Jamming Mort
Jamming Mort
Jamming Mort
070004 (2015)
Paul Mort1∗
This paper describes methods to measure flow rate and jamming onset of granules dis-
charged through a flat-bottom cylindrical hopper with a circular orifice. The intrinsic
jamming onset for ideal particles (spherical, monodisperse, smooth) is experimentally
measured by two independent methods, with good agreement. For non-ideal particles,
the normalized jamming onset increases with elongated granule shape, broadened size dis-
tribution and increased friction as measured by the drained angle of repose. An empirical
model of the jamming onset is introduced to quantify these effects over the range of mate-
rials investigated. The jamming onset can be used as a measure of differentiation between
relatively free-flowing granules.
Papers in Physics, vol. 7, art. 070004 (2015) / P. Mort
Papers in Physics, vol. 7, art. 070004 (2015) / P. Mort
Papers in Physics, vol. 7, art. 070004 (2015) / P. Mort
Papers in Physics, vol. 7, art. 070004 (2015) / P. Mort
V 02/5
= C 2/5 g 1/5 − kf (5)
d d
Several flow rate data sets are shown in Fig. 9.
Figure 9: Regression [Eq. (5)] of flow rate data These data sets (Samples A-D) represent similar
collected for selected samples (A-D) having a range materials, but with different shape and size distri-
of jamming onsets. bution characteristics. Sample A is a commercial
granule; samples B and C are manipulated by clas-
sification; and sample D is classified then further
Papers in Physics, vol. 7, art. 070004 (2015) / P. Mort
Papers in Physics, vol. 7, art. 070004 (2015) / P. Mort
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Papers in Physics, vol. 7, art. 070004 (2015) / P. Mort