Friday Bulletin 886
Friday Bulletin 886
Friday Bulletin 886
Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update
Covid19: MUHURI sues to stop
quarantine cost
Mombasa based human rights organiza- In the petition filed at High Court in Mom- ment health facilities… are forcing such
tion, Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI) basa, the rights organisation wants a persons to cater and pay for expenses
has gone to court to seek orders compel- declaration that national government or related to medical, accommodation and
ling the government to meet the quaran- county government be compelled to cater general upkeep contrary to the Public
tine costs of individuals who are being for all expenses related to health care and Health Act, Cap. 242. The government
isolated for Covid19 in government health treatment of all patients in relation to the must bear all costs and expenses related
facilities. Covid-19 virus epidemics. to the fight against Covid-19, as expressly
Under a certificate of urgency, MUHURI MUHURI also sought orders prohibiting stipulated by the provisions of section 27
appealed to the High Court to suspend law enforcers from carrying out what they of the Public Health Act,” the petition says.
the upkeep costs and expenses imposed said were arbitrary arrests and unjusti- The petition further states that the govern-
upon those under mandatory quarantine. fied mandatory quarantine of people who ment has resources and a calamity kitty
Respondents in the suit are Health CS are not suspected of having the disease. to settle the cost of those in quarantine.
Mutahi Kagwe, the Attorney General, and In a supporting affidavit filed by the chair Besides, the State recently received an
Inspector General of police. Khelef Khalifa, MUHURI said such acts additional Sh7.51 billion funding from
Each of the quarantined person is sup- have exposed uninfected persons to the the World Health Organization (WHO) to
posed to pay at minimum, Sh2,000 daily, virus and breached their rights and free- fight Covid-19. "It is common knowledge
for at least 14 days. Many of them are un- doms. that the government has received fund-
able to foot the bill due to an economic Muslims for Human Rights argues that ing from the World Health Organisation
shutdown caused by Covid-19, the peti- those quarantined are being compelled to towards the fight against Covid-19. It has
tion says. bear costs yet this should be catered for
by the government. “Designated govern- Continued To Page 2
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The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020
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Jamia Mosque Committee last week embarked on a food distribution exercise as part of its corporate social responsibility
programmes to the Ummah and the society. The assistance worth more than Sh9 million targeted the less vulnerable in areas
which include Mukuru slums, Pumwani-Majengo, Eastleigh, Kibera, Mathare, Kawangware, Korogocho, Deep Sea Slums, Gi-
thurai among other areas. Among other items the package included dates for breaking the fast and a disinfectant to enhance
on hygiene in the home. The distribution exercise was made through designated outlets so as to be in conformity with the
government regulations preventing crowding of people
1. Jamia Mosque Finance Officer Aboobaker Nazir and the Imam of Parklands Mosque Sheikh Abdulrahman Ishaq hand over
food packages to beneficiaries from Deep Sea slums in Parklands.
2. Jamia Mosque Librarian Ramadhan Abbas handing over foodstuffs to a resident of Kibera
3. The Assistant Da'wah officer Sheikh Ratib Abdunoor presents a food package to a beneficiary from Mukuru slums
4. Two women prepare to carry their food packages home which they received from an appointed food ration store in Eastleigh
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The Friday Bulletin RAMADHAN Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020
The A to Z of the Holy Month of Ramadhan
Afifa Jabeen
We are blessed to benefit from yet anoth- leave his food and drink. (Al-Bukhari) obligatory action commands the reward
er holy month in our lifetime. Ramadhan We must pay attention to the purification of obligatory action in this blessed month.
is nearly here and we all are spiritually of our manners. Backbiting and slandering This is a once-in-a-year opportunity to up-
charged and excited to receive unlimited is forbidden and it is like eating the flesh of grade our rewards collection, thereby im-
bounties. It is the time of the year when one’s dead brother. Therefore stay away proving ourselves.
we try to please Allah and are rewarded from Gheebah to realize the true spirit of Piety
with the limitless mercies of Allah. fasting. Allah legislated fasting for gaining Taqwa
If you haven’t felt the thrill yet, then read Health (piety). Taqwa in this case means to make
on. Fasting overhauls the body during the holy a shield between oneself and Allah’s an-
Listed below are the A to Z of Ramadhan, month. It speeds up the metabolism and ger and hellfire. The purpose is met when
the benefits, wisdom and lessons one improves brain function, because it boosts at the end of the fasting day we are able to
learns from the fasting bonanza. the production of a protein called brain- fear Allah more and as a result are able to
Abstinence derived neurotrophic factor. It encourages protect ourselves from the hellfire.
As-Siyam or fasting means to “abstain Muslims to take care of their health and to Qiyam Al-Layl
from something.” In Ramadhan, one build strong bodies. The Prophet said: A Numerous Quranic verses and prophetic
should abstain from food, drink, marital strong believer is better and is more be- narrations mention the excellence of the
relations and other actions that displease loved to Allah than a weak believer, and night prayer and the merit of those who
Allah, from dawn to dusk with the explicit there is good in everyone. (Muslim) perform it regularly. Abu Huraira said:
intention of doing so for the sake of the I’tikaf “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The
Almighty. It means seclusion and staying in the one who does Qiyam in Ramadhan with
Blessings mosque with the intention of becoming faith and sincerity, all his/her sins will be
The blessings and benefits of Ramadhan closer to Allah. The Prophet would per- forgiven.”
fasting are too many to be listed. Some form I’tikaf for 10 days every Ramadhan. Rayyan
of these include: The blessed Holy Quran In the year that he died, he performed it There is in Paradise a door called Rayyan.
was revealed in this month, the doors of for 20 days. It is for the fasting Muslims. Only those
the heaven are opened, while the doors Jannah who fasted the month of Ramadhan will
of the hell are closed and the devils are It is one of the ultimate goals of all Mus- be able to enjoy the bliss of Paradise in-
chained. lims. Ramadhan is essentially a shield side that area.
Charity from the hell-fire. The Prophet is reported Suhoor
The benefits of charity to the poor and to have said about Ramadhan: An angel Suhoor is the pre-dawn meal taken before
needy are tremendous. Ibn ‘Abaas said: calls out: ‘O you who intend to do good the time of Fajr. The Prophet encouraged
“The Prophet (peace be upon him) was deeds, have glad tidings. O you who in- us to take suhoor by saying: Have suhoor,
the most charitable among the people, tend to do evil, refrain, until Ramadhan is for in suhoor there is blessing (barakah).
and he used to be more so in the month of completed. (Ahmad and Nasa’i) (Bukhari)
Ramadhan when Jibreel used to meet him Kibr Taraweeh
on every night of Ramadhan till the end of Kibr is when a person feels a sense of su- Special prayers after Isha during Rama-
the month.” (Bukhari) periority and behaves high-handedly with dhan are called Taraweeh. It is strongly
The Prophet said:He who gives food for others. The Prophet said: Never can the recommended that both men and wom-
a fasting person to break his fast, he will person who possesses a speck of pride en attend the prayer in congregation as
receive the same reward as him, without inside his heart enter Paradise. Taraweeh is a means for forgiveness of
nothing being reduced from the fasting One should refrain from pride and self- the sins.
person’s reward. (Tirmidhi) glorification in Ramadhan to please Allah. Umrah
Du’a The act of fasting itself helps us to attain The one who does Umrah in Ramadhan
Ramadhan is a great time to make dua humility and get rid of arrogance. will attain a reward equal in amount to that
(supplication). A dua list will ensure that Laylatul Qadr of Haj.
you will not miss out on any important dua The Night of Qadr is greater than 1,000 Vision
that you want to make to Allah during this months of continuous worship; that’s over Many young Muslims are clueless about
holy month. The Messenger of Allah said: 83 years. Many will be freed from the hell- what they should do in Ramadhan. It is
The dua of the fasting person will not be fire and granted Jannah on this night. therefore important to have a vision, not
refused. (Reported by Bayhaqi) Believers should therefore increase their only for the month of Ramadhan but after
Eid worship, especially during its last third that as well.
With the sighting of the moon at the end part when Allah descends to the lowest
Goals should be set and a routine that will
of the month comes the Eid Al-Fitr. It’s heavens asking for those who seek His
help you achieve those goals should be
like the cherry on top of the cake as it’s forgiveness.
followed. Be it feeding 10 people, volun-
a celebratory time that includes buying Miswak teering for charity work or reading the Holy
new clothes, parties, rides for kids and Using the miswak is Sunnah when fasting Quran, list it on paper and start doing it.
exchanging gifts with family members and and otherwise. However, a fasting person Wudhu
friends. must be careful not to intentionally swal-
By purifying oneself for prayer, a person
Forgiveness low anything.
expiates all of his sins and his prayer is
Ramadhan is the best time to forgive and Niyyah considered an extra reward for him, which
be forgiven. The Prophet said: Every son One should be extremely mindful of his in- in turn is multiplied several times for it be-
of Adam sins and the best of the sinners tention of fasting and do it only for Allah. ing Ramadhan.
are those who repent. (Ibn Majah) The Prophet said: Whoever fasts one day A believer must try to do ablution to re-
Allah provides many opportunities to re- seeking the pleasure of Allah, if that is the main pure as much as he can in the bless-
pent to Him and seek His forgiveness. last day of his life, he will enter Paradise. ed month. If a person makes wudhu’ well,
Gheebah (Ahmad 5/391) all his minor sins between two prayers
The Prophet said: Whoever does not Obligatory Deeds (between the salat he will perform and the
abandon falsehood in word and action, The reward of an obligatory deed in Ram- subsequent one) will be forgiven. (Bukha-
then Allah has no need that he should adhan is multiplied by 70 while a non- ri)
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The Friday Bulletin Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020
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The Friday Bulletin
FEATURE Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020
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The Friday Bulletin OPINION Ramadhan 08, 1441/May 01, 2020
The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Signal Press Limited-Lords House-Tom Mboya Street