Exploration Geochemistry: Short Course Manual
Exploration Geochemistry: Short Course Manual
Exploration Geochemistry: Short Course Manual
'bibliotec *
Prepared by
J. Alan Coope
Owen P. Lavin
Erick F. Weiland
Lloyd D. James
Geochemical Consultant
July 1991
2nd Printing March 1993
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................ j
LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................ v
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................
2. DEFINITIONS................................. t..................................... 2
3. BRIEF HISTORY........................................................................ 4
4. INFORMATION SOURCES................................................................. 5
5. BASIC PRINCIPLES................................................................... 7
6. DISPERSION PROCESSES.............................................................. 18
6.1. General....................................................................... 13
6.2. Primary....................................................................... 18
6.3. Surficial Environment.......................................................
6.3.1. Chemical Dispersion....................................................... 19
6.3.2. Mechanical Dispersion . . . ,.................... 25
6.3.3. Biological Dispersion..................................................... 26
7.1. General....................................................................... 27
7.2. Factors and Processes....................................................... 27
7.3. Examples of Surface Environments............................................ 33
7.3.1. Arid and Semi-Arid.......................................................... 33
7.3.2. Humid Tropics.............................................................. 35
7.3.3. Temperate Maritime.......................................................... 3g
7.3.4. Continental Middle Latitudes.............................................. 38
7.3.5. Higher Latitudes............................................................ 40
8.1. General......................................................................... 41
8.2. Plutonic Association.......................................................... 42
8.3. Volcanogenic MassiveSulfide Deposits....................................... 45
11.1. General........................................................................ 66
11.2. Conceptual Models............................................................ 68
11.2.1. Principles................................................................... 68
11.2.2. Objectives................................................................... 69
11.2.3. Procedures................................................................... 69
11.2.4. Examples..................................................................... 69
11.3. Orientation..................................................................... 75
11.3.1. Principles............................ •..................................... 75
11.3.2. Objectives................................................................... 75
11.3.3. Procedures................................................................... 76
11.3.4. Examples.................. 82
12.1. General........................................................................ 89
12.2. Sample Media................................................................... 90
12.2.1. Rocks........................................................................ ‘90
12.2.2. Soils........................................................................ 98
12.2.3. Stream Sediments........................................................ 106
12.2.4. Lake Sediments.......................................................... 117
12.2.5. Glacial Sediments........................................................ 119
12.2.6. Vegetation.................................................................. 129
12.2.7. Water...................................................................... 146
12.2.8. Gases...................................................................... 151
12.2.9. Particulates............................................................... 159
12.2.10. Microorganisms............................................................. 160
12.2.11. Animal Tissues............................................................... 161
FIG 11.12 Summary of maximum gold dispersion trend obtained in the minus
80 m fraction of wadi sediments for 8 gold prospects. 86
FIG 11.13 Grain-size distribution of some eolian materials from the Central
pediplain (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)............................... 87
FIG 11.14 Stream sediment survey of River Sende, Sierra Leone. Data on -80
mesh fraction............................. 88
FIG 12.1 Cretaceous granitoids in the Canadian Cordillera ................................ 93
FIG 12.2 Distribution of mean Zn content in granitoids ...................................... 93 .
FIG 12.3 Simplified geology in the Goosley-Owen lake area ............................. 94
FIG 12.4 Distribution of As and Cu around the Bradina and
Goosley deposits ................................................................................ 94
FIG 12.5 Carlin District, Nevada. Locations of samples collected for analysis.
See Figure 12.5c for explanation of geologic symbols......................... 96
FIG 12.5c Carlin District. Geological Legend........................................................ 97
FIG 12.6 Example of ridge-and-spur soil-sampling pattern, Cebu Project,
Republic of Philippines. Data on -80-mesh fraction............................. 99
FIG 12.7 Example of base-of-slope sampling pattern, Lemieux District,
Quebec. Data on -1cm fraction....................................... 99
FIG 12.8 Spatial variation of anomalous soil samples ..................................... 100
FIG 12.9 Outlines of areas that contain anomalous values.............................. 101
FIG 12.11 Detailed geochemistry (Zn) in the vicinity of the Perkoa Deposit,
Burkino Faso. Values in ppm.............................................................. 102
FIG 12.10 Regional soil geochemistry (Zn) in the area around the Perkoa
Deposit, Burkino Faso. Values in ppm................................................. 102
FIG 12.12 Reconnaissance laterite geochemistry over the
Saddleback Greenstone Belt........................... 104
FIG 12.13 Diagrammatic cross-section in lateritic duricrust. 104
FIG 12.14 Comparison of Au anomalies in -6 + 2 mm lags and
-6 mm soils, Eastern Goldfields Province,
Western Australia................................................................................... 105
FIG 12.15 Zinc anomalies in soils, Buchans District............................................. 105
FIG 12.16 Empire Mining District, Colorado. Gold distribution in mull ash. Light
stipple, ash contains 0.2-0.59 ppm gold; heavy stipple, ash contains
at least 0.6 ppm gold. Heavy lines are veins.............. 107
FIG 12.17 Empire Mining District, Colorado. Gold distribution in soil (6-to 12-
inch depth). Light stipple, soil contains 0.2-0.59 ppm gold; heavy
stipple, soil contains at least 0.6 ppm gold. Heavy lines are veins. 107
FIG 12.18 Hemlo Gold District, Ontario. Williams Option - gold in humus. ... 108
FIG 12.19 Hemlo Gold District, Ontario. Williams Option - gold in basal till, -250
mesh fraction........................ 108
FIG 12.20a Water discharge of a river under ordinary conditions with normal
amounts of water............................................................ 110
FIG 12.20b Water discharge of a river during a major flood. Overbank
sedimentation takes place on the river plain................. 110
FIG 12.41a Species distribution, geology along a transect across several zones
of Helichrysum leptolepis (DC) occurrences in Witvlei area, Namibia. 133
FIG 12.41b Species distribution, geology along a transect across several zones
of Helichrysum leptolepis (DC) occurrences in Witvlei area, Namibia. 132
FIG 12.42 Vegetation associations and Helicbrysum leptolepis (DC)
occurrences over one area near Witvlei, Namibia....... 131
FIG 12.43 Copper values in surface soil in area shown in Fig. 12.42........ 134
FIG 12.44 Sample sites and contoured Au values for the Standard Hillarea,
California. Gold in plants determined by INAA................................... 138
FIG 12.45 Base map showing site locations............................................... 139
FIG 12.46 Gold levels along traverse A .............................................................. 139
FIG 12.47 Variations in the gold content of a variety of organs in a balsam fir
growing over mineralization, sampled at varying heights................... 140
FIG 12.48 Comparison for poorly drained ground for spruce,
fir and B horizon soils.................................................... 141
FIG 12.49 Comparison for birch, alder, and B horizon soils ............................ 141
FIG 12.50 Comparison for freely drained ground for spruce,
fir, and B horizon soils................................................... 142
FIG 12.51 Comparison for alder and B horizon soils.......... 142
FIG 12.52 Elements in ash of outer scales of spruce bark, Nova Scotia: (a)
(above) gold, (b) (above) arsenic, (c) (next page) antimony, (d) (next
page) selenium ........................................................................... 144/145
FIG 12.53 Regional uranium concentration levels in lake waters -(a) with and (b)
without contaminated samples...................................... 149
FIG 12.54 (a) Radon and (b) uranium concentration levels in stream water
without contaminated samples .......................................................... 150
FIG 12.55 Map showing distribution of molybdenum in ground water, Pima
Mining District, Arizona................................................... 152
FIG 12.56 Correlation plots for groundwaters in Arizona. . . 153
FIG 12.57 The Track Etch Process. ;.................................................................. 155
FIG 12.58 Track Etch Sample Cup. .................................................................. 155
FIG 12.59 Radon contour map of the Lone Gull U discovery.............................. 156
FIG 12.60 Components of the Aurex Hg-vapor integrative detector.................... 157
FIG 12.61 Schematic representation of Hg-vapor measurement utilizing the
Aurex detector...................................................................................... 157
FIG 12.62 Plan of simplified geology and COS dispersion pattern in surface
microlayer at Johnson Camp, Arizona.......................... 158
FIG 12.63 CO2 content of soil air over mineralized breccia pipe, Arizona........... 159
FIG 12.64 Plot of log B. cereus................................ 160
FIG 14.1 Sample preparation safety curves for gold bearing materials............. 166
FIG 14.2 Size of sample required to contain an expected
20 particles of Au................................................................................. 167
FIG 14.3 Relation of Au grain size and grade for analysis............................... 168
FIG 16.46 Frequency curves for (a) normal, (b) lognormal, (c) normal with
outliers and (d) multipopulation distributions................ 272
FIG 16.47 Distribution of (x ± 1s)(x ± 2s), (x ± 3s) data for a normal
population......................................................................... 274
FIG 16.48 Relationship of mean, median and mode as determined by direction
of skewness................................................................ • • 275
FIG 16.49 Kurtosis nomenclature for peaked, normal and flat (bell-shaped) data
distribution............................................................................................... 275
FIG 16.50 Log10 transformed (a) vs untransformed (b) Mo data from a granite
body .................................................................................................... 276
FIG 16.51 Northern Fennoscandia Mineral Resource Assessment Map .......... 278
FIG 16.51 Legend (continued) .................................................................. 279
FIG 16.52 A diagrammatic representation of some typical factors which
influence the selection and rating of significant geochemical
patterns................................................................................................... 281
This manual is designed to provide background material for the workshops and will
be distributed to all participants. Obviously it is neither possible nor even desirable to
cover the entire field of exploration geochemistry in this context, but basic principles and
potential problem areas are briefly reviewed. The more rarely used methods, such as
stable and radioisotope analysis, fluid inclusion analysis, laser induced luminescence, etc.,
are not discussed. Details of these, together with additional information on the more
common methods can be found in specialist publications.
This manual begins with a brief discussion of the history, basic principles and role
of geochemical exploration. Subsequent sections provide more detailed discussions of
the primary components of successful programs, including conceptual models, program
design, technique selection, quality control, field and laboratory procedures, interpretation,
follow-up, and last, but by no means least, report writing. A fairly extensive list of up-to-
date and useful references is provided in the final chapter.
It is clear from historical records that the principles of geochemical exploration have
been applied in prospecting over several thousands of years. The prospector who
panned for gold and traced the colors upstream to a bedrock source used mineralogical
observations in a similar way to the modern geochemist, who utilizes careful sampling and
sensitive chemical analyses to outline patterns of dispersion in the surficial environment.
Geobotanical indicators were recognized as early as the eighth and ninth centuries (Boyle,
1967). The mid-sixteenth century writings of Biringuccio and Agricola describe the
analysis of natural waters, springs, and their residues (Hawkes, 1957; Boyle, 1967).
In North America, the earliest geochemical surveys were carried out between 1938
and 1940 by Lundberg in Newfoundland and in 1944 by Warren in British Columbia
(Brummer et al., 1987). The first comprehensive geochemical exploration studies
commenced at the US Geological Survey under the leadership of H. E. Hawkes in 1947
and at the Geological Survey of Canada with R. W. Boyle in the early 1950's. The
Geochemical Prospecting Research Center was established at the Imperial College of
Science and Technology in London in 1954 under the direction of J. S. Webb. In France,
research related to exploration geochemistry began in 1955.
The body of technical literature in the English language dealing with exploration
geochemistry has grown dramatically over the years, particularly since the founding in
1970 of the Association of Exploration Geochemists (AEG). This Association’s official
technical publication (the Journal of Geochemical Exploration - JGE), and newsletter
(EXPLORE), are excellent sources of useful information, especially when used in
conjunction with the AEG Bibliography volumes (Hawkes, 1982, 1985, and 1988). The
proceedings of various international (generally biennial) and regional symposia organized
since 1970 by the AEG, are also useful references. Initially these were published as
individual volumes by the local sponsoring organizations, but more recently have been
presented in special volumes of the JGE:
For many years the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (London), and also occasionally
the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, have organized symposia on prospecting
techniques. The main emphasis has generally been on geochemical exploration in
glaciated terrain:
Over the years the Journal of Exploration Geochemistry has included a number of
extremely useful volumes dealing with conceptual geochemical exploration models for a
variety of weathering environments. These discuss:
The JGE has also produced a number of other useful special volumes, including:
Individual rock types display characteristic average element abundance levels and
associations (Table 5.2). For example ultrabasic rocks generally contain relatively high
Co, Cr and Ni and low Ba, F, Ga, Pb, Ti, TI compared to other common rock types. On
the other hand basic rocks are characterized by relatively high Ag, Cu, Ti, V. The
contrast between the element abundance levels in adjacent major rock units is sometimes
so pronounced that regional geochemical concentration patterns related to bedrock, or
even derived surficial material (e.g. soils, and stream sediments), closely reflect local and
regional geology (Figs. 5.2a, 5.2b, and 5.3). The fact that some rock types contain
relatively high concentrations of certain elements which are significant in geologic, but not
economic terms, obviously needs to be taken into account when interpreting data from
geochemical exploration programs.
Siderophile Au Siderophile Au
Ge Sn (Pb)
C P (As)
Mo (W)
Fe Co Ni Fe Co Ni
Ru Rh Pd Ru Rh Pd
Os Ir Pt Os Ir Pt
Chalcophile Cu Ag Sulpho- Cu Ag
Zn Cd Hg chalcophile (Zn) (Cd) Hg
Ga In T1
(Ge) (Sn) Pb
As Sb Bi As Sb S Se Te (P)
S Se Te Oxy - Ge Sn Pb
Fe (Co) (Ni) chalcophile Ga In T1
(Ru) (Pd) (Pt) (Zn) (Cd) (P)
Biophile H C N OP
(Na) (Mg) S a
(K) (Ca) (Fe)
(B) (F) (Si)
(Mn) (Cu) (1)
TABLE 5.1 Geochemical characteristics of selected elements. (Smith & Hallberg, 1982)
FIG. 5.2a Location map showing geology, selected mineral occurrences and study areas. Geology
after Geological Survey of Sierra Leone. (Nichol, James & Viewing, 1966)
FIG. 5.2b Nickel content, ppm, in -80 mesh fraction of stream sediments. (Nichol, James &
Viewing, 1966)
FIG 5.3 Relationship between geology and the pattern of nickel in residual soil, Nguge region,
Tanzania. (Colluvial and alluvial overburden occur flanking the main rivers.) (Rose,
Hawkes & Webb, 1979)
Mineral deposits, like other more common geological units, frequently display
characteristic multi-element associations (Tables 5.3 and 5.4). These are sufficiently
consistent to enable prediction of the element suites to be expected in different types of
mineralization, and conversely, to assist in the interpretation of geochemical exploration
Magmatic deposits
Chromite ores (Bushveld) Cr Ni, Fe, Mg
Layered magnetite (Bushveld) Fe V, Ti, P
Immiscible Cu-Ni-sulfide Cu, Ni, S Pt, Co, As, Au
Pt-Ni-Cu in layered
intrusion (Bushveld) Pt, Ni, Cu Cr, Co, S
Immiscible Fe-Ti-oxide
(Allard Lake) Fe, Ti P
Nb-Ta carbonatite (Oka) Nb, Ta Na, Zr, P
Rare-metal pegmatite Be, Li, Cs, Rb B, U, Th, rare earths
Hydrothermal deposits
Porphyry copper (Bingham) Cu, S Mo, Au, Ag, Re, As, Pb,
Zn, K
Porphyry molybdenum
(Climax) Mo, S W, Sn, F, Cu
Skam-magnetite (Iron Springs) Fe Cu, Co, S
Skarn-Cu (Yerington) Cu, Fe, S Au, Ag
Skarn-Pb-Zn (Hanover) Pb, Zn, S Cu, Co
Skarn-W-Mo-Sn (Bishop) W, Mo, Sn F, S, Cu, Be, Bi
Base-metal veins Pb, Zn, Cu, S Ag, Au, As, Sb, Mn
Sn-W greisens Sn, W Cu, Mo, Bi, Li, Rb, Si, Cs,
Re, F, B
Sn-sulfide vein Sn, S Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Sb
Co-Ni-Ag vein (Cobalt) Co, Ni, Ag, S As, Sb, Bi, U
“Epithermal” precious metal Au, Ag Sb, As, Hg, Te, Se, S, U
Mercury Hg, S Sb, As
Uranium vein U Mo, Pb, F
Copper in basalt (L. Superior
type) Cu Ag, As, S
Volcanogenic massive-sulfide
Cu Cu, S Zn, Au
Volcanogenic massive-sulfide
Zn-Cu-Pb Zn, Pb, Cu, S Ag, Ba, Au, As
Au-As-rich Fe formation Au, As, S Sb
Mississippi Valley Pb-Zn Zn, Pb, S Ba, F, Cd, Cu, Ni, Co, Hg
Mississippi Valley fluorite F Ba, Pb, Zn
Sandstone-type U U Se, Mo, V, Cu, Pb
Red-bed Cu Cu, S Ag, Pb
Calcrete U u V
Sedimentary types
Copper shale (Kupferschiefer) Cu, S Ag, Zn, Pb, Co, Ni, Cd, Hg
Copper sandstone Cu, S Ag, Co, Ni
TABLE 5.3 Associated elements (pathfinders) useful in ore-typing. (Rose, Hawkes & Webb, 1979
Siderapfule Choice*bile
Suipne-choicophlto Oiy-chaleophie
- i"*”!
I" st. < » ] cr i i- j -o ' ; s. 1 t. Ual«( s TI 1 $n • Co to(c)
FIG 5.4 Element associations of some mineral deposits. (Smith and Hallberg, 1982)
PagmoiopAHa $«4lrran'opMifl
i Ml Cm aviphlda dapoiHa
1 | 1 Moasrva A •laaam-oiad
1 Cr Aapoaila
• a CNromila
| r.A dapoa.la Me
• l • • • • * • • • • • • 1 2 Sf-BaorVig pogmoklai
• | • A A • 2 5 M In quorN •»"«, pagmot.laa
• • • Sr.-ikonis
• 1 • • • • • 2 1 Sn. W ar Mo V. grvraan A aarolUW lanot
• • 2 Caatl’ari’a plpaa
* * • 1 2 Koear Sr. dapoa^a
6.1. General
The chemical, mechanical and biochemical processes involved in the movement
of material between different locations in the natural environment result in geochemical
dispersion. Purely mechanical processes, apart from alluvial sorting, usually involve
mixing but not differentiation. In contrast, chemical and biochemical processes
commonly create fractions of widely differing chemical composition due to the enhanced
mobility of specific elements. In both primary and secondary (i.e. surficial) environments
geochemical dispersion is often reflected by distinct geochemical patterns. The fact that
the dispersion patterns associated with mineral deposits are commonly far more extensive
than the actual deposits provides the justification for most geochemical exploration
The response of an element to geochemical dispersion processes is governed by
its mobility in the prevailing environment. This in turn is influenced by the physical and
chemical characteristics of the element in question. In geochemical exploration,
environments are normally categorized as primary (i.e. deep-seated) or surficial. The
majority of geochemical exploration programs are concerned with the collection and
analysis of samples from the surficial environment. Therefore the processes controlling
geochemical dispersion in the surficial environment will be discussed in some detail.
Metamorphic environments differ from magmatic in that most reactions occur in the
solid state. No actual melting is involved in metamorphism except at the very highest
temperatures. However, pore fluids rich in water furnish mobile phases into which some
rock constituents may be extracted and dispersed by mineral solution or exchange.
Again both chemical and mechanical processes are important factors in the development
of geochemical dispersion patterns.
A wide range of chemical and physical changes occur in sediments during and
after burial; changes which alter solid mineral phases and interstitial fluids by a complex
series of so-called diagenetic processes. Some of these processes may occur over
extended periods of time, but the diagenetic history of a sedimentary mass may by
punctuated by episodic events, such as loss of fluid and dissolved material that may
occur during tectonism. In conjunction with normal basinal fluid migration these
processes obviously have a major influence on geochemical dispersion in sedimentary
Very Fe.Mn
low to
Al.Ti.Sn.Te.W Al.Ti.Sn.Te.W Al.Ti.Sn.Te.W Al.Ti.Sn.Te.W
Nb.To.Pt.Cr.Zr Nb.To.Pt.Cr.Zr Nb.To.Pt.Cr.Zr Nb.To.Pt.Cr.Zr
Th,Rare Earths Th.Rare Earths Th,Rare Earths Th,Rare Earths
Zn Zn
Cu.Co.Ni.Hg.Ag.Au Cu.Co.Ni.Hg.Ag.Au
FIG. 6.5 Eh-pH diagram for part of the system FIG 6.6 Eh-pH diagram for part of the system
Au-CI-O-H. The assumed activities for Au-CI-O-H. The assumed activities for
dissolved species are: Au = 10M ’10,CI dissolved species are: Au = 10‘10 ’12,
= 10'35. (Brookins, 1988) Cl = 10'1. (Brookins, 1988)
FIG. 6.7 Fractional adsorption of metals of various oxide substrates (Fig. a: amorphous Fe(OH) 3;
Fig b: -T-AljOji Fig. c: a-SiC^) and effects of adsorbate concentrations.
(Salomon & Forstner, 1984)
oxide) is exposed to a more dilute solution, only a proportion of the expected amount of
adsorped ions are in fact released (Fig. 6.8).
Large areas, especially at the higher latitudes, have been subject to periods of
intensive glaciation in recent geologic time. The resulting erosion and deposition has
involved a variety of processes which are reflected by extensive glacially derived surficial
cover obscuring bedrock. A proportion of this cover is lodgement till formed at the base
of continental ice sheets from crushed and pulverized transported material plucked from
bedrock by the ice. Ablation tiH, deposited by surficial melting of the ice, commonly
overlies the lodgement till. A variety of water-deposited sediments form within (e.g.
eskers) and along the margins (e.g. kames) of glaciers. The large streams flowing out
of glaciers often cover extensive areas with glaciofluvial deposits (outwash). The glaciers
themselves can disrupt local drainage systems. Fine stratified sediments are often
deposited in the resultant lakes.
Erosion and transport by wind action is most important in arid and semi-arid areas
where there is little or no protective vegetation cover. In desert terrain this can result in
sand cover over large areas, whilst in the vicinity of some arid desert and glaciated areas,
loess deposits are common. Wind is also responsible for the dispersion of man made
contaminants from industrial sites.
Uptake of inorganic matter by plant root systems results in the redistribution of this
matter throughout the remainder of the plant (which is the basis of the biogeochemical
exploration method). During subsequent plant decay the more insoluble components are
concentrated in the upper part of the soil profile, whilst the more mobile tend to be
removed by ground and surface waters (bioqeo-chemical cycle).
Microorganisms (bacteria, algae, fungi, etc.) are also important factors in metal
dispersion as they are intimately involved in many redox reactions. (The influence of redox
conditions on element mobility has been-discussed above.) Microorganisms also often
appear to capable of assimilating and concentrating certain metals.
7.1. General
Following a review of some of the more significant factors and processes involved
in weathering and soil development, a number of the major soil environments will be
briefly described. In geochemical exploration, recognition of the precise nature of the soil
cover is particularly important as this provides a useful indication of the potential
effectiveness of the constituent horizons as geochemical sampling media.
Weathering can be defined as the change of rocks from the massive to the clastic
state in response to local surficial conditions (Rose, Hawkes and Webb, 1979). It involves
a twofold process:
28 t <f33AXMW J
turbulent water flow, strong winds, etc.). However, various combinations of a number of
these processes are also active in most other climatic zones. The process of rock
disaggregation is generally initiated by the fundamental geological processes of uplift and
erosion. Unloading of rocks allows expansion towards the surface and the resulting
differential stresses produce a network of cracks and joints (Rose, Hawkes and Webb,
1979). These provide access to surface waters which initiate the chemical weathering
processes, and in colder climates produce additional stresses related to freeze-thaw
cycles. Plant roots contribute to the physical weathering of rocks by widening any cracks
they might penetrate. Various burrowing insects and animals contribute indirectly to
physical weathering by facilitating the access of active weathering agents.
The most extreme form of hydrolysis (i.e. total hydrolysis) occurs in tropical soils
under neutral, well drained conditions, in the absence of organic acid anions (Duchaufour,
1982). Primary minerals are totally destroyed and their constituents (particularly silica and
alumina) are freed. This total hydrolysis favors the elimination not only of basic cations
(Ca2+, Mg2+, K*. Na+), but also silica, which is almost as mobile. In contrast the oxides
of iron and aluminum are only slightly mobile and accumulate in situ. When the
elimination of silica is impeded by poor drainage, clay formation by recombination of silica
and alumina (i.e. neoformation) becomes possible. In temperate climates, hydrolysis is
generally more gradual than in tropical climates and clays are in most cases derived from
phyllitic minerals by transformation processes. This type of hydrolysis is controlled by the
nature and quantity of soluble organic ions present. It can take place under non-acid,
base-rich (e.g. carbonate) environments (i.e. neutral hydrolysis) or, more commonly, in
the presence of organic acids (i.e. acid hydrolysis).
• .,• .... .
Apart from hydrolysis, certain other chemical rock weathering processes can be
locally significant. These include:
FIG 7.1 Distribution and extent of main types of weathering of silicate rocks. (Duchaufour
tropical (with a well drained tropical total hydrolysis limited inheritance and moderate kaolinite
dry season) ferriginous (neutral) transformation
frequently preserved end cleys generally result from a greduel transformation of primery
minerals. Biochemical weathering is also important in colder climates as certain soluble
organic compounds are active in both hydrolysis and complex formation (complexolysis).
Over time soils which develop as a result of climatically influenced surface and near
surface weathering processes, pass through successive stages of youth and then
maturity, towards a state of stable equilibrium. Distinctive profiles develop as a result of
generally vertical (downward and, to a far lesser extent, upward) movement of material
in aqueous solution and suspension, and complex series of chemical reactions. Individual
layers within these profiles can be differentiated on the basis of color, texture and
Most well developed soil profiles display four principal horizons which are
designated from the surface on down as A, B, C, and R. A and B constitute the actual
soil, whilst C and R are partly weathered parent material and subjacent indurated
bedrock, respectively (Fig. 7.2). A zone of organic debris (O or AO) may lie on the A
horizon. However, the entire sequence is not always present, as for example in the case
TABLE 7.2 I. cold climate sequence with decreasing aridity; II, hot climate sequence with
decreasing aridity; III, humid climate sequence with mean temperature increasing.
Intrazonal soils shown in bold type also.
Plant associations: (1) cold semi-desert, (2) sparsely vegetated steppe, (3) densely
vegetated and forested steppe, (4) forest-steppe, (5) boreal continental deciduous
forest, (6) prairie. (7) garrique or maquis, (8) Sclerophyll forest, (9) hot semi-desert,
(10) sparsely vegetated savanna, cacti and grasses, (11) thornbush savanna, (12)
tropical savanna with sparse trees, (13) humid tropical forest, (14) boreal coniferous
forest and ericacae, (15) mixed boreal forest, (16) atlantic deciduous forest, (17)
humid subtropical forest, (18) very humid equatorial forest. (Duchaufour, 1982)
of soil profiles truncated by erosion, or immature soils which often lack a B horizon. It
should be noted that parent materials are not always necessarily directly related to the
subjacent indurated bedrock, as soil profiles can develop on transported surficial materials
such as alluvium, glacial tills, etc. In addition, soil profiles can also develop on the
remnants of earlier soil profiles.
The water that circulates in the soil pores carries with it both dissolved and fine
particulate matter and is responsible for their general downward movement (Duchaufour,
1982). A significant proportion of the mobilized material is removed from the soil profile,
but some is deposited at lower levels. The process of impoverishment resulting from this
mobilization and transport is known as eluviation, and is generally confined to the A
horizon. The process of enrichment at lower levels (generally in the B horizon) is termed
Not surprisingly, in view of global, regional, and local variations in climate (Table
7.2), vegetation and parent material, a wide variety of soil types occur (Fig. 7.3.). Each
has its own unique profile development, mineralogy, chemistry, and relationship to
underlying source material. This must obviously be taken into account when soils or
derivative products (e.g. stream sediments) are used as geochemical exploration sample
Major developments in soil classification over the past 15-20 years are generally not
reflected in the geochemical exploration literature. Most geochemists still tend to rely on
the older classifications which were based on inferred genesis as controlled by
environmental factors. The newer systems (e.g. Duchaufour, 1982) are mainly descriptive
and emphasize measurable chemical and physical properties that reflect genesis and
agricultural potential. They could be of considerable value in exploration geochemistry
as they assist understanding of the nature and extent of chemical dispersion in soils.
Greatest potential advantages appear to be provided by the French classification system
(Duchaufour, 1982) in view of its consistent concern with genesis, and comprehensive
treatment of sub-tropical and tropical soils.
Some major soil types are briefly described in the following discussion of some
commonly encountered surface environments. It must be emphasized that this is only
a selection and many other soil types occur as a result of local variations in climate,
vegetation, surface geology, altitude, aspect, past weathering history, etc., etc. Each soil
type possesses distinct physical and chemical characteristics which have a significant
influence on geochemical dispersion. It is therefore necessary to develop a clear
understanding of the soil cover in all geochemical exploration survey areas.
Although thin forest cover may occur in the wetter parts of arid or semi-arid areas,
vegetation, if present, more generally comprises shrubs, grasses and desert plants.
Limited water availability restricts chemical weathering and leaching at surface. In extreme
situations there may be little or no chemical breakdown of the primary rock forming
minerals (or even sulfides in mineral deposits), but abrupt variations in temperature and
humidity result in physical mechanical disaggregation. Evaporation after rare rains can
result in the deposition of iron-manganese oxides on rock fragments as well as the
formation of gypsiferous-calcareous crusts. Soil profiles are normally shallow and
indistinct and of a juvenile or immature nature (i.e aridisols). Geochemical dispersion in
the surface environment tends to be primarily physical. Intermittent, but torrential
rainstorms produce rapid surface run-off and turbulent water flow along the drainage
channels. Surface material is subject to sheet wash and abrasion, with fine fragments
tending to disperse further than coarse. Windblown dusts of distal origin, and eolian
sands of both distal and proximal origin sometimes constitute a significant or even
dominant component of the surficial cover in the more arid regions. These can diminish
or even completely mask any surface expression in the constituent fine fractions of the
surficial cover of geochemical patterns related to local bedrock (Zeegers et al, 1985).
FIG 7.3 Map of the main zonal and intrazonal soils. (Duchaufour, 1982)
Groundwater can promote a certain amount of subsurface chemical weathering
and dispersion in arid environments. The geochemistry of deep rooted plants which tap
this groundwater sometimes reflect the resultant geochemical patterns, and therefore
provide useful geochemical exploration sample media.
As has been mentioned previously, some arid areas (e.g. Western Australia)
possess soil profiles which were initially developed under past humid tropical conditions.
The resultant laterites have been modified to varying degrees by subsequent erosion and
changed chemical environments.
In strong contrast to arid areas, those with tropical climates and much greater
water availability are subject to extreme chemical weathering and leaching down to depths
as great as 100 m. Organic matter remains in the near surface zone and is generally
subject to rapid biodegradation. The zone of active weathering is generally at some
depth and outside the influence of the acid organic compounds produced at surface.
Consequently weathering is dominantly geochemical (i.e. neutral or slightly acid
hydrolysis) and is characterized by the presence of relatively high concentrations of free
oxides, especially those of iron, but in some cases also aluminum. The resultant soils fall
into several broad categories which reflect progressive climatically controlled phases of
the weathering process:
(i) fersiallitic - sub-tropics with a relatively cold wet season and a hot
dry summer;
(ii) ferruginous - seasonal humid tropics;
(iii) ferrallitic - hot and humid tropics.
Modal red soils are the most characteristic and widespread of the fersiallitic group.
They are generally of only moderate thickness (i.e. < 1 m), include A, B and C horizons,
and are developed over a wide range of rock types (Fig. 7.4). The Bt horizon is generally
enriched in clay as a result of pervection from the A1 and A2. The distinctive red
coloration, which is most pronounced in the Bt horizon, results from a process known as
rubification. In the dry season iron oxides released in the normal process of weathering
and subsequently bound to clay surfaces, crystallize to form hematite as a result of
dehydration. While the profile is normally decarbonated, it remains rich in bases,
particularly Ca2+ and Mg2+, and base saturation is normally about 100%. Silica "rich" (i.e.
2:1) clays dominate and are of inherited, transformation and neoformation types. They
red soil
(terra rossa) Tropical Ferrallitic soil
ferruginous soil (with kaolinite)
FIG. 7.4 Fersiallitic profile (see general key FIG. 7.5 Profiles of ferruginous and
(Duchaufour, 1982) ferrallitic soils (see general key)
(Duchaufour, 1982)
accumulation of dehydrated
ferric iron (red)
localised precipitation of
ferric iron
free alumina
the abundance o< these different
matenals « indicated by the
spacing of the fines or the
densrry of the aymboia utflhed
tend to occur in higher concentrations than in temperate brown soils over equivalent
parent materials.
The weathered profile of ferruginous soil is deeper than of fersiallitic types and
reaches and often exceeds 2 m (Fig. 7.5a). The humus rich A1 horizon is typically 15-20
cm thick whilst a pervected A2 horizon extends down to a depth of 60-80 cm. The clay
rich Bt horizon is strongly colored (i.e. red, brown or ochreous), but the degree of
rubification is generally less than in fersiallitic soils. The elimination of silica is greater than
in the latter and although some 2 : 1 clays persist, 1 : 1 clays (i.e. kaolinite) formed by
neoformation dominate. Surface accumulation of organic matter and the formation of very
stable humic compounds tends to increase as the dry season becomes more intense.
These humic compounds can retain bases and hence raise the pH and percentage base
saturation. Hence the pH of the Bt horizon might be less than 5 where the dry season
is not particularly intense, but be around 6 elsewhere. This could have important
implications in base metal mobility.
The ferrallitic class of soils represent the final phase of development and
weathering of soils in hot and humid climates with profiles being at least several meters
thick (Fig. 7.5b). Neutral or near neutral pH conditions again generally prevail in the
active weathering zone at the base of the soil profile over most rock types due to the
abundance of cations. In the middle part of the profile (C) known as saprolite (or mottled
zone), pH stabilizes at around 5 due to the removal of bases in the kaolinite neoformation
process. Even more acid conditions (i.e. pH 4) are found in the upper parts (A and B
horizons) due to organic acids produced by decay of organic litter. These acid
environments permit mobilization, redistribution, and subsequent local concentration of
sesquioxides (mainly iron) as goethite at or near the water table and/or at the base of
slopes where oxygen is more available. The iron oxides may become indurated when
exposed to less humid conditions after forest clearing or climate change, to form so-called
hard pan or duricrust. As might be expected the A horizons are highly depleted in clay
and iron whilst the B horizon is generally enriched in iron (and consequently, strongly
Accumulation of organic detritus, due to low oxidation rates for organic matter in
the prevailing climatic conditions, promotes reducing conditions. Although iron and
manganese are extremely soluble in this environment, precipitation occurs at the surface
due to oxidation. The ability of the oxides of iron and manganese and organic matter to
absorb large concentrations of certain trace elements (e.g. Ba, Zn, Cu, etc.) has a
significant influence on the mobility of these elements in the surficial environment.
7.3.5. Higher Latitudes
8.1. General
Many types of mineral deposit are enveloped in distinct patterns (i.e. haloes) of
geochemical enrichment. These vary in strength from the strong but sub-economic, down
to the weak but detectable trace concentration. They may include target as well as
associated elements. In some instances haloes of depletion also occur. Haloes often
provide excellent exploration guides, especially in the case of buried deposits, as they
tend to be far more extensive then the associated mineralization.
FIG 8.1 Some typical examples of general geologic settings of ore deposits.
(Fig. 8.2). It should also be noted that the ratios of the different elements introduced into
haloes during the mineralizing phase vary with distance from the principal deposit in
accordance with the properties of these elements and the host rocks, and the
physicochemical conditions at the time of deposit formation. The resultant zoning
patterns sometimes also constitute useful exploration guides.
Many of the following examples of geochemical haloes are drawn from an excellent
recent review of bedrock geochemistry by Govett (1989). They are mostly presented in
accordance with their general geological environment (i.e. plutonic association, stratiform
deposits of volcanic association, and stratiform deposits of volcanic association). Gold is
treated separately in view of the current high interest level.
On a regional scale geochemical sampling of plutonic rocks has met with varied
success. Attempts to characterize mineralized granitoids by total and H2O-soluble
halogens in whole rock and biotite, and by base metals and other elements in micas (Sn)
and feldspars (Pb) has produced, at best, equivocal results (Govett, 1983). In contrast,
other whole rock geochemistry studies suggest that granitoids hosting Sn, U, W and rare
metals tend to be siliceous and peraluminous, and are characteristically enriched in such
elements as Sn, U, Th, Rb, F, Li, W, Ta, Be, B, Mo, Nb, REE, Y, and Zr, and are generally
low in CaO, MgO, Ba, Sr, Co, and V (Govett, 1989). In addition, specialized granitoids,
genetically related to Sn and U mineralization, are clearly defined by Rb-K and, especially,
Rb:Sr-K:Rb plots (Figs. 8.3 and 8.4). The whole rock content of Sn has been used, with
mixed success, as a predictor for tin mineralized granitoids (Fig. 8.5 and Govett, 1983).
Most of the published geochemical case histories on local and mine scale sampling
of plutonic rocks are for porphyry copper/molybdenum deposits. The main features of
the deposits include anomalous haloes of Cu and S extending for up to 1 km from the
ore zones, and alteration zones with enhanced K and Rb, and depleted Ca and Sr
ppm • Porphyry
1000 1000 - Sn-U
Minor Sn
100 Barren
10 :•
100 -
Sn-U 1
J • \
Minor Sn 8 I - \ Porphyry
minerolizotion '0 ''
Barren 0.1 - - X
FIG 8.3. Variation of K and Rb in barren and FIG 8.4. Variation of Rb:Sr and K:Rb in barren
mineralized granitoids. (Govett, 1989) and mineralized granitoids. Granitoids
are: 1. Sardinia, mineralized: 2.
Sardinia, barren: 3. Arabian Shield: 4.
Cairngorm (U.K.): 5. Seagull (Canada):
6. Mareeba (Australia); 7. Esmeralda
(Australia): 8. Ylojarvi (Finland): 9.
Rautio (Finland): 10. Kuukhdanaari
(Finland): W. New Zealand W-bearing
granitoids. Note that the main
production from the Mareeba and
Esmeralda “tin" granites has been W
and Au, respectively. (Govett, 1989)
Shanfang (Henan, China) Mo-W-Sn-F, Cu-Zn haloes <700 m Zhang et al. (1984)
Mo-W, Proterozoic Pb-Ag
TABLE 8.1 Charateristic zoning patterns around some copper and molybdenum porphyry deposits.
Zoning given is from the deposit outwards. .(Govett, 1989)
(Govett, 1989). The pronounced large scale geochemical zoning involving various
elements, including As, Sb, Te, Au, Ag, Zn, Mn, etc., exhibited by many deposits, could
provide potentially useful guides in the search for deeply buried occurrences (Table 8.1).
Despite the close genetic association between volcanoqenic massive sulfide (VMS)
deposits and their host rocks, attempts to define associations between these deposits
and specific volcanic associations have not been particularly successful (Govett, 1989).
In contrast, at the local and mine scale, consistent geochemical patterns have been
recognized around numerous occurrences, irrespective of age and location. Main
features include (Tables 8.2 and 8.3):
The range of geochemical anomalies found in one specific district (i.e. New
Brunswick, Canada) is illustrated in Figure 8.6. The nature of the anomalous geochemical
patterns found in the vicinity of VMS deposits tend to be primarily epigenetic in the foot
wall, but a combination of epigenetic and syngenetic in the hanging wall.
Volcanic hosted
Jones Hill (New * Mg, Fe. Mn. Cu. Pb. 300 m around deposit Peterson (1983)
Mexico. U.S.), Zn, As, -Na. Ca. Sr
Lyon Lake (Ontario, ♦ Cu, Zn. Fe, Mn. Ca, Harvey and Hinzer
Canada, Archean Mg. -Na. K (1981)
Joutel, Poirier, E. ♦ Fe. Mg (Zn, Ag) typically proximal Amor and Nichol
Waite, Mattabl -Na, Ca (1983)
(Superior Prcarince,
Canada). Archean
Sediment hosted
Lady Loretta ♦ Zn (Hg. Pb. Ag. Ba) 50 m HW. 100 m Carr (1984)
(Queensland, FW, 1.5 km lateral
Australia), Proterozoic
TABLE 8.2 Summary of change to lower case Local-scale geochemical responses in bedrock
around some volcanic-and sediment-hosted massive sulfide deposits from recent
literature. (Govett, 1989)
Number of % of cases
cases ______
Cu 18 61 28 11
Pb 13 92 8
Zn 29 93 7
Ni 7 100
Co 10 80 20
Fe 27 96 4
Mn 20 85 - 15
Na 33 6 94
K 16 44 38 18
Ca 25 4 92 4
Mg 32 88 12
TABLE 8.3 Summary of local and mine scale geochemical response from some elements in host
rocks around massive sulfide deposits in Australasia, Europe and North America. (Govett,
Extremely large (kms) anomalous syngenetic haloes are often found in the vicinity
of sediment-hosted stratiform exhaiitive sulfide (SEDEX) deposits (Table 8.2). The extent
of the anomalous Cu, Zn, Hg and Mn haloes around recent relatively undisturbed
mineralized exhalites in the Red Sea is shown in Figure 8.7. Comparable dimensions are
displayed by the manganese haloes surrounding limestone hosted massive sulfide
mineralizations in Ireland and Germany (Figs. 8.8 and 8.9). More recently Smee and
Bailes (1986) found a weak negative Mn anomaly in hanging wall rocks in the immediate
vicinity of the Jason Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, which occurs in a shale/ turbidite sequence in the
Yukon Territory of Canada (Fig. 8.10). This feature parallels a foot wall Cu anomaly and
is thought to reflect acid and reducing conditions in the immediate sulfide deposition
source area. Ba shows a typical diffusion-type epigenetic decay pattern into the hanging
wall rocks.
FIG 8.7 Range (vertical bars) and average (horizontal bars of Cu, Hg, Mn, and Zn in sediment
cores from around Atlantis II Deep with distance from major metalliferous sediments.
Broken lines represent background values in sediments from axial valley sides. (Govett,
FIG 8.9 Distribution of total Mn in limestone around the Meggan Pb-Zn-BaSO4 deposit, Germany.
(Govett, 1983)
FIG 8.10 Geochemistry of South Zone of the Jason Pb-Zn-Ag deposit. Yukon, Canada. Top right:
longitudinal section showing main mineral facies. Top left: distribution of Mn in hanging
wall (HW), and As and Cu (first 20 m) in footwall (FW). Bottom right: variation of Ba
concentration with distance In hanging wall. Bottom left: distribution of Ba and rate of
change in Ba concentration in first 10 m of hanging wall. (Govett. 1989)
TABLE 8.4 Characteristic geochemical responses for some gold deposits. (Govett, 1989)
q sopmtr91 p,t
FIG 8.11 Alteration patterns, distribution of Au, Ag, Tl, W, Sb, As, and Hg in bedrock at Round
Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A. (Govett, 1989)
In the preceding chapter the nature and form of primary geochemical haloes
associated with a selection of major mineral deposit types were illustrated by means of
examples from specific deposits. In the following discussion of some typical surficial
dispersion patterns encountered in the vicinity of mineral deposits, the emphasis is more
on generalized description and diagrammatic representation. This relates, at least in part,
to the greater availability of information on surficial geochemical dispersion processes and
patterns than on primary. The great majority of past geochemical exploration programs
have in fact been concerned with the surficial environment. The use of diagrammatic
representations will also help prepare the way for the discussion of conceptual
geochemical models in the chapter following. Attention is drawn to Figure 9.1 which both
classifies and lists the general characteristics of many of the more important types of
surficial dispersion patterns.
Lake sediment Delta fans
M Movement of
solutions Surface
Surface-water solution
Precipitates and
evaporite deposits Precipitated salts
Lateral patterns
Movement of
water Soils of seepage areas Ions sorbed on clay minerals. hydrous Lateral patterns
s solutions followed
1 by precipitation oxides and organ* mailer; ions
Surface water Stream sediments coprodpitated and occluded in hydrous Train
1 oxides; metalJo-organic compounds;
precipitated salts
Plant metabolism followed Any clastic Superjacent and
by redistribution of organ* Nutrient solutions;
soil moisture overburden lateral patterns
<3 decomposition products
FIG 9.1 Classification and general characteristics of the principal types of surficial dispersion
patterns. (Rose, Hawkes, and Webb, 1979)
It is readily apparent from earlier discussion that the nature and form of secondary
geochemical patterns associated with mineral deposits will be strongly influenced by the
local geological, geochemical, geomorphological, and climatic environment. Obviously
the effects of oxidation, weathering, erosion, transportation, and sedimentation on
mineralization in the surficial environment are likely to be complex. However, broadly
speaking, local physiochemical conditions will determine the relative extent to which
weathering products will disperse in hydromorphic (i.e. aqueous solution), or clastig (i.e.
solid) forms. For example, the low pH and high Eh conditions found in and around
oxidizing massive sulfides will promote the solubilization of many base metal and other
elements and their more widespread hydromorphic dispersion in surface and ground
waters. On the other hand, alkaline conditions developed, for example, over weathering
carbonate rocks or in a semi-arid environment, will impede or even prevent this
hydromorphic dispersion. Under these conditions, clastic patterns related to the
mechanical dispersion of insoluble metal bearing particles are more likely to predominate.
Biogenic dispersion patterns will often reflect patterns of readily available clastic and/or
hydromorphic metals in the underlying soils. These patterns can be found in both live
and associated partially decomposed plant material.
Surficial dispersion patterns developed more or less directly over mineralization are
defined as superjacent, as distinct from lateral patterns that are displaced to one side and
entirely underlain by barren bedrock. Superjacent patterns more or less symmetrically
arranged around mineralization are defined as haloes. Directional movement during
dispersion results in asymmetry, the pattern then taking the form of a fan or a train.
(Rose, et al., 1979).
Dispersion pattern
in water
Dispersion pattern
in sediments
FIG 9.4 Principal types of dispersion patterns in surface drainage. (Rose, Hawkes and Webb, 1979
In view of the increasing level of interest in certain types of soil gas as exploration
geochemistry sample media, brief mention should also be made of gaseous dispersiQO
patterns. The relatively limited amount and often unsubstantiated nature of available
relevant data discourages development of generalizations regarding these patterns.
However, both syngenetic and epigenetic forms have been recognized.
Hydromorphic patterns
Plan Plan
FIG 9.6 Epigenetic patterns in transported overburden. Similar dispersion may also contribute to
patterns in residual overburden. (Rose, Hawkes and Webb, 1979)
Mineral exploration programs generally aim to define drill targets within large areas
of potentially favorable geologic terrain. This often requires increasingly more detailed
and more expensive techniques as the search area is progressively decreased. An
operational objective throughout the program is to achieve the maximum probability of
discovery at the lowest possible cost. Given the enormous variation in geological
conditions it is not possible to design an exploration program that will be applicable to all
situations However, it is possible to define a generalized sequence of exploration stages
as shown for example by Govett (1983). (Fig. 10.1). Obviously, not all components will
be necessary in every exploration program as essential information will sometimes already
be available as a result of previous studies.
Obviously, these are very generalized definitions, and most exploration programs do not
involve all of these stages.
Geochemistry can play a useful role in many (Table 10.1), if not all phases of
mineral exploration, so long as it is applied within a well defined geological framework,
and effectively integrated with the other selected techniques. It must never be forgotten
that whatever exploration techniques are used in a program the ultimate aim is the
location of a mineral deposit. As discussed in more detail elsewhere in this manual
(Chapter 11 - Design and Planning of Geochemical Exploration Programs), the selection
of specific geochemical exploration techniques will be influenced by the nature of the
target, terrain and available sample material, and the relative cost and efficiency of
alternative methods.
i.i«aiion, fiscal and resource
policies of governments
transportation, labour, energy
markets, working, conditions
favourability for particular
acquisition of
regional scale
geological data
follow Up
detailed ' J
____________ 1
development I
Rock X
Soil X
Steam Sediment
And/Or Water
Lake Sediment
And/Or Water
Groundwater XX
Glacial Deposits XX
TABLE 10.1. Possible roles of some common geochemical survey sample media at various stages of
mineral exploration.
(i) drainage surveys: sampling stream or lake sediment, stream or lake water,
groundwater, etc.;
(ii) glacial deposit surveys: sampling of till, etc.;
(iii) rock surveys: sampling and analysis of rocks to discriminate ore-bearing
and barren plutons, favorable stratigraphic horizons, etc.;
(iv) soil surveys: sampling of surface and deep soil, residual soil, and
transported soil. This approach is generally only used for regional
reconnaissance in certain restricted circumstances, as for example in arid
areas with minimal surface drainage, residual soils, and fairly large targets
(e.g. VMS exploration in Burkina Faso, Sub-Saharan region). Other
examples are provided by glaciated areas where anomalous dispersion
trains provide large reconnaissance targets (e.g. carbonate hosted SEDEX
exploration in Ireland);
(v) geobotanical surveys: studies of vegetation by visual observation from the
air or from the ground, as well as by interpretation of aerial photographs
and satellite images have been occasionally used to locate potentially
significant geobotanical patterns.
(i) soil surveys: this is probably among the most, if not the most, commonly
used follow-up procedure due to its effectiveness, relative simplicity and
fairly low cost in many commonly encountered environments.
(ii) rocks surveys: can be especially effective when there is good exposure,
(iii) glacial deposit surveys: these are sometimes necessary in glaciated areas
with little or no outcrop and/or where soils are ineffective sample media;
(vi) stream sediment surveys: close interval stream sediment sampling is often
used as the preliminary follow-up procedure for favorable areas delineated
in reconnaissance stream sediment surveys;
(v) stream bank surveys: sampling base-of-slope colluvium is sometimes used,
often in conjunction with close interval stream sediment sampling, in the
initial follow-up of reconnaissance stream sediment sampling programs;
(vi) biogeochemical surveys: sometimes used in areas with transported
(vii) geobotanical surveys: rarely used;
(viii) soil gas surveys: these are being increasingly used in arid or semi-arid
areas with transported overburden (e.g. parts of Nevada).
Whereas in the past successful mineral exploration could often be undertaken with
the assistance of single contributory techniques (e.g. geophysical or geochemical),
deposits are now becoming increasingly difficult to locate and integrated multi-technique
approaches are becoming necessary. The response of commonly sought blind ore
deposits to individual exploration techniques is sometimes, at best, subdued, but by
integrating the responses from several suitable techniques potential targets can be
delineated with far greater efficiency and confidence. When mineral exploration requires
a multidisciplined approach it is essential that the sequence of application and areal
coverage avoids or at least minimizes acquisition of redundant data, and is cost effective.
This requires effective communication and cooperation between the representatives of the
relevant disciplines throughout an exploration program from the planning stage onward
(Fig. 10.2).
11.1. General
Once the design stage has been successfully completed attention can be given to
program planning. The practical details of survey procedures and the order in which they
are to be applied can now be decided. In the past, a variety of factors including time and
budget restrictions, lack of requisite expertise, etc., have frequently prevented sufficient
11.2.1. Principles
The initial framework for the conceptual models came from the portrayal of
landscape geochemistry by the Soviets as early as the 1930’s and was adapted to
synthesize geochemical data by Fortescue (1975, 1980). All conceptual models display
certain common features (Hoffman and Thomson, 1987):
11.2.2. Objectives
It is necessary to stress the fact that conceptual models can only indicate the
mechanisms (i.e. mechanical or hydromorphic dispersion, etc.) responsible for
geochemical pattern formation. The dimensions and relief of patterns are generally
influenced by a variety of local factors which defy summary.
11.2.3. Procedures
11.2.4. Examples
The simplified example in Figure 11.2 illustrates the influence of some common
natural landscape factors on anomalous geochemical pattern development. It depicts
geochemical dispersion of mobile elements from mineralization in a landscape
characterized by residual soils which are freely drained, except in seepage areas and
bogs, and moderate youthful topography. In this situation a rpsidugl geochemical
anomaly is formed directly over mineralization as a result of the normal mechanical and
chemical processes associated with soil formation. The anomaly may possess
dimensions roughly similar to that of the mineralized sub-outcrop, but more commonly will
be significantly larger, primarily as a result of down slope mechanical soil creep. A
biogeochemical anomaly is also developed over the mineralization, whilst epigenetic
hydromorphic anomalies occur in seepage areas at the break of slope and in streams
below the mineral occurrence. The latter result from metals which entered groundwater
in the acid environment of the weathering sulfide mineralization, being deposited when
groundwater reaches the oxidizing and less acid surface environment. Mechanipa.1
transport of material from these residual and hydromorphic anomalies can produce
anomalous stream sediment dispersion trains.
FIG 1173 Model F2 (Cordillera). Idealized model for the effect of rock type change on the
geochemistry of the overlying soils and sediments.
A variety of geochemical
environments are found in many
parts of Australia which have been
(i.e. Cretaceous or earlier to mid
Tertiary), and in some areas
continue to be, subjected to deep
weathering, usually lateritic. Most FIG 11.5 Model E2 (Cordillera). Idealized models of
the effect of chemical mobility of elements on
of the weathering is relict and their dispersion pattern in till-covered areas
frequently only partially preserved (see Fig 11.3 for legend). (Bradshaw, 1975)
(Butt and Smith, 1980). Figure 11.7
illustrates typical situations in an
area with moderate relief and completely weathered profiles. At location B1 long term
topographic prominence of exposed bedrock has resulted in intensive leaching of certain
mobile target elements (e.g. Cu, Pb, Zn, etc.) and enrichment of immobile pathfinders (Bi,
Sn, Sb, As, etc.). Anomalies might also be found in the residual soil at B2. These will be
weak except where elements are held in resistate minerals or retained in Fe oxides. Also
stream sediment anomalies may be present in weakly incised stream channels as a result
of the erosion of gossan, oxidized mineralization and/or soil anomalies. Lateral
dispersion of gossan fragments by soil creep or sheetwash could also produce anomalies
in adjacent transported overburden (see location B3).
FIG 11.6 Model A5 (Shield). Idealized models for geochemical dispersion of mobile elements
in areas of stratified drift.
Anomaly types: soil anomaly derived by mechanical means, SL(H) = soil
anomaly derived by hydromorphic means, SS(M) = steam sediment anolmaly derived
by mechanical means, SS(H) = stream sediment anomaly derived by hydromorphic
means, LS = lake sediment anomaly, SP = seepage anomaly, BG = bog anomaly.
Overburden types: 1 = bedrock, 2 = residual soil, 3 = recent alluvium,
4 = till, 7 = transported overburden of remote rigin.
Others: OB = orebody, ::: = the density of dots is proportional to anomaly
strength. (Bradshaw, 1975)
FIG 11.7 Landform situation B. Complete deep weathered profile, moderate relief.
(Butt and Smith, 1980)
| GELSQ L. PAL' "'°S cMLO- 75
11.3. Orientation
11.3.1. Principles
11.3.2. Objectives
As has been previously discussed the nature of the surficial environment will be
very much influenced by past and present climatic conditions. The available sample types
might include one or more of the following: soils, stream sediments, surface waters,
ground waters, glacial sediments, lake sediments, rocks, vegetation, mull, or more rarely,
soil gas, air, particulates, animal tissues, or microorganisms.
11.3.3. Procedures
Field areas selected for orientation studies should contain the full range of
geological and surficial conditions (including geochemical background) and types of
mineralization anticipated in the proposed project area (Closs and Nichol, 1989). To
ensure effective definition of optimum survey parameters, samples of the various sample
media should be collected at sufficiently close intervals. These should be significantly less
then those considered likely to be selected, on the basis of previous experience and
knowledge of the area, for the subsequent survey. The samples should be of sufficient
size to permit the full evaluation of the parameters of potential interest (Table 11.1).
Determination of the most suitable indicator element or elements, either ore elements or
pathfinder elements or both.
Nature of overburden:
(a) Residual vs. transported, and transport mechanism and direction;
(b) Soil profile development;
(c) Depth variation of indicator elements;
(d) Effects of topography, drainage, vegetation, rock types.
Shape, extent and homogeneity of anomaly, using preferred method and one or two
traverses across mineralization.
Possibility of contamination.
TABLE 11.2. Major factors to be evaluated by an orientation survey in residual soil of transported
overburden. (Coker, pers. comm, 1983)
Type of sample (rock, vein material; comparison with soil or drainage samples).
Size and character of sample (size large chunk, many small chips, channel sample, length
of drill core).
Best indicator elements (ore element, pathfinder elements, major elements, rare earth
elements, element ratios-equations, plots).
Effects of weathering, rock type, hydrothermal alteration and other geological variables
on background and contrast of anomalies.
Sources of contamination (metal from collecting and crushing equipment, dust, drill steel,
drill grease or muds, circulating waters, smelter fumes).
TABLE 11.3. Check list of factors to be optimized by an orientation survey preparatory to rock sampling.
(Coker, pers. comm., 1983)
Sediment I Water
Best indicator elements, including both major and minor constituents of ore
Cost of sampling and analytical procedures, and elapsed time for reporting results.
TABLE 11.4 Check list of factors to be optimized and evaluated by an orientation survey preparatory to
drainage sampling. (Coker, pers. comm., 1983)
TABLE 11.5 Check list of factors to be optimized and evaluated by an orientation survey
preparatory to biogeochemical sampling. (Coker, pers. comm., 1983)
11.3.4. Examples
A survey conducted over gold-silver vein mineralization at Mt. Nansen in the Yukon
Territory (Coope, 1966) illustrates the application of the orientation approach. This area
is characterized by strong relief, an absence of glaciation at higher elevations, permafrost,
and mainly residual soil cover. A thin (2-4 inch) volcanic ash is widely distributed beneath
the shallow rooted vegetation. Detailed profile sampling of soil and overburden exposed
in a trench across virgin mineralization produced distinctive patterns of lead, antimony,
and zinc as illustrated in Figure 11.9. It is apparent from these patterns that the
dispersion behavior of lead and antimony are similar, but differ significantly from that of
zinc. All metals have been influenced by down slope movement in the overburden, but
the zinc pattern is consistent with dispersion in solution along the bedrock surface.
Examination of the patterns also indicates that near-surface sampling (0 to 12 in. or 0-30
cm.) would not reliably indicate the mineralized vein. This is due, at least in part, to the
presence of the volcanic ash layer. It was concluded that a sample depth of 18 to 24 in.
(45-60 cm.), and a sample interval of one-half the anomaly width at this depth (15 ft. or
5 m.) were the optimum parameters necessary for routine surveying (Fig. 11.10).
Nansen area. Trench crosscut mineralized vein at right angles and maximum
topographic slope was parallel to trench direction. (Coope 1966)
Observation of these sampling criteria led to the discovery of several previously unknown
Use of coarse fractions was later extended to gold exploration in Saudi Arabia,
despite the limited nature of the orientation studies of gold in the local environment
(Barbier, 1987). However, unfortunately, a regional survey based on this approach was
a complete failure (Salpeteur, et al., 1989). Subsequent careful detailed geochemical
orientation studies of eight gold prospects in the central pediplain of the Saudi Arabian
Shield indicate that the earlier limited gold orientation results were influenced by
contamination from old gold mine workings. The coarse fraction of the skeletal soils and
wadi sediments is in fact not representative and yields erratic results. It is most effective
in the location of quartz-gold veins, of low economic potential, which were mined in
ancient times. The data demonstrate that gold is enriched and more homogeneously
distributed in the ultrafine (i.e. -80 micron) fraction of these surficial materials (Fig. 11.12)
than in the coarse. Concerns regarding eolian dilution might be misplaced, at least in this
case, as tests indicate that the -80 micron commonly constitutes only a minor constituent
of eolian sediments in the region (Fig. 11.13).
A stream sediment orientation survey can help define the appropriate sample
interval for a geochemical reconnaissance survey. In the example illustrated in Figure
11.14, closely spaced samples were collected both upstream and downstream of the
Wankatana molybdenum mineralization in the Sula Mountains of Sierra Leone, West Africa
(see Figure 5.2a for location). The area is characterized by moderate relief, forest cover,
and the presence of lateritic soils. Stream sediment samples were collected from the
Sende River which flows adjacent to the mineral occurrence. The sample intervals were
progressively increased downstream of the deposit. Analytical results indicated the
background level for molybdenum in the minus 80-mesh stream sediment fraction was
2 to 3 ppm Mo and that anomalous values extend downstream in the tributary sediments
for approximately 1.2 mi. (2.0 km) prior to being diluted by the background sediments in
the main stream. The moderate nature of the anomalous response in the stream
sediments is probably related to substantial dilution by background material from the
extensive catchment upstream of the occurrence. However, it is reasonable to conclude
that in this area sampling along drainages at half this anomalous distance (0.6 mi. or 1
km) with mandatory collection in each drainage immediately upstream of each tributary
junction will satisfactorily indicate the presence of similar, or more extensive, molybdenum
occurrences in a routine reconnaissance survey.
TYPE ppp
AH>l50m .«oo I Aklyoh prospect ( Au MAA )
Sub-parralel 400 Wadi A flat width ISO m
vein / , \»OO Eetimated
system / Background
FIG 11.12 Summary of maximum gold dispersion trend obtained in the minus 80 n m fraction of wadi
sediments for 8 gold prospects. (Salpeteur, 1989)
FIG 11.14 Stream sediment survey of River Sende, Sierra Leone. Data on -80 mesh fraction.
(Rose, Hawkes, and Webb, 1979).
12.1. General
Sampling tools vary according to the medium and the field situation. Non
contaminating equipment is essential and care should be exercised in not only choosing
non-contaminating steels for shovels, trowels, augers etc. but also in ensuring that any
associated lubricants, adhesives, welds, and solders will not cause problems. Leaded
gas can sometimes constitute a potential problem in field vehicles when samples are
transported in proximity to leaking containers. This awareness of geochemical cleanliness
extends to the dress of the sampler who should avoid wearing metal buckles, rings, etc.
and handling coins which might lead to contamination by chipping or transfer of metal on
The same caution is necessary in the choice of sample containers. Kraft paper
(with non-contaminating water-proof glue and closures), olefin, and plastic bag containers
of appropriate size are frequently used. Kraft and olefin allow samples to be dried without
transfer. Plastic bags are commonly used for larger samples. More rigid polypropylene
and special glass bottles can be utilized in water sampling and a variety of sampling
devices, many of them patented, are available for the sampling of gases and particulates.
In more detailed studies the U.T.M. grid can be used to define the area boundaries, whilst
individual samples are located by reference to a local grid.
Some discussion of the potential role of available geochemical sample media in the
exploration sequence has been provided in previous chapters. Media selection will of
course be decided on the basis of orientation studies which will in turn be influenced by
the local environment as well the nature of the exploration problem. Reiterating earlier
statements concerning the applicability of the more widely used sample media in
reconnaissance studies, the methods used might include:
(i) drainage surveys: sampling stream or lake sediment, stream or lake water,
groundwater, etc.;
(ii) glacial deposit surveys: sampling of till, etc.;
(iii) rock surveys;
(iv) soil surveys: this approach is becoming increasingly popular at sampling
densities as low as 1 sample per 25 km2.
Follow-up studies of promising leads detected in the reconnaissance phase might involve:
(i) closer spaced sampling of one or more of the above mentioned media
(ii) stream bank (residual soil or colluvium) surveys;
(iii) biogeochemical surveys;
(iv) soil gas surveys, or more rarely;
(v) geobotanical surveys;
(vi) particulate surveys, and
(vii) microorganism surveys.
Exotic techniques such as surveys based on animal tissue sampling, are currently
primarily of academic interest, and unlikely to provide solutions to actual practical
exploration problems.
12.2.1. Rocks
spacing in geochemical rock surveys tends to be less consistent than that achieved in,
say, soil surveys.
As with other types of geochemical surveys, the sampling procedures and the
sample material collected in geochemical rock surveys should be standardized as much
as possible. However, considering the large number of variables that can be introduced
by the processes of weathering and oxidation, the ideal of collecting similarly weathered
material is sometimes impractical. Nevertheless, the geologist or the geochemist
conducting the survey should ensure that individual samples at all sample sites are
essentially comparable and that observed variations in weathering intensity are properly
recorded for interpretation purposes.
Geochemical rock sampling necessarily must take into account the geological
environment and the type of mineral deposit of interest to the explorer. The precise scale
of sampling necessary for detection of syngenetic and epigenetic patterns will be
determined by orientation surveys (see Chapter 8). Detection of syngenetic patterns may
necessitate the regional sampling of individual plutons or more detailed sampling of
specific parts of an exposed stratigraphic section. The latter patterns will require a
different approach. Surveys designed to detect leakage anomalies will focus on
systematic sampling of fault or fracture zones and, possibly, bedding structures. In
contrast, the preferred geochemical rock sample material for the detection of diffusion
haloes is likely to be unfractured and the scale of sampling much more detailed. In all
instances, analysis of geochemical rock survey material has the potential of delimiting
dispersion patterns beyond visible alteration associated with mineralization. Table 12.1
summarizes the elements determined and the sampling densities used in past exploration
programs for a variety of mineralization types.
non-ore ore
Regional identification of K, Rb. Sr. Ba, U, e.g. Cu. Pb, Zn. min. 30/intrusion
productive Na", Ca- Sn. W. Mo. U. Ni but see Appendix
plutons massive Fe. Na, Mg. Mn, Cu. Zn. (Pb) 3. 0.2-5/krrr
sulphides Na,
(K), (Ca), (Ba) e.g. Cu, Pb, Zn 1-10/km2
vein and As. Sb, Ta. Bi* Au. Ag
local and Mine porphyry K, Ca, Rb. Sr. Cu. Zn. Mo. S 2-30/km2
Mn. (MG)
massive sulphides Fe, Mn, Na. K. Cu. Pb. Zn. (S) 150-200 m interval
Ca. Mg.
vein and (KjO). (Rb). (Sr) e.g. Cu, Pb, Zn. 5-10 m interval
replacement Au, Ag
TABLE 12.1 Summary of elements to be determined and surface sampling density for different
targets in regional , and local and mine scale exploration. Elements in parentheses
have been shown to be useful in some cases but have uncertain status; elements with
asterisk are expected to be useful but there are little data Si should be determined
in all cases where petrological variation is expected to cause variation to the content
of other elements. (Govett, 1983)
o 36 38
° O°.°o39
20 54
40 16 _OJ
4 V04^- - 69#
65^*° ~ ?8 19 ®°^Or
«%°6J M
FIG 12.1 Cretaceous granitoids in the Canadian Cordillera sampled by Garrett, 1973. Black circles
are granitoids containing mineralization of the following type: 2 = Ag-Pb; 3 = Cu-Sb; 4 = Au;
5 = Au-Pb; 6 = Au; 8 = Pb-Zn; 9 = W, Au-Pb; 11 = no data; 12 = Zn-Ag-Pb; 13=W; 16 = Cu-W;
17 = Cu-Zn; 21 =W; 22 = Cu-Zn-W; 25 = Sb (Govett, 1983)
FIG 12.2 Distribution of mean Zn content in granitoids in northwest Territories (N.W.T.) and Yukon
Territory (Y.T.), Canada. (Govett, 1983)
FIG 12.3 Simplified geology, location of Bradina and Sam Goosly mineral deposits, and location
of rock samples, Goosly-Owen Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. (Govett, 19B3)
FIG 12.4 Distribution of As and Cu in rocks around the Bradina and Sam Goosly deposits, British
Columbia, Canada. (Govett, 1983)
and (or)
- Ollgocene
.................................... CONTACT
......................... .......... FAULT —Dotted where concealed
—* a a a............... THRUST FAULT —Dotted where concealed
Teeth on upper plate
12.2.2. Soils
Soils are most often sampled along traverses or grids in the follow-up or detailed
prospecting stages of geochemical programs. In rugged terrain initial follow-up surveys
of reconnaissance stream sediment anomalies is sometimes most readily achieved by
sampling soils along ridge and spur (Fig. 12.6), and/or base of slope (Fig. 12.7)
traverses. In recent years increasing attention has been given to low density soil
sampling (i.e. _< 1 sample per km2) in geochemical reconnaissance surveys and geochem
ical mapping. As has been previously stressed, orientation programs define criteria such
as sample depth or soil horizon to be sampled, sample interval, and the size-fraction for
analysis. It is essential that these criteria be observed resolutely through the survey.
Deeply weathered residual soils can also provide useful geochemical sampling
media. An example of use of lateritic soils as a regional geochemical reconnaissance
sample medium is provided by Lewis et al (1989). Lateritic soils were sampled on a 400
m grid in a UN exploration reconnaissance program for Archean metavolcanics hosted
massive sulfide (i.e. VMS) mineralization in the West African nation of Burkina Faso.
Follow-up soil sampling on a 25 m grid spacing of small weak anomalies detected in the
reconnaissance phase (Fig. 12.10) confirmed the existence of a distinct 550 by 250 m Zn
anomaly (i.e. >200 ppm) (Fig. 12.11). Subsequent drilling resulted in the delineation of
a major VMS deposit.
500 meters
FIG 12.8 Spatial variation of anomalous soil samples. Symbols represent the histogram groups.
Outlined samples are those that have element concentrations in the upper two histogram
groups and are considered anomalous for this sample population. Deep ore =; shallow
ore \\\\ and UH- (Bagby et al., 1984)
A similar "soil" sampling method developed in recent years for deeply weathered
semi-arid areas with long weathering histories, utilizes the surface residual concentrations
of hard rock fragments (generally siliceous and/or ferruginous) which remain after most
of the fines have been blown away. In Australia this sample media is known as "lag"
(Carver, et al., 1987), and has been successfully used in exploration for gold and base
metal sulfides. Figure 12.14 illustrates the far larger size of a gold anomaly defined by
"lag" samples from a 400x50 m reconnaissance grid, compared to that displayed by
follow-up bulk soil samples from a 100/20 m grid in the Eastern Goldfields Province of
Western Australia. Some success in comparable terrain (Australia and Botswana) has also
been claimed (Farrell, 1984) on both regional and local scales for a geochemical
exploration method based on the heavy mineral concentrate fraction of soils (i.e. "loam"
Chalcoptvle Index
CHI - ®*x
FIG 12.12 Reconnaissance laterite geochemistry over the Saddleback Greenstone Belt. Western
Australia, showing dispersion patterns about the Boddington Au deposit. (Smith,
FIG 12.13 Diagrammatic cross-section depict-ing retention of chalcophile elements such as As,
Sb, Bi, In, Mo, and perhaps Ge in the Fe-oxyhydroxides and Sn and W in resistant
minerals in lateritic duricrust, whereas Au has undergone leaching and supergene
enrichment during post-laterite modification of the weathering profile. (Smith, 1989)
FIG 12.15 Zinc anomalies in soils, Buchans District. (James and Perkins, 1981)
from their bedrock source. In this type of situation, unless the nature of the surficial
environment is fully appreciated, time and effort could be wasted in fruitless searches for
mineralized bedrock sources in the immediate vicinity of many of the anomaly "peaks".
In some areas with barren exotic overburden the soil humus horizon (alternatively
known as mull, Ao, or Ah material) constitutes an effective geochemical sampling medium.
As discussed below in the section dealing with geochemical surveys based on vegetation
sampling, the root penetration of plants sometimes exceeds the thickness of barren cover •
and obtains nutrients from underlying mineralized bedrock and/or anomalous ground
water. In glaciated areas, deep rooted plants can sometimes obtain nutrients from
anomalous till dispersion trains (related to nearby suboutcropping mineralization) which
are obscured by barren oveburden. The seasonal fall of leaves and needles transfers
some of the accumulated metals to the surface soil where they are incorporated in the
humus. An early demonstration of the potential effectiveness of mull sampling in gold
exploration was provided by Curtin et al. (1971) in a research study of the Empire mining
district, Colorado. Au distribution patterns in mull (Fig. 12.16) were found to more clearly
reflect glacial sediment covered gold bearing quartz/sulfide veins than the Au distribution
patterns for the C horizon soils (Fig. 12.17). More recently, considerable attention has
been given to the use of humus as a geochemical sample medium in the Canadian
Shield. Gleeson and Sheehan (1987) report an absence of humus response around the
Doyon gold deposit in Quebec Province, presumably due to the presence of 1 m of
relatively impermeable glaciolacustrine clay and silt that overlies the 1 m to 2 m of i
anomalous, locally derived till. At the Williams property, in the Hemlo district, generally
poor response is reported for "B" horizon soils due to the presence of several meters of
exotic calcareous till. However, humus samples show well defined gold anomalies (Fig.
12.18) over gold occurrences and associated anomalous glacial dispersion trains (Fig.
12.19) . They conclude that in the Hemlo district humus sampling is an effective
geochemical exploration medium over terrain underlain by up to 5 m of permeable
overburden (exotic or otherwise), whilst "B" horizon sampling should be confined to areas
where the till cover is thin or absent (i.e. <1 m).
Attention is drawn to a useful check list for the organization of soil surveys (Table
12.2) which also has some relevance to other types of sample media.
Stream sediment is one of the more commonly used media for regional
geochemical surveys. The sediment at any point in a stream is a natural composite
sample of erosional materials from upstream in the drainage basin and can include clastic,
hydromorphic, and biogenic contributions from any weathering mineralization present.
The length of anomalous dispersion trains will vary with the nature of the mineralization,
source, and the physicochemical environment of the field area or drainage basin. In
humid, actively oxidizing environments, dispersion trains from sulfide-rich base metal
deposits may extend downstream for some miles.
FIG 12.16 Empire Mining District, Colorado. Gold distribution in
mull ash. Light stipple, ash contains 0.2-0.59 ppm
gold; heavy stipple, ash contains at least 0.6 ppm
gold. Heavy lines are veins. (Curtin, et al., 1971)
FIG 12.18 Hemlo Gold District, Ontario. Williams Option - gold in humus.
(Gleeson and Sheehan, 1987)
FIG 12.19 Hemlo Gold District. Ontario. Williams Option - gold in basal till,
-250 mesh fraction. (Gleeson and Sheehan, 1987)
Item Check
FIELD PARTY numbers, composition, experience. leader
TRAINING when, where, by whom
BASE MAPS appropriate scale, topography, etc.
NUMBERING SCHEMES simple unambiguous, avoid complex alphanumerics
FIELD NOTES make sure they are taken correctly
QUALITY CONTROL collect field duplicate samples and insert, with standards, in batch submitted to laboratory
COMMUNICATIONS must be simple and direct. Only designated personnel should actually give instructions to the
SHIPPING LISTS must accompany every consignment sent to the laboratory
INSTRUCTIONS give clear unambiguous instructions to the laboratory
RETURN OF DATA check duplicates, standards, etc. for quality of analytical data, request reanalysis when in doubt
DATA HANDLING manual or computer aided. What procedures are best for your project?
INTERPRETATION MAPS prepared to summarize geochemical features
INTEGRATION OF FIELD used to qualify interpretation of geochemical data
STORAGE OF DATA need to be able to retrieve for reinterpretation
ARCHIVE OF SAMPLES at laboratory, office or warehouse
INTEGRATION WITH ensure good communication with management and other project personnel
REPORTING author of report must be familiar with field program
TABLE 12.2 Checklist for the organization of a geochemical soil survey. (Thomson, 1987)
As has been recently pointed out (Plant, et al., 1989) stream sediment samples fall
into two broad categories:
FIG 12.22 Hot nitric acid soluble Mo in overbank sediment, Norway. An anomalous sample down
stream from the Nordli deposit is indicated with an arrow. (Otteson et al, 1989)
In some areas (e.g. southeastern U.S.A.) selective analysis of manganese and iron
hydroxide coatings on stream sediment particles (boulders down to fines) is an effective
method of detecting hydromorphically dispersed ore and pathfinder elements (Figs.
12.24a and 12.24b) which have been adsorbed and concentrated by these coatings
(Chao and Theobald, 1976; Carpenter, et al., 1975; Nowlan, 1976; Whitney, 1981; Hale
et al., 1984). However, interpretation of the resultant data can sometimes be difficult.
The ultra fine sieved fractions (e.g. minus 200 mesh - minus 75 microns) of stream
sediments have been shown to be effective geochemical exploration sample medium in
some arid and semi-arid environments. Observed advantages in both base metal
exploration in Australia (Mazzuchelli, 1980; Beeson, 1984), and gold exploration in Nevada
(Mehrtens, pers. comm. 1986) include more extensive and consistent anomalous
dispersion trains than those provided by other sample media such as heavy mineral
concentrates and the coarser sieved sediment fractions. In contrast Moeskops and White
(1980) found the +35 to -18 mesh (+0.5 to -1.0 mm) sieved coarse fraction to be
especially effective in a base metal exploration program in South Australia, whilst Zeegers
FIG 12.23 Geochemical results for the 1970-71 stream sediment survey. Que River Prospect,
Tasmania. (Webster and Skey, 1979)
FIG 12.24a Sample location map for Magruder Mine area, Georgia.
(Meyer et al., 1979)
As has been discussed previously, in all surveys in new areas, the critical
parameters of sample interval, sediment size fraction, appropriate analytical procedures,
significant anomaly contrasts, and background levels are determined through orientation
surveys. In areas where no previous experience exists, a short interval of 150 ft. (50 m)
over an initial downstream distance of 1050 ft. (350 m) is recommended. This interval
should then be progressively expanded with distance from the metal source to the limits
of the known or anticipated dispersion pattern. Samples must also be collected from non
The lake sediment technique has successfully indicated the presence of several
important forms of mineralization as the following examples clearly demonstrate. In
Saskatchewan the Key Lake and Rabbit Lake uranium mineralizations and associated
anomalous glacial dispersion trains are reflected by extensive lake sediment anomalies
(Figs. 12.27 and 12.28). Equally impressive anomalies are found in the vicinity of the
FIG 12.28 Uranium (ppm) in lake sediments near the Rabbit Lake
uranium deposit, Saskatchewan. Location of deposit
shown by solid triangle. (Coker et al., 1979)
Extensive Quaternary glacial deposits occurring over most of Canada and the
northern United States, northern Europe, northern Asia, Geenland, and a number of high
elevation areas in the southern hemisphere have presented major challenges to
exploration. As a better understanding of the origin and formation of these glacial
sediments has grown, their blanketing presence has become progressively less
formidable and effective exploration techniques have been developed.
6 Wmoowgiatt Hili G'*n>i« eieaarfe
S Windsor Ponl Group mal>c ano Zer»< tullt
SILURIAN - ORDOVICIAN Georog>ce> Pounder*
« Cam Ra* Granite
Giactai no* tfrrecrion
3 FoMrM/OflAMe Antf g'ArtifpW rQcAl
3 Ptlitrt ICfHII A«C A"lp'«'0OZ<f» fA local B. nagionan
1 Long Range Ma*< - (M*enw*c Como/er
FIG 12.30 Gold In lake sediment, Cape Ray Fault area, Newfoundland.
(McConnell and Davenport, 1989)
6 Ow Lake Group cnii't iac>fnontary >oc»i
7 Gu" LA*e Intrusive Suite gran,re g<anoo-or>ia
tonaino, gabbro
6 Sops Arm Group sedimentary roc* I Iblt-C ano
minor mahc •oicanrc roc*s
S Southern While Ba* Aliocntho" tonsure
greenicn>if me«agre»wac*e •no^angt
4 Cone* Arm G»oup matacaibonata ano caat'C
3 Oevii ■ Room G>Anne
2 2a Fionch Chi'di gr*nocior'’e 2t> giomta
1 Gneui emph<Do'>re pAOOro
GoW Minere'rjetron ■
Gooiogicoi bovnoary — ——
fault — — —
Gtociol HO- OiffChon .
fA. eerr*. B nrej
sampling tills in the 1950’s, and this technique is now the preferred sampling method in
most Finnish geochemical exploration programs. Esker sampling and till sampling for
distinctive heavy mineral suites have been used for kimberlite and diamond prospecting
in the Canadian Shield.
Approximately 70% of lodgement till is locally derived, and most of the early
success with till sampling was in areas of shallow till cover (less than 30 ft or 10 m) where
the sample medium is reasonably accessible. In the 1960’s, lightweight percussion drills
such as the Pionjar and Cobra models, were adapted to collect small samples of till from
immediately above the suboutcropping bedrock to geochemically categorize anomalous
geophysical features at depths of up to 70 to 80 ft (23 to 25 m) (Gleeson et al., 1971).
Overburden drilling technology, particularly reverse circulation (Fig. 12.32) and sonic
drilling, advanced rapidly with the utilization of larger drills in programs for uranium, base
metal and gold deposits in glaciated areas.
FIG 12.33 Idealized geochemical dispersion model for lodgement till. (Miller, 1984)
generally recovered and the heavy mineral fraction is separated and examined both
visually and chemically for gold and other metals. It is essential that the whole of the
lodgement till section is routinely sampled as indicator trains tend to rise down-ice along
smear or thrust planes within individual till formations as shown in Figure 12.33. Even in
this simple example, significant parts of the dispersion train will not necessarily be
detected if attention is restricted to till immediately adjacent to bedrock. Adequate
sampling becomes even more critical when there are several lodgement tills related to
distinct glacial episodes in an area with pronounced bedrock topography (Fig. 12.34).
In the hypothetical example shown in the figure three mineral deposits suboutcrop
beneath lodgement tills which have been sampled by six vertical drill holes. Samples of
till from hole 01 will not contain anomalous indications because the site is up-ice of
mineralization. Hole 02 will contain anomalous material related to Mineralization A in
"basal" till (2). Hole 03 will contain a strong anomaly in "basal" till (1) related to
Mineralization B and a weaker, distal anomaly in an "upper" till (2) related to Mineralization
A. Hole 04, because of the effect of bedrock topography and the constriction of till
deposition and possibly accelerated erosion of earlier till over the bedrock escarpment,
will contain no anomalous material related to either Mineralizations A or B. Hole 05 will
contain anomalous material related to Mineralization C in its "basal" till (4) but hole 06 with
FIG 12.34 Diagrammatic overburden profiles in the Abitibi clay belt, Ontario.
no lodgement till will not provide material suitable for sampling. The correct interpretation
of till data is obviously dependent on a thorough understanding of local glacial sediment
stratigraphy and provenance. The technique is expensive, with combined drilling, sample
treatment, and analytical costs ranging from $20 to $30 per foot ($66-$99 per m), but it
is cost effective in deep overburden covered environments where other exploration
methods have not been as successful, especially in gold exploration.
Up to now the majority of the glacial overburden drilling programs in North America
have primarily relied on geochemical analysis of the heavy mineral concentrate fraction
of overburden samples. Several significant gold deposits have been discovered in Canada
by this method. For example, in the Casa Berardi area of Quebec the technique was
successfully used in follow-up of favorable stratigraphic zones delineated by geophysical
methods (Sauerbrei, et al., 1987). Initially, orientation studies of glacial overburden
overlying a portion of this stratigraphic sequence known to contain pyrite-arsenopyrite-
native Au bearing quartz-carbonate vein mineralization (Golden Pond deposit) had
enabled determination of optimum geochemical procedures for the district. Targets were
first tested with overburden drill holes located 25-100 m down-ice at 300-400 m intervals
along strike (Fig. 12.35a). Closer spaced overburden drilling was used to further define
anomalous dispersion trains prior to diamond drilling of bedrock (Fig. 12.35b) which
resulted in the discovery of the Golden Pond East zone. The gold content of heavy
mineral concentrate samples from the overburden were determined both visually and by
analysis. The samples were also analyzed for As and Sb. It should be noted that in this
particular area glacial dispersion of gold is only of the order of 200 to 400 m.
FIG 12.35a Plan showing results of reverse-circulation drilling from the Golden Pond
orientation survey and exploration follow-up east and west of Golden Pond,
Quebec. Anomaly classification is based on the highest heavy mineral
concentrate (HMC) gold assay from the bottom three samples. (Sauerbrei
et al., 1987)
Gold in Heavy
Mineral Concentrates • Phase I
• Au > 2.0 ppm • Phase II
« Au 0.5 - 2.0 ppm
o Au < 0.5 ppm
FIG 12.35b Plan showing the results of the initial and follow-up phases of reverse
circulation drilling at Golden Pond East, Quebec. (Sauerbrei, et al., 1987)
In view of the general complexity of glacial sediments and the need for correct
identification of the material being sampled, effective geochemical exploration in glacial^
terrain reguires the participation of Quaternary geologists or at least geologists with some
training in Quaternary geolQQV (Coker, 1991).
Probably the best recent reviews of geochemical exploration in glacial terrain are
provided by Coker and DiLabio (1989), Coker (1991) and Shilts (1991).
12.2.6. Vegetation
Early scientific observers dating from the eighth and ninth centuries recorded that
the morphology and distribution of certain plants were affected by the presence of metals
in the soils. Such visible variations in a plant species are referred to as geobotanical
indicators. Many other plants, while not showing any visible variations, are capable of
concentrating metals in their tissues and the presence of anomalous metals in the soils
or ground waters is often reflected in the metal content of leaves, twigs, or other plant
organs. These invisible metal concentrations are known as biogeochemical indicators
(Brooks, 1972).
Although a number of papers and books on geobotany have been published over
the years, there is little evidence of extensive direct surface application in mineral
exploration field surveys. The bulk of the published studies are of an academic nature
(e.g. Cannon, 1979) rather than case histories of successful exploration programs. This
presumably, at least to some degree, reflects the fact that effective application of
geobotany requires highly developed botanical skills which are unlikely to be found in the
majority of exploration groups. In addition, effective programs for large areas are difficult
to design as the results of orientation studies are often likely to have only restricted
applicability due to the wide variety of environmental factors which can influence plant
growth. Probably the greatest potential value geobotanical features have in mineral
exploration is indirect. Suitably enhanced satellite imagery may sometimes detect
distinctive spectral responses related to vegetational associations, together with other
surface features, whose distribution patterns disclose significant (i.e from a mineral
exploration point of view) regional structural and lithological features (Cole, 1980). In
Some of the few well documented examples of the use of geobotany in a mineral
exploration program are provided by Cole and Le Roex (1978), and Cole (1980). Initial
air and ground reconnaissance and orientation surveys of large areas with hot and semi-
arid climate in South West Africa and Botswana revealed distinctive vegetation
associations that distinguished areas of near surface Proterozic bedrock from those with
thick cover of Kalahari Sand and calcrete. The recognition of anomalous plant
communities (Figs. 12.41a, 12.41b and 12.42) at one of these locations with thin cover
resulted in the discovery of sedex-type copper mineralization. It should be noted that the
mineralization is also reflected by distinctive soil anomalies (Fig. 12.43) which could also
have assisted in the discovery. Subsequently, regional exploration of some 1000 km
strike length of thinly covered potential host strata, using a combination of geobotanical,
biogeochemical and geochemical (soil) techniques, resulted in the discovery of a number
of similar mineral occurrences.
FIG. 12.42 Vegetation assocations and Helicbrysum leptolepis (DC) occurrences over one area near
Witvlei, Namibia. (Cole, 1980)
FIG 12.41a Species distribution,geology along a transect across several zones of Helichrysum leptolepis(DC) occurrencesin Witvlei
area, Namibia. (Cole, 1980)
FIG 12.43 Copper values in surface soil in area shown in Fig. 12.42. (Cole, 1980)
Alder Twigs Alder Leaves
Gold (ppb) in ash Gold (ppb) in ash
1 32 7 23 250
2 53 6 17 47
3 58 9 20 130 43 6 19
4 34 6 15 166 48 7 15
5 29 8 10 37 27 18 11
6 35 7 11 34 21 6 12
7 23 6 13 57 25 7 13
8 25 8 13 41 21 13 13
9 25 11 20 27 21 11 16
10 8 20 14 20 6 <5
11 29 20 23 75 11 8 22
12 35 10 22 58 8 7 8
13 23 8 14 51 6 6 9
14 12 17 18 33 10 8 8
15 24 10 11 53 14 7 18
16 25 11 12 42 5 10 13
17 14 11 9 66 13 <5 13
18 21 10 38 48 8 7 14
Mean1 28 10 17 69 18 8 14
(0.56) (0-2) (0-34) (1-38) (0-9) (0-4) (0-7)
TABLE 12.3 Seasonal changes in the gold content of ashed alder twigs and leaves. (Dunn.
(i) a pair of anvil-type non-contaminating (e.g. brass-free) pruning shears,
preferably Teflon coated;
(ii) fairly large sampling bags (e.g. 20 x 30 cm). Use heavy duty coarse brown
paper bags when conditions are dry and cloth bags when conditions are
(iii) roll of masking tape or stapler to close bags;
(iv) very large pack. Although samples are not heavy they are extremely bulky;
(v) hunting knife or hatchet for bark sampling.
Dunn (1991) also provides a useful summary of the procedures to be used and the
precautions to be observed when conducting a biogeochemical survey (Table 12.4).
Dunn (1987) has pointed out that with some species, sampling of bark (a dead
tissue) can be an effective technique that is not subject to seasonal metabolic variations.
The potential value of humus as a geochemical sampling medium has already been
discussed in the section on soil surveys. This again avoids the effects of seasonal
variations as the accumulated material constitutes an integrated sample. Weathering,
leaching, and bacterial decomposition will work to diminish the metal contents, but
signatures in mull are generally preserved.
Published data for the Canadian Shield are somewhat more comprehensive. For
example, Cohen et al. (1987) describe an extensive investigation in the Hemlo Gold
District designed to establish the potential usefulness of biogeochemistry in gold
exploration over areas with shallow exotic till cover. Balsam fir was shown to have an
uneven, if not erratic, distribution along the tree within all organs (Fig. 12.47). In contrast,
gold distribution in Mountain Maple displayed generally higher concentrations in the base
section than in the crown. However, this did not prevent delineation of distinct
TABLE 12.4 Basic rules to be applied at each sampling station when conducting a
biogeochemical survey. (Dunn. 1991)
FIG 12.44 Sample sites and contoured Au values for the Standard
Hill area, California. Gold in plants determined by INAA.
(Busche, 1989)
FIG 12.48 Hemlo District, Ontario. Comparison for poorly drained ground between the Au
contents of needles and bark of Balsam Fir (Abiles balamea) and Spruce (Picea
glauca, P. mariana) and B horizon soils and humus. (“M" represents location of
mineralization). (Cohen, et al., 1987)
FIG 12.49
contents of Alder leaves, first year twigs and bark, White Birch (Betula papyrifera)
leaves and bark and B horizon soils and humus. ("M“ represents location of
mineralization). (Cohen, et al.. 1987)
FIG 12.50 Hemlo District, Ontario. Comparison for freely drained ground between the Au
contents of needles and bark of Balsam Fir (Abies balamea) and Spruce (Picea
glauca, P. mariana) and B horizon soils. ("M" represents location of mineralization.).
FIG 12.51 Hemlo District, Ontario. Comparison for freely drained ground between Au contents
of Alder (Alnus rugosa, A. crispa) leaves, first year twigs and bark and B horizon soils.
(“M‘ represents location of mineralization). (Cohen, et al., 1987)
FIG 12.52a&b Elements in ash of outer scales of spruce bark, Nova Scotia: (a) (above) gold, (b) (above
arsenic, (c) (next page) antimony, (d) (next page) selenium (Dunn, 1989)
12.2.7. Water
(i) relatively large samples generally required. These can present transportation
(ii) chemical instability of untreated samples;
(iii) the frequent need for ultra sensitive analytical methods;
(iv) the extreme sensitivity of aqueous dispersion processes to a variety of interacting
environmental factors, some of which might be seasonal in nature and not all of
which will be necessarily recognized.
Water samples are generally collected in clean acid rinsed 500 ml or 1000 ml
polyethylene or polypropylene bottles as these are more practical than glass bottles under
field conditions. However, several important trace metals are incorporated in plastics
during the manufacturing process and are often present in leachable form. This applies
particularly to zinc. Therefore thorough cleaning prior to use is required. Prolonged
soaking in 50% hydrochloric or nitric acids followed by repeated rinses with distilled or
deionized water is recommended. Prior'to sampling in the field the bottles should be
rinsed several times with the water to be sampled. Samples that are to be analyzed for
trace elements should be acidified to pH <2 with metal free nitric or hydrochloric acid to
keep the dissolved metals from precipitating or adhering to the bottle walls. Turbid water
should be filtered using a 0.45 micron membrane before addition of the acid, otherwise
leaching of elements from the suspended sediment might occur. When both trace and
major elements are to be determined, at least two samples must be collected so that
material without introduced cations and anions is available for the major element analysis.
In order to minimize growth of algae (Miller, 1979) in samples prior to analysis they should
be stored in a cool place away from sun light. If this is not possible, chloroform should
be added. pH, conductivity and certain other measurements are commonly made at the
sample site.
High values for pH and salinity Low pH values and flow rales Chemically aggressive walers.
Characterization Geochemical movement is The maximum contrast is
of waler partly electrochemical, and slightly high background and slightly high background
values for many trace elements values for many trace elements obtained for moderate relief
with waler in lhe active and rainfall; higher relief or
zone above the permafrost but with low contrast. but with low contrast.
rainfall lends to decrease
gradually becoming enriched contrast.
in trace components.
Fair to moderate mobility of many Movement and precipitation Good mobility of many
Mobility ul elements Mineralized bodies lhal emerge elements because of the
al lhe surface usually have elements because of flat landscape of chemical elements are
oxidation zones and high contrast and lack of chemically aggressive governed mainly by the aggressive walers, the
waters. Elements capable of concentration, pH, and greater relief, and the more
(difference between anomalous
forming negatively-charged ions contents of humic and fulvic likely chance for oxidizing
and background values); conditions.
dispersion patterns traceable in or soluble compounds are the acids, and organic material
lhe active zone by both surface most mobile such as U, Mo, V, As, in contact with the waler.
and spring walers. and Se.
When the number of springs end Most limes except during Usually after spring runoff
Optimum lime for Either lhe first part or the* when the streams have
sampling the Iasi part of lhe summer. ephemeral streams will be lhe runoff or flooded periods.
greatest, usually in the spring returned to normal flow or
and fall. during low streamflow, which
is usually during the fall
and winter.
Good sample density is Fair to poor sampling density, Abundant waler, good Usually abundant water with
Abundance ol possible good sampling density for
sample sites possible for both spring and usually ephemeral streams and sampling density.
some springs both spring and surface
surface walers. walers. First-order streams
and springs are probably lhe
best source for water
General comments Chemical weathering There is an accumulation of Dispersion patterns of The dissection of terrain
reduced because of cold sails and secondary minerals mineralization may be increases the possibilities for
temperalures, organic and lhe lack of organic material. characterized by a set of lhe intersection of mineral
material is abundont. elements which may not ization and oxidizing
correspond exactly to their conditions.
paragenic associations in
the mineralization. Dispersion
patterns are reduced oecause
of little dissection and less
favourable mobility under more
reducing conditions and
abundant organics.
TABLE 12.5 A summary for the application of hydrogeochemical prospecting in different environments. (Miller, 1979)
One the more effective applications of hydrogeochemistry has been in regional
reconnaissance programs based on lake water (and lake sediment) sampling, particularly
within the Canadian Precambrian Shield, but also within the Fennoscandian Shield and
the Cordilleran and Appalachian regions of North America. As in the case of lake
sediment sampling the ideal terrain for this technique is where lakes are common,
conditions are swampy, and/or where stream drainages are inaccessible or poorly
developed (Coker et al., 1979). In low relief regions, the lake water medium is dependent
on the hydromorphic dispersion of metals into the lake environment through ground
waters. In areas with higher relief surface hydromorphic dispersion could also be an
important factor. An early example of a hydrogeochemical survey based on lake water
sampling was provided by Dyck et al. (1971) and Dyck (1979) in the course of a
experimental study of a variety of sample media over a 500 square mile area including the
Beaverlodge Uranium District in Saskatchewan. Surface lake water samples were
collected at an average density of 1.3 samples/ square mile. The resultant anomalous
uranium distribution patterns clearly outlined known uraniferous zones as well as
additional areas of potential interest (Figs. 12.53a and 12.53b). It was concluded that
organic sediments, bicarbonate and pH control the migration of U in the surface
environment. The presence of high organic concentrations severely restricted uranium
Regional reconnaissance for selected metals can also be achieved by sampling the
waters ^f actively flowing streams where metal is dispersing in solution. A prospecting
approach similar to the sampling of stream sediments is necessary. Sampling of ground
water seepage sites is an integral part of stream water surveys. In view of the paucity of
recently published examples of stream water sampling, it is again necessary to refer to
fairly old studies. For example Dyck et al. (1971) sampled stream water in addition to lake
water (see above) in their experimental uranium exploration program in the
BeaverlodgeDistrict of Saskatchewan. Stream water (and stream sediment) samples were
collected at an average density of 1 sample/square mile. Sample temperature was
recorded at the sample site, whilst radoo, pH and alkalinity were determined in a field
laboratory. The samples were then acidified and transported to a central laboratory for
uranium and other trace element analyses. Although the regional uranium distribution
patterns (Figs. 12.54a and 12.54b) were found to be broadly similar to those displayed
by the lake waters, it was concluded on economic grounds (i.e. ease of sample
collection) that the latter were the preferred sample medium.
Groundwater can also play a useful role in mineral exploration, especially when the
targets and large potential target hosts are obscured by post mineral overburden or
unmineralized bedrock, and target and/or associated pathfinder elements are mobile in
the prevailing groundwater environment. Interesting examples of the attempted
application of groundwater geochemistry in mineral exploration are provided by work
carried out by the U.S.G.S. (Huff, 1970), and various companies in the southwestern
U.S.A, in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Here the primary interest was in locating porphyry
copper deposits under pediment and alluvial sediment cover. The exploration technique
12.2.8. Gases
Under certain conditions, mineral deposits produce gaseous emanations which can
be detected by specialized measurements. There are two broad categories of soil gas
sampling technique:
(i) instantaneous;
(ii) integrated.
With the instantaneous method, specific volumes of soil gas are extracted through a
probe, from some predetermined optimal depth which is normally somewhere in the range
of 20 to 40 inches (50 to 100 cm).1 These can then be either:
(i) analyzed on site by a field instrument (e.g. CO2 and O2 analyzers or one of
the new generation of portable micro gas chromatographs). Mobile mass
spectrographic systems, such as that used by Howard McCarthy of the
U.S.G.S., should probably be classified more as research systems at this
time in view of high capital and operating cost as well as interpretational
FIG 12.55 Map showing distribution of molybdenum in ground water, Pima Mining District, Arizona. (Huff, 1970)
FIG 12.56 Correlation plots for groundwaters in southern Arizona: (a) pH vs. log [Mo],
suggesting a slight correlation between the molybdenum content and pH; (b) Eh vs.
log [Mo], showing poor correlation between molybdenum content and Eh; (c) log K
vs. log [Mo], suggesting a good correlation between increasing conductivity and
increasing molybdenum content. (Trost and Trautwein, 1975)
The main potential problem with the instantaneous methods is that they are subject to any
short term gas flux variability which might occur. This could prove particularly serious in
large surveys during periods of climatic instability. Instantaneous methods are also
inappropriate when dealing with gases occurring in concentrations at or near the
detection limits of the available analytical equipment. The main advantage of the
instantaneous methods is that they only entail one visit to the sample site.
With the integrated method of soil gas sampling, special adsorbent or reactive
material, including molecular sieves or porous polymer sorbents (e.g. Clifton, 1984a and
1984b, etc.), or activated carbon (e.g. "Petrex" system), is buried in the soil at each
sampling site for specific periods of time (generally for several weeks). At the end of this
time the collectors are recovered and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Alternatively, use
can be made of natural soil gas collectors, including specific soil fractions (e.g. clays -
"Advol" system). The main potential advantage of the integration methods of soil gas
sampling is that results are unlikely to be influenced by short term fluctuations in the soil
gas flux. However, two visits to each sample site are required, except in the case of the
natural soil collectors. A problem with some of the collector systems (i.e. molecular
sieves) is that gas desorption in the laboratory requires heating to very high temperatures
which will likely modify the nature of some of the volatile species.
(Gingrich, 1974)
FIG 12.59 Radon contour map of the Lone Gull U discovery. (Gingrich. 1984)
Mercury-bearing minerals which can include sphalerite and other sulfides, often
release mercury vapor during oxidation. This vapor can be measured in soil gas directly
(i.e. generally using integrative collectors which are analyzed in the laboratory) or
adsorbed Hg can be released from conventional soil samples by heating to 210-390°F
(100-200°C) (Landa, 1978). Over the past twenty or so years there have been many
studies of the possible application of mercury vapor surveys to mineral exploration, but
the published results have often been poorly documented and frequently inconclusive.
Fedikow and Amor (1990) recently described their evaluation of commercially available
mercury detectors (i.e. "Aurex") following test studies at a number of Canadian mineral
deposits. The detector consists of a thin silver wire in an open ended glass vial (Fig.
12.60). These are buried in overburden'at a depth of 40 cm (Fig. 12.61) for a period of
32 days. They concluded that the system does not measure mercury in soil gas in a
consistent manner in proximity to mercury enriched base and precious metal deposits in
the rest areas.
The oxidation of moist sulfides leads to the generation of CS2 and COS (Taylor, et
al., 1982). Oakes and Hale (1987) describe an experimental exploration technique based
on the selective thermal desorption of COS from the < 150 micron fraction of overburden
materials and quantitative determination by a rapid gas chromatographic method. At
Johnson Camp, Arizona the surface microlayer of the soil was sampled on 30x60 m grid.
Analysis disclosed distinct COS anomalies over suboutcropping sediment hosted
replacement sphalerite/chalcopyrite mineralization despite the presence of considerable
thicknesses of pediment gravel and alluvium (Fig. 12.62). Elsewhere comparable
Recent studies in Sweden (Malmqvist et al., 1986) have identified an upward fluxing
of GEOGAS in the near-surface sections of the earth. This GEOGAS enters the ground
waters as dissolved air. The circulating meteoric waters and changing pressure
conditions in the subsurface cause the GEOGAS to rise as small streaming bubbles. The
bubbles contain other gases and can also collect metallic ions and particles that can be
trapped in collectors set out in the surface soil. Anomalous patterns in GEOGAS have
been recorded over mineralization buried under thicknesses up to 100 ft (30 m) of
transported cover.
It should be noted that biogenic activity in the soil can produce methane (CH4),
hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), dimethyl sulfide ((CH3)2S),
dimethyl disulfide ((CH3)2S2), methyl mercaptan (CH3SH), carbonyl sulfide (COS)and
carbon disulfide (CS2) (Taylor, et al., 1982). Therefore, near-surface detection of these
gases can be suspect. Methane is found at depth in several types of mines, but a
genetic association with mineralization is not always clear.
12.2.9. Particulates
Solid particles down to the size range of large molecules are present in the
atmosphere. Weiss (1971) developed an airborne geochemical prospecting technique
for arid terrain based on the collection of dust particles suspended in the atmosphere.
The AIRTRACE and SURTRACE techniques of Barringer Research Ltd. were designed to
sample a variety of particulates in the lower atmosphere including spores, pollen, dust,
microorganisms, organometallics, and hydrocarbon complexes. The collected particulates
were analyzed using a laser pulse/inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP)
procedure in the laboratory. The same airborne platform could be equipped with a
mercury sensor for real-time measurements. According to the Barringer organization
AIRTRACE was successful in sensing gas and oil resources and produced positive results
over mineral deposits. Reproducibility of the technique in the search for mineral deposits
was hampered by variable weather conditions and temperature inversions. The
SURTRACE method was designed to overcome these climatic problems by sampling
FIG 12.64 Plot of log B. cereu$ (colony forming units/gram of soil) in ^>and B horizon soils
overlying and adjacent to Au-quartz veins in the Empire Mining District, Colorado
(from Parduhn and Watterson, 1984). (Parduhn, 1987)
particulate matter from the ground surface (i.e. microlayer) using a helicopter-based or
manually transported system. Despite the fact they have been available for a number
ofyears neither method has yet been -used extensively in routine metallic mineral
exploration programs. AIRTRACE was used in some large scale hydrocarbon surveys
in the 1980’s.
12.2.10. Microorganisms
Parduhn and Watterson (1984) and Parduhn et al. (1985) have demonstrated that
the population of the common microorganism, Bacillus cereus, increases with natural
increases in the base and precious metal content of soils in the vicinity of known mineral
deposits. It has also been noted that the increased antibiotic resistance of these bacteria
correlates with increased metal concentrations in soils (Watterson et al., 1986). On the
basis of very limited sampling Parduhn and Watterson (1984) reported anomalous Bacillus
cereus populations over quartz/gold/sulfide veins, overlain by 15-20 feet of glacial
overburden, near Empire, Colorado (Fig. 12.64). However, earlier work by Curtin, et al.
(1971), determined that although the B horizon soils were not particularly effective sample
media in this district, the Au, Cu and Bi content of the forest humus layer (mull) clearly
define the mineralized veins. Thus no particular advantage appears to be provided by the
Bacillus cereus data in this example. The same appears to be true in certain other test
areas (e.g. Vista Pit area, Mesquite Deposit, Imperial County, California) studied by
Parduhn (1987).
Animal tissues have not been used extensively as a geochemical medium. Warren
et al. (1971) analyzed 96 trout livers from locations in British Columbia and identified a
general correlation between the zinc and copper contents of these livers and known
mineral regions. As part of an environmental monitoring program, the government of
Ontario has sampled fish tissues for their mercury content. Recent work has investigated
the use of the trace element content of bee pollen as an exploration tool. Variations in
concentrations were noted showing a general relationship with known mineralization, but
follow-up is complicated by the territorial wandering of the insects.
Geochemical field surveys can produce large numbers of samples of various types
which require often complex processing and analysis. Despite the fact that this is a
critical stage in the geochemical exploration sequence, there is a common tendency for
field staff to avoid serious involvement. However, effective programs require that they
have a clear understanding of the sample preparation and analysis needs established in
the orientation studies, and they ensure these are fulfilled by the selected laboratory. As
in all other stages of a geochemical exploration program good communication is
absolutely imperative. All too often samples are sent to commercial laboratories with
minimal information other than a list of elements to be determined. Project staff need to
have a clear idea of laboratory capabilities and ensure the laboratory understands project
needs including:
(i) the number and type(s) of samples to be analyzed, and probable timing and
rate of submittal;
(ii) sample preparation procedures;
(iii) elements of interest;
(iv) analytical accuracy and precision (i.e. whether quantitative, semi-quantitative
or qualitative analysis is needed);
(v) if a total or a partial analysis is needed, and
(vi) how rapidly the results are required.
(i) an honest assessment of their ability to meet the required standards and
(ii) an indication of problems, if any, which might be encountered in sample
preparation and analysis and what effect these might have on the results;
(iii) "in-house" quality control information.
Periodic contacts between project and laboratory staffs over the life of a project help
ensure rapid solution of any problems which might arise.
The following chapter deals with some of the more common preparation and
analytical procedures to which geochemical samples from mineral exploration programs
might be subjected. This work is mostly carried out by independent commercial
laboratories, which with modern air transportation are generally accessible from even the
most remote areas where mineral exploration field surveys are undertaken. Although
geologists and geochemists responsible for geochemical exploration programs do not
normally become directly involved in laboratory operations, some basic knowledge of
these activities is essential. It enables the explorationist to assess probable laboratory
capabilities, as well as actively participate in the selection of sample preparation and
analytical methods. Total reliance on the laboratory personnel is inadvisable as they do
not generally possess the requisite field knowledge, and unless given clear direction, can
make inappropriate decisions or recommendations.
(i) the generally small proportion of the original sample which is submitted for
analysis is reasonably representative of the whole;
(ii) when a specific sample fraction (or component) is selected for analysis, it
is effectively separated from the other sample constituents;
(iii) the material analyzed is in an appropriate form for the chosen method of
(iv) there is no contamination of the sample by the sample preparation
14.1.1. Drying
Vegetation and humus samples are normally dried at temperatures of less than
160°F (70°C) in a standard drying or microwave oven. Ideally, these samples should
contain no clastic material. Dust on leaves and twigs can be removed by rinsing with
demineralized water, but humus material is rarely 100% organic. The presence of
excessive clastic material may prevent accurate determination of the metal content of the
organic component.
FIG 14.1 Sample preparation safety curves for gold bearing materials.
W_> 125,000 d3
where W is the sample weight (in grams) and d is the diameter of the largest particle in
the sampled material fin centimeters). It should be noted that Gy states that this curve
is not designed for gold bearing materials or low grade ores. However, this does not
prevent its use as a general guide to minimal acceptable sample sizes at each stage of
geochemical sample comminution, especially prior to base metal analysis. The degree
of precision required in geochemical analysis is generally less than that needed in regular
assay studies for which the curve was primarily designed. The more conservative "Rule
of Thumb Curve" (Fig. 14.1) is probably more appropriate in the case of materials
containing fine disseminated gold. This curve is based on two widely accepted rules of
thumb (Ottley, 1983):
(i) there should be at least 20 particles of the valuable mineral or metal in the
sample subjected to analysis;
(ii) no particle should represent more than 1/20,000 of the weight of the
(i) gold particles in the sample material are all of uniform mass;
(ii) gold particles are randomly distributed through the sample;
(iii) gold particles make up <0.1% of all sample particles;
(iv) analytical error is absent.
Although these conditions are not all precisely fulfilled in nature, inclusion in the
calculations should not significantly detract from the conclusion that sampling precision
is primarily influenced by the number of gold particles in a sample. Thus achievement of
an acceptable minimum precision level of, say, 50% at the 95% confidence level requires
the presence of twenty gold particles. This is in fact the basic criteria applied in the
published nomographs shown in Figures 14.2 and 14.3.
FIG ---------- Size of sample required to contain an expected 20 particles of gold as a function of the
combination of gold particle size and grade, assuming all gold particles to be of uniform
size and randomly distributed in the deposit. (Clifton et al., 1969)
Comminution of these gold particles can sometimes prove difficult due to heir malteaWity.
Representative samples would be far too large for any of the normal gold analyt'ca
procedures. The solution generally lies in some form of preconcentration involving either
"gravity separation" or "scrgfiD assay". In the first, analysis of a carefully prepared heavy
mineral concentrate, representing a large (and. if necessary, crushed and I ghfiy
pulverized) sample, provides an indication of the free metallic gold con ent of the materia
In the second a fairly large sample (i.e. several Kg) is crushed and P^enzed untla'' ^ut
50-60 q is less than 100 mesh. The whole of the coarse fraction and two splits of the fine
fraction are then assayed. The results for the coarse and fine fractions are combmed.
taking into account the relative total coarse and fine sample weights.
When dry, vegetation samples are macerated in a Wiley Laboratory Mill to a minus
2 mm size. This material is commonly compressed into either 8.0 g or 30.0 g pellets for
direct analysis by neutron activation, or can be ashed in a muffle furnace at 450 C to
470°C for approximately 15 hours. The plant ash is then analyzed in a similar manner to
clastic sample material.
Grinding equipment
Steel and iron grinding plates Fe, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Mn, Ni, V
Alumina ceramic plates 1 Al, Cu, Fe, Ga, Li, Ti, B, Ba, Co, Mn, Zn, Zr
Tungsten carbide Co, Ti. W
Lubricants Mo
Packaging materials ’
14.1.3. Sieving
0080 20 80 Mm
200 75 Mm 200 75 Mm 200
75 »m 200 71 pm
250 63 Mm 230 63 Mm 240 0.063 19 63 M«n
63 230 56 Mm
TABLE 14^ Comparison table of U.S.A., Tyler, Canadian, British, French, and German standard sieve
series. (Berkman and Ryall, 1976)
FIG 14.5 Flow sheet from separation of sediment samples into magnetic (M) and nonmagnetic (NM) fractions, (after Meyers and
others, 1979)
14.2.1. Decomposition
Many analytical methods, including colorimetry, inductively coupled plasma (ICP)
and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) require that elements of interest be introduced
to the instruments in solution. This entails some form of sample decomposition (Table
14.3) which might involve:
Decomposition therefore provides the opportunity to liberate and determine either all or
only a particular fraction of the element(s) of interest (Fig. 14.6). For example, Coope
(1975) determined that the cold extractable heavy metal (primarily copper) content of
reconnaissance soil samples clearly defines the area containing the Sheslay porphyry
copper mineralization in British Columbia. However, the use of cold extractable methods
in the analysis of geochemical soil samples from this area is likely to give misleading
acid fusions KHSO4, K2S2O7
ammonium halide sublimations nh4i, nh4ci
alkaline fusions Na2CO3, NaOH, LiBO2, LiB2O7
oxidative-alkali fusions Na2CO3 or NaOH with KNO3 or Na2O2
Acid digestions
Hot strong mineral acids hf-hno3-hcio4. hf-hcio4, hf-hno3-hci
Partial decomposition
Hot strong mineral acids HF, HCIO4, HNO3, HCI, HBr, Aqua, Regia
Selective extractions
exchangeable metals NH4-acetate; MgCI2, CaCI2 BaCI2
organic matter: H2O2; NaOCI; Na4P2O-, or K4P2O7
carbonates: cold weak acetic acid
manganese oxides: 0.1 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 0.01 M
HNO3 (pH 2)
iron oxides:
amorphous 0.175 M (NH^CjO.-O.IO M H2C2O4
0.25 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride
crystalline 1 0.02-1 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride
-0.25 M acetic acid
Hydrazine chloride (pH 45)
NH4-oxalate 0.2 M oxalic acid in 0.1 M ascorbic
sulfides: H2O2-ascorbic add
KCIOj/HCI followed by 4 M HNO3
_______________________________________________________________________ —
TABLE 14.3 Classification of some dissolution techniques useful in exploration geochemistry. (Church
et al.. 1987)
Ion Surface Precipitated Co. pptod. Co.ctdmatod Occluded l ettice
TYPE Eictiongp adsorption CO3. S. OH) amorphous to orgonici icrretellme ccmpeem
Sitoi hydrous hydrous (mineral)
ondeii oxidosl
E lactrol j to M.jCI2
Agents NA4P2O7
NajP^O? c.Ko;S2O7
N02S2O7 ♦ citrate ♦ _HCOJ
Belie (alk.ppte) looH
Soln*. NeF
Fuiion N02C0j
(♦Acid leach)
— __________ 1_________
results if the mobility of copper in the local environment is not fully appreciated. In
seepage areas hydromorphic dispersion of copper has resulted in the development of
broad strong cold extractable heavy metal (cxHM) anomalous patterns in soils which do
not pinpoint areas of copper mineralization as well as the "total" copper data (Fig. 14.7a).
On the other hand, due to the absence of significant hydromorphic dispersion in well
drained soils, there is good correspondence between the distribution patterns of cxHM
and "total" copper, and the relative proportion of cxHm is much less (Fig. 14.7b).
Selection of an appropriate decomposition technique can greatly assist in the
enhancement of geochemical dispersion patterns related to mineralization, and in the
avoidance of spurious anomalies related to extraneous factors.
(i) the final method of analysis and the need to avoid interferences;
(ii) the desirability of determining several elements in the same solution;
(iii) ease of handling the desired number of samples;
(iv) availability and cost of procedure.
XL 88 N
TC*O«A **•«•£ MCT«*
Hot hydrofluoric acid (HF) is the only acid decomposition medium that will
completely dissolve silicate minerals in the typical geochemical clastic or rock sample.
HF breaks downs the Si-O bond to form SiF4 which volatilizes upon heating and thereby
reduces the sample solution salt content - a considerable advantage in many anal^.cal
procedures. However, it should be noted that fluorides of As, B, Ti, Nb, Ta, Ge and Sb
may be volatilized to varying degrees at the same time.
TABLE 14.4 Variation of Cr from different lithologies with five digestion procedures. (Fletcher.
readily decomposed mineral phases such as simple oxides and their hydrates (e.g.
Fe/Mn), most sulfates except baryte, some silicates such as zeolites, uranium oxides, etc.
Evaporation to dryness with concentrated HCI (except in the case of As, Sb, Bi, Se and
Te analyses) converts salts to chlorides ready for final solution in weak acid solution prior
to analysis.
The amount of metal extracted by the strong decompositions achieved with nitric,
hydrochloric, perchloric acids, or their mixtures is not total and will vary with the
mineralogy of the sample (Tables 14.4 and 14.5). In addition, as emphasized by Fletcher
(1981 1987) even with similar acid mixtures, extraction efficiency will vary with the acid
(Table 14.4),’sample to acid ratio, and the duration and the temperature of extraction.
Table 14.6 demonstrates how nickeliferous magnetite is more readily dissolved by
hydrochloric acid than perchloric acid, nitric acid, or aqua regia.
/- o-«
Ni Zn
60 25 >100 50 15
15 95 75 10 >100
55 50 <10 >100 70
Pisolites in clays
95 55 >100 80 45
(ultramafic) 70 100 85 - >100
55 40 25 95 80
Ferruginous clays
(ultramafic) 90 80 >100 95 75
75 65 95 90 45 100
Silicified clays 65 60 30 80
95 75 100 100 70
80 80 65 95 95 40 95
Silicified serpentinite 70 65 30
100 100 95 100 90 65
80 75 75 95 90 50
Saprolite serpentinite 55 55 . 35
>100 >100 >100 >100 120 90
45 75 80 80 90 90 45
Fresh serpentinite 60 55
95 45 <10 85 40 <10
<10 85 65 10 90 65 <10
Weathered talc- 55 30
carbonate >100 40 35 90 60 35
40 90 85 75 90 70 50
Fresh talc- 60 60
carbonate >100 35 15 >100 50 25
35 20 90 60 35 80 65 15
Weathered dacite > ■100
>100 85 45 >100 90 35
25 <10 95 80 35 85 90 25
Saprolitic mica 90
schist - >100 60 45 >100 50 35
90 35 15 90 70 45 80 70
Saprolitic amphibilite
- perchloric acid digestion.
HF - hydrofluoric + perchloric acid. NP - nitric perchloric acid; PE
- Highly variable data
TABLE 14.5 Accuracy of acid digestions. Mean extraction (percent) determined by comparing AAS results (with simultaneous
background correction) with XRF results. (Butt and Smith, 1980)
Preparation jq.
crushing fraction Digestion (ppm)
Sample description
stream sediment with 0.5% magnetite
magnetite contains an average of 0.28% Ni
80% of magnetite is minus 80 mesh
99% of sample is plus 100 mesh and 96% is plus 80 mesh
TABLE 14.6 Comparison of six stream-sediment analyses for Ni. (Fletcher, 1987)
Decomposition techniques
Mineral Fusion Add extraction
Barite Na^O, —
Beryl NajCOj; NaOH —
Cassiterite NHJ; Na,O; —
Chromite NaOH; NajO, Hacr.
Columbite/tantalite NaOH; Na.O, HF
Fluorite Na;COv NaOH Be nitrate solution
Gold Fire assay Aqua regia; bromine; alkaline
cyanide solutions
Monazite Na,Oi H;SOV HQO., H,PO.
Zircon NaOH; Na.Oj, borax
TABLE 14.7 Decomposition techniques for some resistant minerals. The presence of significant
concentrations of an element as a constituent of these minerals will cause relatively
low results to be reported if routine geochemical decomposition techniques are used.
(Fletcher, 1987)
(i) the potential addition of contaminants due to high flux:sample ratio (3:1 to
(ii) the high salt concentration introduced and subsequent need for a higher
dilution factor;
(iii) the difficulties associated with attempts to achieve high productivity.
Fusion techniques are of course also used in qla$$iQal fire assay (Fig. 14.8).
Typically, 30 g of finely ground sample is thoroughly mixed with 140 g of premixed (alkali
reductive) flux, 10-20 g of SiO2 and 3-5 g of flour. The precise nature and quantities of
the flux components depend on the mineralogy of the samples (Haffty, et al., 1977), but
always includes a substantial amount of litharge (PbO) which provides lead for precious
metal collection. Samples with high concentrations of sulfides and arsenides are
pretreated at 600-800°C to oxidize and volatilize S and As which could otherwise interfere
with the fusion. In the fusion process, all gold present is concentrated in the lead button.
In the cupellation stage the Pb is driven off and the Au remains in the dore bead. This
bead can be dissolved in cone. HNO3 and cone. HCI. The gold in solut>on is then
normally determined by AAS or ICP-AES. Alternatively, the Ag is dissolved from the bead
with HNO3 and the gold annealed and then weighed on a sensitive balance (i.e.
gravimetric method).
5 100 110
TOTAL Background 5
200 100 550
Anomalous 250
5 5 15
PARTIAL "A” Background 5
200 5 455
Anomalous 250
5 1 1 7
PARTIAL ”B" Background
250 8 1 259
TABLE 14.8 Hypothetical examples of metal extracted (ppm) by Total and ‘Partial" methods from background and anomalous
14.2.2. Separation
Once the trace element under study has been released from the sample, it may
be necessary to separate it from interfering elements liberated at the same tima Many
separations^ “race analysis involve liquid-liquid solvent extractton which permits the
transfer of dissolved material between two immiscible liquid phases, usually water and an
organic “quid sXnt extraction requires vigorous mechanical shaking of the system to
emX the two component phases and thus increase the effective surface area across
which the transfer of dissolved components takes place. Separation may be facilitated
b /the use of appropriate complexing agents that modify the solubilities of he trace
element in the two phases. Solvent extraction is the basis of many of the colorimetric
tests that have been extensively employed in geochemica prospecting. Pape
chromatography (adsorption on paper in a flowing capdiary film) and other types of
chromatography can also be used to separate elements.
A solid phase containing the desired elements may be separated from a liquid
chase bv ion exchange or by precipitation. These methods may be applied to samples
natural water or to aqueous solutions obtained by some of the sample extraction
procedures mentioned above.
Although separation is most commonly required prior to colorimetric analysis it is
also useful in some atomic absorption procedures (e.g. for natural waters, trace gold,
etc.) where the process of separation concentrates the element(s) of interest and/or helps
avoid potentially interfering elements, and thus improves the effective sensitivity. Common
separation techniques used include solvent extraction (MIBK, DIBK, etc.), ion-exchange,
and precipitation methods. For example, in addition to the previously mentioned (Section
14.2.3) partial extraction procedure, Viets, Clark and Campbell (1984) describe an organic
separation technique for a number of elements of common exploration interest. Ag, Bi,
Cd, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb, and Zn are selectively separated from the extraction solution by a
mbrture of Aliquat 336 (tricaprylyl methyl ammonium chloride) and MIBK (methyl isobutyl
ketone). Since potentially interfering major and minor elements do not extract, the
organic separation allows interference-free determinations of the elements of interest, and
extremely low detection limits are possible.
14.2.3. Measurement
Cd 0.1
In 1
Sb 0.2
1 2.0
Ci 0.5
Ba 10
La 1
Co 2
Pr 5?
Nd 5
$rr 0.1
Eu 0.5
Gd 50?
Tb 0.1
Dy 17 •
Ho 1?
Er 20?
Tm 17
Yb 0.1
HI 2
To 2
W 2
Ao 0.005?
01 0.005
ir 0.005
Pt 0.005
Au 0.001
Hg 0.01
TI 0.1
Pb 1
Bl 0.1
Th 1
U 0.27
TABLE 14.9 Preferred analytical methods and analytical detection limits (ppm) for solid state geologica
materials at a typical major commerical geochemical laboratory (Chemex).
By way of explanation, the terms "working range" and "linearity" are often used in
descriptions of the operational capabilities of specific analytical procedures. The working
range of an analytical technique is the concentration range over which the relationship
between metal content and instrument response is linear. This defines the normal upper
and lower detection limits for the method (Fig. 14.9). Thus for example the linear working
range for many colorimetric and AAS techniques is only two orders of magnitude of
concentration, whereas the ICP technique typically has a linear response of four to five
orders of magnitude of concentration. Colorimetry
Mercutic chloride
Absorption tube
FIG 14.10 Determination of As by generation of arsine and its reaction with (A) mercuric chloride
paper, or (b) silver diethyldithiocarbamate dissolved in pyridine or quinoline.
(Fletcher, 1981) Fluorimetry
2, 3. 18 McDonald (1966). 18 - Wood and Stanton (1956 -57), 19 • Almond (1953b). 20-
Cr as chromate Stanton and McDonald (1961—62a); 21 - Almond (1955), 22 - Holman (1963) 23 ■
dipbenylcarbazide 2, 18
Holman (1956-57). 24 - Warren and Del.v.ult (1958). 25 - Kaur.nne and Norm.
2,2' biquinoline 2. 3, 21,77 (1967); 26 ■ Almond et al (1955). 27 - Stanton and McDonald (1964). 28 - Lakm and
1.22. 23
dithizone Nakaeawa (1965); 29 - Kolhny (1969), 30 - Grimaldi and Schnepfe (1971), 31-
rubeanic acid 24. 76 Almond (1953c); 32 ■ Ward and Bailey (1960). 33 - North (1956) 34 - Stubb. (1968).
Neocuproine 25 35 • Stanton and Hardwick (1967); 36 - Stanton (1970a). 37 - Marshall (1968) 38 -
phenylfluorone 2,3.26 Marshall (1964), 39 = Stanton el al (1973); 40 - Hoffman and Waakel Myers (1974).
41 - Baker (1965); 42 - Ward (1951a); 43 - Lapointe (1968), 44 - Barakso (1967) 45 -
dithizone 1, 3, 72 -74
Heavy metals Stanton and Coope (1958 59); 46 - Nowlan (1970); 47 - Lyneh (1967). 48 ■ Bloom
dithizone 2. 3. 32 (1962), 49 = Peachey et al (1973); 50 - Thompson (1967), 51 - Kothny (1974). 52 ■
30 Rose (1969); 53 - Mahaffey (1974); 54 ■ Stanton and McDonald (1965). 55 - Nakagawa
1 as iodine
and Lakin (1965). 56 - Bloom (1966). 57 ■ Stanton (1971b). 58 - Wood (1959). 59 -
as permanganate 2. 3, 31
Mn Stanton and McDonald (1961-626). 60 ■ Smith (1967). 61 ' Cogger (1974). 62 ■
1.2, 33 41. 78, 85 Sunton (1970b); 63 - Bowden (1964). 64 - Quin and Brook. (1972). 65 • Ward
Mo dithiol
thiocyanate 3, 42-44 (1951b); 66-Cogger (1976), 67 ■ McDonald and Stanton (1962). 68 - Sunton and
Hardwick (1971), 69 = RoberU (1971); 70 - Lakin et al (1949), 71 - Sunton (1962).
thiocyanate 3. 79
Nb 72 - Bloom (1955). 73 - Hawke. (1963); 74 - Smith (1964). 75 • Manh.ll (19781.76 -
a-furildioxime 2. 3. 45-47 Delavault (1977). 77 ■ Peachy et al. (1978). 78 - GrifitU el al. (1976); 79 ■ Ward and
dimethylglyoxime 48 Marranzino (1955); 80 - Stanton (1975); 81 - Rom (1976). 82 - Sunton and McDonald
as phosphomolybdovanadic acid 2.3,49 (1961-62C); 83 - Aly et al (1977). 84 - Krings et al (1976); 85 - Clark and Alley
reduction of phosphomolybdic acid 1. 50. 80 (1955)
dithizone 1-3
reduction of phosphomolybdic acid 1.50.80
Rhodamine 6G 51
TABLE 14.10 Some colorimetric reagents used in analysis of geochemical samples. (Fletcher, 1981)
In its simplest single beam form (Fig. 14.11a) an AAS unit comprises:
(i) a light source emitting the sharp line spectrum of the element to be
determined. This is generally provided by a sealed hollow cathode lamp
containing the element(s) of interest;
(ii) a means of generating a cloud of atomic vapor (i.e. ground-state atoms);
(iii) a monochromator and slit to select the desired absorption line;
(iv) a detector, amplifier and readout system.
A beam of radiant energy of the desired wavelength provided by the light source,
is passed through the atomized sample. The amount of absorbed energy is measured
by a suitable detector after the atomic absorption wavelength has been isolated from any
neighboring non-absorbing wavelengths emitted by the light source. In many cases this
isolation can be achieved with a simple narrow slit through which the light beam passes.
However, for elements with more complex spectra (e.g. Ni and Mn) a small grating
monochromator is required.
1 Dilution factor = 50
TABLE 14.11 Correction for background absorption in lead analysis of a synthetic rock solution.
(Fletcher, 1981)
Ag B background correction
Be* C suppression by Al
V* C suppression by Fe and Ti —
add 1000 pg/ml Al
TABLE 14.12 Some interferences in the determination of trace elements in geological matrices by flame
atomic absorption spectrophotometry. (Fletcher, 1981)
tion of complex chemical and/or ionization products which can cause serious analytical
interferences. The hotter (2955°C), fuel-rich nitrous oxide/acetylene flame is more prone
to these interferences, but it provides a reducing environment for determination of
elements (e.g. molybdenum) which otherwise tend to form refractory oxides. The hotter
flame generally necessitates particular attention be given to removal, by separation, of
potential interference sources prior to analysis.
FIG 14.13 Apparatus for AAS determination of elements forming gaseous hydrides. Cell A is a
18 mm x 16 mm plastic test tube with a hole, 30 mm from the bottom, to take the tip
of a micropipet. A 1-^1 volume of sample is injected into the borohydride solution in
the cell. Gaseous hydrides are then swept by a flow of nitrogen into the silica
absorption cell (D) heated by the air/acetylene flame of a triple-slot burner. (Fletcher,
KI added as a pre-reduc 4
resistance 10 ng/ml in
HCI 1% KI/ tant; rapid technique for
As solution
1% NaBH4 heated
analysis of soils, walers
quartz cell
HNOj/HClOa and vegetation
KMnO4 added to avoid w
Ar/Hj flame 0.04 ppm for
As 1 g sample volatilization losses;
HNOj/KMnO« interference from Pb
minimized by addition
no interferences from Cd, 7
resistance 0.001 pg/ml
HNOj/HjSO* 2% NaBH4 Cu. Pb. Zn, Mg. Ca, Fe
heated silica
and Al at concentrations
found in soil samples
interference from Ni and 1
flame heated • 0.08 ppm on
Aqua regia 2% NaBH4 Ag reduced by addition of
Sb quartz cell 0.05-g sample
6 M HCI no serious interferences 6
resistance 5 ppb on 0.25-g
HF/HCIO«/HNOj 5% NaBH4 for most samples: up to
Te heated quartz sample
200 ppm Cu can be
; 2 - Vijan et al. (1976); 3 = Kokoi (1976); 4 * Wauchope (1976); b = lerasluma (19 , b) ; 6 = Green-
1 References: 1 “ Aslin (1976,
= Thompson and Thoresby (1977)._____________________________ ____
lonrl and Campbell (1976); 7
atomic absorption spectrophotometry, (neicrwr.
TABLE 14.13 Application^ hydride generation to analysis of geochemical samples by
Atomic absorption has become one of the most widely used analytical methods in
exploration geochemistry because of:
(i) the wide range of elements which can be determined (Fig. 14.16);
(ii) the low detection limits for most elements of interest;
(iii) the specificity for individual elements;
(iv) the opportunity to determine several elements in one solution
(v) the relatively inexpensive and simple equipment required.
FIG 14.14 Cold vapour generation and determination of Hg by AAS. In the gas washing bottle
H</* is reduced to Hcf with Sn2’ and then swept into the absorption cell by a stream
of air. The IR heater lamp prevents condensation of water vapour in the cell.
(Fletcher. 1981)
FIG 14.15
one of which passes though glass wool loaded with palladium chloride, to remove Hg
but not constituents causing non-atomic absorption, before entering the reference
absorption cell on the right side of the instrument. Output from the two
photomultipliers is compared. (Fletcher, 1981)
H KEY -----------
r b' C~N S’ Fira
Na Mg
g GFAA 3 MOST | ,
h ■HGAA ___
CoT Nl “Cu Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
K Ca Sc; tTl Cr Mn
tE Ru Rh Pd Agl Cdl In Sn Sb ~T8
Sr Y', Zr Nb Mo
Rb fa. ja fa, a» W. g®
;• ;a 9® 9® HOT 'V n. g*
Pb B At Rn
Csi Ba Lai HtrrST-N rEI 08 It- Pt
9® gas® S< i fa n. <a
Fr Ra Ac (Rn (Ha)i
Pr Nd Pm _ Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
J Ce Sm Eu
5 Th i Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Ct Fm Md No (Lr)
A disadvantage for most conventional AAS equipment is the restriction of analysis to one
element at a time Freedom from interferences is often cited as one of the principal
advantages of AAS; however, if samples and standard solutions differ in bulk
composition, a variety of interferences can cause enhancement or depression of the
signal unrelated to the actual concentration of the element being measured. The
Newmont 1988 SRS round robin study found that one laboratory using non-matrix
corrected standard solutions obtained results which were one half the acceptable value.
Needless to say they are now using matrix corrected standards.
Almost all elements, when vaporized and ionized in intense heat emit radiation of
characteristic wavelengths in the visible and ultraviolet range as a result of electrons
refilling the outer electron orbital. The spectra emitted by the excited atoms can be
separated by a quartz prism or diffraction grating and then either recorded
photographically or, in the case of direct reading spectrometers, measured
instantaneously with photomultipliers (Figs. 14.17a and 14.17b). Elements can be
identified by the wavelengths emitted, and the concentrations determined by the intensity
of the emissions.
In the past the most common
excitation source for emission
spectroscopy was the DC source
(Fig. 14.17a) in which a generally small (10-
50 mg) solid-phase sample was placed in
the lower electrode. Temperatures
achieved in the arc (i.e. 7000-8000°C
under optimum conditions) are significantly
higher than those encountered in AAS and
the proportion of atoms excited to energy
levels above the groundstate is
correspondingly increased. The technique
was at one time widely applied in
multielement analysis of geochemical
exploration samples, particularly in
regional reconnaissance programs in
which it is desirable to determine as wide
a range of elements as possible. All grating and D.C. - arc source.
elemental analyses by this method are (Coker, pers. comm., 1983)
based on comparisons of measured
spectral signals between samples and
standards with similar compositions.
Under ideal circumstances (i.e. consistent
matrices and concentration levels)
quantitative analyses that are accurate to
within ±10 percent can be achieved for
many (up to 35 or more) elements (Fig.
14.18.) However, when dealing with
typical highly variable geological materials _
such as stream sediments, matching of
standards and samples is difficult, if not
impossible, and analytical errors of ±50%
or more are common! The analytical data
are at best only semi-quantitative- In
addition, detection limits for some of the
elements commonly considered in
geochemical exploration (e.g. As, Sb, Zn,
etc.) are unacceptably high. Matrix
modification (diluents and buffers) and the
standard addition method can sometimes
help overcome some of the interferences
and improve data quality, but potential
representativity problems related to the small sample size remain. With typical
__ - • ‘
B C N O F Ne
Li Be
Al Si P s Cl Ar
Na Mg
Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu
Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te 1 Xe
Rb Sr Y Nb Mo TC Ru
W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg TI Pb Bi Po At Rn
Cs Ba La HI Ta
Fr Ra Ac
Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Oy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Np Pu Am Cm Bk Ct Es Fm Md Lw
Th Pa U
geochemical samples alternative methods (e.g. ICP-ES or ICP-AES) often provide superior
results with less effort.
inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-ES or ICP-AES), a fairly modern variant of the
emission spectrographic method, has become the dominant geochemical analytic^
technique in many parts of the world. It uses a plasma cell as the sample excitation
source (Fig 14.17c). Argon passing thorough a strong magnetic field created by a
induct coil is seeded wim electrons. Heating
in the plasma gas produces temperatures of the order of 7000-10000 K, Sl9™fl™y
higher than those associated with the DC arc. Also in contrast to the DC arc method the
sample is introduced in aerosol form. Consequently, solid samples must first be
dissolved, but water samples can be analyzed directly or after a Ste5
This technique is capable of determining many elements over a wide range Q
concentrations (Fig. 14 19) Specific elements can be determined quantitatively with hig_
precision and accuracy.
1 rriMPt fxity
U Be B c N 0 F Ne'
Na Mg
1 1
V Cr Mn Co NI Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se br Kr
K Ca Sc Ti ,F- h n n
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ------ 1
Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru I Rh Pd Cd In Sn Sb le Xe
Rb Sr Y 3 h n n 0
□ ■=? p p
1 1 1 2 i? 2 2 2 3 3
Hf Ta w Re Os I Ir Pt Au Hg I Pb b Po At Rn
Cs Ba La n L_!
0 | P p p
1 3 3 2 3 2 2 !’ 2
Fr; Ra Ac
® (Rf) (Ha j
c Ce Pr Nd Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho br Im Yb Lu |
0 p Pm D p p p p p p I
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ;
s Th Pa u Np Pui Am Cm Bk Ct Es
Fm Md NO
p p
FIG 14.19 Analysis by ICP-AES. Sensitivities with respect to crustal abundances, (Hall, 1991)
ICP offers better precision than DC arc, superior limits of detection for most
elements, and faster rates of analysis for multiple element request than flame atomic
absorption spectrometry. In addition, ICP-calibration curves are linear over a large range
of concentrations. The linear working range for many colorimetric and AAS techniques
is only two orders of magnitude of concentration, whereas the ICP technique typically has
a linear response of four to five orders of magnitude of concentration. Analytical precision
of most determinations will be ±5 percent, if properly performed. It is therefore not
surprising that the technique has assumed much of the analytical workload previously
accomplished by DC arc and, to lesser extent, AAS. A fundamental limitation arises from
one of ICP’s main features: the high excitation energy levels excite ground state and ion
electron transitions for most elements. Consequently, spectral overlap between elements
is common. Although the spectral overlap contribution from each element can be
corrected mathematically, the degree of overlap and the concentration of the interfering
element combine to modify the limit of detection. The recently developed MAGIC
multielement extraction system (Clark and Viets, 1990), which has been previously
described in Section 14.2.2., avoids some of these problems by providing a virtually
uniform sample solution matrix.
The advantages of ICP include:
Direct current plasma (DCP) is another type of sample excitation source sometimes
used in emission spectroscopy (Fig. 14.17d). Its operational characteristics are
somewhat similar to those of ICP.
rays are sorted solely on the basis of their energies. This is achieved with a semi
conductor detector which both resolves and measures the intensity of the secondary
fluorescence. Interferences from background radiation are minimized as far as possible
by using as an excitation source either a radio-isotope or monochromatic radiation,
generated by bombarding a secondary target with primary X-rays. Its outstanding
advantage compared to conventional XRF is that simultaneous multi-element analyses are
possible with a relatively inexpensive instrument. A serious disadvantage is that the
detector must be maintained at low temperature by means of liquid nitrogen. With
portable XRF instruments (Fig. 14.20c) weight and bulk are important factors so radio -
isotopes are used as primary energy sources, and characteristic lines are isolated with
balanced filters having absorption edges immediately adjacent to and on either side of the
analyte’s characteristic line. Readings are taken first with one filter in position and then
the other, the difference in readings giving the intensity of the characteristic line.
by fusion of the sample to produce a homogeneous glass disc. This can then be
pulverized, mixed with a binding agent and pressed into a pellet.
XRF can also be used to analyze natural waters (or analytical digests) by collection
of particulate and dissolved metals on ion-exchange loaded filters. Alternatively,
precipitates can be collected as a thin film on a filter paper which can then be analyzed.
XRF has found wide acceptance for determination of the major constituents of
rocks, and is also capable of providing useful data for many trace elements in
geochemical matrices (Fig. 14.21). However, the detection limits for elements of low
atomic number, notably Na, Mg, Al and Si, are relatively high (Fig. 14.22) due to the
internal re-absorption of secondary X-rays. Limitations on the method which affect
precision, accuracy, and sensitivity, arise from spectral overlap, matrix absorption and
enhancement effects, and sample heterogeneity. Inter-element and matrix effects are
treated by one or more methods including matrix matching of samples and standards,
dilution, preconcentration of the element of interest, and/or mathematic corrections.
(i) the high detection limits for some elements of potential interest;
(ii) the need to correct data for matrix effects;
(iii) high cost of the conventional wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer.
Li Be B C N 0 ~F Ne|
Na Mg SI S Cl Ari
'ipl i(pF 3 LOW t(p> np> np) D p
i t 1 1 1' 2 2
K Ca Sc TI V Cr Mn
Fe Co NI Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
<(P) t(p) p p (p>
'(P) I p t p t p tp p p 0
'(?) 1 t 1 1 1 1 1
i i i 1 1 J 3
Rb Sr Y Z r Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
p ip ip tp t.P 2 p p p
1 t t 1 t 3
Cs Ba La Hf Ta w Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg TI Pb Bi Po At Rn
ip p p tp 0
1t |'z 2 I______33 I 3 1 Li— 3
Fr' Ra>Ac|(Rf) (Ha)i
FIG 14.21 Analysis by XRF. Sensitivities with respect to crustal abundances (Hall, 1991)
Atomic numoer
FIG 14.22 Detection limits (ppm) by XRF at the 95% confidence level: based on 100 seconds
counting time for pressed powder pellets. Broken lines join results between which
unmeasured elements occur. (Fletcher, 1981)
Some of the most significant benefits neutron activation offers over other analytical
methods is the simplicity of the sample treatment prior to analysis, its non-destructive
nature, extreme sensitivities for many elements (Fig. 14.23) and the possibility of
multielement analysis. It is particularly attractive in the case of elements difficult to analyze
at trace levels by other standard methods (i.e. rare earth elements, platinum group
metals, Au, etc.) In most cases, all that is required is the reduction of the sample to a
particle size suitable for encapsulation. Where sample homogeneity might be a problem
sample preparation can include a preconcentration step. Thus for gold analysis a dore
bead suitable for irradiation can be produced by fire assay fusion of a fairly large sample
Li Be B C N 0 F Ne
d DNC 1
2. MODERATE Al Si P s Cl Ar
K Sc Ti V -Cr Mn FeiiCo Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Hr Kr
2 1-1 ’ 3 3 3 1 3 1 :
3 3 1 ■t
Rb Sr Y Zr ND Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
8- a a
1 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1
Cs Ba La Hf Ta w He Os Ir Pt Au Hg TI Pb Bi Po At Rn
• a a a (•)
2 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2J1L. 3
Fr Ra 4Ac|(Rf)
€ I Ce Pr Nd Eu Gd Tb □y Hoi Er Tm Yb Lu
Pm Sm <p)
1 3 1 1 i 2 1 3 3 3 1 1
3 Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf EsFm
Md No (Lr)
(? 1
FIG 14.23 Analysis by INAA. Sensitivities with respect to crustal abundances. (Hall, 1991)
(Hoffman and Ernst, 1982). In biogeochemical prospecting, samples can be macerated
and then briquetted prior to irradiation. This avoids possible loss of gold in the sample
ashing procedure required by a number of the more commonly used gold analytical
pH meters are easy to use in both field and laboratory. It should be noted that
drying of soils prior to pH determination can result in erroneous readings. Soil pH is very
sensitive to oxidation-reduction reactions (including microbial activity) and to the balance
of carbon dioxide between soil gases and the atmosphere. Hence soil samples for pH
determination are best kept under field conditions.
Specificion electrodes are easy to use and have sensitivities generally less than 1
ppm, but they can be subject to interferences from other ions (Table 14.14). The
electrodes measure the chemical activity of the ions rather than their total concentration
in solution, so that careful calibration and selection of the chemical medium are important.
The Jerome Portable Mercury Analyser, which can be used under both field and
laboratory conditions, is based on the principle that a thin gold film undergoes a
significant increase in electrical resistance upon adsorption of mercury vapor. Mercury
bearing vapor from heated samples is first passed through moisture and acid scrubbers
and then over a noble metal collector which strips the mercury. This mercury is
subsequently driven off by electric heating and adsorped by the gold film detector. The
resultant electrical resistance change in the detector provides a measure of the sample
mercury content.
To avoid any possible confusion, all data reports should include precise information
on the analytical methodology which can be clearly understood. This can have an
important bearing on both immediate and future data interpretations. Reevaluation of old
data, when personnel involved in the related project are no longer to hand, is especially
difficult without adequate supporting documentation.
When results fall outside the analytical range they are reported as below (<) or
above (>) the applicable dilution limits. These annotations are easily understood on
printed reports, but cause some problems when the data are manipulated as numbers
in data processing. They cannot be omitted as this would bias any statistical analyses.
Therefore, they must be replaced by actual numbers before mathematical calculations,
such as mean value, are carried out. Conventionally, samples that are recorded as <
detection limit are given a value 1/2 the detection limit. Samples that are reported as
greater than the upper detection limit are recorded as the upper detection limit or the
upper detection limit plus one.
3. Emission spectroscopy
4 X 10* very poor very poor yes 500 yes simple robust equip-
visual comparison
ment: requires com
parator and darkroom,
results semi-quantita-
1-2 X 10s poor poor yes >1000 yes sophisticated equip
direct reader
ment: requires ex
perienced analyst to
set-up and supervise
ICP-direct reader 1-2 X 10s good good yes >1000 no operations, requires
dedicated computer
or access to computer
wavelength dispersive 3 X 10s good good yes >1000 yes sophisticated equip
ment: requires super-
energy dispersive 1 X 10s good (?) good (?) yes >500 yes vision by a skilled
analyst; dedicated com
puter or access to
computer; very simple
sample preparation
TABLE 14.15 Evaluation of performanceof analytical methods commonly used in exploration geochemistry. (Fletcher, 1981)
15.1. General
The "house of cards" analog (Fig. 11.1) illustrating the relative importance and
interdependence of the various phases of geochemical exploration programs has been
previously discussed (Chapter 11). However, careful adherence to the basic principles
of program design and planning (including conceptual model development and
orientation), and determination of optimum sampling, sample preparation, analysis, etc.
does not guarantee avoidance of error. Proper training and efficient project management
can help to minimize this risk, but the possibility of the occasional introduction of human
and technical error, despite all of these efforts, must be recognized and accepted. The
best solution is to have in place effective quality control procedures which permit potential
problems to be quickly recognized, particularly in the sampling, sampling preparation and
analytical stages, where unrecognized problems can have extremely damaging and
expensive consequences. Properly designed quality control procedures permit routine
FIG 15.1 Random and systematic errors. The variation in concentration caused by random
errors is represented by the normal curve with an average value X: p is the true
concentration of the analyte. A. The dispersion (width) of the normal curve is narrow
and symmetrical around n - i.e. x = n and results are both accurate and precise.
B. The dispersion is greater but symmetric about p - precision is therefore relatively
poor and although the average value (X) is accurate, this is not necessarily true of
individal analyses. C. Dispersion is narrow but a systematic positive error has been
introduced (x > p) - results are precise but inaccurate. D. Systematic error and poor
precision. (Fletcher, 1981)
monitoring of project data so that errors can be quickly detected and corrective action
taken before serious problems develop.
15.2. Principles
(i) random errors which arise from variations inherent to any sampling
or measurement process; and
(ii) non-random errors which produce systematic negative or positive
deviations from the true result.
The reliability of geochemical data is evaluated in terms of accuracy and precision (Fig.
15.2). Accuracy is a measure of how close the determined value is to the true value, and
is dependent on both random and systematic error. On the other hand precision, which
is a measure of the reproducibility of the analytical determinations, is related to random
error alone.
Random errors are assumed to follow a normal Gaussian distribution about their
mean concentration. Hence precision is conveniently specified as the Perce,]t r®
variation at the two standard deviation (95%) confidence level. Thus for example an
analytical precision of ±20% for a sample with an apparent Au content of 10Ci ppb
indicates that 95 out of 100 analyses of the sample will likely fall within the range 80-120
ppb The 5 remaining results will be outside this range. The Pot®ntia sources ^ random
error are many and varied and can be encountered during sample collection,
and analysis. They are best minimized by careful application of properly designed
procedures at each stage of a geochemical exploration program.
Svstematic errors, giving rise to spurious geochemical trends, can result from a
number of factors including contamination, instrumental drift or physical and chemical
interferences. Again, careful attention to procedural details helps ensure systematic errors
are kept to a minimum.
15.3. Procedures
D uplicate
* 1988
FIG 15.5 Model for insertion of control samples to determine analytical accuracy and
precision. (Coker, pers. comm., 1983)
as reflected by elemental variation at the sample site. Field sample duplicates are
collected at selected sites and, after preparation, split in two for analyses. This approach
allows confident assessment of both the analytical and sample site component on any
It is very important to know that analytical data collected at all stages of a project
are comparable. The usual practice of the routine addition of one of a suite of standard
reference samples with every 30 project samples and the inclusion of blind sample and
analytical duplicates at a similar frequency will provide a 10% quality control volume (Fig.
15.5). Duplicate field samples are generally inserted into analytical batches less
frequently. Routine inspection of the graphical plots of the analytical results for these
standards and duplicates will give an immediate indication of unsatisfactory precision and
accuracy, and sample inhomogeneities.
Insertion of quality control samples requires care and forethought. Ideally, this
should be done prior to the transmittal of sample batches to the analytical laboratory so
that all laboratory staff are totally unaware of their location. In practice this is generally
not feasible as sample preparation and analysis is carried out in one facility. In addition,
Standard Reference Samples are of pre-prepared material and therefore easily
recognized. Nevertheless, provision should be made to include standard reference
samples in the same numbering sequence as batch samples by reserving appropriately
spaced numbers during field sampling for subsequent SRS insertion. It is generally
necessary to rely on the integrity of the laboratory staff with respect to standard reference
samples by ensuring that the persons responsible for the actual analysis were unaware
of their location in the sample sequence.
As was noted previously (Chapter 11) the relative importance and interdependence
of the various components of a geochemical exploration program can be likened to a
"house of cards" with interpretation at the top of the pyramid (Fig. 16.1). In practice, the
successive phases generally overlap to varying degrees and despite the fact that
interpretation is the last phase to be completed, its implementation is not simply confined
to the concluding stage. Interpretation occurs throughout a program, from planning and
design onward, in fact wherever conclusions need be drawn from available data. The
interpretation phase shown in the illustration would probably be better designated "final
interpretation gf geochemical data SDd integration with dsta from other sources-"
The final interpretation process generally involves use of some simple statistical
procedures. Complex statistical methods are more rarely employed. Assessment of the
potential significance of geochemical patterns delineated should be strongly influenced
by the previously developed geochemical conceptual dispersion models and all other
relevant available information on the local environment. The final comparative rating of
patterns determined to have potential significance, and requiring follow-up, will depend
on a variety of technical and economic factors which will have been defined in the
program design and planning process. The ratings will normally influence the sequence
in which these are subjected to field follow-up study.
With large regional programs which cover many map sheets it is advisable to
prepare small scale compilations of the salient features of the various parameters so that
any potentially significant regional correlations, are not overlooked.
As has been discussed previously (Chapter 11), the orientation study data, in
conjunction with cumulative relevant experience gained elsewhere, enables geochemists
to compile conceptual models that pictorially represent likely geochemical dispersion
behavior in the survey area environment. The model should portray dispersion as a
series of geochemical patterns related to and controlled by a variety of identifiable natural
factors. Fundamentally, final geochemical interpretation involves the recognition of these
The importance of the preferred emphasis on dispersion patterns rather than the
magnitude of the geochemical values in, say, ppm or ppb units can be illustrated by
reference back to Figure 11.2. Precipitation and accumulation of hydromorphically
transported metal in a seepage area adjacent to a stream channel can commonly result
in concentrations markedly higher than in the surface horizons of a residual soil anomaly
on a well drained slope. In such a situation, reference only to the magnitude of values
would result in first priority for follow-up being assigned to the seepage anomaly, whereas
recognition of the location and shape of the seepage anomaly would immediately indicate
its origin and direct the interpretation to the source areas upslope. With the gradual
acceptance of these concepts geomorphological mapping through ground and air
photograph observations is proving to be an invaluable tool in the interpretation of
geochemical patterns particularly in areas of mature landscapes.
2 km
in geochemical display maps, but many of the computer display techniques originally
developed for geophysical data are now also being applied in geochemical exploration.
These include computer imaging, shaded relief, color coded contouring, etc. Although
these techniques can be very useful in some instances, they are not always appropriate
for geochemical data.
For the sake of visual clarity, both point-symbol and distribution pattern maps are
commonly restricted to the display of a single element (or some parameter derived from
multivariate geochemical data), however, multivariate data are sometimes displayed on
special point-symbol or composite image maps. Geochemical maps may also include
various other types of relevant information such as geography and/or topography and/or
geology and/or geophysical features, etc. It is sometimes more convenient to present
some or all of this additional information on under- or overlays.
FIG 16.4 Cu data obtained from the organic soil horizon samples at the end of the second field
season (25 x 100 m grid). (Levinson et al., 1987)
Posting of values near sample site locations on base maps of suitable scale has
long been the most common initial form of data display (Figs. 16.3 and 16.4). This should
be done for every geochemical survey and these maps must be referenced when
evaluating output from other mapping or statistical procedures. Advantages of posted
value maps are:
(i) may become cluttered by closely spaced sampling points at the mapping
scale used;
(ii) often difficult to determine trends, and
(iii) limited number of parameters (generally 3-4) which may be posted on any
one map.
■ o® ®• •
• •o •O • O
. *- ♦□ B ■
« • *□□■■<»
The posted value map may be enhanced by the application of color to each
sample site location. Specific colors are assigned to concentration ranges often selected
following inspection of probability plots and histograms. The resultant color patterns aid
in the visualization of trends and patterns within the data.
Examples of point-symbol (b-e) and “worm diagram’ (f) representations used for
FIG 16.6
stream sediment or water geochemical maps. Original data (a), heavy metal content
(ppb) of steam water of Missouri Creek, Colorado, U.S.A. (Howarth, 1983)
There are two commonly used size symbol formats. One depends on several
uniquely sized symbols representing specific ranges of values (e.g. Fig. 16.5c). tlean be
effective in presenting geochemical data from a variety of sample types mcludmg soils
(Fig. 16.7) and stream sediments (Fig. 16.8). .
The other format uses symbols bearing a proportional size relationship !° c°nc®^t'nat
as clearly shown in an example of regional nickel distribution in glacial tills from the
Nordkallot project in Scandinavia (Fig. 16.9). Advantages provided by s.ze symbols are.
Stream sediment and water samples differ from a number of other common
geochemical sample types in that they represent portions of drainage basins.rather than
restricted sample sites. This can result in somewhat misleading geochemical data
representation Especially at the local scale, if symbols are simply plotted at sample
locations. So-called "worm-maps" (Fig. 16.6F), which are a form of s.ze symbo provide
an effective method of at least partially overcoming this problem. Lines, whose thickness
---------------------------- 300
---------------------------- 160
_*_________________ 100
__________________ 41
and/or color reflect the concentrations of the element of interest, are plotted along
drainage traces, upstream of sample sites, as far as the next sampling points. Stream
sediment data from East Africa illustrate the effectiveness of this approach (Figs. 16.10
and 16.11).
Symbol maps using the shapes to represent different value intervals is another
possible approach (Figs. 16.5B and D through H). They can also be used for
geochemical data from various sample types including stream sediments (Fig. 16.12).
Figure 16.13 demonstrates that properly selected series of shape symbols (in this case
representing lake sediment data) can provide a clear picture of the regional distribution
of an element despite the presence of a large amount of other useful visual information.
A particular advantage is clear differentiation of value ranges. Disadvantages of using
only different shaped symbols include:
Symbols based on shading have also been used. An advantage of shading is that
it is very effective in black and white publications. A possible disadvantage is that it can
be difficult to distinguish between the various value classes, if inappropriate shading
classes are employed.
0 I mile
m J T IIn Iiir
I'C erinite ♦ < J 0 70-150
□ Metasediments « 3-7 ® ISO-300
O 7 - IS @ 300 - 700
Basic rocks
Ultrabasic cocks O IS - 30 • 700 - 1500
, Acid volcanics O 30 - 70
Multivariate point-symbol maps are sometimes used (Fig. 16.15), but are generally
difficult to interpret, even when dealing with as few as three parameters. Ingenious
methods of multivariate data display based on "faces", "trees", castles , etc., are also
available, but have not been widely used in exploration geochemistry. Garrett (1989a)
applied "tree" displays, previously developed by Kleiner and Hartigan (1981), to
representmultivariate geochemical data (i.e. six elements) for stream sediment samples
(Fig. 16.16). Although it appears more effective than some of the other available
multivariate geochemical data display techniques, routine application and interpretation
might again prove difficult.
FIG 16.14 Gold in Till (-63 g fraction) Geochemical Atlas of Finland. (Geological Survey of Finland)
FIG 16.15 Multivariate point-symbol maps: (a) pie diagram; (b) pseudo
histogram; and (c) windrose representation. (Howarth. 1983)
FIG 16.16 Stream sediment data displayed spatially in the form of Kleiner-
Hartigan trees. (Garrett, 1989)
200 meters
FIG 16.19 Contour map for zinc (ppm) in 2156 B-horizon soil samples, Key Anacon, New
Brunswick, Canada. Sample stations at 100 ft (30 m) along lines 400 ft (122 m) apart.
(Howarth, 1983)
(i) gridding;
(ii) contouring.
Many of the problems associated with machine contouring relate to the gridding process
which involves creation of an artificial rectangular grid. Consequently, the data actually
contoured are the values calculated for the grid nodes and not the original geochemical
concentrations. Due to the nature of many gridding algorithms, uniform sized areas are
generally evaluated to assign values. Therefore when geochemical samples are not
representative of uniformly sized and shaped areas, misleading values are sometimes
FIG 16.20 Example of a moving (circular) window in two successive positions. Weighted, or
unweighted, average of data points in current window assigned to grid node to
yield the moving average map. Proportion of overlap between successive window
positions chosen by user. (Howarth, 1983)
assigned to the grid nodes. Unlike manual contouring, machine contouring is in fact a
smoothing process, and the resultant contours do not always necessarily correspond with
the data displayed by individual sample points. This smoothing can help eliminate or at
least reduce random "noise", but it can also distort data trends, especially where gridding
errors and/or improper interpolations occur.
FIG 16.21 Contour map for zinc (ppm) in B-horizon soil samples. Key Anacon, New Brunswick,
Canada, averaged over 602 non-overlapping 400 x 400 ft (122 x 122 m) blocks.
(Howarth, 1983)
(Fig. 16.24). The results of this treatment on data from the lake sediment samples in
Figure 16.25 are shown in Figure 16.26. Again it is apparent that as the grid spacing and
number of nearest neighbors are both increased, the map becomes progressively
Alternatively, techniques such as kriging, which permit directional changes in the
behavior of the sampled medium to be taken into account in calculating grid note values
are also sometimes applied to geochemical data. Kriging procedures have been used
to prepare regional geochemical maps (e.g. Armour-Brown, et al., 1983), but have mainly
been applied to local scale data where true distance related spatial variability in the data
is not overwhelmed by differences related to lithologically controlled backgrounds (Garrett,
Computer contouring involves calculation of the locations of specified concentration
lines throughout the grid (Sampson, 1975). The perimeter of the grid is first searched
until the range in value between two successive points includes the value of the contour
line. The location of the contour line at the perimeter is found by interpolation and then
FIG 16.22 Contour map for zinc (ppm) in B-horizon soil samples. Key Anacon, New Brunswick,
Canada averaged over 300 non-overlapping 600 x 600 ft (183 x 183m) blocks.
(Howarth, 1983)’
FIG 16.23 Contour map for zinc (ppm) in B-horizon soil samples. Key Anacon, New Brunswick,
Canada, averaged over 186 non-overlapping 800 x 800 ft (244 x 244m) blocks.
(Howarth, 1983)
FIG 16.24 Examples of 8 nearest-neighbours to a central grid node located by octant, quadrant,
or unconstrained searches on (a) irregularly spaced or (b) traverse data. (Howarth,
FIG 16.25 920 lake sediment samples in a portion of NTS sheet 64N, Kasmere Lake sheet,
northwest Manitoba, Canada. (Howarth, 1983)
FIG 16.26 Contours of uranium (ppm) in lake sediments. Kasmere lake sheet, northwest
Manitoba, Canada, as a function of grid cell-size (CS; inches) and unconstrained
nearest-neighbour (NN) search using the Calcomp GPCP contouring package (R.E.
Ellwood and R.G. Garrett, personal communication; reproduced with permission of the
Geological Survey of Canada). Original map scale 1:1000000. Contours enclosing
50 and 100 ppm filled with stipple and solid tone respectively. (Howarth, 1983)
extended through the grid matrix to its end. When all contour lines that intersect the edge
of the map have been located, the interior of the grid is searched for closed contour lines.
At this time, the interiors of closed contours are searched to determine whether they
represent highs or lows. Consistent rules govern ambiguous situations where diagonally
opposite corners of a grid cell display higher and lower values, respectively, than the
value of the contour line entering the cell. Finally, prior to plotting, the contour lines can
be smoothed to reduce their angularity, again according to consistent rules.
Computer image analysis is primarily used for geophysical data, but may also be
applied to geochemical data. It is similar to contouring in terms of advantages and
disadvantages. Since images are based upon the pixel representation of an area (Figs.
16.27 and 16.28), the data must be gridded as in contouring. Each pixel is assigned a
distinct color or shade dependent on the calculated value. Depending on the size of the
47’ 15 W 46’ 00 W
--------- 16’ 00 S
47“ 15 W 46’ 00 W
-------- 16° 00 S
4 5.0-57.5
$§55 0-65 0
i 57.5-70.0
■ >80.0
- 50 km
19* 00’S
19’ 00 S
FIG 16.27 Distributionof cell averaged Zn in stream sediments, FIG 16.28 Distribution of gap-filled unsmoothed Zn in stream
Bambui area, Brazil. U = Unai, P = Paracatu, M = sediments, Bambui area, Brazil. U = Unai, P =
Morro Agudo, V = Vazante. Classes are 20, 40, 60, Paracatu, M = Morro Agudo, V = Vazante. Classes
80, 90, and 95th percentiles for corresponding are 20, 40, 60, 80, 90, and 95th percentiles for
values of 20.0,35.0,45.0,57.5, 70.0,86.2, and >86.2 correspondingvalues of 22.9, 35.0,43.5,55.0,65.0,
ppm. (Chorkand Mazzucchelli, 1989) 80.0, and > 80.0 ppm. (Chork and Mazzucchelli,
area being imaged and the resolution of the images, the amount of data that pixels
represent may vary considerably. Once gridded, the data may be imaged in various
ways Fig 16 29 presents Ba data from Finland as proportional dots (inset A) and as
smoothed moving-mean surfaces, after both log-and linear-transformations, illuminated
from different directions. Particularly useful effects can be obtained with color imaging of
the smoothed moving average data and overlaying point symbol data as a ratio of the
smoothed data (Fig. 16.30). This same diagram illustrates additional versatility by
presenting Cu data as graytone colors allowing comparison with the Ni distribution.
This Finnish data is based on a sample density of 1 site/300 km2. The innovative
data handling and data presentation of this very low density data has revealed patterns
not directly correlatable with mapped geological units or lithologies but possibly reflecting
deeper crustal structural patterns of metallogenic significance. Alignment of geochemical
patterns and significant mineral deposits (Fig. 16.31) supports this prediction.
FIG 16.29 The Geochemical Atlas of Finland. Barium contents in the - 62 pm fraction of till. Map
A: contents visualized with dots. Maps B-E: content-variation surfaces of the moving
mean shaded from the NW, N, NE, and E, after a log-transform of the contents to the
unit of the x- and y- coordinates. Map F: the same as Map D but a linear transform of
the contents. (Bjorklund and Gustavsson, 1987)
10 20 40ppm
0.7 1.0
FIG 16.30 The Geochemical Atlas of Finland. Nickel and Cu contents in the - 62 p m fraction of till.
The colour surface: the weighted moving median (background) of Ni contents calculated
from windows the radius of which is 50 km. The dot sizes: ratio between the measured
Ni contents and the weighted moving median surface. The gray-tone of the dots:
measured Cu contents. (Bjorklund and Gustavsson, 1987)
FIG 16.31 Geochemical Atlas of Finland. Alignment of geochemical patterns and significant minera
deposits. (A. J. Bjorklund)
FIG 16.32 Distribution of gold and pathfinderelementsin southwest Scotland: (a) gold in pan concentrates; (b) arsenic; (c) antimony;
(d) bismuth. (Plant et al., 1989)
( ( ( ( i r (~ r r r i ( r-i t r_
w?St Nil-
S. «o'ue *.te
K -Kilmelford
T - Tyndrum
C - Comrie
FIG 16.33 Plate 2 image analysis of geochemical data for southwest Scotland: (a) Bi anomalies; (b) As distribution
with Sb anomalies shown in white; (c) As (red) and Sb (white)anomalies; (d) additive RGB image for As, Sb
and Bi. (Plant et al., 1989)
Geochemical data from stream sediment and water samples do not always lend
themselves to contouring, especially on a local scale due to the fact that they are
generally related to widely scattered and irregularly distributed sample sites which
represent drainage catchments with irregular shapes and sizes. In the early days of
exploration geochemistry an effort was made to overcome this problem by use of
distinctive patterned or shaded "Zipatone" to represent specific ranges of geochemical
values in samples from manually outlined'catchment areas (Fig. 5.2b). More recently,
shaded imaging of sample catchments has been employed to show element concentra
tions, and other parameters in drainage catchments (Figs. 16.34 and 16.35). Although
this method is effective, the need to digitize all catchment outlines would probably be
unacceptably time consuming in many routine geochemical surveys.
FIG 16.35 Maps showing (a) observed and (b) residual zinc values. (Bonham-Carter et al., 1987)
and-white. However, laser plotters permit mapped surfaces to be represented by nearly
continuous tonal changes which can be especially useful when subtle, low contrast
geochemical patterns are being sought.
Class selection techniques in common use fall into two broad categories: Serial
Serial classes are those in which class limits are in definite mathematical relation
to each other, and fixed in relation to statistical parameters such as the mean, standard
deviation, or range. Probably the simplest system uses equal intervals between class
limits based on division of the range into equal parts. These are generally not particularly
effective with trace element geochemical data sets due to the frequent occurence of
positive skewed distributions. Such distributions are better represented by geometric
class systems. Tbe most familiar of these employ a doubling of each successive class
FIG 16.36 Maps showing (a) Location of sample sites and (b) Spatial distribution of radon in lake
l bottom waters of "Dop" Lake. (Dyck and Car, 1987)
interval; such as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.... or 25, 50 100 200 .... In general, a geometric class
system is one in which the difference between successive class division points is a
constant (log) value. The table below demonstrates this point:
2 0.301
4 0.602
8 0.903
16 1.204
32 1.505
The examples above use a doubling progression, thus the difference between the log
values of successive cut points is the log of 2 (0.301). For a trebling geometric
progression (3,9, 27...) the difference between log values of successive cut points would
be the log of 3 (i.e. 0.477). Geometric progressions can readily cover a very wide data
range. This method has found widespread application in exploration geochemistry. A
good example was provided earlier in Figure 16.13. in which point symbols were used to
show regional distribution of uranium in lake sediments in part of Saskatchewan. Canada.
If a data set can be conveniently transformed to a near normal distribution, class limits
based on percentiles or centered on the mean and based on multiples of the standard
deviation are also sometimes useful.
Hawkes and Webb (1962) originally defined threshold as the upper limit £f.
background fluctuation. They went on to suggest that in cases of a single symmetrical
population, the mean plus two standard deviations could be used as a threshold. It is
quite clear from this section that they intended the threshold to be set at the mean plus
two standard deviations of the background population, not the total population. As they
go on to say:
Unfortunately, the mean plus two standard deviations has been applied by many to the
total population; background plus anomalous and then cast in stone. Under this scheme,
only 2.5 percent of data from any survey are allowed to be classified as anomalous,
regardless of whether the survey was based on reconnaissance stream sediment or soil
samples collected directly over mineralization. This concept should be unacceptable to
any experienced geologist. However, the practice of arbitrarily using mean plus two
standard deviations of the total population unfortunately lives on. Garret (1989c) provided
a particularly eloquent discussion of this topic entitled "A cry from the heart". Obviously,
this pseudo- statistical practice is to be strongly discouraged. It simply results in attention
being concentrated on the highest values, which are not necessarily the most significant.
An extensive review of basic statistics is beyond the scope of this presentation, but
a useful summary has been prepared by Sinclair (1987) and a more comprehensive
treatment is presented by Howarth (1983). More recently (Kurzl, 1988) discussed
Exploratory Data Analysis which attempts to deal with the fact that in practice,
assumptions necessary for conventional classical statistics often fail to describe real data
behavior. He suggested that this problem can be overcome by use of a variety of
graphical techniques including density traces, one dimensional scatter plots, and boxplots
(see below).
16.5.1. Univariate
Univariate statistics allow the geochemist to quickly determine the basic properties
of voluminous data sets. Frequency distribution histograms, box-plots and probability
plots provide means of displaying data and revealing internal complexity. The resultant
information can be used to guide application and assist interpretation of the univariate
FIG 16 42 (a) Empirical distribution of Al. and (b) Empirical distribution of Mn displayed by EDA-
techniques (histogram, density trace, boxplot, one-dimensional scatter plot; for
boxplot outliers see scatter plot). (Kiirzi, 1988)
In the example shown in Figure 16.44, the straight line plot for Zn indicates a single
lognormal population and the curved line for Cu indicates the presence of more than one
population. The inflection point of the Cu curve can be interpreted from the probability
plot to be at the 25 percentile (Fig. 16.45) indicating the curve to represent a mixture of
25% of the higher population A and 75% of the lower population B, both of which can be
mathematically derived. The two populations overlap slightly, but it is clear that if
populations can be defined in this way, an estimated or statistically calculated value can
be identified that can be contoured or otherwise differentiated that will separate the
populations, as much as possible, for interpretation purposes.
Used in conjunction with some basic statistical calculations these graphical data
plots can reveal an even wider range of useful information on the data distribution. Some
commonly used basic statistical parameters which describe central tendency, and thus
help differentiate populations, include:
FIG 16.45 Probability graph of Cu in soils (from Fig. 16.44) partitioned into two ideal
components, A and B. An arrowhead shows the interpreted position of an inflection
point in the curve. Black dots, are original data; open circles are construction points
determined by the partitioning procedure; open triangles are check points determined
by combining ideal populations A and B in their zone of overlap to compare with real
data. Thresholds of 58 and 66 ppm are determined at the lower 2.5 percentile of A
and the upper 2.5 percentile of B. (Sinclair, 1976)
X = Xy^L-Xj +._Xy^Xn
FIG 16.46. Frequency curves for (a) normal, (b) lognormal, (c) normal with outliers and (d
multipopulation distributions. (Coker, pers. comm., 1983)
values might be expected to exceed this so-called "threshold in the normal course of
around 3. If required, the formula used to calculate kurtosis can be found in any basic
statistics textbook.
(i) removing outliers (extremely high or low values clearly distinct from the main
16.5.2. Multivariate
Once the geochemical patterns have been delineated they must be carefully
assessed. This process commonly involves the examination of the geochemical and
other relevant data maps for correlations between the patterns displayed by individual
geochemical parameters and between these parameters and other relevant features.
Where there is evidence in large scale surveys that patterns are controlled by regional
factors such as bedrock geology, surficial geology, soil type, geomorphology, etc., the
data should be disaggregated as much as possible on the basis of distinctive
"geochemical units". A second generation of histograms and/or probability plots and
geochemical pattern maps can then be constructed and interpreted for each subset. This
process can be repeated, as often as necessary, to eliminate broad scale regional
FIG 16.51 Northern Fennoscandia Mineral Resource Assessment Map, Northern Fennoscandia,
regions and locations highly favored for mineral deposits (reduced from Mineral
Resource Assessment Map, Northern Fennoscandia, 1:1 million scale., Geological
Surveys of Finland, Norway and Sweden, 1986, ISBN-91-7158-384-X).
(Legend continues, next page)
• 5 Pahtavuoma (Cu. Zn U)
£ 12
Sarvisoaivi (Ni)
• 6 Kaunisvaara (Fe)
A 13
Raitevarre (Cu)
Cumulative frequency |
St fer
Assuming the geochemical field, laboratory and data presentation methods were
selected on the basis of thorough orientation studies, the nature of patterns of potential
significance should be reasonably well defined. However, there will often be many similar
patterns produced by factors other than the local presence of mineralization of the type
sought. The significance of all potentially interesting patterns must therefore be assessed
using the previously developed conceptual geochemical dispersion models, in conjunction
with all available relevant information. The precise nature and extent of this information
will of course depend on the character of both the sample media and the study area
environment, as well as the scale of the survey, but must always include bedrock geology
and sometimes also information from other allied disciplines (e.g. geophysics, remote
sensing, etc.). When the geochemical sample media include some form of surficial
material, essential data might also include thickness and types of soils and overburden,
geomorphology, physicochemical conditions in surface and groundwater, vegetation, etc.,
etc. (Fig. 16.52).
FIG 16.52 A diagrammatic representation of some typical factors which influence the selection and
rating of significant geochemical patterns.
Well constructed database management systems also simplify storage and retrieval
over the long term, an important consideration in view of the high cost of data acquisition,
and possible future need for data review as exploration ideas and conditions change.
Garrett (1989b) has written a useful review of the role of computers in exploration.
There is often some overlap between the initial survey and the follow-up stages.
The verification of potentially significant geochemical patterns, which was discussed
towards the end of the preceding discussion of interpretation, in fact constitutes one of
the final phases of the primary survey and the first stage in follow-up. It is necessary to
verify the pattern or anomaly of interest, especially if it relates to a small number of
samples and/or samples from a specific analytical batch. The possibility of undetected
analytical error or sample contamination in the field or laboratory must always be
considered. Revisiting the areas of interest is advisable at an early stage in order to
determine whether apparently signifcant geochemical patterns are related to previously
unsuspected extraneous factors (e.g. rock type with high geochemical background
concentration, surficial concentration resulting from natural geochemical processes,
environmental contamination from past industrial activity, etc.).
Once anomalies have been verified, follow-up can begin in earnest. Choice of
techniques will depend on both the nature of the favorable indications and the local
environment. For example, follow-up procedures for significant geochemical patterns
discovered in the course of large regional surveys with low sampling densities will be very
different from those required for significant patterns delineated by high density soil or rock
surveys over small mineral properties. Selection of geochemical procedures for follow-up
studies and interpretation of subsequent data must continue to take into account the
results of the original orientation studies and the conceptual geochemical dispersion
models. Additional orientation studies might be required, especially if the sample media
being considered for the follow-up program differ from those used earlier.
As drilling is the most expensive phase of the follow-up sequence, every effort,
within reason, should be made to localize suitable drill targets. The selected procedure(s)
will generally first involve collection and analysis of substantial numbers of closer spaced
samples than in the preceding survey stage, in order that the potentially significant
geochemical patterns can be better defined and possible source areas determined. In
the case of regional surveys, several successive stages of increasingly detailed study may
be required before drilling can even be considered. For example, anomalous stream
3. The anomaly is defined by too many samples. Sample density shuld be selected by a synthesis ol geological
target, cost, orientation and experience
4a. Trenching and/or drilling of the anomaly site did not lead to Mechanical and hydromorphic dispersion of metal to the site
must be considered. The source lies upslope or up ice of the
4b. Trenching of a contoured anomaly did not lead to discovery. As in (4a) or the point source nature of geochemical data must
be recognized
5. The anomaly is "explained away" when drilling is unsuccess Reinterpretation of the data is necessary Failure to locate a
ful source for a bona fide anomaly means the source remains to
be discovered.
6. A minor mineral occurrence explains the anomaly, even though A second source probably remains to be found
this is trivial considering the size/grade of the initial anomaly.
7. Rock types or alteration are not right where exposed near the The importance of geological observations must be tempered
anomaly. by uncertainty regarding what is not exposed
8. The anomaly does not fit the geological model. Refinements of exploration philosophy might be warranted
9. Geophysical features of economic importance are not identi Was the right geophysical method used’ Must the source have
fied under the anomaly. a geophysical response’ Consider mechanical and hydro
morphic dispersion as in (4)
10. Geophysical targets near the geochemical anomaly were tested Determine if geophysical and geochemical anomalies had to
and found to be uninteresting. be related
11. Geophysical targets were tested in prference to source areas Exploration bias is unavoidable An independent audit of ex
suggested by the geochemical interpretation_________________ ploration procedures may be needed.
sediment patterns can be followed-up with more detailed sediment sampling to pinpoint
source areas in greater detail. Follow-up sampling of seepage areas is particularly
effective in delimiting anomalous ground water sources containing metal derived from
oxidizing mineralization. If appropriate, soil sampling can then be used to define sub
outcropping mineralization in the anomalous source areas defined by the sediment
It is important to always bear in mind that an anomaly may have multiple sources
so that the discovery of one source does not necessarily always provide the complete
answer. Many significant mineralized districts are characterized by widespread weak
mineralization, numerous small discrete occurrences as well as one or more orebodies.
Hoffman and Thomson (1987) have compiled a useful summary (Table 17.1) of
some common mistakes made in follow-up of geochemical soil anomalies as a result of
false assumptions or interpretation errors. This table, which is fairly self explanatory, also
has some relevance to other types of geochemical sample media.
One of the final acts, and perhaps one of the most important, in any geochemical
exploration program sequence is report writing.
In addition to the main data and/or interpretation maps which are often located in
appendices, the main body of the report should include small scale compilation maps and
figures which clearly show the main features of the geochemical data (e.g. anomalies) as
well as relevant significant features (e.g. surficial and/or bedrock geology, geophysical
anomalies, etc.) derived from other disciplines.
The need for hard copy records of project data has already been alluded to in the
section on report writing. It is also advisable that full data records be maintained in
readily accessible computer databases. This will simplify project data review and
potentially useful data access in future programs.
All too often samples are discarded on completion of projects. Long term this can
prove extremely wasteful, as new concepts, techniques, etc., often encourage re
examination of previously surveyed areas. Re-sampling, especially in remote areas,
and/or in large reconnaissance areas, and/or in areas now disturbed by deposit
development can be an expensive if not impossible task. Existing samples can
sometimes play a useful role in such cases, especially in the initial phase of a new project.
Centralized storage of geochemical samples is a fairly expensive process to initiate and
maintain, but can prove economic over the long term.
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