Cre Form 1 Notes
Cre Form 1 Notes
Cre Form 1 Notes
8.0.0 Selected Aspects In African Religious Heritage: African Concept of God, Spirits And
It is an easy to read book that you can read online for yourself and understand.
This guide is designed to help you to acquire more knowledge in CRE so that you can prepare your self to
answer test items set in the K.C.S.E correctly. This guide is based on the Good News Bible. This guide is
also designed to aid your memory as you revise key areas examinable at “O” level (K.C.S.E.). This does
not mean that you do not revise other areas. You do. I have selected keynotes required to pass CRE
subject. The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) tests CRE in paper 1 and 2. Paper one tests
Form 1 and 3 work, and paper two; form 2 and 4 work. These notes cover from Form one to Form 4.
1. Syllabus. The content of CRE syllabus is divided into four areas representing each class or form. We
have provided notes on the required subject matter for CRE
2. Topics. In each form, the content is divided into major topics and sub – topics or lessons according to
the course outline.
3. Introduction. Each topic and lesson has an introduction highlighting what is to be taught in each topic
and lesson.
4. Objectives and outcomes. Under each topic, and lesson, you will find stated objectives or/and
outcomes. These are stated at the beginning of each topic and lesson. They tell you what you should be
able to do after you have finished working through a lesson session or topic. The objectives and
outcomes are measures similar to the examination questions that you will meet at the end of each
week, term, year and secondary school course. They are guides, telling you…. these are the skills, and
knowledge you should acquire after reading a topic, lesson, doing self-tests and revision questions.
Make sure that you meet every lesson and topic objectives before you proceed to the next topic or
6. Questions. The self-assessment questions and exercises are designed to help you think about what
you are reading and learning as you study the lesson. You should write down your answers to the self-
assessment questions and exercises before checking the given expected answers. The purpose of these
questions and exercises is to help you to assess yourself as you read the text to judge whether you have
acquired the knowledge in the topic and lesson.
You will also find K.C.S.E. sample questions, which are designed to show you what is tested at the end of
the four-year course.
6. Activities. These are meant to help put to practice the content that you have learned. Their purpose is
to help you to store the information into the permanent and large memory store so that what you read
is kept safe by your long-term memory and you can recall the skills, attitudes and knowledge when you
need them to answer KNEC examinations or use them to raise your future family or do business.
7. Form four content is about contemporary issues. You can have a better understanding of the content
if you read current affairs in the newspapers, and magazines. You can also listen and view news in the
electronic media, or any other relevant source. If you have a friend, study together and give
presentations to the study or peer group.
8. Summary. These are key points of a topic or a lesson. You will find that each topic and lesson has a
summary, which highlights the main points covered by each topic and lesson. Memorise these points,
then read them in details. You earn marks by knowing points without explanations.
9. Terminal questions: These are examination questions that test the expected levels of learning.
Answers to the terminal questions are given as per the marking schemes.
9. Answers. Answers for SAQ and SAE are found after the questions. Answers for revision questions are
at the end of the class notes, for example, at the end of form one work.
1) Apply knowledge of the Bible which is the main reference of the study of CRE
6) Relate the different topics in CRE to each other and show continuity of the grasping of the underlying
a) Cater for the spiritual, psychological and intellectual growth of the learner
b) Impart knowledge about God, creation and a world view from a Christian perspective
c) Inculcate in the learner skills, knowledge and information about Christian religion
d) Enable the learner to relate CRE to other world religions and appreciate them.
e) Enable the learner to meet the requirements in evaluation as per the set curricula
f) Apply knowledge gained through the study of CRE in their daily lives where applicable
Lesson three. Explain the Bible as the word of God, its major divisions and its human authors.
Lesson four. Outline and appreciate the translation of the Bible from the original languages to local
TOPIC TWO. CREATION AND THE FALL OF MAN. Genesis Chapter 1-3, 6-9, 11
Lesson three: Traditional African understanding of creation
Lesson Five: Biblical teaching on the fall of man, origin of sin and its consequences
Lesson Six: Concept of evil
Lesson Eight. Similarities and differences between traditional African view of evil and biblical concept of
Lesson seven Breaking the Sinai covenant (Exodus 32:1 – 35; 34:6 –8).
Lesson ten: The Ten Commandments (Exodus. 20: 1 – 17)
Lesson eleven: Israelites understand the nature of god
Lesson two: Achievements and failures of King Saul (Israel 13:8–14; 15:7 – 25)
Lesson two: Elijah’s fight against corruption and false religion in Israel
Lesson three: Reasons why Elijah faced danger and hostility as a prophet of God
Lesson three: Responsibility of the living towards God, spirits, and ancestors
Lesson one: Meaning of life and its wholeness in the traditional African Society
Lesson three: factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibility in the African communities
Lesson four: Rites of passage and moral values in the traditional African society
Lesson six: Continuity and change in the African understanding of issues such as land, dowry and others.
Lesson one: The Old Testament prophesies about the coming of the Messiah
LUKE 1-2
Lesson three. Relevance of the baptism and temptations of Jesus to Christians today
Lesson six. The calling of the first disciples
Lesson three. The teachings of Jesus on eschatology
Lesson one. The Lord’s Supper and its relevance to Christians today
Lesson nine. The relevance of the suffering and death of Jesus to Christians today
Lesson One: The teaching of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit- john 14:15-26, 16:5-15, Acts 1:7- 8
Lesson Three: The gifts of the Holy Spirit and their manifestations in Christians today
Lesson One: The teaching of the unity of believers in selected New Testament texts
Lesson Seven: Relationship between the Old Testament prophesies and the New Testament
Lesson Eight: Similarities and differences between the prophets in traditional African society and the Old
Testament prophets
Lesson Eight: Dishonesty
Lesson nine: Sexual Immorality
Lesson Six: Relevance of the teaching of Jeremiah on evils and false prophecy to Christians today
Lesson Nine. Relevance of the sufferings and lamentations of Jeremiah to Christians today
Lesson Twelve. Relating the teachings of Jeremiah to the New Testament and Christian life today
Lesson Two: Occasions when Nehemiah prayed
Lesson Four: Role of professional ethos, ethics and codes in the society
Lesson Five: Virtues related to work
Lesson Five: Drug abuse and its effects- alcohol, soft and hard drugs
Lesson Three: Impact of the introduction of money economy in traditional African society
Lesson Four: Traditional African practices that promote law, order and justice
Lesson Seven: Role of Christians in transforming the social, economic, political life of the society
Lesson Four: The Christian view on the effects of modern science and technology on the environment
(pollution, desertification)
Learning outcomes. By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
3) Explain the Bible as the word of God, its major divisions and its human authors.
4) Trace the major translation of the Bible from the original languages to local languages
Christian Religious Education is the study of God’s revelation to human beings through scriptures, the
persons of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
There are many reasons why schools study CRE. Some of the reasons are to:
c) Help you to develop positive attitudes and values, which help you to cope with challenges of life.
e) Help you to contribute positively to the transformation of an individual and the society as whole.
f) Help you to identify answers to situations of life, including death and Eternal life.
l) Unite people.
m) Guide you in choosing a career
n) Help you to appreciate African religious heritage and other religions.
o) Promote living values such as honesty concern for others, kindness, love and unity.
The Bible is the sacred book containing God’s revelation to people. It is the inspired word of God. It is
the book through which God communicates with His people.
c) It contains word written by inspired authors such as the prophets who were sent by God.
d) God himself took part in the writing of the Bible. e.g. God is believed to have written the ten
h) It reveals that God controlled what was being written and what He intended the writers to pass to the
The Bible is referred to as a library since it is a collection of inspired scriptures or books. The Bible
contains 66 books. The Bible is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old
Testament contains 39 books while the New Testament contains 27 books. However, the Roman
Catholic Church accepts 7 additional books referred to as Apocrypha or Deutero or canonical books. The
word Apocrypha means hidden or secret. They are Esdras (1,2), Tobit, Judith, Ecclesiaticus, Baarch and
Why the Bible is a library.
Several studies show that:
a) The Bible contains (66) book just like a library has many books. The Bible is a collection of books
arranged in series.
b) The Bible is a reference book for Christians. The authors of the Bible had a special spiritual guidance;
hence each book was written for a purpose.
g) The books of the Bible were written under different situations and circumstances.
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to describe the major divisions of the
The bible is divided into two major divisions. These are the Old Testament with (39 Books) and the New
Testament with (27 Books). The word Testament means covenant or agreement with God.
b. Historical books.
c. Poetic Books
d. Prophetic books.
Law books or the Pentateuch or Torah. The books of law are (i) Genesis (ii) Exodus (iii) Leviticus (iv)
Numbers (v) Deuteronomy. Moses wrote these books. They contain the law of God as it was given to the
people of Israel through Moses. They also contain the history of the Israelites from creation to the time
they entered the Promised Land. The author Moses is regarded as a lawgiver, teacher and prophet.
Historical books
There are the 12 consecutive books from (i) Joshua (ii) Judges (iii) Ruth (iv) 1, 2 Samuel (v) 1, 2 Kings (vi)
1, 2 Chronicles (vii) Ezra (viii) Nehemiah (ix) Esther. These 12 books record the history of the Israelites.
They also contain information about the life and achievements of some prophets for example the life
history of Elisha and Elijah.
Exercise 1 – Go through the 12 books and check page by page the names of other prophets.
Poetic Books
The books are poetic in nature. The poetic books contain wise sayings, songs, and prayers. The poetic
books are (1) Psalms which was written by David (ii) Proverbs (iii) Ecclesiastes (iv) Song of Solomon
written by Solomon and (v) Job.
i. Prophetic books
These are divided into major and minor prophets. A prophet is a messenger of God, or God’s
spokesperson. A prophet is a mouthpiece of God. Prophets pass information and messages from God to
the people. They are messengers from God. Their messages from God concern the future.
i. Five Major Prophetic Books. The major prophetic books are by (i) Isaiah (ii) Jeremiah (iii) Lamentations
(iv) Ezekiel and (v) Daniel. The books are named after the prophets who prophesied and probably wrote
them. Jeremiah wrote lamentations. These prophets are called Major Prophets because they cover a
longer period of time. Their prophecies are long, and they prophesied over a long period of time.
ii. Minor Prophets. There are 12 books of (1) Hosea (2 Joel (3) Amos (4) Obadiah (5) Jonah (6) Micah (7)
Nahum (8) Habakkuk (9) Zephaniah (10) Haggai (11) Zechariah and (12) Malachi. These books are by
Minor Prophets who are said to have prophesied over a shorter period of time if you compare them
with the Major Prophets.
New Testament books are:
c. The Epistles.
Gospel means Good News. The disciples of Jesus wrote the biographical books. They contain
information about the birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The biographical
books are four. (i) Mathew – Written by Mathew (ii) Mark – Written by Mark (iii) Luke – Written by Luke,
the doctor and (iv) John – written by John (the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ)
b) Historical books
There is one historical book, which is the Acts of the Apostles. Luke, the writer of the St. Luke’s Gospel,
wrote it. The book of Acts tells us the history of the early church.
c) The Epistles
Pauline Epistles. These are letters written by Paul. They are 13 letters, that Paul wrote to (1) Romans
(2,3) 1, 2 Corinthians (4) Galatians (5) Ephesians (6) Philippines (7) Colossians (8, 9) 1, 2 Thessalonians
(10, 11) 1, 2 Timothy (12) Titus and (13) Philemon.
General Epistles are letters written to the church by other people. The letters are 8 in number. They (1)
Hebrews (2) James (3,4) 1, 2 Peter (5,6,7) 1, 2, 3, John and (8) Jude
d) Apocalyptic or Prophetic book. This is the book of Revelation. It is the last book in the New
Testament. It is different from other books. This is because it is prophetic of things to come. It is about
the future. It was written by John the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ.
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: -
These books of the Bible are accepted as the Canon of the Bible. The term Canon means Standard or
guidance or rule. Translation means expression of books by words and pictures, poems and songs from
one language to another. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, the language of the
Israelites. Then between 250 – 100 BC, it was translated to the Greek language. The Greek translation of
the Bible was known as Septuagint. This term refers to 70 translators. The Jews in dispersion or Diaspora
used this translation. These were the Jews living outside Palestine.
Between 386 – 420 A.D. Jerome, a great Christian Scholar, translated the entire bible from Greek into
Latin, the language of the Romans. This translation was called Vulgate. Christians used the Latin
translation of the Bible up to the 16th century. During the reformation in the 16th Century, Christians
were encouraged to use their own native languages in worship. From that time, the Bible was translated
into English and German. As Christianity spread to different parts of the world, there was the need for
translations of the Holy Bible into various languages. In 1804, the British formed the Foreign Bible
Society, which translated the Bible into many languages.
Johann Ludwig Krapf translated the New Testament into Kiswahili. This was the first Bible translation in
East Africa. Since that time, the Bible Society of Kenya has translated the Bible into other languages such
as Kikuyu in 1951, Kikamba in 1956, Kimeru in 1964, Kalenjin in 1968, and Luhya in 1974. By 1980 the
Bible had been translated into 29 Kenyan languages. To date (2010) the Bible has been translated into
42 languages of Kenya.
Besides bible translation into several languages, there are many English translation versions, which are
commonly used in Kenya. These are (i) King James Version (ii) Jerusalem Bible (iii) New International
version (iv) English Bible (v) The Authorized Version (vi) Good News (vii) Revised Standard Version (viii)
New King James Version (ix) Amplified Bible (x) The living Bible (xi) The African Bible (xii) Common Bible
(xiii) Today’s English Bible (xiv) American version among others.
By 2010, the Bible Society of Kenya had translated the Bible into 42 Kenyan languages. The need to read
the Bible led to writing of Bible reading materials to teach literacy in local languages. Those who wrote
the Bible used different styles, and figures of speech to make their message vivid and clear. Several
literary forms were used in the writing of the Bible.
These are:
a. Poetry in Psalms.
a) Read Psalms and notice the poetry used by David when he wrote psalms
c) Turn to your English textbook – the Integrated English. Read topic 4 on sound and pattern in poetry.
d) Read any Psalm and any verse from Job. What do you notice?
x) Philosophical essays for example the book of Job. Here please notice the use of metaphors and similes
in philosophical essays.
Bible translations:
ii) Led to increased literacy. After Africans acquired literacy skills, they read the Bible and improved their
literacy skills. Christian missionaries established schools in order to teach literacy that helped African to
read the Bible.
ii) Made it easy for missionaries to spread the gospel to the African communities.
iii) Increased the demand for the Bible. This led to writing of Books and setting up of printing presses in
African countries.
iv) Made it easy for the expansion of the church i.e. more people became Christians.
vii) The African converts realized that the missionaries were unfair to them. There was for example a
different treatment of African by White missionaries. This was inequality of races, which was and is even
now against Christian teachings.
viii) Helped Africans to re-discover their cultural identity. For example the use of African instruments,
dressings, and practice of polygamy, which David and other kings in the Old Testament did.
ix) Led to the writings and spread of African languages. The missionaries learnt local languages.
x) Improved communications between missionaries and the local people because they could understand
each other.
xi) Increased printing of reading materials
The effects of Bible translations on Africans communities
After the first Bible translations, there were immediate effects or influences on some communities. For
example, some community leaders did not agree with the Christian teachings. Some wanted to retain
aspects of their African religion. As a result, some communities who disagreed with Bible translations
established their own Christian denominations in order to preach the Bible, as they understood it. This
was the emergence of independent churches. Some African communities built independent schools
where their children could learn how to read and write without being forced to practice all the Christian
Review questions
4) Name the major divisions of the Bible in both the New Testament and the Old Testament
6) Why is the Bible referred to as (a) a Library and (b) the Word of God
Study activities
3. Visit old people in your community and ask them about African religious traditional practices
In this topic, you shall learn about creation and the fall of man. This information is in Genesis LESSON
one and two. Read Genesis 1-3, 6-9, 11).
Learning Outcomes. By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
e Explain the origin and consequences of sin according to the biblical accounts of the fall of man.
f Explain the traditional African concept of evil and draw similarities and differences with the Biblical
concept of sin.
Learning outcomes. By the end of this topic you should be able to:
The book of Genesis begins with two creation stories. The first creation story is in Genesis chapter one.
The second creation story is in Genesis chapter two.
The first creation story is in Genesis chapter one The second creation story is in Genesis chapter two
This story is like a song or poem. It’s written, “Let there be…” and God saw that it was good … to
separate”, and there was evening and morning on …”
Each creation is taken as a day. The creation took place in the following order.
It is orderly
1st day – God created day and night (Light and darkness)
3rd day – The Earth, Water / Sea, Vegetation (Plants, trees, grass)
6th day – Animals, Livestock, Man was the last creation (human beings)
7th day – God rested and blessed the 7th day and made it holy.
In this creation story, we see God creating things in an orderly manner, day after day until the 6th day. It
was last in the first account.
God created man from dust and breathed into his nostrils before anything else is mentioned. God then
put man in the Garden of Eden, which He had made for him so that man could till and keep it. The
garden was planted eastward in Eden. Out of the ground, God made every tree to grow. In the middle of
the garden, there was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man was given the responsibility of tilling
and conserving the garden. Man was commanded to eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of
knowledge of good and evil. A river flowed from the garden and then it separated into four tributaries.
God saw that man should not be alone hence he made him a helper/mate; a woman from one of the
man’s ribs. Man was also given the responsibility of naming all the animals in the garden. There is
mention of God resting after work
Mentions what was created on which day. Each creation takes a day Doesn’t mention the daily activities
of GOD
This story is like a song or a poem. Its written, Let there be…” and God saw that it was good … to
separate”, and there was evening and morning on The story is in prose. For example… and God said …
and it was evening
Mentions what was created on which day Doesn’t’ mention what was created on which day
Rivers and garden are not mentioned Mentions rivers, and garden for tilling
Man and woman were created together Woman was created from ribs of man
Sun, moon, stars, sky are mentioned Sun, moon, stars, sky are not mentioned
God rested on the seventh day hence the Sabbath day Mention of resting after work but Sabbath day is
not mentioned
a) Men and women are created by God and are given special references. Man and woman are special to
d) God is portrayed as the sole creator of the universe and everything in it.
e) Man is given the responsibility of controlling animals, birds and plants that God created
Find out the differences between the two creation stories and write them down. Now compare them
with my answer.
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to state what you have learnt about
(xiii) Moral God. He is interested in the behaviour of man and woman. He commands her/him to do the
right things.
Learning Outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should narrate your community creation stories
Traditional African view of creation is brought out through traditional stories of creation (Myths). The
Agikuyu, Akamba, Gusii and other Kenyan communities have stories explaining their origin. These stories
give each community a sense of belonging, and identity. The stories explain the mysteries of life. These
stories have common characteristics or teachings.
(iii) Created everything out of nothing.
(iv) Provides for the needs of human beings.
(v) Was disobeyed by human beings who had lived in eternal bliss. This bliss came to an end when
human beings disobeyed God.
(vi) The African communities had different names to describe God. God was not known as God but as
the Creator of everything that existed on earth and skies. He was Mumbi and “Mungai” to Gikuyu. He
was master of the universe. The Kamba called Him …Ngai wa Matu. They believed that God continues to
create through human beings.
1. The Kamba believed that God created man and woman then tossed them to the earth.
2. The Bukusu say that God the creator (Were Khakaba) created the world alone.
a. First God created heaven then created two assistants, Mukhaba and Murumwa. Were the God made
the sun, moon, stars, a big red cock which crows whenever it thunders, the rains, the rainbow,
mountains, rivers, lakes, streams and all the other things on earth.
d. Creation work took six days. On the seventh day Were rested.
Activity. Ask your parents about your community creation story. Write the story and email or post to
I. God is responsible for all creation. He is the sole creator. God’s creation was good. Everything He
created God said it was good. It was without flaws and mistakes. God is the provider. God created
everything that man needs. He also created food for all animals and other creatures. God is orderly.
II. Man has a special place in God’s creation. Man was made as the keeper of God creation. Man is a co-
creator and keeper of God’s creation since he was made in the image and likeness of God. Man was
commanded to work.
III. A woman was made from the man’s flesh. She joins man in marriage and they become one flesh. God
ordains marriage. Human beings were created to socialize.
After creating man and then woman, God asked man to:
e. Eat from the fruits of the garden except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
h. Transform the creation that God has provided human beings with
i. How does man fulfil the command to subdue and fill the earth?
ii. How is man a co – creator with God?
Man and woman fell from the Garden of Eden. This experience is explained in genesis chapter 3 verse 4;
chapter 6 verse 9 and chapter 11. In these verses, the Bible is teaching about sin, which made Adam and
Eve fall
Learning Outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should be able to:
Sin is defined as iniquity, and guilt. It is to miss a mark, to transgress. Sin is a rebellion or an offence
against God. Sin originated with the disobedience of Adam and Eve. They had been commanded not to
eat of the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil – the tree in the middle of the Garden of
Eden. But Adam and Eve ate the fruit after being deceived by the serpent.
Man had the power to resist temptation but instead he yielded. Genesis Chapter 3 verse 6 states that
man wanted to be wise and thought how wonderful it would be to become wise…” hence sin arises from
the lack of knowledge of God, from the denial of trust of God.
2) Lost innocence. What had been innocent and good became shameful. Adam and Eve became
ashamed of their nakedness, something they had never felt before they sinned against God.
3) Lost good relationship with God. The good relationship between God and man was betrayed. Human
beings – were alienated from God. “The Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden…”
4) Damaged the perfect relationship between man and woman. The Lord said to the woman “You will
have desire for your husband, yet you will be subject to him”.
5) Pain became part of human experience. “I will greatly multiply your pain in child bearing”.
6) Man began toiling and struggling to meet his needs… “You will have to work hard and sweat to make
the soil produce anything”
7) The home of man, and the earth itself was placed under a curse. “Cursed is the ground because of
9) Man began to die. Death sentence is passed upon all men. “You will return to the ground… you are
10) Man began to hate. Man developed murderous feelings in his heart, for example Cain killed Abel, his
younger brother.
” I will not allow people to live forever, they will live no longer than 120 years”
13) Man’s language was confused by God after the flood (read Gen.11: 7)
14) Sin led to embarrassment, mistrust, suffering, pain, pride, arrogance and death.
Disobedience of God by Adam and Eve brought serious sin consequences to human beings. Sin brings
sadness and suffering to man even today.
Activity. In groups of two or threes, discuss the origin and consequences of sin. Email or post your
answer to the writer
In this lesson, we shall discuss the concept of evil as told by the traditional African religion and the
biblical writings. We shall study similarities and differences of evil from the two religions.
Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should be able to:
b) Draw similarities between the African knowledge of evil in society with the Biblical concept of sin.
c) Show differences between the African knowledge of evil in society with the Biblical concept of sin.
What is evil?
In the traditional African society, evil was an offence against God, spirits and ancestors. It was also
viewed as an offence against another person or community. Evil was also a misfortune that can befall an
individual or a community.
Many of the traditional African societies do not associate God with evil. God is not the creator of evil.
Some communities believe that evil is an external power that exists on its own. Thus in the traditional
African society, evil was understood or explained as something mysterious that was caused by several
people and things. These were
a) Evil spirits
c) Some animals like the chameleon are sources of evil. The Akamba believed that chameleons brought
evil. Other communities believed that if an owl cries near one’s homestead, it is a sign of evil.
d) People with mystical powers for example magic, sorcery, and witchcraft are evil
e) If a member of a community breaks a taboos by disobedience, this action may bring evil spirits.
f) The spirits of the dead; cause evil; if they are not remembered or respected. Evil spirits cause harm
and violence.
Consequences of evil in traditional African society. These were many and ranged from (a) Barrenness (b)
Drought (c) Epidemics (d) Madness (e) Sickness (f) Death (g) Drowning (h) Burning in a house (i) War (j)
Physically and mentally handicapped children (l) Rebellious children
Learning Outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should be able to explain God’s plan of salvation
After the fall of man, God took steps to heal the damaged situation and relationship between Him and
Adam and Eve.
2. Looked for Adam and Eve since they were hiding from His presence.
3. Provided Adam and Eve with the knowledge to find different foods.
5. Hinted at the ultimate victory of man when He said that the seed of the woman would crush the
snake or serpent’s head. The serpent would attack the heel of man and woman.
All through the Old Testament, and the New Testament, we see God’s plan of salvation being
manifested. For instance, GOD chose and separated Abraham from other communities. The children of
Israel led by Moses (were delivered) from Egypt,. God sent prophets to teach and warn the Israelites of
the dangers of sin. Finally God sent his only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to save human kind.
Learning Outcomes. After reading similarities and differences between traditional African view of evil
and biblical concept of sin, you should be able to:
a. Point out similarities of the concept of sin as described by the Bible and African traditions
b. State differences between the Biblical and traditional African concept of sin
3) Evil and misfortune are God’s curse to man (Biblical) while the traditional African society sees evil as
curses by ancestors, and elders. Both curses lead to misfortunes.
1) Biblical account emphasizes personal nature of sin while in the African concept, sin is more social and
2) Biblical account attributes evil to disobedience while African concept attributes evil not only to
disobediences but other external forces.
3) Biblical accounts offer a message of hope to overcome evil while African concept doesn’t offer a
solution to sin and evil.
4) Traditional African concept all forms of suffering as a result of sin while in the Bible suffering is not
always a result of sin.
Review questions
4) What is the origin of sin and evil according to traditional African society?
6) State the consequences of evil according to African traditional societies
9) What does the command “Subdue the earth” in Genesis 1 verse 28 mean?
Learning Outcomes. By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
The background to the call of Abraham is found in the first book of the bible. This is Genesis which is a
Greek word meaning “Beginning”. The relationship between Adam and God was good but after Adam
disobeyed GOD, their relationship changed because of sin by Eve and Adam. After sometime, God
repaired this relationship by calling Abraham and offering salvation.
Learning Outcomes. After reading the knowledge in this lesson, you should be to
Abraham lived with his father Terah at a place called Ur. Abraham’s father lived among people who
worshiped many gods. One of the god’s whom people of Ur worshipped was the moon. This worship of
many gods is referred to as polytheism.
The family of Terah moved from Ur to Haran. While at Haran, God called Abraham at 75 years old. He
was told to…..”Leave your country, your relatives and your father’s home and go to a land that I am
going to show you”. Abraham obeyed God’s call. He left Haran for a land that was unknown to him. He
took his property his wife Sarah and his nephew lot. At the time of the call of Abraham, he was known as
Abram and his wife Sarai. God changed their names to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham means Father of
many nations while Sarah means mother of nations.
On arrival in Canaan, he travelled and came to a place called Schechem. God appeared to him once
more. Abraham built an altar for the lord at this place. Altars are places of worship. They were regarded
as holy and were manifestations of God’s presence. An altar was made of stones.
After sometime, he separated with his nephew Lot due to their servants having strife over water for
their livestock. Abraham left Canaan due to feminine. He went to Egypt.
b) Explain how Abraham demonstrated his faith in God and its relevance to Christians today
c) State the promises made by God to Abraham
d) Explain the relevance of the promises made by God to Abraham to Christians today
Faith is a strong belief, a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. It is also a firm belief,
which is not based on any scientific or logical proof. Faith in God is an attitude of complete trust in God.
It is not based on concrete or tangible objects. Faith is manifested in the ways of life of a believer.
Abraham is an example of someone who had faith in God. He showed his faith in action in several ways.
1. Although Abraham was old, he left Haran to go to a strange unknown land of Canaan.
2. After he settled in Canaan, Abraham was assured by God of his protection and was given other
promises such as he will get a son, and Abraham believed God. Sarah gave birth to a son when she was
90 years old and Abraham was around 120 years old. This was as the lord had promised Abraham.
3. The son was named Isaac that means “laughter” – because Sarah had laughed when she was told that
she would have a child in her old age. The child Isaac was circumcised when he was eight (8) days old.
4. Abraham was told by God to circumcise all males in his household including himself. He obeyed.
5. When Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac to God, he was ready to do so.
6. Abraham believed that God would fulfil all the promises he had given to him
A promise is giving an assurance of something to someone. The promises God gave to Abraham were
1. God told him he would give him a land. His descendants would be given the land of Canaan to dwell in
7. God would bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him
8. Abraham was promised that he would die in peace and in an old age
9. His descendants would be strangers in a foreign land but afterwards would come out with great
3, 15: 1 – 21, 21:1 – 7, 17: 15 – 18)
God called Abraham from idol worship in the same way God continues to call people to serve him.
1) Through Abraham, God had a plan to restore the relationship between man and God
2) Christians receive the promises of blessings from God through Abraham (Gods promises to Abraham
fulfilled through Christians)
3) As Abraham left his own people, Christians should leave their sinful lives and put their whole trust in
4) Abraham is seen as the descendant not only of the Israelites but also of Christians
5) Christians have faith that God fulfils promises to them as he did to Abraham
7) Through God’s dealing with Abraham, God shows that he values a personal relationship with human
Through Jesus Christ Christians enter into an everlasting covenant with God. Just like Abraham entered
into a covenant with God.
9) The promise to Abraham of Canaan promised land is to Christians the hope for new land – heaven
i. Definition.
A covenant is a solemn agreement between two persons or two groups of people. An agreement is
between two separated parties. It’s a pact, a treaty. When it is a covenant, it conveys a union or
There are components or features that must be in a covenant. A covenant must have a ceremony, sign,
witnesses, promises/vows/oaths, obligations / consequences, and participants. A covenant establishes a
sacrificial bond between the parties involved. There are obligations or rules by which the parties must
abide by, adhere to and observe in order to keep the covenant. A covenant is an agreement and if it is
broken, there are consequences for breaking it. In the Bible, there are many covenants.
2. Noahlic Covenant – Gods covenant with Noah where God promised to preserve life of man and not to
destroy it with water. The sign of the covenant is the rainbow. In Gen 9 verse 3, GOD told Noah
“Everything that lives and moves will be food for you…. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give
you everything. Verse 4 says “ But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it”
3. Abrahamic covenant – Gods covenant with Abraham. He promised to fulfill promises He gave to
Abraham. These promises were (1) Increase numbers of descendant of Abraham. He will be father of
many nations, (2) Be GOD of his descendants (3) Abraham will have a son an heir, (4) Given land of
Canaan and other lands from the river of Egypt to River Euphrates, and all for heirs of Abraham (Gen.
15: 17 – 18) (5) Circumcision of all males at 8 days after birth even none Israelites living in their land (6)
Covenant with Isaac
4. Mosaic Covenant – is a covenant between the Israelites and GOD. Moses led Israel to Mt. Sinai. God
promised to be their God. Israelites were given the law written by GOD in “tablets of stone, with law and
commands I have written for…. instruction”. (Read exodus 23).
5. Davidic Covenant – covenant between David and God – God promised him that his dynasty would rule
6. Messianic Covenant – new covenant between Christians and God through Jesus Christ.
iv. God’s covenant with Abraham and its importance (Genesis 15:1-19). The covenant was established
after God appeared to Abraham in a vision. During the visitation of God, Abraham was 100 years old and
Sarah 90 years. He was promised a son. Abraham wanted assurance from God. God told him to bring
him the following items for sacrifice.
Three (3) years olds: heifer, goat, ram and a dove and a pigeon.
Abraham then cut these animals into two halves and placed them opposite each other.
After it was dark, smoking fire and a flaming torch suddenly appeared and passed between the pieces
of animals.
Towards evening, Abraham fell into a deep sleep. While he slept the Lord appeared to him and told
him that:
His descendants will be strangers in a foreign land and be slaves for 400 years. But they will come out
of this land with a lot of wealth and God will punish the nation that will enslave Israelites.
He, Abraham will live up to a ripe age, and die in peace. Then the Lord made a covenant with
Abraham and promised to give him and his descendants the land of Canaan. God himself passed through
the sacrifices and bound himself to keep the promises.
As God passed through the meat, he showed Abraham he would always protect him. This passed on
to the descendants of Abraham
This covenant between God and Abraham begins a lasting relationship between God and all the
nations of the earth.
Throughout this covenant God was initiating his plan of salvation for human kind
The promises made to Abraham were fulfilled in New Testament blood of the lamb – death of Jesus
Modern covenants are (a) Marriage (b) Baptism (c) Oath of loyalty and (d) Ordination of clergy
Marriage ceremony. In marriage, the bride, bridegroom and their families come together. When the two
families come together a relationship is developed. They make an agreement and both sides are
seriously involved in the ceremony, whether the marriage is civil or religious. During the marriage
ceremony the couple makes vows/promises to each other, before a priest/ pastor and the congregation.
Two officials witness these agreements. Rings are exchanged as a sign of a lasting relationship. A
certificate is given in some cases as a testimony (sign) of this agreement. There is eating and drinking.
Baptism. In a Christian baptism, a covenant is entered into between the believer and God. The believer
makes vows before God. The priest and the whole congregation witness this agreement. In some
churches, a card is issued to the person who has been baptized as a sign of Christian membership. The
baptized can now take the Holy Communion, which is a Christian Ceremony. But when an infant is
baptized, parents take the vows on behalf of the child.
Loyalty / oath. Leaders in public service for example the president, ministers, Members of Parliament,
and chief officers are sworn in before they take over their new responsibilities. They swear (take an
oath) and promise to carry out their duties firmly and without fear or favour.
Ordination of the clergy. Church leaders, nuns and priests take oaths and make vows to God and to the
congregation in a ceremony attended by worshippers.
• They act as a security
• They strengthen relationships
God tested Abraham’s faith by asking him to go and sacrifice his only son Isaac. This was the son he
loved so much. He was to travel to Mount Moniah. On reaching Mt. Moriah, he built an altar, and
arranged wood on it. He tied up his son Isaac and placed him on the altar on top of the wood. He lifted a
knife to kill him. “But the Angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven. Abraham! Abraham! Do not
lay a hand on the boy…Do not do anything to him. Now i know you that you fear God, because you have
not withheld from me your son, your only son” (v 11-12). Abraham had obedient reverence for God
became he did not keep back his only son from God.
God provided a ram for sacrifice. He named the mountain “the Lord provided” God was pleased with
Abraham and promised him blessings, many descendants’ victory, and protection.
1. A Christian today is acceptable to God through his faith in God through Jesus Christ. Without faith it is
impossible to please God.
2. A Christian can only serve God if he has faith in him. Faith enables a Christian to serve God
4. Through faith, Christians are able to trust God to fulfil his promises to them
8. Christians should expect to have their faith tested just like Abraham was.
9. Faith enables Christians to patiently wait on God’s promises
10. Christians through faith in God help the poor, make right decisions and are able to understand and
know God better.
The rite of circumcision was started by Abraham and has been practiced by the Jews up to the present
(i) Through circumcision: God assured Abraham that he would fulfil His promises to him.
(ii) Circumcision was a sign that Abraham and his descendants had entered into a covenant with God. It
was an outward sign of inner faith.
(v) It was an acceptance of God as the only true God and their willingness to remain faithful to him
(vi) Circumcision doesn’t qualify one to be a child of God. One is accepted as a Christian without
circumcision as long as they have faith in God.
(vii) A true descendant of Abraham is the Christian who truly believes in God and lives according to His
will regardless of colour, race or creed.
Circumcision is one of the rites of passage among the African people. It marks the transition from one
stage to another. Many ethnic communities in Kenya still practice the rite of circumcision. During
circumcision ceremonies, prayers are offered to God for the well being of the initiates (those who are
being circumcised) and the prosperity of the whole community. Initiates learn secrets of their
community and society. They are taught myths, origin, religious beliefs, and sex education. In some
communities, initiates are given new names or ornaments to signify their new status.
Similarities. In both Jewish and African communities, circumcision: (a) is a mark of identity (b) provided a
sense of belonging (c) was observed as a religious experience (d) was compulsory (e) was a tradition
passed from one generation to another (f) is a time for shedding blood (g) was a time for offering
prayers to God for the well being of the initiates (h) was a time for giving gifts (i) was a ceremony for
initiation (j) was a time for giving the initiates names (k) took place in sacred places.
In Jewish community,
i. Circumcision was a rite for boys while in African society it was for both boys and girls. But it was for
boys in a few communities.
ii. Boys were circumcised when aged 8 days while in the African society; it was between 15 to 25 years
iii. Circumcision was for boy’s organ while in African societies several forms of initiation were done for
example, removal of teeth, and body piercing among others.
iv. Circumcision was a command from God while for the African communities it was in obedience to
customary law where ancestors were invoked to protect the initiates.
v. Circumcision was a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood while for the Jews it was not.
vi. The initiates were given specialized education while the Jews were not.
vii. The initiates were grouped into age groups, and were secluded from the community while among
the Jews it was not so.
viii. The rite of circumcision according to seasons while the Jews once a child is born, they are
circumcised on the 8th day.
ix. After circumcision, the initiates were allowed to marry, enter a warrior group, own property but for
the Jews the initiate was still a child.
Revision questions
2. Give five actions from the life of Abraham that shows his faith to God
4. Compare and contrast the Jewish and traditional African practice of circumcision
8. Discuss the circumstances that led God to enter into a covenant relationship with Abraham
b. Describe how God saved the Israelites from Egypt during the Passover
c. Report on the attributes of God that we learn from the ten plagues
e. Narrate how the Sinai covenant was made, broken and renewed
g. Explain how Christian apply the ten commandments in their daily life
h. Describe how the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness.
i. Explain the new nature of God as understood by the Israelites
Learning Outcomes. After studying this lesson, you should describe the call of Moses
One day, Moses was looking after or tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law. Jethro was a priest of
Midian. When Moses came to mount Horeb, the mountain of God, the angel of the Lord appeared to
him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that although the bush was on fire, it was not
Moses went over to the burning bush to look. God called him out within the bush… “Moses! Moses!” He
replied, “Here I am”. God then told Moses not to come closer and to take off his sandals for the place
where he was standing was a holy ground.
God introduced himself as the God of his father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of
Jacob. God then said he had seen the misery and sufferings of the Israelites in Egypt. He had heard their
cry. God had come down to rescue Israelites from the hand of Egyptians. God was to take them to their
home, the land of the Canaanites, a land flowing with milk and honey.
God told Moses that He was sending him to go to Pharaoh and bring out the Israelites, the people of
God, from Egypt. Moses resisted the call. He asked God “Who am I, that is should go to Pharaoh and
bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” God promised to be with him. God said to Moses… Say to the
Israelites… the Lord. The God of their fathers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob has sent
me to you.
Moses was told to assemble the elders of Israel and inform them that God was going to deliver them
from Egypt. Moses was then to go to the king of Egypt with the elders. He was to tell the king “the Lord,
the God of the Hebrews has met with us. (EXODUS 3:1 – 22)
God’s sign to Moses. Moses was given several signs by God In case the people of Israel did not believe in
a) First sign was his staff turning into a snake when he threw it down. When he touched the snake’s tail
it turned into his staff
b) Second sign was God asked Moses to put his hand inside his cloak and it was as white as a snow –
leprous. He was asked to put it back into his cloak and it was restored.
c) Moses further complained that he was a stammerer. God then appointed Aaron, his brother as his
2. He wondered who he was to tell the Israelites that God had sent him
Moses however heeded to the call and went back to Egypt together with his family. God promised to be
with him and perform signs before Pharaoh.
What does the name Moses mean? It means drawn out of water.
What did Moses learn about God from his Calling? Moses learnt that:
1. God is caring, merciful and concerned about the welfare of his people – Israelites.
2. God is transcendent – he is beyond human understanding. He cannot be limited to time and space.
3. God chooses whomever he wills to carry out his plans. He chose Abraham an old man, a moon
worshipper and now Moses, a murderer, a fugitive and a stammer.
4. God expects total obedience and faith from those that He chooses
6. God is holy.
7. God is a God of history, which means He is concerned with His people’s welfare.
8. God is mysterious – He manifested Himself in the burning bush that was not being consumed.
2. He was nursed by his own mother who taught him about Yahweh and his own true identity
3. Life in the wilderness hardened him to be bold and to persevere hardships
4. He learnt to be patient, keen, and responsible as a shepherd
During the call of Moses at Mount Sinai, God gave Moses a rod with which he could perform mighty
signs before the Israelites and before Pharaoh. Aaron was to be his spokesman. Moses and Aaron
gathered the Israelite elders and leaders to tell them what God had said to them. After Moses had
performed the miracles that God had showed him; the Israelite leaders believed him.
They then approached Pharaoh so that he may release the Israelites. However instead of releasing the
Israelites, Pharaoh became crueler. He gave Israelites harder work.
When Pharaoh refused to release Israelites, God instructed Moses to bring ten plagues upon Egypt.
These plagues brought; great trouble and suffering to Israelites.
Ten plagues
Moses and Aaron used the rod. They struck the waters of the river as God instructed them. All the water
in the rivers, canals, and pools in Egypt turned into blood. All the fish died and there was no water to
drink. This situation lasted for seven days. However Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. He did not release
the Israelites.
God then sent Moses to tell Pharaoh that if he refused to release the Israelites the whole land would be
covered with frogs. At the command of Moses, Aaron held out the rod of Moses and frogs covered the
whole land. On seeing this, Pharaoh pleaded with Moses and Aaron to pray to the Lord to get rid of the
frogs and he would release them. They prayed and all the frogs died. Pharaoh, however, changed his
mind and refused to release the Israelites.
The lord instructed Moses to tell Aaron to strike the ground and Aaron did so and all the dust in Egypt
turned into gnats or small flies that bites. The magicians of Egypt could perform the first two plagues.
They could not bring the plague of gnats. Egyptians acknowledged that the presence of gnats or small
flies that bites was God’s work. But even with this information, Pharaoh still refused to release the
The Lord warned Pharaoh through Moses once more. He was told that God would send swarms of flies
to the Egyptian houses. The Israelites houses would be spared. Even after bringing the plague of flies,
Pharaoh’s heart hardened even more
A plague of disease befell the Egyptian cattle. Not a single Israelites’ animal died. Pharaoh was not
moved; and he refused to let Jews go home.
Moses threw ashes into the air as God had instructed. This produced boils, which became open sores on
the skin of the Egyptians. Unmoved by the suffering of his people, Pharaoh still refused to let the
Israelites leave.
Moses raised his rod and there was a hailstorm with lighting and thunder. The people, animals and
plants that were struck by the lightning died. Pharaoh then promised to let the Israelites go but as soon
as Moses prayed for the hailstorm to stop, pharaoh hardened his heart and refused to let the Israelites
Plague of Locusts (Exodus 19:1 – 20)
Locusts covered the whole land and ate all the crops in the fields. The locusts ate all that had not been
destroyed by the hailstorm. When Moses prayed to God, for locusts to leave; Pharaoh hardened his
heart and refused to let the Israelites leave.
God then instructed Moses to stretch out his hand to heaven. There was total darkness in Egypt for
three days. But there was light where the Israelites they were living. Pharaoh remained unmoved and
would not release the Israelites out of Egypt.
After the plague of darkness, God sent Moses once more to Pharaoh. He was told that this time even his
family would be affected. The Lord would kill all the first-born Egyptian sons and first-born male animals
at midnight. This plague occurred during the night of Passover. Pharaoh was moved and allowed
Israelites to leave Egypt.
5. Gives everyone a chance to repent. Notice that each time Pharaoh promised to release the Israelites;
God relieved the Egyptians from the plagues.
6. Fulfils His promises – He had promised Abraham to deliver his descendants from foreign lands.
LESSON THREE: PASSOVER. (EXODUS 12:1-30, 19, 20, 34)
The tenth plague is called the Passover. It happened on the fourteenth day of the month. The Israelites
were to offer one-year-old lamb per family. If a family was too small, they were to share the lamb with
their neighbours. If a lamb was not available, a one-year-old goat could also be used. They were told to:
1. Slaughter the lamb/goat; smear some of the blood on the sides and tops of the door- frames of their
2. Roast the meat and eat it with bitter herbs and unleavened bread (bread without yeast). If there were
any leftovers they were to burn them with fire.
3. Eat in a hurry while fully dressed and having packed their belongings. They were told borrow silver,
clothing’s jewellery, and gold from the Egyptians.
4. That on the same night, the ‘angel of death’ would kill every first born both males and animals in the
houses without blood.
5. The angel of death would pass over the houses with blood sparing them. The blood was a sign to
indicate this is a house of Israelites. When the Lord sees the blood, He will passed over that house (V.13)
6. The Israelites were told to celebrate / commemorate from generation to generation the Passover as a
festival to the Lord.
7. The Israelites were not allowed to come out of their houses on the night of Passover.
8. At midnight, the Lord struck down all firstborn in Egypt from Pharaoh’s household to the firstborn of
the prisoners and firstborn of livestock.
9. There was loud wailing over Egypt. Every house had someone dead.
Significance of items used during the Passover
1) Roasted Meat – this is the easiest method of preparing food since the Israelites were to leave in a
short time.
2) Bitter herbs – was a reminder of the suffering and hardships and slavery experienced in Egypt.
3) Eating while standing. Deliverance was near, hence the need to leave in a hurry.
4) Eating while fully dressed with their stuff at hand. This signified a quick deliverance; hence Israelites
should be ready to leave Egypt at once.
5) Eating unleavened bread – the bread was to be eaten and none left over hence there was no need to
add yeast for preservation.
6) Collecting Jewellery – God had promised Abraham that after slavery for four hundred and thirty years,
his descendants shall be freed with great possessions.
7) Remaining indoors – for security from death. Anyone outside was killed.
Blood on doorposts – a sign for deliverance. The angel of death would pass over doors with blood.
d. Report how God provided manna and quails to Israelites in the wilderness
During the night of the Passover, Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and told them to leave, to go
and worship their Lord. All the Israelites, their flocks and herds were urged to leave in a hurry. Pharaoh
took his chariot army and followed the Israelites and found them camped by the Red Sea.
God led the Israelites over the desert towards the Red Sea. Moses took the body (bones) of Joseph, as
Joseph had requested the Israelites to do. “ when God rescues you, you must carry my body with you
from this place” (Ex 13 vs. 19)
During the day the Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud (angel of God) to show them the way,
and during the night the lord went in front in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel
night and day. This pillar of cloud led the Israelites by day and night.
The Egyptian army followed Israelites and caught up with them by the Red Sea where they had camped.
Moses asked the scared Israelites to move near the sea.
God told Moses to lift up his stick, and hold it over the sea. The waters of the Red Sea divided and the
Israelites crossed the sea on dry ground with walls of water on both sides. The angel of God, and the
pillar of cloud (who had been in front of the army of Israel) moved behind the Israelites and provided
light to them as they cross..
The Egyptians army pursued Israelites. The pillar of cloud made it dark for Egyptians who could not see
where they were going. Just before daylight, the Lord looked at the Egyptians from the pillar of cloud
and fire and God threw the army of the Egyptians into confusion. Moses was asked by the Lord to
stretch out his hand. He did so and waters returned to its normal level drowning Egyptian army and their
Israelites travelled in the desert for three days without water. The water, which they found at Marah
was bitter and could not be drunk. They called the place ‘Marah’ meaning ‘bitter’. This made them
complain. Moses prayed to the Lord.
The Lord showed Moses a piece of wood. Moses threw it into the water and it became fit to drink. God
continued providing Israelites with water.
Again the Israelites lacked water and complained bitterly (Ex.17:1 – 9). God instructed Moses to strike a
rock and water came out of it. Moses called that place ‘Massah’ – which means ‘testing ‘and ‘Meribah’ –
meaning ‘rebellion’. This was because the Israelites quarreled and tested God.
As the Israelites were travelling through the desert, they ran out of food. They were hungry and
complained to Moses. Their complaints displeased the Lord for they often told Moses they wished he
had let them die in Egypt instead of dying in the wilderness. This showed that the Israelites did not trust
God to provide for them.
In the morning, they were given Manna, which is a Hebrew word for the type of bread given to Israelites
by God. The bread looked like wafers or flakes and tasted like coriander seed.
In the evening, GOD provided Israelites with quail’s meat. The provision of manna and quails (meat)
lasted for 40 years.
On the 6th day of each week, God gave them food for two days one for the 6th day and the other for
the 7th day (Sabbath).
Learning outcomes
During the Exodus, the Israelites faced the challenge of the Amalekites. These were desert Nomads who
attacked the Israelites in the wilderness. When the Amalekite army came against Israelites, Moses
ordered Joshua to gather men and fight.
God promised to destroy the Amalekites forever. During the battle, Moses held up his rod. And each
time he raised his hands with the rod, the Amalekites were defeated. When he brought his hands down,
the Israelites were defeated. Because of this, Aaron and Hur supported Moses’ hands until the
Amalekites were defeated.
In the wilderness God protected the Israelites form snakebites.
He also used a cloud to protect the Israelites from the scorching heat during the day. At night, the pillar
of fire provided warmth to protect them from the harsh cold of the wilderness.
2) God did not abandon the Israelites despite their lack of faith.
Learning outcomes
God and Israelites. God had specific instructions on how the Israelites were to prepare to make the new
covenant. Before making the covenant, God brought Israelites to the foot of Mt. Sinai and asked Moses
to ask them if they were willing to make the covenant with HIM. GOD asked them to enter into a
personal relationship as a community with HIM. The Israelites agreed to make a covenant. They agreed
to obey all God’s commands. God then promised to make them;
i His people
God and Moses. God wanted to confirm that Moses was His true prophet. He therefore told Moses that
He would come in a thick cloud to meet Israelites. In preparation for God’s coming on Mt. Sinai the
Israelites were to:
II. Mark the boundaries on the foot of the mountain to prevent any person or animal from climbing the
At Mt Sinai, God manifested His presence in the form of thunder, lightening, earthquake and a thick
cloud of smoke that covered the whole mountain. In addition, there was a loud trumpet blast that made
the people tremble. Moses climbed the mountain. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments after
sealing the covenant.
Sealing of the covenant. The Lord told Moses “Come up the mountain to me, you and Aaron, Nadab,
Abibu and 70 of Israel leaders. At a distance bow down in worship, and come alone to me..”
A ceremony was then prepared to seal the covenant. This is how it was sealed:
c. He then sent young men to burn sacrifices to the Lord and sacrificed some cattle as fellowship offering
and peace offerings to God (EX 24 vs. 5).
d. Moses took half the blood of animals and poured it in bowls; and the other half he threw against the
altar (vs. 6). He then took the book of the covenant, and read it aloud to the Israelites who responded by
saying “all that the Lord has spoken we will do; and we shall be obedient”
e. Moses then took the blood in the bowls and sprinkled it over the people; saying “ This is the blood
that seals the covenant which the Lord made with you when he gave all these commands.”
Pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud – Exodus story
The mighty wind, earthquake, still small voice – story of Elijah
Learning outcomes. After reading and discussing this lesson, you should explain why Israelites broke the
Sinai Covenant
Israelites dishonored their pledge to obey God upon sealing the covenant; Moses went back to talk to
God in the mountain. He left Aaron in charge of Israelites’ affairs. He stayed in the mountain for forty
days. The lord revealed His glory to Moses at Mt. Sinai and declared His character. ”The Lord the
compassionate and glorious God, slow to anger and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin (Ex 34:6 –
The Israelites urged Aaron to make them gods that they could see. Aaron agreed. He melted the rings of
gold and moulded a bull calf god. Israelites were happy and said “this is our god who took us out of
Egypt”. They offered burnt offerings and peace offerings to it and indulged themselves in eating,
drinking and sex. By accepting a bull calf as their god, the Israelites expected bull calf of gold to give
them the same strength and fertility like the Egyptian gods. Through this act, they broke their covenant
with God.
When Moses came down from the mountain, he found Israelites worshipping the gold bull calf. He got
annoyed. He threw down the stone tablets he was holding; on which the 10 commandments were
written. Moses then took the golden calf, and burnt it into powder and mixed it with water. He then
made those worshipping the calf to drink the mixture. Moses ordered those who had sinned to be killed.
Learning outcomes. After studying this lesson, describe conditions for the renewal of the covenant
The renewal of the covenant came after Moses pleaded with God not to destroy the Israelites after they
broke the covenant. God spared the Israelites. God agreed to renew the covenant with the Israelites. He
gave them several conditions for its renewal.
b) Not to make any treaty with those who lived in the land where they were going.
c) To break down their altar, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah (Idols). Not to
worship any other god and not to make idols for worship.
b) Make them prosper so much that the surrounding nations would enquire about their source of
wealth and success.
With these conditions, the covenant between God and the Israelites was renewed. From the making and
renewal of the covenant, it is clear that:
(i) God expected the Israelites to obey and have faith in Him
Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson
a. God’s purpose in delivering the Israelites from Egypt was to worship and offer sacrifices to Him in the
wilderness. He also intended to fulfil his promises to Abraham.
(i) The Israelites: Worshipped God through intermediaries. These were the priests who came from the
tribe of Levi.
(ii) The Israelites: Were guided in their worship and in daily living by the Ten Commandments and other
(iii) The Ark of the Covenant was made in the wilderness. It was God’s dwelling place. It was a special
box put into the tabernacle. A tabernacle was a portable tent. The ark symbolized the presence of God
and the Israelites carried it wherever they went.
(iv) Offerings of farm products or agricultural produce were given to God. These included among other
farm products; vegetables, flour. Oil and fruits.
(v) Other offerings to God were drinks, and incense. The offerings could be burnt, baked, boiled or
Sin offering /atonement – sacrifice offered when one had sinned and wanted to have his sins
Peace offering – part of an animal was offered, while the people ate part of the meat.
Gift offering – the best animal was given to God. It was offered as a thanksgiving
Animals such as sheep, goats, bulls and birds were sacrificed to God.
(vii) Festivals and feasts. Israelites observed several festivals and feasts. These included:
Harvest festival – feast of weeks or Pentecost. It marked the celebration of the harvest of wheat.
Feast of gathering / shelters. It was celebrated during the season when the Israelites gathered the
fruits from the Orchards.
Feast of tabernacles that was celebrated to remember when the Israelites dwelt in tents.
The Israelites kept the Sabbath day. They worshipped God through singing, worship and dancing.
While on Mount Sinai, God gave Moses Ten Commandments written on a stone tablet. The first four
commandments deal with relationship between man and God. God said:
The last six commandments give man’s relationship with fellow human beings. God said:
5. Honor you father and mother that your days may be long on earth.
These are my thoughts. (1) Worshipping God (2) Being faithful to God (3) Resting (4) respecting parental
authority (5) love humanity (6) Be faithful to your wife or husband (7) respect other people’s property
(8) be truthful always (9) be satisfied with what God has given you.
The Israelites had a new and wider revelation about God. Besides GOD being a caring, loving, and a
provider, they learnt that:
a. God is a jealous God. He does not allow the worship of others gods. He alone should be worshipped.
b. God does not condone evil. He punishes those who cause/engage in it.
f. God is a healer – he healed Israelites in the wilderness when a snake attacked them
g. God is a God of victory. He defeated the Amalekites, perizzites, and Hittites etc.
Revision questions
c (i). What is the significance of the items used for the Passover feast (similar to what is the meaning of
the Passover meal)
(ii). Compare the lord’s supper to the Passover feast
e. Describe the circumstances that lead to the breaking of the Sinai covenant
Learning outcomes. By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
b. State king Saul’s achievements, failures and lessons learnt from Saul.
c. Explain the importance of David as King of Israel and ancestor of Jesus Christ.
d. Describe the qualities of a good leader drawn from King David’s leadership
Yahweh remained the God of Israel and the sovereign ruler of his people.
a. Define leadership
Duties of judges
After Israelites settled in Canaan, the Promised Land, they started demanding for an earthly king to rule
over them. These demands for a king ruler were brought about by:
i Samuel’s sons Joel and Abijah were corrupt and took bribes. The sons of Samuel, who were judges,
lacked his good leadership qualities.
ii The Israelites wanted a warrior king who could lead them to war against their enemies.
iii The Israelites wanted to be like the other nations around them who had kings.
iv The Israelites wanted a human leader whom they could see, approach, and talk to him face to face.
v The Israelites wanted security, which could be provided by a stable political government ruled by law
and order.
Reasons against Kingship in Israel (Samuel 8:10 – 20)
By demanding for a king, the Israelites were seen as rejecting Yahweh – their unseen ruler. Two, there
would be danger of hereditary kingship which would lead to oppression / dictatorship. God told Samuel
to give Israelites strict warnings against Kingship by explaining how the king would treat them. A king
would: -
(f) Force their daughters to work for his wives, sons, and for the royal house in general.
The people of Israel were distinct from other nations. Asking for a king meant rejecting God as their
unseen king. Further to this, Israel could become like other nations, which did not worship Yahweh.
Then the covenant with God and the people of Israel would cease.
Samuel was directed by God to choose and anoint Saul as the king of Israel. Saul was from the tribe of
Benjamin. He became the first human king of the nation of Israel. He accomplished several things.
1) He was anointed by God; as king to rule the Israelites
2) He was chosen even though it was not God’s idea for a king over his people.
3) He was a great warrior. He led the Israelites to war and defeated their enemies
1) God told Saul through Samuel to destroy the Amalekites completely. Saul however disobeyed God. He
spared the king and the fat livestock. He claimed to have spared the fat animals for sacrifice to God.
Because of this disobedience, God rejected Saul as king.
2) The Israelites were faced with many enemies. The worst were the Philistines. It was a custom for the
king of Israel to enquire from God whether to go to the battle or not. The priest/prophet gave
permission to the king to go to war. When Saul was faced with the dilemma whether to fight or not,
Samuel enquired from God. Saul did not wait for permission to go to war from Samuel the priest. He
decided to bypass Samuel by offering a sacrifice to God before going to war. This action displeased God
because it was not his work to offer sacrifice to God. It was the work of priests.
3) After God rejected Saul as the king of Israel, Samuel was guided by God to go to Bethlehem. He was
asked to go to the home of Jesse who had eight (8) sons. In that home, God was to show Samuel the
next king of Israel. Samuel would then anoint the chosen son of Jesse. Seven of Jesse’s sons were
brought before Samuel one by one. God told Samuel that he had not chosen any of them. When David, a
shepherd, was brought before Samuel God said to him ’this is the one – anoint him!” (1 Samuel 16:12).
David was anointed (poured oil on) as the next king of Israel. However he had to wait until Saul died
before he could take over kingship.
4) After Samuel anointed David to become the next king of Israel, Saul was jealous and plotted many
times to kill him. David was employed to serve Saul. He played the harp, lyre wherever an evil spirit
possessed Saul.
5) When Samuel died; the Philistines gathered to fight Israel. Saul was filled with terror. Saul enquired
from God whether he should go to war, but did not get an answer. Saul disobeyed God by asking a
medium (witch) to consult the dead for him. This act led to the death of Saul together with his son
Jonathan in battle.
6) Saul was concerned with what people thought of him than pleasing God. He wanted to please people
and not God. He was disobedient with God (1 Samuel 15:24)
Lessons, which Christians can learn from King Saul’s failures
2) Christian should obey God, follow His commands and not be afraid of people.
5) It is against the teachings of God, against the will of God to consult the spirits of the dead through
10) Christians should not turn against their enemies or rivals. They should not plot to have them
destroyed and killed.
LESSON THREE: IMPORTANCE OF DAVID (1 Samuel 16: 1 – 23, 2 Samuel 6:1 – 15)
e. Give reasons why God rejected David’s offer to build him a temple
David took over kingship of Israel though some people resisted his rule. At first he ruled the house of
Judah. Later on the other tribes rallied behind him.
Importance of King David
David became king after the death of Saul. He ruled for over 40 years as king of Judah and Israel.
Achievements of David
2) He captured the old fortress of Jerusalem from the Jebusites and made it his capital city.
3) He removed the ark of covenant from the house of Abinadab in Shiloh and brought it to Jerusalem.
4) He expressed great faith in God. Through his faith in God, he was able to kill Goliath, the great
Philistine warrior.
5) He was a skilled musician and composed marry psalms that were used and are still being used in
temple and church worship.
6) David respected the prophets of God and always consulted them whenever he wanted to do
He was a great diplomat and established good political relations with the neighboring kings.
9) He was a shrewd administrator who chose wise elders and counselors to advice him.
11) David ruled over Israel, administering law and justice to all people.
12) He took a census of the Israelites and used the information to (a) recruit young men into military
service and (2) decide on the policy of taxation.
13) David had remarkable leadership qualities. He was kind. He spared mephibosheth, Saul’s grandson.
14) David was humble. He was ready to accept sins he had committed and repent e.g. he repented after
committing adultery with Bathsheba.
David intended to build a splendid temple for God in Jerusalem. He felt it was not fair for the Ark of the
Covenant to continue dwelling in a tent while he himself lived in a magnificent palace. To achieve this
goal, David consulted Nathan, the prophet on whether to build the temple. The prophet approved the
idea. But that night, Nathan received a revelation form God that stated that David was not to build a
house (temple) for God. David’s son would build the temple of God (2 Samuel 7:5 – 6). Prophet Nathan
gave David God’s message to David.
The message was that
c) God promised to raise up an heir from the house of David to sit on the throne
d) God promised to make David’s name great or famous among all other leaders of the earth.
a. David had been involved in a lot of wars with the Israelites’ enemies and had thus shed a lot of blood.
b. God was a God of the people and could not be confined to a house.
c. It was the will of God to establish the house of David (build David a house) rather than David builds a
house for him (God). The human body is the temple of God. God dwells in the hearts of people.
e. God had planned that David’s son would build a house for him – a place to house the Ark of the
Covenant. King Solomon, David’s son built the temple and fulfilled God’s promises to David. Solomon’s
rule was peaceful and prosperous.
1) The gospel writers tell us that Jesus was born in the family of David (Luke 1:26 – 27)
2) The angel of God during the annunciation of the birth of Jesus said that He will be like his ancestor
David (Luke 1:32 – 33)
3) Jesus was born in Bethlehem which was also the birthplace of David (Luke 2:4)
4) Bartimaeus the blind man of Jericho hailed Jesus as the son of David
5) During his triumphal entry to Jerusalem, Jesus was hailed by the crowd as the messiah descended
from David.
6) In his genealogy, saint Mathew says that Jesus was a descendant of David (Matt.1: 1)
Failures of King David.
2) Uriah was the husband of Bathsheba. David had committed adultery with her.
Lesson outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should assess leadership qualities demonstrated by king
David showed
1) Courage and bravery. David was courageous and brave. Modern leaders should be ready to die with
and for their subjects.
2) Gratitude – thankful and grateful. David always thanked God for any success or favors he received.
Good leaders should be thankful and grateful to God as well as to their fellow human beings.
3) Loyalty. David was loyal to God and to the Israelites. A good leader should be loyal, and never betray
his people.
4) Justice. David administered justice to all his subjects without favoring anyone. No tribalism or
nepotism. A leader should be fair to all (2 Samuel 8:15).
5) God – fearing, having faith. David was God fearing. He expressed his total trust in God. Modern
leaders need to emulate this quality.
6) Humility. A leader should be a humble person. Though David had been appointed as the king, he
continued to serve Saul until Saul died. He accepted his failures and asked for forgiveness
7) Kind. David was a kind leader. Leaders should be kind. David spared the life of Saul twice yet Saul
wanted to kill him.
Wisdom. David was careful when choosing legal advisors to assist him in his rule. He was also wise. He
reduced tribal jealousies by choosing Jerusalem; a neutral spot for administrative purposes.
9) Delegation – a shrewd administrator. A good elder should be able to delegate duties. David delegated
duties. He involved others in advising, and administering
After David died, his son Solomon became the next king. Kingship in Israel was hereditary. Solomon was
chosen by David to be his successor. He took over from David at a time of peace and security established
by David.
2) He was a good trader and a successful merchant. He traded in copper, horses, timber, silver and gold.
He established international trade with the neighboring countries. For example, he traded with Tyre in
cedar and pine logs.
4) He was a builder. He built a magnificent temple for God in line with God’s promise to David. He also
constructed other cities (Megiddo) and a palace for himself.
5) He is remembered for his amazing administrative skills. He had 550 officials in charge of labour force.
6) He was a diplomatic ruler. He established friendly ties with his neighbours. This ensured continued
peace. For instance he married the daughters of the kings of Egypt, Moab, Eden and Sidon so as to
establish strong ties with those nations.
7) He had great wisdom. He judged a difficult case between two women who were claiming ownership
of the same child.
He composed many wise sayings known as the proverbs of Solomon. He also composed songs like Song
of Solomon and Song of Songs and poems in Ecclesiastes.
1) He married women from many foreign countries. These actions made Solomon break the Torah as
Israelites were not supposed to marry foreigners. Through these marriages, idol worship started in
Israel. This was because he allowed his wives to worship their gods, build temples and altars for them.
This led to introduction of idolatry in Israel.
2) Solomon constructed his palace for 13 years. He then built God’s temple for 7 years. This showed that
he probably loved himself more than God.
3) He killed his own half brother Adonija on suspicion that he could be a rival to the throne.
4) Solomon lived lavishly, and expensively. He thus burdened the Israelites with high taxes.
5) He used forced labour. This was the same as enslaving the Israelites.
6) He worshipped idols. Solomon’s heart was turned to such other gods as Ashtoreth / ashitarte –
goddess of Sidon and Molech – the god of the Ammonites. This was breaking God’s commandments
He used pagan skills when designing, decorating, and furnishing the temple.
9) He made treaties with other nations inspite of the fact that God had forbidden Israel from making
10) He was extravagant. He used a lot of state wealth to entertain and please his many wives and
Activity. Many husbands in Kenya practice polygamy. I want you to find out from your neighbours what
are the advantages and disadvantages of polygamy. Then write a paper arguing either for polygamy or
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should
a) Define a temple
Definition of a temple
This is a building dedicated to the worship of God. Solomon built the temple as a fulfillment of the
promises that God gave to David, that his son would build a house for him.
1) It was a centre of worship. Prayers and sacrifices were offered to God from the temple.
3) The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the temple as a symbol of God’s presence among his people.
4) The temple acted as a symbol of unity in Israel. Every year all the Israelites had to go to Jerusalem to
celebrate such feasts as the Passover, feast of tabernacles’ day of atonement. This led to the unity of the
7) It was a business centre where people bought and sold animals needed for sacrifice.
The temple acted as a school to the scribes, rabbis and others who studied and interpreted the Mosaic
9) The temple also acted as the judicial court of Israel. Judges worked from the temple
10) It is where religious ceremonies like naming and circumcision of baby boys took place.
Revision questions
b. Explain the importance of David as king of Israel
c. How did Jesus fulfil the prophecies of prophet Nathan as a descendant of David? (i.e. areas where
Jesus is mentioned as coming from David)
After the death of Solomon, the kingdom of Israel split into two countries. the southern kingdom called
Judah ruled by King Rehoboam and the Northern kingdom called Israel led by King Jeroboam. Other
kings who ruled these two nations were King Abijah, King Asa of Judah, and king Nadab, Baasha, Elah,
Zimri, Omri, and Ahab of Israel. During the time of Elijah king Ahab ruled – Israel.
When Israelites intermarried with other communities, they worshipped their gods. The Bible makes it
clear that
iv Israelites did not destroy all gods after settling in Canaan.
Idolatry is the worship of idols. An idol is an image representing a god made using precious materials
such as gold, bronze, stone, and hardwood images kept in the places of worship. God had forbidden
Israelites from bowing down to images and worshipping idols, intermarrying with non-Israelites, and
making treaties. When Israelites settled in Canaan, they forgot God’s commandments. They
intermarried and were greatly influenced by the local religion.
Israelites changed from being pastoralist to farmers. They therefore worshipped Baal the god of rain,
agricultural fertility, and storms. Israelites worshipped Baal, for rain for their crops. The Israelites were
also attracted to the visible gods of Canaan as opposed to the invisible Yahweh. This is how idolatry
spread in Israel. However some Israelites maintained worship of Yahweh only (monotheistic) while
others worshipped Yahweh and Baal (syncretism).
1. Polytheistic. They worshipped many gods. The Israelites religion was monotheistic. They worshipped
Yahweh and no other God. They abandoned their religion and worshipped many gods like Canaanite.
This influenced the Israelites.
2. A nature religion. The gods were related with the forces of nature such as rain, sun, storms, drought,
famine, wind, water and death.
c. Baal – also referred to as Baal Hadad, son of El and Asherah – the god of rain, agricultural fertility,
5. Free and temple of prostitution. Israelites turned to temple prostitution. Women who wanted to
increase vitality of their husbands had sexual relations with the male priests in the Baal temples.
6. Had many places of worship. One could pray in the temple, under sacred trees, and on top of the hills
among others.
Schism occurred among the Israelites because there were sharp differences within them. These
differences were religious, political and social. After the death of Solomon, the nation of Israel was split.
Rehoboam ruled one group while the other was ruled by Jeroboam. Because of this split, Jeroboam
could not go to Jerusalem to worship in the temple. He thus set up other places of worship one at
Bethel, and another at Dan. Jeroboam also set up images to represent Yahweh. Though he had no
intention of Idol worship, it turned out to be so because he made his subjects to offer sacrifices to these
golden calves, which he had designed as images representing Yahweh. He also built places of worship on
hilltops like the Canaanites. He chose priests from other families in addition to the Levite Family.
Furthermore, he organised religious festivals and feasts in the month of his choice. As it were, they
coincided with the Canaanites calendars. He then burnt incense at the altar of idols. Jeroboam therefore
started idol worship and gave room for idolatry. Kings who succeeded him followed this idol worship.
Ahab married Jezebel, the daughter of the King Ethbaal of Sidon (Tyre) to strengthen ties with
Tyre/Phoenicia. Queen Jezebel was ambitious, and a strong follower of Baal religion. Ahab allowed her
to bring her gods to Israel. She forced Israelites to worship Baal and not Yahweh. She imported 450
prophets of Baal and supported them using public treasury. Ahab built a temple to Baal In Samaria. He
also put up an image of goddess – Asherah.
d. When Israelites settled in Canaan, they did not destroy temples, places of worship, idols, images that
they found there. As a result Canaanite’s religious practices influenced Israelites’ worship of Yahweh
leading to idolatry.
The effects of idolatry harmed Israelites as:
1) Syncretism developed. This was a process of mixing beliefs and practices from different religions.
Israelites worshipped Yahweh and the gods of Canaan.
2) Former places of worship for the Canaanite gods were used as places of worship for Yahweh
4) Names of the Canaanite gods were used for Yahweh. For example, EL was referred to as Yahweh
6) Feasts and celebrations were changed to correspond with those of Canaanites when they celebrated
their feasts.
10) The 450 prophets of Baal were made the officials of the royal court in order to promote and protect
Baal religion
11) Israel started to experience long droughts because Yahweh withdrew his blessings. This made Israel
worshippers of El
a) The contest at Mount Carmel (1 King 18:17 – 46). Carmel refers to the vineyard of the Lord. King Ahab
brought trouble to Israel because of worshipping the idols of Baal. Elijah told Ahab that the problems
Israel was facing were due to worship of Baal,
The decision. Elijah requested king Ahab to call a meeting at Mt Carmel. In attendance would be all
Israelites, 450 prophets of Baal, and 400 prophets of the goddess Asherah who were supported by
Queen Jezebel and Elijah
Elijah told Israelites it was decision time. They had to choose their God. Would it be Yahweh, the God of
Israel or Baal the god of Jezebel of Phoenician/Tyre. If it was to be Baal, then they were told to follow
him, if they select Yahweh as their God then they were to follow him (1 kings 18 vs. 21).
The choice. Elijah proposed a contest between him and Baal prophets. He asked for two bulls one for
him, the other for 450 prophets of Baal. The contest was who can light fire? Yahweh or Baal? He
proposed that Baal prophets and himself be given each a bullock. Both shall cut the bull into pieces and
put them on wood without lighting fire. The Baal prophets shall pray to their god and Elijah shall pray to
the Lord. The one who sends fire to consume the sacrifices .. he is God. The people of Israel accepted
Elijah’s proposal.
Actions. The prophets of Baal prayed first because they were many. They took the bull, prepared it and
prayed to Baal until noon (vs. 26). They prayed louder, and cut themselves with knives and daggers; but
there were no answer. The prophets of Baal kept on ranting and raving until evening but there was no
answer (vs. 29).
Elijah asked people to gather near him. He prepared the altar of the Lord to repair work. He took 12
stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel (who were named after the 12 sons of Jacob or Israel) and
used them to rebuild the altar. He then dug a trench around the altar. This trench could hold 14 litres of
water. He placed the wood on the altar; cut the bull into pieces and laid them on the wood. He asked for
four barrels of water and poured it on the offering and wood. He poured water on the altar three times
until the water overflowed, run around the altar and filled the trenches. Elijah then called on the Lord
“O Lord, the God of Abraham, …prove now that you are the God of Israel and that am your servant and
have done all this at your command” (vs. 29).
The Lord sent fire down and it burnt up the sacrifice, wood, stones, and dust and licked up the water
that was in the trench. When people saw this, they proclaimed ‘The Lord, is God; the Lord alone is God”.
Elijah asked people to arrest the prophets of Baal, led them down to the river Kishon and killed them.
And after this there was rain in Israel (vs.40).
Lessons learnt from Mt. Carmel. Israelites acknowledged that Yahweh is:
ii Is powerful
iii Is a merciful God
iv Is a jealous God as He will have no other gods but him
vi Answers prayer
Corruption is defined as dishonesty. It’s a form of injustice when dealing with either an individual or the
community for selfish gain and benefit. In a corrupt society people in leadership or with wealth take
advantage of the weak, and the poor. The powerful exploit the poor and the powerless by denying them
their rights. An example of corruption in Israel is the story of the Naboth’s Vineyard.
Naboth’s vineyard. Ahab wanted Naboth to either sell to him his vineyard or exchange it with another
vineyard. Naboth refused to sell his inheritance. Jezebel, on seeing that Ahab was sorrowful told him
that she will get him Naboth’s vineyard. Jezebel sent out letters in Ahab’s name to the elders of the city.
She found two witnesses who could bear witness that Naboth had blasphemed God and king Ahab.
Witnesses testified that Naboth had blasphemed God. He was stoned to death. God then sent Elijah to
meet with Ahab as he went to possess the vineyard of Naboth.
God’s sentence to Ahab. God pronounced to Ahab through Elijah that (1) dogs shall lick his own blood
from the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth (2) His sons shall be killed (3) Dogs shall eat
Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel (4) Evil shall be brought upon Ahab’s house.
The 9th commandment which forbids bearing of false witness. Ahab allowed his wife to bear false
witness against Naboth
After killing the prophets of Baal, Elijah was threatened by Jezebel. She vowed to kill him. Elijah ran
away to the wilderness. The angel of God fed him with a loaf of bread and a jar of water. After eating
and drinking Elijah walked to Mt. Sinai – the holy mountain of God. He stayed there for 40 days and 40
nights. In the mountain God appeared to him.
There was a strong wind, an earthquake, a fire but the Lord was not in them. Then the lord spoke to
Elijah in a still small voice. God told Elijah “ return and anoint Hazael as king of Syria, Jehu as king of
Israel, and anoint Elisha as a prophet and your successor.
First is to recognize the various forms of corruption like: tribalism, bribery, cheating in business, stealing,
misuse of public funds, grabbing public land, robbery with violence and dishonesty
Self-assessment question. How can Christians fight corruption? Christians can fight corruption by:
a) Applying their critical thinking. This is the ability to make appropriate decisions; by weighing in the
consequences of actions before taking decisions.
b) Creative thinking and being imaginative. This is the ability to explore new ways of handling issues,
h) Reporting those who are engaged in corrupt dealings / practices to the relevant authorities.
a. Explain why Elijah, faced hostility
b. Show relevance of Elijah’s prophetic mission to Christianity today
It’s not easy for a person to oppose the government and its policies. The person normally faces danger
and hatred. Elijah faced hostility from King Ahab, his wife Jezebel and the 450 prophets of Baal.
d. He preached at a time when there was idolatry, and Baal was the official religion in Israel
e. He identified himself with Yahweh in the midst of prosecution of God’s prophets by Jezebel.
1) Elijah was courageous. Church leaders should remain courageous and condemn any form of social
2) Modern Christians learn to remain faithful to God through word and deed even if it would cost them
their lives
3) As God helped Elijah in difficult times he will also help the Christians hence they should not despair.
5) Christians should advocate for the rights of the poor and speak out against any form of oppression.
7) Christians should be persistent like Elijah was in their struggle against injustice
God communicated with Elijah in a still small voice indicating his intimacy with the prophet. This means
that God is able to establish an intimate relationship with his faithful.
Review questions
a) Describe the qualities of Elijah that led to his achievements
b) What is schism and syncretism
c) What are some of the characteristics of Elijah that a modern Christian should strive to emulate?
All Traditional African Communities believe in a Supreme Being who is the origin and sustainer of all
things: He is the creator of the university and all that it contains.
All Africans agree that nobody has ever seen God. Therefore, nobody can really describe Him, yet
through their religious insights, Africans have formulated ideal about the nature of God. These ideas
concern His real being and His activities.
“Traditional religion” refers to African culture that existed in the sub – Saharan Africa. African traditional
culture had no scriptures or texts because most of it was oral. It was preserved and handed down from
generation to generation-through oral traditions; ceremonies; rituals, and leading personalities.
a) Explain and appreciate the African concept of God spirits and ancestors
e) Explain the responsibilities of the living towards God, spirits and ancestors
f) Describe the traditional African way of worshipping God, venerating and communicating with the
ancestors and spirits.
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should
Africans believed in existence of a supreme being who lived in mountains, clouds and the sky. God was
the creator of the universe. In African traditions, religion was integrated in every aspect of life and daily
activities. For example, farming activities involved God, spirits and ancestors. People would pray to God,
spirits ancestors so as to ask for blessings in order to have a good harvest. Livestock keepers believed
that fertility of their animals is a result of the blessings of God. If God was appeased, animals would
Natural phenomena such as thunder, lightning, rain; good harvest, and birth were linked to the Supreme
Being and the invisible world. If there were calamities such as drought, disease, famine, and death, it
was an indication that God, spirits and ancestors were displeased with humankind. Many communities
have invocations uttered through out the day
God is described with many names, which are God’s attributes. These are among others:
a) God is Good – Nearly all-African communities describe God as being good to all people and things. He
gives rain, sunshine and life among many other gifts.
b) God is merciful. The Akamba refer to God as “God of pity”, the ‘merciful one’. God shows mercy in
times of danger, illness, difficulty or anxiety.
c) God is holy. He is pure, holy and does not make mistakes. Yoruba call him God who is pure, without
blemish. The Kikuyu say God is “Possessor of whiteness” and the Bukusu – ‘master whitewash’. African
traditions all approach God with reverence, fear, respect and honor. For example when offering
sacrifices, they would offer a one-colour animal either white, black, or brown and not a spotted animal.
d) God is powerful i.e. Omnipotent. God is described as almighty. His power is expressed in natural
occurrences like thunder, lighting, earthquakes, rains, and floods.
e) God is all knowing (Omniscient). God knew all things; nothing can be hidden from him. He discerns
f) God is all present (Omnipresent).He is present everywhere in the universe
g) God is limitless. God has no limit. He is both very far and very near, beyond and within.
j) God is self – existent .He made all things but he himself is not made. He exists on his own. Zulu explain
that God is ‘he who is of himself.
k) God is a spirit He is invisible, and everlasting.. Shilluk of Sudan refer to him as ‘great spirit’ ‘the
formless spirit.
l) God is everlasting. God is eternal, never changes, and never dies. The Yoruba call him ”the mighty
immovable rock that never dies.
m) God is God created the creator .The world Kikuyu call him “Mumbi”
n) God is just. Kikuyu refer to God as “Mugai” meaning “divider”. ‘One who shares out’. God judges
fairly, punishes those who do wrong and rewards the good with blessings.
o) God is the provider. All communities acknowledge that God provides them with everything they have.
Africans built representation of the power of God. They identified sites, places and things that
represented the presence and power of God. For example things like big trees, thick forest, high
mountains, unique rock formations and large rivers and animals. In these places they built sites, and
shrines. Shrines were regarded as holy and people approached them with reverence
Spirits. They were believed to exist between God and human beings in the universe. Spirits were diverse
and created by God. Some spirits were dead human beings. Spirits were divided into nature, sky, earth
and human spirits that were either long dead (ghosts) or recently dead (ancestors).
a. Divinities. These are spirits created by God. They are close to God and act as his agents. They are in
charge of natural phenomena like the sun, moon and stars. They are intermediaries between God and
ancestral spirits, human beings and other creatures. They reveal God’s plans through diviners and
b. Human spirits / common spirits. These are inferior to divinities but higher than human kind. They are
remains of human beings after their death. These spirits monitor human activities. Human spirits have
lost their names and are not longer remembered by the living. They are believed to live in the under
world, undergrounds, in thick bushes, forests, rivers, mountains, lakes, skies, and caves among other
places. These spirits can bring harm to the living if disrespected. They appear to people in dreams or in
form of shadows. They can also enter or possess a person and cause abnormalities.
These are spirits of the recently dead. They are remembered by the living when children are named
after them. They are actively involved in the lives and activities of the living. Their offerings (food or
drink) are poured on the ground for them to receive.
Ancestors are in a period of transition between the living and the higher categories. They are believed to
know the problems of the living and therefore consulted constantly. They are also associated with evil
such as revenge for burying them without honor, or not following the instructions they gave before they
died or failing to pour them libations. When they are happy with the living, they are a source of
blessings. Ancestors who did evil things or committed suicide are forgotten and ignored.
Hierarchy of beings. Hierarchy means the order or ranking from the highest to the lowest of created
beings. At the top is
Human Beings
Non-living Things
Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson: -
God is the creator. The Akamba community believed that God whom they called Mulungu created man
and woman. He then tossed them to the earth. The Luhya claim God created them from the black
topsoil hence their skin complexion.
God is the source of life and giver of life. Barren women pray to God to ask for children. Human beings
depend on God for life, rain, air, and sunshine.
God is the provider. He gave domestic animals to human beings for their use. Domestic animals have
many uses such as repayment of dowry, food, and sacrifices to God, payment of a fine by an offender.
Many wild animals are used in folk songs and tales to discourage cowardice, and laziness
God gives power to the specialists such as medicine men, women and priests.
Wild animals such as hyena are used in folk stories to discourage cowardice. Stories of tortoise illustrate
the importance of being slow but sure. Snakes in some communities such as the Luhya were not killed.
The community believed snakes were immortal ancestors coming to visit the living.
Plants were used as food for people and animals. Trees were used for fuel and building materials. Some
trees were used as sacred places of worship.
Non-living things such as the rain, rocks, and rivers had a religious importance. Rain is seen as a blessing
from God. When rain fails, diviner/rain maker was consulted. Rocks, and mountains were believed to be
dwelling places for the living, the dead and the spirits.
The spirits were viewed as neither good nor evil. Human beings feared them. Their roles were many.
i Appeared in dreams especially to diviners, priests, medicine men and women, and rain makers to relay
ii Were consulted by religious specialists to find the cause of a problem in a given situation.
iii Were bad (naughty) spirits, which disturbed people. African communities believed that bad sprits
could call out one’s name but on turning there’s no one.
vi Sometimes possessed a person causing the person to be sent away from the village to the forest, or a
way from home.
3) Rebuke those who fail to honor them and warn them of impending punishment
7) Cause illness or mental disturbance to members of a family if they are disregarded or disobeyed.
a. State responsibilities of the living to God, spirits, and ancestors
b. Explain the various forms of worship
Human beings are expected to worship God, spirits and ancestors and show (i) reverence and respect or
veneration to God. They are also expected to (i) pray (ii) sing and (iii) dance.
Worship. This is our major responsibility as God expects us to meet and communicate with the spiritual
world and God. There are several ways of worshipping God. These include among others:
(a) Sacrifices and offerings. Sacrifices include shedding of blood of animals and birds. Offerings are in the
form of foodstuffs, milk, water and honey. God was worshipped because He is recognized as the
absolute owner of life and property. We also worship God in order to (i) invoke Him for special blessings
(ii) thank Him (iii) express our personal fellowship and communion with God (iv) avert or prevent evil.
Evils bring about epidemics, famine, floods, and drought.
(b) Singing and dancing. Africans worshipped God through singing, dancing, clapping of hands,
drumming, and use of musical instruments.
Prayers were accompanied with sacrifices or offerings. Community leaders prayed to God, spirits and
(d) Invocations are shortened form of prayers e.g. “Help me oh God” ‘Oh great God”. These are prayers
at the spur of the moment. They are few words full of meaning and calling for help form God.
(e) Formal blessings. An elder or older person gave blessings. It is believed that the person blessing the
other one is doing so on behalf of God.
(f) Venerations. Africans treated their ancestors with great respect and honor. They for example
worshiped ancestors daily. Worshipping included placing food or pouring libation of beer, milk, water
and honey for the spirits. As this act was done, they uttered words to accompany the offerings. Libations
were done daily by some communities.
Inviting them to participate in family ceremonies and rituals. For example during birth, and initiation.
Diviners and mediums talk with ‘spirits”. To do so, they sit quietly in a place; singing, dancing and
clapping their hands. As they dance, sit and sing, diviners lose their senses and get possessed by the
spirit. The spirits speak give them messages for individuals and communities. Spirits communicate on
issues such as (i) lost property (ii) revealing by name the enemy in the society (iii) making demands on
the living (iv) giving advice (v) giving warnings on impending danger and (vi) making promises to bless a
family or clan. Spirits that possess mediums are not harmful.
There are bad evil spirits harmful to people whom they possess. Some evil spirits cut themselves; others
throw themselves into a fire, river, and lake.
Revision questions
a Explain the meaning of life and its wholeness in the traditional African society
c Outline the factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibility in the African communities
d Describe rites of passage and their role inculcating moral values in the traditional African society
e Explain the role of religious specialist and their relevance in modern society
g Discuss and evaluate continuity and change in the African understanding of leisure, dress, old age,
widows, orphans, dowry, community, land, medicine, worship and property.
Learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you should be able to:-
1. Describe the meaning and wholeness of life in the traditional African society
Life originates from God and it progress from one stage to another with a certain rhythm each person
has to follow. Each stage of life is marked by rites of passage. Life is continuous and unending. Each
person is expected to value life and to be responsible. Life involves sharing. It is immoral to be greedy
and self centred. People are to be hospitable, warm and caring toward other people. Unity and harmony
are to be upheld. Life is viewed as whole only if a person went through all the stages or rites of passage
Life was propagated through bearing children. Life cannot be divided into religious and secular. Every
element of life has a religious meaning. Life is communal. Life was celebrated at every stage. Everyone
depends on others. Labour was divided. There were duties for men, children and women.
In African traditional society, human life is precious. Murder was condemned harshly. Suicide was
considered the worst thing anyone could do. It was seen as a curse on the family. If one died at
childhood, it was regarded as abortion. Death did not mark the end of life. Death is referred to as ‘saying
goodbye to food”, “sleeping,” “going home”, “being called by the ancestors”.
African concept of a community
A community is a group of people who share a common language, religion, and culture and may live in
the same geographical location. This group of people or an ethnic group shares common interests and
characteristics. For example, African communities:
A clan is made up of people who have the same forefather. A clan is composed of families. A family is
made up of members (living or dead) who are related by blood and marriage. Family members therefore
include the ancestors and the unborn.
Learning outcomes. After studying African kinship system in African communities, you should be able to:
Kinship refers to the relationships between people. These can be by blood, marriage or adoption. People
that belong to the same kinship system are referred to as kin.
Kinship relationships were and still are important among African communities. This is because these
i Provided company. This ensured that people were not lonely.
ii Provided a sense of belonging which one of the human needs. We all want to belong
viii Bind the community together enhancing social cohesion and loyalty to each other
x Ensured that all members of the community are have knowledge of community beliefs and practices
xii Provided mechanisms for proper inheritance of property for example land.
Factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibility in African communities. These are many.
Some of them are (i) rites of passage (2) good morals (3) participation in communal activities such as
ceremonies, work, leisure activities and worship (4) sharing of property and ideas (5) division of labour.
Tasks were distributed according to one’s age, gender and status. (6) rules/social norms regulated how
people grew up; knowing what is wrong and right. Good morals help people to live in peace and
When a woman conceived, and pregnancy was visible, she was treated specially. She wore charms to
keep away evil eyes. She ate special food and avoided sexual relations. The family and husband did not
expect her to perform heavy task. When she was ready to deliver, mid wives helped in delivery. After
delivery, the placenta was seen as a sign of fertility hence it was buried in the fertile land such as a
banana plantation. Some communities preserved placenta while others threw it into a running stream.
The arrival of a baby and its sex was announced through ululations or shouts. The placenta was disposed
off ceremoniously. The mother was purified and baby protection rites were conducted. Once purified, a
mother could wear charms to protect herself and the baby from malicious spirits, sorcery, witchcraft,
and evil eyes.
Thanksgiving ceremonies were performed to show gratitude to God. The hair of the mother and child
was shaved as a sign of purification and newness of life.
Naming of babies was carefully chosen. A baby could be named after either a season, weather,
ancestors, place or time of delivery, occasion, experience of mother during delivery, significance events
such as war, and drought, personality of the child, and names of heroes and gods. A good example is the
name ‘Were’ amongst the Luhya.
There were different types of initiations such as circumcision for boys and clitorisdectomy for girls,
excision of teeth and body marks. Initiation rites were important and every individual was expected to
go through them or be rendered an outcast. Initiation practices were seen as tests for courage and
bravery. They helped the communities when identifying future leaders and warriors.
Initiation was very important in communities where it was practiced. Initiation marked a transition from
childhood to adulthood. In this transition, the initiate acquired new rights, new status in life, and
privileges. For example the new initiates were allowed to marry, own property, and inherit the father’s
property. In addition the initiates received specialized education. They were taught how to behave as
adults, warriors, future husbands and parents.
The education brought families, relatives and friends together. This act strengthened kinship ties. It also
prepared the initiates to face the difficulties and challenges of adult life. In addition, initiation helped to
structure the community. Initiation was programmed to fit an age set; and it marked passage of specific
time. Thus each initiation ceremony was held regularly, normally between 16 – 21 years of age. If you
calculate, you can see that 16 to 21 years introduced a new age set or group of young people. The age
set held power for 16 to 21 years and handed over to the new generation. Initiation was therefore a
mark of identity. It gave the initiate a sense of belonging. It bonded the initiates together with the
Initiation rituals are not popular today as they were in the past. This is because many communities have
undergone social and cultural changes because of modern education. As a result some families take
their sons to hospitals to be circumcised to prevent HIV/AIDs and to avoid infections because of
unhygienic traditional initiation practices.
Other reasons are (i) urbanization and migration, (ii) individualization (iii) Christians religious values.
These have made some communities abandon some rites e.g. clitorisdectomy and (iv) some countries
have made girl’s circumcision illegal and an issue of human and health rights.
There has been a change in attitude to birth and naming. This is because initiation is no longer a
community but a family affair. In addition, pregnant women attend antenatal clinics. Majority of
pregnant women give birth in hospitals and health centres. Thus a doctor and not a midwife announce
the sex of the baby. In modern society, the mother and child are no longer secluded. Lastly most parents
prefer western names for their babies.
Marriage was a requirement for all members of the community. It was a source of status in the
community. Since a leader had to be married.
Young men and women married after initiation. Marriage was a happy occasion and a source of wealth.
The father gave young initiates some animals for dowry. Fathers of girls received dowry payments, as
bride price was mandatory. It was given to the parents of the girl in form of (a) Cows (b) Goats (c)
Camels (d) Jewellery (e) Poultry. The young men inherited the father’s property.
Importance of dowry. Dowry unified the community. When young women were married, their parents
lost their labour. Dowry payments compensated for this loss. Men paid dowry as a sign of commitment
to their wife and parents.
Importance of marriage
Marriage was sacred. It was and ordained by God. Marriage created new social relationships and
expanded web of kinships. During the marriage ceremonies the whole community rejoiced, and feasted
together. The newly married couple learnt new knowledge and skills. The community and society
respected the newly married couple. Children born from this union propagated and ensured continuity
of family, and the community.
Modern community and marriage. There has been a change in attitude towards marriage. As a result:
marriage is no longer seen as sacred and divorce is common. In addition, dowry has been
commercialized, as it is no longer seen as important. Some young men do not pay dowry. In fact
marriage is no longer seen as a sign of status
Children were important in marriage. Barren women were frowned upon. Polygamy solved issues of
childlessness. Couples without children can now adopt them from the Child Welfare society.
Divorce. This was very rare. It happened only if the girl (i) was not a virgin (ii) practiced witchcraft (iii)
and did not show respect towards her husband.
Old age and death. This is the age of wisdom. Old people were respected. Grey hair was a sign of respect
and wisdom. In all culture, the elders were the custodians of the law, norms and regulations. Social and
religious specialists were seers, rainmakers, priests, diviners, and medicine men among others
Death. Old age is followed by death. It was seen as a transition into the spiritual life. Besides old age,
many cultures believed that death was due to either breaking of the traditional customs and taboos,
curses, evil spirits, witchcraft, war, diseases and epidemics. Burial rites were performed in many African
Disposing of the dead body. Several methods were used to dispose the body. These were burials, leaving
bodies in the forest, and throwing body to animals or placing the body in an abandoned house. African
communities believed that animals carried the spirit of the dead person to the next life. Burial rites were
performed by the bereaved. They buried the body with ones person belongings and tools. Thus if a
person was a great warrior, he was buried with a war coat. Celebrations accompanied funeral rites.
Funeral songs (dirges) were performed. There was drinking and eating.
Burial rites created a good relationship between the dead and the living. They were therefore given to
appease the world of spirits, express unity in the society, cleanse the remaining relatives and obey the
customs of the community. Rituals that were performed depended on the community. Some of the
rituals for the dead included.
a) Shaving of heads. Some mourners shaved their hair completely, while others shaved in a specific
c) Mourning (d) Drum beating (e) Horn blowing 9f) Grave side fires
2. State the role of medicine men, priests, mediums, prophets, diviners, and seers
Religious specialists include Medicine men / healers, Herbalists, Diviners, Mediums, Prophets / Seers,
Rainmakers, Priests and Elders. Religious specialists were given power by their parents who taught them
religious duties. Others received divine call through dreams and visions. A few learnt from experts via
apprenticeship. This is learning by observing and practicing what one sees the master teacher doing.
Roles of the medicine women/men in the Community. Medicine women/men are healers who were and
are respected by the community. This is because they were and are able to:
3) Give medicine in form of powder, herbs, minerals or liquid form and observed patients swallowing,
drinking, sniffing, and applying on the skin.
6) Perform specialized medical roles in some communities in spite of the fact that we have modern
hospitals, counselors and psychologists.
Elders were and still are community leaders. They were not religious specialists but the community gave
elders duties, which made them close to religious leaders.
Herbalists and their relevance. Herbalists were synonymous with witch doctors. They cured people
through herbs just like the medicine women/men. Communities’ belief: that herbalists are witchdoctors
and possess magical powers. Herbalists continue to be consulted as ‘witch doctors’ or “waganga”. Today
herbalists do religious tasks that were traditionally done by diviners.
Diviners were able to find hidden secrets and knowledge; reveal witches and thieves. They
communicated with spirits and enhanced the work of healers and medicine people. They worked as
medicine people and were healers of people. They used magic powers and predicted future
occurrences. They used items such as pebbles, water, bones or gourds in divination. They also warned of
future calamities. They were mediators between God, ancestors and the people. To be a diviner, one
had to be trained. There was a specialized curriculum prepared by diviners.
Relevance of diviners in modern society. Diviners (‘witchdoctor’ “mganga”) are not popular today and
are hardly consulted. But the unfortunate Kenyans consult them who: need a job, promotion, and
children. This consultation is secret.
Mediums were channels of communication between the living and the spirits of people’s ancestors. The
ancestor spirits possessed mediums and through them ancestors gave information and messages to
their relatives.
Priests were religious leaders and functionaries. They were intermediaries between people, ancestors,
spirits and God. Their work was to make sacrifices and give offerings on behalf of the people. They
officiated during planting and harvesting rituals. They offered prayers and blessed the needy. They cared
for the shrines and poured libations to the ancestors. They led the community in public worship. They
were political heads and judges. Today, traditional priests are not relevant since most Kenyans follow
several religious practices like Christianity, Hindus, Islam and many others. But there are however, a few
traditional priests who take care of community shrines.
Prophets / Seers predicted the future. They foretold events such as invasions, wars, drought, and
epidemics. They gave advice. They also performed religious duties. They could bless and curse. Religious
prophets are common today but traditional prophets are not common.
Rainmakers were responsible for bringing or withholding rain to a community. They interpreted weather
conditions. They performed certain rituals like asking God for rains. They were highly respected in the
society. Modern science has replaced rainmakers
Elders were custodians of community values and secrets. They acted as educators. They gave
punishment to offenders of social norms/rules. They acted as counselors and guided the youth on
matters of sex and marriage. They helped in maintaining roles for important religious functions, such as
rites of passage. They were political leaders in the community. They were negotiators and solved
conflicts since they settled family disputes especially agreements concerning land. They were custodians
of the traditional values, customs and history of the people.
Relevance. Elders are relevant in modern society. They are referred to as village elders and are
recognized by the government of Kenya.
Introduction. African communities were regulated by a strict code of laws and moral values. In this
lesson we shall study moral values, which regulated individual members of society as well as the
community itself.
What is a cultural value? These are community practices and beliefs. Each community has cultural values
that it accepts and upholds. These cultural values are laws, customs, and forms of behaviour,
regulations, rules, observances and taboos. The cultural values form a moral code, which regulates the
community. For example, if the culture, values private property, it will have laws that forbid theft of
property. These laws are cultural values. Cultural values influence the social order and peace. God gives
peace and harmony. God is seen as the giver and guardian of the law. Disobedience was and still is
regarded as evil, wrong and was and still is punishable by law.
What is a moral value? Moral values are standards of behaviour towards others. They are based on what
is valued by the community. Moral values are also positive attitudes. Each community decided what is
important to it and what is desirable for its members to practice and uphold.
The moral values that communities observed were many. They included amongst others:
1. Hospitality and Love for self and others. This is the habit of welcoming all people, treating oneself and
others well. Members of the community were taught how to be hospitable to visitors, strangers and
how to assist the needy.
2. Honesty. This is developing good habits like telling the truth, Loyalty, Respect, Co – operation with all.
3. Obedience to parents, elders, community leaders and elders. Cultural regulations were followed and
adhered to leading
5. Developing social moral behaviour like Humility, Sharing, Responsibility, Chastity, Integrity, Tolerance,
Perseverance, and Courtesy
6. Working Hard. Do chores. These were according to sex, age and social-economic status.
Moral values were learnt in the process of socialization. Leisure activities helped in acquisition of moral
values. Learning moral values was a lifelong process. The most valued behaviour was obedience.
Children were to obey their parents; wives obey their husbands; community obeys their leaders, and
Learning to obey was a life long process. An obedient person was respected and rewarded.
Misconducts. There were taboos that the community observed. Failure to obey community laws
resulted in punishments. The community did not allow stealing of livestock. Domestic animals were the
most valued private property. Individuals owned livestock while land ownership was communal. There
were many forms of punishment for stealing livestock and committing other crimes. For example
a. Payment of heavy fines to replace stolen livestock
b. Being beaten in a sack
d. Cast out of community. Thieves and murders built their homes at the outskirts of the community.
They were not allowed to interact anymore with the members of the community.
e. Being covered with dry banana leaves and then set on fire.
3. Explain how money economy has affected the traditional way of life
4. State how communities can look after orphans, widows, and old people
Community. Formal education introduced the western way of life. Employment and trade forced
Africans to leave their villages to look for employment and markets in towns. These actions led to
urbanization and pluralism. As a result different communities came to towns and lived together.
1. Paid employment. Workers were paid by money. The concept of money changed community life.
Individualism ownership of money replaced communalism
2. Land used to be communal. There was plenty of land for everyone. But changes were brought by
modern life. For example, health improved and people lived longer. There were fewer deaths and
population increased. With money, there was an expansion of trade. Individuals started buying land
with money instead of clearing forests.
Modern life changed the concept of land. Individual started owning land. The colonial governments
introduced policies about land ownership in different African countries. In communities where
education was accepted and money economy took over from livestock economy, communal land
Parents did not have land for inheritance. As a result, people moved and bought land away from their
ancestral birthplaces. This resulted in both migrations and immigrations.
3. Property. Traditionally property included land, cattle (Livestock), women/ wives, and children. In
African traditional culture, this property belonged to men or the first-born son in paternal societies. In
maternal communities, it belonged to wives and daughters.
Today property or wealth is in different forms such as money, buildings, vehicles, land, shares, stock,
jewels, insurance, and others. Women, men and children own property. Because of this, the status of a
person is measured by property.
In African societies, bride price was very important. It was given in various forms. For example cows,
animals skin, and camels. Today dowry is commercialized. It’s mainly in form of cash money. This has
made marriage costly for the poor. Some young people are staying together without a formal wedding
in church or in the community. Others do not want to pay dowry. Young couples are living together in
what is called – come – we – stay arrangements.
4. Health Medicine
In traditional society, Illness was caused by witchcraft, sorcery, bad omen, or curses. Diviners, herbalists,
and healers treated the sick people.
Today bacterial, viruses, or environmental factors, cause illnesses. These are treated by nurses, and
doctors; in hospitals and health centres. There is however a craze for herbalists. The communities are
consulting herbalists and are taking herbal tea, and medicine
5. Dress
Mode of dressing varied between countries. It was dependent on the type of climate. African
communities were clothes made from skins or hides, leaves of bananas and trees. Women wore beads,
and necklaces for decoration.
Modern mode of dressing is a mixture of African, Asian and European wear. There are clothes for men,
women, and unisex. African and western ornaments are worn for beauty and style.
6. Worship. Worship is an important activity in African communities. There are different forms of
worship, which are done in various places. Those who were converted to Islam worship in Mosques.
Those converted to Hinduism worship in temples. Christians worship in churches. The few traditional
African communities continue to worship their ancestors in shrines. These are very few.
But a few groups are turning back to traditional worship and reviving worship of ancestors and spirits,
and their traditional God. For example “Mungiki” a cult in Kenya, made up of young people, worship the
traditional Ngai and practice traditional culture.
Traditional religions have many offerings such as foodstuffs and sacrifices such as goats, cows, sheep
and chicken. Human sacrifice has been discarded.
It is illegal, and it is murder. In the news, we have heard of cases of body parts being stolen from a dead
body in mortuary probably for religious rituals. This is illegal and a criminal offence.
7. Death changes immediately the status of families. Mothers and fathers become widows and
widowers. Children become orphans. Many parents, wives and husbands have died because of HIV /
AIDS, road accidents, diseases and other modern calamities. They have left orphans, widows and
Orphans used to be looked after by grandmothers, brothers and uncles. Today government, churches,
charities, NGOs, well-wishers, and guardians, the elder sibling looks after orphans. Some orphan sisters
and brothers drop out of school to look after the rest. Some orphans have ended up in the streets
because there is no one to look after them
Widows. Traditionally brothers inherited widows. However, widow inheritance is being discouraged to
prevent HIV / AIDS. But on the other hand, widows are encouraged to remarry as society has become
individualistic and no longer assists community members as an obligation.
Widowers are not inherited and many of them remarry soon after the death of their wives.
8. Old age. In traditional African communities, old people were respected. But now old age is not
respected. The aged are seen as a burden to their children. This is because the need medical care, food,
and other forms of care to meet their needs. Most of them are neglected and mistreated. In traditional
communities, children took care of their aged parents. Today some children care for their parents.
Fortunately, churches have set up homes for the aged. An example is “Nyumba za wazee”. A few old
people can look after themselves since they have pension schemes, life insurance policies, income
generating projects, investments and bank deposits. They can care for themselves.
Revision questions
c) What was the purpose of the bride wealth in the traditional African society?
d) Explain the role of medicine men in the African communities and their relevance today.
Topic: one
2. In society, people in schools, crusades, churches, lodgings, homes, and hospitals read the Bible.
3.In the government, the Bible is used for swearing in the Courts, Parliament and Cabinet when
members of parliament are nominated to become ministers of the government.
4.The major divisions of the Bible are the old and the new testaments.
The translations increased and deepened people’s faith in God. They also led to the establishment of
schools. The Gospel spread to local communities and many of them became Christians. The missionaries
and colonialists learnt African Languages. This led to the promotion of African languages. This helped the
African converts to judge when the missionaries were unfair or when they practiced inequality of races.
8. Why is the Bible referred to as (a) a Library and (b) the Word of God
2. A reference book
1. Inspiration is a process through which God took the initiative to prompt and enlighten the writers of
the Bible its Godly influence.
1. Find answers on the differences between the two creation stories in lesson four
2. Traditional African view of creation is in lesson four. Africans’ view was that:
God provides for the needs of human beings, animals, and all creation
Relationship between GOD and man was damaged and became spoilt
Man began to toil for food, safety and other basic needs
Africans understand evil as barrenness, war, drought, epidemics, madness, sickness, death, burning in a
house and others
7. God’s plan of salvation is lesson seven. The lesson tells us that GOD saved human kind by providing:
8. Compare the biblical concept of sin and the African concept of evil.
Both agree that God is good and did not create evil.
Both hold the view that sin/evil befalls humankind in the form of a curse.
Sin brings separation between God and man.
In both, there is reconciliation and forgiveness between God and man. Thus sin does not end a
In the bible, the serpent is seen as the cause of sin whereas in many Traditional African communities,
the spirits of the dead causes evil.
In the bible, there is external punishment (hell) for sinners while the African communities believe that
punishment is here on earth.
Biblically, human beings are born sinners because they are descendants of Adam (1st parents’ sin). In
Traditional African Community, a child is born free of evil.
Biblically had taken the initiative to end sin but in Traditional African Community, man does through
sacrifice to the ancestral spirits.
Faith is complete trust in somebody or something. This is because he demonstrated faith in his life’s
He believed in a God he did not know/see.
By accepting to enter into a covenant relationship with God where he gave his best animals as a
Qn 2. Give five (5) actions from the life of Abraham that shows his faith in God
Abraham obeyed God’s call and left his homeland Haran to go to an unknown land.
Build altars for the worship of God, one at Schecher and the other at Bethel.
Covenant – accepted to make a covenant with God where he sacrificed the best of his animals.
Circumcision – accepting the command to circumcise himself and all male children in his household.
Sacrifice of son – willing to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering to God.
God would curse those who cursed him and bless those who blessed him.
The descendants would be slaves in a foreign land but God would deliver them.
God would establish an everlasting covenant with him and his descendants.
A. Similarities
In both communities, circumcision is taken as a physical sign of membership to the community.
The shedding of blood is symbolic as it binds the people with God and ancestors.
In both cases, it is done in special or religious places e.g. temple/under mugumo tree/ shrine etc.
For African, initiation leads to adult responsibilities such as marriage, becoming a warrior, decision-
making and property ownership. In Jewish community, the boys are too young to take up responsibility.
In the Jewish community, only males are circumcised while in the Traditional African Community,
both boys and girls are.
For Jews, one remains a child while in the Traditional African Community, they move from childhood
to adulthood.
Jewish community circumcise at the age of eight days while in the Traditional African Community, it is
at puberty.
Among the Jews, it is a sign that they have become God’s people, but in Traditional African
Community, one is bound to the ancestors.
The Jewish circumcision is a command from God as a sign of their covenant with him while Traditional
African Communities do it in obedience to the customs and traditions of their duty.
The rite, taken place on the 8th day of both in Jewish community while in the Traditional African
Communities, it occurs after every four – six years.
Done to individuals in Jewish community while it is done to a group of age mates in the Traditional
African Communities.
In African communities, the ceremony enables them to choose future leaders, which is not the case
with the Jews.
Helps one endure suffering (pain) in future in the African communities unlike in the Jewish
Only one form of initiation (cutting of foreskin) is done. Various forms are practiced in the Traditional
African communities. These include:
Cutting of foreskin
Lib/ear piercing
Faith is the foundation of Christian life today. It makes Christians part of the great nation of God.
Faith enables Christians make correct choices in life e.g. When choosing a career, marriage partners
Faiths help them to face temptations and challenges in their lives and are able to overcome them.
They are able to believe what they have not seen through faith.
They are able to serve the world, help the needy because of their faith in Christ.
Qn 6. State the elements of a covenant
The Bible
God’s covenant with Noah: where he promised never to destroy the earth with flood – rainbow is the
sign of the covenant (Gen 9).
God’s covenant with Abraham: God promised to fulfil the promises he made to Abraham. The sign
was circumcision (Gen 15 & 17).
The covenant between God and the Israelites on Mt Sinai – sign was the Law – 10 commandments
(Exd 24).
The covenant between God and King David – promise to David’s kingdom would last forever (2
Jeremiah’s covenant: The new covenant with God’s people (Jr 31: 31 – 34).
Modern Society
• Baptism
• Marriage
• Oath of allegiance/loyalty
• Ordination
• The National Anthem binds all
• Employment contract
Qn 9. Discuss the circumstances that led God to enter into a covenant relationship with Abraham
To seal the promises given unto Abraham e.g. a great nation, son, many descendants.
A starting point for the salvation of mankind, whereby he would renew the relationship between
himself and man after the separation by the 1st parents.
Education: he received education while in the pharaoh’s palace where he grew up.
Jewish religion knowledge: his own mother who was his maid taught him the history of Israel.
Shepherd: herding the father-in-law’s herds made him gain experience of shepherding people.
Life in the wilderness where he lived after killing an Egyptian gave him experience in desert life
through where he would lead the Israelites.
Father/parent: his marriage to Zipporah helped him learn family leadership. Later he applied this to
his work.
Prophet: Enabled him to foresee the future and inform the community.
Miracle-maker: helped him solve problem facing his people in the wilderness e.g. lack of food, water.
Lawgiver: gave laws that were used to govern the community of Israel i.e. the Ten Commandments.
Hard work: worked for his father-in-law serving the family e.g. fetching water. Later he was able to
serve the Jews.
Moses saw a burning bush, which was not consumed. He drew nearer to get a better look.
God called Moses by name from the middle of the burning bush and told him to remove his shoes
because he was standing on holy ground.
God told Moses that he had seen the suffering of his people in Egypt and heard their cry.
He told Moses that he had chosen him to go to Pharaoh and release them from bondage.
Moses asked for the name of God so that he would have a point of reference when asked who sent
God gave Moses power to perform miracles that he would use as proof of his work.
God assured him that the man he was afraid of was already dead.
It is because he was already a criminal and wanted in Egypt after having killed and Egyptian and ran
Qn c (i) what is the significance of the items used for the Passover feast (similar to what is the meaning
of the Passover meal)?
The Lamb: reminded the Israelite of the sacrificial lamb whose blood saved their 1st born from the
angel of death.
It too signified the hurry they had to leave Egypt, as unleavened bread is easy to bake.
Other Meanings:
Eating while standing symbolized the haste with which the Israelites were to leave Egypt.
They were not to leave any meal to avoid profanation in the form of flies. Burning was the simplest
way of disposal & sacred.
Both are acts of salvation from suffering. Passover saved Israelites from slavery while the Lord’s
Supper saved people from bondage of sin.
Lambs offered in both Hebrews – the Passover lamb in the Lord’s Supper Jesus is the paschal lamb.
In both a symbolic meal was taken.
In both cases each group is saved through a mediator – Moses and Jesus respectfully.
God’s covenant is remembered in both cases i.e. Old testament and new covenant respectfully.
In the Passover feast, animal sacrifice is offered while in the Lord’s Supper, Jesus was the last sacrifice
and instead bread and wine are offered to represent his blood and body.
Whereas the Jewish Passover was compulsory for every few, the Lord’s Supper is not compulsory in
all Christian churches.
The blood shed in the Jewish Passover is for the salvation of the Jews only while the blood of Jesus
shed on the cross is for the salvation of the whole human race.
Passover lamb offered in Hebrew while Jesus was the lamb offered in the Lord’s Supper.
Moses was instructed by God to tell the elders to do the following in preparation for the making of
the covenant.
Mark the boundaries of the mountain and avoid going near or crossing the border.
Note: All these happened after Moses had gone up the mountain and God had promised to make the
Israelites the following if they obeyed him.
i. His people
On the third day after cleansing, Moses took the Israelites to meet their God. God manifested himself
in the following forms: thunder, lightening, earthquake and a thick cloud that filled the mountain and a
loud trumpet blast.
Moses came down and told people about the laws which was to guide them as a covenant people.
The people agreed to obey all the words the Lord had spoken (Ex 24: 3 – 4)
Qn e. Describe the circumstances that led to the breaking of the Sinai covenant
Moses went up the mountain to receive the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments where
written. He delayed (40 days) thus forgetting God.
The Israelites became impatient. They forgot the saving power of God that had delivered them from
Aaron was a weak leader who failed to lead the people to uphold the covenant. He yielded to their
demands to make and worship idols.
Idolatry was a practice done while in Egypt so they copied/continued with it.
They were used to God’s (idols). They could see while in Egypt unlike the Yahweh who was invisible.
God commanded the Israelites to cut two stone tablets where he would rewrite the commandments.
God gave conditions to be fulfilled by the Israelites in the renewal of the covenant.
These were:
c) To tear down the altars of the gods of other nations and temples.
g) To keep and celebrate the three festivals namely, Passover, feast of weeks and the feast of in
b) Bless them
After this Moses was ordered by God to write a new set of Laws on the stone tablets.
Worship is the practice of showing respect and love for God.
The Israelites showed their respect and love for God in the wilderness in the following ways: -
1) The Ark and the Tabernacle: The Ark was a wooden box where the Ten Commandments were kept.
They signified the presence of God. The tabernacle was a portable tent for meeting between God and
the Israelites.
2) The Sabbath: They observed the Sabbath as a sacred day for resting and worshipping God.
3) Festivals: Celebrated many festivals as one way of worshipping God. E.g. Passover.
4) Altars – built them when there was need to worship God – meeting place between God and the
people and sacrifice to God.
5) Observance of the Ten Commandments. These guided them on how to live with God and man.
6) Religious leaders: God chose priest from the tribe of Levi to organize worship.
Christians learn that God is a jealous God. They avoid holding other things in their lives strong in the
place of God.
Christians learn that God is unique and cannot be represented by visible man-made objects or
described in human terms.
They learn that long life is a result of honoring and respecting their parents.
They learn that lust for money and other property is sinful.
A provider – provided manna, water etc.
God is the controller of natural forces e.g. Red sea, a pillar of cloud & fire, earthquakes etc.
Just – forgave those who broke the covenant and punished those who refused to repent.
Merciful and compassionate. Give them a 2nd chance after breaking the covenant.
The King would force the sons of the Israelites to serve him as soldiers in the army.
The King would create forced labour and enslavement by making the young men work in his farms
and in making weapons. Daughters would work in his house.
He would also grab their land and give it to his loyal servants.
Israel would be like other nations who did not know Yahweh.
David was important because he was chosen by God and publicly anointed by elders in a religion
ceremony. He too became ancestor of many communities.
David was a great musician and wrote many songs for promising God.
He expanded Israel through his military conquests and marked the boundaries of the nation.
He too made it a religious centre by placing the Ark of the Covenant there, which had been housed –
He established the largest and most enduring dynasty that lasted 400 years.
Whenever he wronged God, he genuinely repented and humbled himself before God.
He respected the prophets of God and consulted them before making decisions.
He set a good example of faithfulness to Yahweh that he wanted all the Israelites to emulate.
Qn c. How did Jesus fulfil the prophecies of prophet Nathan as a descendant of David? (i.e. Areas where
Jesus is mentioned as coming from David)
Angel Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus to Mary who was engaged to Joseph, a descendant of
David. The Angel referred to Jesus as the King whose wisdom would last forever (Lk 1:26-33).
During the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the crowds who met him sang with joy and shouted
‘Hosanna to the son of David.’
On the days of Pentecost when Peter addressed the crowd, he referred to Jesus as a descendant of
David (Acts:2 29-35).
Zechariah in his Benedictus, says that God has promised a savior descended from the house of David
(Lk 1:69)
The blind man at Jericho referred to Jesus as the son of David (Lk 18:38).
Solomon was the 2nd King of Israel, succeeding his father King David. He failed to live according to
the covenant way of life in the following ways.
He married foreign wives thus breaking the Toral that clearly stated that the Israelites should not
marry foreigners because they can come with their gods – idols.
He allowed the wives to worship their gods (idols) thus leading to spread of idolatry in Israel.
He not only worshipped the gods of his wives but also built temple for their worship.
He, by worshipping the gods became a bad example to Israel, as King. They copied him.
i. He built his palace for 13 years but took only 7 years to build God’s temple. Shows he loved himself
more the God.
ii. He used foreign designs and materials in the construction of the temple, ignoring God’s specifications
on how to build it.
iii. He liaised pagan craftsmen from Tyre to design, decorate and furnish the temple.
He broke the sixth commandment by killing his half brother, Adonijah. He suspected that Adonijah
would become his rival to the throne.
He spent a lot of Israel’s money on his lavish lifestyle. He had a large army and servants.
He enslaved young men and women who went to work in the palace as servants for the wives.
He made treaties with other nations that were against the condition set during the renewal of the
Sinai covenant.
Justice: A good leader is one who does not favour some people like David (I Sam 24: 1 – 12).
Courage: David showed this while fighting Goliath. Leaders need to be brave and courageous in their
work (I Sam 17:41 – 54).
Fear of God and Faith: David consulted God before any undertaking. Leaders should do the same.
Gratitude: David was thankful to blessings he received. Leaders should be happy and grateful to God.
Loyalty: Modern leaders should remain loyal to their office. David was loyal to God and his people (2
Sam 2:7)
Kindness: Good leaders should show mercy to their people like David did e.g. he forgave Saul twice (2
Sam 19: 9 – 39).
Humility: Leaders should not hesitate to ask for forgiveness from God and people. David was humble
and asked for forgiveness any time he went wrong.
Willingness to delegate: Learn to delegate future as David did (2 Sam 20: 23 – 26)
Respect: Leaders should show respect to God and preaches those they serve as David did to the
prophets and his people.
• Elijah was fearless and courageous. His courage helped him to face king Ahab and queen Jezebel and
condemn them for their wickedness such as corruption and idolatry
• He was faithful to God. Yahweh guided him in his dealings with Baal prophets and king Ahab.
• He lived a simple life. For example, he wore simple clothing made of carmel’s skin.
• He stood for the covenant at a time when the religion of Yahweh was in danger
• He had the power of God in him and was able to control rain.
• He confirmed that Yahweh had authority over land and over the people.
1) Courage
2) Faithfulness
6) Patience
Syncretism developed where the Israelites worshipped Yahweh alongside the gods of Canaan.
The Israelites started calling Yahweh by the names used for Canaanites gods e.g. El.
The Israelites started naming their children after Canaanite gods like Baal.
They changed their religion calendar and celebration to correspond with their Canaanite celebrations
and feasts.
They converted the high places used for worshipping Baal to Yahweh’s shrines without removing the
graven images of idols.
The unity that existed between the two tribes of Israel was destroyed. They no longer treated one
another as brothers.
The Kings of Israel behaved like the Canaanites leaders by oppressing the weak and grabbing other
people’s property.
God withdrew his blessings from the Israelites because they angered Him by worshipping other gods.
They broke God’s commandments, which forbade worship of other god a part from Yahweh.
The Israelites practiced temple prostitution and other Canaanites rituals and sacrifices.
Elijah rose to challenge false religion at a time when Baalism had become the official religion.
He prophesied a three and a half years drought because the people had turned away from Yahweh.
After the drought God appeared to Elijah and told him to go to King Ahab and tell him that the
drought was as a result of idolatry in Israel.
Elijah requested the King to order all the people to meet at Mt Carmel to hold a contest.
Elijah asked the King to invite the 400 prophets of Asherah and Baal’s 450, saw that they could prove
who the true God is.
Elijah would sacrifice a bull and the false prophets would too sacrifice their own to call on their Gods
to send fire. The one who could send is the true God.
The prophets of Baal were the 1st to pray to their god but he never sent fire.
The prophets cut themselves with knives to please their god but he never sent it.
Elijah then prepared the altar with 12 pillars representing the 12 tribes of Israel.
He dug a trench around the altar, placed wood and put the cut bull on top of the wood.
Then in the evening Elijah prayed and called upon the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to send fire.
Fire came and consumed the whole sacrifice, including the water in the trenches.
As a result, the Israelites bowed down and declared that Yahweh was the true God.
Then Elijah ordered the killing of all the prophets of Baal and the prophetesses of Asherah.
Elijah went to the top of the Mt Carmel and prayed for rain. Yahweh sent His servant to watch for the
sign of rain from the sea.
The servant looked towards the sea seven times after, which he saw a small cloud forming.
In a corrupt society, the rich and powerful people tend to take advantage of the weak/poor by
exploiting them and denying them their rights.
King Ahab of Israel desired a fruitful vineyard owned by a man named Naboth.
King Ahab approached Naboth to sell him the vineyard or exchange with another one.
Naboth declined the offer because in Israel, selling ancestral land was against the covenant law. The
land belonged to God.
Jezebel, Ahab’s wife, soon learned, Naboth’s refusal and she arranged Naboth’s murder through false
God commanded Elijah to go and declare His judgement on Ahab for committing such an evil act in
i. Dogs would lick Ahab’s blood at the same place where they had licked Naboth’s.
ii. Ahab’s dynasty would fall kike those of the Kings before him who had disobeyed God.
On hearing this, Ahab humbled himself before God and repented. God postponed Ahab’s punishment
to the days of his son.
Qn g. What can Christian learn from the teachings of Elijah?
From the Mt Carmel incident, they learn that Yahweh controls the forces of nature – can bring rain or
stop it.
Yahweh is a jealous God. He will not share honor with any God – killed the 450 prophets worshipping
They also learn that church leaders should condemn evil like Elijah did in the case of Ahab and
They should be prayerful so that God can help them overcome difficulties like Elijah.
They should remain faithful even if it means costing their lives to Naboth.
Leaders should realize authority comes from God and are accountable to Him.
Perform tasks given by God however had they may be as Elijah did – facing Ahab, killing the 450 false
prophets etc.
Finally, they should invite sinners to repeat and bring them back to God.
African beliefs about their God are found in their proverbs, myths, songs, prayers, narratives and
religious ceremonies.
God was believed to be a supreme being who was beyond human understanding.
They believed that God’s power is expressed in natural occurrences such as thunder, earthquake
floods and volcanic eruptions.
Transcendent – beyond human understanding. Because of the transcendent nature, Africans found it
impossible to represent him using physical representations. They viewed him as being far yet too near
God is merciful.
Physical features were often seen as a representation of awesome power of God. This is why large
mountains, thick forest, unique rock formation were used as shrines.
Hierarchy of Beings
Human Beings
Non-living Things
God as the creator occupies the highest rank in the hierarchy of being – creator.
The Divinities: Came next and control natural forces in the universe, created by God.
The Common Spirits: Comprise spirits of people who died long time ago.
Ancestors: (living dead): Spirits of those who died recently and are still remembered by the living.
Animals and Plants: Come next – for man’s use as food and sacrifice to God.
Last (7th) are Non-living things: Such as mountains, rocks, rivers, caves, dwelling places of God and
God and the spirits used the ancestors to express their wishes concerning human beings.
The ancestors blessed the living and corrected them through punishment.
Qd. What was the responsibility of the living towards God?
To show gratitude to God and give thanks to him as an acknowledgement that He is the giver of life.
To honor, worship and adore God by praying to Him for their needs.
Sacrifice: They were used to ask God’s favour, thanksgiving, to avert evil and ask for forgiveness,
before planting and after harvest, epidemics, birth, naming, invitation, weddings, funerals etc for
different reasons.
Offerings: Foodstuffs e.g. grain, honey, beer, milk was offered in recognition of God as owner of
property and provider.
Prayers and invocations: Commonest act of worship. A continuation activity done anytime as the
need arises.
Song and dance: People were involved both physically and spiritually. This brought the city together.
Blessings and Salutations: Expressed in greetings and farewells e.g. “Go with God”, God be with you”.
Qf. What were the African ways of venerating and communicating with the spirits and ancestors?
Spirits and ancestors were venerated because they were believed to be senior to human beings and
closer to God.
Pouring libation was done.
The living invited them during ceremonies such as birth, invitation, marriage and burial.
The living named after them – thus they became immortal and members in the physical world again.
The kinship system was important in the traditional African society because of the following factors.
The kinship system regulated people’s behavior towards each other. This promoted peaceful and
harmonious relationships.
It helped to ensure that the disadvantaged members of the community were taken care of.
The living dead and the ancestors were part of the African kinship system. This showed concern or
the families or relatives they left behind.
It provided a peaceful way of settling disputes with the elders acting as arbitrators.
The kinship system united the members of a family and clan by giving them a sense of belonging.
Kinship ties regulated marital customs rules and regulations. People who were related in any way
could not be allowed to marry.
Qb. Outline and explain factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibility in the Traditional
African Society
Good morals: Every member of the community was expected to do the right thing according to the
norms of the community.
Sharing: People shared ideas and even property, which created harmony among the people.
Division of labour: Tasks were distributed according to one’s age; gender to avoid conflicts in roles.
Rules: In Traditional African Communities, elders, men youth, and women had their respective roles
to play that enhanced harmony in the community.
Virtues: Virtues like generosity, obedience, kindness and honesty were encouraged since they
contributed towards harmonious living.
Religious beliefs and practices: A common belief in God, the spirits and ancestors created a sense of
Qc. What was the purpose of bride wealth in the Traditional African Society?
It was a way of thanking the bride’s family for taking good care of her.
It was a form of compensation to the bride’s parents because the woman would now belong to
another family.
It was a sign of contract that the man would marry the girl and they would live together until death.
It represented evidence of the groom’s ability to take care of a wife and a family.
It initiated a long-lasting friendship between the families of the groom and the bride.
It cemented a marriage.
It was a symbol of the marriage covenant between the bride and the groom.
1) Medicine men
They identified appropriate treatment and prevention measures for the illness.
They prepared charms for protection against witchcraft and evil spirits.
Medical doctors and scientific researchers today work side by side with traditional healers since
herbs are used to make modern medicine.
Some people still believe that there are some illnesses that cannot be treated in hospitals hence;
they turn to herbalists.
Some people also believe that medicine people who practice magic have the power to change
their fate.