Ab-313 - 2 - en Metrom

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Application Bulletin 313/2 e

Analysis of Bayer Aluminate Liquors by thermometric titration

Branch Electrodes
Metals, electroplating Thermoprobe HF 6.9011.040

Keywords Reagents
Titration; Titrotherm; TET; total caustic; total soda; alumina;  Hydrochloric acid, conc., HCl, >37%
carbonate; Bayer Liquors; branch 10  Potassium sodium tartrate, KNaC4H4O6
 Potassium fluoride, KF
This Application Bulletin describes the analysis of the total Solutions
caustic, total soda, and alumina in Bayer Aluminate Liquors
Titrant c(HCl) = 1.5 mol/L
using thermometric titration. Total caustic is defined as the
total hydroxyl content of the liquor comprising unassociated 147.8 g conc. HCl is weighed into
hydroxyl ions, and one hydroxyl of the four in the aluminate a 1 L volumetric flask containing
Al(OH)4 anion. Total soda is defined as the sum of the total 500 mL deion. H2O. After cooling
caustic content plus the carbonate content of the liquor. down to room temperature, the
flask is filled up to the mark with
The method described in this bulletin is based on the
deion. H2O.
procedure originally developed by Watts and Utley, and
modified for use in thermometric titration by Van Dalen and Complexing solution Nearly saturated solution of
1 potassium sodium tartrate,
Ward. It is arguably the fastest and most reliable
determination for the analysis of Bayer Process liquor. β(KNaC4H4O6) = approx. 614 g/L.
This highly concentrated
An aliquot of alumina refinery sodium aluminate liquor is
complexing solution has been
treated with sodium potassium tartrate solution to complex
found to be quite stable when
aluminate and release one mole hydroxyl for each mole
stored in conditions above 22 °C,
aluminate present. The total hydroxyl content of the liquor
however, if stored at lower
(total caustic) and the carbonate (total soda) content are
temperatures it should be
determined by titration with standard hydrochloric acid.
periodically checked for signs of
A second titration is carried out sequentially to the first to crystallization.
determine the aluminate content (as “alumina”) immediately
Complexing solution Nearly saturated solution of
thereafter. This second titration is preceded by the addition
2 potassium fluoride, β(KF)
of potassium fluoride solution, which destroys the
= approx. 620 g/L.
aluminotartrate complex, forming an insoluble potassium
This highly concentrated
sodium aluminum fluoride and releasing three moles of
complexing solution has been
hydroxyl for each mole of aluminate. This hydroxyl content
found to be quite stable when
is determined again by the standard hydrochloric acid titrant.
stored in conditions above 22 °C,
The entire two-titration sequence can be carried out however, if stored at lower
automatically. temperatures it should be
periodically checked for signs of
 Thermometric Titrator
 Rod stirrer
 10 mL buret

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Application Bulletin 313/2 e
Analysis of Bayer Aluminate Liquors by thermometric titration

Standard For the normal range of Bayer process liquors from alumina
TRIS TRIS is dried over night in a drying refineries, an aliquot size should be chosen to give a titrant
oven at 105 °C and allowed to consumption of up to 5 – 6 mL of c(HCl) = 1 mol/L.
cool down in a desiccator for at In the case of very dilute liquors (e.g., last washer overflow
least 1 h. or red mud filtrate) an aliquot of up to 25 mL of undiluted
liquor can be taken.

Sample preparation
Strong digestion feed liquor is diluted previous to the Parameters
titration with deion. H2O. Each aliquot should be prepared Titer
only a few minutes prior to the titration, due to risk of
Stirring rate 10
absorption of atmospheric CO2.
Dosing rate 4 mL/min
Filter factor 40
Damping until 0.5 mL
Titer Stop slope < 0.15 °C/mL
0.5 – 1.2 g dried TRIS is weighed accurately into the titration Stop slope active after 0.5 mL
vessel. 30 mL of deion. H2O is added. After the TRIS has Additional volume after stop 0.75 mL
been dissolved the solution is titrated with c(HCl) =
Evaluation start 0.5 mL
1.5 mol/L until after the first exothermic endpoint.
Reaction type Exothermic
At least 4 different initial weights of TRIS are titrated in an
EP criterion -50
ascending order.

Blank Blank and Sample (Total caustic and total soda)

An appropriate amount of sample is pipetted into a titration Stirring rate 12

vessel. The sample is then diluted to 25 mL with deionized Dosing rate 4 mL/min
water and 10 mL complexing solution 1 (potassium sodium Filter factor 40
tartrate) is added. After a pause of 10 s the solution is
Damping until 1 mL
titrated with c(HCl) = 1 mol/L until after the second
Stop slope <-0.12 °C/mL
exothermic endpoint.
Stop slope active after 1.0 mL
To the titrated solution 10 mL of complexing solution 2 (KF)
is added and after another pause of 20 s the solution is Additional volume after stop 1.0 mL
titrated again with c(HCl) = 1 mol/L until after the first Evaluation start 1 mL
exothermic endpoint. Reaction type 1 Exothermic
At least 4 different aliquots of the sample are titrated in an EP criterion 1 -70
ascending order. Reaction type 2 Exothermic
Sample EP criterion 2 -50
An appropriate amount of sample (see below) is pipetted Blank and Sample (Aluminate)
into a titration vessel. The sample is then diluted to 25 mL
Stirring rate 15
with deionized water and 10 mL complexing solution 1
(potassium sodium tartrate) is added. After a pause of 10 s Dosing rate 4 mL/min
the solution is titrated with c(HCl) = 1 mol/L until after the Filter factor 35
second exothermic endpoint (determination of total caustic Damping until 1 mL
and total soda content).
Stop slope < -0.05 °C/mL
To the titrated solution 10 mL of complexing solution 2 (KF) Stop slope active after 1.0 mL
is added and after another pause of 20 s the solution is
Additional volume after stop 0.5 mL
titrated again with c(HCl) = 1 mol/L until after the first
exothermic endpoint (determination of aluminate). Evaluation start 1 mL
Reaction type Exothermic
EP criterion -20

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Application Bulletin 313/2 e
Analysis of Bayer Aluminate Liquors by thermometric titration

Calculation VB, C: Method blank for the total caustic in mL

cHCl: Concentration of titrant in mol/L
For more details on the calculation of the titer and the blank
in tiamo please refer to the Application Note H-131. f: Titer of titrant
MA: Molecular weight of sodium oxide,
Titer 61.979 g/mol
A linear regression of the volume (mL) of titrant consumed VS: Sample size in mL
versus the different volumes of standard in g is evaluated by 2: Stoichiometric factor
tiamo . The titer is calculated from the slope.
(VEP2 - VB, S ) × cHCl × f × MA
Total soda =
1000 VS × 2
a × MStd × cHCl
Total soda: Total soda content as Na2O in g/L
f: Titer of the titrant VEP2: Titrant consumption until the second
exothermic endpoint in mL
1000: Conversion factor
VB, S: Method blank for the total soda in mL
a: Slope of the linear regression (mL/g)
cHCl: Concentration of titrant in mol/L
MStd: Molecular weight of TRIS, 121.14 g/mol
f: Titer of titrant
cHCl: Concentration of titrant in mol/L, here
1.5 mol/L MA: Molecular weight of sodium oxide,
61.979 g/mol
VS: Sample size in mL
Blank 2: Stoichiometric factor
A linear regression of the different sample volumes (mL)
against the volume (mL) of titrant consumed is evaluated by
tiamo . The method blank is defined as the intercept of the ((VEP1 - VB, Al ) + (VEnd, CS - VEP1, CS )) × cHCl × f × MA
Al2 O3 =
linear regression line with the y-axis. VS × 6
For the aluminate determination the consumed titrant
volume is calculated as follows: Al2O3: Aluminate content as Al2O3 in g/L
VEP1: Titrant consumption until the first exothermic
endpoint in mL of the second titration
VAl = VEP1, Al + (VEnd, CS - VEP1, CS ) VB, Al: Method blank for the aluminate in mL
VEnd, CS: Total volume of titrant used for the total
VAl: Total consumed titrant volume for the caustic and total soda determination
aluminate determination in mL VEP1, CS: Titrant volume consumed for the aluminate
VEP1, Al: Titrant volume consumed for the aluminate determination until the first endpoint in mL
determination until the first endpoint in mL cHCl: Concentration of titrant in mol/L
VEnd, CS: Total volume of titrant used for the total f: Titer of titrant
caustic and total soda determination MA: Molecular weight of aluminum oxide,
VEP1, CS: Titrant volume consumed for the aluminate 101.961 g/mol
determination until the first endpoint in mL VS: Sample size in mL
Sample 6: Stoichiometric factor
The calculation is given according to the European
convention, where the total caustic and total soda is Total caustic × MAl2O3
calculated in terms of sodium oxide. For the American Ratio =
Al2 O3 × MNa2 O
convention, where the results are expressed in terms of
sodium carbonate the molecular mass is replaced with
105.988 g/mol. Ratio: Molar ratio of sodium oxide to aluminum oxide
in mol/mol
Total caustic: Total caustic content as Na2O in g/L
(VEP1 - VB, C ) × cHCl × f × MA MAl2O3 : Molecular weight of aluminum oxide,
Total caustic =
VS × 2 101.961 g/mol
Al2O3: Aluminate content as Al2O3 in g/L
Total caustic: Total caustic content as Na2O in g/L MNa2 O : Molecular weight of sodium oxide,
VEP1: Titrant consumption until the first exothermic 61.979 g/mol
endpoint in mL of the first titration

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Application Bulletin 313/2 e
Analysis of Bayer Aluminate Liquors by thermometric titration

Example determination then it is necessary to determine titration blanks using a

typical sample and the adjusted amount of tartrate
 The Thermoprobe HF should be arranged in such a
way in the titration vessel that is only 1 mm above the
stirring propellers. The same is necessary for the buret
 Potassium sodium tartrate is preferred to sodium
gluconate as an aluminate complexant for thermometric
titrations as it gives better resolution of the bicarbonate
endpoint in the presence of hydroxyl.
 To prevent blockage of reagent delivery tubes, it is
recommended that a titration vessel filled with sufficient
water to cover the antidiffusion tips of the delivery tubes
and is attached between titration runs. The
Thermoprobe can be removed and stored dry at this
Fig 1: Titration curve of the total caustic and total soda time.
determination (blue = titration curve, red = ERC)
 In the first titration it is necessary to overshoot the
bicarbonate endpoint slightly, so that this endpoint is
properly resolved by the software. This leaves the
solution with a slight surfeit of acid, i.e., H ions. When
the potassium fluoride is added, some of the liberated
- +
OH ions are consumed in neutralizing these free H
ions. Not only do the liberated hydroxyl ions react with
any free H , they also react with any bicarbonate ions,
HCO3 which have been formed in the Total
Caustic/Total Soda titration Thus the volume of c(HCl) =
1mol/L which may be taken to be “overshot” in the first
titration maybe computed by subtracting the total
caustic endpoint volume from the total volume of
c(HCl) = 1 mol/L used (see Calculation).

 Watts H. L., Utley. D. W.: Sodium Gluconate as
Fig. 2: Titration curve of the aluminate determination (blue =
Complexing Agent in Volumetric Analysis of Aluminum
titration curve, red = ERC)
Compounds, Anal. Chem., (1956) 28, 11, 1731
 Van Dalen E., Ward L. G., Thermometric titration
Comments determination of hydroxide and alumina in Bayer
 The herein described application parameters may need process solutions, Anal. Chem., (1973) 45, 13, 2248
to be modified depending on the sample.  AN H-131
 For highly concentrated liquors with low [Na2O]/[Al2O3] Determination of titer and method blank for
molar ratios (or high A/C ratios), it might be necessary thermometric titrations using tiamo
to reduce the effective aliquot size so that the titrant  Leaflet for Thermoprobe
consumption is 3–4 mL and increase the sodium 8.109.8055
potassium tartrate solution volume to 15 or even 20 mL
(in the case of synthetic sodium aluminate liquors). This
is to ensure the efficient complexation of all aluminate Author
present in the liquor with tartrate. Competence Center Titration
If it more than 10 mL of tartrate solution are necessary, Metrohm International Headquarters

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