Project Report Bcom 3rd Year - Suvajit
Project Report Bcom 3rd Year - Suvajit
Project Report Bcom 3rd Year - Suvajit
Submitted for the Degree of Honours in Accounting & Finance under the
University of Calcutta.
➢ Submitted by:-
• Name of the Candidate:- Suvajit kumar das
• Registration No:- 141-1122-0616-16
• Roll No.:-1141-61-0357
• Name of the College:- Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College
➢ Supervised by:-
• Name of the Supervisor:- Prof. Basudeb Sadhukhan.
Supervisor’s Certificate
This is to certify that Mr. Suvajit Kumar Das a student of Honours in
Accounting & Finance of Acharya Girish Chandra Bose college under the
University of Calcutta has worked under my supervision and guidance for his
project work and prepared a project Report with the title study on Goods and
Services Tax (GST) which he is submitting, is his genuine and original work to the
best of my knowledge.
Name:-Prof. Basudeb Sadhukhan
Designation:- Associate Professor
Name of College: - Acharya Girish Chandra Bose college
Student’s Declaration:-
I hereby declare that the project work with the title study on Goods and Services
Tax (GST) submitted by me for the partial fulfillment of the degree of
Honours in Accounting & Finance under the University of Calcutta is my origin and
has not been submitted earlier to any other University/Institution
for the fulfillment of the requirement for any course of study.
I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been
incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by others or by me.
However, extracts of any literature which has been used for this report has been
duly acknowledge providing details of such literature in the references.
Name: - Suvajit Kumar Das
Registration No: - 141-1122-0616-16
Roll No: - 1141-61-0357
Goods and Services tax (GST) which is a comprehensive tax on supply of goods or
services or both, has been implemented from 1st July, 2017. Further from 8th July,
2017 the applicability of GST has been extended to the State of Jammu & Kashmir
also. The implementation of GST besides being the biggest tax reform in the
Indian history is also regarded as a business reform as businesses need to
restratigise their functioning/transactions in order to keep their tax cost at
minimum within the framework of GST Law. GST is all set to integrate State
economies and boost overall growth. GST will create a single, unified Indian
market to make the economy stronger and is based upon the principle of “One
Nation, One Tax, One Market”.
Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi defined GST as Goods and Simple Tax
at the midnight rollout of the India’s biggest tax reform. President Pranab
Mukherjee said that the unified tax system was “the culmination of 14 year long
The implementation of GST in the initial days would pose certain challenges
specifically in the area of supply of services. Accordingly in order to facilitate the
seamless transition from the service tax law to GST regime by the service
providers, the provisions of the GST law specifically relevant for supply of services
alongwith its comparison with the erstwhile service tax law has been discussed in
this Book.
Chapter (1):- INTRODUCTION
1(1) Background:-
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a comprehensive value added tax on Goods
& Services. It is a vast concept. GST will be help to enhancing & supporting the
economic growth of a country.
In India, the idea of adopting GST was first suggested by the “Atal Bihari
Vajpaye” Government in 2000. To the “Norendra Modi’s” Government in 2014,
India’s new Finance Minister Arun Jaitley was submit 122 nd Constitution
Amendment Bill in the 16th Lok Sabha on 19 th December 2014. The opposition
demanded that the bill be sent for discussion to the standing committee. Then
Government of India has appointed various committess, task force to give their
views to introduce a vibrant and modern Indirect Tax structure in India.
Finally in August 2016, The Constitution Amendment bill was passed in the
parliament & 18 states ratified The Constitution Amendment Bill & The President
“Pranab Mukherjee” gave his assent to it.
GST council has also recommended four – tier GST rate structure & thresholds.
GST council approved the Central Goods & Services Tax Bill 2017 (The CGST Bill),
The Integrated Goods & Services Tax Bill 2017 (The IGST Bill), The Union
Territory Goods & Services Tax Bill 2017 (The UTGST Bill), The Goods & Services
Tax (Compensation to the states) Bill 2017 The Compensation Bill, these Bills
were passed by the Lok sabha on 29 march 2017. The Rajya sabha passed these
Bills on 6th April 2017.
The GST was implemented at midnight on 1 st July 2017 by president of the India,
“Pranab Mukherjee” & the government of India. The Jammu & Kashmir state
legislature passed its GST act on 7 July 2017.
The indirect tax Regime where taxes under various headings are levied on
goods and services would be replaced with one common tax module. this
will encourage national market due to uniformity in tax structure across
the states.
Taxes levied at multiple levels mean extra burden on consumers and
businesses due to cascading effect. Implementation of GST would mean
relief from excess taxing at different levels.
Earlier taxes for goods and services were separate, but clearly
distinguishing between goods and services have become difficult with lot of
innovation and technological advancement. GST will remove this problem
1(3) Review of Literature:-
Halakhandi, (2007)
GST was supposed to be introduced in India way back in 2010. It has been
getting postponed due to various reasons major one being getting to a consensus
between the various states and the centre for compensation. The author in the
paper has discussed the existing laws in India for indirect taxes, the VAT laws in
various states with their advantages and disadvantages, the impact of the
proposed GST, the compliances under the proposed GST etc. The author has also
used various numerical examples to demonstrate how GST is cost effective.
Eva, (2008)
The author in his paper has examined the cost of complying with the indirect tax
laws in the Slovak Republic by doing research of small, medium and large
businesses through a questionnaire and concludes that businesses especially the
small ones are not able to and do not make efforts to quantify the cost of
compliance which is quite high due to the complex laws.
Eugen, (2011)
The authors have examined the various methods adopted by assessees to evade
VAT especially in intra country transactions in Romania. The authors have also
recommended the documentation and returns which could be relied upon by both
the authorities and the assessees to ensure that there is no tax evasion.
Mansor, (2013)
GST has always been considered as a tool in the hands of any Government to
increase revenue. The Malaysian Government introduced the said tax in Malaysia
in order to reduce its budget deficit. The authors in the paper have discussed the
readiness of the Malaysian economy in adopting the said newly introduced GST
along with the reactions of various sections of the society.
1(4) Objective of the GST:-
➢ One Country – One Tax.
➢ Consumption based tax instead of Manufacturing.
➢ Uniform GST Registration, payment and Input tax Credit
➢ To eliminate the cascading effect of Indirect taxes on single transaction
➢ Subsume all indirect taxes at Centre and State Level under
➢ Reduce tax evasion and corruption
➢ Increase productivity
➢ Increase Tax to GDP Ratio and revenue surplus
➢ Increase Compliance
➢ Reducing economic distortions
Chapter (2):- Conceptual Framework
The Act came into effect on 1st July 2017; Goods & Services Tax Law in India is a
comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax that is levied on every value
addition. In simple words, Goods and Service Tax (GST) is an indirect tax levied
on the supply of goods and services.
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Types of GST:-
There are three kinds of taxes under the GST.
1. SGST:-
SGST means State Goods and Service Tax. It is covered under State Goods and
Service Tax Act 2016. A collection of SGST will be the revenue for State
Government. After the introduction of SGST all the state taxes like Value Added
Tax, Entertainment Tax, Luxury Tax, entry Tax etc. will be merged under SGST.
For example, if goods are sold or services are provided within the State then SGST
will be levied on such transaction.
2. CGST:-
CGST means Central Goods and Service Tax. CGST is a part of goods and service
tax. It is covered under Central Goods and Service Tax Act 2016. Taxes collected
under Central Goods and Service tax will be the revenue for central Government.
Present Central taxes like Central excise duty, Additional Excise duty, Special
Excise Duty, Central Sales Tax, Service Tax etc. will be subsumed under Central
Goods And Service Tax.
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IGST means Integrated Goods and Service Tax. IGST falls under Integrated Goods
and Service Tax Act 2016. Revenue collected from IGST will be divided between
Central Government and State Government as per the rates specified by the
government. IGST will be charged on transfer of goods and services from one
state to another state. Import of Goods and Services will also be deemed to be
covered under Inter-state transactions so IGST will be levied on such
transactions. For example, if Goods or services are transferred from Rajasthan to
Maharashtra then the transaction will attract IGST.
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5 Natural cork 12% to 5%
6 Fly ash blocks 12% to 5%
7 Walking sticks 12% to 5%
8 Marble rubble 18% to 5%
9 Agglomerated cork 18% to 12%
10 Cork roughly squared or 18% to 12%
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boxes under HSN 8483
22 Tax rate on Air travel of 28% to 18%
pilgrims reduced*
Meaning of supply:-
The taxable event in GST is supply of goods or services or both. Various taxable
events like manufacture, sale, rendering of service, purchase, entry into a
territory of state etc. have been done away with in favour of just one event i.e.
supply. The constitution defines “Goods and Services Tax” as any taxon supply of
goods, or services or both, except for taxes on the supply of the alcoholic liquor
for human consumption.
The Central and State governments will have simultaneous powers to levy the
GST on Intra-State supply. However, The Parliament alone shall have exclusive
power to make laws with respect to levy of Goods and Services Tax on Inter-State
Time of supply:-
Under GST, liability to remit GST to Government arises at the time of supply. Time
of supply is generally the earliest of one of the three events, namely receiving
payment, issuance of invoice or completion of supply.
Transaction value:-
Transaction Value” is the basis for Valuation for supply of goods and/or services
under the GST Regime. For the levy of tax i.e. GST first we have to determine the
transaction value. ‘Transaction Value’ is the price actually paid or payable for
supply of goods and/or services.
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Features of registration process:-
1. Existing dealers: Existing VAT/Central excise/Service Tax payers will not
have to apply afresh for registration under GST.
2. New dealers: Single application to be filed online for registration under
3. The registration number will be PAN based and will serve the purpose for
Centre and State.
4. Unified application to both tax authorities.
5. Each dealer to be given unique ID GSTIN.
6. Deemed approval within three days.
7. Post registration verification in risk based cases only.
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• Supply of goods or services madein the UK.
• Intra community procurements from EU Members.
• Importation of Goods & Services
Standard Rate: 20 %
Payment: Usually quarterly returns. However, a small business can opt for
annual returns filing.
Exempt Services:
(2) Canada:-
Name: Federal Goods and Service Tax & Harmonized Sales Tax
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Threshold exemption limit: Canadian $ 30,000
Exempt services:
(3) Australia:-
Name: Goods and Service Tax
• Taxable supplies of goods and services made which are connected with
Australia and made for a consideration by a registered (or required to be
registered) person in the course of business enterprises Importation of goods
Standard Rate: 10 %
Reduced Rate: 0 %
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Liability arises on:
Exempt Services:
Standard Rate: 15 %
The due date for returns and payment: On the 28th day following the end of
the month or bi-month or six-month. However, a different date for the certain
Exempt services:
1. Real estate
2. Financial services
3. Residential rental
(5) Singapore:-
Name: Goods and Service Tax
Date of introduction: 01.04.1994
Standard Rate: 7 %
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Returns: Usually quarterly returns. However, a business can opt for monthly
The due date for returns and payment: Last day of the month following the
end of the month or quarter.
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Chapter (3):- Analysis, Finding & Recommendation
3(1) Data presentation of GST:-
GST- The Goods and Services Tax- is the mother of all tax reforms in India. It is
crucial for all businesses to understand the implications of GST on their brands.
Since GST is a new law and crucial processes like return filing and invoicing have
been changed, it is even more important that business owners and tax
professionals understand the nuances of these new laws so that they can be GST-
The electronic tax liability ledger shows the total tax liability of a registered
person at any point of time. This detail can be accessed on the GST portal of a
registered tax payer
An Electronic Cash Ledger will also be maintained on the GST portal. It will
display the total amount deposited by the tax payer towards discharge of his tax
liability or interest or late fee or penalty any other amounts. Also, it is now
mandatory for businesses making payment for more than Rs 10,000 to do it
To know more on how to GST check our Guide on GST Payment
All the taxes paid on the inputs would be recorded in the electronic credit ledger.
The input tax credit in each of the cases mentioned below, shall also be
transferred to the electronic credit ledger:
• ITC available to the branch for the amount of credit transferred by ISD
• ITC allowed on input held in stock and the semi-finished or finished goods
would be credited to electronic credit ledger if the taxpayer applies for
registration within 30 days of becoming liable to pay tax.
• ITC available on the input held in stock and semi-finished or finished goods
by a taxpayer in the composition scheme converting to a normal taxpayer
shall be transferred to electronic credit ledger.
• ITC available due to the taxes paid under the reverse charge mechanism
shall also be transferred to the electronic credit ledger.
• ITC available on goods/services used for the business and other purposes
shall only be allowed to the extent applicable for business purposes.
All the payments under GST have to be made by either using the input tax credit
available in the electronic credit ledger or through the electronic cash ledger.
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Utilizing ITC for the fulfillment of Tax liability:
IGST: After the IGST input tax credit is used for payment of IGST then the
remaining ITC can be used to pay tax liability under CGST and SGST.
CGST: The CGST input tax credit cannot be used to pay the SGST liability but can
be used to pay the liability under CGST. Further, the balance of CGST credit
available can be used to pay the IGST liability.
SGST: The SGST input tax credit cannot be used to pay the CGST liability but can
be used to pay the liability under SGST. Further, the balance of SGST credit
available can be used to pay the IGST liability.
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eradicate the shortcomings of the current tax structure and provide a single tax
on supply of all goods and services.
Benefits of GST:-
Removal of bundled indirect taxes such as VAT, CST, Service tax, CAD, SAD, and
Less tax compliance and a simplified tax policy compared to current tax
Removal of cascading effect of taxes i.e. removes tax on tax.
Reduction of manufacturing costs due to lower burden of taxes on the
manufacturing sector. Hence prices of consumer goods will be likely to come
Lower the burden on the common man i.e. public will have to shed less money
to buy the same products that were costly earlier.
Increased demand and consumption of goods.
Increased demand will lead to increase supply. Hence, this will ultimately lead
to rise in the production of goods.
Control of black money circulation as the system normally followed by traders
and shopkeepers will be put to a mandatory check.
Boost to the Indian economy in the long run .
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7. REG-07 Application for Registration as TDS or TCS u/s 19(1) of the GST
Act, 20
8. REG-08 Order of Cancellation of Application for Registration as TDS /TCS
u/s 21 of the GST Act
9. REG-09 Non-Resident Taxable Person Application for Registration
10. REG-10 Person supplying online information and database access or
retrieval services from a place outside India to a person in India,
other than a registered person Application for registration
11. REG-11 Amendment in Particulars subsequent to Registration Application
12. REG-12 Temporary Registration/ Suo Moto Registration Order of Grant
13. REG-13 Grant of Unique Identity Number (UIN) to UN Bodies/ Embassies
/others Application/Form
14. REG-14 Application for Cancellation of Registration under GST 20
15. REG-15 Amendment Order
16. REG-16 Cancellation of Registration Application
17. REG-17 Cancellation of Registration Show Cause Notice
18. REG-18 Show Cause Notice issued for Cancellation Reply
19. REG-19 Cancellation of Registration Order
20. REG-20 Dropping the proceedings for cancellation of registration Order
21. REG-21 Revocation of Cancellation of Registration Application
22. REG-22 Order for revocation of cancellation of registration
23. REG-23 Show Cause Notice for rejection of an application for revocation
of cancellation of registration
24. REG-24 Reply to the notice for rejection of an application for revocation of
cancellation of registration
25. REG-25 Provisional Registration Certificate
26. REG-26 Existing Taxpayer Application Enrolment
27. REG-27 Provisional registration Show Cause Notice cancellation
28. REG-28 Provisional registration Order Cancellation
29. REG-29 Provisional registration Application cancellation
30. REG-30 Field Visit Report Form
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Goods and Services Tax (GST) Forms for Composition
Sr.No Form Description
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Form GST Authorisation of a GST practitioner by a taxable person on the
PCT-6 Common Portal
Form GST Withdrawal of authorisation of a GST practitioner by a taxable person
ITC Forms
Form Purpose of Form
Form GST Declaration for claim of input tax credit under sub-section (1) of
ITC – 1 section 18.
Form GST Declaration for transfer of ITC in case of sale, merger, demerger,
ITC – 2 amalgamation, lease or transfer of a
business under sub-section (3) of section 18.
Form GST Declaration for intimation of ITC reversal on inputs, inputs contained
ITC – 3 in semi-finished and finished
goods and capital goods in stock under sub-section (4) of section 18.
Form GST Details of goods/capital goods sent to job worker and received back.
ITC – 4
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GST Notice for rejection of application for refund
GST Reply to show cause notice
GST Application for Refund by any specialize agency of UN or
RFD- Multilateral Financial Institution and Organization,
10 Consulate or Embassy of foreign countries, etc
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8 GSTR-8 Details of supplies effected through e-commerce operator
and the amount of tax collected as required under sub-
section (52)
5 GSTR-5 20th from end of the month or within 7 days after the last day
of validity of registration whichever is earlier
Recommendation of GST:-
a) Supply of goods from a place in the non-taxable territory to another
place in the non-taxable territory without such goods entering into India;
9.Scope of input tax credit is being widened, and it would now be made
available in respect of the following:
10. In case the recipient fails to pay the due amount to the supplier within
180 days from the date of issue of invoice, the input tax credit availed by the
recipient will be reversed, but liability to pay interest is being done away
12. Amount of pre-deposit payable for filing of appeal before the Appellate
Authority and the Appellate Tribunal to be capped at Rs. 25 Crores and Rs. 50
Crores, respectively.
13. Commissioner to be empowered to extend the time limit for return of
inputs and capital sent on job work, upto a period of one year and two years,
15. Place of supply in case of job work of any treatment or process done on
goods temporarily imported into India and then exported without putting
them to any other use in India, to be outside India.
16. Recovery can be made from distinct persons, even if present in different
State/Union territories.
Chapter (4):- conclusion
4(1) conclusion of GST
Implementation of GST is one of the best decision taken by the Indian
government. For the same reason, July 1 was celebrated as Financial
Independence day in India when all the Members of Parliament attended the
function in Parliament House. The transition to the GST regime which is
accepted by 159 countries would not be easy. Confusions and complexities
were expected and will happen. India, at some point, had to comply with such
regime. Though the structure might not be a perfect one but once in place,
such a tax structure will make India a better economy favorable for foreign
investments. Until now India was a union of 29 small tax economies and 7
union territories with different levies unique to each state. It is a much
accepted and appreciated regime because it does away with multiple tax
rates by Centre and States. And if you are doing any kind of business then
you should register for GST as it is not only going to help Indian
government but will help you also to track your business weekly as in GST you
have to make your business activity statement each week.