Updated:: December 20, 2017

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UPDATED: December 20, 2017

USING THE FUEL conditions) and that fuel costs

$3.50/gallon for regular unleaded gasoline
ECONOMY GUIDE and $3.75/gallon for premium. Cost-per-
gallon assumptions for vehicles that use
The U.S. Environmental Protection
other fuel types are discussed at the
Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of
beginning of those vehicle sections. The
Energy (DOE) produce the Fuel Economy
fuel costs were determined in advance to
Guide to help car buyers choose the most
allow time for printing fuel economy labels;
fuel-efficient vehicle that meets their
thus the Guide may not reflect current fuel
needs. The Guide is published in print
and on the Web at www.fueleconomy.
gov. For additional print copies, mail your
Visit www.fueleconomy.gov to
request to: NREL - Fuel Economy Guide,
contents 15013 Denver West Parkway, Golden, CO
personalize fuel costs based on current
fuel prices and your driving habits.
80401-3305, or enter your request
• Using the Fuel Economy Guide / i electronically at http://www.
• Understanding the Guide Listings / 1 fueleconomy.gov/feg/contacts.shtml.
Your Fuel Economy Will Vary
• Why Some Vehicles Are Not Listed / 1
Fuel Economy Estimates Even though EPA recently improved its
• Vehicle Classes Used in This Guide / 2
Most vehicles in this Guide (other than methods for estimating fuel economy, your
• Tax Incentives and Disincentives / 2 vehicle’s fuel economy will almost
plug-in hybrids) have three fuel economy
• Why Consider Fuel Economy / 2 estimates: certainly vary from EPA’s estimate. Fuel
• Fueling Options / 2 economy is not a fixed number; it varies
• A "city" estimate that represents urban significantly based on where you drive,
• Fuel Economy and Annual Fuel Cost
driving, in which a vehicle is started in how you drive, and other factors. Thus, it
Ranges for Vehicle Classes / 3 is impossible for one set of estimates to
the morning (after being parked all
• Fuel-Saving Technology Highlight: predict fuel economy precisely for all
night) and driven in stop-and-go traffic
Start-Stop Systems / 4 drivers in all environments. For example,
• A "highway" estimate that represents a the following factors can lower your
• Improve Your Fuel Economy / 4
mixture of rural and interstate highway vehicle’s fuel economy:
• Model Year 2014 Fuel Economy driving in a warmed-up vehicle, typical
Leaders / 5 of longer trips in free-flowing traffic • Aggressive driving (hard acceleration
• Model Year 2014 Vehicles / 6 and braking)
• A "combined" estimate that represents
• Diesel Vehicles / 31 a combination of city driving (55%) and • Excessive idling, accelerating, and
highway driving (45%) braking in stop-and-go traffic
• Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles / 33
• Fuel Cell Vehicles / 33 • Cold weather (engines are more
Estimates for all vehicles are based on efficient when warmed up)
• Electric Vehicles / 34 laboratory testing under standardized • Driving with a heavy load or with the air
• Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles / 36 conditions to allow for fair comparisons. conditioner running
• Hybrid Electric Vehicles / 38
Flexible-fuel vehicles (FFVs), which can • Improperly tuned engine or under-
• Ethanol Flexible Fuel Vehicles / 40 inflated tires
use gasoline and E85, have estimates for
• Index / 45 both fuels. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles • Use of remote starters
(PHEVs) have estimates for (1) electric-
only or blended electric and gasoline In addition, small variations in vehicle
operation and (2) gasoline-only operation. manufacturing can cause fuel economy
PHEVs are discussed in more detail on variations in the same make and model,
page 32. For answers to frequently asked and some vehicles don’t attain maximum
questions about fuel economy estimates, fuel economy until they are "broken in"
visit www.fueleconomy.gov. (around 3,000–5,000 miles).

Annual Fuel Cost Estimates So, please remember that the EPA ratings
This Guide provides annual fuel cost are a useful tool for comparing vehicles
when car buying, but they may not
estimates, rounded to the nearest $50, for
accurately predict the fuel economy you
each vehicle.. The estimates are based on will get. This is also true for annual fuel
the assumptions that you travel 15,000 cost estimates. For more information on
miles per year (55% under city driving fuel economy ratings and factors that
conditions and 45% under highway affect fuel economy, visit

vehicle be fueled with premium-grade weight rating (GVWR) of more than
UNDERSTANDING THE gasoline, and a "PR" indicates that the 10,000 pounds—GVWR is the vehicle
GUIDE LISTINGS manufacturer requires premium. The weight plus carrying capacity
higher price of premium fuel is reflected in
We hope you’ll find the Fuel Economy the annual fuel cost for these vehicles. • Other vehicles with a GVWR of 8,500
Guide easy to use! Fuel economy and pounds or more or a curb weight over
annual fuel cost data are organized by 6,000 pounds
The most fuel-efficient vehicles in each
vehicle class (see page 2 for a list of
class and alternative fuel vehicles are
classes). Within each class, vehicles are Therefore, manufacturers do not have to
listed alphabetically by manufacturer and indicated with special markings (see
diagram below). Vehicles that can use estimate their fuel economy, and fuel
model. economy labels are not posted on their
more than one kind of fuel have an entry
for each fuel type. windows..
Vehicle models with different features,
such as engine size or transmission type, Also, fuel economy information on some
are listed as different vehicles. Engine and Interior passenger and cargo volumes are vehicles is not available in time to be
transmission attributes are shown in the located in the index at the back of the printed in the Guide. However, you can
first column under the model name. Guide. find more up-to-date information at
Additional attributes needed to distinguish
among vehicles (e.g., fuel type or
suggested fuel grade) are listed in the NOT LISTED
“Notes” column. A legend for
abbreviations is provided on page 6. Light-duty fuel economy regulations do not
apply to
A "P" in the "Notes" column indicates that
the manufacturer recommends that the • Sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and
passenger vans with a gross vehicle


Passenger and Cargo Gross Vehicle
CLASS Volume (cu. ft.) CLASS Weight Rating* (pounds)
SEDANS Small Under 6,000
Minicompact Under 85 Standard 6,000 to 8,500
Subcompact 85 to 99 VANS
Compact 100 to 109 Passenger Under 10,000
Midsize 110 to 119 Cargo Under 8,500
Large 120 or more MINIVANS Under 8,500
Small Under 130 Small Under 6,000
Midsize 130 to 159 Standard 6,000 to 9.999
Large 160 or more SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLES Under 8,500

*Gross Vehicle Weight Rating = vehicle weight plus carrying capacity.

TAX INCENTIVES AND allows you to insert your local gasoline

prices and typical driving conditions
One of the most important things you can
do to reduce your contribution to climate
DISINCENTIVES (percentage of city and highway driving) to change is to buy a vehicle with better fuel
obtain the most accurate fuel cost economy. Switching from a vehicle that
Federal Tax Credits information for your vehicle. gets 20 miles per gallon (MPG) to one that
gets 25 MPG can reduce CO2 emissions
You may be eligible for a federal income by 10 tons over a vehicle’s lifetime, more
tax credit of up to $7,500 if you purchase
Reduce Oil Dependence than a year’s worth of use.
a qualifying electric or plug-in hybrid Costs
vehicle in 2013–14. Buying a more fuel-efficient vehicle can
help reduce our dependence on
Visit www.fueleconomy.gov for more petroleum. Nearly 40% of the oil used to
information on qualifying models, credit produce the gasoline you put in your tank
amounts, and phase-out dates. is imported. The United States uses
about 19 million barrels of oil per day, two-
Gas Guzzler Tax thirds of which is used for transportation.
Oil dependence cost the U.S. economy
The Energy Tax Act of 1978 requires auto
around $500 billion in 2012 alone.
companies to pay a "gas guzzler" tax on
the sale of cars with exceptionally low fuel
economy. Such vehicles are identified in Reduce Climate Change
the Guide by the word "Tax" in the "Notes"
column. In the dealer showroom, the Climate change is widely viewed as the
words "Gas Guzzler" and the tax amount most significant long-term threat to the You can also reduce your contribution to
are listed on the vehicle’s fuel economy global environment, and human-made climate change by
label. The tax does not apply to light emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
trucks. are very likely the cause of most of the • Getting the best fuel economy out of
observed global warming over the last 50 your car
WHY CONSIDER FUEL • Using a low-carbon fuel, such as
Burning fossil fuels such as gasoline and compressed natural gas (CNG) or
ECONOMY? electricity from a renewable resource
diesel releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and
other GHGs into the atmosphere, such as wind or hydropower
Save Money contributing to global climate change. CO2 • Walking, biking, or taking public transit
is the most important human-made GHG, more often
You could save as much as $1,700 in fuel
and highway vehicles account for almost a
costs each year by choosing the most
quarter (1.7 billion tons) of U.S. CO2 FUELING OPTIONS
fuel-efficient vehicle in a particular class.
emissions each year.
This can add up to thousands of dollars
over a vehicle’s lifetime. Fuel-efficient Every gallon of gasoline your vehicle Ethanol Blends – E85 & E10
models come in all shapes and sizes, so burns puts about 20 pounds of CO2 into Ethanol is a domestically produced,
you need not sacrifice utility or size. the atmosphere; the average vehicle emits renewable fuel made primarily from
around 5 to 8 tons of CO2 each year. starch-based crops such as corn. It may
Each vehicle listing in the Fuel Economy Unlike other forms of vehicle pollution, also be made from "cellulosic biomass,"
Guide provides an estimated annual fuel CO2 emissions cannot be reduced by such as crop residues and wood, but this
cost (see page i). The Find and Compare pollution control technologies. They can is not yet done on a large scale. The use
Cars tool at www.fueleconomy.gov only be reduced by burning less fuel or by of ethanol as a vehicle fuel can reduce
features an annual fuel cost calculator that burning fuel that contains less carbon. GHG emissions and U.S. dependence on

petroleum. ethanol blends are used. However, FFVs Check your owner’s manual or with your
operating on E85 usually experience a vehicle manufacturer to determine the
E10 is a blend of 10% ethanol and 90%
25–30% drop in fuel economy due to right blend for your vehicle.
gasoline and is legal for use in any
ethanol’s lower energy content relative to
gasoline-powered vehicle. More than 95%
gasoline. Purchase commercial-grade biodiesel
of U.S. gasoline contains up to 10%
from a reputable dealer. Never refuel
ethanol to boost octane, meet air quality Biodiesel with recycled grease or vegetable oil
requirements, or satisfy the federal
Biodiesel is a domestically produced that has not been converted to
Renewable Fuel Standard.
renewable fuel manufactured from biodiesel. It will damage your engine.
E85 is a high-level ethanol-gasoline blend vegetable oils or animal fats for use in More than 300 stations currently dispense
containing 51% to 83% ethanol, diesel vehicles. Using biodiesel in place of B20. Visit
depending on the season and geographic petroleum diesel reduces greenhouse gas afdc.energy.gov/afdc/locator/stations to
location. Drivers can use E85 in flexible emissions and contributes to national find service stations selling biodiesel near
fuel vehicles (FFVs), which are specially energy security. you.
designed to run on gasoline, E85, or any
mixture of the two. FFVs are offered by Biodiesel can be blended with petroleum Premium- vs. Regular-Grade
several vehicle manufacturers. To diesel at any percentage. The most
determine whether your vehicle is an FFV, Gasoline
common biodiesel blend is B20, which
check the inside of your car’s fuel filler contains 20% biodiesel and 80% Regular unleaded is the recommended
door for an identification sticker or consult petroleum diesel. B5 (5% biodiesel and gasoline for most cars. Using a higher-
your owner’s manual. More than 2,300 95% petroleum diesel) is another common octane gasoline than recommended by
filling stations in the United States blend. All vehicle manufacturers have the owner’s manual does not improve
currently sell E85. Visit approved biodiesel blends up to and performance or fuel efficiency; it only
afdc.energy.gov/locator/stations/ to find including B5 for use in all diesel engines. costs more money. Check your owner’s
stations near you. However, using higher-level biodiesel manual to determine the lowest grade of
There is no noticeable difference in blends may affect vehicle warranties. fuel you can use.
vehicle performance when low-level

The graph below provides the fuel economy and annual fuel cost ranges for the vehicles in each class so you can see where a given
vehicle's fuel economy and cost fall within its class. Combined city and highway MPG estimates are used; these assume you will drive
55% in the city and 45% on the highway. Annual fuel costs assume you travel 15,000 miles each year and fuel costs $3.50/gallon for
regular unleaded gasoline and $3.75/gallon for premium, $3.85 for diesel, and $.12/kWh for electricity. Visit www.fueleconomy.gov to
calculate annual fuel cost for a specific vehicle based on your own driving conditions and fuel prices.

Two-Seaters 10 ($5,100) 37 ($1,200) 107 ($600)*

Minicompact Cars 15 ($3,300) 37 ($1,200) 116 ($500)*

Subcompact Cars 15 ($3,500) 36 ($1,300) 54 ($1,050)* 124 ($500)*

Compact Cars 9 ($4,750) 56 ($700) 62 ($1,350)* 105 ($600)*

Midsize Cars 13 ($4,000) 50 ($900) 84 ($700)* 114 ($550)*

Large Cars 14 ($3,750) 40 ($1,150) 89 ($700)* 95 ($650)*

Small Station Wagons 14 ($3,750) 35 ($1,400) 118 ($500)*

Midsize Station Wagons 17 ($2,950) 42 ($1,050)


19 ($2,500) 24 ($1,950) Trucks

Passenger Vans 11 ($4,350) 14 ($3,300)

Cargo Vans 12 ($4,050) 16 ($3,100)

Small SUVs 16 ($3,150) 31 ($1,500) 63 ($950)* 76 ($800)*

Standard SUVs 13 ($4,050) 28 ($1,600)

Small Pickup Trucks 17 ($2,750) 23 ($2,000)

Standard Pickup Trucks 11 ($4,700) 23 ($2,200)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

MPG (Annual Fuel Cost)
Fuel economy estimates on this chart do not include vehicles operating on compressed natural gas (CNG), hydrogen, or E85.
* Represents electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. Fuel economy values for these vehicles are in miles per gallon gasoline equivalent (MPGe).

An energy-saving feature is now available fuel economy by around 4 to 5 percent on engine when the cabin temperature
that can help you save fuel in stop-and-go average—less in highway driving or when changes or when the battery charge is
traffic, at red lights, and in other situations the air conditioning is in heavy use. Unlike low.
where your car would normally waste fuel a hybrid system, which can add thousands
A start-stop system doesn’t require you to
idling. Start-stop systems—also called of dollars to a vehicle’s cost, a start-stop
drive differently, but it may take some time
idle-stop, smart start, or other system typically adds only a few hundred
for you to get used to the way the vehicle
manufacturer-specific names—turn off the dollars.
operates or feels. Most systems are
engine when a vehicle comes to a stop
Starting and stopping the engine more robust and easy to use.
and automatically start it back up when
often won’t increase wear on the engine,
the brake is released or when the While the concept is straightforward, there
and these systems are equipped with
accelerator or clutch is pressed. It usually are differences in the way start-stop
special starters, batteries, and alternators
takes half a second or less to restart. systems on different vehicles operate,
built to handle the increased performance
perform, and manage power for
Until recently, these systems were mostly requirements.
accessories. If you spend significant drive
found on hybrid vehicles, but as of the
Since heating, air conditioning, and other time idling, a vehicle equipped with a start-
2014 model year, they are available on
cabin accessories are usually powered by stop system might just be right for you!
about one hundred conventional vehicle
the engine, these systems are designed to
maintain and/or manage power for those
By turning off the engine when it’s not accessories when the engine is stopped.
needed, start-stop systems can improve For example, some vehicles restart the


Drive More Efficiently Keep Your Car in Shape Note: Letting your car idle to warm up
doesn’t help your fuel economy, it
• Aggressive driving (speeding and rapid • Fixing a car that is noticeably out of actually uses more fuel and creates
acceleration/braking) can lower your tune can improve gas mileage your gas more pollution.
gas mileage by as much as 33% at mileage by about 4%.
highway speeds and 5% around town. Other Solutions
• Keeping tires inflated to the
• Observe the speed limit. Each 5 MPH recommended pressure and using the • Avoid carrying unneeded items. An
you drive over 60 MPH can reduce your recommended grade of motor oil can extra 100 pounds can decrease fuel
fuel economy by 7%. improve fuel economy by up to 5%. economy by 1%-2%.

The manufacturer’s recommended tire • A roof rack or carrier provides additional

pressure can be found on the tire cargo space and may allow you to meet
information placard and/or vehicle your needs with a smaller car.
certification label located on the vehicle However, a loaded roof rack can
door edge, doorpost, glove-box door, or decrease your fuel economy by 5%.
inside the trunk lid.
Reduce aerodynamic drag and improve
• Keep your tires aligned and balanced. your fuel economy by placing items
inside the trunk whenever possible.
• Replacing a clogged air filter can
improve gas mileage on older cars with For more mileage tips and information
carbureted engines. about gasoline pricing, visit
• Avoid idling. Idling gets 0 miles per www.fueleconomy.gov.
gallon and costs as much as $0.04 per Plan and Combine Trips
• A warmed-up engine is more fuel-
• Using cruise control on the highway efficient than a cold one. Many short
helps you maintain a constant speed trips taken from a cold start can use
and, in most cases, will save gas. twice as much fuel as one multipurpose
trip covering the same distance.

Listed below are vehicles with the highest fuel economy in the most popular classes. For each vehicle class, we list the
most fuel-efficient plug-in hybrid or electric (EV) and the most fuel-efficient conventional vehicle. Rankings are based on
combined city and highway fuel economy estimates which assume 55% city driving and 45% highway driving. Please note
that many vehicle models come in a range of engine sizes and trim lines, resulting in different fuel economy values. If
there is only one vehicle in the class, we do not list a fuel economy leader.

Trans Type/ Eng Size / MPG Trans Type/ Eng Size / MPG
Speeds Cylinders Combined Speeds Cylinders Combined


fortwo electric drive convertible A-1 107* Tacoma 2WD M-5 2.7/4 23
fortwo electric drive coupe A-1 107* STANDARD PICKUP TRUCKS
CR-Z AV-S7 1.5/4 37 1500 HFE 4X2 A-8 3.6/6 21
500e A-1 116* Express 1500 2WD Cargo A-4 4.3/6 16
iQ AV 1.3/4 37 Savana 1500 2WD (cargo) A-4 4.3/6 16
i3 BEV A-1 124* Express 1500 2WD Passenger A-4 5.3/8 14‡
FORD Express 1500 AWD Passenger A-4 5.3/8 14‡
Fiesta SFE FWD M-5 1.0/3 36
COMPACT CARS E150 Wagon FFV A-4 4.6/8 14‡
Focus Electric A-1 105* Savana 1500 2WD (Passenger) A-4 5.3/8 14‡
TOYOTA Savana 1500 AWD (Passenger) A-4 5.3/8 14‡
NISSAN Transit Connect Van 2WD A-S6 1.6/4 25
Leaf A-1 114* Transit Connect Wagon FWD A-S6 1.6/4 25
Prius AV 1.8/4 50 MAZDA
LARGE CARS 5 A-S5 2.5/4 24
5 M-6 2.5/4 24
Model S (60 kW-hr battery pack) A-1 95* SMALL SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES
C-MAX Hybrid FWD AV 2.0/4 40 RAV4 EV AV 76*
XV Crosstrek Hybrid AWD AV 2.0/4 31
328d xDrive Sports Wagon (diesel) A-S8 2.0/4 35 Highlander Hybrid 4WD AV-S6 3.5/6 28
MIDSIZE STATION WAGONS Highlander Hybrid 4WD LE Plus AV-S6 3.5/6 28
Prius v AV 1.8/4 42

* This is an electric vehicle. Since electricity is not measured in gallons, a conversion factor is used to translate the fuel economy into miles per gallon of
gasoline equivalent (MPGe).
† This vehicle is a plug-in hybrid, which runs on both gasoline and electricity. Since electricity is not measured in gallons, a conversion factor is used to
translate the fuel economy when running on electricity into miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent (MPGe). The Combined MPGe estimate includes
both city and highway driving and gasoline and electric energy use.
‡ When operated on gasoline

This section contains the fuel economy values for 2014 model year vehicles. Additional information for alternative fuel vehicles can be
found on pages 33–35 and 40–44. Alternative fuel vehicles are highlighted with a light blue background, and those that can use two
kinds of fuel, such as flexible fuel vehicles, have an entry for each fuel type.The most fuel-efficient vehicles per class are listed in blue
boldface type and marked with a red pointer ( ).
Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes


ASTON MARTIN A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 20 16/28 $2,800 5 P
V8 Vantage M-7, 6.2L, 8cyl 21 17/29 $2,700 5 P

AM-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 16 14/21 $3,500 3 P Tax FERRARI

M-6, 4.7L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax
458 Italia
V8 Vantage S AM-7, 4.5L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $4,000 2 P Tax
AM-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 16 14/21 $3,500 3 P Tax AM-7, 4.5L, 8cyl 15 13/17 $3,750 2 P Tax SS
M-6, 4.7L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax
458 Speciale
AUDI AM-7, 4.5L, 8cyl 15 13/17 $3,750 2 P Tax SS
R8 AM-7, 4.5L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $4,000 2 P Tax

AM-S7, 4.2L, 8cyl 17 14/23 $3,300 3 P Tax 458 Spider

M-6, 4.2L, 8cyl 14 11/20 $4,000 2 P Tax AM-7, 4.5L, 8cyl 15 13/17 $3,750 2 P Tax SS
AM-S7, 5.2L, 10cyl 16 13/22 $3,500 3 P Tax AM-7, 4.5L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $4,000 2 P Tax
M-6, 5.2L, 10cyl 14 12/19 $4,000 2 P Tax
R8 Spyder AM-7, 6.3L, 12cyl 13 12/16 $4,350 1 P Tax SS
AM-S7, 4.2L, 8cyl 17 14/23 $3,300 3 P Tax AM-7, 6.3L, 12cyl 13 11/16 $4,350 1 P Tax
M-6, 4.2L, 8cyl 14 11/20 $4,000 2 P Tax
AM-S7, 5.2L, 10cyl 16 13/22 $3,500 3 P Tax LaFerrari Hybrid
M-6, 5.2L, 10cyl 14 12/19 $4,000 2 P Tax AM-7, 6.3L, 12cyl 14 12/16 $4,000 2 P Tax HEV SS

TT Roadster quattro HONDA

AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/31 $2,150 7 PT CR-Z
BMW AV-S7, 1.5L, 4cyl 37 36/39 $1,400 9 HEV SS
M-6, 1.5L, 4cyl 34 31/38 $1,550 8 HEV SS
Z4 sDrive28i
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,150 7 PT JAGUAR
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/34 $2,150 7 P T SS F-Type Convertible
Z4 sDrive35i A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P S SS
AM-S7, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 PT F-Type S Convertible
M-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 19/26 $2,700 5 PT
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P S SS
Z4 sDrive35is F-Type V8 S Convertible
AM-S7, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 PT
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 16/23 $3,100 4 P S SS
Veyron Aventador Coupe
AM-S7, 8.0L, 16cyl 10 8/15 $5,600 1 P T Tax
AM-S7, 6.5L, 12cyl 13 11/18 $4,350 1 P Tax SS

ABBREVIATIONS: E85................ 85% Ethanol/15% Gasoline MPG............. Miles per Gallon

............. Highest MPG in Class Eng Size........ Engine Volume in Liters NA................. Not Available
2WD............... Two-Wheel Drive EV................. ELectric Vehicle Ni-MH............ Nickel-Metal Hydride
4WD.............. Four-Wheel Drive FFV............... Flexible Fuel Vehicle ORP.............. Off-Road Package
A.................... Automatic Transmission FWD.............. Front-Wheel Drive P................... Premium Gasoline Recommended
A-S................ Automatic Transmission-Select Shift Gas................ Regular Gasoline PHEV............ Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
AM................. Automated Manual GHG.............. Greenhouse Gas PR................. Premium Gasoline Required
AM-S...............Automated Manual-Selectable HEV............... Hybrid-Electric Vehicle PT4WD......... Part-time 4WD
AV................. Continuously Variable Transmission Hwy............... MPG on Highway Test Procedure PZEV............ Partial Zero-Emission Vehicles
AV-S.............. Continuously Variable Transmision with i-ELOOP........ Mazda Optional Technology Package S................... Supercharger
Select Shift Li-Ion............. Lithium Ion SIDI............... Spark Ignition Direct Injection
AWD.............. All-Wheel Drive LWB.............. Long Wheel Base SS................. Stop-Start Technology
City................ MPG on City Test Procedure M................... Manual Transmission T.................... Turbocharger
Mid................ Midgrade Gasoline Tax................ Subject to Gas Guzzler Tax
Cyl................ Cylinders
Mode............. Multimode Transmission Trans............. Transmission
Comb............. Combined
D................... Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

Aventador Roadster Cooper Roadster

AM-S7, 6.5L, 12cyl 12 10/16 $4,700 1 P Tax SS A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 27/35 $1,900 8 P
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/35 $1,800 8 P
Aventador Veneno Coupe
AM-S7, 6.5L, 12cyl 13 11/17 $4,350 1 P Tax Cooper S Coupe
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
Gallardo Coupe M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
AM-S6, 5.2L, 10cyl 16 13/20 $3,500 3 P Tax
M-6, 5.2L, 10cyl 15 12/20 $3,750 2 P Tax Cooper S Roadster
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
Gallardo Spyder M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
AM-S6, 5.2L, 10cyl 16 13/20 $3,500 3 P Tax
M-6, 5.2L, 10cyl 14 12/20 $4,000 2 P Tax John Cooper Works Coupe
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
MAZDA M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
MX-5 John Cooper Works Roadster
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 21/28 $2,450 6 P
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 22/28 $2,250 6 P
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,350 6 P
MP4-12C Coupe A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,550 5 P
A-7, 3.8L, 8cyl 18 15/22 $3,100 4 PT
M-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P
MP4-12C Spider 370Z Roadster
A-7, 3.8L, 8cyl 18 15/22 $3,100 4 PT
A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,700 5 P
P1 M-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P
A-7, 3.8L, 8cyl See page 36 T PHEV SS
SL550 AM-7, 6.0L, 12cyl 13 11/17 $4,350 1 P T Tax
A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 20 18/25 $2,800 5 P T SS
SL63 AMG 911 GT3
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 19 16/25 $2,950 4 P T SS
AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 17 15/20 $3,300 3 P Tax
SL65 AMG Boxster
A-7, 6.0L, 12cyl 17 14/21 $3,300 3 P T Tax SS
AM-S7, 2.7L, 6cyl 26 22/32 $2,150 7 P
SLK250 M-6, 2.7L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P
A-7, 1.8L, 4cyl 26 23/33 $2,150 7 PT Boxster S
M-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,150 7 PT
AM-S7, 3.4L, 6cyl 24 21/30 $2,350 6 P
SLK350 M-6, 3.4L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 24 21/29 $2,350 6 P SS Cayman
SLK55 AMG AM-S7, 2.7L, 6cyl 26 22/32 $2,150 7 P
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 22 19/28 $2,550 5 P SS M-6, 2.7L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P

SLS AMG Black Series Coupe Cayman S

AM-7, 6.2L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $4,000 2 P Tax AM-S7, 3.4L, 6cyl 24 21/30 $2,350 6 P
M-6, 3.4L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P
AM-7, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax SMART
SLS AMG GT Coupe fortwo cabriolet
AM-7, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax AM5, 1.0L, 3cyl 36 34/38 $1,550 9 P

SLS AMG GT Roadster fortwo coupe

AM-7, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax AM5, 1.0L, 3cyl 36 34/38 $1,550 9 P

SLS AMG Roadster fortwo electric drive convertible

AM-7, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax A-1 107 122/93 $600 10 EV

MINI fortwo electric drive coupe

A-1 107 122/93 $600 10 EV
Cooper Clubvan
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 27/35 $1,900 8 P SRT
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/35 $1,800 8 P Viper
Cooper Coupe M-6, 8.4L, 10cyl 15 12/19 $3,750 2 P Tax
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/36 $1,800 8 P
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 32 29/37 $1,750 8 P

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes


AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,550 5 P
ASTON MARTIN M-7, 3.8L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P

DB9 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet

A-S6, 5.9L, 12cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 21 19/26 $2,700 5 P
M-7, 3.8L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P
A-S6, 5.9L, 12cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax 911 Carrera Cabriolet
AM-S7, 3.4L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P
FERRARI M-7, 3.4L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P
California 911 Carrera S
AM-7, 4.3L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P Tax SS
AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P
AM-7, 4.3L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax
M-7, 3.8L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P
FIAT 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
500 AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P
A-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 30 27/34 $1,900 8 P M-7, 3.8L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P
M-5, 1.4L, 4cyl 34 31/40 $1,650 8 P
911 Targa 4
M-5, 1.4L, 4cyl 30 28/34 $1,900 8 PT
AM-S7, 3.4L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,550 5 P
500 Abarth M-7, 3.4L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P
M-5, 1.4L, 4cyl 30 28/34 $1,900 8 PT
911 Targa 4S
500e AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,700 5 P
A-1 116 122/108 $500 10 EV M-7, 3.8L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P

JAGUAR 911 Turbo

AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 PT
A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P 911 Turbo Cabriolet
A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/22 $3,100 4 PS AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 PT

XK Convertible 911 Turbo S

A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 16/22 $3,100 4 P AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 PT
A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 17 15/22 $3,300 3 PS
911 Turbo S Cabriolet
LOTUS AM-S7, 3.8L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 PT

A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,550 5 PS
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,550 5 P
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 25/34 $2,000 7 P
M-6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 22/30 $2,250 6 P
M-6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 17/26 $2,800 5 PS
MINI AV, 1.3L, 4cyl 37 36/37 $1,400 9
Cooper Convertible
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 27/35 $1,900 8 P
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/35 $1,800 8 P BRZ
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 25/34 $2,000 7 P
Cooper S Convertible
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 22/30 $2,250 6 P
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
John Cooper Works Convertible
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT ASTON MARTIN
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
Rapide S
PORSCHE A-S6, 5.9L, 12cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax

911 Carrera AUDI

AM-S7, 3.4L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P
A5 Cabriolet
M-7, 3.4L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P
AV-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/32 $2,100 7 PT
911 Carrera 4 A5 Cabriolet quattro
AM-S7, 3.4L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P
M-7, 3.4L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 20/29 $2,350 6 Gas P T

911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet 16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85

AM-S7, 3.4L, 6cyl 22 20/27 $2,550 5 P
M-7, 3.4L, 6cyl 21 19/26 $2,700 5 P

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

A5 quattro i3 REX
A-1, 0.6L, 2cyl See page 36 PHEV SS
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 20/29 $2,350 6 Gas P T
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85
A-6, 1.5L, 3cyl See page 36 T PHEV SS
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,150 7 PT

RS 5 M235i
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 25 22/32 $2,250 6 P T SS
AM-S7, 4.2L, 8cyl 18 16/23 $3,100 4 P
M-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 19/28 $2,450 6 P T SS
RS 5 Cabriolet
AM-S7, 4.2L, 8cyl 18 16/22 $3,100 4 P
M6 Convertible
AM-S7, 4.4L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,500 3 P T Tax SS
S5 M-6, 4.4L, 8cyl 17 15/22 $3,300 3 P T Tax SS
AM-S7, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,700 5 PS
M-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/26 $2,800 5 PS
M6 Coupe
AM-S7, 4.4L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,500 3 P T Tax SS
S5 Cabriolet M-6, 4.4L, 8cyl 17 15/22 $3,300 3 P T Tax SS
AM-S7, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 PS
TT Coupe quattro
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/31 $2,150 7 PT
AV, 1.4L, 4cyl See page 36 PHEV SS
Continental GT Speed Convertible
A-S8, 6.0L, 12cyl 15 12/20 $3,750 2 Gas P T Tax AV, 1.2L, 4cyl 34 30/39 $1,550 8
M-5, 1.2L, 4cyl 34 31/39 $1,550 8
11 9/15 $4,250 2 E85

Continental GTC Spark EV

A-1 119 128/109 $500 10 EV
A-S8, 4.0L, 8cyl 17 14/24 $3,300 3 P T Tax

A-S8, 6.0L, 12cyl 15 12/20 $3,750 2 Gas P T Tax FORD

11 9/15 $4,250 2 E85 Fiesta FWD
AM-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8
BMW M-5, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/36 $1,700 8
228i Fiesta SFE FWD
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 23/36 $2,000 7 P T SS M-5, 1.0L, 3cyl 36 31/43 $1,450 9 T
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/34 $2,150 7 P T SS AM-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 32 28/38 $1,650 8
428i Convertible Mustang
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 23/34 $2,100 7 P T SS A-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 23 19/31 $2,300 6
428i xDrive Convertible M-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,400 5
A-6, 5.0L, 8cyl 20 18/25 $2,600 5
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 21/33 $2,250 6 P T SS
M-6, 5.0L, 8cyl 19 15/26 $2,750 4
435i Convertible M-6, 5.8L, 8cyl 18 15/24 $3,100 4 PS
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P T SS
Mustang Convertible
640i Convertible A-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 23 19/30 $2,300 6
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P T SS
640i Coupe
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 25 22/32 $2,250 6 P T SS
Genesis Coupe
A-8, 2.0L, 4cyl 21 17/27 $2,700 5 PT
640i xDrive Convertible M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 PT
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P T SS A-8, 3.8L, 6cyl 19 16/25 $2,950 4 P
M-6, 3.8L, 6cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P
640i xDrive Coupe
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P T SS INFINITI
650i Convertible Q60 AWD Coupe
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P T SS A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 20 18/25 $2,800 5 P

650i Coupe Q60 Convertible

A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P T SS A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 20 18/26 $2,800 5 P
M-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P
650i xDrive Convertible
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P T SS Q60 Coupe
A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P
650i xDrive Coupe M-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 PT

A-1 124 137/111 $500 10 EV IS 250 C
A-S6, 2.5L, 6cyl 24 21/30 $2,350 6 P

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P i-MiEV
A-1 112 126/99 $550 10 EV
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 16/23 $3,100 4 P NISSAN
AM-6, 3.8L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,950 4 PT
A-6, 4.7L, 8cyl 16 13/21 $3,500 3 P Tax ROUSH PERFORMANCE
GranTurismo Convertible Stage 3 Mustang
A-6, 4.7L, 8cyl 15 13/20 $3,750 2 P Tax A-6, 5.0L, 8cyl 17 15/22 $3,300 3 PS
M-6, 5.0L, 8cyl 17 14/22 $3,300 3 P S Tax
C250 Coupe SCION
A-7, 1.8L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,250 6 PT xD
A-4, 1.8L, 4cyl 29 27/33 $1,800 7
C350 4matic Coupe
M-5, 1.8L, 4cyl 29 27/33 $1,800 7
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P SS


A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P SS Beetle Convertible
A-S6, 1.8L, 4cyl 27 24/32 $1,950 7 T
C63 AMG Coupe
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 31 27/38 $1,850 7 DT
A-7, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 23/29 $2,250 6 PT
E350 4matic Coupe M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 27/39 $1,900 7 DT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 23/31 $2,150 7 PT
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 Gas P SS A-S6, 2.5L, 5cyl 23 21/27 $2,300 6
17 15/21 $2,750 6 E85 Eos
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P PZEV SS
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 22/30 $2,250 6 PT
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P SS

E350 Convertible COMPACT CARS

A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 Gas P SS
17 14/21 $2,750 6 E85 ILX
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,550 5 P SS
A-S5, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/35 $2,000 7 P
E350 Coupe M-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,250 6 P
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P PZEV SS
ILX Hybrid
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 Gas P SS AV-S7, 1.5L, 4cyl 38 39/38 $1,500 9 P HEV SS

18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85 TSX

A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P SS A-S5, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 22/31 $2,150 7 P
M-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 21/29 $2,350 6 P
E550 Convertible
A-S5, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 19/28 $2,450 6 P
A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 20 17/26 $2,800 5 P T SS

E550 Coupe AUDI

A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P T SS A4
AV-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/32 $2,100 7 PT
Cooper (3-doors) A4 quattro
A-S6, 1.5L, 3cyl 32 28/39 $1,750 8 PT A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 20/29 $2,350 6 Gas P T
M-6, 1.5L, 3cyl 33 29/40 $1,700 8 PT
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85
Cooper Clubman M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,150 7 PT
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 27/35 $1,900 8 P
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/35 $1,800 8 P
AM-S7, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,700 5 PS
Cooper S (3-doors) M-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/26 $2,800 5 PS
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/34 $2,000 7 PT
Cooper S Clubman Continental GT
A-S8, 4.0L, 8cyl 18 15/24 $3,100 4 PT
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT A-S8, 6.0L, 12cyl 15 12/21 $3,750 2 Gas P T Tax

John Cooper Works Clubman 11 9/15 $4,250 2 E85

A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,900 8 PT

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

320i ATS
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/36 $2,000 7 P T SS A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/31 $2,200 6 T
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 23/36 $2,100 7 P T SS M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 19/30 $2,300 6 T
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,000 7
320i xDrive A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 18/28 $2,400 5
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 23/35 $2,100 7 P T SS
328d A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/29 $2,300 6 T
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 37 32/45 $1,550 8 DT
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
328d xDrive CHEVROLET
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 35 31/43 $1,650 8 DT
328i A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 19/30 $2,400 5
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 23/35 $2,100 7 P T SS
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/34 $2,150 7 P T SS
M-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/28 $2,600 5
328i xDrive A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 18 15/24 $2,900 4
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,150 7 P T SS A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 14 12/18 $4,000 2 P S Tax
M-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,750 4
335i M-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P S Tax
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 25 22/32 $2,250 6 P T SS M-6, 7.0L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax
M-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/30 $2,450 6 P T SS
335i xDrive A-S6, 1.4L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8 T
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P T SS M-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 33 29/40 $1,600 8 T
M-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P T SS A-S6, 1.8L, 4cyl 28 25/35 $1,900 7
428i Coupe M-5, 1.8L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,750 8
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 23/35 $2,100 7 P T SS Sonic RS
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/34 $2,150 7 P T SS A-S6, 1.4L, 4cyl 28 25/33 $1,900 7 T
428i xDrive Coupe M-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 29 27/34 $1,800 8 T

A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,150 7 P T SS Volt

435i Coupe AV, 1.4L, 4cyl See page 36 PHEV SS

A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 25 22/32 $2,250 6 P T SS CHRYSLER

M-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/30 $2,450 6 P T SS
200 Convertible
435i xDrive Coupe A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 22 18/29 $2,400 5
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P T SS
M-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P T SS A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,400 5 Gas

640i Gran Coupe 16 14/21 $2,900 6 E85

A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P T SS FORD
640i xDrive Gran Coupe Fiesta ST FWD
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P T SS M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 29 26/35 $1,800 7 T
650i Gran Coupe Focus Electric
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P T SS A-1 105 110/99 $600 10 EV
650i xDrive Gran Coupe Focus FWD
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P T SS A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8
ActiveHybrid 3 AM-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8
M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 26/36 $1,750 8
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 28 25/33 $2,000 7 P T HEV SS
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 23/32 $2,000 7 T
M6 Gran Coupe
AM-S7, 4.4L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,500 3 P T Tax SS
M-6, 4.4L, 8cyl 17 15/22 $3,300 3 P T Tax SS A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 26/37 $1,750 8 Gas

BUICK 23 20/28 $2,000 8 E85

Verano AM-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 26/37 $1,750 8 Gas

A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/30 $2,200 6 T
23 20/28 $2,000 8 E85
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 20/31 $2,200 6 T
A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 21/32 $2,100 6 M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 26/36 $1,750 8 Gas

22 19/26 $2,100 8 E85


AM-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 33 28/40 $1,600 8 Gas

23 20/28 $2,000 8 E85

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes


Civic A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 19/26 $2,700 5 P
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 33 30/39 $1,600 8
AV-S7, 1.8L, 4cyl 33 29/38 $1,600 8
M-5, 1.8L, 4cyl 31 28/36 $1,700 8 2
M-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,250 6 P A-4, 1.5L, 4cyl 30 28/34 $1,750 8
M-5, 1.5L, 4cyl 32 29/35 $1,650 8
Civic HF
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 35 31/41 $1,500 9 3 4-Door
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 34 30/41 $1,550 8
Civic Hybrid
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 33 29/41 $1,600 8
AV, 1.5L, 4cyl 45 44/47 $1,150 10 HEV SS
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 32 28/39 $1,650 8 i-ELOOP
Civic Natural Gas A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 32 28/39 $1,650 8
A-5, 1.8L, 4cyl 31 27/38 $950 9 CNG
Insight C250
AV, 1.3L, 4cyl 42 41/44 $1,250 9 HEV SS
A-7, 1.8L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,250 6 PT
AV-S7, 1.3L, 4cyl 42 41/44 $1,250 9 HEV SS
C300 4matic
HYUNDAI A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,550 5 P PZEV SS
Accent A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 20/27 $2,550 5 P SS
A-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,550 5 Gas P SS
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 27/38 $1,700 8
15 13/18 $3,100 6 E85
A-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 27 24/31 $1,950 7 T C350
AM-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/36 $1,700 8 A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P SS
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,750 8
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 Gas P SS
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 28 24/33 $1,900 7 T
17 15/21 $2,750 6 E85
INFINITI A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 24 20/29 $2,350 6 P PZEV SS
Q50 Hybrid C63 AMG
A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 31 29/36 $1,800 8 P HEV SS A-7, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P Tax
Q50 Hybrid AWD CL550 4matic
A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 30 28/35 $1,900 8 P HEV SS A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 18 15/24 $3,100 4 PT
Q50S Hybrid CL600
A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 30 28/34 $1,900 8 P HEV SS A-5, 5.5L, 12cyl 14 12/18 $4,000 2 P T Tax
Q50S Hybrid AWD CL63 AMG
A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 28 27/31 $2,000 7 P HEV SS A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 18 15/22 $3,100 4 P T SS


Forte Koup A-5, 6.0L, 12cyl 14 12/18 $4,000 2 P T Tax
A-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 25 22/30 $2,100 6 T CLA250
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 25 22/29 $2,100 6 T AM-7, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 26/38 $1,900 8 P T SS
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 25/34 $1,900 7
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/33 $1,950 7 CLA250 4matic
AM-7, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/32 $2,100 7 P T SS
A-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8 CLA45 AMG 4matic
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8 AM-7, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 23/31 $2,150 7 P T SS

Rio Eco CLS550

A-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/37 $1,700 8 SS A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P T SS

LEXUS CLS550 4matic

A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 19 17/24 $2,950 4 P T SS
CT 200h
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 42 43/40 $1,250 9 HEV SS CLS63 AMG
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 19 16/25 $2,950 4 P T SS
IS 250
A-S6, 2.5L, 6cyl 24 21/30 $2,350 6 P CLS63 AMG 4matic
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 18 16/22 $3,100 4 P T SS
IS 250 AWD
A-S6, 2.5L, 6cyl 23 20/27 $2,450 6 P CLS63 AMG S
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 19 16/25 $2,950 4 P T SS
IS 350
A-S8, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,550 5 P CLS63 AMG S 4matic
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 18 16/22 $3,100 4 P T SS

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

Cooper Countryman Impreza AWD
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 27 25/30 $2,100 7 P AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 27/36 $1,750 8
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/35 $1,800 8 P M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 25/34 $1,900 7
M-5, 2.5L, 4cyl 21 19/25 $2,700 5 PT
Cooper Paceman M-6, 2.5L, 4cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 PT
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 27 25/30 $2,100 7 P
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 31 28/35 $1,800 8 P TOYOTA
Cooper S Countryman Prius c
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 28 25/32 $2,000 7 PT AV, 1.5L, 4cyl 50 53/46 $1,050 10 HEV SS
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 29 26/32 $1,950 7 PT
Cooper S Countryman All4 A-4, 1.5L, 4cyl 32 30/36 $1,650 8
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 26 23/30 $2,150 7 PT M-5, 1.5L, 4cyl 33 30/37 $1,600 8
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 27 25/31 $2,100 7 PT
Cooper S Paceman
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 28 25/32 $2,000 7 PT
A-S6, 1.8L, 4cyl 28 25/33 $1,900 7 T
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 29 26/32 $1,950 7 PT
M-5, 1.8L, 4cyl 27 24/33 $1,950 7 T
Cooper S Paceman All4 AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 28/40 $1,800 7 DT
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 26 23/30 $2,150 7 PT AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 24/30 $2,150 7 PT
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 27 25/31 $2,100 7 PT M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 27/39 $1,900 7 DT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 23/31 $2,150 7 PT
JCW Countryman All4 A-S6, 2.5L, 5cyl 25 22/29 $2,100 6
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 26 23/30 $2,150 7 PT
M-5, 2.5L, 5cyl 25 22/31 $2,100 6
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 27 25/31 $2,100 7 PT
JCW Paceman All4 AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,250 6 PT
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 26 23/30 $2,150 7 PT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 21/32 $2,250 6 PT
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 27 25/31 $2,100 7 PT
CC 4motion
MITSUBISHI A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P
Lancer Golf
AM-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 20 18/25 $2,800 5 PT
32 29/37 $1,800 7
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl DT
AV-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 29 26/34 $1,800 7 32 29/39 $1,800 7
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl DT
M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 25/34 $1,900 7 A-S6, 2.5L, 5cyl 26 23/30 $2,000 7
AV-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 23/30 $2,000 7
M-5, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 22/31 $2,000 7 GTI
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/32 $2,100 7 PT
Lancer AWD M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 21/31 $2,250 6 PT
AV-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 22/29 $2,100 6
Lancer Evolution A-S6, 1.8L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7 T
AM-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 19 17/22 $2,950 4 PT
M-5, 1.8L, 4cyl 30 26/36 $1,750 8 T
M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 PT
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 23/29 $2,100 6
Mirage AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 29/37 $1,800 7 DT
AV, 1.2L, 3cyl 40 37/44 $1,300 9 AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/32 $2,100 7 PT
M-5, 1.2L, 3cyl 37 34/42 $1,400 9 M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/34 $1,900 7
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 29/39 $1,800 7 DT
NISSAN M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 23/33 $2,150 7 PT
Versa Jetta Hybrid
A-4, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,750 8 AM-S7, 1.4L, 4cyl 45 42/48 $1,250 10 P T HEV SS
AV, 1.6L, 4cyl 35 31/40 $1,500 9
M-5, 1.6L, 4cyl 30 27/36 $1,750 8 VOLVO
A-S6, 2.5L, 5cyl 23 20/29 $2,300 6 T
Phantom Coupe A-S6, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5 T
A-S8, 6.7L, 12cyl 14 11/19 $4,000 2 P Tax
Phantom Drophead Coupe A-S6, 2.5L, 5cyl 24 21/30 $2,200 6 T
A-S8, 6.7L, 12cyl 14 11/19 $4,000 2 P Tax


A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 23/31 $2,000 7
M-6, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 23/31 $2,000 7
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 24 20/31 $2,350 6 P

RLX Hybrid
A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 30 28/32 $1,900 8 P HEV SS
Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P AM-S7, 4.4L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,500 3 P T Tax SS
M-6, 4.4L, 8cyl 17 15/22 $3,300 3 P T Tax SS
A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P BUICK
M-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P
AUDI A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,500 5
A6 A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,500 5 Gas
AV-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 25/33 $2,000 7 PT
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85
A6 quattro LaCrosse AWD
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 PT
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 29 24/38 $2,000 7 D T SS A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/26 $2,600 5 Gas
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 18/27 $2,550 5 PS
14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85
A7 quattro LaCrosse eAssist
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 29 24/38 $2,000 7 D T SS
A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7 HEV SS
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,700 5 P S SS
A8 A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/30 $2,200 6 T
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,700 5 P S SS
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 20/31 $2,200 6 T
A-S8, 4.0L, 8cyl 21 17/28 $2,700 5 P T SS
A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 19/31 $2,300 6
RS 7 Regal AWD
A-S8, 4.0L, 8cyl 19 16/27 $2,950 4 PT
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 22 19/27 $2,400 5 T
S6 Regal eAssist
AM-S7, 4.0L, 8cyl 20 17/27 $2,800 5 PT
A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7 HEV SS
AM-S7, 4.0L, 8cyl 20 17/27 $2,800 5 PT
S8 A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5
A-S8, 4.0L, 8cyl 19 15/26 $2,950 4 PT
A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 14 12/18 $4,000 2 P S Tax
BENTLEY M-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P S Tax

Flying Spur CTS AWD

A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
A-S8, 6.0L, 12cyl 15 12/20 $3,750 2 Gas P T Tax
CTS Sedan
11 9/15 $4,250 2 E85 A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/30 $2,300 6 T
Mulsanne A-S8, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 18/29 $2,400 5
A-S8, 6.8L, 8cyl 13 11/18 $4,350 1 P T Tax A-S8, 3.6L, 6cyl 18 16/24 $3,100 4 PT


A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 22 19/28 $2,400 5 T
528i A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 23/34 $2,100 7 P T SS
528i xDrive A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 14 12/18 $4,000 2 P S Tax
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,150 7 P T SS M-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P S Tax
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 30 26/38 $1,900 7 DT
535d xDrive A-S6, 1.4L, 4cyl 30 26/38 $1,750 8 T
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 30 26/37 $1,900 7 DT M-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 30 26/38 $1,750 8 T
535i A-S6, 1.8L, 4cyl 27 22/35 $1,950 7
M-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P T SS
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 33 27/46 $1,750 7 DT
M-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/30 $2,450 6 P T SS

535i xDrive Cruze Eco

A-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 31 26/39 $1,700 8 T
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P T SS
M-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 33 28/42 $1,600 8 T
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P T SS
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/30 $2,200 6 T
550i xDrive A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7 SS
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 PT
Malibu eAssist
ActiveHybrid 5 A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7 HEV SS
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 26 23/30 $2,150 7 P T HEV SS

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

Sonic 5 Fusion FWD

A-S6, 1.4L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8 T A-S6, 1.5L, 4cyl 29 25/37 $1,800 7 T SS
M-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 33 29/40 $1,600 8 T A-S6, 1.5L, 4cyl 28 23/36 $1,900 7 T
A-S6, 1.8L, 4cyl 28 25/35 $1,900 7 M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 29 25/37 $1,800 7 T
M-5, 1.8L, 4cyl 30 26/35 $1,750 8 A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,000 7 T
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 22/34 $2,000 7
Sonic 5 RS
A-S6, 1.4L, 4cyl 28 25/33 $1,900 7 T Fusion Hybrid FWD
M-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 29 27/34 $1,800 8 T AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 42 44/41 $1,250 9 HEV SS

200 Accord
A-4, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 21/30 $2,200 6 AV, 2.4L, 4cyl 30 27/36 $1,750 8
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 20/31 $2,200 6 AV-S7, 2.4L, 4cyl 29 26/34 $1,800 7
M-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 28 24/34 $1,900 7
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,400 5 Gas
A-6, 3.5L, 6cyl 26 21/34 $2,000 7
16 14/21 $2,900 6 E85 A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 25 21/32 $2,100 6
M-6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 18/28 $2,400 5
Accord Hybrid
Avenger AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 47 50/45 $1,100 10 HEV SS
A-4, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 21/30 $2,200 6
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 20/31 $2,200 6 Accord Plug-in Hybrid
AV, 2.0L, 4cyl See page 36 PHEV SS
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,400 5 Gas

16 14/21 $2,900 6 E85

Challenger Elantra
A-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 32 28/38 $1,650 8
A-5, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,550 5 Mid
M-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8
A-5, 5.7L, 8cyl 18 15/25 $3,000 4 Mid
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/35 $1,900 7
M-6, 5.7L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/34 $1,900 7
Challenger SRT8
A-5, 6.4L, 8cyl 17 14/23 $3,300 3 P Tax
Elantra Coupe
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/34 $1,900 7
M-6, 6.4L, 8cyl 17 14/23 $3,300 3 P Tax

Dart Elantra GT
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/33 $1,950 7
AM-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,800 8 PT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/34 $1,900 7
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/34 $1,950 7 Gas
Elantra Limited
19 17/24 $2,450 7 E85 A-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 27 23/35 $1,950 7 Sonata Hybrid
M-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 27 22/35 $1,950 7 AM-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 38 36/40 $1,400 9 HEV SS

Dart Aero Sonata Hybrid Limited

AM-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 32 28/40 $1,750 8 PT AM-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 37 36/40 $1,400 9 HEV SS
M-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 32 28/41 $1,750 8 PT
Dart GT Q50
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 22/31 $2,000 7 A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P
M-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 27 23/33 $1,950 7
FERRARI A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P
FF Q50a
AM-7, 6.3L, 12cyl 13 11/17 $4,350 1 P Tax PT4WD SS
A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 23 20/30 $2,450 6 P
AM-7, 6.3L, 12cyl 13 11/16 $4,350 1 P Tax PT4WD
Q50a AWD
FORD A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P
C-MAX Energi Plug-in Hybrid Q70
AV, 2.0L, 4cyl See page 36 PHEV SS
A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P
Fusion AWD A-S7, 5.6L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,100 6 T Q70 AWD
Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 P
AV, 2.0L, 4cyl See page 36 PHEV SS A-S7, 5.6L, 8cyl 18 16/23 $3,100 4 P

Q70 Hybrid
A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 31 29/34 $1,800 8 P HEV SS

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes


XF A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,000 7 T
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 19/30 $2,450 6 PT A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,400 5
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P S SS
MKZ Hybrid FWD
XF AWD AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 38 38/37 $1,400 9 HEV SS
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 16/26 $2,950 4 P S SS
XF FFV Ghibli V6
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 17/28 $2,700 5 Gas P S SS A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 15/25 $2,950 4 PT

15 13/19 $3,100 5 E85 Ghibli V6 AWD

A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl 18 15/25 $3,100 4 PT
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 Gas P S SS

13 11/17 $3,600 4 E85 MAZDA

KIA 3 5-Door
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 33 30/40 $1,600 8
Forte M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 33 29/40 $1,600 8
A-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7 A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 32 28/38 $1,650 8 i-ELOOP
M-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 29 25/37 $1,800 7 A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 31 27/37 $1,700 8
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/36 $1,900 7
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/35 $1,900 7 6
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 32 28/40 $1,650 8 i-ELOOP
Forte Eco A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 30 26/38 $1,750 8
A-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 29 26/35 $1,800 7 M-6, 2.5L, 4cyl 29 25/37 $1,800 7
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 20/31 $2,200 6 T
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 27 23/34 $1,950 7 B-Class Electric Drive
A-1 84 85/83 $700 10 EV
Optima Hybrid
AM-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 38 36/40 $1,400 9 HEV SS E250 Bluetec
A-7, 2.1L, 4cyl 33 28/42 $1,750 7 D T SS
Optima Hybrid EX
AM-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 37 35/39 $1,400 9 HEV SS E250 Bluetec 4matic
A-7, 2.1L, 4cyl 31 27/38 $1,850 7 D T SS
ES 300h A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P PZEV SS
AV-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 40 40/39 $1,300 9 HEV SS A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P SS

ES 350 A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 Gas P SS

A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 24 21/31 $2,200 6
18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85
GS 350 E350 4matic
A-S8, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 19/29 $2,450 6 P
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P SS
GS 350 AWD A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 Gas P SS
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 19/26 $2,700 5 P
18 16/21 $2,600 6 E85
GS 450h A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 20/27 $2,550 5 P PZEV SS
AV-S8, 3.5L, 6cyl 31 29/34 $1,800 8 P HEV SS
E400 Hybrid
LS 460 A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 26 24/30 $2,150 7 P HEV SS
A-S8, 4.6L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P
E550 4matic
LS 460 AWD A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 21 18/24 $2,700 5 P T SS
A-S8, 4.6L, 8cyl 18 16/23 $3,100 4 P
LS 460 L A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 PT
A-S8, 4.6L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P
E63 AMG 4matic
LS 460 L AWD A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 19 16/23 $2,950 4 P T SS
A-S8, 4.6L, 8cyl 18 16/23 $3,100 4 P
LS 600h L A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 PT
AV-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 20 19/23 $2,800 5 P HEV SS
E63 AMG S 4matic
LINCOLN A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 18 15/22 $3,100 4 P T SS
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,100 6 T
A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5 Altima
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 31 27/38 $1,700 8
AV-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 25 22/31 $2,100 6

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

Leaf S80 FWD

A-1 114 126/101 $550 10 EV A-S6, 3.2L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,300 6
AV-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,550 5 P
Sentra AUDI
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 33 30/39 $1,600 8 A8 L
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 34 30/39 $1,550 8 28 24/36 $2,050 6
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl D T SS
M-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 30 27/36 $1,750 8 A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,700 5 P S SS
Sentra FE A-S8, 4.0L, 8cyl 19 16/26 $2,950 4 P T SS
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 34 30/40 $1,550 8 A-S8, 6.3L, 12cyl 16 13/21 $3,500 3 P Tax

Wraith 328i xDrive Gran Turismo
A-S8, 6.6L, 12cyl 15 13/21 $3,750 2 P T Tax A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,150 7 P T SS

SUBARU 335i xDrive Gran Turismo

A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 24 20/30 $2,350 6 P T SS
Legacy AWD
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 27 24/32 $1,950 7 535i Gran Turismo
M-6, 2.5L, 4cyl 24 21/29 $2,200 6 A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,550 5 P T SS
A-S5, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 18/25 $2,600 5 535i xDrive Gran Turismo
TOYOTA A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 P T SS

Avalon 550i Gran Turismo

A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 24 21/31 $2,200 6 3 Mode A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/25 $2,950 4 P T SS
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 25 21/31 $2,100 6 550i xDrive Gran Turismo
Avalon Hybrid A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P T SS
AV-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 40 40/39 $1,300 9 HEV SS 740i
Camry A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,550 5 P T SS
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 28 25/35 $1,900 7 740Li
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 25 21/31 $2,100 6 A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,550 5 P T SS
Camry Hybrid LE 740Li xDrive
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 41 43/39 $1,300 9 HEV SS
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,550 5 P T SS
Camry Hybrid XLE/SE 750i
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 40 40/38 $1,300 9 HEV SS
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P T SS
Corolla 750i xDrive
A-4, 1.8L, 4cyl 31 27/36 $1,700 8 A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P T SS
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 32 29/38 $1,650 8
AV-S7, 1.8L, 4cyl 32 29/37 $1,650 8 750Li
M-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 31 28/37 $1,700 8 A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/25 $2,950 4 P T SS

Corolla LE Eco 750Li xDrive

AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 35 30/42 $1,500 9 A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P T SS
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 34 30/40 $1,550 8 2 mode
Prius A-S8, 6.0L, 12cyl 15 13/20 $3,750 2 P T Tax
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 50 51/48 $1,050 10 HEV SS
ActiveHybrid 7L
Prius Plug-in Hybrid A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 25 22/30 $2,250 6 P T HEV SS
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl See page 36 PHEV SS
Alpina B7 LWB
VOLKSWAGEN A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/25 $2,950 4 P T SS

Passat Alpina B7 LWB xDrive

A-S6, 1.8L, 4cyl 28 24/34 $1,900 7 T A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P T SS
M-5, 1.8L, 4cyl 28 24/35 $1,900 7 T
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 34 30/40 $1,700 8 DT
Alpina B7 SWB
Not available. See page 31. A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/25 $2,950 4 P T SS
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl DT
A-S6, 2.5L, 5cyl 25 22/31 $2,100 6 Alpina B7 SWB xDrive
M-5, 2.5L, 5cyl 26 22/32 $2,000 7 A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P T SS
AM-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P
X1 sDrive28i
VOLVO A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 23/34 $2,100 7 P T SS
S80 AWD X1 xDrive28i
A-S6, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5 T A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,150 7 P T SS

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

X1 xDrive35i FORD
A-S6, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,700 5 PT C-MAX Hybrid FWD
AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 40 42/37 $1,300 9 HEV SS
XTS Taurus AWD
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,500 5
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 T
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/26 $2,600 5
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 PT A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5 Gas

CHEVROLET 15 13/19 $3,100 5 E85

Impala Taurus FWD

A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 25 21/31 $2,100 6 A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,000 7 T
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 19/29 $2,300 6
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,400 5 Gas
Taurus FWD FFV
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,500 5 A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 19/29 $2,300 6 Gas

Impala eAssist 16 13/21 $2,900 6 E85

A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 29 25/35 $1,800 7 HEV SS
Impala Limited Azera
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 18/30 $2,400 5 Gas A-6, 3.3L, 6cyl 23 19/29 $2,300 6
16 13/22 $2,900 6 E85 Equus
A-8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P
A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 17 14/21 $3,100 3 Tax Genesis
A-8, 3.8L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5
300 Genesis R Spec
A-8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 23 19/31 $2,300 6 Gas
17 14/23 $2,750 6 E85 A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 21/32 $2,100 6 T
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 23 19/31 $2,300 6 A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 28 24/35 $1,900 7
A-5, 5.7L, 8cyl 18 15/25 $3,000 4 Mid
300 AWD
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5 Gas A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P S SS

16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85 XJ AWD

A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5 A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P S SS
A-5, 5.7L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,000 4 Mid
300 SRT8
A-5, 6.4L, 8cyl 17 14/23 $3,300 3 P Tax A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,700 5 Gas P S SS

DODGE 14 12/19 $3,300 5 E85

Charger A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 Gas P S SS

13 11/17 $3,600 4 E85

A-5, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5 Gas

15 13/19 $3,100 5 E85

A-5, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5 A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P S SS

A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 23 19/31 $2,300 6 Gas XJL AWD

A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P S SS
17 14/23 $2,750 6 E85
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 23 19/31 $2,300 6 XJL FFV
A-5, 5.7L, 8cyl 18 15/25 $3,000 4 Mid
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/27 $2,800 5 Gas P S SS
Charger AWD 14 11/19 $3,300 5 E85
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5 Gas A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 Gas P S SS
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85 13 11/17 $3,600 4 E85
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5
A-5, 5.7L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,000 4 Mid

Charger SRT8
A-5, 6.4L, 8cyl 17 14/23 $3,300 3 P Tax

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes


Cadenza A-S8, 6.6L, 12cyl 15 13/21 $3,750 2 P T Tax
A-6, 3.3L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,400 5 Phantom
Forte 5 A-S8, 6.7L, 12cyl 14 11/19 $4,000 2 P Tax
A-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 24 21/29 $2,200 6 T
Phantom EWB
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 24 21/29 $2,200 6 T
A-S8, 6.7L, 12cyl 14 11/19 $4,000 2 P Tax
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/34 $1,900 7
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 24/34 $1,900 7 TESLA
LINCOLN Model S (60 kW-hr battery pack)
A-1 95 94/97 $650 10 EV
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 T Model S (85 kW-hr battery pack)
A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5 A-1 89 88/90 $700 10 EV

MKS FWD Model S AWD (85 kW-hr battery pack)

A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,400 5 A-1 89 86/94 $700 10 EV


Quattroporte GTS
A-8, 3.8L, 8cyl 16 13/22 $3,500 3 P T Tax ACURA
Quattroporte SQ4 V6 TSX Wagon
A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl 18 15/24 $3,100 4 PT A-S5, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 22/30 $2,250 6 P

S550 allroad quattro
A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P T SS
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/27 $2,450 6 Gas P T
S550 4matic 15 14/18 $3,100 5 E85
A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 19 16/26 $2,950 4 P T SS
S63 AMG 4matic
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P T SS 328d xDrive Sports Wagon
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 35 31/43 $1,650 8 DT
328i xDrive Sports Wagon
Panamera A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 22/33 $2,150 7 P T SS
AM-S7, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 18/28 $2,550 5 P SS
Panamera 4
AM-S7, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,700 5 P SS CTS Wagon
A-S6, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
Panamera 4S A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
AM-S7, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 17/27 $2,700 5 P T SS A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 14 12/18 $4,000 2 P S Tax
Panamera 4S Executive M-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P S Tax
AM-S7, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/26 $2,800 5 P T SS CTS Wagon AWD
Panamera GTS A-S6, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
AM-S7, 4.8L, 8cyl 19 16/24 $2,950 4 P SS A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5

Panamera S FIAT
AM-S7, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 17/27 $2,700 5 P T SS 500 L
Panamera S E-Hybrid A-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 27 24/33 $2,100 7 PT
AM-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl See page 36 S PHEV SS M-6, 1.4L, 4cyl 28 25/33 $2,000 7 PT

Panamera Turbo HONDA

AM-S7, 4.8L, 8cyl 18 15/24 $3,100 4 P T SS Fit EV
Panamera Turbo Executive A-1 118 132/105 $500 10 EV
AM-S7, 4.8L, 8cyl 18 15/24 $3,100 4 P T SS
Panamera Turbo S QX50
AM-S7, 4.8L, 8cyl 18 15/24 $3,100 4 P T SS A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,800 5 P
Panamera Turbo S Executive QX50 AWD
AM-S7, 4.8L, 8cyl 18 15/24 $3,100 4 P T SS A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 P

A-S8, 6.6L, 12cyl 15 13/21 $3,750 2 P T Tax

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes


A-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 26 24/30 $2,000 7 NISSAN
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 26 24/30 $2,000 7 Frontier 2WD
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 23/31 $2,000 7 A-5, 2.5L, 4cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4
Soul ECO dynamics M-5, 2.5L, 4cyl 21 19/23 $2,500 5
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/31 $1,950 7 A-5, 4.0L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4
M-6, 4.0L, 6cyl 19 16/22 $2,750 4
Lancer Sportback
AV-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/32 $1,950 7 Tacoma 2WD
AV-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 22/29 $2,100 6 A-4, 2.7L, 4cyl 21 19/24 $2,500 5
M-5, 2.7L, 4cyl 23 21/25 $2,300 6
NISSAN A-5, 4.0L, 6cyl 19 17/21 $2,750 4
Cube M-6, 4.0L, 6cyl 18 16/21 $2,900 4
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 28 27/31 $1,900 7
M-6, 1.8L, 4cyl 27 25/30 $1,950 7 SMALL PICKUP TRUCKS 4WD
AV-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 29 27/32 $1,950 7 PT
M-6, 1.6L, 4cyl 27 25/31 $2,100 7 PT
Frontier 4WD
A-5, 4.0L, 6cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3
Juke AWD M-6, 4.0L, 6cyl 18 16/21 $2,900 4
AV-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 27 25/30 $2,100 7 PT
SCION Tacoma 4WD
xB A-4, 2.7L, 4cyl 19 18/21 $2,750 4 PT4WD
A-S4, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 22/28 $2,200 6 M-5, 2.7L, 4cyl 19 18/21 $2,750 4 PT4WD
M-5, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 22/28 $2,200 6 A-5, 4.0L, 6cyl 18 16/21 $2,900 4 PT4WD
M-6, 4.0L, 6cyl 17 16/19 $3,100 3 PT4WD
AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 27/36 $1,750 8
M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 25/33 $1,900 7 CHEVROLET
M-5, 2.5L, 4cyl 21 19/25 $2,700 5 PT Silverado C15 2WD
M-6, 2.5L, 4cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 PT
A-6, 4.3L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,600 5 Gas
14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85
Jetta SportWagen
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl DT A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas
32 29/37 $1,800 7
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 29/39 $1,800 7 DT 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85
A-S6, 2.5L, 5cyl 26 23/30 $2,000 7
M-5, 2.5L, 5cyl 26 23/33 $2,000 7 FORD
F150 Pickup 2WD
MIDSIZE STATION WAGONS A-6, 3.5L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4 T
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4 T
MERCEDES-BENZ A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2
E350 4matic (wagon) F150 Pickup 2WD FFV
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 20/27 $2,550 5 P SS
A-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4 Gas
E63 AMG 4matic (wagon)
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,300 3 P T SS 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85

E63 AMG S 4matic (wagon) A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4 Gas
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 18 15/21 $3,100 4 P T SS 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85

TOYOTA A-6, 5.0L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas

Prius v 13 11/15 $3,600 4 E85
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 42 44/40 $1,250 9 HEV SS
A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas

13 11/15 $3,600 4 E85

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

GMC F150 Pickup 4WD FFV

Sierra C15 2WD A-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 18 16/21 $2,900 4 Gas PT4WD
A-6, 4.3L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,600 5 Gas
13 11/15 $3,600 4 E85
14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85
A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 18 16/21 $2,900 4 Gas PT4WD
A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas
13 11/15 $3,600 4 E85
14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85
A-6, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,300 3 Gas PT4WD
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3
12 10/14 $3,850 3 E85
A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,300 3 Gas PT4WD
Titan 2WD
A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 12 10/14 $3,850 3 E85

A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas F150 Raptor Pickup 4WD
A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 13 11/16 $4,050 1 PT4WD
11 9/13 $4,250 2 E85
Sierra K15 4WD
1500 2WD
A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl Currently unavailable. See page 31 DT A-6, 4.3L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,750 4 Gas

A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas 13 12/15 $3,600 4 E85

14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4 Gas

A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 13 12/16 $3,600 4 E85
A-6, 5.7L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,400 3 Mid A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 17 14/20 $3,100 3
A-8, 5.7L, 8cyl 17 15/22 $3,200 3 Mid
1500 HFE 2WD
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5 SS Ridgeline Truck 4WD
A-5, 3.5L, 6cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3
F150 Pickup 2WD
A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 13 12/15 $4,350 1 PS Titan 4WD
A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 11 10/12 $5,100 1 PS
A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 14 12/17 $3,750 2 Gas
TOYOTA 10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85
Tundra 2WD A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 14 12/17 $3,750 2
A-S5, 4.0L, 6cyl 17 16/20 $3,100 3 RAM
A-S6, 4.6L, 8cyl 16 15/19 $3,300 3
A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 1500 4WD
A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl Currently unavailable. See page 31 DT
STANDARD PICKUP TRUCKS 4WD A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas

CHEVROLET 13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85

A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4
Silverado K15 4WD A-6, 5.7L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,600 2 Mid
A-6, 4.3L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,750 4 Gas A-8, 5.7L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,200 3 Mid

13 12/15 $3,600 4 E85 ROUSH PERFORMANCE

A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4 Gas F150 Pickup 4WD
A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 13 12/15 $4,350 1 PS
13 12/16 $3,600 4 E85
A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 11 10/12 $5,100 1 P S PT4WD
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 17 14/20 $3,100 3
F150 Raptor Pickup 4WD
FORD A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 11 10/12 $5,100 1 P S PT4WD
F150 Pickup 4WD
A-6, 3.5L, 6cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 T PT4WD
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 T PT4WD Tundra 4WD
A-S6, 6.2L, 8cyl 13 12/16 $4,050 1 PT4WD A-S6, 4.6L, 8cyl 16 14/18 $3,300 3 PT4WD
A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 15 13/17 $3,500 2 PT4WD

Tundra 4WD FFV

A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 15 13/17 $3,500 2 Gas PT4WD

11 9/12 $4,250 2 E85

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

VANS, CARGO TYPE Savana 1500 2WD Conversion (cargo)

A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas SS
Express 1500 2WD Cargo 11 10/13 $4,250 2 E85

A-4, 4.3L, 6cyl 16 14/19 $3,300 3 Savana 2500 2WD Conversion (cargo)
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 12 10/15 $4,400 1 Gas

11 10/13 $4,250 3 E85 9 7/11 $5,150 1 E85

Express 1500 2WD Conversion Cargo
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas
11 10/13 $4,250 2 E85

Express 1500 AWD Cargo Express 1500 2WD Passenger

A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas
11 10/13 $4,250 2 E85
11 10/12 $4,250 3 E85

Express 1500 AWD Conversion Cargo Express 1500 AWD Passenger

A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas SS
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas SS
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85

Express 2500 2WD Conversion Cargo Express 2500 2WD Passenger

A-6, 4.8L, 8cyl 13 11/17 $4,050 1 SS
A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 12 10/15 $4,400 1 Gas
A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 13 11/16 $4,050 1 Gas
9 7/11 $5,150 1 E85
9 8/11 $5,150 1 E85
FORD Express 3500 2WD Passenger
E150 Van FFV A-6, 4.8L, 8cyl 13 11/17 $4,050 1 SS

A-4, 4.6L, 8cyl 15 13/16 $3,500 2 Gas A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 12 11/16 $4,400 1 Gas

11 10/12 $4,250 2 E85 9 8/11 $5,150 1 E85

A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 14 12/16 $3,750 2 Gas FORD

10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 E150 Wagon FFV
E250 Van FFV A-4, 4.6L, 8cyl 14 13/16 $3,750 2 Gas
A-4, 4.6L, 8cyl 15 13/16 $3,500 2 Gas 10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85
11 10/12 $4,250 2 E85 A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 13 12/16 $4,050 1 Gas

A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 14 12/16 $3,750 2 Gas 10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85

10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 E350 Wagon

A-5, 6.8L, 10cyl 11 10/13 $4,750 1
E350 Van
A-5, 6.8L, 10cyl 12 10/14 $4,400 1 E350 Wagon FFV
E350 Van FFV A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 13 11/15 $4,050 1 Gas

A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 13 12/16 $4,050 1 Gas 10 9/11 $4,650 2 E85

10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 GMC

GMC Savana 1500 2WD (Passenger)
Savana 1500 AWD (cargo) A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 11 10/13 $4,250 2 E85
11 10/12 $4,250 3 E85 Savana 1500 AWD (Passenger)
Savana 1500 AWD Conversion (cargo) A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 Savana 2500 2WD (Passenger)
A-6, 4.8L, 8cyl 13 11/17 $4,050 1
Savana 1500 2WD (cargo)
A-4, 4.3L, 6cyl 16 14/19 $3,300 3 A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 13 11/16 $4,050 1 Gas

A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas 9 8/11 $5,150 1 E85

11 10/13 $4,250 3 E85

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

Savana 3500 2WD (Passenger) KIA

A-6, 4.8L, 8cyl 13 11/17 $4,050 1
A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 12 11/16 $4,400 1 Gas A-6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5
9 8/11 $5,150 1 E85 MAZDA
A-S5, 2.5L, 4cyl 24 22/28 $2,200 6
CADILLAC M-6, 2.5L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,200 6


A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Tax Quest
XTS Limo AV, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 19/25 $2,500 5
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Tax
Transit Connect Van 2WD A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 25 22/30 $2,100 6 T A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5 Gas
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 24 21/29 $2,200 6
15 13/18 $3,100 5 E85
Transit Connect Wagon FWD
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 25 22/29 $2,100 6 T TOYOTA
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 23 20/28 $2,300 6 Sienna 2WD
Transit Connect Wagon LWB FWD A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 23 20/28 $2,300 6
MKT Livery FWD A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/28 $2,300 6 T
14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85
A-4, 4.6L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2
A-4, 4.6L, 8cyl 13 12/16 $2,300 4 CNG
Sienna AWD
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4
AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 24/25 $2,200 6
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P
MKT Livery AWD A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P
A-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4
A-S6, 1.4L, 4cyl 28 25/33 $1,900 7 T
Town and Country
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 e6
A-1 63 61/65 $950 10 EV
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas
14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85
Captiva FWD
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 20/28 $2,300 6 Gas
Grand Caravan
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85

A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas A-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4 Gas

14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85

A-6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,400 5
Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

Equinox FWD QX70 RWD

A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,950 4 P
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,000 7 Gas

18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85

A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,000 7 Cherokee FWD
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5 A-9, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,100 6
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5 Gas A-9, 3.2L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,400 5

16 13/22 $2,900 6 E85 Compass FWD

A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,200 6
DODGE AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 22/27 $2,200 6
Journey FWD M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 23/30 $2,000 7
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,200 6
A-4, 2.4L, 4cyl 21 19/26 $2,500 5
M-5, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 23/28 $2,100 6
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/25 $2,750 4 Gas
Patriot FWD
14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85 A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,200 6
AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 22/27 $2,200 6
M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 23/30 $2,000 7
Edge FWD A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,200 6
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/30 $2,200 6 T M-5, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 23/28 $2,100 6
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,400 5
A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5 KIA
Escape FWD Sorento 2WD
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 22 20/26 $2,400 5
A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 26 23/32 $2,000 7 T
M-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 21 19/27 $2,500 5
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 22/30 $2,100 6 T
A-6, 3.3L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,100 6
Sportage 2WD
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/26 $2,300 6 T
Terrain FWD A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,200 6
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,000 7 Gas LEXUS
18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85 RX 350
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,000 7 A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5 Gas RX 450h
16 13/22 $2,900 6 E85 AV-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 30 32/28 $1,900 8 P HEV SS
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5
CR-V 2WD A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
A-5, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 23/31 $2,000 7
Crosstour 2WD CX-5 2WD
A-5, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 22/31 $2,100 6 A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 29 26/32 $1,800 7
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/30 $2,300 6 M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 29 26/35 $1,800 7
Pilot 2WD A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 27 25/32 $1,950 7
A-5, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5 CX-9 2WD
HYUNDAI A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4


A-6, 3.3L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5 GLK350
Santa Fe Sport 2WD A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,550 5 P PZEV SS
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 22 19/27 $2,400 5 T A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 19/25 $2,700 5 P SS
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 20/27 $2,300 6
Santa Fe Ultimate 2WD Outlander 2WD
A-6, 3.3L, 6cyl 20 17/23 $2,600 5 AV-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 27 25/31 $1,950 7
Tucson 2WD Outlander Sport 2WD
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 23/29 $2,100 6 AV-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/31 $1,950 7
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,200 6 M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 24/30 $2,000 7
QX60 FWD Murano FWD
AV-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 20/26 $2,550 5 P
AV, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,600 5

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

Pathfinder 2WD BUICK

AV, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 20/26 $2,400 5 Encore AWD
A-S6, 1.4L, 4cyl 26 23/30 $2,000 7 T
Rogue FWD
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 28 26/33 $1,900 7 CHEVROLET
Rogue Select FWD Captiva AWD
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 25 23/28 $2,100 6
A-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4 Gas
Xterra 2WD
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85
A-5, 4.0L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4
Equinox AWD
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 20/29 $2,300 6 Gas
FJ Cruiser 2WD
A-5, 4.0L, 6cyl 18 16/20 $2,900 4 17 14/20 $2,750 6 E85
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 20/29 $2,300 6
Highlander 2WD
A-S6, 2.7L, 4cyl 22 20/25 $2,400 5 A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 19/25 $2,500 5 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85
RAV4 A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 24/31 $2,000 7 DODGE
RAV4 EV Journey AWD
AV 76 78/74 $800 10 EV A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/24 $2,750 4
Venza FORD
A-S6, 2.7L, 4cyl 23 20/26 $2,300 6
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,400 5 Edge AWD
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5
VOLKSWAGEN A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4
Tiguan Escape AWD
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 21/26 $2,450 6 PT A-S6, 1.6L, 4cyl 25 22/30 $2,100 6 T
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 PT A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,200 6 T

XC60 FWD Terrain AWD
A-S6, 3.2L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 20/29 $2,300 6 Gas
A-S6, 3.2L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5 17 14/20 $2,750 6 E85
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 20/29 $2,300 6
SMALL SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 4WD A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas
14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,700 5 P HONDA
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P A-5, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 22/30 $2,100 6

AUDI Crosstour 4WD

A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/28 $2,400 5
Pilot 4WD
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 Gas P T A-5, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5
16 14/19 $2,900 6 E85 HYUNDAI
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 26 23/30 $2,200 6 D T SS
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,700 5 PS Santa Fe 4WD
A-6, 3.3L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,600 5
Q5 Hybrid
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 24/30 $2,150 7 P T HEV SS Santa Fe Sport 4WD
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 21 18/24 $2,500 5 T
SQ5 A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 21 19/25 $2,500 5
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,950 4 PS
Santa Fe Ultimate 4WD
BMW A-6, 3.3L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,750 4
X3 xDrive28i Tucson 4WD
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,350 6 P T SS A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 21/25 $2,300 6
X3 xDrive35i A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 22 20/25 $2,400 5
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 19/26 $2,700 5 P T SS

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

AV-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 19/25 $2,700 5 P A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 25/31 $1,900 7
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 24/30 $2,000 7
A-S7, 3.7L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $3,100 4 P CX-9 4WD
A-S7, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,500 3 P A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4

Cherokee 4WD GLK250 Bluetec 4matic
A-9, 2.4L, 4cyl 24 21/28 $2,200 6 A-7, 2.1L, 4cyl 28 24/33 $2,050 6 D T SS
A-9, 3.2L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,400 5
GLK350 4matic
Cherokee 4WD Active Drive II A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 19/25 $2,700 5 P PZEV SS
A-9, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 21/27 $2,300 6 A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,700 5 P SS
A-9, 3.2L, 6cyl 21 19/26 $2,500 5
Cherokee Trailhawk 4WD
A-9, 2.4L, 4cyl 22 19/25 $2,400 5
Outlander 4WD
AV-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 24/29 $2,000 7
A-9, 3.2L, 6cyl 20 18/25 $2,600 5
A-S6, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P
Compass 4WD
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 21/27 $2,300 6
Outlander Sport 4WD
AV-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 24/29 $2,000 7
AV, 2.4L, 4cyl 21 20/23 $2,500 5
M-5, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 23/28 $2,100 6 NISSAN
Patriot 4WD Murano AWD
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 21/27 $2,300 6 AV, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 18/23 $2,600 5
AV, 2.4L, 4cyl 21 20/23 $2,500 5
M-5, 2.4L, 4cyl 25 23/28 $2,100 6 Murano CrossCabriolet
AV, 3.5L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,950 4 P
Wrangler 4WD
A-5, 3.6L, 6cyl 18 17/21 $2,900 4 Pathfinder 4WD
M-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 18 17/21 $2,900 4 AV, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 19/25 $2,500 5

Wrangler Unlimited 4WD Rogue AWD

A-5, 3.6L, 6cyl 18 16/20 $2,900 4 AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 28 25/32 $1,900 7
M-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 18 16/21 $2,900 4 Rogue Select AWD
KIA AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 24 22/27 $2,200 6

Sorento 4WD Xterra 4WD

A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 21 19/24 $2,500 5 A-5, 4.0L, 6cyl 17 15/20 $3,100 3
A-6, 3.3L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,600 5 M-6, 4.0L, 6cyl 17 16/20 $3,100 3

Sportage 4WD SUBARU

A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 21 19/24 $2,500 5 T Forester AWD
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 22 19/26 $2,400 5 AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 25 23/28 $2,250 6 PT
LAND ROVER AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 27 24/32 $1,950 7
M-6, 2.5L, 4cyl 24 22/29 $2,200 6
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 PT Outback AWD
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 24/30 $2,000 7
Range Rover Evoque M-6, 2.5L, 4cyl 24 22/29 $2,200 6
A-S9, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 21/30 $2,350 6 PT A-S5, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5
RX 350 AWD A-S5, 3.6L, 6cyl 18 16/21 $2,900 4
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,600 5 XV Crosstrek AWD
A-S8, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5 AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 28 25/33 $1,900 7
RX 450h AWD M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 23/30 $2,000 7
AV-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 29 30/28 $1,950 7 P HEV SS XV Crosstrek Hybrid AWD
AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 31 29/33 $1,700 8 HEV SS
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 18 16/23 $2,900 4 T FJ Cruiser 4WD
MKX AWD A-5, 4.0L, 6cyl 18 17/20 $2,900 4 PT4WD
M-6, 4.0L, 6cyl 16 15/18 $3,300 3
A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4
A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 25 22/29 $2,100 6

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

RAV4 Limited AWD Explorer 2WD FFV

A-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 25 22/29 $2,100 6
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5 Gas
Venza 4WD 15 13/18 $3,100 5 E85
A-S6, 2.7L, 4cyl 22 20/26 $2,400 5
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5 Explorer FWD
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/28 $2,300 6 T
VOLKSWAGEN A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5
Tiguan 4motion Flex FWD
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/26 $2,450 6 PT
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 18/25 $2,600 5
XC60 AWD Acadia FWD
A-S6, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5 T
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4
A-S6, 3.2L, 6cyl 20 18/25 $2,600 5
Yukon C10 2WD
A-S6, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5 T A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas
A-S6, 3.2L, 6cyl 21 18/25 $2,500 5
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85

STANDARD SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 2WD A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/18 $3,300 3 Gas

12 10/15 $3,850 3 E85

Yukon XL C10 2WD
Enclave FWD
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4 A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas

CADILLAC 13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85

Escalade 2WD A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/18 $3,300 3 Gas

A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/18 $3,300 3 Gas 12 10/15 $3,850 3 E85

12 10/15 $3,850 3 E85 INFINITI

Escalade ESV 2WD QX60 Hybrid FWD
AV-S7, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 26/28 $2,000 7 S HEV SS
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/18 $3,300 3 Gas
QX80 2WD
12 10/15 $3,850 3 E85 A-S7, 5.6L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,500 3 P
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4
Grand Cherokee 2WD
CHEVROLET A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl Currently Unavailable. See page 31 D T
Suburban C10 2WD A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas
A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 16 14/19 $2,900 5 E85
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 A-8, 5.7L, 8cyl 17 14/22 $3,200 3 Mid


A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas MKT FWD
A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85
Navigator 2WD FFV
Traverse FWD
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4 A-6, 5.4L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,300 3 Gas

DODGE 12 10/14 $3,850 3 E85


A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 18/25 $2,600 5 Gas ML350
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,800 5 P
15 13/19 $3,100 5 E85
A-8, 5.7L, 8cyl 17 14/23 $3,200 3 Mid NISSAN
FORD Armada 2WD
A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,500 2
Expedition 2WD FFV
A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 15 12/19 $3,500 2 Gas
A-6, 5.4L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,300 3 Gas
11 9/13 $4,250 2 E85
12 10/14 $3,850 3 E85
Pathfinder Hybrid 2WD
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 25/28 $2,000 7 S HEV SS

Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

4Runner 2WD Durango AWD
A-S5, 4.0L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,750 4
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4 Gas
Sequoia 2WD 15 13/18 $3,100 5 E85
A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 15 13/17 $3,500 2 A-8, 5.7L, 8cyl 16 14/22 $3,400 3 Mid
XC90 FWD Expedition 4WD FFV
A-S6, 3.2L, 6cyl 19 16/25 $2,750 4
A-6, 5.4L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas PT4WD

AUDI Explorer AWD

A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4
Q7 A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4 T
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,600 4 DT
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $3,100 4 PS Explorer AWD FFV
BMW A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4 Gas

X5 sDrive35i 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85

A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,550 5 P T SS Flex AWD
X5 xDrive35d A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 26 23/31 $2,200 6 D T SS A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 18 16/23 $2,900 4 T

X5 xDrive35i GMC
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,700 5 P T SS Acadia AWD
X5 xDrive50i A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 18 16/23 $2,900 4
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 17 14/22 $3,300 3 P T SS Yukon Denali K10 AWD
X6 M A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas
A-S6, 4.4L, 8cyl 15 13/17 $3,750 2 PT
12 10/14 $3,850 3 E85
X6 xDrive35i
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,800 5 PT Yukon K10 4WD
X6 xDrive50i A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas
A-S8, 4.4L, 8cyl 17 14/21 $3,300 3 PT 13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85

BUICK Yukon XL K10 4WD

Enclave AWD A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85
Escalade AWD
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 14 13/18 $3,750 2 Gas
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas
10 9/13 $4,650 2 E85
12 10/14 $3,850 3 E85
Escalade ESV AWD
QX60 Hybrid AWD
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 14 13/18 $3,750 2 Gas AV-S7, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 25/28 $2,000 7 S HEV SS

10 9/13 $4,650 2 E85 QX80 4WD

SRX AWD A-S7, 5.6L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,500 3 P

A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 18 16/23 $2,900 4 JEEP

CHEVROLET Grand Cherokee 4WD
Suburban K10 4WD A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl Currently Unavailable. See page 32 DT

A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4 Gas

A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas
15 13/18 $3,100 5 E85
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85
A-8, 5.7L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,400 3 Mid
Tahoe K10 4WD
Grand Cherokee SRT8
A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas A-8, 6.4L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P

13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85

Traverse AWD
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4
Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

LAND ROVER ML350 4matic

LR4 A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,950 4 P
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P S SS
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,950 4 Gas P
Range Rover 15 13/17 $3,100 5 E85
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 P S SS
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 15 13/19 $3,750 2 P S SS ML350 Bluetec 4matic
A-7, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,500 5 DT
Range Rover FFV
ML550 4matic
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 Gas P S SS A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 PT
14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85 ML63 AMG
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 Gas P S SS A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 15 13/17 $3,750 2 PT

11 9/14 $4,250 3 E85 NISSAN

Range Rover L FFV Armada 4WD
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 Gas P S SS A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 14 12/18 $3,750 2 Gas

14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85 11 9/13 $4,250 2 E85

A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 14 12/18 $3,750 2
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 Gas P S SS

11 9/14 $4,250 3 E85

Pathfinder Hybrid 4WD
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 25/27 $2,000 7 S HEV SS
Range Rover Sport
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 P S SS PORSCHE
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P S SS Cayenne
Range Rover Sport FFV A-S8, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/23 $2,800 5 P SS
M-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 17 15/22 $3,300 3 P
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 Gas P S SS
Cayenne Diesel
14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85 A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,500 5 DT
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 Gas P S SS Cayenne GTS
11 10/14 $4,250 3 E85 A-8, 4.8L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,300 3 P

LEXUS Cayenne S
A-8, 4.8L, 8cyl 18 16/22 $3,100 4 P
GX 460
A-S6, 4.6L, 8cyl 17 15/20 $3,300 3 P Cayenne S Hybrid
A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 20/24 $2,700 5 P S HEV SS
LX 570
A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 14 12/17 $4,000 2 P Cayenne Turbo
A-8, 4.8L, 8cyl 17 15/22 $3,300 3 PT
Cayenne Turbo S
Navigator 4WD FFV A-8, 4.8L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,500 3 P T SS
A-6, 5.4L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas PT4WD
11 9/13 $4,250 2 E85 4Runner 4WD
MERCEDES-BENZ A-S5, 4.0L, 6cyl 18 17/21 $2,900 4 PT4WD
A-S5, 4.0L, 6cyl 18 17/21 $2,900 4
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 13 12/15 $4,350 1 P Highlander AWD
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,600 5
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 13 12/14 $4,350 1 PT Highlander Hybrid 4WD
AV-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 28 27/28 $1,900 7 HEV SS
GL350 Bluetec 4matic
A-7, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,600 4 DT Highlander Hybrid 4WD LE Plus
AV-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 28 28/28 $1,900 7 HEV SS
GL450 4matic
A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 PT Land Cruiser Wagon 4WD
A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2
GL550 4matic
A-7, 4.7L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,750 2 PT Sequoia 4WD
A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 PT4WD
A-7, 5.5L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $4,000 2 PT Sequoia 4WD FFV
A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas PT4WD

10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85

Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes

A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,500 5 DT
A-S8, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 P

Touareg Hybrid
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 20/24 $2,700 5 P S HEV SS

A-S6, 3.2L, 6cyl 18 16/23 $2,900 4

Diesel-powered vehicles typically get 30-35% more miles per gallon than comparable vehicles powered by gasoline. Diesel engines
are inherently more energy-efficient, and diesel fuel contains 10% more energy per gallon than gasoline. In addition, new advances in
diesel engine technology have improved performance, reduced engine noise and fuel odor, and decreased emissions of harmful air
pollutants. Ultra-low sulfur diesel fuels also help reduce emissions from these vehicles.

Annual fuel costs below are estimated assuming 15,000 miles of travel each year (55% city and 45% highway) and a diesel fuel cost of
$3.85 per gallon.
Manufacturer MPG Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes (trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes


Beetle Convertible A8 L
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 31 27/38 $1,850 7 DT A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 28 24/36 $2,050 6 D T SS
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 27/39 $1,900 7 DT
BMW 328d xDrive Sports Wagon
328d A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 35 31/43 $1,650 8 DT
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 37 32/45 $1,550 8 DT VOLKSWAGEN
328d xDrive Jetta SportWagen
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 35 31/43 $1,650 8 DT AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 29/37 $1,800 7 DT
VOLKSWAGEN M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 29/39 $1,800 7 DT
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 28/40 $1,800 7 DT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 27/39 $1,900 7 DT RAM
Golf 1500 2WD
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 29/37 $1,800 7 DT A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl Currently unavailable** DT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 29/39 $1,800 7 DT
32 29/37 $1,800 7 RAM
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl DT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 32 29/39 $1,800 7 DT 1500 4WD
A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl Currently unavailable** DT
A6 quattro
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 29 24/38 $2,000 7 D T SS Q5
26 23/30 $2,200 6 D T SS
A7 quattro
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 29 24/38 $2,000 7 D T SS
GLK250 Bluetec 4matic
A-7, 2.1L, 4cyl 28 24/33 $2,050 6 D T SS
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 30 26/38 $1,900 7 DT STANDARD SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 2WD
535d xDrive JEEP
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 30 26/37 $1,900 7 DT
Grand Cherokee 2WD
CHEVROLET A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl Currently unavailable** DT
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 33 27/46 $1,750 7 DT
* Data not available. For additional information, please visit http://
MERCEDES-BENZ www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/VW.shtml
E250 Bluetec
A-7, 2.1L, 4cyl 33 28/42 $1,750 7 D T SS ** Data currently unavailable. For additional information, please
visit http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/violations.shtml
E250 Bluetec 4matic
A-7, 2.1L, 4cyl 31 27/38 $1,850 7 D T SS
AM-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 34 30/40 $1,700 8 DT
M-6, 2.0L, 4cyl Not available* DT

Manufacturer MPG
Model Annual
Configuration Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG
(trans, eng size, cyl) Cost Rating Notes


A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/27 $2,600 4 DT
X5 xDrive35d
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 26 23/31 $2,200 6 D T SS
Grand Cherokee 4WD
A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl Currently unavailable** DT
GL350 Bluetec 4matic
A-7, 3.0L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,600 4 DT
ML350 Bluetec 4matic
A-7, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,500 5 DT
Cayenne Diesel
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,500 5 DT
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,500 5 DT

**Data currently unavailable. For additional information, please visit


Compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles produce fewer smog-forming and greenhouse gas pollutants and reduce our dependence on
petroleum. CNG fuel is normally dispensed in "equivalent gallons," where one gasoline gallon equivalent is equal to 121.5 standard cubit
feet of natural gas.

Transmission Engine Size/ MPGe Annual Driving Range

Type/Speeds Cylinders Comb/City/Hwy Fuel cost (miles)

Civic Natural Gas A-5 1.8L, 4cyl 31/27/38 $950 192


MV-1 CNG A-4 4.6L, 8cyl 13/12/16 $2,300 219


Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) may not reach the mass market for a decade or more, but a limited number will be available for sale or lease in
2013-14 to demonstration fleets in areas with a readily accessible hydrogen supply. FCVs are propelled by electric motors powered by
fuel cells, which produce electricity from the chemical energy of hydrogen. Fuel cell technology is more efficient than internal combustion
engines and environmentally cleaner—the only by-product of a hydrogen fuel cell is water. However, several challenges must be
overcome before FCVs are mass-marketed and sold at local dealerships. For more information about FCVs, visit
www.fueleconomy.gov and the Fuel Cell Technologies Program website at www.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/.

Fuel Cell Type Motor Type Battery Type Fuel Miles Per Driving Range
& Power & Rating Type Kilogram (miles)

FCX Clarity PEM* 100 kW AC 288V Li-Ion Hydogen 60/59/61 231
DC Permanent Magnet, brushless

Note: The 2014 FCX Clarity will be available for lease to customers in Southern California—limited availability.

* Proton Exchange Membrane

Electric vehicles (EVs), also called "battery electric vehicles," are conditions, and accessory use. Fully recharging the battery pack
propelled by one or more electric motors powered by can take several hours—though a "quick charge" to 80% capacity
rechargeable battery packs. EVs are energy-efficient and reduce may take as little as 30 minutes—and options for charging the
our dependence on petroleum since electricity is produced from vehicle away from home may be limited. EVs are also more
domestic resources. They emit no tailpipe pollutants, although the expensive than comparable conventional vehicles and hybrids due
power plant producing the electricity may emit pollution. to the cost of the large battery packs. Still, manufacturers are
working hard to improve the driving range and reduce the cost of
Electric motors have several performance benefits. They are these vehicles, and public charging stations are becoming more
quiet. have instant torque for quick acceleration, and require less common.
maintenance than internal combustion engines.
A federal income tax credit of up to $7,500 is currently available to
Current EVs have a shorter driving range than gasoline or hybrid consumers purchasing a qualifying EV. Visit
vehicles, and their range is more sensitive to driving style, driving www.fueleconomy.gov for additional information on EVs,
including tax incentives.

Fuel Economy Charge

(comb/city/hwy) Time Annual
Battery Range* (hrs @ GHG Fuel
Model Motor Type MPGe kWH/100 mi 240V) Rating Cost


55 kW DCPM† Li-Ion 107/122/93 32/28/36 68 6 10 $600
fortwo electric drive convertible
55 kW DCPM† Li-Ion 107/122/93 32/28/36 68 6 10 $600
fortwo electric drive coupe

82 kW ACIPM‡ Li-Ion 116/122/108 29/28/31 87 4 10 $500

125 kW AC Induction‡ Li-Ion 124/137/111 27/25/30 81 4 10 $500
i3 BEV
104 kW AC Induction‡ Li-Ion 119/128/109 28/26/31 82 7 10 $500
Spark EV
49 kW DCPM† Li-Ion 112/126/99 30/27/34 62 7 10 $550

107 kW AC PMSM§ Li-Ion 105/110/99 32/31/34 76 3.6 10 $600
Focus Electric

132 kW AC Induction‡ Li-Ion 84/85/83 40/40/41 87 3.5 10 $700
B-Class Electric Drive
80 kW DCPM† Li-Ion 114/126/101 30/27/33 84 8 10 $550

225 kW AC Induction Li-Ion 95/94/97 35/36/35 208 10 10 $650
Model S (60 kW-hr battery pack)
(60 kW-hr battery
270 kW AC Induction Li-Ion 89/88/90 38/38/37 265 12 10 $700
Model S (85 kW-hr battery pack)
(85 kW-hr battery
180 and 350 kW AC Li-Ion 89/86/94 38/39/36 242 12 10 $700
Model S AWD (85 kW-hr battery
pack) Induction (85 kW-hr
battery pack)‡

Fuel Economy Charge
(comb/city/hwy) Time Annual
Battery Range* (hrs @ GHG Fuel
Model Motor Type MPGe kWH/100 mi 240V) Rating Cost


92 kW DCPM† Li-Ion 118/132/105 29/26/32 82 4 10 $500
Fit EV


75 kW AC PMSM§ Li-Ion 63/61/65 54/55/52 127 6 10 $950
115 kW AC Induction‡ Li-Ion 76/78/74 44/43/46 103 6 10 $800

* Range for combined city/highway driving (55% city and 45% highway)
† Direct current permanent magnet brushless motor
‡ Alternating current induction motor
§ Permanent magnet synchronous motor

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are hybrids with high- PHEVs also have different battery capacities, allowing some to
capacity batteries that can be charged by plugging them into an travel farther on electricity than others. PHEV fuel economy,
electrical outlet or charging station. PHEVs can store enough like that of EVs and regular hybrids, can be sensitive to driving
electricity from the power grid to significantly reduce their petroleum style, driving conditions, and accessory use. When operating in
consumption under typical driving conditions. pure electric mode, PHEVs emit no tailpipe pollutants, although
the power plant producing the electricity may emit pollution.
There are two basic PHEV configurations:
Charging a PHEV’s battery typically takes several hours, but a
• Series PHEVS, also called Extended Range Electric Vehicles "quick charge" to 80% capacity may take 30 minutes or less.
(EREVs). The electric motor of these vehicles is the only power However, PHEVs don’t have to be plugged in to be driven.
scource thet turns the wheels; the gasoline engine only They can be fueled solely with gasoline, like a conventional
generates electricity. Series PHEVs can run solely on electricity hybrid, but they will not achieve maximum range or fuel
until the battery needs to be recharged. The gasoline engine will economy without charging.
then generate the electricity needed to power the electric motor.
For short trips, these vehicles may not use any gasoline. PHEVs use less petroleum and cost less to fuel than
conventional hybrids, but they are more expensive to purchase.
• Parallel or Blended PHEVs. Both the engine and electric motor
are mechanically connected to the wheels, and both may propel A federal income tax credit of up to $7,500 is currently available
the vehicle. The vehicle may operate using both electricity and to consumers purchasing a qualifying PHEV. Visit
gasoline at the same time, using electricity only, or using www.fueleconomy.gov for additional information on PHEVs,
gasoline only. including tax incentives.

Fuel Economy
Combined MPGe Charge
Manufacturer Model Total Time Annual
Eng. Size/No. Cyl, Range Range* (hrs @ GHG Fuel
Elec. Motor Fuel Comb / City / Hwy MPG
(miles) (miles) 240) Rating Cost


3.8L, 8cyl, 132kW Electricity + Gasoline 18 MPGe ([25kWh +4.8 gal]/100 mi) 19 300 3 4 $3,150
Premium Gasoline 17 / 16 / 20 284

i3 REX
0.6L, 2cyl, 125kW Electricity 117 MPGe (29kWh/100 mi) 72 150 4 10 $700
Premium Gasoline 39 / 41 / 37 74
1.5L, 3cyl, 96kW Electricity + Gasoline 76 MPGe ([43kWh +0.1 gal]/100 mi) 15 330 2 10 $1,550
Premium Gasoline 28 / 28 / 29 311
1.4L, 4cyl, 126 kW Electricity 82 MPGe (41kWh/100 mi) 37 340 5 10 $1,050
Premium Gasoline 33 / 31 / 35 307

1.4L, 4cyl, 111 kW 3 phase AC Electricity 98 MPGe (35kWh/100 mi) 38 380 4 10 $900
Premium Gasoline 37 / 35 / 40 344

C-MAX Energi Plug-in Hybrid
2.0L, 4cyl, 68 kW DCPM‡ Electricity + Gasoline 88 MPGe ([37kWh +0 gal]/100 mi) 20 550 2.5 10 $1,050
Gasoline 38 / 40 / 36 532
Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid
2.0L, 4cyl, 68 kW DCPM‡ Electricity + Gasoline 88 MPGe ([37kWh +0 gal]/100 mi) 20 550 2.5 10 $1,050
Gasoline 38 / 40 / 36 532
Accord Plug-in Hybrid
2.0L, 4cyl, 124 kW DCPM‡ Electricity + Gasoline 115 MPGe ([29kWh +0 gal]/100 mi)§ 13§ 570 0.67 10 $950
Gasoline 46 / 47 / 46 561
Prius Plug-in Hybrid
1.8L, 4cyl, 18 kW AC Electricity + Gasoline 95 MPGe ([29kWh +0.2 gal]/100 mi) 11 540 1.5 10 $950
Gasoline 50 / 51 / 49 530

Fuel Economy
Combined MPGe Charge
Manufacturer Model Total Time Annual
Eng. Size/No. Cyl, Range Range* (hrs @ GHG Fuel
Elec. Motor Fuel Comb / City / Hwy MPG
(miles) (miles) 240) Rating Cost

Panamera S E-Hybrid
3.0L, 6cyl, 70 kW Electricity + Gasoline 50 MPGe ([52kWh +0.5 gal]/100 mi) 16 540 3 9 $1,850
Premium Gasoline 25 / 23 / 29 NA
* Total range is rounded to the nearest 10 miles.
† Only available in selected areas of the U.S.
‡ Direct current permanent magnet brushless motor.
§ This vehicle did not use any gasoline for the first 13 miles in EPA tests. However, depending on how you drive the vehicle, you may use both gasoline and electricity during
the first 13 miles following a full charge.

It's no coincidence that some of the most fuel-efficient vehicles for the 2014 model year are hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs). Hybrids
combine the best features of the internal combustion engine with an electric motor and can significantly improve fuel economy without
sacrificing performance or driving range. HEVs may also be configured to provide increased performance rather than fuel economy.

HEVs are primarily propelled by an internal combustion engine, just like conventional vehicles. However, they also convert energy
normally wasted during coasting and braking into electricity, which is stored in a battery until needed by the electric motor. The electric
motor assists the engine when accelerating or hill climbing and at low speeds where internal combustion engines are least efficient.
Unlike all-electric vehicles, HEVs do not need to be plugged into an external source of electricity to be recharged; conventional gasoline
and regenerative braking provide all the energy the vehicle needs.

Annual fuel cost is estimated assuming 15,000 miles of travel each year (55% city and 45% highway) and a fuel cost of $3.50 per gallon
for regular unleaded gasoline or $3.75 for premium gasoline.

Manufacturer Manufacturer
Model MPG Annual Model MPG Annual
Configuration Fuel GHG Battery Configuration Fuel GHG Battery
(trans, eng size, cyl) Comb City/Hwy Cost Rating Type (trans, eng size, cyl) Comb City/Hwy Cost Rating Type


LaFerrari Hybrid RLX Hybrid
AM-7, 6.3L, 12cyl 14 12/16 $4,000 2 Two 480V Li-Ion A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 30 28/32 $1,900 8 260V Li-Ion
CR-Z ActiveHybrid 5
AV-S7, 1.5L, 4cyl 37 36/39 $1,400 9 144V Li-Ion A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 26 23/30 $2,150 7 374V Li-Ion
M-6, 1.5L, 4cyl 34 31/38 $1,550 8 144V Li-Ion BUICK
COMPACT CARS LaCrosse eAssist
A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7 115V Li-Ion
Regal eAssist
ILX Hybrid A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7 115V Li-Ion
AV-S7, 1.5L, 4cyl 38 39/38 $1,500 9 144V Li-Ion
Malibu eAssist
ActiveHybrid 3 A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 29 25/36 $1,800 7 115V Li-Ion
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 28 25/33 $2,000 7 374V Li-Ion
Fusion Hybrid FWD
Civic Hybrid AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 42 44/41 $1,250 9 280V Li-Ion
AV, 1.5L, 4cyl 45 44/47 $1,150 10 144V Li-Ion
AV-S7, 1.3L, 4cyl 42 41/44 $1,250 9 101V Ni-MH
Accord Hybrid
AV, 1.3L, 4cyl 42 41/44 $1,250 9 101V Ni-MH AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 47 50/45 $1,100 10 259V Li-Ion

Q50 Hybrid Sonata Hybrid
A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 31 29/36 $1,800 8 346V Li-Ion AM-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 38 36/40 $1,400 9 270V Li-Ion

Q50 Hybrid AWD Sonata Hybrid Limited

A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 30 28/35 $1,900 8 346V Li-Ion AM-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 37 36/40 $1,400 9 270V Li-Ion


A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 30 28/34 $1,900 8 346V Li-Ion Q70 Hybrid
Q50S Hybrid AWD A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 31 29/34 $1,800 8 346V Li-Ion
A-S7, 3.5L, 6cyl 28 27/31 $2,000 7 346V Li-Ion KIA
LEXUS Optima Hybrid
CT 200h AM-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 38 36/40 $1,400 9 270V Li-Ion
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 42 43/40 $1,250 9 202V Ni-MH Optima Hybrid EX
TOYOTA AM-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 37 35/39 $1,400 9 270V Li-Ion

Prius c LEXUS
AV, 1.5L, 4cyl 50 53/46 $1,050 10 144V Ni-MH ES 300h
VOLKSWAGEN AV-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 40 40/39 $1,300 9 245V Ni-MH

Jetta Hybrid GS 450h

AM-S7, 1.4L, 4cyl 45 42/48 $1,250 10 220V Li-Ion AV-S8, 3.5L, 6cyl 31 29/34 $1,800 8 288V Ni-MH
LS 600h L
AV-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 20 19/23 $2,800 5 288V Ni-MH

Manufacturer Manufacturer
Model MPG Annual Model MPG Annual
Configuration Fuel GHG Battery Configuration Fuel GHG Battery
(trans, eng size, cyl) Comb City/Hwy Cost Rating Type (trans, eng size, cyl) Comb City/Hwy Cost Rating Type


AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 38 38/37 $1,400 9 280V Li-Ion
Q5 Hybrid
MERCEDES-BENZ A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 26 24/30 $2,150 7 266V Li-Ion
E400 Hybrid LEXUS
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 26 24/30 $2,150 7 126V Li-Ion
RX 450h AWD
TOYOTA AV-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 29 30/28 $1,950 7 288V Ni-MH
Avalon Hybrid SUBARU
AV-S6, 2.5L, 4cyl 40 40/39 $1,300 9 245V Ni-MH
XV Crosstrek Hybrid AWD
Camry Hybrid LE AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 31 29/33 $1,700 8 101V Ni-MH
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 41 43/39 $1,300 9 245V Ni-MH
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 40 40/38 $1,300 9 245V Ni-MH
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 50 51/48 $1,050 10 202V Ni-MH QX60 Hybrid FWD
AV-S7, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 26/28 $2,000 7 144V Li-Ion
BMW Pathfinder Hybrid 2WD
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 25/28 $2,000 7 144V Li-Ion
ActiveHybrid 7L
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 25 22/30 $2,250 6 374V Li-Ion STANDARD SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 4WD
Impala eAssist
A-S6, 2.4L, 4cyl 29 25/35 $1,800 7 115V Li-Ion QX60 Hybrid AWD
AV-S7, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 25/28 $2,000 7 144V Li-Ion
C-MAX Hybrid FWD
AV, 2.0L, 4cyl 40 42/37 $1,300 9 280V Li-Ion Pathfinder Hybrid 4WD
AV, 2.5L, 4cyl 26 25/27 $2,000 7 144V Li-Ion
TOYOTA Cayenne S Hybrid
A-8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 20/24 $2,700 5 288V Ni-MH
Prius v
AV, 1.8L, 4cyl 42 44/40 $1,250 9 202V Ni-MH TOYOTA
Highlander Hybrid 4WD
SMALL SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 2WD AV-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 28 27/28 $1,900 7 288V Ni-MH
LEXUS Highlander Hybrid 4WD LE Plus
AV-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 28 28/28 $1,900 7 288V Ni-MH
RX 450h
AV-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 30 32/28 $1,900 8 288V Ni-MH VOLKSWAGEN
Touareg Hybrid
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 20/24 $2,700 5 288V Ni-MH

Ethanol flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) are designed by the original manufacturer to operate on gasoline, E85, or any mixture of the two
fuels. Annual fuel cost is estimated assuming 15,000 miles of travel each year (55% city and 45% highway) and an average fuel cost of
$3.10 per gallon for E85, $3.50 per gallon for regular unleaded gasoline, and $3.75 per gallon for premium unleaded gasoline. The
price of ethanol is highly variable from region to region; it is typically lower in the Midwestern United States and higher in other areas.
Therefore, actual consumer experience may differ significantly from the annual fuel cost estimate presented here.

Fuel economy and driving range values are shown for both gasoline and E85. When operating your FFV on mixtures of gasoline and
E85, such as when alternating between using these fuels, your driving range and fuel economy values will be somewhere between
those listed for the two fuels, depending on the actual percentage of gasoline and E85 in the tank.

Manufacturer Manufacturer
Model MPG Model MPG
Configuration Annual Configuration Annual
(trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range (trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range
cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles) cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles)


AM-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 26/37 $1,750 8 Gas 372
A5 Cabriolet quattro 23 20/28 $2,000 8 E85 285
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 20/29 $2,350 6 P 406
A-S6, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 26/37 $1,750 8 Gas 372
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85 270
23 20/28 $2,000 8 E85 285
A5 quattro M-5, 2.0L, 4cyl 30 26/36 $1,750 8 Gas 372
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 20/29 $2,350 6 P 406 22 19/26 $2,100 8 E85 273
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85 270
BENTLEY AM-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 33 28/40 $1,600 8 Gas 409
Continental GT Speed Convertible 23 20/28 $2,000 8 E85 285
A-S8, 6.0L, 12cyl 15 12/20 $3,750 2 P 357 MERCEDES-BENZ
11 9/15 $4,250 2 E85 262
C300 4matic
Continental GTC A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 22 19/26 $2,550 5 P 380
A-S8, 6.0L, 12cyl 15 12/20 $3,750 2 P 357 15 13/18 $3,100 6 E85 260
11 9/15 $4,250 2 E85 262
MERCEDES-BENZ A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P 400
E350 4matic Coupe 17 15/21 $2,750 6 E85 300
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P 400
17 15/21 $2,750 6 E85 300 MIDSIZE CARS
E350 Convertible BENTLEY
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P 400 Flying Spur
17 14/21 $2,750 6 E85 300 A-S8, 6.0L, 12cyl 15 12/20 $3,750 2 P 357
11 9/15 $4,250 2 E85 262
E350 Coupe
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P 400 BUICK
18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85 310 LaCrosse
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/28 $2,500 5 Gas 390
COMPACT CARS 16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85 300
A4 quattro A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/26 $2,600 5 Gas 390
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 24 20/29 $2,350 6 P 406 14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85 270
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85 270
Continental GT A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,400 5 Gas 370
A-S8, 6.0L, 12cyl 15 12/21 $3,750 2 P 357 16 14/21 $2,900 6 E85 275
11 9/15 $4,250 2 E85 262
200 Convertible A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,400 5 Gas 370
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,400 5 Gas 370 16 14/21 $2,900 6 E85 275
16 14/21 $2,900 6 E85 275
A-6, 2.0L, 4cyl 27 24/34 $1,950 7 Gas 383
19 17/24 $2,450 7 E85 270

Manufacturer Manufacturer
Model MPG Model MPG
Configuration Annual Configuration Annual
(trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range (trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range
cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles) cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles)


A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 17/28 $2,700 5 P 378
15 13/19 $3,100 5 E85 270 allroad quattro
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/27 $2,450 6 P 389
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P 324
15 14/18 $3,100 5 E85 254
13 11/17 $3,600 4 E85 234


A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/29 $2,450 6 P 490
18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85 380 Silverado C15 2WD
A-6, 4.3L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,600 5 Gas 520/680
E350 4matic 14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85 360/480
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P 490 A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas 490/650
18 16/21 $2,600 6 E85 380 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 360/480
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl NA NA NA NA Gas NA
Impala F150 Pickup 2WD FFV
A-S6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 19/29 $2,400 5 Gas 410 A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4 Gas 494/684
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85 300 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 364/504
Impala Limited A-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4 Gas 494/684
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 22 18/30 $2,400 5 Gas 390 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 364/504
16 13/22 $2,900 6 E85 280 A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 442/612
13 11/15 $3,600 4 E85 338/468
A-6, 5.0L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 442/612
300 13 11/15 $3,600 4 E85 338/468
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 23 19/31 $2,300 6 Gas 439
17 14/23 $2,750 6 E85 325 GMC
300 AWD Sierra C15 2WD
A-6, 4.3L, 6cyl 20 18/24 $2,600 5 Gas 520/680
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5 Gas 401
14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85 360/480
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85 306
A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas 490/650
DODGE 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 360/480
Charger A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl NA NA NA NA Gas NA
A-5, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5 Gas 401 NA NA NA NA E85 NA
15 13/19 $3,100 5 E85 287
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 23 19/31 $2,300 6 Gas 439 NISSAN
17 14/23 $2,750 6 E85 325 Titan 2WD
A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas 420
Charger AWD 11 9/13 $4,250 2 E85 310
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,500 5 Gas 401
16 14/20 $2,900 6 E85 306 RAM
FORD 1500 2WD
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas 520/640
Taurus AWD FFV 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 364/448
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5 Gas 399
15 13/19 $3,100 5 E85 285 STANDARD PICKUP TRUCKS 4WD
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 23 19/29 $2,300 6 Gas 437 Silverado K15 4WD
16 13/21 $2,900 6 E85 304
A-6, 4.3L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,750 4 Gas 490/650
JAGUAR 13 12/15 $3,600 4 E85 340/440
XJ FFV A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4 Gas 470/610
13 12/16 $3,600 4 E85 340/440
A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 21 18/27 $2,700 5 P 443
14 12/19 $3,300 5 E85 295 A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl NA NA NA NA Gas NA
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P 380
13 11/17 $3,600 4 E85 274

A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 20 17/27 $2,800 5 P 443
14 11/19 $3,300 5 E85 295
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 18 15/23 $3,100 4 P 380
13 11/17 $3,600 4 E85 274

Manufacturer Manufacturer
Model MPG Model MPG
Configuration Annual Configuration Annual
(trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range (trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range
cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles) cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles)


F150 Pickup 4WD FFV A-4, 4.6L, 8cyl 15 13/16 $3,500 2 Gas 498
A-S6, 3.7L, 6cyl 18 16/21 $2,900 4 Gas 468/648 11 10/12 $4,250 2 E85 365
13 11/15 $3,600 4 E85 338/468 A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 14 12/16 $3,750 2 Gas 465
A-6, 3.7L, 6cyl 18 16/21 $2,900 4 Gas 468/648 10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 332
13 11/15 $3,600 4 E85 338/468
E350 Van FFV
A-S6, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,300 3 Gas 416/576 A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 13 12/16 $4,050 1 Gas 432
12 10/14 $3,900 3 E85 312/432 10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 332
A-6, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,300 3 Gas 416/576
12 10/14 $3,900 3 E85 312/432 GMC
Savana 1500 AWD (cargo)
GMC A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430
Sierra K15 4WD 11 10/12 $4,250 3 E85 340
A-6, 4.3L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,750 4 Gas 490/650
13 12/15 $3,600 4 E85 340/440 Savana 1500 AWD Conversion (cargo)
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430
A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4 Gas 470/610
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 310
13 12/16 $3,600 4 E85 340/440
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl NA NA NA NA Gas NA Savana 1500 2WD (cargo)
NA NA NA NA E85 NA A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas 470
11 10/13 $4,250 3 E85 340
Titan 4WD Savana 1500 2WD Conversion (cargo)
A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 14 12/17 $3,750 2 Gas 390 A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 280 11 10/13 $4,250 2 E85 340

RAM Savana 2500 2WD Conversion (cargo)

A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 12 10/15 $4,400 1 Gas 370
1500 4WD 9 7/11 $5,150 1 E85 280
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas 494/608
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 338/416
Tundra 4WD FFV Express 1500 2WD Passenger
A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 15 13/17 $3,500 2 Gas 396
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430
11 9/12 $4,250 2 E85 290
11 10/13 $4,250 2 E85 340
VANS, CARGO TYPE Express 1500 AWD Passenger
CHEVROLET A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 310
Express 1500 2WD Cargo
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas 470 Express 2500 2WD Passenger
11 10/13 $4,250 3 E85 340 A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 13 11/16 $4,050 1 Gas 400
9 8/11 $5,150 1 E85 280
Express 1500 2WD Conversion Cargo
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430 Express 3500 2WD Passenger
11 10/13 $4,250 2 E85 340 A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 12 11/16 $4,400 1 Gas 370
9 8/11 $5,150 1 E85 280
Express 1500 AWD Cargo
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430 FORD
11 10/12 $4,250 3 E85 340
E150 Wagon FFV
Express 1500 AWD Conversion Cargo A-4, 4.6L, 8cyl 14 13/16 $3,750 2 Gas 465
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 332
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 310 A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 13 12/16 $4,050 1 Gas 432
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 332
Express 2500 2WD Conversion Cargo
A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 12 10/15 $4,400 1 Gas 370 E350 Wagon FFV
9 7/11 $5,150 1 E85 280 A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 13 11/15 $4,050 1 Gas 432
10 9/11 $4,650 2 E85 332
E150 Van FFV GMC
A-4, 4.6L, 8cyl 15 13/16 $3,500 2 Gas 498 Savana 1500 2WD (Passenger)
11 10/12 $4,250 2 E85 365 A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430
11 10/13 $4,250 2 E85 340
A-4, 5.4L, 8cyl 14 12/16 $3,750 2 Gas 465
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 332
Savana 1500 AWD (Passenger)
A-4, 5.3L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 430
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 310

Manufacturer Manufacturer
Model MPG Model MPG
Configuration Annual Configuration Annual
(trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range (trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range
cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles) cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles)

Savana 2500 2WD (Passenger) CHEVROLET

A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 13 11/16 $4,050 1 Gas 400 Captiva AWD
9 8/11 $5,150 1 E85 280 A-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 18 16/22 $2,900 4 Gas 300
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 220
Savana 3500 2WD (Passenger)
A-6, 6.0L, 8cyl 12 11/16 $4,400 1 Gas 370 Equinox AWD
9 8/11 $5,150 1 E85 280 A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 20/29 $2,300 6 Gas 430
17 14/20 $2,750 6 E85 320
MINIVANS 2WD A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas 400
CHRYSLER 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 290

Town and Country GMC

A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas 400 Terrain AWD
14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85 280 A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 20/29 $2,300 6 Gas 430
DODGE 17 14/20 $2,750 6 E85 320
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 16/23 $2,750 4 Gas 400
Grand Caravan 14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 290
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas 400
14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85 280
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 21 18/26 $2,500 5 Gas 420 Escalade 2WD
15 13/18 $3,100 5 E85 300 A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/18 $3,300 3 Gas 410
12 10/15 $3,900 3 E85 310
Routan Escalade ESV 2WD
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/18 $3,300 3 Gas 510
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas 400
12 10/15 $3,900 3 E85 380
14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85 280
CHEVROLET A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 540
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 410
Captiva FWD
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 23 20/28 $2,300 6 Gas 380 Tahoe C10 2WD
18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85 300 A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 430
A-6, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4 Gas 370 13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 330
14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 270
Equinox FWD Durango RWD
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,000 7 Gas 490 A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 18/25 $2,600 5 Gas 494
18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85 340 15 13/19 $3,100 5 E85 370
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5 Gas 420 FORD
16 13/22 $2,900 6 E85 330
Expedition 2WD FFV
DODGE A-6, 5.4L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,300 3 Gas 448/536
Journey FWD 12 10/14 $3,900 3 E85 336/402
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/25 $2,750 4 Gas 390
14 12/18 $3,300 5 E85 287 Explorer 2WD FFV
A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5 Gas 372
GMC 15 13/18 $3,100 5 E85 279
Terrain FWD GMC
A-6, 2.4L, 4cyl 26 22/32 $2,000 7 Gas 490
18 15/22 $2,600 6 E85 340 Yukon C10 2WD
A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 430
A-6, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/24 $2,600 5 Gas 420 13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 330
16 13/22 $2,900 6 E85 330
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/18 $3,300 3 Gas 410
12 10/15 $3,900 3 E85 310
AUDI Yukon XL C10 2WD
A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 540
Q5 13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 410
A-S8, 2.0L, 4cyl 23 20/28 $2,450 6 P 455 A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 16 14/18 $3,300 3 Gas 510
16 14/19 $2,900 6 E85 317 12 10/15 $3,900 3 E85 380

Manufacturer Manufacturer
Model MPG Model MPG
Configuration Annual Configuration Annual
(trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range (trans, eng size, Comb City/Hwy Fuel GHG Range
cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles) cyl) Cost Rating Fuel (miles)

Grand Cherokee 2WD Grand Cherokee 4WD
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 20 17/25 $2,600 5 Gas 469 A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4 Gas 469
16 14/19 $2,900 5 E85 395 15 13/18 $3,100 5 E85 370


Navigator 2WD FFV Range Rover FFV
A-6, 5.4L, 8cyl 16 14/20 $3,300 3 Gas 448/536 A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 P 526
12 10/14 $3,900 3 E85 336/402 14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85 388

NISSAN A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P 443

11 9/14 $4,250 3 E85 305
Armada 2WD
A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 15 12/19 $3,500 2 Gas 420 Range Rover L FFV
11 9/13 $4,250 2 E85 310 A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 P 526
14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85 388
STANDARD SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 4WD A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P 443
11 9/14 $4,250 3 E85 305
Escalade AWD Range Rover Sport FFV
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas 380 A-S8, 3.0L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,950 4 P 526
12 10/14 $3,900 3 E85 310 14 12/16 $3,300 4 E85 388
A-S8, 5.0L, 8cyl 16 14/19 $3,500 3 P 443
Escalade ESV AWD 11 10/14 $4,250 3 E85 305
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 14 13/18 $3,750 2 Gas 450
10 9/13 $4,650 2 E85 320 LINCOLN
A-6, 5.4L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas 420/502
Suburban K10 4WD 11 9/13 $4,250 2 E85 308/368
A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 540
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 410 MERCEDES-BENZ
Tahoe K10 4WD ML350 4matic
A-7, 3.5L, 6cyl 19 17/22 $2,950 4 P 470
A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 430
15 13/17 $3,100 5 E85 370
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 330

Durango AWD Armada 4WD
A-5, 5.6L, 8cyl 14 12/18 $3,750 2 Gas 390
A-8, 3.6L, 6cyl 19 17/24 $2,750 4 Gas 469
11 9/13 $4,250 2 E85 310
15 13/18 $3,100 5 E85 370

Expedition 4WD FFV Sequoia 4WD FFV
A-S6, 5.7L, 8cyl 14 13/17 $3,750 2 Gas 370
A-6, 5.4L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas 420/502
10 9/12 $4,650 2 E85 264
11 9/13 $4,250 2 E85 308/368

Explorer AWD FFV

A-S6, 3.5L, 6cyl 19 17/23 $2,750 4 Gas 353
14 12/17 $3,300 5 E85 260

Yukon Denali K10 AWD
A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 15 13/18 $3,500 2 Gas 380
12 10/14 $3,900 3 E85 310

Yukon K10 4WD

A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 430
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 330

Yukon XL K10 4WD

A-6, 5.3L, 8cyl 17 15/21 $3,100 3 Gas 540
13 11/16 $3,600 4 E85 410

Yukon XL K10 AWD

A-6, 6.2L, 8cyl 14 13/18 $3,750 2 Gas 450
10 9/13 $4,650 2 E85 320

Interior Volume (cu.ft.) Interior Volume (cu.ft.) Interior Volume (cu.ft.)
Passenger / Cargo Passenger / Cargo Passenger / Cargo
2dr 4dr Hatch Pg 2dr 4dr Hatch Pg 2dr 4dr Hatch Pg
ACURA 335i xDrive 96/13 11 X6 M 28

ILX 89/12 10 335i xDrive Gran Turismo 102/25 17 X6 xDrive35i 28

ILX Hybrid 89/12 10,38 428i Convertible 88/10 9 X6 xDrive50i 28

MDX 2WD 23 428i Coupe 92/12 11 Z4 sDrive28i 6

MDX 4WD 25 428i xDrive 88/10 9 Z4 sDrive35i 6

RDX 2WD 23 Z4 sDrive35is 6
428i xDrive Coupe 92/12 11
435i Convertible 88/10 9
RLX 102/15 13 Veyron 6
435i Coupe 92/12 11
RLX Hybrid 102/15 13,38
435i xDrive Coupe 92/12 11 BUICK
TL 2WD 98/13 14 Enclave AWD 28
528i 102/14 14
TL 4WD 98/13 14 Enclave FWD 27
528i xDrive 102/14 14
TSX 95/14 10 Encore 23
535d 102/14 14,31
TSX Wagon 94/31 19 Encore AWD 25
535d xDrive 102/14 14,31
ASTON MARTIN 535i 102/14 14 LaCrosse 100/16 14,40
DB9 78/5 8 535i Gran Turismo 112/10 17 LaCrosse AWD 100/16 14,40
Rapide S 83/14 8 535i xDrive 102/14 14 LaCrosse eAssist 100/16 14,38
V8 Vantage 6 535i xDrive Gran Turismo 112/10 17 Regal 98/13 14
V8 Vantage S 6 550i 102/14 14 Regal AWD 98/13 14
Vanquish 78/5 8 550i Gran Turismo 112/10 17 Regal eAssist 98/13 14,38

AUDI 550i xDrive 102/14 14 Verano 91/14 11

A4 91/12 10 550i xDrive Gran Turismo 112/10 17 BYD

A4 quattro 91/12 10,40 640i Convertible 88/11 9 e6 23,35
A5 Cabriolet 81/10 8 640i Coupe 87/13 9 CADILLAC
A5 Cabriolet 81/10 8,40 640i Gran Coupe 97/12 11 ATS 91/10 11
640i xDrive 88/11 9 ATS AWD 91/10 11
A5 quattro 84/12 9,40 Convertible
CTS 99/15 99/15 14
A6 98/16 14 640i xDrive Coupe 87/13 9
CTS AWD 97/14 14
A6 quattro 98/16 14,31 640i xDrive Gran Coupe 97/12 11
CTS Sedan 97/13 14
A7 quattro 94/25 14,31 650i Convertible 88/11 9
CTS Sedan AWD 97/13 14
A8 100/15 14 650i Coupe 87/13 9
CTS V 100/16 14
A8 L 107/15 17,31 650i Gran Coupe 97/12 11
CTS Wagon 97/29 19
allroad quattro 90/28 19,41 650i xDrive 88/11 9
Convertible CTS Wagon AWD 97/29 19
Q5 25,31,43
650i xDrive Coupe 87/13 9 ELR 83/11 9,36
Q5 Hybrid 25,39
650i xDrive Gran Coupe 97/12 11 Escalade 2WD 27,43
Q7 28,32
740i 107/14 17 Escalade AWD 28,44
R8 6
740Li 115/14 17 Escalade ESV 2WD 27,43
R8 Spyder 6
740Li xDrive 115/14 17 Escalade ESV AWD 28,44
RS 5 84/13 9
750i 107/14 17 SRX 2WD 101/30 27
RS 5 Cabriolet 81/10 9
750i xDrive 107/14 17 SRX AWD 28
RS 7 94/25 14
750Li 115/14 17 XTS 104/18 18
S4 90/13 10
750Li xDrive 115/14 17 XTS AWD 104/18 18
S5 84/13 9
760Li 115/14 17 XTS Hearse 23
S5 Cabriolet 81/10 9
ActiveHybrid 3 96/10 11,38 XTS Limo 104/18 23
S6 98/16 14
S7 94/25 14
ActiveHybrid 5 102/10 14,38 CHEVROLET
ActiveHybrid 7L 115/10 17,39 Camaro 93/11 11
S8 100/15 14
Alpina B7 LWB 115/14 17 Captiva AWD 25,43
SQ5 25
Alpina B7 LWB xDrive 115/14 17 Captiva FWD 94/10 23,43
TT Coupe quattro 74/13 9
Alpina B7 SWB 107/14 17 Corvette 6
TT Roadster quattro 6
Alpina B7 SWB xDrive 107/14 17 Cruze 94/16 14,31
BENTLEY i3 BEV 84/15 5,9,34 Cruze Eco 94/16 14
Continental GT 89/11 10,40
i3 REX 84/15 9,36 Equinox AWD 25,43
Continental GT 86/7 9,40
Speed Convertible i8 81/5 9,36 Equinox FWD 100/28 24,43
Continental GTC 86/7 9,40 M235i 88/11 9 Express 1500 2WD Cargo 5,22,42
Flying Spur 102/13 14,40 M5 102/14 14 Express 1500 2WD Conversion Cargo 22,42
Mulsanne 101/11 14 M6 Convertible 88/11 9 Express 1500 2WD Passenger 5,22,42
M6 Coupe 87/13 9
BMW Express 1500 AWD Cargo 22,42
M6 Gran Coupe 97/12 11 Express 1500 AWD Conversion Cargo 22,42
228i 88/11 9
X1 sDrive28i 98/25 17 Express 1500 AWD Passenger 5,22,42
320i 96/13 11
X1 xDrive28i 98/25 17 Express 2500 2WD Conversion Cargo 22,42
320i xDrive 96/13 11
X1 xDrive35i 98/25 18 Express 2500 2WD Passenger 22,42
328d 96/13 11,31
X3 xDrive28i 25 Express 3500 2WD Passenger 22,42
328d xDrive 96/13 11,31
X3 xDrive35i 25 Impala 105/19 18,41
328d xDrive Sports Wagon 97/28 5,19,31
X5 sDrive35i 28 Impala eAssist 105/19 18,39
328i 96/13 11
X5 xDrive35d 28,32 Impala Limited 105/19 18,41
328i xDrive 96/13 11
X5 xDrive35i 28 Malibu 100/16 14
328i xDrive Gran Turismo 102/25 17
X5 xDrive50i 28 Malibu eAssist 100/16 14,38
328i xDrive Sports Wagon 97/28 19
335i 96/13 11 Silverado C15 2WD 20,41

Interior Volume (cu.ft.) Interior Volume (cu.ft.) Interior Volume (cu.ft.)
Passenger / Cargo Passenger / Cargo Passenger / Cargo
2dr 4dr Hatch Pg 2dr 4dr Hatch Pg 2dr 4dr Hatch Pg
Silverado K15 4WD 21,41 Explorer 2WD FFV 27,43 FCX Clarity 33
Sonic 91/12 11 Explorer AWD 28 Fit EV 91/21 5,19,35
Sonic 5 91/19 15 Explorer AWD FFV 28,44 Insight 85/16 12,38
Sonic 5 RS 91/19 15 Explorer FWD 27 Odyssey 23
Sonic RS 91/12 11 F150 Pickup 2WD 20 Pilot 2WD 24
Spark 86/11 9 F150 Pickup 2WD FFV 20,41 Pilot 4WD 25
Spark EV 86/11 9,34 F150 Pickup 4WD 21 Ridgeline Truck 4WD 21
SS 112/17 18 F150 Pickup 4WD FFV 21,42 HYUNDAI
Suburban C10 2WD 27,43 F150 Raptor Pickup 4WD 21 Accent 90/14 90/19 12
Suburban K10 4WD 28,44 Fiesta FWD 85/12 85/15 9 Azera 106/16 18
Tahoe C10 2WD 27,43 Fiesta SFE FWD 85/12 85/15 5,9 Elantra 96/15 15
Tahoe K10 4WD 28,44 Fiesta ST FWD 85/15 11 Elantra Coupe 95/15 15
Traverse AWD 28 Flex AWD 28 Elantra GT 96/23 15
Traverse FWD 27 Flex FWD 27 Elantra Limited 96/15 15
Volt 90/18 11,36 Focus Electric 90/14 5,11,34 Equus 111/16 18
CHRYSLER Focus FWD 90/13 90/23 11 Genesis 109/16 18
200 100/14 15,40 Focus FWD FFV 90/13 90/23 11,40 Genesis Coupe 89/10 9
200 Convertible 88/13 11,40 Focus SFE FWD FFV 90/13 90/23 11,40 Genesis R Spec 109/16 18
300 106/16 18,41 Fusion AWD 100/16 15 Santa Fe 2WD 24
300 AWD 106/16 18,41 Fusion Energi Plug-in 103/8 15,36 Santa Fe 4WD 25
300 SRT8 106/16 18 Santa Fe Sport 2WD 24
Fusion FWD 100/16 15
Town and Country 23,43 Santa Fe Sport 4WD 25
Fusion Hybrid FWD 101/16 15,38
DODGE Mustang 83/13 9
Santa Fe Ultimate 2WD 24

Avenger 100/13 15,40 Santa Fe Ultimate 4WD 25

Mustang 81/9 9
Challenger 94/16 15 Convertible Sonata 104/16 18

Challenger SRT8 94/16 15 Taurus AWD 102/20 18 Sonata Hybrid 104/12 15,38

Charger 105/16 18,41 Taurus AWD FFV 102/20 18,41 Sonata Hybrid Limited 104/12 15,38

Charger AWD 105/16 18,41 Taurus FWD 102/20 18 Tucson 2WD 24

Charger SRT8 105/16 18 Taurus FWD FFV 102/20 18,41 Tucson 4WD 25

Dart 97/13 15,40 Transit Connect Van 2WD 5,23 Veloster 90/16 12

Dart Aero 97/13 15 Transit Connect Wagon FWD 5,23 INFINITI

Dart GT 97/13 15 Transit Connect Wagon LWB FWD 23 Q50 100/14 15
Durango AWD 28,44 GMC Q50 AWD 100/14 15
Durango RWD 27,43 Acadia AWD 28 Q50 Hybrid 100/9 12,38
Grand Caravan 23,43 Acadia FWD 27 Q50 Hybrid AWD 100/9 12,38
Journey AWD 25 Savana 1500 AWD (cargo) 22,42 Q50a 102/14 15
Journey FWD 24,43 Savana 1500 AWD Conversion (cargo) 22,42 Q50a AWD 102/14 15

FERRARI Savana 1500 2WD (cargo) 5,22,42 Q50S Hybrid 100/9 12,38

458 Italia 6 Savana 1500 2WD (Passenger) 5,22,42 Q50S Hybrid AWD 100/9 12,38

458 Speciale 6 Savana 1500 2WD Conversion (cargo) 22,42 Q60 AWD Coupe 85/7 9

458 Spider 6 Savana 1500 AWD (Passenger) 5,22,42 Q60 Convertible 78/10 9

California 75/7 8 Savana 2500 2WD (Passenger) 22,43 Q60 Coupe 85/7 9

F12 6 Savana 2500 2WD Conversion (cargo) 22,42 Q70 104/15 15

FF 90/22 15 Savana 3500 2WD (Passenger) 23,43 Q70 AWD 104/15 15

LaFerrari Hybrid 6,38 Sierra C15 2WD 21,41 Q70 Hybrid 104/11 15,38
Sierra K15 4WD 21,42 QX50 92/19 19
Terrain AWD 25,43 QX50 AWD 92/19 19
500 76/7 8
Terrain FWD 100/28 24,43 QX60 AWD 26
500 Abarth 76/7 8
Yukon C10 2WD 27,43 QX60 FWD 24
500 L 100/21 19
Yukon Denali K10 AWD 28,44 QX60 Hybrid AWD 28,39
500e 72/7 5,8,34
Yukon K10 4WD 28,44 QX60 Hybrid FWD 27,39
FORD Yukon XL C10 2WD 27,43 QX70 AWD 26
C-MAX Energi Plug-in 100/19 15,36
Hybrid Yukon XL K10 4WD 28,44 QX70 RWD 24

C-MAX Hybrid FWD 100/24 5,18,39 Yukon XL K10 AWD 28,44 QX80 2WD 27

E150 Van FFV 22,42 HONDA QX80 4WD 28

E150 Wagon FFV 5,22,42 Accord 92/14 103/16 15 JAGUAR

E250 Van FFV 22,42 Accord Hybrid 92/14 103/16 15,38 F-Type 64/8 6
E350 Van 22 Accord Plug-in Hybrid 103/9 15,36
F-Type S 64/8 6
E350 Van FFV 22,42 Civic 83/12 95/12 12 Convertible
E350 Wagon 22 Civic HF 95/12 12 F-Type V8 S 64/8 6
E350 Wagon FFV 22,42 Civic Hybrid 95/11 12,38 Convertible

Edge AWD 25 Civic Natural Gas 95/6 12,33 XF 95/18 16

Edge FWD 24 CR-V 2WD 24 XF AWD 95/18 16

Escape AWD 25 CR-V 4WD 25 XF FFV 95/18 16,41

Escape FWD 24 CR-Z 5,6,38 XJ 102/18 18

Expedition 2WD FFV 27,43 Crosstour 2WD 24 XJ AWD 102/18 18

Expedition 4WD FFV 28,44 Crosstour 4WD 25 XJ FFV 102/18 18,41

Interior Volume (cu.ft.) Interior Volume (cu.ft.) Interior Volume (cu.ft.)
Passenger / Cargo Passenger / Cargo Passenger / Cargo
2dr 4dr Hatch Pg 2dr 4dr Hatch Pg 2dr 4dr Hatch Pg
XJL 109/18 18 LS 460 103/14 16 CLS550 92/11 12
XJL AWD 109/18 18 LS 460 AWD 103/14 16 CLS550 4matic 92/11 12
XJL FFV 109/18 18,41 LS 460 L 102/14 16 CLS63 AMG 92/11 12
XK 74/10 8 LS 460 L AWD 102/14 16 CLS63 AMG 4matic 92/11 12
XK Convertible 74/10 8 LS 600h L 102/10 16,38 CLS63 AMG S 92/11 12

JEEP LX 570 29 CLS63 AMG S 4matic 92/11 12

Cherokee 4WD 26 RX 350 24 E250 Bluetec 98/13 16,31

Cherokee 4WD Active Drive II 26 RX 350 AWD 26 E250 Bluetec 4matic 98/13 16,31

Cherokee FWD 24 RX 450h 24,39 E350 98/13 16,41

Cherokee Trailhawk 4WD 26 RX 450h AWD 26,39 E350 4matic 98/13 16,41

Compass 4WD 26 LINCOLN E350 4matic (wagon) 100/36 20

Compass FWD 24 MKS AWD 105/18 19 E350 4matic 81/11 10,40

Grand Cherokee 2WD 27,31,44 MKS FWD 105/18 19
E350 Convertible 80/6 10,40
Grand Cherokee 4WD 28,32,44 MKT AWD 26
E350 Coupe 81/11 10,40
Grand Cherokee SRT8 28 MKT FWD 27
E400 Hybrid 98/13 16,39
Patriot 4WD 26 MKT Livery AWD 23
E550 4matic 98/13 16
Patriot FWD 24 MKT Livery FWD 23
E550 Convertible 80/6 10
Wrangler 4WD 26 MKX AWD 26
E550 Coupe 81/11 10
Wrangler Unlimited 4WD 26 MKX FWD 24
E63 AMG 98/13 16
KIA MKZ AWD 99/16 16
E63 AMG 4matic 98/13 16
Cadenza 106/15 19 MKZ FWD 99/16 16
E63 AMG 4matic (wagon) 100/36 20
Forte 96/14 16 MKZ Hybrid FWD 99/12 16,39
E63 AMG S 98/13 16
Forte 5 98/23 19 Navigator 2WD FFV 27,44
E63 AMG S 4matic 98/13 16
Forte Eco 96/14 16 Navigator 4WD FFV 29,44
E63 AMG S 4matic 100/36 20
Forte Koup 92/13 12 LOTUS (wagon)

Optima 102/15 16 Evora 48/2 48/2 8 G550 29

G63 AMG 29
Optima Hybrid 102/11 16,38 MASERATI
Optima Hybrid EX 102/11 16,38 GL350 Bluetec 4matic 29,32
Ghibli V6 108/10 16
Rio 88/14 89/15 12 GL450 4matic 29
Ghibli V6 AWD 108/10 16
Rio Eco 88/14 89/15 12 GL550 4matic 29
GranTurismo 86/6 10
Sedona 23 GL63 AMG 29
GranTurismo 85/5 10
Sorento 2WD 24 Convertible GLK250 Bluetec 4matic 26,31

Sorento 4WD 26 Quattroporte GTS 114/19 19 GLK350 24

Soul 101/24 20 Quattroporte SQ4 V6 114/19 19 GLK350 4matic 26

Soul ECO dynamics 101/24 20 MAZDA ML350 27

Sportage 2WD 24 2 87/13 12 ML350 4matic 29,44

Sportage 4WD 26 3 4-Door 96/12 12 ML350 Bluetec 4matic 29,32

ML550 4matic 29
LAMBORGHINI 3 5-Door 96/22 16
5 5,23 ML63 AMG 29
Aventador Coupe 6
6 100/15 16 S550 112/12 19
Aventador Roadster 7
CX-5 2WD 24 S550 4matic 112/12 19
Aventador Veneno Coupe 7
CX-5 4WD 26 S63 AMG 4matic 112/12 19
Gallardo Coupe 7
CX-9 2WD 24 SL550 7
Gallardo Spyder 7
CX-9 4WD 26 SL63 AMG 7
MX-5 7 SL65 AMG 7
LR2 26
SLK250 7
SLK350 7
Range Rover 29 MP4-12C Coupe 7
Range Rover Evoque 26 MP4-12C Spider 7
SLS AMG Black Series Coupe 7
Range Rover FFV 29,44 P1 7,36
SLS AMG Coupe 7
Range Rover L FFV 29,44 MERCEDES-BENZ SLS AMG GT Coupe 7
Range Rover Sport 29 B-Class Electric Drive 90/22 16,34
SLS AMG GT Roadster 7
Range Rover Sport FFV 29,44 C250 88/12 12
SLS AMG Roadster 7
LEXUS C250 Coupe 81/12 10
CT 200h 86/14 12,38 C300 4matic 88/12 12,40
Cooper (3-doors) 80/9 10
ES 300h 100/12 16,38 C350 88/12 12,40
Cooper Clubman 80/9 10
ES 350 100/15 16 C350 4matic 81/12 10
Coupe Cooper Clubvan 7
GS 350 99/14 16
C350 Coupe 81/12 10 Cooper 72/6 8
GS 350 AWD 99/14 16 Convertible
C63 AMG 88/12 12
GS 450h 99/13 16,38 Cooper Countryman 87/16 13
C63 AMG Coupe 81/12 10
GX 460 29 Cooper Coupe 7
CL550 4matic 91/14 12
IS 250 90/11 12 Cooper Paceman 87/14 13
CL600 91/14 12
IS 250 AWD 90/11 12 Cooper Roadster 7
CL63 AMG 91/14 12
IS 250 C 77/11 9 Cooper S (3-doors) 80/9 10
CL65 AMG 91/14 12
IS 350 90/11 12 Cooper S Clubman 80/9 10
CLA250 88/13 12
IS 350 AWD 90/11 12 Cooper S 72/6 8
CLA250 4matic 88/13 12 Convertible
IS 350 C 77/11 10
CLA45 AMG 88/13 12 Cooper S Countryman 87/16 13
IS F 88/11 10 4matic

Interior Volume (cu.ft.) Interior Volume (cu.ft.) Interior Volume (cu.ft.)
Passenger / Cargo Passenger / Cargo Passenger / Cargo
2dr 4dr Hatch Pg 2dr 4dr Hatch Pg 2dr 4dr Hatch Pg
Cooper S Countryman All4 87/16 13 911 Carrera 4S 68/5 8 SRT
Cooper S Coupe 7 Viper 7
911 Carrera 68/5 8
Cooper S Paceman 87/14 13 Cabriolet SUBARU
Cooper S Paceman All4 87/14 13 911 Carrera S 70/5 8 BRZ 77/7 8
Cooper S Roadster 7 911 Carrera S 68/5 8 Forester AWD 26
JCW Countryman All4 87/16 13 Cabriolet
Impreza AWD 96/12 13
JCW Paceman All4 87/14 13 911 GT3 7
Impreza Wagon AWD 98/23 20
John Cooper Works Clubman 80/9 10 911 Targa 4 70/5 8
Legacy AWD 103/15 17
John Cooper 72/6 8 911 Targa 4S 70/5 8
Works Convertible Outback AWD 26
911 Turbo 70/5 8
John Cooper Works Coupe 7 Tribeca AWD 26
911 Turbo 68/5 8
John Cooper Works Roadster 7 Cabriolet XV Crosstrek AWD 26
911 Turbo S 70/5 8 XV Crosstrek Hybrid AWD 5,26,39
i-MiEV 85/13 10,34
911 Turbo S 70/5 8 TESLA
Lancer 93/12 13 Model S (60 kW-hr battery pack) 94/26 5,19,34
Boxster 7
Lancer AWD 93/12 13 Model S (85 kW-hr battery pack) 94/26 19,34
Boxster S 7
Lancer Evolution 93/7 13 Model S AWD (85 kW-hr battery pack) 94/26 19,34
Cayenne 29
Lancer Sportback 95/14 20 Cayenne Diesel 29,32 TOYOTA
Mirage 86/17 86/17 13 Cayenne GTS 29 4Runner 2WD 28
Outlander 2WD 128/10 24 Cayenne S 29 4Runner 4WD 29
Outlander 4WD 128/10 26 Cayenne S Hybrid 29,39 Avalon 104/16 17
Outlander Sport 2WD 97/22 24 Cayenne Turbo 29 Avalon Hybrid 104/14 17,39
Outlander Sport 4WD 97/22 26 Cayenne Turbo S 29 Camry 103/15 17

MOBILITY VENTURES LLC Cayman 7 Camry Hybrid LE 103/13 17,39

MV-1 23 Cayman S 7 Camry Hybrid XLE/SE 103/13 17,39

MV-1 CNG 23,33 Panamera 108/16 19 Corolla 98/13 17

Corolla LE Eco 98/13 17
NISSAN Panamera 4 108/16 19
Panamera 4S 108/16 19 FJ Cruiser 2WD 25
370Z 52/7 7
Panamera 4S Executive 108/16 19 FJ Cruiser 4WD 26
370Z Roadster 52/4 7
Panamera GTS 108/16 19 Highlander 2WD 25
Altima 102/15 16
Panamera S 108/16 19 Highlander AWD 29
Armada 2WD 27,44
Panamera S E-Hybrid 108/16 19,37 Highlander Hybrid 4WD 5,29,39
Armada 4WD 29,44
Panamera Turbo 108/16 19 Highlander Hybrid 4WD LE Plus 5,29,39
Cube 98/11 20
Panamera Turbo Executive 108/16 19 Land Cruiser Wagon 4WD 29
Frontier 2WD 20
Panamera Turbo S 108/16 19 Prius 94/22 5,17,39
Frontier 4WD 20
Panamera Turbo S 108/16 19 Prius c 87/17 5,13,38
GT-R 79/9 10
Executive Prius Plug-in Hybrid 94/22 17,36
Juke 87/10 20
RAM Prius v 97/34 5,20,39
Juke AWD 87/10 20
1500 2WD 5,21,31,41 RAV4 25
Leaf 92/24 5,17,34
1500 4WD 21,31,42 RAV4 AWD 26
Maxima 96/14 17
1500 HFE 2WD 21 RAV4 EV 5,25,35
Murano AWD 26
C/V 23,43 RAV4 Limited AWD 27
Murano CrossCabriolet 26
Murano FWD 24 ROLLS-ROYCE Sequoia 2WD 28

Ghost 111/14 19 Sequoia 4WD 29

NV200 Cargo Van 23
Ghost EWB 117/14 19 Sequoia 4WD FFV 29,44
Pathfinder 2WD 25
Phantom 113/14 19 Sienna 2WD 23
Pathfinder 4WD 26
Phantom Coupe 96/13 13 Sienna AWD 23
Pathfinder Hybrid 2WD 27,39
Phantom 97/11 13 Tacoma 2WD 5,20
Pathfinder Hybrid 4WD 29,39
Drophead Coupe Tacoma 4WD 20
Quest 23
Phantom EWB 125/14 19 Tundra 2WD 21
Rogue AWD 26
Wraith 99/13 17 Tundra 4WD 21
Rogue FWD 25
Rogue Select AWD 26
F150 Pickup 2WD 21 Venza 25
Rogue Select FWD 25
F150 Pickup 4WD 21 Venza 4WD 27
Sentra 96/15 17
F150 Raptor Pickup 4WD 21 Yaris 85/15 13
Sentra FE 96/15 17
Stage 3 Mustang 83/13 10
Titan 2WD 21,41
Titan 4WD 21,42 SCION
Versa 90/15 94/19 13 FR-S 77/7 8

Xterra 2WD 25 iQ 74/4 5,8

Xterra 4WD 26 tC 90/15 13

xB 101/22 20
xD 84/11 10
Huayra Coupe 7
fortwo cabriolet 7
911 Carrera 70/5 8
fortwo coupe 7
911 Carrera 4 70/5 8
fortwo electric drive convertible 5,7,34
911 Carrera 4 68/5 8
Cabriolet fortwo electric drive coupe 5,7,34
911 Carrera 4S 70/5 8

Interior Volume (cu.ft.)
Passenger / Cargo
2dr 4dr Hatch Pg
Beetle 85/15 13,31
Beetle Convertible 81/7 10,31
CC 94/13 13
CC 4motion 94/13 13
Eos 77/11 10
Golf 94/15 13,31
GTI 94/15 13
Jetta 94/16 13,31
Jetta Hybrid 94/16 13,38
Jetta SportWagen 92/33 20,31
Passat 102/16 17,31
Routan 23,43
Tiguan 25
Tiguan 4motion 27
Touareg 30,32
Touareg Hybrid 30,39

S60 AWD 92/14 13
S60 FWD 92/14 13
S80 AWD 98/15 17
S80 FWD 98/15 17
XC60 AWD 27
XC60 FWD 99/34 25
XC70 AWD 27
XC70 FWD 98/37 25
XC90 AWD 30
XC90 FWD 28

US Government Printing Office
Laurel Publications Distribution Center
c/o Fuel Economy Guide
8660 Cherry Lane
Laurel, MD 20707


EPA recently redesigned the Fuel Economy and Environment labels that must be affixed to new vehicles starting with the 2013 model year. The
example below shows a sample label for a gasoline vehicle. Slightly different designs are used for flexible-fuel vehicles, electric vehicles, and
plug-in hybrids. For more in-depth descriptions of label information for all vehicle types, visit www.fueleconomy.gov

Annual fuel cost

based on 15,000
miles per year at
$3.50 per gallon
for regular
unleaded and
$3.75 for premium


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