for the users, but valuable as a lesson delivery medium.
Traditionally, students used transmissive modes of learning, however,
now there are shifts from content-centered to competency-based curricula as well
as departures from teacher-centered delivery to student-centered delivery where
students are encouraged to take on the driving seat for their own learning (Oliver,
2002). There are shifts from objectivism to constructivism, technocratic to reformist
and holist paradigms, and from instrumental uses of ICT to their substantive role
(Aviram & Tami, 2004). The knowledge is becoming a central economic driving
force, with the shift from the concept of ‘information society’ to that of ‘knowledge
societies’ demanding the reevaluation of the existing traditional educational

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Paradigm Shift in Open Education and E-Learning Resources as Teaching and Learning in Philippines
Mellissa Acosta

processes and the role and training of teachers in the light of emerging ICTs
(Loing, 2005). These paradigm shifts are changing not only the way of computing
but also how the society perceives technology itself (Kundi & Nawaz, 2010).
According to Simiyu (1999), while correspondence education utilized
print materials majorly, distance teaching or e-learning has incorporated a
variety of media, especially information and communication technology
resources to achieve its educational results. Open and distance learning and e-
learning incontrovertibly provide the most effective, flexible and cost effective
means of operationalizing the learning paradigms which the contemporary
knowledge demands. The open education, e-learning and ICT are inseparable
especially when we consider some definitions of open education resources and
that the resources for open education and e-learning are powered by ICT.
D’Atoni (2007) describes open education resources as technology-
enabled, open provision of educational resources for consultation, use and
adaptation by a community of users for non-commercial purposes. These
resources are typically made freely available over the web or the internet, and
the principle used is by teachers and educational institutions to support course
development, but they can also be used directly by students.
Furthermore, open education resources can also be referred to as
digitalized materials, offered freely and openly for educators, students and self-
learners, to use and re-use for teaching, learning and research. Other researchers
such as Geith & Vignare (2008) describe open education and e-learning resources
as teaching, learning and research resources that reside in public domain which
grant freedom to share, reprint, translate, combine or adapt such resources.

B. Stages in the Operations for Teaching and Learning

The utilization of information and communication technology resources
generally display three stages that can be adapted for any form of the educational
systems – formal, informal, e-education or e-learning – especially as they relate to
the teaching and learning processes. These are as discussed below:

1. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Input

ICT input refers to the acquisition, assimilation or absorption of issues,
knowledge, messages and skills relating to ICT which are capable of making

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teachers more competent and effective. The input enables the individual to be
functional, to maintain and influence the behaviors of the learners. This process
also involves collecting, gathering or seeking information from researches and
sources of information. The new media (such as the telnet, the file transfer
protocol (FTP), the electronic mail (E-mail)) are examples of the various means
of achieving the input aspect of ICT (Adegbija, 2000). The conventional media
such as the television, slides, filmstrips, videos, audio formats, visuals, are also
good sources of receiving ICT input. At the local level, researches show that e-
learning generally has its input through facilitation, print media, audio media
and rarely through other more sophisticated media in most developing
countries (Karuna & Roy, 1991; Adegbija, 2011).

2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Processing

ICT processing refers to the documentation of information for e-learning.
It is concerned with how current and effective the information from ICT input is;
how to update and improve on the information or the data bases given. According
to Thayer (1968), information processing deals with evaluation (especially
summative evaluation) of received information. This may involve indexing,
categorizing and transformation. Evaluation at this instance can be achieved by
possibly comparing past developments in ICT with the current ones. This enables
users of ICT for any form of education to be able to interpret, expand and convert
information received for their educational purpose and situation.
ICT processing also involves storing of information with the aid of
files keeping, books, journals, memorizing and visuals in the study
centers. In the new technologies storing of information can be achieved
with the use of computer systems, World Wide Web (www) site,
recordings (videos, audios, etc.), slides, filmstrips, gophers and so on.

3. Information and Communication Technology Output

Accordingly, ICT output refers to all the activities performed by
individuals and e-learning providers for the dissemination of scientific
information for their e-learners. This is made possible if the input and process
stages are adequately managed. The three stages are very important and they
are dependent on each other. In short, one can rarely do without the other.
That is why people often say that you can only give out what you have. ICT

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Paradigm Shift in Open Education and E-Learning Resources as Teaching and Learning in Philippines
Mellissa Acosta

output can be successfully achieved through the use of appropriate media.

Also the new media, such as the computers, e-mails, www, virtual or e-library,
the gophers and the Internet are examples of excellent means of ICT output.

C. Approaches to ICT
The implementation of information and communication
technology sources should be planned in such a way as to ensure that the
input, processing and output are attainable for the general objectives of e-
education as a whole. The following approaches should therefore, be
considered when planning for ICT for e-learning:

1. Participatory-oriented approach
ICT is a multi-level process of communication involving a variety of
senders and receivers of ideas, knowledge and materials. This will make them
see it as not merely foreign ideas imposed on them, or a difficult venture but
will be like partners in progress with all other stakeholders of ICT that are
committed to moving e-education forward (Adegbija, 2000).

2. Mobilization/ Motivation-Orientated Approach

This approach involves propelling learners into participating in the use
of ICT devices adequately for their studies, assignments, tests and examinations
which are usually electronically delivered. Mobilization is a full blown functional
education through the use of technological devices. Even though Clark (1983)
claimed that media do not only fail to influence learning, one can count on
Salomon (1984) who argued that the new cognitive theories attribute motivation
to learners’ beliefs and expectation about their reactions to external events.
Motivating learners to use ICT materials in the teaching and learning processes
will in turn help to motivate their learner.

3. Communication-Oriented Approach
The communication approach is concerned primarily with the use of
ICT to improve the effectiveness of communication skills in education. This
approach when taken to the negative extreme will be like the claims of Clark
(1985) that media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not
influence students’ achievement any more than the truck that delivers our

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groceries causes changes in our nutrition. Undoubtedly, communication-

oriented approach nonetheless, brings more humanistic attitude to education
because of the skills developed for improving human relationships through
development and acquisition of communication skills. This approach can also
be achieved through the use of m-learning.

D. Implementing and Monitoring of ICT for e-Learning

The importance of the implementation and careful monitoring of
ICT resources for e-learning needs some emphasis at this juncture. The
following are steps needed for proper implementation and monitoring of
ICT resources which can be adapted for e-learning:
1. Audience Analysis
ICT should be purposive, problem-oriented and participatory-oriented
and should focus on a specific issue or recommended technology. Thus, audience
analysis should be carried out using techniques such as Knowledge, Attitude and
Practice (KAP) survey regarding innovations being proposed for the use of ICT in
education. Information gathered through this can reveal the message design, the
most appropriate media or channels to use, how and when to use them.

2. Objectives of ICT
The objectives should be specific and based on e-educational or e-
learning felt needs and directed to solving problems identified through
the audience analysis.

3. Strategies of ICT
An educational strategic planning approach should be developed with
the aim of solving problems that may be responsible for e-learners non-
involvement, inappropriate or discontinued use of ICT media in learning. This
can also be applied to the process of target audience segmentation, technology
or multi-media selection, information positioning and design, educational
materials packaging, development and production, with a view to obtaining
maximum (information input, process or output) impact with the least or
minimum efforts, time and resources.

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Paradigm Shift in Open Education and E-Learning Resources as Teaching and Learning in Philippines
Mellissa Acosta

4. Evaluating ICT
Formative evaluation in the form of e-assignments, e-courseware and
pre-testing of prototype multi-media or educational materials should be
conducted before ICT resources are produced en-mass. Formative evaluation is
usually referred to as a corrective level of the process of evaluation. Summative
evaluation on the other hand, helps to appraise or access the progress of
implementation and impact of ICT on education and results are used to
improve the overall effectiveness and future replications.

5. Social-cultural factor
Accessibility to regular information and messages is important
from sociological as well as geographical perspective since learners are
not confined to a classroom setting, but are learning from different
locations. Even though culture is dynamic, technologies should be made
compatible with the cultural domain of learners and the society as a
whole. Globalization is in vogue now. However, the cultural dimension
should be considered when dealing with the message design,
development and production of ICT materials for e-learning.

6. Economic/Financial
The profitability and economic gains of the use of technology is the
most important factor that will ensure continued use especially by the
learners. Economic issues that are related directly or indirectly to cost of
technology and service delivery systems and the economic viability
should also measure technology in terms of social costs and benefits. This
makes e-learning more cost effective, affordable, acceptable and attractive.

7. Institutional factors
The type of government support for the institutions that are
involved in the generation and transfer of technologies can also affect the
use of such technologies. Inadequate institutional arrangements and
capacity to carry on educational or project activities without outside
supports may be detrimental to the efforts of ensuring sustainability of
results achieved (Mangstl, 1998).

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E. ICT and e-Learning education in Philippines

Information and communication technology (ICT) is the practical off-
shoot of Educational Technology which by definition is the study and ethical
practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using
and managing appropriate technological processes and resources (Januszewski
& Molenda, 2008). If we marry this definition with the definition of e-learning
which is the use of internet and digital technologies to create experiences that
educate our fellow human beings (Horton, 2005), we will be able to create a
complete and perfect approach to the art of teaching and learning at all levels of
Philippines e-educational system. The main ingredients for the e-education
according to Abimbade (2006) are:
1) IT Policy and ICT infrastructure
2) Trained teachers and support personnel
3) Appropriate computer studies curriculum
4) E-learning hardware and software protocols
The major objectives of the e-education or e-learning in Philippines
are to:
1) Enhance access to quality education through e-education/e-
2) Improve the education delivery system
3) Ensure optimal utilization of existing ICT resources
4) Ensure a globally competitive education system
5) Reduce/eliminate social vices
From the foregoing, one can conclude that ICT is e-learning and e-
learning is ICT. E-learning in particular cannot exist without ICT except
by print technology only which may not exhibit the needed interactive
mode provided by ICT. ICT is an essential delivery source of educational
resources globally. It is a means of transferring, storing, retrieving and
sharing information and resources world-wide.
Unfortunately, despite the advantages of ICT being enjoyed by the
developed countries, the developing countries are still lagging behind in the
development and utilization of ICT in education. According to research, at least
300,000 new users in the United States of America get connected to the Internet

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Mellissa Acosta

daily (Awake, 2002). At least 80% of all employments in the U.S.A. would have
been computer related. While we lack correct figures to show where Philippines
stands in ICT development and implementation. No wonder e-learning in
Philippines is still far behind the developed countries and other countries such as
India, Turkey, Tanzania, and so on.

F. Challenges to the implementation of ICT in e-learning

Though there is the popular assumption that e-learning is still at the
embryonic level of development, there is a strong indication that e-learning is no
longer a new idea in principles but its implementation, application or practice is
still far below expectation in most developing countries, especially Philippines.
However, e-learning can be used as the main approach/strategy for
disseminating instructional packages whereby learning takes place solely
through electronic contacts and packages (software and hardware). Also, e-
learning can be used as a combined strategy in which case learning is presented
electronically as well as with the conventional face-to-face mode of teaching.
The full implementation and practice of ICT for e-learning in
Philippines are plagued with several challenges that are too numerous to
mention here. However, we shall try to highlight the challenges from two
major categories of perspectives that is; from the Government perspective
and other stakeholders in the educational sector:
Government perspectives – The government is the most significant and
influential stakeholder in education worldwide. As already indicated, both ICT
and e-learning are not new to Philippines or the developing countries, but the
main issue is the inability of the governments to implement or cause the
implementation of the policies made with regards to ICT and e-learning. Policies
and initiatives taken in most cases never saw the light of the day. Even where it
appears a particular government is doing something, lack of continuity of
government policies truncates the policies. In addition, the emphasis placed on
education in Philippines can be described as being ‘myopic’ because the
government makes policies based on the present situation without paying
regards to the consequences for the future generations (Adegbija, 2011). There
are hardly any projections for moving the educational system beyond this
decade. This explains why the standard of education is stagnant or rather falling
and cannot meet with the standard of the present technological pace globally.

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There is still a lot to be done to properly sensitize the individual

stakeholders to fully grasp the importance and relevance of ICT resources
in e-learning or open and distance learning systems. The involvement of the
stakeholders in the design, implementation and evaluation of ICT resources used
in e-learning cannot be overestimated. Stakeholders and individuals are to be
involved as it is practiced in the developed countries. For example, the major
custodians, producers and evaluators of ICT tools or resources are individuals or
groups such as the Apple by Steve John, Microsoft by Bill Gates, Paul Allen, etc.
All these made personal computers and other technologies accessible to
individuals, companies, institutions and governments. These personal
computers allow and provide applications through the Internet for e-education,
e-learning, e-banking, e-communication, e-shopping, e-medicine, etc.
In addition, the need to raise the awareness level of the relevance of
ICT resources in e-learning cannot be overemphasized (Olakulehin, 2010). A
shift from looking up to high-technology as the only resource for disseminating
e-learning is necessary. As Romiszowski (2010) observed, high quality of
learning may not necessarily correlate closely with high technology. Simple,
day to day technologies which Osuyi (2006) referred to as m-learning, that is,
mobile technologies should also be employed in learning and teaching. These
mobile technologies include – mobile phones, handhold computers, tablet
computers, PDAs, Smart phones, laptops, electronic papers, MP players,
personal response systems, USD sticks, digital voice recorders, digital
camcorders, portable DVD player. According to the observation of Romiszowski
(2010), excessive emphasis on technology as the solution on “E” in e-learning
especially in the Philippines environment where technological expertise or
manipulation is not good enough, may be a part of the problem in the
developing countries. He opined that the reuse of e-learning objects facilitated by
poor standards may promote the easy replication of past instructional design
blunders and may contribute to a general lowing of educational quality.
Also, the teachers and students who are the main consumers of ICT
resources in the educational system need to be more computer literate in order to
sustain and encourage the current zeal or paradigm shift and because there is no
short cut to implementing ICT in e-learning education as a whole.

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G. Conclusion
General acceptance of the new move or model in global technological
education, government policies and massive enrollment for e-education and e-
learning by the learners, the attitudes of all concerned in the design and full
implementation of ICT and e-learning policies in education should be
sustained. Resistance to change is a factor which prevents the full
implementation of ICT in the classroom and this type of resistance can also
affect users of e-learning or e-education resources. Some of the students and
even the teachers or facilitators may still prefer the print materials which may
limit their knowledge, effectiveness and resourcefulness with time.
Information and communication technology (ICT) is said to have
progressively repositioned the way knowledge and information are
directed towards achieving educational goals through the operations of
open and distance education, e-education, e-learning, m-learning, and so
on. By definitions and practice, ICT and e-learning are inseparable but
dependent on each other for effective learning. There are challenges
militating against the full implementation of ICT in e-learning education
and these were discussed from the perspectives of the government and
other stakeholders in the Philippinesn educational system.

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