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Friday Bulletin 886

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Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020 Issue No.



Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update
Covid19: MUHURI sues to stop
quarantine cost
Mombasa based human rights organiza- In the petition filed at High Court in Mom- ment health facilities… are forcing such
tion, Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI) basa, the rights organisation wants a persons to cater and pay for expenses
has gone to court to seek orders compel- declaration that national government or related to medical, accommodation and
ling the government to meet the quaran- county government be compelled to cater general upkeep contrary to the Public
tine costs of individuals who are being for all expenses related to health care and Health Act, Cap. 242. The government
isolated for Covid19 in government health treatment of all patients in relation to the must bear all costs and expenses related
facilities. Covid-19 virus epidemics. to the fight against Covid-19, as expressly
Under a certificate of urgency, MUHURI MUHURI also sought orders prohibiting stipulated by the provisions of section 27
appealed to the High Court to suspend law enforcers from carrying out what they of the Public Health Act,” the petition says.
the upkeep costs and expenses imposed said were arbitrary arrests and unjusti- The petition further states that the govern-
upon those under mandatory quarantine. fied mandatory quarantine of people who ment has resources and a calamity kitty
Respondents in the suit are Health CS are not suspected of having the disease. to settle the cost of those in quarantine.
Mutahi Kagwe, the Attorney General, and In a supporting affidavit filed by the chair Besides, the State recently received an
Inspector General of police. Khelef Khalifa, MUHURI said such acts additional Sh7.51 billion funding from
Each of the quarantined person is sup- have exposed uninfected persons to the the World Health Organization (WHO) to
posed to pay at minimum, Sh2,000 daily, virus and breached their rights and free- fight Covid-19. "It is common knowledge
for at least 14 days. Many of them are un- doms. that the government has received fund-
able to foot the bill due to an economic Muslims for Human Rights argues that ing from the World Health Organisation
shutdown caused by Covid-19, the peti- those quarantined are being compelled to towards the fight against Covid-19. It has
tion says. bear costs yet this should be catered for
by the government. “Designated govern- Continued To Page 2

Helping Hand distribute PPE to Muslim COVID-19 response team

US-based charity organisation Helping
Hand for Relief and Development has
donated personal protective equipment
(PPE) kits to the National Muslim COV-
ID-19 Response Team.
The kits will be used by volunteers during
the handling of deceased positive Cov-
id-19 people.
Speaking at the Helping Hands regional
office on Wednesday, Prof. Muhammad
Karama, the chairman of the Response
Team, appreciated the support saying that
it was vital in the efforts to prevent the
control the spread of the diseased espe-
cially at this time when the number of cas-
es of Muslims afflicted with the disease is
on the increase.
“For this charity organisation to come in
and lend a hand as quickly as they did
was fantastic at this difficult time,” he said.
Prof. Karama further urged other organi-
sations to come out and support the re-
sponse team since they are in need of
Prof. Muhammad Karama, the chairman of the National Muslim Covid-19
more PPE kits. Response Committee recieves Personal Protection Equipment kits from
In his remarks the Helping Hand regional
the country director of Helping Hands for Relief and Development coun-
director, Musa Ibrahim, pledged to support try Musa Ibrahim. The donation was made on Wednesday at the organi-
Continued To Page 2

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The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020

CS Magoha extends School holidays by a month

Learning institutions will remain closed for The Cabinet Secretary noted that govern- ber to 5th November as well as the Kenya
the next one month after the government ment decided to extend the holidays by Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
extended school holidays in measures a month to protect the learners from con- exams which have been planned to be sat
aimed at preventing the spread of corona- tracting the Coronavirus disease and also for three weeks from November 6 to No-
virus. allow the country to combat the spread of vember 30.
Education Cabinet Secretary George Ma- coronavirus. “ In the interest of the safety Magoha attracted criticism after he claimed
goha however, said national examinations and lives of our children, the government that the digital learning program, which
for primary and secondary schools remain had decided to extend the school closure involves TV and radio classes as well as
on schedule. for one month effective from the date of online content, had reached a vast major-
The over 10 million students were sup- opening. During this period there will be ity of students. Those who questioned the
posed to return to school on May 4 after many interventions that will come up de- plan observed that many Kenyan learners,
the April holidays that started much earlier pending on how the government is able to particularly those from low-income back-
due to coronavirus pandemic that has par- control COVID-19,” said Prof. Magoha. grounds, lacked the means or equipment
alysed most operations in the country. Concerns have been raised regarding the to access such learning.
Speaking on Sunday, Prof. George Ma- fate of the examinations following the dis- President Uhuru ordered schools to be shut
goha sought to make it clear to students, ruption to the school calendar which has down on 15th March, 2020, when Kenya
parents and the general public that the ear- seen candidates lose valuable contact time recorded its third infection of the Covid-19
liest schools could open is on June 5, 2020 with their teachers. disease.
and that the learners will remain at home With learners out of school, concerns had
been raised regarding the Kenya Certifi-
for another month as the government as-
sesses the situation before giving the way cate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams Helping Hand distribute
forward. that are expected to run from 2nd Novem-
Ramadhan: Uhuru, Ruto send goodwill message to Continued From Page 1
Muslims the COVID-19 response team as they per-
form their duty of giving deceased Mus-
Muslims began observing the fasting He assured Kenyans that the government lims who die as a result of Coronavirus a
month of Ramadhan last week on Fri- is doing everything possible to contain the decent burial.
day under an unprecedented coronavirus disease saying measures have been tak-
“This coronavirus pandemic is a challeng-
lockdowns in different parts of the world. en to prevent further spread of the Coro-
ing issue for everyone and has increased
At the start of the blessed month com- navirus.
the complexity and volume of work that we
menced last week, President Uhuru Keny- President Uhuru further appealed to the
need to deliver. We want to ensure that
atta and Deputy President William Ruto Muslim faithful to full adhere to the cur-
our colleagues in the Muslim COVID-19
sent their messages of goodwill to all few hours and pray at home to prevent the
response team can continue to focus on
Muslims in the country. spread of the disease
the things they need to do, which is pro-
In his message, President Uhuru Kenyatta In his message to the Muslim fraternity,
viding decent burial for the deceased,” the
urged Muslims to pray for the country dur- Deputy President William Ruto called on
regional manager observed.
ing the Ramadhan period to overcome the the faithful to intercede for the country to
Covid-19 pandemic and other challenges. overcome the coronavirus pandemic. “As Among the personal protective equipment
“The Holy Month of Ramadhan is an im- you faithfully observe this important pil- received by the response team include
portant period of reflection, fasting and lar of your faith, I urge each one of you to hazmat suits, surgical masks, gloves and
prayers, in solidarity with them, I urge all pray for our nation Kenya that God may tissues.
Kenyans of various faiths and denomina-
tions to join in reflection and prayer for our
have mercy upon us and that he may ex-
tend blessings to us and our neighbors,”
MUHURI sues to stop
nation during these challenging times,”
said President Uhuru.
said the DP.
“The holy Qur’an teaches us that God
quarantine cost
The head of state further urged the Muslim loves most those who help others in need Continued From Page 1
faithful during this month of Ramadhan to and that we do not lose when we give but the financial capacity to suppress the virus
adhere to the health and safety guidelines rather, our honour and status increase without forcing its citizens to pay for their
so as to contribute in the fight against the with charitable deeds. We wish you, our upkeep once placed under mandatory
spread of Coronavirus. “It is impossible to Muslim brothers and sister, peace as you quarantine," Khelef said in his affidavit.
ignore the unusual circumstances under embark on this period of great sacrifice, The government has employed a policy of
which we are in the whole world stands reflection and devotion and hope that your forceful quarantine on the premise that it
united against the invisible enemy of ill- good deeds will give us relief from our will stop the spread of coronavirus.
ness brought about by the Covid-19 pan- tribulations,” he added. Government officials and police are
demic,” he said. threatening locals with forceful quarantine
if they break curfew laws or fail to wear
Nakuru county govt extends Ramadhan support to facemasks. Some of the arrested part with
Muslims bribes, as high as Sh20, 000 to avoid de-
tention. For those unable to pay the bribe,
The Nakuru County Government has do- and the Covid-19 pandemic which has police lump them together in quarantine
nated foodstuff to more than 1,000 vul- disrupted economic and social lifestyles facilities.
nerable families in the Muslim community for many people. Viral footages have shown people escap-
to help them cope with the current situa- The consignment bought by the County ing from these facilities, which many have
tion of Covid 19 pandemic and take them Government of Nakuru was handed to the described as detention camps, and whose
through the month of Ramadhan. Muslim leadership of Nakuru and consist- conditions allows the virus to spread. The
Speaking on Monday during the handing ed of 5,000kgs of rice, 2,000 litres of cook- Ministry of Health has said a good number
over event, Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyan- ing oil, 2,000kgs of wheat flour, 1,000kgs of Covid-19 infections came from quaran-
jui said the relief food distribution exer- of dates, 2,000kgs of sugar 5,000kgs tine facilities.
cise was meant to provide support to the maize flour and 1,000 bars of soap. Health CS Mutahi Kagwe has extended
less fortunate members of the society who The food items will be distributed to the quarantine days for some patients, further
were grappling with economic challenges Continued To Page 11 ballooning their bills.
Page 2
The Friday Bulletin DA'WAH Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020

7 Habits For A Successful Ramadhan: Quarantine Edition

Anisul Haque
We have just entered the month we all 1b. Quran-time not Quarantine are still there for us to benefit from, it just
look forward to every year, but this year it As has been famously dubbed online, the takes the effort on our part.
comes along with the reality of spending Quran comes first because Ramadhan is 3. Prayer
Ramadhan in isolation. We’ve seen a few the month of the Quran. Remember the Prayer is the line that separates the believ-
articles about what our approach and mind- Quran was first revealed to Muhammad er from the disbeliever. It is the river that
set heading into Ramadhan should be, but while he was in isolation. We can use our washes away our sins. There is no submit-
now what? This Ramadhan will be like one own isolation this Ramadhan to develop ting to the oneness of Allah without prayer.
most of us have never experienced before, or deepen our connection with the Quran. All of this holds true outside of Ramad-
for some it will probably be the most dif- Allah says: “It was in the month of Rama- han, but once Ramadhan comes around it
ficult, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make dhan that the Quran was revealed as guid- is magnified even more. The masajid are
it a successful one. ance for mankind, clear messages giving filled and people are spilling out into the
This year, regardless of where we are in guidance and distinguishing between right street or parking lot to pray Tarawih. This
the world, the streets will be empty, there and wrong. So any one of you who is pre- year the masajid will be empty and we
will be no iftaar parties, no taraweeh at sent that month should fast…” [Al-Baqa- have no choice but to pray in our homes.
the masjid, and no visiting one another rah; 185] We need to take this opportunity to help
on Eid. [Some of our brothers and sisters Fasting is to celebrate the Quran being ourselves pray all five obligatory prayers
around the world have been experiencing sent down this month, so we must give the on time, and in congregation. It is an op-
Ramadhan in such a fashion for years and Quran its due. Some of us like to set up portunity for us to pray our own Tarawih at
we pray that Allah eases their affairs and a daily reading schedule in order to finish home where the head of the family is the
saves them from oppression. Ameen]. The the entire Quran in Ramadhan. Imam Ash- imam, where even the children can lead
global pandemic leaves most of us in the Shafi’i used to read the entire Quran 60 and build up their confidence. The Prophet
same situation as we were before it, and times during Ramadhan! But for most of salallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to
for those of us who are blessed to be able us simply reading the Quran isn’t enough. have said on fasting in Ramadhan: “The
to maintain our freedom, we need to take Let’s turn our Quarantine into “Quran time” one who prays throughout Ramadhan, with
advantage and make the most of it. As by taking it a step further. How is our taj- conviction and in the hope of earning re-
mentioned in different articles and social weed? Are we reciting even Surah Al-Fati- ward will have their past sins forgiven.”
media posts, this Ramadhan will be diffi- hah correctly? Our conviction towards prayer here is for
cult; we will be stuck at home and unable to How many surahs have we memorized?How Tarawih, which is sunnah, and which the
attend the masjid. With the masajid closed well do we understand what we are recit- Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam too
it is even more important for us to plan how ing? ended up praying in his home, so what
to make this Ramadhan a successful one. These are important questions we must of the obligatory prayers? Normally we’re
First, how does one know if their Ramad- ask ourselves in order to strengthen our at work or school, so salaah is squeezed
han has been a successful one. How do we bond with the book of Allah. He says: “Will into our schedule, but now there’s either
gauge success coming out of Ramadhan? they not contemplate the Quran? Do they no school or we attend school and work
Allah says in the Quran: “You who believe, have locks on their hearts?” [Surah Mu- from home. So there’s no excuse not to set
fasting is prescribed for you, as it was pre- hammad; 24] aside 5-10 minutes as soon as the time for
scribed for those before you, so that you So in order to unlock our hearts to the prayer arrives, except our own laziness.
may be mindful of God.” [Al-Baqarah; 183] Quran, we have to ponder over the words of So let’s gather the family, men, women,
And:“ … He wants you to complete the pre- Allah and think deeply about the timeless and children, call the adhan, and pray the
scribed period (for fasting) and to glorify message he sent to our beloved Prophet five daily prayers together in congregation
Him for having guided you, so that you may salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Every day, as along with the 8-20 raka’ahs of Tarawih,
be thankful.” [Al-Baqarah;185] we read our daily portion of the Quran, we and cap it off with Witr so that we can build
Allah is telling us that the outcome of fast- can build the habit of memorizing an ayah up the habit of praying 5 times a day in con-
ing in Ramadhan should be an increase in or two, reflecting over its meaning, and gregation.
taqwa and shukr. reading its explanation along with it. It also 4. Dua’
Once the month is over, will we have helps to have a Quran buddy to keep each The word salaah in Arabic means dua’.
changed for the better or for worse? Did other accountable and motivated. Aside the salaah itself we need to immerse
we pick up good habits and leave our bad 2. Fasting ourselves in dhikr and dua’. Some of our
ones? Like Hajj, if we have a truly success- Here’s the obvious one. As mentioned ear- best dua’ and most vulnerable moments
ful Hajj/Ramadhan then we come out of it lier we are fasting to celebrate the Quran come when we are isolated and it’s just us
leaving that which displeases Allah and being revealed. The Prophet salallahu and Allah . In this time of isolation not only
striving harder towards that which is pleas- alayhi wa sallam tells us: The one who will this help us draw closer to Allah , but it
ing to Him. fasts during the month of Ramadhan with will also provide a sense of peace and tran-
So, how do we level-up and ensure we conviction while seeking its reward from Al- quility in this global environment of stress
make this a successful Ramadhan? lah will have his past sins forgiven.” and anxiety caused by the pandemic.
Here’s a special 7 Successful Habits to We need to hone our fasts and execute Allah says in a beautiful verse: “And if My
Form in Ramadhan: Quarantine Edition. them properly. Yes, we’ll be stuck at home, servants ask you (Muhammad) about Me,
1. Our Intention but what good will abstaining from food do I am near. I respond to those who call Me,
It’s always important to start everything we if we just sleep all day? Will that help in- so let them respond to Me, and believe in
do by going over the intention with which crease our taqwa? Probably not. We still Me, so that they may be guided.” [Al-Baqa-
we embark upon it. We need to make sure must strive to do more good while in a state rah;186]
we are sincerely doing it for the sake of Al- of fasting to maximize its reward. More Allah is always near to us so we must take
lah no matter how mundane that action prayer, more dhikr, more charity, while we the first step towards him and keep moving
may seem. Over and over again we hear have more time for these. The Prophet forward.
the famous hadith, “Actions are based on salallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast regu- When times get tough — especially dur-
their intentions.” because it should be that larly outside of Ramadhan and would in- ing this lock down — just remember Allah .
over and over again we are setting our in- crease the number of days per month the Our Creator Guides us in the Quran in this
tentions straight and renewing them. So let closer it would get to Ramadhan. As for verse from Surah Ar-Raad: “Those who
us start off by intending to make the most those that are unable to fast due to their have faith and whose hearts find peace
out of this Ramadhan despite being on lock circumstances. it’s still possible to maxi- in the remembrance of God- truly it is in
down. mize our worship. Ramadhan’s blessings Continued To Page 5
Page 3
The Friday Bulletin WOMEN Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020

Expecting & Nursing Mothers in Ramadhan: Worship of a Different Kind

Maria Zain
Needless to say, the joy of having a new- promoting charitable endeavors online. call out to Him in moments of uncertainty as
born is overwhelming, but at the same If all you can manage is watching Islam- this is the best way to find the calm, even dur-
time, having to trawl through Ramadhan ic lectures on Youtube, then stock up on ing the most lonely Ramadhans, filled with
with a baby with erratic mood swings was them while Ramadhan lasts. nappies and the frequent tantrum.
also very tiring, and not to mention the feel- Download your favorite Qur’anic recita- Ramadhan only comes once a year and re-
ing of being lonely. tion, and listen to the Qur’an, if you’re gardless of our situation. It is a special time
While everyone else is busy with celebrat- unable to find time to read a page. Re- for all Muslims, even if there seem to be so
ing Ramadhan by attending lectures, join- cite Dhikr every day – that is also a form many limitations on worship because of a
ing Qur’an circles and other worships, for of worship and a good one too – for Al- pregnancy, post-partum of a nursing period.
many new mothers, they are left with a lah remembers those who remember Yet, Alhamdulillah, these are special forms of
feeling that there are missing out on so Him. worship on their own.
much worship. Even Suhur and Iftar are 3- Talk to your baby about Ramadhan. Ramadhan is very much the perfect time to
not part of their schedule, as life is adjust-
As silly as it sounds, newborns retain reflect upon our personal journeys in this Du-
ed around the baby. They feel that they
everything they hear from birth. In fact, nya and also to think about those who are less
coould not even participate in the simplest
they may understand more than we al- fortunate, possibly those in war torn countries
worship of breaking fast, let alone fasting
ready know. and how they would like to participate in Ram-
and performing Tarawih at night.
Talk to baby about Ramadhan, and if adhan but are just unable to in the same way
Many mothers go through these long phas- as those who are provided with much ease.
you have older children, tell them sto-
es of pregnancy, post-partum and breast-
ries about the holy month, read books So, take the ease in your own hardship and
feeding, giving them leave from the wor-
together, sing nasheeds together. remember to enjoy your children while they
ship of Ramadhan.
Insha Allah they will grow up loving are little.
While the flexibility is there, Ramadhan
Ramadhan as much as you do and will By the following Ramadhan, things may have
really does come with a different form of
appreciate the month having spent it changed, and a new set of challenges may
“hardship”: taking care of young children
with their mother. suddenly arise. So take the month one day at
who have multiple needs, and not to men-
4- Prepare meals early on. a time, one segment at a time and on the long
tion that they are always hungry, even if
run, all will be well, as Allah accepts even the
they’ve already past the stage of nursing. If it’s possible, buy in bulk, so you don’t
smallest of deeds with the best of intentions.
It is very tiring and a great test to patience. have to leave the house too often. Chil-
You Can Still Do Your Best dren often need frequent snacks and set
meals, cook in bulk so you don’t have
While it is only forbidden to fast during
to spend too much time in the kitchen
post-natal periods of bleeding, expecting
and nursing mothers are also exempt from every single
worship and scholars differ in opinions day.
as to whether the need to make up all the 5- Make the
days that they miss or may just pay a “fine” best of your
by feeding those less fortunate. own Ramadhan.
Regardless of the opinions they follow, R e m e m b e r,
here are a few ways for mothers to partake at the end of
in Ramadhan, even if it involves different the day, every
forms of worship. single person
1- Taking a change of mindset. walks down
his or her own
It may not be easy to go through Ramad- path, and en-
han, while everyone is busy with worship, dures their
and you’re the only one wearing a baby journeys.
around the house who needs to nurse eve-
ry 20 minutes. Such jour-
neys are de-
In fact, fasting while raising toddlers and signed by the
one of them still needs to be breastfed Planner of All
throughout the day is not easy at all. But things, and
take heart, and take a change of mindset – we should be
as a mother to little children, or an expect- grateful that
ing mother even – you’re on a special route we are given
of worship yourself. the chance
Carrying your baby in your womb, gives to enjoy one
you the automatic status of a martyr as with whole Rama-
breastfeeding through the first few weeks. dhan, even
After that, Allah knows well how much you if we feel we
would like to fast and perform Tarawih in haven’t per-
congregation, but may not be able to – so formed to the
take heart, Allah knows and understands best of our
completely. You are worshipping Allah, just abilities.
by the situation you are already in. Allah catches
2- Set your reasonable goals. every tear
Everyone is different so it is needless to of the be-
compare with who is doing what during liever and re-
Ramadhan. wards even
the smallest
If you’re able to give to charity, by all
deeds, so,
means go ahead – even if it only means
Page 4
The Friday Bulletin YOUTH Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020

Productive Ramadhan Activities For The Youth

Amina Edota
Ramadhan with all of its numerous bless- The following activities are meant to help to those acts that make you feel closer to
ings presents the youth with some pro- the youth bust the myth of free time often Him from Day 1 and drop those that make
ductivity challenges. One such challenge experienced in Ramadhan. In such times, you feel disconnected or distant from Him.
is trying to maximise time while engag- they typically engage in idle play, for exam- Begin the month of Ramadhan with the cor-
ing in productive activities that will bring ple, playing games, browsing TV channels, rect intention of increasing your conscious-
the best rewards from this special month. reading novels, chatting mindlessly, surfing ness of Allah through your fasting.
With these Ramadhan activities, you will the Internet, sleeping for long hours or eat- How: Renew this intention each day as you
find simple ways of leveraging fulfilling ing from iftar time for hours on end. wake up to a new Ramadhan morning. “O
activities to help you grow spiritually, men- These Ramadhan activities will help you you who have believed, decreed upon you
tally, socially and physically as a productive get through the month productively, utilising is fasting as it was decreed upon those be-
youth and leader in the Ummah. your time well and multiplying your rewards fore you that you may become righteous.”
”Then did you think that We created you continuously, In sha Allah. You will engage [Qur’an: Chapter 2, Verse 183]
uselessly and that to Us you would not be your mind, body and soul. Begin with your- 2.Eat suhoor (the morning meal) before
returned?” [Qur’an: Chapter 23, Verse 115] self, but also do not forget to contribute to sunrise. Eat healthy meals in moderation
Are you a young Muslim looking to optimise the well-being of the Ummah. Make every for energy and strength. The Messenger of
your days and nights in Ramadhan? Would second count because you never know if it Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam said: ”Eat
you like to invest in young Muslims to help could be your last Ramadhan. suhoor (predawn meal). Surely, there is a
them attain success in this life and the next Spiritual Activities blessing in suhoor.” [Bukhari]
through beneficial Ramadhan activities? If 1.Assess your spiritual mindset and con- 3.Engage in i’tikaaf (private devotion) in the
your answer is yes, read on. nection with Allah from day to day. Commit Continued To Page 8

7 Habits For A Successful Ramadhan

Continued From Page 3
the remembrance of God that hearts find actions with one another, we need to work applies to Allah , how it reflects in our daily
peace-” [Ar-Ra’ad;28] even harder now to make sure we uphold lives, and even ask dua’ centered around
So get those dua’ and dhikr books ready these ties and human connections. Alham- that name. Not only will it help us get closer
and make it a habit to do the morning and dulillah with our current technology there to Allah and help us with our reliance upon
evening adhkaar and recite the dua’s for are so many options for us to keep in touch. Him, but it will also really up our dua’ game
our everyday activities. This habit cultivat- Check in on your family, your friends, your as well.
ed during Ramadhan will train us to be able coworkers, your parents’ friends, and es- In conclusion, this is in no way an abso-
to turn to Allah in dua’ for any situation. pecially someone you know to not have lute one-size-fits-all list, and one can add
That is a sign of guidance. anyone else there for them. Man was cre- or subtract as they see fit. Everyone has
5. Charity ated a social being, so having to be cut off their own personal goals for Ramadhan.
One of the main issues the pandemic has from one another does not bode well for The important thing is that, while that ma-
highlighted is the continuous need for our mental and physical well-being. Even jority of us are sitting at home in isolation,
charity. Everyone needing to stay at home in paradise Adam needed a companion. we can make the most of this time by doing
means that a lot of people have lost their So, let’s really make it a habit to reach out some serious introspection and figuring out
jobs. Also, someone in the community may to each other every now and then, and let where we stand with Allah . Only then can
have lost a loved one -perhaps even their our friends and loved ones know that we’re we start to better ourselves and our fami-
main breadwinner- and are leaving families here for one another. lies so that we can live lives more pleasing
at a loss for financial support. For those of 7. T&T: Taqwa and Tawakkul to Allah .
us that can afford to, let’s try our best to Imaan fluctuates. For all its ups and downs We cannot let isolation overtake us. In-
give and help as much as we can. Whether it seems to go way up during Ramadhan stead we need to take it by the horns and
it’s giving money to the needy or donating and rightfully so. With all the fasting and use it to help tame our own nafs. The
medical supplies to front line workers, we praying and dua’s every day, Ramadhan Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam himself
need to form the habit of giving in charity should be a month-long imaan rush that sought isolation in order to separate him-
without thinking twice about it. Every bit gets us through the rest of the year. So self from the evils of society. So now we
helps, and this is also a great way to instill let’s ask ourselves: “What is my current re- have the opportunity — albeit in somewhat
this habit in our children as well. It’s impor- lationship with Allah and how can I make forced isolation. If we head into Ramadhan
tant to remind ourselves not to fear for our it better?” In order to get closer to Allah with clear objectives and laser-sharp focus
wealth in our current situation because our we have to know Him better, and in order we can look back afterwards and see hab-
beloved Messenger tells us:“Wealth is not to know Allah we have to learn about His its formed that will carry over the rest of
diminished by giving in charity.” [Muslim] names and attributes revealed to us in the the year.
There are numerous ahadith on the virtues Quran and Sunnah. Allah says: “The Most Oh Allah allow us to be able to look back at
of giving in charity and its innumerable re- Excellent Names belong to God: use them this unique Ramadhan with 20/20 hindsight
ward. As the world needs more help, let’s to call on Him” [Al-A’raf;180] and see it as one of the silver linings from
give more for the sake of Allah and for the Allah has not forsaken us. He didn’t leave this pandemic. Allow us to come out of this
sake of helping one another. If we find our- us lost with no direction. He wants us to Ramadhan better than we were before
selves unable to give monetary donations, know that He created us, that He is our it. Allow us to carry over all the good we
then with good health we can always do- Rabb, and that we should worship Him developed during Ramadhan to the next
nate our time and energy wherever need- alone. Since we were given instruction Ramadhan. Accept from us our fasts, our
ed. from Allah , it is up to us to learn and find prayers, our dua, our charity, and the rest
6. Maintaining Relationships out who He is and what He means to us, of our good deeds. Give ease to those who
Honoring our parents, maintaining ties of by truly comprehending his names and at- are suffering and a cure and good health
kinship, respecting elders, having mercy tributes. Learning the 99 names of Allah , to those who are sick. Send your peace
on the young and the orphan; these are all the meaning of each name, and how it ap- and blessings and salutations upon our be-
aspects of maintaining the fabric of a loving plies to our lives, can even be an activity loved prophet and messenger Muhammad
society. Now that individuals making up our the family does together. We can start off , his family, and his companions. By your
society are cut off from face-to-face inter- with one name per day -for instance Ar- mercy, oh Merciful one, Ameen. (Muslim
Rahman- learn what it really means, how it matters.com)
Page 5
The Friday Bulletin PICTORIAL Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020
IN PICTURES: Jamia Mosque Iftar/Covid 19 support distribution exercise

3 4
Jamia Mosque Committee last week embarked on a food distribution exercise as part of its corporate social responsibility
programmes to the Ummah and the society. The assistance worth more than Sh9 million targeted the less vulnerable in areas
which include Mukuru slums, Pumwani-Majengo, Eastleigh, Kibera, Mathare, Kawangware, Korogocho, Deep Sea Slums, Gi-
thurai among other areas. Among other items the package included dates for breaking the fast and a disinfectant to enhance
on hygiene in the home. The distribution exercise was made through designated outlets so as to be in conformity with the
government regulations preventing crowding of people
1. Jamia Mosque Finance Officer Aboobaker Nazir and the Imam of Parklands Mosque Sheikh Abdulrahman Ishaq hand over
food packages to beneficiaries from Deep Sea slums in Parklands.
2. Jamia Mosque Librarian Ramadhan Abbas handing over foodstuffs to a resident of Kibera
3. The Assistant Da'wah officer Sheikh Ratib Abdunoor presents a food package to a beneficiary from Mukuru slums
4. Two women prepare to carry their food packages home which they received from an appointed food ration store in Eastleigh
Page 6
The Friday Bulletin RAMADHAN Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020
The A to Z of the Holy Month of Ramadhan
Afifa Jabeen
We are blessed to benefit from yet anoth- leave his food and drink. (Al-Bukhari) obligatory action commands the reward
er holy month in our lifetime. Ramadhan We must pay attention to the purification of obligatory action in this blessed month.
is nearly here and we all are spiritually of our manners. Backbiting and slandering This is a once-in-a-year opportunity to up-
charged and excited to receive unlimited is forbidden and it is like eating the flesh of grade our rewards collection, thereby im-
bounties. It is the time of the year when one’s dead brother. Therefore stay away proving ourselves.
we try to please Allah and are rewarded from Gheebah to realize the true spirit of Piety
with the limitless mercies of Allah. fasting. Allah legislated fasting for gaining Taqwa
If you haven’t felt the thrill yet, then read Health (piety). Taqwa in this case means to make
on. Fasting overhauls the body during the holy a shield between oneself and Allah’s an-
Listed below are the A to Z of Ramadhan, month. It speeds up the metabolism and ger and hellfire. The purpose is met when
the benefits, wisdom and lessons one improves brain function, because it boosts at the end of the fasting day we are able to
learns from the fasting bonanza. the production of a protein called brain- fear Allah more and as a result are able to
Abstinence derived neurotrophic factor. It encourages protect ourselves from the hellfire.
As-Siyam or fasting means to “abstain Muslims to take care of their health and to Qiyam Al-Layl
from something.” In Ramadhan, one build strong bodies. The Prophet said: A Numerous Quranic verses and prophetic
should abstain from food, drink, marital strong believer is better and is more be- narrations mention the excellence of the
relations and other actions that displease loved to Allah than a weak believer, and night prayer and the merit of those who
Allah, from dawn to dusk with the explicit there is good in everyone. (Muslim) perform it regularly. Abu Huraira said:
intention of doing so for the sake of the I’tikaf “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The
Almighty. It means seclusion and staying in the one who does Qiyam in Ramadhan with
Blessings mosque with the intention of becoming faith and sincerity, all his/her sins will be
The blessings and benefits of Ramadhan closer to Allah. The Prophet would per- forgiven.”
fasting are too many to be listed. Some form I’tikaf for 10 days every Ramadhan. Rayyan
of these include: The blessed Holy Quran In the year that he died, he performed it There is in Paradise a door called Rayyan.
was revealed in this month, the doors of for 20 days. It is for the fasting Muslims. Only those
the heaven are opened, while the doors Jannah who fasted the month of Ramadhan will
of the hell are closed and the devils are It is one of the ultimate goals of all Mus- be able to enjoy the bliss of Paradise in-
chained. lims. Ramadhan is essentially a shield side that area.
Charity from the hell-fire. The Prophet is reported Suhoor
The benefits of charity to the poor and to have said about Ramadhan: An angel Suhoor is the pre-dawn meal taken before
needy are tremendous. Ibn ‘Abaas said: calls out: ‘O you who intend to do good the time of Fajr. The Prophet encouraged
“The Prophet (peace be upon him) was deeds, have glad tidings. O you who in- us to take suhoor by saying: Have suhoor,
the most charitable among the people, tend to do evil, refrain, until Ramadhan is for in suhoor there is blessing (barakah).
and he used to be more so in the month of completed. (Ahmad and Nasa’i) (Bukhari)
Ramadhan when Jibreel used to meet him Kibr Taraweeh
on every night of Ramadhan till the end of Kibr is when a person feels a sense of su- Special prayers after Isha during Rama-
the month.” (Bukhari) periority and behaves high-handedly with dhan are called Taraweeh. It is strongly
The Prophet said:He who gives food for others. The Prophet said: Never can the recommended that both men and wom-
a fasting person to break his fast, he will person who possesses a speck of pride en attend the prayer in congregation as
receive the same reward as him, without inside his heart enter Paradise. Taraweeh is a means for forgiveness of
nothing being reduced from the fasting One should refrain from pride and self- the sins.
person’s reward. (Tirmidhi) glorification in Ramadhan to please Allah. Umrah
Du’a The act of fasting itself helps us to attain The one who does Umrah in Ramadhan
Ramadhan is a great time to make dua humility and get rid of arrogance. will attain a reward equal in amount to that
(supplication). A dua list will ensure that Laylatul Qadr of Haj.
you will not miss out on any important dua The Night of Qadr is greater than 1,000 Vision
that you want to make to Allah during this months of continuous worship; that’s over Many young Muslims are clueless about
holy month. The Messenger of Allah said: 83 years. Many will be freed from the hell- what they should do in Ramadhan. It is
The dua of the fasting person will not be fire and granted Jannah on this night. therefore important to have a vision, not
refused. (Reported by Bayhaqi) Believers should therefore increase their only for the month of Ramadhan but after
Eid worship, especially during its last third that as well.
With the sighting of the moon at the end part when Allah descends to the lowest
Goals should be set and a routine that will
of the month comes the Eid Al-Fitr. It’s heavens asking for those who seek His
help you achieve those goals should be
like the cherry on top of the cake as it’s forgiveness.
followed. Be it feeding 10 people, volun-
a celebratory time that includes buying Miswak teering for charity work or reading the Holy
new clothes, parties, rides for kids and Using the miswak is Sunnah when fasting Quran, list it on paper and start doing it.
exchanging gifts with family members and and otherwise. However, a fasting person Wudhu
friends. must be careful not to intentionally swal-
By purifying oneself for prayer, a person
Forgiveness low anything.
expiates all of his sins and his prayer is
Ramadhan is the best time to forgive and Niyyah considered an extra reward for him, which
be forgiven. The Prophet said: Every son One should be extremely mindful of his in- in turn is multiplied several times for it be-
of Adam sins and the best of the sinners tention of fasting and do it only for Allah. ing Ramadhan.
are those who repent. (Ibn Majah) The Prophet said: Whoever fasts one day A believer must try to do ablution to re-
Allah provides many opportunities to re- seeking the pleasure of Allah, if that is the main pure as much as he can in the bless-
pent to Him and seek His forgiveness. last day of his life, he will enter Paradise. ed month. If a person makes wudhu’ well,
Gheebah (Ahmad 5/391) all his minor sins between two prayers
The Prophet said: Whoever does not Obligatory Deeds (between the salat he will perform and the
abandon falsehood in word and action, The reward of an obligatory deed in Ram- subsequent one) will be forgiven. (Bukha-
then Allah has no need that he should adhan is multiplied by 70 while a non- ri)
Continued To Page 8
Page 7
The Friday Bulletin Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020

India's Muslims mark subdued Ramadhan in shadow of coronavirus

Muslims across India are observing a rare scholars in India said in a statement. poor and needy. “Ramadhan is a month in
month of Ramadhan in lockdown under Covid-19 spurs Islamophobia which Muslims all over the world do a lot
the cloud of Covid-19, with Islamic author- Added to ban on congregating at mosques of charity. In Islam it is obligatory for the
ities calling off congregations at mosques. during the holy month, Ramadhan has rich to spend a part of their savings and in-
The holy period has also been tarnished also been marred by rising Islamophobia. vestment assets on the poor,” Mazin Khan
by rising Islamophobia propagated by fake This followed accusations that a surge in of Charity Alliance tells RFI.
news over the spread of the coronavirus. infections was tied to a three-day meeting Several Muslim charities and other volun-
Gaus Mohammed, a 54-year-oldcar me- in March in New Delhi of an Islamic mis- tary organisations are helping India's poor
chanic, has just broken his evening fast sionary group, the Tablighi Jamaat. under the nationwide lockdown.
and settles down with his family members Around 8,000 people had gathered at the As of Sunday 26 April, the death toll from
for having dates and a sparse meal. Nor- site. After the Indian government linked the virus had reached 826 and the number
mally followed by lavish meals and even- hundreds of cases of Covid-19 to the of positive cases surpassed 26,000.
ing get-togethers, this Ramadhan is quite Muslim missionary group, angry and viru- “Feeding the poor, to start and break their
unlike any other that he has seen."This is lent messages have flooded social media, fast is considered a highly rewarding char-
the new normal and we cannot do any- along with fake news purporting to show ity. The lockdown has eliminated the scope
thing about," Mohammed tells RFI. "One, Muslims conspiring to spread the corona- of arranging mass fast breaking functions
we have a virus which has killed and in- virus. (called iftar parties) so mostly dry food is
fected thousands. And we also have to As a result, many Muslims have faced re- being supplied to the poor,” adds Khan.
deal with the stigmatisation of the commu- newed stigma, threats and the boycotting Soup kitchens have also surfaced trying to
nity. We have to be safe." of vendors who venture into neighbour- ensure that people do not go to bed hun-
Like him, millions of practicing Muslims hoods. gry.
who fast from dawn to sunset for the whole India's 200 million Muslims comprise near- “One has to give back to society. And this
of the lunar month, as part of the ritual of ly 14 percent of the 1.3 billion population, is a fulfilling way to help change people’s
dedicating oneself to contemplation and making them the largest minority group in lives,” Saif Ullah Khan, a rugby coach and
prayer, have had their lives upended. “We the Hindu-majority country. player says.
are grappling with the coronavirus pan- Helping the poor His outfit, "Yellow Streets", works with
demic. Forced separation is difficult when Unlike India, the Pakistani government street children and also distributes food.
socialising is almost sacrosanct during has allowed Islamic clerics to hold mass This is the first time that India's Muslims
Ramadhan. Mosques have also been shut prayers during Ramadhan, prompting the observe Ramadhan confined to their
down,” laments Farid Ahmad, a lecturer. medical community to condemn the move. homes. The lockdown has been difficult
“A unanimous decision has been taken Experts have warned that the coronavirus and disorienting for them and many are
that only the chief cleric will offer prayers could spread exponentially during the holy still unable to process how a virus could
in the mosque and the people will offer month. so dramatically upend their lives. (RFI)
prayers at home,” Maulana Arshad Mada- Given the particular conditions brought
ni, president of Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind, one
of the leading organisations of Islamic
about by restrictions to contain the virus,
many Muslims have pitched in to help the
A to Z of the Holy Month
Continued From Page 7

Ramadhan Activities For The Youth X-ray your Life

Ramadhan is a good time to introspect
Continued From Page 5 whether or not your life is being led ac-
last 10 days of Ramadhan. Aisha radhialla- the flow of your memorisation with good cording to the Quran and Sunnah. It is an
hu anha related that the Prophet salallahu recitation and reflect over the meanings. exercise in improving the self and setting
alayhi wa sallam used to practice I’tikaf in The companions were known to devote goals for the present and the future.
the last ten days of Ramadhan until he died their time to reading the Qur’an during This month should make us reflect on the
and then his wives used to practise I’tikaf this blessed month. The Prophet salallahu endless bounties that God has bestowed
after him. [Bukhari]. alayhi wa sallam used to revise with Jibril on us and thank Him profusely for the
4.Engage in earnest and constant remem- and completed a cycle of recitation in Ram- same. It is also time for Tawbah (repent-
brance of Allah with your heart, lips, tongue adhan. It is reported that he did it twice in ance with a pledge not to repeat) for the
and words. Learn some adhkaar (words the last Ramadhan before his death. past sins.
of remembrance), especially the ones you 8.Repeat the words of this special suppli- Yateem
should use regularly such as morning and cation ”Allahumma innaka ‘affuwun tuhib- The number of orphans worldwide has
evening remembrances. Memorise them in bul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘annee”. Aisha radhiallahu reached an all-time high.
Arabic and also learn the meanings. anha‎ asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi Muslims should follow the example set by
5.Make a lot of dua (supplications) in Ram- wa sallam: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the Prophet Muhammad himself who said
adhan. Implore Allah in the early hours of your view if I know when the Night of Al- holding his index and middle fingers to-
the morning and at all other times when Qadr is, then what should I say in it?” to gether upright: I and the person who looks
prayers are accepted such as the last third which he replied “Say: ‘O Allah, indeed You after an orphan and provides for him will
of the night, while prostrating, last hour of are Pardoning [Generous]. You love par- be in paradise like this.
Friday and the final hour before breaking don, so pardon me’” [Tirmidhi]. They should come together to care for,
your fast. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa 9.Seek Laylatul Qadr (Night of Power) in provide for, and support orphans who can-
sallam said: “Du’a is worship.” [Abu Dawud] the last ten nights of Ramadhan. not otherwise help themselves in the holy
6.Perform your five daily prayers on time 10.Perform voluntary prayers. “Whoever month of Ramadhan.
and in congregation. Enter into your stands (in the voluntary night prayer of) Zakat Al-Fitr
prayers in a state of submission and hu- Ramadhan out of faith and in hope of re- The Prophet enjoined Zakat Al-Fitr so that
mility. “… Indeed, prayer has been decreed ward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” those who observed fasting are purified
upon the believers a decree of specified [Nasa’i] of their bad deeds and thus, are able to
times.” [Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 103] 11.Give the gift of Qur’an. Distribute cop- perfect their fasting, and so that the poor
7.Recite and memorise portions of the ies of the Qur’an to colleagues, schools and the needy are able to arrange for
Qur’an daily with passion and reflection. and da’wah groups. You can also donate their basic necessities of food and cloth-
Immerse your heart into the recitation and to Qur’an publishing and educational pro- ing. It should be distributed before the Eid
connect with the meanings. Harmonise jects. (youthhubly.com) prayer. Source: Arab News.

Page 8
The Friday Bulletin
FEATURE Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020

CJ Werleman The Rohingya could be facing another catastrophe

Rohingya Muslims have been discarded ing of civilians, arguing it shells only the Last week, the Bangladesh Navy and
by the international community and are Arakan Army militants, a Buddhist sepa- Coast Guard denied two boats carrying
at high risk for contracting Covid-19 in ratist group, but eyewitnesses and human approximately 500 Rohingya from enter-
crowded living spaces. rights activists have refuted its claims with ing Bangladeshi waters, after the coun-
The fate of more than one million Rohing- a trove of evidence. try's foreign minister Dr Momen declared,
ya genocide survivors has never looked "The Myanmar military have operated "No more Rohingya will be allowed in."
so grim in the three years since they fled from the same brutal playbook for dec- On April 16, Malaysian authorities in-
their villages for the safety of the Bangla- ades," says Tirana Hassan, Amnesty In- tercepted a boat carrying 396 refugees,
deshi border. ternational's Director of Crisis Response. which had been adrift for weeks, resulting
When summarising the plight of the Ro- "Despite international condemnation over in an estimated 60 deaths at sea.
hingya, "survivor" becomes the operative the Myanmar military's atrocities, all evi- "We held on board their funeral prayers
word, given their ongoing physical and dence suggests that they are brazenly and dropped their bodies in the sea," one
psychological injuries, with most having committing yet more serious abuses." survivor told AFP.
witnessed their homes destroyed, mass When I spoke with Mohammed Salam, That said, the Covid-19 virus is yet to
killings, and their wives, mothers, and chairman of a local Rohingya welfare strike the Rohingya in Bangladesh, but if,
daughters raped, many whom were later committee in Rakhine State for TRT World or more likely when it does, the outcome
burnt alive or hacked to death. last year, he described to me how a Myan- will be predictably disastrous, given every
Around 1.3 million Rohingya Muslims cling mar military gunship attacked a Rohingya square mile of the refugee camps is home
to life within a small patch of territory in village in the township of Buthidaung. to 100,000 refugees, who are essentially
Myanmar's Rakhine State and a narrow "A half dozen were killed, and the injured crammed together "like sardines," thus
corridor of land along the Teknaf-Cox's Ba- were taken to the hospital in Buthidaung, making social distancing and quarantine
zaar highway. They have been rendered which is running out of medicines and an- measures virtually impossible.
stateless with no security or fundamental aesthesia," he said. "We are trapped in a Some, including Azeem Ibrahim, author
human rights and have been discarded by genocide zone," given Myanmar's security of The Rohingyas: Inside Myanmar's Hid-
the international community. forces have effectively ring-fenced more den Genocide, have estimated upwards of
In the past month, however, their situation than 200,000 Rohingya in the northwest- 200,000 Rohingya could be killed by Cov-
has moved from dire to catastrophic. It's ern corner of the country. id-19 due to overcrowded living conditions
likely the next great Rohingya tragedy is The civilian death toll mounts, with a and limited access to medical supplies.
around the corner. 15-year-old Rohingya boy, killed when "In the best-case scenarios, scientists be-
Rohingya refugees are not only stalked by the Myanmar military shelled his village lieve that the disease could have a mor-
the Covid-19 pandemic, but they're also on Wednesday, and a young man in his tality rate as low as under 1 percent…In
being turned away from Muslim major- early twenties murdered when 20 soldiers conditions such as those in Cox's Bazar,
ity countries Malaysia and Bangladesh, entered the village of Minbya on Thursday mortality rates could easily reach 20 per-
threatened with deportation from India, evening. cent…We are talking 200,000 people. An
and increasingly shelled by the Myanmar The international community had prom- order of magnitude more than those killed
military in Rakhine State. ised the establishment of "safe zones", by the Myanmar military," writes Ibrahim.
The United Nations has said 32, mostly but nothing has materialised. The Myan- Adding to their woes is the fact the Bang-
Rohingya women and children, were killed mar military has since escalated artillery ladesh government has shut down Inter-
by the Myanmar military in Rakhine and attacks on Arakan Army positions and Ro- net access in the camps, which, according
Chin provinces during March. hingya villages that have sparked another to Human Rights Watch, is "obstructing
Myanmar denies the deliberate target- exodus and several civilian casualties. humanitarian groups from addressing
Covid-19." (TRT.com)

Page 9
The Friday Bulletin OPINION Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020

Ramadhan Amidst The Coronavirus

Abukar Arman
The gravity of the challenge that the world vine reality that we as human-beings can- flowed up with another question: “What if
is facing today cannot be overstated. The not entirely witness, everything happens God blocked that water in your bladder,
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has for the right Divine reason and at the most how much would you pay to be able to
affected people and nations across the appropriate time. urinate?” Harun answered: “The other half
world medically, financially, socially, po- Calamities could afflict people as a divine of the empire.” The spiritual advisor then
litically, spiritually, and psychologically, punishment or in order to test their faith said: “So this whole worldly empire that
beyond anything ever recorded since the so that others would know them for what preoccupies your mind is worth nothing
dawn of time. they are. God, The Knower of All Things, more than a half glass of water.”
This article will cover how the pandemic is does not need verification. “And we will The global lockdown will, in one way or
affecting Muslims around the world, what surely test you with something of fear and another, impact most of us if not all. It
Islam teaches about this kind of calamity, hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and may worsen one’s health, financial status,
and how to deal with it especially when fruits, but give good tidings to the patient” concern for others, tolerance levels, and
social distancing defies the spirit of the [Al-Baqarah; 155] possible one’s entire outlook in life. Under
sacred month of Ramadhan. “Every soul will test death. And We test such condition, there are three things that
Spiritual Trauma you with evil and with goodness by way of one must remember:
Though Muslims are not unique when trial” [Al-Anbiya; 35] First: Follow the law and public health in-
compared to the rest of humanity with re- However, the faithful is blessed on both structions to keep yourself and your loved
gards to the numbers of people who have occasions. The Prophet salallahu alayhi ones safe.
suffered or died as a result of the virus, wa sallam is reported to have said: “Amaz- Second: Don’t overreact. A sure way to
Muslims stand unique in terms of the val- ing is the affair of the faithful for every as- failure is to try to attempt solving all of
ue we place on certain spiritual rituals that pect of it is good….If he is blessed with one’s problems at the same time. Prior-
we have now been deprived of as a result what brings joy to the heart, he praises itize according to importance and be pa-
of social distancing rules put in place to God in gratitude and it is good for him. If tient with the process.
prevent spread of this virus. he is challenged with what distresses the Third: Never let your anxiety, fear, or de-
The mandatory Friday sermons are heart, he practices patience and it is good spair overload your conviction and hope
banned in almost all mosques across for him” [Sahih Muslim] for God’s divine relief. Whether it coin-
the world. So is Umrah and possibly Hajj According to the Qur’an and Sunnah, cides with yours or not, don’t lose the faith
(the annual pilgrimage). So is Taraweeh, calamities can afflict Muslims and non- that God has a plan for you, and His plan
I’tikaf, and collective iftars (joint meal to Muslims alike, righteous people as well as is always the best. Praise and Glorify God
break the fasting). dreadfully vile characters. Allah may afflict and always seek His redemption.
The new rules also deprive faithful Mus- calamity on people as impetus to abandon Fourth: Never forget that regardless of
lims with living parents from one of the their heedlessness and rush back to their your hardship, there are others who have
most sacred and blessed acts that he or Lord. He may afflict them to expose their been suffering worse misfortunes and ca-
she could engage in on daily bases: visit- hidden qualities or true characters. In oth- lamities than you. Imagine the misery ex-
ing and expressing love and reverence to er words, their sincerity or hypocrisy. He perienced by those who have been dying
their parents through a kiss of the hand may afflict others to cleanse all their sins from cholera, starvation while being bom-
and forehead, whether they live under the to receive them on the Day of Judgement barded for more than five years. Imagine
same roof or not. This, needless to say, is as pure as the day they came out of their the victims of Myanmar’s ethnic-cleans-
critical for protection of the elderly’s well- mothers’ wombs. And yet, He has also af- ing, the brutal Syrian civil war, those im-
being. flicted the Prophets and Messengers who prisoned in China’s concentration camps,
Moreover, the new rules mandate that we are immune from committing sins in order or under the tyranny of the last apartheid
quarantine suspected or infected loved to elevate their status among themselves. regime in the world-Israel. Imagine those
ones in rooms away from rest of the fam- Contrary to common perception, when in the notorious dungeons of Egypt and
ily, or in Intensive Care Units where they the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi even those who are being tortured with
are, in some cases, left to die alone with wa sallam was asked who among people silk ropes in a hellish Five-Star hotel.
no one to read them their last rites (bear- does Allah afflict with individual calami- After that empathic tour, let us find sol-
ing witness to The Oneness of God). And ties the most, he answered: Can We Gain ace in this verse: “Say, never will we be
when they die as a result of the virus, Anything Out of This? afflicted except that which Allah has de-
more often the bodies of the deceased This sort of phenomenon is most certainly creed for us; He is our Protector, and upon
are denied the Islamic ritual of being puri- a test to our faith. Would we be among Allah let the faithful entrust their affairs.”
fied with water, given Islamic ablution, and those who maintain their sense of opti- [Al-Anbiya; 51]
of having the Janazah prayer conducted mism, reinforce their faith under distress, Also, in this short and profoundly com-
upon the body before burial. and reflect upon what fills their conscience pelling verse: “For indeed with hardship
Is There a Reason for this Affliction? and hearts, their attitude toward the pur- comes ease. Indeed with hardship comes
Allah is the Absolute Sovereign Author- pose of their lives, and how their daily ease.” [Al-Sharh;5-6]
ity who can choose to punish or bless his choices are in line with that purpose? Or Mindful of the human tendency for hasty
servants (mankind) as he pleases. In dif- will we be among those who simply look or superficial understanding, The Most
ferent periods of human history, Allah’s for any form of entertainment that will Compassionate repeated the same verse
wrath did befall upon communities and keep us busy until the pandemic passes? back-to-back to remind the forgetful ones
nations for the purpose of permanent de- It is only through reflection that we stand (you and I) that it is within the hardship
struction. But, for any human-being -save to gain the most valuable experience out that we must find the ease.
the Prophets and Messengers who de- of this calamity. So, let us ponder over This may be the best Ramadhan for all of
livered God’s revelations to us- to claim how insignificant all of the worldly things us. This may be the Ramadhan that we
either this virus or another is Allah’s pun- that preoccupy our minds turn out to be collectively discover what Prophet salal-
ishment directed at this particular group when faced with the threat of death. lahu alayhi wa sallam repeated three
or that is nothing but a testament of their Harun Al-Rashid -who ruled the Islamic times while pointing to his heart:“Piety is
ignorance or pride, as that is within God’s empire during its zenith- was once asked in here. Piety is in here. Piety is in here”
exclusive domain of knowledge. “…And by his spiritual advisor: “If you got lost [Al-Tirmidhi]
none knows the armies of your Lord ex- in a desert and you were about to die of For when this pandemic passes, will we
cept Him” [Al-Muddaththir; 31] thirst, how much would you have paid for still be yearning for what we are yearning
In Islam nothing happens at random. In a cup of water?” Harun answered: “One for now? (Muslimmatters.com)
the grand scale of things and within a Di- half of the empire.” The spiritual advisor
Page 10
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020

Mombasa County to pay expenses of individuals in quarantine

The county government of Mombasa will than 200 people quarantined in various tioners and Dentists Council (KMPDC), it
bear the costs of the expenses of people facilities in the coast region and also for costs between Sh2,500 and 23,000 a day
under quarantine. more than 70 patients being treated at the for one to be quarantined in private and
The Health Executive Hazel Koitaba noted Coast General Hospital. public facilities across the country though
that the county will also foot the bills for The Health Executive also observed that the cost of the isolation varies depending
patients of Covid-19 treated in public hos- the county had intensified its response by on the facility one is quarantined.
pitals, especially, at the Coast Provincial setting up more isolation centres. In Mombasa, most of those isolated in
General Hospital. More than 200 people had been isolated public facilities said they are charged an
“We will isolate and treat them at our own in various quarantine centres in Mombasa average of Sh2, 000 per day, a cost the
cost,” she said. which has 106 confirmed Covid-19 cases. county has decided to pay.
This will be a huge relief for the more According to the Kenya Medical Practi-

Application for KYEOP Cycle 5 now open

The Kenya Youth Employment and Oppor- women who have completed high schools, kuru, Nyandarua and Turkana. Those
tunities Project (KYEOP) is calling upon those with primary education as well as to benefit from the project should be be-
youth to apply for cycle 5 of the project. those who have never received formal tween 18- 29 years of form 4 level and
The World Bank funded Sh15 billion pro- education. The successful applicants will be trained
ject will be implemented over a 5-year pe- The project aims at increasing employ- for 5 months on life-skills and entrepre-
riod with each cycle lasting 6 months. ment and earning opportunities for youth neurship and will be paid a monthly sti-
More than 70,000 youths are set to be aged between 18-29 years through vari- pend of Sh.6,000.Interested applicants
trained in technical skills through National ous skills training and entrepreneurship are encouraged to collect application
Indsutrial Training Authority (NITA) while opportunities. forms from Sub-county offices in the re-
280,000 youths will be imparted with en- The programme targets youth in the ar- spective areas or online or through the
trepreneurship skills through the Minis- eas of Kakamega, Kiambu, Kilifi, Kisumu, website www.mis.kyeop.go.ke or kyeop.
try of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs . Kitui, Kisii, Mandera, Migori, Machakos, nita.go.ke or mseauthority.go.ke/kyeop
The programme targets young men and Bungoma, Mombasa, Wajir, Nairobi, Na-

Eastleigh back to business as malls reopen

Eastleigh Traders resumed business after The Eastleigh Business District Associa- wear masks at all times as well as observe
they agreed to adherence to strict guide- tion (EBDA) had earlier closed shopping social distancing norms.
lines by the Health ministry to help contain malls and shops after concerns that many “The measures are necessary since coro-
the spread of coronavirus. people were not adhering to the guide- navirus is real and most of the people in
lines. the malls were not following the regula-
Covid-19 invention The reopening of business premises
came after a meeting that brought togeth-
tions set up by the government,” said
Eastleigh business community secretary
er Majority Leader in the National Assem- general Omar Hussein.
bly, Aden Duale as well as business and The Majority Leader urged Kenyans in
community leaders who agreed to take a general to follow the directives of Health
proactive role in fighting the spread of the CS Mutahi Kagwe. "It is the collective
virus. The leaders agreed to work closely moral responsibility of all the 47 million
with the county government and National Kenyans, regardless of our ethnic, reli-
Emergency Committee on Covid-19 in gious and social status, to comply with the
curbing the spread of the coronavirus. health restrictions," said Duale.
In the new guidelines, all shops and malls After the brief closure, health officials fu-
are required to have sanitiser and pro- migated streets and shopping malls as a
vide handwash facilities. They must also measure to prevent the spread of the dis-
ensure that shopkeepers and customers ease.

Ramadhan support to Muslims

Continued From Page 2
vulnerable Muslim families in Nakuru East, support towards the Muslim community
Nakuru West, Gilgil, Naivasha, Elemen- in the entire Nakuru County in the face
taita, Subukia, Molo, Subukia, Mauche, of Covid19 and during the ongoing Month
Njoro, Salgaa, Ol-Rongai and Mau Sum- of Ramadhan.The donation will go a long
mit respectively with each family getting a way to enable vulnerable Muslim families
food package containing 5kgs of rice, 2li- undertake their religious obligation of fast-
tres of cooking oil, 2kgs of wheat flour, 1kg ing with ease,” Faezz said.
dates, 2kgs sugar, 5kgs maize flour and The chair urged Muslims to share with
one bar of soap. the needy and less fortune families dur-
The Muslim Association of Nakuru Chair- ing the ongoing month of Ramadhan as
man Faezz Ahmed Nasher lauded the he stressed to the faithful to adhere to the
governor the Nakuru county government government safety and health regulations
Idris Sambuli demonstrates his for the generous support saying the dona- as they distribute iftar reliefs to the faith-
innovation of a hands-free wa- tion will go a long way in ensuring vul- ful during the Holy month of Ramadhan.
ter tank and handwash which he nerable Muslim families fast from dawn to “Let’s not forget the health threat we are
invented to aid in the prevention dusk and break the fast with Iftar. facing today, please avoid converging in
of the spread of Covid-19. He do- “We would like to appreciate and thank one place so that you do not contract Cov-
nated the equipment to the Jamia our Governor Lee Kinyanjui and County id-19,” said Faezz Nasher.
Government for the gesture and generous
Medical Centre in Mumias
Page 11
Fasting during Covid -19 times
Fasting during this year’s Ramadhan due to the Covid-19 global hosting or attending iftars, meals can be prepared with a focus on
pandemic and the social isolation laws is a bit different. For all Mus- simplicity and aligned with Islamic principles.
lims around the globe, the cultural traditions and customs of this Islam teaches that any food consumption should be to the full-
religious month of fasting will have to be forsaken for the safety of ness of one third of the stomach, with another third for water, and
the world community. the last third for air. Muslims are highly discouraged from overeat-
Ramadan of 2020 means no communal gatherings in mosques for ing and from wasting. Furthermore, any food that is consumed
taraweeh and tahajjud night prayers, no iftar dinners with family must be “halal” and “tayyib”. Tayyib means that the food eaten
and friends at sunset to break the day’s fast. Sadly, these restric- must be wholesome and good for you. Now as we put the above
tions will also affect the celebrations of Eid, the biggest social holi- factors into practice, we must reflect on our brethrens and sisters
day for Muslims which signals the end of Ramadan. who are disadvantaged and know how to reach out to them by all
The current coronavirus rules involve hygiene practices that Mus- permissible means to see them have their daily iftar and Sahur.
lims are encouraged to do in general daily life. Muslims believe Ummah Foundation makes it easy to give your Zakat and Sadaqa
that cleanliness is part of faith, and we perform Wudhu, which is during this holy month so that those who deserve can be reached
a ritual purification that involves hand washing and washing the and be accorded their shares as per the command of Allah.
face, arms and feet five times a day before each obligatory prayer. Payments can be send to:
Self-discipline when it comes to physical acts of worship is a part Ummah Foundation
of the heritage of Islam. However, the true essence of Ramadan 2ND Floor Suite A4, Village Plaza
has been diluted, and dare I say, lost, through the generations. The Ngara Rd, P.O Box 58717-00200 Nairobi
struggle for us today lies in the matters of the heart and the soul, TEL: (+254) 202680610/13/16 Mob: 0734-845277
and connecting at a deeper, more authentic level, to our sense of Email:info@ummahfoundation.net.
self and to our creator. Web:www.ummahfoundation.net
Unfortunately, today Muslims often subjugate themselves and put Or Bank to our account as per details below:
the needs of others over our own physical, mental and spiritual Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA)
needs. We frantically prepare large family dinners, and with the Mama Ngina street Branch
lockdown and children at home every day, this struggle can be Kenya Shillings A/C: 6439120013
magnified. It could simply be a matter of perspective, where a shift US Dollar A/C: 6439120029
into a spiritual reflective state – a state of being rather than doing – Or
could help maximize our affinity. First Community Bank
The focus of Ramadhan can move away from food preparation and Wabera Street Branch
eating at sunset, to self-improvement and self-discipline. There can Kenya Shillings A/C: 0010194301
be a tendency to overeat at these large iftars due to the spread of US Dollar A/C: 0010194302
food available. However, now, without the self-induced obligation of

The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: fridaybulletin@jamiamosque.co.ke Printed by Signal Press Limited-Lords House-Tom Mboya Street signalpresslimited@gmail.com

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