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Esterification of Betulin with ω-Bromoalkanoic Acids

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ISSN 1070-4280, Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 1318–1323. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2015.
Original Russian Text © O.V. Tsepaeva, A.V. Nemtarev, L.R. Grigor’eva, A.D. Voloshina, V.F. Mironov, 2015, published in Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii,
2015, Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 1343–1348.

Dedicated to Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

N.S. Zefirov on his 80th anniversary

Esterification of Betulin with ω-Bromoalkanoic Acids

O. V. Tsepaevaa, A. V. Nemtareva, b, L. R. Grigor’evab, A. D. Voloshinaa, and V. F. Mironova, b
Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Arbuzova 8, Kazan, 420088 Tatarstan, Russia
e-mail: [email protected]
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, ul. Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan, 420008 Tatarstan, Russia

Received July 4, 2015

Abstract—New C3- and C28-functionalized derivatives of the lupane triterpenoid betulin have been synthesized
by esterification with ω-bromoalkanoic acids, and preliminary biological screening of the obtained compounds
has been performed.

DOI: 10.1134/S1070428015090195

Betulin [1, lup-20(29)-ene-3β,28-diol] is a penta- hydroxy compounds, including betulin, betulinic acid,
cyclic lupane triterpenoid that is the main component and their derivatives, have been developed [28, 35,
of extractable substances from the bark of different 36]. However, lability of the pentacyclic triterpene
birch species. Its concentration in the birch bark system in acid medium and steric shielding of the
amounts to 10–35%. Betulin occurs not only in birch hydroxy groups in the betulin molecule necessitate
but also in some other plants [1–3] growing on dif- the use of most selective and simultaneously mild
ferent continents. Several betulin derivatives, such as esterification procedures. One of such procedures is
betulinic and betulonic acids, 3-O-sulfates [4], Steglich esterification which implies reaction of car-
28-O-glycosides, and esters with nicotinic and caffeic boxylic acids with alcohols in the presence of 4-di-
acids [5, 6], have been isolated from plant sources. methylaminopyridine (DMAP) and N,N′-dicyclohexyl-
Therapeutic properties of birch bark extracts have long carbodiimide (DCC) [37]. Our experiments revealed
been known [7]. Numerous studies on the biological high selectivity of this method in the synthesis of
activity of betulin and its derivatives have been monoesters 2a–2c from equimolar amounts of betulin
reviewed in [8–12]. Antibacterial activity of triter- and ω-bromoalkanoic acids (Scheme 1). In this case,
penoids against gram-positive and gram-negative bac- only the primary hydroxy group on C28 was involved,
teria was reported in [13]. In the past decades, a large while the 3-OH group remained intact. The yield of
number of mono- and diesters derived from betulin and 2a–2c depended on the length of the carbon chain in
betulinic acid have been described [14–27] and shown the acid and was 80–85% in the reactions with
to exhibit anti-HIV [28–30], immunomodulatory 4-bromobutanoic and 5-bromopentanoic acids and
[31, 32], hepatoprotective [33], anti-inflammatory, and 45% for 3-bromopropanoic acid. The products were
antiulcer activity. The results of recent studies showed purified by column chromatography on silica gel. Ester
that 28-O-(chloroacetyl)betulin is more cytotoxic than 2a with 3-bromopropanoic acid forms a stable com-
betulinic acid against MCF-7 tumor cells [34]. It was plex which can be decomposed only by repeated re-
found that the antitumor effect of betulin derivatives crystallization from ethanol, as clearly followed from
originates from induction of tumor cell apoptosis. the 1H NMR data.
In the present article we describe the synthesis of The structure of 2a–2c was proved by 1H and 13C
new C3- and C28-functionalized betulin derivatives via NMR spectroscopy. Comparison of the 1H NMR spec-
esterification with ω-bromoalkanoic acids, and the ob- tra of 2a–2c and betulin revealed an appreciable down-
tained compounds were tested for biological activity. field shift of the C28H2 proton signals (AX spin system)
Up to now, numerous methods for esterification of as a result of introduction of an acyl group (see figure).

Scheme 1.
30 20
Me 19 21 Me

12 18 22 Br
13 Br(CH2)nC(O)OH
25 11 26 17 OH O ( )n
14 16 28
1 9
2 10 8 O
3 5 7
Me 15 Me
4 6 27
23 24
Me Me Me Me
1 2a–2c

n = 2 (a), 3 (b), 4 (c).

The position of the 3-H signal changes only slightly in gave only the 28-monoester, whereas no expected bis-
going from betulin to esters 2a–2c, which reliably con- ester 3a was formed. The structure of 3b and 3c was
firmed acylation of only the 28-OH group. confirmed by IR and 1H NMR spectra. In the 1H NMR
The 13C–{1H} and 13C NMR spectra of 2a–2c were spectra of 3b and 3c, the 3-H and 28-H signals were
analyzed on the basis of the data for betulin (1) and displaced downfield, indicating esterification of the
initial bromoalkanoic acids with account taken of corresponding hydroxy groups (see figure).
signal multiplicity. Compounds 2a–2c displayed well Esters 2a–2c were tested for antimicrobial (bac-
resolved 13C–{1H} NMR spectra which contained only teriostatic and fungistatic) activity in vitro in the
one set of signals belonging to the lupane skeleton and concentration range from 500 to 0.97 μg/mL. As test
substituent on C 28 . In the upfield region (δ C 32– cultures we used gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus
34 ppm) we observed signals from the CH2Br and ATCC 209p and Bacillus cereus ATCC 8035, gram-
C(O)CH 2 groups, and sp 2 -carbon atoms of the negative Escherichia coli CDC F-50 and Pseudomonas
OC(O) and CH2=C fragments resonated in a weak field aeruginosa ATCC 9027, and fungi Aspergillus niger
(δC 172–173 and 110 ppm, respectively). Esters 2a–2c BKMF-1119, Trichophyton mentagrophytes var.
showed in the IR spectra a strong broadened absorp- gypseum 1773, and Candida albicans 855-653. The
tion band centered at 3350–3420 cm–1 due to stretching activity of 2a–2c was evaluated by the serial dilution
vibrations of the hydroxy group, a strong absorption method in a liquid nutrient medium according to
band at ~1735 cm–1 due to stretching vibrations of the standard procedures [38, 39]. No antimicrobial activity
ester carbonyl group, and bands in the regions 1660– was found for 2a–2c at the given concentrations.
1630 (C=C) and 1230–1250 cm–1 (C–O–C).
Esterification of betulin with ω-bromoalkanoic EXPERIMENTAL
acids at a ratio of 1 : 2 afforded bis-esters 3b and 3c
only with 4-bromobutanoic and 5-bromopentanoic The 1 H, 13 C, and 13 C–{ 1 H} NMR spectra were
acids (yield 60 and 70%, respectively; Scheme 2). The recorded on a Bruker Avance 500 spectrometer at
reaction of 1 with 2 equiv of 3-bromopropanoic acid 500 MHz for 1H and 125.75 MHz for 13C using CDCl3
Scheme 2.

2 Br(CH2)nC(O)OH O ( )n
1 2a–2c +
( )n O
Me Me
3b, 3c

n = 3 (b), 4 (c).


1320 TSEPAEVA et al.

CH2Br (a)


28-HA 3-H
29-HB 29-HA 28-HX 19-H

29-HB 29-HA
28-HA (b)
28-HX 3-H


29-HB 29-HA 3-H 28-HX


δ, ppm
Fragments of the H NMR spectra (500 MHz, CDCl3) of (a) compound 2c, (b) betulin, and (c) compound 3c.

as solvent. The IR spectra were measured in KBr on C30H3), 2.45 m (1H, 19-H, 3J = 10.9, 5.8), 2.96 t [2H,
a Bruker Vector-22 spectrometer with Fourier trans- C(O)CH2, 3J = 6.8], 3.20 m (1H, 3-H, 3J = 11.0, 5.0),
form. The MALDI mass spectra were obtained on 3.60 t (2H, CH2Br, 3J = 7.0), 3.90 d (1H, 28-HA, 2J =
a Bruker MALDI-TOF Ultraflex III instrument using 11.0), 4.35 d (1H, 28-HX, 2J = 11.0), 4.61 (1H, 29-HA),
2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid as matrix. 4.71 (1H, 29-H B ). 13 C NMR spectrum, δ C , ppm
3β-Hydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-yl 3-bromopropa- (JCH, Hz): 14.79 m (C27, 1J = 124.2), 15.36 m (C24, 1J =
noate (2a). A mixture of 0.88 g (2.0 mmol) of betulin, 124.9), 16.04 br.q (C26, overlapped by the C25 signal),
0.33 g (2.1 mmol) of 3-bromopropionic acid, 0.43 g 16.09 br.q (C 25 , overlapped by the C 26 signal),
(2.1 mmol) of DCC, and 0.04 g of DMAP in 12 mL of 18.29 br.t (C6, 1J = 129.4), 19.15 m (C30, 1J = 125.0),
methylene chloride was stirred for 24 h at room tem- 20.80 br.t (C11, 1J = 120.8), 25.24 br.t (C12, 1J = 121.9),
perature. The precipitate was filtered off, the solvent 25.46 t.t [OC(O)CH 2 , 1 J = 154.4, 2 J = 4.7–5.0],
was distilled off from the filtrate, and the residue was 27.06 br.t (C15, 1J = 126.2), 27.42 br.t (C2, 1J = 127.2),
purified by silica gel column chromatography (CHCl3– 28.00 br.q (C23, 1J = 127.2), 29.59 br.t (C16, 1J =
EtOH, 100 : 0.2) followed by recrystallization from 129.7), 29.79 br.t (C21, 1J = 128.5), 34.21 br.t (C22, 1J =
ethanol. Yield 0.52 g (45%), mp 73–75°C. IR spec- 125.6), 34.57 br.t (C7, 1J = 128.3), 37.17 br.s (C10),
trum, ν, cm–1: 3356, 3070, 2940, 2868, 1735 (C=O), 37.41 br.t (CH2Br, 1J = 131.0), 37.66 br.d (C13,
1658 (C=C), 1453, 1389, 1262, 1233 (C–O–C), 1189, overlapped by the C10 signal), 38.74 br.t (C1, 1J =
1130, 1044, 1015, 982. 1 H NMR spectrum, δ, ppm 124.7), 38.87 br.s (C4), 40.91 br.s (C8), 42.72 br.s (C14),
(J, Hz): 0.78 s, 0.84 s, 0.98 s, 0.99 s, and 1.05 s (3H 46.44 br.s (C17), 47.71 br.d (C18, 1J = 125.2), 48.84 br.d
each, C23H3, C24H3, C25H3, C26H3, C27H3); 1.70 s (3H, (C19, 1J = 125.1), 50.40 br.d (C9, 1J = 123.8), 55.33 br.d



(C5, 1J = 117.2), 63.43 br.t (C28, 1J = 144.0), 78.98 br.d perature (TLC). The precipitate was filtered off, the
(C 3 , 1 J = 1 4 2 . 6 ) , 1 0 9 . 9 0 m ( C 2 9 , 1 J = 154.2 ), filtrate was evaporated, and the residue was purified by
150.04 br.s (C20), 170.86 br.s (C=O). Mass spectrum: column chromatography on silica gel (CHCl3–EtOH,
m/z 619.0 [M + K]+. C33H52BrO3. Calculated: M 579.98. 100 : 1). Yield 1.0 g (85%), mp 112–115°C. IR spec-
3β-Hydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-yl 4-bromobutano- trum, ν, cm–1: 3438, 2940, 2869, 1733 (C=O), 1628
(C=C), 1454, 1389, 1250 (C–O–C), 1193, 1044, 983.
ate (2b). A mixture of 0.88 g (2.0 mmol) of betulin, 1
H NMR spectrum, δ, ppm (J, Hz): 0.78 s, 0.84 s,
0.35 g (2.1 mmol) of 4-bromobutanoic acid, 0.43 g
0.98 s, 0.99 s, and 1.05 s (3H each, C23H3, C24H3,
(2.1 mmol) of DCC, and 0.04 g of DMAP in 12 mL of
C25H3, C26H3, C27H3); 1.70 s (3H, C30H3), 1.80 m (2H,
methylene chloride was stirred for 24 h at room tem-
CH2, 3J = 7.0), 1.92 m (2H, CH2, 3J = 6.9), 2.39 [2H,
perature, the progress of the reaction being monitored
C(O)CH2, 3J = 7.3], 2.45 m (1H, 19-H, 3J = 11.0, 5.7),
by TLC. The precipitate was filtered off, the filtrate
3.19 (1H, 3-H, 3J = 11.1, 5.0), 3.43 (2H, CH2Br, 3J =
was evaporated, and the residue was purified by
6.5), 3.87 d (1H, 28-HA, 2J = 11.0), 4.27 d (1H, 28-HX,
column chromatography on silica gel (CHCl3–EtOH, 2
J = 11.0), 4.60 (1H, 29-H A ), 4.70 (1H, 29-H B ).
100 : 1). Yield 0.95 g (80%), mp 85–87°C. IR spec- 13
C NMR spectrum, δC, ppm (JCH, Hz): 14.78 m (C27,
trum, ν, cm–1: 3419, 3071, 2942, 2869, 1733 (C=O), 1
J = 124.3), 15.35 m (C24, 1J = 124.5), 16.05 br.q (C26,
1641 (C=C), 1455, 1389, 1249, 1200 (C–O–C), 1130,
overlapped by the C25 signal), 16.09 br.q (C25, over-
1033, 983. 1H NMR spectrum, δ, ppm (J, Hz): 0.77 s, lapped by the C26 signal), 18.29 br.t (C6, 1J = 124.0),
0.83 s, 0.98 s, 0.99 s, and 1.04 s (3H each, C23H3, 19.15 m (C30, 1J = 125.4), 20.81 br.t (C11, partially
C 24 H 3 , C 25 H 3 , C 26 H 3 , C 27 H 3 ); 1.69 s (3H, C 30 H 3 ), o v e r l a p p e d b y t h e C 3 0 s i g n a l ) , 2 3 . 6 0 b r. q
2.20 m (2H, CH2, 3J = 6.9), 2.45 m (1H, 19-H, 3J = [OC(O)CH2CH2, 1J = 129.1], 25.23 br.t (C12, 1J =
10.7, 5.6), 2.54 t [2H, C(O)CH2, 3J = 7.2], 3.20 (1H, 122.1), 27.09 br.t (C15, 1J = 122.5), 27.42 br.t (C2, 1J =
3-H, 3J = 11.0, 5.0), 3.48 (2H, CH2Br, 3J = 6.5), 3.88 d 124.2), 27.99 br.q (C23, 1J = 124.3), 29.63 m (C16),
(1H, 28-HA, 2J = 11), 4.31 d (1H, 28-HX, 2J = 11), 4.60 29.85 m (C 21 ), 32.06 m (CH 2 CH 2 Br), 32.92 m
(1H, 29-HA), 4.70 (1H, 29-HB). 13C NMR spectrum, δC, [OC(O)CH2], 33.45 br.t (CH2Br, 1J = 128.0), 34.22 br.t
ppm (JCH, Hz): 14.79 m (C27, 1J = 124.0), 15.35 m (C22, 1J = 126.1), 34.60 br.t (C7, 1J = 128.8), 37.17 br.s
(C24, 1J = 124.7), 16.04 br.q (C26, overlapped by the (C10), 37.62 br.d (C13, overlapped by the C10 signal),
C25 signal), 16.09 br.q (C25, overlapped by the C26 38.74 br.t (C1, 1J = 26.1), 38.87 br.s (C4), 40.91 br.s
signal), 18.29 br.t (C6, 1J = 123.4), 19.15 m (C30, 1J = (C8), 42.73 br.s (C14), 46.42 br.s (C17), 47.71 br.d (C18,
125.4), 20.80 br.t (C11, partially overlapped by the C6 partially overlapped by the C19 signal), 48.84 br.d (C19,
signal), 25.23 br.t (C12, 1J = 122.4), 27.08 br.t (C15, partially overlapped by the C18 signal), 50.40 br.d (C9,
J = 125.9), 27.42 br.t (C 2 , 1 J = 125.1), 27.83 m 1
J = 122.1), 55.33 br.d (C5, 1J = 118.5), 62.80 br.t (C28,
(CH2CH2Br, 1J = 130.5), 27.99 br.q (C23, 1J = 124.0), 1
J = 146.7), 78.98 br.d (C3, 1J = 142.0), 109.85 m (C29,
29.62 br.t (C16, 1J = 128.4), 29.83 br.t (C21, 1J = 128.5), 1
J = 154.1), 150.10 br.s (C 20 ), 173.51 br.s (C=O).
32.65 br.t [OC(O)CH2, 1J = 128.4], 32.70 m (CH2Br, Found, %: C 68.8; H 8.9; Br 12.1. C35H56BrO3. Calcu-
J = 127.3), 34.22 br.t (C22, 1J = 126.0), 34.58 br.t (C7, lated, %: C 69.5; H 9.2; Br 13.2.
J = 128.8), 37.17 br.s (C10), 37.63 br.d (C13, over-
Lup-20(29)-ene-3β,28-diyl bis(4-bromobutano-
lapped by the C10 signal), 38.74 br.t (C1, 1J = 125.4),
ate) (3b). A mixture of 0.88 g (2.0 mmol) of betulin,
38.87 br.s (C4), 40.91 br.s (C8), 42.72 br.s (C14), 0.70 g (4.2 mmol) of 4-bromobutanoic acid, 0.86 g
46.43 br.s (C17), 47.80 br.d (C18, 1J = 124.0), 48.83 br.d (4.2 mmol) of DCC, and 0.08 g of DMAP in 12 mL of
(C19, 1J = 124.6), 50.40 br.d (C9, 1J = 122.5), 55.33 br.d methylene chloride was stirred for 24 h at room tem-
(C5, 1J = 119.9), 62.96 br.t (C28, 1J = 145.3), 78.97 br.d perature (TLC). The precipitate was filtered off, the
(C 3 , 1 J = 1 4 1 . 2 ) , 1 0 9 . 8 7 m ( C 2 9 , 1 J = 154.8 ), filtrate was evaporated, and the residue was purified by
150.07 br.s (C 20 ), 172.91 br.s (C=O). Found, %: column chromatography on silica gel (CHCl3–EtOH,
C 67.6; H 8.9; Br 11.6. C34H54BrO3. Calculated, %: 100 : 1). Yield 0.89 g (60%), mp 58–60°C. IR spec-
C 69.1; H 9.1; Br 13.5. trum, ν, cm–1: 2946, 2871, 1731 (C=O), 1641 (C=C),
3β-Hydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-yl 5-bromopenta- 1455, 1391, 1376, 1307, 1281, 1251 (C–O–C), 1202,
noate (2c). A mixture of 0.88 g (2.0 mmol) of betulin, 1176, 1129, 1008, 980. 1 H NMR spectrum, δ, ppm
0.38 g (2.1 mmol) of 5-bromopentanoic acid, 0.43 g (J, Hz): 0.86 s, 0.87 s, 0.99 s, and 1.06 s (15H, C23H3,
(2.1 mmol) of DCC, and 0.04 g of DMAP in 12 mL of C 24 H 3 , C 25 H 3 , C 26 H 3 , C 27 H 3 ); 1.70 s (3H, C 30 H 3 ),
methylene chloride was stirred for 24 h at room tem- 1.82 m (2H, CH 2 , 3 J = 7.2), 1.93 m (2H, CH 2 , 3 J =


1322 TSEPAEVA et al.

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