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This section provides activities on volcanoes. Specifically, you will learn the types of
volcanoes, eruptive styles, factors that affect eruptive styles, and energy from volcano. Refer
your answer on page 166-180 of Science 9 Learner's Module.

I. Complete each statement.

Types of Volcanoes

1. __________________ monitors the volcanic and seismic activities in the Philippines.

2. __________________ are those that have a record eruption within the last 600 years.

3. ___________________are those that have not erupted for the last 10 000 years.

4. There are ____________ active volcanoes in the Philippines.

5. The most active volcano in the Philippines is _________________.

6. The five examples of inactive volcanoes in the Philippines are __________________,

_______________________, ____________________, ___________________, and

Temperature and Pressure inside the Volcano

7. Magma inside the volcano has __________ temperature.

8. The magma goes ________ as it is continuously heated.

9. Gas bubbles are _____________ as it rises.

10. There is a gradual in______________________ when the bubbles are trapped and

11. ______________ occurs when the pressure exceeds the strength of the overlying rock.

12. Breakage leads to a further drop in confining _______________.

13. The ejected materials by the volcano are _________________, ________________,

_________________, _________________ and ________________.

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Volcanic Landforms and Eruptive Styles

14. The general volcanic types according to the shape of their cones are ______________,
________________, and _______________.

15. A ____________ is a funnel-shaped opening at a top of a volcano.

16. A ______________ is formed when a part of the wall collapses following an explosive

17. Mayon Volcano has ___________ crater while Taal Volcano has _______ craters.

18. __________________ is the property of the material's ability to resist the flow.

19. The factors that affect the eruptive styles of volcanoes are _________________,
_____________________, and __________________________.

20. There is __________________ viscosity if there is thicker and more viscous material.

21. The viscosity of the magma ________________ with temperature.

22. There is __________ viscosity if there is a higher temperature of the magma.

23. Magmas with ____________ silica content are more viscous than those with low silica

24. There is a ____________ viscosity if there is greater amount of dissolved gases in


Energy from Volcano

25. The Philippines ranks ____________ in the world's production of geothermal energy.

26. The _____________________________ is responsible for preparing, integrating,

coordinating, supervising and controlling all plans, programs, projects and activities
of the government relative to the energy exploration, development, utilization,
distribution and conservation.
27. ____________ of the country's total power generation is produced by geothermal

28. Geothermal energy is generated in two ways: ______________________ and


Volcanoes Page 73

29. The geothermal power plants in the Philippines are found in _______________,
_____________________, _______________, ___________________, _________________,
____________________, and ____________________.

Effects of Volcanic Eruptions to Society

30. One of the longest volcanic eruptions happened in ____________ when

_______________ volcano erupted.

31. When the Pinatubo volcano erupted, there is a ___________ in Earth's surface
temperature in two years. Also, it has created spectacular _____________ in its wake.

32. The eruption of Musuan volcano in Bukidnon has produced __________ soils for

II. Column A presents the different classification of volcanoes while Column B, the names of
volcanoes. Match A to B to show the example of each classification. Correct answers can be
repeated. Write the letter of the correct answer

______1. Plinian a. Urot Volcano
______2. Strombolian b. Mayon Volcano
______3. Phreatic c. Paricutin Volcano
______4. Vulcanian d. Mount Usu
______5. Phreatomagmatic e. Taal Volcano
______6.Shield volcano f. Irazu Volcano
______7. Cinder volcano g. Mauna Loa Volcano
______8. Composite volcano h. Pinatubo Volcano
______9. Active volcano
______10. Inactive volcano

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III. Crossword puzzle

Across Down
3. Stratovolcanoes , nearly perfect sloped
1. Tall eruption columns that reach 20 km high
5. Violent reaction due to the contact between 2. Stream-driven eruption as the hot rocks
water and magma come in contact with water
6. Formed by accumulation of lava 4. Heat energy coming from the Earth's interior
5.Explosive type of eruption of gas and
7. Material ejected by volcanoes
6. Periodic weak to violent eruption
8. Have steep slope and wide crater
characterized by fountain lava

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Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Look at the picture of Mauna Loa Volcano. What type of volcano is this?

a. Shield b. Composite
B. Why do you think so?
a. It ejects lava of high viscosity. c. It ejects lava of low temperature.
b. It ejects lava of low viscosity. d. It ejects lava of high temperature.

2. Look at the picture of the eruption of Pinatubo Volcano in 1991. Which eruptive style
does it exhibit?

a. Vulcanian b. Plinian
B. Why do you think so?
a. It ejects fountain lava.
b. It ejects tall eruption column.
c. Eruption occurs due to the contact between water and magma.
d. It ejects of explosive gas and pyroclastics.

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3. Which of the following is inactive volcano?

A. Mayon Volcano B. Tamburok Volcano

B. Why do you think so?

a. It erupted 49 times. c. It erupted once.

b. It erupted 33 times d. It has no record of eruption.

4. Which of the following conditions will increase the flow of magma?

a. No dissolved gases b. Gases dissolved in magma

B. Why do you think so?

a. Magma particles get intact to each other.

b. Gases make more spaces inside the magma.
c. Hot gases make magma more viscous.
d. Cold gases make magma more viscous.

5. Which of the following source of energy is cheaper in producing electricity?

a. Geothermal Power Plant b. Coal Power Plant

B. Why do you think so?

a. Heat energy from Earth's interior is renewable source of energy.

b. Coal from the environment is renewable source of energy.

c. Heat energy from the Earth's interior is nonrenewable source of energy.

d. Coal from the environment is nonrenewable source of energy.

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