NASA Facts Viking Mission To Mars
NASA Facts Viking Mission To Mars
NASA Facts Viking Mission To Mars
made of aluminum alloy in a 140-degree, flat cone Three terminal descent engines provided attitude
shape and stiffened with concentric rings. It fit control and reduced the lander’s velocity after para-
between the lander and the bioshield base. It was 3.5 chute separation. The 2,600-newton (600-pound)
meters (11.5 feet) in diameter and its aluminum skin throttleable engines were located 120 degrees apart on
was 0.86 millimeters (0.034 inches) thin. the lander’s sidebeams. They burned hydrazine mono-
Bonded to its exterior was a lightweight, cork-like propellant.
ablative material that burned away to protect the lan- The engines used an advanced exhaust design that
der from aerodynamic heating at entry temperatures wouldn’t alter the landing site environment. An
which may have reached 1,500 degrees C. unusual grouping of 18 small nozzles on each engine
The interior of the aeroshell contained twelve would spread engine exhaust over a wide angle that
small reaction control engines, in four clusters of wouldn’t alter the surface or unduly disturb the chem-
three around the aeroshell’s edge, and two spherical ical and biological experiments.
titanium tanks that contained 85 kilograms (188 Two spherical titanium tanks, attached to opposite
pounds) of hydrazine mono-propellant. sides of the lander body beneath the RTG wind cov-
The engines controlled the pitch and yaw to align ers, fed the descent engines from an 85-kilogram (188
the lander for entry, help slow the craft during early pound) hydrazine propellant supply.
entry and maintain roll control. Four small reaction control engines used
During the long cruise phase, an umbilical con- hydrazine mono-propellant thrusters to control lander
nection through the aeroshell provided power from roll attitude during terminal descent. The engines
the orbiter to the lander; housekeeping data also were mounted in pairs on the terminal descent
flowed through this connection. engines’ propellant tanks and were identical to those
used on the aeroshell.
The aeroshell also contained two science instru-
ments -- the upper atmosphere mass spectrometer and The lander was equipped to transmit information
the retarding potential analyzer -- plus pressure and directly to Earth with an S-band communications sys-
temperature sensors. tem, or through the orbiter with an ultra-high frequen-
cy (UHF) relay system. The lander also received
The base cover fit between the bioshield cap and Earth commands through the S-band system.
the lander. It was made of aluminum and fiberglass;
the fiberglass allowed transmission of telemetry data Two S-band receivers provided total redundancy
to the orbiter during entry. It covered the parachute in both command receiving and data transmission.
and its ejection mortar, and protected the lander’s top One receiver used the high-gain antenna, a 76-cen-
during part of the entry phase. timeter (30-inch) diameter parabolic reflector dish
that could be pointed to Earth by computer control.
The parachute was made of lightweight dacron The second receiver used a fixed low-gain antenna to
polyester 16 meters (53 feet) in diameter. It weighed receive Earth commands.
50 kilograms (110 pounds).
The UHF relay system transmitted data to the
The parachute was packed inside a mortar 38 cen- orbiter with a radio transmitter that used a fixed
timeters (15 inches) in diameter and mounted into the antenna. The UHF system operated during entry and
base cover. The mortar was fired to eject the para- during the first three days of landed operations. After
chute at about 139 kilometers per hour (75 miles per that it was operated only during specific periods.
hour). The chute had an extra-long suspension line
that trailed the capsule by about 30 meters (100 feet). The radar altimeter measured the lander’s altitude
during the early entry phase, alerting the lander com-
The lander subsystems were divided into six puter to execute the proper entry commands. The
major categories: descent engines, communications radar was a solid-state pulse radar with two specially
equipment, power sources, landing radars, data stor- designed antennas: one was mounted beneath the lan-
age and guidance and control. der and one was mounted through the aeroshell.
Altitude data were received from 1,370 kilometers
down to 30.5 meters (740 miles to 100 feet). timeters (15 inches) in length and weighed 15.3 kilo-
The aeroshell antenna provided high-altitude data grams (34 pounds).
for entry science, vehicle control and parachute The first isotopic space generator was put into ser-
deployment. The lander antenna was switched into vice in June 1961, on a Navy navigational satellite.
operation at aeroshell separation and provided altitude Advances in SNAP systems were made with the
data for guidance and control, and for terminal development and flight of SNAP 19 aboard Nimbus
descent engine ignition. III, launched in April 1969. This use of SNAP 19 rep-
The terminal descent landing radar measured the resented a major milestone in the development of
horizontal velocity of the lander during the final land- long-lived, highly reliable isotope power systems for
ing phase. It was located directly beneath the lander space use by NASA. The SNAP 27 generator was
and was turned on at about 12 kilometers (4,000 feet) developed to power five science stations left on the
above the surface. It consisted of four continuous- Moon by the Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 astronauts.
wave Doppler radar beams that could measure veloci- The continuing operation of these generators provided
ty to an accuracy of plus or minus one meter per sec- new dimensions of data about the Moon and the uni-
ond. verse. Four SNAP 19 nuclear generators later provid-
ed the electrical power for each of two NASA pio-
Both radars were essential for mission success, so neering Jupiter flyby spacecraft known as Pioneers 10
the terminal descent landing radar could work with and 11.
any three of its four beams, and identical sets of radar
altimeter electronics could be switched to either of the The generators provided a long-lived source of
radar antennas. electricity and heat on Mars, where sunlight is half as
strong as on Earth, and is non-existent during the
The “brain” of the lander was its guidance control Martian night, when temperatures can drop as low as
and sequencing computer. That computer commanded -120 C (-184 F).
everything the lander did through software (computer
programs) stored in advance or relayed by Earth con- The generators used thermoelectric elements to
trollers. convert heat from decaying plutonium-236 into 70
watts of electrical power.
The computer was one of the greatest technical
challenges of Viking. It consisted of two general-pur- Waste or unconverted heat was conveyed by ther-
pose computer channels with plated-wire memories, mal switches to the lander’s interior instrument com-
each with an 18,000-word storage capacity. One chan- partment, when required. Covers over the RTGs pre-
nel would be operational while the other was in vented excess heat dissipation into the environment.
reserve. Four nickel-cadmium, rechargeable batteries
Among other programs, the computer had instruc- helped supply lander power requirements in peak
tions stored in its memory that could control the lan- activity periods. The batteries, mounted in pairs inside
der’s first 22 days on Mars without any contact from the lander, were charged by the RTGs with power
Earth. These instructions would be updated and modi- available when other lander power requirements were
fied by Earth commands once communications had less than RTG output.
been established. This equipment collected and controlled the flow
Basic power for the lander was provided by two of lander scientific and engineering data. It consisted
SNAP 19-style, 35-watt radioisotope thermoelectric of a data acquisition and processing unit, a data stor-
generators (RTGs) developed by the then U.S. Energy age memory and a tape recorder.
Research and Development Administration. They The data acquisition and processing unit collected
were located atop the lander and were connected in the science and engineering information and routed it
series to double their voltage and reduce power loss. to one of three places: to Earth through the S-band
The SNAP 19 Viking generator was 147 centime- high-gain antenna, to the data storage memory or to
ters (23 inches) across the housing fin tips, 96 cen- the tape recorder.
Information was stored in the data storage memo- at the landing sites. Weather in the Martian midsum-
ry for short periods. Several times a day the memory mer was repetitious, but in other seasons it became
would transfer data to the tape recorder or back to the variable and more interesting. Cyclic variations
data acquisition and processing unit for further trans- appeared in weather patterns (probably the passage of
mission. The memory had a storage capacity of 8,200 alternating cyclones and anticyclones). Atmospheric
words. temperatures at the southern landing site (Viking
Data were stored on the tape recorder for long Lander 1) were as high as -14 C (7 F) at midday, and
periods. The recorder could transmit at high speed the predawn summer temperature was -77 C (-107 F).
back through the data acquisition and processing unit, In contrast, the diurnal temperatures at the northern
and the UHF link to an orbiter passing overhead. The landing site (Viking Lander 2) during midwinter dust
recorder could store as many as 40 million bits of storms varied as little as 4 degrees C (7 degrees F) on
information and it could record at two speeds and some days. The lowest predawn temperature was -120
play back at five. C (-184 F), about the frost point of carbon dioxide. A
thin layer of water frost covered the ground around
Science Experiments Viking Lander 2 each winter.
With a single exception -- the seismic instruments Barometric pressure varies at each landing site on
-- the science instruments acquired more data than a semiannual basis, because carbon dioxide, the major
expected. The seismometer on Viking Lander 1 would constituent of the atmosphere, freezes out to form an
not work after landing, and the seismometer on immense polar cap, alternately at each pole. The car-
Viking Lander 2 detected only one event that may bon dioxide forms a great cover of snow and then
have been seismic. Nevertheless, it provided data on evaporates again with the coming of spring in each
wind velocity at the landing site to supplement infor- hemisphere. When the southern cap was largest, the
mation from the meteorology experiment, and showed mean daily pressure observed by Viking Lander 1 was
that Mars has very low seismic background. as low as 6.8 millibars; at other times of the year it
was as high as 9.0 millibars. The pressures at the
The three biology experiments discovered unex-
Viking Lander 2 site were 7.3 and 10.8 millibars. (For
pected and enigmatic chemical activity in the Martian
comparison, the surface pressure on Earth at sea level
soil, but provided no clear evidence for the presence
is about 1,000 millibars.)
of living microorganisms in soil near the landing
sites. According to mission biologists, Mars is self- Martian winds generally blow more slowly than
sterilizing. They believe the combination of solar expected. Scientists had expected them to reach
ultraviolet radiation that saturates the surface, the speeds of several hundred miles an hour from observ-
extreme dryness of the soil and the oxidizing nature ing global dust storms, but neither lander recorded
of the soil chemistry prevent the formation of living gusts over 120 kilometers (74 miles) an hour, and
organisms in the Martian soil. The question of life on average velocities were considerably lower.
Mars at some time in the distant past remains open. Nevertheless, the orbiters observed more than a dozen
small dust storms. During the first southern summer,
The landers' gas chromatograph/mass spectrome-
two global dust storms occurred, about four Earth
ter instruments found no sign of organic chemistry at
months apart. Both storms obscured the Sun at the
either landing site, but they did provide a precise and
landing sites for a time and hid most of the planet's
definitive analysis of the composition of the Martian
surface from the orbiters' cameras. The strong winds
atmosphere and found previously undetected trace
that caused the storms blew in the southern hemi-
elements. The X-ray fluorescence spectrometers mea-
sured elemental composition of the Martian soil.
Photographs from the landers and orbiters sur-
Viking measured physical and magnetic properties
passed expectations in quality and quantity. The total
of the soil. As the landers descended toward the sur-
exceeded 4,500 from the landers and 52,000 from the
face they also measured composition and physical
orbiters. The landers provided the first close-up look
properties of the Martian upper atmosphere.
at the surface, monitored variations in atmospheric
The two landers continuously monitored weather
opacity over several Martian years, and determined planet is dry, probably also an effect of the dust
the mean size of the atmospheric aerosols. The orbiter storms.
cameras observed new and often puzzling terrain and
! The density of both of Mars’ satellites is low --
provided clearer detail on known features, including
about two grams per cubic centimeter -- implying that
some color and stereo observations. Viking's orbiters
they originated as asteroids captured by Mars’ gravity.
mapped 97 percent of the Martian surface.
The surface of Phobos is marked with two families of
The infrared thermal mappers and the atmospheric parallel striations, probably fractures caused by a
water detectors on the orbiters acquired data almost large impact that may nearly have broken Phobos
daily, observing the planet at low and high resolution. apart.
The massive quantity of data from the two instru-
! Measurements of the round-trip time for radio
ments will require considerable time for analysis and
signals between Earth and the Viking spacecraft,
understanding of the global meteorology of Mars.
made while Mars was beyond the Sun (near the solar
Viking also definitively determined that the residual
conjunctions), have determined delay of the signals
north polar ice cap (that survives the northern sum-
caused by the Sun's gravitational field. The result
mer) is water ice, rather than frozen carbon dioxide
confirms Albert Einstein's prediction to an estimated
(dry ice) as once believed.
accuracy of 0.1 percent -- 20 times greater than any
Analysis of radio signals from the landers and the other test.
orbiters -- including Doppler, ranging and occultation
! Atmospheric pressure varies by 30 percent dur-
data, and the signal strength of the lander-to-orbiter
ing the Martian year because carbon dioxide condens-
relay link -- provided a variety of valuable informa-
es and sublimes at the polar caps.
! The permanent north cap is water ice; the
Other Significant Discoveries southern cap probably retains some carbon dioxide
Other significant discoveries of the Viking mis- ice through the summer.
sion included: ! Water vapor is relatively abundant only in the
! The Martian surface is a type of iron-rich clay far north during the summer, but subsurface water
that contains a highly oxidizing substance that releas- (permafrost) covers much if not all of the planet.
es oxygen when it is wetted. ! Northern and southern hemispheres are drasti-
! The surface contains no organic molecules that cally different climatically, because of the global dust
were detectable at the parts-per-billion level -- less, in storms that originate in the south in summer.
fact, than soil samples returned from the Moon by
Apollo astronauts. The Viking Team
NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton,
! Nitrogen, never before detected, is a significant VA, had management responsibility for the Viking
component of the Martian atmosphere, and enrich-
project from its inception in 1968 until April 1, 1978,
ment of the heavier isotopes of nitrogen and argon
when the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA,
relative to the lighter isotopes implies that atmospher-
assumed the task. Langley and JPL managed the mis-
ic density was much greater than in the distant past.
sion for NASA’s Office of Space Science,
! Changes in the Martian surface occur extreme- Washington, DC. JPL designed and built the Viking
ly slowly, at least at the Viking landing sites. Only a orbiters, managed tracking and data acquisition
few small changes took place during the mission life- through the Deep Space Network and managed
time. Viking’s mission control and computing center. The
former Martin Marietta Aerospace in Denver, CO,
! The greatest concentration of water vapor in
the atmosphere is near the edge of the north polar cap designed and built the Viking landers. NASA's Lewis
in midsummer. From summer to fall, peak concentra- Research Center in Cleveland, OH, had responsibility
tion moves toward the equator, with a 30 percent for the Titan-Centaur launch vehicles.
decrease in peak abundance. In southern summer, the At NASA Langley, James S. Martin Jr. was
Viking project manager; Dr. Gerald A. Soffen was ogy investigation; Dr. Klaus Biemann of the
Viking project scientist. At NASA Headquarters, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who led the
Walter Jakobowski was Viking program manager; Dr. molecular analysis investigation; and Dr. Priestley
Loyal G. Goff was Viking program scientist. Toulmin III, team leader of the inorganic chemistry
Leaders of the scinece teams included Dr. Michael investigation.
H. Carr of the U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, The meteorology investigation was led by Dr.
CA, team leader of the orbiter imaging investigation; Seymour L. Hess of Florida State University; the seis-
Dr. Crofton B. “Barney” Farmer of JPL, team leader mology investigation was led by Dr. Don L. Anderson
of the water vapor mapping investigation; Dr. Hugh of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
H. Kieffer of the University of California, Los CA; Dr. Richard W. Shorthill of the University of
Angeles, team leader of the thermal mapping investi- Utah led the physical properties investigation; and Dr.
gation; Dr. Alfred O.C. Nier of the University of Robert B. Hargraves of Princeton University was
Minnesota, Minneapolis, who led the entry science principal investigator on the magnetic properties
investigation; and Dr. Thomas A. “Tim” Mutch of team. Radio science investigations were led by Dr.
Brown University, Providence, RI, team leader of the William H. Michael Jr. of NASA’s Langley Research
lander imaging investigation. Center, Hampton, VA.
Investigators on the Viking biology experiments
were Dr. Harold P. Klein of NASA Ames Research
1988 DB
Center, Mountain View, CA, who led the Viking biol-