40 Ways To Be Successful in School
40 Ways To Be Successful in School
40 Ways To Be Successful in School
11. Be organised
Students who aren’t organised end up wasting precious time looking for items or notes, or doing last-minute work they forgot about.
Here are some ways to become more organised:
Set a daily reminder to check if there’s any homework due the following day
Set reminders to start preparing for tests and exams
Use the MyStudyLife app
Use a planner or Google Calendar
Clear your desk at the end of every day
Use an app like Google Keep to do a “brain dump”
32. Start studying for tests at least one to two weeks in advance
Cramming for tests is always a bad idea. I recommend that you set a reminder on your phone (or make a note in your planner) one to
two weeks before every scheduled test, so that you’ll start preparing for the test. For big exams, I recommend that you start studying
four weeks in advance or more.
If you apply all the tips in this article, it’s almost impossible that you won’t become a better student. Of course, it’s neither
reasonable nor practical to expect you to implement all the tips at once.
After all, the road to success is built one step at a time.
Success – as a student and in life in general – is about daily choices and habits.
Implement one or two tips in the coming week, and get some like-minded friends to join you.
As you gain momentum, implement more tips as the weeks go by.
Revisit this article often, and take action every day.
You’ll soon find that you’re becoming a more successful student who’s leading a more balanced life too.
(BONUS) 41. Learn to say no to the things that aren't your priorities
(BONUS) 42. Lead a balanced life to ensure that you don't burn out
(BONUS) 43. Don’t complain about anything, so you'll develop a positive attitude
(BONUS) 44. Participate in class to stay engaged
(BONUS) 45. Ask for help when necessary
(BONUS) 46. Set goals that focus on the process, not the outcome
(BONUS) 47. Be punctual for class every single time
(BONUS) 48. Do filing weekly or fortnightly
(BONUS) 49. Sit at the front of the class whenever possible, because this will help you to focus better
(BONUS) 50. Stay on top of the new material you learn