Ufgs 02 65 00
Ufgs 02 65 00
Ufgs 02 65 00
SECTION 02 65 00
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 1
3.1.7 Emergency Response and First Aid Equipment
3.1.8 Burning and Explosives
3.1.9 Protection of Existing Structures and Utilities
3.1.10 Shoring
3.2.1 Sampling
3.2.2 Analysis
3.2.3 Characterization
3.5.1 Removal of Product, Pumpable Liquids, and Sludge
3.5.2 Contaminated Water Disposal Sampling, Analysis, and Containment Treatment
3.7.1 Exploratory Trenches
3.7.2 Tank Excavation
3.7.3 Temporary Containment of Excavated Soil
3.7.4 Piping Excavation
3.7.5 Open Excavations
3.7.6 Hidden Structures
3.7.7 Stockpiles
3.7.8 Acceptable Levels of Contamination
3.8.1 Piping and Ancillary Equipment
3.8.2 Tank
3.8.3 Contaminated Soil, Tank and Piping Excavation Examination
3.8.4 Testing Along Piping
3.9.1 Exterior
3.9.2 Temporary Storage
3.9.3 Interior
3.10.1 Tank Excavation Sampling Procedures
3.10.2 Stockpiled Material Sampling
3.10.3 Analysis
3.12.1 Treatment, Disposal, and Recycling
3.12.2 Tank and Ancillary Equipment Disposal
3.12.3 Transportation of Wastes
3.12.4 Salvage Rights
3.12.5 Manifest Records
3.12.6 Hazardous/Special Waste Manifests
3.12.7 Documentation of Treatment or Disposal
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 2
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC / NASA UFGS-02 65 00 (February 2010)
Change 1 - 11/13
Preparing Activity: USACE Superseding
UFGS-02 65 00 (August 2008)
SECTION 02 65 00
NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for removal and disposal of
underground, nonhardened tanks and piping used to
store petroleum products, waste oils or hazardous
wastes in accordance with Federal, State, and local
NOTE: Show the following information on the project
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 3
buildings, roads, utilities, topography, trees and
shrubs, surface condition, etc. If as-built
drawings are not available, a site investigation and
site plans are required to show the general location
of existing tanks and site features. Detail
drawings to include dimensions, sections,
elevations, slopes and size of excavations and
temporary containment areas. Provide, as part of
the Tank Closure Report, a detailed map showing
exact location of the tank prior to removal.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 4
soil contamination or where groundwater
contamination is a possibility, should have a
Corrective Action Plan under Subtitle I of RCRA and
applicable state and local regulations; refer to EM
1110-1-4006, Removal of Underground Storage Tanks
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 5
Quantities of contaminated
soils, fill material and
contaminated water shall
be estimated taking into
consideration site
conditions, and age and
history of tanks.
NOTE: For some locations, such as a contaminated
site scheduled for site remediation, it may be
permissible to use contaminated soil materials for
backfill in tank and piping excavations. Get
approval from local regulating authority before
using contaminated soil materials.
NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 7
Quantities of contaminated
soils, fill material and
contaminated water shall
be estimated taking into
consideration site
conditions, and age and
history of tanks.
NOTE: For some locations, such as a contaminated
site scheduled for site remediation, it may be
permissible to use contaminated soil materials for
backfill in tank and piping excavations. Get
approval from local regulating authority before
using contaminated soil materials.
NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 7
References not used in the text will automatically
be deleted from this section of the project
specification when you choose to reconcile
references in the publish print process.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 8
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 9
40 CFR 280 Technical Standards and Corrective Action
Requirements for Owners and Operators of
Underground Storage Tanks (UST)
NOTE: 40 CFR 280, RCRA Subtitle I closures are
primarily performed on petroleum or chemical product
tanks and require a minimum of 30 days notice prior
to a change in service or closure.
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 10
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 11
Laboratory and Field Testing Reports
Backfill Material
Tank Contents Verification
Contaminated Water Disposal
Soil Examination, Testing, and Analysis
Backfilling; G[, [_____]].
1.5.1 Qualifications
NOTE: Require certification for tank removals
whenever work will be performed under a jurisdiction
requiring certification.
a. API RP 1604
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 12
1.5.2 Laboratory Services
Identify all staff involved for the various components, including personnel
collecting and shipping samples, and detail staff member's qualifications.
f. Protective clothing.
g. Respiratory protection.
j. Decontamination procedures.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 13
NOTE: Regarding "in a special manner", some states
require that petroleum contaminated soils (special
wastes) be disposed of in specially designated
NOTE: If underground storage tank removal is part
of a larger project which contains Section 31 11 00
CLEARING AND GRUBBING, use it instead of this
paragraph. Otherwise edit this paragraph as needed.
NOTE: If underground storage tank removal is part
of a larger project which contains Section 31 00 00
EARTHWORK, use it for topsoil requirements instead
of this paragraph. Otherwise edit this paragraph as
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 19
Before excavating, [drain product piping back to the tank] [remove residual
liquids trapped in the product lines] [and] remove all product from the
tank. Purge and vent the tank in accordance with API RP 1604, and as
specified herein.
NOTE: See EM 1110-1-4006 for the analytical
parameters required for recyclability, reusability
and disposal consistent with characterization of
tank contents.
[Contain and store tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge onsite, prior
to disposal. Treat contaminated water as specified. Analyze and segregate
tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge to recover reusable products
prior to being transported to the [designated location] [treatment, storage
and disposal (TSD) facility.]] [Remove and dispose of tank product,
pumpable liquids, and sludge. Use of Government facilities for permanent
storage or disposal of the wastes is prohibited. Temporary storage on
Government facilities will be allowed only until testing is complete,
manifests (if necessary) are complete, and transportation is arranged.]
The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits. Usable
product shall be the property of the [Government] [Contractor]. Provide
approved containers, vehicles, equipment, labor, signs, labels, placards
and manifests and associated land disposal restriction notices and
notifications, necessary for accomplishment of the work, including
materials necessary for cleaning up spills that could occur from tank
removal operations.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 20
if the subject is addressed in other sections.
Refer to EM 1110-1-4006 for special compaction
requirements such as under pavements.
Do not permit personnel, not directly involved with the project, to enter
work zones, called the EZ and CRZ. The EZ is an area around the tank a
minimum of 3 m 10 feet from the limits of the tank excavation. At the
perimeter of the EZ, establish a CRZ. Clean equipment and personnel within
the CRZ, as stated in the paragraph titled "Personnel and Equipment
Decontamination." Locate the Contractor's site office, parking area, and
other support facilities outside the EZ and CRZ. Clearly mark and post
boundaries of the EZ and CRZ. Include a site map, outlining the extent of
work zones and location of support facilities, in the SSHP.
Prior to starting onsite work, conduct a health and safety training class
directed by the SSHO [CIH] to discuss the implementation of the SSHP.
Notify the Contracting Officer 24 hours prior to beginning the training
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 16
personnel and ensure that safety equipment and protective clothing is kept
clean and well maintained. Furnish three clean sets of personal protective
equipment and clothing for use by the Contracting Officer or official
visitors as required for entry into the EZ.
3.1.6 Decontamination
3.1.10 Shoring
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 17
Conduct sampling and analysis in accordance with the approved Sampling and
Analysis Plan and Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL.
Submit reports, including the chain-of-custody records.
3.2.1 Sampling
NOTE: If the contents have been properly
characterized or already removed and disposed,
delete the non-applicable portions of the
3.2.2 Analysis
NOTE: The designer will consult the state/local
regulations and EM 1110-1-4006 for assistance in
determining the appropriate analytical parameters
for tank contents samples. Analytical protocol will
also be based on historical records of tank usage
and/or tank contents testing and defined in Section
Ensure that the Contractor addresses the specific
laboratory preparation and analytical methods to be
employed, especially variations in fuel related
[Government will test] [Test] tank contents for the parameters listed
herein. Include [total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)] [benzene,
ethylbenzene, toluene and xylene (BETX)] [lead] [_____] in the analysis.
3.2.3 Characterization
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 18
NOTE: Regarding "in a special manner", some states
require that petroleum contaminated soils (special
wastes) be disposed of in specially designated
NOTE: If underground storage tank removal is part
of a larger project which contains Section 31 11 00
CLEARING AND GRUBBING, use it instead of this
paragraph. Otherwise edit this paragraph as needed.
NOTE: If underground storage tank removal is part
of a larger project which contains Section 31 00 00
EARTHWORK, use it for topsoil requirements instead
of this paragraph. Otherwise edit this paragraph as
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 19
Before excavating, [drain product piping back to the tank] [remove residual
liquids trapped in the product lines] [and] remove all product from the
tank. Purge and vent the tank in accordance with API RP 1604, and as
specified herein.
NOTE: See EM 1110-1-4006 for the analytical
parameters required for recyclability, reusability
and disposal consistent with characterization of
tank contents.
[Contain and store tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge onsite, prior
to disposal. Treat contaminated water as specified. Analyze and segregate
tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge to recover reusable products
prior to being transported to the [designated location] [treatment, storage
and disposal (TSD) facility.]] [Remove and dispose of tank product,
pumpable liquids, and sludge. Use of Government facilities for permanent
storage or disposal of the wastes is prohibited. Temporary storage on
Government facilities will be allowed only until testing is complete,
manifests (if necessary) are complete, and transportation is arranged.]
The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits. Usable
product shall be the property of the [Government] [Contractor]. Provide
approved containers, vehicles, equipment, labor, signs, labels, placards
and manifests and associated land disposal restriction notices and
notifications, necessary for accomplishment of the work, including
materials necessary for cleaning up spills that could occur from tank
removal operations.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 20
3.5.2 Contaminated Water Disposal
NOTE: The designer will detail the analytical
parameters for contaminated water and treated
effluent, treated onsite or offsite, according to
the state regulations, the requirements of the
recycler and/or TSD facility, and EM 1110-1-4006.
Sampling and analysis are to be conducted for
parameters consistent with characterization of tank
Sample and analyze contaminated water both prior to and after treatment.
[Analyze contaminated water produced from excavation operations and tank
pumping treated onsite, for pH; benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylene
(BETX); total lead; oil and grease; total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH); and
[_____]. Perform sampling and analysis prior to [discharge to the
installation sanitary sewer] [disposal] for every [_____] [200,000] L
[_____] [50,000] gallons of contaminated water treated.] [Conform analysis
of contaminated water to be taken to an offsite treatment facility to the
requirements of the treatment facility, with documentation of all analyses
performed furnished to the Contracting Officer in accordance with paragraph
RECORDS. Contain, store onsite, and analyze contaminated water [prior to
transport to the approved treatment, storage and disposal facility] [and
dispose of in accordance with applicable Federal and state disposal
regulations].] Provide approved containers, vehicles, equipment, labor,
signs, labels, placards and manifests and associated land disposal notices
and notifications, necessary for accomplishment of the work. Conform to
Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL for sampling and
analyses of contaminated water, treated water, the Contractor, and
laboratory quality assurance program. Treatment
NOTE: Coordinate explosive limits with health
effects, especially for BTEX (benzene, toluene,
ethylbenzene, xylene) containing mixtures.
Coordinate with EM 1110-1-4006, health and safety
specialists or industrial hygienists.
After the tank and piping contents have been removed, but prior to
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 21
excavation beyond the top of the tank, disconnect all the piping (except
the piping needed to purge or inert the tank). Purge flammable and toxic
vapors from the tank or make the tank inert in accordance with API RP 1604,
with the exception that filling with water is not permitted and, if dry ice
is employed, use a minimum of 1.8 kg per 500 L 3 pounds per 100 gallons of
tank volume. Continuously monitor the tank atmosphere for combustible
vapors if the tank is purged, or continuously monitor for oxygen, if the
tank is inerted.
NOTE: Some states may require the use of VOC
emission suppression protocols during excavation,
stockpiling, and transportation operations for VOC
contaminated soil. The designer may need to include
requirements for submittals of VOC suppression
products (polyethylene sheeting, foam, or liquid VOC
suppressants) and use field demonstrations to show
there are no interferences from the suppression
technology used with field screening devices.
Approval from state/local regulators may be required
prior to usage of these products and the designer
should specify accordingly.
b. [Contaminated soil materials may be used as backfill for tank and pipe
excavations.] [To determine soil contamination levels, continuously
monitor soil materials excavated to remove tanks with an OVA/FID
capable of detecting volatile organic vapors to a minimum of one ppm.
Further test contaminated soils with OVA/FID readings of [10] [_____]
ppm or greater for TPH and BTEX as specified herein. Soils with
OVA/FID readings less than [10] [_____] ppm may be used as clean
backfill.] [Dispose of contaminated soils in accordance with Federal,
State, and local regulations.]
NOTE: Acceptable levels of contaminations are
dependent on regulations applicable to the location
where tanks and piping are being removed; therefore,
verify acceptable levels.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 22
scheduled for site remediation, it may be
permissible to use contaminated soil materials for
backfill in tank and piping excavations. Get
approval from local regulating authority before
using contaminated soil materials.
b. Perform excavation around the perimeter of the tank to limit the amount
of potentially [petroleum][_____] contaminated soil that could be mixed
with previously uncontaminated soil. Segregate [petroleum][_____]
contaminated soil in separate stockpiles.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 23
Open Excavations.
NOTE: The time that tank excavations are left open
depends on a variety of factors, a major one being
the capability of the Contractor's lab to provide
analyses within the specified turnaround time.
Since short turnaround time adds cost, carefully
evaluate the need for short turnarounds to avoid
unnecessary costs.
3.7.7 Stockpiles
NOTE: Soils characterized or contaminated by a
listed hazardous waste and not excluded by 40 CFR
261.4(b)(10) cannot be stockpiled unless the area
has been designated by the state RCRA office as a
corrective action management unit (CAMU);
stockpiling of hazardous waste soil constitutes
storage in a waste pile and requires a RCRA permit;
placing hazardous waste contaminated soil onto
plastic still constitutes a waste pile; therefore,
except as stated above, all hazardous waste soils
must be placed into containers such as drums,
roll-offs or dumpsters.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 24
After soil known to be contaminated has been removed or after soil
excavation is complete, sample the excavation with procedures, number,
location, and methodology [as specified] [in accordance with] [state
regulations][ and Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL].[
Obtain samples from the pits using a backhoe with a Shelby tube attached to
the bucket.]
NOTE: Detail the sampling requirements and include
unique stockpile segregation procedures required by
the implementing agency in the body of the
specification. Analytical testing of stockpiled
soils will be based on visual observation, knowledge
of tank contents records and testing of tank
3.10.3 Analysis
NOTE: Hydrocarbon tests may vary vastly from state
to state. Designer should consult the latest state
requirements for the appropriate hydrocarbon test
methods and coordinate with Section 01 35 45.00 10
Test soil samples from the excavation and stockpiled material in accordance
with the approved Sampling and Analysis Plan, and Section 01 35 45.00 10
CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL for the following parameters: [total
petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH)] [benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene
(BETX)] [toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)] [the following
constituents: [_____]]. Submit copies of all test results, including the
chain-of-custody records,.to the Contracting Officer.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 33
NOTE: Coordinate with the IA regarding the maximum
contaminant levels allowable for clean closure, and
if waste from one stockpile can be used as backfill
for another. Coordinate with the user concerning
preferences in regard to leaving excavations open
pending lab results, state inspector's evaluations,
road closures and other factors. Lab turnaround
time plays a critical role in the duration of
excavations left open and times must be
coordinated. If field analysis is allowed by the
state inspector, this would reduce or eliminate
turnaround time concerns.
a. Backfill the tank area and any other excavations [as soon as possible
after tank and contaminated soil removals have been completed and
confirmation samples have been taken] [only after the soil test results
have been approved]. Complete contaminated soil removal after [the
bottom of the tank excavation is determined to have soil contamination
levels below the state standards of [100] [_____] ppm TPH] [approval by
the [state inspector] [Contracting Officer]].
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 34
Separate immunoassay field kits sensitive to the
light and heavy fuel fractions are available; these
kits will not be used as real time health and safety
monitoring devices.
a. After the tank has been removed from the ground, examine and test the
adjacent and underlying soil for any evidence of leakage. Visually
inspect the soil for staining after removal of all obviously
contaminated soil, then screen for the presence of [volatile and/or
semi-volatile] [_____] contamination using [a real time vapor
monitoring instrument] [immunoassay field kits].
c. If the tank is greater than [6] [_____] m [20] [_____] feet, take
[three] [_____] samples. Take two samples [0.60] [_____] m [2] [_____]
feet from each end of the tank and [0.60] [_____] m [2] [_____] feet
below the bottom of the excavation. Take a third sample from the
middle of the tank area and [0.60] [_____] m [2] [_____] feet below the
bottom of the excavation.
d. Analyze samples for TPH, BTEX, and TCLP. Perform sampling and analysis
conforming to standards specified above for stockpiled soils. Soils
that contain [50] [_____] ppm or more TPH, [10] [_____] ppm or more
BTEX, or have TCLP reading of [10] [_____] ppm of lead or virgin
petroleum products are considered contaminated materials. Soils which
are less than the above may be used as clean fill. Furnish results to
the Contracting Officer within 24 hours after the results are
obtained. Along with the results furnish a sketch showing underground
tank, sampling location, and extent of excavations.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 27
exceed the individual site limit specified, to the [Installation's
Environmental Coordinator] [Contracting Officer] [_____] the same day
it is discovered. If minimal additional excavation is required, the
Contracting Officer may allow the Contractor to proceed. If extensive
contamination is encountered, sample the excavation and backfill in
accordance with paragraph BACKFILLING.
g. After the known contaminated soil is removed, sample and analyze the
excavation in accordance with Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA
NOTE: Testing requirements are dependent on
regulations applicable to the locations where tanks
and piping are being removed. Verify number of
tests required and required location for tests.
For every [7.5] [_____] m [25] [_____] linear feet of product delivery
piping, [for every change in direction,] [and at every mechanical joint]
take [one] [______] soil sample and analyze for TPH, BTEX, and TCLP.
Conform sampling and analysis of soil materials to EPA standards specified
NOTE: 1. For tanks larger than 15,120 L 4,000
gallons or for projects that have tanks, some of
which are smaller or larger than 15,120 L 4,000
gallons, select the first optional paragraph and
include Section 33 65 00 CLEANING PETROLEUM STORAGE
NOTE: Data for these paragraphs should be obtained
from the Commanding Officer of the individual Naval
facility having tanks for cleaning.
Tank No. Tank Tank Date Type of Type of Remarks From the
Location Capacity Constructed Lining (If Fuel Last Inspection
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 28
Analyses shall give the identification number of the sample used.
Sample identification numbers shall correspond to those provided on the
one-line drawings.
(4) Tank.
Direction of View
j. [_____] copies of the report for each UST site opened, prepared in a
standard 3-ring binder, within 14 days of completing work at each
site. Label each binder with contract number, project name, location
and tank number; each binder shall be indexed. Furnish a copy of the
report to the Installation Environmental Coordinator.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 39
NOTE: NAVFAC projects should use Section
31 23 00.00 20 in lieu of Section 31 00 00 below.
-- End of Section --
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 40
3.9.3 Interior
NOTE: In lieu of eliminating any sheen, many states
require a triple rinse. Coordinate with the
appropriate regulators to ascertain what "clean" is,
regarding tank interiors and to determine cleaning
requirements for the piping and ancillary equipment;
cleaning operations are highly dependent upon tank
material and contents, and which state requirements
are applicable. Often the state fire inspector's
office has been tasked with Subtitle I program
implementation; hence the following NFPA and API
standards may be used to a greater degree than in
situations in which another office of state
government has been tasked with enforcing the UST
[Clean tank interior using a high pressure (greater than 3.45 MPa 500 psi),
low volume (less than 0.13 L/s 2 gpm) water spray] [or] [Steam clean tank
interior until all loose scale and sludge is removed, and contamination, in
the form of a sheen, is no longer visible in the effluent stream]. Also
clean the interior surfaces of piping, to the extent possible, using the
same method used for cleaning the tank. Contaminated water generated from
interior cleaning operations (of both piping and tank) shall not exceed the
following quantities for each UST cleaned:
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 31
paragraph Contaminated Water Disposal] all contaminated water resulting
from cleaning operations. Clean so as to eliminate, to the greatest extent
possible, the need for personnel to enter the tank. Use specially designed
tank cleaning equipment which allows the tank to be cleaned prior to
cutting into sections without requiring personnel to enter the tank or, if
less specialized equipment is used, the tank shall be partially dissected
to overcome confined space entry hazards. Accomplish this work in
accordance with Section 01 35 29.13 HEALTH, SAFETY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE
NOTE: The designer will detail the confirmation
soil sampling requirements and analytical
parameters, including pipe trenches and near pump
islands, based on the state/local regulations, EM
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 32
After soil known to be contaminated has been removed or after soil
excavation is complete, sample the excavation with procedures, number,
location, and methodology [as specified] [in accordance with] [state
regulations][ and Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL].[
Obtain samples from the pits using a backhoe with a Shelby tube attached to
the bucket.]
NOTE: Detail the sampling requirements and include
unique stockpile segregation procedures required by
the implementing agency in the body of the
specification. Analytical testing of stockpiled
soils will be based on visual observation, knowledge
of tank contents records and testing of tank
3.10.3 Analysis
NOTE: Hydrocarbon tests may vary vastly from state
to state. Designer should consult the latest state
requirements for the appropriate hydrocarbon test
methods and coordinate with Section 01 35 45.00 10
Test soil samples from the excavation and stockpiled material in accordance
with the approved Sampling and Analysis Plan, and Section 01 35 45.00 10
CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL for the following parameters: [total
petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH)] [benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene
(BETX)] [toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)] [the following
constituents: [_____]]. Submit copies of all test results, including the
chain-of-custody records,.to the Contracting Officer.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 33
NOTE: Coordinate with the IA regarding the maximum
contaminant levels allowable for clean closure, and
if waste from one stockpile can be used as backfill
for another. Coordinate with the user concerning
preferences in regard to leaving excavations open
pending lab results, state inspector's evaluations,
road closures and other factors. Lab turnaround
time plays a critical role in the duration of
excavations left open and times must be
coordinated. If field analysis is allowed by the
state inspector, this would reduce or eliminate
turnaround time concerns.
a. Backfill the tank area and any other excavations [as soon as possible
after tank and contaminated soil removals have been completed and
confirmation samples have been taken] [only after the soil test results
have been approved]. Complete contaminated soil removal after [the
bottom of the tank excavation is determined to have soil contamination
levels below the state standards of [100] [_____] ppm TPH] [approval by
the [state inspector] [Contracting Officer]].
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 34
ASTM D6938. A mechanical tamper may be used, provided that the results
are correlated with those obtained by the hand tamper. Determine field
in-place density shall be in accordance with ASTM D1556/D1556M,
ASTM D6938, or ASTM D2167.
NOTE: List approved facilities in the area of the
After the tank, piping, and ancillary equipment have been removed from the
excavation and the tank cleaned, cut the tank into sections with no
dimension greater than [1500][_____] mm [5][_____] feet. [Recycle]
[Dispose of] tank and piping sections [in a State approved offsite disposal
facility] [ or ] [in a salvage yard] [at the Defense Reutilization and
Marketing Office (DRMO)] [at the location shown on the drawings]. Perform
tank cutting prior to being taken [off Government property] [from the tank
removal site]. Do not sell the tank intact. [Recycle] [Dispose of]
ancillary equipment at [an approved offsite disposal facility] [a salvage
yard] [the DRMO] Piping shall be disconnected from the tank and [removed]
[grouted full of a portland cement and water slurry consisting of 22.7 L 6
gallons of clean water per 42.6 kg 94 pound sack of portland cement,
thoroughly mixed and free of lumps] unless otherwise indicated.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 35
3.12.4 Salvage Rights
NOTE: Manifests are required only when the tank
contents are a RCRA regulated hazardous waste. If
the tank contents are a DOT hazardous material but
not a RCRA regulated hazardous waste, there are Bill
of Lading requirements. Edit this paragraph
a. Manifests.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 36
a copy in the Tank Closure Report. Furnish a statement of agreement from
the proposed treatment, storage or disposal facility and certified
transporters to accept [hazardous] [or special] wastes [in the Work Plan]
[to the Contracting Officer not less than 14 days before transporting any
wastes]. If the Contractor selects a different facility than is identified
in the [contract] [Work Plan], provide documentation for approval to
certify that the facility is authorized and meets the standards specified
in 40 CFR 264.
NOTE: Execute Subtitle C tank closures in
accordance with previously prepared closure plans
and 40 CFR 264, Section 197. Some states have forms
and/or requirements that must be included.
d. Laboratory and field testing reports, copies of data and test results
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 37
from testing laboratory and the chain-of-custody records.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 38
Analyses shall give the identification number of the sample used.
Sample identification numbers shall correspond to those provided on the
one-line drawings.
(4) Tank.
Direction of View
j. [_____] copies of the report for each UST site opened, prepared in a
standard 3-ring binder, within 14 days of completing work at each
site. Label each binder with contract number, project name, location
and tank number; each binder shall be indexed. Furnish a copy of the
report to the Installation Environmental Coordinator.
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 39
NOTE: NAVFAC projects should use Section
31 23 00.00 20 in lieu of Section 31 00 00 below.
-- End of Section --
SECTION 02 65 00 Page 40