Development of A Portable Pneumatic Grain Broadcasting Unit: Ahmad, M. C
Development of A Portable Pneumatic Grain Broadcasting Unit: Ahmad, M. C
Development of A Portable Pneumatic Grain Broadcasting Unit: Ahmad, M. C
The present research was carried out in El-Sharkia Governorate, El-Sowa Village in 2014 season to develop and evaluate
a portable pneumatic grain broadcasting unit under Egyptian conditions in clay soil. The study included three fan peripheral
speeds of 1.7, 1.97 and 2.18 m/s, three grain path lengths of 50, 100 and 200mm from air outlet under and two states of grains
(dry and germinated). These parameters were evaluated with horizontal and vertical fan positions, comparing to manual
broadcasting on rice grains (Giza 178). Broadcasting width, coefficient of variance (CV), coefficient of distribution uniformity
(CU), consumed energy according to power requirements and total costs were determined under split-split plot design with three
replicates for all treatments. The obtained results showed that fan peripheral speed of 2.18 m/s and outlet path length of 100mm
with horizontal fan gave the best results for all measurements, which obtained thebroadcasting widths of 10.2 and 8.8 m were
obtained under horizontal fan with dry and germinated grains, respectively. The least and highest values of CV, CU, Consumed
energy and were 17.33 and 82.67 for dry grains and 19.11 and 80.89 for germinated grains respectively. At the above conditions
the consumed energy broadcasting costs values were 0.56 and 0.87 kWh/fed, and 10.60 and 13.85 LE/fed for dry and germinated
grains, respectively comparing to 20 LE/fed with the traditional method. Finally, the study recommends developing the
broadcasting unit to overcome the problems of fragmented, small holdings, which need suitable small machinery with the
possibility of trying them in broadcasting other précised seeds. It is also, recommended to study the number and angles of vanes
and simultaneously studying different fan diameters and then the material of its manufacturing.
Keywords: broadcasting, distribution, peripheral speed, air velocity
research is to develop and evaluate a broadcasting unit develop and evaluate a portable pneumatic grain-
to give the best performance at rice grain planting. broadcastingunit during 2014 season.
The developed portable unit
MATERIALS AND METHODS Specifications of the developed portable unit
Field experiments were carried out at private presented in Table (1) and illustrated in Fig. (1), which
farm at El-Sowa Village, El-Sharkia Governorate, to consists of:
Table (1): Specifications of the developed portable unit
Item Specifications Item Specifications
Engine 2 strokes, air cooling, single cylinder, gasoline Air flow (m³/h) 640
Cylinder Volume (cc) 70 Air velocity (m/sec.) 100
Engine (rpm) 6000 Fuel cons.(L/h) 4.25
Power (kW) 3.68 Fuel tank (L.) 1.8
Mass net (kg) 15.5 Tank capacity (L.) 20
J. Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 7 (8), August, 2016
Ahmad, M. C.
developed broadcasting unit was used for all ρ.f= density of fuel, kg / L (for diesel = 0.85),
treatments which were carried out depending on L.C.V= calorific value of fuel (10000 kcal / kg),
steady-hand operator (without moving from left to 427= thermo-mechanical equivalent, J / kcal,
right and without twisting) to pinpoint the ηth= thermal efficiency of engine (≈ 35% for diesel
broadcasting centerline and measure the broadcasting engines) and
width, and number and weight of grain per m2. ηmec= mechanical efficiency of engine (≈80%).
2- Field-experimental tests: They were done in field to The specific energy calculated by using the
determine the human walking speed (ground speed) in following equation
mud soil which found about 2.4± 0.45km/h (0.76 Power requiremen t (kW )
Specific energy (kW.h / fed ) ..( 6)
Effective field capacity ( fed / h)
m/n), field capacity and field efficiency, number of
grain in m2. Therefore, the broadcasting time and the D- Broadcasting cost.
timed consumed as re-filling the hopper with grains The economic machinery costs (fixed and
three times/fed with dry grains and four times with variable) as well as repair and maintenance is derived
germinated grains were determined. Also some from theories described by Nilsson (1972), Have (1991)
weather measurements were estimated as wind speed and Hunt (1995), and expresses the total yearly fixed
of 2.1 km/h (0.69 m/s) and the air temperature varied and variable costs as a function of machine capacity:
from 22 to 28 oC. A xU
C x x x(r x x L x ) / Pr .........(7)
Experimental design x FE
In split-split plot design, an experimental area of Where; C: is the total yearly costs (LE),
about 2.0 feddans were divided into two main plots Ψ: is a factor expressing depreciation and interest as
represent the grain status (dry and germinated grains) a fraction of the purchase price, (1/year)
and each of them was divided into three sup plots ρ: is the purchase price per unit capacity (LE.h/ton),
according to the used broadcasting system (horizontal or θ: is the machine capacity (ton/h),
vertical spreader fan position and manual broadcasting). A: is the treated seasonal area (fed/year),
Two of sub plots were divided into three sub-sub plots U: is the expected crop yield (ton/fed),
according to spreader fan peripheral speeds. FE: is the field efficiency expressing the ratio
The experimental treatments were carried out between gross and theoretical capacity,
after the soil tillage and irrigation then puddling r: is a factor expressing repair and maintenance
(leveling in water) and were replicated three times. The costs as a fraction of purchase price,
outlet grain gate was adjusted for the two broadcasting δ: is the fuel costs proportional to the capacity
systems at 60 kg/fed. (LE/L), and
Measurements Pr: is process productivity (ton).
A - Broadcasting width - Statistical analysis:The obtained data were
The broadcasting width were measured as tabulatedand analyzed statistically by using a
indicated of distribution uniformity widthwhich computer program of Microsoft excel window 2007
includes the coefficient of variation and coefficient of for estimating the regression analysis and the
uniformity. probability at level5%.
- Coefficient of Variation (CV) can be determined
according to Coates (1992), the standard deviation () RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and coefficient of variation (CV) are determined as
follows: A- Effect of spreader fan peripheral speed on
(x i xa ) 2
broadcasting width
n 1 From Fig.4, it was indicated that increasing fan
Where: peripheral speed resulted in increasing broadcasting
xi= The individual reading. width. For dry grains, results in Fig. 4 (A) shows that
xa= Mean reading = xi the most amount of grainsis distributed in small width at
n lower fan peripheral speed of 1.7 m/s compared with the
n = Number of readings. high speeds of 1.97 and 2.18 m/s which increases the
broadcasting width around the centerline of the portable
C.V . x100 .......... .......... .......... ......( 3)
xa unit carrier especially under 200mm outlet path length.
- Coefficient of distribution uniformity (CU) The broadcasting width using fan peripheral
The coefficient of distribution uniformity is speed of 2.18 m/s and outlet path length of 200 mmwere
calculated by the following equation, (Dragos, 1975): 10.2 and 6.4 m respectively for horizontal and vertical
C.U . 1 CV .........................................(4) fan. While themanual broadcasting width was 4.4 m. It
B- Energy requirements is clear that fan peripheral speed of 2.18 m/s and outlet
The following formula was used to estimate path length of 200 mm showed the highest broadcasting
power consumption (Hunt, 1983): width. Fan peripheral speed of 1.7 m/s with outlet path
FC x . f x LCV x 427 x th x mec length of 50mm showed the least values of broadcasting
P kW.......... .......... (5) width whilefan peripheral speed of 1.97 m/s and outlet
3600 x 75 x 1.36
path length of 100 mm showed medium values and the
Where: two factors gave similar trends.
FC= fuel consumption, L/h,
J. Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 7 (8), August, 2016
For germinated grains, similar trends were shown way fan peripheral speed of 1.7 m/s and outlet path
in Fig. 4 (B). Under the same previous conditions of fan length 50 mm showed the least values of broadcasting
peripheral speed and outlet path length values of width and medium values were obtained under fan
broadcasting widths were 8.8, 5.5 and 3.7 m for peripheral speed of 1.97 m/s with two other outlet path
horizontal fan, vertical fan and manual broadcasting, length of 50 and 100 mm. This result may be attributed
respectively. These results using fan peripheral speed of to the increase in centrifugal force occurred by high fan
2.18 m/s and 200 mm outlet path length. In the same peripheral speed which caused increasing fan speed.
Effect of fan peripheral speed and outlet path length length of 50, 100 and 200 mm for horizontal and
on CV and CU. vertical position, respectively. Results show that, the
Fig. 5 shows the effect of fan peripheral speed suitable peripheral speed for dry grains is 2.18 m/s. The
and outlet path length on CV for both dry and two other outlet path length showed similar results and
germinatedgrainsat different positions of fan comparing trends.
to manual broadcasting. For dry grains from Fig 5 (A), With germinated grains Fig. 5 (B), the same trend
it is clear that increasing fan peripheral speed resulted in for CV values were shown for all treatments comparing
decreasing CV values under all treatments and to the control treatments under the same conditions with
consequently increasing the CU. Also, it is obvious that dry grains. CV values at fan peripheral speed of 1.7,
using fan showed a decrement in CV values comparing 1.97 and 2.18 m/s with 100 mm outlet path lengthwere
with the controltreatment. Using horizontal fan gave the 25.23, 21.12 and 19.11, and 27.23, 25.15 and 21.45 for
least values for CV in all treatments. CV values at fan horizontal and vertical fan positions respectively,
peripheral speed of 1.7, 1.97 and 2.18 m/s with 100 mm comparing to 49.71 for control treatment (manual
outlet path lengthwere 20.22, 18.25 and17.33, and broadcasting). The highest values of CU are 74.77,
22.21, 21.15 and19.10 for horizontal and vertical fan 78.88 and 80.89 and 72.77, 74.85, 78.55 obtained at the
positions respectively, comparing to 47.50 for control same previous conditions. These results may be
treatment (manual broadcasting).The highest values of attributed to the increase in centrifugal force occurred at
CU are 79.78, 81.75 and 82.67, and 77.79, 78.85 and high peripheral speed.
80.90 for horizontal and vertical fan positions Although the outlet path length of 50 mm showed
respectively, obtained at the same previous conditions. the best broadcasting, but the number of grains per
These results may due to the increase in centrifugal m2was less than the recommended values. Therefore,
force occurred at high peripheral speed. So, the outlet path length of 100 mm showed the best values of
coefficient of variation could be decreased by increase number of grains per m2. The regression analysis
fan peripheral speed. showed that outlet path length is an important factor
The best distribution pattern is coincided the which affects the coefficient of variations of
lowest values of CV. The fan peripheral speed of 2.18 broadcasting (R2 = 0.957). It was found that, with the
gave the lowest value of CV of 22.71, 17.33 and20.19, probability of 5% which meant outlet path length value
and 27.11, 19.01 and 23.11 under different outlet path affects coefficient of variations of broadcasting. These
Ahmad, M. C.
results may be because more fan peripheral speed impact for grains with scattering fan with 50 mm and
results in more grains distribution and in the same way more friction with 200 mm which showed the obtained
the outlet path length of 50 and 200 m led to sudden results.
Effect of fan peripheral speed on specific energy: 1.12 to 0.45 kWh/fed, for dry and germinated grains,
Fig.6 shows that used dry grains, increasing fan respectively. The decrease of specific energy consumed
peripheral speed from 1.7 to 2.18 m/s decreased specific as the fan peripheral speed increased was attributed to
energy from 0.9 to 0.46 with horizontal fan positions change portable unit fuel consuming to the high
and from 1.12 to 0.57 kWh/fed, for vertical fan velocity. The specific energy values at the suitable
positions. However, using germinated grains, increasing portable unitfan peripheral speed of 2.18 m/s were 0.56
fan peripheral speed from 1.7 to 2.18 m/s decreased and 0.87 kWh/fed, for dry and germinated grains,
specific energy from 1.1 to 0.56 with horizontal fan respectively. These values of energy consumed are
positions and from 1.12 to 0.77 kWh/fed, for vertical considered economically so cheap comparing with the
fan positions respectively. The decrease of specific manual broadcastingspecially in mud as there is no
energy consumed as the fan peripheral speed increased other equipment could broadcast grains in mud and
was attributed to change portable unit fuel consuming to therefore, in Egypt,grain broadcasting is widely
the high velocity. manually operated.
Fig.6 shows that increasing fan peripheral speed
from 1.7 to 2.18 m/s decreased specific energy from
Fig.6: Effect of fan peripheral speed and outlet path length on specific energy under 100 mm outlet path
length with dry and germinated grains
J. Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 7 (8), August, 2016
Effect of different parameters on broadcasting cost: broadcasting according to the operator rental costs per
Although the outlet path length of 200 hour.
mm(Fig.7)showed the highest broadcasting width, the These mentioned results were estimated
outlet path length of 100 mm showed the least values of according to time consumed and timed consumed while
CV concerning the effect of ground speed on re-filling the hopper with grains. It is noticed that
broadcasting cost (LE/fed).Data indicated that at the increasing fan peripheral speed resulted in decreasing
mentioned ground speeds of 0.67 m/s with fan broadcasting cost. This was attributed to the increase in
peripheral speed of 2.18 m/s and outlet path length of portable unit field capacity and they were considered to
200 mm the average broadcasting costs were 10.60 and be acceptable compared with manual broadcasting.
13.85 LE/fed for dry and germinated grains,
respectively comparing to 20 LE/fed for manual
It was found that the developed portable unit is Abo El-Naga, M. H. M (2006): Development of a
suitable forgrains broadcasting effectively with dry or distribution unit for sowing small grains by air
germinated grains and it is so easy to be manufactured stream. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 31(7): 143-
and adjusted to be used for different agricultural 158.
operations. The desirable results found that, fan Alireza S. and M. J. Sheikhdavoodi (2012): Evaluating of
peripheral speed of 2.18 m/s and outlet path length of Broadcasting Uniformity of Centrifugal and
100 mm with horizontal fan gave the best results for all Oscillating Granular Broadcasters. Research Journal
measurements, which obtained the broadcasting widths of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
of 10.2 and 8.8 m were obtained under horizontal fan 4(15): 2460-2468.
with dry and germinated grains, respectively. The least Coates, W. (1992): Performance evaluation of a pendulum
and highest values of CV, CU, Consumed energy and spreader. Trans of The ASAE, 8 (3): 285-288.
were 17.33 and 82.67 for dry grains and 19.11 and Dragos, T. (1975): Farm machinery and equipment.
80.89 for germinated grains respectively. At the above Handbook. Ministry of Education. Bucharest,
conditions the consumed energy broadcasting costs Romania. P. 272.
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13.85 LE/fed for dry and germinated grains, and A. Ranjbari (2013): Physical and aerodynamic
respectively comparing to 20 LE/fed with the traditional properties ofand white rice as a function of moisture
method. Finally, the study recommends developing the content. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops &
broadcasting unit to overcome the problems of Foods 5 (3): 187-197
fragmented, small holdings, which need suitable small Gupta, R. K., Arora, G.and R. Sharma (2007):Aero
machinery with the possibility of trying them in dynamical properties of sunflower grain (Helianthus
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Ahmad, M. C.
ذعرثش عٍّ١ح تزاس اٌؽثٛب ِٓ اٌعٍّ١اتخ اٌضساع١اح اٌّّٙاح تعاذ ذ١ٙراح ِشلاذ ِٕتذاة ٌٍثازسج تعٍّ١را ٟاٌؽشاشاح ٚاٌرٕعاٚ ُ١ذارُ ت اش٠مرٓ١
األٌٚاا٠ ٝااذ٠ٚت ٘ٚاا ٟؽش٠مااح لذّ٠ااح ٚاٌصتٔ١ااح ذاارُ تٛاذا ح ِعااذاخ اٌثاازاس اٌّ١ىااتٔ١ى٘ٚ ٟاا ٟؽش٠مااح ِر ااٛسج ٚذماا َٛةٌااح ٔصااش اٌؽثااٛب تضساعااح
اٌّؽتط ً١اٌىص١فح ِصً األسص ٚاٌمّػ ٚاٌشع١ش ٚاٌثشذ ُ١تعشع ذشغ ً١ؼاٛاٌ َ 5. 3 – 4 ٝؼساة ؼعاُ اٌ٢اح ِٚات ذفراد اٌؽ١اتصج ٚطاغش
اٌّتؼتخ إٌّضسعح ٌعأ اٌّضاسعٌّ ْٛصً ٘زا إٌٛع ٌٍرخف١ف عٍ ٝاٌعتًِ ٌٚمٍ ً١صِٓ اٌضساعح ِمتسٔح تتٌضساعح اٌ١ذ٠ٚح وّات نْ ٢تخ إٌصاش
اٌرمٍ١ذ٠ح ذعرّذ عٍٚ ٝظٛد لشص ذٍمٚ ُ١س٠ش عشػ١ح ذما َٛتٕصاش اٌؽثاٛب تاتٌ شد اٌّشواضِّ ٞات ٠ىساثٙت ؽتلاح ؼشواح ىا ٝاٌّسار ٜٛاألىماٟ
ٌٚىٓ ذىصش عٛ١ب ٘زٖ اٌ شق ؼ١س اٌرٛص٠ت اٌغ١ش ِٕارمُ ٌٍؽثاٛب ٔساث١ت ق ِمتسٔاح تاثعغ ا٢تخ األماش ٜوّات نْ لاشص اٌرٍما١ ُ١اش ِٛظاة
اإلصاؼح ىال ٠شذثؾ ىٙ١ت ِعذي اٌرٍم ُ١تسشعح ذمذَ اٌ٢ح ِّت ٠ر ٍة ِٙتساخ متطح ٌرٕس١ك ذاشعح اٌعّاً ِات ذاشعح ذماذَ اٌ٢اح وازٌه ذراأشش
وفتءج اٌرٛص٠ت تتٌش٠تغ ِت طعٛتح ػثؾ عشع إٌصش ٌٍٚرغٍة عٍ٘ ٝزٖ اٌّشتوً نظش٠د ٘زٖ اٌذساذاح ؼ١اس ذاُ ذ ا٠ٛش ٚؼاذج ٔصاش ِؽٌّٛاح
عٍ ٝظٙش اٌعتًِ ذعًّ عٍٔ ٝصش اٌؽثٛب تؼغؾ اٌٛٙاء -ى ٝذشتح ؽ١ٕ١ح تعذ إظشاء عٍّ١اتخ اٌؽاشز ٚاٌرسا٠ٛح ٚاٌرٍا٠ٛؾ ىاٚ ٝظاٛد اٌّاتء -
اعرّتداق عٍٚ ٝظٛد ِشٚؼح تالذر١ه ِضٚدج تعٛاسع سنذ١ح ِصثرح ىٙٔ ٝت٠ح ِتذٛسج مشٚض ٘ٛاء ِاذىٛع ؼ١اس ٠عّاً اٌٙاٛاء اٌّاذىٛع عٍاٝ
إداسج اٌّشٚؼح راخ اٌعٛاسع تسشعتخ ِخرٍفح ٚلذ ذُ ذظٕ١ت ٚذشو١ة مضاْ ؼثٛب عٍ ٝشاىً ستاتع ٝاتٚظاٗ تاعرّاتداق عٍا ٝاٌخظات ض
اٌ ث١ع١ح ٌؽثٛب األسص) ِضٚد تثٛاتاح ماشٚض اٌؽثاٛب ّ٠ىآ اٌارؽىُ ىٙ١ات ٚذرظاً ٔٙت٠راٗ ِآ نذافً تٕٙت٠اح ِتذاٛسج ماشٚض اٌٙاٛاء اٌّاذىٛع
ىرخشض اٌؽثٛب اٌّذىٛعح تاتٌٛٙاء ِظا ذِح تاتٌمشص ر ٚاٌعاٛاسع ىررٕاتشش اٌؽثاٛب تشاىً ِٕارمُ ؼ١اس ّ٠ىآ اٌارؽىُ ىا ٝعاشع إٌصاش
ٚوّ١ح اٌؽثٛب عٓ ؽش٠ك اٌرؽىُ ى ٝذشعح اٌٛٙاء اٌّذىٛع تٛاذ ح رساع ذٛط ً١ى٠ ٝذ اٌعتًِ وّت ذُ اٌعًّ عٍ ٝذصث١د ِتذٛسج اٌخشٚض
ٌعذَ اٌرؽشن اٌعتٔث ٝذّد اٌرعشتح ىِ ٝضسعح متطح راخ ذشتح ؽ١ٕ١ح ىِ ٝؽتىمح اٌششل١ح ىاِٛ ٝذاُ َ.152عٍا ٝصساعاح ؼثاٛب األسص
طٕف ظ١ضج 556ؼ١س شٍّد ِرغ١شاخ اٌذساذح صساعح 41وعُ/ىذأؽثٛب األسص ى ٝؼتٌرِ ٓ١خرٍفر ٓ١تتزسج ظتىح ىا ٝنسع ظتىاح – تازسج
ِسرٕثرح ى ٝنسع سؽثح) ٚوزٌه ذُ دساذح ذأش١ش ٚػت ِشٚؼح إٌصش تنىما – ٝسنذاٚ )ٟتعاذ ِخاشض اٌؽثاٛب تِ .11 – 511 – 31اُ) عآ
ٔٙت٠ح ِتذٛسج ماشٚض اٌٙاٛاء اٌّاذىٛع تساشعتخ /َ . 56 5 75 5 5ز ٚاٌرا ٝذاذ٠ش ِشٚؼاح إٌصاش راخ اٌعٛاسػاٛذأش١ش رٌاه عٍأّ ٝاؾ
اٌرٛص٠ت تعشع إٌصش) ِٚمت١٠س اٌرشرد ِصً ِعتًِ اتٔرمتِ١ح ِعتًِ اتمرالف ٚوزٌه اٌرأش١ش عٍ ٝاٌ تلح اٌّسرٍٙىح ٚاٌرىاتٌ١ف اٌىٍ١اح
ٚنظٙشخ إٌرت ط نْ ذشعح اٌٙاٛاء /َ . 56ز ٚؽاٛي ِساتس ِخاشض اٌؽثاٛب ِ 511اُ ِات ٚػات ِشٚؼاح إٌصاش ىا ٝاٌٛػات األىما ٟنع اد
نىؼً إٌرت ط ٌعّ١ات اٌم١تذاتخ ؼ١اس نع اد نعٍا ٝعاشع ٔصاش ِ 6 6 ٚ 51 .راش ٌٍؽثاٛب اٌعتىاح ٚاٌّسارٕثرح عٍا ٝاٌرٛاٌٚ ٝوتٔاد نلاً لاُ١
ٌّعتًِ اتمارالف ٚنعٍا ٝإٔرمتِ١حٚنىؼاً اٌما ٌٍ ُ١تلاح اٌّسارٍٙىح ٚاٌرىاتٌ١ف وتٔاد 1 34 6. 45 55 11وٍ١اٚٛاخ ذاتعح/ىذاْ 51 41
ظٕ /ٗ١ىذأعٍ ٝاٌرٛاٌٌٍ ٝؽثٛب اٌعتىح ى ٝؼ ٓ١وتٔد اٌما ُ١اٌّمتتٍاح 51 63 61 67 57 55وٍ١اٚٛاخ ذاتعح /ىاذاْ ىا ٝؼا ٓ١وتٔاد ذىاتٌ١ف
إٌصش .1ظٕ/ٗ١ىذاْ ٌٍٕمتَ اٌرمٍ١ذٚ ٞذٛط ٝاٌذساذح ترظٕ١ت ةٌح إٌصش اٌّ ٛسج ٌٍرغٍاة عٍا ٝاٌّشاىالخ اٌرا ٝذٛاظٕٙات ِآ ذفراد اٌؽ١اتصاخ
ٚطاغش٘ت ِّاات ٠ساارٛظة ذااٛى١ش ةتخ ِٚعاذاخ طااغ١شج اٌؽعااُ ذٕتذااة اٌّساتؼتخ اٌظااغ١شج ِاات إِىتٔ١ااح ذعشترٙات ٌرٕتذااة صساعااح عذ٠ااذ ِاآ
اٌؽثٛب األمشٚ ٜذٛط ٝاٌذساذح ن٠ؼت ق تذساذح عذد ٚصٚا٠ت ِ ً١اٌعٛاسع عٍِ ٝشٚؼح إٌصش ٚتعاذ٘ت عآ ِخاشض اٌؽثاٛب ٚوازٌه دساذاح
نل تس ِخرٍفح ٌّشٚؼح إٌصش ٚدساذح ٔٛع اٌّتدج اٌّظٕٛع ِٕٙت ِشٚؼح إٌصش