Sae 08PFL 944
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Sae 08PFL 944
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0.2 Biodiesel
200 300 400 500 600 700 800
300 400 500 600 700
temperature [K] temperature [K]
Figure 2. Liquid density profiles for biodiesel and diesel Figure 4. Surface tension profiles of biodiesel and diesel
surrogate fuels. The density of biodiesel-surrogate was surrogate fuels.
calculated as in Ref. [8].
1.E+07 4.5
1.E+05 Diesel
1.E+01 2.5
1.E-01 Biodiesel
C14H30 1.5
1.E-03 1.0
300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700
temperature [K] temperature [K]
Figure 2. Vapor pressure profiles for biodiesel and diesel Figure 5. Profiles of liquid heat capacity for biodiesel and
surrogate fuels. diesel surrogate fuels.
500 0.01
heat of vaporization [kJ/kg]
liquid viscosity [N-s/m^2]
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0
0.04 4.0E-05 Biodiesel
0.02 2.0E-05 Diesel
0.00 0.0E+00
300 400 500 600 700 300 500 700 900 1100
temperature [K] temperature [K]
Figure 7. Profiles of liquid thermal conductivity for
Figure 10. Profiles of vapor viscosity for biodiesel and
biodiesel and diesel surrogate fuels.
diesel surrogate fuels.
0.08 Diesel
Biodiesel 0.02
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
temperature [K]
temperature [K]
Figure 8. Profiles of vapor heat capacity for biodiesel Figure 11. Profiles of vapor thermal conductivity for
and diesel surrogate fuels. biodiesel and diesel surrogate fuels.
The vapor heat capacity of the fuel is important in However, it should be noted that the vapor heat capacity
calculating the internal energy and temperature (involved through the vapor internal energy), heat of
distribution of gas mixtures surrounding the spray drops, vaporization, vapor pressure and liquid heat capacity
which substantially affects the transient heat transfer (involved through the liquid internal energy) are also
from the surrounding gas mixture to the drop surface. coupled through the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, i.e.,
This is especially true where the fuel drops vaporize
rapidly so that the fuel/air mixtures become rich. The ⎛ dPvap ⎞ hvap
vapor heat capacity of biodiesel was surrogated with that ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ =
for Methyl Oleate, which is available in the literature [27]. ⎝ dT ⎠ sat T (1 / ρ g − 1 / ρ l )
Its vapor heat capacity is slightly lower than that of the
diesel-surrogate over the temperature range of interest,
When any one of the properties considered in the
as shown in Fig. 8.
Clausius-Clapeyron equation is changed, the equality of
the energy equation is inevitably violated. Therefore,
TRANSPORT PROPERTIES adjustment must be made to one of the other properties
to maintain equality of the equation, as listed in Table 3.
The transport properties of the vapor phase, i.e.,
diffusivity, viscosity, and thermal conductivity, were Table 3. Properties adjusted with sensitivity variable.
estimated for the soy biodiesel mixture at a number of
elevated temperatures and pressures, including above Sensitivity property Adjusted property
the critical point [8]. Liquid heat capacity Heat of vaporization
Vapor heat capacity Heat of vaporization
The diffusivity for biodiesel vapor is much lower than that Heat of vaporization Liquid heat capacity
for diesel. Note that, in the present study, the pressure Vapor pressure Liquid heat capacity
dependency of vapor diffusivity is taken into account
through the density variation in the mass diffusivity. The
viscosity of biodiesel vapor is slightly higher than that of
diesel while its thermal conductivity is lower than that of PHYSICAL SUB-MODELS
diesel. Viscosity and thermal conductivity show little
dependency on pressure, thus only the temperature For simulating the spray processes and the mixing and
dependency was considered in the present study. combustion of fuel/air mixtures in the cylinder, various
Figures 9 to 11 show comparisons of the diffusivity, physical sub-models were employed in the KIVA-ERC-
viscosity and thermal conductivity of the two surrogate CHEMKIN code which is based on KIVA3V Release 2
fuels, respectively. [28] coupled with the CHEMKIN II library [29]. The sub
models include ones related drop breakup, collision and
coalescence, drop deformation, drop evaporation, wall
SENSITIVITY TO PHYSICAL PROPERTIES impingement and vaporization, etc.
As mentioned above, 11 physical properties were A hybrid primary break-up model [30] that is
considered to study the sensitivity of numerical computationally effective as well as comprehensive
simulations of engine operation to the individual physical enough to account for the effects of aerodynamics, liquid
properties of the biodiesel-surrogate. In order to properties and nozzle flows was employed. In this
model, the injected fuel “blobs” are tracked by a COMBUSTION MODELING
Lagrangian method while the break-up of each blob is
calculated from considerations of jet stability from Detailed chemistry was employed by coupling the
Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability theory. For the KIVA3V (Release 2) with the Chemkin II library [29]. A
secondary and further break-up processes, a Kelvin skeletal reaction mechanism for n-heptane fuel with 34
Helmholtz (KH) – Rayleigh Taylor (RT) hybrid model [30] species and 77 reactions [35], which was modified for
was used. hydrogen oxidation reactions and some key reactions of
the low temperature path of n-heptane to intermediate
A droplet collision model based on the stochastic particle hydrocarbon species from the mechanism of Patel et al.
method [28] was used, in which the collision frequency is [36], was used to calculate the detailed chemical kinetics
used to calculate the probability that a drop in one parcel of combustion. Various n-heptane mechanisms have
will undergo a collision with a drop in another parcel, been widely employed for diesel combustion calculations
assuming all drops in each parcel behave in the same by many researchers because of its similar ignition
manner. The probability of coalescence is determined characteristics to those of diesel fuel. In the present
considering the Weber number that includes the effects study, the n-heptane mechanism was also used for
of density and surface tension of liquid droplets. reaction calculations in each cell, but the physical
properties of the fuel were represented with those of the
Droplet deformation in terms of its distortion from surrogate fuels in the calculations of spray processes,
sphericity is modeled using a forced, damped harmonic and in gaseous species mixing. For the calculation of
oscillator model, where the surface tension and viscosity NOx formation, a 4 species (N, NO, N2O and NO2) and
of the droplet are the major properties used in the 9 reaction NOx mechanism was used that has been
restoring force and damping terms, respectively [31]. reduced from the GRI NOx mechanism [37] and added
Distortion of droplets affects the momentum change to the n-heptane reaction mechanism.
between droplets and the ambient gas, and
subsequently drop velocities (or relative velocity The same reaction chemistry mechanism was used for
between the drop and the gas) that are the governing the combustion calculations of both biodiesel and diesel
parameters in the breakup and evaporation processes. surrogate fuels. Therefore, the present work only
addresses differences in combustion that result from
The droplet vaporization model [32, 33] considers the differences in the fuel physical properties. Inclusion of
droplet temperature range from flash-boiling conditions the effect of chemistry has been considered by Brakora
to normal evaporation. The improved model accounts for et al. [9].
variable internal droplet temperatures, and considers an
unsteady internal heat flux with internal circulation, and a A phenomenological soot model [38] modified from the
new model for the determination of the droplet surface Hiroyasu soot model [39] was employed to predict soot
temperature. The model uses an effective heat transfer emissions. In the modified model, acetylene (C2H2) is
coefficient model for the heat flux from the surrounding used as an inception species for soot formation, which
gas to the droplet surface. Also, the variable density of not only enables the soot model to be coupled with the
the diesel-surrogate fuel as a function of temperature is detailed chemistry calculation, but also improves the
considered in the governing equations and the relevant soot emission predictions.
sub-models. The effective heat transfer coefficient
calculated in the model is also used to determine the COMPUTATIONAL CONDITIONS
amount of fuel to be treated as vapor when the drop
surface temperature reaches the critical temperature Simulations of combustion in heavy and light-duty diesel
while the drop interior is still in sub-critical condition. The engines with various injection timings were performed
detailed formulation is shown in Appendix A. for biodiesel and diesel surrogate fuels to study the
effects of differences of physical properties on
Effects associated with spray/wall interactions, including combustion. The physical properties of the biodiesel-
droplet splash, film spreading due to impingement surrogate mentioned in the previous section were used
forces, and motion due to film inertia were considered in as the fuel properties in the simulations. The properties
a wall film submodel [34], in addition to calculations of of diesel surrogate fuel were represented by those of
film transport on complex surfaces with heating and tetra-decane (C14H30).
vaporization of the film, and separation and re-
entrainment of films at sharp corners. In order to study the sensitivity of mixture preparation
and combustion to the individual physical properties of
In the 2-phase transport equations, droplets are treated the fuel, 11 physical properties (refer to the previous
as point sources and the wall film fuel flow is not section) were varied between those of the biodiesel and
resolved on the computational grid. Therefore, it is diesel surrogate fuels. In addition, simulations of
assumed that the vaporized fuel in a computational cell evaporation of single drops were performed under two
where droplets or wall film parcels exist mixes non-reacting flow conditions; stagnant and convective
completely with the gaseous mixture within the cell. flow. Assuming constant ambient conditions, the
Thus, stratification of gaseous species within a single effects of the transport properties of the fuel vapor were
cell is not resolved. not considered in the single drop cases. Spray
Table 4. Computational conditions.
Engine: 1.9 L light-duty engine
Bore x Stroke [mm] 82 x 90.4 1
The computational conditions are listed in Table. 4. For Due to the difference of physical properties (especially,
single drop simulations, the ambient temperature and density, vapor pressure and bulk modulus) of biodiesel
pressure were fixed at 1000 K and 40 bar, respectively. from those of diesel, the biodiesel flow upstream of
The initial drop size was 100 µm. For the engine nozzle exit may differ from that of diesel, and
subsequently, the injection rates of biodiesel sprays may
be altered. In the present study, however, the same
injection rate shape was used for the simulation of the drop size, biodiesel
biodiesel-surrogate spray injections in order to facilitate 1.6 1.6
drop size, diesel
the analysis of spray behavior differences between 1.4 surface fuel mass ftaction, biodiesel 1.4
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
For initial assessment of the effect of fuel properties, the 0.2 0.2
evaporation of a single droplet was simulated under 0 0
stagnant and convective conditions with the ambient 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
pressure and temperature fixed at 1 bar, 800 K,
respectively. The initial drop size and temperature were time [sec]
set to 100 µm and 340 K, respectively. For the (a)
convective condition, the initial drop velocity was 5 m/s.
pressure [MPa]
0.8 12
-20 diesel, cainj= -10
diesel, cainj= -6
p7 10
0.4 8
diesel -6
0.2 6
p3, p4
0 4
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
crank angle [deg atdc]
time [sec]
p2 surface. Therefore, variation of vapor specific heat alters
0.6 p7 the heat transfer from the surrounding gas mixtures.
p5 Liquid density (p1) change mostly affects the swelling of
0.4 the drop, which implies that the sensitivity to this
diesel property may be significantly coupled to the breakup,
0.2 p3, p4 collision/coalescence, and drop deformation processes
in spray injection cases.
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 SPRAY SIMULATIONS
time [sec]
Simulations of biodiesel and diesel surrogate sprays
(b) injected into an engine cylinder were performed for three
different operating conditions. Two different piston bowl
Figure 15. Sensitivity of single drop vaporization to geometries and two boost pressures were considered so
individual physical properties listed in Table 1. (a) as to compare the effects of spray impingement and
stagnant drop vaporization, (b) convective drop ambient pressures. Due to the sufficiently large bore of
vaporization with initial drop velocity of 5 m/s. Baseline the heavy-duty engine, spray impingement on the
properties were set to those of the biodiesel-surrogate cylinder walls is minimized. By comparing the two cases
and changed individually to the corresponding the with different boost pressures for the same bowl
diesel-surrogate property. geometry of the 1.9 L light-duty engine, the effects of
physical property differences due to boost pressure
differences can be examined.
liquid density (p1) were predicted to be the second most
sensitive properties. In Fig. 16, pressure profiles of combustion of biodiesel
and diesel surrogate fuels in the large bore engine are
It is notable that use of the liquid specific heat of the compared for four different injection timings. Earlier
diesel-surrogate for that of the biodiesel-surrogate (see injection timing allows more time for vaporization and
Fig. 5) slows down evaporation such that the drop life mixing before ignition. This results in smaller differences
time becomes longer than that for the biodiesel- of ignition timing than for cases with later injection
surrogate case. Vapor pressure, which is the most timings. Note that, since the same combustion model
different property between the biodiesel and diesel was used for both fuels, the differences of ignition
surrogate fuels (refer to Fig. 2), governs the fuel mass timings are only due to the effects of the physical
fraction at the drop surface, and thus the evaporation property differences of the fuels on the mixture
until the boiling temperature (or critical temperature preparation process. Fuel sprays that are injected into
under supercritical ambient pressure conditions) is an already ignited gas mixture meet higher temperature
reached. The fuel vapor specific heat (p7) becomes an gases, and thus their vaporization is further enhanced.
important factor when the fuel drop vaporizes rapidly Therefore, it is expected that the effects of the physical
near the boiling regime because the temperature property differences become less important in terms of
distribution near the drop surface is significantly affected their effect on the peak cylinder gas pressure as
by the specific heat of the gas mixture that includes a injection timings are advanced.
large fraction of fuel vapor supplied from the drop
biodiesel diesel
biodiesel diesel
biodiesel diesel
biodiesel diesel
(b) (b)
biodiesel diesel
pressure [MPa]
diesel, cainj= -6
10 8.0
8 -6 p4
6 7.0
4 6.5
p5, p8,p9,p10
-20 -10 0 10 20 30
crank angle [deg atdc] 0 5 10 15 20
Figure 20. Effects of physical property difference on crank angle [deg atdc]
combustion in a small bore light-duty engine operated
under boost pressure (Pivc=2.926 bar). Injection timings
were varied from -20 to -6 deg atdc. Solid lines are for 1
the biodiesel-surrogate and dotted lines are for the
engine, but the differences of ignition timings and peak
cylinder pressures are predicted to be larger. Therefore, -2
it can be stated that the effects of physical property
differences become more significant at operating -3
conditions where more spray impingement is expected.
In order to confirm the argument, in-cylinder spray -4
distributions for the two fuel cases are shown in Fig. 19, te re
va eat
liq ion
su pr sity
nt d
liq d
p. ff
p. c
va Cp
liq isc
od p
po en l
va Vis
la Con
va . Di
together with the corresponding temperature fields for
Bi C
ce su
rfa es
two injection timings.
liq d
nt d
p. ff
p . sc
va Cp
liq isc
od p
d el
su pr sit
la Con
va . Di
Bi C
ce su
va Vi
or e n
0.1 100
Soot [g/kg-f]
NOx [g/kg-f]
0.08 80
7.5 p7
0.06 60
0.04 40
6.5 p2 biodiesel
0.02 20
0 5 10 15 20 0 0
crank angle [deg ATDC] -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
start of injection command [deg atdc]
4.0 Figure 23. Predicted emissions of the biodiesel and
diesel surrogates for various injection timings. The small
CA50 difference [dgeCA]
3.0 bore light-duty engine with the lower boost pressure was
2.5 simulated
The sensitivity of the engine simulations to the individual
1.0 physical properties was investigated by replacing one
0.5 property of the base fuel with that of the other. Two
0.0 sensitivity runs with each of the two fuels set to the
properties of the base fuel were performed. All of the 11
te r e
va a t
liq ion
su pr ity
liq d
nt d
p. ff
p. c
va Cp
liq isc
od p
de e l
va Vis
va Di
Bi C
ce su
or n s
rfa es
liq d
nt d
p ff
p . sc
va Cp
liq isc
od p
po den l
l a on
va Di
Bi C
ce su
va . Vi
15), the liquid density (p1) and vapor heat capacity (p7)
rfa es
APPENDIX A. A model of transcritical droplet be determined from the thermal diffusivity, α (= k / ρcv ) ,
vaporization. and a characteristic heating time, τc, i.e.,
During the lifetime of drop evaporation at supercritical
ambient conditions, the vapor pressure of a liquid droplet k
l c ~ ατ c = τc A-(1)
at a subcritical liquid temperature cannot exceed the ρc v
ambient pressure, thus it cannot be subjected to boiling
evaporation. However, when droplets are heated by heat
transfer from the surrounding gases at supercritical where k and ρ are the thermal conductivity and density
conditions, which is possible under diesel condition, the of the liquid droplet, respectively, evaluated at the
surface temperature of the droplet can reach the critical interior drop temperature.
mixing temperature, while the temperature of the drop
interior remains sub-critical. In this case, the phase The characteristic heating time can be obtained from the
change near the critical mixing line on a phase elapsed time to heat up the entire drop mass from the
equilibrium plot is very complex and involved due to high initial temperature to final temperature assuming no
pressure gas absorption and non-ideal gas behavior. In critical phase change from the drop surface and given
order to model the phase change of liquid fuel drops the heat flux from the drop surface to the drop interior.
under transcritical conditions, a simple model that The energy balance equation for this heating process is
employs the concept of effective radius of phase change given as
was used to estimate the amount of fuel to be treated as
vaporized during a given time step during the (Td , f − Td )
evaporation calculation. ρVcv ~ Ah f ,eff (Ts − Td )
The assumptions made in the model include; 1) the
critical mixing line is independent of ambient pressure, or
i.e., the critical mixing temperature is equal to the critical
temperature. 2) no absorption of gases into the liquid rd (Td , f − Td )
drop is assumed. 3) the droplet and the surrounding gas τ c ~ ρcv A-(2)
mixtures are bounded by a sharp phase transition 3 h f ,eff (Ts − Td )
boundary. 4) the density of the liquid drop interior is
uniform and is evaluated at the average drop interior where V is the volume of the drop, cv is the specific heat
temperature. 5) only the temperature gradient within the of the liquid drop, Td,f is the final drop temperature after
drop-gas interface is considered in evaluation of heat heating, Td is the initial drop temperature, A is the drop
transfer into the drop interior. 6) a quasi-steady state surface area, hf,eff is the effective heat transfer coefficient
vaporization process is assumed. that takes the effects of internal circulation of the liquid
drop into account, rd is the drop radius, and Ts is the
The effective radius of a droplet beyond which the liquid drop surface temperature, which is equal to the critical
is regarded vaporized is calculated from the temperature. Therefore, the effective radius of phase
characteristic length of heat transfer at the drop surface change is determined using a model constant, χ, as
that is at the critical temperature. From dimensional
analysis, the characteristic length of heat transfer, lc, can
k r (Td , f − Td )
l c ~ ατ c = χ ρcv d
ρcv 3 h f ,eff (Ts − Td )
rd k (Td , f − Td )
=χ A-(3)
3h f ,eff (Ts − Td )