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Weekly Counselor Round-Up Week at A Glance: APS Elementary Virtual Parent/Guardian Forum

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Respect, Responsibility, and Regard


Here is your Weekly Counselor Round-Up along with the Week at a Glance for next

Arlington Food Resource

Arlington EATS and the Town of Arlington will be delivering shelf-stable food to any
Arlington resident in need. To receive food:

• Call Arlington Food Hotline at (781) 316-3400 or click here.

• Please leave a message with your name, address, phone number, family size
and you will receive a call back as soon as possible.
• Deliveries will include canned and shelf-stable food and may include prepared
• Please call back when you need another delivery.

APS Elementary Virtual Parent/Guardian Forum

Dear Parent/Guardian, On Wednesday, May 13, 7:00-8:30 PM, Arlington Public

Schools district-wide and elementary level administrators will host a virtual
parent/guardian forum. The purpose is to answer questions from parents of students
in grades K-5 about the current phase of the remote learning plan that is focused on
moving forward in the curriculum. This phase began on Monday, May 4, and will
continue through the end of the school year.
The forum will take place next week, on Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00-8:30 PM via
Zoom. The Zoom invitation and link to the forum will be sent to parents and
guardians Wednesday morning.

In preparation for the forum and to ensure that we provide all participants the
opportunity to ask a question, we ask each parent/guardian to use this form to submit
questions ahead of time. This will also assist with the efficiency and management of
the forum by reducing the number

of people who need to write in the chat section of the Zoom platform. We will be
addressing the questions submitted via this form first.


Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this form. This form will close
on Tuesday, May 12 at 12:00 PM.

I look forward to our time together on Wednesday.

Sincerely - Kathleen Bodie, Ed.D. - Superintendent of Schools

Bishop Class Placement Policy and Information for 2020-21

Class Placement

Class placement for the 2020-21 school year will begin in the coming weeks. This is an
important process for all of us and we know that working together as a community
will help to make the best decisions for our students. We would like to extend to you
the opportunity to provide input in this process. You may do so by submitting a letter
to me by Friday, May 15th.

Please take the time to review the following class placement policy to help you
understand our process. In addition, this policy will outline how you can provide
information to support and supplement this process.

Class Placement Policy

In making class placements for the following year, classroom teachers, guidance
counselors, specialists, special educators and administrators consider the following:

1. Academic needs of students

2. Social/Emotional needs of students
3. Teaching and learning styles
4. Gender balance
5. Existing models/programs within the building

Taking into account these variables, placement teams strive for heterogeneous,
balanced classes. If families believe that there are extenuating circumstance(s) that
should be considered beyond those listed above, they may submit a detailed, written
description to Mark McAneny by May 15th. Only written considerations received by
May 15th will be considered in the placement process.

Submissions will be considered part of a rigorous class placement process at the

Bishop School; however, given the extensive time, effort, and expertise exercised by
placement teams, decisions made by these teams will be considered final.

Please be aware, we are unable to honor requests for specific teachers. Submissions
requesting specific teachers will not be considered as part of the placement process.
A submission does not guarantee that the consideration will be granted.

Bishop Health Office Update for 5.11.20 - 5.15.20

Hello Bishop Families,

I hope that you are all well and wish a Happy Mother’s Day to those who are
celebrating today! The beautiful weather at the beginning of the week was a much
needed morale booster at our house- I expect it probably was for you too!

As we head into week 8 of the “new normal”, we are starting to see some positive
signs that all of our collective efforts are working. As a non-golfer, I am thrilled to see
that golf courses are going to be opening in MA. This means that there are signs in
the data that indicate that certain activities, businesses and places are safe to begin
reopening with precautions. What this does not mean is that the virus has
disappeared and we are safe to resume all activities like we did last Spring. Reopening
means simply that our healthcare system is currently safe and can accommodate those
that need care and with precautions like social distancing, hand hygiene, and wearing
a mask we can begin to resume some activities. We are not there yet as this is a
marathon, not a sprint. Be safe and protect your family and your community by
following the recommendations put out by MA DPH.

It is so important for our community to stay connected during this time. I have started
a google classroom called “Bishop Health Office” which has information for students
and for families related to Covid-19, healthy tips, mindfulness resources, and general
health office related information. New information is added regularly and would be
open to suggestions for content that our families would find helpful. To join this
classroom, search for classroom code “onvszwi”. I will be holding office hours on
Thursday mornings from 9-10 am for students to checkin and say hello.

If your student has medications in the health office, you will be contacted this week to
arrange a time for pick up. Medications cannot be left in the office through the
summer and will be disposed of prior to the end of the school year. Thanks in advance
for your assistance with this.

Nurse Protips:

1. Answer the Call! The MA Community Tracing Collaborative is an initiative

between the Commonwealth and Partners in Health to trace contacts of
persons who have tested positive for Covid-19. You can learn more about this
program here
2. Social distancing is not just for humans but also your pets!
3. Be safe and stay well and remember we are all in this together!

With Kind Regards,

Mrs. Martin

Bishop Administration Office Hours - Please share what’s going well for you or if you
are challenged at home and are in need of support! We would love to hear from you.

Ms. Liner and I will be holding Principal’s Office Hours, once a week, for an hour, in
the coming weeks of school closure.

We invite you to drop in via Google Meet, weekly, on Tuesdays from 12:00pm -
1:00pm. This will be a great way to connect with the Bishop administration. We are
here for you and would love to say hi!
Tuesday, May 12th @ 12:00pm-1:00pm - meet.google.com/ukf-xzre-zew

Weekly Announcements Recorded by our 5th Grade Advisory Group

Ms. Liner has begun the process of meeting with and planning weekly announcements
with our 5th grade Advisory Group.

These announcements will hold true to the daily announcements that are aired when
school is in session - Weather, birthdays, general updates, and jokes!

Weekly announcements will be posted on the Bishop School Website every Monday. -
Please have your child access the Bishop School Website to view their peers in action!

My Best,


Additional Resources:

Navigating Technology

Information on how to log into Spyponder accounts is found here.

Spyponders Account Troubleshooting Document

How to connect to a wireless network:

Chromebook - https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/1047420?hl=en

Other online resources: https://arlingtonenrich.wixsite.com/mysite/updates

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