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Google Certification in Drive

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Google Certification in Drive

First Video

The Google G Suite is a set of cloud-based apps that can be used to create

spreadsheets, presentations, and more. Earning your G Suite certification

demonstrates your ability to use digital skills to work collaboratively and productively
in a professional environment.

Completing this lesson about Google Drive will help prepare you for your G Suite
Certification Exam. Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage service that allows
you to manage, organize, edit, and share files. Instead of being stored on your
computer, your Google Drive files are stored in the Cloud, a safe place on
the Internet where you can save important information. Once something is saved in
the Cloud, you can easily access it from any computer, smartphone, or tablet with
Internet access.

In this lesson, you will organize, share, and locate files and folders in Google Drive.

This lesson uses files for a community center fundraiser. You will use these during
the lesson to practice organizing files in Drive. You could also practice the skills from
this lesson using files you have already stored in Drive.

As you complete this lesson in Google Drive, you will: Create and manage files and
folders, Upload and download files and folders, Change display options and settings,
Share files and folders with others, And search for specific content.

To work on this lesson, sign in to your Google account. Open a new tab in your
browser, and navigate to Google dot com. If you are not signed in, do so now.

If you do not have a Google account, pause the video and create one now.

To begin, open the starter projects and make copies of them.

Move on to the next video to organize and manage these files.

Now, it’s your turn: Log in to your Google account, Open Google Drive, And copy the
starter projects.
Second Video

In this video, you will manage files in Google Drive, including copying, deleting,
downloading, and uploading files.

To begin, go to your recent files in Drive and find the starter project files you copied

Rename each file by removing the words Copy of Applied Digital Skills.

Copying a file is useful when you want to edit it without making changes to the
original file.

Open the LLC Shirt Sales Data file and make a copy.

Next, delete the original file that you copied.

Deleting files keeps your Drive from getting cluttered with files you don't need.

You can also download a file from Google Drive to your computer.

This allows you to share the file as an email attachment with someone who is not
using G Suite, or edit it in a different application.

Right click on the LLC Fundraiser Info file and download it.

When you download a file, Drive automatically converts it to another file type that is
not cloud-based. This allows you to share files with people who use non-cloud-based

For example, Drive converts Google Sheets files to Microsoft Excel and Google
Docs files to Microsoft Word when you download them.

To specify a file type for your download, open the file in its G Suite application
and choose the file type you’d prefer. Save the LLC Fundraiser Info file as a PDF.

Similarly, to save a file from your computer as a G Suite file, upload it to Google

Upload the LLC Fundraiser Info Microsoft Word document you previously
downloaded to Drive.

To convert the Microsoft Word file to a G Suite file, open it with Google Docs.

Then, delete the Word file.

Now, it’s your turn: Rename files, Make a copy of a file, Delete a file, Download a file
to your computer, Upload a file from your computer, And convert the file to a G Suite
Third Video
Folders allow you to organize your files in Google Drive, which makes finding
specific files easier.

In this video, you will create and manage folders in Google Drive, including moving,
naming, renaming, deleting, and uploading folders.

Giving folders a brief, clear name can help you easily identify their contents and
organize your files logically within categories.

To begin, create 4 new folders in Drive to organize the starter project files that you
copied earlier in this lesson.

Name your folders Invoices, Presentation & Logo, General Fundraiser Info, and

T-Shirt Sales Data.

Then, move related files into each folder.

Next, organize your folders by nesting them in a single parent folder.

Nesting means to move one folder into another. This creates a hierarchy of folders
and subfolders.

Create a parent folder to store all of your folders for this project and name it
Lakefront Community Center Fundraiser Files.

Then move each folder you created into the parent folder.

If the contents of a folder change or if you decide to organize your information

differently, rename the folder to better reflect its contents.

Remove the LLC Logo file.

Then, rename the folder in which it was stored.

If you no longer need the files in a folder or if a folder is empty, remove it.

Remove the Invoices folder from your Drive.

Once you’ve removed a folder, it’s stored in your trash.

You can upload a folder and its contents from your computer to Google Drive.

Select an existing folder or create and name a folder on your computer. Then upload
the folder to your Drive.

Now, it’s your turn: Create and name a folder for each file category and add
files, Create and name a parent folder and move related folders into it, Remove a
folder from your Drive, And upload a folder from your computer.
Fourth Video
In this video, you will change the display and settings for Google Drive.

You’ll also learn how to view file or folder details.

Customizing your display and settings gives you the freedom and flexibility to
choose how you want your Drive to work and can help make Drive even more useful
for you.

There are two ways to view folders and files in Drive: grid or list view.

When viewing files or folders in Drive, select your preferred view.

You can also view details about and recent activity for individual files and folders.

This might be useful, for example, if you wanted to see when a file was last
modified, in order to confirm it contained the most recent information.

View file or folder details such as the file type, location, and the date the file was last
modified. You can also see a thumbnail image of the file.

You can view recent activity for a file or folder, including the date and time of
recent edits, who made the edits, and what type of edit was made.

Sometimes you may need access to your files when you’re offline, such as on a
plane or in another area without Internet. You can make files and folders available
when you’re offline.

First, add the Google Docs offline extension to Chrome.

Then, in your Drive, go to your settings and make Drive available offline.

This syncs your files and folders to your device.

To be notified of the activity of other users in files or folders you’ve shared or when
files or folders have been shared with you, turn on notifications for Drive.

You will be notified in your browser or by email when content is added, edited,

commented on, deleted, or shared.

You can then access the file or folder that’s been shared or changed directly from
your email.

Now, it’s your turn: Select grid or list view for your files and folders, View details
about a file or folder, View recent activity for a file or folder, Make Drive available
offline, And turn on notifications.
Fifth Video
In this video, you will add files and folders that are shared with you to your Drive and
share files and folders with others.

You can practice sharing files by choosing someone to share with or setting up
another Gmail account to practice sharing files with yourself.

To share a file, right click on it or click the Share icon in Drive.

Type in the recipient’s email address.

Then decide on the sharing permissions you’d prefer.

Sharing permissions allow you to control what people can do with your folders or
files once they have access.

Edit means the person you share with can make changes directly in your
file, Comment allows them to make comments, but not change the file, And view lets
them see your file only.

Select the permission you want to use and share the file.

To allow others to access your file through a link, enable link sharing and select your
preferred permission.

Then, copy the link and paste it into an email, document, or other file for sharing.

Files others have shared with you appear in your Shared with me folder in Drive.

Add shared files to your Drive by right clicking on it or clicking the Add to My Drive

This allows you to store shared files in your own folders, rather than going to the
folders where they were shared with you.

Once you’ve shared a file you own with someone else, you can also reassign

This gives that person the ability to manage and edit the file and its permissions.

You will no longer own the file, but you will keep the editing or viewing privileges
granted to your account.

To reassign ownership of a file, click the Share button and open Advanced settings.

Then reassign ownership of the file to the person of your choice.

Publish a Docs, Sheets, or Slides file to the Web to share the file publicly without
granting editing access.

To copy the URL and send it to anyone you’d like to see the file, select link.
To embed the URL into your website, select embed.

When you want to publish a spreadsheet, you can choose to publish the entire
spreadsheet or individual sheets.

When you want to publish a presentation, you can choose how quickly the slideshow
will advance from one slide to the next.

Now, it’s your turn: Set permissions on a file and share it, Enable link sharing and
copy a link to a file, Add a file shared with you to your Drive, Assign ownership of a
file to someone else, And publish a file to the Web.

Sixth Video
In this video, you will locate files or folders in Google Drive using keyword searches
and other advanced search tools.

To begin, search for a file or folder in Drive by keyword, such as the name of a
project or event.

Type fundraiser into the search bar.

Or, you can use file type suggestions to filter by file type.

You can also search for other file attributes, such as the file’s name, location, or who
created it.

Click the dropdown menu in the search bar and search for a file located in your
Drive that has the word invoice in its name.

View recent files and files that have been shared with you in the sidebar.

To access your files and folders on any device, such as a phone or tablet, sync your
device with Drive by downloading the Backup and Sync App.

Now, it’s your turn: Search Drive using keywords, Use advanced search tools to filter
search options, Search for recent files and files that were shared with you, And sync
your device with Drive by downloading the Backup and Sync App.
Seventh Video
In this lesson, you learned to organize, manage, and share files in Google Drive.

The skills you learned and practiced will help prepare you for your G Suite
Certification Exam.

Continue to learn more and practice on your own.

These digital skills can help you stay organized, work more efficiently, keep track of
projects, collaborate with coworkers, and access your work from any mobile device
or computer.

In this lesson, you learned to: copy, delete, download, and upload files in Drive.

create and manage folders in Drive.

change the display and settings for Drive.

share files and folders with others and change sharing settings.

locate files and folders using keyword searches and other advanced search tools.

Knowing how to complete all of these steps will help you to organize and manage
your files both at work and in your personal life. You are also now one step closer to
being prepared to take the G Suite Certification Exam, which can open up career
opportunities by making you stand out from other candidates and colleagues.

Now you can explore more G Suite Certification lessons to learn and practice with
other applications!

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