2011 Frank Webb Supply List
2011 Frank Webb Supply List
2011 Frank Webb Supply List
Watercolor Energies
May 22-28, 2011
Supply List
I use these materials. Most of them may be substituted or eliminated. Please do not think that you
need to buy new materials. Your regular choice of colors and instruments are acceptable.
Paper: 140# cold press such as Arches, Artistico, Winsor Newton, or Waterford.
Palette: Webb palette (available from Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff 800 227-2788) Other popular and
professional palettes are: the John Pike, the Robert E. Wood. the Skip Lawrence or the Cheap Joe.
Brushes: I use the following size flats: 2”, 1 1/2”, 1”, 3/4”, and 1/2”. I suggest the inexpensive
synthetic type, but you may prefer ox hair, sable, or sableine. Add to these some round pointed
brushes. I also like the Webb Liner in sizes 8 and 12. They are available from Cheap Joe.
Miscellaneous: A Masonite board cut to the size your paper, four bulldog clips, a cellulose sponge,
and paper towels. If outdoor work is scheduled, a folding camp stool is great for watching
demonstrations and critiques. For a studio workshop bring drawings, photos, or old paintings which
you might wish to redesign. To design your painting before painting bring sketch paper and a soft
graphite pencil (6B).
Attitude: Most importantly, bring your sense of search, for art is one of the grand inquiries.
Finished paintings are less important than process and the encounter with like minded associates.
Expect to make new friends.
If you wish to become aquainted with Webb’s teaching go to www.artshow.com/webb and check
forms offering several DVDs and a book.