The document outlines a Martian plan to send a data-analyzing robot to Mars to assess the suitability of the planet for establishing a civilization. The robot would create a solar-powered water desalination plant and analyze Martian soil conditions and terrain. It would send information back to enhance the desalination plant and help determine if Mars could support human life. If initial results are promising, the plan would send a space hub to Mars with supplies and tools to establish a new civilization, but only after first developing ways to produce water and start agriculture. The goal is to establish if Mars could serve as a second Earth within the next 10 years.
The document outlines a Martian plan to send a data-analyzing robot to Mars to assess the suitability of the planet for establishing a civilization. The robot would create a solar-powered water desalination plant and analyze Martian soil conditions and terrain. It would send information back to enhance the desalination plant and help determine if Mars could support human life. If initial results are promising, the plan would send a space hub to Mars with supplies and tools to establish a new civilization, but only after first developing ways to produce water and start agriculture. The goal is to establish if Mars could serve as a second Earth within the next 10 years.
The document outlines a Martian plan to send a data-analyzing robot to Mars to assess the suitability of the planet for establishing a civilization. The robot would create a solar-powered water desalination plant and analyze Martian soil conditions and terrain. It would send information back to enhance the desalination plant and help determine if Mars could support human life. If initial results are promising, the plan would send a space hub to Mars with supplies and tools to establish a new civilization, but only after first developing ways to produce water and start agriculture. The goal is to establish if Mars could serve as a second Earth within the next 10 years.
The document outlines a Martian plan to send a data-analyzing robot to Mars to assess the suitability of the planet for establishing a civilization. The robot would create a solar-powered water desalination plant and analyze Martian soil conditions and terrain. It would send information back to enhance the desalination plant and help determine if Mars could support human life. If initial results are promising, the plan would send a space hub to Mars with supplies and tools to establish a new civilization, but only after first developing ways to produce water and start agriculture. The goal is to establish if Mars could serve as a second Earth within the next 10 years.
Eart h's resources are get t ing Me t Methane Cycle deplet ed and t he clim at ic condit ion is get t ing worse. We hum ans need Microbial life anot her plat form t o set up early Atmospheric Conditions civilisat ions and count inue t o develop a civilisat ion in t he ot her 1 2 Extreme creature reaserch
plat form . Agricultural soil
Creat ing t he solar robot and t he solar The robot first is sent t o m ars and t hen wat er desalinat ion plant t o set up analyzes and int erpret s t he dat a for
H YPOTH ESIS sivilisat ions in m ars. furt her set t ing up an civilisat ion in m ar s
ANALYZING ROBOT TO THE MATRIAN LAND AND ANALYZE THE SUITABILITY FOR SETTING UP A CIVILIZATION. 3 4 The rover sends inform at ion about t he The space hub is sent t o m ars wit h M ATERIALS m art ian soil and it s t errain for furt her hum ans ,plant at ions and various CON CLU SION enhancing t he desalinat ion plant . Mars is fit for Hum an civilisat ion ot her t ools for set t ing up a new - The m at erials for t he robot is a but v only aft er som e basic solar panel som e gears and dat a RESU LTS condit ions t t hat is an early m achines designed by t op The robot successfully analyzes t he Mart ian soil and advancem ent s t hat m eans when com panies wit h self analyzing we are able t o produce wat er and gives us t hree m ain point s for furt her invest igat ion syst em s. st art agricu;lt ure just anot her 10 1) Met hane Cycle - The desalinat ion plant needs years and m ars is t he 2nd Eart h! 2)Avaiiable Micro and Macro nut rient s t ransparent sheet and a lot of This is possiblke only when we m et als for building t he plant . 3)Microbial life in Met eor sam ples. st art t o est ablish t he basic necessit y t hat is m ainly our project