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Index to Tables

Table Description

Table 1 Legal abortions: resident status and purchaser, 1968 to 2011

Table 2 Legal abortions: age by (i) purchaser, (ii) statutory grounds, (iii) gestation weeks,
(iv) procedure, (v) marital status, (vi) ethnicity, (vii) parity, (viii) previous miscarriages,
(ix) previous abortions, (x) chlamydia screening, residents of England and Wales, 2011

Table 3a Legal abortions: by (i) purchaser, (ii) statutory grounds, (iii) gestation weeks,
(iv) procedure, (v) marital status, (vi) ethnicity, (vii) parity, (viii) previous miscarriages,
(ix) previous abortions, (x) chlamydia screening, residents of England and Wales, 2001 to 2011

Table 3b Legal abortions: totals, rates and percentages by age group, residents of England and Wales,
2001 to 2011

Table 4a Legal abortions: by age, residents of England and Wales, 2011

Table 4b Legal abortions: number of previous abortions by age, residents of England and Wales, 2011

Table 5 Legal abortions: gestation weeks by purchaser and method of abortion, residents of England
and Wales, 2011

Table 6 Legal abortions: gestation weeks by age and purchaser, residents of England and Wales, 2011

Table 7a Legal abortions: procedure by gestation weeks, residents of England and Wales, 2011

Table 7b Legal abortions: grounds by gestation weeks, residents of England and Wales, 2011

Table 8 Legal abortions: complication rates by procedure and gestation weeks, residents of England
and Wales, 2011

Table 9 Legal abortions: principal medical condition for abortions performed under ground E, residents
of England and Wales, 2011

Table 10a Legal abortions: numbers by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local Health Board
(Wales) of residence, by age, 2011

Table 10b Legal abortions: rates by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local Health Board (Wales)
of residence, by age, 2011

Table 11 Legal abortions: purchaser, gestation, Sexual Health Indicator and repeat abortions,
by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, 2011

Table 12a Legal abortions: non residents of England & Wales by country of residence, 2011

Table 12b Legal abortions: non residents of England & Wales by (i) age, (ii) statutory grounds and
(iii) gestation, 2011

Table 12c Legal abortions: country of residence by age and gestation, 2011

Table 13 Legal abortions: countries of Great Britain by (i) age, (ii) gestation, (iii) procedure, (iv) parity,
(v) previous abortions, (vi) grounds and (vii) principal medical condition for abortions performed
under ground E, 2011

Table 1: Legal abortions: resident status and purchaser, 1968 to 2011
England and Wales, residents and non-residents

Year Total Residents Non-residents

Privately Rate per 1,000 women

NHS Funded Funded residents aged 15-44

Total NHS Independent Total

Hospital Sector2 ASR 3 Crude

1968 1 23,641 22,332 14,492 . 7,840 . . 1,309

1969 54,819 49,829 33,562 . 16,267 5.2 5.3 4,990
1970 86,565 75,962 47,370 . 28,592 8.0 8.1 10,603

1971 126,777 94,570 53,455 . 41,115 9.9 10.1 32,207

1972 159,884 108,565 56,861 . 51,704 11.3 11.5 51,319
1973 167,149 110,568 55,456 . 55,112 11.4 11.7 56,581
1974 162,940 109,445 56,076 . 53,369 11.2 11.5 53,495
1975 139,702 106,224 50,941 . 55,283 10.8 11.1 33,478

1976 129,673 101,912 50,569 . 51,343 10.2 10.5 27,761

1977 133,004 102,677 52,530 . 50,147 10.1 10.5 30,327
1978 141,558 111,851 55,040 . 56,811 10.9 11.3 29,707
1979 149,746 120,611 55,558 . 65,053 11.5 12.0 29,135
1980 160,903 128,927 60,594 . 68,333 12.1 12.6 31,976

1981 162,480 128,581 61,103 2,343 65,135 11.9 12.4 33,899

1982 163,045 128,553 62,409 4,425 61,719 11.8 12.3 34,492
1983 162,161 127,375 62,609 4,614 60,152 11.5 12.1 34,786
1984 169,993 136,388 64,823 4,912 66,653 12.2 12.8 33,605
1985 171,873 141,101 65,176 5,929 69,996 12.5 13.1 30,772

1986 172,286 147,619 67,451 6,819 73,349 13.0 13.5 24,667

1987 174,276 156,191 69,442 8,041 78,708 13.7 14.2 18,085
1988 183,798 168,298 69,103 9,357 89,838 14.8 15.3 15,500
1989 183,974 170,463 70,722 9,200 90,541 15.1 15.5 13,511
1990 186,912 173,900 73,517 9,582 90,801 15.5 15.8 13,012

1991 179,522 167,376 75,172 9,197 83,007 15.0 15.2 12,146

1992 172,069 160,501 79,543 11,982 68,976 14.6 14.8 11,568
1993 168,714 157,846 84,071 14,835 58,940 14.5 14.7 10,868
1994 166,876 156,539 85,243 19,551 51,745 14.6 14.6 10,337
1995 163,638 154,315 84,478 24,363 45,474 14.5 14.4 9,323

1996 177,495 167,916 88,410 33,255 46,251 16.0 15.7 9,579

1997 179,746 170,145 86,414 37,472 46,259 16.3 15.9 9,601
1998 187,402 177,871 87,568 44,332 45,971 17.2 16.6 9,531
1999 183,250 173,701 84,992 43,266 45,443 16.8 16.2 9,549
2000 185,375 175,542 81,074 50,400 44,068 17.0 16.3 9,833

2001 186,274 176,364 76,166 58,445 41,753 17.1 16.3 9,910

2002 185,385 175,932 73,544 63,938 38,450 17.0 16.2 9,453
2003 190,660 181,582 75,791 69,133 36,658 17.5 16.6 9,078
2004 194,498 185,713 4 75,328 77,289 33,096 17.8 16.9 8,785
2005 194,353 186,416 74,744 82,518 29,154 17.8 17.0 7,937

2006 201,173 193,737 75,328 92,494 25,915 18.3 17.5 7,436

2007 205,598 198,499 75,518 100,195 22,786 18.6 17.9 7,099
2008 202,158 195,296 74,433 103,905 16,958 18.2 17.6 6,862
2009 195,743 189,100 71,477 106,161 11,462 17.5 17.0 6,643
2010 196,109 189,574 69,529 111,775 8,270 17.5 17.1 6,535
2011 196,082 189,931 66,470 116,582 6,879 17.5 17.2 6,151

1968 figures contain only 8 months data as the legislation came into effect on 27 April 1968.
The collection of information on independent sector commenced in 1981.
Rates for all women residents age-standardised to the European population for ages 15-44. See Annex A for further details.
Revised England and Wales total.
. Not applicable: see footnotes 1 and 2.
Table 2: Legal abortions: age by (i) purchaser, (ii) statutory grounds, (iii) gestation weeks, (iv) procedure, (v) marital status,
(vi) ethnicity, (vii) parity, (viii) previous miscarriages, (ix) previous abortions, (x) chlamydia screening, 2011

England and Wales, residents numbers and percentages

All ages Under 20 20-34 35 and over

no. % no. % no. % no. %

All legal abortions 189,931 100% 34,923 100% 127,809 100% 27,199 100%

(i) Purchaser 0% 0%
NHS Funded: NHS Hospital 66,470 35 13,556 39 44,146 35 8,768 32
NHS Funded: Independent Sector 116,582 61 20,987 60 79,020 62 16,575 61
Privately Funded 6,879 4 380 1 4,643 4 1,856 7
(ii) Statutory grounds
A (alone or with B, C or D) 45 0 3 0 26 0 16 0
B (alone) 102 0 14 0 62 0 26 0
B (with C or D) 48 0 3 0 39 0 6 0
C (alone) 185,973 98 34,699 99 125,252 98 26,022 96
D (alone, or with C) 1,455 1 99 0 1,067 1 289 1
E (alone or with A, B, C, or D) 2,307 1 105 0 1,362 1 840 3
F or G 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
(iii) Gestation weeks
3-9 147,636 78 25,332 73 100,581 79 21,723 80
10 - 12 25,540 13 5,617 16 16,728 13 3,195 12
13 -19 14,026 7 3,357 10 8,784 7 1,885 7
20 and over 2,729 1 617 2 1,716 1 396 1

(iv) Procedure
Surgical 100,190 53 18,307 52 66,502 52 15,381 57
Medical 89,741 47 16,616 48 61,307 48 11,818 43

(v) Marital status 1 0 0 0 0

Single no partner 46,790 26 10,810 33 32,001 26 3,979 15
Single with partner 88,667 49 19,374 59 60,734 50 8,559 33
Single not stated 10,171 6 2,493 8 6,871 6 807 3
Married/civil partnership 29,107 16 180 1 18,543 15 10,384 40
Separated/widowed/divorced 5,685 3 143 0 3,416 3 2,126 8
Not known & not stated 9,511 1,923 6,244 1,344

(vi) Ethnicity 1
White - British 121,238 67 26,600 81 78,218 65 16,420 64
White - Irish 912 1 109 0 622 1 181 1
White - Any other White background 13,766 8 1,054 3 10,419 9 2,293 9
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean 2,131 1 555 2 1,450 1 126 0
Mixed - White and Black African 958 1 214 1 664 1 80 0
Mixed - White and Asian 632 0 154 0 406 0 72 0
Mixed - Any Other 1,693 1 352 1 1,178 1 163 1
Asian or Asian British - Indian 6,840 4 366 1 5,385 4 1,089 4
Asian or Asian British - Pakistani 3,715 2 346 1 2,744 2 625 2
Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi 1,691 1 192 1 1,230 1 269 1
Asian - Any other Asian background 5,419 3 405 1 3,957 3 1,057 4
Black or Black British - Caribbean 4,878 3 866 3 3,291 3 721 3
Black or Black British - African 10,616 6 1,169 4 7,606 6 1,841 7
Black or Black British - Any other 905 1 151 0 642 1 112 0
Chinese 1,992 1 114 0 1,562 1 316 1
Any other ethnic group 2,300 1 194 1 1,639 1 467 2
Not known/not stated 10,245 2,082 6,796 1,367

(vii) Parity (number of previous pregnancies resulting in live or still birth)

0 93,269 49 30,724 88 58,643 46 3,902 14
1+ 96,662 51 4,199 12 69,166 54 23,297 86

(viii) Number of previous pregnancies resulting in spontaneous miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies
0 158,157 83 33,159 95 105,835 83 19,163 70
1+ 31,774 17 1,764 5 21,974 17 8,036 30

(ix) Number of previous pregnancies resulting in abortion under the Act

0 121,826 64 30,058 86 76,861 60 14,907 55
1+ 68,105 36 4,865 14 50,948 40 12,292 45

(x) Chlamydia screening

Offered 166,494 88 31,657 91 111,727 87 23,110 85
Not offered 23,437 12 3,266 9 16,082 13 4,089 15

Percentages exclude not known and not stated
Table 3a: Legal abortions: by (i) purchaser, (ii) statutory grounds, (iii) gestation weeks, (iv) procedure, (v) marital status,
(vi) ethnicity, (vii) parity, (viii) previous miscarriages, (ix) previous abortions, (x) chlamydia screening, 2001 to 2011

England and Wales, residents percentages

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

All legal abortions ( =100% ) 176,364 175,932 181,582 185,713 2 186,416 193,737 198,499 195,296 189,100 189,574 189,931

(i) Purchaser
NHS Funded: NHS Hospital 43 42 42 40 40 39 38 38 38 37 35
NHS Funded: Independent Sector 33 36 38 42 44 48 50 53 56 59 61
Privately Funded 24 22 20 18 16 13 11 9 6 4 4

(ii) Statutory grounds

A (alone or with B, C or D) or F or G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B (alone or with C or D) 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
C (alone) 93 94 94 95 96 97 98 98 97 98 98
D (alone, or with C) 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
E (alone or with A, B, C, or D) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

(iii) Gestation weeks

3-9 58 57 58 60 67 68 70 73 75 77 78
10 - 12 30 30 29 27 23 22 20 17 16 15 13
13 - 19 11 11 11 11 9 9 9 8 8 7 7
20 and over 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

(iv) Procedure
Vacuum aspiration 81 81 80 76 71 64 60 57 54 52 48
Dilatation and evacuation 6 4 3 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 5
Other surgical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
All surgical ###
87 ###
86 ###
83 ###
80 ###
76 ###
70 ###
65 ###
62 60 57 53

Antiprogesterone with or without

prostaglandin 12 14 16 19 24 30 34 37 40 43 47
Other medical agent 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
All medical ###
13 ###
14 ###
17 ###
20 ###
24 ###
30 ###
34 ###
37 ###
40 43 47

(v) Marital status 1

Single no partner . 25 35 31 33 32 31 29 29 26 26
Single with partner . 17 30 29 31 36 42 42 43 49 49
Single not stated . 32 11 17 15 12 8 9 11 6 6
Single (total) 76 75 76 77 79 80 81 81 82 81 81
Married/civil partnership 19 20 19 18 17 17 16 16 15 16 16
Separated 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Widowed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Divorced 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

(vi) Ethnicity 1
White . 75 76 75 74 75 75 76 76 76 76
Mixed . 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Asian or Asian British . 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 10
Black or Black British . 12 12 13 13 12 11 10 10 9 9
Chinese or other ethnic group . 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2

(vii) Parity (number of previous pregnancies resulting in live or stillbirth)

0 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 52 51 50 49
1+ 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 49 50 51

(viii) Number of previous pregnancies resulting in spontaneous miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies
0 . 87 87 86 86 86 86 85 85 84 83
1+ . 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 17

(ix) Number of previous pregnancies resulting in abortion under the Act

0 69 69 68 68 68 68 68 67 66 66 64
1+ 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 34 34 36

(x) Chlamydia screening

Offered . 65 65 69 71 72 73 73 79 84 88
Not offered . 35 35 31 29 28 27 27 21 16 12

Percentages exclude not known and not stated
Revised England and Wales total
. Information was not collected
Note: percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100
Legal abortions: totals, rates and percentages by age group, 2001 to 2011

England and Wales, residents numbers, rates and percentages

Age 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

All ages 176,364 175,932 181,582 185,713 ###
186,416 193,737 198,499 195,296 189,100 189,574 189,931
Under 16 3,658 3,733 3,967 3,756 3,786 3,990 4,376 4,113 3,823 3,718 3,258
16-17 13,615 13,716 14,155 14,136 14,237 14,629 15,913 15,273 14,093 12,742 11,341
Under 18 ### 17,273
### 17,449
### 18,122
### 17,892 18,023
### 18,619 20,289 19,386 17,916 16,460 14,599
18-19 ### 19,816
### 19,269
### 20,092
### 21,250 21,076
### 22,667 23,666 23,303 22,151 21,809 20,324
20-24 48,267 48,359 51,201 52,701 53,342 55,340 56,963 56,172 54,749 55,481 55,909
25-29 36,506 35,795 36,018 37,759 38,330 40,396 41,704 41,896 40,634 40,800 42,321
30-34 28,782 28,503 28,749 28,064 27,836 28,153 27,257 26,985 26,701 27,978 29,579
35 or over 25,696 26,438 27,400 27,749 27,809 28,562 28,620 27,554 26,949 27,046 27,199
Age not stated 24 119 . . . . ### . ### . . . .

Crude rate per 1,000 women 1

All ages 16.3 16.2 16.6 16.9 17.0 17.5 17.9 17.6 17.0 17.1 17.2
Under 16 3.7 3.7 3.9 3.7 3.7 3.9 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.9 3.4
16-17 21.4 21.1 21.5 21.0 21.1 21.4 23.4 22.2 20.5 18.9 17.2
Under 18 18.0 17.8 18.2 17.8 17.8 18.2 19.8 18.9 17.6 16.5 15.0
18-19 32.1 30.7 30.8 31.9 31.6 33.3 34.3 33.3 31.6 30.7 28.8
20-24 30.6 30.1 31.2 31.9 32.0 32.5 32.6 31.6 30.0 30.2 30.1
25-29 20.9 21.4 22.1 23.3 23.6 24.3 24.3 23.9 22.8 22.5 22.9
30-34 14.2 14.2 14.6 14.5 14.5 15.1 15.1 15.6 15.7 16.5 17.2
35 or over 6.5 6.6 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.9 6.7 6.6 6.7 6.9

Under 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
16-17 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 6
Under 18 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 8
18-19 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11
20-24 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29
25-29 21 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22
30-34 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 15 16
35 or over 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14

Rates for all ages, under 16 and under 18 are based on the mid-year population estimates for 15-44, 13-15 and 15-17 respectively. See Annex A for
further details.
revised England and Wales total.
. not applicable: records where age was not stated have been distributed pro-rata across age group 20-24.
Note: percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100
Table 4a: Legal abortions: by age, 2011

England and Wales, residents

Crude rates Crude rates

Age Total per 1,000 Age Total per 1,000
women 1 women 1

All ages 189,931 17

Under 15 1,000 2 30-34 29,579 ### 17

Under 14 158 1 30 6,944 ### 19

14 842 3 31 6,778 ### 19
32 5,926 ### 18
Under 16 3,258 3 33 5,175 ### 16
Under 18 14,599 15 34 4,756 ### 14

15-19 33,923 20 35-39 18,872 ### 10

15 2,258 7 35 4,427 ### 13

16 4,494 14 36 4,213 ### 12
17 6,847 21 37 3,699 ### 10
18 9,304 27 38 3,376 ### 9
19 11,020 31 39 3,157 ### 8

20-24 55,909 30 40-44 7,644 ### 4

20 11,829 33 40 2,577 ### 6

21 11,455 31 41 1,981 ### 5
22 11,431 31 42 1,468 ### 4
23 10,946 29 43 1,012 ### 2
24 10,248 27 44 606 ### 1

25-29 42,321 23 45-49 660 ### 0

25 9,557 25 45 347 ### 1

26 9,065 24 46 172 ### 0
27 8,274 23 47 86 ### 0
28 7,981 22 48 34 ### 0
29 7,444 20 49 21 ### 0

50 and over 23 ### .

Rates for all ages, under 14, under 15, under 16 and under 18 are based on mid-2010 population
estimates for 15-44, 13, 13-14, 13-15 and 15-17 respectively. See Annex A for further details.
. Rate not available.
Records where age was not stated have been distributed pro-rata across age group 20-24.

Table 4b: Legal abortions: number of previous abortions by age, 2011

England and Wales, residents

Number of Total under 16 16 and 17 18 and 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 or over

abortions no. % no. % no. % no. % no. % no. % no. %

0 121,826 64 3,174 97 10,371 91 16,513 81 37,009 66 23,973 57 30,786 54

1 50,864 27 82 3 910 8 3,392 17 14,902 27 13,319 31 18,259 32
2 12,803 7 2 0 56 0 373 2 3,205 6 3,695 9 5,472 10
3 3,122 2 0 0 2 0 43 0 608 1 939 2 1,530 3
4 882 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 145 0 269 1 464 1
5 279 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 29 0 82 0 167 0
6 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 24 0 51 0
7 or more 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 20 0 49 0

Total 189,931 3,258 ### 11,341 20,324 55,909 ### 42,321 56,778

Note: percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100

Table 5: Legal abortions: gestation weeks by purchaser and method of abortion, 2011

England and Wales, residents

Gestation weeks Total number Purchaser (%) Method (%)

of abortions

NHS Funded Privately

Funded Medical Surgical
NHS Independent
Hospital Sector

Total 189,931 35 61 4 47 53

3 and 4 2,145 6 84 10 65 35
5 18,395 22 71 7 72 28
6 40,107 27 67 5 66 34
7 38,658 32 64 3 56 44

8 31,080 42 55 2 48 52
9 17,251 49 49 2 24 76
10 12,405 50 48 2 14 86
11 7,633 46 52 2 14 86

12 5,502 45 52 2 17 83
13 3,912 38 59 3 23 77
14 3,089 32 65 3 23 77
15 2,194 29 68 3 24 76

16 1,660 27 70 3 23 77
17 1,388 23 73 3 22 78
18 1,063 19 77 4 18 82
19 720 19 78 3 19 81

20 702 27 71 2 28 72
21 763 42 56 2 39 61
22 553 26 70 4 24 76
23 1 565 23 73 4 20 80

Over 24 weeks 1 146 100 . . 92 8

24 1 31 100 . . 94 6
25 31 100 . . 94 6
26-27 28 100 . . 93 7
28-31 27 100 . . 93 7
32 and over 29 100 . . 86 14

Total 189,931 35 61 4 47 53

3-8 130,385 31 64 4 60 40
9-12 42,791 48 50 2 18 82
13-19 14,026 30 67 3 23 77

20-23 1 2,583 30 67 3 29 71

Over 24 weeks 1 146 100 0 0 92 8

24 weeks and 0 days gestation is included in 23 weeks, because the legislation distinguishes between abortions up to 24 weeks and
over 24 weeks
. not applicable: abortions undertaken at over 24 weeks can only be carried out in an NHS hospital
Note: percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100
Table 6: Legal abortions: gestation weeks by age and purchaser, 2011
England and Wales, residents percentages

35 and
Purchaser Gestation weeks All ages 1 Under 20 20-34 over

Total Total number 189,931 34,923 127,809 27,199

% breakdown by age 100 18 67 14

All gestations 100

### 100
### 100
### 100
3-9 78 73 79 80
10-12 13 16 13 12
13-19 7 10 7 7
20 and over 1 2 1 1

NHS Funded: NHS Hospital Total number 66,470 13,556 44,146 8,768
% breakdown by age 100 ###
20 ###
66 13

All gestations 100

### 100
### 100
### 100
3-9 74 73 75 71
10-12 18 20 18 17
13-19 6 6 6 9
20 and over 1 0 1 3

NHS Funded: Independent Sector Total number 116,582 20,987 79,020 16,575
% breakdown by age 100 18 68 14

All gestations 100

### 100
### 100
### 100
3-9 79 72 80 84
10-12 11 14 11 9
13-19 8 12 8 6
20 and over 1 3 1 1

Privately Funded Total number 6,879 380 4,643 1,856

% breakdown by age 100 6 67 27

All gestations 100

### 100
### 100
### 100
3-9 86 76 86 87
10-12 7 8 7 8
13-19 6 13 6 5
20 and over 1 3 1 1

Age not stated have been distributed pro-rata across age group 20-24
Note: percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100
Table 7a: Legal abortions: procedure by gestation weeks, 2011
England and Wales, residents percentages

Procedure Gestation weeks

Total 3-9 10 - 12 13 - 14 15 - 19 20 & over

Total abortions 189,931 147,636 25,540 7,001 7,025 2,729

Surgical 53 45 85 77 78 68
Vacuum Aspiration 48 44 82 56 5 0
Dilatation and Evacuation 5 0 3 21 72 43
Feticide with a surgical evacuation 1 0 0 0 0 1 25

Medical 47 55 15 23 22 32
Antiprogesterone with or
without prostaglandin 46 55 15 23 22 15
Other medical agent 1 1 0 0 1 1
Feticide with a medical evacuation 0 0 0 0 0 16

includes feticide with no method of evacuation and surgical 'other'.


Note: percentages are rounded and may not add to 100

Table 7b: Legal abortions: grounds by gestation weeks, 2011

England and Wales, residents numbers

Gestation weeks

Grounds Total 3-9 10 - 12 13 - 19 20 & over

A (alone, or with B, C, D) or F or G 46 15 7 13 11
B (alone, or with C or D) 150 101 32 12 5
C (alone) 185,973 146,505 24,793 12,742 1,933
D (alone, or with C) 1,455 1,003 382 68 2
E (alone, or with A, B, C or D) 2,307 12 326 1,191 778

Total 189,931
### 147,636
### 25,540
### 14,026
### 2,729
Table 8: Legal abortions: complication1 rates by procedure and gestation weeks, 2011

England and Wales, residents complication rates per 1,000 abortions

Gestation Total Procedure

weeks all
Surgical Medical

Total complications (numbers) 279 113 166

Rate, all gestations 1 1 2

3-9 1 1 1

10 - 12 2 2 5

13 - 19 2 1 6

20 & over 4 1 11

Complications include: haemorrhage, uterine perforation and/or sepsis and are those reported up to the time of
discharge from the place of termination
Table 9: Legal abortions: principal medical condition for abortions performed
under ground E, 2011
England and Wales, residents

Total Over 24 weeks

gestation 2
ICD-10 code Condition

number % number %

Total ground E alone or with any other 1 2,307 100 146 100

Q00-Q89 Congenital malformations total 1,054 46 96 66

Q00-Q07 the nervous system total 540 23 56 38

Q00 anencephaly 193 8 3 2

Q01 encephalocele 27 1 1 1
Q02 microcephaly 6 0 3 2
Q03 hydrocephalus 29 1 3 2
Q04 other malformations of the brain 81 4 24 16
Q05 spina bifida 144 6 9 6
Q06-Q07 other 60 3 13 9
Q10-Q18 the eye, ear, face and neck 5 0 0 0
Q20-Q28 the cardiovascular system 152 7 17 12
Q30-Q34 the respiratory system 12 1 4 3
Q35-Q37 cleft lip and cleft palate 4 0 0 0
Q38-Q45 other malformations of the digestive system 4 0 0 0
Q60-Q64 the urinary system 107 5 7 5
Q65-Q79 the musculoskeletal system 160 7 7 5
Q80-Q85 the skin, breast integument phakomatoses 3 0 0 0
Q86-Q89 other 67 3 5 3
Q90-Q99 Chromosomal abnormalities total 890 39 34 23

Q90 Down’s syndrome 512 22 17 12

Q910-Q913 Edwards’ syndrome 176 8 2 1
Q914-Q917 Patau’s syndrome 54 2 1 1
Q92-Q99 other 148 6 14 10
Other conditions total 363 16 16 11
P00-P04 fetus affected by maternal factors 124 5 5 3
P05-P08 fetal disorders related to gestation and growth 14 1 8 5
P35-P39 fetus affected by congenital infectious disease 1 0 0 0
P832-P833 hydrop fetalis not due to haemolytic disease 27 1 0 0
O30 multiple gestation 30 1 0 0
O41 disorder of the amniotic fluids 3 0 0 0
Z20-Z22 exposure to communicable disease 3 0 1 1
Z80-Z84 family history of heritable disorder 157 7 0 0
Ground A, B ,F, G 0 0 2 1
other 2 0 0 0
not known 2 0 0 0

ICD-10 codes are taken from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health problems
(Tenth Revision) published by the World Health Organisation (WHO)
Over 24 week total includes 2 abortions carried out under grounds A, B, F or G

Note: percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100

Table 10a: Legal abortions: numbers by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local
Health Board (Wales) of residence, by age, 2011
England andand Wales,
Wales. residents
Residents numbers

3 year
Total total
Primary Care Organisation/ number 95% for age
Local Health Board of confidence Under under 16
abortions interval 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 + 2009-2011

ENGLAND & WALES 189,931 189,078 - 190,787 14,599 20,324 55,909 42,321 29,579 27,199 10,799

ENGLAND 181,438 180,604 - 182,275 13,858 19,308 53,205 40,508 28,481 26,078 10,213

NORTH EAST SHA E18000001 7,003 6,840 - 7,169 699 839 2,190 1,545 964 766 637

5ND E16000085 County Durham 1,193 1,126 - 1,263 126 153 364 238 162 150 126
5J9 E16000041 Darlington 288 256 - 323 27 31 85 75 37 33 30
5KF E16000050 Gateshead 411 372 - 453 47 58 129 86 58 33 34
5D9 E16000019 Hartlepool 316 282 - 353 29 32 103 72 41 39 26
5KM E16000053 Middlesbrough 512 469 - 558 41 74 169 122 55 51 53
5D7 E16000017 Newcastle 995 934 - 1,059 81 100 377 220 127 90 70
5E1 E16000020 Stockton-on-Tees Teaching 529 485 - 576 51 62 167 103 86 60 40
5D8 E16000018 North Tyneside 537 493 - 584 60 59 138 126 80 74 55
TAC E17000001 Northumberland 640 591 - 692 67 80 174 131 104 84 52
5QR E16000146 Redcar and Cleveland 324 290 - 361 29 41 82 89 52 31 33
5KG E16000051 South Tyneside 401 363 - 442 53 46 137 72 55 38 41
5KL E16000052 Sunderland Teaching 857 801 - 916 88 103 265 211 107 83 77

NORTH WEST SHA E18000002 24,784 24,476 - 25,095 2,163 2,901 7,730 5,446 3,471 3,073 1,662

5HG E16000032 Ashton, Leigh and Wigan 846 790 - 905 87 106 281 182 87 103 93
5CC E16000014 Blackburn with Darwen 492 449 - 537 49 48 135 103 89 68 32
5HP E16000033 Blackpool 525 481 - 572 52 65 155 120 70 63 35
5HQ E16000034 Bolton 1,019 957 - 1,084 71 109 321 224 159 135 65
5JX E16000043 Bury 631 583 - 682 48 85 193 135 83 87 40
5NP E16000095 Central and Eastern Cheshire 1,150 1,084 - 1,218 88 146 357 224 174 161 71
5NG E16000088 Central Lancashire 1,531 1,455 - 1,610 143 222 491 317 179 179 99
5NE E16000086 Cumbria Teaching 1,024 962 - 1,089 116 141 270 228 132 137 89
5NH E16000089 East Lancashire Teaching 1,178 1,112 - 1,247 131 158 363 222 162 142 95
5NM E16000093 Halton and St Helens 1,061 998 - 1,127 113 109 316 227 149 147 102
5NQ E16000096 Heywood, Middleton and Rochda 775 721 - 832 67 89 240 163 112 104 57
5J4 E16000038 Knowsley 684 634 - 737 58 70 212 156 116 72 42
5NL E16000092 Liverpool 2,305 2,212 - 2,401 181 258 755 543 317 251 118
5NT E16000098 Manchester 2,964 2,858 - 3,073 197 293 987 749 406 332 131
5NF E16000087 North Lancashire Teaching 698 647 - 752 86 98 209 134 90 81 61
5J5 E16000039 Oldham 801 746 - 858 68 99 238 192 117 87 62
5F5 E16000025 Salford 1,116 1,051 - 1,183 90 133 352 264 160 117 63
5NJ E16000090 Sefton 901 843 - 962 81 106 311 201 101 101 53
5F7 E16000026 Stockport 860 803 - 919 78 89 251 193 127 122 55
5LH E16000062 Tameside and Glossop 1,027 965 - 1,092 95 123 313 203 160 133 98
5NR E16000097 Trafford 767 714 - 823 53 93 223 152 126 120 30
5J2 E16000037 Warrington 659 610 - 711 63 72 193 152 90 89 50
5NN E16000094 Western Cheshire 591 544 - 641 51 56 169 131 94 90 43
5NK E16000091 Wirral 1,179 1,113 - 1,248 97 133 395 231 171 152 78

YORKSHIRE & THE HUMBER SHA E18000003 14,760 14,523 - 15,000 1,363 1,779 4,679 3,097 2,032 1,810 1,153

5JE E16000042 Barnsley 679 629 - 732 66 108 204 126 88 87 68

5NY E16000102 Bradford and Airedale Teaching 1,659 1,580 - 1,741 128 162 484 382 276 227 93
5J6 E16000040 Calderdale 655 606 - 707 64 69 203 143 91 85 58
5N5 E16000078 Doncaster 968 908 - 1,031 81 97 307 209 153 121 76
5NW E16000100 East Riding of Yorkshire 577 531 - 626 69 83 162 117 77 69 54
5NX E16000101 Hull Teaching 840 784 - 899 84 117 279 191 86 83 77
5N2 E16000075 Kirklees 1,309 1,239 - 1,382 136 149 403 264 200 157 108
5N1 E16000074 Leeds 2,471 2,375 - 2,570 203 305 825 506 336 296 182
5AN E17000005 North East Lincolnshire 496 453 - 542 45 61 170 109 59 52 58
5EF E16000021 North Lincolnshire 441 401 - 484 50 56 128 81 71 55 34
5NV E16000099 North Yorkshire and York 1,480 1,406 - 1,557 133 176 458 302 220 191 96
5H8 E16000031 Rotherham 715 664 - 769 80 90 222 146 87 90 67
5N4 E16000077 Sheffield 1,708 1,628 - 1,791 147 210 598 352 200 201 97
5N3 E16000076 Wakefield District 762 709 - 818 77 96 236 169 88 96 85

Table 10a: Legal abortions: numbers by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local
Health Board (Wales) of residence, by age, 2011
England andand Wales,
Wales. residents
Residents numbers

3 year
Total total
Primary Care Organisation/ number 95% for age
Local Health Board of confidence Under under 16
abortions interval 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 + 2009-2011

ENGLAND & WALES 189,931 189,078 - 190,787 14,599 20,324 55,909 42,321 29,579 27,199 10,799

ENGLAND 181,438 180,604 - 182,275 13,858 19,308 53,205 40,508 28,481 26,078 10,213

EAST MIDLANDS SHA E18000004 11,865 11,652 - 12,080 1,039 1,336 3,588 2,475 1,731 1,696 803

5ET E16000023 Bassetlaw 247 217 - 280 33 32 77 52 26 27 25

5N7 E16000080 Derby City 784 730 - 841 64 79 248 160 124 109 43
5N6 E16000079 Derbyshire County 1,488 1,413 - 1,566 139 151 434 292 239 233 129
5PC E16000113 Leicester City 1,369 1,297 - 1,443 71 146 425 338 221 168 43
5PA E16000112 Leicestershire County and Rutlan 1,576 1,499 - 1,656 148 209 460 295 205 259 106
5N9 E16000082 Lincolnshire Teaching 1,454 1,380 - 1,531 167 186 428 275 207 191 135
5PD E16000114 Northamptonshire Teaching 2,023 1,936 - 2,113 172 200 571 429 325 326 137
5EM E16000022 Nottingham City 1,280 1,211 - 1,352 88 146 469 288 157 132 57
5N8 E16000081 Nottinghamshire County Teachin 1,644 1,565 - 1,725 157 187 476 346 227 251 128

WEST MIDLANDS SHA E18000005 20,983 20,700 - 21,269 1,754 2,355 6,449 4,610 3,076 2,739 1,259

5PG E16000117 Birmingham East and North 2,093 2,004 - 2,185 166 207 663 472 321 264 120
5MD E16000070 Coventry Teaching 1,757 1,676 - 1,841 141 186 567 405 258 200 92
5PE E16000115 Dudley 1,088 1,024 - 1,155 95 148 299 236 167 143 79
5MX E16000073 Heart of Birmingham Teaching 1,974 1,888 - 2,063 94 156 626 485 347 266 53
5CN E16000015 Herefordshire 379 342 - 419 39 52 105 81 49 53 36
5PH E16000118 North Staffordshire 544 499 - 592 44 79 180 88 85 68 43
5PF E16000116 Sandwell 1,482 1,407 - 1,559 121 142 477 325 229 188 94
5M2 E16000065 Shropshire County 614 566 - 665 51 73 173 121 90 106 53
TAM E17000004 Solihull 697 646 - 751 73 65 202 140 111 106 30
5M1 E16000064 South Birmingham 1,684 1,605 - 1,766 124 166 572 358 243 221 82
5PK E16000120 South Staffordshire 1,878 1,794 - 1,965 201 288 548 335 239 267 146
5PJ E16000119 Stoke on Trent 992 931 - 1,056 62 120 321 249 126 114 63
5MK E16000071 Telford and Wrekin 548 503 - 596 55 65 147 142 66 73 52
5M3 E16000066 Walsall Teaching 924 865 - 986 92 111 277 221 129 94 74
5PM E16000122 Warwickshire 1,658 1,579 - 1,740 153 209 494 341 230 231 103
5MV E16000072 Wolverhampton City 1,240 1,172 - 1,311 90 112 400 305 189 144 53
5PL E16000121 Worcestershire 1,431 1,358 - 1,507 153 176 398 306 197 201 86

EAST OF ENGLAND SHA E18000006 16,729 16,476 - 16,984 1,385 1,843 4,795 3,473 2,632 2,601 904

5P2 E16000104 Bedfordshire 1,266 1,197 - 1,338 100 147 400 238 175 206 73
5PP E16000124 Cambridgeshire 1,271 1,202 - 1,343 111 147 330 268 200 215 79
5PR E16000126 Great Yarmouth and Waveney 467 426 - 511 51 61 141 97 69 48 41
5QV E16000150 Hertfordshire 3,538 3,422 - 3,657 266 348 965 746 604 609 151
5GC E16000029 Luton 1,069 1,006 - 1,135 57 91 305 276 196 144 32
5PX E16000130 Mid Essex 945 886 - 1,007 78 114 268 167 156 162 51
5PQ E16000125 Norfolk 1,633 1,555 - 1,714 162 200 485 299 230 257 103
5PW E16000129 North East Essex 769 716 - 825 83 86 238 153 107 102 61
5PN E16000123 Peterborough 747 694 - 803 53 64 218 187 113 112 41
5P1 E16000103 South East Essex 1,052 989 - 1,118 98 137 323 207 148 139 65
5PY E16000131 South West Essex 1,560 1,484 - 1,639 134 187 430 342 234 233 84
5PT E16000127 Suffolk 1,335 1,264 - 1,409 110 155 387 282 201 200 77
5PV E16000128 West Essex 1,077 1,014 - 1,143 82 106 305 211 199 174 46

Table 10a: Legal abortions: numbers by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local
Health Board (Wales) of residence, by age, 2011
England andand Wales,
Wales. residents
Residents numbers

3 year
Total total
Primary Care Organisation/ number 95% for age
Local Health Board of confidence Under under 16
abortions interval 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 + 2009-2011

ENGLAND & WALES 189,931 189,078 - 190,787 14,599 20,324 55,909 42,321 29,579 27,199 10,799

ENGLAND 181,438 180,604 - 182,275 13,858 19,308 53,205 40,508 28,481 26,078 10,213

LONDON SHA E18000007 46,800 46,377 - 47,226 2,300 3,790 12,654 11,904 8,782 7,370 1,526

5C2 E16000009 Barking and Dagenham 1,532 1,456 - 1,611 91 147 431 379 286 198 48
5A9 E16000006 Barnet 1,558 1,482 - 1,637 52 104 441 379 297 285 47
TAK E17000002 Bexley 979 919 - 1,042 73 124 267 194 160 161 55
5K5 E16000045 Brent Teaching 2,182 2,091 - 2,276 71 145 587 608 435 336 44
5A7 E16000004 Bromley 1,114 1,050 - 1,181 99 126 255 230 207 197 67
5K7 E16000047 Camden 1,117 1,052 - 1,184 39 81 311 276 226 184 28
5C3 E16000010 City and Hackney Teaching 1,746 1,665 - 1,830 84 138 449 481 345 249 63
5K9 E16000049 Croydon 1,945 1,860 - 2,033 131 174 518 439 359 324 96
5HX E16000035 Ealing 2,001 1,914 - 2,091 79 142 509 552 381 338 46
5C1 E16000008 Enfield 1,623 1,545 - 1,704 87 132 427 427 296 254 64
5A8 E16000005 Greenwich Teaching 1,659 1,580 - 1,741 91 130 478 393 331 236 62
5H1 E16000030 Hammersmith and Fulham 1,115 1,051 - 1,182 44 74 278 331 218 170 31
5C9 E16000013 Haringey Teaching 1,731 1,650 - 1,815 95 141 511 438 303 243 51
5K6 E16000046 Harrow 1,148 1,083 - 1,216 39 71 300 322 216 200 24
5A4 E16000002 Havering 1,082 1,018 - 1,148 86 123 308 228 180 157 62
5AT E16000007 Hillingdon 1,582 1,505 - 1,662 97 175 430 364 283 233 52
5HY E16000036 Hounslow 1,690 1,610 - 1,773 77 154 445 451 334 229 61
5K8 E16000048 Islington 1,324 1,254 - 1,397 53 92 391 350 235 203 48
5LA E16000056 Kensington and Chelsea 775 721 - 832 24 51 179 215 172 134 11
5A5 E16000003 Kingston 680 630 - 733 36 69 198 140 106 131 25
5LD E16000058 Lambeth 2,151 2,061 - 2,244 88 162 579 553 417 352 69
5LF E16000060 Lewisham 2,001 1,914 - 2,091 92 178 539 501 383 308 57
5C5 E16000012 Newham 1,856 1,773 - 1,942 93 122 535 501 342 263 54
5NA E16000083 Redbridge 1,645 1,566 - 1,726 93 118 429 445 314 246 38
5M6 E16000067 Richmond and Twickenham 606 559 - 656 29 59 150 132 103 133 18
5LE E16000059 Southwark 2,253 2,161 - 2,348 107 178 611 569 437 351 83
5M7 E16000068 Sutton and Merton 1,737 1,656 - 1,821 109 152 450 418 305 303 58
5C4 E16000011 Tower Hamlets 1,556 1,480 - 1,635 59 113 468 459 269 188 48
5NC E16000084 Waltham Forest 1,722 1,642 - 1,805 81 135 500 416 314 276 58
5LG E16000061 Wandsworth 1,550 1,474 - 1,629 57 112 394 396 303 288 30
5LC E16000057 Westminster 1,140 1,075 - 1,208 44 68 286 317 225 200 28

SOUTH EAST COAST SHA E18000008 13,153 12,929 - 13,380 1,148 1,500 3,761 2,650 1,962 2,132 742

5LQ E16000063 Brighton and Hove City 1,177 1,111 - 1,246 61 125 354 269 177 191 51
5P7 E16000109 East Sussex Downs and Weald 909 851 - 970 111 120 246 168 121 143 59
5QA E16000132 Eastern and Coastal Kent 2,315 2,222 - 2,411 220 289 701 442 330 333 150
5P8 E16000110 Hastings and Rother 554 509 - 602 71 77 166 98 78 64 40
5L3 E16000055 Medway 1,091 1,027 - 1,158 92 130 328 233 162 146 64
5P5 E16000107 Surrey 3,019 2,912 - 3,129 251 315 856 573 444 580 135
5P9 E16000111 West Kent 2,038 1,950 - 2,128 177 196 549 438 330 348 120
5P6 E16000108 West Sussex 2,050 1,962 - 2,141 165 248 561 429 320 327 123

SOUTH CENTRAL SHA E18000009 12,002 11,788 - 12,219 835 1,286 3,408 2,623 1,918 1,932 633

5QG E16000137 Berkshire East 1,457 1,383 - 1,534 69 127 377 351 279 254 55
5QF E16000136 Berkshire West 1,509 1,434 - 1,587 112 128 418 323 272 256 69
5QD E16000134 Buckinghamshire 1,407 1,334 - 1,482 103 152 386 260 222 284 66
5QC E16000133 Hampshire 3,040 2,933 - 3,150 254 369 868 606 445 498 217
5QT E16000147 Isle of Wight National Health Serv 248 218 - 281 33 34 71 65 23 22 25
5CQ E16000016 Milton Keynes 1,010 949 - 1,074 42 89 258 236 210 175 38
5QE E16000135 Oxfordshire 1,565 1,488 - 1,645 114 180 426 369 227 249 86
5FE E16000027 Portsmouth City Teaching 805 750 - 863 40 112 272 181 110 90 40
5L1 E16000054 Southampton City 961 901 - 1,024 68 95 332 232 130 104 37

Table 10a: Legal abortions: numbers by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local
Health Board (Wales) of residence, by age, 2011
England andand Wales,
Wales. residents
Residents numbers

3 year
Total total
Primary Care Organisation/ number 95% for age
Local Health Board of confidence Under under 16
abortions interval 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 + 2009-2011

ENGLAND & WALES 189,931 189,078 - 190,787 14,599 20,324 55,909 42,321 29,579 27,199 10,799

ENGLAND 181,438 180,604 - 182,275 13,858 19,308 53,205 40,508 28,481 26,078 10,213

SOUTH WEST SHA E18000010 13,359 13,133 - 13,587 1,172 1,679 3,951 2,685 1,913 1,959 894

5FL E16000028 Bath and North East Somerset 420 381 - 462 30 53 131 73 61 72 18
5QN E16000143 Bournemouth and Poole Teachin 1,141 1,076 - 1,209 84 114 343 260 189 151 54
5QJ E16000139 Bristol 1,526 1,450 - 1,605 88 163 480 372 244 179 91
5QP E16000144 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 1,083 1,019 - 1,149 112 153 331 171 151 165 75
5QQ E16000145 Devon 1,572 1,495 - 1,652 165 202 480 294 220 211 112
5QM E16000142 Dorset 890 832 - 950 86 140 250 160 111 143 58
5QH E16000138 Gloucestershire 1,321 1,251 - 1,394 115 145 384 287 197 193 98
5M8 E16000069 North Somerset 453 412 - 497 47 68 120 75 59 84 31
5F1 E16000024 Plymouth Teaching 851 795 - 910 73 109 280 163 113 113 57
5QL E16000141 Somerset 1,188 1,121 - 1,258 131 159 312 239 160 187 97
5A3 E16000001 South Gloucestershire 636 588 - 687 50 91 176 125 95 99 45
5K3 E16000044 Swindon 724 672 - 779 52 68 218 157 101 128 35
TAL E17000003 Torbay 510 467 - 556 54 76 157 100 69 54 34
5QK E16000140 Wiltshire 1,044 982 - 1,109 85 138 289 209 143 180 89

WALES 8,493 8,313 - 8,676 741 1,016 2,704 1,813 1,098 1,121 586

6B1 NAWER06 Anglesey 167 143 - 194 21 23 41 39 17 26 18

6C2 NAWER10 Blaenau Gwent 154 131 - 180 10 19 48 27 29 21 9
6B3 NAWER08 Bridgend 363 327 - 402 37 39 119 73 48 47 33
6B2 NAWER10 Caerphilly 476 434 - 521 33 54 146 103 73 67 34
6A8 NAWER09 Cardiff 1,268 1,199 - 1,340 87 144 437 299 163 138 64
6B7 NAWER07 Carmarthen 354 318 - 393 28 54 109 71 47 45 25
6A4 NAWER07 Ceredigion 148 125 - 174 17 24 58 18 13 18 11
6A7 NAWER06 Conwy 287 255 - 322 27 49 76 53 39 43 19
6C1 NAWER06 Denbighshire 265 234 - 299 25 45 85 40 31 39 15
6B5 NAWER06 Flintshire 455 414 - 499 49 56 136 98 53 63 30
6A2 NAWER06 Gwynedd 312 278 - 349 29 28 88 67 38 62 28
6B8 NAWER10 Merthyr Tydfil 190 164 - 219 14 17 65 52 21 21 21
6A1 NAWER10 Monmouth 175 150 - 203 12 24 50 33 19 37 11
6A5 NAWER08 Neath & Port Talbot 343 308 - 381 26 40 110 81 46 40 23
6B9 NAWER10 Newport 465 424 - 509 41 53 138 110 60 63 26
6A3 NAWER07 Pembroke 270 239 - 304 36 33 82 57 33 29 25
6C4 NAWER07 Powys 245 215 - 278 29 28 56 52 28 52 22
6A9 NAWER08 Rhondda, Cynon, Taff 817 762 - 875 72 84 275 186 106 94 53
6A6 NAWER08 Swansea 711 660 - 765 52 73 254 157 89 86 36
6B6 NAWER09 The Vale of Glamorgan 324 290 - 361 30 47 105 54 45 43 21
6C3 NAWER10 Torfaen 249 219 - 282 27 23 77 54 36 32 27
6B4 NAWER06 Wrexham 455 414 - 499 39 60 149 89 63 55 35

Table 10b: Legal abortions: rates by Primary Care Organisation (England)
and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, by age, 2011
England and Wales, residents rates per 1,000 women

Rate per Crude rate per 1000 women 1

1000 resident 3 year
Primary Care Organisation/ Total women Age rate
Local Health Board number aged 95% for age
of 15-44 confidence Under under 16
abortions ASR 1 interval 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 + 2009-2011

ENGLAND AND WALES 189,931 17.5 17.4 - 17.5 15.0 28.8 30.1 22.9 17.2 6.9 3.8

ENGLAND 181,438 17.6 17.6 - 17.7 15.1 29.1 30.4 23.1 17.4 6.9 3.8

NORTH EAST SHA E18000001 7,003 13.6 13.4 - 13.8 15 23 23 18 13 4 5

5ND E16000085 County Durham 1,193 12.3 11.9 - 12.8 14 21 20 16 12 4 5
5J9 E16000041 Darlington 288 16.4 15.2 - 17.6 15 27 30 25 12 5 6
5KF E16000050 Gateshead 411 11.7 11.0 - 12.4 14 25 23 13 10 2 4
5D9 E16000019 Hartlepool 316 18.7 17.4 - 20.0 16 28 35 25 16 6 5
5KM E16000053 Middlesbrough 512 16.2 15.3 - 17.1 15 33 26 23 14 6 7
5D7 E16000017 Newcastle 995 13.2 12.6 - 13.7 19 16 18 16 15 6 6
5E1 E16000020 Stockton-on-Tees Teaching 529 14.5 13.7 - 15.3 14 24 27 17 15 4 4
5D8 E16000018 North Tyneside 537 14.8 14.0 - 15.6 18 26 25 20 12 5 6
TAC E17000001 Northumberland 640 13.3 12.7 - 14.0 12 23 23 17 14 4 3
5QR E16000146 Redcar and Cleveland 324 13.5 12.6 - 14.5 11 24 20 22 15 3 4
5KG E16000051 South Tyneside 401 13.7 12.8 - 14.5 20 24 26 15 13 4 5
5KL E16000052 Sunderland Teaching 857 15.0 14.3 - 15.6 17 26 26 22 13 4 5

NORTH WEST SHA E18000002 24,784 18.1 18.0 - 18.3 17 31 31 24 18 6 5

5HG E16000032 Ashton, Leigh and Wigan 846 15.1 14.4 - 15.7 15 29 31 20 10 4 6
5CC E16000014 Blackburn with Darwen 492 17.8 16.8 - 18.8 16 25 28 24 21 7 4
5HP E16000033 Blackpool 525 21.3 20.2 - 22.5 20 35 36 32 21 7 5
5HQ E16000034 Bolton 1,019 20.3 19.5 - 21.1 14 33 38 27 20 7 4
5JX E16000043 Bury 631 18.9 18.0 - 19.8 14 39 36 24 15 6 4
5NP E16000095 Central and Eastern Cheshire 1,150 15.8 15.2 - 16.4 11 29 31 20 15 5 3
5NG E16000088 Central Lancashire 1,531 17.2 16.7 - 17.8 18 33 30 23 15 6 4
5NE E16000086 Cumbria Teaching 1,024 13.3 12.8 - 13.8 13 25 22 20 11 4 3
5NH E16000089 East Lancashire Teaching 1,178 17.2 16.6 - 17.9 17 32 32 21 16 5 4
5NM E16000093 Halton and St Helens 1,061 19.0 18.3 - 19.7 20 28 35 24 18 7 6
5NQ E16000096 Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale 775 20.0 19.1 - 20.9 17 33 37 25 19 7 5
5J4 E16000038 Knowsley 684 22.9 21.8 - 24.0 19 32 39 31 28 7 5
5NL E16000092 Liverpool 2,305 21.5 20.9 - 22.0 26 32 29 27 24 9 6
5NT E16000098 Manchester 2,964 21.0 20.5 - 21.5 28 30 26 25 22 12 7
5NF E16000087 North Lancashire Teaching 698 11.8 11.2 - 12.4 14 19 19 15 12 4 4
5J5 E16000039 Oldham 801 19.4 18.6 - 20.3 16 37 35 28 18 6 5
5F5 E16000025 Salford 1,116 21.2 20.4 - 22.0 23 40 34 26 21 8 6
5NJ E16000090 Sefton 901 19.6 18.8 - 20.4 15 29 38 29 17 6 4
5F7 E16000026 Stockport 860 17.3 16.6 - 18.1 15 28 32 24 15 6 4
5LH E16000062 Tameside and Glossop 1,027 21.6 20.7 - 22.4 20 38 39 26 22 7 7
5NR E16000097 Trafford 767 20.7 19.8 - 21.7 14 40 42 24 18 7 3
5J2 E16000037 Warrington 659 18.8 17.9 - 19.8 18 32 35 26 16 6 5
5NN E16000094 Western Cheshire 591 14.2 13.5 - 15.0 13 18 22 22 16 6 4
5NK E16000091 Wirral 1,179 22.3 21.6 - 23.2 17 36 44 27 22 7 5

YORKSHIRE & THE HUMBER SHA E18000003 14,760 13.5 13.4 - 13.7 14 24 23 17 13 5 4
5JE E16000042 Barnsley 679 16.4 15.7 - 17.2 15 37 30 19 14 5 5
5NY E16000102 Bradford and Airedale Teaching 1,659 15.1 14.7 - 15.6 13 24 25 19 16 7 3
5J6 E16000040 Calderdale 655 18.1 17.2 - 19.0 17 29 35 24 16 5 5
5N5 E16000078 Doncaster 968 18.9 18.2 - 19.7 15 29 35 24 20 6 5
5NW E16000100 East Riding of Yorkshire 577 11.5 10.9 - 12.1 12 21 21 16 10 3 3
5NX E16000101 Hull Teaching 840 13.2 12.6 - 13.8 18 29 21 16 10 5 6
5N2 E16000075 Kirklees 1,309 16.0 15.4 - 16.5 19 27 27 20 16 5 5
5N1 E16000074 Leeds 2,471 12.2 11.9 - 12.5 16 21 18 13 13 6 5
5AN E17000005 North East Lincolnshire 496 16.6 15.7 - 17.6 15 29 32 23 14 5 7
5EF E16000021 North Lincolnshire 441 17.0 16.0 - 18.1 17 31 32 19 18 5 4
5NV E16000099 North Yorkshire and York 1,480 10.4 10.1 - 10.8 9 16 18 14 11 3 2
5H8 E16000031 Rotherham 715 15.5 14.8 - 16.3 17 29 30 19 12 5 5
5N4 E16000077 Sheffield 1,708 12.8 12.4 - 13.2 17 20 20 16 12 5 4
Table 10b: Legal abortions: rates by Primary Care Organisation (England)
and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, by age, 2011
England and Wales, residents rates per 1,000 women

Rate per Crude rate per 1000 women 1

1000 resident 3 year
Primary Care Organisation/ Total women Age rate
Local Health Board number aged 95% for age
of 15-44 confidence Under under 16
abortions ASR 1 interval 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 + 2009-2011

ENGLAND AND WALES 189,931 17.5 17.4 - 17.5 15.0 28.8 30.1 22.9 17.2 6.9 3.8

ENGLAND 181,438 17.6 17.6 - 17.7 15.1 29.1 30.4 23.1 17.4 6.9 3.8

5N3 E16000076 Wakefield District 762 12.6 12.1 - 13.2 13 24 24 17 10 4 5

Table 10b: Legal abortions: rates by Primary Care Organisation (England)
and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, by age, 2011
England and Wales, residents rates per 1,000 women

Rate per Crude rate per 1000 women 1

1000 resident 3 year
Primary Care Organisation/ Total women Age rate
Local Health Board number aged 95% for age
of 15-44 confidence Under under 16
abortions ASR 1 interval 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 + 2009-2011

ENGLAND AND WALES 189,931 17.5 17.4 - 17.5 15.0 28.8 30.1 22.9 17.2 6.9 3.8

ENGLAND 181,438 17.6 17.6 - 17.7 15.1 29.1 30.4 23.1 17.4 6.9 3.8

EAST MIDLANDS SHA E18000004 11,865 13.8 13.6 - 14.0 13 22 23 18 14 5 3

5ET E16000023 Bassetlaw 247 13.7 12.7 - 14.9 16 24 27 19 9 3 4
5N7 E16000080 Derby City 784 14.4 13.8 - 15.1 15 22 25 16 16 6 3
5N6 E16000079 Derbyshire County 1,488 12.5 12.1 - 12.9 10 18 24 16 12 4 3
5PC E16000113 Leicester City 1,369 17.1 16.5 - 17.7 14 28 24 22 21 8 3
5PA E16000112 Leicestershire County and Rutland 1,576 12.8 12.4 - 13.2 12 22 22 17 12 5 3
5N9 E16000082 Lincolnshire Teaching 1,454 12.4 12.0 - 12.8 13 21 21 16 13 4 4
5PD E16000114 Northamptonshire Teaching 2,023 16.3 15.8 - 16.7 13 25 29 21 16 6 4
5EM E16000022 Nottingham City 1,280 14.3 13.8 - 14.9 20 19 19 16 15 7 5
5N8 E16000081 Nottinghamshire County Teaching 1,644 13.7 13.3 - 14.2 13 23 25 18 12 5 4

WEST MIDLANDS SHA E18000005 20,983 19.9 19.7 - 20.1 17 32 35 26 20 7 4

5PG E16000117 Birmingham East and North 2,093 23.7 23.1 - 24.3 20 35 43 29 24 9 5
5MD E16000070 Coventry Teaching 1,757 23.7 23.0 - 24.5 26 33 37 30 26 10 6
5PE E16000115 Dudley 1,088 20.1 19.3 - 20.8 17 41 35 26 19 6 5
5MX E16000073 Heart of Birmingham Teaching 1,974 25.4 24.7 - 26.1 17 30 37 32 32 15 3
5CN E16000015 Herefordshire 379 14.6 13.7 - 15.6 12 27 26 21 13 4 4
5PH E16000118 North Staffordshire 544 14.3 13.5 - 15.1 12 27 26 16 16 5 4
5PF E16000116 Sandwell 1,482 25.0 24.2 - 25.9 22 37 49 31 23 9 6
5M2 E16000065 Shropshire County 614 14.7 14.0 - 15.5 9 22 28 19 14 5 3
TAM E17000004 Solihull 697 19.7 18.8 - 20.7 18 25 35 25 21 7 2
5M1 E16000064 South Birmingham 1,684 20.0 19.4 - 20.7 21 27 31 25 21 10 5
5PK E16000120 South Staffordshire 1,878 18.3 17.8 - 18.8 17 41 34 21 15 6 4
5PJ E16000119 Stoke on Trent 992 19.3 18.5 - 20.0 15 35 34 28 18 7 5
5MK E16000071 Telford and Wrekin 548 18.3 17.4 - 19.4 17 30 28 32 15 6 5
5M3 E16000066 Walsall Teaching 924 19.0 18.3 - 19.8 18 33 34 27 18 5 5
5PM E16000122 Warwickshire 1,658 17.7 17.2 - 18.3 16 36 32 22 15 6 4
5MV E16000072 Wolverhampton City 1,240 25.3 24.4 - 26.2 21 36 46 34 25 9 4
5PL E16000121 Worcestershire 1,431 16.1 15.6 - 16.6 15 27 30 23 13 5 3

EAST OF ENGLAND SHA E18000006 16,729 15.8 15.6 - 15.9 13 27 28 20 15 6 3

5P2 E16000104 Bedfordshire 1,266 16.9 16.3 - 17.5 13 31 35 19 13 6 3
5PP E16000124 Cambridgeshire 1,271 10.7 10.3 - 11.1 10 18 16 14 11 5 3
5PR E16000126 Great Yarmouth and Waveney 467 13.4 12.6 - 14.2 14 24 24 18 13 3 4
5QV E16000150 Hertfordshire 3,538 17.1 16.8 - 17.5 13 27 32 21 16 7 2
5GC E16000029 Luton 1,069 23.8 22.9 - 24.8 16 35 36 32 29 11 3
5PX E16000130 Mid Essex 945 14.7 14.1 - 15.3 11 28 27 16 14 6 3
5PQ E16000125 Norfolk 1,633 12.3 11.9 - 12.7 13 23 21 14 12 5 3
5PW E16000129 North East Essex 769 12.7 12.1 - 13.2 15 21 22 15 12 5 4
5PN E16000123 Peterborough 747 21.7 20.7 - 22.7 17 33 41 29 18 9 4
5P1 E16000103 South East Essex 1,052 18.4 17.7 - 19.1 16 35 35 23 16 6 4
5PY E16000131 South West Essex 1,560 19.8 19.2 - 20.5 18 39 36 25 16 7 4
5PT E16000127 Suffolk 1,335 13.7 13.2 - 14.2 10 24 27 17 12 5 2
5PV E16000128 West Essex 1,077 21.6 20.8 - 22.4 16 34 40 24 23 8 3
Table 10b: Legal abortions: rates by Primary Care Organisation (England)
and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, by age, 2011
England and Wales, residents rates per 1,000 women

Rate per Crude rate per 1000 women 1

1000 resident 3 year
Primary Care Organisation/ Total women Age rate
Local Health Board number aged 95% for age
of 15-44 confidence Under under 16
abortions ASR 1 interval 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 + 2009-2011

ENGLAND AND WALES 189,931 17.5 17.4 - 17.5 15.0 28.8 30.1 22.9 17.2 6.9 3.8

ENGLAND 181,438 17.6 17.6 - 17.7 15.1 29.1 30.4 23.1 17.4 6.9 3.8

LONDON SHA E18000007 46,800 25.8 25.7 - 26.0 19 45 46 32 24 12 4

5C2 E16000009 Barking and Dagenham 1,532 37.7 36.5 - 38.9 26 63 70 46 39 14 5
5A9 E16000006 Barnet 1,558 22.2 21.5 - 22.9 9 31 45 28 21 10 3
TAK E17000002 Bexley 979 22.5 21.6 - 23.4 16 43 38 27 22 9 4
5K5 E16000045 Brent Teaching 2,182 39.4 38.4 - 40.5 18 55 66 55 46 18 4
5A7 E16000004 Bromley 1,114 19.9 19.2 - 20.7 18 42 31 25 19 8 4
5K7 E16000047 Camden 1,117 16.1 15.5 - 16.8 14 26 26 17 16 10 3
5C3 E16000010 City and Hackney Teaching 1,746 28.9 28.0 - 29.9 26 58 50 32 26 13 6
5K9 E16000049 Croydon 1,945 28.6 27.8 - 29.4 21 44 52 35 29 12 5
5HX E16000035 Ealing 2,001 28.8 28.0 - 29.6 17 47 50 39 26 14 3
5C1 E16000008 Enfield 1,623 26.9 26.0 - 27.7 17 40 47 37 26 11 4
5A8 E16000005 Greenwich Teaching 1,659 30.9 30.0 - 31.9 27 47 57 37 32 13 6
5H1 E16000030 Hammersmith and Fulham 1,115 25.4 24.4 - 26.5 21 53 37 32 24 13 5
5C9 E16000013 Haringey Teaching 1,731 35.2 34.1 - 36.3 30 64 70 41 28 13 5
5K6 E16000046 Harrow 1,148 24.5 23.6 - 25.4 10 32 44 36 24 11 2
5A4 E16000002 Havering 1,082 25.0 24.1 - 26.0 18 45 45 30 25 9 5
5AT E16000007 Hillingdon 1,582 26.3 25.5 - 27.1 21 47 41 33 28 11 4
5HY E16000036 Hounslow 1,690 31.7 30.8 - 32.7 22 63 58 39 29 13 6
5K8 E16000048 Islington 1,324 23.8 23.0 - 24.7 23 42 40 25 21 14 7
5LA E16000056 Kensington and Chelsea 775 20.8 19.8 - 21.8 12 36 33 27 22 10 2
5A5 E16000003 Kingston 680 17.2 16.4 - 18.0 15 30 28 21 15 10 3
5LD E16000058 Lambeth 2,151 30.4 29.5 - 31.3 25 67 53 29 24 16 7
5LF E16000060 Lewisham 2,001 32.3 31.4 - 33.2 23 63 57 42 29 13 5
5C5 E16000012 Newham 1,856 32.6 31.6 - 33.5 23 41 56 44 35 15 4
5NA E16000083 Redbridge 1,645 28.5 27.6 - 29.4 18 39 54 39 27 12 3
5M6 E16000067 Richmond and Twickenham 606 17.0 16.1 - 17.9 11 32 33 21 13 7 2
5LE E16000059 Southwark 2,253 30.8 29.9 - 31.6 30 60 52 33 27 15 8
5M7 E16000068 Sutton and Merton 1,737 21.2 20.6 - 21.9 17 40 39 26 16 9 3
5C4 E16000011 Tower Hamlets 1,556 21.2 20.5 - 21.9 19 39 37 27 18 10 5
5NC E16000084 Waltham Forest 1,722 35.3 34.2 - 36.4 22 55 68 45 33 14 5
5LG E16000061 Wandsworth 1,550 20.4 19.6 - 21.1 21 49 36 19 14 11 3
5LC E16000057 Westminster 1,140 16.3 15.6 - 16.9 19 26 24 18 14 10 4

SOUTH EAST COAST SHA E18000008 13,153 17.1 16.9 - 17.3 14 28 31 22 16 7 3

5LQ E16000063 Brighton and Hove City 1,177 18.5 17.8 - 19.2 16 29 25 26 20 9 5
5P7 E16000109 East Sussex Downs and Weald 909 18.3 17.6 - 19.1 18 32 33 23 16 6 3
5QA E16000132 Eastern and Coastal Kent 2,315 17.0 16.5 - 17.4 16 27 29 22 17 7 4
5P8 E16000110 Hastings and Rother 554 20.6 19.5 - 21.7 22 37 39 25 19 6 4
5L3 E16000055 Medway 1,091 21.2 20.5 - 22.0 18 38 38 27 20 8 4
5P5 E16000107 Surrey 3,019 15.8 15.4 - 16.1 12 25 31 19 13 7 2
5P9 E16000111 West Kent 2,038 17.4 16.9 - 17.9 13 26 33 23 16 7 3
5P6 E16000108 West Sussex 2,050 16.1 15.6 - 16.5 12 28 30 22 14 6 3

SOUTH CENTRAL SHA E18000009 12,002 14.8 14.7 - 15.0 11 24 25 20 15 6 3

5QG E16000137 Berkshire East 1,457 17.1 16.5 - 17.6 9 26 29 24 17 8 2
5QF E16000136 Berkshire West 1,509 15.4 14.9 - 15.9 13 20 25 20 17 7 3
5QD E16000134 Buckinghamshire 1,407 16.8 16.3 - 17.4 10 28 33 20 15 7 2
5QC E16000133 Hampshire 3,040 14.1 13.8 - 14.4 11 25 26 18 13 5 3
5QT E16000147 Isle of Wight 248 12.2 11.2 - 13.2 14 21 22 21 8 2 3
5CQ E16000016 Milton Keynes 1,010 21.4 20.5 - 22.2 10 33 39 28 23 9 3
5QE E16000135 Oxfordshire 1,565 12.3 11.9 - 12.7 10 20 19 18 12 5 3
5FE E16000027 Portsmouth City Teaching 805 14.7 14.0 - 15.3 13 29 21 17 15 7 5
5L1 E16000054 Southampton City 961 14.7 14.0 - 15.3 18 19 21 20 14 7 4
Table 10b: Legal abortions: rates by Primary Care Organisation (England)
and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, by age, 2011
England and Wales, residents rates per 1,000 women

Rate per Crude rate per 1000 women 1

1000 resident 3 year
Primary Care Organisation/ Total women Age rate
Local Health Board number aged 95% for age
of 15-44 confidence Under under 16
abortions ASR 1 interval 18 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 + 2009-2011

ENGLAND AND WALES 189,931 17.5 17.4 - 17.5 15.0 28.8 30.1 22.9 17.2 6.9 3.8

ENGLAND 181,438 17.6 17.6 - 17.7 15.1 29.1 30.4 23.1 17.4 6.9 3.8

SOUTH WEST SHA E18000010 13,359 14.2 14.1 - 14.4 12 25 24 19 14 5 3

5FL E16000028 Bath and North East Somerset 420 11.2 10.6 - 12.0 10 16 15 14 13 6 2
5QN E16000143 Bournemouth and Poole Teaching 1,141 18.3 17.6 - 19.0 17 24 26 28 21 7 4
5QJ E16000139 Bristol 1,526 13.1 12.7 - 13.5 14 25 19 15 13 6 5
5QP E16000144 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 1,083 12.6 12.1 - 13.1 12 24 23 14 12 5 3
5QQ E16000145 Devon 1,572 13.3 12.9 - 13.7 13 22 24 17 13 4 3
5QM E16000142 Dorset 890 17.8 17.0 - 18.5 11 34 35 24 15 6 3
5QH E16000138 Gloucestershire 1,321 13.1 12.7 - 13.6 10 19 23 19 13 5 3
5M8 E16000069 North Somerset 453 13.7 12.9 - 14.5 13 31 25 15 11 6 3
5F1 E16000024 Plymouth Teaching 851 14.7 14.0 - 15.3 17 25 20 17 17 7 5
5QL E16000141 Somerset 1,188 15.0 14.5 - 15.6 13 26 27 21 13 5 3
5A3 E16000001 South Gloucestershire 636 12.8 12.2 - 13.5 10 25 21 17 12 5 3
5K3 E16000044 Swindon 724 18.2 17.4 - 19.1 14 30 37 22 14 8 3
TAL E17000003 Torbay 510 24.6 23.2 - 26.0 23 50 45 30 23 6 5
5QK E16000140 Wiltshire 1,044 15.4 14.9 - 16.1 9 27 30 22 12 5 3

WALES 8,493 14.9 0.8 - 0.8 13 25 26 20 14 6 4

6B1 NAWER06 Anglesey 167 15.5 14.1 - 17.1 17 30 24 24 10 6 5
6C2 NAWER10 Blaenau Gwent 154 12.0 10.9 - 13.3 7 21 21 13 16 4 2
6B3 NAWER08 Bridgend 363 16.1 15.1 - 17.2 16 26 33 20 14 5 5
6B2 NAWER10 Caerphilly 476 14.8 14.0 - 15.7 10 25 28 19 14 5 3
6A8 NAWER09 Cardiff 1,268 14.0 13.5 - 14.5 16 22 20 18 15 6 4
6B7 NAWER07 Carmarthen 354 11.9 11.1 - 12.7 8 25 23 15 10 4 3
6A4 NAWER07 Ceredigion 148 9.3 8.3 - 10.4 13 13 15 9 9 5 3
6A7 NAWER06 Conwy 287 18.8 17.5 - 20.3 14 44 33 23 16 6 3
6C1 NAWER06 Denbighshire 265 17.8 16.5 - 19.2 13 41 36 19 13 6 3
6B5 NAWER06 Flintshire 455 18.5 17.5 - 19.7 18 33 37 24 13 6 4
6A2 NAWER06 Gwynedd 312 14.2 13.2 - 15.2 13 13 18 22 14 9 4
6B8 NAWER10 Merthyr Tydfil 190 18.1 16.6 - 19.9 13 23 36 28 15 5 6
6A1 NAWER10 Monmouth 175 14.5 13.2 - 16.0 7 25 28 20 11 6 2
6A5 NAWER08 Neath & Port Talbot 343 14.4 13.4 - 15.4 11 26 28 20 13 4 3
6B9 NAWER10 Newport 465 16.9 16.0 - 17.9 15 26 27 26 16 6 3
6A3 NAWER07 Pembroke 270 15.1 14.0 - 16.3 15 23 31 21 12 4 4
6C4 NAWER07 Powys 245 13.9 12.8 - 15.0 11 21 22 20 11 6 3
6A9 NAWER08 Rhondda, Cynon, Taff 817 17.8 17.0 - 18.6 17 27 34 25 16 6 4
6A6 NAWER08 Swansea 711 14.9 14.2 - 15.6 14 20 25 21 15 6 3
6B6 NAWER09 The Vale of Glamorgan 324 15.1 14.1 - 16.2 12 32 31 16 13 5 3
6C3 NAWER10 Torfaen 249 15.3 14.2 - 16.6 15 20 28 21 15 5 5
6B4 NAWER06 Wrexham 455 19.0 17.9 - 20.2 17 39 39 21 16 6 5

Rates for PCOs and LHBs are based on mid-2010 population estimates. See Annex A for further details.
Rates for all ages, under 16, under 18 and 35 and over are based on populations 15-44, 13-15, 15-17 and 35-44 respectively
Table 11: Legal abortions: purchaser, gestation, Sexual Health Indicator and repeat abortions,
by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, 2011
England and Wales, residents percentages

Purchaser (%) Gestation weeks (%) Sexual Health Indicator 95% Repeat
confidence abortions
NHS Funded Privately Total NHS funded Percentage interval in women
Funded NHS abortions of all NHS aged
Primary Care Organisation/ NHS Indep- funded at under funded under 25
Local Health Board Hospital endent 3-9 10-12 13+ abortions 10 weeks abortions
Sector under 10 weeks

ENGLAND & WALES 35 61 4 78 13 9 183,052 142,653 77.9 77.7 - 78.1 26.2

ENGLAND 34 63 3 78 13 9 175,167 136,403 77.9 77.7 - 78.1 26.4

NORTH EAST SHA E18000001 93 5 2 75 16 10 6,865 5,104 74 73 - 75 22

5ND E16000085 County Durham 91 8 2 75 17 8 1,175 879 75 72 - 77 19
5J9 E16000041 Darlington 95 3 1 75 17 8 284 213 75 70 - 80 21
5KF E16000050 Gateshead 95 2 3 74 16 10 400 294 74 69 - 78 15
5D9 E16000019 Hartlepool 97 1 2 79 14 7 311 244 78 74 - 83 24
5KM E16000053 Middlesbrough 97 1 2 65 21 14 501 322 64 60 - 68 32
5D7 E16000017 Newcastle 86 13 1 77 14 9 983 761 77 75 - 80 21
5E1 E16000020 Stockton-on-Tees Teaching 96 0 3 78 13 9 512 396 77 74 - 81 26
5D8 E16000018 North Tyneside 93 6 1 84 8 8 534 446 84 80 - 86 20
TAC E17000001 Northumberland 91 9 1 78 14 8 636 500 79 75 - 82 21
5QR E16000146 Redcar and Cleveland 96 0 4 68 19 13 312 212 68 63 - 73 28
5KG E16000051 South Tyneside 96 2 2 77 13 9 393 301 77 72 - 81 19
5KL E16000052 Sunderland Teaching 94 2 4 66 22 12 824 536 65 62 - 68 25

NORTH WEST SHA E18000002 47 51 2 80 12 8 24,374 19,466 80 79 - 80 25

5HG E16000032 Ashton, Leigh and Wigan 52 48 1 77 14 9 841 648 77 74 - 80 21
5CC E16000014 Blackburn with Darwen 92 5 3 85 9 7 476 402 84 81 - 87 26
5HP E16000033 Blackpool 5 94 0 80 11 9 524 421 80 77 - 84 24
5HQ E16000034 Bolton 38 61 1 77 12 11 1,007 774 77 74 - 79 23
5JX E16000043 Bury 25 74 2 81 9 9 620 507 82 79 - 85 32
5NP E16000095 Central and Eastern Cheshire 34 63 3 73 17 9 1,111 807 73 70 - 75 18
5NG E16000088 Central Lancashire 18 81 1 82 10 9 1,518 1,237 81 79 - 83 25
5NE E16000086 Cumbria Teaching 94 4 2 75 16 9 1,007 754 75 72 - 77 18
5NH E16000089 East Lancashire Teaching 91 6 3 81 11 8 1,148 926 81 78 - 83 24
5NM E16000093 Halton and St Helens 15 84 1 80 12 8 1,046 836 80 77 - 82 27
5NQ E16000096 Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale 43 55 2 80 10 10 763 609 80 77 - 83 23
5J4 E16000038 Knowsley 86 13 1 76 17 7 675 515 76 73 - 79 27
5NL E16000092 Liverpool 84 15 2 77 15 8 2,267 1,748 77 75 - 79 26
5NT E16000098 Manchester 21 77 1 83 9 7 2,921 2,444 84 82 - 85 27
5NF E16000087 North Lancashire Teaching 30 69 1 80 14 6 694 555 80 77 - 83 17
5J5 E16000039 Oldham 49 50 1 84 8 8 789 660 84 81 - 86 25
5F5 E16000025 Salford 55 43 2 76 15 9 1,089 823 76 73 - 78 25
5NJ E16000090 Sefton 82 17 2 81 13 6 887 712 80 78 - 83 27
5F7 E16000026 Stockport 29 68 2 80 13 7 840 670 80 77 - 82 29
5LH E16000062 Tameside and Glossop 44 55 1 84 9 7 1,013 851 84 82 - 86 28
5NR E16000097 Trafford 8 89 2 81 12 7 751 607 81 78 - 83 27
5J2 E16000037 Warrington 2 94 3 78 14 9 637 492 77 74 - 80 29
5NN E16000094 Western Cheshire 63 35 2 81 11 8 581 470 81 77 - 84 21
5NK E16000091 Wirral 70 29 1 85 8 7 1,169 998 85 83 - 87 29

YORKSHIRE & THE HUMBER SHA E18000003 58 40 2 74 17 9 14,513 10,748 74 73 - 75 24

5JE E16000042 Barnsley 73 26 1 56 28 16 669 374 56 52 - 60 22
5NY E16000102 Bradford and Airedale Teaching 70 29 0 73 18 9 1,652 1,205 73 71 - 75 24
5J6 E16000040 Calderdale 93 3 4 79 16 5 629 493 78 75 - 81 23
5N5 E16000078 Doncaster 5 95 1 82 12 7 961 782 81 79 - 84 31
5NW E16000100 East Riding of Yorkshire 87 9 4 64 28 8 554 351 63 59 - 67 17
5NX E16000101 Hull Teaching 93 6 1 63 28 8 829 526 63 60 - 67 17
5N2 E16000075 Kirklees 59 38 3 81 12 8 1,265 1,020 81 78 - 83 23
5N1 E16000074 Leeds 21 78 0 80 11 9 2,459 1,973 80 79 - 82 25
5AN E17000005 North East Lincolnshire 98 1 1 80 13 7 491 392 80 76 - 83 48
5EF E16000021 North Lincolnshire 79 20 1 73 16 11 438 320 73 69 - 77 24
5NV E16000099 North Yorkshire and York 40 58 2 72 17 11 1,449 1,040 72 69 - 74 21
5H8 E16000031 Rotherham 90 8 1 68 21 11 705 478 68 64 - 71 21
5N4 E16000077 Sheffield 94 3 3 73 18 9 1,663 1,213 73 71 - 75 21
5N3 E16000076 Wakefield District 4 94 2 78 11 11 749 581 78 74 - 80 29
Table 11: Legal abortions: purchaser, gestation, Sexual Health Indicator and repeat abortions,
by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, 2011
England and Wales, residents percentages

Purchaser (%) Gestation weeks (%) Sexual Health Indicator 95% Repeat
confidence abortions
NHS Funded Privately Total NHS funded Percentage interval in women
Funded NHS abortions of all NHS aged
Primary Care Organisation/ NHS Indep- funded at under funded under 25
Local Health Board Hospital endent 3-9 10-12 13+ abortions 10 weeks abortions
Sector under 10 weeks

ENGLAND & WALES 35 61 4 78 13 9 183,052 142,653 77.9 77.7 - 78.1 26.2

ENGLAND 34 63 3 78 13 9 175,167 136,403 77.9 77.7 - 78.1 26.4

EAST MIDLANDS SHA E18000004 67 30 3 68 22 9 11,501 7,816 68 67 - 69 23

5ET E16000023 Bassetlaw 76 23 2 74 17 9 243 180 74 68 - 79 21
5N7 E16000080 Derby City 92 3 4 69 23 7 749 513 68 65 - 72 24
5N6 E16000079 Derbyshire County 79 17 4 71 21 9 1,424 1,006 71 68 - 73 21
5PC E16000113 Leicester City 73 23 4 64 24 12 1,320 834 63 61 - 66 24
5PA E16000112 Leicestershire County and Rutland 60 36 4 69 21 10 1,513 1,037 69 66 - 71 20
5N9 E16000082 Lincolnshire Teaching 93 3 3 65 25 9 1,405 912 65 62 - 67 20
5PD E16000114 Northamptonshire Teaching 54 44 1 69 20 10 1,994 1,379 69 67 - 71 25
5EM E16000022 Nottingham City 58 39 3 67 24 9 1,247 824 66 63 - 69 25
5N8 E16000081 Nottinghamshire County Teaching 41 57 2 70 20 9 1,606 1,131 70 68 - 73 22

WEST MIDLANDS SHA E18000005 7 91 2 81 11 9 20,528 16,498 80 80 - 81 28

5PG E16000117 Birmingham East and North 1 98 1 83 10 7 2,071 1,719 83 81 - 85 36
5MD E16000070 Coventry Teaching 3 97 0 79 11 10 1,751 1,387 79 77 - 81 31
5PE E16000115 Dudley 1 98 1 83 10 7 1,073 890 83 81 - 85 30
5MX E16000073 Heart of Birmingham Teaching 2 96 2 85 8 7 1,937 1,634 84 83 - 86 29
5CN E16000015 Herefordshire 93 3 4 71 19 10 365 259 71 66 - 75 28
5PH E16000118 North Staffordshire 2 96 2 85 9 6 532 458 86 83 - 89 25
5PF E16000116 Sandwell 2 94 3 80 11 9 1,435 1,149 80 78 - 82 33
5M2 E16000065 Shropshire County 5 92 3 77 10 13 597 461 77 74 - 80 18
TAM E17000004 Solihull 1 95 4 84 10 7 672 559 83 80 - 86 24
5M1 E16000064 South Birmingham 2 97 1 83 9 8 1,659 1,379 83 81 - 85 33
5PK E16000120 South Staffordshire 3 95 2 76 16 8 1,845 1,392 75 73 - 77 25
5PJ E16000119 Stoke on Trent 3 95 1 85 7 8 980 836 85 83 - 87 25
5MK E16000071 Telford and Wrekin 3 96 1 76 13 11 545 415 76 72 - 80 20
5M3 E16000066 Walsall Teaching 46 52 2 86 7 7 906 785 87 84 - 89 28
5PM E16000122 Warwickshire 2 97 1 76 12 12 1,639 1,242 76 74 - 78 26
5MV E16000072 Wolverhampton City 3 91 6 74 15 10 1,165 851 73 70 - 76 28
5PL E16000121 Worcestershire 16 78 5 80 11 8 1,356 1,082 80 78 - 82 21

EAST OF ENGLAND SHA E18000006 44 53 3 78 13 9 16,237 12,574 77 77 - 78 25

5P2 E16000104 Bedfordshire 50 48 2 73 16 11 1,237 905 73 71 - 76 27
5PP E16000124 Cambridgeshire 79 16 4 74 17 8 1,219 898 74 71 - 76 20
5PR E16000126 Great Yarmouth and Waveney 95 3 2 67 24 9 456 304 67 62 - 71 22
5QV E16000150 Hertfordshire 5 92 2 81 9 9 3,458 2,809 81 80 - 82 28
5GC E16000029 Luton 16 82 1 77 12 11 1,053 812 77 74 - 80 27
5PX E16000130 Mid Essex 14 84 2 82 9 9 923 758 82 80 - 84 29
5PQ E16000125 Norfolk 93 5 3 74 16 10 1,588 1,173 74 72 - 76 19
5PW E16000129 North East Essex 74 22 4 81 12 7 739 598 81 78 - 84 24
5PN E16000123 Peterborough 63 36 1 79 13 9 742 584 79 76 - 82 21
5P1 E16000103 South East Essex 44 53 3 81 10 9 1,024 827 81 78 - 83 23
5PY E16000131 South West Essex 14 83 3 82 10 9 1,508 1,228 81 79 - 83 28
5PT E16000127 Suffolk 92 2 5 67 23 9 1,263 837 66 64 - 69 18
5PV E16000128 West Essex 28 67 5 82 12 6 1,027 841 82 79 - 84 26
Table 11: Legal abortions: purchaser, gestation, Sexual Health Indicator and repeat abortions,
by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, 2011
England and Wales, residents percentages

Purchaser (%) Gestation weeks (%) Sexual Health Indicator 95% Repeat
confidence abortions
NHS Funded Privately Total NHS funded Percentage interval in women
Funded NHS abortions of all NHS aged
Primary Care Organisation/ NHS Indep- funded at under funded under 25
Local Health Board Hospital endent 3-9 10-12 13+ abortions 10 weeks abortions
Sector under 10 weeks

ENGLAND & WALES 35 61 4 78 13 9 183,052 142,653 77.9 77.7 - 78.1 26.2

ENGLAND 34 63 3 78 13 9 175,167 136,403 77.9 77.7 - 78.1 26.4

LONDON SHA E18000007 17 76 7 81 11 8 43,551 34,945 80 80 - 81 32

5C2 E16000009 Barking and Dagenham 3 94 3 82 8 10 1,492 1,220 82 80 - 84 37
5A9 E16000006 Barnet 2 92 6 84 9 7 1,461 1,224 84 82 - 86 36
TAK E17000002 Bexley 2 95 3 82 11 8 950 776 82 79 - 84 30
5K5 E16000045 Brent Teaching 4 92 4 84 9 7 2,100 1,773 84 83 - 86 33
5A7 E16000004 Bromley 2 93 5 83 9 9 1,059 875 83 80 - 85 33
5K7 E16000047 Camden 14 77 10 82 11 7 1,009 822 81 79 - 84 29
5C3 E16000010 City and Hackney Teaching 82 9 9 78 15 7 1,593 1,236 78 75 - 80 33
5K9 E16000049 Croydon 1 96 2 81 11 8 1,900 1,542 81 79 - 83 37
5HX E16000035 Ealing 2 86 12 75 15 11 1,766 1,279 72 70 - 74 28
5C1 E16000008 Enfield 11 79 10 69 21 11 1,462 983 67 65 - 70 32
5A8 E16000005 Greenwich Teaching 2 93 4 81 10 8 1,588 1,291 81 79 - 83 34
5H1 E16000030 Hammersmith and Fulham 10 81 10 82 10 8 1,008 813 81 78 - 83 31
5C9 E16000013 Haringey Teaching 10 82 7 73 17 10 1,602 1,157 72 70 - 74 33
5K6 E16000046 Harrow 1 96 4 85 8 7 1,107 940 85 83 - 87 32
5A4 E16000002 Havering 2 96 2 87 6 7 1,062 921 87 85 - 89 32
5AT E16000007 Hillingdon 3 93 5 79 11 9 1,509 1,203 80 78 - 82 32
5HY E16000036 Hounslow 4 90 6 79 11 10 1,596 1,253 79 76 - 80 28
5K8 E16000048 Islington 14 79 7 82 12 7 1,234 1,000 81 79 - 83 33
5LA E16000056 Kensington and Chelsea 66 7 27 86 8 6 567 482 85 82 - 88 24
5A5 E16000003 Kingston 4 91 5 81 11 8 646 522 81 78 - 84 28
5LD E16000058 Lambeth 7 88 5 81 10 9 2,045 1,647 81 79 - 82 35
5LF E16000060 Lewisham 11 86 3 80 10 10 1,938 1,551 80 78 - 82 33
5C5 E16000012 Newham 75 9 16 78 11 11 1,559 1,195 77 74 - 79 28
5NA E16000083 Redbridge 3 93 4 83 9 8 1,577 1,310 83 81 - 85 33
5M6 E16000067 Richmond and Twickenham 33 58 9 82 9 9 551 447 81 78 - 84 26
5LE E16000059 Southwark 10 86 5 82 10 8 2,146 1,752 82 80 - 83 36
5M7 E16000068 Sutton and Merton 25 70 6 82 10 8 1,640 1,341 82 80 - 84 29
5C4 E16000011 Tower Hamlets 80 9 11 80 13 7 1,379 1,077 78 76 - 80 31
5NC E16000084 Waltham Forest 3 92 5 82 10 8 1,644 1,344 82 80 - 84 36
5LG E16000061 Wandsworth 25 67 9 84 9 7 1,413 1,174 83 81 - 85 35
5LC E16000057 Westminster 44 40 17 84 10 7 948 795 84 81 - 86 29

SOUTH EAST COAST SHA E18000008 5 93 2 79 11 10 12,858 10,161 79 78 - 80 27

5LQ E16000063 Brighton and Hove City 1 98 1 79 11 10 1,163 922 79 77 - 82 25
5P7 E16000109 East Sussex Downs and Weald 1 97 2 74 13 13 892 659 74 71 - 77 22
5QA E16000132 Eastern and Coastal Kent 3 95 1 80 10 10 2,286 1,833 80 78 - 82 26
5P8 E16000110 Hastings and Rother 6 93 1 75 15 10 547 413 76 72 - 79 27
5L3 E16000055 Medway 3 95 2 81 11 8 1,072 870 81 79 - 83 34
5P5 E16000107 Surrey 3 94 3 82 9 9 2,940 2,402 82 80 - 83 27
5P9 E16000111 West Kent 3 93 4 80 10 10 1,960 1,565 80 78 - 82 28
5P6 E16000108 West Sussex 13 84 2 75 15 10 1,998 1,497 75 73 - 77 24

SOUTH CENTRAL SHA E18000009 16 81 3 79 12 9 11,666 9,163 79 78 - 79 25

5QG E16000137 Berkshire East 3 93 4 81 10 9 1,392 1,134 81 79 - 83 28
5QF E16000136 Berkshire West 1 96 3 84 9 7 1,467 1,228 84 82 - 86 28
5QD E16000134 Buckinghamshire 3 92 5 74 15 12 1,340 981 73 71 - 76 26
5QC E16000133 Hampshire 25 74 1 80 11 9 3,001 2,400 80 79 - 81 22
5QT E16000147 Isle of Wight National Health Service 90 8 2 77 18 4 244 188 77 71 - 82 13
5CQ E16000016 Milton Keynes 3 94 3 78 13 9 983 769 78 76 - 81 25
5QE E16000135 Oxfordshire 4 93 3 78 13 9 1,512 1,176 78 76 - 80 26
5FE E16000027 Portsmouth City Teaching 90 8 2 78 15 7 788 613 78 75 - 81 28
5L1 E16000054 Southampton City 5 93 2 72 17 12 939 674 72 69 - 75 21
Table 11: Legal abortions: purchaser, gestation, Sexual Health Indicator and repeat abortions,
by Primary Care Organisation (England) and Local Health Board (Wales) of residence, 2011
England and Wales, residents percentages

Purchaser (%) Gestation weeks (%) Sexual Health Indicator 95% Repeat
confidence abortions
NHS Funded Privately Total NHS funded Percentage interval in women
Funded NHS abortions of all NHS aged
Primary Care Organisation/ NHS Indep- funded at under funded under 25
Local Health Board Hospital endent 3-9 10-12 13+ abortions 10 weeks abortions
Sector under 10 weeks

ENGLAND & WALES 35 61 4 78 13 9 183,052 142,653 77.9 77.7 - 78.1 26.2

ENGLAND 34 63 3 78 13 9 175,167 136,403 77.9 77.7 - 78.1 26.4

SOUTH WEST SHA E18000010 49 49 2 76 15 9 13,074 9,928 76 75 - 77 22

5FL E16000028 Bath and North East Somerset 49 50 1 80 11 9 416 335 81 76 - 84 20
5QN E16000143 Bournemouth and Poole Teaching 30 69 1 82 10 8 1,133 933 82 80 - 84 21
5QJ E16000139 Bristol 50 47 2 79 13 9 1,489 1,167 78 76 - 80 25
5QP E16000144 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 72 26 2 69 22 10 1,056 720 68 65 - 71 16
5QQ E16000145 Devon 66 31 2 74 19 7 1,533 1,122 73 71 - 75 17
5QM E16000142 Dorset 13 86 1 77 13 10 880 676 77 74 - 79 25
5QH E16000138 Gloucestershire 91 4 5 71 18 11 1,250 872 70 67 - 72 21
5M8 E16000069 North Somerset 38 61 2 81 12 8 446 359 80 77 - 84 17
5F1 E16000024 Plymouth Teaching 94 5 1 75 17 8 839 626 75 72 - 77 22
5QL E16000141 Somerset 61 37 2 70 18 12 1,168 820 70 68 - 73 22
5A3 E16000001 South Gloucestershire 42 56 2 75 13 12 621 470 76 72 - 79 24
5K3 E16000044 Swindon 0 99 1 83 8 9 717 598 83 81 - 86 31
TAL E17000003 Torbay 2 97 1 81 11 7 504 410 81 78 - 85 30
5QK E16000140 Wiltshire 18 80 2 80 13 7 1,022 820 80 78 - 83 19

WALES 67 26 7 69 21 10 7,885 6,250 79 78 - 80 22

6B1 NAWER06 Anglesey 15 84 1 77 11 11 165 137 83 77 - 88 18
6C2 NAWER10 Blaenau Gwent 74 21 5 68 26 6 146 121 83 76 - 88 13
6B3 NAWER08 Bridgend 91 1 9 59 30 10 332 244 73 68 - 78 23
6B2 NAWER10 Caerphilly 78 15 7 77 17 5 442 395 89 86 - 92 14
6A8 NAWER09 Cardiff 76 7 17 56 32 13 1,051 662 63 60 - 66 23
6B7 NAWER07 Carmarthen 94 0 5 68 24 8 335 258 77 72 - 81 24
6A4 NAWER07 Ceredigion 95 1 3 74 19 7 143 121 85 78 - 90 12
6A7 NAWER06 Conwy 13 83 4 80 11 9 276 234 85 80 - 89 25
6C1 NAWER06 Denbighshire 11 87 2 83 11 6 260 230 88 84 - 92 20
6B5 NAWER06 Flintshire 7 93 0 83 11 7 453 400 88 85 - 91 22
6A2 NAWER06 Gwynedd 15 81 3 78 10 13 302 245 81 76 - 85 27
6B8 NAWER10 Merthyr Tydfil 96 2 2 72 21 7 186 153 82 76 - 87 23
6A1 NAWER10 Monmouth 71 22 7 69 20 11 163 130 80 73 - 85 19
6A5 NAWER08 Neath & Port Talbot 95 2 3 63 24 13 331 248 75 70 - 79 26
6B9 NAWER10 Newport 71 22 7 72 20 8 432 368 85 82 - 88 21
6A3 NAWER07 Pembroke 81 8 10 76 19 6 242 213 88 83 - 92 23
6C4 NAWER07 Powys 84 8 9 74 15 11 224 177 79 73 - 84 19
6A9 NAWER08 Rhondda, Cynon, Taff 91 2 6 69 22 9 766 635 83 80 - 85 23
6A6 NAWER08 Swansea 93 1 6 64 24 12 666 500 75 72 - 78 23
6B6 NAWER09 The Vale of Glamorgan 79 5 16 61 27 13 272 190 70 64 - 75 23
6C3 NAWER10 Torfaen 78 20 2 71 23 6 245 208 85 80 - 89 18
6B4 NAWER06 Wrexham 3 97 0 80 9 11 453 381 84 80 - 87 29

Note: percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100

in women
Table 12a: Legal abortions: non-residents by country of residence, 2011

total percentages

All non-residents 6,151 100%

Country of residence 1

Northern Ireland 1,007 16.4

Scotland 233 3.8
Isle of Man 96 1.6
Jersey 11 0.2
Guernsey 14 0.2

European countries
Irish Republic 4,149 67.5
Austria 4 0.1
Cyprus 13 0.2
Denmark 12 0.2
France 51 0.8
Germany 10 0.2
Gibraltar 6 0.1
Hungary 7 0.1
Italy 169 2.7
Malta 63 1.0
Netherland, The 3 0.0
Norway 6 0.1
Poland 24 0.4
Portugal 10 0.2
Romania 4 0.1
Slovakia 3 0.0
Spain 11 0.2
Sweden 3 0.0
Switzerland 6 0.1
Other 18 0.3

Rest of the world

Australia 8 0.1
Bahrain 4 0.1
Brazil 5 0.1
Cameroon 3 0.0
India 6 0.1
Kuwait 7 0.1
Mauritius 3 0.0
Nigeria 6 0.1
Oman 7 0.1
Qatar 8 0.1
Saudi Arabia 6 0.1
Thailand 4 0.1
UAE 102 1.7
USA 14 0.2
Other 35 0.6

Details of other countries shown under 'Other' can be obtained on request
Table 12b: Legal abortions: non residents of England and Wales, by
(i) age, (ii) statutory grounds and (iii) gestation weeks, 2011

total percentages

All non-residents 6,151 100%

(i) Age Under 16 82 1

16 - 17 203 3
18 - 19 469 8
20 - 24 1,599 26
25 - 29 1,496 24
30 - 34 1,111 18
35 - 39 810 13
40 and over 381 6

(ii) Statutory grounds

C (alone) 6,012 98
Other 139 2

(iii) Gestation weeks

3-9 3,989 65
10 - 12 946 15
13 - 19 826 13
20 and over 390 6

Note: percentages are rounded and may not add to 100

Table 12c: Legal abortions, country of residence by age and gestation weeks, 2011

Scotland Northern Ireland Irish Republic

no. % no. % no. %

All 233 100 1,007 100 4,149 100


Under 16 6 3 19 2 37 1
16 - 17 12 5 50 5 111 3
18 - 19 30 13 91 9 295 7
20 - 24 59 25 268 27 1109 27
25 - 29 49 21 226 22 1051 25
30 - 34 41 18 170 17 755 18
35 - 39 19 8 121 12 534 13
40 & over 17 7 62 6 257 6

Gestation weeks

3-9 100 43 709 70 2840 68

10 - 12 10 4 174 17 684 16
13 - 19 23 10 108 11 511 12
20 & over 100 43 16 2 114 3

Note: percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100

Table 13: Legal abortions: by country of procedure and (i) age, (ii) gestation weeks, (iii) procedure, (iv)
parity, (v) previous abortions, (vi) grounds and (vii) principal medical condition for abortions performed
under ground E, 2011

Country of abortion numbers

England & Wales Scotland p Great Britain p

All legal abortions 196,082 100% 12,471 p 100% 208,553 100%

(i) Age
Under 16 3,340 2 285 2 3,625 2
16-17 11,544 6 897 7 12,441 6
18-19 20,793 11 1,521 12 22,314 11
20-24 57,508 29 3,847 31 61,355 29
25-29 43,817 22 2,696 22 46,513 22
30-34 30,690 16 1,692 14 32,382 16
35+ 28,390 14 1,533 12 29,923 14
(ii) Gestation weeks
3-9 151,625 77 9,417 76 161,042 77
10 - 12 26,486 14 2,071 17 28,557 14
13 - 19 14,852 8 930 7 15,782 8
20 and over 3,119 2 53 0 3,172 2
(iii) Procedure
Surgical 105,773 54 3,300 26 109,073 52
Medical 90,309 46 9,171 74 99,480 48
(iv) Parity (number of previous pregnancies resulting in live or stillbirth)
0 96,696 49 6,374 51 103,070 49
1+ 99,386 51 6,097 49 105,483 51
(v) Number of previous pregnancies resulting in abortion under the Act
0 126,779 65 8,855 71 135,634 65
1 69,303 35 3,616 29 72,919 35
(vi) Grounds
A (alone or with B, C or D) or F or G 48 0 * . 48 .
B (alone or with C or D) 150 0 * . 150 .
C (alone) 191,985 98 11,602 93 203,587 98
D (alone or with C) 1,478 1 722 6 2,200 1
E (alone one with A, B, C or D) 2,421 1 136 1 2,557 1

(vii) Principal medical condition for abortions performed under ground E

Total Ground E 2,421 100% 136 1 100% 2,557 100%

The nervous system (Q00 - Q007) 574 24 27 20 601 24

Other congenital malformations (Q10-Q89) 532 22 33 24 565 22
Chromosomal abnormalities: 937 39 48 35 985 39
Other: 378 16 28 21 406 16

p Provisional data
* Adhering to ISD Statistical Disclosure Control Protocol. See annex B
. Not available
Some notifications record more than one Statutory Ground, therefore totals may not match with the numbers released by ISD Scotland.
Source: ISD Scotland, Department of Health
Note: percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100

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