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02 Bulldozer Email

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Sands, Karen

From: Beth FaY. ]

Sent: Tuesday, ugust 13, 20022:42 PM
To: Chapman, Thomas; Sands, Karen; Graffin, Bill; Kass, Mark
Cc: Paul Boersma; Jim Scholl
Subject: RE: PLEASE READ - Conversation wi Luigi

questions. doc
Sorry, forgot to attach this

-----Original Message-----
From: Beth Foy ~.Ii
S~nt: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 2:37 PM
To: Tom Chapman; Karen Sands; Bill Graffin Mark Kass ([email protected])
Cc: Paul Boersma; Jim Scholl
Subject: PLEASE READ - Conversation wi Luigi
Importance: High

Hello all.

This is a long email.pleasereaditthrough.it.s Lmp6rtant.

just talked wi Luigi Schmitt

····1 and here' s what, I lea...rned.

Apparently Bob Derm.i.k. and others in the Country Exec's inner circle are
"disciples' of st.an Zurawski." They all talk about how much they've
learned from Stan and how he is so knO\lTledgeable.

Bob Denn i k (at Walker's direction) is setting up a meeting for 8/20

where .all t.he,non-t1l'lSD
people will be gathered_ together to _talk about
the County Grounds project. They are inviting Stan, Bob Boucher, Bob
Beibel (sp??) of SEWRPC, Luigi arid maybe others, but that's the invite
list that Luigi knew.

At this meeting they will discuss the issues wi the project, discuss the
problem of sewage in the basins and in the Menomonee River, and discuss
alternatives to the basin project. Luigi is convinced (I have to agree)
that SE'WRPC is the key to MMSD's survival at that meeting. His
recommendation is that we get to Bob Biebel and makB sure that he
understands all the issues and is willing to voice his opinion at the
meeting'. (especially some of the more detailed points like the water in
the basins is from Underlvood Creek not the Menomonee - apparently Stan
is hitting big on the contaminated Menomonee River water issue)

Dennik apparently makes disparaging comments about t~SD whenever he sees

an opportunity. He is apparently referencing the information from the
Audit Bureau report and is constantly talking about dumping. Another
point, Derm i.kand liJalkerhave also stressed to Luigi that they don't
want any bulldozers on the County Grounds project until after the 2004

Luigi would like us to prepare written answers to Stan Zura\vski's "just

the facts" memo so that he c~" be prepared to argue points in favor of
MMSD when Stan gets going. (I've attached a draf,t of the answers that I
put together a few weeks ago. It was a start, and by no means complete
or final.) I told Luigi we'd get him the answers by Friday or Monday.
iThe meeting is on ~~esday.)

Luigi ~.::,...:.::'a. also like information (projects and dollar amounts) of what
is bei~g Go~e upstream. How much has been spent and how much will be
spent. Also, what, Neno Falls, Germantown, Brookfield and Elm Grove
doing to stop some'of the problems upstream .
# "
Luigi has also been talking wi Tim Johnson, the new Sup who replaced
Dave Jasenski. He has told Luigi, "Stan vias very influential in my
campaign and I've learned so much from him. Jop.nson apparently

acknov;ledges that something must be don't about flooding, but isn t sure I

that the County grounds is the right answez . Luigi said he's had some
good conversations with him. and that we might be able to bring him
around, but it will take a lot of work and a lot of relationship

Please let me know what you'd like me or the consultant team to do. we
can work more on the Zuravlski answers, prepare materials, help brief Bob
Biebel again, etc.

Other points of interest::

Luigi cannot attend the briefing for the new Sup's on the 20th.

Luigi may have a new recall campaign starting against him.

Beth Foy

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