Competancy Based HRM PDF

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Performance Management System: Introduction of PMS-Definition, Scope, Importance, Performance

Planning – Individual Goal Setting, Linking individual goals to Organization goals, Performance Coaching-
Identification of Training Needs- Job Specification, Identify the Performance Gap, Training Specification,
Choose appropriate training module, Counselling for Better Performance, Feedback Mechanism in
Organization. (6+3)

2. Introduction to Competency: Definition and History of Competency, Basic Components of

Competency(Knowledge(K),Skill(S), Attitude(A)), Performance Vs Competency, Difference between
Competence and Competency, Type of Competency- Generic Vs Key Competency, Functional and
Technical Competency, Leadership and managerial Competency, Need for Competency Framework,
Limitation and Learning from Competency Framework, Myth about Competency(6+3)

3. Competency Development & its Models: Need and Importance of Competency Development, Stages
in developing Competency Model, Types of Competency Model – Core/Generic, Job Specific,
Managerial/Leadership, Custom, Development of Personnel Competency Framework – Lancaster Model
of Competency.(5+3)

4. Competency Mapping: Procedures/Steps-Determining objectives and Scope, clarifying

implementation goals and standards, create an action plan, define competency based performance
effectiveness (Key Result Area (KRA) & Key Performance Indicators(KPI)), tools for data collection, data
analysis, validating competency model, mapping future jobs and single incumbent jobs, using
competency profile in HR decisions, Mapping Competency for Recruitment and Selection, Training and
Development, Performance and Compensation. (7+3)

5. Competency Driven Career and Culture: Role of Competency in Career Progression - Transactional
Competency, Tradition Competency and Transformational Competency, Evaluation of Career through
KSA (Knowledge, Skill and Attitude) Competency based Succession and Career planning, Corporate
Competency driven Culture. (6+3)

Suggested Text Books: 1. Competency based HRM, Ganesh Shermon, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing

2. The handbook of Competency Mapping: Understanding, Designing and Implementing Competency

Models in Organizations, Seema Sanghi, Sage Publication Inc

Suggested Reference Books: 1. Human Capital Measurement: An Introduction, K Sangeetha ICFAI


2. Competency Mapping, R K Sahu

3. Competency Study: Mapping the Future, Paul R Bernthal, ASTD Press

4. Human resource Management, K Ashwathappa

5. Human Resource Management, L M Prasad 6. Human Resource Management, Gary Dessler

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