Ufgs 02 65 00

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USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC / NASA UFGS-02 65 00 (February 2010)

Change 1 - 11/13
Preparing Activity: USACE Superseding
UFGS-02 65 00 (August 2008)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated January 2017




SECTION 02 65 00





1.5.1 Qualifications
1.5.2 Laboratory Services
1.5.3 Support Staff
1.5.4 Preconstruction Conference and Work Plan Site Safety and Health Plan Excavation and Material Handling Plan Field Sampling and Laboratory Testing Plan Tank and Piping Removal and Disposal Plan Spill and Discharge Control Plan Site Safety And Health Officer
1.5.5 Permits and Licenses
1.5.6 Statutes and Regulations






3.1.1 Safety Guidelines
3.1.2 Exclusion Zone (EZ) And Contamination Reduction Zone (CRZ)
3.1.3 Onsite Training
3.1.4 Personnel Protection
3.1.5 Respiratory Protection Program
3.1.6 Decontamination

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 1
3.1.7 Emergency Response and First Aid Equipment
3.1.8 Burning and Explosives
3.1.9 Protection of Existing Structures and Utilities
3.1.10 Shoring
3.2.1 Sampling
3.2.2 Analysis
3.2.3 Characterization
3.5.1 Removal of Product, Pumpable Liquids, and Sludge
3.5.2 Contaminated Water Disposal Sampling, Analysis, and Containment Treatment
3.7.1 Exploratory Trenches
3.7.2 Tank Excavation
3.7.3 Temporary Containment of Excavated Soil
3.7.4 Piping Excavation
3.7.5 Open Excavations
3.7.6 Hidden Structures
3.7.7 Stockpiles
3.7.8 Acceptable Levels of Contamination
3.8.1 Piping and Ancillary Equipment
3.8.2 Tank
3.8.3 Contaminated Soil, Tank and Piping Excavation Examination
3.8.4 Testing Along Piping
3.9.1 Exterior
3.9.2 Temporary Storage
3.9.3 Interior
3.10.1 Tank Excavation Sampling Procedures
3.10.2 Stockpiled Material Sampling
3.10.3 Analysis
3.12.1 Treatment, Disposal, and Recycling
3.12.2 Tank and Ancillary Equipment Disposal
3.12.3 Transportation of Wastes
3.12.4 Salvage Rights
3.12.5 Manifest Records
3.12.6 Hazardous/Special Waste Manifests
3.12.7 Documentation of Treatment or Disposal

-- End of Section Table of Contents --

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 2
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC / NASA UFGS-02 65 00 (February 2010)
Change 1 - 11/13
Preparing Activity: USACE Superseding
UFGS-02 65 00 (August 2008)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated January 2017


SECTION 02 65 00



NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for removal and disposal of
underground, nonhardened tanks and piping used to
store petroleum products, waste oils or hazardous
wastes in accordance with Federal, State, and local

Adhere to UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facilities Guide

Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard when editing
this guide specification or preparing new project
specification sections. Edit this guide
specification for project specific requirements by
adding, deleting, or revising text. For bracketed
items, choose applicable items(s) or insert
appropriate information.

Remove information and requirements not required in

respective project, whether or not brackets are

Comments, suggestions and recommended changes for

this guide specification are welcome and should be
submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).


NOTE: Show the following information on the project

(1) Overall installation plan which identifies and

locates tanks and equipment; borrow, disposal, and
stockpile areas; temporary containment areas;
special security areas; shoring and special support
requirements; and access routes.

(2) Individual as-built site plans of tank

locations which identify site features such as

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 3
buildings, roads, utilities, topography, trees and
shrubs, surface condition, etc. If as-built
drawings are not available, a site investigation and
site plans are required to show the general location
of existing tanks and site features. Detail
drawings to include dimensions, sections,
elevations, slopes and size of excavations and
temporary containment areas. Provide, as part of
the Tank Closure Report, a detailed map showing
exact location of the tank prior to removal.

(3) Limits of pavement removal, fence removal, and

the location of ancillary equipment to be removed.

Hardened tanks are deep buried tanks as would be

found with some missile facilities. Note this in
the contract as they require deeper excavations and
possibly substantial demolition of concrete.

Tanks will not be abandoned in place unless a waiver

is granted in accordance with state or local
requirements, LEE HQ U.S. Air Force for Air Force
Projects, and HQUSACE policy dated 31 July 1990, for
Formerly Used Defense Sites. Waivers will be
obtained prior to advertising the closure project.
Exceptions will be granted when requested in writing
on a case by case basis. Absence of contamination
must still be verified prior to closure and prior to
obtaining a waiver.

Incorporate installation, state and local

requirements into this specification, including the
necessary approval processes, licensing, or having
their representative on site during removal
operations. In many cases, the state or local
jurisdiction has final authority on approval of the
Work Plan. While states often enforce petroleum
tank removal regulations, counties and cities are
sometimes delegated authority.

Petroleum sludge and contaminated media are often

considered "special wastes" and are subject to
regulations enforced by the State Fire Marshals
Office, local agencies, etc. Some states have
adopted federal rules for management of petroleum

State requirements usually involve testing,

analysis, and a report. The review by the state may
require additional testing or other work, and may
take several months; therefore, the designer is
forewarned to investigate these requirements in
advance. Areas most likely to be impacted are waste
and tank disposal, tank cleaning, residue and soil
sampling and analysis, contaminated soil disposal or
remediation, reporting, and requirements for a clean

Petroleum sites which are known to have extensive

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 4
soil contamination or where groundwater
contamination is a possibility, should have a
Corrective Action Plan under Subtitle I of RCRA and
applicable state and local regulations; refer to EM
1110-1-4006, Removal of Underground Storage Tanks

For sites where the tank contained a hazardous

waste, remediation should occur under the RCRA
Corrective Action requirements of 40 CFR 264, 40 CFR
265, and applicable state requirements.

Coordinate with the customer regarding possible

designer's discussions with the regulators, and the
existence of unique requirements. Some MACOMS
require the Installation Project/Program Manager to
either be responsible for all coordination or be
included on all contacts with the regulators. For
projects not on an active installation discuss
requirements with the regulators and omit references
to the installation and the Installation
Environmental Coordinator.

Include the applicable state and local regulatory

references where appropriate in the body of the
specification. It is recommended that the specifier
refer to DoD "Policy and Guidelines for Acquisitions
Involving Environmental Sampling or Testing
(November 2007)

The following specifications must be used in

conjunction with this section:















SECTION 02 65 00 Page 5

Removal and disposal of LITERSGALLONS [$_____] [_____] [$_____]

stored contaminated water
collected during
dewatering to remove
underground storage tanks
and piping.

Quantities of contaminated
soils, fill material and
contaminated water shall
be estimated taking into
consideration site
conditions, and age and
history of tanks.

NOTE: For some locations, such as a contaminated
site scheduled for site remediation, it may be
permissible to use contaminated soil materials for
backfill in tank and piping excavations. Get
approval from local regulating authority before
using contaminated soil materials.

Assume, for bidding purposes, that soil [bituminous pavement, concrete

slabs,] and water encountered during the removal of the underground tanks
are contaminated with [JP-5 fuel oil] [and] [diesel fuel] [and] [gasoline]
to be handled as specified herein. [Payment for removal from temporary
stockpile and disposal of contaminated soil and furnishing clean soil will
be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic meter cubic yard.] Wash
bituminous pavement and concrete slabs and dispose of as demolition
debris. Collect and store wash water. [Disposal of contaminated water
will be paid for at the contract unit price per gallon.]


NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.

Use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature

when you add a Reference Identifier (RID) outside of
the Section's Reference Article to automatically
place the reference in the Reference Article. Also
use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature
to update the issue dates.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 7

Removal and disposal of LITERSGALLONS [$_____] [_____] [$_____]

stored contaminated water
collected during
dewatering to remove
underground storage tanks
and piping.

Quantities of contaminated
soils, fill material and
contaminated water shall
be estimated taking into
consideration site
conditions, and age and
history of tanks.

NOTE: For some locations, such as a contaminated
site scheduled for site remediation, it may be
permissible to use contaminated soil materials for
backfill in tank and piping excavations. Get
approval from local regulating authority before
using contaminated soil materials.

Assume, for bidding purposes, that soil [bituminous pavement, concrete

slabs,] and water encountered during the removal of the underground tanks
are contaminated with [JP-5 fuel oil] [and] [diesel fuel] [and] [gasoline]
to be handled as specified herein. [Payment for removal from temporary
stockpile and disposal of contaminated soil and furnishing clean soil will
be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic meter cubic yard.] Wash
bituminous pavement and concrete slabs and dispose of as demolition
debris. Collect and store wash water. [Disposal of contaminated water
will be paid for at the contract unit price per gallon.]


NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.

Use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature

when you add a Reference Identifier (RID) outside of
the Section's Reference Article to automatically
place the reference in the Reference Article. Also
use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature
to update the issue dates.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 7
References not used in the text will automatically
be deleted from this section of the project
specification when you choose to reconcile
references in the publish print process.

The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the
basic designation only.


API PUBL 1628 (1996) A Guide to the Assessment and

Remediation of Underground Petroleum

API RP 1604 (1996; R 2010) Closure of Underground

Petroleum Storage Tanks

API RP 2003 (2008; 7th Ed) Protection Against

Ignitions Arising out of Static,
Lightning, and Stray Currents

API RP 2219 (2016) Safe Operation of Vacuum Trucks

Handling Flammable and Combustible Liquids
in Petroleum Service

API STD 2217A (2009) Guidelines for Safe Work in Inert

Confined Spaces in the Petroleum and
Petrochemical Industries

API Std 2015 (2014) Safe Entry and Cleaning of

Petroleum Storage Tanks


ASTM D1556/D1556M (2015; E 2016) Standard Test Method for

Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place
by Sand-Cone Method

ASTM D1557 (2012; E 2015) Standard Test Methods for

Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of
Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000
ft-lbf/ft3) (2700 kN-m/m3)

ASTM D2167 (2015) Density and Unit Weight of Soil in

Place by the Rubber Balloon Method

ASTM D2487 (2011) Soils for Engineering Purposes

(Unified Soil Classification System)

ASTM D4397 (2016) Standard Specification for

Polyethylene Sheeting for Construction,
Industrial, and Agricultural Applications

ASTM D6938 (2015) Standard Test Method for In-Place

Density and Water Content of Soil and
Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 8


EM 1110-1-4006 (1998) Engineering and Design -- Removal

of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

EM 200-1-1 (1994) Environmental Quality -- Validation

of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories

EM 200-1-6 (1997) Environmental Quality -- Chemical

Quality Assurance for HTRW Projects

EM 200-1-7 (2001) Environmental Quality - Performance

Evaluation (PE) Program

EM 385-1-1 (2014) Safety and Health Requirements



EPA 530-R-97-007 (1997) Best Management Practices (BMPs)

for Soils Treatment Technologies;,
Suggested Operational Guidelines to
Prevent Cross-Media Transfer of
Contaminants During Cleanup Activities

EPA 600/4-79/020 (1983) Methods for Chemical Analysis of

Water and Wastes

EPA SW-846 (Third Edition; Update IV) Test Methods

for Evaluating Solid Waste:
Physical/Chemical Methods


29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards

40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing of Hazardous


40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of

Hazardous Waste

40 CFR 264 Standards for Owners and Operators of

Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and
Disposal Facilities

40 CFR 265 Interim Status Standards for Owners and

Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment,
Storage, and Disposal Facilities

40 CFR 266 Standards for the Management of Specific

Hazardous Wastes and Specific Types of
Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions

40 CFR 279 Standards for the Management of Used Oil

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 9
40 CFR 280 Technical Standards and Corrective Action
Requirements for Owners and Operators of
Underground Storage Tanks (UST)


NOTE: 40 CFR 280, RCRA Subtitle I closures are
primarily performed on petroleum or chemical product
tanks and require a minimum of 30 days notice prior
to a change in service or closure.

The RCRA Subtitle C tank closures fit into three


a. Hazardous waste accumulation tanks as per 40 CFR

262.34(a)(1)(ii). These tanks store hazardous waste
for less than 90 days.

b. Tanks storing hazardous waste over 90 days

without a permit (illegal storage).

c. Part B permitted storage tanks.

The Installation Environmental Coordinator should

decide who is responsible for contacting the
Implementing Agency. Accomplish Subtitle C tank
closures in accordance with the closure plans
previously prepared and approved, and other
applicable regulatory standards including the Land
Ban 40 CFR 268 requirements.

The work consists of removal, decontamination and disposal of [one]

[_____], [_____] L gallon underground storage tank[s] and associated piping
and ancillary equipment, including but not limited to dewatering (if
approved), [disposal of contaminated soil,] [laboratory testing,] providing
reports which are required by regulatory agencies, and backfilling.. The
[tank is] [tanks are] constructed of [steel] [fiberglass] [_____] and [is]
[are] at [the location shown on the drawings] [the following location:
[_____]]. The [_____] L gallon tank was used for storing [leaded gasoline]
[unleaded gasoline] [fuel oil] [diesel fuel] [waste oil] [diesel oil]
[hazardous waste] [_____] and was taken out of service in [_____]. Residue
remaining in the tank is considered a [special] [hazardous] waste.
Subsurface conditions are represented [herein] [on drawings] [in Appendix
[_____]] [_____]. Existing native soils are predominantly [_____].
Available backfill material is typically [_____]. Groundwater [has been
encountered within [_____] m feet of the surface] [is not expected to be
encountered]. Verify the actual conditions prior to submitting a bid.[
Treat the site as a hazardous waste site.] [ The site is not a hazardous
waste site, but due due to the nature of the materials and hazards present,
use specified procedures until closure activities are complete.]


NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 10
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project.

The Guide Specification technical editors have

designated those items that require Government
approval, due to their complexity or criticality,
with a "G." Generally, other submittal items can be
reviewed by the Contractor's Quality Control
System. Only add a “G” to an item, if the submittal
is sufficiently important or complex in context of
the project.

For submittals requiring Government approval on Army

projects, a code of up to three characters within
the submittal tags may be used following the "G"
designation to indicate the approving authority.
Codes for Army projects using the Resident
Management System (RMS) are: "AE" for
Architect-Engineer; "DO" for District Office
(Engineering Division or other organization in the
District Office); "AO" for Area Office; "RO" for
Resident Office; and "PO" for Project Office. Codes
following the "G" typically are not used for Navy,
Air Force, and NASA projects.

Use the "S" classification only in SD-11 Closeout

Submittals. The "S" following a submittal item
indicates that the submittal is required for the
Sustainability Notebook to fulfill federally
mandated sustainable requirements in accordance with

Choose the first bracketed item for Navy, Air Force

and NASA projects, or choose the second bracketed
item for Army projects.

Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation;

submittals not having a "G" designation are for [Contractor Quality Control
approval.][information only. When used, a designation following the "G"
designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the
Government.] Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the
Sustainability Notebook, in conformance to Section 01 33 29 SUSTAINABILITY
REPORTING. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00

SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals

Work Plan; G[, [_____]].

Site Safety and Health Plan; G[, [_____]]
Excavation and Material Handling Plan; G[, [_____]]
Field Sampling and Laboratory Testing Plan; G[, [_____]]
Tank and Piping Removal And Disposal Plan; G[, [_____]]
Spill and Discharge Control Plan; G[, [_____]]
Qualifications; G[, [_____]]
Laboratory Services; G[, [_____]]
State Licensed [Hazardous ]Waste Transporter

SD-06 Test Reports

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 11
Laboratory and Field Testing Reports
Backfill Material
Tank Contents Verification
Contaminated Water Disposal
Soil Examination, Testing, and Analysis
Backfilling; G[, [_____]].

SD-11 Closeout Submittals

Salvage Rights; G[, [_____]]

Tank Closure Report


1.5.1 Qualifications

NOTE: Require certification for tank removals
whenever work will be performed under a jurisdiction
requiring certification.

The laboratory validation process for underground

storage tank projects is addressed in EM 1110-1-4006
Removal of Underground Storage Tanks, dated 30
September 1998; EM 200-1-1 Validation of Analytical
Chemistry Laboratories, dated 1 July 1994; and EM
200-1-7, dated 01 February 2001. Include this
information in Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA

Substantiate a minimum of [2][_____] years of tank removal experience,

including subcontractors and personnel employed on the project, and
certification by the [[State] [County] [City] of [_____]] [local authority
having jurisdiction] for tank removal work. Experience shall include
removal, transportation, and disposal of underground tanks and associated
piping, in conformance with the following:

a. API RP 1604

b. 40 CFR 280, State and local regulations and procedures.

c. Applicable safety rules and regulations.

d. Use of equipment and procedures for testing and vapor-freeing tanks.

e. Handling and disposal of types of wastes encountered in underground

tank and pipe removal including disposal of underground tanks and
associated piping.

f. Excavation, testing, and disposal of petroleum contaminated soils,

liquids, and sludge.

g. Project titles, dates performed, owner's names, points of contact for

each project with current contact phone numbers.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 12
1.5.2 Laboratory Services

Submit documentation for laboratory services in accordance with State of

[_____] certification requirements [EM 1110-1-4006, EM 200-1-1, EM 200-1-6
and EM 200-1-7] Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL.

1.5.3 Support Staff

Identify all staff involved for the various components, including personnel
collecting and shipping samples, and detail staff member's qualifications.

1.5.4 Preconstruction Conference and Work Plan

Prior to the commencement of work, a preconstruction conference will be

scheduled by the Contracting Officer. Prepare and submit a comprehensive
Work Plan within [30][_____] days of contract award. The work plan shall
conform to the requirements of this specification, API RP 1604, API Std 2015,
API RP 2003, API STD 2217A and API RP 2219. Allow [30][_____] days in the
schedule for the Government's review and approval. No adjustment for time
or money will be made for re-submittals required as a result of
noncompliance. No work at the site is allowed, with the exception of site
inspections and mobilization, until the Work Plan is approved. As a
minimum, include the following in the Work Plan: Site Safety and Health Plan

Furnish detailed safety, health, and accident prevention provisions and

develop a Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP). Incorporate the requirements
of 29 CFR 1910 and EM 385-1-1 into the SSHP. Include current training
certification statement for personnel prior to entry into the work site.
Do not commence work until the SSHP is approved by the Contracting
Officer. As a minimum, include the following:

a. Health and safety organization, including discussion of distribution of

functions and responsibilities.

b. Organization and components of the SSHP.

c. Physical and chemical site hazard identification.

d. Basic toxicology and toxicity information.

e. Discussion of the EZ and CRZ.

f. Protective clothing.

g. Respiratory protection.

h. Air quality monitoring.

i. Personnel exposure guidelines.

j. Decontamination procedures.

k. Basic first aid review.

l. Emergency response and contingency plan.

m. Site entry and exit procedures.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 13
NOTE: Regarding "in a special manner", some states
require that petroleum contaminated soils (special
wastes) be disposed of in specially designated

Refer to EM 1110-1-4006 for additional information.


[Prior to removing any of the tank contents, characterize the contents to

determine the type of required disposal: [as a [hazardous] [special] waste]
[in a special manner] based on local, state, and Federal disposal
regulations. Characterize [tank product] [tank product, pumpable liquids,
and sludge] in accordance with 40 CFR 261 and 40 CFR 279. Submit the waste
contents determination and accompanying test results for each phase present
in the tank to the Contracting Officer.] [The following analyses will be
performed by the Government prior to removing the tank contents: [_____].
The Contractor is responsible for any additional requirements identified by
the disposal facility. Do not remove the tank contents until approval is
given by the Contracting Officer.]


NOTE: If underground storage tank removal is part
of a larger project which contains Section 31 11 00
CLEARING AND GRUBBING, use it instead of this
paragraph. Otherwise edit this paragraph as needed.

[Perform clearing and grubbing in accordance with Section 31 11 00 CLEARING

AND GRUBBING.] [Clear areas designated for clearing and grubbing [as
indicated] [as required and directed by the Contracting Officer] of all
trees, stumps, downed timber, brush, rubbish, roots larger than 75 mm 3
inches in diameter, and matted roots prior to commencing operations. Saw
cut concrete or asphalt pavement at the limits of removal and break, remove
and dispose of the the resulting debris [off Government Property] [at the
location indicated]. Chain link fence shall be [removed and salvaged for
reuse] [disposed of offsite].]


NOTE: If underground storage tank removal is part
of a larger project which contains Section 31 00 00
EARTHWORK, use it for topsoil requirements instead
of this paragraph. Otherwise edit this paragraph as

[Topsoil shall meet the requirements in Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK.] [Strip

and stockpile uncontaminated topsoil separately for reuse [at the location
shown] [at a location approved by the Contracting Officer] if it meets the
requirements of clean fill given in Paragraph BACKFILLING.] [Obtain
additional topsoil in excess of that produced by excavation [offsite] [from
designated location onsite].] [Cover with topsoil all areas disturbed by
tank removal operations, other than areas to receive pavement or similar
surface under this contract.] [Topsoil shall be used wherever shown or
stated on the drawings.]

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 19

Before excavating, [drain product piping back to the tank] [remove residual
liquids trapped in the product lines] [and] remove all product from the
tank. Purge and vent the tank in accordance with API RP 1604, and as
specified herein.

3.5.1 Removal of Product, Pumpable Liquids, and Sludge

NOTE: See EM 1110-1-4006 for the analytical
parameters required for recyclability, reusability
and disposal consistent with characterization of
tank contents.

If the Defense Re-utilization and Marketing Office

(DRMO) is unwilling to take the wastes, delete
reference to delivery inside the installation.
Early in the design stage coordinate with the DRMO
to ensure their capabilities are used to the maximum
benefit of the Government and on approved containers
that might be available or required by the DRMO.
The bid documents must have a letter of waste
acceptance attached thereto to be considered a
responsive bid. Coordinate with the state
regulatory personnel. Other options are addressed
in EM 1110-1-4006.

Petroleum contaminated water disposal is addressed

in EM 1110-1-4006.

TSD facilities appropriate to accept the wastes

generated by this project may be identified. If an
analysis is available, bid acceptance may be subject
to the bidders having a signed letter of acceptance
from a permitted TSD attached to the bid; otherwise
the bid should be declared nonresponsive.

[Contain and store tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge onsite, prior
to disposal. Treat contaminated water as specified. Analyze and segregate
tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge to recover reusable products
prior to being transported to the [designated location] [treatment, storage
and disposal (TSD) facility.]] [Remove and dispose of tank product,
pumpable liquids, and sludge. Use of Government facilities for permanent
storage or disposal of the wastes is prohibited. Temporary storage on
Government facilities will be allowed only until testing is complete,
manifests (if necessary) are complete, and transportation is arranged.]
The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits. Usable
product shall be the property of the [Government] [Contractor]. Provide
approved containers, vehicles, equipment, labor, signs, labels, placards
and manifests and associated land disposal restriction notices and
notifications, necessary for accomplishment of the work, including
materials necessary for cleaning up spills that could occur from tank
removal operations.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 20
if the subject is addressed in other sections.
Refer to EM 1110-1-4006 for special compaction
requirements such as under pavements.

Obtain backfill material from [the location indicated] [offsite]. Classify

backfill in accordance with ASTM D2487 as GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, SC,
MH, CL, or CH and free from roots and other organic matter, trash, debris,
snow, ice or frozen materials. Secure and submit soil classification test
results, including the chain-of-custody records, prior to bringing offsite
materials onsite. The testing frequency for backfill material is 1 per
1000 cubic meters yards or a minimum of 1 test. Use non-contaminated
material removed from the excavation for backfill in accordance with


Provide plastic sheeting conforming to ASTM D4397.



Furnish labor, materials, necessary permits, laboratory tests, and reports

and equipment to [remove and dispose of products remaining in the
underground tanks; clean and vapor free the underground tanks and
connecting piping;] excavate, remove underground tanks and associated
piping, and backfill to the level of the adjacent ground; sample soil and
water to determine if contaminated; dispose of tanks and associated
piping[, and] [petroleum contaminated soil] [and] [water].

3.1.1 Safety Guidelines

Comply with personnel safety guidelines specified in Section 01 35 29.13

and conform to the guidelines as stipulated in the approved SSHP.

3.1.2 Exclusion Zone (EZ) And Contamination Reduction Zone (CRZ)

Do not permit personnel, not directly involved with the project, to enter
work zones, called the EZ and CRZ. The EZ is an area around the tank a
minimum of 3 m 10 feet from the limits of the tank excavation. At the
perimeter of the EZ, establish a CRZ. Clean equipment and personnel within
the CRZ, as stated in the paragraph titled "Personnel and Equipment
Decontamination." Locate the Contractor's site office, parking area, and
other support facilities outside the EZ and CRZ. Clearly mark and post
boundaries of the EZ and CRZ. Include a site map, outlining the extent of
work zones and location of support facilities, in the SSHP.

3.1.3 Onsite Training

Prior to starting onsite work, conduct a health and safety training class
directed by the SSHO [CIH] to discuss the implementation of the SSHP.
Notify the Contracting Officer 24 hours prior to beginning the training

3.1.4 Personnel Protection

Furnish appropriate personal safety equipment and protective clothing to

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 16
personnel and ensure that safety equipment and protective clothing is kept
clean and well maintained. Furnish three clean sets of personal protective
equipment and clothing for use by the Contracting Officer or official
visitors as required for entry into the EZ.

3.1.5 Respiratory Protection Program

Fully employ respiratory protection program, addressing respirator usage

and training, in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 and EM 385-1-1.

3.1.6 Decontamination

Decontaminate or properly dispose of personal protective equipment and

clothing worn in contaminated areas at the end of the work day. The SSHO
[CIH] is responsible for ensuring that personal protective clothing and
equipment are decontaminated before being reissued.

3.1.7 Emergency Response and First Aid Equipment

a. Prior to commencement of work, thoroughly review emergency response and

contingency plan in accordance with 29 CFR 1910. In an emergency, take
action to remove or minimize the cause of the emergency, alert the
Contracting Officer, and institute necessary measures to prevent
repetition of the emergency. Equip site-support vehicles with route
maps providing directions to the medical treatment facility.

b. Provide appropriate emergency first aid equipment for treatment of

exposure to site physical and chemical hazards. Provide and post a
list of emergency phone numbers and points of contact for fire,
hospital, police, ambulance, and other necessary contacts. Provide and
post a route map detailing the directions to the nearest medical

c. Notify the Contracting Officer of any unforeseen hazard or condition

which becomes evident during work.

3.1.8 Burning and Explosives

Use of explosives or burning debris is not allowed. Do not permit ignition

sources in the EZ and CRZ.

3.1.9 Protection of Existing Structures and Utilities

Take all necessary precautions to avoid damage to existing structures,

their appurtenances, monitoring wells, or utilities that may be affected by
work activities. Repair any damage to [utilities] [monitoring wells]
resulting from the Contractor's operations at no expense to the
Government. Coordinate with the installation to locate underground
utilities prior to beginning construction. Do not disturb utilities
encountered which were not previously shown or otherwise located without
approval from the Contracting Officer.

3.1.10 Shoring

Provide shoring in accordance with Section 01 35 29.13 HEALTH, SAFETY, AND


SECTION 02 65 00 Page 17

Conduct sampling and analysis in accordance with the approved Sampling and
Analysis Plan and Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL.
Submit reports, including the chain-of-custody records.

3.2.1 Sampling

NOTE: If the contents have been properly
characterized or already removed and disposed,
delete the non-applicable portions of the

The designer will detail the sampling requirements

(number of samples and analytical methodology) based
on the state/local regulations and EM 1110-1-4006
(i.e. tank contents, contaminated water, pumpable
liquids and sludge, stockpiled soils, and in situ

If the Government is to perform sampling and

analyses, specify what data will be available from
the Government. This will enable the Contractor to
ascertain if additional analysis will be required by
the TSD facility and should be reflected in the bid.

Sample tank [product,] [pumpable liquids,] [tank coatings] [and] [sludge].

If the data is not adequate, additional sampling and analysis to the extent
required by the approved [offsite] [permitted treatment, storage or
disposal (TSD)] facility receiving the material is the responsibility of
the [Contractor] [Government]. Meeting all regulatory requirements,
including the preparation of hazardous materials and waste for
transportation, is the responsibility of the Contractor.

3.2.2 Analysis

NOTE: The designer will consult the state/local
regulations and EM 1110-1-4006 for assistance in
determining the appropriate analytical parameters
for tank contents samples. Analytical protocol will
also be based on historical records of tank usage
and/or tank contents testing and defined in Section
Ensure that the Contractor addresses the specific
laboratory preparation and analytical methods to be
employed, especially variations in fuel related

[Government will test] [Test] tank contents for the parameters listed
herein. Include [total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)] [benzene,
ethylbenzene, toluene and xylene (BETX)] [lead] [_____] in the analysis.

3.2.3 Characterization


SECTION 02 65 00 Page 18
NOTE: Regarding "in a special manner", some states
require that petroleum contaminated soils (special
wastes) be disposed of in specially designated

Refer to EM 1110-1-4006 for additional information.


[Prior to removing any of the tank contents, characterize the contents to

determine the type of required disposal: [as a [hazardous] [special] waste]
[in a special manner] based on local, state, and Federal disposal
regulations. Characterize [tank product] [tank product, pumpable liquids,
and sludge] in accordance with 40 CFR 261 and 40 CFR 279. Submit the waste
contents determination and accompanying test results for each phase present
in the tank to the Contracting Officer.] [The following analyses will be
performed by the Government prior to removing the tank contents: [_____].
The Contractor is responsible for any additional requirements identified by
the disposal facility. Do not remove the tank contents until approval is
given by the Contracting Officer.]


NOTE: If underground storage tank removal is part
of a larger project which contains Section 31 11 00
CLEARING AND GRUBBING, use it instead of this
paragraph. Otherwise edit this paragraph as needed.

[Perform clearing and grubbing in accordance with Section 31 11 00 CLEARING

AND GRUBBING.] [Clear areas designated for clearing and grubbing [as
indicated] [as required and directed by the Contracting Officer] of all
trees, stumps, downed timber, brush, rubbish, roots larger than 75 mm 3
inches in diameter, and matted roots prior to commencing operations. Saw
cut concrete or asphalt pavement at the limits of removal and break, remove
and dispose of the the resulting debris [off Government Property] [at the
location indicated]. Chain link fence shall be [removed and salvaged for
reuse] [disposed of offsite].]


NOTE: If underground storage tank removal is part
of a larger project which contains Section 31 00 00
EARTHWORK, use it for topsoil requirements instead
of this paragraph. Otherwise edit this paragraph as

[Topsoil shall meet the requirements in Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK.] [Strip

and stockpile uncontaminated topsoil separately for reuse [at the location
shown] [at a location approved by the Contracting Officer] if it meets the
requirements of clean fill given in Paragraph BACKFILLING.] [Obtain
additional topsoil in excess of that produced by excavation [offsite] [from
designated location onsite].] [Cover with topsoil all areas disturbed by
tank removal operations, other than areas to receive pavement or similar
surface under this contract.] [Topsoil shall be used wherever shown or
stated on the drawings.]

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 19

Before excavating, [drain product piping back to the tank] [remove residual
liquids trapped in the product lines] [and] remove all product from the
tank. Purge and vent the tank in accordance with API RP 1604, and as
specified herein.

3.5.1 Removal of Product, Pumpable Liquids, and Sludge

NOTE: See EM 1110-1-4006 for the analytical
parameters required for recyclability, reusability
and disposal consistent with characterization of
tank contents.

If the Defense Re-utilization and Marketing Office

(DRMO) is unwilling to take the wastes, delete
reference to delivery inside the installation.
Early in the design stage coordinate with the DRMO
to ensure their capabilities are used to the maximum
benefit of the Government and on approved containers
that might be available or required by the DRMO.
The bid documents must have a letter of waste
acceptance attached thereto to be considered a
responsive bid. Coordinate with the state
regulatory personnel. Other options are addressed
in EM 1110-1-4006.

Petroleum contaminated water disposal is addressed

in EM 1110-1-4006.

TSD facilities appropriate to accept the wastes

generated by this project may be identified. If an
analysis is available, bid acceptance may be subject
to the bidders having a signed letter of acceptance
from a permitted TSD attached to the bid; otherwise
the bid should be declared nonresponsive.

[Contain and store tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge onsite, prior
to disposal. Treat contaminated water as specified. Analyze and segregate
tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge to recover reusable products
prior to being transported to the [designated location] [treatment, storage
and disposal (TSD) facility.]] [Remove and dispose of tank product,
pumpable liquids, and sludge. Use of Government facilities for permanent
storage or disposal of the wastes is prohibited. Temporary storage on
Government facilities will be allowed only until testing is complete,
manifests (if necessary) are complete, and transportation is arranged.]
The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits. Usable
product shall be the property of the [Government] [Contractor]. Provide
approved containers, vehicles, equipment, labor, signs, labels, placards
and manifests and associated land disposal restriction notices and
notifications, necessary for accomplishment of the work, including
materials necessary for cleaning up spills that could occur from tank
removal operations.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 20
3.5.2 Contaminated Water Disposal Sampling, Analysis, and Containment

NOTE: The designer will detail the analytical
parameters for contaminated water and treated
effluent, treated onsite or offsite, according to
the state regulations, the requirements of the
recycler and/or TSD facility, and EM 1110-1-4006.
Sampling and analysis are to be conducted for
parameters consistent with characterization of tank

Sample and analyze contaminated water both prior to and after treatment.
[Analyze contaminated water produced from excavation operations and tank
pumping treated onsite, for pH; benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylene
(BETX); total lead; oil and grease; total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH); and
[_____]. Perform sampling and analysis prior to [discharge to the
installation sanitary sewer] [disposal] for every [_____] [200,000] L
[_____] [50,000] gallons of contaminated water treated.] [Conform analysis
of contaminated water to be taken to an offsite treatment facility to the
requirements of the treatment facility, with documentation of all analyses
performed furnished to the Contracting Officer in accordance with paragraph
RECORDS. Contain, store onsite, and analyze contaminated water [prior to
transport to the approved treatment, storage and disposal facility] [and
dispose of in accordance with applicable Federal and state disposal
regulations].] Provide approved containers, vehicles, equipment, labor,
signs, labels, placards and manifests and associated land disposal notices
and notifications, necessary for accomplishment of the work. Conform to
Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL for sampling and
analyses of contaminated water, treated water, the Contractor, and
laboratory quality assurance program. Treatment

Treat contaminated water [onsite] [offsite] by [oil water separation]

[_____] [filtering] [air stripping] [and] [activated carbon], or other
means as approved by the Contracting Officer. If contaminated water is to
be treated onsite, specify the proposed treatment in the Work Plan and
submit for approval, including the chain-of-custody records. Install
temporary storage and treatment equipment [in the general vicinity of the
tanks] at a location approved by the Contracting Officer. Sample and
analyze treated effluent and secure approval of results by the Contracting
Officer before discharge to [the sanitary sewer] [the surface] [_____].
Treat and discharge effluent in accordance with the discharge permit.


NOTE: Coordinate explosive limits with health
effects, especially for BTEX (benzene, toluene,
ethylbenzene, xylene) containing mixtures.
Coordinate with EM 1110-1-4006, health and safety
specialists or industrial hygienists.

After the tank and piping contents have been removed, but prior to

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 21
excavation beyond the top of the tank, disconnect all the piping (except
the piping needed to purge or inert the tank). Purge flammable and toxic
vapors from the tank or make the tank inert in accordance with API RP 1604,
with the exception that filling with water is not permitted and, if dry ice
is employed, use a minimum of 1.8 kg per 500 L 3 pounds per 100 gallons of
tank volume. Continuously monitor the tank atmosphere for combustible
vapors if the tank is purged, or continuously monitor for oxygen, if the
tank is inerted.


NOTE: Some states may require the use of VOC
emission suppression protocols during excavation,
stockpiling, and transportation operations for VOC
contaminated soil. The designer may need to include
requirements for submittals of VOC suppression
products (polyethylene sheeting, foam, or liquid VOC
suppressants) and use field demonstrations to show
there are no interferences from the suppression
technology used with field screening devices.
Approval from state/local regulators may be required
prior to usage of these products and the designer
should specify accordingly.

Mark all excavation areas, as well as work near roadways, in accordance


3.7.1 Exploratory Trenches

a. Excavate exploratory trenches as necessary to determine the tank

location, limits and the location of ancillary equipment. Upon
commencing exploratory excavation, utilize organic vapor analyzer/flame
ionization device (OVA/FID) equipment to obtain readings for [total
petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH),] [and] [benzene, tolulene, ethylbenzene,
and xylene (BTX), [and] [toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
(TCLP)].][ If BTEX indicates gasoline, then provide TCLP.]

b. [Contaminated soil materials may be used as backfill for tank and pipe
excavations.] [To determine soil contamination levels, continuously
monitor soil materials excavated to remove tanks with an OVA/FID
capable of detecting volatile organic vapors to a minimum of one ppm.
Further test contaminated soils with OVA/FID readings of [10] [_____]
ppm or greater for TPH and BTEX as specified herein. Soils with
OVA/FID readings less than [10] [_____] ppm may be used as clean
backfill.] [Dispose of contaminated soils in accordance with Federal,
State, and local regulations.]

3.7.2 Tank Excavation

NOTE: Acceptable levels of contaminations are
dependent on regulations applicable to the location
where tanks and piping are being removed; therefore,
verify acceptable levels.

For some locations, such as a contaminated site

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 22
scheduled for site remediation, it may be
permissible to use contaminated soil materials for
backfill in tank and piping excavations. Get
approval from local regulating authority before
using contaminated soil materials.

If contaminated soil materials are approved for

backfill, retain first bracketed sentence and delete
the second and third bracketed sentences.

a. [Provide Contracting Officer with written documentation, no later than

30 days before work begins, that proper State or local authorities have
been notified.] Notify the Contracting Officer at least 48 hours prior
to start of tank removal work. Stage operations to minimize the time
that tank excavation is open and the time that contaminated soil is
exposed to the weather. Provide protection measures around the
excavation area to prevent water runoff and to contain the soil within
the excavation area.

b. Perform excavation around the perimeter of the tank to limit the amount
of potentially [petroleum][_____] contaminated soil that could be mixed
with previously uncontaminated soil. Segregate [petroleum][_____]
contaminated soil in separate stockpiles.

c. Maintain an excavation around the tank of sufficient size to allow

workers ample room to complete the work, but also protect the workers
from sliding or cave-ins. Install sheeting, bracing, or shoring in the
absence of adequate side slopes if there is a need for workers to enter
the excavated area. Divert surface water to prevent direct entry into
the excavation.

d. Dewatering of the excavation may require a discharge permit by the

State and shall be limited to allow adequate access to the tank and
piping, to assure a safe excavation, and to ensure that compaction and
moisture requirements are met during backfilling. Dewatering may
result in the production of petroleum contaminated water and/or free
product. Recover free product from the groundwater only as part of
necessary dewatering.

e. Collect and test water generated by dewatering during excavation

required for removal of tanks or piping, surface water collected in
open excavation, or water used for washing equipment or existing
concrete or bituminous surfaces, in accordance with EPA 530-R-97-007,
EPA 600/4-79/020, EPA SW-846 and state or locally required analyses.

3.7.3 Temporary Containment of Excavated Soil

Provide temporary containment area near the excavated area. Cover

containment area with 0.75 mm 30 mil polyethylene sheeting. Place
excavated soil on the impervious barrier and cover with 0.15 mm 6 mil
polyethylene sheeting. Provide straw bale berm around the outer limits of
the containment area and cover with polyethylene sheets. Secure edges of
sheets to keep the polyethylene sheeting in place.

3.7.4 Piping Excavation

Perform excavation as necessary to remove tank piping and ancillary

equipment in accordance with paragraphs: Shoring, Tank Excavation, and

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 23
Open Excavations.

3.7.5 Open Excavations

NOTE: The time that tank excavations are left open
depends on a variety of factors, a major one being
the capability of the Contractor's lab to provide
analyses within the specified turnaround time.
Since short turnaround time adds cost, carefully
evaluate the need for short turnarounds to avoid
unnecessary costs.

If the excavation cannot be left open, it should be

lined with a geomembrane and backfilled. This will
aid excavation if test results reveal further
contamination. However, placing a geomembrane in
the excavation prior to backfilling may interfere
with future in-situ remediation (e.g. soil vapor
extraction, bioventing, etc.) and should only be
allowed after careful consideration.

Secure open excavations and stockpile areas while awaiting confirmation

test results from the soil beneath the tank. Backfill the excavation as
soon as possible after tank and contaminated soil removals have been
completed and confirmation samples have been taken. Divert surface water
around excavations to prevent water from directly entering into the

3.7.6 Hidden Structures

During excavation activities, if asphalt pavement, concrete slabs, or other

hidden structures are encountered, remove and wash with high pressure water
cleaning equipment. Remove and dispose of the pavement, concrete, and
other structures as specified in Section 02 41 00 DEMOLITION.

3.7.7 Stockpiles

NOTE: Soils characterized or contaminated by a
listed hazardous waste and not excluded by 40 CFR
261.4(b)(10) cannot be stockpiled unless the area
has been designated by the state RCRA office as a
corrective action management unit (CAMU);
stockpiling of hazardous waste soil constitutes
storage in a waste pile and requires a RCRA permit;
placing hazardous waste contaminated soil onto
plastic still constitutes a waste pile; therefore,
except as stated above, all hazardous waste soils
must be placed into containers such as drums,
roll-offs or dumpsters.

If analytical tests have not been taken before

editing of this specification, historical data may
be used to assume whether a tank contained petroleum
waste only or hazardous waste, until analytical test
results are in and contents are verified. If the
historical information indicates that a tank did not

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 24
After soil known to be contaminated has been removed or after soil
excavation is complete, sample the excavation with procedures, number,
location, and methodology [as specified] [in accordance with] [state
regulations][ and Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL].[
Obtain samples from the pits using a backhoe with a Shelby tube attached to
the bucket.]

3.10.2 Stockpiled Material Sampling

NOTE: Detail the sampling requirements and include
unique stockpile segregation procedures required by
the implementing agency in the body of the
specification. Analytical testing of stockpiled
soils will be based on visual observation, knowledge
of tank contents records and testing of tank

Soil that is a hazardous waste will not be allowed

to be stockpiled. Unless this is a designated
corrective action management unit, stockpiling of
hazardous waste will require a permit. Coordinate
with the state on Subtitle C tanks.

[Stockpiled contaminated soil shall be sampled and preserved in accordance

with the approved Sampling and Analysis Plan, and Section 01 35 45.00 10
CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL.] [Sampling locations, number and specific
procedures are as required by the [State of [_____]] [implementing agency]
and the disposal facility.]

3.10.3 Analysis

NOTE: Hydrocarbon tests may vary vastly from state
to state. Designer should consult the latest state
requirements for the appropriate hydrocarbon test
methods and coordinate with Section 01 35 45.00 10

Take into consideration that testing of stockpiled

soils and testing of the excavation pit to confirm
"clean closure" may require different testing.
Stockpiled materials testing is performed relative
to disposal criteria, confirmation soil testing from
the pit is tested to demonstrate clean closure.

Test soil samples from the excavation and stockpiled material in accordance
with the approved Sampling and Analysis Plan, and Section 01 35 45.00 10
CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL for the following parameters: [total
petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH)] [benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene
(BETX)] [toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)] [the following
constituents: [_____]]. Submit copies of all test results, including the
chain-of-custody records,.to the Contracting Officer.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 33

NOTE: Coordinate with the IA regarding the maximum
contaminant levels allowable for clean closure, and
if waste from one stockpile can be used as backfill
for another. Coordinate with the user concerning
preferences in regard to leaving excavations open
pending lab results, state inspector's evaluations,
road closures and other factors. Lab turnaround
time plays a critical role in the duration of
excavations left open and times must be
coordinated. If field analysis is allowed by the
state inspector, this would reduce or eliminate
turnaround time concerns.

If the Government or state will analyze samples,

revise this paragraph and give the length of time
the Contractor should expect the excavation to be

If additional constituents require analyses to meet

state/local closure requirements, include the
appropriate limits in this paragraph and include the
same limits in the definition for clean fill.

Add applicable requirements for backfilling the

excavation in this section or revise the reference
to the appropriate section of the specifications;
see EM 1110-1-4006 for guidance.

a. Backfill the tank area and any other excavations [as soon as possible
after tank and contaminated soil removals have been completed and
confirmation samples have been taken] [only after the soil test results
have been approved]. Complete contaminated soil removal after [the
bottom of the tank excavation is determined to have soil contamination
levels below the state standards of [100] [_____] ppm TPH] [approval by
the [state inspector] [Contracting Officer]].

b. Dewater the excavation if necessary. Use stockpiled material,

subjected to chemical confirmation testing as backfill, if it is found
to [conform to the requirements of clean fill in accordance with
appropriate [state] [local] regulations] [contain less than [100]
[_____] ppm of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)] [contain less than
[10] [_____] ppm of BETX] [_____]. Place clean backfill in layers with
a maximum loose thickness of [_____] [200] mm [_____] [8] inches,
compacted to [90] [_____] percent maximum density for cohesive soils
and [95] [_____] percent maximum density for cohesionless soils.
Perform density tests using an approved commercial testing laboratory
or by facilities furnished by the Contractor. Attach test results to
Contractor's Quality Control Report; submit [_____] copies of the
report for each UST site opened, prepared in a standard 3-ring binder,
within 14 days of completing work at each site. Label each binder with
contract number, project name, location and tank number; each binder
shall be indexed. Furnish a copy of the report to the Installation
Environmental Coordinator.. Perform a minimum of 1 density test on
[each] [_____] lift. Determine laboratory tests for moisture density
relations in accordance with ASTM D1557, Method B, C, or D, or

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 34
Separate immunoassay field kits sensitive to the
light and heavy fuel fractions are available; these
kits will not be used as real time health and safety
monitoring devices.

Include the Coordinator's Name, Office, and Phone


If contamination is expected, the state may request

to be present onsite to oversee contaminated soil
excavation and supervise sampling efforts. The
designer's or Environmental Coordinator's experience
at the site or similar sites may provide a basis for
estimating the amount of contaminated soil.

If USACE labs are expected to perform analysis,

coordinate with them early on to verify they have
the adequate resources to accomplish the work.

a. After the tank has been removed from the ground, examine and test the
adjacent and underlying soil for any evidence of leakage. Visually
inspect the soil for staining after removal of all obviously
contaminated soil, then screen for the presence of [volatile and/or
semi-volatile] [_____] contamination using [a real time vapor
monitoring instrument] [immunoassay field kits].

b. If tank is [6] [_____] m [20] [_____] feet or less in length, take

[two] [_____] samples. Take each sample [0.60] [_____] m [2] [_____]
feet from each end of the tank and [0.60] [_____] m [2] [_____] feet
below the bottom of the excavation.

c. If the tank is greater than [6] [_____] m [20] [_____] feet, take
[three] [_____] samples. Take two samples [0.60] [_____] m [2] [_____]
feet from each end of the tank and [0.60] [_____] m [2] [_____] feet
below the bottom of the excavation. Take a third sample from the
middle of the tank area and [0.60] [_____] m [2] [_____] feet below the
bottom of the excavation.

d. Analyze samples for TPH, BTEX, and TCLP. Perform sampling and analysis
conforming to standards specified above for stockpiled soils. Soils
that contain [50] [_____] ppm or more TPH, [10] [_____] ppm or more
BTEX, or have TCLP reading of [10] [_____] ppm of lead or virgin
petroleum products are considered contaminated materials. Soils which
are less than the above may be used as clean fill. Furnish results to
the Contracting Officer within 24 hours after the results are
obtained. Along with the results furnish a sketch showing underground
tank, sampling location, and extent of excavations.

e. [Stockpile onsite in accordance with paragraph Stockpiles] [Transport

offsite for disposal] uncontaminated soil or petroleum contaminated
soil not regulated by the state as hazardous waste. Stockpile
contaminated soil or suspected contaminated soil, or, if the site is a
RCRA-designated CAMU, containerized until further disposition.

f. The [Contracting Officer] [State of [_____] inspector] will determine

the extent of the contaminated soil to be removed from each site, not
to exceed [_____] [cubic meters cubic yards] [kg tons] per site.
Report any evidence indicating that the amount of contaminated soil may

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 27
exceed the individual site limit specified, to the [Installation's
Environmental Coordinator] [Contracting Officer] [_____] the same day
it is discovered. If minimal additional excavation is required, the
Contracting Officer may allow the Contractor to proceed. If extensive
contamination is encountered, sample the excavation and backfill in
accordance with paragraph BACKFILLING.

g. After the known contaminated soil is removed, sample and analyze the
excavation in accordance with Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA

3.8.4 Testing Along Piping

NOTE: Testing requirements are dependent on
regulations applicable to the locations where tanks
and piping are being removed. Verify number of
tests required and required location for tests.

For every [7.5] [_____] m [25] [_____] linear feet of product delivery
piping, [for every change in direction,] [and at every mechanical joint]
take [one] [______] soil sample and analyze for TPH, BTEX, and TCLP.
Conform sampling and analysis of soil materials to EPA standards specified


NOTE: 1. For tanks larger than 15,120 L 4,000
gallons or for projects that have tanks, some of
which are smaller or larger than 15,120 L 4,000
gallons, select the first optional paragraph and
include Section 33 65 00 CLEANING PETROLEUM STORAGE

2. For tanks 15,120 L 4,000 gallons and smaller,

select the second optional paragraph.

[Provide additional requirements for cleaning and vapor freeing tank as

specified in Section 33 65 00 CLEANING PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS.] [Provide
clean and vapor free tank in accordance with API RP 1604 and the following:

NOTE: Data for these paragraphs should be obtained
from the Commanding Officer of the individual Naval
facility having tanks for cleaning.

a. Table of Tank History

Tank No. Tank Tank Date Type of Type of Remarks From the
Location Capacity Constructed Lining (If Fuel Last Inspection

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 28
Analyses shall give the identification number of the sample used.
Sample identification numbers shall correspond to those provided on the
one-line drawings.

h. Scaled one-line drawings showing tank locations, limits of excavation,

limits of contamination, underground utilities within 15 m 50 feet,
sample locations, and sample identification numbers.

i. Progress Photographs. Take a minimum of 4 views of the site showing

such things as the location of each tank, entrance/exit road, and any
other notable site condition before work begins. After work has been
started at the site, photographically record activities at each work
location daily. Photographs shall be 89 x 127 mm 3-1/2 x 5 inches and
shall include:

(1) Soil removal, handling, and sampling.

(2) Unanticipated events such as discovery of additional contaminated


(3) Soil stockpile area.

(4) Tank.

(5) Site or task-specific employee respiratory and personal


(6) Fill placement and grading.

(7) Post-construction photographs. After completion of work at each

site, take a minimum of four (4) views of the site. Prints shall
illustrate the condition and location of work and the state of
progress. The photographs shall be mounted and enclosed
back-to-back in a double face plastic sleeve punched to fit
standard three ring binders. Each color print shall show an
information box, 40 x 90 mm 1-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches. The information
box for the 892 x 127 mm 3-1/2 x 5 inch photographs shall be
scaled down accordingly, or taped to the bottom of the photo. The
box shall be typewritten and arranged as follows:

Project No. Contract No.



Photograph No. Date/Time:


Direction of View

j. [_____] copies of the report for each UST site opened, prepared in a
standard 3-ring binder, within 14 days of completing work at each
site. Label each binder with contract number, project name, location
and tank number; each binder shall be indexed. Furnish a copy of the
report to the Installation Environmental Coordinator.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 39

NOTE: NAVFAC projects should use Section
31 23 00.00 20 in lieu of Section 31 00 00 below.

Provide backfill, compaction, grading, and seeding in accordance with

Section 31 00 00 EXCAVATION.[ Line the excavation with two plastic sheets
before backfilling.]

-- End of Section --

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 40
3.9.3 Interior

NOTE: In lieu of eliminating any sheen, many states
require a triple rinse. Coordinate with the
appropriate regulators to ascertain what "clean" is,
regarding tank interiors and to determine cleaning
requirements for the piping and ancillary equipment;
cleaning operations are highly dependent upon tank
material and contents, and which state requirements
are applicable. Often the state fire inspector's
office has been tasked with Subtitle I program
implementation; hence the following NFPA and API
standards may be used to a greater degree than in
situations in which another office of state
government has been tasked with enforcing the UST

NFPA-30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Codes

NFPA-327 Standard Procedure for Cleaning or

Safeguarding Small Tanks and Containers

NFPA-329 Recommended Practice for Handling

Underground Leakage of Flammable and Combustible

API Std 2015 Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks

If API Std 2015 is used, flooding the tank should

not be used in any circumstances.

[Clean tank interior using a high pressure (greater than 3.45 MPa 500 psi),
low volume (less than 0.13 L/s 2 gpm) water spray] [or] [Steam clean tank
interior until all loose scale and sludge is removed, and contamination, in
the form of a sheen, is no longer visible in the effluent stream]. Also
clean the interior surfaces of piping, to the extent possible, using the
same method used for cleaning the tank. Contaminated water generated from
interior cleaning operations (of both piping and tank) shall not exceed the
following quantities for each UST cleaned:


3,785 or less1,000 or less 5

37,850 or less10,000 or less 5 or 378 L, whichever is less5 or 100

gal., whichever is less

75,700 or less20,000 or less 1 or 568 L, whichever is less1 or 150

gal., whichever is less

greater than 75,700greater than 1 or 946 L, whichever is less1 or 250

20,000 gal., whichever is less

[Collect and store onsite] [Discharge to the installation sanitary sewer

after passing through an oil water separator] [Handle in accordance with

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 31
paragraph Contaminated Water Disposal] all contaminated water resulting
from cleaning operations. Clean so as to eliminate, to the greatest extent
possible, the need for personnel to enter the tank. Use specially designed
tank cleaning equipment which allows the tank to be cleaned prior to
cutting into sections without requiring personnel to enter the tank or, if
less specialized equipment is used, the tank shall be partially dissected
to overcome confined space entry hazards. Accomplish this work in
accordance with Section 01 35 29.13 HEALTH, SAFETY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE


3.10.1 Tank Excavation Sampling Procedures

NOTE: The designer will detail the confirmation
soil sampling requirements and analytical
parameters, including pipe trenches and near pump
islands, based on the state/local regulations, EM

In most cases, a 72-hour turnaround-time (TAT) is

appropriate to avoid excessive downtime or
remobilization of the Contractor; determine if a
quicker TAT is warranted for the offsite analytical.

If the State will have an individual onsite to

oversee sampling and/or excavation operations, the
following may be substituted for the first sentence:
"After soil known to be contaminated has been
removed, collect and analyze soil samples as
directed by the Contracting Officer in consultation
with [_____]."

A backhoe should be used for soil sampling to

eliminate the need to have personnel enter the

If the regulators do not specify the number of

samples required, use a minimum of 2 samples at the
bottom of the tank excavation zone, with one in the
center of the tank excavation and one where the
highest instrument reading was obtained or where
contamination is most likely to occur.

If additional samples will likely be required, it

may be best to include additional testing as a
separate bid item so a credit can be easily obtained
if the additional tests are not required.

If there is evidence of spillage around the tank or

the possibility of horizontal movement of leaked
material, the following requirement can be added: "A
sample shall be obtained from each of the 4 walls of
the excavation at [[600] [_____] mm [2] [_____] foot
vertical intervals] [approximately 2/3 of the total
depth of the excavation] and [composited] [tested as
individual samples].

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 32
After soil known to be contaminated has been removed or after soil
excavation is complete, sample the excavation with procedures, number,
location, and methodology [as specified] [in accordance with] [state
regulations][ and Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL].[
Obtain samples from the pits using a backhoe with a Shelby tube attached to
the bucket.]

3.10.2 Stockpiled Material Sampling

NOTE: Detail the sampling requirements and include
unique stockpile segregation procedures required by
the implementing agency in the body of the
specification. Analytical testing of stockpiled
soils will be based on visual observation, knowledge
of tank contents records and testing of tank

Soil that is a hazardous waste will not be allowed

to be stockpiled. Unless this is a designated
corrective action management unit, stockpiling of
hazardous waste will require a permit. Coordinate
with the state on Subtitle C tanks.

[Stockpiled contaminated soil shall be sampled and preserved in accordance

with the approved Sampling and Analysis Plan, and Section 01 35 45.00 10
CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL.] [Sampling locations, number and specific
procedures are as required by the [State of [_____]] [implementing agency]
and the disposal facility.]

3.10.3 Analysis

NOTE: Hydrocarbon tests may vary vastly from state
to state. Designer should consult the latest state
requirements for the appropriate hydrocarbon test
methods and coordinate with Section 01 35 45.00 10

Take into consideration that testing of stockpiled

soils and testing of the excavation pit to confirm
"clean closure" may require different testing.
Stockpiled materials testing is performed relative
to disposal criteria, confirmation soil testing from
the pit is tested to demonstrate clean closure.

Test soil samples from the excavation and stockpiled material in accordance
with the approved Sampling and Analysis Plan, and Section 01 35 45.00 10
CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL for the following parameters: [total
petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH)] [benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene
(BETX)] [toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)] [the following
constituents: [_____]]. Submit copies of all test results, including the
chain-of-custody records,.to the Contracting Officer.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 33

NOTE: Coordinate with the IA regarding the maximum
contaminant levels allowable for clean closure, and
if waste from one stockpile can be used as backfill
for another. Coordinate with the user concerning
preferences in regard to leaving excavations open
pending lab results, state inspector's evaluations,
road closures and other factors. Lab turnaround
time plays a critical role in the duration of
excavations left open and times must be
coordinated. If field analysis is allowed by the
state inspector, this would reduce or eliminate
turnaround time concerns.

If the Government or state will analyze samples,

revise this paragraph and give the length of time
the Contractor should expect the excavation to be

If additional constituents require analyses to meet

state/local closure requirements, include the
appropriate limits in this paragraph and include the
same limits in the definition for clean fill.

Add applicable requirements for backfilling the

excavation in this section or revise the reference
to the appropriate section of the specifications;
see EM 1110-1-4006 for guidance.

a. Backfill the tank area and any other excavations [as soon as possible
after tank and contaminated soil removals have been completed and
confirmation samples have been taken] [only after the soil test results
have been approved]. Complete contaminated soil removal after [the
bottom of the tank excavation is determined to have soil contamination
levels below the state standards of [100] [_____] ppm TPH] [approval by
the [state inspector] [Contracting Officer]].

b. Dewater the excavation if necessary. Use stockpiled material,

subjected to chemical confirmation testing as backfill, if it is found
to [conform to the requirements of clean fill in accordance with
appropriate [state] [local] regulations] [contain less than [100]
[_____] ppm of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)] [contain less than
[10] [_____] ppm of BETX] [_____]. Place clean backfill in layers with
a maximum loose thickness of [_____] [200] mm [_____] [8] inches,
compacted to [90] [_____] percent maximum density for cohesive soils
and [95] [_____] percent maximum density for cohesionless soils.
Perform density tests using an approved commercial testing laboratory
or by facilities furnished by the Contractor. Attach test results to
Contractor's Quality Control Report; submit [_____] copies of the
report for each UST site opened, prepared in a standard 3-ring binder,
within 14 days of completing work at each site. Label each binder with
contract number, project name, location and tank number; each binder
shall be indexed. Furnish a copy of the report to the Installation
Environmental Coordinator.. Perform a minimum of 1 density test on
[each] [_____] lift. Determine laboratory tests for moisture density
relations in accordance with ASTM D1557, Method B, C, or D, or

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 34
ASTM D6938. A mechanical tamper may be used, provided that the results
are correlated with those obtained by the hand tamper. Determine field
in-place density shall be in accordance with ASTM D1556/D1556M,
ASTM D6938, or ASTM D2167.


3.12.1 Treatment, Disposal, and Recycling

NOTE: List approved facilities in the area of the

Many IA's allow contaminated soil treatment onsite

and the specification revised accordingly with
potential IA approval of a work plan. The approval
process should be started by the designer, if
possible, to ensure IA approval does not cause
project delays.

Supply the EPA hazardous waste number in accordance

with 40 CFR 261.

Perform disposal of [hazardous] [or] [special] wastes in accordance with

all local, State, and Federal solid and hazardous waste laws and
regulations; the RCRA; Section 02 81 00 TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS; and conditions specified herein. This work includes
all necessary personnel, labor, transportation, packaging, detailed
analyses (if required for disposal, manifesting or completing waste profile
sheets), equipment, and reports. Recycle product and pumpable liquids
removed from the tank to the greatest extent practicable. Dispose of the
tanks removed at one of the following state approved facilities: [_____].
Provide manifest for each tank disposed of in this manner as required by
the State of [_____] to document delivery and acceptance at the disposal

3.12.2 Tank and Ancillary Equipment Disposal

After the tank, piping, and ancillary equipment have been removed from the
excavation and the tank cleaned, cut the tank into sections with no
dimension greater than [1500][_____] mm [5][_____] feet. [Recycle]
[Dispose of] tank and piping sections [in a State approved offsite disposal
facility] [ or ] [in a salvage yard] [at the Defense Reutilization and
Marketing Office (DRMO)] [at the location shown on the drawings]. Perform
tank cutting prior to being taken [off Government property] [from the tank
removal site]. Do not sell the tank intact. [Recycle] [Dispose of]
ancillary equipment at [an approved offsite disposal facility] [a salvage
yard] [the DRMO] Piping shall be disconnected from the tank and [removed]
[grouted full of a portland cement and water slurry consisting of 22.7 L 6
gallons of clean water per 42.6 kg 94 pound sack of portland cement,
thoroughly mixed and free of lumps] unless otherwise indicated.

3.12.3 Transportation of Wastes

Provide transportation in accordance with Department of Transportation

(DOT) Hazardous Material Regulations and State and local requirements,
including obtaining all necessary permits, licenses, and approvals. Submit
evidence that a State licensed [hazardous ]waste transporter is being used.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 35
3.12.4 Salvage Rights

The Contractor retains the rights to salvage value of recycled or reclaimed

product and metal not turned in to the DRMO or otherwise identified, so
long as the requirements of 40 CFR 266 and 40 CFR 279, or the applicable
State requirements are met. At the end of the contract, provide
documentation on the disposition of salvaged materials.

3.12.5 Manifest Records

NOTE: Manifests are required only when the tank
contents are a RCRA regulated hazardous waste. If
the tank contents are a DOT hazardous material but
not a RCRA regulated hazardous waste, there are Bill
of Lading requirements. Edit this paragraph

Maintain records of all waste determinations, including appropriate results

of analyses performed, substances and sample location, the time of
collection, and other pertinent data as required by 40 CFR 280, Section 74
and 40 CFR 262 Subpart D, and Section 01 35 45.00 10 CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY
CONTROL. Also record transportation, treatment, disposal methods and
dates, the quantities of waste, the names and addresses of each transporter
and the disposal or reclamation facility, shall and available for
inspection, as well as copies of the following documents:

a. Manifests.

b. Waste analyses or waste profile sheets.

c. Certifications of final treatment/disposal signed by the responsible

disposal facility official.

d. Land disposal notification records required under 40 CFR 268for

hazardous wastes.

Provide records in accordance with Section 02 81 00 TRANSPORTATION AND

DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Upon contract close out, the records will
become the property of the Government.

3.12.6 Hazardous/Special Waste Manifests

Provide manifesting conforming to the requirements specified in Section


3.12.7 Documentation of Treatment or Disposal

Take wastes, other than recyclable or reclaimable product or metal, to a

treatment, storage, or disposal facility which has EPA or appropriate state
permits and [hazardous] [or special] waste identification numbers and
complies with the provisions of the disposal regulations. Furnish
[documentation of acceptance of special waste by] [the original return copy
of the hazardous waste manifest, signed by the owner or operator of] a
facility legally permitted to treat or dispose of those materials shall be
furnished to the Contracting Officer not later than [5] [_____] working
days following the delivery of those materials to the facility; and include

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 36
a copy in the Tank Closure Report. Furnish a statement of agreement from
the proposed treatment, storage or disposal facility and certified
transporters to accept [hazardous] [or special] wastes [in the Work Plan]
[to the Contracting Officer not less than 14 days before transporting any
wastes]. If the Contractor selects a different facility than is identified
in the [contract] [Work Plan], provide documentation for approval to
certify that the facility is authorized and meets the standards specified
in 40 CFR 264.


Use appropriate vehicles and operating practices to prevent spillage or

leakage of contaminated materials from occurring during operations.
Inspect vehicles leaving the area of contamination to ensure that no
contaminated materials adhere to the wheels or undercarriage. Take
immediate containment actions as necessary to minimize effect of any spill
or leak. Cleanup in accordance with applicable Federal, State, local laws
and regulations, and district policy at no additional cost to the
Government. Refer to Section 02 81 00 TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS for spill response and reporting requirements.


Arrange for and perform required inspections. Provide copies of

inspections to Contracting Officer.


NOTE: Execute Subtitle C tank closures in
accordance with previously prepared closure plans
and 40 CFR 264, Section 197. Some states have forms
and/or requirements that must be included.

The number of copies required is dependent on how

many the state requires, what the installation
requires, and what the Government wants. To avoid
additional printing costs to the Government for
unforeseen copies, get a realistic number.

Execute Subtitle I closures in accordance with 40

CFR 280 as well as applicable state regulations.

Submit a Site Assessment/Tank Closure Report in a single binder notebook

containing a collection of reports, records, starting and ending dates of
reporting period, inspections, documentation, and data as follows:

a. Complete UST Notification Form (within 30 days of closure).

b. Description of work, including removal procedures, number of tanks

removed, identification of tanks removed and disposed of (include site
map showing location of tank and piping), cubic yards of excavated
soil, location of disposal sites, and dates of excavation.

c. Site plan, including location of tanks and piping, limits of excavation,

sampling points, results of excavation, and depths.

d. Laboratory and field testing reports, copies of data and test results

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 37
from testing laboratory and the chain-of-custody records.

e. Tank disposal paperwork ([_____] copies of UST Notification Form and

method of conditioning tank for disposal), contaminated soil disposal
paperwork (include laboratory testing reports), and contaminated water
disposal paperwork (include laboratory testing reports).

f. Certifications required by implementing agency.

g. Building permit[, inspection permits,] and other permitsrequired for

underground tank removal, notifications, and inspection reports.

[ h. Cumulative quantities of soil excavated, beginning with start date for

each tank and associated piping.
Include in Tank Closure Reports the following information as a minimum:

a. A cover letter signed by a [responsible company official] [Professional

Engineer registered in the State of [_____]] certifying that all
services involved have been performed in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this specification.

b. A narrative report describing what was encountered at each site,


(1) condition of the UST.

(2) any visible evidence of leaks or stained soils.

(3) results of vapor monitoring readings.

(4) actions taken including quantities of materials treated or


(5) reasons for selecting sample locations.

(6) sample locations.

(7) collection data such as time of collection and method of


(8) reasons for backfilling site.

(9) whether or not groundwater was encountered.

c. Copies of all analyses performed for disposal.

d. Copies of all waste analyses or waste profile sheets.

e. Copies of all certifications of final disposal signed by the

responsible disposal installation official.

f. Information on who sampled, analyzed, transported, and accepted all

wastes encountered, including copies of manifests, waste profile
sheets, land disposal restriction, notification and certification
forms, certificates of disposal, and other pertinent documentation.

g. Copies of all analyses performed for confirmation that underlying soil

is not contaminated, with copies of chain-of-custody for each sample.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 38
Analyses shall give the identification number of the sample used.
Sample identification numbers shall correspond to those provided on the
one-line drawings.

h. Scaled one-line drawings showing tank locations, limits of excavation,

limits of contamination, underground utilities within 15 m 50 feet,
sample locations, and sample identification numbers.

i. Progress Photographs. Take a minimum of 4 views of the site showing

such things as the location of each tank, entrance/exit road, and any
other notable site condition before work begins. After work has been
started at the site, photographically record activities at each work
location daily. Photographs shall be 89 x 127 mm 3-1/2 x 5 inches and
shall include:

(1) Soil removal, handling, and sampling.

(2) Unanticipated events such as discovery of additional contaminated


(3) Soil stockpile area.

(4) Tank.

(5) Site or task-specific employee respiratory and personal


(6) Fill placement and grading.

(7) Post-construction photographs. After completion of work at each

site, take a minimum of four (4) views of the site. Prints shall
illustrate the condition and location of work and the state of
progress. The photographs shall be mounted and enclosed
back-to-back in a double face plastic sleeve punched to fit
standard three ring binders. Each color print shall show an
information box, 40 x 90 mm 1-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches. The information
box for the 892 x 127 mm 3-1/2 x 5 inch photographs shall be
scaled down accordingly, or taped to the bottom of the photo. The
box shall be typewritten and arranged as follows:

Project No. Contract No.



Photograph No. Date/Time:


Direction of View

j. [_____] copies of the report for each UST site opened, prepared in a
standard 3-ring binder, within 14 days of completing work at each
site. Label each binder with contract number, project name, location
and tank number; each binder shall be indexed. Furnish a copy of the
report to the Installation Environmental Coordinator.

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 39

NOTE: NAVFAC projects should use Section
31 23 00.00 20 in lieu of Section 31 00 00 below.

Provide backfill, compaction, grading, and seeding in accordance with

Section 31 00 00 EXCAVATION.[ Line the excavation with two plastic sheets
before backfilling.]

-- End of Section --

SECTION 02 65 00 Page 40

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