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Transmission Line Helps in The Movement of Electricity From A Power Plant or Power Station To The

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A distribution line is a line or system for distributing power from a transmission system to a

consumer that operates at less than 69,000 volts. When a voltage greater than 1 kilovolt and less
than 40 kilovolt is used for a particular power line, the power line is typically referred to as
a distribution line.

What is the difference between a transmission line and a distribution line?

Transmission Line helps in the movement of electricity from a power plant or power station to the

various substations whereas the distribution line carries electricity from the substation to the
consumer's end. i.e, to the residential and commercial customers.

The Transmission line and Distribution line both are used to carry power or electricity from one
place to the other. The difference between transmission and distribution line are explained on the
basis of the factors like the basic usage of the transmission and distribution line, their working supply
phase, voltage level and level of conduction.

he Difference Between Transmission and Distribution Line is given below in the tabulated form.


Usage Transmission Line helps in the The Distribution line carries

movement of electricity from power electricity from the substation to
plant to the substations. the consumer’s end.

Phase It is carried out electricity in three phase It requires a single phase supply
supply system. system for carrying electricity.

Voltage level Carries electricity at a very high voltage. Carries electricity at a very low and
About 11000 volts. safe level of about 220 volts.

Current They conduct current at 69 kV or more. They conduct less than 69 kV


Thickness Transmission lines are thick lines. Distribution line are thin as
compared to the transmission line.

Generation of electricity is a major factor, but how this electricity is transmitted from the power
stations to the substations and finally to the consumers is also important. This process is done by
transmission and distribution lines.

Transmission lines are a high voltage line that carries electricity from power plant to the substation
from it is further distributed to various areas for different purposes. Distribution lines are low
voltage lines that carry electricity from the substations to the end users for residential and
commercial use.

The Difference Between Transmission and Distribution Line are as follows:-

 Transmission Line helps in the movement of electricity from a power plant or power station
to the various substations whereas the distribution line carries electricity from the
substation to the consumer’s end. i.e, to the residential and commercial customers.

 Transmission line carries power or electricity in three phase supply system. Distribution
system requires a single phase supply system for carrying electricity.
 Transmission line carries electricity at a very high voltage that is of about 11000 volts
whereas Distribution lines carries electricity at a very low and safe value level that is about
220 volts.

 Transmission line, conducts current at 69 kilo volts or more, but distribution line conduct
current at less than 69 kilo Volt.

 Distribution line are thin as compared to the transmission line.

Single Line Diagram of 11kV Substation

Substation provides the energy supply for the local area in which the line is located. The
main function of the substation is to collect the energy transmitted at high voltage from the
generating station and then reduce the voltage to an appropriate value for local distribution
and gives facilities for switching. The substation is of two types one is the simple switching
type where the different connection between transmission line are made and the other is
the converting stations which convert AC to DC or vice versa or convert frequency from
higher to lower or lower to higher.

The substation has an additional function like they provide points where safety devices may
be installed to disconnect equipment or circuit in the event of the fault. The synchronous
condenser is placed at the end of the transmission line for improving the power factor and
for measuring the operation at the various part of the power system. Street lighting, as well
as the switching control for street lighting, can be installed in a substation.

The single line diagram of an 11 KV substation is shown in the figure below. The single line
diagram makes the system easy and it provides the facilitates reading of the electrical supply
and connection
Main Components of 11kV Substation

The working of the electrical equipment used in the substation is explained below in details.

1. Isolator – The isolator connects or disconnects the incoming circuit when the supply is
already interrupted. It is also used for breaking the charging current of the transmission line.
The isolator is placed on the supply side of the circuit breaker so that the circuit breaker
isolated from the live parts of the maintenance.

2. Lightning Arrester  – The lightning arrester is a protective device which protects the system
from lightning effects. It has two terminals one is high voltage and the other is the ground
voltage. The high voltage terminal is connected to the transmission line and the ground
terminal passes the high voltage surges to earth.

3.  CT Metering – The metering CT measure and records the current when their secondary
terminal is connected to the metering equipment panel.

4. Step-down Transformer – The step-down transformer converts the high voltage current into
the low voltage current.

5. Capacitor Bank – The capacitor bank consists series or parallel connection of the capacitor.
The main function of the capacitor bank is to improve the power factor of the line. It draws
the leading current to the line by reducing the reactive component of the circuit.

6. Circuit Breaker – The circuit breaker interrupts the abnormal or faults current to flow
through the line. It is the type of electrical switch which open or closes the contacts when
the fault occurs in the system.

The outgoing feeder supplies the input power to the consumer end.
Power Generation, Transmission And Distribution
What is distribution substation and its main components?

Distribution substation

Distribution substation typically operates at 2.4 – 34.5 kV voltage levels, and deliver electric energy
directly to industrial and residential consumers. Distribution feeders transport power from the
distribution substations to the end consumers’ premises. These feeders serve a large number of
premises and usually contain many branches.

At the consumers’ premises, distribution transformers transform the distribution voltage to the
service level voltage directly used in households and industrial plants, usually from 110 to 600 V.

Distribution substation is generally comprised of the following major components:

1. Supply Line

2. Transformers

3. Busbars

4. Switchgear

5. Outcoming feeders

6. Switching apparatus

a. Switches

b. Fuses

c. Circuit breakers

7. Surge voltage protection

8. Grounding
Figure 1 – Single line diagram of major components of power system from generation to

1. Supply Line

Distribution substation is connected to a sub-transmission system via at least one supply line, which
is often called a primary feeder. However, it is typical for a distribution substation to be supplied by
two or more supply lines to increase reliability of the power supply in case one supply line is

A supply line can be an overhead line or an underground feeder, depending on the location of the
substation, with underground cable lines mostly in urban areas and overhead lines in rural areas and

Supply lines are connected to the substation via high voltage disconnecting switches in order to
isolate lines from substation to perform maintenance or repair work.

Figure 2 – Distribution substation connection diagram

2. Transformers

Transformers “step down” supply line voltage to distribution level voltage. See Figure 3 below.
Distribution substation usually employs three-phase transformers. However, banks of single-phase
transformers can also be used.
For reliability and maintenance purposes, two transformers are typically employed at the
substation, but the number can vary depending on the importance of the consumers fed from the
substation and the distribution system design in general.

Figure 3 – Voltage transformers (General Electric)

Transformers can be classified by the following factors:

a) Power rating

Which is expressed in kilovolt-amperes (kVA) or megavolts- amperes (MVA), and indicates the

amount of power that can be transferred through the transformer. Distribution substation
transformers are typically in the range of 3 kVA to 25 MVA.

b) Insulation

Which includes liquid or dry types of transformer insulation. Liquid insulation can be mineral oil,
nonflammable or low-flammable liquids. The dry type includes the ventilated, cast coil, enclosed
non-ventilated, and sealed gas- filled types.

Additionally, insulation can be a combination of the liquid, vapor, and gas-filled unit.

C) Voltage rating

Which is governed by the sub-transmission and distribution voltage levels substation to which the
transformer is connected. Also, there are standard voltages nominal levels governed by applicable
standards. Transformer voltage rating is indicated by the manufacturer.

For example, 115/34.5 kV means the high-voltage winding of the transformer is rated at 115 kV, and
the low voltage winding is rated at 34.5 kV between different phases.

Voltage rating dictates the construction and insulation requirements of the transformer to withstand
rated voltage or higher voltages during system operation.
D) Cooling

Which is dictated by the transformer power rating and maximum allowable temperature rise at the
expected peak demand. Transformer rating includes self-cooled rating at the specified temperature
rise or forced-cooled rating of the transformer if so equipped.

Typical transformer rated winding temperature rise is  55°C/65°C at ambient temperature of
30°C  for liquid-filled transformers to permit 100% loading or higher if temporarily needed for system

E) Winding connections

Which indicates how the three phases of transformer windings are connected together at each
side. There are two basic connections of transformer windings:

 Delta (where the end of each phase winding is connected to the beginning of the next phase
forming a triangle); and

 Star (where the ends of each phase winding are connected together, forming a neutral point
and the beginning of windings are connected outside).

Typically, distribution transformer is connected delta at the high-voltage side and wye at the low
voltage side. Delta connection isolates the two systems with respect to some harmonics (especially
third harmonic), which are not desirable in the system. A wye connection establishes a convenient
neutral point for connection to the ground

F) Voltage regulation

Which indicates that the transformer is capable of changing the low voltage side voltage in order to
maintain nominal voltage at customer service points. Voltage at customer service points can
fluctuate as a result of either primary system voltage fluctuation or excessive voltage drop due to
the high load current.

To achieve this, transformers are equipped with voltage tap regulators. Those can be either no-load
type, requiring disconnecting the load to change the tap, or under-load type (on-load type), allowing
tap changing during transformer normal load conditions.

Transformer taps effectively change the transformation ratio and allow voltage regulation of 10–15%
in steps of 1.75–2.5% per tap. Transformer tap changing can be manual or automatic.

However, only under-load type tap changers can operate automatically.

3. Busbars

Busbars (also called buses) can be found throughout the entire power system, from generation to
industrial plants to electrical distribution boards. Busbars are used to carry large current and to
distribute current to multiple circuits within switchgear or equipment (Figure 5).

Plug-in devices with circuit breakers or fusible switches may be installed and wired without de-
energizing the busbars if so specified by the manufacturer.
Figure 5 – Outdoor switchgear busbar (upper conductors) with voltage transformers

Originally, busbars consisted of uncovered copper conductors supported on insulators, such as

porcelain, mounted within a non-ventilated steel housing. This type of construction was adequate
for current ratings of 225–600 A.

As the use of busbars expanded and increased, loads demanded higher current ratings  and housings
were ventilated to provide better cooling at higher capacities.

The busbars were also covered with insulation for safety and to permit closer spacing of bars of
opposite polarity in order to achieve lower reactance and voltage drop.

By utilizing conduction, current densities are achieved for totally enclosed busbars that are
comparable to those previously attained with ventilated busbars. Totally enclosed busbars have the
same current rating regardless of mounting position. Bus configuration may be a stack of one busbar
per phase (0–800 A), whereas higher ratings will use two (3,000 A) or three stacks (5,000 A).

Each stack may contain all three phases, neutral, and grounding conductors to minimize circuit

Busbars’ conductors and current-carrying parts can be either copper, aluminum, or copper alloy
rated for the purpose.

Compared to copper,  electrical grade aluminum has lower conductivity and lower mechanical

Generally, for equal current-carrying ability, aluminum is lighter in weight and less costly. All contact
locations on current-carrying parts are plated with tin or silver to prevent oxides or insulating film
from building up on the surfaces.
In distribution substation, busbars are used at both high side and low side voltages to connect
different circuits and to transfer power from the power supply to multiple outcoming feeders.
Feeder busbars are available for indoor and outdoor construction.

Outdoor busbars are designed to operate reliably despite exposure to the weather. Available current
ratings range from 600 to 5,000 A continuous current. Available short-circuit current ratings
are 42,000–200,000 A, symmetrical root mean square (RMS).

4. Switchgear

Switchgear (Figure 6) is a general term covering primary switching and interrupting devices together
with its control and regulating equipment. Power switchgear includes breakers, disconnect switches,
main bus conductors, interconnecting wiring, support structures with insulators, enclosures, and
secondary devices for monitoring and control.

Power switchgear is used throughout the entire power system, from generation to industrial plants
to connect incoming power supply and distribute power to consumers.

Switchgear can be of outdoor or indoor types, or a combination of both.  Outdoor switchgear is

typically used for voltages above 26 kV, whereas indoor switchgear is commonly for voltages below
26 kV.

Figure 6 – Air-insulated primary switchgear equipped with Feeder Terminals

ndoor switchgear can be further classified into metal-enclosed switchgear and open switchgear,
which is similar to outdoor switchgear but operates at lower voltages. Metal enclosed switchgear
can be further classified into metal-clad switchgear, low voltage breaker switchgear, and interrupter

Metal-clad switchgear (Figure 6) is commonly used throughout the industry for distributing supply
voltage service above 1,000 V.

Metal-clad switchgear can be characterized as follows:

a. The primary voltage breakers and switches are mounted on a removable mechanism to
allow for movement and proper alignment.

b. Grounded metal barriers enclose major parts of the primary circuit, such as breakers or
switches, buses, potential transformers, and control power transformers.
c. All live parts are enclosed within grounded metal compartments. Primary circuit elements
are not exposed even when the removable element is in the test, disconnected, or in the
fully withdrawn position.

d. Primary bus conductors and connections are covered with insulating material throughout by
means of insulated barriers between phases and between phase and ground.

Go back to Distribution Substation Components ↑

5. Outcoming Feeders

A number of outcoming feeders are connected to the substation bus to carry power from the
substation to points of service. Feeders can be run overhead along streets, or beneath streets, and
carry power to distribution transformers at or near consumer premises.

The feeders’ breaker and isolator are part of the substation low voltage switchgear and are typically
the metal-clad type.

When a fault occurs…

When a fault occurs on the feeder, the protection will detect it and open the breaker.

After detection, either automatically or manually, there may be one or more attempts to reenergize
the feeder. If the fault is transient, the feeder will be reenergized and the breaker will remain closed.
If the fault is permanent, the breaker will remain open and operating personnel will locate and
isolate the faulted section of the feeder.

Go back to Distribution Substation Components ↑

6. Switching Apparatus

Switching apparatus is needed to connect or disconnect elements of the power system to or from
other elements of the system. Switching apparatus includes switches, fuses, circuit breakers, and
service protectors.

a) Switches

Switches are used for isolation, load interruption, and transferring service between different
sources of supply.
Isolating switches are used to provide visible disconnect to enable safe access to the isolated
equipment. These switches usually have no interrupting current rating, meaning that the circuit
must be opened by other means (such as breakers). Interlocking is generally provided to prevent
operation when the switch is carrying current.

Load interrupting or a load-break switch combines the functions of a disconnecting switch and a load
interrupter for interrupting at rated voltage and currents not exceeding the continuous-current
rating of the switch.

Load-break switches are of the air- or fluid-immersed type. The interrupter switch is usually
manually operated and has a “quick-make, quick-break” mechanism which functions independently
of the speed-of-handle operation. These types of switches are typically used on voltages above 600
For services of 600 V and below, safety circuit breakers and switches are commonly used. Safety
switches are enclosed and may be fused or un-fused. This type of switch is operated by a handle
outside the enclosure and is interlocked so that the enclosure cannot be opened unless the switch is
open or the interlock defeater is operated.
Transfer switches can be operated automatically or manually.

Automatic transfer switches are of double-throw construction and are primarily used for emergency
and standby power generation systems rated at 600 V and lower. These switches are used to provide
protection against normal service failures.

b) Fuses

Fuses are used as an overcurrent protective device with a circuit-opening fusible link that is heated
and severed as overcurrent passes through it. Fuses are available in a wide range of voltage, current,
and interrupting ratings, current-limiting types, and for indoor and outdoor applications.

Fuses perform the same function as circuit breakers, and there is no general rule for using one
versus the other.

The decision to use a fuse or circuit breaker is usually based on the particular application, and
factors such as the current interrupting requirement, coordination with adjacent protection devices,
space requirements, capital and maintenance costs, automatic switching, etc.

c) Circuit breakers

Circuit breakers are devices designed to open and close a circuit either automatically or manually.
When applied within its rating, an automatic circuit breaker must be capable of opening a circuit
automatically on a predetermined overload of current without damaging itself or adjacent
elements. Circuit breakers are required to operate infrequently, although some classes of circuit
breakers are suitable for more frequent operation.

The interrupting and momentary ratings of a circuit breaker  must be equal to or greater than the
available system short-circuit currents.

Circuit breakers are available for the entire system voltage range, and may be as furnished single-
pole, double-pole, triple-pole, or four-pole, and arranged for indoor or outside use. Sulfur
hexafluoride (SF6) gas-insulated circuit breakers are available for medium and high voltages, such as
gas-insulated substations.

When a current is interrupted, an arc is generated. This arc must be contained, cooled, and
extinguished in a controlled way so that the gap between the contacts can again withstand the
voltage in the circuit. Circuit breakers can use vacuum, air, insulating gas, or oil as the medium in
which the arc forms.

Different techniques are used to extinguish the arc, including:

 Lengthening the arc

 Intensive cooling (in jet chambers)

 Division into partial arcs

 Zero point quenching (contacts open at the zero current time crossing of the AC waveform,
effectively breaking no-load current at the time of opening)

 Connecting capacitors in parallel with contacts in DC circuits

Traditionally, oil circuit breakers (Figure 7) were used in the power industry, which use oil as a media
to extinguish the arc and rely upon vaporization of some of the oil to blast a jet of oil through the

a. Gas (usually sulfur hexafluoride) circuit breakers sometimes stretch the arc using a
magnetic field, and then rely upon the dielectric strength of the sulfur hexafluoride to
quench the stretched arc.

b. Vacuum circuit breakers have minimal arcing (as there is nothing to ionize other than the
contact material), so the arc quenches when it is stretched by a very small amount (<2–3
mm). Vacuum circuit breakers are frequently used in modern medium-voltage switchgear up
to 35 kV.

c. Air blast circuit breakers may use compressed air to blow out the arc, or alternatively, the
contacts are rapidly swung into a small sealed chamber, where the escaping displaced air
blows out the arc.

Circuit breakers are usually able to terminate all current very quickly: Typically the arc is
extinguished between 30 and 150 ms after the mechanism has tripped, depending upon age and
construction of the device.

Indoor circuit breakers are rated to carry 1–3 kA current continuously, and interrupting 8–40 kA
short-circuit current at rated voltage.

7. Surge Voltage Protection

Transient overvoltages are due to natural and inherent characteristics of power systems.

Overvoltages may be caused by lightning or by a sudden change of system conditions (such as
switching operations, faults, load rejection, etc.), or both. Generally, the overvoltage types can be
classified as lightning generated and as switching generated.

The magnitude of overvoltages can be above maximum permissible levels, and therefore needs to
be reduced and protected against to avoid damage to equipment and undesirable system

The occurrence of abnormal applied overvoltage stresses, either short term or sustained steady
state, contributes to premature insulation failure. Large amounts of current may be driven through
the faulted channel, producing large amounts of heat.

Failure to suppress overvoltage quickly and effectively or interrupt high short circuit current can
cause massive damage of insulation in large parts of the power system, leading to lengthy repairs.

The appropriate application of surge-protective devices (Figure 8) will lessen the magnitude and
duration of voltage surges seen by the protected equipment. The problem is complicated by the fact
that insulation failure results from impressed overvoltages, and because of the aggregate duration of
repeated instances of overvoltages.
Figure 8 – High voltage side 144kV Surge arresters with grounded bottom terminals

Surge arresters have been used in power systems to protect insulation from overvoltages.
Historically, the evolution of surge arrester material technology has produced various arrester
designs, starting with the valve-type arrester, which has been used almost exclusively on power
system protection for decades. The active element (i.e., valve element) in these arresters is a
nonlinear resistor that exhibits relatively high resistance (megaohms) at system operating voltages,
and a much lower resistance (ohms) at fast rate-of-rise surge voltages.

Arresters have a dual fundamental-frequency (RMS) voltage rating (i.e., duty- cycle voltage rating),
and a corresponding maximum continuous operating voltage rating. Duty-cycle voltage is defined as
the designated maximum permissible voltage between the terminals at which an arrester is
designed to perform.

8. Grounding

Grounding is divided into two categories: power system grounding and equipment

grounding. Power system grounding means that at some location in the system there are intentional
electric connections between the electric system phase conductors and ground (earth).

Power system grounding

System grounding is needed to control overvoltages and to provide a path for ground-current flow in
order to facilitate sensitive ground-fault protection based on detection of ground-current flow.

Power system grounding can be as follows:

1. Solidly grounded

2. Ungrounded

3. Resistance grounded

Each grounding arrangement has advantages and disadvantages, with choices driven by local and
global standards and practices, and engineering judgment.
Solidly grounded systems are arranged such that circuit protective devices will detect a faulted
circuit and isolate it from the system regardless of the type of fault. All transmission and most sub-
transmission systems are solidly grounded for system stability purposes. Low voltage service levels
of 120–480 V four-wire systems must also be solidly grounded for safety of life.

Solid grounding is achieved by connecting the neutral of the wye-connected winding of the power
transformer to the ground.

Where service continuity is required, such as for a continuously operating process, the resistance
grounded power system can be used. With this type of grounding, the intention is that any contact
between one phase conductor and a ground will not cause the phase overcurrent protective device
to operate. Resistance grounding is typically used from 480 V to 15 kV for three-wire systems.
Resistance grounding is achieved by connecting the neutral of the wye-connected winding of the
power transformer to the ground through the resistor, or by employing special grounding

The operating advantage of an ungrounded system is the  ability to continue operations during a
single phase-to-ground fault, which, if sustained, will not result in an automatic trip of the circuit
by protection!

Ungrounded systems are usually employed at the distribution level and are originated from delta-
connected power transformers.

Equipment grounding

Equipment grounding refers to the system of electric conductors (grounding conductor and ground
buses) by which all non-current-carrying metallic structures within an industrial plant are
interconnected and grounded.

The main purposes of equipment grounding are:

a. To maintain low potential difference between metallic structures or parts, minimizing the
possibility of electric shocks to personnel in the area

b. To contribute to adequate protective device performance of the electric system, and safety
of personnel and equipment

c. To avoid fires from volatile materials and the ignition of gases in combustible atmospheres
by providing an effective electric conductor system for the flow of ground-fault currents and
lightning and static discharges to eliminate arcing and other thermal distress in electrical

Substation grounding systems are thoroughly engineered. In an electrical substation, a ground

(earth) mat is a mesh of metal rods connected together with conductive material and installed
beneath the earth surface. It is designed to prevent dangerous ground potential from rising at a
place where personnel would be located when operating switches or other apparatus.

It is bonded to the local supporting metal structure and to the switchgear so that the operator will
not be exposed to a high differential voltage due to a fault in the substation.

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